Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 14, 1855, Image 3

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    Lcwisburg Chronicle & West Branch Farmer Dec. 14, 1855.
TIlA T Aiviclllirn' PfirnnfflA
1 IlC Aj lbUUl;, t IllUIlIClt
laoiMirViVr riiLt joiil.' j thera Central Railway between llridga
l$$U4d on Friday MjrniH.f at JswLbury, ! port, oppoaite Harrisburg, and Millers-
Lnuin comity, JVnHfytvannt.
TKmt, ftr m,nu ri is urac-na
lb Ht m rikivtM hort-r weri.aL. Thui
as Mti will pay ror four months, .6 cu for all months
l far olf.ht months, $2 fr aiateen month, $1 for two
yaar,A. Siaile No.'a, a eto. PaynunU by avail (paid)
vi.. b.r.. vrapcnuiopwitbthrUaiepkifor.
limiWDTl handsomely inserted at 50 eenU per
t. Two(ur, Jl,M)e, J. SlcrrhanU tc. not
tar afbvrthofaeuliuiin,$!0 a yar. All otbrr an may
Va agreed upon. A tuara i 16 linva of brcvier,or l'i of
aoapareil. LarsaeuU.atraotypr, an
m dannralltinc tD'lrn'r. arc m-t admitted.
Communications d'-rircd on topim of general intcn-Rt
Slot within tha rang of party or ailarian co..u,t. All
lattera to otmt pot-r-aid, accompanirt by ll.r name anil
Mr! of tha writer, t rMvire attrntinn. J "
Tha at wnetic tklkhkapii i. toratni in the . ; The Kansas Rebellion.
r baC.ronW., by whiehwc ..(ten get iu,p...u..t Nw. i Truth, liko Justice, im accustomed to
adranc vt the Mail. . .- . . . , .
C.nn-U.UhtbOfH.-..re,n,rIenteri.l.rormo,t j '""P 1 and espccta.ly SIUCC tllO IU-
kinda of job PKlXTtxu. which will i eierutej uh volition of the toleirrajili is often out-.--..nddoapweu
.do r- 8trippcJ by Falsehood. However, in the
.Caaual Advcrt.enienta to be pala fur when hanjed , .
a. and job work when deiir.rej. I long run she ii ajit to win the race, and
. Market .treet, north tile, aeeond atory, 31 : that glie now SCCI119 likelv t.l do even in
-daoraboe. tha ro.t office.
wordem it coknelius.
- - -
LtCieiSbHt'ff, Ma.
.v i.. ii ic"
xbiday Morning, IH:c. 14, lS-jii.
A tvr.!tTI7.K' Manufacturers. MerchanM. Merhanie.
WnKlie OlSeee. in fit. e..l P.nte P..I.I il,..e.
ail who wuh to buyor sen woniddo wr'utoenipii'T the
and inereaainz eireulati iu in a community ool.iuni a
ttarfa pmporunn of active, milvent producers, cuusumera
alera aa any m the ptate.
ay See !'cv AdiertlwcniFnla.
We desire to employ fivo or six Agents
to canvass different Districts, and procure
anbacribcrs for the Chronicle. To men
well and favorably known in their respec
tive localities, understanding both German
and English, wo tbiuk we can hold out
sufficient inducements. 1'leace call at this
JtCourt in New B no ! JicitLury,
next Monday, when we shall be happy to
see all our old and a thousand new patrons
at the Printing and Telegraph Office on
Market Square.
fOur New Berlin neichbors. in rarticu-'
lar, we hope will try to repay Lcwisburg
omeof the many lliousaud visits made
them, Court weeks, generally on business ;
but often for pleasure. It is but a " little :
hill," by your accounts, between us a j
nice, abort road, according to the J.mcs ;
l - ii l .t.: r
. . . i i
wore) wont tn a.iiri. n In nntr. i-niir lutna
J '. I
and stores and offices an.l furnaces, and j
inhale a little pure air and the salubrious
mountain breezes ! Come over and try
our landlords, our druggists, our mcr -
cbants, our mechanics, and above all our
. .
sbbronicle : for you must nave a rapcr
from the county .eat," you have said these
forty years.)
BnTThe jr.7to.tfua seems apprehensive
there are those even in Sunbury who arc
for a division of North'd county, and no
ne who looks at a map will wonder that
the opinion is strengthening that the upper
end naturally belong, with Union county.
Since the Miltonian came out for Division
for the sake of Milton, it can no longer i
.1 . mi a- a. 1 '
stem tne popular current. j.ue jicrun ber of bordor ruffi;lni,( who undcr pre.
and Milton "moonshine" project, docs not tcnseof putling down resistance to the
"take" as it was expected it would in scv-1 ,aw m:ght rob burn and murder at dis.
eral sections of this county ; and over the ; crctl01) tbcy mustetei with tbcir Sharp's
river, we have reason to believe a majority ! riflc!1 wLich fact bcing communicatcd to
would prefer Lewisburg with its 850,000 . Gov. Shannon, he forthwith calls upon the
Guarantee to the uncertain projects of a j Mjssour;ari3 for aid, and telegraphs to the
portion of Milton. President that Lawrence is in rebellion !
S&At 1 1 o'clock yesterday wc asked j Au sor9 t extravagant and ridiculous
our telegraphic friends how they were 1 stories are spread through Missouri, and
off for snow, and received the following thence through the Union, and the border
nswers : Bcllefonte, 1 foot, and snowing ; j ruffians muster in force under Shannon's
Lock Haven, 2 inches; Williamsport, 3 ' standard. Their invading inarch, how
inche, and snowing beautifully; Danvillle, ; ever, is speedily arrested by the apparation
9 inches ; Bloomsburg, Berwick and Hyde ; morc terrible to their guilty dreams than
Park, 3 inches. Say 4 inches in Lewisburg 1 that of Macbcth's daggar to him of 1,000
some sledding, but prospect dubious. ! of Sharp's rifles and live pieces of cannon,
) presenting t0 these intending murderers
aVTbe Straslur.j 1W, which we not not tbcir llTCCchvf lut tbcir nmz2le3
long since published as dead, stings us in j warncd . wbich (rcam vaiant
a manner ttiat satistics us our informant
was mistaken. The hive has only got a j
Dew King-lEee, and is working away more
industriously than ever. Success!
tA?A lady in Muscatine, Iowa, sends accuracy in this and in every other mat
as a paper containing a glowing account of ; tcr we can fully vouch, and who, in this
the entrance into that city, from Chicago,
of the Erst train of cars ever run in the
State of Iowa.
joWm.T. Linn and party, of Buffaloe
Tp, killed four Deer last week, and sent
erne of the tremVm to us, poor printers.
HS-Mtws. Crcer st M'Crnm, of the j Counsci . Sem Leitzel, Clerk ; and Henry
Juniata Sentinel, have dissolved partner- g jjoyeri Mercantile Appraiser. The gen
ahip, air. Greerrclaining the paper. I tlemen Brep0inted by the Commissioners
aWThanks to Mr. K. G. Orwig of I are good aud honest men, and well quali-
rhilad'a, for a lithographic view of the ! fied to perform the duties of the offices for
pplcndid new Lancaster Court House. j which they have been appointed. The
county has an excellent board of Commis
Wahw.ngton, Dec. 12. No speaker! . 3 . . . , , -i
tl l i i i jmi' s'ofers ; their only aia and desire is to
105, Richardson 75, Fuller 33.
".Vashisotos, Dec. 8. Francis P.
Blair has written a letter to the Republi
can Association, in response to an invita
tion to preside over that organization, ta-
king strong grounds against the extension j
cf llavery, and urging the Republicans to .
unite firmly in an effort to secure freedom
to Kansas.
It ii said that Mr. Whccler'i recogni
tion of the Nicaragua government has been
disapproved by the Administration.
From appearances, the venerablo and
talented old Federalist, James Buchanan,
will have a large majority of the Nebras
ka Democracy of Pennsylvania at their
next State Convention.
No Speaker Tet !
Washington, Dec. 13. No Speaker '
elected by to-day's ballotion. )
packs, 1C4 Ricbtfd0D; 71 Fuller. 3Sa
allotment of work. Ihe following;
! is the allotment of contracts nDon tlie Nor-
burg. The bridge at Dauphin and the
work between Millcrsburg and Sunbury
: are reserved for a future letting :
Sections 1 and 2 Smith and Rehill ;
i 3 Gen. A. L. Koumfort ; 4 and 5 D.
j A Dougherty & Co.;t5 and 7 John
i Bitlgham Si Co.l 8 aud 9 GoWCO and
10 and ll-C. Shelly, land
-Jno. S. Dougherty A Co.; 14, 15, 1G
. , b
1 1 It. Bogle ; 18, 11) and 20 Jno.
1 lrown tV Co.: -4. t!o and 0 1. S. Mac-
Icy Si Son ; 27 T. K. Schull ; 2S
M'KUsick & lirindlc; Canton and Rock
dale Division liurkc i Liuman.
, f,,.,a K, . .1.. ill r
I lne case 01 Ulc lawous Kansas rebellion, of
j which wc give to-day a full account in the
I letters of our special Kan-a-i correspondent
1 and in ex. racts from the L-iwrencc papers.
i , , ' '
lue disturbance, it now appears, was
j begun by the shootin" ill Cold blood of a
! D J
' young man named Dow by one Coleman
; at Hickory 1'oillt, a place twelve miles
' ,l r n.i .
..... v. .m.iuivi. luujuuuguiuuuai'
ing got into sonic altercation with a party
of border rulTiaus at a blacksmith's shop,
: left them, when the opportunity was taken
I by Coleman to shoot him in the back.
; Tl.o II ...1 1 . T .
! . . " ' , " ecoulI"0" "na put
u1".. uuuli iuu orotcciion or ,nv !fin-
non, probably with the lie in his mouth
which has been telegraphed through the
whole country that an attempt had been
made to drive him from his claim, which,
by the way, he had stolen from another
man ; that he shot Dow in self defense,
and that subsequently Lis house had been
burned and bis family dispersed.
listening as we may suppose, to these
representations, Gov. Shannon orders
b-"--; ;
.1 nni thn ch-im S u pitl r. I I.mi Inn a.mi . '
-v-wuo 18 als0. " n'5. l'tmaster of,
lrorr -Missouri, wtiere doubtless be
lives to arrest a. Jr. ISransonand to oblige
him to give securities to keep the peace
the only offense committed by Branson
L ; ,L t h . . , , , - , .
tJ o
house, and that Coleman seems to have
..l r..n- f l: i .(
ul ula 'caumuoy. as iuis ;
sham Sheriff was carrying off Branson, be
J and his posse of fifteen armed men were
; intercepted by a party of fifteen of Bran-
j :i.u , ...i . i , , . .
son s neighbors, who released hiui from
t , . . ,
;arrcst 5 of ,whlch, e"e dv.ntage
I 8rPclrs have been taken by Shannon
to issue warrants against Mr. Poworoy
j anJ a number of other m gmte
j mcn of Llwrenc(li wIl0 were tecusci of
; havirjg bccn C0DCcrncd in tLi. rcacue Ag
j Jonc3i tbo sham gheriff gaT(J out
j shannon was ready to back him with "ten
I lhousind merij.. and as the of Law.
i ronce diJ no, choos t their ,own
, Ke entered by that or any other num-
unteers think it best to wait for regulars
,ronj p
Leavenworth. Such is the
i whole story as it is stated by our special
! corresnondent in ihe Territory, for whose
instance, is continued Dy every other res-,
pcctable authority. Y. Y. Tribune.
NcDis incuts from (Dll)cr Counties.
S.NTDER. The Sclinsgrove Dcmolcrat
says: "The Commissioners, on the 5th
inst.. aPDointcd Georzo Hill. Esa.. their
manage the affairs of the county by pursu
ing a judicious course; they will not spend
any of the tax-payers money unnecessarily,
nor will they appoint men to offices who
have heretofore assisted to squander tbc
people's money" The Court House at
Middlcburg is to be on the widow Kremer
lot, and the Jail on the Aurand lot
Frederick Smith has disposed of the Volks
freund establishment (Middleburg) to An
drew J. Peters, of New Berlin R. J.
Ilctsel is appointed Post Master at Chap
man, in place of S. G. Hcrrold, resigned.
Montour. A child of four years old,
lost in Danville, was after a public search
found. It Lai been taken up and well
taken care of a mile and a half from town.
The Danville Brass Band give their
second public on the 1st Jan. next An
alarm of fire in Danville, occasioned the
discovery that they had no fire company,
Ltcomiko. James Jones has become
partner in the Jersey Shore IS" ews Letter. .
On Monday a mnn named William Miller
had a hcarine in Williamstwrt on charm
of larceny of a silver watch and 861, the
property of John Riley, of Jersey Shore.
A watch, said to be the stolen one, and 346
were found. Committed in default of bail.
On Tuesday, J. w. I mllips and two;
other men had a hearing in Willintusport j
charged with mauling" Jacob Metiv.
e b o
Put in limbo in default of bail Thn.
M'Morrow, of Willia,?prtI charged with
assault and battery upon John ?offin, i,
a. . . . .
held to answer in 100 bail A Dutch -
I ,
j man and an Irishman lit the " hverlastiug
siaie tuuht about some wood ; .Myuhocr
thra.-hed Tat, and posted off with the com
t l'A 1 I, e . i .,
oufnioie i roi. Iieiu, assistctl Dy oilier
musicians, gave a second concert in Will.
iamaport last Saturday evening On
Weduesday niht of la.-t week, ice formed
thick enough for the A illianinurt bovs to
b " ' "--I'""
skato on The losses sustained by the
Lycoming Insurance Company for quarter
,,,, 1n , ,,,, n-ji7 r.,
ending Dec. 10, amounted to -J(,S47 oZ.
IVoktiiumrrrlanp. Some 104 sh
holders of the Ccutre Turnpike Company,
. . ,.! .
have sums varying from 5 25 to $130 in
the hands of John Taggart, Treasurer
1 .. . . . I mi I'll .
Hall, Milton, 24tu inst., lor the benefit
crease the salary of the Superintendent,
if they desire.
Center.. " Democratic Watchman," is
a new paper of the Nebraska stripe pub
lished iu ltellcfonte by Ileury Hay, ute
of l'hiludulphia.
Columbia. Court last week, closed on
Friday, and Grand Jury discharged on j
Tucsday An Agricultural Society was :
rt j
formed. j
Bradford. The first boat load of coal I
, ..... . , i
from Scranton via Llmira reached Towanda
last week. It cost twice what it will when ,
the Wyoming fields arc accessible i
while raising a frame buildinc at Towan-.
a 'bent" fell, injuring five men more !
. i.
or less, but n is unpen none fatally
Linwood is a new post office, above Mon.
roeton ; Samuel C. Naglce, 1'. M.
Blair. Th9 Lottery chap paid the
Standard's bill after his brief complimen
tary notice. All right now I
- -
The Know Nothings were defeated at!
1.A n....,;A;nn1 nlnA:nn ;n T...A1I I
....,.u .u
Worcester, and Ncwburyport, this week.
M'Crea has had granted him the benefit
of a change of his place of trial to another
The population of New York State is
ascertained to be 3,4tiG,41S. The City,
Massachusetts has a population of
1,133,259. Boston 100,508.
CaJ-The Teachers of Buffaloe Si East
Buffaloe Townships, are respectfully invi
ted to meet at the Buffaloe X lloaJs for
,hc rurpose of organiiing a Township In
..ihilii e.n Ilia 0-n,l f lluMniLranimnA
! stitute, on the 22nd of December ensuing,
i Lectures, for the evening's entertainment,
will h nrpnnrptl. in wbteh ll.A n.ililie see
1 J rn in Ai i, i
M M N'Y i
"A 1 MEND 9 requests us to call atten-:
, V ai- nor.; 1 aj!
. t. .x . , . , , r
and family, who have suffered much from !
sickness and death, and he still uuable to !
work. He sucsts Saturday 22d inst. as j
a euitable day for all disposed to advance ;
something for their relief. Itcsidunce
, , t.. ? t. , i
4iLbJ?.!!?VC A.?!b.0?y?:
ataiyRcv. Thomas Bowman will preach I
for the Lcwisburg Methodist Church, on !
Sunday next, at It o clock, A. 51.
JiafThe Officers of the Union County
Agricultural Society will meet at 1, 1 M,
Tuesday of Court week, at the Olfioc of J.
A. Mertz, Es. , Lewisburg.
Jacob Gundy, President.
h FUfiVnfi oi'Tf than Mtr finr he eT-r htinl of from ,- '
t'-riuinalion of bliM-d to the ha1, althoutb he waa tuoH
1ii.iu.ou9 both in euting anl tlriuliiox. alau in taking
rrt, yt-t he wan k bad &L tim-, that in th mi-Ut ol hi t
mot tlM)Hnt slm. our (, ht; wan nmixlirnl to IVa off '
atbireMinit hinamlitorii. anl on M-vi-ral occa-ion ha betm ;
rarrifJ away from luoetin romiilfteiy uroiMflecf, Macinjc
KfD thf (T"oI viTt-cL- of Ii'-Howay's I'llln, he WaH iutlUfril I
Cirr tbr'tn a trial, ami to u hiH own wonlx, thoy art-
e - i tike mmon. it i fourteen momi.ii aeo ine he cm
nieneeo u.ain oiih ceieoraw w ineo.cine, woiei. comp.CUH
ly cupl him in two inontha, and he has not had any re
turn of this mtnolaint sinee. Theae I'llJa are wonderful
eln.-arinus ih all disorders af tha itomaeb and bow.-la.
ZLrVDt.oDuvc JHiirUct.
of the Fresbytcrian Church" Several . BRIIM U WSO lecea e.lU ! plee, up to 6ve o'clock in the afternoon r seller .ormer y ;;ceP.ea Dy areinar ,
.v, . , ( .iun.iii.1.11 v. ov.s,iiecca5eu,iaic in i.inmi t i lie.,ni,er II wou.d respeetlully announce lo the
farms in the upper end, from 55 to 100 ' -nsh,p, L'nion county, have l,e,n cratited to xx a CJ, , ,j b;,, tr.d,K eommnnuv that ther are opening j
.-r... .e.1.l81ftlire,1.ri o.t.., ,he nnders.gned, by the Regtst-r of Li.ioi. , ' T..r.T J!. ' ..".! ... a LA HUB AND PLE.N UH STOCK of
..v.-,v.Uv.v,.v.-.aCTo ocuoot i county, in due lonn of law ; Iherefore all mes-may c seen d. ...e unac ---J ,,,TT ,,f , N. r. --.-wt.
Directors Uiet at Suurury22d iust.. to in- , persons indebted to said estate are requested '" Lewisbur?, three days prev.obs lo the Let- J. A LL & AV IM Lll (jOORN,
Eggs $ 18 !
Tallow 12
Lard 12
Bacon 10
Ham 12
Cloversccd 7,00
Wheat $1,75.01.80
Dried Apples
fiy Rev M B Patterson, :Uth August, James
M'Cormick and Miss Catharine Pauling. 2Sth
Octo, .V'Call Piatt and Miss Margaret S M -Cormick.
lSih ult.Wm M'Cormick and Miss
Eiizabeih Piatt all of YVhite Deer. Lyc. t!o.
On the Bin inst, by RevJ G Anspach, Benj.
Dietrich and Miss Eliza daughter of Abraham
Y'oung, boih of Bulfaloe Tp.
On the 2d inst, by Rev C M Klink, Samuel
Dowersox of Union county and Miss Isabella
Treaster of Mifflin county.
In Kelly Tp, 31 inst, Pitta Urea, In the
4U.1 year of his age.
On Ihe 7ih inst, Lydia wife of Daniel Wolf,
of Hartley Tp, in her 63d year.
In Cattawissa, 2ih ult, Stacy Margerumjin
his 83d yeaf.
On lhe Gth inst, Martin Billiriyer, Sen., or
Montour county, aged about 75 years.
On the S7th ult, in Washingtonville, Char
Iata Tites, aged 62 years.
Lewisburg, Center, and Spruce Creek
Railroad Meeting,
Friday, 2MU Dec. 1H5.V
don cruntics ipied
from Uninn.Center and Hunting- j
Cnrlsjinsa and Stw Vcstr'a
PRESENT a due assortment of cjft
Uooks, Alliums Portfolio, etc.
Sew U inks, the latest publication, a large
variety of Old an Standard Works, etc.
t or sue br r 1 1 0 I kiuk cc IlKO. nest
to Beaver A Kreiners.N.ThirdSu Lewisburg.
" The G0!,d Tim8 Com,nS'
Tir m ci i ii rnr .. i. . .. - i.
I l
w 1 nnniir 1 mi v. u 1111 u ivii 1.1
V a. a t II ta I a. I rt ii'J '
! &Z ,h ,hSf hik Io"8-'xPcc,eJ
- '
It i having an immeusesa!-; 5,000 copies,
1 wr" cri,e"J in ''" "f publ.catij.n.
w e send a copy bv mail, post-paid, c
rece:pt of the price. 1.
Oil ibe
J- " K.ui-t . i'uriisnerf
V n AopnK wanle-.i In cell this' and other
ii. A;enli wanieil lo sen tnis anu i oinrr
. - 7 . . ...
; popu'ar boots in all parts ol lne United states.
Srna lor our j""1 ' '
, ATflTfrF ic hot- n l th,. Cln.-L-.
1 ....! - ....
11 holders of tlie l.ewisburjf Uridine Uom-
! pany. that an Kleriion will be held at the
j f "Ui5 ',f Uurri'"sh f
. I'ewisburs.on.Mai the 7ih . lay of January
; next. 1866, for the purple of elrcting one
President, six Managers, Treasurer an;l Clerk
to conjuct the concerns of said Ciimpatiy for
Dec. It, 1855. President.
Administrator's Notice.
wlru.V 3 6 I ' r ,. .
just claims are also requested to present them
properly authenticated fur settlement, to
LewisburR. Nov. 30, 1S55
The Pennsylvania Telegraph.
ENLARGED Form & Reduced Terms.
On and aftpr the 1st nf Januart' the
Pssnsr lvia Tstiua.eu, published at Har-
risburS. Pa-, will be owned and conducted by
"'e und'-rsijjned, who will r;ive their best
energies to make it worthy of its Cause and of
1,5 "ends.
It will commence the new vear printed on
en,ireiy nrw ,yp(i al, Ihe Weekly preaty
enlarged in form, while the I'jf'priee will be
lower than that of any other paperof its class
ever nnh iahe.1 at (lie Cnnil.il of the Mtnte
and DLmtnt.u.-mberrnuirtJ,triril,lina,lrnrt
x, PaPcr ''" be sent unt1' is PaiJ f"r' an'1
all will be discontinued, as the subscriptions
expire, unless they are renewed.
The Telegraph will be issued Sc mi- Weekly,
on a sheet of twenty-fotir columns, dunnf; the
sessions of the Legislature, and Weeeli. on a
double sheet of fnrtv-eioht columns, the rem
ainder of the year. It Will present a complete j
summary of the Legislative proceedings, all
mportant eeneral laws as thev are passed.and
aim to cive the enrrent pnlitieal intelliip-ureof the timea
Ll'.'il.'ri "J. .Tt n1 "."o ',h,
leal Journal, and Iher ejinfl.l..ntlr aoneal to tha ueoule
Penn.,irani. to .un the.r ;..t;r,.ri...
Tht Tclcokapm will attlvocnte a liU-ral pnitiral plirr,
ml aim to unite tbo wbo, though sDitnatwI by ttta
am common purNHte, an.l li-uLinc to the sidm
fcenfftrfnt tHiutt, rm diitractl by th mnftict of
ditMtiv orpani cation. It will ffu-tam th liinh-t
' atandard of Amrrtcan Nationality ; and. wltile yirldinft: a
larfd obtxJienm to th cm,ir-mi-i of tho otitntiuu,
will dtnnit.'HlW rftt th axtanninn of II uman !Ury.
It will arivft a ennlial.rarnest, but itKlepundent ubpott to
th ad tn in kJtralion of Uov. CoLtocav.
TEItMS...strirth in Athnncr.
Tha Trivgraph will be furnUhM Prm-Wnm-T dnrina
th awumtia of thf Letiilatiiiv, antl Hkekltod a doul.v
hat tha rcmalmli-r of tb year, at th following low
fatal - tha mt-DfT (nranably to arcomDany th orl-r:
fiOafla uharriptinns 'l H
Fit copies 1 1 M pr copy) U
Tn cfipii-d (1 70 atr copy) 17 Ul
Twenty cipi. .'.o prr fpy 30 U'
And at th aam prica ($1 6J per copy) lor any number
wir twroty.
Clubi hoald b mwlr op at otip, anl th mibwrfptioni
forwarxW brfr hm flrt of Jtinuary. an that thrv fan
rommanre with th atviin of the LrnUIatur. tfAll
onlctt muat be adilreaDed to
llarriDbnrv, Pa.
ii4iBraii m. n will fln-l thf- Trlpmph, th re nf tn-tl
Atlvt-rtntiDrs: Mctliam in IVnruj lwania,out of the Citir.
SySubscriptions for ihe above (at $1.50)
rrcrivcu at tne r ironicie u.nce ana ai inc i ost
ff'"' Levisbarz-
h :1l . , , , ,
aliKbou lhe 2tl of October last, a
wWIrWrovfr turned out of .his drove a
inu!vunj COW, supposed to be about four
years old, which he said did not belong to
him, and which came upon mv premises at
lhe u,wer end of r' XUY- The owner is
guested to Pve propeny pav ijs and
take her awav. AKt II 1 1) ALU THOMAS.
Union TP. Dec. 5. l:i
School Teachers Wanted.
T1R0P0SALS for the Emnltivment of
X FIY'E Male Teachers wilt be received '
by the Board of School Directors of the Lew-
istiurg sctiooi aiisirici up I., ssainriay. .1
i-c. a. o o c.oca. r..,.. c....ois ... commence
on the .d day of January, I Halt and continue '
lour months. GEO. A. FKII'K, Pres't.
Lewisburg, Dec. 4, 1SS5
rriIK Partnership heretofore cxistiiijr,
I between M. T. Reynolds and Joseph
M7,",aeV;J.nJir "!e "aTe a, d 5ri" Cf R'. ! J" M.ns,sr..late ofkelly township, afore
nntih iif raiulen, has dissolved by mutual . , . .
consent III is .nil. uav .'I i,..veii.urr,. ?... i lie
hooks have been left in the hands of Joseph
M'Fadden. Ail persons having unsettled
accounts will confer a favor by immediate j
attention to our wants.
ryThe Hardware Business will be conti
nued at the old Graham stand by the subscri
ber, who is thankful for past favors, and
hopes by strict attention to receive a fair
share of 'public patronage. Give him a call
and see for yourselves.
Lewisburg, Nov. It, lHoJ
HAVE jnst ppeiieii a Second Supply
of Fall ami Winter .oI,
consisting in part of
Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Cassimeres and Satineiis,
4,000 yards of Calicoes we will sell at si ctr,
worth 10 cts.
Beautiful Calicoes at 12 cts.
500 yds English Tapestry Brussels Carpets as
low as they can be had at retail in Philad.
S00 yds Ingrain Carpets at various prices.
A new assortment of Cucensware, Hard
ware, Oil Cloths, etc. etc. CALL A XI) SEE
Nov. 23, 1855 B. A K.
Fianos, and music.
J0S. L.Y0DER, Airent for Meyers'
and Voghl's celebrated Plana), has
just ieceive.1 a large assortment of Sliret
Musir.t'iutim.and M'lmlrnn ii'mk. Seminary
and Teachers supplied at the Publishers' dis
count prices; Music published by Gould Lee
A YValker, 9. L. Walker, or any Publishers in
the United States, furnished at their prices.
A'.B. Meyers' and Voght's Pianos sold at less
than City retail prices. Lewisbnrg, ftov. 14
Ham, Shoulders and Cheese.
I L,B- iust received and for sa
Lewisburg Cross Cut, Sept. 2fi, 1855.
T.LA'?f and Fancy Siationery of all kinds.
s I
J at M. Filzpatrick A Bios' N'sw Book
.-, .
1 More, 3d it Lewisburj'.
J. Welchselbaum,
J respectfully informs ike citizeas of Lew
aaborg ami vicinity thai he has opened a Store
at II ERR S HOTEL, where he offers fur sale
: .... .-.j
a new invention of Spectacles.for distant or
close readine:, with gold, silver, steel and tor-
j io.se-.heil frame, and a view and improved
avnrtmpiit tf nen focal ?rimnd Hint Glasses of
hit own manufacture. He would particularly
call thea.lentinnof .he public to hisSpecucles
vr)l Uavc .en cDrnteti umif. far ihe
I ntiirortof th-eve.nnd th.J n-w kind of UIsjimw nl
' VorFirTinf th wirht mwln f lh brat Bint and aura
tiltuM-. Ulttaukwi mar be know by llirtr ahar, j
,inti m-- caiw im4 m hiti ttm- in hiRiam.
of ""f and iuity, Tt.1. KfOI'IU, M AU. I ft IXti
mJ ,lVt uA ul,As!if: jlh dii-..nt per. fether
' ilh ,.T,.rr Tart..tJ 0f mrticiea In th opural liue a-t
uienti ne-i.
fully reeaire-l at abort Botii-e. lie ean alwa.a relect
(iln...- lo .u,t the rirfon r.l the pern, aa lie ee llim.
.iron .h- fir-l trial. He will remain in l.ewil.ur- Di ll-
Nil UK. KMIIKIt IM UT. an.l Ibw iu want of the
aUre article, will pleate aire him a call.
j .hi if requirel, r to any reapeetabie house
wh-re hi. ..nw. may he wanted.
Zl aV E":'W f-w""''
sal'-wil Jww'
mUf UOniiJ
FOR building Court House anil Offices,
and JAIL, at leewifbnre. L'nion t.'o., I'a.
building of the Court House and Offices and
the Jail for the county of t'nion.in the borough
of Lea isbiir", will be received at the Oifice ol
security fr the faithful and workmanlike
performance of their contracts. The lowest
and best bidder will ne accepted.
Attest: Building Committee.
JAMES F. LINN. Secretary.
Lewishtirg, Nov, 13, 1855
AdnllnlMtrafor!, Xotlce.
"YOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of
XI Administration on the Estate of JACOB
1IAKEK, late of Uuflaloe township, L'nion
county, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned in due form of law : Therefore
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate, are hereby requested to make
immediate payment t and those havinj just
claims against the same are also requested to
present them properly authenticaied lor settle
ment to th subscribers, in Bullaloe township.
Nov. 6, Its.ri5 pd6w
Administrator's Notice.
WHEHEAS, Letter of Administration to
the estate of MARIA M CLlRE.Iateof
the Borough of Lewisburg, Couuty of l'nion,
deceased, have been granted lo the subscriber,
all persons indebted lo said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment ; and those
having claims against the same, will present
them duly authenticated f.r settlement, to
Lewisburg, Nov. 1, 1855.
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters
of Administration on the Estate of Mrs.
SUSANNAH liUVEK, late of White Deer
township, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, by the proper authority. All per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate are requested to settle up immediately,
and those having claims will present them le
gally authenticated for settlement.
ISRAEL tiUVEK. Administrator.
White Deer Tp October 26, lto5.
New Hasonic Hall, Philadelphia.
V GENTS wanted in every town and
county in the United States, to sell the
beautiful picture of the (.rand lxlsc
Room, in ihe New Masonic Hall, Philadel
phia. This Plate is selling very rapidly, and !
elicits the admiration of all, fur Hie correct- i
ness and fidelity with which the STATUARY-,
are represented, and the artistic beauty and !
harmony of Ihe colors. Sire of Plate, 25 X
Price, 3 OO. !
Booksellers and Picture Dealers wishing to j
take agencies for it, will please address, fur I
further information, L. X. ROSENTH AL.
Oct. l'J, '55m3 I.tthnrapfirr, Philada.
Notice of Inquest.
TTNIOX County, ss. To Mary Moore, of
J Kelly townsnip, t. nton couniy, i enu- ,
svlvania, widow; Joseph Moore, of Washing-:
t..n townM.ip. i. tumui- tvun.t . t una, i. ..,
James Moore, Jr., of East Buffaloe township,
Union countv. Pennsylvania : Leah, intermar-
nedw.th Ell'.s .MTartv.of M'Ewensville.Mor-
,,umberland county, Pennsylvania; Rebecca
y, lU.rmarried with Dr. W in. H. Ludwig, fie-1
ccased. late of Lcwisburg borough. Union
et.nn.'. lennsvlvania : MarV Ann. intemiar-
ricd wi'h Joseph Meixell, i f Lewisburg ber-1
1 1 ,, . ei ,l
ough.t nion county, Pennsylvania; Elizabeth, I
Widow of William W. Irlatl.l. deceased, now cf
Kellv township. Union coiintv. Pennsylvania; I
. -. . ' , ... .
and Martha, intermarrietl wnn nevj ..A.tieon. ,
now restdtn" in Neponsetlttireau ei.untv, Sta'.e i
of Illinois, heirs and legal representatives nf!
NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue of :
a YVnt of Partition issued out of the Orphans' :
Court of Union countv and to n;e directed, an
IVOI-l-.-T -111 k. U J.I nn Ik. eremicec enm. I
i.ii uoi iu iic.u ... i,. ... . i
mencing at halt-past eignt o ci-irit in tne mor
ning of Fninaxthe 11th day of December next,
for the pnrpose of makinC partition or valua
tion, according to law, of said decedent's real
estate, comprising the Mansion Farm, situate
in Kelly township aforesaid, containing two ;
hundred and sixty acres more or less, bounded j
on the east by the YVest Branch of the Sus-1
quehanna river, on the south by lands of Dr. j
James P.Doural.on the west by lands of Peter !
Ilasrenbnch and others-, and on the south by
lands of Jacob Keiser, Dr. A. B. Longshore and 1
others; also a piece of Timber Land contain--ing
about fourteen acres, situate in YVh-.te !
Deer township. Union county, Pennsylvania,
adjoining lands of David 13. Kaufman, Daniel
11. Reber and others: YVhen and where you I
mav attend if yon think proper. I
Given under my hand at the SHerifTs Office !
in Lewisburg this 1st day of November, A. D. i
1855. DANIEL D. GULD1N, Sheriff.
Fresh Supplies, at the
The long-established Hat Store!
T7RAXKLIX SPYKEK would respect-1
I ft.llu announce that he has iust nnenerl A I
most splendid assonmeht of II ATS,C t lS !
and l'I.OTIII., and is selling them at I
I tlie Secretary of the Building Committee, iu .'""'."' ;
5Vlower prices than ever before offered iu -w-iLOOR Oi!-CIoths,4 and 6.iiiarU-r wide for sell as near city pu.-.-s as pos.
Lewisburg. ti saIcl, Hayes.G.Kvtinan&C'O. . u... ct the nM "''"" 'nrf
Hats Moleskin, Silkt r)rush,YVide-awake, ! 1 '- Lewisburg. Mav fi. Irf.n..
Angola, Hungarian, Panama, Siraw.Chip Ac.
Caps of all sorts, sizes, descriptions and
Halts antl rancy nais mr in n.i.nc.s, oi
. a w-s. r . r M-t hit r v sa r
the latest and most beautiful patterns
Clothiutr for COLD YV BATHER such
as Coats, Pants Vests, Shirts, Hosiery. Gloves.
Suspenders, anil every other sort of YV earing
Apparel nf the latest cut, and cheaper than
the cheapest.
"Carpet Rags. TrnnVs, Umbrellas, and a
great variety of other articles.
The public are cordially invited to exam
ine his stock, as he is confident that they wtll
be satished with his Goods and I'r.ces. Re- j
M.mhff tne Ol.l Stann Mi.ritet street. 2d rine
east of Third, formerly J A F Fpyksr
, ..
Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1E1J
William VanO.zer,
ATTORN El' at Law,
a. I.J-tvlaJiurar, talon Cu-, Fa.
QToilice on South Second Su rccealiy by
H C Hkok, Eia,. 5i 4
Latest Xewa!
The "Old mammoth" Swarming
j kpe.lio,
are now rceivin
. " fc B V" V
.. a. ar am n
X ALL aad M. I LK COlOpr.IBf
the V it fie tic uf
Fish. Ac rrntured in similar Mercaatilr
Houses tu wllloh ,liey ,imle ,ne acniin f
i ... .
' all lletiritl? good OoodS at lair I rices,
j Grain and uil.er Country Tro-lucr laken as
heretofore. J. & J. WALLS.
1 J.ewisbur;;, Oct. 12, 1835
I - - . . .
! TUe War a"' Vr 1,
"VTOR have J. fiOI.DIMITII A BUD'S sold
I IN "their Heap (lothlnK. They
. h, , v.;w llll" ..t Cats anil I'ants last
M..miay Lewisbur?, Nov. 1
I ' ""
ivew uoocs at. ue kbw oicre:
TJIE Sabseriljcrs ha ins t n'.ert'.I into
a Copartnership in .Mi'rclian.luniK, and
ipte.1 to lite wants ol all, aii'l c.niiii
ihe usual variety kept at Stores iu the larger
Towus. tyt'.ill. AM SEE.
J. Jirlirejrcr & Son.
Lrwisburg, Oct. I, If 55
Important News!
' "1YTHEN in the course f human
y events" it becomes necessary for a
"Goldsmith" to lurn " fail, r." a pr per respect
to the optuions of mankind as well as lo his
own interests, demands that a statement of his
intentions should be made to the world in geu
eral aud his friends in particular.
J. (.oldomtlli K Ilro'H.
would therefore respectfully inform the reaid
ems of Lewisburg and its vicinity, that they
have recently opened a larse and fashionable
assortment of t'l.OTIlItfw at their estab
lishment on Market St. next to Y'odet's Jewelry
Being associated with one of the largest
Clothing establishments in Philadelphia, they
are able to furnish the best of Uuods at the
very lowest Cash prices. Their motto is
" Quick Sultt ami Smalt J'rjitt."
As they are determined to adhere to ihis prin
ciple, they challenge comperttion. A large
assortment of
constantly on hand. Cjats.Pantaloons.Vests,
Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &ocfcs,
ic. &.c. in vast profusion. Call and examine
the assortment no charjre Is made fur look
ing. CFTUSTOM WORK promptly atten
ded to. C?' Don't miss the do..r it is next to
Y'oder's, at the sign of the l!i Flag.
Lewisburg, Oct. 10, 155
HAVING increased business facilities, we
are now adding largely to our stork of
lltKlin tRt:, and would respectfully
solicit Tht I'ttyk to call and examine our
stock, which is made up of Coach-ware. Sad
dlery, shoe Findings.Oils, Paints.Whitr Lead.
Naita. Leeks. Latrhea. Move, Iron. Varni-hea, I'u.l.ry,
Cal-inet Maker.' Yriumiuf., CarpvuU-ra' Tools, lack
onth.' Tonl. Ae. Ar.
THK I'Kof-LK will ftA M tr their advantage to eweon
raire the lIAKHWARf. STOKK. N' charge fur vxami-nina-
llno-1., at the I HON an.l N!l. Su.re .f
Lew..-bur. Ort. S KKV M il.t.S A M VArH.KV.
1.1t)K WINTER Coal Scuttles and Sieves,
. Shovels and Tongs, Stoves a variety of
pattern'. Globe Cook, Sheet Zinc, Bake Pans,
Iron. Tinned and talin Kettlra. Itriunia pluai Lamp.
Camllerttek. Snuff.r,, tren.h B:utt.u ppoi.a, fle.h
F..rk. Shimmers anl La.1!.. W'atlle Ir.n.. Ar.. at the
llsntware St. ree.f ItKVM.I.OS A M rsl'I.KN.
ARMEIS will find Grain ShoveIs.4-nrone
M.Forks, Spades. Sawa. Rakes, Chains.
Iru... Sprinir, radlocl.., Ase. Ar at th Os.h Iron and
Nell s.r. ! KKVNQl.il A M KAtU'KN.
iUTLERY' Knives and Forks, Shears and
Scissors of Rodger s celebrated manuf
acture, t'eo Kniro, Carvers' Tal.le and Buteh.r'. Sleela
,t kkv.noi.us M r.i:.KX.
1ST AT HAND Horse Shoes and Nails,
Anvils, ices, Files, Rasps ic. at
A KG EN I" A Foster's Automatic APPLE
PAKER lor sale by K. i M l . -
I IAI, UOnumatl & 10. IlllVe JUS!
received their l ull Ulll! Winter
Siot u. We lake pleasure in informing Unr
,r,eu,u and ratrons. that we have lu-t ree'd
a lull a,..l emnlLe a..rtm-nt r( fAI.L
ai ri.Tf.h i;ovm e ..ePri-ini et.-r.ti.in in the
line of Mrri-liandiz I loins, Cueirat-rre, .unu, .t-
"J1 lr hi.0
plait.. Il.-d an l .triped silks "arrH aat'n Pefhein,
nde ... 1 wat.-r.--l . Tr. n.i. N. ""
ruin blaek e! de rme do l ar.te.eta ati.l T InN t . lolt.a
,.,.,,,.,, .n ..i Dcla.T. I'la.nani hardoinsham.
i-iaiu nud tl I'ei i.;s. rrenchand .smeriran do
. SSU Shaw!..
liy tat loop and uarr frh iwiyL, i
I.a.litV l'!..th. Clo-ikf. iaii'l 1 aiinai- t-i!iriu!'T '
taU aortm-nt or i.,..i:e. t,otiar. i nj-r. .-
IrM j,,,,',,,, siai't, . jr.-n'h aud otiu-r L.. t..s, o;o.
l...ier-. an.l in i...-t eV.rthi..e o. the 0r u.Kvts way.
t e feel C"I.ti-tent UlSt Will n-t fail t. . please al I wh
(,, , vub their tartreMMw H e therefore tender a
cordial in. ilaTii.n to all to cH and examine ,-ur stock
audpri.-e?. 'Ti-no trouble. h.t -n tlie c.ulrary we lake
pleasure in .t.on u,g our .;.!., Thank..' . j.jft farora
We rem on. ae. II A VKs, o. ajl'.M AX 4 10.
VwisharK.Ort.lt. I'M
(CARPETS alarge assorimcntot All-wool,
J Ingrain, Hemp. Rag and Cotton, also all
woul Stair Carpets, just rer.'d and for sale by
LOTH ING. Ready Made, ail kinds always
on hand lor sa'e rv
haves. i.PM.s- A CO.
and -Aa'.is constantly on nana i..r sa:r v.
It V E-s.liO.iU .1 A NA -a
L'SLINS 200 pieces fine bbached and
brown Muslins tor sale ny
IHVi:sJtli.lMNA Cf.
just I
tec d and lot sale hv
S!"L"TH Hals, a full assortment for
sale by Haves. Goodman A Co
1UTE Lead (Lewis') just reed and for
sale by Hayes. Goodman ft Co.
T'JURE Cider Vinegarconstantlv on hand for
J sale ''y Hayes. Goiman Co.
Small FrofitS and Quick Sale:'.
l 1 tne I lit.. i r isivnia ui
i; i
e as
itimwY & it itt i: it .
The subscribers otTrr, at the old M'Fadden
Storeroom, opposite C. Penny's Saddle shop,
a choice assortment of
bought for Cash and selected with great care. ,
The Goods comprise lhe usual variety, and j
will l e s:.!d UP at lhe lowest possible prices. ;
At'- .CI... r.1.1 -.ml ACW PatH nS
j .l. .. u.. ..h.ollr m nil and see our '
nil mr n.io... e"" j
stocK neiore p.. T u itumrw I
TMr-rrrr ;
s , . ML.
GoolsandOltlfustotiK.: K'ana p!eniiu awnmtn
3 &. J w a I a-tcllars.Sleeves and Speoeers.wiili a fuil
- and open,,.? fi.r pHbheTn! j of JjreTr1mr.n,.G..lh.t. .
dually larpe assnrlmen, of H4erjr and Auu..a f H .mlow ""ade, ar.t
' I l'aner. Parasiils. Ilau. A.c. Ae which wtll ac-
J aoies F. Lias. J. UTerrill 1 inn
f F. & J. M. LINN,
J Atlurucja ut Law.
tit Untr.a C -anty, Penn'a.
f Lut ArrivaL
j fall and Winr liij Cookie.
tually be sold at reduced prices U soil tbc
tunes. Call and see ihe (Vuwds a:.i hear tbw
Prices, and for yourselves.
C. AIEXrjfll, Murray's LuiMirp,
opposite the oi l Gratisra :and-l.f-lurS,
S pu2i, lfc.'i
"Have you seen SAM?"
OEE.MS to lie a Questinn asked I3
J almost evrrybenty ; but we incuirr,
llacc yu rem the Late I hut,
wuh their supp y of
j tw Bols.4Uoe, liallera, ar.
' aki. fin- subst rittrs having associated iheio -'
C-Wsi-ives into a C( partnership ill bnsinesa.
nmr offer to the pnl.lir, at tlie Old Stand
I of S. V 1. SLirta, on Market St ih ehrspcsl
J (fur fash) and Lei: lut tf
j in ots si lor.s.
I for Men aad Beys, ever t ffcied in Lewisburg
' Also a new and splendid assortment of
I 6'l .if SHOES fjr Luitlct and CtutUmtn.
A variety of Gaiters, Half Gaiters. Ties, Eus
lnis. Slippers Ac. for Lad.es and Misses,
also Children's Shoes of ihe latest
styles and sizes j Ac. Ac. Ac
Work made to order Mending done is
usual and as the Workmen have rendered
satisfartioti heretofore, we trust we shall bar.
a full share of public patn nage. SAM will
continue to be on hand as formerly, and hrpea
to give general satisfaction to all eustomers.
fcI.lKF.lt A M'FADDIN.
Lewisburg, Feb. 2S, IM 3
J. Franklin Earvey, SI. D.,
HOMtEOPATIIir rh)itianYou!il
respectfully announce to the citizens ol
Lewisburg and vicinity that he has prrmaLent
ly located himself in this place, and asks a
share of the public paironasre, freliiij assured
that he can treat with unsurpassed success all
curable diseases that the human family are
prone lo. In lhe treatment of diseases of fe
males and children Ihe creat Hoino?opa:hic
law stands without a rival; a!so in chicmc
diseases, that has battled the skill of oiher sys
tems, Hoinoropathy stands fi rth as a giant,
claiming victory in almost every ease. All
ye afflicted, give it a trial ; it will not coat joia
much. Try before you condemn.
Dr. H. is a regular graduate of the- lTerrra
oj.aihie Medical College, of Pennsylvania.
Office on Second street, atove Market, f. r
merlv occupied bv Dr. Wilson, where he eaia
be consulted at ail times when not m jrolas
sional duty.
Lewisburg, April 10, 1!5.
Rhodes' Fever and Agn8 Cure,
TOIl the Prevention and I'ure cf Inter-
J mittent and Remittent Fevers. Fever and
Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Aeue, General
Debility, Night Sweats, and ail other forms f
disease which hive a common origin ia Ma
laria or Miasma.
Tl.i. i a NAT! UAL ANTWOTE which will rntira'e
pruteel any resident .r tra.elier e,en in the w-ot Btk.r
or swampy local.!;., h-f m any A,:iie or li.ilw.uf li.a
whaterrr, ur any ir-Jurj from ccbatant ttiLa-ius Malaria
or M leama.
It will inktantlT eLeek the Ague ia perwrji who ha.a
aunered from any kneth of time, from .. uay u twenty
yearn, that they need newer lo har. anotl.er rl.iil, i t
eonttDuiDK ia uea aeeordinir t U.reetittia. Tha ratiena
at onre leciu to rscre, af-petite an rtrength. acj so
tinuaa until a pwrmaiiant ai.d ralicai rurv uirffected.
..near two bouia wtll an.-wer r rd .i:arv caaaa: lomw
may require more. l:reeton prtr-ted in 'iv.maa. Freuda
and .-(.-nieh. aeeompany ea. h le.!t:e. Trica Oaa bviM.
Liberal diacounta made to tl.e trade.
He-a Vo.k. June II. 1st.
('l t-STemadwarhemical esaniinaLon -f -Klie.'
rra asa A'it a iriafc.1 or "Amuxjtet to Milaaia.' an
haa. teeti-1 it H.r Arfenic. Sirewry. tiuiuine and str.cL
n.oe. but ha,a not fr.nnd a p.trtie.e of ei.lier in it. nr
hare 1 t..nn 1 aor abltslane. in its comfvalUon that wou!4
t-ro,e lulurrous to the een-tit.it n.
J Allts K. I U1LTON, M. D. Cbajuat
Tiwienrao. l'nion Co . l'a.. May 2. ISiS.
Ms S. A. TtHol.rs Dearfr.r: Tha U.t of med'.s.ae yew
icnl me was duly ree--:red on tf. ltth of April. 1 I liu
eol.t ahont one half, fit. ami an far the paopla that ha
uet-il it are Mili-aed rHt it b-i.rured tlieoa. it has ear
tamly at. pne.1 tl.a Akiio in erery r.na who haa oed it,
and ,'ix of lhe rs-. w.tw -f Ion,; Funding. My aistar.
who has had it p-rnerrl yeara tw-k. a.:d eould a.rae
art it Mopred. except by vtumin, and thnt oaiy aa long
a, ,he w..a;d taSc It, is no.., 1 ttlifck, er.lirel, eurd b
yurrranly. C. R. IIUINLV.
TArTtON TO AfirK 5l"VFtIlK?.
. Tslie no av-re Arwhii-. T- ...e, Verrury. iluinine. Fb
i nfu-et, Slrschwine. or Alti lvri. dSsof any k'Wd- H w
I w.-l:knt.. n imffl.-teney of tfieae nosiuua pe-ie-ua prov.a
them to r the o!T-pri.i? either or Talea mental princi
p't-a. .r of mercenary qtia-ka. The only remedy In uue
tente tliat 1, hoth ire and harm!-, is
Htlol'W rKVKK AM) A..t"ECTRC.
a.ror sale at the Lewistur Croi-Cut tr
3m; C. K. JIHINLV.
trtliur'a) S.'!!"afallns Cans
VRE the chtaprst and 1 es: Tntent out. fof
preserving Fresh Fruitsnd Y'e;e'.ab!es
1 nree sizes for sale bv
HI RslI sV" YOsr. Lewistnrg.
Us' lVierson's MANUAL lor preservinr
Fru'-.s Ac. for sale as above price 1SJ cts.
TOHN II. BEALE, bavini, eniarieil
J aud improved his Shop, on Market Slieet,
neit to Hayes' ttore, has Uow cpeucd a largw
an-i select stock of
lotly Casislnnre. Vet!np and
Trim in ins;
of all kinds, also GENTLEMEN S FURNISH
ING GOODS. such as Sjirts, G:oves. IL stery,
C. Uars, Ac. &e. He will also carry on
Cut till? ami Mukln?
in all their branche., with ilespatch. aceor lirg
to order, without eu'ilwging, and on lhe moat
reasonable terms.
Ilratlyniaslr C lotliin?
always on hand cheaper than the cheapest.
Having a large f, rce of experienced hands
in mv emidov, 1 hope with ail ilirse f.i.-.lit.cl
to give ertieral satisfacrion, at.d share tibc-ril' e
in pibiic iatronage. I r. -spietlbllv invite a'l
wanting anythmK in my line of bustnsjs ty
call and examine u.y s:- ck of G. o.!s.
Lewisburg. May 1551
ardware store. LewisbuiL. otl'rr to tbr
citizens ol tne "est urai.cn, ai rs:rtine. iur
prices, Oils, Turpentine. YVIiite Lead. Sn.-ar
YVhite Zinc, Sliver's Plastic Pa'nis (tsri. os
colors weather and lire-proof.) Naila.spikea,
Glass, Putiv, Locks, Latches, Hints, !-i trws.
and all kinds of PuiMing Hardware, Gertie
men who are building will tind it to their ad
vantage to call ::nd rxanime otir si. rk. Y nl
t Cll 1.1! A
C1AUPE.NTERS, we rah snprdy roti w ith
j the celebrated Grcei.heli Tool I'.'inpBi.y's
Planes, Hunt's c't br.v.ed Ilateliets. Aks, Ad
es, Itoat Buil.Vrs Adees. Chisels. Squares.
S.iws, Saw Sets. A urers, riane Bi-ts, Hdis ot
all kinds. All will be sold low. r tlnn usual
al cash prices. Drop in and see. griulenirn ;
no chnrce for exa.. lining sliwk. at the Hard
ware !iore of KKYNi'LDS A M FAPDf.V
O ADDLUrs, if yi a call
nd f.siri ne our
. A stock I'f
stock of Harness, fcrulle an.l Roller Pre;
k'es. Ititts. flames. Stirrups. M,inine. Gu:h
- - Trr
I me. l.eer ll.iir. rirmnmr . e... ..m, . . - . -
WV,; s.c-ka.nd Saddlers' To.sLs.vou w.ll t4
i . ....
it io vuuraiian'aew. K.'ntwarer.nr-
ururj. KEYfii t t l I ATI t.
I llil l B.l I 1 .