18 Ml a-! f 1 i) -4 - ft 31 I 2i i 41 t- 'i 1 it; IT- ft: 4 J. ' 1; ..v und no lor 111. The momfna was doll, and bet'-kened a day L'uauited to curing and carting of Lay, So SrrpHES bctlio-igut him to tat. a trip down, Aii.l bnug this thin- and lh:t anj llw oilier from toB ; A i.d be barnesaod a l.urae, n J proceeded to p forth With a pail of put butler, egs berries, c. Now It happened that Stepbta (c) came down On til day that t!.e Show" M to enter the town, Aii'l into the viilsi-'e be 'h tnrcd U- r,me furth Af the can-van' ranie intl town from the north wun-lroa collection they purposed to .-how lortil soke, elephants, moukeja, bears, tig-r, Ac.) Aid Stephen arrived opportunely, I weeu, r'sr net. r liad Stephen an elephant seen ; H be with Ou Sir-iki fetched up by the fence, T ere, wr.bout p:i the twenty-live cents; Anl FtK-n cable the creature, uncouth!' -nd slew C.rth, Vli'h tuske, and with trunk', blankets ri bjns, Sc. l:ut. scared at the ni-.t, or tiie fecnL, or the round, l!J Sorrel turn,l jui:"kly a-ij .-.lv.rtly arounl. And in turnin,: ':i, kly acd j-hort:y about. The wagvn turned over and Mei-ben turned out. And tuto the uttt-r tiie b rtiee did Ituw fjrth T"p:tber w,tb .-t'-i.iiell, ejs, butter, ie. Qu -th Ftephen al -nd. a he roue on hu P"6p A fi' f the Vr-i'-a. Ac and e.-!' '. But henceforth 1 ocaer c tn itiy it, of course. That Ie not feen the t:ipli:mf nor can th horse." And back Ut the homest'-H,! Old borre I did o f Tth, l.-.-avuig wauu and 6.cphrn le. and aj forih. A Chinese Munchausen. A CbiDatnau was arrested last Wednes day in New Orleans for a petty crime and brought before llecordcr Urilit; and gaTe a very curious Li.-tjry of bis life. lie htated tbat he w;is but forty five years of age, and at the age of eighteen be was be headed in China fir rebellion ; ten years after he was fl iyed alive for an attempt to assassinate the Emperor of China, Moou Sing, who is the sou of the King or the King of the sun ; and five years after be was cut to pieces because be was accused of murder. lie was then imprisoned nineteen years and had his tongue torn out for lying, which is considered a very serious crime in the Celestial Empire. After coming out of prison he was banish ed from the country for making sport of a M:m Jurin during the feast of the Lanterns. He embarked on board of an American nian-uf-war, and was in the battle of the Nile, under Commodore Stockton, where a cannon ball terminated bis eventful career, and now be found himself arrested in New Orleans for the crime of petty larceny ! The recorder thought it was time for him to rest from his labors, and so sent Mr. Chinaman to lhe woik-house for the nest ., ,i,t i , i- . .i . ninety days. la rukiu oath to the J J o above statement, be swore by one of the cartben spittoons for the Chinese always ., . ., , , . swear iy tueir cantieLware, aai Dy notn- higher. The Railroad A. E. C. A fUrid for Ar-n-lf-nin, frfjuent. al.ix! b for the Buoiriin? tbut brings tb'-m to pis; C if the I)'-juBst, the pol and aim; V arr liirecl'-M, who'nt frue froin all blame t for Exius.-. d.:iiiuilit4 ly l.alf; t' the Ftv STTatit ktj t on the stuff : i a, blow Gcj-Is tiuin, one man to miul it ; II a liiph jjre-. ure . Ajirt.-a clos" bbinJ it; J au lai line, ulitri; iu ."-t.-p Ukrs so lung; J is the JuiK't'.cn. w:'.!j i.iol all turned wroog; K is tiie linowle dgv ut' -laager ahcat. L hy t!ir Lights turai-tl i uo late) into red; M ia tli M.i.-t ry bow It tjck plure; 2i th Not'O'ly to Mm iu the ca ) staoJs t r flRf rs, ts!i-ey or drunk; F for the Frnuuf ut uy which hwi &unk; Q in tbr QuHguitrr o'er wLicb it bad p-d ; 11 for tbe Kails which are wearing out fiu-t; b for tbe ignitl the driver do n't mii.J; T fur the Train, som. t-ro boura bcbiDd ; L i a t'nilorm rLr of nprd; V a Velocity fin;b;iul indf-d; M in th tr J jia !,y nhii h i iir-.-ft. J X aa Wcum -n Ir.n. nut:- uuxj-t t J ; V ia Yuuiiiatl ; if you tr.ir I, c-ur mvurn Z a new Z?1 will imj art to jour j'lcisuxca. Wanted, A species of gutu fchocs aaJ umbrellas, that will stand the b'u&ihy rain, and Sun day mud of this latitude. We du thiuk that our merchants havj been culpably liegiigcut in not providing au extra article j lir this purpose. We have gums aud umbrellas that will turn auy wet that conies during six days of the week; but there is something so very remarkable in the rains of the other day, that our unpro tected population are prevented from get ting to church. Our ympathics are real ly moved for their destitution, and call the attention of the scientific world to this eingulur fact. We do not mean to say that the elasticity and iniperviousness have been transferred from the shoes to the conscience, for this would be impolite ; but we do say that wc will give the loudest puff to the merchant or manufacturer who will furnish shoes and umbrellas that will be an effectual protection against Sunday rains aud Sunday mud. The Tirst Ti;leirai'uic Message. AVe have heretofore given an interesting i couut ijf the first message sent over the telegraphic wires iu America. The graph ic question, "Whut hath God wrought?'' was iLc first seutetice, dictated by Miss Auuic G. Ellsworth, (daughter of Hon. lletiry L. Ellsworth) now Mrs. Smith, of InJiaua. The m inusciipt, or copy made at the end of the line, has been deposited with the Connecticut Historical Society fur preservation, and may justly be regatd- cd as oue of the lllOt Valuable pOiSCSilOUS i tt' that or any similar institutiou. As A.NCIE.NT Mauuiaue Inyitation. The simplicity of our forefathers in most matters is often worthy of admiration, aud juight be imitated by the present Genera tion with profit. What can be more simple t and beautiful than the following invitatiou to a marriage, it-sued in the year 17tG ? uirirtt rra .'I v sweet-heart as well as myself desire, (if it may suit thy convenience, aud fieed.;m) that thou will favor us with tliy company at our mar riage, which is intended to be at riurl'n the 4th of next month. 1 am thy respect ul fJ Aaron Asubridge." -An administration rarer in flhln that brought out ill rooster on reception of the first news of the late election in that State, excuses itaclf on the ground that it only made a wrong corWc ation. Necessity is the mother of "invention, nd granv,Jnoii;;r of prority. Wiliiam Jones, TTORMY at Law. Cullections is. promptly attended to. Odice opposite Kline's Hotel, 6jo LEWlSBVitn.r.. Lewisbarg Academy. T Ftt Aivo WtsTta Ssssiow of this Ns titctios will commence on Thdusdit, Oct. 4, 1855, to continue SO weeks. The design of the Principal in commencing somewhat earlier than usual, is to prepare the way by a shorter Fall and Spring recess for a meat ion hereafitr during the hot and sickly season. The course of instruction is calculated to fit Youths for College or for general business. The Ribi.il is a text book, and CorsiTioii and DicLiKiTiox receive careful attention. I'itoFirifcci iu Recitation of Studies is rewar ded by the beslowment of foJirLnnnTAMr .'a mis. A class of Voi-so Lames is secured. The present Session affords a good oppor tunity for voung men who are engaged pan of lhe year and who purpose devoting the inter months to their own improvement. Those desirous of obtaining jgood seals should be present the first day and secure them. Tuition. For Commu Bnr:s (Reading, Vrmiig.Geography,Arilliiuetic,(vramiiiar and U.S. History) AnvaxcuD Esolisb (all not named above) 'S; and for l.socsr.s 10 Contingent expenses per Session, 5(1 els per scholar. No deductions except for protracted sickness. JNO. RANDOLPH. Sept. 21, 1S55 Principal. NEW Clothing and Hat Establishment JUST opened, at the Kooms formerly occupied by Sfvius 4- Hrnlr, an entire new and splendid assortment of flothinff Sllld Halt. Broadcloths, "asiineres. Doe skins, and all sorts of TUIMMIXOS AM) nitMMIlXU COOltS, also Hi-CNN and Frork Custom oats. pot up by experienced City workmen, and every other article kept in such establishments such as White Shirts-and Collars. I'n.ler earments, Socks, Suspenders, I'tubrellas, Overalls, a variety of tiiloves. Stocks, NecK and Pocket Hdkfs, Sewine silk. Thread and Xeedles, Coat Cord and Kiudin;, Boys' and Youths' Hats, Caps, and Clothing, constantly on hand. Custom Work done on the premises, and sold at the same rates. The times demand a pood article at a low price. Oar motto is, Q tick Salr and Hit Smallest I'rnjits in Town .'" I Xo charge for showing. P!ease call and see for your selves. if vou wish to save from 25 to 30 pr cl. TAILORING in all its branches. Terms Cash. AULM. AMMO.V. Lewisburg, Sept. 27, lR35 A Complete Cure for Ague ! rVUE Very extensive prevailing COIllli I X "on of this dease, ami the tact that it is not known to the pniilic that ihe tin!ersi.'ied . ... ,.,-.. .J.,-.. , . t is able to CI TIE AOI h, lias induced hnr. to j make known to the public that he uses a pre- pa''0" p ''' " ll,'" '-"'m Ameri- lean Erlectic Phrsirians, called KfMalora- n. m,,,.,.,. Thi prepa,ai.on acts on the Liver, spl cn, a'omaeh. Kidneys, indeed on the whole system, and brings it into a healthy and vigorous condition. Now when the whole system is brnnttht into a perfect siaie of health, it is impossible for Aeue to occur, which generally attacks the feeble, or those whose constitution has been broken by some cause. This can reneraliy he done by our Restorative, and almost every case completely cured. Of course no disease can be cured that a man may not take it aipin.hm we mean cu red and brought into the same healthy condi tion as one that never had this disease, cured for this season it" the persou observes the laws of life and healih. N B. This medicine should be taken from 3 to 5 weU-, dose a table-spoonful 3 or 4 times a day, price of quart bottle $1. Aow if you are no friend of the A?ne you will call and be cured- Lower end of Market St-Lewisbur;. M. H. DEltsH AM, M. U. Downfall of Si lnufnptil and Ilijh Vices Wot Last nor Least! TDDIXGSfc WETZEL would" announce X to the Trading community, in Town and Country, that they have now finished the re ception of the largest and best stock of rail "a ud lVlutrr CiooiN ever brought to their store room, comprising the usual variety of Dry Goods, Ue ills' ami La l.es' Winter Wear, Groceries. 'ro-Iarj'. Hardware, iiet'iist iirr and all (Joods de-ired for HOl'SEKEEl'EKs and FARMERS, Oar Uoods were selected with unusual care, and we believe will be found of the very best, and (for the quality) as cheap as they can rea sonably be allorded at any other store on the West Branch. We respectfully invite onrold customers to call and see our stocks, and we are sure we can suit your wants and tastes. Produce ta ken as usual cash never refused. Oct. 11, '5S. IDDIMiS & WETZEL. Improvement in Daguerreotyping! CPVKER & HA1VX. announce to the 3 public that they have newly fitted up and greatly improved ihcir Rooms and Apparatus, and are prepared to take l,ikeiieNeK sup erior to any in this place heretofore. Pictures copied, or taken fioin life, and inserted in Me dallions, Breastpins Fiiigerrinss, Watchseals, Ac, and warranted trn". We annex a list of our superior Cases : Papier Mache, Sonvenir, Jeunv Lind, Jewel, I'ntnn, Sonms,Oval,Velvet and Shell. Pictures taken at t and upwards. Rooms at the old stand over Dr. Thornton & Co.'s Drug store.opposite the Telegraph otlice. Lewisburg, Feb. 22, l.r5 FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, all complete and ready for use, which we will sell to any person, with full instructions iu tiie business, for less than first cost. NOTICE. rPLIC.VTION will be made to the iTL next Legislature lo change the name of the Lewisburg Savings Institution," located at Lewishuri in the county of Union. tn-TI!E LEWISBl'liG BANK,'' with One Hundred Thousand Dollars additional capital, and authuritv to issue their own notes for circula- i :. c.Mal In ,Iij tirnni,;,.., ..C lh nnnal Mnl'.no !aw of Ibis Commonwealth." By order of the Director : DAVID KKBER. Treasurer. I.ewisbnrg. Pa.. June H. IK55. jjj?t7 fi-Aa FRESH HEAT! M1E siiiiscrihcrs harms associated themselves under il.eK.nn of Zllk. at the old stand of F. Zellers, (in the rear of his residence on South Third street) are now prepared to snpply the citizens of Lewisburg aud viciniiv wuh Fresh Meat, of all kinds Cheap for Cash. We trust we shall hav a full share of public patronaze. I"ySell out on Tuaduy and Friday morn ings every week. F. ZELI.EK.S. I. 8. STERNER. Lewisburg, Sept. 17, 1855 X. B. I wish to have my old acconnts whether Notes or Book account hH,TTLED UP. All indebted will please take notice. Sept. 17 F. ZELLERS. Vanted A Partner, WITH a Cash Capital of from $500 to flOoo, 10 engage in a Mercantile Business, (now in operaiion, and capable of great enlargement) near Lewisburg. Apply at the Otlice of tbe Lewisburg Chro nicle. Sept. II, 1865 Lewisburg Chronicle & MARIA J. GREER, IS. D., GRADUATE of the Penn .Medical J. Uuiversitv.of Philada, offers herproles- sional services lo the people of Lewisburg and vicinity. Oilice at her father's residence, (T7r. J. F Grier's,) one door below J.L. Voder's Jewelry Store. April l, New Book and Stationary Store IN Lewisburg. M. Fitzpatrick & X Brothers, Publishers, Booksellers A Sta tioners, 3iN. 6lh St., Philadelphia, haveopen ed a branch of their establishment in 3d St, next door to Beaver c Kremer's Store where may be had Books in the varied departments of Literature, including Historical, Biocmphi cal, Theological.Scieutilic, Mechanical, Poeti cal, Classical.Juvenile and Miscellaneous pub lications. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, suitable for the various denominations. Plain and Fancy Stationary of all kinds. Pen and Pocket C.utlerv, Portmonnaies in Pearl, Ivory, i Papier-Mache and Morrocco, Gold pens and ! t !..:....! i W.,l, pencils, l.auies vaos, nciu-iurs i. " ui. Boxes, and a vaneiy of useful Kancy !oods. Ladies andtienileman ate respetlully solicited to call and examine their assortment of Books, Stationery and Fancv Ooods. New Goods re ceived every day by Express. June B, 18S5. 1LANK Books of all patterns, including X9 Oar Books, Ledgers, Journals, Cash and Minute Books, Pass and Memorandum Books, Students1 Note and Composition Books, &c, at M. Kitzpatrick & Bro.'s, 3d St., Lewisburg. 1JOKTE MOXXAIES in Pearl, Ivory, Pa pair Mache and Morocco at prices varying from 10 cts. to .f 1,25 at M. Fitzpat rick A Brn's New Book and Stationery Store, 3d St., Lewisburg, r:exl door to Beaver & Kremer's store. IT INK (iold Pens diamond pointed ; Large do " " 37J 5il Ex. .a Oold pens in silvercases from 75 cts. to $2.00. Gold pencils with or without pens from ?5cl. to fH.uo GOLD pens repoimed at 25 cts. each, at M. Fitzpatrick & liro's New Book and Sta tionery Store, 3d St. Lewisburg, next door to Beaver Sl Krearaer's Store. 1)EN and Pocket cutlery of Rodger's, W'os teuholms, and others fine manufacture, at prices varying from 10 cts. to $1,00. ORDERS for any Books published in this Country or Europe, not on hand, will be attended to with promptness ami dispatch, and supplied in all cases at from 2t to 50 percent below publishers' prices, by Fitzpatrick & Bro. CI HEAP letter, cap and note paper from 6 J cts. to 12J per quire. Buff Envelopes self sealing, IUJ cts. per 100. Fine white " 15 - " at M. Fitzpatrick tc Bros New Book and Stationery Store, 3d St., Lewisburg. T T ARPER.S. Oodey's.Graharn's.and all the I 1 other .t,Ut Magazines supplied at 50 pT annum. Single No's only 20 cts., by M. Fitzpatrick A; Bros' 3d St., Lewisburg.next door to Beaver & Kremer's store. Philadelphia Adv'ls. Goorge Sturges, COLE Manufacturer of the Improveii O spiral Sprinor .Matrt-Nsts, No. 9i Walnut St. Philadelphia. FIVE SILVER MEDALS awarded, viz. To bjr ttia Anv-riran Institute. S, York. Oet-1 l'.t do Franklin ln-tilut-. l'htlail,liia.Nor. j- nl.tl On at th tarylaa lu-.tilut'-, llaitimore. Nov. ) 1s,jJ The peculiar improvement in the construc tion of this .Mairess is, that all the rumi und I Anry wimdrn frame work is entirely dispensed I with, and its place suppneu i y a ngnier aim much more durable frame, the springs are all connected by harness ieanher hinges, securely riveted, rendering it impossible for a single spring to fall down or get out of place, and making a Bed so elastic that any part may be raised or bent up, and is thus admirably titled to the wants of the sick or asthmatic who may require a si'ting postiiie.having the Insurious softness of the best Feather1 Bed with the light ness and facility of handling of the common Hair Mattress. These improved Spring Beds are invnrially made of the best materials, and will last many years without repairs. Persons having Hair Matresses, can have them altered into Spring Beds. These Beds are well adapted forllotels.berths of Ships, S:eamboats and Hospitals. Spring Sats forChairs.Carriages or Church Pews and Hair and Husk Maticsses made to order. Also an extensive assortment of hiahly ornamented (in enamel) and plain finished CA ST I It OX FCHXirWL', consisting in part of Bedsteads, Hat and Coat Racks, Cane and Cnibrella Stands, Garden Chairs. Settees, Ac. A-c. Philadelphia, April SO, 1?55 ly575 SALAMANDER SAFES! AEMZSZai. tvans naison, Xn. South Fourth 'fiSiSv St., Philadelphia. jgii Cireat Fire at j.yaai.jh:-. a f (--.. iif--- Chestnut & Filih Sts., Friday morning, Dec. 15th, 1854 hVANS V; WJtTSOX S SALAMANDER SAFES TKIL' Ml'HANT, as they always ate when put to the test : PniLnr.epiiiA, Dec. 15, 1854. Messrs.Evans AWatson.No.21i South Fourth St. Gentlemen We take much pleasure in rec ommending your Salamander Safes to Merch ants and ethers in want i f a secure means ot preserving their books, papers Ac. from fire, as the une we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papers and cash in as good a condition as they were when put inio it. before the great lire uf this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifih streets. The above safe was in use iu our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was out. The Safe was then re moved and opened in the presence of at least lOHO persons, who witnessed the good condi tion of its contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it in use azain, having perfect confidence in its fire-proof qualities. Yours, respectfully, LACEV & PHILLIPS." Evans & Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their Safes in use : U. S. Mint, Phil ada.: Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank, Philada. ; Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sheriff, Philada.; John N. Henderson, City Controller; Caleb Cope A Co., No. 1S3 .Market St., j Itichard Norris A Son, Locomotive builders, Philada. j Bancroft A Sellers, Machinists, corner Kith and James Sts.; Franklin Fire Insurance Co, Philada.; Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Philada.; Lacey A Phillips, corner 5th and Minor St.; Sharpless A Bro., No. 32 South Second St. ; James, Kent A Saniee, No. 147 North Third Su; W. H. Horstman & Sons, No. 51 North Third St. ; Smith. Williams A Co.. No. 87 Mar ket St.; J. A B. Orne, No. 185 Chestnut St. VtFA large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 per cent, more fire than anv Herring's Safe now in use). EVANS A WATSON also manufacture and keep for sale. Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron Bash, for making fire proof Vaults for Banks, stores, public and pri vate buildings; Seal and Letter Copying Pres ses ; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators. Ae. Please give us a call.at No. 26 South FOURTH SU, Philadelphia. April 6. ,55673yl MRS. E. niTCHELL, NO. 28 North Ninth St., Philada., manufacturer of Mantlllan,Cloak, ,C, of all descriptions, at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Orders made Of at short notice in the best and latest style. (April 4,'65nH -v.-; I. fM West Branch Farmer November 16, 1855. Dissolution of Partnership. rpiIE Partnership heretofore existing L between l'ant Hlairand J. L. Barrett nn- der the linn of Blair At Barrett, in the business of the Mount Vernon House, An. Uu .North Second S'reet, has b.-n this rlav dissolved by mutual consent, J. I., Barren havins purchased the interest of said Blair, wilUouiiaite to keep the Mount Vernon House. OAVID GLAIR, J. L. UAUKKTl'. a The Yernnn (k will be continued by the subscriber, who will be happy to see his friends and spare no p.vna to make them comfortanK J. L. BARRETT. Philadelphia, April 7, 1S55. HEUHIKG'S Talent Champion Fire- -.ivn:-- Proof SAFES, with H lls Pa'ent Powoer-Prool Locks, winch were awarded separ ate Medals at the World's Fair. London. 1 851, ai'd also nt the n orlil s rair, wwi Vctk. 1853 and 1851. I he subscribers are lhe sole manufacturers aud proprietors in this Slate of the above une qualled Safes and Locks. The reputation ol the genuine Herring's Safe"' is world wide, and for the last thirteen years the mercantile community have witnessed and borne testi n.ony to their sr.ru riiLiso lite proof quali ties.' More than 12,0lM of these Safes have been actually sold, and over two bi-idiio have passed triumphantly throuch accidental fires. The public are assured that all Safes manufactured hy the subscribers are not only guaranteed lo be fully equal, lint in many re spects even sunerior to those which have been so severely tried by fire. Few will forget their services in the burning of die Tribune es- tablishment,"New York, and at the tireat r ire in Strawberry street, at the large fire last July, opposite the Oirard House ;' and still more re cently in the Fire at Fifth and Chesnnt Sts.,in this city, in which these Safes came forth the acknowledged CHAMrmv. when many other securities failed. FARREL A CO., lnm fnfr and Bank l-nrk Mukert, 31 WALNL'T Street, Philadelphia. Chilled Iron Safes, with Powder Proof Locks, manufactured expressly for Banks, Brokers, Jewelers, and others requiring secu rity from rcgnes. Bank Vaults, Doors, Ac, on hand and made to order. All the most ccl ebraieoLocks for sale at manufacturers' prices. Second hand " Safes," " Salamanders" and " Iron Chests" of other makers, having been taken in part payment for Herring's, for sale at half price. March 30755. 572yl AgrntJ. O. Ricmmisos A Co., Danville. FRENCH TRUSSES. HERNIA or Kuplurc successfully treated, and comfort insured, by use ol the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly for his sales. All suilering with Rupture will be gratified to learn that the occasion now oilers to procure a Truss combining extreme tighttuss, u-itlt ease, durtilnlUy and currtet contruclinn, iu lieu of the cumbrous and uncomfortable article usually sold. An extensive assortment always on i hand, adapted to every variety of Rupture in I adults ami children, and for sale at a range ot price to suit all. Cost of Single Trnsses, .f i, ! $3. 4 2nd $5 ; Double. $1, 5, G. and $ 10. Persons at a distance can have a Truss sent to any adJress by remitting the amount, send- ing measure around the hips, and staling side i atlecteii. For Sale Wholesale and Retail bv the Im porter. C'alrlt II. S. W. cor. of Twrllth A Race sis., Philada. Depot for Bantling's Improved Body Brace ; Che. i Expanders anil Elector Braces; Patent Shoulder Braces; Susper-srv Bandages; Spi nal Props and Supports. Ladies' Rooms, w uh competent ladv attendants. March 30. 1855. TEE CHEAP CASH BOOK anl Siationery Store, Norih Vesl cor. of Sixth and Arch sts., Viiu dtlphia. f.ri'at UargaliiM iu Ituoks! Poetical, Juvenile, Miscellaneous, standard and Presentation Books, very Cheap. STAPLE AXO i'-l.VCV STATIUXFHY. Superior while ruled Letter Paper, $150 per Ream. Letter and note Envelopes in great variety. Weddings furnished at very moder ate rates. Cards Written aud Engraved. Gillott's and other Steel Pens. Superior Mot to Wafers, 323 Mottoes on a sheet, for 25 cents. Inkstands, Pen-Knives, Paper Weights, Ac. Fine Turkey Morocco Porte-.Monnaies. Port folios, Ac. CardCases, Backgammon Boards, Vc, iih a choice assortment of TO V BOI IKS, HAMEs, DlfSlXTED l'ICTI REs, Ac; Al bums. Scrap Books and Eugravit.irs. April 2t.'.')5 575y I 1. TIlolUNOIt. F. H. SMITH, pOPvT Monnaie, Pocket Book and i Dressing Case Manufacturer. N. W. cor. : of Fourth A. Chestnut Sis., Philadelphia. Always on hand a large and varied assort ment of Port Monnaies, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Cabas, B. inkers' Cases, Traveling Bags, Not-- Holders, Backgammon Boards, Por- F, lios. Chess Men, Portable l).-sks. Pocket Memorandum Books, Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, Ac. Also, a general assortment of F.Nttl.PsII, FRENCH AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS. Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and (iold Pens. Wholesale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH, N. W. comer Fourth A- Chestnut Sts., Philada. N. B. On ihe receipt of !1, a Snperior Gold Pen will be sent to any part of the I.'niled States, bv mail ; describing pen, thus, medinm, hard, or'soft. March 3055 ly572 WOOD'S ORNAMENTAL Iron Works, RMje Avenue, PHii.anti.rnia. The a'tention of the public is invited to the extensive Manu factory and Wareroom of the subscriber, who is prepared lo furnish, at the shortest notice, Iron Railing of every description forCemeia ries, Public and Private Buildings, also Ver andahs, Balconies, Fountains, Settees. Chairs, Lions, Dogs, Ac, and oiher ornamental Iron Work of a decorative character, all of which is executed with the express view of pleasing the taste, while they combine all the renni sites of beauty and substantial construction. Purchasers may rely on having all articles carefully boxed and shipped to their place of destination. A book of designs will be sent to those who wish to make a selection. ROBERT WOOD, Ridge Avenne be'ow SprmgGarden St. Phila Express Office! The undersigned have been appointed Agents for HOWARD A CO.'S EXPRESS LINE, and are now prepared lo forward, dnilu. Packages, Specie, Bank Notes Ac. lo Philadelphia, New York. Boston, Al bany, Baltimore, and intermediate points, also to the other Northern and Eastern cities. The public are respectfully invited lo pat ronize the above line, as it is the quickest and safest method nf transportation between the cities and Lewisburg. Packages received by or before 9 A M. will arrive in Philadelphia the same day, and be delivered early in the following morning. Receipts given for lime and price. Fhilad'tphia OJiee 41 &43.SonihThirdSt Oct. 20. CHRIST A CALDWELL. JEWELRY of Ihe latest pattern ofallqual ibee for sale at the loves Citv prices by u. VODER. To Iron Plasters and Dealers. 1)EN N'A Wire Wnrks--NV2 i A rch St. JL nlfive Kr.nl f'lllI.AIlKI-l'HIA. SIEVES, P.!LU)M:h, sa:kE.V-,Vov:n Wire of all meshes and widilis, with all kinds ol Plain and Fancy Wirr Work. Paper Matter's Wire, all kinds. Cylinder and Handy Rolls, covered in the best maimer , in or out of the City. , , A very superior liriicle of Heavy Founder s Sieves all kinds r. Iron Ore Wire, Wire and ; Sieves fur Seed, Cram, Starch, Suuli', trick- j dust, Ac. I 3mS!lO BAVLISS,DARBV & LYXX. I Trusso3 Trusses Trusses ! I c. ii. ;i;i:i)LES, j Tub's AND BRACK ESTABLISHMENT, S.W. Cor. of Twellili and Kace Sis. PHILADELPHIA, Importers of fine Fui.si ii Tni sars, combining txlrtmt Hvhtnrt, ease, and durability, with correct construction. Hernial or Ruptured patients ran be suited t'T rf'Uittiot: amount, a I,.-1gw S1 Dti!li nulul"'r ot iui-h' ft Mrnnri't lh- lof-. nr 't .t:itin',r sl" allfctt-tl. ( o-l i f Tni-j -. a, I. i. lauU i, ,. 10. ln-triirti.ni a tft r:ir. mi l how to aiVct a cure, wli,u tyttfttlaV. arm wilt tile TrilMU At-o f..r i-al-, in pri-at anriety. j Dr. Bannin's tmprnvd Vutenl fludi Urarr., ; fur tli rare nf rrr!n,'.ii Vtrl: f--,;n prrr. nrel tupl 'TU: Tat-iit Slioul-l-r llrari,, 1 ln'sl K aii irra an-l : t.r-Tti.r liran.H. i,:ttrt a" i!h SNp Mi'inldm an-! : We:ik l.unt;.; K-iirli-'b K!aue Abdominal lktU, fiiL-ocu. j aorvti ; Svrinem, mal- r, t. nmle. taj-adien Uoohim, ailb ltiiv attf-nilatits. ly.rt0 GENUINE H0NE7 EaAP. THE purity, fras- M. ranee, auu niuua emollient properties of j ,ms p renders it es-s&rt necially deserving a i r. place on every toilet For chapped hands.and various diseases of lhe skin, it is uneqiialed. r u a.t vu r-ovwav lf.aslz So,h Second Street. Ph.ladelnhia. No other 13 ULIIUIIIC. Imiii'ovrd C'hrmic'tl Olive Soap, W'arrunttd to Wash in Hard, Xift or .' W'uti r. This Soap has powerful cleansing proper ties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, llirt. Ac, from every description of goods without j injury to tneni. r or an .lomestic purposes u is superior to any oilier Soap now in usp, and 2U per cent, cheaper than the common Rosin Soap. Each bans stamped 1 LI. 1 AM COS WAY, IBS South Srrwt Slrett. I'hihdrlpkia, manufacturer of FANCY' AXO STAPLE SOAI'S.Sperm, Stearine and Tallow Candles, importer and dealer in Sal Sjda, Soda Ash, Rosin, Ac. Orders by mail promptly attended to. August 21, 1855 5Wni3 Fruits and Confectionery. REMOVA ..The subscriber removed to No. 'HI Maiket street, has (three dir.i above the OH ::!,md, I'll II. AD.) where he keeps C'in(.ni(yrn hand a gptieraf stuck ff all artir.lt in Wis line consi.sttn of Uli.(ii:s, U.MO.NS, an.i all kin ls of Fruit in sea-n; A!tn)nls, Va'r.Mt. Cream .n:s rrou:id Auu plain anj ro:ittei ; l.ckles and lrecrvcs of all kind 1 which he invites lhe attention of Dealers and mhers v i i I i n the City. (Joods parked at this establishment warranted tu carrv afe. V. l. hkrriat;, Ao. Cfi Market street. 3m5Dfi above ru'iit, ..'Hih sL!e, Tiiilad Boak Agents Vantei. GENTS wanted in every Town and County in the l.rnted States, to canvass lor the most popular lli.toneal and other val uable aiol saleable li.M.ks pu!..,he. Wniks particularly adapted to ibe wart- of ihe pe,,j,e. being b.'auiit'ully :llustratcd with line Sieel and Wi.od Engraviiit;s,aiid boil lid ia ilie must sub stantial manner. Agents now canvassing for us. find it a plea sant and profitable empii yn.eni. Our list also includes the t e! 1-ooks of i'.S. ARTIH'R. Over lim.lHin vobimes have been sold the past year, and their sale is increasing air i 1 1 ; . i r a s ol ; rai to . writer.an I shall vet. We haie lust added several our list by this most popular add others the ensums lall and winter. We think wc have Ihe b-st h ,t for Agents in the country. Send f..r it, an.! ju lge for your selves. For full particulars a. id list, a l liess J. W. BRADLEY. Puhlahtr. 4i North Fourth sireet, 4m597 Plnla lelphia. Pa. Helmliold's Genuine Pi rations. HKDIEOI.D'S IliJily Conreniratcl oii-.r(I IIui! i:tr:t t ot Kit 111, lor Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Diseases, Strictures, U eak ness, and all diseases of i lie Sexual Organs, whether in Male or Female, from whatever caue they may have originated aud no matter of bow long standing. If yon have rfintrnrf i d Hie trriWa .ll.fa.e which, wti.-n unco seab-d m Hi i.jteiii, will surrlr itvii , 10 in nBr gi'n.ratir.n lo nn.-llir. iin.l. rmii.iirr II. i-.-ti-Miluti..n ami inn Ho ry l ilnl tlui,i. of lit. lo not ; lru-1 v. nrslf in Hit-t.:o..l !' i;uti. l., a .-t.irt up . v rrv Jiiy in a city liK.- llni. ai.-i nil tin- fa. r- aitli !?la- I riili t.O-. ho. .1- no a. il l n'ate-l 1" ! ' It..- IMS and thiwu not ar,iiaiiil.sl with tlit-ir trirks. .ul rau u.'t lf tix rarrful ,u tie-' ni'Uslu.u i t a n-aivjy ill Ikfov cnwu. The Flui.l Kx'rai t ef l'.u.-lm lias l- i-n ir..n un.-.-.l l.y pniin.nt j l.vi.-i.tti tit lirralt-t l!in.-Jv tt kn.'Wu. 11 H a miiirine rftctly leaaut in il latv and Tiry j imifelit in its a. tion, an. I )ut . tti.ri.ui;h tltat it num. lolales T-rr parli.'le nf Ilia mult an.l pni ,i!..ns ririi. of J tl.i- dnlfu'l di.-ease; an. I. uniikt ol ln-r n-uu d: - it Jorj. ! t:. t tlry up the ii-ea, In III." I.IoikI. 1 ..ni-eieitti'-mtt ILbility, brought on l.y s- il-a'-u-. a most tcrr:l.I disi ae, hi-h hnn t-rnt ?lit tlioii.nit-l of Kit' lot- j man rare to untimely im'i s. thu Martin Ihv hrtliiant j ho nf parrot-, and l.iiiztilin : ill th,-lm.l Ilie v'lori'.ii 1 ambition of ni:my a noble ,.uiti. can l cured by tuis J liifiilhblf K..nwly. And a- a ti,.-l"-iiie whi. h must b.-u- I cfit orry tn-ly, Irom tbe Mmply .tciM-at to the a-utlDti and dr-i'iiiriitf ilivaiid. no r.ual Is UiU fuuud, luting bfth aa a Cure and 1'rcTrntie. Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid JBxtract SaiaparIII;, For purifying the Blood, remoyiuir all dieanes mriaine fr m rirn.!. of Mercury, fXiK.tirj and imprudence in life, cltmni.- ron.-titutlonal dienae. arieinn from an im pure rUtw of the Mood, and the only relial.la aud ef te tual known remedy f..r the cur" of Srr'.ftlla, Salt llh.-um. Scald Head. I.'!e. rations of the Ihnc.t and j LeCP. Fains and Saellin ..I Ihe llt.nt s, Tetter, I'lia- I 1'lrynn tiie I'.ice, and all :.'! Krnpttona t.f the Sum. ! Thtii article is Bow prescribed by -orae of Ute most j distinnuisiiisl I'bysiei.ois in lhe cuutry, aud hits pro. d more eftlrient in prarlieethnn any preparation of ara- parilla y.-t oller.1 lo lhe public. Sereral cas. s of ectou- j tlary Myphtlis,Ierriirial and S-rofulons di.-eaw hare en- j lirely rerorered in the incurable ward of uur 1'ub.ic III- : stitutiool which had for many years resisted1 rTrry m..le of trentinellt lhat could be devised. These rases lumisli j atrikineexamplea of the salutary effects of this medicine I in arresting some of tiie most inveterate diseases, aRer the glands were destroyed and the bones aireatiyaff.-cti d. NOTirE. Letters from responsible f hysirtant of a'V- ersl Metlieal t'olieires, and rrrlilicates of cures from pa- ' ttents will be found aretimpanyin.' both l're arationa. Prices. Fluid Extract of Bnchii, $1 per bottle, or fi bottles for jS. Fluid Extract of. Sarsaparillaj-iil per bottle, or 6 bottles for "!", equal in strength to oue gallon Syrup of Sar saparilla. Prepared and Sold by II. T. HEI.MBOI.D, Chemist, -ii:) Chestnut Sl near the Girurd House, Philadelphia. To be had of CHRIST A CALDWELL, l ewisburg, and of Druggists and Dealers ev erywhere. I i' All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive immediate uttentiou. June 1, lHSftvl NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby Riven, that appli cation will be made to the next Legisla ture of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the charter for a Hank, to be known by the name of the " SELINsGROVE HANK," to be located in the Borough of Selinsgrove, Snyder county, (lately part of I'nion) with general powers of discount and deposit, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, and power to increase the same to two hundred. Jy6,'55 CITIZENS OF SELINSfiROVE. PI'RE Cider Vinegar for sale at May ,,'.-. BEAVER & KREMER'S. BINDERY. jr. J. ljIe & r. I. IlnUer, Suectwinla H. O. .ciai it ,'. JJOOK UfNDKRH ANI STATItiXKRS, AND JjI.ank. Hook .Ma.nlfactliu.rs, llan iil'iti'J, l'u. OST respectfu'ly inform th"irfrieni!s that they are engaged in the above business t' iiiiectlv opposite IDrr's Hotel, jjj They Hatter themselves, by careful attention to their business, to receive a connuuance of the pat ronage so liberally eniovej by the old firm. BLANK BOOKS for Banks. County Ollices, j Merchants, and private individuals, and every I variety of full and ha!!-l ml constant1 on hand. Paper ruled lo anv pa!t- rn. 1)1.1 lo oks, I Periodicals, Magazines. Law Hooks. Newspa I pers. Bibles, Music, works issued in Nns A.c bound in any style, plain or extra. Ail work I warranted, an.) done cheaply. 1 Please give us a call. '. A II. ' 1 1' Hooks Ac. to be bound may be left with . he Editor of the Chronicle. 5o!( , LithorapLIc Priuting, kc. TTARL V0LK.MAK is now locate;! on JV Nor irih Fourth street, near 1). l'lnllip' Blacksmith Shop, where LITHOGRAPHIC Views. Maps Ac are made lo order. PICTI'KES for Framing, and for Drawing Teachers. The (ierman and French Langnaes, Draw ing, Painting and liranrhtintr. taught by Mr Volkmar. Lewisburg, April, 155 IRON! IRON!! IRON ! ! ! 17Q LIJS. Just rm'ivcd at the " l1 1 K) Hardware Store of Af.VX OLDS , MeFADDL: Farmers and Black smiths, call and see the larc't and test as sortment of Iron ever offered on the West i Branch. Having the rxrYii.w're control of the j celebrated VaLisTi.sa's Centre county Iron, we are enabled to vnrrnnt every bar. All sizes Tire, Scollop, Round andS.jiiare; Horse ?'".,e' -a" K",K- r- al 1 Pr":-,, to all. I all and see lhe llirJvrare St(ir of KEVNOLUS A MTADDEN. Lewisburg, May 10, lsC,5. NOTICE. "T"E hcz leave to inlrmlnce ourselves If to (be citizens nf LEWISRI'Rfi and vicinity, as extensive Miners and Shippers of M liilc AMi Aiillu a i:- C oal, At Lancaster Cultiertj, Xurtlium?erltind Co. Pa. where we have extensive improvements, and are prepared to t trer to the puldic a very supe rior arucle, particularly suited to the manufac ture of Iron and makii.g Steam. Oar sizes of Coal are LI MP -for Smelting purposes, STEAMBOAT J-fur do. and Steamboats. BROKEN i Etiti for Familv I'se and Steam. STOVE ) PI' Limeburnsrs and Steam. O ir Point of Shipping is SI N BL R Y. where arrangements arc ma le to load Boats without any delay. COCHRAN, PEAI.E A CO. .1. .1 C-v-itr. if. l.anra-l'T. I H' sj. K':si..l,l. LaB-a-t-r. C IV. I'ruK. .sliam -Koi. I II. It s r sr.i-i.a j,, Z 'f Orders aildressed toShamokinoi Sun bury will receive prompt atiention. lyj'." UNION TEKFEEAKCE ECTEL, a f lec Crcuiii and i:u!jn? S:tloou, i Ciirmr nf ,SV'i' Mmk t JUtf. j 'yL H iving rented the commodious and well I il'iMe.l buildings at the lower end of Market j St. (formerly the mansion of Wm.IIn-es.Esq.) ' the subscriber is prepared to entertain i yn;A;i:i.x am tu m i:i.i:i:s, j M.i'i and Beast, with lodging and food lu j w.. wish iiiioiicatu.? liijio rs. ! There is .-.No attached a'i ICH CREAM 1 Saloon for Ladies, and an EATINU SALOON for fieiitmen. He respectfully solicits a fair trial, and share of the public patronage. E. rETERs. Lewisburg. March 30, S51 3m J0TI'E. Havinz I'een appointeJlfep X SEX i'ON to the L-wsbt.r Crine.erv. me sutiscrit er u-oii'.l si;,!, to perform all -liit:' coim thai be i pr- p.ired j c:t-tl with the burial : of the dead. on sbnrt nonce. ASo thn hn will ' attend lo t Ii re-interinem of decea-e.l persons, i under t'ie dirertion of t-tr Mirvn mg fneriis. ! Resj,onee in the Lo 're al t!.e f;:.p f t1(. ' Cemetery. G"Oi:GB DONACHY. I l.e is!iiire'. May :ti'. is." . Mi; . Slli'S Planos.-'i'lie subscriber has been api.inu-.t Agent for the sale ot Alever's celebrated Pianos. C.Veyer ree'd the Prize .Medal at the World's Kair.Vhen he was in competition with the most celebrated makers of Europe and America. His instru ments are universally known to eirel all oth ers for ex im.,ite tone and durability. Those wishing to purchase a Piam that will last lor many years and sive perfect satisfaction, will call and examine one of his best 7-oetave rose wood instruments, at J. L. YoDEK'S Waich and Jewelry Store, Market St. Oct. 12, 1854 Lewisburtr. Lenlsburg Savinctt Institution, TS now open and ready to du business. The regular Discount days are Wednesdays. The following named persons are the DlUIlTOSS WlLLItM CSMHIIIIW, Esq. ' Mr. Joassox Walls. Mr. Rti.rs Amioss. Mr. Jilts M'Citric.iiT. Mr. Thomas Haves. Mr. W illiavi I n u k. Far.i.'K V.irn. Esq. OrriCEBs WILLIAM CAMERON, Prrsidnit. DAVID REBER, Treasurer. Four per cent, perannnm willbe allowed on all deposits over six months; and three per cent, less than six and oyer three months. I) VII) REBER, Treasurer. Lewisburg, Sept. 19, 1853 Wiufield Woolen Factory, Xear Harllclon, I'nion County. rilHIS establishment is now in the best order I The machinery being nearly all new, and none but the best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels safe in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establish ment in thisor the adjoining counties. His waggons will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronize his establishment. will please avail themselves of thai opportu- nttv. I V I have also on hand, and intend keep-! ing a choice assortment of (.ootls, such as CLth; Satinet, Co v A meres, Tirred. hlunkrts, Vjrn.s, ejc., which I will sell tow for cash, or ' exchange for Wool and Country Produce een-1 erally. MARK HALFPENNY. Hartleton, April 12, 1S5:i tf Hussey's Grain Reaper, for cutting both Grain and Grass jtrAXl FACTORED and for sale at the XV1 Lewisburg Foundry by ErI!:s. MARSH trt Lf-sej5 Dr. John Locke, Snr SUiCEOX DEXTIST, OFFICE removed ta NORTH THIRD street, Lewisburg. Lewisburg, Nov. I, 1R5S IIAIIKISUUKU I TrV CtOritiS-iri kinds of 8-day and C VM'iu"uuur "'ass i-loc as auu patent lever Xilaf time-nieces. Brass 8-day clocks at 4, biass :)u-hour clocks as lew as $1. All clocks warranted for one year at J. L. VODLK'S 'THE subscriber con- .L tinues to carry on the I.l try ItuNlnewM at the Old Stand on Nortl.l i mm street, rear Market, and reip ectlull) solicits the patronage ol hi3 fnends and lh public gei.erallv. CHARLES F. HLfcS. Lewisburg, May 22, IfeJO LEWISBURG FOUNDRY " j.jr-.'I'he subscribers, thankful for MapMmipasl patronage, wnold inform '"f'-'he public that they conlinne to lin.fsinanu(3clure all kinds of MILL l.LAKINU and oilier Castings. Thrashint; Machines and other Machinery repaired in the best manner. Castings warranted to be of good material, and at prices that ran not faii to please. (IE DUES, MARSH A CO. Lewisburg, Feb. 1S51 COOKING Stoves, of various atierns and sizes, for t'onl or Woo , for tale l the Lewisburg Foundry by fitddes. Marsh A Co. I OTOVES Parlor. Wood, and Coal r , U Stoves, varum patterns, for al f h Lewisburg Foundry. (Jedde., Mu.b A Co. WIARD'j Talent Gang Plow, a supe rior arlicle, for sale at lhe Lewisburg F oundry by Geddes, Maish A Co. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent decidedly the best and most durable Oiain brill now in use, for sale at tbe Lewisburg Foundry by Geddea, M.r.h A Co. LiIitiiin Rods. VFTLli many years' close investigation and numerous experiments, the Patentee take Cloture in informing the public tbat he has arrived it the true principle of protecting families., dwellings and properly from tbe destructive influ ence of LIGHTNING. The calamities that every City, Town, Village and Country falls victim to annually, thro' the gross negligence of its inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially when the remedy is so easy to obtain this is found in AEMITAGES Patent magnetic tigljtning Rolls, and in this alone. This Rod has been examined by the most scientific gentlemen in lhe world Professors M'.Murtrie, Johnson, W alloi end many others that have examiued them, recommend end speak of them in the higl.eat turns of approbation . and have pronounced them the only safe rods ir use in thisor any other couutry for tbe ptotreti ol Lives and Property. Oneadvantage is to divide and throwback a part of the electric fluid baraless to the clouds ; in lime ol a stroke Ibis rnatdesthe rod lo conduct that portion of fluid that belongs tu the earth without Ibe slightest danger of lea ving the conductor. '1 bis rod has many other adiant .ges over the old me. The oi.lj place ot manu'scturing is in 1 ine St. 3 d,mrt afore ll.'A, Phitudi lyhia. "here all pcrtona are respectfully invited lo call end examine for themselves. For sale Wholesale or Retail by THO'S ARMITAUE. Orders promptly attended lo. Terms caab. 'These rods have been purchased and auccess fully u-id by tbe following individuals, companies nd cuipmations. whose names are cheeilully tibmittrd : In J nrr ri,il.,j.)piaH. t S. Roberts. Georew Si tii..--r. J el-e h uiier. Juice Conrad. J. Mulford. J l.u II. lue.. ( . I . i..n.e.J.Hrenr.er.i.llal.lev.eol,rad li.t. r-..i. ine m.-cki-y Aiu shou-e. Ar.uVrn a llroibers, l: v J. L .r;.m, J..i.n .Nolioaii, Ttio-. Or. v-r. Late Jl li.-el,.. A. Ii. ,iiikers. II. Sioiuo us. Tiros. .Nort a To., Sr. '" '"- J '' '- . aIM..C. UumphreyssJ I. I IIO..J. y n..,n. II. Ilar.ru. J. Oveushiie. i. IV P' r. lr. .-f.ar.:e.-. lr. Mnrtiii. r. r rb.ev, i. brlnkley, Ur It.vim.1i. Ilr. l aul.S. II. l owers IV, J. Wmepeaav, II Miller, the b. d Bank tb 1. I. lhe V. S. Atuial, tk ?l r:ne Oardeu I'ommiss. oners' Ilall. In 1',- X-.jf t.f ,tif J- r.t'j Ororge Cnspin. Judf SI eall. Judiie I..tn. J. hn N.tiuui, tr. U. ll'31urlie, B. Bj.Kt.leru. Mi. J liowmui:. ;.v i .m,.v i ur.vrr UfrtJ.f Tp. Mrk llailjer ny. Y, m poster, John Haas, Michael iviers, Ju.--b Smirh, David r-'itniarit Keubea -Mi n. b. liroree K...ner. Aci J t: .Ta lourt lb aae, and tomn.is. o ner-' illii e. Iim.,tn Tp Join tteber. ' '""" - I'hsries H o... u. HOitlayfea Tp Jehsi Kums.s-.mon Kuril. ' " Tp lsac Cilkdroa. H'AUa l. ft i'i . JUit bLrl Iteliutan. it rroxvExDA ro.v.v. Pari.,,. la. 11 tCJT I bsTe tl i- .1st carefully iu-fct,d a conductor or 1 -htuii.fr I'..l. aoli ,m- and imlej. erec'd by Mr. itoliits AriMtsj.-. in lvlieAue lious.-. Illoocester. and h 'e no b. lo.t.on u, savo r lhat il is n. t cnlr Ihe best 1 bate on -, . ... I t tl.it n the only one I have yet es;.niiiie.l tl ht :s c. n-tru. t. d on strictly scientifc Kinci. po-. tt is w tbn.u. h rh-asure that 1 rect.mmend hia ceuduiurto lhe ait. Clion ot ow Urrs of bniMina". U. M..MI I.TEIE. 1 am well :,;!-. d tt at the Manxtie Licbtnin Koi m:.iiul;oliir. d l.y .Mr.IbDiaj Armitaee.of fhiladelphiai is tl.c ls-t ihM has ever t-en n ale. I have spent Several year.-in lhe study ol ibe l..w of eleitricity and marnet-i.-w. nri.t have no h sitaii. n in sa inz that tbe-e Hods are cr nsliucl, d upon the only prirr pleof safety. The electric st.o. K is rec. ie.l and disf cr-.d I y lhe magnet at the top ' I Ihe rod. an.i it would be impossible, accordine: to th laws of attraction and repulsion, for a bnildinic to bw injur, d ly a sir. ke ol lithium when protected by one off these rods. 1 have been acquaint,,! with Sir. Araaitarw for several years, and before be cm menced tbe sna.af.c tureof t!.ee rods I examined the principle on which they are ci natriM-u.l. and t It convinced that their adoptioa would be attended with complete sucnas. The inrrra-MOe-deuand for these ro.lsj.cd the extf nsivesates in all parts of the country, isamplecvmmen.!atit.n cf their utility and. superiority. THAI Y K. WALLKR, M. D. llisinSun. Thitad Co., Ar ril to. l nS.C. WILT and SAMI EL HOOVER. llartletan. I'nion Co. iPa. sie A cents for I'nion and adjoining Counties, and will furnish ti e Roda on the same terms snd in the same manner ss tbe Proprietor. Ojtpositi'oii iii the Life of Butinett ! NEW LIVEltY EXCHANGE STABLE. Tbesubsciibcr would respectfully inform th citiien? of Lewisburg and lhe traveling cnmmun tty generally, that he has opened e new Livery and Exchange stable on FOURTH street half square Souib uf Msrket, snd has provided a good lot of Horses, with entiiely new good sod tah ionableC'srnagrs, Buggies. Sleicbs, ele. where all wishing anything in bis line msy be accommod ated on tbe slionesi notice and most reasonable letms. He will pay every atteniion to the wants of bis customers, snd hopes by so doing to merit and receive a liberal share of publis pattonage. WILLIAM MOOKE. Lewisburg .Dee 30, 1851 The University TN this place will opon its 17th Semf Annu,il Session on the 4th of OCT. next . 1 be i acuity is lull and experienced, the Bom ber of Students so large as to secure emulation and mutual benefit, and of such an age as to render any pranks or violations of decorum unpopular and distasteful. The number last session was 1:13. As tbe whi le of the classes commence new ! studies next term, it js eminently the best time for uew students to enter. In the College and Academy together, not less than twenty-five recitations occur daily, giving young men who contemplate but a brief stay in the Institution an extensive choice of subjects aad enabling them lo pursue branches suitable to their pre vious attainments. The Female In(llu(e opens at the same time under the three Ladies who have bad the charge. run or tcitios. Academy English studies only $15 a year do Classical do also 20 College proper 30 Female Institute highest branches 30 do common do 2t For further information, apply to Rer. H. MAI.COM, U.r.. President of the University; C.OOK and other sTOVFX just received by BEAVER & KREMEK