ie Lewisburg Chronicle. ,'. ti ilny Mtntlnys at Lnrnlntrff, Cuba county, I.knsylvtui'i. .j l,..! r-.T year, to nr. rill' i ai. .,:,. mw , ra r a lo-nstr or i-horO-r perio.l. Thus will paj fjr four mowtLs, 7.'. rt- F t 'is numlfi", ,l-!it il-ntln, J- for months, f"r te. SinsleNo.V,4-U. -nll'J lu-dl (eni'll ti in 2"11. liarj' fctnils, "T I'ans none at i,,-... ci. Patau t Ki. with h- time r-aM . fciu!At l.uJ.-miy insert, l t r i r.i.t icr V. ",i (Milts iraoll tuuvwnt insTUin. sj ,.ir.nm iu . . w..ntu., J5 a y.iar. Ibilf a-inare :se,ite,2, .ius i, &.,;; 10- sicrei.aiits oft !..f..r'taof.eolumn,10Tear. A" ottiomac. inny --tj.-4u A M'1"r''i " !!a"s"f l'ficr,or lief 1" - I ..3iOTlttln h ml' "' n"' fcllnitteJ. -ommonicaiion" U fir. J on tc jirj of jinerat inUrrst : w lrhin tl.a riiirri- "'f prty f-r stt tirinnc iit"rt. All ;.m th r-imc pot J'a:J, a-ou!patii-.l hy the uauic aud .ir,4r.f tin? writer. ti n-(vivi- alti'nlini. M 1'jNKTIC TEl.KliltAI'II i- in ttie'm -.j.- Chmni'-lc. 1T ltii.U we iiu:u grt iiuM.rtttiit . J.uir rth Mails. 4..fJ.B l-i!l.TIX.: whirk wiH 1- M.-rutl Willi ..tman i iwiavh anjon Mtn. . -4.;iI A,lcilii:u-..tat,. .,,i,tf.rwt.-iihiiJ..I i J. b k wji.'U -I. ,-TO.a.i t;. .j,' i ,'juif ilio r..: e i ' v.-osrr'j it t www r r ,. n.i tor.t .ll)A .M n, mm., w. itfjcoo. i VIIITt?; I-H::r.-' IT Ti'Ti oit-. it."tr-.Ti:f . l-.:lli.- O'.-.T. Ill I'i'v toi l I 'mntr.-. puliti.!: r - L win. wi II to l.iiyiT . Ii u-..u .! w. i. I .' y ill. ..r 1.. -in ''irf t . ."..,!' .v, u 1... Ii lis. i. lari i, t,a. i.w . i in--iiii?,iti..ii in a ni.iinu;iilv .'iiti.iti.i. I ,r. lr..p.iru..ll of,-, ut, c.-uMiuitji 1 ioa1. i.-' any 111 tit.- ?!..!.-. ' Sec cw AilscitlscuifuSs. r-Jl"or cue Arrival of Forci; x ' ke xA paga of to-day "s paper. o not forget the lre mi l t-xteri- ! Auction Sales f I'ry tj.ioa.-,, ie., at fis", next bmr to KHiic'd Hotel, com-! . ' i j u-.'ing on Moud iy n. t. friT'Thaiiks to biuieboly K. X. who; -f .r California paper. If v: knew tho j t. tilive lneud.-i, we wmld return to; cca limetit. The Cnliforr.ian.1 had an nneom- .aan loud time r.joiiing over Sam' suc iK8 in the Young (iiint of the West. The stririos about fraulul 'tit election re tarns, aro nil giuinion ; be aud Lis purty i-iiineil tho Jay by their j ledges to reform tho abuses and laxities of the elective franchise. S -iyl'tTKU STiil T has disposed of his interest in the '.1r.;ie' cstubliphmebt. A god workniau an 1 atniablu man, we are .rry to be biui; I u: v,h.n.y. r it is that wooes him awjy, wo hoju he may gi t her. J. Mr.itKii.r. Linn, E-ij., has purohased j i. interest. Nol a not, ice in editorializing ! Nol a r.oi ice in editorializing ! with a gifted ut,.l cultivated mind ho I Lstl.e time and ability to polish up his j arMclei better ttiau we w ho compose otten n wo Pti. k the type without the itilerveu- tior. of te pen. May ho live long and grow fat while occupying the editorial ttipod ! A WnoiTER. A young friend, Mr. J. Jirown M'Laughlin, of Cbilli.-ipiaqua tp., North'd Co., honors ua with an apple which measured loj inches in longitude, 1 1 iu latitude, weighed 1 pound, and the qual ity was entirely satisfactory. It grew in his father's orchard. Iljes auy body feel Inclined to beat it ? J ieVe are al-o iudebt.-d to C ipt.Jaoob wlaudy ajid IV. .U. Ltuhrig for superior vpcciaicBfi oi apples on our ri te or tuc j river. A f.w bushed of such in oi'B. ci 1- lr, would make o R de 1 the happiest j ehiip iu Lcwieburg. --r-We. roorol to I'ari. H. In-altt, ! ,, . . ,. , ,. . . i of Dr. 1 AVlA.ll of Madron I. mvorisity, .s , Mpidly declining, and that his stay upon j earth must be short. I To leaves in I - ; burg, aa well as ia other jbic. s where he i Las spent his days as an li l loalor, the war-' most frieuds, among his many grateful pu .iio, and community at 1. rgc. j leJ-The -MiCliaburg i 'i;r..M S of the I Jsproce Creek Ilailr iad, they returned j from the meeting they uiir.i to bteak up ' bilt didn't, said LeViL-l.U'g wolll.Iu't have ' over 15 votes iu liir'.I.-y. Fy th ail of. the rowdies who tried ti Treikup that' meeting, LcwLburg h .. 7-. this j tiny answer the AW. injutry re.-r -cting I -I . f I ,T. . , ua uanicy voie. 1" . . - j eThc arnvai, direct fr..:t, Elmira, of 70 Ibis. Suit f r T. Have?, su?2sts the , fact that atiira unl at the Lewisburg depftt is needed, if the K jad expects mu -h trade in that direction. Wo get goods from recently, a Maiical Couvention, a Teich i'bilad. twice tha distance at half the j m' Instituto, three Coueerts,aud Agrieul- price of goods flora El.nira carted Loui Miltou. . rs.The Lancaster I'.q ras thinks tho new Liquor Lnv cannot bo r p"ale! ia the finale. And if it did, it i ; not probable that tho Governor would approve a bill abolishing a law before it had got into op ration in many Counties has not been 1 fairly tested anywheve-au 1 certainly Las . . J J Jono no harm. i BfTuPuriug thela-t cottUst, we w somo ' of the editorial fraternity bavo Lad pity c,.. ; v:;";.,- t . onH V i J f nca iu , i.iiainsport, aud got 50 for his taken on their poverty,and olue.' s cor.fcred. I tropin, Smith to the Assembly from Wyotuing; - -- Winchester, prosecuting att'y for Luieruc; T,IE Line op tub Pi;pmc llakcr, Treasurer for Lycoming; aud pro- j 01!K''- Governor Pollock hat issued lably others. Some, wc arc sorry t3 sec, ' IT'T0-3"1" fr he sale of t!ie Main Line of failed for the lack nf votes. j tuc i'ohtio Vi'oil-t, iu accordanca with the Impartial Election returns from Kan- i, show a large bom Ii !c vote for Jtccdor, j and Lardly a show of . j ;.o,itin. Ifc will im t.1 l.nrr..:a nt..! r.. X.".:. r .1 , i r . .-.... v r . ..iieiuiu s claim. CT-ln Ilarrisbnra-. th (Tf Wii-. -T nf-ntiTs for drunkenness and" va-r iney, tho week , W;rc the new li-mor law went into ff.f ! and only l!) the week after. i s. w Jiiel'j W'j J mtcd aa addition to the V 1 ivc'iua i tenia Uom Other Counties. SsvnEtt Ci.n'XTr. The Middle-burgers Lave had a jollili.-ation over their lurk in gitthig to bo a county seat, and somebody ia tho Yi'lxffiUitJ is siuging Dutch poc-! wit'a all the difficulty of lheopposi'iou,tbcy i elicits tho admiration of all, for the correct . . o v vi 7i , i ' i ii ,o--- . i ... . , Lj i ncss a:i 1 fidelity with which ihe STATUARY, try nt Scliusgrovc. liio IkmU-mt of, bavo pol!l 2,.-.) tlio . votes. And ,..,.,,. pitivgS A"U FIVNlTUr' Seliugiuvo iuiiiuateg that the legality of tlm XI l...n.l trill l.n ,.,f.K,,l . au l .statos thut tlio day was Carrie 1 by al ""'' "s-" "'J "J "'I , arming tho r-eopio about the health ri that i , 111 ir 1 Inwii. iin.l nisi hv rnn!lini m 1 men. i ' . ' Jackson, and Middlccrcek, that iu case j liJJicbur Carried t!lO day, thcV Would . ' . , throw up their uhancc.and then .Sew ler- lia woulJ get set back to Snyder couuty and Conrt ga to Nev Herliu again. The poitiou of l'r :.barg iu the iit.I I, it is thoui'Lt by many injured Seliu.svrovo ma- i 1 terialiy. Tho MidiLburgers l.avej culled their tleetion for uli'ioaiiii; the Court itce, for Saturday tha 10th 1 4M v vvuu"""-1 Xovembei. They also are to apply f ir XLill Ojlel! :in.l :i Ur-i.,-', M;f l. vorc, ueigUboM uo:biii; like tryiii"! Theiiew Lath, ran and it.. formed houeofl : ,i ,,Mi ,,r , :. ,,, , ,1.1; ,,li worrh.p m Ad4 iiLMrj is to bo dedieatod on utuay tae l.lnoveuiber. JCv,.T, ) il. ir v- f.nn,t:,l.,i, j 1 carried tho day (except on, who was bei- ten it vote ty irorn 1 lj to ?'.); tnaj .rt- i tV. The .,v,,sft.T. .'t!in l). :no.-l-:lto- l.n. uora ,.f ,1. . . ...ii i .... .... , . .... i - . j j -- i .t.:. n: iim- c :. - r! vuia 4.'i.iic. .Ti. ii.Lii .r. is a lima 01 nmiiipeathabiec!iar.ieter(barnug political- t -w i i iy,.l nun WO nave no Uouot will UutcUarfto tho duties d.-volvii;-' UT..-in liini i:i l - , , . ... I ! in accordance, with the will of those l.'e rc-' cial caai.icter. lo t.'ie best or ins i f restnti' NuHiia j:i:i:;.i,AM. The Address le- , ',. , tore flic Agricultural Sooicty,wrn delivered j by Mr. Kase, aud was well spoken of. isi'.is Wu'vnrton 1-as the c mtract for ereet- ing a Bauta f .r the Suiibury Cunal and W'a- ter Company, about three t'.iilej up tho West L'r.tiich. Xorthuiuberland lor- ough and Point Township have a Fair to day iu Northumberland, iu which they "cul'lutc" to beat tho whole county. Luzerne. Tjie Divi.-iuu candidates for Itej.rcseutative aro defeated. A young ' ... . -, , ', l man named I een, tell front t ie cords of i ., , ... ; the Jlaiiroad bridge beitig erected at Pitts- j . , h. , ... ! ton, into tho river, and drowned. He l Was recently frum Hatavij, N. V. I'kiuiv A lemocratie mooting at niooc.f.el l,'..i foe the eh etioii,was address ed by Wm. II. Miller, Ks,, ,of H uriaburg, llobert Tyler, of PhiUd., Col. John Sniue- r.-i f T-: ,-n ,. if.,.,t,.. Auditor General. L, tters were read from Goy JJigler, Keah Frazcr, and Kiehard JIcAllister. Tho .17. iite says of Col. Swiueford's Fpeeeh, " We scarcely know j what to say about cueli stock. We adviso ! his friends in Union tho next time- they scud hi in here, to tie a straw band around big right leg,a bolt of red tapo around hi.-, left, aud fill his pockets with gingerbread, becauso he don't know when he is hun gry. Ho broke np the meeting, when ho had concluded there wcro only two men at mo ttauj, ana iticy were so ! 'fatigued' that they could uot leave with- ! out Lssistauce." ! Vrrrrw (t-... C. ,,. c...t t.: i a ion in a tree, from which some ouo borrowed I it, ana eimplQ ciephen oilers t2;i for its j recovery. When you get it, Stephen, put i it ia Hank, on interest. Tho Agricul- tural Fair, at Milroy, 'u said to be the 5a cvor Kl'ei:t vtr U,1J ia county. Tca!u bv Li.'htnillL' Y so- u e ,lnl"fc- s , ,hunoer storm V" over portions ; oi iue- e'jui.iy on ejurauiiy wock, uuring j which Ji.ivid htroup, sou of John Strou;, i of Uiiiou towa: l.ip, WU3 iustaatly killed' by a stroko of iiiiliiing. Tho deceased and another man wero cnt' iged in raising potatoes, and tooi sheltir undjr a tic, (somo fay in a shock of corn.) Young htroup was ttrucK in the cor, ami the man beside hitu sotiuivhat stauav-l, but he soon ! recovered. The Gizutto of 13th List say? : " Wo noticed ice yesterday morning : for t'.ie first tune ihis fill. This, wiili au introductory na.iw ftonu on Saturday, Lko t!i a-proaeh of cold weather." . y m. V. S.:u L;h L-jen nj-poiuK-a t..i :., r it ' y . ","J .' J - VaUr;s L-'l ,vho!iU cauituuswu cspi- led on the Dili iuct. Moxrouit. J hoy have had in Pmvillc tural Fair, most of which were deemed very culertaiiiicg or useful, and the Fair decidedly superior to that of last year. 1 J ; it. i..uer is to g.vo a J.oeturo ou American Labsr, on Mjuday evening next. Tho damaged Rolling luiil has been r-'paired. T T.l 1 v Lv-rf y INd The store r.f M'.rssn Cn. !jV- .'.imi. i ue store fl .Messrs. ba- Ji'kun?t & Walton, at the Muney Fa-in, ; i mm i -i.i. , ,. wab l.mrsd iy night, last week, aud . roooci ol Cid. tin last l ili av UIl' it. nio (,,n,,ril,,'1 ,.,,. v. "S3. I Trivi5iori3 ol tae law on the subiect. rasa. i j i i i cd at the last session of the Legislature. rroi. ill tfc s.v,'rct;iry , U he received at the oiiiee of nf lllrt f!.itii!.i'inr'.i.'bl' nt.ltl J ' tho 21lh of Deeeaibcr next Ci;.Mm;r.r.ANn, Oct. '2 1. Tha trial of! M:Ul'r f'r ihe mwiet of Graf' J0UDS wvlX in ,Le "'I1' of Pr- 1Iakl- was t-rorigbt to a closa this cvemng, by a ver- diet of guilty in tho first tlcret. Tho cvi- i deuce was I. ar'- tV. e,mi. as t'.-,t on bis : was t.;ar!y 'i ti... wit 1 1 of lr HhM Lewisbura; Chronicle Vain Boasting. Front the difplay of flags and othor dc- ' vices in the Democratic papers, one might that party hud gained aa uuconi- ' mon victory. It appears however, that ; it will te seen by the O.Soial voto on our (ir-t rvin-o. that ia 1'Lil iJeli.hia. Lancaster. and AlleRUeny cni:ities abu, tho Liqnor Leagua tooi away cnou.:ti Whig Voi- I cs to moru tiuin in ikn Hlnmfr'a rr.oi-rA., Tho same forciifa caiiso, iu those couatics. gave enough Asueuiblymen and Seuatorn to tho Domoenita to give thcra their ina- joiity iu each bnneh of the I.egifilature. The l'emoeratio vole ii G,00d less than Lstvcar: the Ot.Pitioa vote U 40,000 ' 11 ,JUV ' " L i.d year, the Iennenfic and Whi" eamlidatcs for Canal Coiunikskmer ran ,., Mo l-t -;i-i r, I. vim nui.i.Tl:s n.i.-,i o.iT1 i,i iji rirui. r M -tt 11 a.; a.: o, p, siti m Kiia tufixt j ca-Ji ia Xew York and I'tiiiadelplua, rensisl Th 're are different v.mvs of cypherin', I of t.'altcoes. Muslin de l.aine.Cashiaeres, anl if the Hunter men can raiso a hone or ',!;- V'"-1'". (:V:t'l". i'.la""cl' "l1 . 1 a lrrn on 8,1(.h fi.,,,,, tJlc, ,re ! -- ; j '''IB Hist ll'.rjr Ii'JEl Jjd.ope. i li Al.iFAXt )et.. Ihe Cuuardsteatu- . .. . - . I Allien, an:v.:d at this port to day, I ing one Week's later news from En- j rope, nuviiig s.t. ,1 r , i , ' an. t reus. xc. Also, a mree sioca oi cd from Liverpool ou the., ,....- .... . . l-Jm iu:.! f Tho Liverpool col ton market dull, t,a i V 1 o..... ,.., .,u . :,, , ' ' , Li. a i nmr- unii Ttri.-.-; wi-rit pnns-ii rru i bly lower. IllvailsllHTj )i-i,1 kK.d.tlo ndv-find c J V St-,lly unchanged. Tt. . r. i. . ..... .r :.. ' .... . ten -'tliig, alciougb Jiialt rs are at Sevastopol, with the exception of an oc- cai ' shot from the U-ispi.iii batteries. The Allies are aefive ou the Iaaube Kal'd t'.lH holds aut. A slight eiigag.uiciit has occurred near! Kerljch, which teiu.inated favorably to the Allies. The Allies are threatening Perckop. The bombardment of OJessa by tho Al lied iLcta m exi.cctcl to take tdaee iuirce- diately. i.v .7"ri . "ii Lostox, O -t. 2 1. Gov. dardner has , ,i ,i M,t. i c appointed the 29lh day of November as n . t. i it i Ihauksgiviug day in Massachusetts, CiixiuxuTiu.-.-AL Ami;.mj.ment is Co.v xr.iMKXT. The ofSeial result of the late election on the i;u;stion of so altering the Constitution of the tate as to make the ability to nud a nectary itualiCestion for ! . 'l ! tho exercise of tho el; dor's rrivi!fe. has . c been ascertained. The anieiidmeut has I beeu adopted by a majority of -IS 11. Sr. Louis, October 13. Tho Lexing- ton (Mo.) Express of Saturday publishes a ruuior thai es-Gov. Keeder had been nmrdered at St. Joscph-i. The editor pro nounces it a hoax, but says there is a ru mor that Keeder had been fighting some where in the Territorybut was not injured Schist live 2Uaci.ct. C,rrte!i J net.'.;. iyr '1 allow Lard F.aeou 11am Cloversled. Wheat SljOto l.OJ .5 12 . 12 . 12 . 10 . 12 ..5,50 j;,. ST Com (tits. 1' las: red.. 1,-5 1,.- 110 i,',,L. Ia Northumberland, !i:h j.t, by ItcY I Emerson, Uev Isnell Cmisi Lisux of Illinois ntid Miss Ai.wrs danhter of Win T Fnrsythc Lsq. of X. (Tt-leprapliic operators may a stronger than electric current, unbroken even ,,y .,rmii-w, ta ever flow Jrom heart u hcaM S) jc'jED, 1,1 Lewisburor, on the S.'d inst., Lynn J.ini:. i laughter of Jared and .Maiearet ilann. aired ! in yearn and 1 1 months. Iii I.ewisDuifr, on the Stih inst.. Mm,, rel- i.-t of the late .lioa-s M'Clnre, aed t'.l years. I Ihe funeral ot Mrs. .V. takes place to-day at - o i lock. , In J m;.ita ( ... Hoo, ull.. Iimi, w ife of .1. II. I. . -er.s, n :.M ,i, v,.ars. I Oa tue -d inst.. m J!,!,,,., Mrs. I!i:t ri IieeviMM .a,,,! ah-.ut .J-years. ... ' ii'! ' 'J,' ""' t":"S 'S"' lerir.. I On the . I nr.t ( township, . I l imine ihe iv.... ol II. K. C awlcy, age.1 j " j Ia th30rphir.3'Couitof Union County. I N i!i matter of (in- Estate offieorsc .,.ver, ,.f K..,!v ,.iwll,hi.,f d,.ceas I he auditor appointed bv the Court, to audit the actounl of (ieorre Meixcll, admitti.str-ilur of t'ie estate of (jeor-.;.? Uover, dec"d, and re port diftribn'inn, Ae., of the assets in the hands of ihe adminisiratorto and nmenst the heirs of said d.'c'd. will s.t at the house of Davi t Herr. in the Ilorou :h of Lcwisburc, on Friday, the :)0th day of Xoveniher next, at 10 ';1"ck ;V M" lor '.hal vvre- vhca ?"df wheru ail persons imeiesfd may attend if Ihcv think proper. JOHX fjCIfltACK. East Uu'l iloe, Oct. 2C, 1 s.'io. AuiIUit. Admislctrator's Ifctico. ATnT'f li,n!.i-rl-na .l.W I!l, n:uiiti. 1 of ,!., . . vin n i.s io n o, tl l .1. Ilia i i.l iill.l 11 ot Adminisiratinn on the Estate of Mrs. ;"-"A" "I'J'VT f '7 township, deceased, have been crante.l to the nn lersi-ne.l. by the proper authority. Allper- iiinistratioii on the Estate of Mrs. sons Humvin" lliemselvea indebted to said es- cue are reqaesieu to seme np immediately, and those haviiit; claims wii! present them Ic gallv auihenticaied for settlement. ISRAEL ti U ?E It. A lmh,T.Htra:or. White Deer Tp., October 2l, IS55. .. .. . .. j.u'cimn v, in ue ueia .u me uiuce of Robert Candor, Es.i., nn the I'irxt Mun- itiit in S trrmh-r nrxt, between the horirs of 2 P. .M. and 5 P. M., lo elect one President, one Treasurer, .and five Mana? rs to Conduct the business oi the S'lar Valley A Whit" Deer Turnpike Company. C. Gl'DY KI Xs T, JV(S,'i.'t;l. White D er MtUs, O.-.t. 10, lyf.5. is Sorea School Teachers Wanted, M'O teach School in while Deer Town- L ship. 'I'lieyari-P'i'ut. (l to mrctllie UoarJ ,.cr at lhe h(lUv. flf A,ltl ,i(ljnIt.r.'jn Xew Co- Iiiu.hia, at 1 o'clock P. M. on said day. at I ,vl,"'h u 1 l'1'' " may be employed. Lea- m ible n".'s n il! 1..- paid .1 leavY " ! ,-" Ai:.x s I1T II V '. &; West Branch Farmer Oct. 26, 18C5. New masonic Ball, Philadelphia. GENTS wank.1 in every town am J Y county iu the United States, to sell the beautiful picture of the (iiaud I.ixIC j .lhia- Vhis Plate is selling very ra'pi llv, and Room, in tite Wew Masonic nan, ruiuiiei- an; represented, and the artistic beauty and ! harmony of the colors. Sue ot 1 late, ,i A 8H. I'riie. Hit OO. Booksellers and Piclnre Dealers wishifttto take agencies for it, will phase address, fori Mrtlicr information, L.. i. Kiim i iiai.. 0-!. 1!'. '05;n3 LUhnzranhcr, 1'hilado. BARGAINS ! AUCTION' BARGAINS!! AVCTIOX.'f f 10l'N'TiiY Store Keepers are invited I . . j VV to eiimine the Mock of Ml HOOIffi, ! ! ,'J Vf'r ",iESS TklUHltr.s, .. . .. .. .. , ,.vi.r:ri7oVJ:l')l ! to be oil' ied al l'u'ulic Hale to the highest bid- ' ' tier Tor (Jjsh, or approved scenrity, on ! ! :JuJ:sj , OcsoJir 'i'J, 1S5, I " l,e "Hered at the Store of M. l.KVVIS, M,,rl,'ct Voton-h of Lewisbtirtr, next 'i ' r.uun iLiici, 4 m. uu ui..iv. l 1)1! V ' I )S. purcha-sed lor ll.iiincl, t.iia I'lanl.s, omen Means, aps ,.! Coats fur children, Woolen and C. it',, It .siery. Di'c-is Triuitninus, Uibbons, Kewiug buns. f;u. .1 Cottons, Woolen arus, tapes, H:n d. :n;s. Ac, in treat variety. Also ritinf;, t ...... rh..n.i....iv..,.iM!n,:i !i. 1h..i tt...r.iu : a.... 1, I .11 1.. w.l.iiN u'.niu.. i f ,r p-uiuiii'.whiteaii I blue I'asteboard, straw , 1; 'ar.N, Wrappins Taper, Envelopes, lVnrils j ii-, ii ..i... i... ...i.t i ,i r trnfviFmil l I FI ,l,-N"'r 1;' s,lc1' ' Taides, Chairs, lle.l- t.i .- r" t-. . i. - .. . ' . 't . '; " i . . ' -nair, c a ''." ! on, emireiv new: one oi naiiei, iavis t Cr.'s seven nelav I'innnw. reinnrkablv line I . . . ... ... , i tone, nn:y six monins in use; gm ami iikiiior- It.iii.m marine ion Dretain r Rnrtim. serneiiliiie , shape, cost in Philadelphia only a year j Uince; a fine Italian maride top enclosed ! Vi'ashstaud io match bureau, cost ':fi, ami a j variety oi it ousetniii; anil rwiicnca ariicies, ion lillolHron 1.1 mi-ntioTi. I Store fstovn, Purler Stove, Cookine Stove, I Ac. Terms r"Wi on delivery of the roods. ri. ..i ...:n nf..n.ln.. 1,.,... her 29, lSo, at 10 o'clock A. M.. and will be . .... M.v will .;oiiiiu-.-l!C o.. -.. c.iaiuued from day to day until the sale is fio- j ished. toi- ii,: i:'i:$ Oiil't. Monday Lvenini; will be appropriated to Ihe Ladies, and no Gentlemen will be admitted, at which time Hr.-ss (loods, Kmbroideries, Kil.bons and Dress 'I'riintnincs w ill be ollered for sale. JOHX B. CLTi.KK, Autlwnrtr. Lewisl.urg, Oct. ISjS. ts ELECTION NOTICE. VOTICE i.s hereby given that an Hue- l tion will be held at the house of A. II- iiiau, iu ine iorouu ol liewisuuri;, on oaiui- j day, the n.l day of Xoveaiber uext, between the horrs ot one and six oclocx.l . .M.,aree aMv ot the 5th and (nh tsec- lions rl l ie Ae.l ot A.s.'mli v. entitled " An act for the erection of a new county out of parlof I'uiouTo be called tfnyd-r.and relative to the seat of justice of Uuiou county,"' tor the purpose of electing three persons to consti tute a Kiiildin Committee of the County lliiildinirs of I'mon county in the Borough of ; aud also three persons whose duty it shall be to establish the site for the said public buildings ; at which election each sub scriber to said building fund, will be entitled to one vote for every ten dollars subscribed by him or them towards said building fund. William Cameron Alex. Amnions S. F. Miller liii Slifer I'. Heaver William Frick John Chamberlin Jauies F. Linn Jno. Walls J. Hayes A Co. Thomas Hayes Jonathan Wolfe Johnson Walls James Criswell. Michael Fiehthorfl lieyers Aminon l'hilip Billmeyer Charles fenny Francis WiUon C. H. Klin Samuel Ceddes James S. Maih M. I.. Beck 1). Keber Joseph .Meixell Lcivisbursr, OctIG, ltijj, DoKofall of iS'-laiJ' jvJ inl llt'yli 7Vitcs .' Not Lajt nor Least! T DDINCS & WETZEL would announce L to the T rading coiunmnity. in Town and Country, that they have now finished the re ception of the largest and best stock of FiU!unl T5 Inlt r (,'oods ever brought to their stor room, Coniprisin;; usual variety of Dry Goods, Gents' and ''adies U mler V. ear, Groccrlc.w.t'rocKcrj-. Elariiw aro. ' ((uct'listlill'l', j an1 a (;ofll,s .u-sirod f..r HOI'SEKEEI'EKS I and FAItMEHS. I Our foods were srleeied with nnnsital care. ' ., ux. .,t.!icv., wi!1 fnJ oflhe very ,,,. i and (for liic quality) as cheap as they can rca-. s,lIKlM bc a.M(.A'M any 0',i,cr store on tin- W.-si iirancl.. j W" K-spfnHy invite onr0;,l customers to call and see our stocks, and we are srre we fah ..... ..ur ,,.llils a... ,as.,,, ... : ken as ,', nfvrr r,.fu!t,,. Oct. ii, sr.. mwxe-s a v. i:tzi:l. Tho "Old naramoth" Swaryning "V ITII iVw Goddsand Old Custmn.frs! ! are now receivint; and opeuing for public in spection, an unusually large assortment of HI K It f II 1XDIZE for FALL and WIXTEK comprising a'l the varieties of hky coons. CKOf'KKlFS, llAiiliWAKE, QVEEXSWA RC, I'LASTI-.K.SM.r. Fi .li, Ac., reqnired in similar Mercantile Houses, to which they invite the attention of all desiring tjood Goods at fair Prices. Grain and other Country Produce taken as heretofore. J. & J. WALLS. Lew is Intrg, Oct. Ii, 1855 Vcsi Hupiniit, at the Tho long-established Hat Store ! "Pit A NK LIN' SPYK Eli would resppt l- JL fully announce that he h-as just opened a f.ost splendid assortment of II TS, V ls ;ll l.t)TIIli. and is selling ihem at ; lower prices than ever befoic offered in I.ewisbur. ISntsi Moleskin, Silk, Brush, Wide-an-nke, An-'ola, Hungarian, fatiama, Sira-.v.Chip ic C':iH of all sons-, sires, descriptions and prices.- Flails and Fancy Hats for fMHI.DUEX, of tile latest and most beautiful patterns. 4 !ot!lE f for COLD WE ATll EK such as Coats, 1'ants, Vests, Shirts, Hosiery. Gloves, .Suspenders, and every other sort of Wearing Apparel of the latest cut, ar.d cheaper than the cheapest. IV Carpet Bags, Tninks, Umbrellas, nn, a great variety of other articles. The public arc cordially invited to exam ine his stock, as he is confident that thry will be satisfied with his Goods and Prices. Ke- member tne Old Mand Market street. ?. ,1-or M..1 ol Third, formerly J A Y prl;erj l.-w-isrnrr. Oct. t, isw Land Patents T OCATED in IlIinoIs,and Land War- 1 j ranti ol auv izu the Store turn dc.r to KLut's Hotel, Market street, f.rwisbrB. Ml. The liisbcit New York vrtce niveo. ?Y S T F. K M f OYSTKltS-Fresh Uysten, by the CAN or II l.r" CAN", second door aluve the l.cwislmrg I'ost Olliee. tKt. :j A U. D K 0R M A N DI K, ESTRAY ' ' . I C'TliAYLP from the DreniisiS Of the' III subscriber, iu I.ewisbur- about the Wth ulk, a Ked and White MirLKV COW. Ii uc 7 years old, ui!l be soon freh. Any per son who will tive me information concera- 'ns tne t-'ow, haii be smmbiy r-ard.-d. ii'ii i r i i ii ivr WII.WA.M HAY KM. Lewis tin r, Oct. U, U:.'j5 K? Good3 at the New Store! 'rifE SiiWiilMTs flavins ententl into L a (.'ooartio rhip in .Merchandizing, aud lilVjlt, r. -iiticd and improved the Storeroom , n .vheller torinerlv ocrtipied by h'remor j j W,JU!(1 re pt c 1 1 ii I ly a n tuiu nee Mine trauma eoi.tiMiiuty that they are iu1 opemiie i.Aiwi: and t n.::i):i) stock of FALL & WIXTKIL (lOODS, adapted to :!;"! f all, ami enmprisin; f the usual varif.v kept at Stores in the larger Towns. '.J-CAU. .I.V) SKK. j J.Stt:rcyfr & Sou.3 Lewisl iirr, Oet. I, I Lnportant Nevs ! rilKX in the roi.rae of human w t f events' it b.-coines necessary for a -(iiildstnith" lo turn "fa. lor," a proper respect to the opinions of inank. id as well as to his own interests, demands that a statemeut of his iiiiiiitions should be made to ihe worm in sen.. fral and his tiiends in paiucular. - J.UOillsltlttil & Itl'O. ii ... .- ............ r..o.. :..r..-. ,i.a woiii i oe reioic ictiu..j oiooui i.j have rerenuv opened a uree ana lasltioaalile assortmeul -l LUi IIIa ai tneir esiab- lislnneutou Maikl St. next to Yodet's Jewelry More. ueini; assoriaTe.t witn one 01 uie ia,c. I 'L.thtnu i.vlliiisiim..ils ill I'tlll.ldelrhia. theV are able to furnish the best of Uoods at the very lowest Cash prices. Their motto is . n,.;ci. s;rS ,( Small 'r tit." . . .. , ... . .... ... I ;ll IHOV tllC ll'iO Ulliir.l an..' I', iu .... !.,,Sc- -r-. A large JJOYS CI.OTIUXO constantly on hand. Coats. i'anlalooiis.V'c.sts, "S " ,-r7, ,.Z :. l 1XC.O.C. ,11 Till JtOiUSi.lK .. t ....... the assortment uncharge is made for baik inc. tV Cl's'fOM WOKK promptly atten ded to. .s llon'l miss the door it in next to Yodei's, at the sign of liic Hie Flac. J. (iOI.l)SMITH A BRO S l.cwisl.urg, Oct. 10, lSS TO THEPEOFLE. T'AYIXG increased business facilities, w-c i now io! Iiii" l iruely to our stock of SB lHfV.JIC:. and would respectliilly solicit 7Vie l'eip.'e to call and examine our stock, which is maile up of Coach-ware. Sad dlery, .Khoe Fir.diiii;s,Oils, raints.Whit Lead, N.:la, t.-w V.. t..- SK-rtsi, Iron, Yarni-h-', Cutlery, r'ul.iiH't Makers' Trimmiiis, Carfinterj To. U, lllai'k-..D.itli-i' T.."Is. A.-, ac. Tilt: l'1'..ll.i: will All it t" tVIr nlrantaire tneneon ra.s. it,.- IIMillW.tKK XTUUK. S ' rhar for i-xauii-nii.ii.-t.. al the 1 HON an.l All. ef l wi-l-ur. .M. 5 UKVNOI.H3 MTAHI'HN. 17IOU Coal Scuttles and Sieves, shovels and Tones, ftoes a variety of patterns, Clohe Cook. Sheet Zinc, Bake Pans, In.D.Tii.e-t an l Maslin KHttli j. I'.riuuia Kluul Lainpe, Ou.dl.-sii. k. euiiuVm, Kn-u.h llnsliiitf e;s.nit, llli Furks. slnntniT. wli'l WiOtU. In.iin. e, at th. II o lw-in-Sl..r nf nKVVi.l.n.-" i M'F ttbK. IAltMEKS will find Grain Shovels.-t-rn. . M.Forks, Spades, Saws, Rakes, Chains, lis.n, PpriDL'S, radi.K.-kn, Axi-. 4 at th (.'a.ft Tren and X..U si re i l mtXi 'l.tlS M FAtil'KS. CtLTI.EKY Knives and Forks, Shears and ; IScissors of Koder's celebrated manuf-a.-mn. l'.n hliir.-5, Carver-.' Tshl-an-l Hu'i-tirit Stvla at itgVN.u.i.s it m'nr.x. J L'flT AT II VXD Horse Shots and Nails, Anvils, Vices, Files, Itasps Ac. nt nt.V Sol.IlS t AIUlKS'S. s n.VUiiEN I' A Foster's Automatic AI'l'I.E PAr.EIt lor sate by H. A M'F. NEW GCGD3 ! HAYES, Goodman & Co. have just received tin ir Tail :iu! mt inter Slo ti. We take pleasure in informing our Iricnds an.l patrons, that we have just ree'd oll'l 'I-'n'-.t a full aii'l r .Bipi. te a-.- rtiarut it FA LL .t.'xli Ii . o'ooi.s. . ...Diri-iiic everylliiiii iii'tln liue nf M. T.-!.an.lize Cl. lti.., assitu.-rvrt, SuUuotta, W.-t-in-.. .vc. Ai a I'i.uu. I'-i-l :in-l -trip.-.l Si:t-J. ft irrl .-atin l.'-bin. nnii-ait.-'an.! wut-rol .io Fn.n. 1. .M..r.-u.- nil iiSiU' 1.1 .M-k ! ! rine 4, ar..Tl.ib.-t'Iot!..s I'tain ana t.-M ail w. .l tl -iaiii-. I'Uiu an.l Lard litu.ltalu.. I'l an ana li ll.-l .in. l ioiii Ii Aui.-ricau an A t-.ll i.-'r-m nt "1 sluw-i.. llr l- r" nv. ! - .-. ir- slt:o.l-. 1-'... re Sliawli., U:iy ,I.!U n 11-i ' .-int. Is. I.i.ii. s' C....W. 1;....:.-. ulij -ti.r-.l t'T. J.) A i'.ill :i-.-. r:m -i.I I I... !.;' C .1! ,r -. I . L-r.1. . v Iluiin i nr.'c a:.-! l-;n Is. t-..-.lti.-r wi'Ji a w. 11 . ;..-i. 1 pt .;k. ol' real tlir- Mait. In-n- ii an.l ol'l .T L .'t:S. .ilcTf., le i. rv . u:t I in l.ut r. ll.!'. oi ll.'- iir U' w:-y. r-. I . f.'.t l. nt iti.-r ... .1 not ret n. .l.-. iss- all who r.i.or u.i uitii Ih. ir initrono -. We t;.. r. 1 r l--n.. r a ror-lial ini lull n V. u!l t" ' II an.l .s.aioii. .jr ci.H-k t ri' .-s. 'T..- i. Iii. lV. '. t ot ' ii til" reiirrnry w pi- .-or.- in -t -o. o. e ear i;...-!.. 'ri.-i-' :or p;i.t firer We r.'iasin, ic it. I's, 'j .Hjoii N a, c.l. U. wi.i".ir.. .i-t. II, !".". C, KPCTS alartre assort !rrnt of All-wool. ; Inirrain. lleinn. rta-; an I Cotton. also all wool ! i a i r Carpets, jtit ree'd an.l f..r sale by- ; KS. liool.'J iN A CO. c ll.OTMlXr.UtMi'y . Ie, all kinds al ways on han, I lor sal; . bv ii.wrs. i ..P'.AN a p' STK15. Flil, SALT, COM., IltOX and Xails coiistrtntly on hand lor sale by II WKS. cmtlciMS cn. l'SI.l.'Sls 2H0 pieecs line bleached and brown Mj-lins for sale hy 11 ivi;s. d.mi'M w t co. M IL ATS Daman's fine Mole skins just 1 1 c'd and for sale bv I1AVKS. CilOn't AN f'1. 1 " I'll Hals. a full assorl.nenl for oilman & Co. t-ale by ves, tli t'lT 1HTB L-ad (l ewis-) jn-t reed and for sale by Hayes. Goodman & Co. L)I;i;K Cider Viilp"ar constantly on hand for sale by Hayes, G,.,.i! A Co. .ll.OOIt OilClolh'. l end fiiiuatt.r wilefor sale bv Caves, Goodman A CO. C1Ar.PF.MT.ns. w can supply yoil with the celebrated Greenfield Company's Pianos, Hunt's celebrated Hatchets, Axes, Ad zes, Itoat Uailders' Adzes, Chisels, Squares, Saws. Saw Sets. Anrr, Plane ltiits, Hdls of all Ki,i?s. Alt will be .b lower than usual al ca;h pi ice. Drop ill and sec, gentle men; no charge for examining stock, at thp Hard ware of REVXOLDS A M FADDEX- Small Profits aud Quick Sales!! T lhe CHEW STORE Of JL ittiiM. i ia itiTTrn. The subscribers i Iter, at the obd M'F.a.lden Storer.-oiu, ofpo: He C. Penny's Saddle shop, a c'onice assoiiuieni of hoiifht for Cash and selected with great care. The Goods romprisc the usual variety, and will be sold !" at lhe lowest possible prices. Wc respectfully invite old and new patrons and lhe public generally to call and see onr stock" before purchasing elsewhere. .1 II 1IKOWX, s mrmu. t.-wishnr?. Dim. 2. VilllaDi Jones, 1TT0R.NEV at Law. t;l!. ctims j " IY f n-mptly atteu led to. Oiiice oppoMte j Kline's ilotri, bW LtWlSBVKti,l'A. ! f ' ' "! Hflm. Shonldexs anJ Cheese. lOrtn,'Baju3,c',vHa,iTC?TC-l 1 C-UU U. K- -VI,l'vLi- I KEW ccods; f );f)lV 1 A .ni-wrfi.! HOWS A- KITTEK have 4u-t received a ass.-'.nieiii oj . un.mi,iu,N I will be sold cheap. " Sept SS, 1 145. Last Arrival FalJ uBd IVluler Dry ooJ, A.;. A LAKIiEaud siilendid asM)rtnieiit of ' J.Y Collars. Hieive:. and Silencers, with a lull f assoiliueatof UressTnm:nin?s,;ioves. .Milts, j lloaitirr and Notions: Window shades and f l'apcr, Parasols, Hals, &.c. &c, which will ac- j ,n , Uv !.. (1 al redliceil nril'r?l io 3uo in'- i tunes. Call iid ec the fioods and hear the 1'nces.and jit.le for youni lve'i. MKX.SCII. Murray s liuibiint;. opposite the old Craliaia Mian 1- ; I.ewisbar, Sept. 1S55 ! ' BEAVE3. & ETJLi: f HU'G just received a trv S'.crt rati smil 'i'V Pnlcr C.ootI, k ofi winch tii. y . ffer CUI.AI'. seji... - ("lOOK and other. "TO VKS just rec-ived by j 11K.V !".11 ."c Klt-MUlt X IT.W niMhtnir anil Wat Trrl - V.ismcnt. Tr,-i-Ts . . ... ,1... 1 ,-.,,, t'ormortl ILl fJlHI I, ill lUC liooiii.-, o mil i.i orti in-, i hv Xim'fjs 4- i.''!". an entire new and splendid assortment of Clotllltl? UUil iliUM. broadcloths, Cassiiueres, loe- alrina. and all ort f TlllMMtXUS AM , ....,..,,. -..;,; ,i. i UlfSS Siaa X rut w w w . np by eipenenced City workmen, and j j vvery uiUer article kept in such establishments ( such an White tshirts and Collars, t.n.ler- j ; earmeiuw, csocks, u.srinitia, ) . Ikv.'r.illa. a rnnetv of (.loves, SloCkS, XeCK t au l Pocket Hdkf. Scwiiit ."ilk, 1 hrea I anil Xtedlcs. Coat Cord and Hiii.line, Boys' and Youths' Hats C'aps, aud Clothing, coaataully on hand. t'ustoill M'ork done en the premises, aud sold at the same rales. The times demand a good article at a low price. mono is, Quick -ie and the Small' t fronts in Town.'" !"?'Xn cliaree for showui!T. Please call and see for your selves. if yi u wish to save from 25 to 3D pr cU TAH.OIIIXU in al) its branches. Terms Cash. ABEL A MM OX, l.ewishnrc. Sept 27. 1S5 CoEmonwealth Insuraace Company, TP NIOX Building, Third St.,arris- bnre. Pa. Authorized Capital. $300- l)l0. Insures Buildings and other property against l.s or damage by F1KE, Charter perpetual. DIRECTOKis. Simon Cameron Geo. Ilerguer W. F. Murray Geo. M.I.auman lier.j. Parke F. K. Boas Wm. D.k Wiu.H.KepBerJaH.Berryhill James Fox A. B. W afford. President SIMOX CAMKKON. SecretaT S. S. CAHrllER. W.'lt. WILSON, Urcnf, Lewisburg. Ilm597 Naw 0o-Partn6rshlp ! S FRESH HEAT! SSL rrjIE suhscribers havin? associated JL themselves under the Firm of Zauns A HTXHxaa,in the Bl'TCHEKIX'G Business, at the old stand of F. Zellers, (in the rear of his residence on South Third street) are now prepared to supply the citizens of Lewisburi; and vicinity with Fresh Meat, of all kinds Cheap for Cash. We trust wo shall have a full share of public patronaee. flf Sell out on TutsJaV and Friiliy morn ings every week. F. ZELLEK.S, I. 8. STEKXEH. Lewi.sbnrir. Sept. 17, ls';5 X. B. I wish to have my old accounts whether Notes or Book account SETTLED UP. All indebted trill please take n.itire. Sept 17 F. XELLEKS. A Coapleta Cure for Ague ! IIIE very extensive prevailing condi tion of this disease, and the fact that it is not known to the pnblic that tlx, uhdersicned is able to CLUE AGI E, has in. lured hiui lo make known to the public that he nscs a pre-' . : ......: I... . ,ioo S...A.T I'niaii'.i. iu urc j n" ....... ........ can Eclectic Physicians, called l.fstora llC Wllio lihlerM. This preparation ac:s on the Liver, Spleen, Sionoieh, Kidneys. indeed on the whole system, an.l brunts it into a ht ati'iy and vigorous con.litioii. .sow wnen the w h.-le syst.-u Is b.oiiiit into a perfect slate of hea'ih, it is impossible for Artie to occur, which generally attacks the feeble, or those whose constitution has beeu broken by some cause. This can ccn.-r.illy be done by our Restorative, and ahaost every case completely cured. Of course po disease can be cured that a raan may not take it a In, but ve mean ea- red and br..ughl into th.- .. :iie healiny condi tion a.-" one that never this disease, cured fi r tins season if the person observes lac laws of life and healih. X it. Tins medicine sheiiM be Taken from 3 to 5weeks.dose a labie-spooniui :tor lliraes a day, price of tjuart bi.r.le il. X. it you are no I of the Ait'ie you will call and be rure.L Lower end of Market Si. Lew isburg. V. H. DKHSltAM, M. D. The University I ItlK 1'1;!P Will lir,-W iK 17th Sotni- I Annual Session oa t.e -1th ol OCT. nest. The Faculty is full and eypen-necd, lie- mint- ber ot Students so latve a a to secure elim.iti..n and mutual benefit, an ', of such an are j.: to render any punks or violations of deeornra unrnpulsi' and distaMefel. The'.- sesii.n uas 1IU. A ; the wh ? f the classes cntiii-cnr- new studies next term, it is. ciuni- n:!y tl." Hst time for new students to enter. Ia '.he College and Academy tj-tlier, n .1 lcs fian treaty -five recilatious n cur daily, civ in; 'jtiin men w ho conter.ipla: bi.t a brn 1 t.i- in llie lastilution an extensile choice of ni'jer.i and enabling them t.1 pursue branches suita'de to their pre vious attainment. TIC l-Vl:i!v fwfltriio opens nt the same time under the three Ladies who have had the charge. rntrs or ti itiot. Academy - Knglish stadus SI. 5 a yenr do Classical do also 20 College proper M Female Institute highest branches 1f do common do SO Tor further information, applv to Il-v. H. MAI.COM. D.D., President u: lhe I'mver.siiy. Wanted A Partner, WITH a Cash Cspilal f from $"0t) I I to f UHMf, u ent-.-go in a Mere.aniile llusiness. (now in operation, and capable of great enlaigeim ot near I.ewisburg. Apply at the O.l'ce i f the Lewi.bur- Chro nicle. ' S ... l-. ls.r,.- HARIA J. CRIB2, PI. D., f.R.U TE ( ( tin- lVnn Medical iV i I'niversitv.ol' Pluia.l.i . ell. rs her proles- sional serviceso lhe pc. ple ot Lewi, burg am vieinitv. . OTie.' nf hr f-nh-r's resoVnre. (!)r. .1. I' GnerV.1 -ne d n r ! i t Y.-Vi'- -re. A prf I -".' James P. Linn. J. Merrill Linn F. it J. -M. LINN. O lrii :it i,v , l-..vvi.-i.l m- '? l-T-T'.V' . " "Save yon seen bARi" ' QEDIS to Le a ("'jt'sik'n a.-!a'J Lj O shaost ermb'r , but e iuiuirc. with (hfir supp'y t Xw Hoofs, Miutx, Calftrs, Vr. 'The subsrribrrs hnvin? a'iittedtheni frVl selves into a Copartnership in busineaiw "uow elT.-r b. the public, lt the Old Stan4 of f. .V H. Surm, on Market SU th cheo( (for Cash) ami best lot of hoots "J siior.s. f..r Men and Boy, ever i lU irj in l.rvibbr A!m a new and splciid.d a. s'-itiorut ul lil'H 'i.' fir hulir and '(.'., t v ir'--v of 'Sait-rs. Hall Callers. Ties. Bus, kiu, bti.orcr-. e. f.-r Ladns aid Mtsfc-s. also t'liil lren's Siioes .f l.'u latest s'vles and :es ; Ar. Ac. Ac. V.'ik-'jii2.1e l order Mehdiuif J. ne m usual -and ai Ihe V.-rk...ei, hare ieio!n,i sansla. u. t, heretofore, ffe fri.M we shall ba a full ,;i:,re of p.lldic pa.......-. S.A-.I lit c. ntiriLe to be on hand ii formerly, and hope to eive eenerJl FM.sfircii .n to all customer.. .-,1,1 Ft It A .M 'FAltUlS. I.i-ui t'rb. J. Frtaklin Kan'ey, 15. D., I I o.Mii.orATi'IIC ravsieian would III respectliilly atinonnce to the cit.zrns of Lewis!. iir- and vieinny thai h hf.s permauebt ly ,.Cat.d hnnselt' in this place, and ak a j sire n the public patrmajie, trelini; asnred that he can treat with unsujrpassti success all i enrabic diseases thai the iiuuian laau.y si9 i liri'.' to. In the treatiio nt ot diseases ol It- ales aid children the creat H maopathii law stands without a rival: also in CLTrmia , dut a.-es. that has battled 'he skill i f other sys- , Um5. Homu opalhy stands forth as a giaar, claiming victory 'in almost every case. Alt ve allocted, c;ve it a trial ; it will uot cost yot n.nrh. Trv belore vou coin.vinn. Dr. H. is a regular rradnate of the HoDiee. opathie Medical College, of Pennsylvania. (Philada.) Oi!ice on t-'econd street, a! ore M.aitft. for merly occupied I v Dr. Wilson, whee he can be consulted at all limes wheu not i a imfcs sioiial duty. LewisburR, April 50, DSS. Vviliiaia YanCeztr, TTDI.NF.Y at l aw. El-'Oiiiee on Sou.h Second Sr.. red by H C ILckok, Esi. ' New Establishment! T EWIS OVEKPEl'K would riuetful- lj ly inform the citizens of Lewtsl ur anJ that he has opened rooms (i EK DEXORMANDIE'S shop, aid I e is prepared to take D AGL EIIREOT YPK JI.IKEX ESS EH in the most improved and life-iike manner, and put up in cases varying tn price from 50 cl. to 5. He invites the public to call and try his work, teeling assured that they will le p'.tase l w ith bia wi rliiiiaiislnp. Having had sapenor facilities f. r instructions in the art, (of J. P. Leisei.nnz. Danville, and C.Ii. How ard, Reading.) he thinks himself as well per fected iu the art as any in this or any othwr Stale. Inly I-'. s5.-.. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure, "IOR lhe Prevention and lure of Inter- X mittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and Airue, Chills and Fever. Dumb Acue, General Debility. Xieht Sweats, and all other forms of i disease' which have a common iTigin in Ma laria or Miasmas Tht 1. a NATt'KAT, ANTIPOTE whirh will entirr rr..lTt any rv.wlent Irwrrllrr .-li-n to tfce moi-t .Kklr or itwauipy i,alitiv, froni any A--u. or llillioiw i-w- wLnt.-irr. ..r any hiury fn.iu cunataat utnailng 3falarl i-r Mi iii. It will instantly rbs?k tb. Ague in pcrfD w. har. nl.t-rJ fr ia any kneb of t.ui. fr.-in oi.. Jay ti. twonly yrara i t.-it t?..-y nsl ner-rto taT. anvllir ctnll. l-y contrail. ax in ni acnliutf t. .lins-tiens. Th. aletit at cn- Ii. i.U5 to an-, tiw an.l .tr.-n-tli. awl ronr tinnes unui a arinan. il ai'.t r.ll.-al rnrir i.- tt rt-l. tlm or two hotTla willansw.-r wr orJiriary nw: mt may n-.i mr.. li;n.-ti.i.- i.rim.-J m '..Tinnn. lr. n. U an 1 h, ..- iiu-O'V 1. iti.-. l'nce Ou. UUrrl di 00 nta uul -1 the t.-a lc. EVIbt.iti: o SAFETY. N."i iorlt. .Inn. It. 1SS5. I tlnr.. ci.-!- n rh-mif i-sftmiir.llon ef -IliM-m:..' K. rm tsn A. .11-Ci Kt or "AsTn.'TrT f Mrtian.- awl fisire it H.r Ar nir. irrury. liuintu. ana MrtcU-nlio-. t.ct f -u.i I a i.-irli.-.t-ol t ilti.-r In It. .-r liav,. I any mit-tunc- in ii.i-sirtiwltionthat wrott .1 t.icru tLlockius to tn. r-.nstinition. JAMlj It. CUII.TON, M. D. CliuuH.- evident? ey jpout. "f j wioix... I n. on Co., l-v. May i. ISSJ. Mb .1. i. Rin-Te llnreir: Hi. I..X ol nir-tk-iu. ro si nl v w. uai. rf-.-!T,il n 11:-lltii oi Ai-nl. I naw -M ! i -f it. an t f..r the T" that fc . I fiwst it ar. sali-lt..-.! that it In cunsl lli.m. It haa .-er- tainly Bti-i- tUir At-u. iu n.-ry one wi... hs u-e-l It, n t ."ix ,.f ll.-n.-M w -r- I.a. nt:in-!in. My M-tcr, whf I'll h.ol il TOr tire or -i y.-irn l.a. li. anUrouLl n. V. r ?-l it -toi'I e I- eSis't't I I llUilOilt. l.liJ i:i:t oiiiy loti I your r. m.-J. fl.e a. u..i ll.i.-u.w, 1 lliii-lv, .'i.t.T,1 ly C. 1. . 1 UI.SL1. cai tion To a ; t k st vru:Ens. Trtko nn !.i-r. Are. ru-. T i.i.-.. .l..r. nrs . ';..iiiine. r fi rt! .- -. St: -!-,ero. !r A;oi-IVr:. Ii- , ol a'.y Tha w. I.Iiio n in. tli-i. i!.-i . i r: i.i....i"U j.. is..n. p.-ot- a t'u'1.1 to is- '.h-il : rii--. of ai ru lic-.l i- in-i-pii-s. i r ot iii .-.rto.ry o.i..t-s a'u- ..toy ruifly in .xis tili c lT:i.t I- t ' '. . "!- o- I t.nrnil.'. i iiii'ii.::.-' t i:Kit a.i a..i.e m t 11 0 For sale at ti t: L" Cro,.-l'ut lo i ""' f. .''ilNl 1. .ir(lnir.-i Srli'-.scaJInjr ( ans VKE the cin-aj est and 1 e-t V. tent oio. f, r preserving Fresh Fr':i: an '. Vt-oe:a'oles. Tnrce si.-s t' r sale 1 . lil B.Ii A Vi;;s',l. Lcwtslur. I ' Pet. isrii'.s .M. :.-r pieservitig Fruits Ac. o r s-:o- a above trice 12 cts- ! n?.S!iAr.T TAILOR! ! TvIlN II. tU:!.l'j!;ii:'- eu!ur-ivl ! and impr-ved his Soop.on Market S-uet, U U.v; ,"' ;''' '" . a"d "Ut" lf as lloW ipelu J a llg i;5j aasimrrfs, rsilinijr ana a rliSSmtiSrSS ! cf. all kinds, also GEATLEM EX'S Fi KXISH- l.Mi iO( lis such as Shirts. Giovts, Hosiery. Collars. Ac. Ac. He will rtlso carry on .'Kl! at:fl .llnklite; in all their branches, tri'h d. --patch, aeerrdir. to order, without cut '.i.'nig-, aa I on the mc-at reasonable terms. II-as!j-i!nIe lotiitu-; always on hand cheaper than the rh.apesr. Having a lare force ct rupericiiced liandi in my employ, 1 hope ;s 11 thr!e facilities lo give general salii'.n-iii-n, and share liberallr in public patronage. I rcspt-ctlullv invite Hit wanting anything in my hue ; business t call aud examine ii.y sn . k of Goods. JMilN 11. UCAl.t'. Lewisburg, May in. irVt Wa )l 1 ) S ARXAMEXTi.l. Inm V.rk. i J Avenue, I .;;i.i:.i ii-im.- I fie a'tetiiioi, I of the ptil 1.- is :u it. .! ;.. the 'ci'i'iisive Mai n j fartov and M i'ten.. :ti i t ihe si.f.. iibi r. r. In- is prerai. I n- I'lirtii-U. ;i tl e !:. rn-st ni t ee, ' Iron flaoi" il'io'. .om t ij tt. i t'"! l',-:rt.. ,iea, 1'i.blie an.! Pi:-, .in- ll-ii! Iin-s. als.i rr aa labs, ll.ileonu-;. ront.!-. i us, Svitrrs. I 'b:n : I.t. iis, in os. mo! . ii,-, r , itiario ,.ial li.o, W. .k i a .! cor. i . eli.ii ;n r. .-I wl.nh is e. riitcl e.-iih tlo- i '"; i- s new o j-N asii.; : the t iste. While tlei .-. -ihine all Ihe le.,111- it-s i a 1 - inly u,i substantial n n-triu o. i,. Purch.iseii nisy rely i having all ami b-s carefully bo. i d nnd shit iH-J to place of tie -iin.iii.-ti. . A' k i f d -i;is wall 1 c s: .it t,. ih. se ho wish to n,.:..; a sel. ,-ii,. b a l-l'.; l VTOtl'i. , He';- Wr-,.- t -J. w r n. Ojim.. ..-f 1 U- 1!' IK ill I' f i . f 6 r I J-i V r ' i- ii Iff