ft i: lit? 4 hi ' 1 1 a .11 si m I i h: . 1 1 4 ': if I Tin: J AltM: i J'!iO ;jirl:'M I'll rIKfs!. Calibre of Strawbcrrie. , The Xs-w York HuliculUi.-al Society,! nt a receut rinvi.rsatiuiial meeting, arrived i at t lie following circlusious in regard to ' !:-' -st method of cultivating strawler-ri.-, : j TLc lcrt soil fir l!ie strawVrry was j fstatel to be a p-ravclly loam. The land j chrmM Im? WfU drained:, and to cv.-ry acre ' apply twenty bushels of utilcac-licl a?ne., ' ten busLuls of lime, anJ tw r tires lis. f s.i't. The frroun l sli,mld be well bra- j ken up, nninnl manure's slionll bo cs-! e hewed ; leaf is the best, tin 1 this should ; 1 e carefully spaded in. About the first of j July is tho be.-t titu ; tl sot out to plant?. I Iu doing tlii-, pains should bo t.il.cn to Lave them firmly routed. The roots biiouIJ j le eighteen inches apart. Sometimes it will be well to allow great er interval, in which case the interstices cau le filled up from the CTOWth of the runners. After setting out the plants, throw in a covenu 01 tan cars an incit j or an iucU an-1 a hull in d- pth, then water tl,m, 1..ntir,.i:e. and ih in .isture will be retained a 1 idj tint'?. After e il went'i r i conies on, cover the strawberry beds and the wilka with cloan straw, throwing ovop a little bru.-h, or soai'.thing to keep the 1 Btraw iu its place. Iu tho spring remove i the straw and t:uke n?e of sunc fertilizing 1 agent to give l ha plants vig ir, as sulphate j of soda, sulphate of ammonia, or nilratc ! t,t pHash. K-.-.-D the rjots out, sec that 4 iac plants are Ujtintuuiiy waierea, aua lei notliinif iutcrvcnrt to rl .'iieii ii'di j iiieii j iTnwfh y.m itht-T lilt fruit. The beds hhoul 1 be ma le over as often as every three years. The early p irt of September will, this year, owing to the unusual moistness of t'na season, be a good time fir unking plantations ef str-iwberrics. They can then become .-:i.H -ietitly rooted, so that with a moderate mulching, they will not be dUtui-bcd by the winter and may bear u gool crop nest year. The article below wiii gui le as to the selection of kinds. L,tclM.:rj C'lioni E3St S-ra;vjOirl;s anl Clurriss. Several iiuiiiliera of the Fruit Growers' Society of W'cstera Xew l'ork met in llo chesttr en tiie s.-eort'l ii;st., for the exami nation of strawberries and cherries. After a thorough examination, a vote was tiken by balLt in regard to the best single va riety, best three varieties, and the best market sort. The following is given in the Country (! iitlcman as a summary of the decisions. The voters comprise seve ral of the most distinguished horticultu rists iu Western ICew York. Sin.wuEr.;iit:s. 1'roiu tho preceding it will be obs rvod that for the Lai simjk fort, U'irr's New I'ine had three votes, J.ar.-e llirly Searlet hal tiro, and Walk- j . , V, , cr 8 cecuung, s-usaing, anu uencsee uai v. .. 7. 1 o v.-'j v i: l.j lor the rtree best,l,nrr s New Tine had I EtS votes, Walker's Seedling had five. Genesco three, Largt: E trly Scarlet three, Cushing tw , and Hovey, Crimson Cone, Moyameniitig, and McAvey's No. 1, each one vote. For the six best, Tdurr's New Pine bad fix votes, Walker and Large liarly Scar let each five, Oenesce f ur, Moyamensing and Hovey each three, Crimson Cone aud Jillwatiger i Uirry's No. each two, aud Old Hudson. Iowa, Jer.ney, Cushing, Or ange 1'rolifie, Trollop's Victoria, and Tri ouiphe d? Gunl, each ono vote. For bid strawberries, MrAcoy't Extra J2cil polled a fall vote, evidently on ac couut of iU flav:r, which is very sour and Tcry poor. Cushuij, strangely enough, liad two for its bad quality, and yet was placed Ly one as beat of all. This is ac counted for by the fact that it is large, handsome, well f .rmedaud productive; while its peculiar flavor is very much dis liked by some. Cuerries. Six votes for Governor Yood as best, and tiro for Mayduke. For the Oirte best, Gov. Wood and lUaek Tar tarian bad each f jnr votes,Miy duke rtrce, Yellow Spwbli aud Metzsl rtro each, and Downer's Late.Spirhawk'sIl oaey, Knights Eirly Mack, lljiue Ilortcnsu, Belle Mag Lifique,sad Uelle d'Orleaus each one vote. Socm Carolina. According to the address issued by tho Agricultural Con vention, recently held at Columbia, S. C, agriculture is in a very backward condition in that Stite. We rju-tte : "YourCommittec would earnestly bring to the attentiou of this Convention tho mournful fact, that the iu teres t heretofore taken by our cith"tis in agricultural im provements has become btatiouary ; that our old fields are enlarging, our home steads have been decreasing fearfully in numbers, and our energetic sons are aunu nily seeking the rich aud fertile lauds of tho Southwest, upou which they imagine that treble tin amount of profits can be i.nlo u-nn cipital than upon our own f oi.s. N jr is this all. We are not ouly 1 ising soma of our most energetic aud use ful citizens to supply the bine aud sinew "-f other States, but we arj losing our dare ji-ptl-tttim, which is t'ua true wealth of the State. Jr stocks of hogs, horse-, mules and cattle are diminishing in size aud decreasing iu number, and cur purses aro being strained for tho ccut to sup ply their places from the Northwest tu BUtes." Toads feed on all kinds of worms, and should never bo killed in gardens. The Mukcr worm is a favorite food with trcin ; fiey arc useful iu Je-tr -ring nil kinds of irn ij. S'.-i". "".- Anurioui. re.y BojIi and EtiliDnary Ctpra TNr I.cwisl'iir?. M. Fit zpiit rick & llrotliers, Fun!!;--'' Hnokicik rs ft tii. tiers. A) X. lUh St., 1 ui!adc!nhia,haveopcn- r 1 a branch of their establishment in 3d St., next ilocir to Beaver & Kreiiier s Siore where may lie had Books in ihe varied departments of l.iVratnre, including Historical, Rir.grapbi cal, Theedo.:ioal, Scientific. Mechanical, Poeti cal, CIaical.Juvciiilc anj Miscellaneous pub lications. Dibits, Prayer and Hymn Hooks, suitable for the various denominations, Plam ami Fancy Stationary irf all kinds Ten anj Pocket Cutlery, Portinnnnaies in Pearl.Ivury, Papicr-M.iehe and Morrocco, Gold pens and pencils. Ladies Cabas, ltcticules anil Work Boxes, auJ a variety of useful Fancy Gooils. Ladies and Gentleman are respcllully solicited to call and examine their assortment of Ltooks, Stationery and Fancv Goods. New Goods re ceived every day by Express. June 8, 1855. TT.AK liook cf all patterns, including V.if Books, Ledgers. Journals, Cash and Minute iSiioks, Pass and Memorandum Uwnks, Stit dents" Note and Composition Hooks, &cl at M. Fit?patricli fc Bro.'s, :!d St., Lcwisburi;. 1" jOirrifMON.AIBS in Pearl, Ivory, Pa pair .Mache and Morocco at prices varvini' from 10 cts. to jil.So at M. Fitzpat-ru-.lt i. Itro's New Uook and Mationety Store, :! St., T.en isbnrg, next door to Hearer &. ! Kremer-s More. j "IIXB (i,,!J Pcns diamond pointed 50 r"s in silvercases from '3 cts. to $2,00. ''old pencils wituorwiutoai pens irotn -acis. V1UH1 'L I to 1,00 Ot.D pens ri'pointed at 55 cts. each, at M. X Fi'zpatrirk A- T.ro's New Book and xta-tM.iien- ?- ire, Sd St. I.cwisburj, next door to Heaver & Kreamer's Siore. 1 and Pocket cutlery of Kodger's, , 'o- I tenho?ns, and othrrs fine manufacture, prices varying from 111 cts. to l.tlf. (i OOl) K::ors warranied.from 25 to 50 cts. X Kazor Simps from 10 to 15 cts., at M. ! , T':rK;. i- I.v. ibliur-'. nest door to Beaver & Kre- , m(.r's sirff TliV llnoks received as soon as puMisU- il ed, and for sale at a liberal discount i ... n t 1 t l-.tr,f r-.-. r .S, men i iiuiii'-i ju ii-i, tii -. .w..um. v Itros" Ne d: Store, :) 1 St. I.en-isbtiry i!ihcd in this V Country or Europe, not on hand, will be attended to wiih promptness andilispatc.h,and supplied in all ra-.es at from 20 to 50 percent b.'iowpuulisVrs' prices. by Fitzpatrirk et Uro. CUIEAP letter, cap and i.ote paper from fi cs. to 1-J per quire. Uuir Lnvelor- s sell" scaling, 1-1 cts. per 100. Fine white " ' 1" ' 44 at M. Fitzpatri.-k Bros' N?ir Hock and Stationery Stcr?, :'d tst., l.saisburg. 1)LAIN ami Fancy Stationery of all kind-, at M. Fi:pa:rie ui Uios' New H.'k biore, 31 St. l,e isLur-;. ir A(;ri:;ts. (;... 's. Gri'.h-im's.and 11 the other !1.0 Ma rnzines supplied at 'J. e os only 20 cts., by .' 3.1 St.. I.ewisburg.ncx! ' p -r annum. Sing M. F.Vi.-nrick At llru door to Beaver A Kremer's Store. Philadelphia Adv'ts. Gsore Ctnrgss, COLE Manuf-iciurcr of the Improved O Spiral f:s!-lT MarcC'4,No.9'3 Walnut St. Philadelphia. FIVE SILVF.lt MEDALS awarded, viz. 10 by Ui Am. ri.-mi tn-i lute. X-m V..rl:. o,-t.l I'M (to tr.oikhit Ili-ri-ill . I'hiNiI-li-hia.Nor. Vnn.l On at tilt Mxrjlaii'l Inst, tut, , ll:-lt:inore. Not.) Is The peculiar improvement in the construc tion uf this -MatVess is, that all the clumsy and h'avi u- ml-n J-anc wrl: is entirely di -pensed with, and its place supplie.l nv a ngnier anu '"""h morc "arable frame, the spring coime-ted by harness lcahcr hiuges, i s arc all securelv riveted, rendering it impossible for single i snrniL' to fall down or get out of rdace, and uiaki-.g a Be 1 so elastic thai any part may be .... nn. ... ,5 Ihlls ..tJirabiv fined to the wants of ihe sick or asthmatic who may require a sutini posturchaving the luxurious soilness of the best Feather Bed with the light ness and facility cf handling uf the common Hair. Mattress. These improved Spring T.eds are inrmnbly made of the best materials, and will last many years without repair. Persons having Hair Matresses, can have them altered iuto Spring Beds. These Be Is are well adapted forll dels.berfhs of Ships Steamboats and Hospitals. Spring S-ats for Chair,Carriages orChnreh Pews and Hair and Il'Jsk Maitesses made to order. Also an extensive assortment ol highly ornamented (in enamc!) and plain finished CAST inoX Fl'llXlTURE, consisting in part of Bedsteads, Hat and Coat Racks. Cane and Umbrella Stands, Garden Chairs, Settees, Ac. Ac. Philadelphia, April 20, 1S55 ly575 SALAtlAIJEER SAFES! 'feiN Evans & Watson, MZ-i I i -Tii No. South Fourth it-l'tPfitv" St.. Philadelphia. tt&S rcat I'lre at xi4S5se Chestnut ct Fililt Sls Fri lav morning, Dec. 15th, IS.'il F.V NS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES TKIU Ml'HAXT, as ihey always aie when put to the lesi : 'PmiAnF.LrHTA, Dec. IS. 1851. Messrs.Evans &Watson.Xo.2!i South Fourth St. Gentlemen We take much pleasure in rec ommending your Salamander Safes to -Merchants and ethers in want of a secure means oi preserving their books papers Ac. from fire, as the me wc purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, papers and cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the sreat fire of this m iming, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fillh streets. The above safe was in use in our cilice, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the 6re was out. The Safe was then re moved aud opened in the presence of at least 10:10 persons, who witnessed the good condi tion of its contents. Will you piease have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it in use again, having perfect confidence iu its fire-proof qualities. Yours, respectfollr, LACEY & rilll.LIPS." Evans & Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, amoug the many hundreds n ho have their Safes in use : I'.S. Mint, Phil a.da.; Farmers' At Mechanics' Hank, Plulada. ; Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sheriff, Plulada.; John N. Henderson. City Controller ; Caleb Cope Ac Co., No. Is3 Market St., ; Kichard Norris A: Son, Locomotive builders, Pliilada.; Bancroft At Sellers, Machinists, corner Ifith and James Sts.; Franklin Fire Insurance Co, PhiUda.; Pennsylvania Railroad Co.. Pinlada.; Lacey At Phillips, corner 5th and Minor S'.; Sliarpless A Bro , No. 3J Smith Second St.; James. Kent A Santee, No. 1 17 North Third Si. ; V. II. Uorstinan & Sons, No. 61 N irth Tlrrl St.; Smith, Williams &Co,No.R7 Mar ket St.; J. At B. Orne, No. IfTi Chestnut Su I if A large assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 per cent, more fire than anv Herring's Safe now in use). EVANS Ac WATSON also manufacture and keep for sale. Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron Sash, for making fire proof Vaults for Banks, stores, public and pri vate buildings; Seal and Letter Copving Pres ses ; Patent Slate Lined Kefrigerators. Arc. Please eive ns a call, at No. 20 South FOI'P.TH St., Philadelphia. April C, '55 573yl "JEWELRY of the latest pattern ofallanal. f ttiei for sale at the lowest Citv prices ly ! .U1 OWMi Lewisbiirg Chronicle . Eissuliitian cf rarlnsnSip. . 'I'ilE PaWncrsliip horeioftiro existing JL between David Ulairand J. L. Darrettna the firm of UlairA. llarrett, in tlie tin .'.mess I 1 the Mount Vernon House, No. tj jSurth .Second Street, has been this day disiolved by mutual consent, J.L, Harreltliaving purchased the interest of said Hlair, willcoiiiimie to keep the Mount Vernon House. DAVIT) BLAIR, J. I,. UAKUETT. The Mount Vernon Houtr will be continued by the subscriber, who will be happy to see his friends and spare no pains to make them comfortable. J. I.. BARKETT. Philadelphia, April 7, 105. nSPJUWG'3 Patent Champion Fire proof SAFES, with IUil' !,,,.,, l'nirA.i-.l'r.,ll !;; ;J fi ?C A3'A which were awarded scpar r-'"r-'-V at Medals at the Worlc ? r !j?Fair.T.ondon,lS51,and al V-XssSi'ht the Worlds Fair, Ne l2S5cii6VL-rk, 1853 and 1X51. T! -.1 f JI ... f...t,i .1 it,. u'n,i.i' 1 ..1,1 J flit .'I - O. ,11 , L-1 tU d New The subscribers are the side manufacturers and proprietors in this State of the above une qualled Safes and Locks. The reputation of the genuine 14 Herring's Safe" is world wide, and for the last thirteen years the mercantile community hare witnessed and borne testt. mony to their ivr.a rino lire proof quali ties.' More than 12,1100 of these Safes have been actually sold, and over two nritnin have pas'ed triumphantly through accidental lircs. The public are assured that all Safes manufactured by the subrcribers are not only cuaranteed to be fully equal, but in many re spects even snperior to those which have been so seven ly tried by fire. Few will forget their services in the burning of the "Tribune es tablishment." New Vork.andat the Great Fire in Strawberry street, at thelarre lire last July, ! opposite the Girar t House : and still more re cently in the Fire at Filih and Chesnnt Sts..in this city, in which these Sales came forth the acknowledged Champm. when mnny other securities failed. FAKHEL A CO., Inm Srfe nnH lank sir-k Miikm, 31 WAI.XL'T Street, Philadelphia. Chilled Iron Safes, with Powi'er Proof Locks, manufactured expressly lir Hanks, Brokers, Jewelers, and others requiring secu rity from rogues. Hank Vaults k" rs, &c., on hand and made to order. . All the most eel ebrateeLncks for sale at manufacturers' prices. Second hand " Safes," Salamanders" and Iron Chests" of other makers, having been ta!cn in part payment for Herring's, b.r sale at half price. March :ii),'.r..'i. 0;Syl Agent J. O. KiriiAiiiot & Co., Danville. Eiirrrs akd shades; IV'Mliiis vJj "l Hid-Mil rriccs. T) J. V.'1LLI.?,!S, Xo. 12 Xoriii !) Sl.VTH STRi:r.T, a f"W !,.ors above M.tr-t St.. riiilad-. li.hla. "A7'.7.V.t Ttil: or ! M.I. SEW STYLES' l,,vs the lcsl mm,. rials chenn f -r C;isn, wh-ch ena'. lcs liiia t.isL as a1; i ihers sell nib nor articles. Gold Bordered and Painted sltaJes, of beau tiful ii'-s;ris. Buff Holland Shades, Trimmings, Fixtures. Ac, wholesale and retail. Store Shades Painted and Lettered to order. Impairing in general attended to. Purcha sers please call. IV WE STUDY TO rLEASE. j March 30, 1S53 Sm572 FREKCH THU5EES. KERM1 or Rupture Micccssfuil) treated, and comfort insured, by use of the elegant French Trusses, imported by the subscriber, and made to order expressly for his sales. All suffering with Ittiptnre will be gratified to learu li,at the occasion nowi li'ers to procure a Truss combining txfrtmc iuhtntgs. tcith etisr, duraiiiift and etirrrrt cfntrurtwn, in lieu of the cumbrous and unccmfortable article usttaily so!d. . An extensive assortment always on hand, adapted to every variety of Rupture in adults ar.d children, and for sale at a range of price to suit ail. Cost of Sing'e Trusses, fjg. VM and f; Double.!, i;-5, Sft.SJi and flo. Persons al a distance can have a Truss sent to any address by remitting the amount, send ing measure around the hips, and stating side affected. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by the Im porter, Caleb II. XreefleN, R. W. cor. of Twelfth A Race ts.. Philada. Depot for Canning's Improved Body Brace; Chest Expanders and Elector Braces; Patent Shoulder Braces; Sucpenscrv Bandages; Spi nal Props and Supports. Ladies' Kocuis, with competent ladv attendants. March 30, 1855. THE CHEAP CASH 00K ami Stationery Store, Nortli- cst cor. of Sixth and Arch Sts., l'liila- dilphia. t.rrat Clitipaliis In littol'.sl Poetical, Juvenile, Miscellaneous, Standard and Presentation Books, very Cheap. STAPLE A SI) ".t.Vcr .S'TVt TloyJtX. Superior while ruled Letter Paper, 5.1.50 per Ream. Letter and note Envelopes in great variety. Weddings furnished at very moder ate rales. Cards Written and Engraved. Gillott's and other Steel Pens. Superior Mot to Wafers, 323 Mottoes on a sheet, for Siceiits. Inkstands, Pen-Knives, Paper Weights, Ac. Fine Turkey Morocco Porte-Monnaies. Port folios, Ac. Card Cases, Backgammon Boards, Ac, with a choice assortirenlof TOY BOOKS. GAMES, DISSECTED ''lC'ITIvEli, Ac; Al bums, Scrap Bonks and Engravingi. April 20,T 5 575y 1 I. T3lU Ml SOU. Paints, Glass, Varnish, Brnsr., ft;. YWT SHOEMAKER & Co.,S.W. XV corner Second and Green Streets, Phila delphia, have constantly on hand a large assort ment of articles appertaining to liieir line of business, comprising itl'ioiv C;:tiiH of every description, as French ami English Piste for store aid Pailor Windows; Enamelled. Colored and Engraved Glass for Churches, Vestibules Conservatories, Ac. American Window Glass, cf all sizes, at manufacturers' prices. lnc I'ililliM, of French and American manufacture. Snow White, Brown, and Stone Color. These Paints are much cheaper, and moie durable than White Lead, and are fast suprrsedin" that article. Viir nislics. of all kinds, e-qual to the best, at re duced prices. AIo, KRL'sliES, and every ar ticle remiired to make a complete assortment of PAINTER'S MATERIALS. We are extensively engaged in the manufac ture of t'itlnl in Oil iintl I'lif ly, and are prepared to supply Dealers or Manufactu rers on Ihe lowest terms. Prices Current sent per mail, on application. April 4, 1H55 571m3 F. H, T0UT Mcnnai Enun, rntkft Ym and AL Dressing Case Manufacturer, X. W of Fourth & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. . ror. Always on haud a large and varied assort ment of Fort Mor.naies, Work Bores, Pocket Books, Cabas, Bankers' Cases, Traveling Bags, Xole Holders, Backgammon Boards, I'ort Folios, Chess Men, Portable Desks, Pocket Memorandum Dooks, Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, Ac. Also, a general assnrlment of ENGLISH, FREXCH AXD GE H.MAX FANCY GOODS. Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Hazor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale, Second and Third Floor. F. II. SVITH. X. W. corner Fourth & Chestnut Shk, Thilada. X. B. On the receipt of SI. a Superior Gtdd Pen will he sent to any part of the I'nited States, by mail ; describing pen, thus, medium. or March 1yT2 VJflr"Vl'Sr'.'; & West Branch Farmer September 7, 1855. ' KRS. E. HITCIIELL, ATO. 2S Xorlli Ninih St., l'liilaila., i manufacturer of (ntlll:i.( loaliN, ir., of all dcscrijuious, at W HuLE.-iALE and t;ETAH Orders made up al ihort notice iu the best and latest style. April 4,'55iu3 SAIl'L H. FULTON, QTAFLE ami Faney Stationery, and" IJ ar1 r.ncraiiH7. Establishment, 19 South KHJH1 U St., Plulada. April 4,'.r5 New York AuVis. "Spiritual Telegraph," THE Orsan of Modern Spiritualism. X FOURTH VOL.commences in May. It contains the fullest record extent of current Facts and Opinions on Spritual Intercourse. Published weekly at $2 per annum, also all Spiritual Hooks for sale by PARTRIDGE 5c UolTTAN, : 12 Broadway, New York. P S. A Catalogue of Spiritual Books sent on application 3m575 Cheap Ilosic and Piano Store OF Horace Yv'att'rs,Xo.333 Broadway, New York (ipmititm to the Vombiiia tion Music at Greatly Reduced Rates! Notwithstanding the combination of Music Dealers to keep up the prices of non-copyright Music against the interests of Native Compos ers and their refusal to extend to Mr. U'atcis the ctHirtctif of ihe Trade, he has immense sales having abuudant evidence that he has public countenance and support in his oppos ition lo the Great Monopoly, and in his elforls to aid Native Talent and adopt die National Currency. His stock of American and Euro pean Music is immense, and the catalogue of his eiwn publications is one of the largest and bel selected in the United Stales. He has also made a srtut mluctinn in the prices of Pianos, ' Meiodeous and all kinds Musical Instruments. Superior toned 6) octave Pianos ror$ri-V0 fie.I I'e.'i. intfri' refn. giw.J 'Oa1i(r. iin.l in,triiminl, ni: Fining unit a, ilunJ.ie a tlie-u wlerh re-t 1'iann.. 1.1'rn ry Tnri.'ly cf .lyte nn.l frii-i-.ttp lo lnoo.issfnrTishur tl oe ef Ti-u ililUrent Manuttti'tortv : among them thr relvbritti'U motl' rn iitiprnf-J llor.- W-uth' Pian' aiel Ub f'l-t f.rrtuium J oli on I'iano, of T. Iiilliert k (Vi.V make, (na m:ri f f Itm Joti'aD r-ati'Dt.) Se.-'.Tnl-lini I'i anug ut uri't lr.'ntrm .rirc from 40 to l.". Mians- i.s lVi.m lire il.ltrrcnt .Manufii't'irie., itieu.)in the m.-i knr.wn S. It. A II. W. Siuilli'ii JI.-Jea,on-. (timi-1 tlie teal li'lepi riminT) tlir b',t makr In thr I iiitul Stut.-.. l'riis4.s, , ;,ri, Iihi, 1 1;, lad, Il. tjiinth'i. Uuul.le It.-iik M-teil.'f'r.J, 'Jil. Kn.-li I'ijno arid Mi-loileoii iruar-nn lr.it. t ? lie- li 't tmnatnth-Traili'.fi h.v.N.ie. le'j j.. r Mil. aisrur.t to C'I'-rirjnif n ua.i Churrlirn. Or.k r. j r T-ij-tty aili-n.'i .1 l.i. Muic iu nt, t ai t.to all i iirt f f lit" reilftrr. fit thf n tlureil ruti-,. (e i.er .1 -n-t S, I.-.-t I nn.t S.-lie.-lu'e, of i'rin a of Mimiea! In.trum. , r.: l.-ivv;,ril.:il In any ilIn-M fret- of charge. Siii -7 THE (iU EAT I!E:,IE1)Y, 4 BOUT which so much has been said an l J.X. published, is nmorg ns. Who has not heard ot tiic MESK AS MVSTASIl J.ISI 'i:ST? .Many raiihous of bottles have been sold and used to cure Rheumatism, I'lcer.-, Sorts, Bruises Sprains, King-worm, Felons, Salt Kliemo, Piles. Sore Nipples and Calccl l,r .is, Ci iiceis, Iieh, Corns on I lie Tees, Sore I. yes, l.ar-acue. Pimples, Swollen Joints rr I. itnl's. Cuts, Scalds, or Scald-head, Numb Palsy, Bunions or frosted feet. Warts, or any other in iiiplaiiit lliat can be reached by an external remedy. And it has always been successful. It is mrAi.i.T n in healing Wouii.ls, Scratches, saddle e?r harness Galls, or any sprain, soreness or stiffness, and it is warranted to cure Spavin, Kingbone, Splint, cr Pol! Evil, on Horses. ryfhe Liniment is put up in three sizes, and retails at 25 cts, 50 cts, and sl. The large bottles contain much more Liniment in propor tion to the prices, and are therefore cheapest. To Country Jft.rthaita. Every store should be supplied with this valuable LINIMENT, as it pavs a enod profit and sells rapidly. G.W. WEnTHMOOK, I (successor to A. G. Bragg & Co.) Originator and sole Proprietor. rrincipalOllices "01 Broadway, NewYork. and.c.or. 3d A Market Sts.,St. Louis, Missouri Sold by every dealer in drugs and medicir.es throughout the United Slates Canadas. West Indies, and Bermuda Islands. Iy5331 Hiihimore Adv'ts BALTIMORE CARD. SALT Sail- Sail.- A large sup ply of Liverpool Fine and Ground Alum SALT constantly for sale by 1'ai-r. tile ie J Co., 4 Commission Merchants, March 30, '55 21 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. Carr, Giesa & Co., po:.IMISSIOX MERCHANTS for the J sale of I'lonr, Ciralti & l.iimbr r, Scitr' lYharf, ln!timorc. rJTAgents for Newark aud Rosendale Co. Cement and Plaster. G.ALL'M A FINE SALT constantly on hand. N. II. Liberal CASH advances, made on consignments on receipt, Baltimore, March 1 irOS 6m HeImoUfs Genuine Preparations. HELMLOLD'S Jlishlv Cnmcnirateil 154 -t il , l'ur D.-is t-t' tlu It'aib'er am! K.anevs, Secret Diseases, .tricturos, Weak ti ss, and all diseases cf the Sexual Organs, whether in Male? or Fema!e, faun whatever cau?e they may have originated and no natter of how Ion sinudinr. tfy-'U hr.va f.'racft!a the ti-rriMe dipAw writ-h, whm cm-f met.' J iu the t-yBtia, will nuirly ilrn fr iu one (f at-vatA-'u to aiiotluT. UMJ'ni(iu.r.i; llit eon sti ntlon niA'l ni'iiiK Hit- err vital ttuM Pf lifr. Ur i t trast yijr'-'!l io th Innu.-i rf iu:;rks, who ftirt up i-v cf ii.ty in a city lifc- thin, rr.-t llii T-apfri wil!i clu tin uijiitrft.-m il rub'ulMh i to Ji-wive tii-youa-j nn.i tliofi- nt -iu..int' t wih th-ir trt-k-. You cu nc t tie too carrful in tli seltrtion ol a rctitttly ia tin.- T;r Flii'r! rvtmrt of RU'lia hi bri-n prcnfUTtJ 1-y f'TUiR'-nt i l.,y!ifian-4 tho lrfat.-M't Ucnu-ly eriT iVtinwn. It in s ticiittne iK-rfftty f sat in itn tacti an-! rrT ii.HG nl in iL m ticn, uul y. t th.-r.-uirti tliat it r,in i !;nt4 cv-tv j'arlK'h' f taa r.r.k n 1 jk in-ini'tis Tiru- of lltij 'In ti.thil rikj'i; amJ. tnilik.- ottur rf nn'ilit", it Jc-t r-'t ilrv up the JiM-aM ia Hie blxJ. 'outituii4iiHl lability, mu-;lit on y "U .'i!', l'-t t.-rri .litw'.iM. tiKh hnn brotiirht tli'it.-n!i .f tint hn n.an .aoc t untitut-lv pravi, thin Mijttu tlie br.iliattt hfj.-vtf pur'-nts sr.il Mijlitin- in tin- u.t the s1oriits stiiliitiiiD i f m.iuy s c-iib- yi.uili. ran be cur J t-y thin litt-fllihlc It. metlv. Anil si a niiMviot' which mu-tt U u rtit evr trfxly. f.nin the Mtnply .irlk-:it t the roctnu'd an i d'-i Airii.i invnii l. no iuai is to be ii unl, sctius both as a, Cure soi rrvt Dti;e. Hclmbold's Highly Concentrated Cumponnd I I:; hi t:fract Sarap.-ri!3a, For I'litifv-iiK tlin Iilrvil. rrmivitir all di srifins fr. ut fMifnof Mt'irnry, "'urfl ni imprtiit'Oe' in lilf, rlir"pi" 11-nitutiot.al dii'ftfs, ri.-inir fn m an im-pup- r-ute of Ihn I1hiJ, aud tho onty r liable antt i-f-.j-tuii! kuown r'-nty for tho eun if trrftf'ula, f-wlt J;l:-jum, fraM I.Vs'l, 't ic. rit)i.t vl tlis Tliro-it and lAtit. fa: a nnj !' llirf: of the ! n-j, T ttr. I no pi' on thr y Hit;, and ait ik-aly truptiens of ih-j t'Lin. T1:I srUfln nr.w prrfri 1 i-I prtto? of tho mtvt iiliTj'.'Ui-li. 1 I'liyiinns in the r-vintry, and i::i. provid m r i tijf!i-iit hi "prat ticetiinn any pnp.iratKu el ar.'a I a. illa yi jir-.Trd to the puMie. ti'vi-ral rn.-4 s i-t .ccon- . I .... ,VM. 1..-.lrtnl ,.n,l lu.l.-.rll.,t- l'ltVO .-11- liTv'-y Ti'ivtTi -l In Uie incurabie ward r f our Public Iu- .1 :i nil. kl.irh I... I l.ir iimnv it'm r, -i.e. il r, rv ui.mIi, of lo iilmeut that ceulil bt- ileviii-l. Th. rn-m iurni-li f rti Inini: cxainr-l- a of Ihe aalutrrelTiTtii of lliis iin-ilirine In art. iliili n ui v( the most liiTrtrratv ili.. iie-. all.T lilt 1,-laniIn Were Jestrejcd anil tbvtioneaalri'nilyafti-ctrit. NiiTICK. T.-rUrafltm rr.fOn.n.ln fhyniciali, of aev pnil .Mi-.lifnl Ce.llecra, ami e, rtiftrnn of cures from ia tii'tita vill be foun I mcis.3ipiiiiiug bsith t'rvj.araU.iD.. Pntcrs. Fluid Extract of Bttehit, i!l per bollle, or 6 bottles for S. Fluid Extract of Saiaparilla,!il per bottle, or 6 bottles for !$", equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sar saparilla. Prepared and Sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, 2fi3 Chestnut St,, near the Girard Honse, Philadelphia. To be had cf CHRIST & CALDWELL, Lewisburg, and of Druggists aud Dealers ev erywhere. fVAll letters directed to the Proprietor or Arent receive immediate attention. June 1, 1855 y I PFRB Cider Vinegar for sale at M h- i,VJ BEAV LR & KREMER'S. TIio Summer Session f)Y the LEVISBlTtG ACADEMY, J will commence on Muxdat, April 23, 1855, and continue 20 weeks. The course of Instruction is calculated to fit youths for College or for general business. The Bible is in daily use, in the School. Composition and Declamation receive careful attention ; and Proficiency in Recitation of Studies, is rewarded by the bestuwiueut of f 'umptimentttrij Cards.'4' For Reference, the subscriber could give the names of mot of our principal citizens who have had children or wards under hiscarc. A class of Yi.un; Indies will be secured. TriTio.t : For Languages, $10; Advanced English, tfio; Common Branches, (Reading, riling, Geography, Arithmetic. Grammar, and U.S. History,) $G ; per session. Con tingent expenses per session, 50 cts. per scholar. No deductions except for sickness JOHN RANDOLPH, March IC, 1855. Principal. The numtiiT of piij.il" upen wtiem tliey were VfUiw M laiit Si-.-inn. wi I.'., who tint not fail in a tinylt UcUa ttH alUiou-li ,i me of them bud over tiuo. Improvement in Daguerreotyplng! QPYKER & IIAVVN announce to the O public that they have new ly fitted up and greatly improved their Rooms and Apparatus, and are prepared to take I.ikVllCSMrs sup erior to any in this place heretofore. Pictures copied, or taken from life, and inserted in Me dallions, Bieastpins, Fingernngs, Watchseals Ac, and warranted true. Wc annex a list of our superior Cases : Papier Mache, Souvenir, Jenny Lind, Jewel, Union, Sontag,Oval, Velvet and Shell, Pictures taken at l and upwards. Rooms at the old stand over Dr. Thornton Ac Co.'s Drug store, opposite the Telegraph office. Lewisburg, Feb. 22, 1S55 FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, all complete and ready for ue, which wc will sell to any person, with full instructions in the business, for less than first cost. Prtm Er. John Locke, SURGKOX DEXTIST, O rriti: removed to NORTH THIRD street, Lewisburg. Lewisburg, Nov. I, 1855 7TTT) r.xprcsH GXirc! The tin ffrsigned have been appoint-d Agents f r HOWARD A CO.'S EXPRESS LINE, aud are now prepared lo forward, fluiliu Packages, Specie, Bank Notes Ac. to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Al bauy. Baltimore, and intermediate pe.ints, also to ihe other Northern and Eastern cities. The politic are respectfully invited to pat ronise Ihe above line, as it is the quickest and sr.fi st ho i!i 1 1 of transportation between the cities aud Lewis-l ttrg. Packages received by or before 9 A M. will arrive iu Philadelphia the same day, and be delivered early in the following morning. Receipts given fi r time and price. VUitad-tphia ";7.-r 1 1 A :l. South Third St Oct. 20. "CHRIST A CALDWELL. HA1HSIHUU(; HINIJE1LY. J.J. Clyde & r. I,. Iluttcr, suxr -:,, ir. o. .','.,.;. rft'o. Book lliNiiiiits- and Stationers, ani ilLAMv. dlllUIc ."iAMFACiLEEKS, llirrifhnrjj 1'a. MOST respecifuily inform their friends that they are engaged in the above business ir direct'y oppc site Ilerr's Hote-l.j They Hatter themselves, by careful alieutioiito their business, to receive a continuance of Ihe pat ronage so liberallv enjovej bv the old firm. BLANK BOOKS for Banks, County Oilices, More-hams, and private individuals, and every variety of full and half-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books, Periodicals, Maeazines, Law Books Newspa pers, Bibles, Mii?:e, works issued iu Nos., Ac- bound in any stvle. plain or extra. AU Wwrk. warranted, and done cacapiy. Please give u., a call. C. A II. l"V Books Ac. t,i be bound may be b ft with the l-.ititi.r ol Ihe Chronicle. 500 Danville Rardv;are Store, THREE VOOKS SOUTH OF THE BASK v VT which will be found a large and well selected stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Xails, Carriage trita'ings, Harness mountings, Carpenters'. Cabinet-makers' and shoe makers' Tmds, Itoot and hoe Findincs Moroccos, Kid, Lininss, French Calf skius. Cedar and Willow Ware, SSteel Springs, Anvils, Vices, frsorew Pl.rtes. tscrew Dellows, Uuilders' Hardware ol every elescrtption.VenitianW indow Hid ihultcrs, indwSasli.ilverp!idWare, Dritlannia Ware, (inns. Pistols, Kevol vers, Manilla and Hemp Rope, bperm, Lard, and W hale Oil, Tar, Window Glass, LuokingGlass Plates, Lineed Oil, fcipiriis Turpentine, Pure White Lead, White Zinc Paints, Iilake's Fire Proof and a full assortment of ether Paints, Wines and Liquors at W holesale and Kctail, Japan, Copal, and Coach Var nishes, &c. eVc. AH of which will be sold very cheap for cash, country produce, or four months" approved credit. J.O. KICHARDSOX, at the sirr.s of the Anvil and Saw Danville, Sept. 11, ltsM lylOt 8POKTSME.V Thesubscriberhason hand a large and well selected stock ef Guns. Pistols, Revolvers, Rifles, Game llags.l'owder IloftlS, Sliot lliches, A.C as follows. ingle barreled shot Guns from S 3,no to S Double do do I .(! to 40 Smooth cut Rifles lu.iit) to IS Twist do lu.OO ;o 12 Foster's Pt.Twist Rifles, very fine 10,1)0 to 20 Revolvers 7,00 to 25 l'islols so c. to 3 Comprising in all ihe best assortment to be found in this region, and at LOWER PRICES than can be bought this side of Philadelphia. In conclusion, cive him a call and be convinced. J.O.RICH ARDsOX.Hardward store. 3 doors north of the liank,7Mnn'e. P I'MI'S Pumps ! Pumps !! Well and Cistern Pumps, Suction.Force and Chain, the very best articles now in ose.those wishing to purchase can be convinced of this fact by calling upon Henry If. Noll, Esq., Lewisbnr; The subscriber has also on hand LEAD PIPE from to 1 J inches. J. O. RICH ARDSO.N. Danville Hardware Store, 3 cVors N. 9 of the Hank ef Dauvillc, St. jt. 15,15il j Lithouraphfc Printing, &c. KARL VUI.KMAR is now Ioeatcl on North Fourth street, near 1. Phillips' Blacksmith Shop, where LITHOGRAPHIC Views, Maps' Ac are made to order. PICTURES for Framing, and for Drawing Teachers. The German and Trench Languages, Draw ing, Paiuting and Draughting, taught by Mr Volkmar. Lewisburg, April, 155 IRON! IRON!! IROIJ!!! 93 178 LBS. Just received at the tj,'it Hardwarc Store f jwx. 01.1)8 4 Mr-FADIES. Farmers and Black smiths, call and see the largest and lest as sortment of Iron ever offered on the West Branch. Having the exclusive control of the celebrated Vaiistiie's Centre county Iron, we are enabled lo warrant every bar. All sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; Horse Shoe, Nail Rods, Ac, at Cash prices to ail. Call and see the Hardware Store of REYNOLDS & M FADDEN. Lewisburg, May 10, 1H55. DEYNOLDS & MTADDEX, at the XV Hardware Store, Lewisburg, olh-r to the citizens of the West Branch, at extremely low prices, Oils, Turpentine, W hite Lead, Snow White Zinc, Silver's Plastic Painls (various colors weather and fire-proof.) Nails, Spikes, Glass, Putty, Locks, Latches, Butts, Screws, and all kinds of Building Hardware, Gentle men who are building will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine our stock. Will sell as near city prices as possible. Call and see ns, uf the old Graham stand. Lewisburg, May 0, l!5;,. NOTICE. AVE lies leave to introduce ourselves IT to rhe citizens of LEWISill.RG and vicinity, as extensive Miners and shippers of While tsii IrWIuatilc Coal, At .wienil.r t'tillitrt, Xortltiimlitrltiitd C. Ta. where wftiave extensive improvements, and are prepared to oiler to the public a very supe rior article, particularly suited to the manufac ture of Iron and making Steam. Our sizes of Co.-.l arc LUMP yrT Smelting purposes, STEAMBOAT for do. and Steamboats. BROKEN j EGG fur Family Use and Sieam. STOVE ) j." ' ' for Limcburnsrs and Steam. Oar Point of Shipping is SUNI'IRV, where arrangements are made lo load Boats without any delay. COCHTtAN, PEALT A CO. J. J. Oi-Timf . I-in- s-li-r. I llisj. Ilrisi. .ij. Laura. ler. C. VV. l'r:o.e. -Uata, ,.n. II . 11 vi ... i ui.slr ,l- r"' Oi.lers addressed toShamokin or Sun bury will receive prompt aueiition. 1v5n5 UKIOH TEHFERAECE ECTIL, a n ; Ice Cream r.cii ta!i: Saloon. I Lunar J &t'i.ml ni .!.';. I Si.s. ' Having rented ti.e c.n.nni ik.us and well i xL.-"u:.-d l.ui'dinrsat the lowered of Muriel (formerly the mansion of Wm.Hayes.Es'j.) I the subscriber is prepared in entertain j fTUA.WL-U AM' TliA ICUCUS, I Man and Beast, woh lodging and food bu 11.1 with intuxiratir g liquors. :"vrTiicre is also attached an ICE CREAM Saloou for Ladies, aud au LATIN G SALOON for Gentlemen. He respectfully solicits a fair trial, and a share of the pubi.e patronage. E. FETERS. Lewisburg. March '30, 1S51 3m VOTB'K. H iving been appoint'. the XI lSCXro. tn the l.t w ibiirir Cemeu ry. Hi o sitT'.-cribtr w.-uM to rrrivrn. all dir' !.-.:' tii. it he is pr- pared , niifcfif i 'h tlie t urlr.l T Un il-.nt Vif wi'l t ati'-ml In the rp-innr:nfiit of drrc.Tsp.) nfrfin. ur.dertne direction i.t their surviving (nend. Kesi.lcncc in the I.n !;;tr ?.l the (I;fe of the Cemr-tery. GilOKfiE DO.XACHY. Kewibiir, May :i, l?'.rl MIAI If S I'lanoM. The subscriber has been appointed Agent for the sale of Meyer'scelebratt-d Pianos. C.Meyer ree'd the Prize Medal at ihe World's Fair.'when he was in competition with the most celebrated makers of Europe and America. His instru ments are universally known to excel all oth ers for exquisite tone and durability. Those wishing to purchase a Pianolhat will last for many years and give perfect satisfaction, will call and examine one of his best 7-ociave rose wood instruments, at J. L. YODEU'S Watch and Jewelry Store, Market St. Oct. 1-J, 1854 Lewisburg. Lcivlslj.il g Saving! ImI11u1Iou, TS now open and ready to do businers. The 1 regular Discount days are Wednesdays. The following named persons are the Dibectoks William CAMtmiw, Esq. Mr. JiiiiNsox Walls. Mr. LilKRS AMII?IS. Mr. JiMts M'Cbxisht. Mr. Thomas Hates. Mr. William Fhhk. FaKn'ic V. Miitfr. Esq. OrncEBS WILLIAM CAMEKOX, Vresident. DAVID EEDKR, Treasurer. Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on all deposits over six months ; and Meee per cent, less than six and overihree months. DAVID REISER, Treasurer. Lewisbnrg. Sept. 10, lSli:! Winfield Woolen Factory, A'car llartleton, I nlon Coimly. rrillLS establishment is now in the best order i The machinery bemtj nearly all new, and none but the best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels safe in saying that" his work shall not be surpassed by any establish ment in this or the adjoKung counties. His waggons wi.i be around as usual, and those wishing to p.itronie his establishment, will please avail themselves of that opportu nity. rSI have also on hand, and intend keep ing a choice assortment.of CfAotN, such as Clith, Sutinttft, Caihmtres, Tweedy Hlnnktt Yarns, c,f which I will sell law fur cash, or exchange for Wool and tYumrv Prodm-e ren erailv. MAKK HA LFriVN V. H.utleton, April 22, 185:1 if OR Sif.E TWO new and elesan six-and-three-iiuarie-r Octave I'iaitoN Also THREE beautifully-finished Mt.i.O I'Kt'SS, made after the newest improve menls. Apply to FR. J. GESSNER, Sonth Fourth St. near Market. Lewisburg, Nov. 20, 1H54 Htssey'3 Grain Reaper, for cuttiiifjr both Grain and Grass M" AM FACTl'RED and for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by 1 GEDDE.-S, 5IAKSU A C 1 V rv CI-CCKH all kinds of 8-dsy and tVos-O-hoiir Brass Clocks and patent level Vejejtime-pieccs, Brais -day clocks at Jj4r brass 3o-h.ur cloclis as low as $1. All clocks warranted tor one year at I. h. YODEI'S THE subscriber con- I tinues to carry on the l.lvrry IIiisIii-tH at the Old Stand on North! Third street, rear Market, ami lesneciiullv solicits the patronage of his friends and tb public generally. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg, May 23, ISaO LEWISBURG FOUNDRY. , vf i jThe subscribers, ihankfol for I (i"ff past patronage, would inform 1 :!'Ciilihe paj.'ic that they eonlmne 16 V manufacture ail kinds of .MILL I GLARING and other Casl.ngs. Thrashing Machines and other Machinery repaired in Ih J best manner. Castings warranted to be of good material, and at prices that ran Dot fail-' to plea .-. CEDDES, .MARSH & CO. Lewisbnrg. Feb. 151 COOKING tstoves, of various atlcrus and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for salt) alike LeUlurs Fuui!r, by c;, d.le, Var.h Co. ' imu-lurlor, Wcod. and Coal Stoves, variuus nnttcrns. for -ale at ib i.ewi,burg r ouuory. Ueddes Maish A Co. YyAUI''-5 Tatcnt Gar.r riow, a supe I V rior arlicic, for salo at the Lewisburg Foundry by Gcd.lis, Marah A Co. GRAIN or Seed Ross' Patent- tli-ridrdly the but and most durable Grain Drill nowiu use, for sale at the Lewiaburg Foundry by Geddes Mamh & Co. Lightiifcig Kods. 4 FTKU msnj years' close investigation an J : jZ riumeritus ex L'fiijjents, the ratrntee tak ' Itu-ur- in inft.rriiiiig the fuUic that be ha arrived At thr I tie j 'rinc'ple of p'olrciing Um'iUer, JwrliiiiCi or:! prcf.f n frum tbedetruclive iprlu ence ol LIGHTNING. The calamitits that cvir i itv, Tun, Ulage and Countrjfalla ! victim to ajinuatly, ll.ru the gro-; negligence of iu uihjl'iiants. is Lt OLtl calculuiiua, especially when the rtmcJv is so eay to oLuiii -this U j found ta and in t!.ts a!-jne. ThU KoJ has tccu examioeil i by the me?t i-cii diific p niU tncn in the world rrutt-!-tre .".rMurtr it', Jvit.ii;on, allor and many : olinTs ;h;it have eia': in J thiem, rccomnaeBd and ; sj of iLem in the !:-! terms of approbation, i arid liive prunounct-J thtm the only safe rods ir , use in lhir any ulii r c uiit'y lur the protrcti . ot Lives and rrvpeity. lnr advanljtpe is to divide i nnd throw l-irk o pin of :he e!. eric lluid h armlets L lo tiit ciutj.:- ; in i;r;f of a tr. ke this enables the roij t.) cm. Jut thai p.trinni of fin id that belongs to t: p t-nrth v i t i i u : the fLhte-t tijuper of lea vir cu.din t.ir. 'I hi rod has mnny other aiivart t .i the vld one. The only place al ; ii.anuf3 turina i.- in l ine .V 'i J.ivfM ulure IS.'fl, r.ilatfefpMa, j hi re all per-ons are reup ectfuily invited to call antl ex.u.iine lor iueniirlvrs. t or iale Wholesale or Hetail ly TllO'ri All MIX AGE. Orders rjmp'Iy attended to. Terns cash. These nds have been purchased and success ful. j u.-td by tlie ft-'i'u-.viij iuJividaals, companies and corparatirns. whose ciiues are chevrfuDy subr.,iltid : tun! .Mt t, ;!'-, r.Jj MaA. t 9. RVrfs. Giwp ur. Ju-'-i- C'nraJ. J. Multriir n . J. i.. . un r. ii. ihirsli-T, 'iira4 .tin ! M-f. Am', nn A UrAthtrn, ti ,ii.iun. Th'.-. .n..t-r. hmtm At 11. f.ictiv u-, 'tl.-.'. Nott Mr. J. I, A It. ..iiVr. I . ....'. J i.r rr, J V.Wt-fii. V. II usaphfovs, J v i i .... J. . v ii. tn. I;. p.:trl.-n, J. (Ueihirf. ;. Pr. j r. Mr. i-;.r; ;r. I; :;.i;, S. I-rt J.Vnnkkv Mr ! ;- :.. lr. I nu. ii. ( t-rs A t..., J, W.Braii, ti. iilr. tl.- Krd r.irth; II -t l. Ili-t t'. ArarBaJ, tfa r in; i.kr t- n ' uu-ii.-; r.r-' llatl. a i,v & iif rj ,V. ir jrrty.tT? Crispin. Juds M . all. lM.yt.-n. hn N. tn.an, lir. U. Jtl'2lurtMv B ii j. KoWrtu, Sir. J. hrwn.n . .v i y .". i or yrr. fl-rtf'? TpV.,rV Ualri-uny. Vm. K tir. Jr-bn ITsas, vi l'i it rs. J;-.. i'h Jiiiii''. l:..d iluian. Krvbn .V. ii. I;. i;...r;e 1.1. ci.t. - w J "iin tourt lita, aii'M'uri'iiii--:. u-r" u;::r.. Ltmr.-V nt Tp. Jh K-br. fttiun 7r l'r. Ciiarlr Wile u. II jj'.tHyhm Tp.J-bn Kunia. Mmtn Kyutz. H nm Tp. liac Cvuidroa. H'Ai Itttr fy.-ilnhix.vl UiCuian. C0MX.PJ TTny.v. 'i:rLiP.., Anr.l-T. 747. I hT tm day enreftiVy in.;.r.-J a cfndutir et l-i'-l.tnii: l;.d. i:h anl ir.i.-x, errrW-d by tr. Th ni.il Atmit.. ca I., Il.-nie lieu,4. ucrrtrr. ati'l have no l.t-Miattcn in t- ii -r Tl .it it is n.-t only th; brst 1 !'. rtrr v-n. but tbut it ir. tlie only on? I baveytC eMiniiiict! that if r n-trm trd on (trirtly fri,niitir princi-.lt-t. It i w:th utu.h lmure that I r BiBiend fa is cctaducttr to th att niiv u of turner4 f-t buiM' ne: 11. M I(M.TRIE. I am it sati-e.-d that the Marivtie Lihtninr K.J m;ii'uf;n nir. d ly Mr, Th' man Am.itNi:e. of Philaielphi if ti.e L- st . fiat baa t-Tt-r i-t-u nia le. 1 h:tTr pent tfvrl e;ir!- in tlie ntu-'y ! t!i litws t.f -Wtrii'itr and nu-iKt-i.-ni.uiid ii;i- no h.-fit.tti'.R in .. tht ibefe ar M.n-triii t. i-r.-n tb t-n' prirrV of f. i. Tlie elrM-tna .br.t-k if t ci-iird and i:-j i. d bv tne niajti.-t at the tp of the rt-l. ami ir would be imp. il-V. arrordinif tn th law. i rf altrarti. n and repn!-i,n, f. r a buiNim to b injimd by a .-tr. ke .. lu-htn-n.- h-n pe. ff. iMi by one ot thrne roU. 1 ba?e bi4 n nrjuut'd with Mr. ArBiilaei for iM'.ithI yt arts, and N-fore h .i -mrnenciil the mannf;.r--turt-ol tbfr n .! I x-icnnttl th- prinnpb rn hirh tbiy arr n-n-trtM tt-d. :n;d f. ;t rutmri'-fd that their ad-tit ii would be jtti-nd-d with ci m; Irt. tucc. The in-rra.irf d-mand t'- r thi rtI,'ii.d tl. r I. n.-ir.sal.-s in nil j -irn oi tl;- rr. it n try, i ainr lei uu;m. n'a!i n of tht-ir uttMtv .r.i nut er orilr. TiiAi V 1. W ALLU? M." i. Ki-ii un. Philpd Co., A ni Im. 1-0. Cirs.C. WILT and 8A.V. L EL HOOVri?. llartleton I'tiiuii C o, r.;. ate A rents fjr I'nion and adjoining C'uuiiiu ., and will furui.-h the Hoda on I lie ante terms and in the smc manner as the Propriefor. Oj'pjsUlun U the Life of Lusinrss! NEW LIVEllY AND L EXCHANGE STAELE. 'l'Lesuiiaciiber would respectfully inloiin lh citizen, of Lewiburi; ami the traveling commun ity gent-rally, that he has opened a new Livery and Exrhnngr s.i.,MP 0D FOl KTH ftrret half a square South of .Market, and has provided a good lot of lloraea, niih enliiAiy new good and lash, ional ItCsmocrs, Rucgie,Sleighs.&c. where all wishing anvliiitig in bis line may be accommod ated on the Imrtest notice and must reasonable terms. lie will pay every altcniion to the wants of bia custonin-vand hopes by so doing to merit and receive a lieeral share of pullie paitonape. WILLIAM MOORE. Lewisburg .Dec 30, lSol Cr, n. II. Dcrshan, n.WIXl! rorniarcnily localcd in le wisburg. Pa. (tbiice at the lower en J of Market sti.ci, nearly opposite to Peier' Il. tei; would respectlul:y ar.ni-unce to the citiens if the town and vicinity, that he is J rej arcd to answer promptly all calls in his proicssii n. He has ilei. N.l much time and special attention to all di-i asi s; and by lh success which has aitcmkd his practice in oilier plan s, he tipccls a good share uf ihe pill lie patroiiKCt'. Special attention will also le piven to all Chronic diseases, such as Female Crmplaints of every form ai d variety. Liver Complaint, Piles. Dyspepsia. Rheumatism. Scrofula, Drop sv. A-.'iie. Uroncbitis. Sore Eyes. Nervous i-r SN-k Headache, Xenralria, St. Vims' Dance, Fits, Consumption. Asthma, l lrers, Cancers. Tetter.Scald Head, I'hl. cieas-a D.lcns or milk leg. Fistula. PaNy, Cataract. Deafness, Hare lip, While Swelling, Debility, Tumi rs. Corns, &.C. Ac. In almost every Chronic case, a complete cure will be etlectcd.il' the directions are followed. No pav is required until acme is performed. Charges will invariably be as customary. Lewisburg, April 12, IMS fm Not- Dr.M. liaalu lir.l Ihe I'M "! the W.warrtem of Mr.li.il,.-. ar.l .01 frame IW er Aa.rrl.. t l.rlie n. Itiin ..il.Bi r. mfriw I Or O d or m:n"r jMli.lail.l.- ...-tni...'0'.'ll lai. ui.l: IU..-..eC l ..sl. It .l i.o.m- II - I - : '"- '-' 1 "H". ,alwl.c lo iii .v. rv Ih.r s,.-l. m r urr l..l. rr- il U .tie. ri.au iu tU I .I...U'.- S' l' iiirreiuirf ITin Uf