Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 07, 1855, Image 3

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    Fir"i'f::iJVl Ml "Tunes certainly change. Iot
loi: tincc, extra judicial oaths ana "piej
I'l'DAY Mor.MNG, Srj'T. 7, IS JO. gC.s' were very vehemently condemned,
AmMii' I tsPcc!allJ bJ tbo democracy. Now, Low
A r.rnr i?i ..r. in erur Cvery Democratic County Convcn-
all Brian nisiitoluv rwl! vrmiUM" welltnHupl or U I -r
cwuiwui iu .nw- riiruuuj'. .ui.ii b a iw ; tlurj (jat we notiC(. requires members ana
en.) tiws- nf elr.-nlnlioii in a eouinoimly onUliimfi ' ..... .
i - " "' Mwnt .roJuocrr, wouunra candidates to take extra-judicial oatlia
",u""- - - ! against another party, or to "sign away
. cj'See Kw Alv-rlisciucuts. j their liberty" hy "iledSir:g" the (same
. . thing. At the same time, the K. N'sare
MTlWio extfeiaci iu Composition and : .q many p!aces disusing with all
IVfi.mti m on Thursday Kvcnirg next, ' aj iDJI)ri)per arjJ mojit of their priva
.(S.pt. 13,) the Lcwiurg Aea-loniy. onlfics5alJ. At New Horliu,
1'xcrcves to comnicnee at 7 o'clock 1'. M. , Ja yQud.iyj lhe uauulS) Swiucfords, and
R,tnts. L'UMiJians.aud the puViic general-j.. , , , , ,
ly ttc cordially invited U attend. Ex?r-!
line t ) he interspersed with Music.
Real it!
On the first pa-e of this PF1"' we epy
nu extract from a leading journal in wis- ;
c. i .Il, i-r.iTi'f wml '
F niii a .avo riaiL on o
'.Ht r.t t!it Nebraska swindle
Th arti
cle hus mttcli the manner of Col. I'KNTnN, ,
and we commend it to the careful perusal
if i ll who would wink at this last outrage ;
of the K'.avc 1'owcr. J
Fusion in Sentiment.
. . . i '
The S'elins'irove 1 ' nwkra t f t last wcck lu v,ouri uni nig uic iriai, aim ucr icsumo
Las a suetinet account ef tha Violation of ny proved tho " lion." Mr. Wheeler a liar
the M ;,. Compromise, showing clearly ! as well as an oppressor. Judge- Kki.lv
its wickedness and its atrocity. The Lew- I proncuneed her lice, having been brought
isl ur ' A jun has also given gome luanly here by her master; aud ordered the Slate
txpoj-itioiis of the nefarious plan to crush j authorities to protect her agninst a threat
Liberty and elevate Slavery iu Kanzas. j ened arrest by the U. S. millions under the
We relieve the intelligent Freemen of j infamous John K. Kane of " Kane Lct-
l.'i.i n C 'iinty are in heart all opposed to ,
)!i e ou'rnces, and to those who commit
li d them ; and trust some mode will be de-
v.cu ty .cu-..s r-v i
m 1 sectional ((ic;lious our united rower i
" J ta 1 , , . , .
m FennsvlviMnus maybe comloucd to
lc'lure Lcr violated Freedom to Kanzas,;
oud prevent any more extension of an uu- j
mitigated curse. i
c .. . ... 1 . , .1... r'i-r:i 1 f.f llie
y,.i eauu..j ...v.
Chr.iiHti Cianch of l.euisburg was opened
, . ,. . ,
for pnbic sc. vice, au-1 tho exercises tnrousti-
r, 1111
.... i.n .1-.. n-.-wi tt.-nr? (! bv Lirrro num- .
..f , s fi: w.ll as of . readier and
. r . . 1 , 1 1. , ,.
.embers of U.c c-.untcUoii, who bad Utu
in aMentlaneo upon the l'ennvlvatiia
r ,t ,i , n " . rl , ;
U.i ,t:ai. ( o,f,re.,e) the three oajs a,
ii us. J he house, a. tnotigii not very large,
1 r,, , f r.1 to ,rlaiw the '
v.v io'tvc Vcf-.ro i-.urcd to as ptrl.ap.. the ,
.catc.-t ai..l most c iinl .e!e .structure lor ;
, - , ' ......... n.,,1 n .w '
vor-t ; m t'.i-reoioti f t c untt, and nas
. , , , f i i- ,
n.:.iii!y vlaum d ly one of t..c leading!
. p.. i i it v
lmii.Uis of luo t hut eh Henry K. oli. ,
, , ,i
'J ho pl-.Mi i'ir g aud ornamental ttneco ;
' . . , , f it, i.. i
wort, tinder ti.e sup rvi.-i"U of -Mr. 1 eter
, , . ,-.,, t;......,;
Jlnr l-r, r. fleets great crcu.t U1 on hi taste
Ul.d Wot'.tnialiship.
'I'i.a ..w.r..l -r c.rtnin TTtlS
i i.
rrcaCUCU oy !
,,,,,, . cp t, n it '
1 1- f. JlidierlV, of AlltlOCll toliCgO, J. , ,
t - , l .. 1 mJ ., ti,il,r.-.1 tvlin
::u ir;.-Miiau I j
pve.u.spoMtionand illustration of the i
7.v. T I,, the L, -ht trf the world," ;
" i . . '
whl.h so 1 "th inar.ii t and matter was
Itl-eve ut.iver.-aiiy aj proved, t- i "r- j
vis j rend... I in toe ufternonn, and l'Iof-j
riv j -am m I tie eviiiii:
, .: y, an iCut was made to j
eecur.' li-v'i to ti.,w, uivu ia n
UJ woulJ wij.e ff every claim against the
td'.le. The r.-sp-nsc was more than suf
fieiir.t ; nver SlViO werj secured, leaving
a surivis wi:h nhicli to purchase a bell
!U.d Cui.-h c-.n-pletely their wVa. All the
Hi, ruber gave very librrally, an 1 other
Mf.ins their willingness to du tLcir
Kit ii aid ti.eiu;ilv(--, supplied additional
iseilis to C-jinpI-.te the g nid WOlk of ( oer
i,,gto worship ff Almighty God a
Louse utiinenmbired by 1.:U.
.. ..... . .i : l. .......
"T1IK CUISl;1: or, The Enemies of j Col. A. 8. Diven, .'resident of tbo Willi
Aineiiea Uumad." Uy J. Vayne anifport and Elmira llailroad Company,
s. I . , 1.1 I..- . p ..,-1 1...1U
L.rr.:.NS. l'hiladelpliia : O. v. .'inicr, j
l'ubV li-r lo-V This is a neat volume
of Zm Ps-s, illustrated with four wood j
cuts. Its obi. et we can best explain by ;
spying its Table of Contents, viz.
' v. .!';' 'ii.!!un.-'e in r..'iti.-. i
n. i; ,,i.u huroi-. '
. r.ir
, 7.
t. rvin Le-
: :. .z U-.
li.e-i i.e.. ,o rii.an.iai fT: irs.
i. ii 1 mil. -ture iu ('..uinit-ne.
u.ui"i e lias none i r
; v:. ii i -t i r,"''n 'mi
in Ccmmeree lias
J a- 1 r . cuno v.
IX i:T.I1;.s .(:!.,. ,-,enl ff. i ts of freifn Imr"tulT
fc i Aim : 1.-: n li. Im '.I) .
li. 1 lie t. r- .tfi.r.s' I:. i:i.;.iv lVr Unr Times.
) .. i nil:.!:-. . i r ll -.'I T:t.ea.
I! w U. in oi lu-.l a . ill :i;-l 'm i: Hie nme.ly.
17. llLiliiiii.ll- 111. ,T. t ollle: Alio rami lli-IUede.
' tonsil l.iOn..i.e in llu, ull..n si.l Ut-iion.
l:i, ... .... , I:,.:,. rtt,..i'...s.
en II .m .1. .1:11. ' ; . r.il.- in Ani.ri. an polities.
il! How 1 i,o liou.au doolie l ouict liula Sim of Sei-
2-. II ,w 't '- ( I or ti of I7e me r-Hants th-canj immorat-
tv. A I'l.tl. rn ( ai.Jiual.
iil. U 1. 1 0,01 lallvi.e- i'rwata iulcr'iTo iu American
21. (.. .j ..i e- n.: !- rations.
The hoik will be sent to any address,
pot-pa'J, ou receipt of 61. It is to be
published on Monday nest, but wo are
favored with an advance copy thro' the
i-olitetiess of T.G.OiWKi, Mifllinburg.
A'i! NTs WANTED to ilUpOHJ of this and
r.'.hir salable w.rks. Address T.G.Orwig,
Mifilinburg, or G.l.Millcr,Bux loOl, l'hi
ladvlj.hia. CJ-Messrs. GiiMtsMmin, of lhila:lel-
, , . i t r,. i i
p hia, having rented and Ctttd up, in good
, , ,. p i, ; , w.,i, '
M e, the Storeroom of Ir. Oner (nearly
o puMlc Mdings', and Hayes'), request us
t.i notice that they will be ou hand next
week with a stock of Heady Made Cloth
ing and Cloths, nbieh they will offer lower
than ever before afforded in Lewisburg.
t-ir Mr. N'oi.r., re re to1., has the prin
cipal contract f , r building the German !
It.irmed Church in Selins'Tove. Mr. J
lyj'd s alilily and taste as a I'.uiMer, is !
giving him tl undaneo of employment, in
every uireeti in.
t ST-Ou Saturday la.-t, Charles T. Grier,
of this town, received a severe Lick in the
breast from a hor.-e in the stable, but wc
arc filad tu hwm i. retuvciing fiom the '
ulj 1
r,Ljgt.j aR j rcfjUircd cvcry member of the
Convention to sign it ; and we believe all
half a duzen or more of Nix V,cisers in
eluded put their names to the document,
as -raveiy as v.01. 11.0. .uou, lasiiuii, um
flm .inmf. tliinir !
jRul'as.-uiorc Williamson is still in pris
on, although it was proved on the trial of
the MacUs arrested for riot with him, that
no riot was committed. Two of the blacks
were found guilty of assault and battery.
Jane Johnsou very unexpectedly appeared
. , . i - .1 . . 1 1 . .
ter" memory.
Ciy Judge Rockwell, of tho Supreme
Court of tho State of New York, has de
clarcJ ,hc ncw Li uor Law tf tLat state,
to be constitutional.
yThere is to be a Sabbath School
Celebration, at Forest Hill, on Saturday
Republican State Convention.
FiTTsittitG, Sept. 5. Tho Republican
...n,.,:., .,t.l,.l tn.tUv
. '
i he re were about w'JUO persons in at tend-
anee from dillercnt parts of tuo Mate
Afu a preliminary organisation
e,. . . ,
IlllillU UU l'll!LT19 HU3 a TuH"l"l null U-
e c
poneu tuc nuu. n uessuo, vi ""' I"1
hanna, for lVesideut. with the usual num-
llie Convention was addressed during the
,f., ,;.
' J . , .
Oeili. Ul;lifcl-la. lUU (.UlflMlUlll. ui'OU.wl
r .
for that purpose reported a scries of reso-
' .
utions. opposed to the aggressions of siav-
' '(
irv, assuunnj that tuo question overoha-
dows all others ; declaring that freedom is
' f
national and slavery sectional, and con-
Ut lllUUl luD Ol tow .uiouuii v...
tirollii-e. The resolutions WCre adopted bv ,
- - ;
acclamation. side issues were lutro- j
I dueerj.
After the adoption of the resolu- j
:,. A.lrA l. T
Ringham, of Allegheny, and Hon L.
1- Oaniphell, uieiuber
of Congress from j
. I
Iia frttnt-ornon ia 1
o'clock, V. M. The Convention is
sti".l jn session, and has just nominated
Pnsvnirire. Williamson fur Canal CoUiiuis-
,miJ great cutl1Qsia!;n,.
Ju.-hua G id'lings is now addressing the
It will probably adjourn :
eastern link of this road front Nor.hun, j
berlaud to Milton, will be completed and .
formallv opened on Thursday, 20th inst. j
p.,- i. t:.t. t
5y the completion of this link, which, by
using flat boats on the basin of the Sus
quehanna river at Northumberland, wes
tern Xew York will be connected with the
coalfields in tho middle anthracite region.
uad iiaa a lare duiiiuu m twi mis uum,
and the locomotives are ready for the coal :
trade, which will begin on the 21st inst
This link will also allord another pleasant
route to the north and west, via the 1 enn-
eylvauia railroad to the juuelion, above
Ilardsburi!, and wissenccr boats from that
point 10 miles toorthumbcrlaud. Iul.
WAsitLeiTiN,Aug.Sl. The Ticsidcnt
has removed Kiehard 1. Hammond, from
the ofiioe of Collector of Customs at Sau
Francisco, and appoiutcd Mr. Marcus C.
Latham, late M. C, in his place. Latham
is for (jwiu, in the pending contest fur tho
post of l.'uitcd State? Senator, and tho
change is in the interest of that patriot.
W'AsniNT.TONept. 1. Tho Trcsident,
wife, and cuite, arrived here this after
noon, after an absence of seventeen days
at tho Virginia Springs.
Wi'liuiu Cranch died this afternoon at
the age of eighty-nix years. lie has served
as Judge in the Courts of the district of
Columbia for nearly lifty-Gve years. lie
was eminent for his learning, for tho
soundness of his opinions, and for the pu
rity of his character. Ho received his ap
pointment at kite outgoing of the admini-
Ktr.itinn rf thrt tailor Ar'ama
c learn front the Lancaster 11 Ai that
during Saturday night last the office of
- ,
IUU VUUUl V 11CU.1U111, .U fcUU IIUIT ijuurii
lloure, was entered by means of false keys,
and robbed of all the money on hand, (ex
cept a few dollars of silver chauge,) amoun
ting to 5753 62 1
We are glad to learn, as we do, that tbo
proposition of the Board of Managers of
the Suubury and Eric llailroad Company,
t0 Cet up a Consummation Stock meets
uj(J, very fair prospects of success. Dai-
Nt.w YdRK, Sept. C. The steamer At
lantic has arrived. No progress made in
the Crimea. No special news of interest.
New Oui-eass, Sept. 3. Tbo deaths
'luring the past week arc 40t, including
'34 fn.m yellow fever,
Lewisburg Chronicle
Raltimoke, Sept. 5. Ry the Norfolk
boat this moruiug, we have a report that
sixty deaths of VclIowFevcr occurred dur
iug tho twenty-four hoars codiug at noon
yesterday. At 1'ort.stuouth there were fif
teen ncT eftses and nine deaths. The doc
tors report more new cases in Norfolk than
at any previous day since the disease com
menced. The deaths occur so rapidly that
coffins cannot be procured in many instan
ces. Trenton, Sept. 5. Tho New Jersey
Know Nothinj Convention met to-dfiy,
aud after a lengthy debate upon the slav
ery platform of the late State Convention,
passed a resolution explanatory of their
sentiments, and declaring that the repeal
of the Missouri Compromiso was a nation
al wrong, aud that it ought to be restored.
Vf.u,mont Flection. Royce (Ropub.)
is re-elected Governor. Tho Know Noth
ings and Republicans have carried tho
Legislature without a doubt.
ll.)M.'1WAV'S OlSTMhNT M. 1.I . 1-TC l-1T.--tnl IUlt IvtT
W..n.lrftjl Cure ol Sf-r. An' u.'ity iUrriMin Scar.l,
of .M.rtiii-l'iin. Viruiu.n, v k u!!. : r l- r t'o:yijht
yivirii Iri-m iftro lee, Mtl.a-l at tini' stl.nl hnmsii nature
could pcar.-ly lr it, as tiny wen- iiiv.ivn with wouii-Ip
uU pmo.l 11 i-U. Hi- Hi' u.ih kmi (Titio all Iwm of
lni-TtT rt-irimiitti lli-iicl Ins liniU. li vas in n
liti?it'l n rt;iU'f i;i.- inui.. t-( t-iitllv its tl- actors tM
him it as rm antition!. llkTin? Iir.inl fn.m M-Tfrml
Im pie tl:.- yo.1 fclL-iis itotl. ..' 1MU liti pro.luel in
res el thi- iiature. I"" i.wle 1"- "itti'l to pit" lli' m
a trial ; ait.-r a-ii'i tli. in t r T wis-k.. Iia f.-lt inui'h
better, auithy rt ntitiuii-.s ll'i-r i 11" two uiontlii are.1 a
balf, lie tis ) rf- l.y i nr.1, i n r 2 a Clip
lU-, auJ it iipiili ri a lyjoiid h-L-iiian anl.
Cornet td Viukly.
Wheat S1,'0 Kggs S 12
Rye 75 Tallow 12
(orn 70 Lard 10
Oats 'A'l liaenn 10
Flaxseed 1,2". Ham 12
Dried Apples. 1,25 Clovcrsccd 5,50
Ruttcr le
At Spring Millf, Center cctifty, last evenim,
(th inM.) Kavib I)t !tci,ase.J ahnut 57 years.
Mr. Duncan was orft of Uie most rsieemed,
enierprisniR ami influential citizens of Center
county, aiiJ Ins loss will be deeply felt m ma
ny circles.
In I.ewijliirs, 30th uh , Anna, .'.an-liier of
Peter X. ami !Sirali A.Aminuiiaeil b years,
1 monili and 14 days.
I la Uat Uuiiulue, lt inst., Loziilielh danli
! tor of Tliomas ana Uarliara lteaiu, aed 19
rsar. 7 months.
' in LewisLur', 21 inst., Miss Margaret Etr-
J J- ...,.e
uu -( - j -f
I" LewiNtwrir, 1M inst., at th house nf Mrs
M. M'tMure, (of a linsenng lectileuess tenoin-
Law,., in cri.r.pO Elizabeth (iet rge, aged aliout
T ears. a . and endeared cl:d--her
I parents resident m Potter cntmty.
j , i.ewislur8. al ini., of whoopinc cntisli,
I ,t,.,Llilin KranUl.n sou ol Chas S. and .M.A.
Crnes a-.-ed 8 months.
In White Deer Tp, llilh ult Dan'l Ludwig,
in liis 72d year.
In Lewi-burg, l in-t. Edward 'Vard son of
Lewis and Maty E. Iddinss asrd 2 years
moiiihs, and f davs. (of whooping rotish.)
KarlT from a.irlb. irl and se. nr. ly in liean. Kind
,..renl: mnurn nnc Kl.l, s lnr fr ra Iho doorstep
on summer'. eall n.t to roin I. in sJ reiiienl.rani o.
Ins rurlins l ks m,d toTlieii.-i a; n -""',
nrui to in- .1 you: rll er r. ic e In the I...rd Itiut Id)
lliat it i-hanl tr uoor Iniraan nature lo 1-ar up under
i lvond llie res h of enrlh TeTn pi a-, l-io s.
It is true
. w,.j.,,,, rf u,h le-rra.ui. nls l.ut imlli.il l llli in
, u,, -,n i- ri3i.t,- -h..uii i nr snm.nt
c.nsnlli..n. r.Mv nr.w r.nMilnte. a flim.n-r I'l.k in
chain that biods jou to jour tlder Brother
in l..ieu.
Two Good Hitch Cows,
Suitable for Winter Kropi
Vr'vWroit tsAl.l. Enquire at the CI
m'i il iii ......
the Cliro-
iue!e IMice.
is'i.5 pdiliv
$10 Reward!
Sfraynl from t he pasliiro of tlm
siibscriher. in Kellr township. about
tae. im tilt., li head of While Wi.-tlll'1'N,
one w i!h very larje norns aim dhuimi "
and Ics: another had smaller Horns; anolh-
er had an offset in his forehead; oilier mrks
WinJ JJ WtaJ
r.,t information which will enable nie to
pet them .main. They were last seen going
into the liru.h Valley Narrows.
Kelly, Sept. 6, 18.r,5.
Estate of Deniel Ludvig, dee'd.
NOTICE is lipteliy Riven, that LcMpts
Testamentary on the Eslateof HAM EI.
1. 1 DWIG, late of While Deer township,
t'nion couiitv, dec'd.havc been pranled lo tiie
underiisnerl'liv the i:Tiier of I'nion county
dne form of law; Ihetrlere, all persons
, 6a( estate are requested to make
jmiate P 'ftheo,
' aHlh(,,icalC( fr sciilemeiit.
jtii.i, i; .t iv. ( Executors.
While Keer, Sept. H, lSo."
rP0 close P.nsiiipss. The subspriber,
L beine ahnut tn remove, wishes to disp"e
of the "ENTIRE SPICK of PKV f?)t)PS.
rMlTHM and FAM'V ARTICLES, which
will he sold IcIoV ':t.
We invite the attention of Pnreht'ers to the
strk offi-red. P I., k" X f WXX- Xel
door to Kline's Hotel, Market Mt., Eew.-hurg.
,:. i.Evrw.
T GOLDSMITH & WtO'Sof Pliil-'d.,
) will open in this Iorour;h, in ihe tJiorc
formerly occupied by HrJ-l'MJititR 011 Matket
slreet, on the ISth of September, a lnrtro
lotiltnor Stor, such a one as never
li'niou county could boast of. Wait with
buying your Fall snjiply Until they Come
if vou wish to save 25 per cent.
on the premises.
Lrwisbur-;, An?. 31, '"o .
Surrpon Denlist, at liis resi
dence Cornrr nf Third Slrtd and Vnirmihi
Arenur, LEWISBUIG, Ta. Auit. St, lo5
'PltE parity, (riz-
.L rauce, and mild
emollient properties ntOjL "
this Soap, renders it es-&ttl?i-
pecially tlescrving a
olace on ercry toilet.
V, . r eli,nnsil h.inds.aillt n
various diseases of the sKin. it is nnci)nale1.
Each cake is stamped VvM. CO.WVAV, lfift
Soulh fecund Street, Philadelphia. Ifo otber
is Genuine.
Ini.troved riicniical Oliie Soap,
H ffrri(" to Ui in Hard, Sift or Hall Water.
This Soap has powerful cleansing proper
ties, which readily remove Oil, I'aint. Dirt.
Ac, from every description of goods without
injury In them. For all domestic purposes it
is superior to any other Soap now in use, and
20 per cent, cheaper than the common Rosin
Soap. Each bar is Biainped W7t LI AM CON
WAY. 169 South Seenml Street. Vhiladrlphia.
manufacturer of FANCY AND STAPLE
SO A PS, Sperm, Stearine and Tallow Candles,
importer and dealer in Sal Sjda, tsoda Ash,
Kosin, fir.
Orders lv m til promntlv attended to.
A'iguM 2", JS.ife 5!);sui3 j
& West Branch Fanner Sept. 7,1855,
Williana Jones,
TT0HM:V at Law.--follecti.ms
i L promptly atieiulej to,
Oiftce opposite
Kline s Hotel,
The Winter Session
OF Mrs. THOMPSON'S school for
yuan"; I.aJuM will commence on Wed
nesday, l-ili day ol Septemljer next, and con
tinue six monili". IiiMnictinn will La civen
in all the branches usually ransht in Arade
mies ami Hijli .Sclioolj. 'J'he cutiktant object
of ilie Teacher will be, so to train the minds
and dirert the thoughts of her pupils aa to
prepare ihem for the (treat duties of life.
A eeimpetenl Teacher of Music will tie se
cured, ami such nthei assistance as the iute
restsof llie School may demand.
Kev. Dr. Clark has consented to deliver,
during the session, a few lectures on subjects
of interest to the behind.
Drawing, various styles nfCrnyc.n Painting
and Needle-work will be lantrlit, for which, as
well as I.atin, French and. Music.eitra charges
will he made.
Term per year for English branches from
$12 to 2t.
('nniingent expenses per year $1.
Half ihe luition to be paid at the end of three
Koom in Mr. Frick's Bailding on Third St.
An;. 17, !hS5.
rFIlE ritrlncriip herclofore existing
1 lieiween Uaniel I). finldin A Luther Kanck
under the firm of finldin & Kanrk in the mer
cantile business has been this day disso!ied
by mntnal consent. aniel D. (itildin havin?
pnrehaseil the interest f said Luther Kanck.
The hooks and nctes are left in the hands of
sai'l (itilditi for rollection.
The hnines. will he carried cn at the old
Stand by Daniel 1). Onldin.
Ang. 10, ISoS. I. D. (;ri.!)I.
"YTOTH'E is Lertby piven to all con-
L v ceroed,that the following nnmed persons
have settled their accounts in Ihe Ueister's
Olficc a! New Berlin. I'nion County, aii'U'noi
the said accounts will be presenied fur confirm
nation and allowance at the Orphans' Court,
to be held at New Berlin, for the county of
Union, on the fourth Friday of Sept. next,
being the 2Sth day of said month, viz :
1. The account of fleorpe Fisher A Iminis
trator cfthe estate of Jom lluustwartli, late of
Penns township, deceased.
2. The aceniint of tiabriel Bnrjrcer, Adni
niMrator of Ihe estate of Rwlitph Hurg rr,j.e
of Terry township, iVeeasrd.
3. The account of l'hihp Manbeek and fie
orqc Miller, Administrators of the estate of
ltttinttrd Manbcck, late of fjeaver towuship,de
cease I.
4. The account of Mrs. Mary Smiih.rier ti
trix nf the last will and testament of .roi IV.
Smith, late of the borough of Selinsgrove, dc
5. The account of Adam Sheekler, one of
the Kxertiturs of the last mil and testament
o' 'f iri Slruhlr, late of West Itiilfaioe town
ship, doccased.
0. The acrouiit nf John Schrnch, Executor
of the last will and testament of Ciithnritit En
grl, late of Beaver township, deceased.
7. The account of John Schraclc. Executor
rf the In will and tesiamrnl of JdcI Ri.yer,
late of Kellv township, deceased.
8. The account nf O. I. Katherman and
llenry Killinjer, Administrators of the estate
of Jacob Killinirer, laic of West Btifialoe town, j
ship, deceased.
ft. 1 he aecount of Jacob 1 onnr; and Crisdi
na Miller, Administrators of the estate of Err
dtrirk Miller, late of Chapman township, de
ceased. 10. The aceo'int of Margaret T.ucas, Admi
nistratrix ol the estate of Robert Lucas, late of
Ilartlev township, dceea.sed.
1 1. The account of l'.lias Span stler and Jacob
i-'p"r.otor. Kxer'.itors of ihe last will and testa
rnent of Jacob Spang!er, laic of Jackson town
ship, deceased.
12. The final account of John Frederick,
Kxeetitor of the last will and testament of
Clirittim Katherman, laic of Hartley township,
13. The account rf Philip Ornn, Adminis
trator of the estate of ltnry Eouit, late of
Hartley township, deceased.
1 1. 'j'he final and only acconnt of Juhn Pe
christ and Oaud Kerstctler, Administrators of
the estate of Jacob Either, late ol Chapman
township, deceased.
15. The account of fieorfje rVhoch, Samuel
Schnrh an Samuel etfren. I'xrriitnrs of the
inst will and testament of Mtchurl Schnrh, late
of the Korourh of MiiHinburtr, deceased.
Hi The account of Jacob Kran.se and Char
les Krause, Administrators of the estate of
I'nnicl Krause, late of Mtddlecreek township,
17. The account of William Speese, Admi
nismtoT of the estate of Soomoa Engitman,
lale of Kelly township, deceased.
IM. The account or Henry Kern, I'jecrtlor
of the le-st will and testament of CuHmrint
Krrn, late of Iaver township, deceased.
li). The ?rcount of Simon Christine, Admr-
nisiratur of the estate oi Jacob Saiidcrt, lale of
I'entis township, deceased.
SO. The aeeontit of lieorC Meixe" and John
Huntington, I'xecnlors of the last will and
testament ef William Itunlington,la's of Hart
ley township, deceased.
1. The account of James Irwin, John W.
Simontiin and Wil'inm Sleans, Administrators
of the estate of William Jruin, lale of Buflaloe
township, deceased.
i"-. Tee acconnl of William Wajner.fiuar
dian of Mary Ann Urobst, a minor child id
Daniel limbst ,at of I'ennstownship, deceased. !
:. The account of Isaac ilothrocir, Execu- j
lor of the last will and testament of Abraham j
Ktll'r. Inte of Beaver township, deeesed 1
21. The account of Philip Ilerrol 1, Eiecu
tor of the last will anil testament ot'John Whit
mrr, late of Chapman township, deceaser",
settled and filed by Daniel Whiimer, who is
one rf llie Executors of tho last will and tes
tament of the said Philip Herrold, deceased.
Register's OlIice.New Berlin, Anpe. S3, 1865.
Arllinr's Srir-Mralln Can4
VP.B the cheapest and best Patent out, for
preserving Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
Three Sizes for sa'e bv
II! ItSlI ft VOnE, Lewisburg.
!?Peleron's MANUAL for preserving
Fruits &c. for sale as above price HJ cts.
Ilermetical Self-Sealing; Can,
FOR Jtrpsen ing Truihs, fircpn Corn,
Peas; Peaches, Tomaiocs, Vc. Ac.
"""""Are easily opened or closed require
no soldering may be used year after y,-ar
demand unlimitedevery Farmer and House
keeper should be a pnrrhaser!
Sl'KATT'S PATENT -f..r sale by the
dozen or single, (different sizes.)fiill directions
for preserving accompany the cans.
II. W. CROTZEK, Agent, Lewisburg.
New Establishment!
T EWISOVERPECK would respectful-
xJ ly inform the citizens of Lewisburg and
vicinity that he b.3s opened rooms at the Un
ion Temperance Hotel, where he is prepared
in the most improved and life-like manner, ami
pat up in cases varying in pries from 50 cis.
to .$5. He invites the pnblic to call and try
his work, feeling assnred that they will be
pleased with his workmanship. Having had
uperior facilities fi r instructions in the arl,
(of J. P. Leisenring. Danville, and C. B. How
ard. Reading.) he think himself as well per-1
feeted in the art a? anv in this or anv ruh-r
State. - ' ,'ulr IS, 15S J I
William VaaQeier,
i V Iew llrtr, t nlon Co., Pa.
CiUrtice on Souih Second Si., recently by
II C Hickolc, Esq. !n
A Blessing to the Afflicted.
DM. C. L.KELLIXG,Mcthanicshurs,
Pa., announces to all afflicted with Tu
mors, Wens, Cancer, Cancer Warts, Polypus,
l.upus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or Kinjr's
Evil, White Swelliuz, Fever Sores, Sore Legs,
and all diseases that have been usually ueio-J
with Caustio or Kuile,,lhal be ca reiuuve
them by an entirely new method, wilhoot cut
ting, burning or pain. Jieilhcr Chloroform or
Ether is used. It i no matter in what part of
the body they are, he can remove them with
perfect safely and in a remarkably short time,
if curable, No Mineral or Vegetable Poison
is applied, and no money required, except fur
mrilicine.until a core is perfected. Chronic
and all other diseases not mentioned above,
especially Venereal affliction treated with po
sitive success if curable. Full particulars
can be obiaincd by addressing C. L KEL
I.ING, M l)., Mechaniesbnrg, Cumberland Co.,
Pa., enclosing a letter stamp.
Cai-Tins. Strangers cuming to Mechanics
burg to see the l)r. are cautioned to beware of
unprincipled persons, as some have been de
ceived. Do not ask for ihe Dutch Doctor or
any other, as Dr. K. is the only one iu this
vailey, who can perform cures by the new
method. The Dr's office is directly oppoaite
the l.ninn Church.
Mechaniesburg is S miles from Ilarrisbtirg,
on the Cumberland V. It. K., and accessible
from all parts of the I'nion. The Dr. will visit
cases wilhia a reasonable distance when de
sired. July 27 5M)-1
rVHE suhscrilier Las re-opened his
X MEAT MARKET, in the rear of his
dwelling on S. 3d street, Lewisburg, (opposite
the Methodist Chapel) where he will endeavor
to furnish iu their season LLEF.VEAL, ML'T
TOY, &c, in good order.
The prices for catlle, etc., continning to be
high, I will sell at very reasonable rates for
Its?" Fresh on Tuesday and Fridav mornings.
Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure,
IUR the Prevention and Cure of Inter
mittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and
Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague. General
Debility, Night Sweats, and all other forms of
disease which have a commos origin in Ma
laria or Miasma.
This is a ATt CAL AVTiPeiTK atiieti will emirelr
rroteet any resnl' i.t or traveller esen iu llie most sickly
or s nmb' loci 1 ti,. Iron, any Ajfue or liiill-jus ilisoaae
whatever, or any injury from cotutanl inualiuj; Malaria
or .Misama.
It a. II instantly elie-k tie Acurrn pewe,i wlin brra
suff-otl fr-.m any lenlTi or time, from one ilay to twesity
leiira. sotlial llo-y never to tint.t anetlo-r eloll.tiy
roliuniiin in u-e aeeorJipc t) .lireetions. Tlr allant
lit oms, i- ins to wseover ape tr.- alt! rlrength. ani eou
liuues until 11 permanent anJ ra-lieal eure is efleeleit.
One or two outfit's will sioiwer tornrtlinary cares: r-a
rnay require more. Hires lion, j.rinusj ,n 'lennun, Fraoeb
nn.i Spin-h. aeiHimpany eaeb tottlo. l'rici, On Usillar.
Lioeral diacounttf uiatie to Uie traoo.
Sm York. Jnn. 11. ISSS.
"I fare oiaile a eliemieal exiouination of "IliensV Kr.
Vsk Asr Aoi c i.'i BE.'" or "Astihotkt 10 Mslsiua.' an-l
have fstej it for Arse nie. alereurr. Quinine and stryHi
nine, tut have not ti.nml a particle of either ! it, 'r
have t t'oiinlany auliesaviee in its composition Hurt wouhl
trova injurious to the eonstifntion.
J AMKS a. CHILTOM, H. D. Chemist."
I.raruiBrEi, Lnlnn Co , Pa., Iay 2. 1S5.
Ib J. A. r.tioiris O-rSlr: l.nl e,f me-lieine yon
rent ma was dnly reeerretj on tha 1 It Ti of April. I tiaae
aol-i ahout one half of It, afot so far the peo'l that hare
nsisl It are sariiod that it has enre.l them. Ti has cer
tainly stopped the Avne In every re who naa n,l tt.
aod sia of the eases a era n lonr staniim. Sfr fester.
who lias had it tor five or sis. yeans hack, ana ee.ul.t never
et It st,ppe.. exei-pt hy Vtuiniue. and that only aa lon
as she would take It, la now. 1 liunk, eutirelv enrsf uy
yonr remedy. li K. MUIMX
r trTiov t. aw'k srrrH:Hs.
Take no mora Arsenic. Totilca, ercnry. WiiifitsrS, Feb
riMmes, Mrv ehnine, or AirSi-f'crtO'tli.a of any krmt. Tha
wellknown lueftleieneT of theto nsaiofis rs'leono proves
tin m to I- the otl-finn either of false Tflo.lK.al Brln, i-pU-s.
or of mercenary iuaeks. Te.e rnly resujy itt eaia-U-ace
ths-f is Isiih sore an.) oarre.le.-i. Is
a.For Sato Bt tli Lowiaburg Crossnt hy
Sius; U. K. M'OIXLT.
BE AVER & KKEMKR have jast received
a lot of Mew Goods, con.-tunig of Ladies
diess goods, dress trimming French needle
worlc prints, Hasery shawls, Ac. &c
June 15. '55.
I Ml RAIN and Venetian carpels, a good as
sortment just received, chraper than ever
by June 15. Heaver & Kreincr.
"17"EM TI.t;s and I'antaloon Uttiffs. Aa
y nety of fancy and plain Vermes, smta
ble for this season, and of the latest s'yles just
received and for sae rheae,. Also, handsoin
summer Pantaloons Sniffs foe eenilemen and
bov wear. HE A VER FREMER.
LARGE ani splplidid assortment or
i L t'ollars, Sleeves and Spencers.wiih a full
assortment of Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Mitts,
Hosiery and Notions; Window Shaies anJ
Paper, Parasols, Hats, Ac. Ac, which will ac
tually be sold at reduced prices to suit ihe
tunes. Call and sec ihe Goods and hear the
Prices, and j'i.le for yourselves.
C MEXSCII, Murray's building,
opposite the old Graham bland.
Lewisburg, May IS, I3.5,
TWIN If. BEALE, havin? pnlarseil
J and improved his Shop, on Market street,
next to Hayes' store, has now opened a large
and select stock of
Clollix, C'H?s-:nficK, Testing and
ci" all Vin.K also GENTLEM EN S Fi nMrsIf
1NG GOODS.such as Shirts, Cloves. Hosiery.
Collars, Ac. Ac. He will also carry oft
T3t.it.:? and Walalns
in all their branches, wilh despatch, according
to order, withont cabbaging, and on the most
reasonable terms.
Kcadjr-piudc I'lolblntx
always on hand cheaper than Ihe cheapest.
Havin" a large force of experienced hamU
in my employ. I hope with all these facilities
to give general Satisfaction, and share liberally
in frthlic patronage. I respectfully invite ail
wanting anything in mv line of business to
call and examine my stork nf Goods.
Lewisburg, May IB, l55j
Latest from Sebastopul!
11 Tor Spring and Summer,
received and for sale by Ihe subscribers.
We invite a public inspection of our stock
of Merc handize.
Lewisburg, May 10, 1853
Small Profits and Qilick Sales!!
IL nUOff & RfTTER.
The subscribers offer, at the old M Faitden
(Storeroom, opposite C. Penny's Saddle shop,
a choice assortment of
SWjQjisJi SIiIlDS,
bought for Cash and selected with great rare.
The Goods comprise ihe usual variety, anrl'
will be sold t"t7"at the lowest potsible prices.
We respectfully invj'e old an. I new patrons
and flie pnblic generally to call aud see our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
j ti imow,v,
Lewhbur-. April SC,
A GRADUATE of the IVna Medical :
il University, of Plnlada .oHers herorofes-
sioual services to the people of l.ewrslar& and ;
vieinily. j
Odiee al her father's residenrw, I,r. J. F j
Gner',j one door below J.L. Voder's Jrsrlry I
ature. April 10, is.n
New Firm and New Goods !
VT the Mammoih Drug
Eiuporiuiu of
S Ui!'lii!e;i!
The underi?ned having pnrrhased the entire
Mammolh Drug More formerly kept by llr
Thornton (Vs., are now ready to li:l tir-l.-rs
and Prrnrriplioiis at a lnomem's notice. We
have a lare and well selected storlc of fresl,
nave a larpe anu wen seiecira aiorx oi iresn
and pare DRL V.s, MEIUCIXES, ChemicaU
DyesutlTs. Oils. Paints, Glass. Pntiv aud
All klndt of J'litrnt AMinnr,
fruit and Confectionery
. . .... '
Tobacco,8nBlf,and Imported Cigars of ilia
choicest brands,
Fancy Knfiont and Tail? Articles,
Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds
UantHis lit Cuaas f nisi tuurl.
(took vt and Stallonrrv,
a general variety ol Literary and bchool Books.
Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Lamps of every
description; fresh Pine Oil and Patent I) tim
ing Flui 1 alwavs on hand.
PI KB V l.NES aud LlyUOKS of ail kinds
for Medicinal uses.
Fire I'rtmf anil Zinc Paintt.
.'reserving ami i"icklinfr .Tare, ke
I Customers will find our stork complete,
comprising many anieles it is impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices
Call and see us, one and all, and see onr
slock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods,
we will not ask you to buy.
We are always on hand to wait on customers.
Remember the Mammoth Driitr fstnre t
Lewisburg. Union Co. Pa. tf8
BY HAILR.OA1). A new supply of Fancy
Goods. Pone Monnaies, German Pipes,
and Kinnikinique Tobacco t also a variety nf
new rJci'.Us, the very latest works. I, be had at
Jflngi!9,'55. CHRIST CAl.hWELLS
BY CANAL A fresh supply cf White
Lead, Pans and Chrome Green ground
iu nil t also Turkey L'nibcr in lib ranat Lin
seed Oil, Turpentine, Pine Oil and Fluid, all
of whieh m-e will sell at the lowest rates to
J j the very best Perfumery for Ihe ladies
tin t gents, con-tsting of A'mond and Honey
Soaps, Extracts for the hdkf., Cologne, Bay
Leal" and Honey Water. Burau Perfume, etc.
to be had at CHRIST CA i.H WELL'S,
The long-established Hat Store !
pRANKLIX SPY KER would resist-
I fully ar.nrnnce that he has jnst opened a
most splendid assortment of fii'IUNG AND
TIII.H ti, and is selling them at lower prices
than ever before offered in Lewisburg.
Ansida, Hungarian, Panama, Straw, Chip Ac.
Hps of all sorts, sizes, descriptions and
Flatts and Fancy Hats for CHILDREN, of
the latest and most beautiful patterns.
C lot bin K for Spring and Summer such
as Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Hosiery. Gloves.
Suspenders, and every other sort or Weating
Apparel nf the latest cut, and cheaper than
the cheapest.
r? Carpel Bags, Trunks, Umbrellas, ami a
great variety of other articles.
The public are eordiallv invited to exam
ine, his stock, as he is conn-tent that they will
be satisfied with his Goods and Prices. Re
member the 01.1 Stand Marlp-t street. Sd door
east of Third, formerly J A F Spyker
LewisDnrs. April SI, ISM
Last, out not Least!
TDDIXGS & WETZEL would annnunce
L to llie Trading cunimnmty, in Ton a and
Country, that they have now finished tha re
ception of the largest and best stock of
Spring and Summer Goods
ever brought to their store room, comprising
the nsnal variety cf Dry Goods, Gents' and
Ladies' fninnirr Wear,
Carocri'iftSk Crorker jr, Hardware,
and alt Goods desired for HOI SEKEEPEKS
Oar Goods were selected wiih unusual care,
and we believe will be found of ihe very best,
and (for the quality) as cheap as they can rea
sonably le ali'orded at any other sure on the
West liranch.
We rrspectrtii'y inisite ctirol-1 customers to
call an.' see our stocks, an-! we are sure we
can suit ynnr wants and times. Produce ta
ken as rtsiial cash never ei,-.-r".
May 1 l,T.s. IDDINGS sV F. T7.KL.
The "Did nammoth" Swarming
"WlTIIX( wGootiunj Old Customers!
V j. &. .i. w tu.s
are new receiving and opening for public in
spection, an unusually large assortment of
for Spring and Summer comprising all the
varieties of
F.s'n. Ac required in similar Mercantile
H-inses, to whu h they irvite the attention of
all desiring good Hon Is at faie Prices.
Grain and other Cunntrv Prtidnre taken as
heretofore. J. J. WALI
Lewirburp, May 1,
New Firm! New Goods! New Store!
THE Subscribi'rs havins entered into
L a Copartnership in Mereiiandizing, and
having re-titted and improved the Storeroom
of H P Mie'ler fontierlv orctipiel by Krtmer
A Co, wnitld repecifully atinotinre to the
trading comn'nnity 'hat ihev are tist opening
adapted t the wants of ali, and cutiiprising
the usual verieiv kept at Piore s in tho iarger
Towns. IP t.'lLL AM Li'.
(More pariieulars herrafirr.) .
J.sriirejer & Son.
Lewisburg, April 12, ISo-a "
(CARPET!5. A very larire and wetl selected
j lot of cotton and all wool Carpets, from
Sa cts. to 51.26 per van". A portion of these
Carpets were b-mihi at auction, others direct
front ihe roannfactors, al prices that we can
sell them very low. Those in want of Carpet
we Invite to call Snd look before buving else
Jitntt 1. 1SS5.
V LARGE and desirable stork of Ladies'
Dress Goods, rf every kind, for sale
cheap by
V LARGE lot of Ladies' sprint: and sum
mer Shawls, for sale verv low. bv
June 1, IM5 J. SCtntEVEK Jr K
CLOl'llS, Casimeres,Twreilandtnrnmer
Wear, for sale rhrnper than ever by
June 1, 18S51 J. SCHRt: YER HOX
Old Soldiers' Blanks.
1 ali engaged in tha service of Ihe IT. S.
in the War of 112 and for iheir Widows, at
the Office of ihe Lewisbnrg Chioniete.
OCHOOL ORDKSsS neatly priid and for
3 Mle al the t Arvnianr Oltitt
Jimcs F. Linn. J. Kerrill Lina
V. i J. M. I.IXX,
Alt at "Law,
i.r.wi.sti uu,
a I.
..n C"OMy, Pean'a.
I "Have yon seen SAHF
; (JEE.MS to be a Question askri Ij
; V.J almost everybody j bnt we inquite.
Hue ffou fern the Late Firm,
j nh their sojinlv of
i .tv ltoota. shota. f. alter. Jtc.I
i s. The iiil.sirit.rsliawr,s assi.cilrd item
Atf selves into a Cupannrrship in lmsiseas.
u ofTer tn ihe priul e, at the Old Stanit
of 3 .A. It. sli,, on Mar.ci o.. iU thtufx.-l
; (for Cash) and i est lot of
, , -.eL, an,t ;f i .t-v.
, , .
i ..
I r' ,r ,"n a,:'
I ne
. s. .s a . , .m a a-..j.
d It 'VS, ever e ffered iu Lewisbnrf
new and splendid assvrtneai of
t-, L"' "Utmt.
' vanny oi 'jailers, nan vsaitrrs, lira, dus
kins, Slippers Ac. fir Ladies and Missnj
a'sj Children a hiHs of iNe latest
styles and sizes ; Ac. Ac. A c.
Work made to .rlrr .Mrmttng rlcac aa
nsual and as ihe Workmen hare rraderd
alisfartion h'rf tcfi.re. we lrost we shall haats
a full share of public pairtnatrr. SAM will
continue to be on hand as fi.rn.rr!y. and hofta
to give general satisfaetton to all customers
Lewisbutr, Feb. S3, IMM
J. Franklin Harvey, M. D.,
nOULEOPATIIIC riivskian would
rpeclfii!ly annonne to the citizens of
Lewi burg and Tieiuiiy that be has permsneal'
ly locates) himself in this place, and aska a
share i f the public patronage, frelmg assured
that be can treat with unsurpassed tnccess all
tirable diseases that the human family ar
prone to. In ihe treatment of disea-es of fe
males and eh:Mren the treat Homorepathia
law stands without a rival) also in rnrimo
diseases, that has tallied the skill of other ays'
tems, Il.-niiri.pdihy stands fi-r h as a giant
claiming victory in almost every case. All
ye afflicted, give it a irial i it will not cost yots
much. Try before Job condemn.
Dr. H. is a regnlar grartoaif of the Henna.
npathic Medical College, of Pennsylvania,
OtSce on Second street, above Market, for
iner'.y occupied by Ir. Wilson, where he can
be consulted al all nines when Dot oo prol
sional duty.
Lewisburg. April 20, l55.
T the Old Stand of
J. II .1 YES & CO.
Just arriving a large and extensive assort'
menl of NEW GOOI, purchased at the low
est Cash figure, aud of course will be sold al
a small advance.
We have a large stork cf llr J Ccod of
all grades and textures. Fanry Dress Silka
from 0 cts to $2,i5 per yard, li- raee Drlaina
from 10 to i!5 cts, Shally Korazes, Barred and
Ktriped Boraze and Tissues, Frtiirh. F.i clish
and American Trims of all styles, H O pieces
of Madder color Prints (at H) wairanird fast
colors, also a handsome assortment of LACK
and Kmbroiilery, together with a great variety
of Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Ladies Pwit
Monnais &c &r.
CEDARWARE in abundance of a soprir
quality, also superior lot cf bTONEWAKK
of all descriptions.
a lot of Rfpadr made Clotblna;
IIat and 4 apst of ail desenr-tu ns.
CARPETING Ingrain, All-Wool. Htrr.p
and Rag Carpets.Stair ('arpets.Rt'gs Oilcluth,
Window Blinds, &c &c. all of which viJ
be sold low fi-r Cash or approved credit.
ri The hishest Market price paid fur all
kin-is of (.RAIN.
always on hand. J. HAYES & CO
Lewisburg. April 5"), 1S."5
Having taken the Stop on
North Teurih slreet, near the
Franklin House, formerly occupied by F A
Donaehy and A D Elder, the subscriber mcsl
respectfully informs the citizens of Lewisburg
ana vicinity that he is prepared to manufacture
all kinds of Cabinet Ware, comprising
B (."REALS, TAlILl.S, Bedstearts. Bunds.
Sofas. Corner Cupboards, Card Tables, all wL
kindt t-f CHAIRS. Ac. Also that hemakesCO
COFFINS to order, and bavin? prcvuled him
self wiih a UK.tUSti: he will be prepared ta
attend Funeials.
Havine eneaed the beat workmen.llierefna
ihe public may rely np--n having the bast of
work from die best materials.
IS B. All kint!s of Country Prodnre lakaa
in exchange. Lewisburg, Apul 26, ISJS
OlSEKEPERS. attention Wil! befourrl
al ihe new Hardware Store of REY-
.il.D:S A. M'FAI'UKN. I.ewi.-bnrg, t'andla-
stieLs. s-niitTers. Clo'hes Lines, t't-tee Milisi
Knives and Forks, Shears and Seissor. Biko
Pans, Round aud Oval Ui t'ers, Shoveia aad
Tongs. Stair Koct, Ac.,li ch wili be sold loir
for the money. Ladies, call and sc.
OHOF.MAKER? know wtiat a trout le it islo
f5 Set a" assortment of Lasts. Mi roerc.., Li
ning and Binding t-kins, French Km, Shots
Thread. Heel Nails, Ilr.slles, Ac; all, and
much Wore, vou will find at tha ncw Harda ara
SADDLERS. If yon rail and examine oar
stock of Harness. Bridle and Roller Buc
kles, Ents, Hamrs. Stirrups Monntiug, Girth
inir. Deer H.itr. draining Web, Sai'dle Trees.
Whip (stocks an-l Saddlers' Tools. you will nod
it to your aJvahtai;e. Hardware tore in Law
ClOACHMAKERS will Eivi constantly er
hand Eliptic Springs, Axles, Hub Bunrta
Laces, Oak rrlloes, Uows, and a prneral s
sorunent of Trimmiiies, at the Hani ware Store
of REYNOLDS A. M'F.M'i'EN. LeWisHirg.
Ij'ARMERS, come and examine ocr new
stock of Trece. Halter, Ie.lt ar.d Pntt
Chains, 4 prong M. Foik. Hay Fciks.cvihea,
Grain Rakts. Cultin? Knirfs. Ae .al the Hard
ware fu.re of REVNOI Ds A M FADDKN.
ClARrENTERS. we can supply you wirh
the celrhiated Greenfiel ITi.nl C- mpany'a
Planes, Hunt's celebrated Hatchets, Airs, Ad
zes. Boat Builders' Adzes, Chisels, fnnaras,
Saws, Saw Sets. Augers. Plane Bins, Hit's of
all kinds. All will be sold Irwrr than usual
al cash prices. Drop in and see. gentlemen j
no charge for examining stock, .n ihe Hard
ware Store of REYNOLIf A M'KADPF.V
Trusaes-rnsscs Trusses t
B.W. Cor. of Tvrinh and li.ee Sis.
Importers ef fine Fatstn TBi ssr,eombinini
extreme HgMfn. esse, 2nd durability, ith
correct Conslrnetion.
Hernial or RuptJrH pa'ients e?n be sniif.l
r-s. ramitfttis avnertnts, aa Mua'-SistiBs nt-alsrs of
ti'.el-es avnulMl Ihe Bva, aial e-unH s.ile allecteU.
10-t.ifSinalaTnasa 13, 1. a. la.ul.le IS. . . l-
lu-lr-ielwina aa to aear.sad hoar lo afvet a eiare, shea
poaeibla, aeut a itb. the Trtts.
Also ftr m great variety.
Dr. Banning tmpmwed Patent Rvdif Brae
f,r thaeart of Pr,'apsna l'te-ri: atao t?pinal frni Ban
Snpliru: t'jlrnt Shi-u iver Beaei-a. lVl r. an-le.a ai.if
fcreeti-r Lree. ailalted l- a'l will, SUs,B .-l-.-uidere an4
Weak l.ilno: F.uclifh Clasti.- Sb-lnBiiBal lalLs. Saea
ariea ; "vriniria. aaale aiid t-t.le.
aVLa-nev' R-uaas iih ta.lv attea.fant'- I"'"
j. n. c
TTf)T.T'Y nl I aw.
law. .ViSiuMirs..
A rnioMX. Ps. A - prcfrieral l-ii-
; slness entrusted t h. care. -1 II be rVMncvra-r
I ..a f.,.l,fl',-aoend-d - i'--' . "il