Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 07, 1855, Image 2

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    Lewisburg Chronicle and West Branch Fanner Sept. 7, 1855.
Ai" .- wouurx t j. coi;eui&
; Sept. 7, IS55.
' e . "ee-ee .ra. Tile LlwwwTiriMMiij;
hk f -Ux-t. 4 cireuletM ol eiij aeaieper
linou C..1U.15.
"r Vatial VutattiUimnfr,
u-.w n MvMrnftittc lr'.tm li.r ht-lpinr m poor ntnta
sit.l hr tnl.lr.'M fitt ,i tin rlut.-itf ! a nt-tr who
Uawii.il o rrtre Mvrry in I'mu'jlta&ialj
"7f'rtcH.'c y.tmiitre fur Van at VotHthisaitinfr.
AUSOLD rU'MER, of Venango Co.
Ia. A .St vat T,
tot. KOIlKIlT B. lllllllKrt, ofTainn Ciuotj
Ouhjeri V- the Jr,.,j ..( th- G.nf.rn'j.)
Ijnii'0 iVifiiig luvi.foi-ij),: ;) iijif f".ii,?(!icj
Fes IU;1A1B Jiir.
Jjll V. titIlllF.lt, or We.t Buffaloe
W'OL Slinirr,
L. F. ALB1UGUT, uf White I'orr
F.-s O-'HMUSltsm,
JAluin IIIMMF.I.. i.f Keltr.
liKOIMK srllm II. nf M,iniubiire.
KlolUUO V. 11. LINCOLN, of liartk-T.
LOllEItT II. LAIRD, of Eaat Buffaloe.
DAVID HAVE?, of Hartley.
Joe Al vivos,
a Cue
lUNIEL r.KNCLKIt, Sr, of EuOaloe.
1 o:tui'-r Candldalfsi.
Jo UN J-CIIRACK. F.-Q, of but llullalne.
DANIEL I). Gl'IDIX, of Kol!?.
Fjft CoxmsiiiosEa,
SAM I. EWIM1. Ewj , if ISufWoe.
1 BP9u.Tu the Isictsburg ('UtohuIk of tho
17th nit., we threw out tho following as
ft fceltr:
We propose, to elect Ptsxot Wut.iiw-
on for racial Commissioner: wonder it' iliat
would n't bring him out of Piisua 1"
Tlic Republican Convention having rjo-
luinated l'aa-niore, we don't see hut for J
once the Chrnnulc is "in" to support the
t.cket." V ell, we go it "oub r laq
Is tukre. I ho 1 copies oice will
Iring that innrcent man forth from his
dungeon, if Tierce's minions dare keep
hhu there until 10th October next ! Tho
following; notice of Pa?smore Williamson,
we copy frjm the Philadelphia Christian
Chronicle of ycstcrJay, and shall have
more to say of him hereafter:
PiMJtoRs WiM.nxsox. A Society was
4ncerporatel in Pennsylvania, in 173, by
LecKlative Act, entitled "The Pennsylvania
iSociety tor prini(tt!ii the Abolition of Slavery
and for the Itelief of Free Negroes unlawfully
held in bondage, and lor improving the condi
tion of the African liace." Benjamin Frank
lin was its first President, and it has ever
been an efficient aid to freedom in Pennsylva
nia. Passmore W illiamson, ibe present Sec
retary, is a conveyancer of good standing.
well-eJucate.l, m!clli2eiit.a thoroush business
man, and has long enioved the respect and
confidence of a large circle of acquaintances
end friend, lie is now in prison for dis
charein;; his official duties in connection with
his Society.
CCT'Tho nominees of the Union Con
vention at Mifilinburg, are too familiarly
acquainted with the voters of this county
to need a formal introduction ; and any
extended outlay of eulogy, would bo an
utter waste of the raw material. Mr. At
TUtirtnT is perhaps (frntn his location in
tho X. E. corner of the county) least
known of any, but be stands well at home,
and will command a strong vote there
tho best of recommendations. Messrs.
L.Ainn, Thomas, and Hi' mm el, have been
tested, as County Commissioners, ic., and
will bring to their respective offices ample
experience and busine.-s qualities. Cupt.
Pcnocn received more than his party vote,
when a Democratic candidate for Sheriff.
Mr. Lincoln is known and admired, at
Lome and abroad. Messrs. Kenoler and
Hayes are among our very oldest, most
rcf-peeted citizens. Mr. ISahiikr has many
warm frieu.l.-, and came within 225 votes
of defeating Maj. Simoston in this end
of Union couutj, which has 400 or 500
Whig majority.
The TVuntVcrt Mcssn. Sciirack,Gci
mn, and Ewtng are also well kuown
men, of good capacity, and would honor
the stations for which they are proposed.
AVe understand some of our Mifilin
burg fellow-citizens and sympathiiers, talk
cf getting tip another Convention. Be
foro they take that trouble, they should
f can well the lits of candidates already in
the field, for we doubt whether they can
cn the whole make out better. If more
worthy and competent men can be named,
however, then we may all be proud of a
county from which such trust-worthy and
honor-conferring officers may be selected.
t5It is claimed that CoL Karbcr will
have the Democratic Conferees of Juniata
county, ultimately, in his favor; but bis
election is not so sure, although, as be
declared when administering bis Anti
K.N. pledge to "the unterrificd," these
are desperate times, and require desperate
Barbcrous measures."
fed" As far as we are informed, Mr.
Schrack'a friends made no efforts to carry
Delegates in his favor, on Saturday last,
except in Fast Buffalo, where thera was
no opposition to him.
John Schrack's Supporters,
Throughnut the County, we trust, will not
be misled or deceived by any of the brag
ging, blustering, or bullying that may be
resorted to to injure his prospects. He is
the same honest John Schback that he
always was, and remains and will rcmaic
iu the hands of the candid, fair-dealing,
and independent people, who will accept
or reject him as they see fit, and without
regard to any other office or question.
tSTW'e learn that "lrSwincfurd was
relieved ef a lon strincr of resnlnt;. ..
bis meeting in New Berlin, (composed of j
. , ungates from Unioa and
"'"snips, a0(1 olJ 0,d B ff ,
d Hartley having B0 vo!ce :) Q
Ighbor of the Jruwgav, l.e. .
yt says thev ara nrt 1
worth publishing, and the 77m.. ,t;.i '
r.rr;vc yesterday, so that we are unable to i
iK. ,llm.eL 6 con5iier,'ti our ;
J tub MirrMxuinucosvESTMHr.
j The tVnvenlK.il of Delegates from the
peoplo ijf Vnioii wunty irrespective of
party, met at Uic public house of Cms.
ClI.iTVi o ml m;Am..i, m....u iVa "..I
. , T, f . ,
lust- Ihe following Mined JjlS011S rc-pTe- .
i ,,Hl .I,,.:- ..,..:, .. J..1..........
in the Convention :
Lewishurg. South Ward Tbos. Haves,
A. M. IjiwsIc.
Xurth Wrj Jotm.Vu1fi!. XI. M. Mussr.
Wtiiti! Vert J. Marshall. W. L. Kilter.
Ktllv Is. AVilMin, James l'ross.
Buffalo V.B. Shriuor, J.lU'hamlvrlin.
Vst Itntlalo O-n iliirv, Wm Jtuhl.
Fust IJiiH'alo W. 1,. llurru.
llarih'V Jamil iltun, liub't MiuMeu.
Milllinl.urfr I. 1.. B. k, 11. V. Katun.
X!f Berlin J. W. roiininjrton.
Limestone, Jackson audUnioa townships
Were uot represented.
Tho Convention was organized lr the
election of Judge Ma iuii all, of Whito
lleer, I'resiJcut, and Via. It. Siirinek, of
Buffalo, Secretary; after whiih the Con
vention irfceeded to tho nomination of
candidates for the several County Officers,
with the following resttlt:
Sheriff L. F. Albright, of White Peer.
Asfotiate Judge John V. Barber, of
W est Buffalo.
CoimnUsioncrs George Schneh, of Mif
flinburg; Jacob llnmmel, of Kelly J and
1L V. B. Lincoln, of llnrtley.
Treasurer U. II. Laird,' of East Buf
falo. Coroner Daniel Uengler. Sr., of Buffalo.
County Surveyor i'avid llaycs, of Hart
ley. Auditor Archibald Thomas, of Union.
All the above nominations were unani
mous, except a few scattcriog votes cast
for persons who were not candidates.
John St brack was proposed for Associate
Judge, when a letter was read from him to
W. L. Harris, dated lit inst., stating that
as ho had been proposed and consented to
i run for that office without reference to any
formal uomination, he requested that his
name should not ho naed in the Conven
A resolution was adopted to support tho
nomination', and that tho proceedings be
published in all the County Papers: and
the Convention adjourned, tine die.
In pursuance of call of the New Berlin
Chairman Iemo- ratic Standing Committee
of I'uion county the Delegates elected from
the different election districts met in Con
vention at the Court House ui New Berlin
on Monday last.
CoL ItEi-CEX Keller, of Beaver was
elected President; Jacob IU.icui.y and
William Wilson, Vice Presidents ; John
M. Buuui and John B. Linu, Secretaries.
iho roll of the different townships was
called and the following delegates after
presenting their credentials and signing an
anti-Know Nothing pledge took their scats
as delegates.
Lcwifbnrg, Ronth Ward Dr. T. A. IT.
Thornton, J. II. Linn.
XortU Ward O. A. Frick, P. Wino
parden. Franklin F. E. Kremer,C. L. Smith.
Centen ille Jacob Ueichly, David Bart
go. 1'enver John Voyer, Col. B. Keller.
West Beaver Charles Kreps, H. 1'elker.
New Berlin J. Swiucford, J. M. Bnum.
Limestone J. Cnwgrove, K. B. Barber.
Mifllinhnrg S. P. Snyder. John Young.
West Butialoe B. fi. Young, George
Hartley no Pcleg.iti'S.
Jackson, (Union) Philip Gross, Dr. C
Jackson, (Snyder) Cant. Miller.
Union, (L'uion) J. I'liillips, A. Wine
garden. Union, (Snyder) J. Clemmcns, William
Middlecreck J. M". Daubcrman, Henry
Washington E. It. Mengas.C. F. Kantz.
Cliapiunu Philip llilbUb, Philip Mover.
Perry Nathan Furry, C. BnigL'er.
Selinsgrove .Tames K.Davis, (ie.Eby.
Penns-i L B. Hummel, Jacob Hartley.
Butialoe no lelegatc3.
East Buffaloe W. I. Linn.
Kelly Peter Nemnan, Wm. Wilson.
White Deer Leonard Plank, Henry
It was agreed that the Delegates repre
senting districts whose delegation was not
complete should be entitled to two votes.
The Convention proceeded to the nomina
tion of a candidate for tho Legislature.
J. M. Baum nominated B. B. Earlier of
Limestone, J. K. LHtvis nominated Geo.
A. Frick, of Lewisburg. On ballot, It. B.
Barber had 31 votes; Ceo. A. Frick 1.1.
It was then agreed that Mr. Barber's nomi
nation be confirmed unanimously, after
which the Couvcution proceeded to tho
nomination of Senatorial Delegates to tho
Slate Convention.
John Swineford received 21 votes.
John Cummings " 17 "
Fred. E. Krcmer " - - i "
The nomination of J. Swineford was then
mada unanimous.
11. B. Barber named as Conferees, D. H.
Rout h, D. J. Bogar and John M. Taylor.
J. Swineford named the following; as
Senatorial couferees, CoL Keller, Philip
nilbish and J. M. Baum, who were con
firmed by the Convention. The Dele
gates from the counties of Snyder and
Union named the following as Demo
cratic Standing Committees for their re
spective counties.
Lewisburg, North Ward, Geo. A. Frick.
" " South Ward, Dr. T. A. U.
Thornton; East Buffaloe, Gideon Bichl;
Butialoe, Francis Wilson ; West Buffaloe,
David Kleekner; Mifilinburg, John W.
Young; Union, A. Winegarden: Hartley,
Wm. Kilett ; New Berlin, D. H. Koush ;
Kelly, The. Howard ; White IV-er, Wm.
L Kilter; Limestone, Samuel Barber j
Jackson, Charles Wilson.
Chnpman, Philip Hilhish; Franklin, C
L. Smith; Beaver, Geo. Huchman ; West
Braver, Henry Benfer; Centre, Jacob
Heichly ; Jackson, Ah. Ever ; Union, John
Clemuians; Middlecra k, S. Leitzel; Wash
ington, C. F. Kuiiik ; Perry, T.JLIjeight
Seliusgrove, Geo. Ehy ; Pc-nnt, Geo. lle-cd.
After which the Convention adjourned
sine die.
MTTbe two Standing Committees of
6" CUYUCr ouniy, uave united
in calling a Convention to nominate Conn
' Officers. The " union" Contention at
Middlcburg i. denounced as a .New Ucrlin !
A nifilnburg Trick !
A friend from the Western part uf the coun
ty, has furnished ns a curious tpeeimen of
the means nscd by Mitilinburfr to deceive the
people and aid their chance for a County
tSeau It is a cofy of the Slar mtFEuisii m
i laraaTAST raiBT vaoii anoTUta f-'lar uw
tub tint iat ! ! ! We give below in paral
lel columns, the articles as they appear in
different copies cf the paper or the elf-same
day t
From the Mifflhilnir.Frtim I lie Mijfflinharg
"Slur," AUg. 3. j "Star," Ang. 3.
"Vol satisfied with the' Not satisfied with the
numerous advantage;- numerous advantages
they Lewisburg enjoy .ihry Lewisburjr enjoy,
Ihry want the Seal of they waul the heat of
Justice. It will be for.Jusiice. It will be fur
you to say whether they 'you to sav whether th'y
shall be gratified. Butjshall be gratified. But
remember this is not all:remember this is not all
they want. 'i'AryrfesireJlhcy want Thei daire
a Railroad Iroiu a llallreadalouff
Kpruf C reek for ine tiuwquehan'u
the purpose of securingor the purpose of seen-
a greatershare of trade, ring a greater share of
wealth, and influence, trade, wealth and influ
If they succeed in get-ence. Il'thevsuccecd in
ling ihe County Scat, gelling the County S?al,
they will also iiiccccJ they will also succeed
in electing CountyCoin-'ineleetingCountyCom-missioncrs,
and then missioners, and then
look out for a new sell look out for a new sett
of Railroad Bond: jof Kaiiroad Hands.
XV Verily, reader ! is not MifTlintnrg win
ning honor in the way of political chicancryt
You will see the hit against the Srnicx
('acta Road will answer where that road is
not favored ; and the hit against the Scsacz
Asst Road would tell in other sections.
The intimation contained in the latter clause
of the quotation, involves a falsehood. Nei
ther the Kditor of the Star, nor his evil geni
us '-Juvenis, nor any other man, can point
to any law conferring on CouniyCommissien
ers the pmcer to give County Bonds for the
Spruce Creek Railroad, or the Noriiiern Cen
tral Railroad ; and the Susquehanna Railroad
is dead, so that there can be no new Bonds
given under the old Law. The whole thing
is a deliberate attempt to mislead honest but
uniuformed men.
The fixing of the Connty Beat, and the e'ec
tion of County Commissioners, are separate
and distinct acts, and there is no necessary
connection between the two. Ifihe Hartley
and Mitllinbnrg Candidates are elected, they
will rule the Board.
So the friends of the" Sprore Creek road
may arguc'thit ETVMiniinburg is opposed to
that road, judging from ihe "light" thrown
opon the subject by their "luminary." Lew
isburg is still in favor of the road, and when
railway enterprises are resumed will show her
faiih by her works.
Sickness and Health.
In reading of the diseases of varions kinds,
prevailing in different sections of the country,
it seems impossible to account for the preva
lence and fatality of illness in a place at one
time, and then its entire preservation from that
evil for successive years. Cities, towns.ham
lets, townships, all give proofs of this pheno
mena, and show conclusively lhat-'our breath
is in the nostrils" of our Creator, and that He
only can number our days.
A few years ago, a sickness raged in Sugar
Valley, which, out of a sparse farming popu
lation, took away 90 in less than one year.
Previous, and since, it has been considered a
healthy region.
A friend of ones yesterday informed us that
alter growing up to manhood in Lewisburg,
nnainicicd by agne or fever, he had caught
both while residing in a mountain district ten
miles back from Ihe river; and that that
neighborhood, hitherto remarkably healthy, is
now largely scourged with ague, chills, etc.
A few years ago, Mifilinburg had a severe
visitation of dysentery, by which numbers of
her citizens were carried away and very many
more prostrated on beds of sickness. Now,
they claim to be exempt from any epidemic.
and we certainly hope they are ; but who can
tell if they too may not suffer, another month,
or another year ?
Our own town has been remarkably heal
thy for its size, yet last year we were troubled
by disease more than ever before, and are also
afflicted, but in less measure, this year. Our
neighboring borough Northumberland, we are
told, which was for some years considered
unhealthy, is now comparatively free from
The absurd story in the last "Star" of
Mifilinburg, about "5000 Quinine Pills taken
per day in Lewisburg," is laughable, and yet
it may be injurious if not denied. We have
three Druggists in town, one of whom last
year manufactured some timet in the neighbor
hood of a thousand pills a day, which were
panly used at home, partly in the surround
ing townships, and partly sent away by ped
dlers to neighboring towns. Upon this slender
fact the Editor of that paper assumes that the
two other Druggists and the Doctors would
certainly make as many as four thousand
more assumes that they were all swallowed
in Lewisburg and assumes that there are as
many made this year as last all of which as
sumptions are utterly erroneous. The other
Druggists and Physicians did not make prob
ably even one thousand a day ; they were nsed
in Lewisburg, Kelly, While Deer, EuSaloe,
West Buffaloe, Limestone, East Buffaloe,
Union, Chillisqnaque, Point and other neigh
boring townships, and in other boroughs ; and
the sickness this season, in town or county, is
not as severe as it was last year. A gentle
man who sold drugs in Mifllinburg last year.
and who is now engaged in the same line in
Lewisburg, states that for the population and
range ol trade, he administered as many qnin
ine pills in MiuTnbtirg as in Lewisburg. So
much for the "five thousand Quinine Pills a
day" put down the throats ofLewisburgersby
ine 'Vor, nolens volens.
In the year ending 30th April last, fembra-
cing the most unhealthy season we ever had)
there were but II deaths of persons between
the ages of SO and 60, in a population of say
2,500. Since 1st May last, we have lost 13
children and babes, and S adults, eged 42, 36,
75, 78 and 73, respectively, (one of these came
here from Danville in a dying condition.)
The adults died of old age, and different di
seases, and the childen of the various diseases
incident lo their age. The present mild wea.
ther is perceptibly favorable for health.
We have thns told. as we believe, "the
truth, the whole troth, and nothing but the
truth," respecting the "dreadful fatality" in
Lewisburg, bruited abroad from Mifflinborg i
and sincerely hope this may be the last time
we shall be compelled to allude to the nam.
ful topic, in a useless controversy.
iffi-The old line Democrat and old line
Whigs of Blair and Huntington have
fused ta sen if lli.v mum' u i:tr
fused to
- -- .--.j u i.oa, uiav
young rascal Sam,
Grand Division Rally in Mew Berlin!
our Special Reporter. - '
Pursuant to notice of the outside Chairmen
of the Whig and Democratic parlies of little
l'uion that is to be, a respectable number of
Ihe citizens of New Berlin, without distinction
of parly, assembled at Ihe Register & Recor
der's office, Saturday, 1st Sept. 18.r5.
The meeting was called to order by the
Register Sl Recorder, on whose motion Col.
J. W. PiwiftTna was appointed President
and Jnmrs W. 1'eimingtm, Secretary.
Being conducted to the chair by Jim.
Pennington, the President thanked bis numer
ous and intelligent hearers for the unexpected
honor conferred upon him, and trusted that
entire unanimity would mark their action in
the present momentous crisis.
On motion of Wes. Pennington, seconded
by J. W. reunington, it was moved that we
proceed to the election of two Delegates to
the Mifllinburg Convention.
Amended on motion of Mr. Pennington, se
conded by Col. Pennington. That, whereas,
one half of our party has since the last elec
tion, removed to Ilarrisburg; therefore, Re
solved, That New Berlin will, on this occasion
only, magnanimously waive all pretensions
to more than one Delegate.
On motion of Esq. Pennington, seconded
by Col. Jas. W. Pennington, moved lo proceed
to ballot for Delegate, and appointed Presi
dent and Secretary fur Tollers, when the fol
lowing vole was polled i"
Jts. Wu. resaraoToa '. -1
On motion of Messrs. Pennington, the nom
ination was unanimously confirmed.
Ou motion of J. Wes. Pennington, seconded
by the company, a vote of thanks was tendered
to the Register for the ue of his office and to
the Recorder for the use" of his stool, to which
they responded, much affected, that we were
all welcome the Officers were directed to
prepare the papers for the Delegate elect, and
to publish these proceedings in the Lewisburg
Chronicle and A". Y.TWAune when this interes
ting assemblage dispersed to their several
places of abode.
Signed by the OiTicers.
Union County Sept. Court.
(OI BT Proclamation Where.? the
J Hon. AiiM 8 VM,SO, President Judge
for trie 20th Jntiiriiil Ditrirt. emiitin of the muntics
cf Union ani .Mifflin, ami Jaob WiTTtinrKR and J txt)
SHRPiULL. K-iuin:, Amie JiKljrc in I nitin muntr.
MayH..i,aD4 to m dirrcU-d, lor Urn hoid.oe .r atiOr-
D'an't'ourt,Coiirtf (Ami won rifa.ityrr nmt irrmin-T,
aira grui rat yuntmr (ious, at r. w c,iiii.w, ir intt
county uf I iitnu, on the nertmti .V-tWjy tj .Shi', next.
U-m: thr 17 th Jnjj tvft'i.tnd to continue two week?.
S'Ii'.'K in ttKTvfore hrchy cirrn Co tU LVnmer,
JtirlD-" ct tho iVmv, and t"u-intltiiin and fur lit.- roun
ly of fit I'd, tn avrar in ihrir own rorr HT!annwith
thfir Ifull.x, KTurdi, li)ULiUoUfi, K&aiuinnliuui, and
iht-r lit itii-tnhrau-f.-, to do tliow thin is hirb of ttiir
ofTlc and in thfir behalf apirtain to b d"Bf : ami all
wilnt:M'N an 1 otli. r (TtD mutinj( in Iwhatf ot thr
Oi-mninirt'alth aint any (M-rann or pern.s an r
quitv.1 to 1m Lhvn and tlTe atb ndin, ad not darC
without at tti'-ir p)nl. Ju.nt ) art? rtiUp-t.-i to
ltn punctual in their tb ndnc at tho appointed Ume
artf Mhli' Lo uot trt?.
Oivrn un-kr my hand tvi a! at th Phfri(Tit Offlr (n
NVwttvrltn.tlie I Jthdayof July iatbc year of our Lord
ona thouhand icht hundn-d and flftv-flff, and in tint
iwvrnty ivnth year of th IndeptBknp ct th Uoitt-d
fiUUK uf Auui-ica. (sod av th Ohm monwatth.
JOHN KE.LKR, Sheriff,
Jury List Sept Term, 1855
TTutongttm (on Rouh, Antb. Hperht.
Ctntrt Solomon newernrn, tirttrj Sti.'k.
fcarffw flennte Hicle, Umrriaoa dwacU.
r nieit Jnenti .immfrmiii.
iKnc M,4tiiM-lftba CiApliaoi, John Sbocsukir.
Fmnhlin .lohn Swfnptc.
XMltrrrkt. r. Ram), Mlohatl Erdlpy.
vnni Snmuel fwiin.
fl'iJT'i'ne Wm. LinilrDmuLh, D. Rsnglcr, Sr.
HirllhtVL. V. B. LinrolB.
Lewitliurg Juel C. Kll, A. C. Wrtiel.
fast liujbiti Altlln Frederick.
Jackion t'M llurk.
&linjrar Henry Kkffi-r, Samoel Fehrer,
K.'Iti Jehn (imtre.
M -U Jki)tvlmac Rotulg.
Eiii Itiif iloeHvotiK kri-ijli'.'r Tliotnss Pcnnj-, Samnrl
1 rry S"l''inon Kemorar, P. Artcr, Djnitl Leue, Mi-
rlim l Splclv-r.
Writ B"tvr-John Mnrariti. PaniH Alter, Rrubfa
hluilh, Jotin kline, tiiUirlol Ilvrtiklur, Uaao L'nanifat,
mniai u-pcmiieier.
Lemtl'Ury .lotm WVntznl, Oorlen VDTM,Tbonuu"abit,
.If.si'l h V. Ot-rf, A. lliilmyer.
H'hiU lw KunO'-l jott. Job. P. florae.
Stliitt'jrvro Purr L'lncb JOM.-'b tlxuil, Samuel Wer-
H;iiiV.'7'a llrnry Ili-imnaeh.
iK. Oanlol Ott. Jr.. Mkbi. flnmmet, An'lrew l.ainl-rn.i-lileprr,
RDoch Jlusdflluaii, Otorge Hcrotan. Jona
tlia Millar.
r&a'inii AIm-I rff-rrntd.
Bivt Jnaeph Lonn, JaMb Grcnhoe.jr, Jacob Fcca,
1'itir Kllno.
J-rt ,.leob Witrhell.
O.rt Hwrn,rWm. Hub.
V.o;m John Ililier.
Ilirltrn Jow.h Miller, tmae Het.1i.
('" feiuu: Lr, jr Jubn Ctcmmens, A. Tbonaa, Joa.
II. Il"ut.
M'.'tfittrrrrkS. Dnnkelbrrjier, 0. Walter.
Miffimlurg Cyrus .aton.
TTiU Tr Psmn-l UemberliDi;, James Adams, T.Stad-
.VuMfeercei- Jamh StoeV,
Hat JlaWne (teorn llaiirk.
Liiiitit'mt Darid Leiby, Cbrlrtiau Danbcrman, Peter
,i-iir, .(inn !-eiH.
UV.( Ufrtr Uc K. t'Ub.
Knl'i Danli 1 1). Uulilln, Jarob Itc-inTy, J. IiennKe, D.
llearer Oeorje Stettlir, Jacob Dingaman, Adam Speoht,
LrvMura , Sterner. Jamea Ailtcn,T. flayce, Aucuj-
lim SloiihbiD, lli-nry It. Null.
fSivman An Irew Zii-sler.
Ihn ttty WiJIUin Slee. Hamusl Ifoover, Q. Rlek&er, jr.
Wm. Huntington. Joiib lluOvcr,
flntr (ienrce lli-nry. -ErmtKhn
Wm. Bower., John ?nvl"-r.
WhinHon Oeo. Slioizberi.r, 1). S. Boyer.
H'lffahw Ttlomaa Corni-ima.
2it ut Jtrtin V. m. Kennii-r.
Issue List, Sept T. 1855.
IT Ifamt ws P Gemherttnr jr
lianlei Iteniclev ts Jaluea .VTCrrigbt
Mary Rft.-biey Wm Iteirbley
John Ilnaa Tfl Wm M Vanralaah
Vr.u-r llnuliert Tl All Cumming i'.t anlta.)
Paniel K-iiifler v Jainea M'l'reiirhC
Jauien M'CrMipht Ta lani-l Kenglvr
J-bn llnrtman jr tn Jacob Oinxrirh
John Vathuiit it llr A S Cumminica
Jlary J-nluns va 11 U Ta-rt et al
II II Carey Ta Mark Halfpenny
K Moms va Alex Ammona
Haitian Teifel Ta John linber
llUMewtwanb, Kerna A Co Ta Michael Spottl
Samuel Kyle Ta Catharine Wolf
M Cltappe! for D W llnyi-a T.a John Locke
.Margaret PainUr Ae TS J C Wllaon A Vila
Jnm-a Itobb va John llroaa
W 9 Waa-ena'dler Ta John Ifartman Jr
Benjamin ffoueaTorth Ta llareler A flf
Jacob ijteward Ta Mirbael r'ltrlithorn
North. Chaae A North Te Cliaa 11 chriner
lit H m Hayes Ta John Locke.
John Bitirer Ta Jacob Fryer
fm V A White Dm l urn. Hoail Cn Ta Whit Deer Tp
Fri-limutti A Urother ts J llarttuan Jr with nuUce
t'harlea J Kneedlcr Ta aartta
Ivter Hummel Ta Hannah Hummel
Jr hn II t-iher Ta (ileon Lciarnrlng
Samuel ftenaler TS IVt-r Neita
Clemi-nt A Jdasser Ta Younman A Walter
a. rum Ta Tatnrart FtirmanACO
aame Ta Noah Walter
Tatentine TTare ts nenry W sn)-,ier
P O Camr-ttci! A othera Ta Irftrenso P Teed
Henry fcmilh Ta Henry Grte
C K Howi'-i for J Locke ea Merit Cbappetl
Prancl fc-llern Ta Alea U Blair
CommonweaUh aug J M l!cnf-r Ta J liana Jr with not
Henry Keefer Ta J Uartman Jr with notice
Michael Pinner TR aame
(i Aiiam. deo'il Ex'rs Ts J Ifartman jr A wife
aame ea Oeorire Harlmaii
Chrlntian tiroes Ta nenry limae
Mark Weil Ta J uartman A othera
Jnltita Weil Ta same
ShlcMa A Miller ea J Uartman jr with notice)
The Trn.tees of L rhnn-h Ae Ta Martin A Stork
Jacob Mnrre Ta J Uartman jr with nolica
Benjamin Klaher Ta aame
Jacob Fieher TS eaaie
:hHalian Fieher ts aame
lr Wm Ifayea Ta John Lock
Stieanna Drawn Ta A J Measerrmtth
Wa.-hCo Ma InanraneeCA Ta Phittin UQIbiah
acme t Simow s holly
eama Ta Wm Kelly
Bank of DanTlIla ts J Lawrence A C firm
School Die of Franklin ts O Smith A ethers
A Knea-p A Wife ea Jamee Qtiloai
Wm O llerrold Te Smith B Thompson
Mag Keiniam Ta Michael Neiman
C Monteliua A W Tannr Ta Samael Etitler I
J Morer Ta 8aaauel Meyer
Geddee Marah A Co Ta J Hummel
am ts Michael Fiaher A tire
Peter noli A otbera Ta 1) Hummel I
Fauuel llcndemoa a Charles K Crenrath . j
rTheS.-rt twenty caajtfcrMd
James B. Hamlin,
jtl. t irOllie.e on Second SL west side, two
doors youth of Market, Lev iliurcr,
Om.VJ.t ; Luion (Jo. Pa.
Heal Estate.
IOIl sale. The siiliscriber offers his
valuable Farm, in Kelly Tp, Union Co.,
(! miles from Lewisburg and 2 from .Milton) at
Private Sale. It contains itit Acres Land,
part Limestone and pari t.i ivel, and about :i5
acres of Kiver Bottom a!i imng lands of Da
vid Hcihly and others. It is he.avily liuied, I
well manured, and conveniently divided into j
lie-lils witu a lane running through Ihe Center,
all under good fencing.
The improvements are a Stone House
and Stone Bank Barn, very subsUutial.jLlA
and cf the Lest finish. A Well of the best
Water and Pump therein on the kitchen
of ihe mansion, a brick Washhouse with eel
lar underneath used as a Milk-house the cellar
floor laid with brick, also a flowing Pump in
the barn-yard and another at the house, wilh ,
water brought by the best of cement pipes :
.sed as a M.lkhouse the cellar
from a fine spring some hundred yards from
tuc liuiliiings. J here are abom 18 acres M., and elect two Dele-ales t i ne et iu
Timber Land, also an Orchard of choice Couufy Convention on'.MUNDAY, tl e
Iron ol all kinds. I i . , .
The title is good and clear of incumbrance. I J"u daT f ''.'"V"-'"' nt il" lMu:
lvalue the property at 1II0 per acre. Pari of j House of SAMLhI, KLIN I., in ",!j;t
ihe purchase money may remain if desired, j creek township, to elect Conferees t r.i-.t
2"s'Jl JOHN KLI.NG. the Couferees of Juniata and Union cuti-
.mllomun and Vor copy S m and charge J. K.
Wcodlcts and Small Farm for Sale.
To suit purchasers, on reasonable ttrms.
THERE are 9 It.ls of Woodland1, si-
L mate in White Deer Tp.. on Little Buf
faloe t'reek.abont a mile above Guldin's store,
ranging from H to SI acres each, well limb
ered with various kinds of Oak, Tine, Poplar,
and Chesnut.
The Farm contains about 55 aeres.of which
IS are cleared, and has on it aTwosiorv Leg
House, a Log Stable, Sprir.s of Water,
ixland Fruil trees of various kinds. It ad
joins lands ol John Hummel and Jacob Hart
man, about l mile from Ouldin's Store, in
While Deer tp., Cnion Co, Pa.
The aliove properly is offered at Private
Sale, by the subscriber,
Kelly Tp, Aug. 10, -5j.
THE untlersisneil offers at Private Sale
J a brautiln! and well-known property si!
i tin- Ifii-tlov lownchln fmn At..t.r
lhe rai1 lr,,m Hartlftou to Kauirman S Mill,
ahfuit one mile from either place, containing
; .vcn-H oi ianu more or less, wnereon are
eieeieu . large two More- oriCK nouse.A
a iaiS atiu luiiim. ...ous i. i iv.s ,a J-iuonraa,
nouse, dmck spring n.iuse won running
Water brought in pipes from a good prin?.
a Wash hnii-e. Hog stve, &e. There is a fiue
rjthrifty OKCHAItl) on the premises, con
wlftaining a variety of choice Fruit Trees,
namely : Apples, Cherries, Pears, Peaches,
Plums, Quinces, of d:tl:rent varieties, all in
full bearing.
The land is in a hish state of cultivation,
nearly all of it inclining somewhat towards
the south, un lcr good fences, and laid olT iu
regular field-.
Persons desirous of procuring for them
selves a pleasant and convenient home, will
please call at the residence of the subscriber.
Aug. 1, 1S5.V pdSm
A Valley Farm of Limestone Land,
pOMPKISINT, about 163 Aeres, for
KJ SALE. aid Farm is in one of ihe best
W'heai-i:rowing valties in Central Pennsylva
nia. within two miles (over a Bridge) lo a Kail
road, accessible to Markets, in an eminently
healthy neighborhood, near ;o Mills. Niores,
Church and School llou-e. and in Ihe midst
of an intelligent and respectable population.
The Improvements are a first-class BAXK
FIA KX HO bv 45 feet, with a fair Mansion rS.
House, Wa?on house. Corn house, ami LxA
other (suitable Outbuildings. It has a large
1 pple Orchard, and Peach and Pear trees
c. suuicieni ipr rainary use.
'I'he Farm is all cleared txeepi about one
acre (and plenty of Woodland in the immedi
ate vicinity.) all of Limestone soil, and as the
owner thinks is not surpassed for natural pro
ductive qualities by any in the tstate.
It will be sold wholly, or a portion of 80 lo
100 acres,:as might suit a purchaser.
fAny cash man wishing such a property
can obtain further information by appTiiis to
O.N.WoniiKS, Ctronick of.ice. Lewisburg. 1N0
A TXYtM belonging lo Heirs cf
il l.'RIAH s-ILfiBY'. deceased, containing
about 215 trrcs) of good land, situated in
Kelly township, I'nion count-, adjoining lands
of Laird Howard, Isaac Kims and olh--k
ers, on which is erected a Tim Storm r' i
Frame Dullini House, tl large Bank Barn and
all necessary Out-buildings, with several
Springs of never-tailing good water near ihe
There is also upon the premises, a suf
ficient OUC11ARL) of choice Fruit Ap
ples, Peaches, Ae. &c.
The land would suit very well lo divide in
Two Farms, as a good proportion of Meadow
can be allotted to each Farm.
fsTerms can be made easy, as One-Third
of the amount may remain on the property.
For further particulars, you are referred lo
John Walls, Lewishuru; Thomas Clin2an.
near the premises, or to Robert Hayes, near
Milton, Northumberland county.
fsf'The above described property, if not
sold before Tuesday, the 3d day of October
next, will then be olfered at Public Sale on
the premises at 10 o'clock of said dav.
ROBERT HAYES, one of the' F.xr't.
June 29, IS55. 585lf
To Iron Blasters and Dealers.
PENN'A Wire Works-No.2 1 Arch St.
of all meshes and widths.
with all kinds of Plain and Fancy Wire Work.
Paper Maker's Wire, all kinds. Cylinder
and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner
in or out of ihe City.
A very superior article of Heavy Founder's
Sieves all kinds of Iron Ore Wire, Wire and
Sieves for Beed, Grain, Starch, Suutf, Brick
dust, Ac.
NOTICE is Lereby Riven, that appli
cation will be made 10 the next Legisla
ture of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
for Ihe charter for a Uank, to be known by the
name of the SELINSGROVE BANK," to be
located in the Borough of Selinscrnve.Snvder
County, (lately part of lrnion) with general
powers of discount and deposit, with a capital
of one hundred thousand dollars, and power
to increase the same to two hundred.
A PPLICATION will be made to the
fl next Legislature lo change the name of
the " Lewisburg Savings Institution," located
at Lewisbnrg in the county of Union, to "THE
LEWISBirKG BANK," with One Hundred
Thousand Dollars additional capital, and
authority to issue their own notes for circula
tion t subject lo the provisions of ihs general
banking laws of this Commonwealth.
By order of the Directors :
DAVID REBER. Treasurer.
Lewisburg, Pa., June B, lb.
Thc October Election.
Sjlt is suggested that the Wtiii t
Lnion couuty elect, ou the 1st i-cptciiil.i r,
2 Delegates from each whole Histriet, ai.'l
1 from tho LaJf dijrttkta i f Union in l
Jackson,' to meet iu Convention at JJ. iii'.
Hotel, Lewisburg, on tattininv, Kih ert.,
nnj take measures to secuio Lteltyut s to
the Whig State 'unvmtin, 1 Ith .rrt.
Convention to organize at 1 o'clock, l'..'l.
SgjWniei State Convention of De
legates, at Ilarrisburg, Wednesday, lli'i
September next.
Delegate Elections anil County Con
vention. The Standing Committee of tho two
wings of the Whig party, iu Snyder c. uti
ty, have united in publishing a Call f r a '
- 1 Vhrt nimlifl.il Urh.rtf. ; v i ".
I 7 '- "-""'-'
ty, aro requested to meet at the election ;
house, iu each election di.-trii t, on S.Y'i'-
liif-ii, toe lo.u day ct Scp:cn.:,er it it.,
j between the hours of '2 and
U O elocK, P.
transact ail tuainc gtut-raliy d-.uc ai 1
pcrfonatd by County Cunvci.t;
A. J. Mi'ldleswarth, C G. V. rn pt
Israel Kncttle, (V-ural St uk,
Samuel lioycr, Jr., J ict.h M.trtiit,
Jacob Milkr, J(se Vce-uui,
-Michael Yitstey, J arj h Mor.Uck,
Wm. (i. llerrold, David lVslcr,
I. D. Kojer, J .nr.s (J, rmji-,
Lratl Gutulius. .S'My Commit'":
To tho Voters of Un!oa Cocaty.
IEI. requested !,y a nnmi r e t' my lie ,
9 I effer myself as a Vi lin.wr t '.iii.!i l.iv
for Ihe Ollice of Count ComttMsym-r. Mi. nil
I be elected, I will cv-iv r nil .-il l 1 1;..-"
to Ihe best interest of the V., m,:v, v,,,s, ,., ,
regard to politic. sAVi'L i:I.(;. '
liuli'iloe Tp, Sept. 5, I sr. 3
Associate Jtnlso.
At the reiuestof numerous iron !s ihr-"i
out Ihe coumy, JUII.N M'itli'AI.K, K- ,
Eat Ii-.il!a!oe,has consented to lie.-i-ine j e
dl late 'lir Ason:i!e ri.l...- ni l ... ,
tloll. u,s wc!I-knowii clur.iet.-r i -r M,.;,-
, forward honesty, his useliili.e
making Magislraie, and Weil :,
e, and well :'ifi,:.'.
both the Kng'ish and 2enn:.u i
reutly commend li.m for the sudi:n-e i
people lor that i ll.ee. M.V.N V .
Julv 2fi, Is.',."). te.
To the Voters of Union Couf
i ;l'i.lhh citii-;nsi
rmv a-
in-1 . .'..
I !.e i
id oliie ? u'
raiijid.ile loi
I hri'i. f houl-I I be el.-ne !.
sell to discharge the duties ol si
fidelity aaj luipatliaiitv.
D v'Nrrr. v.
Kelly Tp, Ang. 17. 155
Assf.mblt. Messrs. IMitors .
FONTKK VILsi)., of H.irt.i v!
I'ne l:;t!i:e
:i, u e u . i:
propose lor me .-vssoniWv. Wewar.t a i:i:,i!
in these days of established e.i.n.:cti r, I,, t a
noviee.and whose inttgritv ha ! . n tr..- i .in :
proveJ. tsuch a nun is l -Tr V.'e.or, ;,i. I
such men are needed in our I. J. -ia'ive hal.s.
(."Jim" can wan) T.W I'A V 1.1..-.
Messrs. Editors Lewishnrz has n-v-r lo
(as I am informed) bill two Kepn-si man-, i
in the State Legislature, 'f'ho e wtr .Mi -i
Gr.oanc Karr.n and Em lih n n: n v
nuiites are known inroucaout ine S ate. ;n
j who icflected creda i.t t
i.'i.lv on Lew:.-1 ui
y. ou hive ;:
; but a so on l'uion Con;
. '-er citizen, wority and fomj-etet-.t for to
; ""ice, but who iias not her-toim-been nam
...-.iv-ij ,u i iuoi.i.s hails, t.- , 1
tn:tt man. I ptil !i-h t'.is s-i Vst h.s liu iil
edsc, but if iora:iiatcd he will te , b cie !. for
he commands personally the ei.me Coin! .;..-i,re
of ihe mass of voters of ail -ha lts f pun
and of sentiment. Yl".
Assewblt. There Iia been cc person n.i:n
ed for the important rfle i-f He;'ree!:-:::;ve
in the Si.ite I .etj'sliiitire at the n"t e'ee-j -n.
Permit me to reeomiiiend (.'apt. Jl ill.N WILT,
of Hartley township, for that oliice. lie is ;1
farmer of snnn I aene and eo. d judjmei.f.ai; I
we think would be faithful to our interests.
'O the Voters ofl'iiion Conntv : A
a enn-
election in October next, we take pleasure in
reeommenrtir.g Capt. f,ror?ro ?rlif Is. of
Mifilinburg, as a man iualitieil and worthy for
lhai office. June 2S. EAsl' Ul. FFALO.
the Votf-rs of Union Comi'v : AsaSli
lit is to be elected in this couittv, :.il..w
me to recommend as a camiidale, Mr. I.. V.
AMTKK-HT, of Vhne Deer township. Mr.
A. is well qualified in evrry respect lor that
station, as all who know him will atUst ; aud
should he he elected, lit? wiil a-Min dH- he a
popular elUcer. June 15. WHITE Dr.T'K.
Messrs. Editors As t!:e !;:;) is drawing
near ior nominatui suiiahlc peot'ns lYr tiie
respective offices nf I'mon county, let me sti'j
pest t the favorable conNideraiiun of the t
ters, DAVID HAVES, Esq., 0f Hartlct,-n, u t
t'oL-Ti SrariTiiR. As a practical Snrveycr.
he is unsurpassed in experience, and havinr
the drafts and papers of his deceased brother,
R. G. II. Hayes, Esq., (late Surveyor.) n. une
is betteracquainted with tliesurvevs of l'uion
county. The office is not lucrative, but r . Mu
res a man of experience and imimat.' knvw
lede to perform the duties conectly an.!
without extra expense.
Ma. Woaucs It appears lo art liiru t in
time has come when the citizens of I'nion
conntv should surjuest snitahle persons to fill ;
the Oliices of the county lo be elected al the
ensuing Octolier election. By doin so in time, i
it will be more likely that those otllces will be
filled wilh Ihe most competent Officer. As
one of Ihe people I would snqiest JOHN V. '
DAK UK it. Esq., of West ISufT.iloe to-.viisliip.l,. i
the suffrages of ihe voters of fnion conntv. for I
Ihe office of Associate Jiidarc of said '
coriniv. LEVU-iUlleU. 1
Mav S5, 1S55 tf.
M0TI0U. j
AT a Meeting of the Boar! of Mina- j
gers of the Union County Mutual Fire
Insurance Company, held at ihe oliice of sai d ,
Company in the Borough of Lewisbtir;, cu ;
ihe 4th day of August, the following Ecsolu-!
lion was unanimously adopted : J
Resolved, that an assessment of nine per j
cent, on the Premium Notes be made, to meet ;
the loss sustained by this company, and due .
the devisees of Wm. M. f-choch Ac.
Published by order of the Board of Direc
tors. J. A. MERTZ, Secretary.
Aug. 10, 1S55.
IIIE subscriber offers his services J
. in curing Horses of Poll Evil rr Fistula. .
He will cure Horses of either of these aillic- '
lions for $5, or make no charce if not suc
cessful. Here is an opportunity for every one
whose horses are aillicled, lo icslore the in to
health and working order. Residence on my
l Farm in Kelly Tp, near I.ewisburt.
i Aug, 10, lei.V CEOKUE MEIXXLL.
f ,
,s I j .
j'.'.i Cuni-l J.
e- it -
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A' it is frrx Liriitly
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l'livsi. i.:n. ;::.d as !.- crTi
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The finnv iifon of nr rreji n.trfiTt i: I:if-tTpm
to ail iiu'ii, .u;i .ill ni ;tr.' --i.i -i nt lo judf n
tret- v a- Vn.'- t--' t!;.".r r. uvicti.
of thtsr intrrs.ic m--r:t.,
pri'to'iim i I v sr;. !iii.
mnb' iro !n-:"!e i:. e::: r
Tae t'licrrT Fetturi! ie
: ru-n to be a wuaVriul
i:. e:: rts were kr)fr--2. M mv it:i
ll Unvc drd.. red tilt, a.nne tiling "t
evi-i H'j T" son:! '..ntlv, and ;.rc u.,'.
tliat th -T a-iti.-iiutiiir wtrd mors
iie-t I'.I sii
lri- to cert
th:in re-.ili 'nl bv iheir coo's u: i:i t: .A.
1 hey on .r:i:e liv tiic'r ; m-.v.s inilircnre imlfl
intt-rnl .n , ra to jjuf .ly : .to iiii-oil ...n.ai,iaiii,-ta it
into lo'ailliy a!:'.r. u-.a .-e -J... ,i:,s'a:i.-:;.,: .Y
the stoltLi. ti, hotvi Is. H.-r. o'h. r or-uusof tb.
body, rrsturin- Ih.nr :rrei-'t!..r a :ian to h.ni'. ii, a;. J
bv rorre-tir;.-. wli.-rov-r f:ey exi-t. aiuh (iiTalije-me-its
as are tiie lint tn aia oi tiisea.se.
l:,-::i s'ij ir T.i.: J lr-.-y are (..isiut t.t t 'e
arid be:n purely vejetala-, ko bixui cail arise flrual
tiii :r Use in anv f'U.o:::: ,-.
For uiiuuto da-ci ta.i.
seo the vnpxr on the
Preyare-l ! y J AM
AnVv: er! ( lien. is;.
I '.. F r sa:e I v -C.iuiue.l.
Lev. : .-i:..
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and F.eui!. it s Co., V ., i i.Wt'f. A-.
Princes & Co.'s c,v:t.!t. .1 MEI.OLEON-S
prices from 15 t il to .l.': 111.
Oiileisiioin a-li.-tah. e !.; uireiwiih proi. p'
attfiitioii. te.o.d l.a..d P. am s tal.en imv
chr.nue for new.
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'J abie Forks, fj-i'.s.s and Luuer Knives.
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