Lcwisliurc Chronicle & West Branch Farmer August 31,1855. isCicisbnrp, iVr. Friday Mornixc, Arc 311855 ."nVn:TI7.K'Minnf.i'lur.T, Merchant. Ma.-r.anlr, V lV.l.c OB6-OW iii ity and louulrv. 1'ubli-li.ra-al. "u ., . !.,.,. ..V wlu.-h ha 11 larit.1 n,..i "' :-.:'...;. ..!,. ! hi.rra.-ia IVl'Dl I.rO,lUCLTS, X,U.iUUIf ,;. 1 J ilers any in U.'- State. .11 nD.ira..-n c ;-j-Sc ew Advert iHemcntii. Jc7-0nc cf the test and ni"st defircbic f rni' in Union county, is oflercJ for sale arng cur new advert iscnicntr, this week. i'! Wc ,carn l-v lhc M';l1", i ir 'ar of la-t niuln. ili.u llic Lewisburgcrs s-i'Viw HVK J'lIOt S AN Quinine Pills per ,,nv Fever patients alone! We give it up ! bests New Berlin for lyinr-. Who fooled 11 IVarhrr-rMitor with lliat monstrous yarn! il Tluu-and daily !! IZ I'xcursicn tickets will be sold from all j :!n- nations on ihe Pennsylvania Railroad to j iViOjim-h. on September ltd an.l 4tli. on Eas-1 i rn i!ivii.-ii, anil Sopleinlier 4ih ami fttii on j VV. ;.-ru Division, to Delegates to the Kepub- j (Vtivrtiii in in I'iltsburg, Sept. 5 - good ;..r letartt trirs until Sept. S, 1S".". II. J. I.OM!) All T, sti;'l JVnn. K. 15. Si-versl of the rcsrcctablo citizens". "t lccU-e" their honors and ! C 1 C their property, that they will putupbuil- ; ding', in case of their success, equal to t'ujse of lllooiii.-burg and Danville. i.-lurg will "do better" than that. LeW- toA miserable looking circus compa-j i i. i.. i. i i-i... .1.- ...:i . .1 . r i i ! HV, ".men iuoliu jii.u iuu tan iuu oi uiu iliiK, peiiorriieu iu iuwu jesteruiiy, uti- i JLr the approbation cf our new K. N. lui.'efs ; and were gaped upon by the re-1 lTiriitiS of Col. Johnson's party and a few ' criers who looked si green that it is J.uliful whether they all found their way home agnin. JssP"Our neighbor of tho Star adver-ti-cs fcr the hyl Lltery managew cf ,!.;; 1. Any difference in the morali ty cf licensed or utiliceoscd Lotteries, ixiirhbor '( Keally, wc did not expect, fr::a the alitecedeiits cf the respected cdi t.r, llint he would be the first among us to TU.Ii.--h Lottery ndvertin incuts. AVc t!a h fe-r our j.rofestion ! I27"ltisE0t ofi en, iu cur day?, that n.M decline a good ofilee; but .Mr. Alic ln's modesty is so superior even to his ability, he ref;i.-cd tho station tend ered him by his friends at II at ribburg; and Mr. Hkcjiundoun, of JJeavcr, is sppoint . i in hi? stead. From Mr. II. 's circular, (ia typ, but crowded out by Foreign news,) we have ttroflg hopes that hU ad sfiuistraii'in will prove a useful one. A Snake Srour. We arc informed on good authority that the hands of Thomas Cornelius, in UufTaloo Tp., while hauling manure one day this week, killed a garter make, three feet long, which had nincty s,ii young ones in it, four inches long. u;! from the Totiilt!" -The Unto Thus h tryir.g to coas the ol l-linc Whigs of I'nion county to come and join Johnny !:tuiu & Co.'s Democratic party!!!!! C' Come in lit re, out of the rain," as the t-hark faid to the little fishes.) C?Vi'c hear rumors that our fellow cit izens of Snyder county will Lave up old h lioncd Whig and Democratic Tickets. A Xew Dcrlin paper, however, calls for a Convention of loth parties, at M iddlcburg, cn Monday, 10th Scjit. ; Delegates to be chosen Saturday, Sept. 8. CO" The Ws or ml all Dan yet," , i'rnitAM thinks, f r he las got up ano-; liuiulug 'Gift linlerprisc !!!' doubt-! cipvctiiig to pick up a few more dol- l-i i from gteenlioriis in the country. TirThcre will l-c some ''tali-' corn this year. Adaiu Jloyi r cf Kelly Tp has soot JiCt Juniata make a deei.-ion, one way or -i a spceiuioa, over 11 feet high, witli ; the other, if the desires to have a Whig tiv.j geed roastieg cars cot done growing i elected to tho Assembly and to tho U. S. fit that. This will 1j to begin with. j Senate. ftSy-TLc Veliow l'cver " htilf raging ' Ci.iNTos-.-Tho Demccrats have norni without at Norfolk and New ; r-at,'J L" WffubacU for the Assembly. lh leans. Tho Secretary of the Howard Ar.:ociation is down with it at Norfolk. M. II. Taiioabt, of Union township, is j recomnion-lfcd for lieprescntative, ia the ; iieiinygrovo paper. j One Week Later from Enrcne. Halifax, Au2. 2S). The Cunard 1 tcuui;hii Canada from Liverpool, wilh dutes to the ISth'icst., arrived here at -1 o'clock, this mornings The Iluian army under Liprandi Lad attacked the lines of the Allies at Tehur laya ou tho nioruiug cf the ICth, aud af ter a battle which lasted three Lours were ropubed by the French and Sardinians v.ith a n jiortcd luss of 5,000, and 400 I'ripoLers. The Cuada also brings intelligence of tlie bombardment of Svrcaborg conttuu-1 r-, ' c ,i cx.x i .i ii.i i .i i ou..yfromlLeflhtothcllthbytheAl- Ikl fleets, with immense destruction of I'i '-; ty, but vuh UiCing loss to the Allies. O-.n. .Simpson telegraphs that too bom-l-irduicut of Seba?top-1 would re-open on tlie morning cf the 17lh. At b'weal'Org an immense conflagration Lud j reva'.le-l for forty-Cvc Lours, which 0.-.stroy..d the storehouses, magazines and arienals. The powder magazines and stores of pn jcctiles were aLo blown up. The enemy's loss is enormous. Omar Pacha had received orders to re turn to the Crimea instead of Asia. The Russian Pert l'etrapelouiki, on the north-west coast of America, has been abandoned by the Russians, and the worL-3 destroyed by the Allies. Another Revolution in Mexico, by hieh Santa Anna Las been dethroned, ftud he ija g-,ue iuto retirement. Capt F.m, Utu tf N. II , the richest Jtian in ';.! f rr J,.a.l. Xcros Jtcmo from CPlljcr CcrtMicG. Lycomino. Tho Americans havo no minated Samuel Caldwell, of Lycoming, for Assembly ; Ncbcmiah Uoss, of Willi ampport, for Treasurer ; Jamcj Dcrr, of Lairdsville, for Commissioner ; and Jesso Kowcr. of Limestone, for Auditor. Wc believe the Wbigs concur in this arrange ment. Tho Jersey Shore American Council give notice of their meeting list niglit to vote for Canal Commissioner. The late Grand Jury "re. pee .fully pre sent, that, after a careful investigation, they arc induced to bolicvo that a large proportion, of the criminal ItL'iucsa brought before our Court.-', together with tho many accidents, causing the fearful loss of life and rrcat destruction of property, uli'icli so often occur, is traceable to tho habitual and intemperate use of intoxicating liquors." A County Agricultural So ciety is formed again: 'resident, Gen. ! Fleming; Treasurer, !1. 11. Packer; Socrc ! tary, 1). K'.dred. The Muury Lumi nary narrates with much gratification a Sunday School celebration in Plack Hole," j "the Paradise of Lycoming county." Kcv. Messrs. Gurlcy and tttay havo been canv VaS.siu ng the county for the Colonization cause. lucre was not a woru oi truiu on the 2d page of last week's IWss : at least we couldn't read a word of it. The Kxeur.' ioii from Williamsnort to Niarmra r.lls.Wv. inilhrnnwirt. on Tuosdav 4th. ' ' Tickets for tho Kxeursion;good for a week, Center. Edward Ido is appointed PjsI Mater at Mushannon,(fonncr!y Snow Shoe.) An Encampment, to bo called Camp Piinggold, will bo held at Nittany Hal!, conimeucing Tuesday, Oct. 2d, and cctit.'.iue four days Rev. Mr. Allcutan and V.'ife, we observe, are connected with the Hoard of Instruction of the Aaroneburg Academy ; J. I. Durreil, Principal. An open Amciican Convention will be held on Wednesday evening of August Court. Agricultural Meeting, Tuesday evening previous. Montour. A prisoner confined for counterfeiting, broke jail, but has been re-arrested aud sent to Lock Haven. Thomas Lddiugt, ia jail for shooting a colored man iu a drunken quarrel, escaped. Ci'lX'.MitiA. Tho Democrat proposes lion. Ceo. W. Woodward, for President. Nor.THUMT'.Er.i.AN. ThetwoSuubury papers arc at loggerheads about tho test of tho Democratic Standing Committee re quiring voters to sircar they aro not K. Vs. The American denounces it as inqui sitorial and anli democratic, aud the Ga zette thinks it just tho thing. The American notices a new billiard saloon in Suubury, and two Camp meetings near town. The G azcttc hopes it won't prove "a hard case" for ns not at all, neigh bor, you were easily cracked. A num ber of candidates, whose words appear to bo doubted, wcro required to publish "on oath, that he is not, never has been, or docs not intend becoming a mem ber of a recent political organization, whose object is to disfranchise any one because of his place of birth or religious senti ments." Juniata. Tho Democrats having no minated David M'Kinstry, for Assembly, the Whig Convention met on tho 27th inst., and appointed Conferees, but made no nomination for Assembly. The Con ferees aro stated to be favorablo to G. W. Strouse, for Assembly, in case Union and Snyder concede the oSeo to that couuty. Wc trust, should Union and Snyder not arree upon a nian, that Jutmta will not leave two candidates in the fcedd as ihe did j l-.,,t year, and thereby, lose a Member, by j whose one vote we b.-t the L. S. Senator, i A teachers Institute will bo ueia iu Loi-k Haven on the 17th of nest month. The Wheat was not aj much injured b. ,1C wct weather as was supposed. in Havi.n,4lli int.oUu WhiU, ; j,;3 gijt.h year one of the first settlers of ,Lat couu,ry- 1L L- DiuffenLach, is appointed Sehwl Superintendent, viw Prof. A. Taylor, removed to Haniilton,N Y. Pradfokd. There are more Schools in Dradford than iu any other county in the State, and none is so hard to travel; these facts have induced the Directors to raise the salary of Mr. Guycr, tho Superinten dent, to SilyOO. The Whigs and Demo crats seem inclined to unite on a Republi can platform, the organs of both parties coinciding in the view. A united vote of i r i ic.l 1.1 l , , , , , 1 Thomas 1. Overton, of lowanda,was . ' . T. by a man with whom ho was playing cards. Tho corn crop never looked better in that county. Iloraco Williston, late President Judge, died at Athens, 1-1 th inst., in his 7 1th year one of the men of sterling worth aud integrity. A Sank is about to be established at Wavcrly, N. lr., (just on tho State Lino) with capital mostly from Bradford. John C. Adams, Est., of Towanda, President. Dank inte rest is 7 per cent in New York. Mifflin. The Democrats havo nomi nated David 5atcs for Assembly ; tho op position have John Purcell in tho Geld. New Wueat. There is as yet very little new grain brought in, in this region, farmers being to Lusy to secure their other crops, and get in their fall seed. lSutwc have had two grists of flour from ucw wheat, which hasrovCil uf very satisfac tory 'juality. Fatal Railroad Accident ! On Wednesday, 21) ttt inst., a most ter rible disaster occurred on tho Camden & Amboy Railroad near Durlington, N. J. A train, backing very suddenly, run ovor a horse and carriago which was crossing tho track, by whicli one car was thrown off tho track, and the others precipitated upon it The shock was awful, and by it 21 persons were killed, and CO wounded, although the family in the carriago escap ed without injury, while tho horses wero killed and the carriago smashed. There were many I'Uiladelphians on tho train. Duel Fkevemf.i. Faulkner and Po teler, two members of Congress from Vir ginia, havo been arrested at Washington, and given security, each in 5,001), not to light a duel. Louisville, Aug. 21. Ex-Governor Mctcalf, of Kentucky, died of Cholera on Saturday last, at his residence, Forest Ko treat. jOuThcrc ia a break ia tho Canal be tween Lewisburg and Northumberland. .,EJ'JU:iliOJl. The nrwr Christian Chapel m i.cti isb.iii; will be cleilicaud to the wor-hip of the "Tns (!in" ami his son Jk sis Chiiiit, on SStuulay. Sept. 2. tSermon by 1'rot D.-lHTty, of Antiocli Collece. Mervices to commence at 111 o'clock, A. M. The min isters, concrrfrati jus, and lite public generally are respectfully ami cordially invited to be pre";sjil na the occasion. The. iVnii ylviinia Christian Conference and Missionary Wocirty will hold their annual meetiim, conuneiu iii on 'i'hui'sday previous t uj. 30). at 111 o'cluclf, A. M. Opening ad dress by V.. I'.. Orvis. The public generally arc invited to attend. J. J'. KOSS, lunch Clerk- II01.I-WVT' I'leee. Ih mnt pl.-ltratr.! IUm-.lT In tin I'ninn t-.r lh.- run- rif oi...:.-! if Iti L:tt mi.l Stomarh. K.muTi.l .Mira. .ri'..ipT.fown. Nr-w York, wm the pe ri..! ..f ion. two v art a c.nitl.-u. iuImtv to hiiufwtf, ant a t.ur.tcti to Iii.. f.i.-n.U. If utt.-r J no n-wrvlf ami con liiiuotity from tiver nm;.l.kiiit,Atil a Jix'TiTt-.t .looiach tied lie w:ih -,iinlitT f T we. k t'ethf-r colnn.l to Iti-i 1.(1. tlie l't'.r l.d him no rood, atut lie tbewforf li-U oil . oi'sultirK litem. iu fo-liH alto M commenced u?in? Hotl'.w:i'( l'lltis nnj Iii-; if.i eallej last arfk at llic or rr-f-iew.r llollonay, to nioct crnt-.-fullKliat lier bn-lml is quit eurnt IToler ilullt -rav lio)i.'a Uiat tit.- ItieurauJ .-rli.r. in tlie Union wbo li.ivc b.-eu iH-itetil. J aill nuw torn"- f .rwari. t'urrcrltd Weekly. .....51,02 K-'s 5 12 .... S7 Tallow 12 Wheat.... l!e Com Oats Flaxseed . M ,J Lard 10 P.icon 10 Ham 12 ClovcKccd 5,50 1,12 Pried Afplcs. 1,25 Putter PJ Ry ni'v.n.llansniaii, 2"tli inst. John Keliler and Miss Mary J. W'ensH, all of I.ewtibnrs. Well, J ilin has ai niu. h rii-tit to liavo a nice rounj wife to fch:ire hU joy acj tike his breaj as any other man, ati.l we wiJb liim iii'-e in all Ms un.lertakics inlurtriouf t-ui-' late anJ p. r;-t'riT,tf. 1"' ' nf,t ati to eal hii morsel alone." Lonj? may llicy Hti- I (n the '.':M inst., by Isaac -Myers, preacher, Adam fstahl and .Mary Ann Lciier, all from Kelly Tp. DIED, At the house of her son-iii law, John Cald well, in White Dect Valley, 2Hlh tilt.. Widow Martha .M'Kce, in her S7ih year. Xhe came to this country, from Ireland, with her father, Thomas Wallace, when a child, and over 62 years afjo united with the Warrior Run Pres byterian chiin li, tinder .Mr. Rryson's charge. In Lcwi.'-biir:'. 2:IJ inst., Norman Irvin son of Xormnn ami Mary Duller, n-'c.l 10 m 15 d. In Chir.iMua!ue, 2iih in. t., David IJerijjar, aged 40 years. In I.rwisburjj, Ctli inst., T.. Cliappel, in his -'th year, lie" had l." chilJren and t5 prand-ehildien. In White Deer, 21t inst., Jacob Earns, ia h:s 4flii year. In Kcliy, 22d inst.. Widow Ann Catharine Norss, in her Sltti year. In I.cwisbur!!. 2Hih inst, Klizabcih W. dan. of IMward and Kebecra Sutk, a?ed I vear. At Milllo-im, in b:s 721 year, Jacob Hausc, Sr.. formerly of M.lilinl'urf;. In Chilisqnaque, 3'lth inst.. Emclia I,, dan. of Win. and Surah l!oiiel, aged I" y. S in. In I.ewisbur?, 2'Jtli inst, John E-bcrt ("Ju nior") aped 74 years. In LettcrWennv. Franklin Fa. fuh inst., Abraham K truer Sr. in his With year. He was i n s..!uier of the R -:viliitin. and amonsr b;s grand children is Itev. V. KirlTer, paitor of the Kef..".icJ Ch. Mittlinbur SELLIK3 CFF ! T 0 close IJusincss. The suhst ril-er, bcin? alwut t remove, wishes lo dispose oi the- i:niiiu: stock of dky ;iou.- CI.IITIIK and FANCY" ARTICLES, which M ill be sold lM'I-.V CNt. We invite- the attention of Purchasers to llic Stock ell'ercd. CAl.LanJ KXASUXH. X-tt d je-r to Kline's Hotel, Maiket Ht., Lewisbnr?. M. LEWIS. KEV7 CLOTHING STORE ! 1' GOLDSMITH & DUO'S, of riiiial, will oneu in this Borough, in the Store formerly occupied by Dr.J.l'.tjnir.u on Market street, on the Uth of September, a larst 4'!JEiSi;K 4i(rn."Mich a one as never Cniou county cirtiid bast of. Wail with buying your Fall supply until they come if you wish to save 2.1 per cent. CLOTIUXG MADt: VI' TO OlWF.ll on the premises. Lewisburg, An?. 31, 1S55 Jamss B. Hamlin, TTORNEY at LAW, J V "5-'Ollice on Second St. west tide, tn doors snuih of Market, law lt(lHror, CmC93 Union . Pa. H. GERHART, Sunreon Dentist, at liis resi dence Corner rf Third xtrctl anit I mrmnii AiorJr, LEWISUI.KN, Pa. Aug. 81, 13.15 GENUINE HONEY SCAP. mirf .,,.; i,- fitr ' Jl pilllil, no-, ffP-'HV I ranee, and mild 9j!itff.-a mo'.Uent properties otHt!2?-C this Soap, rentiers it es pecially deserving a place on every toilet. I.'.- .I.nnr.1 bnntls.lld various diseases of the sMn, it is uneqtialed. Each cake is s.amped Wll. CONWAY, 104 iSouih Second Street, Philadelphia. No ojher is Genuine. Unjiiovod C'Iiois3cnl OHvo Sonp, Warranted to in Hard, Soft or Salt Water. This Soap has powerful cleansing proper tics, whicli readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, &C, from every description of goods without ininrv to them. For all domestic purposes it is superior to any other Sonp now in use. and j 20 per cent, cneaper man the common mm Soap. Kach bar is stamped WILLIAM COX WAY. lfi S,ulh Xernntl Street. VhiMelphia, mnnnfactnri'r of I'AXCY AND STAPLE SOAPfs.Ppenn, Stearinc and Tallow Candles, importer and dealer in Sal Soda, Soda Ash, Uosin, &c. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Anrust 21, 1-.15 5'3ml William Jones, A TTORNEY at Law. Collections il promptly attended to, L prompt Oiiicc op pectin Kline s Hotel, fitMl LEWISBVRG.I'A The Winter Session AF Mrs. THOMPSON'S school for J youn-1 1.adii-- m ill commence on Wed nesday, l-th day of September next, and con tinue six month. Instruction will be given in all the branches nsnally taught in Acade mics and High Schools. The constant object of the TYaeht r will be, o to train the minds and direct the thoughts of her pupils, as to prcpnri" them for the- great duties of life. A competent Teacher of Music, will be se cured, and such othei assistance as the intc retls cf the School may demand. llev.Dr. Clark hat consented to deliver, during the session, a few lectures on subjects if interest to the School. I ltrnwins, various styles ofCraynn Paintin and Xecdlc-work will be tatiht, for which, as vll a I.atin.frenchan-lMuiic.exlra charges will be made. Terms per year for English branches frum U to Stl. Contingent expenses per year Half the tuition to be paid at the end of three months. Koom in Mr. Frick's Buildiug on Third SU Au'j. 17, lsn.1). DissoLunorj. jMIE Partnership heretofore existing X. between Lau:ei lk lam-un re i.uine-r nancn under tho firm of tiu! Jin i Kauck in the mer cantile business has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Daniel I), (iiildin havin", purchased the interest of said I. ether Kanck. The books and notes are left iu the bauds of saitl (uldin lor collection. The business w ill be carried on at the old Stand by Daniel D. Culdin. LUTHER RANCK. Aug. 10, IM55. 1). V. GLLDL. REGISTER'S H0TICS. NOTICE' is hereby Riven to all con cerncil.that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Oifice at Jicw Berlin, I'nion Cotintv, and that the said accounts w ill be presented for confir mation and allowance at the Orphans' Court, to be held at New Berlin, for the county of I'nion, on the fourth Friday of Sept. next, being the 2Hth day of said month, viz : 1. The account of fieorpe Fisher Adminis tralor of the estate of Juhn Ilnwrwarth, late of frnns township, deceased. 2. The account of Gabriel Burueer, Admi nistrator of the estate of Rudolph rturserjatc of Perry township, deceased. :!. The account of Philip Manbeek and He ortjc Miller, Administrators of the estate of I.rtiarii Manbcck, late of Beaver ' ceased. I. The account of Mrs. Mary Smith.Ex-cu-trix of the last will and testament ff Jamb W. Smith, late of the borough of Scltnsgrove, de ceased. r. The account of Adam Hheckler, one of the Kxecutors of the last will and testament of .Wiry Struhle, late of West BtirTUloe town ship, deceased. r. The account of John Schrueh, Eiecntor of the last will and testament of Catharint En grl, late of Beaver township, deceased. 7. The account of John Hchrack, Executor of the last will and testament of Joel Rayrr, late of Kellv township, deceased. 8. The account of O. P. Katherman and Henry Killineer, Administrators of the estate of Jacob A"iVin?er, late of West Bnftaloe town ship, dcceiied. 9. The account of Jacob Younrnd Crisdi na Miller, Administrators of the estate offre drriek MiUer, late of Chapman township, de ceased. 10. The account of Maruaret Lucas, Admi nistratrix of the estate of Hubert Lneiu, late of Hartley township, deceased. 1 1. The account of Elias Spangler and Jacob Spanpler. Executors of the last will and testa ment of Jacob Spangler, late of Jackson town ship, reea..eil. 12. The Unat account of John Fredericlr, Executor of the last will and testament of ClirifHan Hal Herman, late of Hartley township, deceased. 13. The account of Philip Gross, Adminis- tralor of the estate of Henry Fowl, late of Hartley township, deceased. . : 14. The final anil only account of John Se christ and David Kerstetter, Administrators of the estate of Jacob t'ulur, late of Chapman township, deceased. lfi. The account of George Schnch, Samuel Schoeh and famuel Gettren, Eiecntors of the last will am! testament of Michael Schoeh, late of the Hnroush of Milmnbtirs. deceased. lfi. Tho account of Jacob Kratiseand Char les Krause, Administrators of the estate of' ltcnkl hrausc, late of Middlecreelc townsnip, deceased. 17. The account of William Speese, Admi nistrator of lhc estate of Solomon Engtlnum, hue e-f Keliy lou uship, deceased. D". The account of Henry Krn, Erecuror of the last will and testament of Catharine Kirn, late of Heaver township, deceased. la. The account i f bimon t hnstme, Aomi- n ,,f ihe estate a Jacob XanJtrs, late of I'enus township, deceased. 50. The arcouiit of Geor?o Meiiel and John Hnnlin-i.m, Eicrntors of "the last will and testament of William Huntington, late of Hart ley township, deceased. 51. The account of James Irwin, John W. Simonton and William Mteans, Administrators of the estate of William Iru-in, late of Uuffalos township, deceased. 32. The account of William Wat;ncr,Guar dian of Mary Ann Ilrobst, a minor child of JhmiJ l!mbit,a.xevl Prnnstownship.dcceased. a:). The account of Isaac Rothrock, Execu tor of the last will and testament of Alrraham Ktlhr, late of Beaver township, deceased. 21. The account of Philip Herrold, Execu tor of the last will and testament of John Whit mrr, laic of Chapman township, deceased, settled and filed by Daniel Whilmcr, who is one of the Execntors of the last will and tes tament of the said Tbilip Herrold, deceased. J. W. PF.NNINGTON, Hee'r. Register's OlTiccNew Berlin, Aug. 23, IC"i5. Artlmr'N Sclf-ncMllBel Cans A RE the cheapest and best Patent out, for J preserving Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Three sizes for sale br HI.HS1I li VOR3E, Lewisburg. rCPelerson's MANUAL for preserving Fruits ic. for sale as above price liV cts. Hermctlcal Solf-Oeallng Can, I70U Fruils, Green Corn, ' Peas, Peaches, Tomatoes, Ac. Ac. tv-"Are easily opened or closed require no soldering may be used year after year demand unlimited even- Farmer and House keeper should be a purchaser! PRATT'S PATENT for sale by the dozen or single, (different si:ics,)full directions for preserving accompany the cans. II. VY. CKOTZEIt, Agent, Lewisburg. New E?tal:li3hincnt! I" EWIS0VERPECK would respect lul J ly inform the citizens of Lewisbnrg and vicinity that he has opened rooms at the Un ion Temperance Hotel, where he is prepared to take UAtiL'EHKKOTYPK LIKENESSES in ihe most improved and life-like manner, and put up in cases varying in price from SO cts. to $5. He invites the public to call and try his work, feeling assured that they will be nle.-vsetl with his workmanship. Having had stiperior facilities for instructions in the art, (of J. P. LeisenrintT. Haiiville, aud C B.How ard. Heading.) be thinks himself as well per fected in the art as anv in this or any other Sta-e. Italy 13, IMS William VanGczcr, 1 ' A TTORNEY at Law, 1 Y t.en lsbui-rT, I'nloa Co., Fa. rv'Ollici: on Souih Secoud bl., recently Ly II C iltckok, Kkj. 54 A Blessing to the Afflicted. DR. C. LKELLINCMechaniesbnrg, Pa., announces to all atllicted with Tu mitrs, VY ens. Cancer, Cancer Warts, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula r King's Evil, W hue Swelling, Fever Sores, Sore Legs, and all diseases lliut have been Usually treated wilh Caustic or Knite, that he can remove them by an entirely new method, without cut ting, burning or pain. KeiiUcr Chloroform or Liber is used. It is no matter in whatpartuf the body ll.ty are, he can remove thcui with perfect ialeiy and in arciuarLubly short lime, if curable. No Mineral or Vegetable Puinoii is applied, and no money retjuired, except for medicine, until a cure is perfected. Chronic and all other not mentioned above, especially Venereal alUictions treated wilh pt silive success, if curable. Full particulars can be obtained by addressing C. L K EL LING, M.D., Mt;chanicsburg,Cumbcrland Co, Fa- enclosing a lelter sump. Cavtioh. Stranger, coming to Mecbanies burg to sec the l)r. are cautioned to beware of unprincipled persons, as some have twen de ceived. Do not ask for the Dutch Doctor or any other, as Dr. K. is the only one in this valley, who can perform cures by the new method. The Dr's ollice is directly opposite Ihe Union Church. Mechanicsburg is 8 miles from Harrisbtirg, on the Cumberland V. K. K., and accessible from all parts ofihe Union. The Dr. will visit cases u iihm a reasonable distance when de sired. July 7 Ki t) I 32 FRESH HEAT! 2 'PJIK subscriber has re-opened bis L MEAT MARKET, in the rear of his dwelling on S. :id street, Lewisburg, (opposite the Methotlist Chapel) where be will endeavor to furnish in their season BEEF.VEAL, MUT TON', Ac., in good order. The prices lor cattle, etc., continuing to be hitth, I will sell at very reasonable rales for READY PAY. l iTFresh on Tuesday and Friday mornings. July fi, 155. FRANCIS ELLEKS. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure, IOR the Prevention and Care of Inter mittent and Remittent Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills anil Fever. Domb Ague, General Debility, N'ixht Sweats, and all other forms ol disease which have a coiumou origin in Ma laria or Miasma. Ttibt is a N'ATCKAL ANTIDOTE which will mttr-ty Itrotwt any rtiJ-nt r trateller in the mntt Kkkly i.r Fwani.y ktcalaw, trt.m any Aua tir biilktUM dt-- vhatrfrr, tr auy injury Ircm constant inhaling Uubtria ur iilma It ltl Ir-ttantty eh-k Itw Agaotn perene wh- hata Miftert-,1 ff.m any l-nj;h of tint..-, frr-m wrwlav tt twenty tnara, no th tt thry ikmI nrpr to hT aor'tlwr chill, by oi.ntionip in Utfe ats-t.rjtnx t- 'Iire.-ti'.n5. The patlnt at one tw-inii la rmrrr apnttitf an t rtrr-BRth. antl coav tinuett until a pt-raiani-nt ai.t r3iiral rure ufff.trtt. one -r lw twntlt-it willanwor lurnrJinaryca-Mw; pnmm may pwjuirp mt.ra. Iiirection frinted in UTfnnn, Kn-nrh ali'l .-puuL-h, arronpany rtt h tattle, t rice Uav lKtllar. LiLvr! tibcuuuta niiulc lo Iha traa. EVIDENCE Of SAKKTT. N.-w Turk, Jnne It, ltU. "I hare maje a rh. mirat .-xamioalion of "Km-uca' Ks vta ana Aula ftu," or "ImMil to MiLtau," and hTr btr.l it frr Arsni-, Vvrcury, Quinine aad ltryi-h-nina, hat haw net iftuuij a lrtbHaof aittutr in it, bnr hava 1 fouo4 any ayltanet- is ila couipOAUion that oult! DroTa iiguttuiu to the ct.ajttitiition. JAMKS K. CIULTUM, M. . Cbamuit." EVIDtXCK o SIBRIT. "t.iwirtcao, Union Co., Pn., May t. ISIS. M. J. A. Rnonia Urar Sir: The bol yow aenl n, waa tlaly reoriyt-4 on th tub of ApriL I hafv ltol.1 abrnt on half of it, antl ao far the people that hara nanl it ara aati-tli it that it baa cared them. It haa cer tainty an.pned tlx Ariat In every oaa who baa u4 it and aix of the caaea were cf lonit ataAiinjc. My Mtr, who haa had it r ie or -U yeara back, and could aeaat Cat it stowed, eicapt by ijutuioe, and that only M tonal aa ana would Uka il, ia now, 1 think, eutuMy cured by yo remedy. C. K. M UINLY. CAUTION TO AOIIB l!rl!Rr:Bi". Take bo more Arsenic. Tttrica, Mercury, Wulnine, Feb rilui:e, strychnine, or Anti-FeritJica of any kind. Tho weliknown iiM-ntciency of these noiMina poia-ma proeea lh.-m to be Iho iitf-pnnn either of fal meiliea I prince-pa-e, or of mercenary ijuack-s. The only retneUy ia tc that i. hf th .ore and harmleiM. i4 KIIOUKS IKVKH AND A'ifB CTBH. at For kale at tho Lcwiabur Cro. Cut by 3oii.s: C H. M'QtNLT. NEW GOODS AGAIN. IEAVER &. KREMER have just received ) a lot of New Uoods, consisting of Ladies tiress poods, dresi trimming French needle work prints, llasery shawls, 4c. 4c, June 15, '55. INGRAIN and Venetian carpels, a good as sortment just received, cheaper than ever by June 15. lieaver 4 Kremer "I RESTING and Pantaloons Stun?. A ya- riety of fancy an.l plain Vestings, suita ble for this season, and of the latest styles jusl received anil f'-r sale cheap. Also, handsome summer Pantaloons fluffs for centlcmn an'l boys' wear. HKA VER Aif Wr.'V. JUST RECEIVED! LARGE and splenlil assortmrnt of Collars, Sleeves and Hprnccrs.wilh a full assortment of Dress Trimmings. Gloves. Milts, H.tsiery ami Motions; Window 5hut!es ami I'apcr, Parasols. Hats, 4c. 4c.,uhich will ac tually be sold at reduced prices to suit the times. Call and see the Goods and hear the Prices, and judge for yourselves. C. MEN'SCH, Murray's buil.linsr, opposite ihe old Graham Stand. Lewisburg, May l, l--)".. MERCHANT TAILOR! TOHN II. BEALE, havifis: enlarsel J and improved his Shop, on M.irket fstreet, next lo Haves' store, has now opened a large antl select stock of ClotlaM, iaKKlmcrcn. VtfMllntrs and Tiliiimlnsri of all kinds, also GE-NTLEMEN'H FI KMhH lNGGOKDl's.such as Miirts, Gloves, Hosiery. Collars, Ac. 4c. He will also carry on C'uttlnsc and Making in all their branches, with despatch, according lo order, without cabbaging, and on the most reasonable terms. . Ilcail j-n-Rdc lotlilnar always on hand cheaper than ih cheapest. Having a laree force of experienced haii'te in my employ. I hope with all these facilities to give general satisfaction, anil share liberally in pnhlic patronage. I respectlully invite all wanting anything in my line of business to call and examine my stock of Goods. JOHN II. BEALE. Lewisburg, May 16, 1S."5. Late3t from Sevastopol! TEW GOODS, i lor ir!n; antl Summer, CDMPItlSl.NC. EVEI1VTHI.XS WANTED IS OI K LINE OF MliSI.NE!!, AND AT THE MOST HEASONAULE KATES, now received and for sale l y the subscribers. We invite a public inspection of our stock of Merchandize. HiRsti & vonsc. Lewisburg, May 10, 1S55 Small Profits and Quick Sales!! T the CHEAP STORE of i BROWS fc RITTr.R. The subscribers oiler, at the old M Fa.lden Storeroom, opposite C. Pcuny's Saddle shop, a choice assortment of SUeSjaSB bout ht for Cash and selected with great care. The Goods comprise ihe nsnal variety, antl will be sold llr at the lowest possible prices. We respectfully invite old ami new patrons and the public generally to call and tec our stock before purchasmg J s KITTEK. Lcwisbnrs. April lR59 HABIA J. GIUER, H. D., , GRADUATE of Uie Pcna Medical J.. Uuiversily, of Philatla, offers hcrprefiv sional services lolbcpeopJa of Lewisburg and viciuuy. ' OtSiee at her fjlher'a resilience, (Dr. J. F liner's,) uuo dour below J. L. 1'o.lrr'a Jewelry store. April in, I New Firm anl New OauJs! T the Maramolli Drnx & ('hcmital J.L Euiuorium of CHRIST & CALDWELL. The undersigned having purchased the entire Mammoth Dreg Hiore lormerly kepi by lr 'i'h.irtiton A; Co.. are now ready l (ill Order, anil Prescriptions at a moment notice. We have a btr-'e nn-l well seleeie Kt.tek of freslt ami pnre hHVUS, MKliU lXl.s. Chemicals. Dyc.stiirts. Oils. Paints, Glass, I'nitv nnd DKUGGI.sTS' GL SSWARE, All limit f l'attnt M'.li Fruit anil (Juufeclioncrv, Tobacco,Snulf,and Importcl Cigars of ib choicest brantts, Fancy A'-iion arot ToiUt Article!), Fine Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kind-, fluents su Conns or tvmr tmui. I?ok) and Stationery, a general variety ol Literary and School BooLs. Pine Oil, Lard and Fluid Limps of every description; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Dura iug Fluid always ou hand. PI. KE WINES ami LIUl Ul'S of ail Liuds f.r Medicinal uses. Fire I'm" and Zmr, Paints. lri?t rving and I'icklin Jar, &s """Customers will liml our stock complete, comprising many articles ilis impossible here to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices Call and sec us.vne and all, and see our stock ; and if we- eau'l sell you cheap goods, we will not a k you lo buy. We are always on h;md lo wait on customers. Uemember the Mammoth Drug Store ! THF.O. S. CtlKIST, F. s. CALDWELL. Lewisburg, I'nion Co. Pa. Mrf 1V RAILROAD. A new supply of Fancy Goods, Forte Monnaies, German Pipes, and KiniiiLinitUe Tobacco; also a variety of new Book's, the very latest works, lo be had at June 2, '55. CIIMSl i, 4'AUtWELL S. BY CANAU A friili supply of White Lead, Paris and Chrome Green ground in oil ; also Turkey I nil-er in 1 lb cans ; Lin seed Oil, Turpentine, Pine Oil and Fluid, all of nhich we will sell at the lowest rales lo be h.ttl at CHRIST V Al.UW ELLS. I AST, but not Least, a fine assortment of j the very Ksl Perfumery for the ladies and gents, consisting of A'mond and Honey Si.ap, Extracts for the Inikf., Cologne, Hay Leal and Honey Water. Bureau Pertnme, etc t.t I had at CHKIST .V CAI.I WELL S. Th3 long-established Hat Store ! TRAXKLIX SPYKER would respect- 1. fully announce thai he has just opened a most splendid assortment of SPRING Al tsI MMEll IliTS C'lPS, and XO THICi,anJ is selling them at lower prices ever lefore offered in Lenisburg. Ilaln Moleskin, Sdk, Brti-,h,Wide-aake, Angola, Hungarian, Panama, Stiaw.Chip 4c. i'aM of all sorts, sizes, descriptions aud prires. Flatls and Fancy Hats for CHILDREN, of the latest and most beautiful patterns. C'lotallng'for Spring antl Summer such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, and every other sort of Wearing Apparel of the latest cut, and cheaper than Ihe cheapest. (? Carpet Bags, Trunks, Umbrellas, and a great variety of other articles. The public are cordially invited to exam ine his slock, as he is confident lhal they will be satisfied with his Goods and Prices. Re member the Old Stand Market street, Sd door east of Third, formerly J 4 F Spyker Lewisburg, April 21, 1K55 Last, but not Least! T DDIXGS & WETZEL would announce J. to Ihe Trading community, io Town and Country, that they have now finished the re ception of the largest and best stock of i Spring and Samnier tood ever brought to their store room, comprising the usual variety of Dry Goods, Gents' and Ladies' Summer Wear, Groceries, Crorkcry, Hardware, Qneensware, and all Goods desired for HOUSEKEEPERS and FKMERS. . Our Goods were selected wilh unusual care, an.l we believe will be found of ihe very best, and (lor Ihe uualilr) as cheap as they can rea sonably be ailorded at any oiher store on the West Branch. We respectlully invite ourold customers lo call anil see our st. cks, an.l we are sure we ran suit your wants and last-s. Produce ta ken as nsnal cash neeer refused. May 1 1. '55. II'W.NGSA WETZEL The "Old mammoth" Swarming WITH New GuoJsan 1 Old Customers! J. t J. WILLS nr now receiving and opi uing for public in spection, an unusually large assortment of 3IEKCI1.1UIZE for Spring and Summer comprising all lhc varieties of DKY noons, nuocr.KJr.r.. HA HOW IKE. iii i.:;.v.siv mr. l'LASTt:h.SALT. Fish, iVc, required in similar Mercantile House-, to which they invite the attention of all .lesii iiig good Goods at fair Prices. Grain and other Country Produce taken as berelolore. J. J- WALLS. I.ewisbnrr, May 1, 1 "'. Nsw Firm! Ifsw Qoois! New Store! rPIIE liav Ins entered Into L a Copartnership in Merchandizing, and having re-tilled an.l unproved the Storeroom of H P heller formerly occupied by K renter A Co, would repecuuUy annoiiiiee lo the tra.'it'S community that ilu v are just opening a LMtGE AND fPLE.l)li STOCK of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, B.l ipted to the wants or all, anil comprising Ihe n-ual variety kept at Stores in the larger Town rr cUf. AM SEE. (More particulars ht-realter.) J. S lirrjcr &. Son. Lewisburg, ApfJl-Ji! . CI Mtl'ET-. A very larceand well selected lot of Bolton and all wool Carpets, from ct.. lo f 1 .2-1 per vard. A portion ol these Carpets were bonghi at auction, others direct from Ihe inannfaclort, at price, that we can sell them very low. Those in want ot Carpet we invite to call ami b-''"re buvms else where. J. SCHKEY tli ol ."ON. June I, 1155. V LARGE an.l desirable stock of Ladies' Dress Good-., of rvry kin I, for sale cheap by J. f CH REV ER X. V LAUGH lot of Ladies' spring and sum mer Shawls, for sale very low. bv June 1, IS',:.) .. SCIIKEYEK -V SOX. fiLOT!IS,Cassimercs,Twreds and Summer 1 Wear, for sale cheaper than ever bv Jime I, 1B55 J. HCHREYEH V soX- Old Soldiers' BlanKs. BOINTY LAND WARRANT blank tor all engaged in th service cf the I . f . in the War of 1P5 an.l for their W Mows, at lhc O liec of the Le isburg Cltioliicle. SCHOOL OKItEKS neatly prititeJ and for ,alr l the Chivmult Oilice i oines F. Lien. J. Kerrltt Liiia. T F. & J. M. LIXX, (J a Attorney at Law, LEWISUIKG, 574 ' ' tiniwa) ttnty. Prnn'a. "Hare yon see SAM f CEEMS to be a Question tbkeJ lj I 3 almost everyboily ; but wc itiquiie, 1ace yuu . lite Late Firm, wiih their supply of i . v Uuots, Miot a, .uilr. Jkc.f mThe subs, libers having a.-socialttl ihen selves inn. a Copartnership in business, now lb r to llic public, at the Old Siaml cf -V I. .Si.irm, ou .Market Int cbenfcal (for Cash) and bi si b.l of IJ ( rl'S SHOES. for Meu ar.d Bos, ever ollercd in Lewisbnrg Also a new and .plendtd asaortmrul ol CI .1 SHOES for Lidirt and Cenllemtn. A vauely of Gaiters, Half Gaiters, Ties, Bus kins, Slippers 6-c. It r Ladies and Misses, ah. Children's She-es of iiiu latest styles aiil sizes ; Ac. Ac. Ac. Work ma le lo order Mending done an n-ual anl as the Workmen have rmtrrrifi saii-iu'-tien heretofore, we trust we sh.iH hat a full sh.ire ol public patrinag. SAM will Ctiiiiinnc to be on hand as formerly, and hopes to give k'eurijl satisfaction to all customers ISl.lKl.i: A MTAJjDI.. Lewi:burg, Feb. 23, Ib05 J. Franklin Harvey, m. D., nOM(i:(iFATlIIC PhjM'eiaB wonM re.peclfully announcit to the citizens of Lewisburu' and vicinity that he has permanent ly located hnnreli in ibis place, and asks a share i f the public patronage, feeling assured that he can treat with unsurpassed succrss alt curatle diseasts that Ihe human family ara prone lo. In ihe treatment of disease ef fe males and children the great lb iti'tt palhio law stands without a' rival; also in chroma diseases, that has battled the skill of other sys tems, llomtj-opa'hy stands forth as a giant, claiming victory in almost every case. All ye atllicted, give il a trial ; it will not cost you, much. Try before you condemn. Dr. II. is a regular graduate of the Moma opaihic Medical Cillcge, of Pennsylvania, (l'hila.'a.) OiEce on rVennd street, above Market, for merly occupied by Dr. Wilson, where he can. be cousuliej at ail limes when nut on profes sional duty. Lewisburg-, April JO, IS55. GREAT ATTRACTION T the OU Slam! of IL J. II IVES & CO. Jusl arriving a large and extensive assort ment of SEW GOODS, purchased at the low est Cash figure, and of course will te sold at a small advance. We have a large stock of Dry Cootls of all grades and tenures Fancy Diess Silka from 511 CIS lo $-;,S5 per yard, lii-rase Detains Irom 10 to 55 cts, Shally Uorazes, Earred and Striped Boraze and Tissues, Fruch, English and American Prims of all styles. 100 pieces of .Mail.ier color Prints (at fi) warranted fast colors, also a handsome assortment of LACE and Embroidery, together with a ureal varietjr of Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Ladies' Pott Mt.niiais Ac Ac. GHOCXMES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY. CEDARWARE in abundance of a superior quality, also superior lot of BTOJiEWAKB of all descriptions a lot ol Ready made Clothing Uat and Cap of all descriptions. CARPET1NG Ingrain, All-Wool. Hemp and Rag Carpets, Stair Carpets, Rugs Oilcloth, Window Blinds, ate Ac. all of which will be s,. b I low for Cash or approved credit. fThe highest Market price paid fur all kinds of GKAIN. IRON, PLASTER, FISH, SALT. COAL. . alwavs on hand. J. HAYES A CO Lewisburg, April 26, 1H55 CABINET WARE. Sgasfs'T liavinn taten me inop on North Fourth street, near th Franklin House, formerly occupied, by F A Donachy and A D Elder, the subscriber most respectfully informs the citizens cf Lewisburg and vicinitv that he is prepared to manufacture all kimls of Cabinet Ware, comprising L'l'REAl S, TAL1.J-S, Bed.-lcads. Slauds.-rj Sofas, Corner Cupboards, Card Tables, all EL kinds of CHAIRS, Ac Also that heoiakesCQ COFFINS to order, and having provided him self wiih a 111: ARM: he will be prepared U attend Funeral Having engaged the bet.t woikmen,therfot Ihe public may rely upon having ihe best of woik from the best mau rials. JOHN S. SIIIITOM N I). All kinds of Country Fioduce lake in exchange. Lcwiakurg, April 26, IS55 TIEW HARDWARE STORE I T "1 orV.'kEI'EKS. atlention '. Will be foupd I at th.r new Hardware Store of & M FADDEN, Lewisburg, Candle sticks, Sniubr-, ( loihi s Lines, Mills, Knives anil Forks, shears antl Scissors, Bake Pans. Round and Oval Boilers. Shovels anil Tonga, Mair Rials, Ac- will be sold low lor the money. Ladies, call and sre. SHOEMAKERS know hal a trouble it is to get an assortment of Lasts, Morocco, Li ning and Eimling fkins, French Kill, Shoe Thread. Heel Nails, llr.stles, Ac; all. and much more, you will find at th new Hardware More of REVNOI.nsA M FAI'DEX. SADDLERS, if yon mil and ciamine our stock of Harness, llrnlle and Roller liuc Ues, Eilts. Humes, Siirrnps, Moiuitiiip, Girtb inr. Deer Hair, Straining Web. Saddle Trees, W hip flock anl Saddlers' To.ds.yoii will find itlo voura !v.iioa:e. H.-iplwrare store in Lew isbnri. REVNOI.PS A M FADDE . CToACHMAKERS will End constantly cm j hand Lliptic Soriugs, Aalcs, Hub Bands, Laces, Oak f t Ik es. Bows an.l a general as sortment of Trimminrs. at the Hardware Storw of KEVNOI.DS A M FADDEN. Lewisburg. T "FARMERS, come and cjamine our sew stock of Trace, Haiter, Preast and Butt Chain. -1 prong M. Fork. Hay Forks, Srvihes, Grain Rakes, Cnttins Knives. Ac, at Ihe Hard ware Store of REYNOLDS A M FADDEN. (1ARPENTERS. we can snpply yea with j lhc celebrated Grecnlit l I Tool Company's Planes, Hum's celebrated II.lK hels. Ales, Ad IX.M I'.mlders' Adzes. Chisels. Souarea, Saws, Saw Se Ls, Angers, Plane Bui, lldls of all kinds. All will be sold lower man nsnai at cash prices. Drop in an.l see, gentlemen ; nr. f.k,rm. i,.r eminnit. s'ock. at the Hard ware Store of REYNOLDS A M 'FADDEN- Trusses TrTj33es Trusses ! f! II H1) iKS. eysa - TKL.s AJfD BRACE ESTABLISHMENT, wi i' I'.,. 'rwf.!nl. .....I W'trrt St. C. li':"M "sin" -j PHILADELPHIA, , . ... i.. 'i . eombimnir imporiers OI mrr r "wi-a ' ; extreme gine. eaie, and durabilily. with Correct consirncuon. Herni tl or Ititptured puicnls can be suile.l b-h. . around tl l "'." V. T.r Ts . to l,i ,ru. a. i. - r. .a U. at a rmte, .be ws.sitk,-al .ill-the Ttua. At fir ak, in rreat variety. Dr. Vanning hnpnnred I'atent Rody Brat, trr thaenr. l Prn':r"a t't-rt: a'-o t,.nni Fry an.1 r-nwrf. Caunt f lul Uraw. I'lf Kxnaa-k-t. at.-J Kn..r llrs.f. ruliftal " """ W. .. Uuk'I riwt't. U Elat-tie ahlnntnal Italia, nr Mra : niwt nnd.- and ft-Malf. A.LaOaV BwnM, aaitb tjaljr atleasbuita. H;Kt "" J. EL C. KANCK, TT015NKY at, MilBinl-ui?', 1Y Cnion C.Pa. li?"AH professional bia. sinrs rniriisltd t.. his care, will be punctually and fatthlally attatdeJ to J'Jue I, T