uiiolnm Clpuirle. si M BV ArcrsT 31, 185-1. hit iv Inti mil firculutii-n of any Nrw"j i..r t,i L'n;-n Cuut.ty. i'Hicralic Xmv'uc fir f anal CMftiWuMrt ARNOLD rLUMEIl, tf .Vcniajo Co. KepnWcan Elate Convention. The riltxcr.s vi rvniyirania, wilhcnt rcv'srJto ftnner Lari- .Ii-Iimtien", nho t-c aitiiax H unit. in a n." ttf-Fi-.uution to i-v-i-l the furtL.-r rrrra.1 ul FlaY.-ry "1 ti, i-rM-i- f tlio biavj i-oucr, :ire r. (Oesiisl to aict in Ur Convent: : n at ritlrlmr;, m M.-iKtasy, ill-.. &th djy r.r.c:t ;.:.-mli:r, V at 11 t'rhvk. A. 'I., U or;';uiie a IUr;:i.:.le!i r-aitv In ll.is i t-tc, w bii-li Ihall plrc ex-,r.-s-l:'n to l'..c n ll fu the eui tU hm.lii-a. in IUm r. i-cil ef the .Vi i uri t'(ii.rnmi-"-. au.1 rn o;.T;ltu Willi otli-roriuia:iu:ia of a similar (lioracl-r u otiur I" Into.--. t:t:-: Iv All. Vrj rfuuly. ViLuiu I.:B:3t.j t--- i.ai:; Tt I.. W.li,: J.-IS V. . Nonh'mlt"r!anJ coDDtr. (nw ford o uoty. J vi r. .'iN i Hr rrcun'v. J.ii.v At't'5. i--nv r runit. Mux "Sr. l'uiliiii.i hia county. W. V. T.. Jf, i slP1 M .r.LL7 V.'.t .iKri'!nril enmity. !.rii.s l iu K. joi rm ij c.uuty. Hi: u '.:: u l.;it '-'lUiity. II. II. fu::s., H-'jiiI. iiini etnnty. M. II. " ..I-. T:. r. ui.lv. T.ii: i.:i i Sirvi n.-j l.ti:. t rr-ianty. Iv. ?'.'l.ir.. FniiikHti county. ALvr.i :t !m:;ias Iniiti.n courtly. T. 11 . ai.im -K. 1) !iir.' fiaiuty. IS' s. Iic!::u.:-1' :i .'mrity. J. KiiwLn lurx -, .':uij!kiUo.niy. F. K. H.t. ., i'nUn rmrty. ;eo. Aic!iis.iS.. 1. .irl: - 'i cunly. A. I.. l'ENi CS. lV'.W:irO C UtltV. Wa. W r.r.iiT, A.l.ii:'! ('"I't'ty, nnJ t3:ttiy olhw. raj-erj Iri -udiy u eaucmill rilfHscmy. ArrAnge tnettlr uix- uiLiii to "eeure the att. nj.tli.-e f:"lu ni-rw.il cf emtn.-nt tweakers, wh.'?c Da:nes i:l JuJy acnouneed. g.Vnia Statj-: Con ventiox of De legates, at llarriiburg, Wednesday, 11th Stpiembyr next. Democratic County Convention. Th J Democratic voters of t.'nion couniy are reiju.-'ird to nect at the usual place of holil t.ic; elections in their respective Borouchs and Ttiwaships, on V, SEPT. 1 st, 1 i-V', hruv, en he hours nf 2 and 5 o'clock. P. M.. hours nf 2 and u o ducii, I . M., and tri.-ii an J there elect two Delegates lo at - ' a mvenui.n mi w una t tuc '.'invpniicn lo be held ai r .un IL.ti-oiu .N EV liEKUX, on SIO.MJAV, N"pt. S I at on" o'clock, P. M., tn nominate a Caii lidnic lor Keprcscnlative and appoint a L'n.iiona! and lii pr.-ieiiiaiivc Uclcjaie to the nvil D.-ninrrntic Stnlc Coovention : and also nnpoiLt Cuiilerees lo meet lhe Conferees of Juiiiau counlv, to place in nomination a can !id if fi-r Kopreseniaiive, and lo meet lhe Conf. rees of Juniata and Miftlin counties, to appoint Delegates lo the r-n .Hiate Conven tion. ( HAS. I. UOLSH, Chairman Dem. Sianduig Cominiuec. An'. 11, lr.r. To the Voters of Unton County. The time is approahing when it will be necessary to select Candidates to Ell the various offices of this County. We tho undersigned as Chairmen of the Standing Committee of tho Whig and Democratic parties, horcby respectfully call upon the pcopls without distinction of party, to meet at tho election nouses on Saturday the 1st of September next, at 2 o'clock P. M. to elect two Delegates in each Ward and Township ; said Delegates to meet in County Convention at 10 o'clock on Monday following at the bouse of Charles Crotzer in Mifflinburg, to nomi nate Candidates to fill tho different offices of this County. SAMUEL MARSHALL. CHAS. CKOTZEK. Au. Pth, 155. BQ.lt ia euggeskd that the Whigs of Lmon county elect, on the 1st beptomber, 2 Delegates from each whole District, and 1 from the half districts of Union and Jackson, to meet in Convention at Dlair's Hotel, Lcwisburg, on Saturday, 8th Sept., and take measures to sceuro Delegates to the Whi State Convention, 11th Sept. As loth the Whig Chairmen appear to be asleep or disinclined, " the people them selves" have to move in tho matter K3T0 MOEROW ia the day named in the several calls to elcctDc!egates,to the Union Convention at Miiiiinburg, and the Democratic Convention at New l?erlin, on Monday next ; and to the Whig Conven tion r.t Lcwi.ibiirg on Saturday next. The Uiiien Conventiou will bo a "free ftjht' all voters are admissible. Wo hope "union and harmony" may prevail, nrd none cf the r-rangling and personal altercations which have sometimes digrac cd the Court ll:.r.?e at New Berlin. In these unscttjed times, a Convention which pbM! tcleet personally strong men, and bo just to the different tcciions and parties, mij be pcifecily rueecF.-ful in its labors. Dut (he pee; !j r.t the Polls will pass upon all these pn-Iitninry arrangements. JcLn Schrack, Esq. Wo learn that the eucmies of this town aro circulating a report through tho coun ty, that " Ltwioburg is all going against Kf.q. Sehraek for Associate Judge." This is not true, iu any general ecchc. It is true that seme gentlemen of Lcwibburg did, before Mr. Sehraek was named or Luo n to be a candidate, pledge themselves for another candidate ; and they wo sup pose will in good faith feci bound to carry out their prjmc. Dut, Mr. Schrack has j enemies in Lcwisburg ; and he Las hosts rf friends here, as well as all over the county, who do support him, and who will support h:in to the election. Ihey know him to bo a mn vlicst! capacity, whose iaterTity, ut:d whoso adaptcdncss to tho rtation can net lo equalled. We know Lin to be a rar.n whose aid to cur Univer tity, our ltuilroa 1, Division, and other lo cal interests, was always strong and sure, and we feel that to turn our backs upon biia would be foul ingratitude. They kuow him to be a man in whom the people cf ail parties and shades of sentiments Lavo implicit reliance, No man, in Union county, dyicj;, would Levitate to leave all hi worldly iuu rests in the care of " bonest John Sehiaok." As a magistrate, he has settled mere law-suits than all the lawyers in he county. As an KuglLli and Ger man scholar, he has no superior for every day business ; and the number and pecu niary iutcrests cf the German population cf eveu our new county ciil'ule them to a m:.n ou t'oc lkucU who can "ir- l'"u lai-aUy, and ij t!i.-s ii y wuM whl a utl.cr or J The base ami ungenerous attornpta to dtivo o5 !r. Schrack, and to deceive the people by telling them that " ho is not a rnndiilatc," will all lo understood lefora election, and will recoil upon the heads of those who dare to nltoinpt to thwart the p-'pnbr will in his case. , His location ia about cjui-distnnt from the three principal points of legal business New Lcrlin, Miffiinlurg,nnd Lcwisburg; and bo would be easily accessible from ci ther place. Any convention making a Eomination, will do themselves credit, arid strcrgibcu their ticket, by nominating Ilojepr John ScuiiACK for Asocinto Judge. Eut, whether nominated or not, the people in tend to elect bim, without regard to party or to the question of county site. Variations cf Tune ! The Slar which "arose to rise.'' for Miiilinburg, fur somo weeks assailed Lew- it-burg with reasons why it should not be the county seat. Lxst week, however, it tries a new tack, and "wooes us gently as a sucking dove." The Kditcr describes Lcwisburg as '-"beautifully located" "bo sincss place" "great grain, flour, and produce market in general of IufLlo and other vallics" "river and canal trade" "wealthy, populous, and beautiful place1 "schouls of lower and higher order that compare fnvorablv with any of the old towns of Pennsylvania" "ha3 Telegraph, and Kailroad within sight" "same fertile valley which eo gracefully surrounds our own place" (how condescending !)...but Iut what 7 Why, with all these, Lcw isburg wanls to be a shirc-town, also (a fact which she has pretty intclligbily ma- :r.. . .1 r ....... .-,1 .i,:t, '"' J ' " ! of the lowasnips 43 rigorously responded i tn tt . M,i.tinr hr irr declared over und over she did nv! want it.) And docs tho Star suppose auy sensible man would voto against Lcwiiburg bccniur she has theso and other advantages 7 .or i i it yet uunwaro that thrse very attractions are what draw the penpfc towards Iinihitrj It is for our undeniable resources and faci lities, that farmers around and beyond Mif- tlintur; will vote for our town, wuieu roost central far business and population. I5nt then the Editor changes his tune again, and ttalks about " the ambitions, aspiring, and arrogant citizens of Lewis burg," the "ungenerous and unwarranted efforts" of "intoxicated men," "selfish," whose "appetites know no bounds," but "insatiable," "greedy," "desiguiog," Sic. &o. Ah me ! wbarhaa occurred to ruffle that temper so generous and placid at the commencement of the same article 1 The Editor says we are "trying to removo the Union Seminary from New Berlin" to oar town; and the fact seems to distress bim considerably. Not that it would injure MiQinburg a whit,or that he is a member of the denomination whose private concern it is : but then there is a chance to curry favor or excite prejudice among those who are concerned. From all our information, our neighbor's affliction is unnecessary. A few months ago, some of the 150 citizens who were falsely branded as illegal voters, not conceiving ti,at Lougstown was the best place to teach theology, and bearing that a change was proposed, did offer to aid in such an enterprise but that is all. No such effort is being pet forth, here,ncr is any such intended, as we arc aware of. We have been told that somo of the Evan gelical church desire their Institution to be nearer the line of trade and travel; but Lcwisburg is not making an effort to wrest it from New Berlin. If we lose the Couuty Seat, however, there may bo some money to invest in something clse,and if removal is still desired, a town so well circumstan ced ours might obtain it. In no other contingency do we regard the disinltrc&tcd alarm of our neighbor as at all necessary; and we are 6ure that it did not gain 1009 Totes for Mifilinburg in New Berlin. " Mad dogs are prowling about Lewis burg." Times. The truth is, one dog was shot, a few weeks ago, on suspicion of being rabid, before doing any barm. And from that little fact, the mendacious Times manufac tures the abovo wholesale assertion. If the Times means by " mad dogs," rabid politicians, it may be nearer correct, although we have not heard of any of the New Berlin clifiue " around," ainoe the Hard Swearers' Court. Wo have heard of our old landlord Mrcn., and a few other New Berliner, being in and through town, but they looked perfectly tame, seemed not at all incliued to bite, and wcro not afraid of cold water. jey-Tkc MiOliuburg Star says of Lcw isburg, " It is true that tho Central Kail- road has decreased the amount of Lutiness of our neighbors:" which is not tbce. IVrbapR wo do not buy as much grain as formerly, but " tho amount of business" has not decreased ; it is increasing year by year. Sueb statements will do you no good, gentlemen of Miffliuburg; the pco plo arc too well informed, to be deceived by any such gammon. Whether " the business" of Millliuburg increases or di minishes, is not ijuitc so clear in general estimation. tftSTho Remonstrance, circulating in Northumberland county, tho Democrat Fays, has " over S00 names," which, after all the parade and fabebood employed in getting it np, is very poor Fpced. They find more obstacles than they counted on, and it is doubtful whether this Mifliuburg scheme will pay first cost. Tho people understand that hit Mifllinbur.?, ihero is " l'e tf annexation ; with LewLlurg, there is t':c be;'. f prolibil'ty. Lewisbure; Chronicle Senator Sumner to 1'as.smorc Will iam-wn. Liu Scpetio. 05 B ir.n ti-.i Notim Sta, ) gatunlny, An,;. 11, 14 M v Deab, Sm : With astonishment and indignation I have learned the story of your imprisonment, and now, from this distant rctreat,where I am for the moment, I mako haste to send yon my sympathy. From beginning to end from side to side, and in every aspect this transaction can be regarded only as a clear, indubitable and utterly unmitigated outrage. The new-fangled doctrine, that a slave-master can voluntarily import bis alleged slave of course with all tho revolting incidents of Slavery into tbe Free States, ia not more odious than it is preposterous. It is scouted by reason and disowned by univer sal jurisprudence. You wcro right in dis regarding it. In stepping forward to re mind pcrsonB, claimed as slaves on this pretext, that all such claim is baseless, you did a good work. It was this knowledgo which filled them with confidence to regain their God-given liberty. And for this it appears that you have been brought before a man who, " dressed in a little brief au thority," has cast yon into prison. This outrage is rendered more outragoous by the way in which it was done. It was perpetrated through the perver sion of the great writ of habeas corpus. This writ of freedom and deliverance, which in England Las often been styled tbo palladium of tho Constitution which is recognized as a distinctive feature of Constitutional Government whijh Cads no placo in a despotism, and which is the very master-key appointed to unlock prison-doors and let tho oppressed go free has been made in your case, by a hocus pocus without precedent, the instrument of imprisonment and oppression. Strargo and disgraceful as all this is, it must bo considered as the natural fruit of Slavery. Any person, whosoever he way be whether simple citizen or magistrate who undertakes to uphold this wrong, seems forthwith to lose his reason. He may bo just, humane and decent in other things, but in tho support of Slavery bo becomes unjust, inhuman and indecent often in obviuus unconsciousness cf his de gradation. Tbe blindness which makes him insensible to a wrong so transcendent, naturally makes him insonsillc to the les ser wrong by wuicn it is manuamea. What is the writ of habeas oorpuB,thc trial by jury, the privilege of debate, or your liberty or mine, in the estimation of a per son who has already screwed himself to the pitch of injustice necessary for the vindication of an institution which sepa rates parent and child which stamps wo man as concubine which shuts the gates of knowledge, and which snatches from the weak all the hard-earned fruits of inoessant toil 7 But there most be an end to those things ; and as Shakespeare found a jewel in the toad's bead, so do I find a cheering omon even in the injustico which has made you its victim. Tbcro is an old saying handed down from distant antiquity, that " Whoso the gods wish to destroy they first make mad ;" and I bavo often of late been impressed by its truth. The Slave Olig archy is mad, and their overflowing mad ness runs throcgh every agent and tool. In all that they do especially in the Fu gitive Slave bill and i'-6 cruel enforcement, the Nebraska bill an J its felonicus admi nistration, and now ia tho imprisonment of an unoffending citizen I rejoice to be- l:.n ... ia nnn.:afnVlt nv!iT.,a of ' that madness which precedes a fall. Ve rily tho day is at hand when returning justice will onco moro boar sway ; then, among the triumphs of Freedom, will be a reckoning with unjust judges. Meanwhile accept my congratulations on the portion cf responsibility and dignity, which is yours. It is a privilege to suffer for truth ; and I envy not the meanness cf that 60ul which would hesitate to prefer your place within the stone walls of a pri son to the cushioned bench of tbe magis trate by whose irrational and tyranioal edict you have been condemned. Believe me, my dear sir, with much re gard, Very truly yours, CHARLES SUMNER. PaesmoreWilliamson,Moyamcnsing Pri son, Philadelphia, We learn that the Miillinburgcrs aro circulating reports of " awful sickness" and " alarming mortality" in Lewisburg " people dying every day," ic. Now it is truo that this is the sickly season, in Lcwisburg as well as elsewhere ; and it is also truo two old men, who had each lived eight years beyond their " thrco score and ten," and two babes of less than ono year, have died here last week no more. fca5"The Democrats of Northumberland County, on tho 27th inst., made the follo wing nominations : Assembly J. II. Zimmerman. Register K Recorder C. Boyd Purccll. Treasurer George Bright. Comui'cr, 3 years Chas. Ilottcnstcin. " 1 " Frederick Haas. Auditor William T. Forsyth. Senatorial Delegate Jacob Lci3cnrin. Representative " D.B.Montgouicry. Washington, Aug. 17. Tho War Department came very near being destroy ed by fire this afternoon. A lot of looso paper in tho attic became iguited through carelessness, but the flames were cxting ished before any material daaago was done. Cuamesion, Aug. 1G. Tho Know Nothing State Council mot on Monday night, and abolished tho Catholic test,and now allows any native to join the Order who will renounce all civil and religious allejri'iiicc to coy Lreigu j-otonta'.o. and West Branch Farmer -A ugnst 31, 1855. Union County Fair! Uai tkton, Thuniuy A Friday, Oct. 4 it 5 PBEMIUMS FOlt 1855. Horse. for N-H Stallion to b paltl when k ha baea kept within Mac liiuiUoftbaSuciatyonvtvrficeaeaMyn.S 00 2tl bent, same cuntlitiooa 3 ) hrM BrwUog Mar., 1 or more bn tt to be aftown 3 M 'M best, nam. runJitioaa 2 i" b-"t OtfMiD Hvrw, not otut 7 jcaKf a ih Mla-rt a 00 boot 3 yean old Oolt . 3 04 il brn tin. 10-1 urt 1 T old Colt 3 00 !d brut do. 1 0 brat lurKing florae Cult I CO 2d lt do. ) lt aurkiag Mara Colt 1 ',0 2d beat do. I 09 rioTTlng Match. br-st Plowing' regard tiffing had to tbe r-ajliuf work men and liirYii-line of t, aina a well a.- execution ct tb work.ratfar than time, protidrditbadono wittiio a rvaaunutle urns - ' 2d be,, 3 00 i tout done hj a boy under so years or '- r j Zd bant 00 71 fat Cattle. beet Boll," not nrHer a nor oer 6 year old, kept wl tbia tn. Ilmil of tba Society on tank ataxia 3 00 M N et. name renditions S ot) , be Hull Calf H OO j best C" f r all rnrooeea. 3of her ealTef tobehewn a. rti.lre of her breedloir. and full atatemenu I In writing of her liairy qualities 3 00 M beet, urn rniiaitions 2 00 beet 'i or more Dairy Cow, owned nnd kept by ono lr"OB, written atatamenti of age, brrwd,ykl4 to be rereWred. 'Pen, rara Journal' Oao jear, or 3 00 b. it 2 year old Heifer, . J. ani 10" id ke-t, V.J. Cow e-ieio; the greatest amount of Butter 2 00 i!d,le et, I- J. but Cow f r stock 2 00 'id lrt, a. J. bwt 1 year oht tlelfcr I M M i-t. r. J. beet mo a of Neat Cattle belonging to one fara. not lean than 10 head, K. J. and 1 53 Ubuet, ,J. Oxen and Steers. rV-tt petr of oxen, 4 yean old or more 9 0) 21 beet a no bast y du Steer Calren, J. or 1 00 Tram. b-et team of oxen from any on lowoshln I pairs or more, 4 rears old or mors & 00 r-t epn of working Uoraea 4 00 id best oo le st pn of Watched Horses tW 2d best 1 and M. J. Sheep. 14 rreneh Merino Back, kept wlthla Um Society limits t years 5 00 bt'M bu, k of at. J other breed 1 00 bit) l!e t-hecp.J.andSl or 2 i best 6 Laabs 2 00 Swine. hrt Boar a 00 2d beat 2 00 bctt sow with one or more of bar pigs to be shown J. and i or .1 OU 2d best. J. and 1 or 2 00 bert or more piga, 1 to 10 weeks oil J. and lor 2 00 il b I 1 00 btt i r.i:r., J. and 1 or 2 oo 2d txtd J. or 1 00 Poultry. ben! pair Shanghai Chirkons T.1 2-1 l.t V k-et pair Chlltngong 7o I 2d beet 25 l-.i pair Cochin Chinas "' 2d best 2.1 : beet pair Polish 75 j 2d beet t ) I beet pair of any other brood 70 2db.-t 2 l.cet pair Turkers 1 00 1 2d best ' to Crop. I tv-it 5 acres Winter Wheat . 8 (V) ! 2d bent. .1. and 3 0U 3d beet 2 UU I b-et bi ihel ofWhet 1 -'-o - 2.1 ot to i bet acre Spring Wheat 1 fto i I t i ami live 3 O'l ! XI be.-t 2 00 bt & acres Indian Corn b ou Jd best S 00 3d beet 2 00 beet arre do do J. and 60 'id best J. h-et bu.-hei Com In ears 1 00 id bl So beet o serve Oats 2 Oo ! best 1 00 be.t to hel Oats 40 best bo-hel Knekwheat KO be d i acre Barley 2 00 2d best 1 00 best crop Potatoes, not under U acre 3 t 2d beat 2 00 best bushel flwect Potatoes 1 00 do Common Potatoes: 60 best 2 acres Turnips t uO beet bushel Turnips f0 beet U acre Carrots t 00 b et U arre Keets Z 00 best bushel Beets 60 best 'a acre Hnta Barea Turnlpg 2 00 best acre Beans, J. and bo 2d lest 1 00 best peck Beans 50 be.t perk Peas SO best lot Cabbsjps 60 best 2 Pumpkins 1 oo FrtiM. best lot Winter Apples, not nridi-r 4 kinds, a peck of eeh kind. all raised by the fu-rRon ptesenting J. A 1 CO id bet J. iK-.-t rariety apples not rrnder 10 kinds or less tb.in 2 bu-hele In all. J. and 1 00 beet bushel Apples 1 00 best specimens Pears 1 00 licet ep-imens I'lnms 3 or moro kinds 1 00 bd perk Quinces 1 00 bent peek Peaches 1 00 K-.t tot Uri..-, 6llsi. or mora 1 to Dairy rrodtictii. best 10 lbs. or more Nutter, a filter butler knife and 2 00 21 best U-.t Cheese, 2". lbs. or more 2 OO beet lot Honey. 25 lbs. or more 1 Or Flour and Dread. W n.irrrl of Wheat Flour 1 04 tst to n-e. llarkwheal t'lonr 1 00 b-st ej-'H-iraen of P'.eur Bread, with written state- m nt of ma-iner of makrrg it 100 bc-.t le and Imilan, same condftions. 1 00 Iloiiwrliold .Manularturet. best ulleu Cloth, lo arvU or wore. 2 00 2d le-.t 1 00 best Wool flannel, 10 yards or more 1 00 2d best tV b-'sl Cotton and Wool do ten yards or moro 1 00 bet Woolen Yarn Carpeting rive yards or moro 2 O'l 2d best 1 00 le-st Lag Carpeting, 0 yards or moro 1 00 2d be t f0 best Hearth Bne; 1 00 be-t !i d--i. pairs Men's Woolen Half flose ttO beet W oolen chawi 1 o) 2d le -t 60 le-n i.und Woolen Vara mi b-l guilt t () 2d bet I 00 U--t le'd.prcad 1..00 2d best W lt specimen Needlework 1 to 2d Is-et 60 be.t Ijimp ,Ist tH best Knit Tipi-et 60 l.-st rom-ht fhoes f.o best 2 pairs Milteua 60 best specimen raised Worsted work 60 ls"t Straw Hats, 6 or more 1 Ml best domestic boap, 5 lbs. or moro 1 00 Manufactured Articles. best slorle Wsiron 2 00 best p.cimen Cabinet Work 2 00 re st Kress Coat 2 0 best Vest 60 best Ws-nn Hsrlef "ia- . 1 00 lt i d"l. Clf i1 fiakbed 100 best Udns.Kip ?k.ns 1 00 best U d"X. si-les r'le Leather 100 la st iot f.ni-hrd father any other kind 1 00 best J jdoz. pairs Thick xts : 1 00 bciit 2 piiirs sewed Calf IVsits 1 00 best 2 pairs Ladies' Kid ahors 1 00 Agricultural Iniplcmciits. best Improved bward Mow a 00 2d best 1 00 best improved 8ocd Plow 2 i n 'il 1-e-t lstfubsoll Tlow bsstlirain Keapor bestilra-'sCulU-r best drain I'rlil brat Corn Drill best Fanning still best Cultivstor Is-st llnrrow best Roller best improved Horse Bako beqt Liini- STreaib-r 1 oo 1 o 2 (SI 2 00 2 let 1 I'll 1 10 1 CO iii) 1 PU 1 0) 2 00 1 in 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 0) 1 on l on 1 oo bct ps rlable Cider Mill best portnlrle Clover Uulle-r best d"3.eyt!ies best do, liny Forks l..t U doa. Mannre Forlta b-st U doa. fhotcla tst Va di-s. Hoes liest 7 del. Narrow Axe anr new and useful Improvement In any farm ma chine, or implement, from ft to according to its value, at tbe discretion of tho Committee, any new and useful improvement in any household mnchinc. implement or article of furniture calcu lated to lighten the labor of females from $1 to$5. .Manure. two 4 horse loads compost Manure, best quality, prepared at a leaH expense, by any new iirneei'.-e, tatt-ment in writing tn be civen'of materials u'isl, mo.!e of pr-paration, expense, Ac a eneci m. n to be exhibited at the Fair 4 00 21 best 3 00 Farm Accounts). best account of Farm Opcratloaa for the season, tir ini! the mansirementof slock, crops, any improve ment In fencing?, plowing, aoedin;, cultivating and harTctdin;; crops, to-tetber with expenses and income of tho farm, to be presented to the Com mittee on Crops on or before tho first Monday In January next, and premium awarded by them 8 00 greatest protits from 4 acre of land in any crop or crops, lull statement in writing of expense of U lior, manure. c, with truo value of crop,crti ned under oath, j. and 2 00 2d boat 2 00 Tho same animal or article shall take the same premium iu the same class bat once.aor be allowed to take a lower premium in rank than hu previously b-en taken Vy the sain." Th several ;ruimiiir-s sliail liavr Llicny to rcri.inincu.il ILmi'iary I'reiuituiis, lobe piiitl by tin- Cxecnuirc Ct iinn'iucc as tln-y may ilecin the liinils of ihuy mciely will warrant, auJ alio to awan! Diplomas to such contributors as they may deem worthy nf thai notice. 2 A VALUABLE FARM IOlt sale. The siiliscriffrr offers his valuable Kar.n, in Kelly 'i'p. I'ni'n I'o., (3 miles from J.ftrisburg anil 2 from Milton) at l'riva'.c Sale. Il coiita.iis i(l Acres Laii'l, part Limcstune ami pari (iravel, anil about oii aer'i of Kivcr Ilnttim a!,itiin? lainU f Da vid lleir.ly ami others. Il is heavily limed, well manured, and conveniently divided iuM Ik-It!-; v illi a lane: running Ihri.urjh iheccol'T, all nndt r guod fcncinf;. The improvements are a Siunc Ilottsc and Stone Dank Ham, very s:nb'.i,-mtial,i;:i 2. and of ihr- brst finish. A Well of lhe licsl Wau raiid l'ump therein en the kitchen porch of the mansion, a brick Waihh mse with crl lar underneath used as a Milkbonsethe cellar fl"or laid wiih brick, also a llow in I'ump in lhe barn-yard and another at lhe house, with water brought by lhe best of cement pipes from a fine spring some hundred yards from jTS'hc liuil-lins. Thi re are about IS arrts irimber Land, also an Orchard of choice Fruit ol all bind:,. The title is pood and clear of incumbrance. I value lhe properly at sfcliiii per acre, l'art of the purchase money may rrmain if desired. lim.VJl JOIIS KLi.Nti. Millonian and Star cpy S in and charge J. K. Vood!o'j and Sma'J Farm for Sale. 7fi xuit ii:iretnter, on rrasanaWc trmn. 1 piIERE are 9 lots of WonJlaml, si- JL male in While Deer Tp on I.iule Duf faloe C'rt-ck, about a mile above tiuldin's store, mucins; from 1 1 to SI acrrs each, well umb ered with various kinds of Oak, l'ine, I'oplar, and ('hesnut. J'hc Farm contains about !" aeres,of which IS arc clnari-d, and has on it a Two Morv Lo Mlinuse, a Lo? Siablc, Spring of Water, and Fruit trees of various kinds. Il ad joins lands ol John llnnni.el and Jacob llart- mau, about 1 mne from (nihlin s More, in Whit? Deer tp., I nion lis l a. The above propeity U oflered at Private Sale, by the subtnilur, UKOKCB MKIVELI.. Kelly Tp., Aug. 10, '..:.. PRIVATE SALE. rMIE umlcrsisne-i offers at Private Sale I a beautiful and well-known property sii tate in Hartley township, I'nion county, on the road from llartlctou to Kaul!inan"s Mill, about one mile trom either place, containing ! AcrCW ul land more or less, whereon are erected a lartrc two storrv Eriek House, AyJ a larr;e and conimciiii.us ,ARN,a -nit-keJ. House, l!i:ek ."prii:- II,, use wilh running Waier bron 'hi in pipes from a r;ood Upring, a Wash h iii-e. Wz stye, Ac. Tiiere is a line rfsthrifly (liil'HAED on lhe premises, con Ssiaitiin? a variety of choice Fruit Trees, namely: Apples, Cherries, l'ears, I'eaches, I'lums, tjuinces, ol different varieties, all in full beann','. The land is in a liirrh s:n'f i f cultivation, nearly all if il inclining somewhat towards the south, miller geod fences, and laid tlf iii re!ilar fields. Tersons drsirons of proeurinsr for them selves a pleasant and envenient home, will please call al the resiJenee of the subscriber. JACOB KOVER. Aug. I, IK5.V pdSm A .Valley Farm cf Limestone Land, ( COMPRISING a'oout 163 Acres, for J fALE. Said Farm is in one of the best Wheat irrowinfr; vallics in Central Pennsylva nia, within two miles (over a Ilridtre) to a Kail road, accessible to Markets, in an eminently healthy neighborhood, near ,o Mills, Stores, Church and fchool Houses, and in the midsl of an intelligent and respectable population. The Improvements are a firsl-cla 1IAMK n l! so hy ir feei.wiih a lair Mansion f7 Jlou-ie, Wafjrin house. Corn house, andjixi other (suitable Ouibail lin.-js. Il has a large ,.Apple Orchard, and I'each and I'ctr trees ifif'Vc. sufficient for ordinary use. The Farm is all cleared except about one acre (and plenty ol" Woodland in the immedi ate vicinity.) all of Limestone soil, and as the owner thinks is rot surpassed for natural pro ductive finalities bv any in lhe iSiaie. Il will be sol I wholly, or a prriion of l lo 100 acres,'as niirdu suit a purchaser. ITr'Anv cash man wislim; such a properly ran obiain further liil'oruia'ion by rpplyirc lo O.X.WontiES, f or .-' elt'ce. Lewi -lit: ry. 1 st;i A FA RBI AT KUVAT3 SALE. FAir.I licluin li the Heirs cfl iL I'KIAH MESIIV, deceased, conlaininst I about 213 Icieil "1 r;,K-,i land, situaJC:! in Keliy township, l nion county, adjoining lands of Eaird llowatd, Isaac Klin;; and C't- fr" ers, oa which is erected a Tiro V-rrLiLjL Frame fiwllini' ..trie, a larje Hank Farn an 1 all necessary Out-buildines, Willi several Snrinzs of r.ever-lail.ns trood waier near lhe buildings. e There is- also upon the premises, a snf- liieienl inti.ii viiit ol cnoicc truit -p-; pies, 1 'raches, ecc. AC. The land would suit very well in divide in Two Farms, as a good properuon of Meadow can be allotted to each i'aiin. IT Terms can be made easy, as One-Third of ilic atnounl may remain on lhe property. For further particulars, you arc referred to John Walls, Lcwisburg; Thomas Clingan, near tlu premises, or to Robert Hayes, near MiltonrNorihumbertand county. firThc above described property, if not sold before Tuesday, the 2d day of October next, will then be offered at Public falcon the premises al 10 o'clock of said dav. KOUEKT HAi ES, one oftheVxr's. June 2!l, leiaj. iiSStf FOR SALE, -AThal large and desirable property on the I"" corner of Market anil Water strects.well caletoatcd for a residence, for business, or for a residence and place ol business. There is a larc UUIt'K House containing 1 larrje rooms on lhe first floor, G bed-rooms on lhe second floor.and 3 lartje finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and VV'ashhousc adjoins. There are also a spacious CVllarJartje Cement I i.isiern, a i urnp, ami vveii oi i;itoii waier. a Stable, and all necessary Outbuildings. For terms ic. apply to Geo. F. Miller, Esq. S. E.DAVES. Lcwisbnr";, Sept. S I lsTiO TiJOTICE is Itcrcby Riven, that apjili- L 1 cation will be made to the nejtt Legisla ture of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the charter for a Bank, to be known by the name of the" isEI.I.:Ui(l V E HANK,"' lo be located in the Eorout-h of tclinsTruve, PnyJer county, (lately part of ( nior) with general powers of discount and deposit, with a capital of one hundred ilioti.-and dollars, and power to increase lhe same to two huio'ii -I. JyG,'5.'. CIT1ZEAS OF SELIAtstiKOV E. NOTICE. A TPLICATION will be maJc (o the next Lcfislature to chantre lhe name of the " Jjewisburg Kivinfrs Institution," lomtcil nt Lrwtshnrs in the mnniy offnion, toTirE I.EWISUl.KG liANK," with One Humlrea Thousand Dollar? 2il!iiiional capital, and authority to issue their Awn notes lor circula tion ; subject to the pr-vi.' ions of the eucrai banking laws of this Cir.nnionweaUh. By order of the Dir er r- ? I) .Win KtttKR.Trcasttror. The October Election. nTFor Commissioner, lilCHAKIl V. II. LINCOLN, Hsu, of llartity, is rcspecifully recommended to lhe people of Lnion couniy. Hc-stantl fair at ku,ute, and fair abroad, and would make an rxccileoi and capa'ilr timrr. - HAIITLKV. rV'Altcr a Ion? drlay, Mr. I). Warsoji last week ilecliiicd runuiiit; for Commits, .iht, but alilioiie;!! ralhcr laie, as we ate cuiiilc I lo tn ollicer I propose .Mr. Juiim V. HkRiif.a a-i also a suitable man. TA.Y-i'A 'L'.K. Asskwbi v. Messrs. IMit.-rt: The name ef 1 FOSTER Vli.K(., of H iiil-yten, we v.i ul I ; propose for lhe Assrmhlv. W'p want a man i ; in these days of established ehar.icter, not a j novicp.and whose integrity ha been tntJ an I i ; proved. Such a man is Foster Wilson, and j such men are needed in our Legislative halls, i ("Jim" can wait) TAX-1 -.WEI.. I Messrs. Editors Lewisbnr?; has never had j (as I am inlorineri) but two licprc-cutauvrs i in the cf'.ate Legislature. Those were Messrs. j CEont.F. Kr.EMtRand Eli MLirr.n nieik-who: e ) names arc koown ihrou-liotit ibc Stale, and who lellccted credu not only on I.ewisburj but also on I'nion Coun'y. Vou hav- al.-.o I another citizen, worthy and competent for t!ir.t , oi,,-'..,,'..' ' office, but who has not heretofore been named ti..i t. 1U ii.. i publicly f. r it. THOMAS H.WES, Emi., is j ;"' iliat man. I publi h tin ; without his kio.wl- I tyjrt J'-J', edrre, but if nominated he will be elected, ft r I he commands personally the emir- conlidence of the mas of voters of all ihadca of par ty and of sentiment. .. Mkssbs. Euitous : For the nece-sarily ii!--portant ollice of County Coinmis --ion-r." please and present the name of Mr. JAL'lii, CHAl'CIIEl!, of Hartley lown-hi;i. Mr. L. is well known throughout lh comity ; 1 d. em it unnecessary topress his claims. Miould he be elected, I have no doubt he won! I make a faithful and popular ol'cer. KELLY. August -u, s.'5 Sir A.SNfnsls'y. 1'leasc announce the name of Mr. JAMES WILSON (son oi J. Foster Wils. n,) of Har tldon. as a candntate for ihcnext Lrgmlature. Mr. Wilson i', a man in lhe prime of life, of rood character,of s-ound judgment, and every way wi ll qualified fur thai I'o .111011. Wc make ihio proposal of. 01 oun aceiTl.and iii ci-efi-dence that he may and should h- nominnci and elected. li AST ELFFALOi;. Aujnst -i, V.Sn-j To the Voters of Uaion County. jELLOW CITIZEN.". ! 11. 1 my self as at: J7 la.K-jieiidei.l ratidioate f r ui-IC.Vc t.: &3lCrl!i". Should I be rkclrd, I (deil-c my- : sell to dischar-e the duli-s tf said oliice Willi j leJeliiy and iinparuaiuy. DANIEL V. GI LDI-V Kelly Tp, Ail". 17. I Messrs. Editors We wish lo pn-sei.t two . I names for i fV.ces b. ih ol whom arc caizens j I of great personal worth and fiiro-ss f . r any j I po-ii in our jrifr. Oiic is Jamus Mamij.si, E ij. i of Hartleton fc.r Associate Jt: '; - no t.tir ; I man in the county. And lhe ether. Disin. ! j Wi rstr.R, Esij. i-f (.'ha-iuau tt-wi:: nip, t..r t!ie : Assembly, winch those parts to.w eanni Sny der county has not hail f r several vcars. If we can yet those lownshij.s from the up end i td'Northtiinbi iland ceiniy, I n ri-u and Snv'. i j could always have tae As.rm! .'yiaan in their , own ri-lit without beio"; saddlid rh Juniata. MAN V. Mr. Editor I am astonished thai the many good men in the little township of Kelly aie overlooKed in the proposed distribution of the offices within pur new county organization. I therefore ask the liberty of nam in; JACOB HLMMKL Esq. for Treasurer. He is jiui in the borders of lhe town, and often in, so thai he could attend lo it, and he would -baud lhe g'U well thegither," and pay il out every cent when due, and as he has served as a County Commissioner he has valuable experience of county business. "Acid Lsc Sist." AsNoclate Jutlre. At the requcsto! iiuiu-ious Iricnds ibrou-.h-out the comity. JOHN SCHKACK. Esq., i ! Enst l)iiifaloc,has consented tn beceme a can didate for Associate Juile at the eoi-.mi-j eii c tion. His well-known characrrr.'tr ti;ii::iu forwar.l honesty, his usefulness as a eacc makinr, Ma-islra:-, and well arquainifd with l oih tits English at. l tJi rm::n lan-u.t-i ..emi nently comiiKini him kr the sitifra-e i !' the people for lhat dPice. MANY. July Sr., 1S55. te. .Messii. Eiiituus. As lhe time is dr.nnnu near ii r uoininatio; stiiiable persi n l, r ll.e respective oiric oi I'mrii eo'i.-.-y, let me su :--est in the favorable c.-n: oleraii-.n of the vo ters, D.WIi) HAi Es, II ,.: ilai.ii t n . f r 1 Col.nti .Si nti.Tiiii. A . a paclical SurV' .i r, j lie is unsnrpa.-sed in e-:( rienc , and bavin-' I the 1 raits aud rati-ro ol bis deceased broiher. "-iide.E-,.,(:au-J 13 ,J-tteri'.-qti.tiau d w.t!, the iSurve-.-or,) v. i-iic vs of I 1 1 "1 county. '1 he? oiKee is n-t lucrative, hot requi res a man of experience an.l nitiii.aie know ledge to peril tin the duties correct!' and without exira expense. HAKTLEY. Messrs. Editors ! have seen as yet lt a few names sii"csied lor the important ei.ice of I'ountif Vnmmiiimrr, IVr two of id..: e Commissioner. I would propose JAClHS CI NDY ami MAIIK ItAl.r'I'E.VNY. Eoth are very competent and very worthy men, and both stood up ft r the people'.-, nchls at their own loss in the i!,iv of trial, 'l he ri::ht lias triumphed, and I know ol no ouc I would sooner see elevated lo an honorable and use ful position. Jr.-'TICE. .V stMnLr. Tin re lias been no person nam ed for lhe important ollice of Representative ia lhe State Legislature at the next election. Permit me to recomincn l Cepi. JOH. WILT, of Harilev township, fi r thai olFtce. He is- a farmer of sound sense and good judgment, and wc think would be faithful to our interests. '- EUTAI.Of:. 'JO the Voters of I'nion County : As a can J. didale for County Commissioner at lhe election in October next, we lake pleasure in recommendinc; Capt. (;eort;e ISi iiOCh, oi Milliinburt-, as a man qualified and worthy for ihaMjIace. .luncJJs. F.AST liL'EFAI.O. f the Voter; of I'nion County: AsaSiier .1. ilT is to t-e elected in this connty. allow me to recommend as a candidate, .Mr. I.. 1'. AMlKICHT, of White Deer township. -Mr. s w-sii .,.,-i:e..,i i . ! . .1.,. La ' '' .,, ,. hl- .' , . ,', cl,,,tiM he be elccieil. he will ann liv l'e a popular ollicor. June Iii. U "HI i 'E ii;t:i. Mb. Wouuk!, Ii appears to me that the time has come v. hen the ci.izcns of L"ui.n conniv should -tii;L'est suii.tl le persons t. f.ll the Oi'.ices ol thj c utuy to be eiectcd cl the cnnini; Octubcr election. Uyd(ir;7 i:i tii:ie, it will be tii'.rc likely that !hoe oiHces v. i!l !m: tilled wilh the most competent OI:rr. As ine of the people I would suTest JOJI V. BA RISER, Esq., of West Kuilhloe township, to ihe suilragcs of lhe voters of L nion couniy. lor the oiFicc of Associate JikIctc of said connty. LEWklUlKG. Mav 25, isr.r. if. CSvTS C. W. SCHAFFLE S Y:W WHOLESALE anJ KETAIL fci"24 V'VJ a'l Cnmi'ail I'nipir'um, .Market f Street ... Lewi-hur. I'.i. THE subscriber tlTtrs his services f in eurins Horses oi Toll L'nl rr I'isu'n. I He will cure Horses ol either of these afilic- tions for sjiii, or make no charge if not suc cessful. IK-re is an ii.oriunily f i every out: j whose hordes are alllite.l, tn -?iore tlietu to ; health an.l working irh-r. Iie.i!ruce on my Farm in Kelly Tp., near I.ewishur. - I A", !. i '. ?D.i:'iU M!;ix!:lt.. A .llaixt Iuiim itriMcdyr I'jr a jliitvilvw A ; IIOLLOWA Y'S OINTMENT. 77i- C'ru.id I'jtcrunl Homily. Py tho sM ' o,e ;! On Ll.if- ti;-il-' t. i,.l ro c p, .- 0 niint. ns of Htftit i. rtir le.li-:-. 1"l.rort"b tae .ei, nil n 11. e i-'ein, ie ' -riied In r i t :i lt. b. . - . . .' ll.e t. :.t..-,yJ,.di-r, r.t; .-Tron. i-t i.'M hi sr. Intinli.ai.tl'-n . C urtis !.; I f-I-l-, axe by M. r:ir..'. t.xt ry . u..i.w.l kiM s that f,r u -li l..i.e.r in. -t efnnT lbi kuesa. V l: L.i I!. ore re-it'ity HLtiink tlirf.' -,lr ,- Til. r.r lr.p-.-i- :' h . it f f tit" n Te,. ! :.-, rurtri; in l.l et it-, o :ous iliW.ll ! lOUIJ Ujutc, tl-ot CAB lUit bw n Ii. cl I ;. i r :.i e.i:'. Ery'l" ,'tts, ti'lt Uhnim i(- &orlutic Hu mor. No rorotj e. i- ol tt r ! i 'ilionei r. - II.:-....: t ill- i.e It. S.-- i-t. r d nc Inc h for the cum of dls i. vli-.r-ier f n t:,y uisy a-nme, a u cl fiill ltd. uo.surivveiofula, . .; :-. mil I I..', witli'l.-ind It- inltu Vr I s i i.r. 1- d i i-r in.niy oris id tho . :i i ;J l: - ; ii.il . .li p -n-in tbltf - t to irj. spi-li-utii'n, arid haa Mi.c (l r.. - luuiillesj nululs.-rs ti c r.ixnt?, V'v.tds ami I Irrrf. SV;nc i ' m 11. i. 10ft - l.ti!!: v. a: ;. r!ul o:.-.ti at. i I-.:.-..: . Is -. n- n-.w rely eobdr :it, a te n V.wri; to wt ur-1. ulcer., jtlaaa. t ' .it. 1 i i r ll-.i.. as j hs. l-v r.im ii.d .1 l::e A lio! tonn-nLs d'o- atcb.d t u. !. ; i i .l I I'.w I .i t i - - -1 :, i.i' r.ls 1 1 lun o.nt-m- nt, l' 1- ii - ! oi -l- r : lie .!r -ti..ii . f (be M. de-sl Staff, in tli.- t .- .1 v. u.. l-. li uiit - ore toy uWrr, :!: ti tulai iihM'. -tsl 's li" contrail ou ot Ue jemta, e lib ol -J eiI .-...i. ..:.. V'-j itn-7 Fi.fttl'iis. Ti- -e-in t r r .li'l-.r .T'- fr' -ioir p rar aicfe esa ta e:: - :n :'v ' r. .1 :1 rh - lli.tl.lt-et T-e w.-tl ruM l in ( fff tn.-1 :.'te . . i '. s- . n I I y i.ti.eli;e tulle tliug ttle oriuU.1 l.r . :. i:.. ur-uc! e.ij t -I- j'hjU lhe Outtvi' Ht and 1'Hlt should, he Ksfi i'i the fijiloicip j rusis I; unions l'i --re lrs r:.ir.i, ot ail klndr Burns rhr. ppe.) Ilavda t'lol: loins Ki-luli Ki.cur.iitit'rrl IHlt ill.i-iiiu tiiMi leie-af. S Fore ert-n.'s bore ilra-le lied Cljlidj ieut ll.ers I.HI.:oa-o Kl.ii J- HIM n- r- al P'-res 1, reurial En:?li neiere 1'hnsts ' . Sold nt ll.e Mnnn:.i-1o-i s of P Vi oenlsll kina f . (,-r iri.ii wr. SO -I. : !, a l.-i:-.N, w V.-rk, ne.-l ; ISlrMi.d. l..i,('(-n. and t'- .e.-is ef M.dMibes . sr : t:.e -:T.!ii:i-l a r! i, :n C'-ues, aui ? i ncii. id.-iai-!-.- farir - by tkin the lar- 1 ati.-nt in every AVER'S PILLS, xew imd s-n-.-ularly successful rcntedy fir the) e :r;- .1 ;11 i;Ui.ts u.-r.-j,es CoaUveit-si, Indi-r'-'ti i. Jann !i", Dr,-,pv, lU.i 'jmMism, Kcvcra, 0 i:.t. lleeii.rs.N nmiMioss. Irritiil ility. Inttamma ti -:;s. i. :idi:--:-. Tain, in the lireaat.' tuile. jiailra tr.d I.iir ,s, 1 , mile Complaint. A c. ,Vc. Indocf. v- rv tuv :.n- tac uV.ac iscs iu wicn a l'urritive Meca ciiie is r.' t riure or 1. ..s r.-rjuixed, and much sick ricss -.n t .:!. tin? ni' lit be pitvcr.ti J, if a harm 1 iss l.;it eiieitu .1 t'.-ilimrtic wcro lucre freelv usecl. No person can feel will while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it saon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which niii;ht have been avoided bv the timely and jndiciutis use of a Rood pnrfcativr. 1 his is alike true of Colds. Ecverish srmptoma, and ltilioru drranrrcmints. Thcv all tend to become or prnd.tee) the dtep seated and fiterruiialde distemper which in ait the hearses all over me Land, ilcnoe ft rcb'a'jlc f i-nilv physic is of the first importance to tl.e pn'ilic health, and this Till has been perfected with c-nsnmmste skill to meet that demand. Aa extensive tri:d ot iLs virttiesj by l'hysicians, I'rofea si-rs, and l'iitients. has shown results surpasains; any tainit hithcrtn known of any medicine. Cura hae been etfectcd beyond belief, were tlicy not snb-st-intir.trd 1-y pers.ms of such exalted position and chiiraeter as to forbid the sn-piei-n of untrnth. Amoni' tlie eminent gentlemen to whom we aiw all. -ved t. r.fir t -r those facts, arc 1'iioF. VAi.r.NrisK iioi r, d.itinjuLhcd Sur feen if ,"(-.v Vr:k Ct. Doit. A. A. H wr's, rnetcal Chemist of the I'ortof liosti n, atidOcoi Ut lor til Slate t Waa-S.-.1 hus'-f.s. lit.v L. M -rit. M. D.. an rminent Sunreonand H.; .liciiin. ef t!:e City i f Lowed, rvL.a has long used ."--" 1 in Lis T.tin-ive prrctiee. H. C. s--T-T'twrex. Es-)., one of the first mer ch ntt in Nirr Vork t'itv. C. A. Davh. M. I)., tfun't and S:iroii of tha I r't.-U St-it- s Marine H,n"i'.ai, at Cuel-wa, Mxsa. D:d :p.i-e p.rmit, wo coui l t-ivo maiiv hundrecl surh 91:11c, ft-iri .ill p.i'U where the Pill have t ev, Irr-er- "t; n mire cor.r:-i:inT thiri -: e ti.e-to cTi;it.er.t r uL-iic men ia t o err; sh vn :n a t ir eiiect--- :-T"i- tri-.l. itn- 1 ... ti.r r. ?::.t oi 1. inveniiialion and st;::tv, are- 'j-.utc! tj th.o pn!.::e as the best and m'.-it er-.i-- l-lr .U!i tl.c pi.si.ia state, of na.da.-al rrii nee ear. r.t.Or !. l !.cT:iro c. nr-.'i:uiel not of ti.o t:r'!Ts ti;. -:s !vo. It:: of lli.s ne-t: ;nti virtuee or.ly oi i-.m-i! is r. :n. d-tx, extra ie.1 l.y cttemicai in s :rh. T:;-:;r.ir' tii in uro t..- r. alti. It: FT-tir.i cf c"r ;-"t,- p. f-r ivr-lj 'tic; ti been found ii: the Chrrry IVr i-Til -nri I'tlis ir;h. to pri'durc a tnnrr r;i:iiti:t r. inotly t.-n h:iurt. l,pfn oIj tiu.l by anv pr vess. The m-u is ptrlvctiy ob viou-i. W u'Hc y t:.c cli n-' ilc ccmj.iuuu, ev rrv irutliaiir i : LmU-ncd with ic re or less ot ach mm:i"T:i ami iitj-;rims r.u.itics. by this each indi-T-dnM .irtue only tb-t h drsirr4 for the citratiTe eiiKt irs rrrtnt." AH tli--1 inert nnd cbrwixious qn il iti"; of cwh starter c Hipi'-TC'ii ar lctt bchinii, tha C'Jraivp viri iri ontv Wtv retain JL lienre it is srlt Vvi lrnt the c-i.Vts h-d prove as they hsxm provtl mt re pirrly r".r'!;:.. a:id the Tills a surer, nvrr p-TTfTf-! an?ic-;p f fiircc than aj;y otLct mriircinc kn:nT.i ti thowrlr!. A. it ii trc'.TMT.tly cTptiirnt thtt my mcdinno rhou!(t lc taken um' f tLe cot;i, ;c1 tf an attcrnlin; I'hvsi.'iMi, ar.-l ps he cr-u! 1 not i-rr-or! juJc vt rfir.f.Iy witlu-r.t kr.'ir? jt? c- rr.ps,: n, I haro npj'l:c! the arnin:oK.-r.::!r f t which Nth mr IVtt.r.il an-I i';..s .ire nir.tte t' the whr.Ie bMly ot I rutiiioncrs i:i t,i t uitci otat & and Ln.i.-li Aiucr itan i'rcTi.a. li l.-.. -fr t rc jlit.iud any vnc wh-i h-s r"t r"cv -1 t!:im. iii.y wiil b pri-n r-'y f itt !c! v-v m-.il tn his ad(!r-.i. Oi r 11 the I .tent Mc-Hntir? that are ctFered, hT few would be taken if thir ctDijwsition was known ! 'i'heir life eunuu ia taici n.j'jttry. 1 iia.c no mysteries. 'ihe cunipoiti.-ii rf xr.y prrpnxatior.s is laM epen to ail men. ani all whn aro e;r:rrtrT.t to niftif on the m1 jcrt freelv npkr.owlN.ii, their eonTirtion of their intrinsur merit.?. The Cherry .Tectoral was pronuncx"! ry sc;enlilis; men to be a wondczfai medicine tK-fcre its ciiects were kneun. 5Lny cm intirf t'hysi'.i.;i:,i I.itc declare I the same thin? o( my l'iil. an ! c m r.trr rTi lenrlr, and are will tnt? to certit'v th.-'t t!:'ir anticipations were mora than rcali wd bT tiicir cuots upon tri-d. J iu'T operate by tiie.r pwer;"ul inlhienre on tha intcrn:U viscera t purely me Llnod a.nd sliiauUtt? it into he.althy action remove tho obstructions of the stomach, bowds, livir. and other crifsof th btnly, rttorin" their irrernlar aeti' n tu UfMih, ani ty c-rreeiir.f. nhertrver they es.:, such drano mer.ts as are the !irt origin ot diaeaie. lictn:: sT-.r wra;;pc I iuy xc j,ltas.'.iit tT t..kt. and Wa:;: piaTcly t'. t-.hL,t no huzm. cuii arise from tlu-'ir n-e iu any ipi.".:Jtity. tr- r biiuutc duv.Uotxj, sec the wrapper on tL Prepared by JAVE.S C. AVER, Practical & Analt.ca! L'hcr.ut. Lowell, .Mass. I V IVrsa.'j ty ieiiaiiite, anil by f'hmt & Caldwi-;;, I.ewial-i:r-r ; Cum, w. Mflt.-n; tiasr, and Kemper ec Kieekner. .Miilliubarg ; and ly all IeaU is i vervwhere GEOIiCH T. COLS, EAT.ER in l'fanns, Mtlficons, and I: 1 of "''ualrnl ?1orr!ian- ijl., rv.'.;1-. lUMnni.iy Dii nana. ii.:ii-i ca 1;.. I; -hi ; I .hte, N'.-v.t. n & llradliurys; a: I! limit .V ..,.. N. V. riANS'S. Also, l'i:i.r. i & l.o.'s cclc rate.! MKLtiPt'O.NS, pruos l'i un '.'.) (Mia . i t 00. Vi Vr ; ii in a Msi.nii.-- v. 11. in-. el with iT-ir-pl at'i iiLl n. fi'coiu! haul inms taken in ex- i hit -.. I.-. v.Zm i-.un crr-ne 'he court iic-w, WiKiam-i-it, fib Al'rtI 1. .'T.tniS PI. I'KD WARi: fake an.l earl lla-kcts J'ai-k- Korks, Mpoons an I liu'u-r Knive.a, TeasjH'oti.s sihi-r-piaint on llW U-st Utrwan .silver, $1 ji.-r !-.?. All i' i J ar:auird to Kive .-an u All : '' !- i-l Ki-eranne at ..... ... . : f. !. YOfKlfS. r ' . ? v ' .. . ' .' I , r i ;t- ". -.. . . .'-' - . i.rtCse i:. i ii. -rs o- r.r :t.?;i .l-.ii:r o; ...1 ir? SCi.-i-l el f't. lfi! -. rv.f. - . cSa: l fi - 7-"-", riT Ca