f 8 1 1 tr i)'. f'. eis 12? 2 ill mi !(!! If i- if J ?! ISIS. if 3p! li' .M s 'U"Vi si. t M..:i !1 Jf ' f ' : 1 r- t ' .Ml: '-sal Ik l it?. i It Ji "i ! Br- Xfmisbnrg Clpnirlr. ArcusT 10, 1855. .Wets.- The Li-di-m CMBmncu ' -. I r--t n4 best circuiAllOU of auy aikpr . Cui' Csnty. JJetmtrr-tl't Tittmint far Canal Ctmminiunert AKX0L.1) PLU.MER, of Venango Co. Ti the. Voters 01 Union Co ant y. Tlie tune is approving when it will be Leeessary lu r-ckcl (.ii'iui iitci to uil the various offices nf litis County. We the undersigueJ as i.'liairnien of tlie f-t Hiding Committee of the Whig and lYmocratic parties, hereby rctpi.-ctfu.ly c.ll upon the penilc withuut dUtiuciionot' :irty, to meet at the electi on houses on Salani iy the 1-t. of Pcpt mber next at 2 n'cltK-k P. M. to cli-ct two IMi rites iu each War J and Township ; said Delegate t.i iiiet in Cnuiilv Cnivcnli.ni at 10 o'clK'k on M'Hiday fdlutcins at the house of Charts Criiit-r in Mfllmbnrj, to uomi Date Caiidl-lted to fill the d.ffcreDt offices cf this Ctuntv. SAMUEL MAUTIALL. til s.tKorzt:a. Anp. 8tli, 1S65. Gsn Quitiuau's Platform. General (jaitui m having been invited to become a c.ii.lidite fT C'jogress iu Missisnippi, haj f;lt himself culled upmi to publish a letter, defining his views, from whish we leani that he is a State's JligLta democrat of th.j strictest chmd. Ilia platform, which appears to be al ihat of the cn.ire S -utii, he bUtes thus: " I believe that the ius-itutiju of negro savory is not oi.ly rijrht an 1 prip r, but thenitoral and uorm il cndittun of tlie cuperi-T and iiif.Tinr races wliets iu con tact. Tli it, as tlie chief eh-muut of our couuuy's prosperity, it crvu-mules a great interes', which is entitled, like other great interests, tn the fostering care aud protec tiou of the Fedeial G ivertun Mif, withiu the gphtre of its power. That h'i-latioii or action, directly or indirectly hostile to this interest, is at war with our co'npact ii Uaiou, aud should be resisted by the " tutrs and the people affected by it at all L zards. That the preservation of the io litutioo of slavery in Cuba, which can only ba aftveted by her iud - e oh-nce, aud separation from the malign influence of Kuropcin governments, is essential to the safety aud preservation, of our own system." The above article, which we clip from the JW4 American, gives a tolerably clear aud candid view of the claims of klavcry. It assumes 1. i'hat Slavery is right and proper. 2. That it is the great clement of our country's prosperity. 3. Tint thcreforo it is a great intcr es tt.d iike other great iuterests, is en title.! ! the pr.-tcctiou and fostering care of thu f ruiiient. 4. j 'nt anv loisTatinn or notion, di recly or i idir.'Ctly hostile to Slavery is at war witn our compact of Union. 5. That Slavery must be preserved in Cuba, iu order to render it perpetual in our own laud. Here is our answer to the above : 1. Slavery is neither right nor proper It is opposed to natural justice. Our Declaration of Independence proclaim? that Freedom is an inalienable right. It is opposed to the revealed law of God. " Th"U sl.alt not steal." Now, if we may Hot steal from our neighbor even an irti. cle of trifling value, may we rob bint of Liuisrif ? May we rob him of the labor of his vb"'e life, aud uiuko him depend ent on ourselves for every cnmf.irt he may enjoy? Slavery is opposed lo the golden rule. Tut yourself in the condition of the slave, and then judge. .-.-Slavery is not an clement of our country's prosperity. True, Slavery has possession of most of the milder portions f our country ; and it therefore happens that several valuable articles such as eot tou and sujrtr, are produced by slave labor But if the laborers of tliosa regions shall b' C'iine enlightened Christian freemen, iu steal f a'lj-c, ign iraut slaves, then the amount of the 'htse valuable products will ultimately become ten times greater, and their Commerce with the rest of the world fif'y times more valuable. And, Bore than all, and above oil, they may then look for the blessing, and not for the eurse of that just G id who is the Father of the whole human nee. 3. As for the proposition that slavery is entitled to the protection and fostering care of the government, we will just state it clearly, aud leave it in its beauty to the admiring gaze of freemen. Here it is : As farming is an interest, so is slavery ; as c-duca ii'U is au interest, so is human bondage; as manufacturing skill sod me chanival industry, and ingenuity are in tt-rests, s is everlasting oppression ! ! W e reiH'it it, we must leave this beautiful diii'ioi. without note or comment. As the o ' profaue m.io said, when the boys upset bis apple-cart iu hopes of hearing bun swear, " We can't do justice to the tul.J-vt I" 4. That any legislation or action di rectly or indirectly hostile to slavery id at war with our compact of union. Anficr: Our compact of union is tbe C institution; and the very men who framed that instrument, not ouly cherished in their hearts hostility to the institution of slatrery lot they legislated directly against it by excluding it for ever from 11 tbe new territory we then had. Would to beaven we bad time and tpaoe to pursue tbis subject at length. Why oar fathers of tbe Revolution looked upon slavery with unutterable hatred and scorn ! They held It, as it truly was, au ug'y eorse which had been fastened upon tU m by the oppressive and mercenary policy of the British government; and in Jefferson's first manuscript eopy of tbe iK-elaratiou of Independence, this charge ag linst tbe " Iving of Britain," has a most couspicuous place amongst that huge black catalogue of his sins Whose weight would sink a navy." 5. That slavery must be preserved iu Cuba is) order to ensure its perpetuity in our own land. Now honest plain men of Union County, did you ever suspect, or would you ever have believed that such an infernal scuiitaent as this would at tempt to skulk under the honored name of Democracy ? Of course it is nut De mocracy ; and the scoundrel who cherishes the sentiment in his heart, and, utters it with his lips, is no more a Democrat like Jefferson, than Benedict Arnold was a patriot like Washington. So then, we must steal or revolutionize Cuba, f'T fear that some day her poor op pressed buud-lnen may obtain thu rights of men ! And why not steal Brazil for the same reason ? Why not aunez " all the lkUssia " fur fear that in the long an uals of futurity some Czar may mouut the throne who will be so " fanatical " as to do justice to his poor serfs, and thus exert a " malign influence " upon the most holy institution of slavery in America? We have some small notion if spared, of touching this subject ajjain. The ig norance.aud impudence of slaveocracy have had their own way long enough. It is high time that Freedom and llight and Deceucy and Truth should speak a word or two. I'd. I'bo Tem. The Kentucky Election. TriuuiiLc; Hiur ami Loss of Life. LoeisVii.l.K, Aug. 0. The election in Keutucky for Governor, &.C., was held to day. Iu this city at noon, the Know Nothing ticket was 1400 ahead. A riot is in progress thu evening in the first Ward. The news from the other portions of the Siate, as far as heard from, indicate the success of the Kuovr Nothings. Louisville, Aug. G, 8 P. M. The m jority fur the American ticket in Louis ville, ItiUO. There were riots in the first eigiit wards of the city. Several persons were killed aud many wounded. Two blocks of buildings were fired, an J are still buruiug. The must intense txcitemeut prevails. There will probably bu more lighting. The Irish during the riot, fired from windows, and killed three Americans. One Iri.ibmau was taken aud bung. Sev eral others were captured. 9 o'clock The mob having fired sever al blocks in tbe Eighth Ward, are now moving up town with cannon. There are rumors of a contemplated attack upon the Times and Courier offices. lleturns from other portions of the State indicate the success of thu American tick et. 10 o'clock Freqnent discharges of canuon in the direction of the Courier office. 11 o'clock I M. The mob having completed the work of destruction in the lower wards of the city, marched for the iiuicB aud Courier offices, and from the threats made it was feared that further sceues of violeuce would ensue. At 10 o'clock the mob congregated iu front of the Times office, but their riotous demon stration was stayed by speeches from Mr. I'reutice aud Mr. l'urcell of the Louisville Journal. The fire down town is subsiding and it is now hoped that peace has been perma nently restored. CiNClKNAil, August 7. It is conceded that Lcander M. Cox, the Know Nothing caudidate for Congress in tbe Ninth Con gressional District of Kentucky, has been re-elected by a large majority. Tbe electiou in tbe towus opposite the city passed off quietly. The results favor the Know Nothings. Loiisville, August 7. The mob dis persed lust night, alter buruiug the Sign of the Times. There is no issue from the office this morning. About twenty per sons were killed during the riot, aud many wounded. Twelve buildings have been burned. The first shot was fired by a party of foreigners at a distance from the polls. The scenes of the riot presents most horrible spectacle this morning. In sev eral places may be seen human bodies, charred almost to .a crisp, among the smouldering ruins of the buildings de stroyed. T here is now a great crowd around the Court ilouse, to which building the bodies bate been couvcyed. NoiikoLK, Aug. 7. It. I. Paine, K. N is elected to Congress from tbe First Dis trict of North Caroliua by 3000 maj. Washington, Aug. 4. Despatches re ceived here announce the defeat of Mr. Clingmau in the Eighth District but this is cousidcred doubtful. Two Weeks Later from California. The steamship Northern Light, Captain E. L. Tiuklepaugb, arrived at New York oa Sunday eveuiug, iu six days and nine teen hours from San Juan, with 413 passenger.-, and $040,000 ou freight from Sau Francisco, July 16, per steamship Uncle Sam, making tbe passage from Sau Francisco iu the uuprccedented short time of niuctcen days aud iwcuiy hours. The miues iu California are yielding better than lor several years past. Gold in large quantities has been discovered near Puget Sound. CoL Walker is still at Rcalejo, where he refreatcd from San Juan del Sur- Captain French came down by the last steamer from San Francisco to join the government par ty Colonel Kinney arrived at can Juan with a party of twrnty four, oa the lftb J Lcwisburs Chronicle ult , in the brig Huntress, of Philadelphia. They are engaged in patting np a building in San J uan. The government of Costa Rica, which has heretofore kept free from these inter, nal broils, has considered this row a com mon cause, and proffered the government 4000 picked men. Much uncertainty continues to exist in regard to the wheat crop of California the present year. The destruction from va rious causes has been large ; yet it is gen. crally conceded that there will be more than a sufficiency for our domestic wants, as the number of acres sown was greatly larger than last year. It is, moreover, well known now that the crops of last yer.r were under-estimated, and that the quanti ty of old wheat still on hand is considera. blc. Indeed, the exports made withiu the last three mouths exceed, in the aggregate all the wheat supposed to be in the coun try when they commenced. So far as we can learn, the oat crop has suffered but little, and the barley not at all. The sup ply of these will be large. The potato crop is in a remarkably healthy condition aud will be abundant. The Nevada Democrat gives the follow ing items of mining intelligence : A chunk weighing eleven pounds eight ounces, was taken out last week by Per. kins & Co., about half a mile below the town, on Deer Creek, and on pounding it up the bappy finders obtained $958. Al len & Co. havo been laboring with their usual success, and from very many sources we gain iuformttion of large yields. Ham let Davis, Esq , purchased during last week 1350 ounces of gold dust. This cer tainly speaks well for the yield of our mines. A rich quartz lead bus been discovered on Wolfe Creek by Den & Co. The rock is fully eqiul to that of I.ariuiie Lead, upon New York Hill, Grass Valley. The city of Sau Francisco was thrown into a state of great excitement, on the evening of the 12th instant, by the tumor that Messrs. A. A. Cohen, late receiver of the assets of Adams & Co., aud I. C. Woods a member of that firm, had been charged with frauds to tbe amount of S 100,000, by Judge Chambers, of tue late firm of Page, Bacou & Co. The President and G:v. Reeder. Wasiiinuton, Saturday, Aug. 4, 1855 The readers of Tue Tkiuunk will be interested iu any new facts, however in considerable in their importance, which will throw any light upon the President's disgraceful conduct toward Gov. Beeder ; aud though the following is no solution of the great query, Why was the Governor discharged ? so earnestly repeated here and echoed everywhere, it shows that tbe Governor is not wautiug in that ready wit quite as esscutial to politicians as logic and learning: The story goes that after some two or three weeks consultation between Gov. Itecder and the President npon the affairs of Kansas, the nature of which is guessed at and whispered here among the know ing ones, but the result of which certainly was that tbe President refused to issue any prochmation, or do any act for the protection of Kansas, the Governor left for home. Meanwhile, the troubles in the Cabinet increased, and the President, anx ious to please Gen. Davis on the one hand, and afraid of the North on the other, de termined to make another appeal to Gov. R,'s magnanimity, and sent a confidential agent, usually employed by him on such occasions, to call on a special and intimate friend of the Governor, then in the city, who represented in most lugubrious tones that the President was exceedingly ctubar rased and perplexed in regard to Kansas, that it gave him infinite difficulty and trouble, and that he really thought Gov. It. ought to relieve him from his trouble by resigning the office. The friend, who perfectly understood whence this came aud what was expected of him, at once communicated it to the Governor at Easton, who as promptly re plied " that if Mr. Pierce believed iu res. ignation as a cure for the difficulties and perplexities of an Administration, he might practice it himself ; but as for him, (Gov. R.,) he was no disciple of the doctrine, and therefore could not be expected to act upon it." The reply was rather cool, but not more so than the impertenence of tbe message deserved, especially when it may be inferred that the Governor was not in TcrJf god humor after discovering by his two weeks interview that the Presi dent was determined to abandon bis people to the tender mercies of the Missourians. T . r r. . i in a iew uays aner mis mcssnge was delivered tbe call npon Oov. Rceder for explanation of the half-breed land pur chase made its appearance, and the unpre cedented course was adopted of publishing to tbe world the accusation without first hearing the reply. Cor. oiVew York Tribune. Pttptxc A young man named John Barnes, aged 17 years, bled to death on Monday morning in Buffalo, from the effect of a tooth which had been extracted some days previous. How easily his life might have been saved by tbe application of a styptic ; one ot tbe best tnd most easily obtained is gunpowder. Let it be pulverized and laid npon lint so as to get as much as pos sible in the cavity of tbe tooth, held in by tbe wad of liut or cotton. By renew ing the application two or three times re lief is rendered almost certain. We have never knows failure, and have seen it applied to some desperate cases. and West Branch Farmer August 10; A Pkopsitios to Test the New York Prodi bitchy Law. Several leading sup porters of the Prohibitory Law ;in New York city, havo united iu a letter to J. Hayward, Esq., President of the L'quor Dealer's Association, saying that in con sideration of-the difficulties thrown in their way by the construction put upon the luw by tbe Mayor they propose that some one or more of the members of the Li quor Dealers' Association shall place them in possession of testimony of the character which shall be as unobjectionable as the nature of the case will admit, but which shall be sufficient to enable them jointly to carry the following points on their merits and in separate suits, through the various forms to the Court of lust resort, with the least possible delay. 1. The right of the Slate to prohibit the Liquor Traffic. 2. The constitutionality of such parts of the Prohibitory Law as authorize search aud seizure. 3. Whether the Law allows the sale of Imported Liquors by others than Im porters or in other tlian in tbo original packages, except by those licensed uuJer tbe act. 4. Whether trials for misdemeanor under the law are confined to the Court of Sessions. Oilier relevant points, which it may be djsircd to test will be added. The letter concludes with the remark, that if this proposition is not accepted, " It will be regarded as an nnmistakeablc evidence of the weakness of your cause, and of the little faith you have iu the position you have assumed, or in the opinions you have so lavishly spread before the public." Wa.suinotcn, August 6. The Hon. Rush Elmore, Associate Justi.o of the Supreme Court of Kansas, has been re moved on grounds similar to those assign ed for Governor Reeder's displacement. Judge Moore, of Alabama, has been ap pointed his suoccssor. Townsend Harris, of New York, has been appointed Consul to Jaj.au under the Perry treaty. VQ-Tlie Democratic Union, the old or gan of the party at Harrisburg, is out in a scathing artielo agaiust the President, for the removal of Gov. Ilecdcr. J9A Farmer was asked why he did not take a newspaper. " Because," said he, " my father, when he died, left me a good many newspapers, that I haven't read through yet." Good for the Tvros. A sailor who had befriended a young woman, who had lost her way to Rochester, became some what elated in the evening, was arrested for being intoxicated, and scutenced to pay a fino of S10. Tbo money which he bad in his generosity, given to a needy woman, had so nearly exhausted his pile, that he couldn't " raise the wind," and he was sent to jail. It having been clearly proven that be bad behaved iu the most generous manner to the destitute woman, and that her friends, who had the means, neglected to stay by him in his troubles, the compositors iu tne office of the Ro chester Democrat raised ten dollars, got Jack Tar out of jail, obtained a pass for him to Buffalo, and gave him such a good name that a first-rate berth was obtained for him on the Lake. Union County May Court. COt'RT Proclamation Wheiw.be Hun. AUM d W !1,M., T'eJfiit Jui.ce for tht-othJwiifil D."tri"-t.f!fn!iltinRof the count. or Uninti ul Mill. in, o. Jw B WiTitMU tK iiu1 JaMjJ Maiuhall, fc-41-nre-, Awvw.iu Jutlice in I nwn county, h-e ini-uevl llifir .r.ff-t. (Hurii.e t;tt ihe Jay 1ht n w1 me iirrtil, ftr tue holilui t1 an (r- tii.tAtiit't ourt J art f t'oitini'in Him-, Oyer ami lei m;iur. I an) pneriiigusrtr.Hrferi.nit.tat KV IH.itU.V for th.- niuiilj ot Lltu.n, mi the wid M n-iy t Hi-'. P. ! I f hHn - the Kth 4.iyj !H5.,Dcilt:oniinm; twf wi. k-.. A"Vf-'A' i then-fore lit: ruby Kieu to the t'oriiwr, j ' Jii-.tl.f-a .if the IVtice. Dtl C"nitMi5 iu mJ lor th-- fun- i tyot tTui-u, tosH-witf in tlw-irowu .rui-er i-n.iu iUi tlit-ir Kill(, Ib-rorJf, Imjuuitions, l'A.tniitiut.ou. nul j other K'ineaiitrnre, lo Uo thoe thlnr wliK-b vt their , office itbti iu th-ir behalf sprtmin to ! done: n. nil ; witness: nii other pvttwn -rrr-utin5 iu tw-balt o! the OmmioDwealth aio-t any pr4n or iN-r.ti!, are re- j qnirvil to lie I hen ni thre iitten'linL;. anl not depart j without .eae ai mn -ti..r.n,c urnt,, v be pum-tual in their tt ndance at the aptOiuteu titue azret-able to notice. iiiTen under my hand tind eml at the Sheritrs OITire in Newlierlin,thel2thd.vof July tn .'ili yfaruf nur lrl one t htm -ant eibt hun-lrcJ tn.I tifu-t.re. and in the eventy--venth yeATof the Independent-- vt thsluittl Sfjitesof America. Uvtt Mvtthr OunMOHtcaittt. JUilA KEr-l.hK.5fri. Jury List -Sept. Term, 1S55 VRAXD jrKORX Wtaiinfft'ltticrtrf ltim.il, Aiitb. tpecllt. tyHtrfolcmm H..wen..v. Ileitry SI.. Ir. Ilrarrr Uaxfe lliii;l. Ilarruon t) Wat IX. I i.rH Jawb Zlniuifrnian. II"-! Bujfal Julio Ciat'liam, Juha Shoemaker. Vatm John Saei.irle. Mi-HUrc, vetIt. P Baoa, Mkhacl Kriley. IVnm Si.mu. l Palioic. Iljl,ri Wm. kimlen-tinth, D. Bangkr, Sr. Hirtlhg K. V. It. Limsiiu. tawial uro J.l O. Kally, C Well. Aal b' jiib Al-nibain FrwlerHk. JarluH Klias llnck. .liiro- Henry Kiellur, Sajnilel Fehtrr, John itp.v. iti ttavec Imvuc Romiir. TKAfEHsf. jrnnirx. Ifrtt JJ'ijfalocUwtga kieiatier Xnomoa Peony, ?amoet jt rr a.lnmnn Kemerar, P. Acker, Daniel Leara, Ml- WafWJMiri MTariU, Daniel Alter, Reuben hinitb. John Kline, liabrirl llelbaler, Isiisc tuaut, Samuel lla-kin-ster. LtKittiuni J"hu Wintjel.Op.len Vorse.ThomM Neibit, J,e.h'Y. Ilerr. A. BilliDr. H'Ail. Dcr liamuel toUa. Ji. P. Ilnrua. 'iriiwji-ote ferry Blrich Jne)h elisrlt, rfamnel Vfer- hue. IIUaAittfT-Vw Henry HeUnnarh. i-t nut Daniel Olt. jr.- Micliael llnramet, Andrew Land-enarhleff'-r. Enuch Mulacltuaii, Ut.or;e liernun, Juaa ttian Miller. ,.i,ii AM If.iroJd. vaarr Jowk Long, Jacob Oreenhoe.jr., Jacob ran, Prter Kline. ..cVama Jaeob Mltrh. lt. II. J llufalv m. U.ihl. e'nialfi-i Julin Itilfter. .ire Jotxrll Miller, tanae Iteiak. ("man InuK Hyer, Jr, John Clcmmmu, A . Thomas, Jos. II. Buunt. -M'Mlrrrrrk3 Piinlelnefger, C. Trailer. UyfiMlmif Cyras Katon. Vt.TIT jrsoiw. WhiU Drrr Sanaal Uembtrbng, Just ArbUM, I. SUd- len. John Kauea. MldlterJ. Jaeo1. Slork, f vol ltufalir lloora HanrU, ia at.!.-..--David laiby, ChriaUsn DsnbtrtBtB, peter VV ehr. John St3ea. W'rt n-vrer Iwar K. 17l.1i. AVtjr Dnnid tt. liuluia, Jacob UetnJy, J. Bennage, D. Noll. Jii-r iSeorge SUtUrr, Jacob Uinss-voaa, Adam trpecht, Jr. Lnciilmrqhnh Sterner, Janea Aiken,T. Ilayen, Angiu. tu. Utoujilitnn, Henry K. Noll. f?.?j.aMin Audrrw Ziegler. Hartley vv iiiiam M-., pamae! Hoover, O. Klekmr, Jr. Wm. Unrninetfon. Jotui Uoovtar. Orafre llanrne Henry. rrttHKtmvt m. Bewerao. jnfin anvrxer. Wnrmiim (leo. hhotbrr-er. II. s. Borer. Bufitltut Tbomns Comrli.ic . A'c iiartua m. KcaJlaf. Issue List, Sept T. 1835. II IUm POwlwrlmijr lmiil-l Henl Ji.mtn M1r-!gbt JUrj Krklii- t K-kI r Ji.Un Ua vs VVm M Vjuvalb Kur 0ttl-rt A SCuuiioiiii; iSMUU. Oauiel It nKl.r Jjtnii U'twulrt Jauiu. U'Urasht u Itauiel U'lMirr J. .I.n HnrtiiiiLU jr v .Lwvbbinxnch J..lin Mlfai va l.r A s Cuuttuiutia .li-j J.-uk.na va 11 0 'I'crlvl al , K u trcy Mark lunuujr K .M.ll Trt AKX AlllUI"Ud tts-ltali T-il'i Johuluher .MiOuitw,irLh, Kuni a Co va Michael Spotta S-ufiyvl K.lr Call.Jlit.' VVull ! l.aj!.-0 tur O W lluyea J.l.n L-ck" M ir..r l i'aiutrr e J C i.x a k il J..m - Ufbu va Jul.u OriM W K V; .iL'. n:ll r va Jultn llurtiuan Jr Bet joi.in ll..u.-cworlli V K.u-ler ly Jaiui. ?t. Witnl iiUrhairl flUttHi-.ru N..HII. Ch.trc A utl! n Cli U ouimer Or tt'iH Mav.-a T J..hn LfM-fce John lii i- r va Jj-..b rry r . Sur V A Whit 0.-.T rum. K'1 Co tb White IVwTp F.i.-liluulh BroIiuT va J Iir t.uuu Jr Will. UuU.M It.iri.- J Ku.-ii'T 1 :Utlt Ivier lltimnttfl Trt Hannah llt.ui.t.tfl J- l.ti 11 K.i..r va Oi-lruu L'i-nrtit Samuel O. uler va l--r .V-iu e .i-li. IK .ia.-- r Vi V'.ui.uun 1 VV .I14T ajine va XaarL ruruiaa a Co ame va .tb V ..lor Valeytiiitf llarw va Urnry U snlr e u CulU l--ll otl.-r. i liteuLu 1' Toed Ilvnry .-until va ll-nry Orua C k l:uf Ii.r J l.otke va M. rit Cliail U r'rtmci- lli-M v Alx 11 li.air CfumiMuwiMjih tit,; J l lb in. r ta J llus Jr with not Ut-i.r k--l r V4 J Uariui..u it Willi uuticn M-ii:u'l rilir va baiim O A liiiu-ti.-c u fci'ra va J llnrtman jr 1 wifa anu.a va ticri;. llruiiau rhri.tt.u.1 Oroaa ,a llfitry Murk U ml va J Uitrttnan a; ulbera Juliu- Vi.il v-. aiue shw-l.ls Jlilt-r v.. J llartman jr with miflea lb Trt.-Ui-.- i.f Ll L.ir.-l. v- 1 .tl.u A cluck Jut'oli Murrv V4 J tlurtui.n jr volu uuluw It-nj nun l.nlo-r a .me Jkot. Iii-ltur va a:.iu tliri-iu tiihtr va aniut: Or Vt ui II ,it- va Jc.l.ti l.Tk sti.-o.a K:iD va s X J Mfswmnith W ati '11 iu Iikullucc Oi v rina-i llilLii-h atitua va Sim.in l.uiiy aMt.ie v VV in K. ilv tank i.f O .nvillc va J La.ir. ii.v A C strw s IhmiI Oi-.'l lr..nk.iu ta o mi. ah A otUcii A kurjv k VV.ttt va Jam.- Ouli.li Win il Ht-iTi'ltl v Sm.o. It ii...iiita lu Nrinetu va Mi.-liwl Nt-miun r il. i.l. liiii. A VV Ta; ny v. SaUiUvl Stiller J.Vlovtr va .-ainiu-l Mi.y. r tieUtlf March A lo va J ll.ininMl luina va Virli:t-I M-hsr llro IVtT It J-K A otl.rra va l iliilnn.l svituiivl Ht-udrriu vs t'lianra K t'ronrath Th.- f rat tw-iity raatf art- for trial tl.f lirat week. E.?t m lica'.o'i tosttlx-'i-! HOLLO'A' AY'S PILLS. wur ai:e we ii Kr It hsa Wn tlie lut tr tli buui:n r:we to he wi-ih.-d d.a-n l. .li-;.u ai.a i-inl.-iin. II JI.I.OVV ,VY rli.O an- iv i ally a lafO-a t. lUe r. Ii. : i t Hi" VVKVK. llif NKKVol s, tbo llbUCaTK. auU (U l sUll'l. ! a, I c. lltifS a. . m xt-a, aii'l c-.u-tiiuli.-n,. I'ru.'-a-jr IIhII-h way j. r.-it.!.liy Mil" rititfi.il. It.tf iir.i.nfiiriu.f i,f 1.,-Di.di.-!tf in II"' tulli-d Stall!., ami ..It. m tli.-oi lo a Irr ana ei.ltl.t.o.d i-f-oiil.-. aa ill- lt ri;l.slv tlie WurlJ ever aaw loi lUe ri-uucal ot i.aca. Tlieae MU Purify the Wood. Tlee fm u Pills are ex-.re-wly er,a.M-d to operati on the r-toiiia- h, the liver, tlie ki'lueyii. the lui.p-. th'. nki.i. and the b-el-. correvims any a. iait-(. i,t nt iu lin-ir l"ui.(-t.on. :n-f, io'j; the bio-nl, th-- n-ry lwiilitj;iA of lite, uO'l thufi curing Ui.-n' iu all its furuja. iPjsjMjHt'a and Liver Uonijilamf. N.ir:y tiA'f the human raw hive t.skea thfe rill. It h:i brt-n jjruvt-.! in all art- of the W'.rM.thnt tsvtoii:; h: len f-tiii-1 q iai U lliem in c.w' nl -li-orler-irf tin; livt-r, tl( v-;i.-ti. u"l .-l--in..rh ut j -i c -' -rtlv. Th v aoon irive it h-w thy tone t-.tii! - i.rHiiH, ri-w -aer mub d-ruto J, a:tu when All olbv-r iat;ue h,tt tji.f 1, Msnr of t.e Tn''t dfj-fiii- li. Tt-rnmentJ hare o-etie-J th.r Cti-tnni llourett to ilkst il.trltictHo ol U:ei- I'ilU. tint th'-y tuny lei-itne the m ditine of t hii' ik Learned t'oli'f..i aJunt frt im-di. no- the hf-t in ni. dy e.er know n l r i-i-r-on- ol J.-l;r.'e Ur. tb. -r wh n- (he iMeui hut tx-v-n iiiti-.-it'-J, as il. lu.iAjrAlin t-Toiertii.- u.-vlt iu tofcilur.l r- tii f- I' mstfr: Coinpfoinfs. No Fi mile. Tourtir or ol t. j-h -ulil W witl:o: t!;i-i c-?e-hritted uieUi n'.e. It rorr- ;ts and reuUt-the m iitl:iv rouTvei tt :ih jwritnlia. a linz'" uinn fM-t li-te rlmrni. 1 1 1 h I ' tin lnit isiitj -i if T ni'(i i'i in' that an be civ-n Ut rh hlreu ol all , and tr ;my e--upUuUl; couce tHKuUy no f-imily tu uid 1'.- mi'-h ut il. ii'.'otc.ty'.f JVN ar Vt. Ir' rtmflt 7. f-.cn in th teor!ii f-r t'tr l"i- u.'iny X,('-j'- A-!limi lr- j'-,y ,i.-r r.'inp'-niitu llViwel iTompiftjoU rVverand Aj l-.wn'ol' ti-.rits 'ouhS 1 entJin-I'ou.-Uiut- I'ih-.I I'lald II' u.i. h.-s ."t --lie an 1 -?rT-'l ('h--t Ii?euH. liolifii -a eii-til-ry S nutn (V.tivene-AS ! Un nX Vrn-i-al AfT- t 011 lo.f.o-j-pf.a ln:lHiauitin .oruus of ui kiudi I.airii Inwunl U'e:ktie S-ld nt the Munufftori-s of I'rof..r TIotrmrT. h) Mxhl n l.iu'. New Yt.i k.ud --4 "rai.-l. I. -n-l'-n-iol h kII re.peetJ.t.lt Iruv;;..-t( and Wiali r." i.f M.dnHi'f tl rou.liotu the luit-d ute-, and th ciw.U.d world,ia tiuxc', nt 3 r- uU M'tm.Mfi f I earn. Ua Th re ii a toufliJer;ib.e .ll; i-y Usltio the lar-ir-r fit-f. ,N 1 I-irei-tioTi for th rii:dDc of futii ots in even d. rrder nii- aiiixinl ftiuii '3t- l'eiiutihunM Mttijiftmtct Laic Library. 1, Biccs's Justice, Bt'SIXESS MAN'S LEfJAL GriPE. Av? and Snxth Rlitinrt, hri rii'j the attt d-vn to 1S".V A Tmitirw-on thi filr aiii Jutit'ii of Ald -rman ami ln-stiii -if i lit IVit-.- iu llif t 'on.iitn-'-;i.ti f fim 1 ;itiu it.i' u tin aii ttir rt-jTr il ruriiM of rrmyii and Iic..'t l.iiir:.-! ; arn i-m -;. mu not on'jr wKi -r may ln-jfrTiirti Tntutt'1' t-t.f L Tlt." r Tut rtt f:. I rtf to l.mi l l nit-. Ifim'iii. ai vt tifiit-i ni ni ; did I niaktu; (In vol unit hut ll ,'ur.op Ui l A !.' t ti'tvl ?r Jiittui'SX .V u ll ..'.iliii 11 nil-. I ite AM rman ot Wil uitt War i. in Iht iiv ot I IuImI !j Tl.f Mth t' .i lioa. K i.-'-, rurn-i-twl. irn-atilv nirjittj lv Fr-- rirll r. Itr -litTv. K-q.. Author of - ri. atit oti flit Law (il''ib." "K'tuitr Jiii.t'U-iiMi, Ni.-i t'riui KrporU." K litor of runloiiV I'i -'-r-t," i.c lawt tUkk Tolunie, otuvu. Prc uuiy 4,0tl. COMPANION Ti CINN'S'S JUSTICE. 2. Graydan's Forms. rrtrn.! of romriiiiii'-'. ar.-l of I'l-nrii" in th cnfnf Com in-d I'li'im. -lIiiirtT Sca-v .un. tyt-r n I IVrmiiM-r.l.i UI n m uti'l i,'r''",'''i C uti, una ih olfiw t tfn c:tri oiin Civil o'lirvi ami J it Urvs nt tlie I'. aci'. Fourth K ti ll ill. n-i!-t'l. rori-0't. i-nl.irii. au-t alafitfJ to tin pr. fu ut T.ttr of tlie law; with rn-iimtn eiiinai.iiy Not-K niil It .frrnifi. ami a n.-w. foil, nn.t roiLprvlfn-i' I'nle-x. tij KotN'f t K. W right, Kh. lu ouc lhu.k tAtiTO volume, i'rice uuiy )3,jO. ALSO, 3. Stroud and BrigMly's Purdua's Digest. 1700 tu IS35. A Pis". of th laaw- of tVnnTlrani. foal th rear One Tlititiail -fv.-it Hitn trtil. to tli-j Ki-ilh tav of .-lav, ' One Thon-nu.t Kivht liiiinln .1 ttttii I- iftjr-l ive. Tlx- K r-t Knur K'liti 'hn by ttn- late Jt.lin t'uriioti. K. Th Fif'h hvihmij S-r-iiUi,hy tni Hou. (ii-ore l Mrotid. Kiirl'ih : Kiiiion. IEria, w th Men; ma I It' ftrfiifi-. loot Notes U ihe JuJi wl IKiioiii Anntvtiml L'oQlcnT; a lhjifttJ yiinPU ot turn lit it; au-l a .--. t ul. aut Kxliau-ttv livlvx. Uj Kn-JcrK-k C llnhtly. tln, Authur vf A inatie cu the L-w Co:." -ll-nty Jun.-jirU'Ii-n o," Sm Trius U-fortii," K litor of i.nus'a Justice,' A. On tlii-k K'-jal Sto. rrn1 only $'..'J0. ftThe fn-.'hnif. and triiiiii' ut taIua of Purilnn's Dmj.-l ar T"r'fi tiy tin pui liv-ntinii annually of a I efvst of tlit Law. pii.ct tl m earh f.r. Tit tmnwl i'yftt ar- arr;in,:. in ..r-iu- conf-nnity to tne pi n or I'untoQ a Lii.'et. Th-y aris'jc .1 tt', r-oil'li"hi'J aiiiiualiT: nr-inn tea to't-thtr try a lir-in ruJ Jn i (pr-t.rtl au fm h yr. I nlitch .fl-rji ihf m iu-nu ot the l-iw ofm-b y-'anvmoe the putlMrut:on of I'ur dnu'p Uivfpfct. tn one alr hatct : aud ar ltuui up with i union 5 I'Uejtt. and alu -ia -p:iriit-)y. Ti.us the purrhaiwr of Piiioli.n's In '. t will allwiiyx Kn In pomj!fii of tbe romplcfe huly ot ttie Statu! Law 5 of IV-nuxvlrania, Urwn to th- Try hour whrn b purrh (fa it. Thos l,o hart alru-ly purrhn--d t 'union -i Ui g'xt may alwav tt uiplott it to a..te for tli-xmall ura of t ifty t hU, thfprica of a Totum-' c-'Otainint ail tin' an nual IH.'iui t'-su- d taiuce t!m firct puhlimtinn of M 0 pre feul edition ot jVuniun'i lHirt. a ti'-rrt' fort sUUd. KU UI'.OlilKit, Law Bookeil r3 aso PrBttiinnts. 17 d- U S-tuth Ftj'ih .vr-vrf. Pirvt 3tort atviTCh-tiint j3Ort1rr at l-tvT of inquiry for Law liooks trwm the cod n try, promptly attended b. Adrift IVTOTirE is hereby given that George i. J. Suarts, J.ihn Kimbell and John W. Fisher did on Ihe 13th doy of June, 1855, al New Columbia in Union countr, take up a FLAT ol" fitly feel six inches in length and thirteen feel one inch in width. Of which lUe owner, and the public in t?enera!. will please take notice. ROBERT CANDOR, J.P. White Deer Mills, June 86, 105 C. W. SCHAFFLE'S Jd WHOLESALE and RETAIL tf,fc Drrf and Chemical Emporium, .viarKet street ... iicwisenr;, l a. NOTICE. "VTOTICE is hereby uiven, that appli- 1.1 canon will he made i. the nt-xi Legisla ture of the Commonwealih of Pennsylvania lor ihe charter lor a Bank.io be known by the name of ihe hELl.S(Ktl'K II A Ml," lu be located in theB Tough ol' stelinsgrnve.f nvder county, (lately part of I'nn.n) with neral powers of discuuiil and uVoosit,wuu a capital of one humlretl thousand dollars, and puwer m increase Ihe same lo two hondieil. JyC.'ih tri l.li.NS OK SKI.l.N-til.OVE. : 1M0T1CE I tract ol land siiuate m hue Urer towi.sb.p, ' I ii i. .11 coui.iy, ci iitaiuiiig twenty asres. no re PPI.If ATiOX Will be made tO lilCIor les.. U.ui.d.d on ll.e east bv Lr. W H. li. next Legislature to change ihe name of, Ihe I.ewisbur Savings Institution," located at Levrishnr? in the county of Union, to "Til K LEWisBL'Kli 11ANK," with One Hundred I Thousand lMlars additional capital, and : authority to issue iheirown notes I. r circula-; lion; subject to the provisions of the general j banking la-f of this t ommimueaiin. By order of the lor. ciors : lI VVIO liUUKR, Treasurer. Lewisbtirsr, l'a., June , 1 .".". North Western F;re Insurance Co., i OtTICE, No.7(J Walnut SU I'hihula, iusures dweilmas, slorrs, ami uihcr btulil ings gnuds, Wdres and merrliaiidize un the must ravtirable terms ; and will proiupl.'y and honorably aJjuit all losses. Apply tu JOII V B- MNN. j A'torni-v lor the tNimjiany. I.ewisbnr", Mav II, I!-j5. "Tlie October Election. Messrs. Editors We wi.-h In i. seiil tiro uaiiit-s tor uiiirc bt.'th ol li. m aie citiz ns , id" (,'rc.it personal worth and fmnss lor any ri'.M iu our Kill. O.ie is Jvaia .Maihii.ii, Lmj. of Marileton ..r Associate Judj,t n" t.i- ter man in Hie cuiiiv. And the i ihi r. IiaKitt i rii ., Esq. ol t'liapinan lutvLsbip, tor the Assembly, winch those parts now calied fci.v der county has nol had f. r several years. 1: we can ?et those townships fron the up end of Northumberland contity. I'liion and Smder c.iui.l always have the Asseinblyma'i in il.eir uwti riht wi;houl biin saddled u nh Jtini:iia- .MANV. .Mr. Editor I am astonished that the many good men in the lilile low ns hip ul Kelly aie overlooked in ihe pr. posH )iiribnti. n 1 1 the olficcs wiihin our new coun'y i.rpamzation. I llieiclore ask the liberty ol iiaunii JACOB II I'M MEL Em. lor Tiea-urer. lie is ju-i in Ihe borders of me town, a:..! of'.-n in, so th;U he could aiiend to it, and lie wou.it --baud Hie zn't well ih-;.tiier," and iav it out eveiy ct-nl 1 when due, and as he has s. re 1 as a County i Commissioner he has valuable experience ol county biiMii'-ss. "Ai lii Lu Wthi.." j Associate Judf. At the request "I nuiiierous mends thrnuh ont the cniinty. JOHN .M HUAt'K, Esq., id i East Iiu!ial.f,has consented i.i become a can : didale !..r Associate Jude atthecoinuis elec ! lion. His we.i-kiitr.vu chiiiacter lor -liaiiht-forcar.l houeMi, Ins u-etulness a-, a reace- tnakiti M-isisiiate, and well acquainted w:ih both the Ln'li.-li and tie! man laiiuaie.-.eiui-nenily couimend him l. r the suilia. s of the people f..r ih.it otlire. .MAN V. July G, iho't. te. .Mksshs. Enrroits. As the time is diawine I r.eir f -r noii.tioitiiu sunaoie persons lor ihe j : e peciive oihres ot I'm. n c.-uuty. let me s-.i; j 2.I to tin t.ivi r.il le rotisi Vtaii n ol ihe vo I ii-rs, 1JAVIIJ HAVES, E-n.,1.1 Ha. llelon, f. r J t'uLTT Si nvi-tiiB. As a pfaciital JjnrMvor, he ts unsurpassed tu experience, ami liavnu ihe dratis and papers ol his dei'c.i-e.l br..th i. It. Ii. 11. II iyes, Es.j. . (Lite suivryor.) no t.ne IS b Iter 'l. iiiilr.l w.lii the sui vevs ol 1 I... i. cuenry. Tne oilier is not hirrative, t.ut rei;i. rcs a man id exper.ence an l intimate ain.r l.!Lri to piifniiii tne duties coucLi.y a.... w :i!i.ut e.;ra e.ci.e:i.se. t 1IAUTI.EV. l"ir 'For the ntces.anly in.port.mi otrir? nl , OMiy V'immisinr. please aiisi pteMMit lh- ' name'i.t Mr. L. IU V.'J M)... Wot Ltul-f'alt-e. I in a 1 -n tiinf 5. nee that f-run v'. liie county was n-pre-fLl J in the Ikaiit.aiu! ii.-r" in no man in lh' tmv:ihip ni ic jiiily , respi"iet r of more c;ncl jndincnt Mr. WatMm. He is n :.re-eer,hut lhal : another reasju why vc want him. 1 A.V-l'A hj;. A-hkm lt. There his heen no person nam ed lor ihe important ojl.ce i f llt j -rcsen:a:ive in the Slate I.eislatnre at the n-xt elertt.11. lVrmtt me t- rtroinmeni, Capt. JoM-N WJLT, ot'iririlt-y ti wnhip. U r thai i-.Tn e. He is a larm.M" of sound seh-p and rod jnd'rtnenl.and , we thiaU wouM be iaitUiul to our intereM. ! 5t) , ULFFAI.OK. j M' :s.sfis. EDITORS: Permit me, thronph ihf cdiimns r I" wur paper. t rerom- tnend Mr. Iln-rli W iNon, of M !!linhtire, as a Mutable candidal- at our nexte!elion for the onVe of Associate Jtv'ir. As Mr. iIon is pneraMr knewn throiihoi.t ihe ronrty. n is unnecessary fr me tu press h.s r!aims. f-r dilate upon hi?, tiiness. hut merely mention Uts nam, and leave ihf isMje with fh- freemen of the county. lane L! FFALOK. j T the Vrters of I'ninn .unv As a can didate fr County Coiinm-sMi'iier at the election in Octoher next, we take pleasure in recommending Capt; (,core !- IlOil. of MttMinbur, as a man ualiftrd and wurihv for thutotlice. Junc-IS. KAST Iil'FFAl.O. ""O the Voters of Tnion County i As a Slier- (l is to be eiccit i in this countv, allow in tiv recotnineiin as a candidate, Mr. 1.. r. A1.BRK.IIT. of White Deer township. Mr. A. is well qualified in every reaped lor thai Maiion, at all who know him n ill att' st ; and should he be elected. h will asnrnllv he a popular officer. JunelJ. WHITE DEER. To tho Vctsrs of Union Connty. 1 BELLOW CITIZENS I otrer myelf as a candidate for the O.llce of Ml CI' id", (subject to Ihe decision of the Whig Ci utiiy Convention.) Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the dtiiies of said oilice with lidelttv and impartiality. DANIEL D. til l.D .V Kelly Tp, May 17. 15 tnp.l Ma. Wiibiif.-v It appear? to me that the time has come when the citizens of I'nion conmv should surest suitable persons lo till the O. fires of the county lo be elected at the ensuint: October election. IJy doin so in time, it will be more likely that those ntFices will be tilled Willi Ihe most competent O.iicers. As one of the people I would sni.'eM JMHX V. BAKBEK, Esq.. of West Butfiloe township, tu the stitlra;cs of ihe voters ol Union coumv.for the oilice of Asot'iatc Judse of said couniv. LEWISBIRO. May S3, JPSS if. Hap of Union and Snyder Counties. VARNISHED, with Woolen Rollers, f and on Muslin, rea ly to be huns up, will be sent by the subscriber, postage paid : Township map, colored, fur $1 50 Geological ' " 1 15 The Division line is drawn on this Map, aTso Township lines, and as il con ains all the principal Roids. and shows comparative dis tances, it should be studied by all who are to vole on the location cf the Seat of Justice. The Geological Map shows the strata of ihe two Conntie.i. For cheaper copies of the Mnp. n-M-es. K. VOLKMAR. Lewisbnrp, May 1 18. "5. J. JH. C. RATJCK, i TT0T?TY nt Law. Miffl nbur?.! Union VoYb. U-TAK professional bu- sioess entrusted u his care, will be punctually ; and faithfully attended to. Jane 1, o j! Heal Estate. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of a writ of Vt-n-L Ex. is sued out of the Court of C'umiaoB I'le.i of t'ntcn c. unty, wiH te e J sd to PuO jc Sale on the premetes in bile Uetr Tp., I. a. ion f..., l'a.. i.n Tuesday, Ihe 7th day ot Au. Rust ben, at 10 i. clock. A. I ihe lulli.i,g (leserilted-a ropi-ry, n wit s The undivided i.tie-litih part of a cera.n Marr, on the iioriii by II. M'Clurr, and ou t;,e west ami si'tiiii i y n. riin, w ucruu i, cir .. ed a live Hurry liame Houlra l aclury, . n the ap.urtenai.ces. Ff.t (I, lakrn in ryrruhon and lo be ivli it the piOjierty of Aamix MimiMii. JOHN KKSSLKK. ShrritT. Sheritl's OlTiCr, .ew Berlin, July 9, lsi3. A FAREI AT PRIVATE SALE. far: il I ill V 'ARM liclnncins lo ihe Heirs if I Ml MI..-ti V decease.', coi.taiini e a I K out rf t. .tfl'' d poi d land, situad in llv to iisiii;., I nion cunt v, adi 'inine Ian : of I. ,.r. I H..uiiiii. I.aac Kin; and tun ers, i. ii uiiii:h is efecled a Vats rri t-'rumr tiintiiit ..M.-f . a large Hank Ear.. ai.J all necessary Out-1 uildil.es, Willi teveral Spr:i!i;s i f nevrr-lailu.g good water near tun t.uiidincs. fry I nere is a o np..n the premises, a 5nt- ;i:e:eni OltLllAKU ol choice fruit Ap ples. I'earhes, &C. 3iC. The lai d would suit vrry well to divide :v Two Ear us. as a c d propon.on cf 5!ea-..' can be a.!, tied to each Farm. J IT Terms can be made easy, as Or.e Th.i l i. f the amount may remain ou the prop r y. For further particulars, you arc reierred J. tin Walls, l.e a isl urc ; Thi mas t'ln rr- , near ihe premises, it tu Ri b: rt Hayes, b.ar Mill. ii. Ni r l.tirnl eiiaiid county. t- l i.e aimvf described prcpei'v. if r t sold I.- Ion- Tuesday, tl.e 2d diy of O -t t, "r nrxt. will then le olfeied at Fublic Si.t i the premises it 10 oVlnrk of said riav. i:oi!i i:r iiavls,i,.k i:xr't. Jut e Ie-ri5. 5-Vf A Valley rami cf Limestone Lard, fHiMriilSINU aUmt 1U3 Acres, fur J AI1 baiifl F. rm t- in ore i f the i pt W ht ai-crou in vi liifs in t'entrai reiirsv'- n- ii. a.-. i..in iwt rnilev (over a Burirt?) iu a K i n a . acccv-if le tu Mark. t, in an env.ti .if iil:i.y nt t i:.(-4 1, near ;o .Miils, St rt rduiih an.I r1 hf I llnu-es J"11 e innisl i l ir:ft !hp i:l ai.d re.-pftr.Me p-npulatn-t.. 'J In !rnpr(v' Hi?i.i arc a fir.-i-cii- UAK HA K.N so Iy 15 fret.with a fair Manii n lltii-e. U ayun house, Ct-ru hoos. am JL1b. oilier su'tahle OmbuiUtinps. It has a lrr; j Apple Orchard, and Peach and Tear Ucl.i mti tVc. nl.irieiil tvr rdinary oe. Tne Furin is alt rlt-ured txcepl about r rt acre (;t(p! pientv tif V-ti!!and iu ihe irr.nie'': aie vicinity.) a.l ot" Limealune m .I. and a !'r. nwiit r th. tj U n is in. i surpni-e.l f r r.iiiural j iu- i tltir live fia.iie l y aiiy in ihe Suile. j It wi 1 be si ltt v holly. r a pe rson of t?C it lw arn., as mi.rhi suil a purchaser. IVA'ty rah man wishms ich a pn pertr rati obtain. !rthtr inhirmiiion br appiyiue : O.N.AV'iiKnri. 'hrtmxl oincp. Lcnislmr?. -ii-J AVER'S FILLS. IOE all the purposes of a I 4HII.Y PIITMf. TitRstc has lon- existed a pnone demand fcr im eiTtt:tiTe p'lnratiTe pill which could be relied on u 'ire and prrfoct.Y safe in it operation. Ihi ha bn prp;ird to meet that drmucd. and an e.tn ti.;il -tf its rirtues ha conriusivr-ly shown n.tni hat -.Here. it acmmpli-.he the pnrpose dcMiinc-i. It i e.i-y to make a physical piU but not eur to r'.-ke the best nf all piih one which should hute t. uk t( i)m! oM. tions. but ail the adrantases. of tt 'ih L-r. Thi ha Wen attemnted here, and with h ..t neet-vs we wU reHpectfullT submit to i c ,'i;'lic fici-iion. It ha- been unlurtonate for the p;tti-nt hitherto thst almost eTcry p'ir"ativt D-.tiUv-iii U at-rtiuonipup and irritating; to the bow tN. 1 hU in not. M.iny of them produce so much unpinir psin and revnlstim in the system as to more tti-j.u coiinTb;il..nce the pod to be dVriTed frwim th-Ta. These ptJl produce no irritntion or pain, milt-wi it Mie from a pr-riouly eislin(j obstrce- ti'in or fttTAttfnifiit in the towels, llvm puir.r iCPtable, no Ii rT). can ari-te frotn their ne in . -qiuri'ity ; tmt it i better that anv medicine hon.d ' be taken juJ:ciiulr. Minute directinris for the.r xitr in the seieral diseases to which thT are ap , ii.-.tMe arc rivcn on the hot. Amnnsr tne enm ; pl:..iits which hate bren RpettiW eured bT them. w ; i-i-ir nier tion Liver Complaint, in its vaho'u fimi , of .tnun-li'-e. iTidiirestion, Lanyuor and Los of Ap petite, Loliesiies, Irntabiiiry, rtiiioun llead;ich-. ; fc:i:oi KcTer, Ferer and Aciie. Tain in tl.e Sul ; and Loins ; for. in truth, all thej-e are but the con sequrnce of diried action in the liter. As an aperient, they a. ford pnmpt and sure relief iu Cos- tivrne;. l'ilc. Colic, lyenterT, lliimont, Srfof ula and Scurvy. Colds with poreneu of th body Vl.-ers and inipurity of the blood ; in short, nLf and etrrr case where a punrative is required. Thcv nave aWi protluced some sinffnlarly sne eeiuiftil cure in lihumatiTn, G"t:t, Drupty, GraTc!, F.ry-.iK'Ia.s 1'alpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, .Stomac h, and Side. They should he frrelr taken in the snriiiR of the year, to purify the bio-4 and prcp.uc tlie system for the change of seasons. An occasional dse stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the aj pe tite and ti-or. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatorr system reno Tate the strength of the bodT, and lwtore th wattd or dise-ied energies of the whole organism. Hence an occaMonai duse is adtantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; bat nn neceisary dosing should nerer be earried too fur, as etery purgative medicine reduce the strrn-'tii, when taken to excess. The thousand rases in whi.-h a physic required cannot be enumerated here, but they surest theniselti to the reason of err body; and it is eontidently belicTed this pill w.ll answT a better ppoe than any thing which has hitherto been atailable to mankind. U hen thtir virtues are once known, the public will no loncrr doubt what remedy to employ when in need of cathartic mttiwine FREFAfiED HV JAM ES C- A i-.t, rtacucai and AniTyticiI ChemiM, Lowell, Ma.ss. Price S5 Cents ptrUcji. Five Boxes for 51. AVER'S CIIEUUV PECTORAL-, For ihe cure of Coughs, Colife. Hoarsenes-t, Brnnrhins, Whipping Cough, Croup, 'Aathnia, and Cnniinirti"n. This remedy hat won for itself such notnrfety7 from its cures of every variety of pulmonary tluesse that it is entirely unneewwiry to recount the evv dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulnens. and so n una emus the eases of its cures, that alraoKt every section of the country abounds in person rmblictV known, who have been rest-re. ! from ahtrmiiiK acl even desperate diseases of the ! luniT bv its use. Vien once tried its superiority i orr every erher medicine of it kind is too appar t ent to escape observation, and where its virtues are 1 known, the public no lont-r hesitate what antidot ' to employ for the distresinic and dangerous atiee i ttons of the pulmonary organs which are incident to oar climate. And not only in fi-rmiunble at I tick upon the lung, but for the milder varieties of Com. Coi'ohs. Hoarsetiess, Ac; and for I Childue it is the nleasantest and safest medicine i that can be obtained. As it has lonff been in constant ne throuehont this section, we need not do more than a.-i,re ths people its quality is kept up to the bec that it ever has been and that the ecnuine article is sold bf fr- j..irvl .tJ.OIKS c AYKK, Praeticai and Anal)tl ral I h. tlllT lavlWfll, MlrR. w'l-r i-iitV ! V. tt. tli-rt.. rirt-t Caldwell, lewis bur: J. I. raiov, Wi!f"n: It a-t,aad K-sipr klctlkarr, M.lH.abrr, ai-J y all IrHtlers ivi7jiirrv. GEORGE T. COLE, "nEALER in Pianos, MclocVons, and I all kinds of Mnttlcal Flerchan tli)e Keeps eoBsianily on hand, llallei lavi, Boston ; Lighte, Newton Bradbur-rsi and Bennett 4 Co, X. Y. I'lANOf." AImv. Princes A Cos celebrated MKLODECS?. prices from ?il3 00 to -11150 tt. Orders from a distance will meet with pmnT1 attemion. Second hand Pianos taken in ex chance for new. Room directly opposite the Conrt House, nVa?iana.vn..r. I'o. t A pnl -1. "S5 673m r - - - - i. . WCCD FOR SALE. PPLY to A. K. Bf II or Jolin f halfant. A l ull ccrds drliered. I.May 10. lo. .i t ,;i 1 ;. : i V"!. 7