Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, August 10, 1855, Image 1

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ri&aijs at w$hx$, Kniott County, pcnnsijloania.
II. C. JIICKOK, CoiiREsroxm.vG Editor.
$1.50 rtR Year, always ix Advance.
p i .(,- lfU-nlAA I old inhabitants it secuisas yet rather kind ) honor, and who wishes to bo true to hcr-
Ll)f JlU'ISPUrg VJt)l VUUll. 0- queer.) C. Harvey offered for a fluid of j seif aml ,h0IH. around bcr, traveling about
j about sixteen acres, belonging to Robert j Uic couutry delivering lectures, and attcn-
FKIIMV, AliasT l, li.Vi. iui(K.i- iuo ,)tr acre: sixteen mouths ago ,. -i, . v i
-l ,r. '.Aisfi.llfor S7S nor acre JUS wou,au s r,Sh'3 conventions r iNo!
it is almost equally divided by the Railroad tuey arc generally that class of persons to
isf The IdtuiarMt Journal Ihns speaks of
(lie following lea 11 1 1 1 til lines: "dm might al
most wish lo die, if he knew that so beautiful
a tribute as this would be written to his mem.
.ry;" I
Robert A. Whyte, j
(lite rniTOH or Tire tir.nuvtx iiuwi; uAZtTTE.)
On tli loin f a rivi-r
W Iwrr tin- Min mil I hU ftiin-r
r th Miiriiuiit ulrann-fl fnrrv.-r,
fUilol a v-wl ! liitaii-l Irv.
M-TtniiT l--w-lr 'j-- tin u hlf in-tiiua,
On llie lriv:lit fiM t imt lm r.
vtl!i U tlit m li.tiit f-i.
At hT pmw, a piM. iN-.imin;
In i)i tlusli ..f jiiutli. nul Jr-iii.nt
Atxl li- wan in clnrioti" n--iuiti
Mkt- mi anjel fri-m :
Tht"tili Ins hair llw 1-fif.u- s;-.rtril,
An. I tilt- h;iV lit- tl;ilt-ii
Ofl Ui t I'ilot. Mii-t-llir'Uii.-.t,
W .irMiti Inyii f liie ami Ioti.
Thrrtiipli tii- .trk Irili1l flawing,
1Uft Initrvl Mftnui werv blew in-;,
Aiii hi liauiU anvn wiv Uirwiti
NufW Imm Kr of" kM.
Fwlftly .. wu strvam In f,-!i.I. Jt
..-It tin- puri'l" " Itt'iJol,
AuU nuiilmw arrli al(M.-l
Oil liiscam' suuwir f4il.
passing thro' it, and a jury awarded 200 j whom the name of "maiden lady" Li ap
duinago.s : the ground occupied by the U.K. ; plied, owing to the great aversion they
was included Hi the ofler. I UoUias lfrmtou liftVI5 flir tl,.-ir true and nroner .'orrnnmpn
has been offered per aero for forty j m:(k
Woman, in order to be loved, honored,
acres which eo&t hiiu S'0 vr acre, sixteeu
t months fiuce. Ou the west side of the !
2u. With the preservation of an up
right character, If the opportunities for ac
quiring knowledge aud cnltivating the
mind, which lie in every one's way, he
properly, improved, respectability, influ-
becn In the habit of hunting thein for I
many years, have killed much older ones j
and have slain thousands. i
Til 15 PAHM:
The Ciarden -The Orchard
Frtim the Pennsylrania Farm Jornal.
Our Iroquois Repreientalive.
It id stated among the incidents of the
Influence of the Moon on Agriculture l,hi"h sfi Pour onl I!,,ere,s
In !he April .No. of the Journal. - A. W. V." j'n"v; Pou' ua'lh"t rr"5s He m'
euco aud perhaps wealth, may lc tho re- s rf Tl)nawanj3)
llran.lvwiue, and near Cbaddsford, a farm all(i respected, mu.st cca?c thus foolishly j decide, and act.
of about eighty a. rcs was sold by William spending tho precious time which God has 27. lie civil aud obliging to all; it
There is something more in this than a '
mere personal item. Mr. Parker fills j
moon in cutting timber ? About forty years
ajro one of our neighbors rut ui two or tliree
tiou for buildings."
As thi.s is a subject about which much
interest is manifested, and upon which a
sphere may deny her the victor V crown,
the politician's glory, or tho orator's fame.
Pet her reward is no less sure : the glori
i ous crowu is hers, though it may not be
worn uutil the vain pagcautry of earth has
faded from view, and her too-oft false
Awtk-ufi h'-urt with fmit d'T"tion,
V U bul Inm it.il itu.r to tb htcmu,
1'rnTi'i tli:it tin iM ommotinn,
.Vlnlt tht rliiii-nt.-' inttit ri.
An-I h- !t-in.'il mmii- t'-uiit All
1 In run tic iiimmiT wiii't5 to tllwt
Wild On- vntii-r f' i.rwli
Trrmliifl ti Lit uiu-ic ih.
P.tlt tliw mrilr wiivuii fDrliantr-l,
U--hl-a rit h:.ilitti-J
J: anwf il iil, tl.at -iatititl
t.fry "m.T t' Iit tnr.
Nivht lt muk tli tr wiiTiilfivl,
An I ttW in:irl'i t.itur iiuml(Vil
Wl'irr Ml- )tii nt rts f luuiWr
A-kr t lilf uo nir.
TVn lln t Tn!"il with liMning jui kuif
nr lii I1" n ni'irt.-tl niH(-,
AikIiIh '!.'W in Ifarftil tlth kix-
tt-ilttund u't-r hs tcmplw fair ;
Ami lh -r- f w -jtt liin; murmur
Thrtmli tli liirelv tulliTU uuimcr
As tbe wmub-(iu pilot omT
iVritbttl by that city Uicre.
Jtill T.Hi on that miti.mt rir,
Aul tin huk iiiiliiutU tiutim-r
Ou tliv Ktir It. -hi rtrvam i- r cv-r
oti it Ikw'Iii as l-fr,
V-vt tliitt vfXM-r rainlxiw banner
(iri-'tii no niorr thf ray navantia.
And tlctt 'il'-t't lut tr manna
Ob tbi I'uri'ie no ni'-r.
Otxinachson, ( o-w---n.)
i diversity of opinion cxists(we will endeavor acclamation of praise lost in the melody of
to show in what we suppose these rights to eele&tial choirs. Sallie.
J consist ; and upon this point we greatly
i tlitTi'i1 fi-.itn m-ttitr tf ftnr cuv
i What is it that they are striviug for?
, Why, for what they consider to be " their :
good vinegar; while pouring in the ingredu-nis,
he thought of three of the crmut women m
the neighhorhoo!v pouring in he Wvutd flrsc
pives some experience he has had concerning , , ...,,
. n e . t i . ! ways ha ffwecf ; tut he thought it all .lepenoVJ
the influence uf the Moon un certain o!o";H. ! ' a ...
20. Beflect on what you sec and hear- ' of g proceeded to honorable 1 years an.l have watched th .ign, of the owon ;! J wvmn havo an i,,tlut'n on lhe
Set your mind at work ; reason with can; ' , . cmployuicut in Virginia, j rr fy -yself. ! " of'hc
dor; weigh Well and consider for yourself' Therc 60mctlji J iro ia tilLj ai In the tir, pUce, what mHuence ha, the . '
as the result; but Ihejr bk to the m.."n for
the increase, on which it has no more indnce.
1.1 the inn tltrti think it ha, than if iheyshoul I
han np their hat in lhe Held.
It nt there are things on which the moon
has in-at inlluenee, sueh as water, the ebbins
ati'l Ilon'in tf the title.on the minds of in&ano.
pi rsons, the ripening of jram and fruiH, Ac.
These influences are owint? to its attractive
power on the first, and its li.-ht on the lat two
named objects, and wine others that might b
mentioned. Sah'kk. Alkxacb.
Near I.ewbtowu, Miilliu Co., Pa.
tcTur our part, we have been wont
to confiJi r the belief in the moon's influ-
U- lu.r. It,. J.dm l' U: forSK ( ,r :iern r von li-r . ..,!. n fr nmt..r '..... :.. ..l I. " . "ip"'""'!" ..")
, . - -( r : , ' " ' , ; , " -- b", , eu uu.u., . . w..u ...u.u. thJ Ir0 uo,s Confederacy, which, althou-h ' af,cr, the fence war, ,-ood: there was great
' V XI ! r ris V sT .2 lt grCatCr rWr' f"1? T "'''T- I 2 UOt J""rU'J fr'U J'Ur maintained among the ' in.nir.n, when the timber , cu, ; i, was
iar? or about hie acres: this admins lhe ' I" T"'" W '' 00WU r0' ! W,B KfleetiuM tb ! U may uf thc six NatioIlsit, incae ; sal , be ., m the ,lrk of the February
farm of .Mr.W., and is intended as a loca- ,' " , ' , ' , '. b 1 ' " ""'" kuown, its tribe aud division of tribe as "' -..........
ill your power, and consequently should I .,.,.. i m ,:.. ,i:,:, a . upniy fence, and iu eiht years it was rotten.
not be any part of j ouru coueern. ; M Mi Comtuouwealth nce ?t htet::
20. Itcst satisfied with doing well, ,, , . I . , . . r .u
, , t' y uro niaitcr3. j February the timber was cut, fur they re-
and leave others to talk as they wi.l. Mf. 1alk(,r rcct.;vcj iis Section some member playing in the weeds inakin; bark
SO. Xevef regret what is irretrievably Llll, i.:. Knn,.M k'.iI. nn whistles while their father was cutune'it: they
i int. lli.-ent ennsciousueas of thc fortunes sa? il ai '" My- 1 lnow bT "iwrience
SI. Never believe that which seems
that timber cut in May w ill last twice as Ion;
at... .... . t1.).,.!... ..- . V. . . 1 1 I .ucnA.t ...
T. ii . 1 , , ai III... mi in .iuiuu.,, ....... . ...
li is regreiueu UJr uuj wuu uow u..u . . f .. h;1. . M. .
aud history of his people.
v- - .1 e v. . :ii . j - - : me moon; me reason lonnis is, inai jn .. i :
Never complain of bung ill used. t,iat ,he Ellginccr Department of our own ,hc low, out of the .,, paths cnee on vegetatiun, as a fragment of tha
ntt A 1m a.r. . n.,nlp null . nmiP fl- li.n. lc ..... .. .
! rights." Aud what are those "rights?" j
j Among the number for which they arc j
' contending, is that of possessing minds :
1 equal with the opposite sex. This is a
! truth, however, which is so universally ;
: admitted, that we consider it useless to j
j argue it, even fir a moment. Yet, we ,
j suppose that her intellectual powers were j
I bestowed upon her by the Creator for
j quite a different, but not an inferior, pur- ;
j pose. That woman has powers of mind j
equal with man, we can not doubt, when j
I we consider thc many coble productions j
j that have gone forth from her pen, aud thc i
' depth to which nhc has explored the sci-1
t enccs. e arc lea to believe mat an that
Thc , mnuuj V.z. tie states, that on j w requisite, to show forth her talents, is,
examination of certain ancient papers in i cultivation. Aud why shouia she not be
:f.e office of the Secretary of the Common- j on au equality witu man in this respect : j
wealth at Harrisburg.it was discovered, in j She has been endowed with the same j
the correspondence of Conrad Wciscr, the . intellectual faculties and powers of mind, j
ludian interpreter, that the West Branch , the fountain of knowledge is alike j
of the Susquehanna was known among thc free and open to all. j
Italians by thc name of "OTZlNAcnsos." Another object tor which tlicy arc con
Can any of the old inhabitants, or their! tending, is an equality with man in the
descendants, inform us why the name was public affairs of life to become states
rhanged ? The Juniata river, a branch of j women, politicians, ."fcc. Who of our sex
the Susquehanna, still retains its aboriginal would be willing to lay aido their dignity
nmllstion ? while the. West Uraneh. a ' so much as to lill these stations? Woman
GimI of tin mllinir yMir! to TIii
Our H.rnr-iliiiH ri- wIhw- lMiunty jxura
In tunny a t.y trift, wilb !
Aii'l hlx-rd h.-ti.l. our autumn stret!
Nn tlrBtliuiH nt imr fU-k w ilay,
Nu s'arin J rli-uU of iiiciir ri.-
tut on thin- Iiallwt-1 ctintie lay
Our ral-ful lifarta in carrilicr.
iurn on 'Jiy tuvath laj of Serine
Hm lirtH.l wiih Bianj a llouiiiinj( dower:
AikI mniliiipf BumuKT j'yt-J to In in
Thf duitshiue and th cntl iii'r;
A tul Aututuu'a ri'-h luzuranrr. nw,
Tbi- rip'-utiti mmiI. the burfltin Ul,
Thf g;hi'-n iwf ami lln Imui;Ii,
Tho lu.lt i ess of ttiy buuuty tc!l.
!f o mni.tl thron?, in .rincv1y drtnw J .
Here wujt a titltl It.rd'ii b--h?t,
Hat many a f iir anl p.-aci ful htmio
Hath won tiy H-a-rful dtv a puest ;
Nn irrnvf- rr jlui our tifflJs adnrn.
Nu myrtlf slunl-'ft nr ..raar bowra,
Hut riMtltn ni nl of gol'lu corn,
An.l tv-lds ol waring grain arw ours.
af- if thy rare tlm lanldcapi or.
Our Il'-'ka aul b r.ln aecun-Iy el ray;
No tyrant iui-Ui vlaium our stun.
No rutlili-M tmI.Iht n-n.la away ;
Mm li'-n vi.lann'jt wiihfrttit( iowr
No fftl stituKta with ii"innii bn ath
No liurnina fun, with liatcltil power,
Awake the tiery iilauus ul u-ath.
AnJ Iktc phali rin our xng to Thvt
W bi-rt- lfnthanMl ami pasture lie,
Ati'l --tn-anis ff iiiiirinjj wihl an J frrwf
ln-ath a hlu and nuiilin aky.
Wh-rv ner wai rnn-I a mortal throne,
W here rmwmil otir--urri nvr trM,
Here at th throne uf Heaven alone,
hll uiau in rev-rauoe biw to O'jn.
o.J. Always speaK well ol your menus; . , .. , , .,
but of your enemies speak neither good WLon M Iuj;an of Ncw yorkonc wu0
nor evil. ias na tue cnergy anj ability to break
34. Treat yottr customers 03 your away from Aq difficultie9 that arc necce3.
ftiends, by serving them in thc best niau-, garily ,rounJ Lis peoplo anJ to ac,luire
uer- j thq learning of civilization to an eminent
35. Sell at small proOts for cash jt.greewhcn t0 this is added, as w, in
and make it known .through the new.-pa- lu ca:;e tbc manacM an(1 courteij;os 0f a
inucli larger and more important stream
if it be nut the main river itself has lost
was created to be loved aud cherished by
man, and would she be willing to lay
Rules for business-men.
I. Take advantage of modern fac ill- senses and lost mo in almost dreaui-rcvc-
ite. nrwl uee.lntilih Itltlnh in ainMn '
day as required weeks, months, years, for
merly. 2. Pon't depend upon your own lungs
alone use tho lungs of the l'ress.
3. L'te thc means : they are open to
4. Don't depend abnc upon your own
hands, or other meu's hands : use steam
under the bark and in it; so that timber em . worship which our ancestors used longag
in May is not subject to the rottin; influence lo pay to thc queen of night. Doubtless
of the sap, which in February or the wiuter , there are more relics of those Pajnn times)
time has returned into the wood filling every floating among us than we commonly dis
P..re. .sme th.uk the sap goes down into If a mrin once gf)t such a belief
the roots of the trees ia winter, which is evi-: . , . , - , ... , , t
. , . , . . .. , . . in his head, be will as easily Dnd proofs of
dently not so: for cut a tree in the dead of win-1 ' j r
! ter, let it be until May ; it will then peel off its "t -uuiuer wiu oi mu grea iiaporanco
bark almost as well as if it had been cut alter ot taking a calf to be butchered, tail irst
gentleman, Ncw 1'orS should have held i the sap begins to flow) which proves that the 1 cut of the vain a conviction not so gene-
Asleep On a Rattlesnake Den. out public service to such a ono so long; saP es embedded ,n iae wood durin? wmier mi, perhaps, but by some no less firmly
A correspondent of the MU mri lh mo-' as it would be agreeable U him. j -a" J iimWr cut ,when " " n that slata " , held. Hut when we come seriously to In-
l en oaci trt mt nr tio Mtrn with ttiirmii. t . .
crt, writing from I'aoli, Kansas Tcrrito- j There are among tho several tribes yet j ' . , faj 'rial f tIn(r hick m the j vcstigatc the question, hat etfect ci
ry, on the 17tU of June, relates the fol- resident In our Stak, a few Indiaus who, ncw of the muoa . ,he dry srrin ten vears ! tne moon Lave on a mau a crops, for m-
lowing incident of Lis own personal expe- by their address, and education, and intel- j a?o, I had a grove of hickory saplings which I stance, unless It be by affecting theweath-
riencc : . lect, arc men of mark, aud entitled to the ' I cut in March ; about the time I was finish- 1 cr ? Docs, then, the moon affect tha
"Ou last Sunday evening thc air was so 1 hifjh consideration of thcir.fellow citiaens. a cooper tame along, wishing me to let weather? The vague, unascertained opi-
bewitchinKIy balmy, and thc sky so softly : X. Y. Courier A- Enquirer. j n'in '" "me hooP Polel on 'he "'Ma nions of a thousand men that it does,8houli
m.il..d bv 8had.,v clou.L. that I w. e ! v v TI if ti i Ianl :he sa"' ,w" ,!as m"rc moon wouk I weigh no more iu a rational inquiry than
veiled by shaaowy clouOs, that 1 was se- Neoroes ix Nebrash A. c call at-1 fu!, ad any cut after that ihe worms would- . c . , i.,t,tuj
duned into a lengthened stroll along tho : tentioll t0 thc advertisement of negroes I destroy. I told him my disbelief in it, but ; hose of an e''ual nmtf " " no
bluffs which proudly spire to overlook thc ft,r saj0) wuicn appears in another column. I ai.l to him, I have just hit the time in cutting Tbc Pwer tl,c mom u sapposed to be
umbrageous woodlands on this side, and . A company of gentlemen from Missouri, I r Pl. tot they have all been cut exerted, wo believe, more particularly t
the sun-lit plains upon the other, until I who Lavc larg0 interests here, have impor-1 in ,heu nfw mw'a- In, A"" l ,h,em I wLa arc 1,3 "cha.n;
reached an elevated pinnacle, so tall as to j tci tllcB fitthc bcncfit 0f our young and j 0,r;,hcv "" anJ 1" ' , m0n
,.,,! . ..,.;. .hoso rictu-1 . v t i. r-. , or three wagon loads in a place. In the win- remains ever the same, only Acamowio
command a panoramic view, whose p ctu- growing city. Nebraska City is now aoout . Ifr , haitIot, lh(m away, anil there could ha.e 1 . n , . . rL? . miT
rape and varied beaut.es ravished all my tw;cc or tlircc timc3 large M any othcr j of wormiu?, lhewd nn,lrr the h changing every mo-
. . 1 ... ! monx Tint mrTf r t inn mnmnnf ef ti!I
thc name by which it had liccn kuown for . aside the prerogatives of the home circle,
.1 1.. r . -1 A ... n n.l Imqi. line n?irf. in flm r1lltip4 9nd triall
luuosiuus oi vcars in:riiuifs. v ci-uiuiy o 1 i - r , . . ,
. ... .1 i i i p it , . Make it known that you are pro-
utagc, almost, has confirmed the present that devolve upon man 7 Pew there are, ! buhincss
unmeaning n.! ntiiust ti.unn nf nnr nnl.lii : indeed, who would bo willina to take such
Mr, am : and yet it is not too late to pres-! a step. It is said that modesty belongs to j . tof '-n"r;,ncc ,n ""X t( sub" pleasure to tho mind and heart ; It was ! tu liavc 00 hani1) is -pcndod until it is
.nt to thc public miu.1, for adoption in i a woman, but can she be truly modest who 3,on M Jou arc '"med : listen anJ ccab Utillatill i ascertained what are tho last 1'russiau and
various forms, thc more distinctive, conso-1 would waive the saered duties and superior j a lua- if the fingers were dissolving away ic a ronc1' "iprovcnierits, experimenting with
I - . ... tin cilnrif nlmn a FnnM nftitnclin ' rf ; 1... 1.1 it r t
..V . ' 7 delightful self absorbation. Just then. ; 13 B",u3 uu VJ llu& 01 luo
will cease tho sooner : you cau not cam i , , . . . ,. . . . , T
by converse.
8. lie ashamed of nothing but your
own errors.
9. Calculate tho probabilities of thc
future : increase and multiply thc means
of information.
IU. lo competo successfully with a i
.0- ttv In flu. TVrrTlortr TTeln 14 mneh imiiJ. i ibew Here i miieh .lestrnred in live or
I cd. and but little to be had : for this tea-1 it loads I Could not get .ontucb.fi pole as , " uew-moou orone o cue quar.ers,
I reclined upon thc summit of tho rock j labor is renuired. We are ..! ould make a sound wedge. There was a than at any other. W by then should tboM
i k.. i .... c-im ihon 1 nnmpuiiF pninmia nn an mniin niiA mA
IU I -C mwau I j t ilii oMutnuij uuui a hum . uim.wiim v wj.j kvi rv wu.u uivis auivw
some uf that tree lay oat fur fuur or . cious than tbose which precede or foIIo
years and no worms ever loucbed it, &o j fcj a (jay an j0tirj 0r a miDtite ?
ana i was locitca in tnat strange siumocr ; ittliucealcnt3 held out. Aebniska City
which leaves yon semi conscious, and yet ,' yt(rj
restrains volition. I had laid thus several I
minutes, with my left arm stretched to its ! Tex Millions worth or Small-arms.
extent, when at the extremities of the fin-1 The Journal of Commerce notes that at
mrs of that hand, there was a sensation. ! our arsenals thc manufacture of small arms
new and peculiar, that sent a thrill 0f , $10,000,000 worth of which wc are said i ft, the weather then is warm and dry the
with my Lead, until presently, it rolled ; thorbcJ to gtat0 thlt tbc samo Company I ,arse 1
away upon cushion of springy moss, hm lmcnij more ia Mis50uri which wia
riuh wrest w thorn litrA wn ftmnnlil ilnrlrtn 1 . . & . . . ' J
, w .... ... i i ' w vi;, ouiunvu ; i behere mat insteaa oiiooning to me moon, . B:v r n
, . . . 9 Does the moon affect the weather b? its
prtnil iimf to ent timber. J
I. has been said ihat there are two dari In i chnges T If so, the fact can surely be
August, in which if briers or sprouts are cut, I established, as much beyond contradiction,
they will not grow again : It will generally j as its influence on thc tides ! And hero
kill briers to cut them in August, from the we would ask attention to three consider
taut and beautiful name of Otzinacusox.
plcasur.ss that devolve upon hcr,to go forth
and claim a political equality with man ?
Would she be willing to descend and de
posit her vote in the ballot-box, and be
subject to the rude treatment which sho
must there receive ? Or, more, would sho
j anxious to guide thc affairs of this mighty
1 I vnmililief.ft fteslf in ltd lp.n1:i tinn to
.;.... i i,o . i T.. . e
r 1 . J ' . I share its distincties, and its rcsponsibili-
ci.utitry, opentns avenues of commuuica-. .. , Xf . ,. , ., .:.. t:.
" 1 ties: If she did thus engage iu public
turn is a matter of thc first importance : I ,.- , . , , ., , .... , .
1 , life, what would it benefit her r Docs she
und Railways have everywhere proved to I , , , , , ,, , .
, , , , sujiposc that i-bc would be thc happier, or
be proportionally the best for that pur- . , . , , . ...
1 ' i our country benefited, by such a step I rar
pe. So prominent and undoubted is this i - .. ... ,, i,. ,.i
' ... , i from it : She would ccaso to be uonorea
Benefits of Railways to Farmers.
We have before us a statement, showing
that in thc State of Michigan, Counties on
cr contiguous to Ilailways, have increased
4"(l to 500 per cent, iu valuc.whilc Coun
ties of as good land, remote from Ilailways, i
r i.: .t r i.i:JDr..i .1 t . ordinance.
startled by the report of a gunshot within ! fTLc fame wLicI' f"nW3 trua g"css
a few paces of me. I sprang to my feet, ! 6 trKni ncca bolJ UP an,1 no c"eB5J
and with astonishment, saw my friend j kccP il
Mitchell standing near and gazing at mo ; Death or ax Old Viroixiax. Col.
with a fixed look of ghastly horror. He-, Jabea Lcftwich, a native of lied ford coun-
fore I could inquire what he meant, my j ty Ya., died recently near Huntsvillc,
briers in full growth, and full of sap, which
sours; this, with the heat and dryness of that
season of the year, it being too late for vege
tation lo start again, gives the brier but little
chance for life ; but it is in no particular days,
or the moon. As for sprouting on those two
tions. First, every change of the mooa
may be expected to affect similarly all
parts of thc earth, if it of itself affects the
earth A all. But any given change of tha
moon is attended by all sorts of weather
through the different latitudes of the globa
fact, that Farmers at thc West not only .
I'.i-.u uii-ir laiiu, uul. mau i."suu
County and Township bonds.and mortgage
tlieir homesteads in many cases, to get a
Uailway market near them. And it is not
l'iig before they fmd most ample rcniunc
ti"n fur their ritks.
Hut not alone in ncw countries is this
increase evident In our old and long
tie circle, and endeavor to perform aright
the already suflieicutly weighty duties
1.. viilvinff nnon lier ? Klu innv wield the
Fettled Eastern States, the same thing is I . ., , , . .,
' b pen of the ready writer, and exhibit to the
t.r.,v. .1 r..-,:r nt..l n;n lrA ...T. . 1 J '
. t . i - : . i .. ...1 I
respeeica as hue now is oj, u.a.., a.m , , , , . , :,.:, . ,,n,i11..
our country, i.isUad or being bettered, , your ffUJj intcl anj juJg.
would jiresent a continued sccuo of coufu- j mf.nt
sioii aud dissatisfaction. 13 He wbo arms his iutcnt with vir-
Then why should not woman remain in j tu0 ;s invincible.
her natural position as guide of tho domes- 1 Trifl0 not w;ti, 6cr;0U3 matters,
days in August, when I first heard pf it, I had whcn it shines. Under our parallel, it
seven acres 01 new land, oil 01 wnten no crop . wiU b wet . nnjer M0tlct dfT) uhlef
t had been taken ; there were a great many i , , , . , ,
I .. . . , ..1 00, cold enough 10 frceme mercury ; undef
sprout on it. I had it well spmtited on those , ' , . , , ...
! two days, but when I came to seed in Septem- ttn0,hcr. j"st n8ht flr F"eppta. d U
I ber there were sprouts from six to nine inches : suSar cane ; but thc samo moon, and tb
' long, throe to one I had cut oil in Aueust. ' same change, for all. If the moon's be
- ' L. 1. ,1. 1 r .t. , - i- r..... , ., ...w tor ine norns 01 inemoon oeing nram mg new is essential 10 ine ncnt Diamine
neighbor, participate iu the facilities af-! " . . . 0 . . , ,, . i , m " . . " J . , , , ' down, what cfleci has it ! In this I have ha t j 0f a cro, tJ,en wj,cn jt jg Bcir tcre m
foHed to go .bca.1.1 - j f P f of Gen. Joed U-ftwieh and acted as an some , UllI a 5tine on the ftM : rSJ can JS' ui
11. The door to wealth, rcspcctaV.bi.y, ! CtrfJ Lun'an .Car J "J 00 l,"f , a'J ,du"nS Waf f, 1S2' P when Ihe hnrnsof the moon were P.ad when 5 ZZVoiZZtoL.
influence and honor, is thrown wide open j dwB "ak. with , tbe exped.ton to the North-west, and ,y were down I laid another ; some month, e J ) Zli -fct cucuX"
1 fe 'J """i 'aw... ( tiiu iiv.icui;u ui nuu water i iiifiuia ' " .. -
il. . ..,.! agonies of death, and sending forth from ' fr0m the depredations ot thc British armv ', tncr' ,hc "ne la,J d','n f,rsl (aHhough the "d beans r Miall tc wait for the nc
to all.
Establish yourself on
1 . : ..1 . 1 n .
aim uc iiol serious uuout i.iaes.
15. Wisdom and virtue make thc poor
rich, and tho rich honorable. '
10. There arc looking-ulassca for the
world her intellectual capacities, without 1 facc uut nouc fr tho mind : the defect
II. now. as affording additional evidence of
the great advantages to be gained to thc !rCCnd'n,S 'rPm Lcr 0lw.n trUB tstatl;,n- must be supplied ty a serious reflection
.. . . , . ,. . ' Among the ancients, and in many heathen ,lnnn nnc'i self
r-us'inehanna regiou, aud especially to our , , , , : , . 1 u ou a
own immediate vicinity, by the" erection hu " 1 ,C "cnt. WOUlan V k'pt " I 17' TLcrc is no dccP 0r l!'ldun m3
of thc "Sunbury & Erie," tho "Northern I ? f S.CrV,'lu ,ufe',orllJr' anJ 1,owc'1 ! tcry to be studied or practised to carry on
Central "(or Susquehanna,) and "Lewis-i'U,eW F-v.lcges. Hut what do these j hnslneg3 successfully: on the contrary,
l.iir,- IV.. 5- C 1- I -1 i-iii'ia I'tuauut m uui BCCIIU Vl al that
his erect tail tho terriblo tocsin that I 1 and fleet under Admiral Cefchnrn. After I "'PP"J eacci ofthe upturned horns of the , moon again, or try ll;e rirst quarter when
heard. ! the war he served one tern, in Congress. , T'n k"P,ramI f inkin. Wls M,,'k m"u , thc weathl'r lcct"ms "Zht f"r h'" '
From his fearful propinquity, I began ; - . " ' hp !S 'B " n" s'k"'? think thc latter would be best.
to rcaliae my position, but not until I i Onmox, having voted at the recent cl- "-h;n ,a' 1 on,,h; ?r"n J; " "w'"5 Secondly, by the help of the Telegraph
' ' . , , , . ,, cf the ground; lar anything down when the . 0 ,
heard an explanation from M., could I j ef'"'" n favor of forming a Constitution, j ni, .and it w'dl kill the srass an.l s.xl wc m3J W atly g,ve" niomcnt "at
fully understand and appreciate its hor- j a,"l applying for admission into the I'uion ' aB(, Slllk , '.j ,lsUince jn ",he ground , is tLc 8,a,ft b t!ic wt'a"'tr in all parts of
1. . . ..... .1 ... 1 ,i . r . .1 .
1 rors. I ,1,c q'lesiiou uas been started mere as 10 whereas, il it be laid when Ihe ground is dry cuumij, aim ooscrvauons inus raaaa
lie told mc that my resting place was whether tho Constitution shall tolerate or and hard, it will not kill thc grass for a gn at show that there is not only an immense
the top of a rattlesnako den, aud pointed ' prohibit slavery. A correspondent of thc j while, nor sink much in thc ground (let the diversity of tliinate, in different latitudes
to the orifices through which they passed ; 1 New York Tnlunr, writing from the ter- h"rns hc fuhrT "P "r "b from Montreal to New Orleans, but that
that he was in the habit of coming there ' ritory, says that therc are large numbers , Y"'"" a J"1"'"- effect "y f sn hy the ;n ,ho g3n)(, ja(;laJ surprising vari;,tion9
0 . . . 0 I farmer in harvest; in .nocking grain 11 the . . . . .
on Sunday evenings to shoot rattlesnakes; ' of settlers from Missouri and other slave-1 etan, be wft ,i,e shl,rt wju in we cloves, v eTcn lthm sboTt "'stances and at
that when he approached that cvening,and I holding States, who are very dsirous of , t,th t..p and roots ; if the ground and weather J "lC same instant. An.l just the samo
saw me lying upon the den, he supposed j having slaves. In view of this question, be dry, the shock may stand a long time an.l differences are noticed in one stage of th
I had been bitten and was dead : that he i an Anti-Slavery Convention was to be ' an 1 it will be found that the clover nioon as another.
crept nearer and saw my respiration, and I held at a town called Albany, on the 27th ' wi ' y"e an I mowing I onec spre .d ma- Thirdly, llecords of the wcath.t have
knew I was alive, but discovered a nions-1 of J uuc.
1 .1 . . r ,. .. ..... .. 1 lands preseilt to our View: A scene Ot nil tW nw t.nneet Wtlunntn ennerrn.
of :ra: srjz:: 1 : . contrast ,. - df manilcJ b; tll0 rubIice wan, rc(,uin,; ru mJ MR, EB
becomes more free, must be hastened tow-, ",r 0wn Iovcd coU,1,r ' M Dotcd for ! fair judgment, close industry, nnwaver- 81 mf t.ng preparatory o uc- tho
ards completion-Even staid old Chester ; hhsTty lFMm""' and rcU&n 1 KnW" i-S inteerity, superior workmanship, fair j E'ul'"i ua' '. - q.tiun whether
x .u vutMtr , . , ... . . . . I ... ... rr shfiflilirifirr fiYflnniatiiiti ttt ff iiil I ' ....
county, with its rich farms and ruliiv.d ! ""o0 an l ""'a''y avc raised woman prices, and to do better by the customers, - , o; " ; y " most, "lou
farmers, finds a large increase in the value ' "cr I,,'sen, tlova,0,' r,n?'l,"n' an1 "
.f lauds, cousequ. ut upon new thorough-1 fll0uIJ b1,c wWl ,0 dcPart from it?
fares for trade aud travel being opened. 1 There have been women who were an
Tho in.s V.f,r n,n,rd cf- Examiner of Il0Unr to ,,lcir country, and whose names
last Saturday, give a fair specimen of the
workings of thc system, in ,thc following
paragraph :
"Ahvantaoes f f Railroads. Thc
Now I'entral Railroad has already given
an impulse to the price of lands along the
line between Konnett Square and the West
"Lester Kailroad. A writer in a Delaware
Couuty paper informs us that Henry Da
vis, a few weeks ago, sold firty-one acres
to T. K. Sickles, at $75 per acre; $55 was
the asking price, a few months ago. Rich
ard Head has sold to Isaac Watkins, thirty
mx acres, for S105 per acre. Mr. W.
h is been offered between 200 and 5300
advance upon thc property. It would not,
1 think, have brought over 875 per acre,
iiglttecn months since. Five hundred
" liar advance has been offered for the
have been revered by thc good and virtu
ous. For example, look at the patriotic
women of '7C : they were brave, active,
and intelligent, and yet kept within their
proper spheres. Womau's influence has
never been rightly appreciated. Tako her
from society, and it has lost its charms
man would cease to feci thc position that
be now occupies. If we would wish men
to be distinguished for their enterprise,
learning, and virtue, then must woman too
act well her part in life.
Hut, alas! it is a painful truth, that
there arc also many of our sex who seem
to think, aud act, as if they were placed in
thc world for no other object than to lead j
a mere
if possible, than others in the same busi
ness can do by theirs and give it publi
city. IS. Let thc business of others alone,
and attend to your own.
19. Don't buy what you don t want ;
t A- .1.. I .l . 1
Use every Hour to mc ucst auvaiimge, au.i
study even to mako leisure hours useful.
20. Find recreation in looking after
21. Huy fair, sell fair, and take care
of thc profits.
22. Should misfortune overtake you,
retrench work harder but never fly the
track confront diflirultics with unflinch
ing perseverance. Should you then fail,
you will be honored: but ebriuk, and
you'll bo despised.
23. Consider the causes of thc good
standing of some, aud tho decline and fall
butterfly existence. They spend j B,, waut of BCCW of otucrs nJ regulate
and d'shon
a ld:-f.,r.l hotel and twenty-six acres of, tilcir ,imo in talkin 0f elegant dress, Jour cndui;t accordingly.
""T. wu: " "? ' ,, iceted swains. lendij establishments. ? '''.
-Himiauuiug t lie bouse is no lon;;cr ll-, ' . , ', , . . 1 est are rarelv nrosiurom for when rou
'en ,l t. u. ,..i.. . x i: , , ,:. with a thouiauj other thinm even more ! cs' are ra" '. Pr rt,ou? i "n "utu co"
.v.. .u pjh: ... ji.m'.r: i nn'i i-v ine o
w. . ' ' . It .
.r. e are p. ttiti- aln a.ItUMably with j ana n-niUMcal
- 'llC " ll'.t' r. ' th oiiili to roni" "f the I Ihe woinnii vh" T"J.-iCHt
Do we over see
1 t'.Ui
lileinc withdrawn, poveily is likely to
which drew thc snake's attention and
caused him to turn his head, when he dis
charged a load of buck-shot into his neck,
mangling aud tearing it to pieces, and
thus saved my life, lie bad scarcely told
me this, which took but a moment, when
,1 ! rattles all around brought us to a recol
lection that we were not yet freo from
Wc saw ten or fifteen large rattlesnakes
approaching us from every quarter, with
eyes glaring revengefully, barbed tongues,
thrusting threateningly and rattles sound
ing alarmingly. They are brave and can
not bo intimidated, and will dio over thc
dead body of their companion sooner than
desert it. Wc knew tho indomitable char
acter of oar enemy, and M. and I. with
his double-barreled gun and my sticks and
stones fought our way out as best we
could. You may imagine that my nerves
were (.lightly agitated that evening, and
that I dreamed of snakes that n'tcht. . M.
... e.l M
his killed one hundred una seven oi tiiein
tho largest of which had twenty six
..1.1.- II. .1., I..1...., !. , li.t r
Ullll?. IllTiijC ..IV JU.WU i ""J w . . .
n,,r- "' a meadow alter a heavy ram; the ' lccn j, , ia fafctetit places with great
sun came very warm, and in a tew .lavs me , ...,. .. ..r .-
J ne.tir:rr f.tr eJT.ne l.1fflm nt limn nnlini.
cot the better of the phi-1 manure was sticking on thc lop of Ihe grass . J " D
e. 1 . thr.ee pfeh .Iv tn. temnpratnri .leorM. t
other d iv in ar.'nini thi I "ke musluoons ; the sun dried lhe moisture .
otuer uay, in arguing im. , moisture, hei.'ht of thc barometer, d m.
women or III 'U t ilk the inauure. u ... came irry iig.u an-i . o - .
" ' .. t the favt .-rowins srass lifted it ni. not the ur- tiou and strength of tbc wind, state of tha
say a women can talk a i , , -inii, r,. .T(.TT.hi in k. r .
man a.masi ia Ueatn, said .Mrs. l ., "but ; ,,, ,.,vin . wrnl of a r,.nc, hrit the niatic character, on which thc progress of
I'd like to know if Sampsou dllu't i a h.....S .1 .he M are iin.to ker,. ,t f,..m sink-, YOotation niignt pp to depen,j
thousand l'hilistiucs lo death." ho phi-1 In?, and lo Make a rider when they are d..n ; N .f ch rf (he
losopher gave in, and that very evening ; I- Wee,, .t down , in ..r.vtng sh.nslcs when U.e .j wjth p . , kind of Wl1(,n
;kettoastraw-":'rnsare',own;,nsr",,,!:r-" "rn 'nr I such as would be favorable lo crops or
are np to mane me pos, reP s P,a. r w , ,,.,,,,, jt mwU he , ,!,.,,!,,
ridiculous! II the moon had ihesr snPP.se.f t u hu,r; L;nt wc romrMJl.
effects would it noi lie abrd to plant, reap j cecin nc 9ilttcmcnt reported io 009
or build, in any of ihe signs 1 for it would be j of 1f ip,,,', lrtun-s, when hewasia
an alleinaie pulliii'4 up and down as lhe im.on 1 ,. ,lllr.. tliat careful ca.iminati.m bal
. i i ....... .. n , .... .i - . . ., ,. ,. ..
W..I1I.1 riitini;.', o ...ti. ii ciin ia kv;ii.i a.n..uui
to noihing at last. I
I am now seventy vears old, and I do nrd ;
presented Mrs. 1'. with a licl
berry festival, where that respectable lady
got into seventeen sharp disputes,' aud en
joyed herself amazingly.
Remarkaui.e Collectiox or Wa
ters. There is on board tho bark l'res
cott, of this port, which arrived hero on
Thursday last from 1'uenos Ay res, a cask,
containing about ItiO gallons of water,
which was taken from the rivers Mississip
pi, Sacramento, Cape Fear, ' Savannah,
Garonne, Tscho Sing, (China,) tbe Oder,
been madc.anl that not lire slightest tract
of any coincideneo could be discover!
' lu-twe.-n the phase of the moon and any
think I have had an increase f one ear of particular de.seriptiou of weather. Lewii
corn or urain cf wheat, through the influence ! ,u,y Chrtmirle.
cl Hie moon in sowing or planliag in ilssign. )
There are people in this enmity who look lo
all ihe sijns in the almanac for sonic pnipxse.
lean not see anything in scripture or rea
Tub Cattawi ... Kasfbkmrv oricina-'
I tr.l iii the grave yard of a little Quaker
m.tdin house in tbe village of OUawi
(Prussia,) and Iho river of l'lato; and to make mc believe that there is anythi
' jn I Columbia county I'enna. The froil is f
from the following places : Ual'nnore, I.i
vcrpool, liostoa, Ncw York, Tarragona,
Matanzas, Copenhagen, Uio Jancrio, Ilio
Orandu, Hamburg, aud 1'alenno. Tlio
cask has remaiucd iu the samo position
nearly eight years, and since it was ulle.l
his U"t had kjrf than lifty gill u iu it -
'--Z3l :
ll.em. Th serintnre. sneak .f f illlBK 'he Soil,
i - - I
of digging and mauurincJind lhe husbandman
to;I.Kk lor the tally and lailer rain; and S I..
1 in Iheui-ni'ng.an.i
medium si, inferior to many of the new
popular varieties, but Is sufficiently largs
for all ccouunl al purples. Its color is
dark re.l purple when I'lf, and is of S
m..n says, -sow y..nr se. .. ... . - , , . h , , , , ajluB.jM1t.
in the rrenin- whhh.ld i.-d font I....-1. lor, " r . .
y..u do nolknow which w.r,..r, , In, Say, 7 - "''Z VW f
fuui oi Iu l- ct , u-ually U!tus lo rifen
n.iibiu : .d any signs.
Th-se o ho I 'W to
e one . 111) 11' ltl! I
ii.i-in si;;ii ;. r. moid me
lelliii; iucll'w te make
.ji'y iii Au,
. i m.i 1 . r.-u .OLuer
. s'
a .1