-JUL XUe Lewisbiirgjtoiiicle. 4,nEred. txiti iotit, tll,J on Friday JtWitft at LcMr?, i5 fnha county, Fennsyhnma .. ... . .... raw is iDvaKCi end l"S l-wJr or short, r per.ua. Tbua, lit ,.,H07 for four inonu.. - t ... .i ,il,. fur eHo-en nwum., - - - .. ..... 'SrBi'nWOI BUMMil" I, .11 1 ' b . 1. - i- thftt m? MM for. month., $5 . J-J- ''j reliant. c. wot t lMfc,",TV:!-";io';r. All other.. maw cr. warm . . .. , f br.,r.or 12 of ,-rwei upon. .drtU.mt. if i . ,npcii. -' Dutiniiiie4. ' Lranwnie.tion. J' topic. S"'1 lnt""' wittnw the F of P1' or mtrt. '!Mn tae"m post I'1. Kcompwnb" b the uarue and oflM writer, U red-Ire attention. Mlll.VtTIJ TELE'iKAI'll i. Ic-atrt! in tio oll!t ..tMl'liroolde, br which we often gvt important . - "7 T Z. ....!. formoit MinW Wl.u " ' " . . . . ... . , ...b i.wivr;.v;. mbkh m all l erau-u witfi I l.- lJI.'VI i - -- -l JP'ch " re.ion.ble torn... Advcrtlstiiienu to I fM fur wVn hanjel j, nJ Job Wurk ben deliver. 4. tAHSoeon WrrtrecS norm .v.v.u J 'M" " " r, ,e Lcirisbtirff, ia. Friday Mohxing, Jult 20, 1S55. "'.T-. - ... ,t f,.r.Ylnt- Verban:Cii. imt-Kii'-' - l it.ic o licere in City ud t'ouiu.-t. Publi-hen" in wi-n to M nr l'll-WOU'1 10 w. n iti Fin;-,. . I" ,mn -f J.' Crirl.wlr1.-h i.ti ri crrwin cir. ulli"U in aenniraiii.it toil. ' , ' ro,,.,rlion of tctire, ..lnt iroUuci!, coiuuiuera KJ Jf.;r s nr 'n tl.e Mte. -See. ew .tdierf Iscmriits. j-A short chapter designedly brief, on account of the hot weather ! may be fl,unJl by careful investigation, on our first rz, upon the subject of the " Union County Site" for the Seat of J ustiec. c.Tho Public House in l'auville, the Enures anl furniture of which are adver iid for sale in to-day's paper, has a good tsa of custom as any iu the region. The cjportunity is worthy of tho atteution of hotel-keepers. taTWaut of proper care and attention, Km to us thfi only hindrance to raising tie best of Frui: on the West Branch. Pr Malcora h shown us Gooseberries, nwl by him from plants purchased at ! morra(c parlr flT ,i,c o0icc 0f anal Com liiisl's, near Philad., which average Si ! nio,,,.,.. AXtl waJk into his affec itches around the middle, but the largest ! tioI)3 Iike a til0US3n(l 0f Lrieks, this fall." Cf which he states were double that sice, j The radical Democratic paper some JrSrWc have received a Schedule of iho j t'ms since advertised to be started in Bel Premiums to be awarded by the State Ag- lefunte, did hot appear, but a similar one ricu'.tural Society at the Exhibition to be j ' now rrI,d at Aaronsburg. A LId at Harrisburg in Sept. next. j Mass Temperance Convention is called at . rsi,Wnr. nf the Female Medical ; Aaronsburg, 10ih of next month. The rti-w Cullene of Pennsylvania. Godey't Lafy'$ Bk for August basin addition to its variety an editorial compli-1 tnent in the way of a Collection of choice j rceipts for approved Summer Beverages, which is cold at the Philad. office, for 12 i cents or four Postage Stamps. LrrrtOoiUfriY. Mr. Volkrfiar reeenlly Hecuted on stone, a spirited view of the float Yard and Steam Saw-Mill of Ftkk, Slifer & Co., taken from the mouth of the i Duffaloe creek, over the Dridge. Mr. V. has also lithographed ITnnsi'cJc- '. Vr' Clover Jlatter, now manufactured by 1 Tins. Church k Co. at Hartlcton. ! Those vicw3 were taken very hastily, j tut prove that the elf-tatsght artist is improving in bis kuowledge of the art. eTi,A recent communication in the X. T. Courier i Enquirer, thus refers to the Lewisburg k Spruce Creek Railroad link: ''ow if understand the interests of Bur great Commercial Metropolis,, aud what those interests espetinlly demand, it is a direct Railroad communication with the West; and this can be had only through Pennsylvania. Aud if you will take up the map of the State, you will ud tint, making the railroad from Lewisburg i Iloll'idnvsl.urir.. enuneetini? with the . pArt.A H...d nnrt .tr.n,lin tl.i mad ! - b" -i o . - thirty miles to Fiiairsvilie, tu the orth , t, i i il t Western Road. Sew ork Would bateau almost straight toad to Cleveland ; and by I extending the road on frm. Rlairsvillc fcfiy miles to Pittsburg, Sew York would live the shortest possible road to the Ohio; i And if ew York would maintain he Cjtnmercial pre-eminence, and compete ' iue-ess fully with Philadelphia for the i tf the Lakes, but of the Western rivers, uc must have a railroad b the shortest 4ad most direct route;' t&"A. Missouri lady,writing from Nash ville. Tcnn.i sends ns the followinr : Wheat in Platte Co , Mo., on account of the drought, was expected to be a fail-1 tire; but the May rains Save new life td i i j , i w9, aua oou secuuu crop surpnscu ; the anxious farmers. It was a curiosity I seldom witnessed to see the green and ripe I neaas intermingling. In some sections there rrere three crops. IPUThe annual Commencement of the Theological Seminarv connected with fh w . w Lniversityat Rschestcoccurrcd last week. Rev. Dr. Matcaia of Lewisburg preached, Sunday, before the Society for Inquiry. Among the gradaates we note the names Of Messrs.'Augustus II. Lung and Mala. Chi F. Tavlor. resent graduates of tho i University aOLiburrf. I ta-We ate iufurmed that some farmers-! in this region have threshed out wheat and j Bent it to market, in order to realize the ' fresent high prices. We "reckon" those who kept old wheat for the sake of uettinc at - u.i...i . , e j jr uusuei, win iaK somethin" less. 'Thomas II. Ford. nnrr.innt.J t Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, says be will take the etump and expend a band rf tiaxa during the canvass. We are informed that OovTPollock las appointed James IIiiblrs, Eq., of Fhiladelph'ta, Law Reporter far the Su- frtmt vctr . Foreign News. Tito arrivals since our last, bring noth ing important from tho Crimea, except tLat Lord Kaglaii'j disease Las proved fa tal, find the ccrrrm.rnd of the English troops devolved on (.leu. Simpson. The siege as f rogiessiug firmly. The weather iu Hugland has been fa vorable; and the accounts as to the grow ing crops were eueouraging. The cotton market is depressed and closed at a decliue. Kreadstufi's generally nnchacged, with tLe exception of Corn, which has declined. Tho Provision Market is quie.', with a ! liniHcd business. JS'-Wo Lave received the camcs of four gentlemen " for. to sine a Caul for a convention at Miffliuburg," but the "caul" we have not received, aud know not the time or the object whether for a tetnper ance convention, a convention to aid iu making Miffliuburg the county scat, or a political convention. We state the facts that the error, wherever it may be, may riot be attributed to tVis office. BgiiWe have uo further news from Kan sas execpt that the Legislature had organ ized. Oue of the Stringfellows was cho sen Speaker of the llouscj and others of. like kin to all the offices SujrMr. J. D. Muster, recently returned to Lewisburg from California, brought with him two juvenile specimeus of the California Gritzly Bear. a-Thc German Informed Church of Selinsgrove advertise in the " Demokrat" for Proposals for building a house of wor ship. Nrui3 3tim5 from (Dlljcr Connlics; Center. The papers notice nume rous 4th of July celebrations, all on Tem perance principles. The Bellefouto De- vwerat says : "Itcport from every nec tious of the State says there is every rea sonable pro.-pect of a harvest unparalelled iu the history of Pennsylvania. Every species cf grain has growu with the great est luxuriance." "Arnold Plumcr, of Ve- natJL'o Count v. is the uomiuee of the De- next County Fair is to go to the place raising the largest bonus, Columbia. TheBerwiekGazettestatcs tBat the crops in that county are double ' last year's, n;id the reported ravag"s of Weevil exaggerated. The editor thinks a trip on the "raging eanawl" with Capt. Wells a mile below Rloomsbnrg and back, "occasionally repeated during the summer season, will answer admirably iu lieu of longer visits through the country." LvcoMlxn. A meeting of the Pemo- cratic Standing Committee of Lycoming ! County, was held in Williatlisport, on the J 30ih ult.j aha vigilance committees, com- por-J of three persons, were appointed for each township in the iounty. Delegate Elections, 18th August, County Con vention, 21st of August. James Ben nett is appointed Post Master at Montours villc. The Lycoming Mutual Insur ance Co. has pai.l 5531,772 50 for losses and damages by"fire. It has now 15,01 1 policies, covering 520,000,000 of proper ty, and 82,140,000 in premium notes. Thomas Wood declines being a can didate for re-c'oction to the Assembly. Mifflin. Frysingor of the Gazvtte gives a very readable description of the r.llo anil vrvire of -t lot of ditnr ttlin ! fi. i . I spout me -iiu anu mercauuuis iu iryiug iu , , ., ,v , T, r;,w nsu way np uaclt ol lyrone Li'.y. . , ; , . , Dlaw. A chap who has comfi back om California, js going to printing a paper iu Tyrone. Col. Eiias Baker haa offered a farm of 200 acres near Al- '. e ., JC. .. lii. . rnnnn-. inr ri:R rroii men rsiam iTieiririirai p. - .i. i .Ti n,ata. Wm. M. T5rirch6eld is .iU,vln" rrsa"' 4 , 'Fointcd Puperintcndent of Common I Schools, vice Laughlin resigned. A gray horse belonging to Dr. James Frow, residing in Miilliutown, was stolen froin the stable on the ni'-ht of the 8th inst. A jafrd of 550 is cffored for tho Lorso and ' ,. . . - . , . , J. ii- Zimmerman are named in the De- mocrat for the next Legislature; Lebanon. The Whigs of this' coiinly have declared for American sentiments so far that the tw9 parties will agree npon candidates. In several other counties the same result has been airrtcd at. Id Allc gbany,tbe weeding Whigs and Democrats will unite on a ticket. " The Boy of '76" is the bead piece of a new wide awake American paper in Lebanon. The West Chester Examiner and Village Record arc united and now pub- Col. Alex. M. WHiTtas received the Wu!8 nomination in Cambria County for ,D8 Legislature. The Convention paMed strong resolutions against Know Nothings, 'US Law ,nd E-Oov. Johnston. The Harrisburg A" yslone has placed the name of George M. Dallas at the head of its columns, as a candidate for the Presi dency. The steamboat John Stephens, of Phil adelphia, was burned op s few nights since and two or three of the fomales em ployed about it, burned with it. The German, Jacob Seblegol, who lad been on trial in Philadelphia for the mur dtt af hit wifj lM spring, fu aerpiittsd Lewisburg, Chronicle & West Branch Farmer July 20, fcaTThe New Berlin S:af of yesterday, has the following items cf news i During the thunder storm of Friday afternoon Luit, the lrghtuing struck into the Cbittncy of a house occupied by David Ppitler, iu this, place. Although the dwelling is occupied by two families, uo one was injured further than being con siderably frightened and the damage to the buililini: was but slight. Sheriff Kcsr-lcr, in his peregrinations through tho county, pi, ks up many a good thing in some shape or other, yesterday . r . . 1 r . oil rt'iuiuiHK iroiu a timi 10 ills lariu in Middlecrctk Valley, he brought a stock of Wheat, grown tlicrr-, measuring six feet and four inches in length. Iocs any Oue see that aud go better ? We learn that the Urit Mill belonging to the heirs of Jacob Schoeh, deed., iu Washington tnwnship( was destroyed by Cre on Monday night last. How the fire originated is uukuowu. Prices of Wheat and Floi r. Mill ers and farmers at Vincenncs, Ind., on the 3d inst., were closing contracts for wheat at 1 1 a bushel, deliverable iu 10 to 15 days. The Viucenues Gazette predicts that in Aiigtist,flour will bo down to SO 50 per bbl. in that place, and by the first of j January to St 50 or S5. At Nashville, ! Tenn.,whcat is bringing only COaTf cents, and flour has decliued t 7a8. Tie Nash ville Banner says sonic farmers ar : selling flour at 82 per hundred pounds, but is not A opSTCTSnTT. advised as toils finality, lliest. Louis , . ... .... , papers note sales of new wheat atl Sa rfC,,Ullt Ul m'T' ..IV signed offers FOiljsA I. E ihe funolure l,oj. In nearly all the large commercial j ailj Futures of the .lloiitoiir I!onc,sit citics the price of flour continues to keep "ied in the most eetiiral part of Danv:lle, , nP at Curc3 This is alttibutcd to the light Supplies of old flour, but little new having yet conic into uiaikct. Fareweil riissionarj- Keetingi A very largo aud deeply interesting meeting was held in the First Reformed Proshjtcrlan Chtlrch in Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening, the 10th inst., on the occasion of tho departure of three Miss ionaries, ltev. A. O. Johnson, of the Presbyterian Church, and Ilevs. William Calderwood and DaviiJ Ilerron, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, for Nor thern India. Governor James Pollock, of Pennsylvania, presided, by request of the Missionary Board. A largo number of Clergymen from the different Erangcb j leal Churches iu tho city, OCCULicd the i plat firm ; and of most of them, 60tuc member took a part in tho exercises. Commencement. This annual hieh-day in our Borough is at band, and will probably atttact a larger num ber of sirangers aud visitors than ever before. This extension of general knowledge of ottr ,own a"J vicinity, tends greally lo our advan tage; but our pno.ic houses are not ab.e to accommodate all who are expected, and the hospitality of our citizens will it is hoped sup- ply the deficiency. , i, r ;i:, .r ,- ..;,!.: i ,t I miles, v. ilimg to enteriaia s'.i angers for one or two days, are respectfully requested to send j ...a .1 .i ... Dr Malcom' Pie idem of the Faculiv si, I . i may be prepared to furni.-h meals to a larger number than ihi-y can accommodate with beds. If any therefore can spare the use of ft room, who will not find it convenient to pro- vi le meals, they are solicited to send the names as above. Excursion Tickets. j Excursion Tickets to Lewisburg tr attend University Commencement, good from the loth to the l'lh of August, both days iuclu- sive, trill be issned by Ihe Reading and the Catawissa railroads. Tickets will be issued on the Riadiu; road at Philadelphia A Read ing, and at ail the stations of the Catawissa road from Port Clinton to Williainspori. Tick- : ets in Philadelphia will be oblaiued of Wm. , Parkeri US Arch Mpti. 1 A. K. BELL, Gen. Ager.t. ! July 1, 1.)5. i Friends of Temperance, aroase ! j A Grand Temperance MASS MEETING is appointed to be held at Anronsbur?, in Center ' cuunty.on Fmi Ihe lOih of August nexij The friends of this good cause arc heiebv most : respectluliv and earnestly invited to atiend. L'ouie one come all ! In: is a glorious cause. invulviug the peace And happiness of millions for tune and for eierniiy ! It is the cause of God and Humanity. Let Ps mt then be weary in well-doing. Let there he no compromise with the enemy. Let us not be satislied wuh anything short of PaoHiniTio The exercises will commence at PJ o'clock A M, and continue duribg Ihe day. A Free i winner wi I oe n vcn. i nc uui esses u De in ..in t . . .i ,i . the Germar) and English Laugoages. The K(. - S VJZ jOVf I UIIOCH, l UOV. DIICI, H'1 Dr. Malcorn, Rev. ILZiegler, Rev. P.s.Fihcr, Her. F. Kutbrautf, Kev.E.Kieller, lievJ.T.Wil- liams, Kev.W.R.Vearick. Hev.A.Biittain, II in. J.T.Hale, H.N.M'Ailister Esq. Sainl Lain Esq, James Aiken, and others. JOHN KREMER.Jr. . MA If TIN L. I.EITZELLi MICHAEL HAKPEK, WM. bHAFFEK, J. H. isl'OVEII, Cvmmitlrt of Arrangements. Aaror.sburg, Jnly 11, 1855 Lewisburg Post-Office Arrangements. rUn.AVF.l.VMA Mull Sailr fiW.t FundnT) Ti Ca' taW It H tu .Mllt'lD, rlOM, at 10 o'clock A. 51. EASTtKA' lull", dil v (rxni4 Sunday.) cl . at S' r. oVIock P. M. n'hSTERX, oh Monday, Wtdmdior and inaay. clie at 3 lf,, A. M. iTOJ?Wr.'.V,(nillim!irMrt) Jluiel. Wcdn. and iri, rn.ae at S o'ctrt.-k. A. M. fit rrWif.V. (Sellnrrove)tuird lliursd and Siuurd., . Mhaea't I ."rhiek, P. M. BCFPALO XKOADX FOREST tl.Tuoa. ami rri J elo at 8 I. V.. r faijilit ,r-ceiliu. Ruatnefa boura. datly, lrai-e,t Sundnyi. irurn ti uutil II o 1( ck. A, 11, aud from 12 until a I'. M. Juiylt, 1S5j. 11. W. CKOTZElt, P. Sf. Pool OfllA) Stan pa 1 flaniited F.nrclipf r aalc at th oiBc r?&&m HOOKS ! E00K3 ! Ac. a varie!y Li6r of Mchout Booka, Blank Books, Gift Hooks for holiday presents,ToyBooks,Albums, Diarys,Magazines.Newspapers,Letter and Cap Pifperof difl'ercnl qualilies.Faney Note.Draw ing, Legal, and Sermon paper, Bristol Board for Needlework. Envelopes of every descrip tion. Waters Motto Ac, fine Sieel and Meialic Penns.Qmlls, Pen and Paper Knives.Gold and Silver Pens 8nd Pencils, luksiands, Inks.Port Monnaies, Folios, Tooth Brushes and a variety of article for the toilit Far Hate Cheap at the lewisburg Post OJpce. Owreeted Weekly, WLeat C2 CO Eggs Rye 1,00 Tallow Corn b7 Lard.... Oats 60 Bacon Flaxseed 1,12 liara Dried Apples. 1,25 Cloversecd. Butter...'..,.. 15 - . .8 12 12 I l'J I 1(1 j .. 12 AM txA Upublic.u party, founded upon the single principle of resistance to Slate ry aggressiod and removing the National Government from any responsibility fur tho evil, is proposed iu Potter county, and responded to from various quarters. Tu.it Ls ti'e 1'i.a.v. We propose IIarrisbluu as the place, Wednesday tho 3d Sept. as tho time, for all the opponents cf Nebras kality to meet and select a man for Canal Commissioner, aud prepare for a National , n 1 uu lliiuir. Ib'T. E. K Albf N will preach in the M. E. Chape!, Lewiibatg, next Sabbath, at 10 o'clock A. M. On the Sfiih uli. t.y R.-v. D.M.Uarber.Satmiel M Ninth E'i- aud MibS Mary Fisher, all of Clolhsrju'ique. In Danville, 10th inst.. by Rhv. Ur.sr. Grief, Michael C (irifr a nit Miss .Mary E. .Montgo mery, both of Danville. DIED, In White Deer Tp. 1 5th inst.Miss Stary He!'. M'Ciirlcj-, daiiRhter of Jacob M'Curlry, Eq., aj;ed alioiit 30 years. In East UulTaltir, 15th inst , Mac;:latena,tiife i of Win. Brown, Sr.. in her r.Oih year. Subscription Schocl. KENNEDY will resume School. A, il) iu ihe Northern Liberties bclioul House, nn the 1st of A'lan't nest. I.ewisburp, July i, lrto3 Montour Co., Fa; Terms easy. I'ossession J given immediately. Impure of M. Kul. .M Kit. Danvilie, or D. S. Kit EMEU, Lewisburg, July 17, 1855 w2 Public Notice. RAN away from l!;e or abi ut the 17i!i int.. i subscriber, tin an indentured Apprent.ce to the TailiTtrisr business, named Tliumut F. Wihou. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting him on my ac count, and if anybody brings him back I will be indebted to him, or lo the boy, six cuts of a rawhide well laid on. JOHN D. MII.T.Ert. I.ewiburg, In!y 17, lts.5 Notice to a Few. AUITE a number of persons w ho were indebted to the subscriber individually c. .. ,i. -a t .: , ... t0 pay .., a ftw Jays or- ..,', mrd.a'lf ,y after Harvest. .Manv ol those have honorably met ineir eiigatjeinent, out several remain on the w rong side of the book. Il is hoped that this notice will "ji g the memory" of a. I in arrears as effectually as the Ju:tice and Constable could do it. O. N. WOKUE.V. J. H. C. RAKCK, TTORNEY at Law, Mifflinbnrg, IY Union Co., Pa. CVAll professional bu- j aiurss viiirusieu lo ins care, win ue punciuaiiy and faithfully attended to. June I, '55 yl J' UtfT RECEIVED from Philadelphia, a lot of new style MAXTILLASn M. LEWIS' Cheap Si. re. Market street, nitdo . r to Kline's Hotel, Lewi-butg. (July 13, 1855.1 "1 t"ST RECEIVED A fen hoTes of snperi l or CHEESE ; a lot of new No. I SH AD, anJ MACKEREL (neatly put up in quarter casks) for sale at reasonable rat. by July l:S5) J. IHVia A CO. New Establishment! t F.KIS OVEttPLTX would respectful I A tv inform the citizens of Lewisburg and i vicinity lhat he has opened rooms at the l"n- t ion 'I'emp' ranee Hotel, where lie is prepared 1 to lake DAGL'Ellf.EO I'Vl'l" LIKENESSES in Ihe most improved and life-like inanr.T.atid pMI up in cases varying in price from 59 cti. ' to ififi. He invites the public to call and try j his work, feeling assured lhat they will le j pkased with his Workmanship. Having had j superior facilities lor nisiruciions in the art, ! (of J. P. I.eisennng. Danville, aud C. B.IIow- ' anl. Reading.) he thinks himself as well per fected in the art as anv in Ibis or any other Ma-e. ' July 13, IS5.V Union County ts. , IN the Court of Common I'leas S "A1- f of L'uiou Couutv, at May Term, K5. ' In the maiter cf the application for a char ter of Incorporation of" the Chnstiau Church a". Lewisburg, Pennsylvania." Arid now to wit: May S2, A. D. 1 ?.'., the petuion, together with ihe accompanying in strument of writing presented lo ihe Court and read, and ihe said instrument lias been perused and examined, and the objects, arti cles and conditions therein ret frtth and con tained appearing to be lait-fu!, the same is di rected to be filed in the blfiec of the I'rothon otaty of said court, and the churl aKo directs notice to be inserted !n the newspaper pub lished in this coumy calif d ihe " Lewisburg Chronicle" for at least ihree weelts, selling forth lhat Rn application has been made to said court for such charter of Incorporation, and that if uo sutficient reason Lc shown to the contrary, the said court at September Term then next ensuing, will grant a charter as prayed for. By the Court. SAM'IEL ROfPII, Proth'y's OITice. New Berlin, Proth'y. Julv C, IS.i.ij S j"S?w3 Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure, I70R the prevention and Cure of lutfr miltenl and liemitieni Fevers, Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever; Dumb Ague, Genera! Debility. Night Sweats, and all other forms of 1 disease which have a common origin in Ma i laria p Marrs. I TuU l a NATLKAL AXTtbOTF niilr'i Tiltl rrltinT nl,Tt aitv rt-lti ut r trn"l"r .-n iu th iutn nrkiy i or Kafry loeniitir. In.m any Ague of llilh-ua diNa.-s : whatvv.-r, or atiy iljury tioiu couaiaul iuhuiiog Malaria j or Mii-aniS. I It wilt luaUntTr rbc-k Ilia At;uiii persortB wl.o harm iniUVrt-d t'r)in any Icuirtll of time, from one day to tweuty i year!, ao tiiat tiiy nf-d oei,r U liara auullur dull. b (suitiDUing in um acrordioi; t-. dirrctiona. Hie alirt.1 ; at once urgine lo rris.fr arrlitr and atn-nirlli. 'd ccd i tintiea uulil a rs rolMnviil and radical cure u-ll-eted. One or two bottl, will answer for ordinary m-va: poma may rrquire more. Illretiona nrintrd in tii-rman, Fri ncli and Spauili. ariionil-any eitrii t- tlli;. l'licaouo livllar. Libetl dlKSUuLl niiidc t the traJe. ETWENCE OF S.tFETt. , Ke-e tnrk. June 11, tS.'. 'I hare made ft du micat rxaminaiina ut "Kuodm' ki TFftAMi Anm iXRi." or 'AsrilskT to. 3il.aiA, ' and hiore Uausl it for Araruis, Mcicury.tiuiuiui, ai.u .strj.!) nine, bul bave nrit ftuuil a ariicie v( either in it, nfr have 1 f.uoa any nb-aue' in ilscouirKjaiUuniat would proea luiuriaus tn the rouritulion. JaJiES li. ClilUOS, M. t. CLemut.'' tvitEWE OF MERtf. "T.aw ii.i.o, fnicn Co., Ps., ar i. 1J5. Jit. J. A. flUSni-a l.ar Sir: The I..X nrmeillcine Toil ant mi. wa. ilnif rwirtnl oa Ihe Itth of April. 1 haru eold about Olio half rf it, ana ao f lite pet'Ote that have Urttd il ara aatifl.l that it tin cured tliem. It h.ia evr tainlv atrjipej tlio Afrue In esery one who haa naen it, ftnd aia of Iho eaaa were of lot);; aUodintf. Mr aiater, who haa had It tt.rb.ftor.ix jearatiarli.andenald never gvl it Ktopt.e-1. except by Quiuino, aiwl tbut only ft long aa ahe wuuld tike it, to wow, I thiuk, entirel rurrd by jour remedy. O. K.M OINLV. mor AiMflf. Tuo.i. Nrtpenrye Vainint, Ft jlilbowD ipttlirft'Dcy uf LlrtuM uuloa poiwMit proves thtm 10 lm ia otf.-pring Mjr Qf le mcliCAl pHorl- ttor tbtt Yeth mr b&rrnlM. t HHODEft' IKVLti A.NU AtiUE CTRE. Tor !! t rt 1 tt nr Cu br 1855. William VanGezer, A TTORNEY at Law. 1Y I.t-MlMburp, 1 nlort Co., PA, tiOihce on boaiu SrcocJ St., recemljr by II C Hickok. Esq. i4 FRESH HEAT I 'TllL' subscriber has re-opened liis L MEAT MAKKET, in Ihe rear of his dwelling on S 3d street, I.euisUuig, (opposite ihe MciuodlM Chapel) where he will endeavor to Itirnish in their aeasuu LEEr'.VEAL, MUT 'I'OS, ftc, in sooit orJcr. 'I he prices tor cattle, ftc. , continmtij; to be high, 1 will sell at very reasonable rates lor KEAlli I'AV. if'Kr h on Tuesdavand Fri.lav mornings. July 6, 1855. FHV-XCIS ZEI.I.EKS. FU3LI0 NOTICE. VATS0XT0W &Whilc Mills V UKIDliE COUi'A.N V'. Notice is here, by given, that Subscription Books to the Cap Hal Slock of th Walsontou n & l hile Deer Mills linde Company will be opened on Wednesday, the 1st day of August, A. D. ljjj, at the lioiel of Jonas Fisher, at White Deer Mills, I'moii coumy, at which tune and place the undersigned Commissioners willalleuj to receive subscriptions of stock lo the laid Bridge Company. Robert Candor, James Culbeitson, leurge Little, ham'l Drady, William Fearon, Jr. John Wat.sou, E. h. l'iper, D. Coney Watson, Julv 6, IMA5. Jonas Fisher, Joseph P. lIoge( Henry lli?h, David U. Kaufuinh, Sam'l L. Heck, Charles (Jud; Lon.it, Anthony Ivlechner. HEW GOODS AG ALT. I)E VER A. KRKMKIt have just received ) alotof New tioods, coiiistiii! of Ladies dies goods, dress trimming French needle vrorK prims, Hasery shawls, &c. ic, June 15, '55. I NO RAIN anil Venetian enrp'ts, a ffnod a. sortulent just received, cheaper than ever by Julie 15 Beaver & Krrraer. IEATIIEItS. A prime articleof lir geese Feathers just received and for sale by June 29, IN55. BEAVER 4 KMCMEK. ATE.- nxtM and Fantaloons Stntfs. A va- r.eiy of fancy and plain Vestines, suita ble for this season, and of ihs latest styles just received anil for sale chcapi Also, handsome summer Pantaloons Studs for enilemen and boys' wcRr. jh;a VEK Ji KHEMEH. JUST RECEIVED A LA1IGE ahJ splcmliJ assortment of j. L 'ollars,H!eves and !p'rneers,with a full a'.st.rtmrnt of Dres Trnnrnings, Gloves. Milts, II. lerv a'i ;-oii'.ns; niaunw onaues and: Window Shades and Paper, Parasols, Hats, Ac. Ac., which will art - luaily be sold at reduced prices to suit the times. Call and see ihe Goods and hear the Prices, and jo.lje for youre!ves. C. MENSCII. Murrav's building. opposite the old Graham d:ind. Lewis!. urg, May IS. IS55. MERCHANT tAltOR! TOIJX N.- BEAI.T, bavin? enlariccl ) and im proved his .hop, on Market Street, next to Hayes' store, has now cpened a large and select st-k cf Cloths, Cussiiierri. Vesting! and TrlinmiiitcN of all kinds, also GENTLEMEN'S FI RNLSH 1NG GtXHits.such as Shirts, Gloves, Hosiery. Collars, Ac. Ac. He wiil also carry on Cattiutr and .Makinir , in all their branches, n ith despatch, according l.i order, without cill'Sm.a X on t'.ie most I reaiotia terms. Itrady-liittue ( lulliillK always on hand cheaper than the cheapest. Haying a lanre force of experience t hands in my employ. I hope with all these facilities j to give general satislartion. and share liberally i in public patronage. I respectfully invite all Wanting anything in my line cl business to call and examine my stock of Goods. JOHN II. DEALE. Lewisbitrg. May lo, l&oii. Constantly Receiving, T t!ie New Store, Market St.. next . V door to Kline's Hotel. New and Cheap OOIS, winch will be sold at astonishingly ly low prices. .4 I'rotla Supply ofCONFF.i.TIUNEPiV Kaisins.Pine Apples, Bananas, Figs, Lemons and Oranires 12J ets. p'rd iz. and upwards. May 13. 1S55. Latest from Sevastopol I Ti;,v GOODS, li for Spiinsr nntl Summer, CilMPEIstVt; EVERYTHING WANTED IN Gi lt LINE OF lll.'sI.NK.Sst. AND AT j THE MOST REASONABLE RATES, new received and for saie by Ihe subscribers. We invite a public inspection of our stock of Merchandize. in itoi. & voksi:. Lewisburg, May 10, 13. Last, but not Least! TDMNGS& WETZEL woiiW announce J to the Trading community, in Town and Country, that they hare now finished the re ception of the largest and best stock of S pi Ins ai'sci Sit minor (.uods ever brought to their store room, comprising the uual variety of Dry Goods, Gents' ahd La.l.es' Summer Wear, ;rorrrU'". Crockery. Jiard.vsrj (ucciuwarc, and a! Goods desired for HOUSEKEEPERS and FARMERS. Our Goods were selected wiih nnnsual care, and we believe will be found of the very best, and (for the quality) as cheap as they can rea sonably he afforded at any other slore on the Wet Branch. V"e respectfully invite our old chstoniers h ca!l and see our Mocks, and we are sure we Can suit your wants and tastes. Produce ta ken as usual cash never refused. May 1I,'.V. IttDJXGS A WETZEL; The "Old mammoth" Swarming j flTH XcwGoodsand Old Customers are no receiving anrt opening l..r public in spection, an unusually large assortment of hi:iuiihuize for Spring and Summer comprising all the varieties of DRY coons. GROCERIES. , HARDWARE. Ql EE SWA RE, . i i.HiHI.MI,i,; fish, dec. recjuirea in similar i..erc-.....r , Houses, to which they invite the attention of all desiring good Goods at fai' Trices. Grain and other Cotirllry Produce taken as hereiofore. J. & J. WALLS. I.ewiebtirg. May 1, 1P55. Small Profits and Quick Sales!! T thd CHEAP STOKE of 1Y BROWS & BITTER. The subscriber olTer, at the old M'Faddeu Storeroom, opposite C Penny's Saddle shop, a choice assortment of height for Cash and selected wuh great care. Tfle Goods comprise Ihe usual variety, aud will be sold IT"at the lowest possible prices. We respectfully invite old and new patrons and the public penerallyw pj'.I and see onr stock before purchasing elsewhere. r J H BHOVO-, B RITTF.R. Lewisburj, April Zt, 1"5." MARIA J. GRIER, PI. D , GRADUATE of the Penn MHiral siunal semees to tue people ol Lewbburg and vicinity, O.hee at hr fallifr s rfMtrnrf. (tr. J. F Grier's,) oae door below J.I.. Y.-Jer's Jewelry store. April in, itja. New Firm and New Goods! T the Mammoth Drag & themical 'V Emporium of CHRIST & CALDWELL. The underpinned having purchasf d the nt;re Maminnih Drug Htore loimeriy kept by Or Tuurntun -V t o , are now ready to fill Oid rs and Prescriptions at a moment's ri":re. V I havr a laree and well srleeied stock of fresk ' and pure DKCGS, MEDlfl.ES, t.hmnca :-. ' DjcsUiIIn. (J:l, Paint, Uiass. I'ut'v aud . DUl.tiOlsTS' GLASS WAltE, All Limit i t l u'rut Mntu ints, Fruit and Conlcctwnert, TybaCcrSnnT.and Imparted Cigars tf tin CnuScest Ltair.ls, Funfy utwit atitl TuiUt ArEcUit tint Toilet Soaps & Perfumery of all kinds ltai-sHKS aiu Coups r srftRT variktv. Iloo!i unit Matlonfiy. a general variety ol Literary andSchont lnoLs. Pine Oil, Lard and FIntd Lamps of every description! fresh Pine I ii and .'alcnt liurn ing Fluid a!avs on hai d. PI KE WINES and LIQUORS of all kinc!s f .r Mi dicinal uses. Fire Fni'f U'l'f filar. P'tin't. 1't -forving and Pickling Jari, Xe 3? Customerswtll find our slock coinplei. Comprising manv artic les it is impossililt here to enumerate, and all sold at mpc!era:e pricei Call and see us, one and all, and see our stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods, ire will not ask vou to buy We are always on hand to wait on customers. Jieiuetnbcr the Mammoth Drug fture! Tliro. S. CHRIST, r. r. CALDW ELL. I.ewi--ritirg. Pnion Co. Pa CS 1 V RAILROAD. A new supply of Fancy and KniinKinique Tobacco also a variety ol j ii"w U iiks. the vf ry laf't "orks. to be hid at JuneW,'55. CHKlSTij CAM) IVELE'". j tV t'.I fresh sunnlr cf V'h Hp ) Lead, Pans and Chrome Green ground in oil ; also Turkey VmVer i I 'b cans ; Lin- J ... .... . .1 seed Oil, I urpentme. Fine Uil and l luij, all of winch we will s. i' r.! the lowest rates to be had at ( II HIST 4 CA L I) WELL'.. J" AVr.bui j the ver ut not Least, a fine assortment ol ery best Perfumery for the ladies and gents, consisting of A'moud and Honey I t.ps, Extracts f..r the hdkf.. !'n!. rie. L'.u n o ,.dq i.-. m , k, w n3,, a, r i 1:1-1 CALD'-S h:U. S. I Th l'jnj-establishsd Hat Store ! TKANKLIX SPYKEHwoaM respect- JL fully r.nnounce that he has j-it r.prr.c ! a most splendid asenment of fl'RlNU VD sI'MMKR II ITS, ftl'.Si and CM 'I'III,aiid is st-ilinf tr"m tt lower prices than t rr befall otTered in Lewihurg. II;!! Moleskin. Silk, firuh, Wide-awake, Anvola, Hungarian, Panama, Siraw.Caip Ac. 4 jit of all lo;!) sn-.-s, descriptions and price.- Flatts and Fanev Hats for CHILDREN, of the latest and most beautiful pat'.erns. l lotliilltr for Spring and Summer such as Coats, Pants. Vesis, S'sirls. Hosierr. Gloves. ! fupeiider. an i every other sort of Wea-irs? ! Arr;l:, i ' '' liie cnt- cheaper than i tne c:i"apsT. ! 11' Carpet Bags, Trunks, L mbrelias, and a i greai vnri. 'r of other articles. i The nui.iic are cordial'v invited to exam- i jn i..s si,.rk, as h i- ronti lent thai the.- will i ; be salaried Wiih Ins Goods and Prices. Re- mrmln tne t!,I btarnl Market street. Xd door i east of Third, formerly J A F Ppyker Lewisburg, April 51, ls5S PAPER HANGINGS! 110US of Wall PAPER have ' " just been rec'.i at the lliltun llooksturr, from ihe Manufacturer, com prising a variety of FRENCH and AMERI CAN styles. A won! article of fzed is oflVred at 32 cts per Roll, and a common article is offered tor Ci ets per Roll. Who is it that can't buy paper for 6$ cents, that will save one dollar's Wuitii of work Tiie p'a,-e to buy n is at J A A J L CRAY'S. Milton. March 30, !Sri5 3mS74 Dr. K. H. Der3ham, HAVING permanently locate ia Le wisburg, Pa. (Odice at the lower end of Market street, nearly opposite to Peters' Hotel) u-nul.l tcsrectf I:y announce to th' citizens of 'He '.or. n anl vicini-y. that he in prepared :o answer prompi'v all calls ia his rr'lei.sion. He has devoicd much time and special attention to all di-eases; and by Ihe sucee's wincn lias atieniica his practice in other places, he expects a joud share of the public patronase. Sjietial attention w;tl also be )?iven to all Ch'onic liiscasfs. surii as Female Complaints of every form and variety. Liver Complaint. Piles. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Scr-fu'a,l)rop- , sy, Asur. B. ini bins. S..re Eyes. Nervotts or sick Headache. NuuraVia; St. Vitus' Dance, Fits, Consumption. Asthma, fleers. Cancers. Tetter. Scald Head. Phlegmasia Dolens or milk leg. Fistula, Palsy, Cataract, Deafness, Hare lip, While Swelling. De'oility, Tumors, Corns, Ac. Ac. In almost i .eiy Chronic case, a eoii.pl"te c.'.re wiil be eliectcd.if the directions are followed. No pay is required until a cure is performed. Charges will invariably be as ens'omary. Lewisbuig, Ap.il ta, IS55 Km ""!. Tr. V. Iiw !tilJio.I th Oi l ar the Nf fyntw-m rf Mf..t.'iit, unit will fW(;iic ti.e Nw rr ALifri'-ar: KU'.-t." svtm. Tht? j ft"m compri--" :hc it! nr rrrnWr Allopathic y trm. nr. i'aVnur'Tt Blf1;Di; i cl.Km n-nl. It rontsiiie the ;.ini-- .jrt'in, nn 1 pTrrvthirs TI'n r": m: vwrj rth -r !u.ia tr fcuin wli .t.-Trr It m AnnTkiu id its cil4lct, Isys pr-t.-inj ani in.prcirjr. New Firm! New trois ! New Store ! 'THE SuWrJbfM hatSn? tzlnii into 1 a t'oiiarincr.sir.p in Mcrcii.indiiing. and having rc-i'.iitt'. and improved li.e Storeroom m h p !ile r fornnii,- occupied by Kmirter etc Co, wou'-! resccclfullv announce to Ihe trading community that ihev are j'iv.t opening a LAKOE AND SPLENDID STOCK of iSPKINO & SUMMKK GOODS, adapted !o Y.s wants of ail. ar.d roinpris.ng the usual variety kept at Sres in the larger Towns. tVC.IL. AM) SEE. (Mu.e particnlr.rs hereai'ter ) 3. rlirrycr & Son. Lewistmr!. April 11, 1R53 t ARPETS. A very hri and we'.i selected I ... c , i r,r,. f,.,m - A portion ci these r cts. to 51.23 per yard. Caruets wre boueln al auction, others direct from the manitfacturs. at prices tnat we 5n seil ihem very Irw. Tr.ose in want of Carpe' we invite to call and look before having else where. J- SCIIREYER & SON". June 1, IMA. VI.AKdE anit desirable sVici of Ladies' Dress Goois, of ery kind, for sale cheap ly J. grilErVER A SON. 4 LAUGH lot of Ladies' spring and mm X. mer Shawls, for sale ve rr low. by June 1, Hfiol J. SCli.1F.YR soy. tLOTH3, Casimeres,Teds and Summer W ear. for sale ch?.nr f'nn ee'r t June t, 153 J. SCHKEYERJJJ j O'.i Soltiiers' Blanks. I Tlbl'VTY LAN'iJ WARKAN'T blanks l"t j f .TtV. M'ar .,M?! ni for their Wid. ws, at 'lie OJM ef tit' f " 'n-r CS fricle. I I ail ergag.d ia me iroicr James F. Lien. J. HerilU Liaa , F. Sl J. M. LIXX, 4t(orneyi ut Law, LEWIbllLKti, 671 t'nion C .unty, Frnn'a. "Have you sees EAQ?" 1 U EEM. to be a Qaesiwn aiked bj tj almost everybody j but we inquiie, Aire yuu in the Late I'iim, with their snpplv of ItooM, ShM t, Ciultem, JlC.I rfr" tun subs- ribrrs ita. iiir associated the m pbt f!ves irf I'oparinership in besine- s, now oficr to Ihe po'lie, at the 01.1 S:at.J of 3. & D- Si.i(., i.j Marnet cu the cUenf est (for CaIi) a"'l t'"1 '"' r'f H TS nJ SHOES. for M';n a:iu B vs. ever olfered in Lew sburj, Also a i.ew and s.ei.did assortmem of I CUM SHOES fa- I. id'iei and lUntlemrn, ' A varietv of j:tii-rs. Half I. alters. Ties, Euk Hill 3, IJJ'il-l-, - O-l I ,.!!, ft l.,i also Ciui Irm's e-hoes of lb" Iatsl styles and sires j Ac. Ac. Ac. Work mJe to order Vcniwn ilct a uual and as the Wuikmn hate tenderej atistactmn herm-t r. we trust we hr,l! ha a full J-hare of pubiie pa'n SAM will continue lo te on hand as fi.ru.er'y. an. I h-f.e lo t've general earsrarisoo k, all com. in-.-rs, M.lf EK A M FADD1.N". I.ewislurri Feb. XI, Ii5 J. Franklin Harvey, to. t., nO.AL-roPATHIl' I'll -sit wouM reipec'fi.lly aaaounce to the cil.ziis vf I.ewisbur and vicinity that he ha? permanent ! Iucaf .l l.nn- elf ill this plac. ar.3 ass a share of the public, pa'rortaae, feei ng assured that he can treat with unsurna?ed success ail ' curable diseases that the human family ar prone to. In the treat-nnt of diseases cf fe males and children the great Homeopathic law Dtauds without a rival t ais , in chronic disea-'s. that his barilci the skill of oilier sys tems, II m'Sopathy stands forth as a g;Lnt claiming victory in alm.?.t every case. All ye alil.otcd. gue it a tria' ; it will not ctst you mm h. Try before von cr.deinn. Dr. H. is a regular gra lua'e of the Homrs noathie Medical College, cf Pennsylvania (I'hilaia) O.f.ce on Seeond street, above Mirk't, for I mcr.y M up!'- ! by Dr. v iljon, oneie r.e can. consulted at all times when tot oa profei s1'"1 ,!";'- f i t 11 .n i'.c Lenri,burg, April 20, 1S55. GREAT ATTRACTION T the Old Stand" cf j. iSAi rs &. t o. Just arriving a large and extensive assort mnl of NEW GOODS, purchased al the Uw- eat Cash lifiire, and ol course will be sold al a small advance. We have a large strrk of Dry fOOtlS or ail grades and textures Fancv Dtess Silks j ? ,rii ru cts to per yard. Ikrrge Xle.ainj 10 tu i." cts. Sriaily Bonzes. JJ.-rred ar.J stripej Borae aa lissaes, rrrncri, tngiisa and American Prm'S of all styles. lbO pieces of Madder color Punts (at Bi) warranted fast colors. a'-:o a hanisorne assnr'mept cf LACE and Embroidery, together with a great vanwiy of Gloves. Hosiery, Parasols, Ladiea" Port Monnais Ac sc. CKIKFHTKS. HARDWARE, CROCK ERYt CEDARWARE in abundance of a MiptriiiT quality, also superior lot tf STONEWARB of all descriptions. a In of Kcatly tuade t lotbins ilf :ml t aps i t all des-ri; t.ons. CARl'El'lN'ti Ingrain. All-Wool. Hemp and U g Carn;. Htair Carpets. Rns.Oilck-lbi Window Blinds e Ac. all of which, will be so! 1 l"W for Cash or approved cretin. I lie highest Market fries kin.!? ol bKAI.I. 1K( i.N.PLAMXIt.FISH,SI.T.COAL.Ac always on hand. J. HAYES A CO I.e'u-isburg. April 26. IMS; CABINET WARE. &fgSHSf? Having; taken the Shop on " North Fourth rtreet, rear th Franklin House, firmeriy occupied by F A Donachy and A D E'der, the subrr'tr mo respectluliv inor.ns the citnns tt Lewis'. urg and vit'inity lhat he is prepared to manufacture all k-in ls cf aliim-t Ware, cmprmrg BI'HEAIS. TABLES. Be.l.-iPads. Siand. Sofas, Corner Cupboards. Card Tables. all kinds nf CHAIRS. Ac Aisoihal hemakestxJ COFFINS lo iTder. and having provided him self with a Hi: 4Kt: he ul be prcpartd attend Funerals. IT ivicg engaged the best wr riSier .trierefi re the pi.Mlc may rely npon having the btst of work flora ihe best materials. JOHN" S. SHiPTON N II. Ail kir. ls of Country rreduee taken in exchange. Lewisturc. Apul SB, ISii KEV7 HARDWARE STORE ! OI'SEKrrERfs. attention Will te foor at ire rw Hardware Store of Kr. i- .(i.iis M FADDEN. Lewisburg. Candle- sticks, Siinflers, Cloihts Lines. Colfee Mills, Knives ai.d Forks. ?ears and Scissors. Bake Pans. Round and Oval Boilers, Shovrl.t and Tongs, S'air Rods; Ac., wh rh wiil be sold loir for the mont'v. Ladies, call and see. SHf HOE MAKERS know what a tr.-ve it is to pet an assortment of Lats. M. roccr.i.. Li ning and Binding fckins, 1-rcnch hut. nee Thread. Hec! Kails. Bestirs. Ac.; ail, and much I... re, vou will und at ihe riew Hardware s;or-of " REYNOLDS A M FAD1 EX. S5 ADDLEUS, if vou call and examine our stock of harness. Jindli sn l Roller Bnc- les. Ruts, Hames, Tiirrp. Mooiitnig, Girth ing. Deer Hair, f-iraining Veb. Saddle Trees; Whip Stocks and Saddrs"TooIs.Tou will 6J it to vour advantage. Haruwaft- ;ore in Lsw isbnrg. REYNOLDS & MTADDE . f 0L HMAKEKS will fit.1 censiaf'ir vtt J hand Flip-! : Sp.ings, Ailcs. Hal' Bands Laces, Oalt Friloes. Bows, and a gi-aera! aj- sori'nnt of Trnnmri'cs, at ihe risw Store of REYNOLDS A M'FAL'iiEN. LeVisburg. J 'AIlMt KS. roxe and Ftctminfr bi;r new' P s:ock. of Truce. Halier. Breast and But j Chains. 1 prong M. Fi r'.s. lfy Fork., Sf yites I tJra.u Ki'.;f s. Ctuorg Kr ives. Ac . nt HartU i ware store r.f KENOI.rs A M FAt'DEN. ("1 RPEN TF.KS, we can snppty yet Willi j the t-eU1 ;air.if;renfifliTixl t. hp'any' Piaaes. II mt's celebrated Haichets. A .s. A 4 zes, Bo.it Bull lei's Adzes. Chisels, fcuareia Saws. Saw Sets. Augers. Plane Bi ts, lldls of all kinds. All will be sold lr.ttcr ihr.n usual at cash pi ices. Drop in and see. gentlemen I no charge for examining slock, -t the Hard ware store of REYNOLDS A M'f ATDEN- DR. J. 3F. MT LURK, Sarcpon ar.il Mechanical Dfnlist, lespeeliully ori'ere his professional services to the i'.lies andjen- liemen of this place and Us viciai.r. it- tw provided wt'h the l itest improve i Porcelain Teetb, which w:!l be inserted on Pivot or Go!.! Plate. lo h-o's' as wil as natural. Teeth anrf Stamps nf Teeth, which have brcom- useless fr tro iWc'-'n. will be curac'e I with the la test an 1 most approvM iiMtruinenLs. in tne j m05t careful and scii ni.fic. manner, and with the least possible pii. rrs.-ns desirous of pr. ouiiig wiioie sets of Teeth would do well ; ;o give him a call. s much time, trouble ac.f rriefl.se miaht be wared by Laving their wort ,ionP at home. . Iu short, hi? is prepare! t ai- (end to ererr thine in t o ie ol l'ennsrrv. and his performance will b warntmed it answer ail t ie useiui oniwu.ciiiai rui vosw (f tfc. fc- rc."eren: ir-plv tn fett n-jmemrs cusf" mees. -uif. i'nion C ... fi.. fr:! .'t.'Mn 'j' i ..A '15 .- .V-t 4. Jt. il t '. A ill !