"nro.'x. TfoKurx 7i coRxeurt. ""jtfLT 20, 1S55. r Hi .aVi. The Lrtisreao (Imbi I... lb. lrr..t aoJ ! crculatioa of snj Srwspapor ta Cua County. Democratic .Vnmi'iee or Onto Cammiiiinrr, ARNOLD PLUMER, of YenaniM Co. electioneering. VTc are cotifiJent we spent: t!io wish of cry many if not a large majority of the citizens of this county, when we s nj tbat carried to every fircsiJe au J exteud its hen frith the prospective change in county j tCts a thousand fold more, than aDy other organization, b change in the raanner ot procuring offices should also be effected. The desire for cfu?e may be in itself a perfectly proper and laudable object ; the newspiper, is like a cat without claws." i tinn this day commemorates, have estab means of obtaining it, may be and often Therefore, worthy reader, I design, through j limbed fjr their political guidauce the fol ate objectfinnbV. j In alluding to the subject, we hav no i sinister design against any individual who in times past may lave used tho means of influencing voters common in this cocaty, or who shall hereafter choose to follow the emtom. Falsehoods, bribery, treating for j rotes, are practices which no one we pre-1 tiate wul attempt to justify, Jut there is another fashion whieh,at present, might be given up with advantage to the candi dates, the voters, and the country. It is the custom which more or less demands of candidate to travel tho oounty per tonally and solicit votes. This may be dona without any vij'ati.-m of law, of truth, or of honor; aul yet its tendency is to run directly into these excesses. When the county was divided by Pcnns Creek, there was comparatively littlo of acquaintance between the North and Siuib. sides, and some personal knowledge j of a candidate was then desired, which called for tho itinerating of candidates. But since Division is accomplished, the ease is entirely altered. Ia our smaller county, almost any man liidy to bo bro't j out for an office,wi!l be sufficiently known, to some at least in every neighborhood, to ebviate the necessity of an official visita- J tion in the plausible gaise candidates nat- j rally put on. It is also truo and wo rejoice that it is true that the County OSces will here after be much less lucrative than nnvr.arid consequently that less efforts will be put J fortn to secure them. Candidates mere- foro can not offurd to spend time and make exertions for offices that yield no margin of profit which will pay for extra expenses in obtaining them. Let, therefore, the names of candidates lie fairly spread befort the people, and let them select from the catalogue, without molestation or solicitation. This is more manly and patriotic, f.:; 1 will save candl dates and the voters an abundance of dis- j agreeable aud annoying outlay of time, of money, and often of tuaracter. Mutual diasimulation, intrigues, bargainings, be trayal', misunderstandings, disappoint ments, and bitterness, would also be more rare,and the best and not the most smooth tongued ar.d wire-working candidates would be successful. The Crops. An attentive examination of our ex changes from different quart rs strengthens our hope that the iueouiiog harvest will be to much larger and better than common, m to richly reward the cultivators, and at the samo time permit the indigent and those of limited means to obtin nce Qcirv f iri.1 fit Teasnn.ibte rates. This ffood . r . , - ..:i. - news is not couuned to any particular quar- .... va ..,1,.W,,! n,l nft.rHlatr-i Hitical platforms, Good Crops "know no! Worth, no South, no- East, no West," but re everywhere general. Good Crops (to ' r-v Iioitow another party figure) are aa " Na- 1-.onal ' as i.ioerfy mouia ue ; roor .rrp, ... r -, .. , like Slavery, are .Sectional 'much mire ... .i ai t. :. . 'sectional' than Slavery is. It is not . ... . .1 r ,t . natural, tot " constitutional, tonaveunf ' ., , . , ,. versal failures of crops m our eouutry, two .u j-- -,t years in succession ; with ordinary care and ; i , . . .. , . .; labor, such a calamity may be averted .,' , ,,.;, ,i. without any darfrr of "dividing the: . ,-. r Inion : and the scarcity of one year is ol- ' , . . n tcn succeeded by ovcrSowrcg granaries the . I w -. , . 1 1 r. i The blockading of the wheat ports of Bussia, and short crop in England nd France, wy create a large foreign do und for Wheat next year. But the im - mouse amount of that and other grains and froducts raised this year, in California, in the other States of the Union, and in the Canada, and the fact that thousands have i " ' . ,..,' this year learned n,t to live by" wheat bread alone," combine to reader an, , probability of a large foreign demand suf-1 Client to raise starvation prices again, entirely speculative. In the adjacent portions ef Union, Northumberland, and Lycoming counties, we have seen within the week abundant evidences of a very large amount of Wheat gathering ami to be gathered in, by reap ers, cradles, and in soihe places where bad ly lodged, by the scythe. The pain is very full and heavy. Some cf the late wheat bas tfce weevil, especially on the edge? of the fields; aud tome of the most Wkwaid was in danger from rust : bat the aanger is ot great. Mediterranean wheat s comparatively uninjurett Oats promise an unprecedented crrp potatoes also. Hay and Rye are a very fair average. Com is doing finely these warm days aid nights. Fruit Lm an excellent promise, W-Tbcreeiitwariiiwro4iandbnniicg$t;000,t00 of Bond', and that tho work un have ser:.'.u.-ly incommoded harvest haudf, aul many have given out in eonse- pooe in put neighborhood, but we have heard of do serious injury or death. Ia the itif, un-str it hie beta fqitit. Tor the Lewlsbnrg Chronicle. Information useful to the community, to attain the widest circulation, should he disseniiuateJ by means of the periodical newspaper. Published iu boot form or by mcaus of medical aad scientific journals, facta of the utmost importance will be locked tp in the libraries of the learned and wcalihv. or will lumber the shelves of the professional man. Published in the ' columns of the periodical newspaper, it will reach the many will, if sufficiently important mi interestirg, be republished, method of publication possibly could. To use the expression of a late traveler in this country " an American without a tho cluinns of the Chronicle, to furcish you with a few essays on TOXICOX-iOG V promising that few are aware that every day wo are cispose J to noxious influences and unsuspected poisoning through our ig- norance 0f the chemical constituents of the atmosphere we iiihale and of the substan ee3 we consume for our daily sustenance. Thus, for example, chloride of sodium, (common salt) used daily on our tables, ! and very often administered as a domestic medicine, is as violeut an irritaut poison in large quantities as, what arc called, deadly irritant poisons arc in small doses. For example, in the year 1839, a young lady residing in tho north of England, swalliwcd half a pouud of salt as a reme dy for worms. It was considered a harm less substance, but iu two hours alarming symptoms made their appearance, paralysis crime on, and although the stomach pump and other antidotal means wctc employed, she died in a few hours. On a post mor tem examination, those changes were fouud indicative of the effect of a violent ;rritaat on the alimentary pafsarjes. (Lnn- jon Medical Gazette, 1S39-10.) Thus common salt is as much an irritant poison a3 ars0T!i8, only requiring very large deses ta pro juce the same effects. The sulphate of magucsia (Epsom salts) will destroy life in large doses. A boy aged ten yiars, had two ounces adminis tered to him by his father, for the purpose 0r Jostroying worms, he died in 40 min- utcs This case is related by Dr. Christi son. Daniel Cox, an old man and con - , , i t , . i , .r arnica uruuK.iro, uaa me . mipnate oi m.,s- ncsia ailir.imstere.J to mm, in beer, as a trick. He died within forty-eight hours. One of tho murderers (in sport) was con victed. And wo have read, but a short time ago, ! of annth"r such sperti;e murder tliat of j a man in Marietta, Lancaster Co., Ta., who was ,y 0I0UU, Xiglii (Crotou oil) j mixed in his liquor by persons unacquain ted with its poisonous properties. Cold water, taken in largo quantities, when the system is excited, will destroy life Buddculy by shock or slowly by indu cing gastritis. Raw rice, taken in milk, caused the death tf young woman wilhin twenty-four hours, although emetics discharged a quan ttttr if tin - ttirt rvrprirtm A ifnn f inn nf . i ,i . , -. ,: ! f Iib stomach and the mechanical irritation , , , , i . i . i i of the hard substance no doubt produced ! . .- ,.n . j jiente fustntis. (Tins ease was reported in 1 - - i ; the London Lancet, April 10, 1817 ) j Dr. Taylor mentions the death cf a i child, aged seven years, from eating a large quantity of oraige peel. Thus, eases could be produced without i number, proving bow necessary information on f 3 to ,ho community in tl,at ,imely Botlcc nd """fl ith the proper remedies iudicatcd, should i. . i i ,: ...,: j t, -if l ! uaiB tutu., an t iiucu tub .v f . ctan can not be obtained for in a!! eases .. should the physieian be sought for, that . ' J . , e . , even if tne noxious substance has been voided, he may arrest the progress of at- ,..'. N , tending iuilainmat:on) may often preserve ,,?,.. , ' , 1 , , , valuable life : and if these essays should ' J be the means of preventing the loss of or f ? preserving one life, the author will be well 1 . ... i repaid for bis labor. And I have also an- f . other motive. t e have read remarks cir- culating tnrougn mo journals ot a loxico- logieal character, but abounding in errors, and calculated to do more harm than good. 1 To correct tucse errors would be a good j deed ; but this alone is not enough, for it i requires more space than a few lines to j show how in different phases of the same i poison entirely different treatment is neces - t a . r v . . . , . sary, I trust I have written enough t, show that the essays which will follow should he read and preserved by those who have the charge ot families; tor many noxious substauccs may be swallowed by the voung brood under their care, and a careful perusal may teach them bow to savo life when the aid of a physician can net be obtained. J. L. L. State Fair. t The tifth Annual Exhibition oi tue Pennsylvania State Agiicultural Society, to be held at Harrisburg, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 25th, 2Cih, 27 tb, and 3th days of Sep tember. Plowing Mitch on Friday morning the 28th. Annual address by the Hon. Frederick Wattj. ISusqnehaiina Central Railroad. We have been informed that the Direc tors of the road have procured the sale of j will now bo forthwith resumed and j pushed o to SunbBry as fast as possible. A road which can obtain torn sale of ! bouds in these times, n ut justly eooimand ! eutirj confidence cf capitalists. - Lcwisburs Chronicle Frw Soli Convention in Ohio, CoWJMUUd, O., July 13. The Free Foil State Convention met to-day. Judge Cowan, of liolmont, was chosen President. The unmbcr of delegates in attendance is icry large. The following are the resolutions which were adopted unanimoufly : 1. Ke jived, Tbat the iwople, who con- smute we i-upruine power in tuo uouw ...... . " .i . rr 1 States, snouia guara wim jealous care uiu rights of the several States ; and as inde pendent government?, no encroachment upon their legislative or judicial preroga tives should be permitted fruin any quar ter. 2. Resolved, That tha people of the State of Ubio, mindful of the blessings couferiel upon them by the ordinauce of frCL.jolu, whose auuiversary our Couven loft'insr cordial rules : 1. We will resist the spread of slavery under whatever th ipe or color it may be attempted. 2. To this end we will labor assiduously to render inoperative aud void that portion of the Kausas aud Nebraska bill which abolishes freedom in the terri tory withdrawn from the influence of sla very by the Missouri Compromise of 1520 J aud 3. We will oppose by every lawful and constitutional means, the existence of slavery in any national territory, and the further increase of slave territories or k?iaieS IU IU13 JH'J'UUlu-au Kvun.t-J. 3. Itcsolved, That the recent acts of vi olence and civil war in Kausas, iucited by the Executive, commands the emphatic condemnation of every citizen. 4. Kesolved, That a proper retrench ment in all public expenditures ; a thor oughly economical administration of our State government ; a just aud equal basis of taxation, and single di.-tricts for the election of members of the Legislature, arc called for by a wise State policy, and justly demanded by the people. 5. Kesolved, That a State Central Com mittee, consi.-ting of five, be appoiuted by this convention, and that said Committee in addition to its usual duties,be authoriz ed to correspond with committees ofotber States, fir tho purpose of agreeing upon a time and place for holding a National Convention of the Republican party, for the nomination of a President aud Vice President. The nominations are For Governor S. P. Chase; for Lieutenant Governor T. II. Ford; fir Judges of tho Supreme Court C. C. C. n verse and Jacob Drinker bMT; Auditor of State F. M. W right; State Treasurer Wm. II. Gibson; Secre tary of State S. II. Raker; Attorney General F. T3. Kimball; Board of Fub- WwksA G CoDver3e. A good deal of enthusiasm was manifest ed throughout the proceedings. 3TTn Indiana, the same day, some Seven Thousand Freemen assembled, and with great unanimity and enthusiasm a;.,cca upon measures tending to r-jpel s;Rverj aggressions. Liquor Law Items. Thomas Morton, of Philadelphia, was last week convicted in the Quarter Ses sions of selling liquor to minors, was on Saturday last, sentenced to pay a fine of $25, and undergo 20 days' imprisonment The Maine Law. From several pla ces in the State of New York, we have cheering tews of the workings of the Pro- hibilory Law. which took effect on the J ' . 4th inst. in that State. Binchamton, Os " al fc. ' we"o. Elmira, Syracuse, Corniog and ma ' o i " b ny other places, have closed their Bars; and some of them are drape 1 in black mourning for dfparted tpirils. Athens Gazelle. Iu the New Hampshire Legislature, a strong Prohibitory Law has passed the House, by a vote of 218 to &0. A resolu tion was also passed, declaring it the duty of Congress to prevent slavery in the tcr- ! ritories ; repudiating the interference with the Missouri Compromise, and demanding its restoration, and asserting non-submis sion to the introduction of slavery into Kansas, and a determination to use all constitutional efforts to prevent farther ag gression by the slave power. The ruoiiiBiTORY Law at Cousino. We learn from Corning that a public meeting, comprising the most influential citizens of the place, was held on Satur day evening at the Dickinson House to exchange congratulations and take mea sures to thoroughly ef"" the Maine Law. Major Fields, the p .jiular landlord, presided, and expressed his determination to obey the law strictly. Eh pent speech es were made in support of the law by Se nator D. S. Dickinson, D.D.Comstock and . ' f I passed to snpnorf the law, cost what it ft J bc ju c Sw YonK. The Courier others, and resolutions were unanimously and Euquircr snys that " Much circum spection was shown by those who sold liquors on Sunday, and the visions of the penalty often dollars fine, or incarceration iu the Tombs, restraining mauy from un limited indulgence of their appetite for drink. The Legislature of Nebraska has passed a law prohibiting the sale or manufacture of intoiticatiDf' liquors to he used as a be- 1 . vcrage, WUICU WCUt lull) tueci lue lirsl OI April- The Nebraskiaa says that there is not an establishment in the Territory where intoxicating liquor is sold. New York, July 17. Recoider Smith dcelarcd this morning, in the cases before him, tbat aies, beers, wines aBd spirits that had pai l duties, could be sold ia all quantities by anycititen. National PnoniBrroRT Liquor Law. A letter from Mr. Marey, Secretary of State, in reply to a query of Mr. 14, C. Delaran, gives public intimation that the question of a National Prohibitory Law by Congress ia beginning to be agitated in the country. Mr. Marey, briefly, -though plainly avers the track cleat for the pas- and West Branch Farmer July 20, sage of a national Jaw, whieb will in con junction with a law against manufacturing, end the traffic most effectually. Vfe learn from the J'ennstlvaniatt that the Liquor Dealers' League for tho State of Pennsylvacia.now nuinbcrabout twenty thousaud members, and are thoroughly organizing the iutcrior of the State with great energy aud rapidity, their object be ing a concert of action, t3 protect them selves and their interests, by legal, pecu niary, and political process, against legis lation upon tho prohibitory question. Pro -Slavery Convention in HissonrL St. Louis, July 17. A Pro-Slavery Convention met at Lexington, Mo., on the 13th, and Was attended by a lafge number of delegates. After a temporary organi zation, Senator Atchison and Col. Doni phan were called upon tor address tho Convention, but declined. Other gentle men addressed tho meeting, expressing themselves iu favor of establishing Slavery in Kansas by all lawful mcaus. The Convention was permanent ly or ganized by the choice of W. T. Wood, presiding officer. Resolutions were intro duced requesting the Legislature of Miss ouri to pass Acts retaliating upon and discriminating against the products of the States of Massachusetts, Vermont and Michigan. Pres. Shantion of the Un'versity of St. Louis, by invitation, delivered an address, setting forth Bible arguments in favor of Slavery. His speech was very ultra and iiiflammatory,and caused much excitement. Some of his propositions were strongly ol j' Cted ta. The Convention was still in session at last accounts. A Ruffian's Df.atii. Col. Young, the leader and spokesman of tho mob who visited the Lawrence District on the 30th of March last, and who gave tho first vote, swearing at the same time that ha was a resident of Kansas Territory,was mortally wnuuded in a fiht with James Rollins, iu Boone county, Missouri, recently. Rol lins was killed. Venerable Ladies Gose. Mrs. Margaret Cameron, aged 102 years, and Mrs. Bethinia Steward, aged 101 years, died in Burlington, N. J., during last June. The Know Nothing State Convention of Louisiana has again repudiated the Catho lic test. This will admit into the lodges American or native Catholics. I'cniifiIvania Magistrate t Law Library. 1. Binns's Justice, BUSINESS MAN'S LEGAL GUIDE. yew end Sixth fAition, brmgifg the Law dotcn to 1S&5. A Trenti on the cfllce mnt duties of Aldcrniftn. ft&d Juiti.-cB of the 1'faee in tm Cowrm-Aweallh of Penn.yl Tiinm luciudinit ll the reijnired F'irmK of I'roee-, and liorhet i.utrieti ; utid emhoilvinf: not tm)y whatever nay t -lerii.'-d vlyMUlO J t'I ICU f THE fUCE. hwt n Lwl' lords. TerantK, ai d Gent-rul Agent ; and siakinir thi volume hat It rurpnrt to be. A sife Legal G'.illP f-T u.ni'l MiA. Ut Jolin Ninn. late Alderman of Wat nut M ar t, in tlie rity of I hilad.'!'hia. The Sixth K:i tion. He, i.-d. eorrveted, and (trealily enlarffed bv Fred i riek C Trchtly, 11-, Aulh-tr f " a Trealiee ou the La of t'o-w." 'FiuitT Jurlepinlenec," '-Xwi I'rina ReporU,' K litor uf -Piiriloii'a IMt n," 4o. In ou thick volume, octavo. I'rice onlj $a,CV. AL90, COSIPAXIOS TO BINX5 S JFfTICB. 2. Graydon's Forms. Fomn of ronveTftn-in. and of Practtee In the tout of C"ii!in'in Tiead. quarter S..one. OyerimlTertniiiar.the Sii n me anl Or)i)ian'a C nl. apd the office of the. eaei (.11, tml oflixn and Justiee of the IVaee. Fourth Kli 11. n. re?ie'l. eorr.-cU-d, enl;irx--d. and adapted to the re a lit t.iUs of ll-e law; wilh eopionaexplanatory Not"and Kcforeiice. and a now, full, and eotnnrehenire Index, llv K jlrt b:. U rihl, fceq. In one Uilck OvUvo volume. 1'iicu only f 3,iu. tr, 3. Stroud and Brightly's Purdoars Digest. 17C0 to 1855. A Ti !-t of hf Lawn of Pc nnj'j' Irani. t. f om th tt One 1 h(iianti Hnirln J. to the Kmttt diy of May, Uf lh-m-n! E'jht llnn.rwimi Hfty-F.f. i h-- Firt Four Kdtti"U 1t the InU John Purtton. K.-. ?h' FiKb ith auJ STtiitli.)y tne lion, tji-ore 51. Mrowl. Kighih KiHum. i:fiT-l, w th Men;ir.al H.-l".-r,nw, ttot Nnta U' !hf Jmlii i.ii r-rt-innir, An:itytiral C'nntciit-; a Dip".tnl S;ibu of arh l it If; and a w. Full, anl KxhanwtWf It'i.l.-x. JT rtorirk O HnhtlT, K-'j , Author uf 4,A Ttvwti'C (ia the C AS." -tiiity Jurifrurti-iirN," .Ni-i I'nu Krnrtit," T. iitnr of -'..it.ntf' Jdstice." tie. tm t.i' k Koynl Sto. Vnc oely $5.1). fcThe tn.-hi.f(t and rruiniifiit t.uo of Turdon's Iiel art prt'fT il tT the pnbtication annually of ft L'.-t id thf l.-AWf ennett J in a-h Teitr. TiifH! unnu tl Itiffrit nr.- arranjrHl id j-rvTi ff.njiirmrtT to ttteyfan of I'tiiiiim's Lift. 'i h-y an, "ich uf Uttm, rpuitlishi-d annnallv; an iii--tf.i toother hy a iJrnffAl Indet (n-dart'tl an. w sfh yvtiT.f v.k-h embracf ilie for.li-t.ts fifth" Laws of oath yur Pince lb- puMintlinn f-f Hur d'.'n'i Ifijff-t. iu one nl hattvt; and are bound up Willi Prir ion n iM-nt. and alWta.l'I wparaHy. 'f i ui the ptir- haf r nf run-i.-n Ihn will allw.Hyg pa In crin of the com pi t rxnty of the .Statute Uaws of I'lraucvlvauia dowQlu th very hour btn bn purrln iu it. who liave already pur-ha-d I'urdnn W- p.'ft mny alwaya vui!ft it to date fur the frniail om cf ftfty (nt. the price of a oluiu continiii(f all the an Biial IievU iounl unc the hryt puhli-aiiD of the pre tint tdttioti of Purdou Pi; -t. a- lirt' f"re aUUd. KAY a Bi:0iHi-:R, Law licKJisLixim ai Prw!nns, 17 a iy South Fifth stwt first Store abrive -.b-'fttint. fVOrttt or letter of inquiry fur La Bookalram tU rfnintry, promptly atti'nd'd Jury List-Sept. Term, 1855 CRAXD JURORS. WuHnytm Oeor,:e l!ou.-h, A nth. oeeht. Oaf.e Solomon lu.wersox, Henry rtiH'h. George Kiule. Harrison fiwartl. aiirtl Jaruh iniuierman. Wit UmHV Jhn Clahara, John Ehocmaaer. VaTiAi John .Sweiiftle. Midiet;tA-f. V. H;i na. Mkhael EMIey. ivniu Samuel I'awlma. iif Win- Lindenniuth, D. Itangler, Sr. ii'tAyK. V. H. Linsoin. wi .u.fl-Jul C. Keily, A. C Wetiel. J-M(t ttWoe Abraham Frederkk. Juciwa- lilia llnrk. . .vlionrrooii Henry Kleffer, 5 am Del riire, K'Hy John Orove. Wil B-ocer Iraae Foirrljr. TFAVtusF. rrnotts. Fa'l P'ifaloe George Kieudier Tbomia Fenny, funnel '' i lomon Kenierer, P. Acker, Daniel Lea, 311- ehai'l Soiehcf. M--I Aeaarr-John JInrfaritj. Iianlel Alter, lt.uben ,m.h. John hiiue, Galrid Uwbaler, l.-aao I'oannat, f-junel HarkmaeatiT. eirir.r-J..lrn Weniiol, Oleo ore, Thomas Neakit, Joi. l li'Y. lierr, A. Uvi Inner, mule irr amul l-potte, Jo P. Hon. .'-;i.jri: farry Ulrich Jueyh aharn, Samnel Wer line. TTiiai.-ofoit Henrr Heirabach. i J. am litiniel Olt. jr.. Michael ITtrmniel. Andfew T.anil j cuarhleKer, Knocli UuiteiiuaJi, Uiorga llerinan, Joaa- l.M Uiilr. i t Vemi. Avaner-Joaeph Lonj, Ja&.b Oreenhoo. jr, Jeb Feef, H-ter bline. jaron iitrneii. fVrM JranKlfot Wm. Kohl. ninAlue John liileer. iurtiey Joeepk Miller, Taa Kelts. I .om Isaae tjer, jr, John Clemmena, A. Thomaa, Jo. M. Boujt. Hut.lUcrrek1 Duutelberger, CWaltar. Aijflf ntmrg Cy rua Katon. WW JVROHZ White Deer Fanrnel Uemherling, JaaM AlaBU, 1. 5 tad den, John Kauek. Nuidlrcreek Jacob Stoek, IVeJ XlifaJoe tleore. Haurk. l,mntimt Kavnl teiby, Ibrutisa Danbenmn, Tetcr Wehr. John Stera. Weil ll'ircr laac K. Vlh. . A"ey lAUiel D. Guldin, Jacob Hem!. J. Btmnrga, D. Noll. Bearer-George Stettltf, Jacob Bincaman, Adara Spncht, Jr. lewishurn Irl Pternef, .Tarrfea Alkao.I HajM, lagnf- tuff riloujrtito. Henry IU Moll. t7i"rtaun Andrew Zieler. larrtty Willuao fcveea, gamael HMrrar, S. Kaakntr, Jr. Wna.ilantlndon. John lloover, . ratr. iorne Henry. Frontm n. BowerKrj, John Snyder. Vt'CjAanpfan-ieo. 8hottherarf i BoyM. . H-iV'ie- Thomaa Cotneltna. .Vrir Kertm W n kMiar. Borough Settlement 185-1. Jovnh Glau & Samuel Slifer, Overseers ofl'uorDlt. Jrtth 7, 18JJ. to- in't of noorUldupliC forl8M$i98 0 Ch ree'd of A. 31'foy eeeilrity for Caver tjt i eara' flutuurt of IWhtcca UobU'atLliil S2 00 Ut 09 cii. n wiftntit asnendod for lutiiurt uf Ed. O- Don Del I no to 51-rrh IU. lBi.' 13 I Au't ekpaudvl f-r auppctt fit Jubn E(jb.rt Jr. 1 j Kebrf c Uond tfo Mary A. UtiU-Wioa do teliifuf J. Smith do dt J lim-nrinjj 4 lUr'porl ivrh htnunu 4o (J) ir;tli MH4-hauar ftf H.) rVlltrTtUl llilea rtu do Iiuj II -mm prj relief of traimient pHtiHir do cash pd fur uiciuorftuJutu Borifc mil pd Or.Wm L- WH-rfur K Dnacbys rLild rwitpd (J. F. Miller, ... for tdfu-eic Ovm-er aalary for r.'iceii nr iJiul Exun?ratiou.t od pxr taxduplieate rVir Wt Frc:iitatC" of oolleetiufi du ot IWtl ly italau.ee- due tuc Overacarf 6! Ol 1 62 b5 ! i oo S IKJ l;t w i JJ aij ' TH) 17 XX .is f?y CifaSea due to Orenren by 6otiougb Exoneration on xr tar fur 1564. B Adamj John U-rklt-y MatiMa K Unyttian Mablnt It-II Uvorgu Hnrn i'. I.. hrtdtrr Uorg H t lirist L II. Prolt-y A. S. K Uuucati O P. B Dy It ff hard Puulap tvlaiiJ John fc I'ranott Joi-iah K He kcr i-vi ftiiiony lluk'h K Uillispia V n. IIt- sinau .l.tft.b K H.llw-li Uharlet H'-u i'hcmaa Klin YLvlsv t.. Kin-tUe JoiuUiaO Kline I:iif Karr Dauicl 80 Kmd Francis tV? le i, curing JuMi'h H'l.rt(.D Nanry tstaUl K Mlill.'.n N m. Hi itiuian Jolin Ci l'ruH J. nn benf. l& I'ut th Henry 3.v K-irhh y Jar-b 8,. Siri'-klwoJ Samuel 3;t K StricklMtiJ JtremlalX ft:: K ynydr-r liquid avMuith .laiws .'i Hrirklatid 1'hotnaJ tf. K bhantion 6.1 Sief.iu )lic.it-l K Stewart Win. If. 3 Iokds lU-bt-rt ii? W. l-h C. d"i-'d. M K Wilnu Auianr) i'j Yot llarinn 4 : t li&Wt Manuel 22 g! 2- I $1J V'J i;b Taxed Id Error. JisrjJt Gtass, Collector Dli. June T, To amount of Duplicate fcr IbM, $1C0S DO CR. Caah pi Trt-asurrr July 2S, 14, pr receipt Supt?rior a Cee't fr aork do Caab' ptl Ireaeurvr irt. 16. IM do Nov. l 1564 Bi.Id fir wirk do Tush pd tbr Treaanrer INk. '9 165 ltilli wnrk A T,Crii -t lo V iih pd ireonun-r Ifi. 154 Mi liai aw..rb i.n ri-tA atf!. iii fil 00 '1 uo C 3 SO loo so lo 67 oo SI 42 15 I 4 IU 1-s.S. Jsti. I, lial.of Dute 4 int. pi Frlck k 611&r by Ci.llertir 7T H 1.S li l 75 BS UU if. 00 Jail. f. Hill r-41'1' l"id Ginler bj do 5 Utile work per r-nperiir 22 Cash p.l Treafliirer Mir.ler 1 O. N. Worden " Bill work per ?uriir fob. !r, (ai.h p'l Trvaeurer March 2. 1'usrl do d- KHIa work pe' tfttperrieo 21 Bill work Ac. do dn Aeuititin anndre taxes do May IS fah p-1 Treaeurt-r dn Ital.ol N-te k int. pd Joa. Glaae lb Ca.-b p.1 Treasurer Jnne 7 U.ll d i P. Horn bweglleetpr lill .r work on alley pd Mr.. Metriter" Am't tax per Is. Attr.ue.- pi li cullevtor Ain't il-i per Wui. Wb.ULa do Caeh pd Treasurer a..n.Tati'.i.f i.n duplicate for lS-Vl per centace for clleetmc dui.li.-ate llulaaice dua XkirougU ly vo.kek.ff IfO ( jf no li ! us 4i 2a oo K lio IP) i.o 14 CO S U 1 .1 US im i 2ft SO T. SJ 7i 1&)S 60 Exrmeratimt rf Bmmgh tax allowed J. Gtan or 1364. K A, Urn. .l..l.n 70 Mann C. B. 60 Anit.ti.dt tllrteon decd 7h K lau. John A. Berkley Mlil!a 1 tu Morrow Alexander K Brevmau Mahlon 1 i'. E Mnwrr Jantea B.,w, u. E. Mra. 1 Ml E Maxwell llubt B.llti. orra 0 K Milian M iu. Barnea C. I.. W K MyerH Unnial H Christ L B. 76 MM1.T jMepIt 1 oo E L'uiuiuiui:. Alexander 70 Miller Samson Prill Joeh K Duvrnn O. V. h live Kioliar I ?.. Nuuian John 7. E NelHin Jainet K Pro-. J. hn Star. 7.) Poelb ll-nrv '21 Pur. I KeutM'a 7. Keirhiey ,lac.ib 7 Ueiliitier OVors 7.. Mn.-klat.d Samuel K .s-rieklend Jcreslal ft.; E Hnv.ler llamel 0 .IriCKlanJ Tho. 'iS K M.aiion Ul. I..) iK.lt. MtcIi.i.-I I 2a K Strwart II. W. K UerVi.ee Joint K-trt J'.hn Jr. Kr-tsn.l J .hu E Franee Joeiah E PUeker Uii P.aher K'air lille.ny ll.ipb K (iilii'vio B llilea Ahrnhnra liit.--man Jacob K llall.'.trell I'baelM Kmttle Joaathua E karr Daniel Hi E IValee Tlu.inaa 75 1 eo K'lon Frauri. f,. e iiv n A. ; Oeteentlu.' Joseph Mort-.n Xancy Kalate xi Miller Jaaaea M E Errora 2? 75 1 anrt 42 : Juhn Ilmtjhtnn, Treasurer Jjlt. April 2d, l.sst. Tocaati rec d or P ilurnh. Burgees, pro- eeei Ot .s.OI uiawuuwu biakiuu. luauiuw.. . . touih U9 DO 51ar 10. To cash ree'd of Burgess for use of Towu Hull Jfilr 38. ea.-h ree'd of J Glasa, coilector, on du- plieata 61 OO h j vVoif'tfreeeipt for repairaof bridire ree'd of J iil.ss 2 00 la.u r. c a ol sftTinjMiwillnuonucounfc on renew.'d note 2 FO Ort.(l. To caeh rec.l ..t J iii. eollector.oii dup. CO oo - R","" for for ""J"' Sot. IS. Dre. 19. 3. rii r. c'.i of J Olaii.. collector ii so pui.'lrv WIN rrk rrc fi 19 M 4 00 ,tl 4! ci-h rif'l of J u ifntirT bill" W'-rk rc'tl of nuii'lrv t.i-is Wiirk P tu 4 OJ Jn'r 1. n,,t' n pa Fricfc, aiifi-T by colieclnr 77 2S " tiill p;M tilntT by cillerCnr IS 5 6. unary bills work. kc. ree'd of coHsrVtor 91 lb 2J. c-b r'd of J Oli.-. rniiwtor frdr pui l O. N. Woid n, rec'd of " lis 00 bill iaiilJ". M;tbua, bj Feb 5. nb r'-"d at J Giass Uavn-K 2. " 1 87 o.) loo oo afuti'iry mill worn rer a oi " ji cu Zl - Ac fw'iI of " 87 93 MttumptioD cf taxi-s t j TrvMairr for u S3 42 ! XT 18. enfh rr'l of J GIas 2J5 fV( 19. bal.of J not anil 1st. per " S6 H I 2i cJk rcc d ol J " l"t 00 t Jane 7. - " 34 m j $1 Jo balance due the Boron by the Trcastrrrr $U oo MatrhlS.MM. TtT Balance due Treasnrer on "ttW mnt ts April 2ft By cash pM Jna. Nebit note tntac'tU12 77 Skr.HlZfc"'?? ! M Mny lu, Cash Yd II. C. Ilirk,.k pornrdtr do X 00 2 .-mvnnrtiim It.ftk(i nr tnx duhlieatos fri Mtiy Mukiufiftit iirrutb ti -tuf irai lor iny v ao July :'s, .-b pd L. caiugs lusutniion tu renew H'uritvus not " 51 th,U pd do recount on Bnrgr-M not- 3 M) J. Wolf r-i.t f ,r rerairs i BnJtft 2 Oct. 7,:afh pd S.litstitntM.n torf:?w Birrff. ttcle 44 00 ? Krauin order ir njn-r iwr we'd of Coll. 3 so Nt. H. Kormish ecriv A Ht. fvd of II. H. Sheller "7 h pd llutb Miller for wiimudi; Tuwn rlock 6 76 "ot. 1$. Sundrr BiIU wurk tnr mip. rec. ot t'oilpct. 10 Dec. I. Ch pd ?nv.lnst. to rn w Kurp-xs tmt (' 0i lit, Suuilry Hilts wrk rer nnp. n-e'd Collector 3 4-i 2?. dvh p't I. S. Kreimr A Co. per rcc'pt forBifl ttmnnt U..ni)ib. 7 67 29.?ini(Jrv Hill pr Superrinor re. of Col. 4s V2 Jan. 1. lf6.'. HaJ.of I riek Sloe note pd by Jo 77 - X. t.ntrr Bill o s - Jan- S.in.lry fill wrk do M 7 22, ind'-r pd o. N. Warden do a5 o) Bill work r-r Jmph Maban do 1 7 Feh. l:.l;fll p't Klwr Torse pT reep ' Tn-aa. 40 Mareh2, CniU pfl i''- l"t- Btirej note in fnlt l.W 00 Sundry Billo wuri pfr Sop-TTiMr re. of Collector 14 oO MaktDff out peor tal dnplh-at lT 14- 2 60 Bill pi K. M. Iliinti-r for rvin not. on Bftr.oftrarsl ) Marrb 21, Bill P't J- Mt-rtz tcr qfta!if iuir do 1 12 Bt.1 pl A. II. Blair tvr ue of hourv lo h'(t fcleetion 5 Oo Sundry Bills work for supen'.aor rec'il of Coltecior S7 3 Bill pi J. Y. Bonn fir work Ac per rtorh 3 31 Btl.nfO. N. Wordf im old a-e int.p-1 t-y rrea'suzVr29 65 Wonh-n icornrlins Hill for printing tor the yea? l)f4 allowed bv Crtunrtl 7t Bill pd Ilich Oouflt.il.W for wn-icea of 2 12 Clerks salary for tlw tMf 15 OO May ls By cash pd 11. I, sheller in full for note aul interest aaiuat Borouth 2i4 1 Cah pt .1t. UtaMi in toll fr note aeatmt 4c WW A K. leiiormandu-s Bill for repairing and winding TownCbtek .rtliyi-mr 1M i W Clerks Bil f)rtraDciiUii;r th't Bmmjb ebarterand reenrl" from tlie year 12udate aa per nwolu- Imn nfT..n Coltnett. f'O 00 Jnue7, t'ab pd P Nein on hit aec ajralnst Bnr. 3i 0 Worden Jk Cornelius Bill for pub. tbu itatemt'Ot 1- w A ..rlitnra ohrifM fnr BC till OK aOIUl 4 .w 13 Bal.dueBoroutcU by TeeabUtwr 1: 1732 47 We the n triers! .m'.1 Auditors of th Borrozh of Lew Hburjc do herety errtify that w have examined the f .reiptinir eiounwr.f The Boroueh fir the year A. D. 154 and find the same to be rurrect. Witness our hands tha 7lh day of June A. b. IbiS- J.HIX lf.r,)i)DMA.7 JvHlNWAU,. V Auditors. BKVKK5 AMMONS, ) JulT , 1Efc Adrift "VTOTICE is hereby given that George 1.1 J. Swans, John Kiiubell and John W. Fisher did on (he 13th flay of June, 1855, ai New Coliimhia in trn?Tn county, fake tip i FLAT of fifty feef six inches in length and lurteen feet one inch ia width. Of which the wner, aud the public in eeneral, will please ak e notice. ROBERT CA N'DOH, J.P. White Deef Mills, June 2, 155 WOOD FOR SALE. PPLY to A. K. Bell or John Chalfant. iL Full cords dlivered. MaylO,J96 Notice. "VTOTiCE Is hereby given, tbat appli'. X caiion i!l be iRade to the ncil I.e(;iala ture of the CorurntfnWeakii of Pennsylvania for llie tharter lor a Bat.kiu be known by ihe name of the- 8Bl.I.SGW)VE UA.NK," io be locaWdl.iineB..rougl. rJrr.eiinsgrove.rnyucr;rt. L,l(n Cl,on, be e,pi.ied o PubUo couniy. (lately part ( Ui.n) wun B"-ra Sa!e lhr IWJ , While lieer Tp fn powers of discount ml depoiii.wiih a capital , j(m tV- Pa (,n TuMlSy . ,he 7lrl Any ot A of one hundred thousand dollars, and power j nell at , 0.clock A. M- ,he foUowm to increase the same lo , Jwo .nndrefl. j driCriLe., prp,ry, to wit : Jy6.'5S CITIZK.NS OF sfcLI.VStaiiQ I., j T)e ull'll,vi'jc, olie.uf!h part of . certain j tract of laiid iitnaie iu While lter township iMOalCIii !:ninn cnanty. contatnire twenty acres, more) SSI A PPLICATION will bemad to IM , - --- LIZ L,s ?ture lo.ehan!J.; tb,i,'V"n "i ' st a.,d south tr H. Hiiih, .hereon i. etec , ,o the - l.ew.sburs MT.nps n.i i.t.on, n a five fl Wlfi at l.ewisburir in the cottnly uf L nmn, lo " J lib , ' J j 1.E WI8BUKU HANK,'' with One Hundred , '"P; n ". anJ , ,, M io uo t 1 honxaud lOollars aJditmnnl capital, and : , ' r . f, auihonl.' to issue thru-own Dutr f"T Ctrcula- 'on ; sahjeel to the provtsins of Ihe general Dan King lavrs oi inis communwemiini By ortkr of the Dircrt.-r- DAVIU KKlil.R, Treasurer. Lewisborg, l'a June H, ltsf5. Worth Western Fire Insurance Go., AFFICE, No. 76 Walnut St., PhiFadd, J Insures dwellings, stores, ami other binM infr5, poods, wares and nerchanaie on ihe ... .. . most .avorable ter.; and will promptly and honorablv adjust all losses. Apply to JOHX B. UN, Attorney for thd CorCpany. Lewisburt?, May 11, If 5.. The October Election. Bay We are authorized to announce, that Jous Schrack. at tho request of , manj frienJs, soma time bince consented to be considered a3 a candidate for Associate Juitge at tlie coining Election. Some per son, unknown to biin, afterwards, uaiucd him f0r County Commitsioner an office J which it wouM not at all suit hia other bu-iiness to attend to,- and therefore he de sires Lis name ta be withdrawn as a candi date for that edition, with Lis thanks f r the friend! feeling Trhk.h prompted its I publication. I C?Please brins out the name of our old ! friend Mai. Anrnimu. Tihimh. of Winfield. i for the consideration of our pood people of i L'niou county, for County Commissioner. We have lo elect an entire Uoard and as Ma. T. has had aihfi!c experience in the office his knowledoe would be essential (with a new Clerk) in getting matters well under weith. I We do not know as he wants any office, but consider it lo be h oar interest to elect hun. 2wpd FRinND". j Messrs. Edil. rs I have seen as yet bn! a few names susriresied lor rte impottant othce , of County CtimmL'sitmrr. For two of those i Commissioners, I would pr.pnse JACOB. fit'NDY aud MAI'K IIAI.FI'EXXV. Both j are very competent and very worthy Mn, ami both stood up for the people's riphls at their own loss in Ihe day of trial. The rrcht Iras i Jj, i triumphed, and I know of no one i wnuli tn '. sooner see elevated lo an ht&or.'tb'e and use- ' ful poiition. J L STIC E. . "A T EsSRs!. EUlTrrKS : Permit me, through at1 l tie columns of vnr paper, to recom mend Mr. Iluzll WilftOll. of Mifflitibure, as a suitable candidate ai our next electmn for Ihe office of Atuieiutt Jwtjz'. As Mr. Wi'.sun is generally known throughout the county, it is unnecessary for me In press his claims, or dilate upon his fitness, b-il merely mention his ! name, and leave the issue with the freemen of the county. June S9J BL t ALK. IIO the Voters' of I ni..n County : As a can- i I rtidate for County Commissioner at the election in October next, we take pleasure in recommending Capt. (at'OrirO Sf-hut'll. of tied ami worthv'fori VOIt all the piirposfs of it VST UI KFALO. ;1 l illll.V Milllinburg, as a man iitiai 00 1 thai otT.ce. June 23. E rilO ihe Voters of I'nion County : Asa?her- i I I , T I P ! llie in recoTinuriiH da a taiiu rian. . . , Al.BKHi HT , of hue Deer township. Mr. A, is ell qualified in every respect for thai station, as all who knox him will attf si ; ami should h? be elt-rtf l. will anr"i1Iv re a popular officer. June 15. WHITE UEIZK. To the Voters of Union County. ITIELLOW CITIZENS I otTer myself as a carulidate t.r the O.Hce of SlicrHr, (subject to the iVciMon of the Whig County Convention.) SliouM I be rrominateil and 1 l If a -j . 1 .U. J. .t.i. i eteciel. l pieuse my u'ui5.i.dii;c mcnuiicj : of said oilke with ti-Ilitv ami imnamatitr. DAMEL l. OL LDi. Kelly TV, May 17. 183 tupd M. Woiidi. It appears to me that the ' time has come when tire citizens of I'nion counly should stigeet suitable persons lo il it the Otlices of the county to be elected at the : ensuing October elertion. By doin so in time, it will f.e more likely that those omces win ne . ; fiUed with the most Competent Officer. As I one ot the people i wouia supffesi ! g KUEU, Esq., of West Buffalo: township.lo I the .oOn.se. of ihe vo,,rs of Inion couniv.for : the office of ASHOClUt .IllIS of said conntv. I.EWTSBUftO. May 2o, 1355 if- 0. W. SCHAFFLE S WHOLESALE and RETAIL DrU'j and Chemical Emporium, Market Stret't - - - Iefisburr. I a. GEORGE T. COLE, DEALER in Tianos, MoMeons, and all tmJs of nusiriil 9lerrhau-, tlifff Keeps constairtlv on hand, Hallet at! Davis Boston ; Liuhte, Newton & Bradtirvs; ' i Xr v v MiviN .n and Bennett & Co., IS. j 1 IAM. Also, I'rinces & Co.'s celebrated MKLODEO.NS, rrices from SU5 00 In 150 CO. ! Orders from a distance will meet witn pmmpt attention. Second bauJ Tianos taken in ex- chance for new. Room direeilr opposite the Court Home, Williamiport, I'd. April 4, "55 S7am6 ADSIIIMISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is heretiy given, that Letters of Adminislrauon on .he estate cf jaa MooE, laie of hehy Towns ,p I n.on coun- ly, deceased, have been granted to the under - , , n . j . e , ained, by the Kegisfef of t nion connty, in due lorm of la tberefi.re all persons im . . i , . , , , , j . , debted to said esiale, are requested to irmUe ! lmmeuiaie paymtui , auu mose nivin; just I claims are also requested to present ihcm pro - nerly authenticated for seiilement w Joseph mooke, Wa.fcip(tln Tp.. Lvrominc Co JOHN SCH RACK, Eat BoRaloc To . Tnlf.a Co., Jnfie 15, 1655. Administrators Hap of Dnloa and Snyder Counties, j 17ARNISIIED, with Wooden Rollers, I V and orr Muslin, rea.ly to be hun? np, will be sent by the subscriber, postage paid : Township map, colored, for JI 50 Geological l 75 The Division line is drawn on this Slap, also j Townshin lines, and as ii contains all the 1 prrneirral Roads, and shows comparative dis- . - . . . .w-.l . . I . - A I I . W a . , oie m the location of the Seat of Justice. The GeoloKiral Map shows the strata of the calm two bounties, for cheaper copies of the Map. ai-esa; K. VOLKMAR. twi5barg, May 18, ISiS. Real Estate, Sheriff's Sale. P Y Virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. is- A ) 4aeiJ om of Ihr V.onri vl Common Picas piuLerty t JOHN KEi?sI.KR( Sheriff Sheriff's OXcr, .New Berlin, July 9( 8S5. A FARIil AT PRIVATE SALE. F.RM lidongiiig ICf the Heirs ef IV I ' 11 A II SILSOV. drreasel, containing ahcot 415 At'll of pni.d land, silaaitd in Kelly u. nsiiiii, I iil. n county, adjuining land of L'sir Houard, laac Kiifig and oth" er, on which is erected a 7'foo . ti ... - i. i. i. rj . ru.nr i .ic tint" rr.iu.r. a liirec uana DdlDiuu : ... pces,ar v" itM,'Ml, ' h i,r,, Springs i f nevcr-lailiug guud vratcr neaf tha tuilJii.es. ? 'l'hire in a'so upon the premiers, a gnfi lii'llcinil 0R'1IAP.L of clu.ite Fruit Ap pi. i'l'arhes, Ac. Sir. The land would stitl very well lo divide in Two Kur.i.s, as a good proportion of Meadow caft he al!.i!rr:l to rath Ti.tmi ! ITr'Tefins can be made easy, as One-Third i vt 'he ?"":n", ma' 7W on ,h pr?cr,y,- for finiier particulars, you are referred W J,,hn Walls,- I rwisbore; 'I homan Clinrjaff, the premises, or to Robert Hayes, near .Mill. .n. .Ni rilrumbt rlatid county. !7 it! a!.ov described property, if nol sold liefnre Tued.ty, the td diy of Oiobef next, trill !li?n be offered at fuhliC Sale ou the premises pt 10 o'clock of said da'r. JlORKItT HAVES, tmtofthKxr's. June a. i:ir. sasif A Valley Farm of Limestone Land, po.MPI.ISI.NG bniit 163 Acres, for J s.M.K. sa t J Fdr.Ti is in one of thebesS Whcai-prowius Tallies in Central PrnnsTlva nia, within i o m:!es ('iver a Budre) io a Rail road, arcev-i.Me U .Market:, in an eminently healthy neiohh- rhoi.d, near io Milrs, Stire.a ( hnrlf and i-lo.i l ilou.-es, and in ike midst ! of an iiiteliiir' nt and resrectiible tH'Pulalion. ! The Iir.pnv incr.ts arc a f.rt-e lass BANK i B AKM ft) by 45 fecl.with a fair Mansion f j Huit-t, Wa:on In use. Corn hense, andjL"xJl; I other suitable O'utbuil.ln es. It has a largel i pple Orchard, and Peach and Pear tret jAe suilicie nt f..r i rflmarr rise. Ihe Farm is all cbartd ncept about on acre (and pVr.tv of YoUan.1 m the imrcedi- ate vicinuy.) a'. I of Limestone soil, and as thd owner ihinks is nut strrpzssed for natural pio .lurt ve qnaiilis by any in the rotate. Ii wi I be sold wh'dlT, or a portion of SO td lot) arres. as micht smt a purchaser, IV 'Any cash man wi-hms such a propery ran ulitain furtii-r ir.fi.rination by applyine td O.X.Woruxx. ( hnrrnck otfice, lewisbors- F48(f FOFl SALE. I -ATIiaf Iart;e and desirable property on the' ' A corner ef Market and Waier streets.welf calculated fi.r a reairlenee, f.r business, or fol a resilience and place of business. There is s Iar?e URlCK iloSs cantaininif I lar'.'e r.-rirws on rhc first floor. S bed-rooms orf liie sr..nd ll r.and 2 rz1 finished rooms on i"'. iiiii'.l. A Kitthen and Wasnhouse adjoins Thrre are a!.;o a spacf.ms Cel!ar.!are Cemen( Cist-r, a Primp, and Well of pood water, M :.i!lt and a'l necessary Outbnililinea. Tor ti-fms Ac. aply to Oio. T. Miller, Esq. S. E.DAVIS. f-etrlsbiircT. Sept. 53 isjrt AVER'S PILLS. piiisir. Thtre has Iou t inn ft it z pa&tre demnwi for ttf efToetive purp.ttire pill which could be relied on arf nre and pcrt'e:tlT :.ft in its opemtiun. This haa been prepared to meet that detuaiTd. and an extea ive trial of its Tlrtur hut conclusively shown wirtt what snt;es it accomplishes the rnrpose deir,ed It is eauy to make a hvnical pt.'K lot not easy ut matte th best rtf all piOs one whieh should hav r"Tie of the oMt-ct.f'ns, but all the adraiitaice, of. ererr othrr. 'I his h:is b en attempted herf, andl with hnt ucCss we wftu.d rcertt'nlly submit td the p-.Mir rit'-tsion. It has been unfortunate fur the pntk'Rt hitherto that ajruewt every purativ n.fdiririe is acriincnious and imtatiuj to the bow-i els. This is not. Many of them produce so much frripini; p iin ar.d rei-ulion in the syneru as to mor ttian counttrba!.inee the (jood lo be derived front thm. Thec pi-!i produce no irritation or pnin u:ile5.i it arise frovu a previouult exist in a obstrae- i lin or derangement in the bowels. Being purelr vegetable, no harm can airse from their ue in anw quantity ; but it is better that any tnetHrine should b takf'n jutlitioii-T. Minute dirertions for their no in the scrcral "disease towhu h ther are ap pTienhle are Rivpn ou the b-. A mo pi? lie com pmnits w hich lrt Iteen prwexliiy rurrd by them. w m.iv mention I.hvr Complaint in its various formal cf Jmmdiee. fmiiirreition, LanjtioT'and Ls of Ap petite, I.itlles8iietH, Irritability, UiUVias Headache liilious Fer r, Fever and Airie, I'ain in the Sid and Loins ; for, in truth, alt these are but the coiw ae.jm-T.ee of diseased action in the liver. Aa ait aperient, they a!f-rd prompt and anre relief in Coa ti renews. Piles, C'tfie, Irt-entery, Humors, Scrof nla and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of tha body t'l.-rrs and impurity of the blood ; in short, any ax-d fverv case where a purgative is required. They hae aro prodtired mme ainnhirly ue eeful cures in Rheumatism, lioirt. Iropsy, Gravely Kfysinelas, Falpitr.ti-tn of the fleart, rains in the Bark, iSfonnmch. nd Kide. They should be freelr ttken in the sprint; uf the year, to purify the blocdl and prepare the sTstem for the change of seasons. An oceasional dose atimulates tlie stomach andi boweW into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by thei aumuiani acnon on tne circulatory system, reno- vate kte sirengtn oi tne doxit, ana restore tner waited ur diseased energies of tlie whole organism Hence an occasional (fose is advantageotts, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far as ererv purgative medicine reduces the strength when taken to excess. The thousand case in which PJc is required ciuinot be enumerate here, but thev sugcest themselves to the reason of ever . . . fi,u,.i. .k;- n nswrr a oeitrx purpose man any roing mca amw hitherto been available to mankind. When their Tinuei rowe Known, in, jmrnc nu no ion kit A"btwhat remedy to employ when m need oi a fREPARED ; JAM FS C. A Y E K, Practical arrf Analytical I hemiM, Lowell, .Mass. Pike 25CcniptrBnt. five Boies forSl- ; AER.M , rkv pectoral, f fc rf C) h c d Hoaen Bronchlll hoop.ngr ough. Croup, Am.) ; , r. .',- 1 and Consumption. 1 , 'rH,s r"r'Tb on tot iteelf nieh CMonerf from itarures of every TanetT of pulmonarr diseaaa, . ;. ,:. : . - , .,,, k. - i denees of its virtues in aryr eommunirr whera ia 1 has been employed. So wide is the field of its fnuiess, and so mrmeroua the raaea of it curev that almost everr aection of the coantry abound in persons publi.lV known, who have been restored from alarming and even deaperata disease of thai luiiirs by its use. When ones tried its aupariority over every orier medicine of its kind is too appal ent to escape observation, and where its virtues ara kaviwn. the pul.tie o Iciiecr hesitaie what antxtota to emplov for the distressing and dangerous aftae tions of the pulmonary onrin which are incident to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks npon the lungs but fir the milder varieties, ef Colds, Corona, IIoaRsvncss, 4e. ; and foe Childres it is the pleaaanteat and safest medicinal tbat can be obtained. As it has long been to constant nse ttronghrra this section, we need not do more than ajanira thai people its qiialitv w kopt up to tha bast that it aves? . tua been and that the lenuine article ia sold by ! . y J. . '. fat 8d by c. tim, t Cbri.t CaMw.it. lis- KlkO'r. Minmbur;. and hy all DvalsrasvUT s. SY EXPRESS Jnstrecei rly ol Orarces, Lemoos, I li"t WtHRISraVCJ Y EXPRESS Jnst receitred afresh rp- ,RaiM,riga.eiev