Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 06, 1855, Image 3

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    Lewisburg Chronicle & West Branch Farmer July 6, 1855.
Tlie Lewisburg Chronicle.
A ioif"Dt rami iorit,
Jaued on Friday Mining at Lcwi&urg,
l'nl; county, rennryhaitKi.
rs(rv-$l,M per ;r,TOt raw is anvascs-and
.1 tli. m. rat. for I""" ' hort' r P"'0"- Th".
-it .... tor fuar months, 75 cte fur ils mnntba,
..i-htmontliJ. $3 for .liteen Booth, 3 for two
' l". insls No.'s. A -'ts- I'asmcnU by mail (paid)
?"t"'.a in eold. potS' rtamfJ, or Uuk n-.tea .t their
value bre. -Parli t0 ""p "iUl tim pid
limmuixi linJmely luerrUJ at SO ccnta per
. ,uar. on- ee. 25 "" M,-h u,1u,-n insertion. $3
for .ii mth., i T"r l,a,f a "I"-. '5c $'!.
S. Toi'r'',',,:i0c '-i:,!i0" M'anU fc. not
over ft fourth of a column, $10 a year. All other as may
he aer-sJ upon. A juare ia 16 lines of brevier, or 12 of
nnoi'iMl. teW iti-rc'types, auil adrt-rtiMliuiinU of
m deiflorslii'C te.nd-ury, are not admit U-J.
Corarannicationt d.'lred on topic of j;-neral Interest
Bat within the ranee or party or aertaf ian e-oleat. All
Mtera to come post-raid, icenmpaub-d by the name and
alireM nf the writer, to reet ive attention.
11 ir.VPTfCi TEI.KrjrtAPH ia located in the offlra
r the Clir-snieta. by which we often got important Newa
in advance r.f the Mail.
Conuett.-d. with theOfflce are ample materialf furm-at
kind of .IDA FKISTISQ. which will be executed with
DratncM and delr-nt. h and on rcaaonable t.rraa.
jij.r'a.iial .lrrlim-nt to l paid lor wucn nana
tn. and W.Tk when drll.errd.
o e,)flc on M .rk't (tr.it, uorth ride, second at'.iy, M
.ar abore the l'ot OQcc.
JLcivisbin'ff, Vi.
Friday Morning, Jcly C,IS55.
bVKRTIZB' Manufictnrer., M-fclianta. Merhan!
a... i i.. . . ..i.. I iiiuiitrf. l'uMi-h.-re
.11 wh , wi.h to .uv or a ll wool I lo wl I to eii.plov the
column, of the ."''"'? rieaeiWe. wlii h li a large
ul iner-a-m: eir.-ulall.iii in a e -mniiintty c -nl limn a
law prorto.ti of .rti..-. ..l v.-nt proJaccre, c .n.-uin-ri
and dealer an aoy in tiic State.
CJ-Scc .Yew Alerliscmcnii.
BaTProf. Whitman, in consi quenee of
paramount cliinis of the Frf eburg Aca
demy upon Liin, Las resigned Lis station
os Suier'tiitcudeiit of (he Couiuioq Schools
of Union County.
KTThc Fourth, be it known, was deci
dedly a wet day, and thereby many plans
fir celebrating Were frustrated. The Ladies
r f Lcwislnrg iiad provided for a general
out door pic uic, and invited everybody to
participate ; and as it wa, refreshments
were served up iu-dira, to very gcucral
Jkr.set SiioitK, July 4, 10, A. M.
A man named Nathan Homier, was ac
cidentally killed this moruitig by the burst
ing of a cannon.
CkoI'.. Farmers in Uuion and Nor
thumberiaiid counties are gathering in
large crops of clover and timothy, ltye
is turning color, and Wheat somewhat
lodged by heavy rains in some localities
is nearly ready for cutting. There arc
eoine complaints of the Weevil, but thus
far nothing like the evil of last year.
A gentleman just from the South Wes
tern portion of Pennsylvania, states that
the wheat harvest has already commenced
there, and that every description of sum
mer products promises to yield very abun
dantly. JSTWe learn that during the Senior's
absence ono of the New ISerlin papers
intimated with characteristic mendacity
that it was to avoid being a witness at
their late Court. Tho truth is we had
arranged the visit three months previous;
stated it publicly at home aud in New
Herlin ; and passed the New Uerliu Con
stable on the street, twice, without know
ing that he had a (ubpocna for us.
Jtut it's not too late, neighbors. You
wanted us to prove the publication of a
certain handbill, for the original of which
a handsonia reward w is o'J red by some
of your most responsible citizens. That
original is ready, gentlemen, waiting for
your money, l'lease remit !
Notice. We are requested to state,
that there is a general law of this Com
monwealth, forbidding and imposing a
penalty upon any person for using torpo
does or Cre-crackers, and that it is the
design of the authorities of Lewisburg to
cause the enforcement of this wise regula
tion hereafter. Merchants and boys, look
out !
tsTOa the 27th ult , we wrote a letter
in Athens, which is post-marked the 2Stb,
and reaehed its destination, Lewisburg,
six days afterwards, vie 4th July one
day after we had reached the place, in a
trip of G or 7 hours' travel. Six days for
pre paid letter, only 6ve days longer on
tho way than the writer using the same
mode of conveyance 1
Crxsued to Deatu Mr. George
Tribley, of Sbamokin, was torn to pieces
in a shocking manner, at a Coal Breaker,
just above the town. It appears he got
entangled in the gearing, and was killed
instantly. He was an American born, a
respectable man, and has left a widow and
eevcral small children to mourn the loss
of hnvband and father. The accident oc
curred on the 20th June.
A meeting of the Stockholders and Di
rectors of tho Susquehanna River aud
North and West Branch Telegraph Com
pany, will be held at the Montour House,
iu I'aoville, on Tuesday, the 17tb of July
next, at 1 o'clock P. M., for electing
officers for the ensuing year.
West Point Graduate. Diplomas
have been given to the following named
graduates of Pennsylvania : C. Van
Camp, Michael P. Small, D. McM.Oregg,
Of Center county, Lewis Merrill of Union
county,. L.Harti, and T. M. Bryan, Jr.
Got. Pollock has received from the
College of New Jersey, Princeton, (where
he graduated,) the honorary degree of
Ioetor of Laws.
fw E. Welles, E?q , has been ap
r;ottd pottB.ter at DcfrancTill, in
Ciiatoo county.
The Farmers' High School
On Tuesday the 2Gth ult., the Commit
tee of the Trustees of the Farmers' High
School of Pennsylvania, consisting of the
Governor, Hon. Frederick Watts, and Dr.
A. L. Elwyn, accompanied by Hon. Win.
Jessup, Uon. A. O. Heister, R. C. Wal
ker, Esq , II. N. McAllister, Esq., and
the Secretary of the Commonwealth,Trus
tees, via'tcd Centre County for the pur
pose of cxaruiuing the farms offered by
Gen. James Irvin upon which to estab
lish the said School.
Gen. Irvie offered the Trustees their
choice of three farms, each containing two
hundred acres of tho finest quality of
liiuestono land, situated iu the heart of
one of our richest agricultural towuships,
aud all in a high slate of cultivation.
After the farms had been examined the
Trustees and all the company adjourned
to the dwelling house of Moses Thompson,
Esq., at Centre Furnace, where more than
one hundred and fifty persons sat down to
a sumptuous dinucr, prepared by Mrs.
Thompson, whose hospitality, and kind
ness will be loug remembered by the com
pany. The Trustees left for Lock Haven on
Wednesday afternoon tn route to Erie to
view the farm offered in that county by
Judge Miles. Bcllrfoatc Wn'g.
Sr. Louis.
July 1. We have a rumor of a perso
nal encounter between Gov. ltecder aud
the notorious Stringfellow, during which
tho Governor was badly injured.
ttttoffttmrff JHarfcrt.
Corrtcttd W'tekty.
Flaxseed .
M 00
. 1,00
. b7
. 50
. 1,12
... 12
... 10
... 10
... 12
Tallow ..
liacon ..
Dried Apples. 1,25
Uutter 10
Llovtrsccd 0,'M '
Tn Vnrilirtr t 1 n 1 1 IfilS lilt., a d 57 war.
Mrs. Hantaan S. wire of Saml A lVirken'bitie. I
. ' i
In Lum stone Tp, 2Sth ult., WiiliaiifNor-
man, aed aboul 7:t years.
'Witli Divine permissioti, the Kov.
Joti.1 P. Uensris will preauh in the Preiit.ytcriiin Chtirrh
In thia place, on next Sabbath, the 8th inL Public wor
ahip will tiegin at 10 o'clock in the morning, and at 4
o'clock in the arternO"B.
Di-.niciTin.i . The new M. E. Church in
Muncy, wtll be dedicated to the worship of
Almighty God. on Sunday, Ihe Sih July. Ser
mon at 10 A M by Rev l)r Sarpent, at 3 P M
bv Rev Ir Biuvtnan, and at ntcht by Rev T
M Reese of Danville. The friends of l.ewisb'g
and vicinity are cordially invited to attend.
Jusnra KtLLT.
Muncy. July 2, 1835 Tim's SMEULnrK.
suliscrilier has
IdS Il-UI'lIllli HIV
MEAT MARKET in the rear of his
dwelling on 8 3d street. I.ewisburw, (opposite
the Methodist Chapel) where he will endeavor
tn furnish in their season BEEK.VEAL. MI T
TOV, Sec, in (rood order.
The prices for cattle, etc., continuine to be
klnu ..!! ,ll n. ...... kl. .... e I
. wot at viji tcasouaoic idles lor
I'F'Fresli on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
TnTirF is: hnrpllV irirPIl lhjt Cpfirtrp
.Vwlltri IS Ilin.D) f,lCn UUl UtOrl
ll J. Swans, John httiibell and John !
J. Swans, John Kttiibell and John W
Fisher did on the I. 1th day of June, 1855, at
New Columbia in Union county, take up a !
FLAT of fifty feel six inches in length and
llurieen feet one inch in width. Of which the
owner, aud the public in eeneral. will please ;
take notice. ROBERT CAXL'OR, J P.
White Deer Mills, June 20, 1S55
TT)AT)OJ IK n ill I. ritm.lt'A.1 nt ffin '
111V1 UO.ILJ BUI Ut IClllirU Ul lilt ,
a ouice oi ine secretary oi i.ewisour? no-
rouh, until 7 ocl.icli, P. M.of Monday, July
B, for building a Iliidge across the ravine in
University Avenue, aud for filling up by the
cubic yard ihe abutments for the same. Pro
posals will be received for one portion, or both,
together or separately. Plans and specifica
tions to be seen at said office.
By order of the Boroneh Council.
JOHN" HOCnill'O.V, Sec'y.
l.ewisburjr, July 5, 1455.
fOTICE is hereby given, that appli-
i cation will be made la ihe next Legisla
ture of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
for the charter for a Bank, tn be known by the
name of ihe sELIXSCRoYE BAXK," io be
located in the B 'rough of Selinsgrove, Snyder
county, (lately part of Union) with general
powers of discount and deposit, wnh a capital
of one hundred thousand dollars, and power
to increase the same tn iwo hundred.
WATSONTOWX & White Deer Mills
URIDfiE COMPAXY. Notice is here
by given, that Subscription Books to the Cap
ital Slock of the Watsontown & White Deer
Mills Bridge Company will be opened on
Wednesday, the 1st davof August, A. D. 1855,
at ihe Hotel of Jonas Fisher, at White Deer
Mills, Union county, at which time and place
the undersigned Commissioners will attend io
receive subscriptions of stock to the said
Bridge Company. Robert Candor,
James Culbertson, Jonas Fisher,
George Little, Joseph P. Hoge,
cfam'l Brady,
William Fearon, Jr.
John Watson,
E. L. Piper.
I). Correy Watson,
July 6, 1855.
Henry Hisrh,
David B. Kaufman,
Sam'l L. Beck,
Charles (iiidykunst,
Anthony Klechner.
I' 1ST OF LETTERS remaininr? in the Post
j Oflice at LEWISBURG, Pa., (Juaner
ending June .iu, issa.
Hiker Miss Kate
Mertz Henrv S
O Teasy Daniel K
Rosenthal E
Mrnlher Wrn II or
K FTarboroughACo )
Stewart H J
Stewart O W
Siewart R
8nyrler John
Spoils Johnston
Thompson Miss Ruth
Tyson Mrs Leah
Taylor Alfred
Williams James
Berkstresser Jacob
Breyman M 3
Bnhr Peter
Cole Daniel 3
Cramer Benj
Uoebler Miss J G
Eyanson Thomas
Everitt Charles II 3
Finch Jesse V
Fell O I,
Hubble R M
Kolp Daniel
Lettzel Elias
Lidwick Miss Almira Walls loseph
JHJeiiell Misi Harriett Weaver Wm
May James Weaver Jacob
Mackev Rev E D Walter Mrs Isabella
Miller DBS WitteomvirMissChris-
Michael J J tian
Mertz Henry 46
Persons calling for above, wiH plrae say
thtv are advertised, or they raav ne.tgi them.
MANILLA Rope, for patent Hay
Forks just received and for sale bv
June 15, '53. J. HAYES A CO.
T)EAVEK & KRF.Mi:u have jitst receivd
) a lot of New Oooil. cotiaisiini of La lies
itieis gonrW, dress trimming French neeJic
work prints, Hasery sliawls, &c. &c,
Juno 15, '&.
INGRAIN and Venetian carpels, a enod as
sortrrient just received, rhf.iper than ever
oy June la Henver A Kremer.
1 LEATHERS. A prime arliclcof live peese
Feathers just received and for sale by
June 29, 18S5. BEAVER o KKEMEK.
"ES fl XG .Sand Panto . ions Sin tR Ava
riciv of fancy and plniii Vrsttncs, suita
ble for tins spason. and nf the latest sivles jiisl
received and for salt' cheap. Also, handsome
summer Fantaloous Snilfs f. r cemli-nien and
boyi' wear. liEA YER KREMER.
n.Xl Nel .Mills, truli and without fiir.'.rrs.
Muss Trimmings and a vanty of Trim
niins, Fringes and I. ace, for new sivled man
tilla's and dres-es. HEAVER KREMER.
"MNE Swiss Ginghams at 1- els.; also 40
Inch Sheetin". fine nnaliiv, at cts..
and a variety of M'rarhed ami l'nbleaehed
Muslins, n.iglih Table Covers, X-t Shawls,
Madder Prints at CI cts and numerous other
articles, all lo be sold nl low prices. Call and
QITEEXS and Glass Ware. We have just
. received a new assortment of China,
Glas and Qiienswarr, of the latest patterns.
June 'Hi. ls;.-. BE I VER . KREMER.
IX. tn
TTOUXEY at Law, Mifflinunrg,
nion Co., Pa. I v"A!l professional bu
siness entrusted to his care, will be punrtiially
and faithfully attended to. June 1, 3oyl
("I.YUI'KTS. A very larueand well selected
j lot of cotton an 1 all wool Carpets, from
2i cts. lo ft "5 per yard. A portion of these
Carpets were bouqht at auction, others direct
from the manufartnrs. at price that we can
sell ihm very low. Those in want of Carpet
we invite? lo call and look before buvins else
June 1, 13A5.
4 F.AKGE and desirable stork of Ladies'
! j Kress Goods, of every kind, for sale j
cheap by
4 LARGE lot of LaJies' sprinr; and sum
nwr Shawls, for sale very low, by
June 1, IS-.:. J. SC1IREYER -V i'-v-
"iLOTIIS. Cassi.neres.Tweeds and Summer
. I Wear, foreale ch":ioer than ever by
June 1, Hi'i.i .'. SVURKti.li .y
Union County S3.
jn ,), c0Ilrt 0f Common
JsEll. Pleas. In the matter of the Appli-
cation for a Charter of Incorpora.
lion of "Charily Lodge Xo. Ill at j
I.ewisbur!'; Pennsylvania." Anil now to wit:j
Mav the 14th A. 1J. H.i3. the wilhin Instrti-1
nient of Incorporation of "Charity Lode, Xo.
Ill at Lewisburg, Pa presented by John B.
t t... ... 1 ' ...... I K.. ,i,u
l.oiii, cso., to s.iiu i,uii, cimuiiKU w,1.
,:.r, ,n I.I.. oh.Hcts nettles, nd ri.n.l Hons
therein set forth and contained appearing law.
ful and not injutious to the community. Said '
Court directs said Instrument lo be tiled in ihe :
olTice of the Prothonotarv of said Court, and
also directs notice to be inserted in Ihe '-Lew-isburs
Chronicle" for at least three weeks
setting forth that an application has been
f-vr:1,, ,, ,.,t ,f .il',r eit reason
i, .,,.., ,t,. -,.,. ,h said Court a:
September Term, the next ensuing, will grant
. charter as nraved for.
Per Curiam.
SAMUEL Itorsil. Proth'y.
Helmbold's Genuine Preparations.
TTFI Ainni TVS IH rlilv CiincpntratP'l
11 Compound riuid Elrac ollollw, CIVAt'f"If,w n
in t in:,
lor Diseases ot Ihe lllaihler ami i
Kidneys, Secret Diseases, Strictures, Weak-;
ni"ss' n" a" diseases ot ihe Sexual urcans
Bhlher in M3le or female, fr.m whatever;
ran,e ihevm lw ..namtunl ami no malted
of how lon staudtn. (
If yon liave rrnitraet..i the territite itUea whi.-li,
wln-n one-; teat,-J in lltr avtiteni, will Biir-W co d"
fr-.m me .-ii'-rati'in to n"tlier, unibTiiilinliK Hie cea
stitiitt at ana -a'.ti'. the rr .iliit tluia. il life, do n ;
tru-t y..urwlf in tlie liat.ild -A Quai-kn. who ft.irt ai -f .
t ertr .l:,y in a rit, lik.- till, an.l fill III.' paM-r. witn :
riu r.l-'-ti".. t' w.-ll cnl'-iilate.l tn .l'-eeie the yo-ia :
an.l tli..!. ni.t a'-iiuniiitisl with tfieir trirhs. Von (
l D t 1 loo cutcful in the seh-elton i-f a ieiiie-ly m lli :
I an,-. i
The Flui.l Ettrart -f Bti'-hil lis h. n nrononnnt Y j
emio-nt rl.VM.isi.5 thn Ureate.t It. m.-d ever knew.
It I, a m.:.lioe p. rf.ly ,,l-,sant in It, ta-l-an.l v
iimorsrni m in a tiai. ana yci iio mot
that it aiiv
tiiat,' vttv psrlii le i.f ttie rank an l i"i .inMis .irul f
this dreadful disease ; and. milito- nthfl- reiinslira. ildtit
tint dry up the di-ease in Ihe hl.Hnl. I onfltit al. rl
Debility, hroticht on by S'-lf a'-u..-. a ime-t ten n
dis.-ase, whtrh ha hrotittht thuu-atiils of the h j
man rare to untimely irraea. tbns hlatini; the hril iat
ho. nf parent', anil blij:htin; in the bad the lo.tm 1
anit.ition ,.f msny m notde youth, ran he ior.1 hv il
lnf..lllt.le lleuiedy. And a- a uieth.-me .lin ti mils' l
etit e.-ry ho.lv, Irnm the ml-ty deni-ate t.i t he roll I I ;
and de-pair.ni: InTsiid. no eqiial ia to be fouud, a' ti i
both aa a Cure and I'reT.-nti.e. j '
Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Conipof d
riniil Extract Mil sajiai ilia,
Vor purifying the RIooil. removini; all diaea araiir
fn m eci-a of Merrurv. . sposi.r.1 and imprudentim j
lif-, rhr..ni 'eon.tituli-'iual di-eane, aripmi: from an n
pure .tile of the Ith.J. ami the only n hat. e ial f- I
fe-tilMl kunan reiusiy for the cure of S-rduL. til
hh.-uin, MSld llea-l, l.'Ic.Tatirina of the Thront lid
l.-a. ram and aaellnua of the It 'Ivtl. r. ha- i
pies on tho Knee, and all jealy Krupti 'nti i f the Sin.
Thin artiele U nrw prt-M-rlt.nl I J Fome ol the .t
diatuiiiiiKh.d i'hysirtiiini iu the country, and has ied
more t-ttlcivnt iu prai lice than any pn puraliou ot aFa
iiarilla yet offered to the ut lie. Several cns. of e.n
dary tfyphiliJ,M-reurial and SVmful juadi-eases h-VT-en-tir.
ly lecorered in the lururubte wards ol our fufoji ln
stitulioue wh.cti hd for many yeara resisl-d eif n.le
of tre;.IDielit that coiltd ldeTise-l. Tlie;.e cas.-s IB ilsh
atriktii; exampha of the aalutary. ff.-eta of this neine
lu arrttiu w me of the luo-t inveU'rale die-a-.tller
the irl..uds were destroyed and the bones atrea-ly lleu-d.
NO'I II le ttera fr.-m repotihle rby.-iriani' a.-y-eral
Medieol t'olh-' s, and eertihi-jt' a of cures Jei pa
tients will lie found aocompanyinsc-'th rtvi.arafta.
I'iiicis. Fluid Extract of Buchti, t per
bottle, or C bottles for S?S. Fluid Extktt or
Sarsaparilla.Sl perbotile, or 6 hollies ft SJ5,
equal in slrcnglh to one gallon Syrup alSar
saparilla. I
Prepared and Sold hy II. T. IIELMBiI.D.
Chemist, Sfill Chestnut SU, near Ihe Crard
House, Philadelphia.
To be had of CHRIST & CALDWlLL,
Lewisburg, and of Druggists and Dealet ev
erywhere. I
17A1I letters directed to the Proprkor or
Agent receive immediate attention, f
June 1, 1955 yl
New Book and Stationary Stre
"IN Lewisburg. M. Eiizpatrk &
X. Brothers, Publishers, Booksellrrsf; Sta
tioners, 39 X. 6ih St., Philadelphia, hafopen
cd a branch of iheir establishment in 4 i St.,
next door to Bearer & Kreiner's Stortirhere
may be had Books in the varied depmenis
of Literalnre, including Historical, lliiraphi
eal, Theological.Scientilic, Mcchanick Poeti
cal, Classical Juvenile and Misrrllaneiis pnh
lications. Bibles, Prayer and Hymnfjooks.
suitable for ihe various denomination Plain
and Fancy Stationary of all kinds, rti and
Pocket Cutlery, Portmonnaies in Pearl! yory,
Papier-Machc and Morrocco, Oold pel and
pencils. Ladies Cabas, Reticules and' Vork.
Boxes, and a variety of useful Fancy f-rt'ods.
Ladies and Gentleman are respellully sp.-.ited
to call and examine thetr assortment of Jooks,
Stationery and Fancy C-oods. NewGWsre.
ceived every day by Express. (June 1855.
A SPAN of six year old Bay tires,
of medium size, gentle in hsrnei, and
rnnrj travelers.
Ehejure at tliit ofBc
Juna 9, 1S.
'The Open Bible.''
, GENTS wanted" to sell a new work,
J.JL entitled "Paganism, Popery and Christi
anity, or the BLES3IXGS of an OPEN BI
BLE," as shown in the History of Christiani
ty, from the time of our Savior tn the ptescnt
day, by Vincent W. Milner. Wnh a view of
the latest tievelopemenls of ROME'S HOS
TILITY to the U1ULE, as exhibited in vari
ous parts of ihe world, and an epose of Ihe
absuidities of the immaculate conception, and
Ihe idolatrous veneration of Ihe Virgin Mary,
by Rev. J. F. Berg. I). V., authnr of "The Je
suits," "Church and State," Ac, Ac. The
author of this work, Dr. Bert;, is acknowledg
ed lo be Ihe must able writer on ROMANISM
in Ihe couiltv ; those who have read his dis
cussions wu'h ARCIIIHISllOPHLGHES.will
need no assuiance of this fact.
Asents wilt find this the most saleable
book published ; it is a large 12mo. volume,
of four hundred and thirty paes, illustrated
wnh numerous ensfravinss, beautifully and
substantially bound, aud sold at $1 23 ner
Specimens copies sent by mail, post paid,
tn any part of the t'nited States, on the receipt
ot the above price.
Send for a cope, and jndre for yourselves.
Address J. V. BRADLEY, Publisher.
Mav 18, ':"5. 4 North Fourth st.. Phila.
J hr,at present proprietor of COVERLY'fs
MOTEL, llarrisbur", respeclully informs his
fiiends and ihe public that lie is intere-ted in.
and will assume the management of the CO
LUMBIA HOi:.n," Cape Island.N. J . on the
I ill of June next, and that he will he happy
to see the former pa' runs of the House and
Ins fi iends at ibis delishit'ul resort during ihe
comin? season, assuring them that his best
exertions will be devoted lo Iheir comfort.
The "Columbia House" is beautifully loca
ted convenient to the Beach, eltgauily fur
rushed, has Gas lizht throughout, rnai;nili('ient
Parlors, and is capable of accomodating aboul
six hundred persons.
TEUMS. I.ari r-r due, le.ethan three .lav, fl
llrr tlirt e Uava atij 1,-M ttin a we.-k, - eo
IVruianpiit lH.ar.llnj t'T w-k. u 00
without extra charges for private bath-houses.
Parlies who desire to ensae rooms in ad
vance are respeetfully desired to address or
apply to the Proprietors of the Columbia
Honse, at their olfice. No. f:iJS. Fourth Street,
below Chesnut, Philadelphia.
X. II. Coveilv's Hotel at Harrisburr; will
be continued during Ihe temporary absence of
the Proprietor, und'-r the joint manacenienlul
.Ma). John C. Cover. y and Wm. reim .Morrei
.M:iy S3, 1H55.
A LAEGEanl snlen'HJ assortment o!
. L Collars. Sleeve an t Spencers, with a fuU
assorttnenl of llre-s Trintnuns, G'ove, Miitn
HoM-rv a-td Notinns; Window Shades and
Paper, Parasols, Hats, Ac. Ac, which wrl ac
tually be sold at reduci d prices to suit the
times. Call and see the (foods and hear the
Prices, and j'idjc for yourselves.
C. MEXSCH". Murray's huildinr.
opptisite the old Graham Stand.
I.ewisburc, May 1. li.io.
Constantly Receiving,
A T the New Store, Market St., next
ri , . ... , , t.
A""r lo Kllncs Hotel. New and Cheap
0S. be sold at astonishmglj
'f low lirice
r,,r...r.I.f.'fI!iy " i, 4.t..
iv.w.sri.v i ii'.tiiai 1 a i si us, mc .f.'ic.
Hananas, Ftsrs, Lemons and Oranges 1 cts.
per doz. and upwards. May Is, !".
PPLY to A. K. Bell or John Chalfant.
IX. Full cords dtlivered. May 10, Itjja.
JOHN II. BEALE, Iiavinjj rnlargcd
'I and improved Ins Hhop, on Markrt Street,
npxt to Hayes tlrel ha now opened a largr
ami select stock v(
ot all kinds, also!ir..VI I.KVI.X S Ft KMSII
Xt! (iOOKS. such as Shirts, tiloves. Hosiery,
nllars, Ac. Ac. He will also carry on
Culdnz and .Making
in all their branches, with despatch, according
to order, without cabbaging, and on the most
reasonable terms.
Roady-mailr C'lolliins
always on hand cheaper than ihe cheapest.
H.ivmj a larze force of experienced ham!
in my employ, I hope with all these faciliti s
to give jreneral satisfaction, and share liberal y
in public patronage. 1 respectfully invite a.,
wantin anythine; in my line of business lo
call and examine my stork of lioo.ls
Lewisburg, May IS, 185.').
Dissolution of Partnership.
'IMIE Partnership heretofore existing
1 under the Firm of Xttvies A Bkilk is this
day ill-solved hy mutual consent. All persons
knowing themselves l have unsettled accounl.
will pleasecali and seille the same with either
of us, without delay. PE TER XEVICS,
Lewisburg. May I I. 1H55.
flip of Union and Snyder Counties.
VARNISHED, wiih V.'oolen Kollers,
sind on Muslin, rea ly to be hung up,
will be senl by fie subscriber, postage pan! :
Township map, colored, for ft fn)
Ccological " 1 5
The Division line is drawn on this Map. also
Township lines, and as it contains ail the
principal Roads, and shows comparative dis
tances, it should be studied by ali who are to
vote on the location of the Seat of Jti-tu e
The Geological Map shows the strata of the
two Counties.
For cheaper copies of the Map. a l l'ess
K. VOL K All.
Lewisburg, May 1, 1S55.
By Express.
Tl'ST received a choice Selection of Bro
cade summer Silks, Colored Barege's. Silk
Tissue, and Plaid Grenadine dress pailerns.at
low prices by J. HAYES A CO.
SUPERIOR lot of New Shad, also Xo.
j 1,2, and 3 Mackerel.jitsl received and for
sale by
I ITTLEFIELD'S celebrated patent Mortice
j Locks. Also, a general assortment of
white and colored Trimmed, Mortice and other
Dra-r Locks, very cheap; also, Bell Pulls of
different styles, for sale by
May 18, 1355. BEAVER & KREMER.
TACKSOX'Sbest Window Glass.nf all sizes,
and superior quality; also. Ornamental
and Colored Class 'tirnishcd to order direct
from Ihe Factory in New Jersey, and on ihe
most reasonable terms.
V H ANDSOME nenr Top Rutrgey for sale
"1TTALL PAPER A new snpply of ffal,
J f l-aper just rrceivrn very eapoy
May 10
Administrator '3 Notice.
NOTICE is hereby siven, that Letters
of Administration on the estate of HEXUY
DIEFPENDERFER, Jun., late of White Deer
Tp, Union Co., dee'd. have been granted to the
undersigned by the Register of Union connty,
in due form of law; therefore, all persons in
debted to said estate are requested tn make
immediate payment; and those having just
claims are also requested to present them
proper! authee'eated for !tlment.
April n,'V JOiAIJ RANCK, A'lm r.
North Western Fire Insurance Co.,
OFFICE, No. 76 Walnut St., Philaila,
insures dwellings, stores, and other build-
ings. Roods, wares and merchandize on tne tnnsi soienuiu assorinient ot rKi.M A Li ,
most favorable terms; and will promptly and M'MMER II ATS, IMPS, mid !.
honorably adjust all losses. ! Tlll.(,and is selling thn at lower prices I
Apply to JOHN- B. I.IXX, i than ever before oil-red in I.eiai-burg. !
Attorney for the Company. ', Hut Molesim, Silk, Brush, Wide-awake. '
Lewisburff, May II, 1S55. I An? da, iLmg-irian, Panama, S. ran , Chip Ac. '.
l ap of ail sort?, sizes, decr.j)tions and
Latest from Sevastopol !
1 lor spi and Siniitner,
received and for sale by the subscribers.
We invite a public inspection ot our slock
of Merchandize.
urnsii K vonsi:.
Lewisburr;, May 10, 133
Last, but net Least!
T DDINGS &. WETZEL would announce !
L to the Trading eommtinity. in Town and;
Country, that they have now finished th re-!
cepimn of ihe largest and best stock of
Sprlni untl Sumiiscr Goods !
ever bronchi to their store room, comprising
the usual variety of Dry Goods, Gents' and
Lad.es' Slimmer Wear, ;
Croccrie!.'ro!iTj-. llarlaro,
and nil Gw,s ,lesired for HOUSEKEEPERS
Our Goods were selected with unusual care,
and we believe will k.e found of the very best,
and (for the quality) as cheap as they can rea
sonably be ad'.rded at any other store on tiie
Weit Branch.
We respeeifuily invite otirold customers to ;
call and see our sli cks, and we are sure we !
can suit your wants and lasies. Produce ta
ken as usual cash never refused. '
May ll.W.. 1UD1XGS .V W ETZEL, j
IR0FJ! IRON!! IR01M!!! ;
9' 17& LP-S. just received" at the!
-'-, t Hardware St.r.- of I:EY.-j
nrriv jl tt." j ii.' V lrin.r ami H!.u-!t. :
smiths, call and see the Airifeat mi l W as- TOR a S'li!ll!)!e pCfSOfl. Tilt.' SUbsCri- ,
sortinenl of Iron ever ollered on the West i x. her is obliged, by weak hea'th, t j seek
Branch. Having the rn-tre control vl the ; the services rf a man accustomed to farm la
celebrated V alh -nun's Centre county Iron,; b.r, atid parua! lo the culiiire of tfes an i
we are enabled to warrant every bar. Ail ; plants, t., assist in the working an 1 manaee- :
sizes Tire, Scollop, Round and Square; II Tse m-nt ot some III scry (rw:ill.'. He
Shoe, Nail Rods. Ac, at Csu prices lo ail. ! will also have Ihe care ot two hi.r-i s, and ihe
Call and see the Hardware Store of j farmin; of 20 aeres of broken In 1. :
REYNOLDS A M'FAPDEX. j A man. steadied by 25 to SO years ,-f liTe. i
Lewisburg, May 10, 1835. would be preferred ; he should be a l.iir wr.ier:
- ' '.and p:ue testimonials ut interv an 1 g od ,
1 "i VVVflT ns! S- IT DDK. at til" habits, mora! and -ycial, w.'.l b r.e essary.
1 1 Hardware Store. I.ewistoirt', "lfjr t" '"
it z-iis of the West liraech, at extremely low
:.rire, Oil, Turpentine. W In'- Lead, Sim
Wnite Zinc, Silver's Pla't.c Paints (various
colors weather and lire-proof Xail-.Sp'.ki.'-,
43l.ts. Putty. Locks, l.au he-, Units, S. iews,
and all kinds of II itldinz Hirdware, Cetit'e
men wno are build:n will hnd it to their nd
vantae to call and examine our stock. Will
sell as near city prices as possible. Call und
see us. ut the flit firuham stand.
Lewisburg. May C, IH.Vi.
Jl'ST received by Express, a lot of extra
May 2, 1S5.. F. SPYKER.
V SUPERIOR lot of reatticr just ie
ceived for sale by
May 5. '55. J. HAVES A CO.
The "Old Mammoth" Swarming
AnTILewGoOi!sanil Oiuiusiumrrs!
J. &. J. W I.I.S
are now receiving and opninj; for public in
spection, an nmisualty larje assortment of
M i: It t II .IXBIZE
for Sprinn and Summer -comprising ail llc i
varieties ot I
DRY fiOOl'S. I
Fish, Ac. rerjuired in similar Mercantile
Houses, to which they invite the attention of
all desiring Z " M,ds at laie I'nce
(irain and other Coiintiy l'roduce tau-en as
heretofore. J. & J- WALLS.
Lewisburg, May 1, !Si3.
MVElt & KREMER hare Just
peni d a choice lot of Staple and t niey
Dry Goods, which have been selected with
ureal care, and will be disposed of cheap- r
han ever. For iht Lathes we have everi
t litis- desirable Lawns (fat Color-) from -i
lo 15 cts. per yard; Prints from 5 to 9 cents,
pu e mad-.ler colors, and an endless variety of
Fan-y Articles for dress. For Men's and
toys wear, our assortment is complete and
at un 'suallv low prices. Call and examine
bel.r.' purchasing ei.sewhere, as our stock is
tare and attractive.
April S'i. '55. HEAVER A KREMER.
I SOW E l'S. a tine asorimentand very lo
Oal.for.l's best article and latest
besides a great variety, surh as
II nlroad " Xow-a-tlavs, "Wide Awake.
Know-Xothiug'' Wool and Fur Hats, which
are very pretty and cheap, at
C ARPETS, ihe largest andcheapesl lotever
j broti2ht tn mis country, at
April S, '5.1 HEAVER A JsUEMER'S.
T Ii E D Y Ma le Clothin?. and niatle 1 1 order
I i ... it P t wit A- K I; KM Etv'S.
" L'ILHING Hardware, rarticnlar atten
1 ) tion has been devoted to this branch,
which is complete in every particular, at
April Sfi, '5." BEAVER A KREMER SL
1 BLASTER, Silt. ShtHf. Maekerel and
Herrtng.at II K V E I A KREMERS.
IV'RE Cider Vittejar for sale at
May 4. '55 BEAVER &. KREMER S.
li I' MM F.R Sill
s ninrh lower lhan ever of
frred for, at
Small Fronts and Quick Sales i!
V. itiiowv & niTTrtt.
The subscribers rll'--r. at ihe old .M'Fadden
Sioreroom, opp.site C. Penny's Saddle shop,
a choice assortment of
bought for Cash aud selected wiih great rare.
The troods comprise the usual variety, and
will be sold r"at the lowest possible prices.
We respectfully invite old and new patrons
and the public senerally tn call and see our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Lewisbnr;, April 2fi. I?33
Lithographic Printing, fee.
T T 1 Tl r irAI f It 1 ft to n.,r- tAn-stA 1 rtn
i. mm T.1.11..U .1. u I10...1V.
IV X Tlh Fourth street, near U Phi. ips
Blacksmith Shop, where LlTHOi.RAI H.C 1
Views. Maps Ac are made to order.
riC'Tt.RES for Framing, and for Drawing ,
TTheeGerman and French Lancnapes.Tlraw-!
n , v. i . : . , a, T . I
inp, I aiming aim iirati;inii'-. ...-.s-. -j --
Lewisburg, April, 1S58
GHADUATE of the Pena Medical
University.of Philada, offers herprc.fes
sinnal services to the people of Lawisburg and
OTi'e at her father's residence. (Tr J T
r's.) cna d 'or belo' 3- L. Y"Jsr' Jewelry
A,-'i! 1. WS-
j The long-established Hat Store !
"PRANK LIX SPYKEK wuulil respect-
i J. fully announce that he hs just oi-eneit a
I prices.
i Flans and Fancy Hats f.r CHILDREN, of
I the latest and most beautiful patterns.
i Clothtti for Sprinw and Summer such
as Coats, Fan's, Vests, Si.iris, II isiery. 'Jlovis.
Susrfenders, and every other sort of V.' earing
Appirel f Hie latest cut, and cheaper ihn I
the ch.-a;iest. 1
j i i' "Carpel Hags, Trunks, I.'inbreois, and a
rjr'ar variety of other articles,
i The p'lblic are cordially invit-d to ftim-'
; inc his st'.rlr, as he is confident that they wi'l
' be sntis'.. J wnh his lb"1, and Prices. Ite
! meml.rr t"te Oil Stand Mar'cet street, ij dCf
i ea-t of Third, formerly J & F Spy!i
I.e j.-i,burir, April 21, IS' 3
J. Fi-anklin Harvey, H. D.,
nOMiEfiPATHlf- l'Lvsitiin wo'ilJ
respeeifuily announce li !!:; cit zens uf
Lewibuij and vicinity th:it i.e ha p-rrr.Trial-lv
loe:oe. httnelf in th:s .trc. r,nl asks a
sh ire oi lue pit'jlie patroni-', I'-e'iii,' a, 'tr- l
that he can treat with utts'irp.ts s i ce,'.
enrab'e diseases tin: the li'im in I i-nily ate
prone to. In the treat'iienl of ;! t t f -
m.tl-s ai.u children ihe efeat i! e p:i::..i:
av staii Is will'oiu a riv:;! ; as) iu e.iroire .
di -eaes, thtt has ballled the skill of other s; s
terns, II iinipopuhv s'ai.-is I' r'l. as a t;i;int,
elainiiii victory in almost ev--ry case. Ad
ye a'Hicte 1, trtve it a trial ; it will not est you
riiu-'h. Try before yon condemn. ;
lr. H. is a rejuiar '.'rndurtre of the Himrp
oiathie. Medical College, of Pcunsj '.. uia.
Oifiee on Second street, above V ulr-t, for
merly occupied bv Dr. Wilson, where he can .
be conitlt-'d at ail times when nut on proles- i
slonal duty.
I.e lsburtr, April 20, ls.',3.
An Eligible Situation, !
To a person withcut oth-rcarittal liian anil
ity and will to work, an I reliable chaiacter.
il.iso'l'-rs an oppi rtnntiyof sure advancement
to comfortable circumstances through a t:w
years of labor and pairis'aki:,.
W'aes.al the first, tlo.se i f at oinmon farm
hand, increasing to a liberal salary or share
in proportion as expertness and Usefulness in
the nursery are increased.
Address W. C. Y.KIXG.
Xear Boa'sburu', Centre Co., Pa.
April 20, l55 575w3
M. .MTLUllE, Snrseon anJ
no j' ncssioiirti Sv-I J.r . i inc id iira dnu 1.11-
i tletnen of this place and us vicinity. He is '
' provided with the latest improved Porcelain TrpvT TT T5 TlTir P r CTflI I
Teeth, which will be inserted on Pivot or t'old ! I'ti nAJAJJWAiUj
' Plat.-, to look as well as natural. Teeth and ! T T Ol'SEKEPERS. attention '. W;Ubefun4
Stumps f Teeth, which have become useless ; I L at the new Hardware fetor of REV.
or tron'-lesntne, will be extracted with the la-; XOl.DS A MTADDI X. I.ewisbur;, C.ndJe
tetan l n.ost approved instruments, in the sticks. Snuffers. Clothes Lines, C eee Milu,
fiot care' :: and scient.hc manner, and with
i Ihe least pussii.ie pain. Persons ib-.trous of ;
rrocuri' e; whole sets of 1 eeih would do well :
to 1VC ln a cx as 1)iufi, UluPi trouble ar.d
expense miaht be saved by having their work
done at home. In short, he is prepared to at-
tend t,. etery lhin in Ihe ln.e of Dentistry i
I lend to every ihtiij in the lit e of Dentistry,
I and his performances will be warran'ed to
: answer all ihe useful and ornamental purposes
r ii.. ....
l- '. r . ... i... t . i
. o. icieirntc dj'ojf 10 uis uuiuerous cusio- j -
Union Cor Pa., April 16, IU
William VanGeer.
i TTORNEY at Law.
! - V I.cm Isbiii g, I "ion C o.. Pn.
'"Htltce on South Second St.. recently by
II V Hickok, Es,t. 5.
James F. Linn. J. risrrill Linn.
T 1'. & J. M. LINX,
' t ittonifji at Eaiv.
oT I I'ni-.in C. nr.ty. Penn'a.
q 000 1!0lLS f W'a.'l PAPER tave
' llookMlorc, fioin the M.iti-iuettirrr. ei tii
prisin a vani ty of FRENCH ar.d AMERI
i CAN sivles.
i A good artlc'e nf Glazed is r .Tere ! a: ".z r-s
per Roll, ainl a cotumen ariu'Ic is i ll'-red for
H rts per Roll. Who is it that can't buy
; pap"r for bt rents, that n-.ll save one d-d'ar's
worth ot" work I The phre lo buy i' is at
Milton. March SO, is:..! Hat ,: I
l ut. ii. ji. jjersnam,
i TT AVIXG I'eriiKint ii'l Ideate I in I.e-
II- wisbtir. 1 a (O.uce al ihe lower end
of Market street, nearly opposite lo Peters"
Hotel) would respectfully annmr.ee to the ;
citizens of the town and Mciutiv, that he is
prepared to answer promptly all calls in his i
; pp'ie.sH.n. He has devoted much lime and t
spec nil attention to aM ili-e ises ; an.l bv the ;
success which has attended Ins practice iu '
i other places, be expects a good share of the '.
pul he pattonn2.
Special attention will a!o !c siven to ail :
1 Chronic disrates, s-tch as Female t' iruplaiots
r-j' eyi-ry form an i variety. Liver C --inplau.t. ;
Piles. Dyspepsia. Rlieutiiatim, Serofuln,I)rop. .
sv. A-ie, llt-onchitis. Sore Eves. Nervous or
i Sn-k H- ad.ic'ne. Xcnrolcta, St. Vitus' D.mce,
! Fits, Consumption, Asthma, tiers. Cancers.'
Tetter.Senld H 'a 1. Phleymasia ii-lt ns ormiik ,
lei. Fistula. Palsy, Cataract, D alness, ) Lire- J
lip. White Swelling, Debility. Tun'.- rs. Corns, i
Ac &o. In almost every Chionic ease, a .
complete cure will be etl-cted.if li e .hrections t
i are followed. No pay is required until a rnre i
! is performed. Charges ri!i inrariably be as ,
customary. Lewt'bur?, April 12. loj Ira i
Sore Or. M haa .'iUl.-.! th- O! I an.l tin. New .v-tem :
nf le-lK-ine. anl ttl fr.vtu-e 1 1..- A--w
i Wtir fl-n I Tils. vt. m c-mt'li' ti- iM,i or rr "I; r .
A!It'iith!c TIl. t-fi-lt tat. m' : Ii'r.tii.: is fHmn
nM. It .rnt..ins th" iu:-iii ' v-ir-tu, and rrj tltinfj j
iliftl'lp from fTi-rv s'titiT -!-m or .r.--' liUvcr i
it ittnerMit in ii tli.tra'-tr, ti frogr i-inf anJ
New Finn! Hew Goods! New Store! !
"i'PIIE SatarilifM having enierel in:o
havinsr re fitted and improved the Sioreroom
(if ,. sMWr frmer,r occupied bv Kren er
v (;(, w.oi'd respecttullv announce to the
trading cotnmunity that ih'ey are inst opening
s Lxn(;Fi ANn rspLF.Xl!D STOCK , f
adapted to the wants of ad. and cc-mpetsinj.
the usual variety kept at Sti-res in the larj-r '
Towns. V7-CALI. AM) !-EE.
(More particulars hereafter.) ;
tewisbnrg. April li, l"-1,5 !
Winted Immediately, i
GOOD Jourrcyiian Ilnrnc-s'-Maker-
. ISooe but a ftfi mf.'ianiv -r;-
ejira at .h. "tact. r"
"Have yon seen SAM?"
CEE.MS to Le a Qu
J aire. st eier; body ; b
Question ziM bf
bat we muutre.
'.It'c y.tt " f'te Jsite Xnffi,
Ki'li l:i.r sur.ply i i
Mfx linois, Mii, C.ui(ra, Ji.1
The subsi r.irrs h.n it.- as,ci&Uii il.ei,.
fYl selves into a Copartnership in busioe
now tiler lo H e juibiu', ut li.r. Ui.l 5ler. '.
of a. A D. Sum, on Market it. ihe cl.ei jie.l
(fur Cash; a:.d besl lot i f
liooTs and sjioi:s,
f. r Men and 1! vs. ewr oifeied iu Lewiskiurj.
Also a new and a:-iu:.d assortment oi
til SHOES f.,r Jx,i,a mn l CeulUnun.
A variety of Gaiters. J , i;i!rrSf T,es t4,.
i't.-, Slippers Ac. i r L.:it i-.d Muses,
a so Children's Sii.es of ih laiesl
styies and sies ; Ac. sVc. Ac.
W'ork made to order Mendit dote if
usual and as ihe Woikmen have rcr.derei
oalista' tu n heretofore, we Ire't we ihall 'nays
a ful! siias of public P 'In n SAM will
Cji.tir.u- f Lv . n hand a - ii rtner'y. t..! hi.fea
ti g.ve get.c.-ai sat s.a ii- n to all customer.
SL.'I ER i Ai i AIiiLX.
Leib'.!r7, Feb. t'i,
T the 01 j iitanl (A
A j. ii ii' i s x ( o.
jas: arr:v:rr; a ?nvv ana et'ensi-.e ass-n-met.t
i i LW CC'ODS purci.ased at the i':w
e,t (.a.li frnre, and ol cuur.e will to to!d at
a sv: oi ad-, ar.ee.
Av'c have a larjre stuck of lrj C'COlIv 'f
ali gril les anil tex'ures !' it ci Lres Si.ks
fri ru .';i tts to -s".-5 per y.tr'!. B-r?re De!itii.s
ti in to to Si cts. Mia!y L. rzes. tarred ate)
SnreJ L'T.-.z- ar. 1 Tissue.. Fr nch. Entrhsu
an I Americin Prints if all styles. ltO pitta
of Mat.i't c. i.jr Prints (atfii) warr'i'ed fast
ci lors. aho a handsome assortment ot LACH
and Embroioery. ttet,-r with a ereat Tarte:
if O'oves. Hosiery, Parasols, Ladies Port
.Mi li t:it: s Ac Ac.
Cri'AKWAi.E in ab'jndatire of a superior
qual.iy. also superior lot of STOXEWAKE
of all desenrtnm.
a lot 1 1 iJi-stdy made I lot Iiing
Hall atMl ( Uis of ail d-.s'-ri! hods.
CARl'LTiXO I-rrrain. Ail-Wool. Hemp
and R ig Carpets. Stair Car-e:s, Rugs. Oilcii.tb.
Window iilin is. As Ac. a'l ol which wul
be sol. I f.r Cash or approved credir.
. V The h:rhst Maikei rr.ee paid fur all
kuHs of til! sIX.
n hand. J HAYES A. CO
I.ewi.-b'irif. April 15. I -;'.&
IIavir.it tnken il.e Shop on
.s'.irth Ft ur'.U stieef, near lh
Frankim II u-e, formerly crnpjed by F A
t;ona-hy and A 1) E der, ihe sulatnber tnust
reaptcttuliy itit. rt.s the c.lizers of I.ewisturg
and vi. inity that he is prepared tc uiantifaclura
all kinds of 4 uliilM't Wul O. comrnsins
Itl'REAl S. TAlll.tS. Ceilsteads. Stands.
i Si.ias, Corner C'tpboartis, Card Tables, all tjs
Lni.ls i CliAiK.S. ,Vc. Also ifeat hemakesu
; COFFIXS to older, and hayitsf provided hinv
I self with a II H .nE he will b pre farad !
a'tend Funerats.
I Havin" eiiira;e.l the b"5t workmen, rherefur
the pub'ie may rely ijpt ri havinr the best oi
vvrk (ruia ihe D,ai":?!?'iJ ,.rTr,v
X u. All kinds ef Co- ntry Procure jakaa
in exchange. Lewisburg. April Z6, I8ii
Knives and Forks, Shears and Scissors, Baka
Pans. Round and Oval Ci :.er. Shovels and
'l ores, stair Rod. Ac, which will be sold luW
for the money.
Ladies, call and see.
'HOEMAKERd kn w w hat a troul - it uu
an assortment of La -'s, Mororccsi. Li
nnif and btmlirtfr Seins, freneh hit atii-'S
Thread. Heel Xails, Br.siles, Ac.i all, at.il
much more, von will End at the i.ew IIard ar
Store of
'ADDLEKS. i!" vrtt call and examine our
tock of Harness. Bri-ile and Kollar Bnc-
i kles. Rttis. Hames. Stir-uns. Mounting, Ginli-
j niir. leer Hatr. Strattiiic Web. Saddle Trej,
j W hip Stocks and Sa t irs To. U.vou wi'l nad
j n to vo u r aJvan-ae. Hi r IwareSiore in Lew-
.s!..;r2, REYNOLDS A M FADDE .
CiOACHMAKLKS will fin.l c. nstant.y on
j hand Kl-pnc Springs. Axle. Hub Bands.
L.ices. Oak F.lloes, Bows, and a eeteralaa-
sorituriit of Trin.mn srs. at the Hartiwsre r
i of K'lYXOl 1-SA M KADDEX. Lea isbcrg.
"I AUMKRS. corse and exa trine our r.e
j 1 sto k i f Trace. Halter, I'reast and Butt
i Chains, t ; roi z V. F'-iks. Hay F-.rk, Scythes.
! r Rai;- s. Ctittn-tr Krit es. A.- . the If trd
! ware store -f REYXOMW A M'FAI'DfK.
(CARPENTERS, we cnti supply run wtibj
; the eel, btaie.l fir-er !' ! IV-d Ct nspar.y'w
Pianes, -nt's p-'.t-rafe1 Ka'cbet. A ses. Ad
?es, L'-rit B ul 'ers' AJrs, C hoc's. S'otiares,
Saws. Saw S-'ts. Anger. Plane Bits. Il l's c(
all kinds. All will be sold irutr thsn tsual
at c -h prties. Dr-p in r.n-l -ee. genilenten ;
no chr-e t.ir etatmnir.ir s'oi k, at the Hard
ware Store of Rt'.YXi-Ll'S M'FAl'-DEX-
KERl-A". rt'T rf A 'r""v?ratirin to
ihe ri?tc i i 1 K ! KII .VVFKs. tare nf
trip U n-'i rh i f I. :4 urj, m.'v of Vn;rn.
alt ri.ri'r-. i.,.hrril sa:l f.t;:Ttr are rcrnrt
trj i' mrihC imjne'iia.f1 pvii.fi't ; arid th' c
, 'i.,,,. ,',:,. .'...- i r.e ' v....-..m.ni ...
April :. 5."'1 Jt!lX B. LINN. .iu'-V.
New Firm and New Good3l
s . . a. . -...i. ft..... e .-t r 1
i lue .H.!iiir,iti.;i uiui ja luiotirai
En.pi riutn rf
The nnd.-tsi.e J havini; pn-i based the entire
Matntv.oth Irt: St. ie loirnerly kept bv Vr
'JWi f.i'i J; f .aie now rrai'y to 6'1 Orders
and riescri-tioiis a' a morneri's netire. We
have a lame ar 1 w-.'l selerted stork of fiesrt
and pure '. f '.'-. MEl'lt .'N.'v, Cliemiral
Dvcstuti's. O i-, Fait t. C ass. I'mtv and
Ail i't'tlij ' I'r'ent Mrilirina.
Fruit ainl Confectionery.
Tobacco,n'.i'T,tird ImpnT-ted Cigars of tlie
choicest bran's,
F-tnry Xtftwt and T-nl't Art'!e.
Fine Toilet S .?n A Perfnniety cf a:I ktes.
Bui'siti-s asn Cabins or inor vikilti.
Ituoks) und Stallonrrj .
a pener.il variety ot Literary an.l S. hi ol Rorka,
Pltir O.l. L.rd and Fi nd Larrps of everr
I desciiption j irrh I'm- Oil a:..l Patent EurL
t int. Klni.l nit h. it-it.
itre winks and i.icors cf ;i kmu
"'yi""' ;v.
J.jr' i'ust- T.erswn! rnn onr sioca cempieir,
C.-iriprisins rnanr rtnr il is imp -siM. lit m
to rnunierate. at d ail sold ai mi dera'e prires
Call ad r us. rue at d all. and see our
s ock i an rt if i can't sell you chesp (roci!-.,
we wr! not ask yen to bur.
We are nKvav- on In-ol to u ait on rnstemers.
Remembvr the Vr.."h I'rnc r?
T.IFO. 5. rilKIST.
Lewisburg, t'r ion Co. Pa. 's
Old Sjld'.cn' Btants.
I I erstij-d in ihe ser- re rf be '
i, .', War ( 11" a-d f- r their VT.d . w,
th O.Hc -t' '.ti' LeHisL-njfl.i K.e'-
f ,