Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 06, 1855, Image 1

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Tf1 r p
i j JLJD
JL C. IIICKOK, Corresponding Editor.
$1.50 itk Year, always ix Advance.
riDogs ct gneisfcarij, limn (County, pcnnsijluanta.
C!)f iVaiisbiirn Cljrairiflc.
IlilDtV, J I I.Y C, ISWi.
For the Lt-risbats- Chronicle.
Ilotes on th3 Wing No. III.
June 25, 1 .,.
Siucc my last, I" hsve been mingling
more or less auioiig' tlie companions of
earlier acd later years reviving, in some
measure, old friendships and foiming iicw.
I now write from my paternal Lome, in a
quiet dell through which " flows" and
sometimes raws the main branch of the
Tuokhannexk ereck. Far from the north-
w5J, ever and anm liny be heard the
'railway' whittle, reminding 113 of the
much busier world outside. Immediately
north, the view is bounded ly punitive
woodlands, (.hutting in the beat t f the
sun in summer, and sheltering from ti e
cold blasts of the winter. T the north
east, we sec the giant hemlocks falling
one by one, and stripped of their baik,
worth S-"rt on the ground, and the trees
cut into logs, the logs and bark alone pay
in" for the clearing. To the oast, " hills
p,, p o'er hills" until nio.hrn Arrarat be
reached, and a little farther south arise
Elk Mountains, the highest points in Sus
quehanna county. Southward, is well
tilled and rapidly improving f irming laud.
Oa the west, anoiher hill rises rapidly, and
down i's side in wet weather are water
falls over rocks and among trees giving
f..rti. a sound that reaches now my far
sr.l S'othcs and aniuiatts by its varied
in-l-ly. Strawberries, gooseberries, rasp-
Lorries blackberries.inay befound in their
f.-i-m on the banks. A narrow but rich
meadow bed between the ranges of hills,
i very productive, but just 11 ,w, these
warm tains make them much more pro-
J.tie i nmsquitoes than comports with
t'-aso.re or c 'infort. In size, in earliness
jjkvnt. 1,1 vigor fat
they promise
:i a1. tin lantlv productive campaign.
Rain '. rain ! raiu 1 t lit!
ii u month
el Jane has been marked by a " mi.kng
01 the clouds" un; rccvdtuitd in my re-
?jllection. Not tbree d ijs has clap-ed
from the 1st inst. to the present date,
during which I have not both suffered and
enjoyed an f(iienus visitation '-Knjoyed''
relatively, for the low wells and exhausted
hiil-sides generally needed all they got ;
' suffered"' personally, fur some few local
ities had a super-abundance, and the fall
ing rain is a damp"r on one's movements
when he is out of bis prison and anxious
to " do something" out of doors every
day. Grass, winter grains, an 1 fruit are
doing fiuelv, and there is time f r corn.
This county does not raise wheat stifli-
cient for Lome con.-umption, but dairying
is a comparatively easy and profitable
business. The soil is well adapted to
grass, and the market is good, and trans-
poriation safe an 1 easy, livery farmer
keeps as many cattle as his 'help" will
warrant him ia fee ling, milking, and
making butter to advantage. For chur- :
ing, water power is sometimes Used, but
uiust generally a pet lamb or lazy dog is
impressed into the service, and compelled
to earn a living by the tread-mill.
Weil kept, the weight of these aui-
mals will soon ' bring" ten to twenty
pouuds of butter ; and in addition, the
fbeep is good for from three to five j ounds
of iroo', and the dog fir any ninouut of
lark. Oue of the latter tribe, being
somewhat daiuty in the feet, demurred
from any further service on the wheel,but
it being covered, slats and all, with a
stout carpet, he mounts his race course
without any complaint, and is performing
his morning hour's labor with great eclat
while I am writing. A big boy or girl or
usidess man, is capa'de of the same ac-
..'.ci a ludii 1111 luu tui mull ttj
whom I saw but once, and then for an hour
or two ouly, 13 years ago : as may be
supposed, we bad each altered " conside
rably, if not more." After an cye -skirmishing
of an hour or two, by some sort
(f spiritual influence we recalled each
other's names simultaneously ; mid the
slightest possible acquaintance of fifteen
years ago was better remembered than a
thousand laler aud longer associations.
Something singular about the strength of
identity exercised with one person and ig
nored wilh another, even wheu there is no
de5ign or dcs'uc to discriminate in cither
cafe, fcspccial'y pleasing is if, however, mmher and daughter came this long round
to recogfiiz -, in the face of the man or the arj0Ut to get from Towanda to Montrose,
woman, that of the child you knew some uther than to go directly across, and made
Jcars ago, unaltered except in size and the journey quicker aud caicr. So much
strength of expression evincing the same fr real a;cotnuiodatiou.,vs. map distances,
warm aud houest heart, but endowed with ' Fif'y-flve years sgo, a boy of 15 came
greater powers for pel forming its wishes. ,;s tKp.father from Long Island to
Cattle aud horses along the line of rail- J,)ok out some land iu this then wilderness
ways are uot all reconciled to the steam- portion of Luzerne county. In 1801,
car yet, no.- does it seem that thiy can j ihey removed and settled here; the youth's
ever be nolaraVztd to it. In one field I ' axe was an cTrieient agent in clearing the
sar a benevolent looking old mare, ! land where Jion.rose now stauds, and he
exercising ttatcri.ai care over two very ; lived to sec it aud was foremost in mak-
likcly looking colts : the latter were iu a ing it a county seat of 1500 inhabitants,
high state of excitement, running away ! wiih six churches, literary institutions,
as fast as their weak little legs would and every advantage of a happy and pros
otj tbetn, eyes affrighted, nd every ex- pcrous community. Full of years and of
Ttess'wn of terror, while their natural , honors, Major IsAAC Post breathed his
Kriin trotted slowly after them, "whin- j
Btrir'g" f uriu iVl.ry aSj,uranec in ucr p0wer '
tL" .the ltll&itr-nd-Iightning machine
Tcr.y long tail .weeping .long the
high embankment was an entirely harm
less institution ; but in vain wore Lor
words of wisdom auJ her own fearlessness
in t Lis case : ou went the little spider
liko lieges, tumbling over stones ami
stumps, until (Ley brought up at J lie far
thest corner of t lie " lot," where they
stood trembling at my latest advices. In
another field was a Lord of cattle, some of
w -ltl very Jelur,.lVl were carncsily en
g:t(J(.j ; f.aiipj.within a rod of the track,
j not Jeigning t0 cast a lok upon any
of us, individually or collectively ; while
Ollor3 (1pt ono Cye upim tie train, half
suspiciously, while the other guided the
tongue to choice tufts of grass ; others
Ul.j np tlu.ir ie.J;!) 0,1(,M j ;im
.M,u(Ted, others ditto, ditto, and traveled,
others ditto, ditto, ditto, and ran like
m.Mt j10ai- anj t;lii perpendicular ; and
another, nf verv masculine appearance,
observing the consternation in his hitherto
peaci fal domains, turned his head towards
" our party," with a countenance some
what distorted by anger, tongue rather
protuberant, pawing the ground, and sla
king his head as much as to say, " I don't
klll(W ai,,mt pitching into the whole party
of you, but unhitch your animals one by
one, and come down here and I'll try
who's the best." Had nut time t j lake
up his challenge, however, and so we left
him jubilant of victory, to repeat his de
malice to the uext train, (Perhaps we'll
eat a stake from some of this very drove
at breakfast iu .New Yolk, day after to-
gj ,ue Know Nothings" of the South,
i;Mrict of Columbia, and Silver Grays of
New Yoik, have constructed a "National"
l'laiform on Slavery, which sum u; briefly
, ,Uj : ,S!,xry may hare all U A.n, .j.:t all
;, r(, , ,s ,c,r i, ;;:, J,-,,,l nih.
I have yet to find i tic first man, K. N. or
ntherwis who will go any p'.. i'uiii with
that plank in it. A!i about h-re, as far
as I have learned, the K. N's will Lnmv
than they d.i la.-; year the I.'-dg. s
quietly drop the A", and adopt the S.
And then you and the 1 !! othi r Lcwi-
burgers have c.-ciprd the tender mercies
0f New llerliu, (along with .Mes.-rs. Iv.er
:m,l (jundy,) and are not going tu the
Knitentiary immediately: It is to be
hoped that you will ail duly consider this
period of probation, and to conduct your-
selves, by voting and otherwise, as not
ag.;m ti incur the disp!caure of their
High Mightiness the Lords and Commons
of New lleiliu. Bat as to paying my
money ta make up for the reekle-s
swearing of those "0 or 'M New Iierliuers,
I decidedly object, and hope the people
of Union and Snyder counties, whether
;u favor of or opposed to division origi-
nally, will unite in such actiou as will
throw those costs upon the guilty p'irly,
in accordance not only wiiu justice but
with the evident desigu of the law.
Al.LAr.ouT, June '23, K5.
The other day, visited Muiiiro-e
a KosEMolxt" the county scat of Sus-
quehanua, and a complete specimen of a
New England village. Reached it by a
,la,,k road touching the railway from
Great Ueud (" Lodersviile") to Scranton.
UJ f,f aU ,caiis of riding on land.plank
ro:ljs RU;t wy notion best. In the first
place, the grade is regula'ed by law, ami
c.m never be precipitous as other roads
arej aQli on the other hand, it is not so
i,.vci as to be dead and monotonous, but
a0ws you to sec the country to the best
advantage. And then the mali'ia upon it
js s0 gentle, yet cxhilaratiug ! not the
dull, nervous, constant ratlle of the rail-
way, nor the rough jolting of CJmnion
,-oaja 0f the best make, but a gentle, undu-
latorv, Doiseless, and reasonably rapid
progress, that realizes every want in riding
for comfort. There i're two miles cm
ployed in get'ing up from Martiu's Creek
to the uplaud, and from thence to town
are five miles of farms, all of which are
"held" some dollars higher per acre than
they were before the road was made. It
was mos'ly built by citizens of Montrose,
not for dividends (of which none ate yet
declared) but for accommodation and in
cidental profit, by which they are well
Look on your Map, and trace the mute
from Towauda, Athens, Owego, ilinghain
ton, Great Rend, New Milford, then south
7 miles and across to Montrose : well, a
last, in March of this year, having passed
the boundary line of three score years and
ten. What a fund of general and of local
history is bound np in such life ! One
incident I now remember, as a very novel
way of celebrating the dth of July. Sonic
Mirvcyois, ignorant of their proximity to
any settlement, were once staitled by
hearing a succession of rniMirx in the
forest, and on hastening towards the spot
where Montrose now stands, found the
pat riot c inhabitants celebrating "the lihj"
they had prepared a largo number of
giant trees, by partially cutting, so that
a few blows of the axe would cause the
downfall of one upon another, that upon
another, and these upon others, and by
(hut means a " very respectable" noise
(considering the number of inhabitants)
was manufactured, at the least possible
expense, and to the manifest fill .hcieiice
of their patiotisin and their " dealing."
The people of Montrose have succeeded
in obtaining from the County a eon.iact
for erecting a second Comt Mouse, upon
the public ground where the former stood.
It is the most elegant, airy, commodious j
s'rueiure I have seen iu Northern or Yu-
tral rciinsyivania, containing, besides the
Court Room, all the County Ulfijes, wilh
arched vaults (-upposed lire-proof) and
numerous other rooms for Juries, fue'.cU'.,
&i. The contract price is SilSiOO. The
laud costs nothing, plenty of excellent
stone is dug from a fre:-to-al! qinrry a
few rods distant, and the Jail is a sepaiatc
building. The probable cost of lauds,
Luildings, &e., of corresponding stjle, in
Lewisburg, would be ."10,000. The rail
ways iu the eastern section of the county,
largely increased the population and cap
ital of that portion, aul al-o bad given
rise to some talk about removing the
county seat ; but the plank road and other
public improvements of the citizens of
Montrose, and their success in obtaining,
!v open and fair means, the new Court
House, will probably fix that site for at
least anoile r g. titration. The villagers
are foremost iu every enterprise f. r ihc
public good, and the tax of t-0,000 cre
ates comparatively few murmurs.
A Fb rod Fair was Leid iu Kluiira on
the Hutli inst , which elicited a very geu
eral interest. At these rxhihitioiis,during
the noon of the annual vegetable courses
of time, there are not only the various
kiud-cf flowers brought out aud compar
ed, but also early vegetables and grains ot
every description, aud also by way of va
riety some of the best rresprrol ..r(.i
p itatots, Sit.., of la ft ytor. This, wilh
the Fall Exhibition of later fiuitsaud
grains, and the Winter summing up of
Crops, Animals, and Farming iu aggre
gates, make thn c seasons of public ainuse
m nts and recreation, ail tending to moral
a well a.! to physical advancement, and
without the admixture of any ucue-sary
counterbalancing evils.
Yesterday, during a ride of eighty miles
; by railway, we witnessed . V orrt dii
! f, rent "connections" made, all in good
time nearly to the minute. Thus, hund
reds of persons perhaps a thousand in
a were served, exactly at the expected
time, with traveling facilities, at an ex
pense comparatively small, and wilh very
little trouble. Rut Lad one of these con
nections failed of being n.ade, what com
plaints would have arisen what indigna
tion manifested on the spot, and retailed
over and over again for years to come !
Conversing wilh au ex-railway conductor,
recently, I was better informed as t? the
variety and scrupulousness of the arrange
ments made for the transaction of busiucss
and the prevention of accidents ; aud
considering the number of component
paits of au engine, cars, and railway, and
the various ofiices assigned In so many
different men, it is rather a matter of
wonder that there ate so j'nc acciJeuis.
For all men aro certainly nioie or less
erring, careless, or vicious ; rud there arc
defects in machinery aud implements
which no cye can detect, and they wear
out aud their strength aud adaptation Lil
as well as those of men.
And then, how many "visits" you
can make in a short ride on the cars ! ,
During the aforesaid eighty miles, we met
and chatted' with a new-married man we
: had not seen since his uuion auother, at
! whose house wo had called a few days bc
i fore and found him absent somcrelatives,
j we desired to called upou, but with whom .
by this meeting we interchanged suflicicut
news aud j;ood wishes Rev. Dr. Samuel :
1 H. Cox, now of Owego, (we heard him
j Icct urc iu Utiea twenty years ago,and never .
saw him since) an editor with whom we j
formerly exchanged some pretty severe J
j cannonades, now ail forgotten except to
i laugh at a young friend with whom a
! casual a:quaiutance was sufficiently con- j
tiuued, business fashion aud finally three 1
old friends who were going to the same !
puiut" we were. All these meetings j
were purely accidental (pel haps I had1
better write 1'rovideulial,) but all were (
about as guod as a formal visit, (uot to say
1 vi-it7''o.) I
I On the 4th July, next, the law for the
I cessation of the sale of intoxicating liquors j
' as a beverage, takes effect in the State of;
' New York. It is impossible for a stranger .
. to satisfy himself, after hearing the cont-
radictory opinions advanced, whether the
1 law will be enforced, or prove beuelicial.
i In many places it will probably be execu
! ted, and accomplish the good desired ; ia
other places its violation will be winked at I " Promise !" said Leslie, in a stern, yet
or openlv practiced. Iu some quarters its solemn voic, as he turned and fixed his
execution w ill not be attempted on the 4th, eyes upon the landlord,
but the arduous work will commence on " If I do promise, I'll keep it !" rcturn
the th. Liquors in the on';i,ial jw knrjr cd Jcriks, in a threatening tone, as he re
it is said are not. touched by this law, and turned the gaze of Leslie,
the "original packages," mi ill and great, " Then, for God's sake, promise !" cx
are very numerous, and will rapidly mul- claimed Leslie in a Lalf dc-pairing voice."
tiply in number. It will bens difficult, ," I'nmute ami I'm sok !"
moreover, to detect the counterfeits maim- " Re it so ! May I be cursed, if I ever
factured a home, as to guard agaiut the sell you a drop of drink at this bar, while
drugged Jersey cider palmed off at high I urn landlord of thc'Stagand Houuds"
prices as foreign Wines ! How often the Jeuks spoke this with angry empba-
" original package " may bo re-filled, is
another query. And then next fall the
whole question will be thrown open for
blind political gambling. So you see the
Temperance Reformation is far from being
a coiiiplishi d in the Empire Slate but
the great truth that intoxicating liquor as
a bevei age is an evil and had best be givcu
up, is even where advunciug. Incog
A Tavern Scene from Life.
Lizze Leslie 'little Li.'..:e' :die was call
ed, a girl of tcu years had a drunken
father. She ouce heard her mother say, : paie. ge sat panting for a reply,
lo a sympathising neighbor, lO, if they I That he would never tell me another
wouldn't sell him liquor, there would be ; 'a;s 0f Jiquor ' said her husband.
m trouble, lie's oue of the best nieu ; A p:'ir of thin, white hands were clas
wlicu be doesn't drink. He never brings 1 pC.j quickly together, and as her face was
liquor iuto the house j aud he tries Lard ; turned upwards, tearless eyes looked their
enough to keep sober, but he cinnot pass ; tbenkfulness" to Heaven. j
Jeuks' tavern." Lizzie pondered these I i- There is hope yet, Ellen," said Lcs-;
words awhile, and it occurred to her that ; lie. 1
the remedy for the trouble which war break-' "Hope, hope! and O, Edward, you
ing her mother's Leart was simple enough have said the word."
it was only to get Jeuks to promise that ! " H'pe, through our child. Innocence
lie would sell her father no nioie Tquor. 1 has prevailed over vice and crueby. She
So the child missionary threw her apron "" to the strong, evil, passionate man,
over head, and, unobserved ami alone, ""i her weakuess and innocence prc
made her way to the tavern. A few mo- vailed over Lint. God made Lcr fearless
ments before, a s ranger Lad stopped at and clnquent." ,
the door, and going in, had called for a 1
glass of water, drank it with relish tind
spoke so emphatically ill praise of the
simple beverage, that the laudlord chose to
lake offence at what Le termed a temper
once lecture; Lis annoyance being increas
ed by the fact that it was listened to with
interest by sevi r.d of his customers, among
them the father of "little Lizzie." Iu the
very flush of Jeuks' indignation but it' dually he gathered arouud hint the coin
Mr. Arthur's turn to speak, iMid we will forts of home gradually his be'ter man
let him describe the sceue that followed, hood lived again, and he w.-s "s.ived as
iu his own laii"ua"e: by tire." but the angel of Lis deliverance
t t hi moment n rhil.l strrmeit into the
nar-room. Her little tace was flushed,aud '
great bials of perspiration were slowly
moving down lier crimson cheek. Her
step was elastic, her manner earnest, and
her laige, dark eye blight with an eager
purpose. She glauccd neither to the right '
nor to the left, but walked up to the land-:
lord, aud lifting to him lur sweet young
foe, she said iu t lies that thrilled every
heart but bis :
" Pb-a.-e, -Vr Jeuks, di-n't sell p ipa any
more liquor 1"
'Oil home with yon, this instant !" ex
claimed Jeuks, the crimson rf his fee
deepening to a dark purple. As he spoke
he advanced towards the child, wiih his
hand lifted up in a threatening attitude.
" Please don't, Mr. Jeuks," persisted
the chill, not moving from where she
stood ; nor taking her eyes fiom the land
lord's couuteiiance. " Mother says, if you
wouldn't sell him liquor, ihere'd be no
trouble. He's kind and good to us all
when he doesn't drink."'
" O.T, I say '." shouted Jeuks', now mad
dened beyond self-control; and his hand
was about descending upon the little one,
when the stranger caught her iu his arms,
exclaiming, as he did so, with deep emo
tion :
" (iod bless thee, child ! No, no, preci
ous one !" he added, don't fear him. Your
petition must prevail, lie cannot say nay
to one of the little ones, whose angels do
j i.clioM ihe face of their Father in
Heaven. "God bless the child 1" added honesty of PurP-e. f"r oergctic and in
the stranger in a chocking voice. " O, j dus.nous hab.ls, and the general useful
lhat the father, for whom she has come on ' 2'ns' any other class.
, . , . i ,..,., . i e have no ucsire to make mviuious dis-
this touching errand, were present now :
,, ... ,. ,, ,.,) i,..'. tmctions or comparisons, or to pit oue i
If there were anvthing of manhood yet lelt r r
. ,. . ,, class or profession against another, but we
iu Ins nature, this would awaken it lroni i e
, . , , j would remind those who are ever pratiug ,
lis palsied sleep." : i r a
P-PJ, O, papa !" now cried the child, about ,he t,,cks of "eiymen nnd scee.s
stretching forth her Lands. In the next ; eo, that there may be as many short
moment The was clinging lo the breast of , comings cbargeab.e against their own call-
r , i. mi- ,,c ,.i,atlfl I ing- W hn does not hear, every day of,
her father, who, with Lis arms clasped , , 1
i i ji to-,, 1 his Iae.about false weights and short mea-.
ti"htly around hcr,stood weeping his teais , , . . . . ,
?, , r ,i, ! sures? Look at the imposition practiced,
with those now raining from the little ; f '
, i by the manufacturers of all sons of cloths,
D WliTa'n impressive stillness pervaded ! he substitution of one material for an-
the room 1 Jeuks stood subdued and be- otl'er,so that a person who is not thorough-;
wildered, his state of mental confusion j h billed In .nil their devices, ,s sure to be .
i ii- ili cheated. We havo ourselves becu sold
scarcely enabling him to compreUeud tue
, ,i . f.i ,i, ,rl,,l;. cotton for woolen goods, by men who are ,
full import of the scene; the stiangcr look-, o j
, i-i, j,.nlu 1fl",-eti'd so careful of their reputation that thev i
ed on wondcriniily, yet deeply attitttu. i
. , , .". ' , , ,i nr would cither knock rlown or institute a
Quietly, and with moist eyes, the two or ;
three drinking customers, who had been for Zander against any one who would
lounging at .he bar, went stealthily out. q-siion their honesty. Look at the
and he laudlord, the stranger, aud the osand deceptions , articles of food
. , , , . , ., , , ,r, ,i,. ...i :n and drink in tea, coffee, sugar.wincs and
father aud his child were left the only in- ' .
, , liquors of all sorts and m tobacco. Iu-
nvited nr inn rntim.
' Come, Lizzie, dear ! This is no place
for us," said Leslie, breaking the deep si-
And tLe unhappy .neonate took his
child by the hand and led her towards the
tu , ,. , .nil
door. Rut the little one held back.
u Wait, papa, wait I" she said.
hasn't promised yet. O, I wish he would
promise 1"
" Promise ber, ta Heaven's name," taia i
the sti anger. )
" God be thanked '." mtirmuicd the poor
drunkard as he led his child away. " Gud
ba thanked ! There is Lope for me yet."
Hardly had the mother of Lizzie missed
her child, ere she entered, leading her
father by the hand.
" O, mother 1" she exclaimed with a
joy-lit countenance, aud in a voice of ex
ultation, " Mr. Jeuks has promised."
" Promised what V Hope sprung up
iu her Leart on wild and fluttering wings,
bcr face flushed, and then grew dcadlv
Our quotation must here end. Hut the
sequel, will be readily anticipated. Les
lie was saved but not without a fearful
struggle with Lis old appetite, g e ded by
which, he importuned Jeuks for liquor,
but the memory of his fearful imprecation
upon him-ilf " May I be. torsed if 1 ev
er sell you a drop" restrained the greedy
man, and hisviciiiu remained Sober. Gra-
was " little Lizzy," who in tkc strength
01 nercaiM-t.mli piev.it-J.
1 . H. A rtfiii
TllK FAltM:
Tlic C;:u (It'll -Tlie Ortliard.
IIint3 to the Pui chasers of Trees,
Seeds, &c.
No pursuit or profession in life, however
useful or honorable it may be, or however
purifying and ennobling its tendencies, is
wholly exempt from the evils if di-Lonc
ly. N t even the :uo-t sacred e f all human
vocations e. n e-cipe this misfortune. W..!
any one wonder, then, that there should
be dishonest nurserymen and seedsmen,
and di-honc-t dealers in trees, plants, and
flowers ? Surely not. A great deal Las
been sail about the dishoni'Sty of nursery
men, seedsmen, and florists; but if a rigid
comparison were made between them and
any o'her class of dealers, we care not
which, we Lave not tLe slightest hesita
tion iu saying tLat the result would show
that no other branches of trade are, on the
whole, conducted with greater honesty and
fairness. It may be said iha". we are an
interested party in this case, aud therefore
not competent to judge ; but we take it
upon us to say that we are. We believe
we are as well acquainted wiih those who
are engaged in horticultural commerce in
the I'uited Slates, and have enjoyed as
many acd as favorable opportunities of
studying their characters, as most other
men ; and, on the strength of this know
ledge, we are willing to place them, for
deed, one c;;n scarcely thiuk of an article-,
whether of use or luxury, that can safely
lie tiouglit troiu a stranger oy an experi-
enccd person. The very U of the
; . . , . . , rr . tU
I modules uublushingly. Yet these iame
' .. .
esty of the poor nurseryman or seedsman
who happens by mistake or carelessness
to sell one variety fur another.
Let us not be understood t justifying
the frauds or trims of nuisciwcn or
scidstre-i ; f-r lie it from us to d 1 any
such thing. "We sha'l rather e- ee !
tondemn them. Rut it should be innn-i-
beied that i. is pu er-e matter fur them to
make tni-'al.s, and execedinaly difficult
to avoid them. They are landing a great
nnnber of varieties of the sutue mtvV,
and their lis being huddled irti a fiW
weeks, renders impossible that Hsur'-snd
C'renm-peetion which can be t'Vcu to -r-
dinary trad.'. A boy entrust :d lo ;.:; :.
a label, may get it on the wrong tri.-; or
packtijc.. and 'lie error may cc-i; e li-ti.-e
until too l.'te. In packing, which urn-:
be tntrusud to workmen, ihcic are riaoy
ehanres f .r mi-takes even while th- -'
r'gid surveillance is kept up. In i
throughout the whole routine cf then l.'i-sine-s
in prop gati"". digging, !..! -llin r.
and packing tin re rre an ilnio-t iutini'"
number of small oicr.: ions v.hich rviuire
cxac'ness, nnd ail nf which expr.se to er
ror. Re eh.tri'ablo, then. ar.d o not call
every cr: or a trie!: or a cheat. l.' ry y tr
our j rofessional cur-i r.ni' ii t
men are becoming more syst to iro t-vi
more careful, as well cs ui-vi ioLe it
iDg ud .l.iiifu!, and thus iha cL;.t.ces t t
ern r are rapidly decrtasing.exeept ::ta'S;T
new begiuuers, who have evcrytking to
lei n.
There is growicg up, however, iu this
coun'.iy, a system of dealing fir which re
spectable nurserymen arc iiot respoa-il ' ,
nd to wh'c'u it is our present pnip i;e to
call attention. The e:;'r.tordit.ary Wn
of horticultural coiuaierce witLlu iiif f- w
past years, Les atfacten tli" attcntiou of
that hips chss of specul.-.tiiig ind'viduals
who are ever on ihc look-out for r. ' :
uble lie'd of eperatiens men who nvy
fa'ily be tru-'.e i ; but it is equally tiae
th-.t Very ittany of I he in Lck bo:i an 1
will hot i:c-::a(e 1 j mi-i ( presCL.r an 1 ''-
ceive wii'rever tby consider dec i :i..n
ncecssaiv to srecess. We hyc iu oir
hands tin; nn.-r amtde evidence of ;!.i-.
Letter up m b iter has beca for some !,...'
past i.d '.i c-id to us upon 'his subject fi : ::i
all t. i ts of iu" country, logging us toex-p-'-st
the ii. uUs.ind propose rcnic :v.
Rut wh it can we do '! Tue world is full
cf c-edulous pcple, ever ready to be- ni. -ii
v;ct'uis io the eraiiy stories of unsiMipu-
lous rogues, people who read but lit le,
uud -iioiu our narmngs will never reach,
and who, even if they did, would give
them no heed, p-ople whom even dear-
bought experience wou'd fail to teach w'.s-
elom. They are thepenny-wise and poucd-
foolish, who will run a thousand ris';s cf
being cheated for a siugle chance of mak-
ing a :v".d burgaio. The aulhcrities of
New ink ci'y caused flaming plac::ids to
1 i around the streets, iu the most
-is inui.ner, t cau'"oa e-.uatty
; , ; ..,nst borag d.i-ovcd into liveL
-t ... ii r i- u:s, wheie they arc ccif-ia i
be ll.ii-ed by a act cf stool pigeons; I a;
while tui.-o placards are carried u,' ;
d..wu nil day long, every morui.i-: jap r
biings to light some mock jaetioa fr.u Is.
aud thousands i rc daily perpctr.-.ted that
an uev-.-r made public. All that era be
urged ag..iijsl the folly and madue-s of
snaliowiug pateut niedieines avails nofh
iug ; fir we see the ouutry full of travel
ing uieuieiue chests, aud vast tutiiuis re
alized from the business. A'l manner of
frauds :.re peipetratcd, day after d.. v at.d
year iiftcr year, upon a iTiduii.us pu'. i- ,
aud jit the las: ie.,ps as rich u harvest as
the liist. We havo therefore bu", lit:'
hope that anything can be done to stay de
ceptive trading in trees, p'ants, o see ls.
Our currospoiideut "M," cf Maaiuee,(Lio,
related ia our la t n umber some of the
tricks of foreign adventurers in the Wist,
and we have seen the very same things
done iu this cnlighteued Lorticubural city
of ours a few years ago. Large quantities
of the merest tra.-h ttcio s.dd at exorbi
tant prices to persons who were never
knowu lo pitroui.e uur-eryme'i aud flor
ists at their own doors to the uinum of a
dollar. A short titoa ago a gi ntieman
from oue of the Eastern Siutes called on
us, aud inquired for a person who he said
had sold lar:e ouantities of Ar.pie ttccs iu
his neighborhood, repreeniiag himself to
be the proprietor of one of the oldest and
most extensive nnrscrics in Western New
York, and represent iug also that bis trees
were propagated by somo superior meihod
which was known to uim only, au 1 v.tiicii
gave them a decided supeiioriiy over trees
grown in the ordinary way. ijn inquiry,
we found this man did not own a single
foot of land,h:.d never been a nurseryman,
nor had Le auy interest whatever ia any
nursery establishment, but bought sro-h
trees as he could make the largest prout
ou. He was a crafty rogue, boweve. pre
tended more than ordinary pie ty, aud vic
timized the religious people of New Hol
land handsomely. A few wee' s ago f
nurseryman of Rochester received itiM"
gence I list he was represented iu some
pasts of Ohio by a person who claimed to
be his agent ami son, while Le uot only
did not know such a person, but had never
seen him or heard of him before, ami lie
was compelled to incur tLe trouble acd ex
pense of advertis
rasing him as an i'F ,
high-bandtd piece ,,f ""f"
Is not this a h
tion to Le attempted iu sucli a
and among an intelligent pc-ple ? lhu
man w Lo will di such 4 tbiu-t; is nt a par-
tide belter than be who counterfeits
lank Liil or a siivir d or tit . v.--"
li.rge a si;;n .lure to a Lank C '.'
lave i: fr-jia perfeslly rel'jb!? .
that a c mi; any of tr.edoalu.? hail'ii" 1 01.
Ohi , perehasel r.t a s:na!l r'-.rv i.
rr. .M-.r York a quantity if Willi.:
1 Led fruit tn Cl'eacli .s cud Cher-
U:: knotting t,cui to be such for tho
uur-erj ti.au ivebilteie, to be a perfectly
ln,iie-t jii an ar.d .bey tc-1.: thcui up, tied
tiiein in p. rci is, ttml attached l ibir's to
tin. ta be : s tho names of all the Les5
Ii nts iii the ct ! 'gits. We wire inform
ed i l '.i tin-.- -pytilj-is r:r iclis wire lo Le
-''' t Tetn.e--ie. Her? is a piece (f
vil'aijy f,r yoil Such u:-n richly de
serve the i . :i;c!:ti- ry. Mel we can not until!-',
v' 'e jj ,- o.j.., it u;uu touid cea
s... :.'! u-ly ref. j'p from xp-.-ing thtm,
a L.1 thus a.d la triUj.iug thc.u to p'lcLrU-U.-e.t.
I i every part of the cr-ui'rv pcpl j Lavo
le a tu:ra,.-:on.s'y d-c.i;-d by iiuerst
?n!''r. 1 my traic-e ;s coutiti-y, and
tal.eor.l-ia lo t'.J :.i:-l'flng at soll.aej l-plcic
Lr ail tL:r j've. ":.u the eioa of
i-l.:g e,u..--ul. v ivur:.i . ij eojoo aL.Tig
Wi.h a , .ii-J -1 e f .-.rloits, coiitaiuin?
every vauity tnaf couLi pv.-.-il.!y becaih i
far, ail prosuved fr-tn the co.st rspoc-li do
soui jc ; aud as a proof if this a catalogue
cf s rao w. 11 La:wu uui.-eiytuun is cil.i
L't.d, and, it tu::T I?, a f ore.- d bill or in
voice, v. Llee tLe .-livts were uevt likely
eut fi."! r one c-f tLe orchards they had
t 'en i.iiig '.,. ihou-..cls of orchards
ii v: l eer! ru:nd in this way. YVe havo
niv, oue i i o r r,f:--j--ion wLick the j re-
VI JtlS -
t- e-
t! r:
.; 1
".' :
s it
r .vi. , :.L-I iLjii.id of having soma
t! ' e u: .our sel. et s-ti'i-i, aa he ordereu.'io
I.:' 1 :. i-t-'.'.vCtl-il rf ill lub'.e h, ir. :"'y
r- :' .! .mi', ;:t: l it. . an c t:..-es tlue or
f ear -1 i:--r- ut sorts on a tree.
Y.'e m'ght go on :.ul cite cases of this
s it nh'''". t-tv; t-i:i:i; ta re;- laowlcdg
enough to CI a i!eC-.-n piges of this journal,
but S'.-u' I be a iu-. c c; time end paier.
Ia ihl-p.:rt o" the country people are
more caH'hnis ;.ni careful .ban formerly.
and f.v men ae.T a wil tag to trust nu-
kn .-vra irn c-nsibLj p-: -e-is with the ini-
pe.r;::t.t du'y of gr fiicg their fruit trees,
t , ;.nttor, m souw yri. cf ilij
West ar.l South, wLere wo ere informed
the speculation is in full blast. We hop
t-us VC,T, cf w-rr.:;u- mey Cnd its way
thcr--, aa I rrcveat at"kaM a f-w from al-
iw;n3 th tL'.ycs to be victimized. It is
l.t JU"t tj sy, in this connection, that
ave Uonest men eng ged ia thisbasi-
BC:.S cf r..f it ---uiea" in all respects
wortj,y t,f contidenee and tbs service
tun. rc.j.,. t0 f.-uit culture is verv creat.
V,t,-'. v
1 will bo L j d- tr'u'et
.-, i.
ii. f , Ley have (h r.eters to jh,
'. 1. 1 iL:j and iu-p're cet:fl It a..'.
t.Ml'e as I: 1 C: ::-y of the fie.us v.
1. 'Vo ::.iiit;- ned, is t of r- 1-iiL 6
d tf-r-T tni u. rMile. vnr '
an . V. iwers. :-s
i::.rv, auu valaal !.
rrii.s. Crif.y :'-.
couatry r-''h ex-i
:t? :-r.d beci' :'.-':
:'t t!
-ws r
d serii
: i
cot-1. ; -i..
It as. -.ad thus
i.'tceive t:i-.us'ni- ot pewte. 1 !ic omatoa
j S I.:"."
wiih the
y 1: .- been p-d'.l-ed for
ord .':uii.- A (very enp-
t!V i: g)
rrtux d. The ilia,!-.- Oi'c
.eat t. s Hi. pe, n':;ly worth-
!:, et; . p , r M-.l.MNiiWi.iRYtl S-vs, flat
it r " tit .- :ve f rr anon le-ls if 1 ad were
:ctne f r ;..) :; three yeirs his had a
fine run in alue-st every part of t'.o conn
t v, a', .hie" to live !". " s per plant. Tho
'J:', . r.r.d s"ver.,' c heisrurdanl
paiaied i.hcal, ere no letter.
Stiai'o t o say, vc.y uiuny of tl:o-e wl'.
purchase such ari'i!-'--, c 'Uld not be p
snad 'd to purchase) those f f rei nicrii.
Nolhi"g cl-o will strve tiieni but te be
htiwlih'ifl) to use a vulgar but ex:-' '
sive term.
Ne v.-st ,-rer-1- nl ' oeoer-tlves. nnai"".-.-lv,
as u ;:e'jr,..l thing, t-' .'-'-Se fi -.a l-:
l' a :cal
1 i.l i.a. iil. i IjO 1 ." .
1, e ' eo :. aj am b -." ;
and ti-hen the fy -'aters get '.-.ir g' v
, iug uVscrq.ii.'ti p.:' '.:-cir work .f
deception is Lalf me mpiishcJ.
; The only thing that cm reme-Jy
evil, is the dissemination of inti l'igereo ;
: and'v.e e.i". ap" '' friends ef h.-ifieul-'
tore ande f henest and honOi-ble dealing,
in allpeo ts of the country, to leal their
ai 1 iu expxsirg at! I srrestiltg this sv.-te iu
oi'Viaud. It is a d;s -rate to the tiadeau i
to the nnral; of the e-ouutry. A most nn
r!ea ant duty it is fcr us to give such a
'.;.!,;.-. t thl- importance ; but can not
s'-rlnk from it. '" '" rr,,r
C .ut'-ry where site'u dMior.o.-'y is practised;
,'. ifiDifi'ii!" is pl-ved on ii smaller or
".', ;, ! s.-ale all ever Kimo ?, as the pages
.-; j- -:r j. uiua's ; i..vc.
I " I hero be aav : !."..:g alcut which pcopki
-h.tld ixeiei-e i.tr.iordiu:iry care and
c tii im i.l purchasing, it is that of trees,
si .ls andplauts. Wtai. a less of titua
mi l io -tii v, ail what a disappointment
and in. rfili ".tiou, to be deceive I in thesd
T. n .1 V.....tfr ttc.ii.i im-
lV! fls . S 1 ill- eiiuieu. a w
,,rs ;f -vc but determine ou so detc j.
K c";10Uest tradesmen enough ever j .