Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 15, 1855, Image 3

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    Lewisburg Chronicle & West Branch Farmer June 15, 1855.
The Louisbiirg Chronicle.
A xxner.tt.r.r." ri-.ir --orasat,
hul on lYMj -V"-'"'i's LeKulUrg,
Union count;!, 1 .""'
rrrlfs-H r... ir jr..-s " vc-."d
TM. fiJ,, .rr r Fh..rl-r iht.kI. 1iiu,
t ti c am " f)r , Jrfr o .otlu, 7i ct. fur ail montim,
M,..oL ''!" fi,r .ulwo ih,, f.,r too
$ f"r ... v.. . . ! j. r'amutii by Mail (fiHi
year ? ,
: ut I auk r't'M at tlieir
reW"" ' ,..,, i!.l:mtj.i.l fir.
,,'u.r. on. w. Si tent.. ... ! in rti..n. Jl
-' -.n,. ' , a yar. K:.ir a .are-2.v, l.'r, fj,
I ..,c l. iT.r.O. Mcrrliaiit, It. li
ej 10 filiirvi. -i, ,.ic. y. . .
..i.flJamn, $10a var. All other r. Tr.i
tTaensJ nl. A . 4"- I'.i. .i c.f br.. i-r. Or VJ ..f 1
wlfil. ur.-rt.twt;- ,daawtumeib.or ;
t -.!... S.1...1 '
. H,iO..'M:-i! -
g-ninicationa J-lr.-J on t"t.ie .fir nornl lntfrx,
l itf.in tiif r-M'f of party or aertarian cnti M. All
lett'-rs t- raid. arr..mpani. a oy mo ,
ajtrw of the writr. to iwrft. ait,.nti..n. j
71... I ViM-TIC TKI.KiSRAI'H i locate In I5itn
cf the ChrW. l. wMcB we ona ir.'i nnpi.rijiTi
admire "ftfce '
Cnn. Ul wh t'1" ,im" mr'"' n,m,rr'" wr
liB,l.J i lilM' '.."" "
",,,-,Ual .lrt....-nt (o W ia.a for..' bi a
In anil J ' W..ri h " '1,'livcn '1.
; HB-.. Marrt rtr-t. ' '. 8:c0'"i Ty. M
door wOEBErr b COKNEMT7S.
' jLcirisbnrff, S'a
Fripat Morning, Jlni:1",1S-j ..
-n'.iwU. Metiati.
i . n.urt. r..i.i:-h-r--
' I M w,-il t" ..niitii-v lit '
,i l, i-!i t i.iiy
t..,.,,f 111. l.'Ti tf
I,r, Will " " l "''"
tnd iwr. -iiii , ,r uUli,. iu ao mmu
lar ,r,,v.ro,.n ..f a. nv...
IT. Dt ITOJUCT.', C"UrUl'l, r
ana d'l'. " a " - - -
jttS-TLe Senior auJ cstrcmu Junior are
still on furlough.
fj.Ve V" thc iuJu'gencc of our rca-
tliia wccit, I T
the slim amount of
editorial and local matter in io-ua t, pa
v?r. A jour. auJ the junior, Laving been
oblige.! t) attend Court two days, it re
qmred tight work to got out a paper of
any sort.
. . , . i .
The Cuntcstcrs Knoclieil in Ihe Eeal!
PEilAiTUfl'fj l'-E-TAHtS '
As was exjiected by all who took an un- !
tiiasscd view of t'ue matter, and understood
the law properly, the contesting case vrai-:
"quashcl as'dctti as Julius Cu sar, after it ;
was fairly argued on Luth sides, ly Very j
eminent counsel, lue coots, amountioi! j
to about one thou?.nd dollars, wore thrown
upon the tax payers.
We hor.e this last battle will cna the
turmoil. Jt has caused much animosity
and man? misTLndertran Jinjjs on both rid:
r.nd some of the best citizins of New Mer
lin and Lewisltrg have been uselessly
"vexed with each ether.
Some of the sorest of the Anti-Pivis-lonists
talk of takinjr the matter to the Sa-
,m P..,rf 1...1 we nresume that id oulv !
- ... r .
talk; they will probably "stay HcKea
kSTuVe have before us a copy of " The
tJna," a paper devctod'to th; elevattou of;
"Woman. It is a handsome 10 page rubii- ;
cation, in quarto firm. From a glance at
5ts contents and list of contributor.-", we ;
think it a good paper, especially for ladies. ;
?ublished monthly, at SI a year, or six i
'.vj.ics for S V S. C. Hewitt, 15 J-'ruukliu ;
btrcct, IJ jston, Mass. f
XctD3 jlcms from tfllirr CCotmiics. ;
- j
XoRTii;.M!r.r.i..t vi. The tf.fzeiis of
the Mauonoys celebrated Wliit Monday, j
the "Sth ult.) at Xjcorgttown, irr accord- .
uncc with a long established custom with j
the Germans. The Snnbury Brass Hand, j
flying horses, daueiug, gingerbread, Dutch j
itirln, and similar luxuries were in attend- !
nnee, and the day wa-i spent very pleasant- i
ly. Ttto I?anbury t7-s-cc WJ.S ,;iat tfac j
Ttoa! shippers nt tat place rc rloinj an ,
active business. More cof.l Is ttctr.aa-lvU , cal, Cias-ieaLJiivenib- and Miscellaneous pub
there than can be broupht down from the l'.'-atb r.-. Jt.bles, Pn-yef and Hymn Hooks,
..... , - ; suitable lor the vsiicus denominations, J'lant
ionics with the present number of car. ; alld Fi,cv s-jfuAy of ail kinds. Pen and
CbLL'MKIA. On Sunday morning, 27lh I
tilt., Yeagrr's Tavern, at Slabtown, was j
totally destroyed by fire. Nearly all the j
furniture belonging to the tavern was j
consumed, S3 was also the furniture of the
Odd Fellows' Lodge-, which was in tbc'
same building. It i-s thoHght the Crc was
communicated by a stove pipe". A son
of John liwnej cf Cesitrevillet Was
drowned Jn the canal abovt Kspytows, a '
6hort time ago-. On Thursday week, a ;
hail storm passed throogh the county, do-
nrf cnmri A ttr 1 rrn I t,a cnt-inrririr' m-i 1 n 1
c:;; P- -DERS0N takes plea-
, , , r I -iiJL sure in announcing to the citizens of
a State road from lJloomsburg to Laporte, I l.t. ,si,urg, th it her classes are now in opera
Sullivan county. ,,,,n. 411,1 invite? ail who are desirous of leant.
, . 'his beautiful accoiitpliaiiiuciH 10 call ut
I.ycomtso. The MdDPJ Luminary I icr roorts,
eomplains heavily about the present up j ,Vo. 0, Wathlnyton House.
river tail arrunijenients. The rapid rate . fio liitie is tern-rally known (even by many
at which the express train passes that f-ta-1
tion, prevents them from getting a heavy ,
luaUon. Alativ bv tuc name of lijiiri-.
clta Drake, a neamstrcss, about twcutv-Cve !
TenrAlcl iitimn..:J i- .
rf uumaiinu, vuujujiul'u suiciuc ill ,
ilhampport, hrt Thursday, by takin"
-vuiv -jio0 x. uaa ucea sui-jcci 10 go j .
casional melancholy, during which she fre-t MEETING lf tllC ExCtTithe Com
tjuently spoke of terminating her existence. I 1 - mittee of the Union county Agr. So. will
She was iu comfortable circumstances, aud hel;' al the jiite f ' Fv1,.,1!''r' K ' in
. , . ' j Lewisburg. on Saturday the JM lost, at 1 (r.
urs.in.A AT - i 1 I i
- i-ssiw cause ior toe act is given.
A young German stranger committed sui
cide, recently, in Shrewsbury townshin. bv
Langing himself to a tree. The cause of
this melancholy affair is uncertain. Fifty
eeven dollars in gold were found in his
CrrecttU HVtAy.
" uca- f- 4U Kjrps $ 12
Tallow .
. 12
. 10
. 10
. 12
Oata ;."''
Dried Ar-pies'.
Clovcrseed .
On the 14ih inst., by Rev. B. Bausman. Mr.
John Mowry of Lewisburg, to Miss Elizabeth
Hummel, of Northumberland Co.
"T1EAVER A KREMER have just received
J j) a lot of Xew Uonds, cuiiaisliug of Ladies
iltess goods, dress trimming French needle
work prints, llascry 2ha,'ls, Ac. Ac,
June Via.
1XGR-M.N and Venetian carpets, a good as.
s.irimeut ju-t received, cheaper than ever
It June 15. Beaver A. Kremer.
4th of July.
"lt7g lh.fi UIHilTSi.IliVl, ajCtW tO flOSl!
VI oar Mores on liie Kourih of July next,
. .,,.... w i,m..u
.1 Hill!"''. ................
IL!l'l0-A UKI'ZKL, 111'.. Kit I KUl;Klt,
i III lill i V..11-H. WM.l.S,
lib Ol.lSa M'FAbUEN, J. SCIlKKl'tit t SoX.
' June lo, ISoj.
irAMLIA Hop?, for patent Hay
Forks insl recc.ved and fur sale bv
June li, o. J. HAVES & CO.
J(U! T. MO.NXAiKffi iu J'earlj ivory. la-
puir -liacjie anu Morroceo at pnec.s
varying Iroin 10 cts. lo $1,25 at M. ri pat
rick & Hro's icw JJook and Stationery Store,
:'d St., I.ewisburg, r.exi door t lieaver At
Kieiner"s sl. re.
tl.NE Uold Pens dianiutid pointed . ''i,
J.arse do " wi ;
Ex. " " ' " -7"
(jiild pens in silver cases from 76cts. tn.$C,t'(l.
Hold petieos with or without peiis from VScis.
to-l.noi !
, . . j
OLD puis n f oinu.l 1.125 i ts. each, at M. :
I iizpatnek A. l!ro s -ew Look anil Ma- ;
tionery Siore, ad St. I.ewisburg, uell door to ,
Beaver & Ki-.a!iit r"s Store. i
IJl'M and Pocket cutlery of Rodger's Wos-tciiholuis-,
atid oihers line maniilaclure,
at prices varying from 10 cts. to .fil.'io.
I Kazor Strops from 1(1 to 15 cts., al M.
Fitzoatrick .V Bros' New Hook and Stationery
3d si. I.ewisburg. next door to Beaver 5o Kre-
nier's Store.
JEW Hooks received as soon as publish
ed, and for sale at a liberal discount
from PiiL!:v!i. rs prices, at M. ritpatrick .v
Eros' New Hook Store. 2d St. I.ewisburg-
OllHE S fur any Books published in this
Cou"trv or Europe, not on hand, will be
I attended lo with promptness and itispaleh.ami
, supplied in all ca-t s at from 20 to 50 pcrccut
bel-nv publishers j-ncrs,
rADIES It 'ticules and Work iloxes.han l
j soin. ly furnished, from 50 cts. to t?-l,lni.
l)iKs Sow iim 1-irJs
at cts. and
cts., nt ,M. 1'itpatriek A Er.VXew Jl
an.' Stationary, 3d 't
Lewisl ur.
VKW wine in CM JJo-.tles, New Book i
Old It,, K". a" M. Eitypatriek lire
II, .ok an I stntn.n-i v S
tore, ;M St., I.ewisburg.
cts. bi
I"tt,-.-. cap and Lote: paper from 5
to 123 P'r rjuirr.
Huff Envelopes self sealing, 12 cts. per 100.
I'me wiiite ' 15 " "
at M. Fii7natrick A- Bros New Hook and
S-a'ionery t5tore, 3d St.. Lowisburg.
I)f. MX and Fancy Stationary of ail kinds,
at M. Fitzpatrick it Bros' Sew Book
Siore, 31 St. Lewisbuig.
AltPEItS, Co-ley's. Rr.ihaurs.and all the
other .-f l.Oi'i Magazines sup), lied at !'-,-
1.0 per annum. Single Xo s only 21 cts., by
M. Kitp nriek A Uros' 3d St.. I.ewisburg.next
door lo B-a.er & Krein:r's Store.
"MDTK'E is liwliysivcn, that Letters
i 1 of Adtniuistralion on the estate of J.i.mf.s
M.miiik, la'c . f Ivelly Township, t'nion coun
ty, deceased, have been granted to the under
s gued, by (he LcgiMer i f L'liion county, in
due lorm oL law ; therefore all persons in
debted lo said estate, are requested to make
immediate 'payment ; and those having just
claims are aN,. requested to present them pro
perly authenticated for settle;,, -nt M
'as.tn-.e..n Tn . I.v.s.n.i-ic Co.,
Ia.-t liullalm Tn.. tnieBCo.,
June IS, lP.'io.
Kev Bo .k and Stationary Stdre j
TX Lett islmrx. M. Fiizpatrick
brothers. Publishers, Booksellers A Sia- '
tinners, X. lith St., Philadelphia, have open- i
ed a branch of liieir cstabiishiii.-nt iu :H ft., ,
next ooor to .leaver A Krcmer's ruire u litre ;
may be had Books in Ihe varied d- pai tinenls ,
of i.iteralnre, including Historical, liiorr.ipbi- ,
1'ie.r I. Sri.-iilil'.r. A liaioc:. I I,, el.. 1
Pocket 'utlery, Portmonnaies in Pearl, Ivo
Papier-Macl-e ,-n-i Morroceo, Uold pens and
pencils, ESi'ies Cabas, Reticules and .YA ork
jioxes, and a variety of Useful Fancy floods. '
Ladies and lieutleman are respetlully solicit.-d
to call and examine thctrassfu Inicnl of Hooks, j
Stationery and Fancy tiroes. New (Joods re- j
ceive I every day by Express. June 8, 155.
SP.X t'f si ear (iJtl jlavArares.
A of
iutn size, gentle in harness, aud
n-i travMers.
rttrte 8, lR.'.S,
Fn-uire at this office.
Sketching from Nature.
Prc- 10 ,ecl') foae principles of.
; of iht nrr. This lin .-innnHunitv ssrl.'nm I
;7 , ,r . , " !
oiTcreti. cverv puui! hr.ns otia ifiod to skctcH '
ant1 "tWy mm nature.
..... 11
now taking )fFsone.
Leather Work al::o tauSM.
" lJ"' '
clock, P. M., to fix upou the time of holding the
next annual Fair
By order of the President :
DAVID REBER, Secretary.
Jnnc 0, 1855.
Orphans' Court Sale.
BV virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of I'nion County. I will expose lo
sa!? on Saturday, the 3t)tl of June.inst, at Pe
ters' " t'nion Temperance Hotel," the part of
lot sitilaled on the comer of Front and St.
Louts streets, in the Borough of Lewisburs,
late ihe estate of Peter Myers, dee'd, oa which
are erected Two frame Buildings, suitable for
I two families. To be sold subject to leases of j
i this year. Terms 10 per cent, cash: balance 1
at September Term of Court.
JOHN B. LIXX. Administrator.
1iv orner ol Orphan Court.
June , Sjm t Rot-fif.r'eritt.
, PPLICATION will be maile Jo Ik
I t..s ...el,,.,..,.. I... " -
, . " ". , ' a,..;,,. I,,., :,.:.,., .. , . ,
Uwisbun in the county oflinion to Till'
J.EWI.sUI lit! il.VWK," u-i:h Oue Hundred
Thnii'-aiid Hollars additional eapital, and
authurily to issue their own note. for circula
tion ; subject to the provisions of liic general
tanking lavs .of this Commonwealth.
Uv order oi the llircetors
DAVID irEBEU. Treasurer;.
I.p'isbiirs, l'a.. June 8, Ih'i.'i.
(Seliiirove ' Demo'urat" and Ilarrisburg
I'iiiou' copy.
TTORNCV at i.avr, Milfiiniinr-.
Jl lTiiion Co.. l'a. I''AII prolessional bu
siness einrtisietl lo b.is care, will be punctually
and faiihOiIly a'.ten.b-d to. June 1, "33 j l
"1.li.l'K I'H. A very larscand weil selected
24 cts. to Ji.ua per yard. A portion of ihcie
Carpets were b. uuht at anclion, others direct
fmni the iivi!uir:ie.t,ii". at priees that we enn
i sell them very low. ThoSe.in want of Carpet
we invite to call and look before buvme else-
! where.
J. SU11HEYEK & S(..
June 1,
I.AIitJE and clesirabl
stock of Ladies'
1 lioi'ds, f every Wind. f.r sale!
rheaj) by
VLAHtE lot of Ladies' spring and sum
luur Shawls, for sal- very low, by
June 1, IS.VVj J. .ciiki:Yi:u 4 SO.V.
1I.OTHS.Cassimeres;Tweeds and Summer1
ear. fr sale ri,-.mcr tlian ever by
June 1, lt..-,.-l .f. sriUilZYr-:!! .V Wl.V.
Union COUnty S3.
(l.n ,.f ,nM
111. I .,11. i in i minion
rieas. In the matter of the Appli
cation for a Charter of Incor.o, ra
tion of "Charity J.odt;e No. 14 1 at
I.ewisburg I'eiinsylyania." And now to wit:
May the l lihA. Jl. 1SSS, Ihe within In-tru-ment
of Incorporation of ttharitv Lodi:e, No.
1 11 at I.ewi-!ure;, l'a.," piesented by John li.
Linn, Esq., to said Court, examined ly the
t."oun, and the objects, articles and ciuiditiens
therein set I .riiraiui contained appearing law
ful aitd not i'ut!.ins to:e rotiiiui.nity. r-. ; til
j Court directs S;ud Instrument t be tiled in the
office of liie I'rothonotary of said Court, fed
also directs i.niice to It iesirttd in '.he 'l rvr
isbitrs Chronicle" for al least thitte weeks
selling forth that an application has been
made lo said C.iort to grant such Charter of
Incorporation, and that if no siitlii'.iei.t reason
be shown to th contrary, the said Court at
September Term, the next ensuing, will grant
a Charier as prayed fur.
JYr Curiam.
Helmbold's Genuine Preparations.
I T ELMBOLD'S HfcMv ConcentraloJ
1 i n
omiioMiitl I'luid t'.lr;il ui"
lUtlil.l.r iliseas'.s ol the Bla.t.ler and
Kuluevs. Secret Diseases, Strictures, Weak- j
i nes, and all dias.'S i f "'e usul ttrfsnr,
whether in Male or Female, from whatever i
I cause they may have originated and no matter j
j of how I.,ng standing. I
I If ynu l:av,, rntr:.r:.-.t it; trrtt.V .li.-n".. vb'i-h. J
, wt-n ..rtr,. p.:tt,i oi 111,' m siftu. wot fur.-lv d,,v. ., .
; fr, -I,. ...h, tr n- rati .1. I,, an..tli.-r. io,.l..riiiii.ii. the is.n-
stilt .ti ai n.i 4;,,.hi tl, rery it;il tli.i.O 1 in',.. ,1.. u,.t j
trii-l .-ur.'ll' in ti,.- hio.d -,f i. mrks, al... slwrl up
! nils- r..i.ii,,.t. i... -. it ,-i, u'i.-.i t.. .-.-.-i tti.. T.wna !
; au 1 tl.-.M n,.t Mrua.uf.si uilh Uieir tn, k. u ran J
j "'""earrfal in it..-1. . u.Q .f a ri-.u-Jy in the-, (
j 'Hi.- Fluid Ktra.t.f It.i.lm bas l'en nrnnnnneid hy
i '-miii.ui .i,y.-i,iii- it.. ir.i.st it.ni.si, ..t k...,u. j
: Il is a m-.li,-ii.e p. rf. . llv i,l.-.-:...l in Its la-t.' an.l .rj :
, oiu j.-ei,t in it, a.-lton. :.i, l "t w. tl,or'.i!:li that li anln-
I t. Int.-s v, ri i, tru, I,-. Itiw r:,.k un 1 (..-' .. ...... tii iis uf ;
I 11,1. tlr.'.-t.Uul ,liM-n-.. : alil. ui:!ike ,.i li.T n'meilit-s. it .tto-s
nt t d7 it.,. .I,..',- ,a it.- ite-i. ..,..,t.i'ui., t j
, -l.b Ir'.um.t i!.i..i,..i..Is .,1'U... bn- i
uiau ri.. ." Ui .Int. in. Iv yr
l..M's ..t (.ar. ti! :o t t-.i'l
amleii.tn .,f n,;tiiy a D,-I,le
Iiifo.it,, II.-iidiiv. A-J u
. tlilis 1'l.sli..- Hit, t.nlliio.t
l.'. in tl..' t-.n-l ti,e l.iri'.iis
1 u.li.s-i... I-- rurisl ly this
a ui.sl..-.i,l' utn, h inu.t Im-ii-:
i Iv l. ti.-ji:.- I., t li.- -. iiniie.1
very lty. ti.,ni tlie -j
.-.Il.t ..-.:.:r.i,k. j.:iii.. i... ,ii;U '
Su 1m fjuuJ, acting
nolo :is a eurc an4 ITi-i-. uU.e.
Heimbold's Highly Couculi.i:cd Compound
fluid Elvtiart sarstanas-illa.
T"-.r T'tiri'vin tl Ill, ,1. rvin-.vii, ..il .li-i.;i-es arisinir
fr' m ec,-r. ,-t -.it, hi v, .-s: . ,s ui an l iiir'rn.li.ie.. 111
t.f . li r. -11 i , "ti-l:l i:i n.ii ,l:s .-ri.-in in,!:. :, 11 i.il-,tr-
si, i,. (,i tn - iiI.hkI. ;,ii Hie unly r itn'.'e aii'l 1'
l-ln.,1 kn o.v 11 n-me-lv f .r It,- .in- , f t,.!4, .- 1.1
l(l., um. .s.ai.l lleni. I l."r:.fi-.lus of Hie 'llin.. anl
I..-SI". fain, iill.t Sw.-Illnii nt ll.e tt a.ir, S, o,t, full
i,',i,u tliv Face, :itj nil .s :,'y l.rupU-.'Tiw et' it1 Sniii.
Tl.is nrtirle i- n-.w r. f. ri.e.l t-y ,-rr"l f "r.. l.;o-t
.l.s..ii.'...oli.-.l -l.y-i, t..i:s in le c ,.r n . r", an 1 lie. i-,,n-,
111 (,r: t liiri, 111 ill ,ra. t, e t!,"?i M.y l-O-J. . ill. '11 (1 S..IS11
.arilla v.-l oil. r.sl tn li.e ..t.i.. .- -rr- .) .. . ,,f .,., ,11
t..r Sj ,i.i.i-.l' r, uriiit in..! S..r..e: 1,-,tiM-,.-. - l.:,i -n-tir.
l rr.- it.t.- t iu the ir-ii-;,'..:.: wtir ls ,e ,,i.r I'ul,.,.- 1 11
1IIl,ll-,n al;..-I. hint l'-,r II-..-IUV ..irsr-.-i t'-t i-veiy 1,: t--i.l
Irr tlni.-nt Unit e,i:.t 1 1-devi.-el. Tln s (,.-.- ti'i io li
trisi't-- ex;iln.. a r,f f 1.. pal utul-. . !T ..-Is , ,r III is in- 1.,-n, :
in iirilinj wim" ,-t ti,,- l.i,..-t 1,1 !, r:.le iii.'n-e.. ali.T
tie- iHiO.'li. wen- .i. slr. o 0,1 ..i. l Ihe t., m.-. a:r.-.rrattL" i, d.
NoTtl B, I., tiers l'i.,in r. i-onh.!-!,- rlivi. iioi-i ..f h. v--nil
ii...i,-sl C-tt . , s, iiii.i f.-rmi. ;,t, s i.I , ,i,,..s lo.ii.
lit-iits u i.l bt- lo-aii-l ai'e.-i.i;..iiiyiu 1. lli l-rej.arati ,C-.
1'iticr.s. Fluid Extract of JJucliu; lyl p rr
bottle, or 1 bottles f. r St5. Fluid Extract of
Sarsaparilla. 1 per bottle, or f-bottles for $".
e.jual in strenglh to one gallon Syrup of Sar
sajitil ilia. ;
Pi -pared and Soil by il. T. li lll.MC'- U.D. ,
C'heuiisr, 411:1 Cio . stunt si., ti'-jc ihe liirard
House, i'lulr.delpli.a. ...
I ew.burg, and of Diurrijists and Dealers cv- .
eryw-herc. " J
t VA11 b'lters directed to the Proprietor or i
Ato-nt receive immediate attention. 1
June I, l'i'i yt
Typs Fouadry.
MVO Premiums awarded at the Iale
Chry.'tal J'alace cxliibilion iu New Voik
lo the lde.i type 1' oun.iiy in .tie I ntie.l
Stales. Established by llinney A Itonaldson
iu li'.ill. on ihe base ol Sower's tfcrtnatitown
Foiiuury of 1 i3U. ,
I'he long experience oill.e several pro) ne
tors of the J'hii.ahi lphia Tirr. Focshht. en
ables L. Johnson A Co., to oiler ll.e largest
variety f Ptii.'ing Types, and all the appur
tenances of a Printing Otl'ce to be found in
any establishment ol the I'nited States, and of
a quality, loo, which is deemed to be unrival
led. The composition of lb. ir.'tiiit trcd I
calculated to afford the greatest durability ;
while tlie scrupulous care e.ercised in Ihe
lilting up of the type is such as to insure ac
curacy an 1 squaieness of body. Ac. Our fa
cilities arc so extensive as to enable tts to till
1 orders ct any amount, r -;:ima;cs given in
delal (w,,h t'e cost) of'
all iii- riaterials re-
qiir - d for a Xewsp,ipe
X . . ,t . . .
. . -. l- -i . iv
u.ler.s, Cuts, Rrass or M.Mai Rules, Labor-!
! ... i t..-i- :.-
PKKS.sfcr of all descripiions. an.l nil saris
j of Printing Materials, most of which arc 1
made by us, will be furnished at lnannfac- j
j lefsA-'s Prices.
j J'HINTINU IX rt of all Variei!s and Col- 1
ors, Varnishes, Bronzes, Ac. of the most
celebrated American and English Mant.fac- j
lures, whtcn we sell nt tlie lowest terms.
S TEl.'EOTVPIN't; or Electrotyping rif 1
Books, Music, Wood (tuts, Ac. Type rsed j
in Stereotyping fcr fale at reduced prices. :
vVood Cuts designed and engraved in the 1
finest style of art. -1
Our 'Minor Specimen Itot.k" (the first nf j
its clast! in the country, and original in its
Conception and getting up) will be sent t.l I
all printers that have lot rer.civcl it, who" !
will direct how It may be transmitted li them. ;
("ilNewspripe Printers who publish this t
rdvertisement entire, finclnding this notice.) !
three times belore September 1st, 1F55, and j
send torts a copy of the paper corrt.-linihg it, ;
will be allowed their bill on puiehtsin" ani-'
Cles o. our manufacture to four times its ,
N". fam'on Ft., near the Hall of Imi-
pnience, hibidetphta -
Ma. 30, IPSA.
"The Open Bible.'1
A GENTS wanted to sell a now
1 - entitled "Paganism. Popery an
1 a"17',or ,l,e BLKSSIXUr of an OPEN 1:1 -
JJLb, as shouu ia the History of Ciiristiaui-
iv, iiom ine nine oi our navior to ine piestn:
il iv, Uv ineent V
Milner. Willi a view of
the latent cievelr.pements of IIOMK'S 1IO.S
I TIM T V to the EIBI.I", as exhibited in vari
j bus pans of the world, and an cjp'ise of the
I absurdities of the itiimacul.ite com i ption, and
I It,.. ..-.,.,.. .-..r, i- .1... 1
by Kev. . K. Berg, 1. 1)., author of The J ,
suits,"" Church and Mate," Ac., Ac. The !
author of this work. Dr. iier. is a.-kuowb-.l-,'- j
ed to be the most aide writer on ltU.M A MS. It !
in the county ; iIki-i1 n-im li-u - 1 his rii"-j
cussion, t-ii;, Anc-illUISIItH'ia'tiHES.will
need no assui.i:,ce oi .'us fact.
A-cnts wul l.nd tins the most si!enh:e
book pu'.lish-d , it a lare IJmo. volume j
if four uuiHoel and tinny pases, il, unrated.
wi'h niniirroiii enaravin;s, i..,ti:iI'u!Iv and '
substantially bound, and sold at VI s. r"r
Specimens copie; eut by m;!i. po-.t J'.rii.l.
to any part of the I'nited State?, on the receipt
ol the :il..ve pi :te.
Send for a copy, r.iw jipVe for your 'dvi : ?.
Address J. W. iil.f'.V. PublisV.er,
May ", 'o.". di ,N..rih r'oiittii ".t i'bilr;.
V. ber, s
MPIAX JlOl'si-:. Thpsvlrvrj-
at present iiror.l l t, I ... ( I . i.l.1. 1
iioJ'hli, llarrisbut"!', resoetulle informs hi
fii'-r. Is ami the public thai be is interested
and will ainiie ih" ni:.uaL'i ;r.,::it of toe -CO-
"J ) ;T- ''-l.-N. .1 . en trie
'" ' ' fu,,V '" JBU UK KM l,e ""PPy
1 " v ? lhe b.rnier pa'r.,t,s of the House and
his Irien.lst t this -uelielitful resort durin; the
j coming season, asstirmc them that his bet
! CXeitlJUti Will be devoted t. tneir con, .oil.
The " Columbia House" is b-antiluhy loea- i
ted convenient to the Iteach, elecatitiy lur- !
lushed, has Oas libt tbrougl.oiit, inat;n:lir;ent I
Parlors, and is capable of iiccoinoiUliuir about ;
six hundred persons. I
'I'llMS ll..ar:l ,r ,l;.v. I..tlrin tins- dnr", ? to
I't.t tttr.-.. rtsys .itt l,--th,.n a wwk, "t
r.-rtnioifiil l,,.Hr,llil r j,-r . V. tin.
witltont extrtt charges tor pnvare bath-houses-.
Parties v. ho desire to enuap.c r ...nis iu at!-vi-nee
are lespe-.ihniy dfstie,! to a ''In--' or
apply lo the i'tepro'tors of the Cniumtiia
House, al their o.Tu.e.No.J.J'.s. i'ouith Sir"t,
below Chesui't, I'litt-r!'. lot.ia
. B. t.ovcrlyM Hot 1 t.t Hnr.'ishurs will
be continued during Ihe tern;,, rai y absence of :
the Proprietor, tinder the joint inanatjen.ei.iof ;
Maj. John C. Cnycrly and Win. I'enti M ,rrct.
May 2.", It.'',.-.. ,
LAUUEiiiitl r-iiieibli'l asxirimeut of
4. 1. t-oll.irs, Sleeves and Spencers, with a mil
'a--sortinent of Dress Trimnnngs. t.i!..ves, .Mitts.
Hosiery a-,d No'i .nst Window Sha,! s at. I
Paper, Parasols, JIais. Ae. A-e.. which wi'l ae
inally be sold at reiii.ec! prices to - nil the
ttines. Call and si e th- (ion. Is and hear the
J'liee.s, an 1 j-oif f. r t-'.iir--Ives.
V. MENSCIL Mo..-.y"s buIMinr..
opposite the oi,', titaiianl ."!. d.
Lewisi'nrL-, May In. I No 5
Constantly Receiver,!
V T (lie Xi'tv Slnre. Jlarket Sf , ni xt
u .1
ilni-r lo Kln;c Hotel. tw a
. Cheap
' ! C;0(9S, which will be at a'
ly low prices.
I'"lTsr Sll'3y I
i fC()Fl"C 1'IO.N Eit k' KaiMus.l'me App'es, '
l)anai:,1-, Flits, Let. ion: and Oranttes 121 cts.
per doz. and upwards. "lay !?. 1sj . j
1 . . ! '
vocd pea
l Ti'LY lo A. K. l;t !l or Jn'iii ( iialiaiit.
- i- I ull Curds .... 1 leuiT d. i '"a' -v. Is.i.j.
TOIIX f. HE A I.E. havlnic enlarvl
) and improved his Shop, .-n Market S:reet.
next to Haves' store, has liuW epened a laige
and sei-el stock of
Clullts, assltiM i i-s. 's!iti-ts ai
'i l lltlllllll".S
of all kinds, also f.EN'I'LEM UN'S FIRMslI
X li Ijlii I i l.-s. sue h as Stnrts. Uioves. Il,.sni-y.
cllars, Ac. Ac. He will al.-o carry mi
Cistlinat ami iraLiHtr
in all their branch.---, with despatch, aomr "ing
to order, with, ut cnl.b'iin, and ,,u tlie most
reasonable terms.
EtC.lU3-Ilia.I1- ( lotiillig
a!c.aiicn hand elie.it.er than tit- cheapest.
Having a lur:"
'in rry eu.rlcv. ! I
fi Tee i f expertenced bands
.p.-with all tb'.-se facilities
to give ceii.-iei ia.isla, lion. :.n.. snare lioerallv
iu put'Lc p.itronatre. 1 res ec'ttnlv mi io- nil
-.vantmtr nnythiu in nty I'll" .t t -tsmess to
eall p.nd exau.ii'e rr.'y stock of (ion, Is.
.. John jl beu.i:.
I.ew-isbur?. May 1,1. Is'.".."..
Dissolution of Partnersnip.
fPIIK I'lirltiirliin hi-rcliiinri1 (.istiin.-r
J.. under the Firm ol Xi.i u s A Hi n.i. i.s the
dav liissolvrd bv iii.tlti.il eout , lit. il iiers,.us
knowing ihcntsr!'. s n bav - Hi t-:ti--,l ai-.-oioits
V. ill please call and su;'" iv suit'--' w iih either
of us, witbont delay. I' E l Hi; X !.V"S,
Lew isbtirc. May II. IsoC.
Hi? of Union aai C-'iyJcr Coantic-s.
! Ali.MNiir.lL -Mill VnlMlt'll JiOiltTS. t
V nnd nn MnvBi.. r.-a le lobe l.ni... .,. 1
will he sent l.v .he se t-sei: to-c .,.. ,T.:.I . .
'J'ownship in
olored, lor
('e..Ioieal '
The Ilivision I:he ', I'.'r.u . ri this Mao. ;,!
Township lines, and as it con'ains all the '
principal Roads, nnd sl ows comparative dts-!
tanres, it slioul-I l; f.iid by ah who are to :
vote on the location of the Seat .f Justice. I
The C.eologieal Map shows the strata . I" the )
two ( onntics.
For cheaper copies of the Map. ad l.t-5
K. VOI.K A I'.
Lewisburg. May 'S,
Ey Express,
f I";-T receive.1, a choice Selection of Ttro-
M cinle stnnnier Silk
( olored li.in'es. Silk I
Tissue, and Plaid tlrenadtne rlress patterns, at 1
low prices by ,1, tJA Vi's A CO.. I
srPKRIOR lot of New shf. '. n'.io No. '
JiV '.'-.a
and 3 Mackcreiou.-t ree--iverl an, I for .
sale by J. II A V lis A f j
i kkl
FiELla celebrated patent Mortice i
so, ,1 general assortment oft
! white and colored Triutinrd. Mortice and other
Il.ior Locks, very 1-lie.ip: n!s-n, Bell Pulls of :
dili'erent styles, lor fale b
May 1, Hoi.) BEAVER A KREMER. i
ACKSOX'S bcrt WindowCIass.of all si;:es. i
ninl superior quality-1 also, 0,-name:itaI
and Colored diss 'urnished to order direct
from the Factory in Xew Jersey, and on the
most reasonable term-.
cheap bv PPAVFIt A K
V for sale
"IVTAI.L PAPER A new f ttpply . f Wul;
1 Paper just received very eanby
Administrator's IvToUce.
TSJOTICE is hertliy piven. that Lellers
i 1 of Administration or. tliee.-;a;eof IIFXKV
IJIEFFEXHERFER, Jen, late of Wh.t- J, rr
Tp, I'nion Co., dee'd. hare teen cranfed lo the
tindersicned bv Ihe Register of Union eonnn-
in due firm of law; therefore. all persons in-
debted to said estate are reijucsted to make '
immcitiaie payment ; an.1 Itinse having just 1
claims are also reqnesterj o present ihm 1
pr -perly authenliraied for S'lliement.
Api t! ..' JOSIAII 11 A NT K. Adm"r. ',
j Worth Western Fire Insurance Co.,!
?wirork,!Ft'IL'E, Xo.Tu' Walnut St., l'hilada,'
,1 Christi- i J insures dwelling, stores, and other build-
1 ings, goo.!, wares and merchandize r.n the
most favorable terms; and will promptly and
honora'ilr adjust all loses.
Apply to JOH.X U. I.I.W,
Attorney for the Company.
Lewi -bur". May II, lS'io.
Latest from Sebastopol!
1 f(,p Sprlnjr Mini SuninH'r,
w& ,XB oF UII. ESS. A D A T
Tuft MUS I' KKAsO.N" MJI.E K VTES, now
rer(.ivr,i n, ,,r5,C bVthe subscril-r
u invite a public inspecUen of our stock
t,f MirchanJi7e.
IirS & VeUSE
Eewishur". May to, 1K53
j Last, but nol Least!
: TDDlNuSS .WETZEL woiiM aiinonnec
L to the Trading cnminuaity. in Town and
-tonntry, that they have ttnti' fitils'ued the re
i teption cf the largest and bert stock of
i K,i'li!f ai1 Suiai;:."!' fJood
ever iroti;!tt to their store room, comprising
j the u -u,.I variety of Dry CbioJ-, Gents' and
' Ladies' Summer Wear,
; Uroc,'lcs.;i-o-Itcrj', Hardware,
(Jiu'.'usjv. ;ro,
and a'l tionds desired for HOLsEIvlXI'E!:
' Our Woods w ere selected with unusual rare,
1 and we believe will be found of the very best,
and (tor the quality) as cheap as tfcev can rea
sons! !v be afforded at ?ry other stor? on the
West Jtrineh.
j We re.'pectlully invi'e ourol 1 cus'.i t..ers lo
i call and n e our stocks, and we are muj we
! can suit yntlr wants and tastes. Pro-luce ta
i ken as tisnai cash never refused.
May 1 1, "5S. ID1HNUS & i-1
O'i ITft LP,S. just rerrivptl at IV
COHO Hardware Store of 7."-."V.V-ULliS
. :.LF ilJlj:S. i'arut-l-i aiMBiacV
smiths, ra! and see the hrs-..-l a: t
sorti.ieut r'r iron ever oib red en tfe V. es;
Branch Havine Ihe ixrhuir- e.oi.liul of the
celebrated insTisi's Centre county Iron,
we are enabled Ut u-:rrnnl 'yeryb.ir. All
si:es Tire, S-ollop. Kotlmi an i Square Horse
Sin e, Nail I'.i-ts, c, at Cisu prices lo ad.
Call and sec the Hardware St re of
i:eynoi,is a m i'addkx.
Lewisbnrg, May 10,
YXOLDS & MTADDt.N. at tne
h n t.
ardware store. I.ewislmrg, oi.er to in?
cit zens of the West liiatieh. ai ex.r'-ni' .
p-iees Oils. Turpeimiip, Whit- Lea I. Snow
White Zoic, Silver's Plastic I'aints (vanous
ro'ors weather and lire-proof,') Xads, Spikes,
(V; ss. Pntty. I,..eks, Latches, H-t. Screws,
t a'l kin' ,,f rtit!,Itt'.-? Hardware, Centle
men wno are l-jil itng will find it to h'ir ad
vantage to call and exan me our stock. V ill
sell us neitr e-.- prices as iis-iit'.. CiiiJ and
sir us. nt ihr uil iirtihttiii tttinl4.
I.ewisburJ, Map l5a.
1ST reepived bv Express, a
lot of extra
May 2, ISoa. P.lvr.K.
SI'PI'.RIOH lot cf realhcrH just re
ceiwd fer sale by
i,V.-.. J.J
J. H.sVEs
The '-Old Mammoth" Swdrrning
ITJI Xew (jiM-dsand Old Cn-stomers!
JJ. Jr. J. I I-l !
are now receiving and opening tor imolic in
spection, nn unusually larre assf rtuienl d
i: It V SB 1 IK
f. r f prin:; and Summer comprising a'! the
varieties i f
L'A Y o trs.
i isii. Ac, required ifi similar Mercantile
Houses, lo which thev invite the atleution of,
all desiring g-' d at fai' Prices. ,
drain and other tVutilty Prodnre taken as
hereiofore. . . J. A J. ALLS, j
I.ewisburg, May 1, li-'. J
")r.VK!t S; KKKMKR li.ive jnM
! ) opened a choice lot i f staple and Fancy
Dry Hoods, which 'iave been selected witti
sr.:at care, and ntli '.-: .'isfo.-c! of. cheaper ;
tii.iu ever. For the. Lado.i v.e Zz." Cveiv-ttiiti-.-
d.-sirahle Lawns ,fa.-t colors') lroi.i :1
lo 2.i cts. per yard ; trini f.ot.i " l-i it cents,
pure ma.', br cob is. arJ an -idles;- var'-tv i f
Fanry Articles for dress. F. r .'.ten's and
Boys' wear, our assortment is c.ur.i ,r.e and ,
at unusually low prices. Call and examine
1,,-fore purchasing elsewhere, as our stock is
l.irtte and attractive.
April 2.
Vl ETS, a !i!l eSsorlleeiit :.l. t very lof
ap"Jf.J at BEAVER A KK'rV'l ilRS.
HALS. Oakfo;
1 1'S. Oakford's lesi aiticte and Litest
J,. s a gte:.t viit, --ly. such as
U iitroad " Xow-a-.;ay.-, "Hide Awake,
Enow-Xiiiliiug" Wco! ato". Tut Hats, which
aie very pre'
April 2t;,'l
ty an-I cihs,.r. :u
1 VRPETS, the iatsre : an.Icheapestlotever
1 roii-jbl to this coumtv. at
April 20. '55 HEAVI'l! A KPEMERT,
2.o5 beav.'ra rpemeri
AUV Made Cl-chi'-t- anu made to order
.1 '
j at . b'b.n fc.it. hid. .li.k ...
1 s' lLDIX't" Hai !.U:e. Partit-tih.r a, -n
.1 ) Hon l-.as been devoted t tins Intnch,
which is complele. in every particular, at . ,
. April 2(", Tr BEAVER A EKi HER j
-j L. ASTER, Fait, nrw Mc!. Mackerel and
Hernnr, at BEAVER A KREMER s. ,
"I NKliE Cid.-r Vitiegar forsale at
1 May I.'.V.j BEAVER A Kit!
SUMMER Silks much low, r thnn ever
t'erel for, at I'.E.W El! A K HEME it's.
Small Profits and Quick fSalss!!
T the t'HKAP i-Tl'RK of
'i'i.e subscribers off-r. at liie old .M'i-'aditen
Storeroom, opposite C IViu.y's Saddle shop,
a choice as.s.ittivent t f
bo.ttiht for Cash and selected with great eare.
The (b. -,s comprise the usual variety, and
vill pp o'4d 'at the lowest possible prices.
U e respectfully invite old and new patrons
and the public generally lo call end tie-1 cur
stuck before purchasing elsewhere.
T.-wishttrt.' April It', 1 '."
Lithographic Printing, he.
T.rAUI. VOLKMAlt is now locate! on
North Fourth street, near T. h,llip'
n :
tie.ksmitn sttop, vpere LI 1 Ht!.K AI'IIIC
Views. Maps Ac are made to order.
PICTTKES for Framing, and f. r Hrawinq
Teachers. .
The C'ern.ati and French Languages. Draw
ing, Paintih SMrl Pratiehtinz, tati'nt by Mr
Volkmar. Lewisburg, April, ISM
(IR.VDUATE.of ihe Pnirl Mfilleal
i L'niversity.of Philadi , oders herprofes-
sional services toiliepeople oi 1 Lewisburg aud
, Of cs at her faih'r's r.i tene. ipr. T. P
Gf.tf s,i enu door beiow J. L. Tndr's Jewelry
tore. April 1", lo,i.
Tho long-established Hat Store!
lK.WKLIXSPYKEUwouW respect -
X filly announce that he his jnt ..fned a ,
most fc.lid av-nineul "f SritlNMS AND
; W.'MMER II C'll'S, tlll.l I.O-
! Tlll.tsU.and is selling them at lower prices I
than rvr before oirertd lu Lewisourg.
Vial Molesliio, Siiir, Bi Ush, Wide-awake, '
! Anv la. Hungarian, Panama, S raw. Chip Ac.
, 4'asj of a.i sorts, sizes, d-.-scr.ptitn.s and
: prices.
I Flatts and Fancy Hats for CittLWiEV, of
the latest and most beautiful patients. ,
' 4'!of bins for ftprin? and S-iinmeraacb
as Coas. a nts. Vests, S'. rts. Hosiery, ttiores, :
; Suspenders, and every other sort of Wearing i
Apparel i f ti.e latest cut, and cheaper lhan
i the cheap.-st.
j V Carpel Bags, Trunks, I'mbrellas, and a :
great variety of other irlo-ies.
The public are cordially invite.! to exam- :
I ine his stock, as be is conf.dent that they will
J be sat:.-.f..-d ,i:h l.is i;,..,.!s n,t Pr.ees. llte-
member the Old Stand Market street, 2 1 door
1 ra-t of Third, formerly 1 A F Spyll'r
Lewisbtirg, April 21, 155 !
! J. Franklin Harvsy, II. j
; nOMU'dPATHIO Piiysii i m voultl i
' A. 1 repc'i'iliy announce t.t .he ci: zi: iF
l.cwiii:f ..jut vicinity tint .it: iia jjcrj.aiicrtt
, ly iucattd himlf in .his place, an-l asks a ,
Mharc of tl- puMic patron-, iVhn auril
tUai he can m-at i uh unjur,.-,I .-wccim ail
; cura'ule ':f;ies that the human fanttl.' are
. proip tn. f.i tfc trvavienl of (ivti-'-N i.f l
, malrs a::t. cbiltlrik the trtat 11 nt 'M'jh!:
law unit's wti'iuiii a riva' ; ao iti rhu-u.c ;
tliscast"-, ili.'it has l-altlr i l!i; skill other -yst
lems lioma'oprithv stai's f rta as a y.ant,
' c!,iiiiiiu7 icti-ry in ainiort tverv Cert?. Ail
ve BlHuV-., Sivr it a li .al : it u ill r.-i r.os? you .
miicl. T-7 trfnr oJ Ct-n : 'inn. i
l)r H. i a rt2;il:ir jfra.iua'f ri lli Hoifl-i:-.
pathic Metiical Cui!e, ut S'tullviiiiia,
):Iice cm tSecort. strret. above Marl;eu f r
!ii''t!v r:;ipi.rtl li v Iii. Wii.vti, hrre he can .
(:ini.u!tJ at all times v.hca nl oti prvlev
si-tnal duf.'. j
Levvisbur, April 20, If.'iX j
An Eligible S-ttuation, j
Tuii a suiiiiW' fiiroa. Tin ri
b?r if (rbliJ. fry ttcak hfaiiii, to seeU
t!ie service t-t" a man afntunc! . .'arm Li- :
ltr. an 1 partial to the cui.ure ;f trees an-l 1
plants, in a-.i.-t in the wcrhin ai:l manap'-f
mont of sv.mc ursr U round, li.
w ill also have li.e care ut two hordes, aril ihe
larinini; f "0 Bcr-- of -r,lWen lan l. f
A mnti, sicaiiictl by ti :trt years nf life. .
.e rreierrp'l : he liu-nldbea la:rvrr!Kri
an-I pure teiiinr-hials of itite?rinr a !
huln. tri-.ral ami m.k-:u!,w:!I b" ii'-rs-ary-To
a persr-n ui:l."ut u'h-r capital than a'i'
itv an-1 w;' tn w rlr. an'1 r,,?!l-- chrrncer.
thi"ni!Ts an j;ptriuni!y ol' s.;re ativancemenl
to ctimf'Ttal !e circn:ntil(cs thrt'iirrh. a few
years f Lbnr anl pain'Ui'c.ii.?.
Va?f;.al th-- i.rt,tii' f a eommon farm
ham!, in.Tain lo a Ui.fuil s:i : it s1ibp
in pr. p -rti' n a einerti""-s ani u-clulness in
the tiur.srrr are incrcas-..
AJ Jrr W. G.
Nir Ii-'i' tiiKg, Centre Pa.
April 20. Vi.lw
J. M. M'i'M'KH. Sar-fpon and
'ehaiiica! Ieiiti-'t. resperttullv IT"IS
l-.s prob-ssional services t the lattte arocen-tl.-men
of th.' Iu. e and t: vicinity. He is
provided wi'h the latest im-iro'eej Porce'tin
Teeth, wliichv. ill be insertfd'm Pivot or Hold
Plate, to !o, k ar. well as ntii ii-.il. Teeth and
Stumps of Ti -trt, wliieh bav" T ?eome useless
or tro'il le-'-.tne, vytll be ertraeted tf tth the la
test and rr,-'s! r.pprove.I instruments, in the
uie-t c;i; ..iii a;, se-rtitit'e manner, and i'h
the !eas; j..ss:l,i-.' pain. TVrs.ms iTej,oii of
procuring whole 'cts cf Teeth wottld do well
to ".ivr- bun a c'll. ar. nrO-h ti'ce, fonble ar.d
..v...,. ...,- 1 .. . ......I I tt.a.r u'.,rlf
,'one al home. In short, he is prepsred to ?-
i ... .: .t. i.. .. ... li..-. .......
i i. . . '-, " '. -ii ... ... .
.in t nis i.er ,,rii::iiii-es v. tl l-e warranel In
attsw. r i" tlie trelul and ornamental purr.oss
f the art.
For reference apply to Lis numerous custo
.W;7.7-V,-iry, I'nion Civ Ta.. April 16. lK."i
William VanGszer,
.1 !. isLiirtr. I'siitiii Co.. Pa.
f "' ii:j;-e m rt.iniu ".-c, nd .-St.. lecently bv
II C Hii-kik. Ese. 'il
James I Linn
J. Kcrrltl Linn.
: r.sL
tlMirto)si at E.a-.,
.' I I'nicn C ctitv. T'eiin'.-i.
') ());)Hi)I.I.Ni.ru:;i! J'Ai'Kl ha v
VM" '- ju t been rc'.l jl t"t-.e ,T:iot
lit OH
I'liOli v. from th M::r
III.". -. re-
d A M Eli!-
pris -i:g a vanity i f FRENCH
O.r style-.
.. roe.! article of (!azc.i is . tie'-c a It cts
"r Ri.li.at.d a coinm, n article is oil-red f--r
11) cts per Roll. Who is it that can't fliv
paper for til- rent-, that w:i! ?ir- .--e d dl.u's
wo"h w c-'; Th; p nee t,. buy it i-. nt
J 1 A .! L'URAVS.
Milton. March :;('. is-.l I
Dr. n. II. D3nh3T:;
i t AVIXi i r, Tmaa, i.llv I.vatcJ In Le-
I 1 wishortr. Pa lOOice at the lower end
tf Ma'ket sttevt, n tally oppostt" t(t Pelfs'
II.-U.) woiiiu rcspeciti :iy bttnnuace i. the
cititens of ibe town an,' vi.-inov, that he is -prepared
to answer promptly n.l calls in tj: !
prole .sion. if.: has tievote-l n'uih lime and;
special atieiiii.il. lo ail iltseases ; aud by the ,
siicvrss which has attend, -.1 his. pr.iein e in ;
1 other riacs. be expec's a good ilittre of Ihe j
I ,iti. e. pai.oua..:. ;
' S.'e.-i,,! t'tteuiioD w.ll al,. le given to a ' i
Cbr -aic .iise-jses, stiih as Feo.sl.- C onplatnts
! cf cv rv i.,rm and va.iety. Liver C.-iuriia:".!.
I 'i.es, ii; .p .psia.ltlietuu i.-siii. Scrofula, Prop- 1
t sv. Acne. U.onchtt.s. S .re E-.e-. Xeir..ti i r
1 Siek H- adaehe. ei;-ai.T. r., Viiu-.' ttatire, .
i Plfs, Const. tai. ooll. Asiimi;., I i-'e,-., C ir.ivfs.
i 'I'e.i .r.;tid il -ad. Plilce.i.asi.t I) ten.; ormiik
leg, Fis'ultt. Palsy, t'.s.t.-i; .-.!, T).'a'.: - . (l ire- '
bp. White S i.
Ac. Ac. lu
1 -titors. Corns, i
..-t t terv ( broutf
cnc, a
Ciire ill be c:lect.-i!.r! ti..-..
No ray is reij-ur.-d tie
1 a core i
is perl
.rrned. t.i.arjtes tviii in. at. at
V be
citsto'n.iiv. LewisOiU. Aprtl l i. .s.
r Ur. V. - fin ii. . t'.
...it, il--. au.t t. .11 l-i-.-i. : 1
Oil ar.- I'-.- X
t.f M
. -f. iu. Vtii- .vsi- ni r .
i-e . -t, in. rs, ii-t t
,-.-t:.r j
i-l. lit,
; ll-ea. It r .it.ltll. tie 11 ..lie sill
t l,i:,' ;.- f: iu . .. rv . t... r -, -t"ii
; r i. Stwrri,.., in t'. i.'mraiiler, ittw:
1 Hew i"rra: Kcw &3o:ls
HUU trZ' ".titl.
li;r- w! t.-TfT I
M'JIE S;;liisri!icrs Imvina; emrH iio '.
1 a Topann-rship in Merchardmng. and '
ha-ii g fe-iittctt an 1 improved the storeroom i
of II P Shcller formerly ore K pied by Kremer
A t o, woQut respeetl'i'ty announce r. the
trading community thv they are ust npnr-n
a LARt'.E ANU fepLUXWD sTOi'K cf "
S1T,JN(t & SUMMKR COOi).-.
adapted 'o the w ants rf all, and r. -nirrising
the Usual variety kepi at S-tor in the larger
Towns. MTcj.L AX.'f ..".".
(More par'-rrtlar. hereafter.)
J.ye-br.'j.'i' & S.n.
Lewisburg. Apnl 12. Ioi
Wantstl Iiamediateli',
fii'tOD Journevjinn Tt.iruo?:--"(Taker.
1 -None but a c d mechaoif need ar-p'v.
i Iu-.uire at th.; v.O. e. iAr"'- '"
Have yon Been SAHT"
CEEMJi to Le a Question asked i)
Vj almost everybody; bat we inquir.
line you mm th hut litm.
wim thtr snpptr oi
W Hoots, Saiotea, (UaJtvrs. X.I
The subscriber hitting aasoeiated tWn
fVl selves into a t'oprtnership In buainesa,
now ofier lo the publte, at tb Old 4
of S. Ac II. Slih, oa Market 9u the cbeapswl
(lor Cash) and Lest lot of
for Men and B-.ys, ever oftereJ it L.wiabarfa
Also a ne rfnd -p'endid assjortmejff of
r.T.V SHOES f,.r IsiJUt mnd GtfiUmum. '
A Tariet of iatter. Half Uaiters. Ti, llaa
kins, Slipoers Vc. for Ladies and Mums,
also Children's filn es of th laiaat
stvtes'an.l sizes I Ae. e. Ae.
te"ork 'mad to order .leodinf doa. M
usiiil and as the Workmea he r.ad.raki
s.itisfa. tion heretofore, w trm? shall Ware
a full share of public patronafe. SAM lil
continue lo be on hand as formerly, J aofia
to vive general sat,siaetion to aj el.stomara.
h.iff.h & M-rAtfom.
I.ewisburr, Feb. S. ISS5
A T ihe OIJ Stand of .
iV j. ii tr k. roi
Just arriving a large and ex nai aavsrv
ment of .NEW GOODS, porehasad at Ihi low
eii Cash f;;urc, and of course wiii 1 sold a
a small advance.
We have a large stock of Dry SootS of
all crades and textures Fancy t'resa ilka
from So cts to per yard. Berayt Detain
from in to 2? . Hbelly Bof"es, Bared 4
Strm? 1 Borate ar,d Tissues Fr. acb, Ksgliak)
and American I'nnis of all styles, 100 ic
of Madde r Color Prints (at !) Warranted fast
C(d..rs, also a handsome assortment of LACV)
and Embroidery, i. geiticr with a greaiTaaietf
of (Jlovts, Hosiery, Tarasais, Ladies' Port
M .nnais Ac Ac. ;
CEDARWAHE in abundance of a snperinC
qitalitv. also sitfertor lot
cf all descriptions.
a lot i Keady made tltXhlatf
Ilsil t'.si'l ( at of all desrriplionav
C xrti'ETINll Ingram, All-Wool. Himp
and Rig Carpets, Starr Carpels, Rugs Oilclain
Window Blinds. &.e Ac. all of which will
be sold low for Cash ..r approved credit.
iT'Tiie highest Market price pant for ail
kinds of Hit MX.
always on hand. J. HAYES sfc CO
Lewisburg, April 28, 155,
Ti&Sft Ilavin? taken ihe Shop pit
Xorih 1-ourth street, near la
t Franklin House, formerly reenpied ry F A
; Detiachv and A D Elder, ihe subscriber taoal
, respecttnby iiiforrns the citizens of Lewisbur
and vic'r ity tliat he is prepared t. nunnfaclure
; all kinds of ( s.lii:t-t W arc, eoinprisuijj
itl'REAl as TABLES, BedsteaJs. Siaads.-j
' So las. Corner Cupboards. Card Tabic, ali jr
I kii.'s of t HAIRS. Ac. Also that h.m&kesEQ
' CUFFiS lo order. and havinz provirltd htox-
self with a IICAKbSl be will be prcparsl a
atrer.vl Funeral...
H iving enea?ed the I est workrnen.th.rafoeai
the pubiie may rely np. n having ihe bl of
i Work Irum lue Lest maunals.
X IL All kin-is. of Country Proilure tikd
iu exchange. I.e-xisfctirfr. AptU S6, 16i
T I OI'SEKF.i'ERS. aiteinion W.l' be fvoiat
j ( at tlie new tlardware Store of REY
NOLDS it M FADUKX. I.ewisb..ix. Candl..
sticks, Snulf.-rs, Clothes Lti.es. Ct iee Mili
Kmvea and Fcrks. Shears and Scisjiu. Ilaha
Pans. Round and Oval Boilers, Shovel mni
Tones. Stair Rod, Acwhirh w ill b sold lo
lor liie money. Ladies, call and see.
. W
: r. J
HOE MAKE It.? know what a trouble u is la
et a assortment cf Lasts. .Morocco. Li-
long and Binding Skins, French Kitt. bho
.. .
Thread. Heel XaiN. Bristle. Ac: all, aad
tiMch more.von will tuid at Ihe new Hardware!
' o AlJL'LEj;s. if Vi.ti ca'.I and cxamins Cftf
. stock of Harness. Bridle and Roller Bn.
' kles. T;:tts. Ham's, Stirrups. Mopnhnjr. Giriav-
tug. Deer 11 nr. Slraitr'ng Web. Saddle Trees,
t h p s-.oelts and Saddlers Tools, you wi.l flad
, it to j. -ar idvantagt. Hardware 5t.-.r in Lew
, ishn:.'. REYNOI.1JS A M FADUtTf.
("sou IIMAKHRS will f.nd Corstantly oa
) b ind 1,1. tHtc bpru cs. Axles, Hub Band
Lies, Oa.t Ft.loe. Uows. and a general J
' sortnisnt of Tr nmiii!r. ai 'fte rlariiare Slor
' of P K Y.V'!.!."" A M FAHtH.X.lwisbtira.
SAUMFP?. come and examine our nw
1 s'-'i tj ol Traee. Halt.r. I'reast and BnM
i iia:a . '. ,-r..i.a M. Forks, Hal Fo.ks.cxihasj
tirrti.-i R. Cntttns Knives. Ac . at the Hard
1 ware store ol I.EVX H.IW A M FAHUFN.
' lri'EXTEFts. w? eBn snppltt roat -wiibi
; the eriehiated I'reei.i'.el ! Tool C mpanr'a
i'i.:iies, II:nt"s ceiebra.ed Hatchets, Axes, Ad
e. Ib, at B'tti.'ers' Ad.zes-, Chisels, etonaresi
t-aws. Saw Sets. Angers, Plane Bi ts, lid. of
' a!! !;:,,'!--. Ail will le sold lower li.an usual
a: cash price'. 1'r. p In ar.d'ee. eeni1rrriB I
: no cbarce for examinine stock, at the Hard-
i warcStjiool HEVXoLLS ft 1 FAI'DEN-
i Administrator's Notice.
I !l KEEAS, Letters nf Administration li.
the esta'e of I E I ER MYERS, la'e ft
! the Bor. it"h of I.ewi-I ore. County of t.'nion.
de'easert. hate been granted to the ubscnber
; nil p-rsons indebted to raidesute art request
ed in make .:tiinei-'.ate payment ; and these
! hiving clairhs .--ain.nhe fame. sill present
them duly authenticated for settlement, jo
i April 3. Via JOHN B. I.i.NX. Adm V.
Flfiw Firm and Ne Goods !
; T the Macmuth Irti; & (.'heinicfti
1 1 Er.i-ori.ir.t of
The undervaneJ hanttg purchased ihe entiitt
Jtt.iirmoth J)iug Store foimerly kepi y lh
V'.. -j.;.. i .V f. . are now ready lo fill Order
tin'! Prs se'tj d'. r.s b! a "nomrnt" nniice. W
bave a laee and well 'elected slock- of Ires it
at;. I pure .: CS. M!:illIM.S, Chemicals,
lh i si,ii"'s. K.ls, faints, lil.iss. Pnttt and
All iituli tl 1'utcnt HlfJu-iur.
I Fruit aud C'onfcctioneryi
I Tobacco.Sauff.aml It.inorted Cirf fifib.
clieicest Lmnds.
f 'itr': .'.f.-.-iti. ani Tni1 Arf'xl'.
t'ine Toilet 'caps A Perfumery rf all kinds,
RoUs ;tnd -talijn r,
a gfct1e;nl variety ol Literary and Sehrpl ftoessr
t'tne Oil. I.ard anl Fluid Lamts cf ererr
lescnptioot fresh Pine Oil and Pattrt Barn-'
iug Fluid aiwavs ini iiand.
ri'RE M'LVES and LJUt'PRS of all kind.
f,r n"'nt "" ., .
"ne, ,
rnserviiip and I'lckillijl afar, tn
1': t'.attvvttf- find our slot k Complete,
.niprism man articles tl is impossible beraf
lo enumerate, and all sold at nvdf rate price
t all aid sre us, one and all, a Ad sre nuf
stock r aod if we can't sell yu (.leap goods
tre w.ll n..t ask yea to Kny.
We are always on hand lo watt on customer,
ttemcrcber the Marort otU pirnc te.e .
I.ewisSu-g1. Cnt.sn f o. Pa '
Old Soldiers' Blaaks.
I-Ol'X.'jr L A X I tVABJtA"T b'als f
i "He
m rh War
it.. OiJ-te -.i
gr.r-d ir the service e-f tre t, -of
1'3 and f-1 hir "H'-.
1.. l..tt tlaioiMuJa- '