Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 11, 1855, Image 2

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    Lewisburg Chronicle and West Branch Farmer May 11, 1855.
minlmrg (Cjjrnnirlr.
Mat 11, IS 35.
i-SIJ uJi ircui,tiu vf .uj Ntwti';tvr !
l"1"; . J
Thw SnljSirlptiOnS and Bonds.
la the following columns will be found j
copies of the Guarantees furnished by the
respectivo Towns which propose to com
pete for the Scat of Justice in the Coun
ties of Uuion and Snvder. at the next
October election. The Law provides fvr !
this publication, in order that the People j
way know the files which are proposed j tax themselves tu pay I i. lie .MiUdleburg Lewisburg), Abner M. Liwsh-, rio-odore Me
the sums individually pledged for grounds ! i-uuseriptiou is not all from wiihiu "the r'aJJin, Samuel siiter, Tunis II. F.sher, Lewis
c j , Udini'S, Miarles H Cook, Samuel U Van V al
and buildings the amount guaranteed to ; limits of the couuty, but is guaranteed 2ah WMU:n ,je1.I.i JuMan ,.,,.., Ue):J ,,,,,
enfure tax-payers generally against any ! ly citizens of thee juuty. W'heu prepared j Angtadt, John A Men, W'uiegarden A: lit
osiU8 cost-an-1 the reruns whose hon-! the buildings ie. are to bo adopted or re- j "'V' ,":. ."'."'Ti' ,,l.e m'S
or and cstntcs arc thus relied upon to
consummate the Division authorized.
The exact tcrmt in whieh the respective I
eetiritioa are made, are thus laid before ;
the people ample time is given for them
to reflect upon the best location, to con-1
Nit, and to net intelligently in arriving :
at a wise decision aua the trptusc in
epreading before them the important in
formation, will be boruc equally by pay
ment from thee 'mm in fund.
U.vion Cocstv.
It will be seen that there ure but firo
competitors in Union eoutty-LEWisnrnG
and MtFFLlNiatto. The former ptiaran
tecs Fifty Thousaud Dollars, (by men
abundantly able to meet it,) that there j
shall be no county tax for grounds and !
buildings, in case their town is selected i
for the County Seat ; and they would be j
willing to pay it, iu good faith, for the
present and prospective advantages they j
he subscription j
r 815,000, bat '
would thereby receive. Hi
it will be seen is yet under
it has been circulated by oue person only,
and many in Town and Country, wbi are
willing aud auxious to contribute to the
fund, have not yet been called upon. It
is to be hoped the subscription will be
filled to 5-0 r f::0,000 at once, as near
tho latter sum will be required to ereet.on
the best location, tasty, coinmodiouSjSolid,
permanent buiidinos, superior to any in
tho center of the State, satisfactory to all
concerned, and that shall not need repairs
in a long time.
Mifiliuburg also guarantee. , !n the sum
of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars, the
same exoneration of the people generally
and is therefore eligible for the trial.
Her subscription is liberal, and the sign
ers of the guarantee are responsible for the
So far as Cnion county is concerned, it
is a "fair fight" two competitors, each
deliberately prepared. Tho People will
decido between them. ...and if they soy
Miffliuburg, why then Lewislurg will save
her money and make use of it in some
other way that will "pay" equally well.
S.NYDEH County.
The vote in this new county is to bodi
Tidcd between tnrcc towns, according to
present appearances, and "the place hav
ing the greatest number of voles" (wheth
er majority uf ail or not) is to be the
county seat.
SELINSOHOVE is guaranteed in Twenty
Thousand Dollars, ami a princely subscip-
tion (not complete) to lack it. I item of county expenses-, ami com 1 noi oe
PiiEELiR.i is guaranteed in the same ! paid from the c .unty treasury, but must
enm of Twenty Thousand Dollar?, and a j be raised from private resources. This
landsome subscription, almost cn'irely j is evidently just aud proper, but New lr
from the single township of Washington, ! lin n.ade hundreds iu .Snyder county bc
and comprising all its substantial farmers lieve they would hava to piy it by Tax.
and other citizens, attests the energy with j The question now K shall not each nf the
which they enter the field.
MlDDLEBTlKS has a guar:
MiniiiFni-iir.hasatTu irinteed stiUerin-1
a.JlDDI.EBllK, nasaguirantce'i ftir.erip-
tion of Ten Thousand Dollars, but f nihil
in the effort to get up a liond in a larger !
Him. Her subscription is from several i
townships, aud some from beyond the j
county line.
Legality of the SunrmrTioN3.
In relation to tho pipers from Lewis
burg, Mifflinburg, Selinsgrove, and Free
burg, we do not think there is any ques
tion but they hare come fully up to Ihe
letter and spirit of the Law under which
they are framed. Tiie eligibility of MidJfe
bury bowcver,is called ill question in vari
ous quarters. In considering l he matter, i
it will be well at onec to retur I the S I
and 4th section of the Aet, and ascertain j
its precise terms. They read thus : I
Sr.c. 3. That suitable jrroun Is and build- j
inis, and a jail for comity purp ses, for sai I '
county of Snyder, and also mutable prounds, ;
biiii.ln.cs and a jail for s ii l roii.ttv nf Union, 1
to be approved by a MAJORITY" cf the Curt i
and tiraad Jurors i.f ti.e respective counties
whi-n prepared. SH I.L UK .-Kf'UIil.U TO
tub siu coi'M'iiis wnirour axy
csji'x riiis koi: si.t u i.ai'l.xiji tukls. i
"Sue. 4. Tli it to secure ihe ctoloions ex. ;
pressed in the thud section of this act, theie ;
be ple.ljed in trust to ibt Jiidjes i,f ihe rotiris
of Union county, on r before the fust .lav of
May next, one or m-.re re'poii-ihle bona f.de ;
subscriptions l NOT LC-ss THAX ten thou.
sand dollars, from within the limis i f , h '
C"in' respectively. rr ,h, purchase .;'
Br ni.ds and the ereenrn of btiibtui!;, as afore
said f ir the counties of Union a'ol snvder,
sa i b lillinzs to be of stone or biiclwuh ;
fire proof ronf and fire proof rooms for re- '
cords, and laat sm. subscription so r'ed-ed ,
hall be approved hv SAID J ('DUES, and
pabliahed under their direciion" 4c.
Tho 3d and 4th sections evidently go
together, and must be considered as relat
ing to one thing. The 3d says, expressly,
that "suitable grounds aud buildings f-HALL
wnATEVEa being imposed upon the tax
bles," 4c. pec. 4tjj furlj.r gj, rriAT
TO 6ECra the conditions" of tho 3d sec
tion, there must be "pledged to the Judg.
es on or before the 1st of May, not less
than Ten Thousand Dollar, from Ki,hU
th Itmitt of each county resrcctivelv "
-"-a ,u o ckck or Etooe with
lire-proof roofs aui liie-jiroof rooms for re
cortls," and "saiJ sultsicriritions shall be
vpprovcH by euhl Jmlyts," publis!ied,ic.
It will be seen that the 3d section rc
qutree absuhtle tci-urirg to the tax-payers,
and in the 4th names Ten Thousaud as
the Uat sum to be pledged by the lit of,
May, for Grounds, Buildings.Court House, I
Jail, Offices, all Fire -Proof roofs and Fire-
l'lOuf rooms for records. The Middleliurg
pip.tr makes no security fr guarding
against taxation pxcept in the sum ofSlO,
00'J. If Midillelurg should b.t choseti and
the buildings &a. cost over 10,000 the
citizens of the whole county are "in' for
the balance and have 110 remedy but to
jeeted by " a majority of the Court and
Grind Jurors, but the subcnptiuns M be
approved by SAID Ji'DiiES.
Tho "said j
Ju ices have not, athouirli a
mnjitntjf of
thctu have, accepted the; subscription.
Whether such buildings as are required
It law cm be cmstructel far S10.000, i
1.1 1 .,1 ! 1
ana iuo proj.cr g.ounu Bcv.Uicu,
peipla of Suyder c i-ja'y to think about.
New Berlin h is always claim -d that it
would cost 820,000 to 30,000, aui the
peoplo cf the Hjavers aud Centers believed
them, voted accordingly, and are alow to
change their opinions.
Tho "1st of M.iy" has passed, and Mid-
3 . i -
dleburg had ample time to preparo a bond j
t, i-over all costs. Oa the .'50th of April,
.1.-. T,..t f .f Mi,l,ll..hr.r n,l.I,.d,T,, I
..i or o-
Marshall frankly luformed the friends ot
that location that he could not approve
their subscription that the spirit and the
letter of tho Act evidently intended that
the ic.-e jnuihlten AuM he provided
,rt a!,J luat t!ie !?l'J.0'J0 wj!i merely tho ,
n 1... leeoired hv a certain i
, ', ,. ,, nsi 1 1
lime, 10 in isc nieiu ei.-.oie.
another whole dav to make out a Guaran-
tee like those of Freeburg and Selins- i
, 1
grove. Ihey rei used failed to do BO, 1
aud their liond is therefore defective in
,, , . r ,i
amount, and has but a majority of the j
Judiies. instead of "the Judge?." certify- 1
fyiiig to its eligibility.
It is impossible, now, to legally add
any further security ; and wc have been
informed that friends of the Mtddlcburg
interest openly avow their intention to
carry that locaiion, and then lay a Tax suf
ficient to make up tho balance necessary
to cover all expenses. That they uiuat
do this, or culmit to ue an infi rior and
. . ... I ..:i 1: .
temporary sei 01 couuiy oui:niii;r,:iiie.iiii ,
to be evident. The cae
narrowly iovestigated a
those whose interests ate
! emr
e be
1 by
t.Wonder if the New
will nick nnv flaw iu the
I! 1 iiu papers
1 lllinl.urg or
Middlebttrg bonds, and pronounce them
not binding-, aud '"not worth fifty cetits
'i'luy are co more valid than the Lewis-1
burg liond of last fall, which was so de
nonnccd by the Xew Uerlincrs, and which ;
(merely altered in form and not in sub- !
stance) is declared good by Judge "Wilson.
The $5CQ Enrolment Tax.
The Supreme Court decided, in the
case of Moykrt v. Sullivan County, that
the ?.")00 Tax on New Cctntifs is not an
COUIJICLIIOI 3 lairu v'- v o . i ".
I - . ... . .
There are live, fciw cacu wouu wing uie
. ! . , . .. ,T , ,,
; S'iOO required ; in that way it would fall
cj'ajr but lightly ot. all, ana tnose wuo
failed of getting the Court House would
bave plenty of money kit to meet ibis cx
.1,, T-ra- t l; I 11-
pense : tiat st y .uiminuurg, .uiuuie
bnrg, Freeburg ? Seliusgrovc and Lew
isburg say Yes we agree to it. It should
be raised during this month.
Kew Berlin Pr jpaes? ings.
Our readers will remember, that during the
Division campaign, the ew Berlin editors i
and orators and their echoes continually de-1
I -.t.ea.1 .k,i tl. .mmunn .i'tl,e t) viion nlu
' '
i fixing upon $Hl,eoo as the hat turn to be !
' pledged by any Town competing for ihe I
Co'inty Seat, was a Lewisburg and Selins-'
, !
trove imp js.lion, nesiericu oy uuw ious io j
.....-aot To. isl-ii fur the smaller Tnirti i
. ....... . ..... :
that no other Towns could raise $10.000
and that, if Division carried, I.ewi5burg and
Selihsgrove would be the County feats with
out controversy. -They conducted the cam
paign, on that side, under ibis assumption.
The friends of Division, on the other hand,
claimed thit other Towns could and mm',
pledge the amount, and make the eltbrt.
Mow, how stands the case ! Look at Mi 7in-
burg. pledged to the amount of $25,000; Free-
bur;, $-0,000 j and Mit'dehurg,
10.01)0 : ,
ijia.i no I. In re Kew Berliu said ihey would ,
raise nothin:; !
The Xew llerlinrrs declared Snyder county
was miserably poor, and unable to live with
out stripping a little cream yearly from BulTa
l, e Y'i.l ey and yet, there are Til a it Towns
in Snyder county, willing to give two, $30,
000 and one, $10,00(1, to be the srat of justice
for thai poor county !
o . r... i- n..t. u.. n l.eall- .11
OJ lai, .sew uriiiii iijs .iuviu aiasi, no
wrong oa ihe Division questi
'naa tnnse tiomls lor .Mililinourg, r reeourg,
and Middleburg been issued prior to the Elec
linn, Division would have been carried by
SOU to 1000 majority. In Middlebar; district
(Franklin) ouly 11 votes wore polled forDivi-
It is well known that there and in the
ether towns named. New B- rliners took espe
cial pains to impress upon the in ihe belief,
that -thty stood no r1
" " thru could
never raise it," Thus I s,-, i.ir.,i,ed. those
Towns (except Freebui") male a despe
rate opposition to Division. Had they seen
that they could raise the $10,000, and thereby
stand some chance, hundreds who voted
against Division, would have voted for it
eoitut!) or si ii io u.
LewisVj-g Ban! and Subscription.
KNOW all men by these presents tint ',
we, William Cameron, George F. Miller, :
Ku filler, John Clumber, in, Wibia.ii Fnck,
Peter Beaver, James J", hum, J .tin Wills,!
J. Hayes & Co., Philip IJiiliiieyer, Thomas
Hayes, Meyers Aninion, J juies l iiswi ll, Al-j
cxauder A. unions, Michael Fichihurii, James
1. Ross, Levi Sterner, 'f nomas A. II I'noru-1
Ion, Peter llur-h, Charles Penny, I'. Howard
Wilson, S .lemon Killer, llefiry S. Neuer,
lniI Scliratk, Henry W. Files, Cr.arlca D. '
K linej, A.la:n J. Woideusaul, Francis Wilson,
David Kelier, H-Miry Prick. William Moore,!
loseph Men dl, Samuel Geddcs, Francis Zel
ler, Samuel 1.. Heck, Jacob Hu n nel, John
lairlr J.in:th:lll esliit. V, 1 1 1 i .. IV, 1. ., of
A I) iiichoaer, John 11 liarkdoll, John Ueeber,
Franklin Spykcr. linden II Vorse, Will am T
Iteitineyer, Uavid tiinter, John Hertf, Huith
P Sheller, John tiunily, Jacob Ifiindv, Levi 11
Herbst, John Miller, 1'eter -X Laird. Samuel S
Uarton. Simon i' (iundy aud John T Miller, of
the borough of Lewisburg and vicinity, in
the county of Umoiij Slate of Pennsylvania,
are held and linnlv boun.l unto Hon Abraham
K Wilson, Jacob Wittenmver and James Mar-
. . , c ,. cou,..
aud their successors in otlice, in trust for the
purposes expressed in the ol and 4th sections
of the acl of General Assembly of ihe Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled " An acl
for the erection of a new- county out of a part
of Union to be called Snyder, and relative to
the seat of justice of Union county,' approved
the 3d day of March, A l It.ri."i, 111 the sum of
titty Ititwtivl Vollirs lawlul money 10 be
paid to the said ju.l
county or their sue.
ides of Ihe courts of Union
r successors in oliice, in trust for
the purposes aforesaid, to which payment well
anJ tru'V " ma'le a"d done, do bind our-
es, iur heirs, executors and administrators.
and each of us firmly by these presents, sealed j
with our seals, an 1 dated this thirtieth day of.
April, one thousand eihl hundred and lifty-hve. i
1 ne condition ot this obligation is such that
if the above bound obligors shall, in case it
is delennined by a majority of ihe nualiticd
cral ele
in Union county (as divided) at ihe "en-
election, to be held on the 2d Tuesdav of
October next (I8.V1) to locate the seat of i is-'
tice in the borough of Lewisbur.s. in said coun-:
ty of Uuion, cause suitable grounds to he pro-
cured aui suitable buildinss and iail to be
"ereon ) ana 10 oe umsned, and alter
beinsr approved by a majority of the court and
prand jurorsconveyed in feesimple totheprop-1
erauinormcs 01 saia county ol 1,111011 (so d.vi-
neiij as atoresaid on or beh.re the lnsidayof
January A D isr,7, without any cost or tax
whatever beini; imposed upon the taxahles of
said county, for such expenditures ; said buil-
dtiiisto he of stone or btick wuh lire -proof j
roofs and fire proof room, for recor Is; and
Ihat all Ihinirs necessary to carry out the pro- .
visions of the third and fourth sections of said :
Aet of Assembly, according to the tenor and
cllcct thereof, be fully complied w ith, then this
obligation lo be null and void, otherwise lo be
and remain in full force and virtue.
Willinia Cainerua
O K Miller
seal Criiirle Penny
T llmvatil VVi!ion
, Eli Slif-r
t J-ilin Cliamberlln
j IVilliiiin f nck
solom-.n Killer
Hrnrv S N-uer
JoniriU llirt'-n
I liinj:,iiin Annta'it
.l,ihn A Merti
lllsnl.l Xrliraek
H. M.rv IV Fru.
MT D Kline
A J Wi-.d-nmul
I'miiei.- V ii..uQ
liiKi.1 llel.r
Henry lri. il
IVii.uni loi.'fl
.1 -i-i h Meixell
S:iiitiel li- d.lei
t't.ili-,. Ztller
S I. I.h
.1 .-li Hummel
I l..ii. I. livera
r' A II neh'.wer
J. I.u II U rk.Joil
.loliu II.-.-I.T
S.tnmi'l s linrton
-anon I lini.ilv
M .run I hnpiirl
KriiiiKIin Si-yktr
II II X..r-
W 1' lieomyi't
!i:iv..l 1011:1 r
J. Iiu ll-rtz
11 C .-i.e I. r
.1. l,n o in'!
J.tr -ii li iin iy
I. 11 11 ri -I,
Jo .11 T Vilr
j,mr, r unn
J11.1 IV11II.
1 J litre- Co
I Philip llillmver
i Thi i!n-fi
llcyiTs Aniliinni
! Jnile'S rn-Ti il
i SVt Anniiotn
V oli.,.. i .cit thorn
J ! !:,..
I. -vl st rn. r
' Tlno . rijorntoa
IVI'T llnr.it
J..:.n I i.
.'.. t.
11 III Ull-,11
A M I.
Tli ni re M. ra.Uin
s.mii. l Slifor
T II I i-i.-T
I,- iri I.I iai-s
C 11 f.a.H
S li V oira'nh
in 1.. is r
Wiiie.-ar I'-u Oietricb
Nathan ll.van
Honor I'ai.l s
Miiii.m A.l.rtu
Jesse t orneilufl do
J.lin M II. r ill
! l.nr I il i
Siqned, sealed and
deliveied ihe
year above mentioned.
Mint.- JOIIX H. M.N'X.
We and each of th uii'.tei-si.i.e l promise,
and aL'r-e lo pay lo II. oi. Abraham IS WiNon,
Jacob WiUetiniy'r and James .Marsha!!, judges
cf the ci.urls of Union couniy, and their suc
cess irs in olace, the sums annexed to our re
spective names, towaids raisine; ihe bona fide
subscription i.f not less it, an 7Wi 'Htnu.-nnil
DMin within the limits of Union conntv, as
lately divided under the provisions of the art
of licneral Asse.nb.y ol tns Commonwealth
:rn i ..:.i.i
An act for Ihe
r .-,.., ,r me t-rcc-
lion of a new-county out of nan of I nu.n. to
be called Snyder, and relative to the s.-.it of
justice ot lai.on couniy.
. suro,,d"' and'
approved the 2d dav
trust for ihe purchase
1 erection thereon of
suitable buildings and jail for county purpos
es for said county of Union (; divided) under
ihe provisions of Ihe : lid and 4th sections of
laid act of Assembly : Provided, that a major
ity of the qualified voters within said county
of Union (as divided) should decide by ballot
at the general election to be held on the 2d
Tuesday of October next (is-,.,) under the
provisions of the 10th section of laid Act of
Assembly that the borouih of Lewisbur" I
jhoiild be the seat of justice for said countvof
Union. Witness our hands and seals this
ininiem uayoi April.
A D ls?.r.5.
M i
io ;
no :
lll J
MO ,
inn !
loO ;
W j
20 '
111 I
la .
t'l I
Williatn Cameron
n f Miller
Ku safer
Jotin 'ham1artin
1.HK1 .1 Selireyer 1 Sort
6'll riii.inaa Howard
to" .'olio li Ilmwn
fW II H. rh.t
.Son lan.nard W nlfo
fl I'.l, r Neiiua
ferf) wn, B Sl.riuer
I'M V S l.aird
IO" i; w N-hnffle
Ml .taniee Kelly
? Daniel llenirler
11" Franfiit Zeiiir
".'-I .laet.b lltinimel
lla-l John lei-tiff
2"U -la.-ohliuii.ly
eo. .1 .l.Dll.iiniy
Sl T Oiuily
2'Q John stmherkcr
Sn-I'.l Sehra, k
1" ' .la.-t.li H Hrnwn
E'l.l J-irnl. ii lin wn
attit W illiam r.rnelitis
1 Saltiuel S I'.artoa
l.Vl S I) Mun-on
2oil Knianoel I'eterS
ln.1 II r Shellrr
l1") Mirhsel llrown
1011 Al.ral.am llisiwn
lO'l Jonathan e-t it
t,,iaia Fiica
It aver
J Mav
TImk Hnvea
J..lli.t iail Wntffl
Bver Ammon
Mi. h-el I lelitiinrn
. Thi'lp llillmver
JelinMin Waila
Charles I'euny
C It K'ine
Frnnei. WilwiQ
batiJ lle!r
Jatne Cri-aell
Alex Ammr-na
J.ts-th M.-i-ll
Samuel it. d.-a
Jam-it S Maiali
f I. Ileek
Um-' W.Uel
J,,hn Reelier
1 ."hnmr
J"tin llnnbton
n k y,
bO Wm Wila-.n ILcwisburg) ,ret
I. stern r
1 Thn A II Tlioratcn
I Peter llnr-li
! JrP h Ol.leW
I T Howard M ilron
j John ltrown
1"H A .M Una
I'll surer 51 Faddin
lofl T II Fi.ber
le) f II l ook
lfto s 11 Vanraliah
I'D Wm Lei- r
loo ( ha s Voder
1'in Joisl, ilirton
loiil X Wor len
l.iO lantea iihLoa
l'.o John ll.rn.-a
loft llenjamin Antadt
1 0 Ileniiia I'hillii.j
lO'l John A li's-1
SO J,.. I, v.der
10 Hit Vcrsu
lu.Thoa s mark mV
lo M 11 Norton
0lw II Illark
luiw T Iteitmrer
lieDavid (linter
.mijohn Heru
en J II Miller
m Aheabsrti Singer
lu ileorze Wolfa
lOlllerrrjre Ileed
luiJt.hn Keber Jr
lu II Alhert
30 M A Stork
HU.I. hn T Miller
K.IUiliism A.lamj
M1 Inn Miller
lit S Iti.lt. Tlfc..
S ilnmon Kilter
Henrr S Neu-'r
DanS-l Mirat k
W H Wilann
II nr. W Frlft
" """oam
iet)ry Fri-k
William Moo
rhtlir. L Itvera
F A Oeneh .wer
John 11 Harkdoll
ftalph Ditty
Franklin Spyker
O B rk k-rt
Charlea s Critea
Simon P liitn.lr
W'm L llarria
John A Mem
Winejj-irden t Dietrich
Xthn K t'orneliiui
Nathan llawn
Hunter Taraoe
J I' Koaa
Martin rhapre-I
l.aar Walter
Jte M Krana
And nnw te. wl, at-.. ... . .. -.
dersitrned ,,o of ie coor, of eommoa
iCVwi . c" I C""ly' afler havinK Proof "f
Ihe abihty of the persons named in the within
subscription, to pray the sums subscribed by
lhem respectively and being sa-islied IVoiti the 1 Christian Herman, Isaac Geihart. I'll V.ig. i
evidence produced ihat i".ore than Ten Thou-' gouselicr. Charles U Miller, V in F Waggon
sand Dollars responsible mh tide suhacrip-1 seller, Aaron Bcigstreaser. t.'amp ft lti-.hr!,
Hons have been made end. r the provisions e 1' I Samuel (etiihcrliug, I' Gi utidruin, John II!
- i the 4lh section of the act of lieiural Assem-
My, eu'itied An act for the erection of a new
county out of part of Lnion to be called Sny
der, and relative the seat of ju-tii e of Union
county," approved the 2d ilav of March, A U
1S.",.", witiiin h- limits of I.111011 county (as
divided) and also a bond given with sulncient
security t . indemnify ths taxahles of said coun
ty of Union from any co-t or lax for the pub
lic bull lilies and for carrying out all the pro
visions of the :id and lU sections nf said act
iu otder to make the b'.roiih of Ijiohtmrg a
candidate for the seat ol justice j therefore, e
do hereby approve of said inscription and
Uond, and order the same to he published the
second week td Mav, A U ISi.1, and continued
for three consecutive weeks in the I'uion
Demokrat," a newspaper published within the
county of Snyder, and also putli-hed at the
same time and lor the same period in the
I.ewishur Chronicle," a newspaper puli
hshed within the county of I'liiun. and that
the borou-eh of Leivishurr be named in said
publications as a site for the seat i.f justice in
and f r Tnton county, for which said Subscrip
tion and Uoud have been pledged.
A. . Wll.t-OX,
JuAn nftht Cimrhoflht Count fnf l'nion.
Subscription, Security, &c.
'PlloVUl) by ihe Judges of the Courts
L'nion county, to secure MIFFIJ.X-
1 111 KU as a sue to be voted for at lh eeneral
election in uctoiier next lor the Seal of Jus.
tice of the county of Lnion. and ordered hv
saidJudges 10 be published,&c,April30,lS55. :
Suliscription. i
We whose names are hereunto annexej I
a?ree to pay the several sums of money set
opposite our names respectively to be applied
to purchase of grounds and the erection of
rubnc Uuiidincs in Ihe boron-h of Milllin-
, br
for the county of Union aecnrdnic to the
provisions of liie Kli section of an Act en
titled an Act for the erection of a new county
out of pari of Union to be called Snyder, an. I
relative lo the Seat of Justice of Union coun.
ly, approved the 2d duv of March, A 1 Iei5.
Payable to Abram S ilsnn.
Ml.-l:, Miller
tl'ioiiw. I, Sffpntzel
Jl.'O i
l.l '
V: ,
1...I ;
W ill It IVattuU
K 11 Hurler
Uuj Miller
l.lid iJri'irbA. h
J. ha il. ncU
A liuti liua
J.-C.ib 0S!Ksrl
.son A li II K.u,.r
liS J .! Il t II. ft
3'4i J rt Ceni.ie :'oa
loucl.nrl.- Ila.-,ul.:ai
to 1 J - Il.e.r
C tiari-i Kle, k.-er
to . J 11 s,
t"U He..!!.-- . r.-. r
tsi .11,1. V i:..,. , r
5'... J u-i.li l
foo Ji.lai M' Al, n.cy
ton i;. ,,re y.: ii. r
1-ssr I. II. .-U
wf'l A IJmniitiiis
t. -0 11 licoid, y
W -I'.l.n lOshrl
l-' li. O lllltellllH
1'.(l sauii uti liiii
l.'ii !i.ir! s .Mi.
li''.l!.-i.h Ilirf.p
1". II II .Miller
Hon il N Younirm&ll
3111 I! (I W,.if'
tin-. .1 titi in-ieliarj
IH'il ll.iiii shr.rnT
S'M.. .-..ml lietcen
ioi ' l.arhH Stem
lm Ib-iity li obenlorf
Snail fmi.c
I'll, lienj M tirh
1CU lmi' A V.iiir.-Izfth
e..n Jm i.t, Klitii;iiiAu
V 1 .111 ll.iet.iril
li'i J M i Olnre
l it, .l.ei li Kleckner
Ii ll-lirv 1-l.l.ii-hcr
1...1 ( lis rlec lioy. t
lw .Inisiti Anti N
1 iu V'iuug jr
: li .i.-o
. II. nrv lat
1 "
J..I01 M I'luT
ran.l sfilxcr
' J Ji J Viuuj
. J-.I.U KllV
HiiIh-i 1 1 number.
I. '.II
pm ;
2II4J '
lin i
10.) ,
j .1
' -
J 11 ii-!s--i,.iu
ll'-nry ilmiat
.1 l,i, il.l
U W 'I li, ni)iwn
Oeo b,s-i.4(b
J -loi lieiwiU-r
, .' T, 1. 1 "la t, ' 1 " "
K fci-cr.-r
l'- nt'l'i
T!','o' i7.iiei'iu
J W Mill.N
llcioy l:o-.-nri.lf
Cliiirles t'n.tzer
(i. i M-lmrh
Henry Orwi
J .1 ll.ienjiiug
l r..tzer
(uitrantre. rnJorstit 011 Sn,iK-riitinn.
We the undersigned citizens of M tllinburri ;
and vicinity hereby guarantee and bind our. j
selves 10 the Judges of the Conit of Union !
county for the payment of the lull amount i
within subsenbed for the purpose of erecting
the public buildings in the- borouch of MillW
buia; in accordance wiih ihe retiinrenient of
an Act of Assembly li r the erection of said
public buildings free of taxation to the pen.
pie of the county, in case a majority of lb?
votes should be yiven at the next October
election tor said beroueh of Mitiliiibtnr; for
tb? Couniy Seal. Witness our ham's and
seals ibis SClh day of April A U lsjf.3.
A tituelius J,,hn Oast
Win Y'ouiie; Jr J it J Young
(' X Y'olltlEillaa .1 W Sands
.Ino M Taylor Joseph IMert
ti.'o Drcisbach lienry Hoeeureif
Siiiiiiel (ietzen 'Jacob llrckard
Henry Oast It W Thompson
liowlpl' thrtl arrmnpan fiii.Si. b er t!i.tifr.tft.
Know all men by these presenis thai we
whose names are hereunto subscribed are
held and linnlv bound unto Abraham S. V. il
son, Jacob Wiiicuinver and James Marsh. ill,
ihe J l ine - of ihe cuurls of ihe county of I n
lon and to iheir successor in o'lice til
the sum of '' ;;Vtr 'r.iirasawt l) llus. to
w hich payment well and truly to be made and
done we bind ourselves jointly ai.d severally
lirmly by these presents. Witness i.nr hands
and seals, this yoih day of April A 1) ls55.
The condition of this obligation is such
that the citizens of M.ll'.inburi in said county
ol Union and subscribers to ihe subscriptions
pledged lo the said Judges shall and will erect
suitable public buildinss and jail for couniy
purposes tor said county ot Union, and also
purchase suitable grounds for buildings and
jail for said couniy of Union, withc-ii any
cost or tux whatever hcint imposed on the
taxables of said county for such expenses.and
do guarantee the subscriptions pledged to the
said judges in trust for ihe purchase of
rroiinda and erection of buildings Ac. as pro
vidvd for and according to Ihe terms and re.
quisitions of the Art of Assembly passed 2d
day of March A I) !'. entitled "an Act for
li e erection of a hew county cut of part of
I uion to be railed Snyder and relative to the
Seat of Justice in ITnion county," provided
that the place fbr sites ol said buildinzs shall
be decided on lo be erected at Miiiiiubnr! al
the nPil O, -t,,Ur fleeti,,n bb.k1.Ih iil,. ...
.... -5.-sttu.j, ,,,- i
visions nf said Act.
Hi nr.' Oast sealVThos CronmillerT'ean
tit o Dreisbach do
I'anl .Moss
Jno Detwiler do
H V Thompson do
Jno M Taylor do
Jno R- ichard do
Saml Outelins do
YVm Y'oung Jr do
Chas Montelms do
Henry Itogenreif do
A Outelius do
Jno Badger do
Henry Orwig do
Order and Dcc.rre
losct h Boop do
-eorje Y erger do
amuel Oeleen do
G X" Y'onngnian do
jjoseph Eilert do
j.lohn Rishel do
1J & S Y'oung do
laeob Deekard do
Samuel Sutzer do
John Oast (
J H liassenplttg do
' thrjti.ilrn of I'm
Courts if until ('r.nitfl.
This subscription and giii-rt't.e iatfrp.l
and furnished pledged to the Judce. i f the
Courts of Ihe county of Union lo seemc t
performance of the Act of Assembly apjir ,-. . ,i
Ihe Sd day of March A D 1R55. and pari ie u
lar'.y the 3d section thereof entitled -an Art
for Ihe erection of a newcouniy eul of pan of
Union to Be called Snvder and relative to the
Seat of Justice of Union county," and ap
proved of the name dav by Us and ordered lo
be published in the -Lewisburg Chronicle,"
published in Union county and in the 'Union
Demokrat." published in the roitn!y.f Snvder
on ihe 2,1 week of May, 1855, and continued !
therein for three successive weeks.
A. S. W.-H.ROX
Jacob utiten-myer,
james marshall,
Jurlgnnf the Court nf the County if L'nion.
CQuuig of S9 rE
Selinsgrovfi Bond and Subscription.
KKOYV all men bv these presents Ihat we
George Ebv. J II App, M V App, Peter
Bohg, George I, Cocker, Isaac App, Malhiaj
Wilson.Frederick App.George Fisher, Vlathias
Dunbaugh, Charles Rhoads, JUL Shindel;
F J Schoch, Xathantel Mover, Peter Fisher,
Jeremiah Krause, George P Deitrick, Elijah
("ouldron, A C Simpson, Isaac Couldron,Jacob
Stoufer, Christian Staum, Benjamin House
werth, H P Hottenstine, Gardner tc Lenhart,
A SCnmmines, Leonard App.GSchnnreJohn
App, Henry C Eyer, James K Davis, W F
fickhert, Benj Schoch, George Hill. Fredk
Speck, Kantner it fisher, Joseph Weurich,
w atcrs. jonn
Einuuit, William Col-her, tileries II Moyt r,
Joseph scharf, fanui.-l tjtaulier, Valentini!
Hare, .X Kantner. Haiuoel Feehrer, (ieorec .M
Keller, Jonaiiian Hudr, Cant J.ic. 'j lluiaiiiel,
faiiiucl vi'iiine, a..hn f Hichter, r.:iane!ti
lliciiter, 11 1 App, F M Liunbau'eh, Joseph
I'attersuii, .-sri ibner l'erkiiis,of ttie borough
ol Selin-crove and vieimiy in the county of
Snyder, S.ate of Pennsylvania, are hehl and
liimly totm.l unto Hon. Abraham S Wilson,
Jacob Witieniuyer and James Marshall Judg.
es of the Curls of L'mou county and their
successors in t.lo'.'e 111 tiust for the purpuse
expressed in li.e iid and lth sections ol ihe
Acl of tieitera! Assembly of liie Comuion
wealih of Pcniiylvauia entitled An Act fur
the erection of a new coua'v out of part of
Lnioa to Le called Snyhr and relative to
the seat of justice of I'uion Connty," ap
pruved ihe 3d day of March, A. II. is'w 111
the su:n of 7'uviy 'i'himaid 7..iIur lawful
money to be pa;d to Ihe said Judges of the
Courts of L'nion county or their successors
in otoee in iiust for the purposes nloresaol to
which payment well and Italy to be made and
done do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors
and administrate!, and each of us linnlv by
these rreseu's sealed with our seals and da.
ted this ilurtirih day of April, A. U.one thou
sand eiltt hundred aud hlty-live. 1 lie con
dition of this obligation is such that if the
above bound obligors sha.il, in case it is
determined by a majority of the qualified
votcis 111 Snyder county (as erected; at the
(.'eneral election to be held on the Sad Tues
day of October next (IH.15) to locate the seat
of Justice in the Borough of Selinsgrove in
said county of Snyder.cause suitable grounds
10 be procured a::d suitable btiildnms an I
jail for said county of Snyder to he erected
thereon tu.d to be finished aid after being
approved by a majority of ihe Coin! and
Oi.md Jurors coin eyed in be simp.e to Ihe
proper authorities of said county of Snyder
(so ereend) as al. ipsai.t ,,r before the
first d..y of Jantnry A. 1). ls."7, without
any com or tax whatever beinj; iinpo-ed up
on the taxable i f fa:d couniy lor such ex
penditures, said buildings to be of stone or
i brick wiia lire proof roofs and fire proof
rooms for records, and that all thinzs nec
es. ary to cairy out the provisions of the lid
and 4ih sections of said Act of Assem
bly according to the tenor and effect there
ol be fubr complied Willi, then this obliga
tion to be null and void, otherwise
ar.d rionaui in full force and virtue.
to be 1
.. ir l.jr
J il ,l,i
..1 t. a , p
-!;! I tut. li Arp
do oli-jre- li'vr
M.tt:l.ia. Oiitilfaugh
0 l.arl. s rlli..MJ
j li I. Mm dtl
Ir J Srletli
NitlhalOei Moyer
,J..i,ll Ajii
ll.nryt Fr
.'ames K 1 1"., is
VV It C kl. rl
IVnj .-. lii. h
,..,.-. In I
Kr. ,ier.( K Sp rk
K m; ii, r is lisli.rr
J..-e,li Welineti
1 l.ri-oan ll.rua-1
I -...,- Il. rhar:
I' 11 u,,. t-.,i,.. Her
. f Ui:,;.,i,s'l:,l
A r.,ii I . . i.-.tressi-r
.1. sej li .-e..aif
Siaun, I Siaiifler
Vaiiiitine Harts
N Katitinr
Samu -I r"sehrer
il.s.r.'B Keller
Jeoaihaa lin-'iy
la(i Jais.li Tl.iui-nl
Santuel U i-r.iUO
.1.1, u f lie hnr
ii. ... u- L a,skrr
l a..- A :.
M. iloa- ilsnn
lv er ri!,er
.l,.r.-ii,i.tl, Kr..u5e
0. nine liieiri. k
K::jnli I '.uiuroa
A L .siii...,u
I ,11-lr. n
Jh.-i.I Mnuth-r
i l.ris'ian M,um
I:. 1 jseeti tli.u-ewerlh do
II I' lielt.-nstinr d-,
liar.;!., r & L,-i hart do
A s 1 iiniiioi.s do
l..nt,ar.l A-p do
li s.-hnnre do
( .in:. A lii.h. l do
Sainul li.-n,bellin; do
V (iundrutti do
Jiliii 11 Miller do
W in li:oi-t,T do
J I) w an rn do
.l..hn Kmmitt do
U 111 I ,,l-l,. r do
lia' II Jl'.yrt do
l;,m,il.etti loi-hnr do
M l',.iiha.iili do
isrril.ner 4 l'etkins do
II ! A, ,.
Jtf. till I'atters'-il
We and each of the undersigned promise
and arree to pay to Hon Abraham Wil-
; Jacob iiienmyer, and James .Marshall
! J".l!;es of the Couns of Union county and
their successors in dTice the sums annexed
to our icspeclive names towards raising the
bona fi,Ie subscription of not less than len
lliousand dollars wiihin Ihe liml's id" Sny..
iler county as lately erected under the pro.
; visions .-I the Act of O-oieral Assembly of
the (Vtc-nonweaiih of Pennsylvania enti
tled -An r.. i for the erection of a m w county
out of pail of Union to lie called Snyder
J and ri-l.ttive to the Seat of Justice of Union
I couniv."' ppprove.l the 2d dav of March,
j A 1 is."5, in irust fir the purchase of sui
table si. nil. Is and erection (hereon of sin
; table biul-litres and jail for couniy purposes
I for sitd c, inity of Snyder (s,, erecied) nn
' il-r the pri.visjiitts of ibe :i,l and -lib sec
lions nf said Act of Assemh'v t Provided,
thai a majority of the qt.alilied voters wnhin
-a:d county of Sny-ler (as erected; sh.-u! I
deride by ballet at the -eneral election n,
be held i n the 2.1 Tuesday ol O -toter (next)
lstao, under the provisions of li," 10:h sec
bon i i" said Act of Assembly, that the Ijorouch
of Sclinscrovc should be the Seat of Jus
lice lor said county of Snyder. Witness our
hands this thirtieth dav of April A D isr5-
l!, i.j Seh.
rre W K. !li r . 0
1'-., Sl.tiuiel V, rone 'Jo
11,. -M,.l I' Hi, hler 7.1
1- H.isl.-tli lli. Ltcr
l'' ll I' Ai d !"o
Fr. Ik S..s lc
Knntii'-r 4 Fi brr
It I' H. tletl.tilit)
11 W Snt.i.r
LenmirJ Aj.p
ll S, ht.nro
John App
Henry r Krrr
.i .r.ie- K batia
w in F IVal-rt
J., epli W enrich
O Hi-rroan
I-asr lierliart
! II K..T. n-. IIe-
Ilia I: Miller
W F Wa'tifiostllet
.1 II Ap
M I' A;p
W in (iau.'ler
Chi lie, ker
Jonall.nn H-her
It F lir-jrnry
J D W'atera
.ire Afp
Matl.ias unAagh
James I. I'arks
F J Se,,,
Isl'na Wilfwn
S'n F M Until .inn!)
VOi, ,!.-.aej h I'attei ion
lo.-U Srnl.ner t C-rkinJ
lnih, t ha. .1 Ilit i
l'al i i'l... Jar-nl llttmmfl
f.,.i. l f l:er''-tr. i-s r
S"i, ll.tnl Fl.rl.art
Int. Jonathan liu ty
l:.t. Frank M stu.-k
I'm s .ninel stiiulTer
let' s t'liniiinniia
In, tl .r Hier A la'nhart
He" 1.1 il tnh. rliti(
ri.. II-1 j ll rtsewerth
Coo J. hn Flnttiitt tto
2.a I-aae Couldron Hl i
Iihi I sinti-eou ,1
2.'. Kli.iah o..ti!-lren no !
a'' O..tire i.-tt-i.-h 2S
2.'- JereDItah Ort'UM 2a '
Lie IVter li.her .0
. Nathaniel V.erer 7s
2H:J li I. Shin.lei 2S
Hat Vliarl.-a Hh.evl, f.i
luo'J..in I'arka 2n
ri-.- Firhrr
2 John Hal! ;(
in 1-r. d Ai-p &,t
20. 'eI.T Hoiis; o
elMMienrfe Khy i.U
lunijol.tl II Miller 2s
te1; I litin.I. ttm ) 1
o.' Saiiiuel ti-mletling ltat
21. (antp k Kishel lot! I
2jAaroa lh-rgatresser 2a
Jnnh SUl,,r
Chri-tiaa Slanln
l ilitrm t,.Vl,er
lhs H SI.,,,,
J.s.j li .- l arf
Valentine II ira
Atalrea J livtlilyoo
N K-tioti' r
Samuel leelirer
I And now, to wit. May 1, 1S55, we ihe under-
Siftned, jiitlw- s of the court of common pleas
. of Union coitiity, alier hearing proof of Ihe :
lability of the persons named m the within '
j subscriplion to pay the sums subscribed by '
1 them respeetively, and being satisfied from the ;
evidence produced that more than len 1 hou-
sand Dollars responsible bona lide subscrip
' lions have been made under the provisions of
the llh seen. in of Hi" act of (ieneral Assem
bly entitled "An act for the erection ol a new
county out of part of Union to be called
S:,yder. ami relaiive to Ibe seat i.f justice ol"
I loon county," approved ihe 2.1 day of March,
A I) Isj.ii), wiihiu the limns of Snyder county
(as rieiled) and also a liond given with sntli-
cient security lo indemnify the taxablesef said
county of Snyder irom any cost or tax for the
rtibl.c buildups and for carrvintr cm all the I
provisions of ihe 3d and 4ih sections of said 1
acl, in order to make the borough of .Vi'm
Tnre a candidate fot the seal of justice; there-
lore, we iiu hereby .tpprove ot said Subscrip-
""n an'' an'' ",,'r ,,,e "ame lo be P,lb-
l.i'.t ni.'i m.iiti , bi.ii t'l'lt ft I IC tl'lIC I If UC I'll If I
hshed the second week of Mav, IS.5, and con-
tinned for three consecutive weeks in the
"Union Demokrat," a newspaper published
within the county cf Snyder.and also published
at the same lime and lor ihe same period in
the "LewisbuigChronicle,"a newspaper pub
lished within ihe couniy of Union, and ihat
Ihe borough of .Vi'iugrore be named in said
publication as a site for thv S-at of Justice in
and for Snyder county, for which said Sub
scription and Bond have been pledged.
JuJn of the Court, of the County of lnion
Subscriptions and Guarantee,
DELIVERED an1 pledged to the Judges of
the Courts of ihe county of Union in
trust, &c, to recure a vole for the Seat of
Justice at FItLEIiVJtn, in the new county
oi -nv icr, under the act ol Ihe Id of Match
A V !5'j5, eiectmg a d new co intv.
Miller, William Oaojh'r, J L
er-e to
pay to Abraham S U ilaon, Jue..S Witiri.imer,
ud James Marshall, the Judges of the Couiis
ol I'll ion couniy, ilnl Iheir sucrrsstirs ip ,f
lice, in trust h.r the eopiity of Snyder, toe
sums annexed to our riatites respect!-. ely lo
Wards the pavm-nt of'iVu 'In. oisar- Dollars,
required by the act of Assembly entitled "An
1 aet lor the erection 1 f a nea-
unity out of
pari in Linen to ne ca.lcl ,nyil.-r, and relmivi
to th? seat of justice of I'm, n rounte."
passrd an I approved the i ! day 1 1 Man h, A
1) lsr.."i t, be siibscni eil by ij,e 4:U recintn ( f
said act lor the pon h ise of grounds, and ihe
erection i f buildintrs, accmtir.' ti, tiie a.l
section of said act, for 1I.1 coun'y id Sny
iler, on c(.nr!it!i.n that a hire;' r hamber of
v.ies than lor any o'h'r p! o-p . sanl county
of Sny.b r be casl ot. 1 e - ! Tuesav ol Octo
ber next in favor o. 1 .eatii, 'he n.uniy seat
i.f Snyder countv at the l .uu of PieeLurg in
Ihe sa d county of Snyder. Witness our
hands and seals this 2! j rzy i,( March, li.5.
llill.il. li
1 oi v.
, 1 c M... er
' Isanr I'.i.ver
, lien O Mi.ver
: M f !". r
J.ici.l, 1i...tir
' lsn:ir lli'ii-h
m M ss-b h
s,.u,l II ...
Il.i rv I. i.l- .h
J..bn llcn.iuel
: lie..r.-e si.yibvrirfr
J J il.tr
Jar. !, s tt'. IVr
. I A .1 lir.Iillll
11 1' lll.l l-ll
J"ll.itl,all Atboza.t
II I II uu
J. hn li Ola.S
baiid M..y r
Aai.-U M.oer
J..!. I-" .tme
baiil S -l Aiirui
; Al. l-ro
; I'unl O.a.4
I iiiistian r' IloutX
J I 11..., r
I. ii.in Arl.'.-i.t
ins r- II. .si. rn.au
.mi.1 U.i.ieg
, U 111 tila-ff
' Henry II. iiu! a:h
; 1'at.i-i 11... r
t i..s SI, ,1. Lerg, r
i l et. r l.i.a,
II, -nrv llaie
. O tt i-Ei!M9
! (i.-ufife l M.iler
1 It 11 T Kauls
1 Jik mI, k mil
I'. Ier V M.nt
' Jaruei Ttiarp
; Ilea II lU:i beotach
J.in.t Lemcll
; Henry Arnold
saral, Mis
: lsasir Morr
Andrew liirhel
i H l-ll.-llOi. I '1 . tig
Ill tar.l l ae...r
to. J.,l.i. s i rav-r
Hl la ; l'iiuiimail
in I r..,,-e
Al.ral.eni Wrt
11". Aii-lr. i Iti tj.,
2-.1.. Henry S,inini-0
l. u I1. .J I-ii,.kila rk'r
2 U I r I.. 1. 1, ,.IM. Il
l'l U in II Si.i, y. r
t 'l M.eli-i I- lii;..r
tin ...ii Huinm. I
1' O Saiul ItLii.l c:b.rgep
!. W m Kerlell
-T Jnn IllllliUlel
f'U batil s li yer
bio li
!e i liaiiiel J..rman
1. o lie r,:e 11 straub
I'M lru,l H III- hi. r
li d boae ll. l.el
1st la, ij tl'ii-h
In Jure!, l.-.n.h
ia 1.V., J 11.., , h
C" II M. rta
ii Win II . ii a
1 1 ' I l.t ipt t,her llantl
a . il. u I', rry
In sauii ' itllert
1'. li.i.rL'e KlIih
i'l J'.UHm Kee Vr
. i: :i-iii e. v.r
J;.s 1. l lihiaaa
I' J. I llMi.a
5, ::,. 'ii K .utl
S" 'J. i,r Ksuti
a1 J e l. J H. y r
.a Irol a 11 i iUT
l.V. AK llauta
lO 1'eter Weiler
lo ii, , rr- Moor
lu W iu It y. r
i lleery lliikhart
0 itb J Knuta
2" t'lo.,i. Ai t, 0
10 I'l.l.il- i..er
i tri i.uiv, r
1U r.oas la shr
1" nanl l.!a-rt
1 J l,n Mil!, r
l i in. ii liiiii lrnm jr
ll.-orv M. rtjr
I I ll.i r.e lldlie
1" lt.-iont.ilii Ai (.lo
if l..i..a h r no- r
".a I iia,l I'.e: 1. art
I. ..
10 1 '
II. . I
Ino j
ti 1
aioitci Kuint.U
ln-.re loi-r
. l etaim.t I'.alC
' ll-nrv ll.Try
J -J.lt F' I..H)
I llenrv Soartr
I J. l.n'ii.a
t Al.rah .Ui Freed Jr.
I lieu i. rlz
; Anlrew lo-uh
I Ji.o M' .-t-tn
' U ttL. Iijiilerluaa
I It. orje A 1 r
li.tt;e 1... :-h
, I'.md M le tcrf
I.alid U, U-li
Adalu ti Tuian
I Henr W,.;:
! Ilenre'e Meter
1 f M- ver
' li.-ori:- lli;M,b
j li. orvie t; t..,er
' Iran. is A ll-t,er
j U ori Line
1 1'eter I' Ariaigast
)u Shu., sir, u a 2:.
Jo bat id V.oer
la AaO.t, M er I'l
ll Ii i J or ii.ru 1" 0
o Uaii.l II oer i
In l. ,i.l I,. M. tf S i
3d. Gei.ru. straub Is
In J,-,, r W. ru lo
f... .; Ler.iii. lu
? Ilel.rv M..tj f 0
&.I.II t ll'.i.ti liaj
1. e' le. rir. i iila!l
lo. K li. --!.r
1. 11 V. 11 M-ni
l... :nnti!.. n..ijjif ;ai
1H. Jtiu liiftel 5J
(iuuruiit-e enil'.irmil mi XiAsrriptirm.
We the subscribers, citizens i f that part of
t'.e county of Union now described in the act
of Assembly lor the erection of ihe county of
Snyder, do jointly and seveialiv guaranty ant!
bind ourselves for the true pnym-tit of the with
in sUb-crip'.:-n aeeab!y lo the provision i.f
the said act of Assembly auihornEinsr said sub
scription. In witness whereof we have here
unto set our hands and seals this. 30th dav i f
April, A D lsj.i.
Henry Motz (.call P P Merti (sealj
K C Mover di 'iK li.issler do
(Jeo li!bih do II C H
i ' "I V '' O'ltirnii'ir j't,riiislitt ly Fmhurtf.
Kno.y all n.eti I y n,.,.. present-: tha' we the
undeisigned bind n.ii-lv.- j oi.t'r i.nd sever
ally, oui lit irs, earcut.-rs. :i oiiitiis;rators atid
. assigns uiilo Abiaiiam S U ilsoii, Jacob Wr..
' tenmeyer and James Marsha'.:, judges of Ibe
coun i f Union county, or llien sui-cessi rs m
, oliice, l,.r the luiihlul peih ni.ain-e and pav-
; Ilieiit ol the tl. lb-rent sum
suhscriputitis, wh:rh read
o-enbtd in inne
" e and each tif ihe rtidi rs eued airree to
pay to Al rauain s W:l :. in. Jacob ittcniuey
er and James Marsha:.', ibe judge of the
court of Union c.nniv, a:,.! their success, r;
in oliice, in trust IV r liie coun'y of Snyder, the
sums aitiiext tl to cur names u'spccuvelv to
' wards ihe payment ol Ten Thousand Dollars
required by liie act of As.eii.L.) enuiled "An
acl lor the election ol a new co'u.ty tit of
part of Union to be called Snyder, and relat.r
i to tne seal ot josiice of Unn n coiituv." pas-e '
and approved ; dav of .Much. A D 1 So."),
to be ftihscnbe . by Ihe'-lih sccii. n cf raid aet
for the purchase of grounds and the erection
of buildings according to the ad section of
said acl lor the county of S.i der on condition
that a larger n-iTtber of r. it s :han fir any
other place in ihe said coui.lv f Sntdtr be
casi mi the 2d Tuesday ol October next in la
vorof locating the county sea: of Snider coun
ty at the to vii of Freeburg. in lb? said coumv
of Snyder. Dated Mar. h Slst, A 1) 1K")5.
The conditions i f this i hli.; hi, n is such
thai tf the rums subscribed in the beforenien
tioned subscriptions be iruly an I faithfully
panl. if a larger nuiiiht r of votes te ca.-t for
the tow n of Freeburg for locating the county
seal of said County of Snyder on the second
Tuesday of October than for any other town
tn the Coulny of Snyder, then this obligation
to be void or else 1,1 remain in full force and
virtue. Sealed with our seal-., daled the thir
tieth day of April, in the year of our Lord one
thound eight hundred and filly-live. j
signed in presence ol" 1
II C Houtz (sea ) I F C Mover (seal)
hi Ilassler tlo I Oeo Hilbish rii
P P Mertz do Henry Motz do
! Ihrrie anil VrtU r i f tiir Juihjrs. j
These subscriptions with the guarantee en- i
dor.-e.l and furnished pledged 111 trust lo ihe !
subscribers, jinlges ol the couits of the county ,
of Union, this oOih day of April, A D I83S, 10 I
secure the performance of ihe conditions of!
Ihe act of Assembly approved 2d 01 March,
A D isr. a'td particularly the IU section !
thereof, entitled '-An acl for lh? erection of a
new county out of part of Union to be called
Snyder, and relative? loth; seat of justice cf .
I nion county ," and subscription approved of
the same day. and ordered lo be published with I
toe guarantees in the Lewisburg Chronicle,
published in lnion ci unty. and the Union
NlltlM-1 iiiliou.
We and each ol' the liUfieiiniI
ru.u,u u aiiioi, ll unit, di'li UlC ajlllOU,, i , ,, , , ,. , . w. . , ,
Demokrat, published in the county of Snyder, i ?.,lr . ial AP "' ls"
1 . .... . . 7 1 . ' llenrv A Smith R..K f Ri,.i
on ihe second week in Mav, A D lis.',5. and to
be continued therein for three Coi'sccutive
weeks, and thai Freiburg te named a site Id
be voted fur for the seat of justice of said
couniy of Snyder al the next general election
' 'T "em u ln: 5ec.'"1' 1 ar l" sJctober,
Jurists of Me Cwirhif the Ct.uotynf Union.
juuge .iiarsnau being present rtecliiieJ sign
ing on the ground that there is no guarantee
,a . , -
c"vrln3 a1' "penses, as provided lor in the
thud section of the act.
The following additional security, furnished
and pledged May 1, A D IS55, and approved:
Know all men by these presents ihat we.
Henry C Houtz, liiVFC Mover, Geoige Hil
bish, Henry Motz, E Bossier, Isaac Unver, M
C Mover, J J Morr. David llnt.lorf. David I
Mover, Andrew Koush, of the town of Free-
burg and vicinity, in the county of Snyder, j
Slate of Pennsylvania, are held ad firmly i
bound unto Hon Abraham s Wilson. Jacob !
v iitenmeyer and James Marshall, jtnlges of
the courts of Union county, and their success
ors in oliice, in trust for the purposes expressed
in the third and fourth sections of the act of
General Assembly of this Commonwralih of
Pennsylvania entitled "An act for the erection
of a new county out of part of L'nion to be
called Snyder, and relative to the seat of jus
tice of Union county," approved the Sd dav
' of March. A D 15.1, in ibe sum of Tim tu
Ihaufcnd Pn3crt. law f..! cion-y.tn le paid io '
the said judei- of uie Court of Vau tlU;
l-e.r successors irt i,Rce, in trust f, , '
ou,"..sr .luiesaiu, id nicn ravnir, ,
, anU 11 a!y to be made and done we 0 bmd
; seives, uur heirs.executora and adn.m,1,Iau,tt'
and each ol us hrinly l y ihise prtif .
-'!i our seals and daled this first dav.'.f u '
A I one thousand eight bnndrid anil tiin
The con.liti.nof this obligation ls .i'."1
-f above bnnd,0 obbRora -h,'! Tn e
he qnaht. 1
ii iera 01 ny ier crumv al the
fneral e,c.
lion to be held on the secoud Tu,
ay of Or
toler next tt-SS'i tu locale i . .... i
in the town of Krrl.i.r. , jnst.ee
Snidei, cnose suitable pn.und. Iu be it,. l
and suitable buildtn" . and a jail f, r Sil!,. ,l
of Snyder to be erected iherton and u bi-'fri.
lied, and after br.n; ai proved bv a iS,',ir,!;
,i t'i eouit and grand jurors, coi veyrd n f,l
sim- .4 lo the rrnperaudioriiu .,, saia -of
Snyder as ab.rsai'l on o; .elo.-e ihe ! - -Va
of January. A L) KT.with'.ut any cost ,
wnatever hems imposed mi iheuxablrs tf it,
county i I Snyder, said buildings lo te tf st,
or brick, with fiie proof rooms I. r recoids a. -i
that all thins necessary to Carry cut ihe'rri.
v.sn.nsof the third and fourth sections f
act of Assembly accordmptu the tenor und.':
feet thereof be fully complied nh, ihrn ih.'s
oi,liaii..ii tn l e void, otherwise lo be atd le
mam in fill! force and virtue."
ll -nrv t. H. u'z (seal) I
David Botdnrf (sealj
Henry M, : a
j r c m
E Bos-ler
yi C si. rer
IsaC Boyer
(Jeorjte Hilbish
David Mover
Andrew Koa-a
J J Merr
Tins addmi na! seruii
ly a!so to be TirimJ
wuh ihe subscnp'ion. Ac-as fcef.re d.recttd.
A S WILsox.
JAC i'B Wi l l EXMEtER.
Julian i.f ll.e Court i,J l'nion County.
-a Subscription and Guarantee, be.
J" I ELI YEKED and pledged to Ihe JnilErj
v't 1 ' Courts of ihe cennty ol t'nio:,
1. 1 secure a vole for the site lor the fceat if
J'1 Justice of ihe new county of Snyder erectrf
't ! v an Art of Assembly approved the Sd da
" i of March A D 185S.
; Siibscr Iplloai.
;,, ! YVe the subscribers agree lo pay th; r'J
15 ! pective sums opposite our names towards
j raising the stipulated amount often thonsaa.l
1,! : dollars as required by law for the purpose cf
lo 1 erecting necessary buildings sich as Court
' j House, &-. which may be requ.rrd for the
; County Seat of Snyder Cobnty, the snbsenp-
tioti lieniji talren as required Kr ihe town if
MIDiiLEiJUKfi in order lo qualify it for a
candidate for the H"vr rf Justice.
Itno Ttl slier i. e'linrite A Iloy,r
1i. hael s, I,, rfi 175 I'attnrir lla'rtmaal
fuiarual .-eno-h
S-Eiael Yi 'Jer
lin liie. Tiro r
J l.B Klin.
l,etrt Wittenmoyar
I'ai.i Weinelt
l t.srir Merrill
A Miyoer
K,la St.blnerller
J l.n lp,lp
Oeori:- V' t.f
Ji.ts.l. le,,,.y
I. rael Knelt, e
II. nrv lil t i.h
lit MM,ae, itereiia
1--0 Grorre Henry
l."u ti.irire r.i'r,:v
ra.1 l.ariter
-a Tbi. ma r..-fr
T5 ( bi tc; ucr ?ffho!i
1' f Chi''i:Mi trachel
5" Jrf WrtH X
J-.-r. bA .tb
C.' H jtiiic- hwtik
T.i Hiiii-ta fowrlVCE
, da:.
lin K-i
i J. tn. lUrb.n
' JC'S pll -llLQO
-j Aitr n K. vnjd.r
to IVttr Vrsin
-0 Jof.b B rrsex
I1- iror(- Pmith
SO JoLin A bneb
j:.J Pihir.M
Isaac r.-es
Daniel ?hrwti
Wdi Sn
.'a. . I) ilnnntan
; O.-i. re ,-ac.(.eeI
j llopni Sniii).el
; II- ,iry San.iera
. Mi. hael Millet
I J l.n I'a-let
Jamb We'a-I
I J..eh Weta-1
Kr-ier'a lleira
. ll J Kojiar
ti. ..rite Meat
J. tin H.l.i-liaua
li.-nr, itrniiri
i II, nry A. Smith
! Jar, b Atiranilt
j ll.-nry Auranilt
HmL HaSHinL-er
: Henry llaa.in.r
John L ltiitiiier
j o . rue J .-. l.ta h
Jas..h llsvr. l. r
' I'ati I sw.-ntila
.1 s Ha-Mnirer
J. till HaekeLheej
, K.laaol riiyitr
l"a,l. Sra i
: 11. nry w ittenrayiT
I'l. I i(. Siiiitli
1 J. t.n S ;.,J
I J, !.n lott-r
I l.-aae 1 a. ter
, Ii or::. A rt.iiras
' 1 ino. 1 Alder
3() David II Walt
l' ADilrr. Walter
0 tn tft'e HrtttaB
4't lia,j (I, fr
3' ( Joiin fr?
Zii Krulpn Kirbwer
4( 0 tir. nc- l -aiVtib
""v (Tt-Ainrk Tta.trr
l..-: Kin
l(v Jn-i b t . lAaltrr
t ADth-rnvJ .-Lt
l-'.r-bt. w 5,iJ
1.'" A.rwlm r-ir
'i(t" t iarmi.tin W StiiingW
1-" tit-t rv an
6" Oftfivi M'.wer
J M hinw Mn-ninjiTr of Co. 25
KruUn ft
lu Ji.r.-b AiclT
Iihi r,,-.pl, llaiwin-er
frit l-iaA. I' ntiocxt
.'t Ai rahAtncuKk
5i l b tif. . nr-vvk
IN nri t -ft, he wer
f Htnu-i puiith
J'-Ln Stiilth
K .-aciivei WitteriDDyr
t niU' ) tiaui'itrr
Jtln A .ni'h
: truli. 5vinrforJ
lv Jxn b t 'jrr
t ilt-urv Tt kne-fp
t t.lliai cth Mutttl
Wm !.( kvr
4 ivfurnT iOt'fDr(i
i J.aCOD t llall-p r
t iv-i TiT' lu.w. x
i Ji hn SwTt n?
6 J tin :.cn
JrtLn Kf-u
6 I) 1 V il.ava
t K v. Km
JI "1 - ettfln
'1 k.' d Bira.fniaD
ft Jaoob hr--iJ
it Ner l;n-llrwarih
Sf Ianil H'l- i.a.r
.s..:i.a. l llarkminrfar
! Ai..-r-.l-1-h
,,. i.r,t-n ;ifiDinger
.I.-. ; i. II ."tump
ilr-u; 1'ri.t
I'lLtt'l K'e-h
(ir- W uglier
i'.tir l.iir
Kr -
V ii.ntiu .iijilh
J. lin I
J.-- h vTiici
(!. t.T9 H. nfi f
.' In Kre.
W.N K-ister
!. -r . . Lr. r
in 1: ry Mi(.k
J !ij.'i. Hal.Ktfir
J. 1. 11 i
i ut . 11 fp
I- aiv- 1-h'
..nr. n M. tlrr
J .- ir. l;..;-r.1r
t'tthi int- Krrtuer
J i n Tn xvli
1 ttriolian hAUJtach
Kii- l!"ttr
is J Wiitv-nmojer
J-'dii l;urit
.4hru.ir.in fc.ieDbaarr
I'a'i-I S Lm'h
lin rt II .-I sffc-r
l.t-nrv MfvT
II- 'iir. IitfhxtI
Ii. nirti Kt-ilt-r
I'h.Jp Xrrkle
V ;iihin ."nitrailQ
J ha I D'ittl
J. I.u Ii Li m;
lit m ih
At'i:.r M .(.iVcwaYrtb
Innit:l MnrtiLh
i Jt-rrtfiiah Mc.th
iiO Jarer, Krb
III trank in Stetler
1" J hn steinitier
; J.hi sutler
Kai j..i.d I' Sraiih
15 Samuel p.-weraox
K0 l.i ul-n H om
I'l Ornrpe fwarta
I, .,..l Haurh
13 Hecty kern
I'.i James S Smith
S Tan. la-n'e? 10
In s-ui. .. oi.lt IS
111 MatUn .Oe-el jr.
ft Sauiuel AraaJ C
10 John K airy 10
In 7an.b ..inenhow K'
10 J f Binramaa 4
l.i .rb 1 i-h
5 eleurire Smith S
t Henry Haurh 10
It Je!.h llainev
6 Jacob K.rn &
6 Itewald Steinfncer
6 Uarld Steininurr
It . Jtieeph St initiaer ft
j llt-iiry mith
I llfi.ry lr--.)tfl
1 Kfiitvii nntl
tilMU K--ifV
J A K Mi M r-.wsrlh
rfuruoD ri ai:g
A ml row Mi-k
J- vph I'rvntiul
lit UTt Irikvr
l-H-v i;-.thrt-.k
(ltdrrr i 'hf-niorf
Itii Andrew .atmir ft
S Ireilertek retrolf f
t Daniel llaaainfter ft
ltAan,n Ilacatngcc ft
lt'lJrhntiift n
t John Nerman 3t
V'e ihe undersigned citizens of ibe town 0?
Middlebur-j ar.d urimiv, do hereby fuaranife
that not less than the sum of I'm Thmuani
Italian of the annexed subscripiioa shall ant
will be paid according to ihe leims and con
ditions if the Act of Assembly passed the Sd
day of March A D 1855, entitled "an Aet for
the erection of a new county out of part ef
Union to be called Snyder and relative to the'
seat ol Justice i f l niea county. n itne.-
Henry A Smith ftnht f. Rnwet
(ieorge Mooiz John 1 Reninrer
Jacob lttenmyer IHenrv 8 Smith
T Bower E Krerorr
D J Boger Ellis Stahlneeker
llenrv Aoraad lohn A Sboca
Jno Bi'ger
Decree anil Apprettat.
The wiihin subscription and guarantee a:
neied, pledged to ihe subsenr'ers Judges ef
the Courts of the county of I'mva ih S,;,l
day of April, A D Isioo, io secare the perfrr
mince of the conditions of Ihe Acl of Assem
bly nawsedthe 2d day of March, A D IsiS",
and particularly the 3d section thereof en
titled -an Act fur the erection of a new coun
ty ont of part of Union to be called Snydr
and relative to the Seat of Justice," and sub
scription approTf 4 of by .us the same day.
anil or.lere.l tn Is r..V,ll.k.e! 1. ie. .. I ishnr2
Chronicle," published in t'nion conntv. and
in the "l'nion Percokfal,' published in tha
county of Snyder, on the Sd week in May.
A D lSAS. and tn he continue,! therein lor
three consecutive weeks, and ihat MIDPI-E-
BURG be a site to be yoled for as the Sea.
of Justice for the county of Snyder at Ik
general election in October next (1855.)
Jinfen of Ihe Court, of the County of Ine.
Judge MtusHALt was present, but declined
sifiunT bnr ihe reason that an amount sn-
cient to cover all exrentH waj not guaraa