Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 27, 1855, Image 3

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1 s A-.
ihe Lewishu'rgjCIironicIc.
o Friday
I'ninn ounlif,
TU Uk r -
- aim i itrir-sr.a
W-l 'n .horUir IH.-ri.Hl. Tuiu,
tb on" , ... ,.,,ihs. ;i eti fcr i month..
je.nl. "'e-'
lot .
oathf. s f..r io
,11... - fr
r-ar'-nrDtikj cull (p
NO.V. 5 c -
,, - ....,., r hink nolw t tlieir
1 in " . . ' ' Uin, for.
i..n.r. ..-rust t to nu w
Trttlt ' , ,, ,
j. - .-,ts ' " '-" - r-
tr .11 -x'h., w Mr-h.nt
n i- . .
lie $2, !
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.i.f. !. 10'r-
P'r . ,,Mrriialiii..of b.-tier,oclJ..f
b.Mr- - ; .....dvmeuuof
A 4U" l ' ln'" u..ic.,".. .....
ory. re n.A a-uittt.
'- ' . ........ ... n..: inr-rr-'l
hull ' - " n
.i..- ..... nup of parlv or Wf tarimn conU-st.
r.U.r. to mm. ""ri--J ,dJ J
' . u of il" ril,'r-t"'- . ;
MViNKri'1 TKI.V.'.UAHI i. lonhri In tli ofH"
, Th" '., t,, Wch wol'un get important X j
DI 111.
i .jT.c, of IV "-';aer m mfW m.tori.1. formort
V .i:?.. V77.V6-. .MA Will b. . .itk
'Tv"-' -.-. ..t. to I P.U hdM
FiiirAT Mor.MNC,
Vlilt. -I ,lo0: i
iwt pro'rti..n -or.
,l,ril .roJn-r, CUDUUKr.
find d.-.Jr
in tin- ut.
Cj Se Sew Adi-erllwemcntM.
'-Snai t'lTii.M," is th1? name of a paper
r..m Donievil.fal,Vich comes to u:
riesirous of an exchange. Granted but
T hat old friend thereabouts wants to hear
Irom this place, we can t gne.i.
IVWt are indebted to the Publishers--E.
f. Butler A Co. of Philadelphia for a copy
"of ta o of their works, viz.
. Brief Kxprsition of the Constitution of
he Tinted .states, for the use of Common
"English Grammar an Exposition of the
principles and usages of the English Lan
fruae." Both works were written by Prof. John $
Han A M. Principal of the Philadelphia High
r5"For the first tithe since Judge Bun
was in the Home, the CArvtiirk has to ac
knowledge tVie receipt of a "Pub. Doc." from
the Representative t.f L'nibri county in the
f ta:e Legislature. We never suffered any
loss by this non-recognition of us By if.1! per
tons filling that station ; but it Was elewlv
opposed to the dc.i-n rfgt anting the Trahkii.g
privilege, to overlook the Press of the County
nominally represented ( and was, besides, a
violation of courtesy, which damaged Co one
but the Hon. eentlemet. rho probably sup
posed the CUrmkit would die unlcsi suiliin'
td by their potential autographs ! j
ri?"The Spanish have tlie repuiatioa of It- j
ing vry polhe and fastidiously nicl peop'.e j ,
V ut the way they patronize otii ms; is ei
d. nce of some superiority of Hie article OJer
ours, for the after avor f ours can - not be
considered as desirable in company. I ne
oaion is, moreover, a healthy and palateable
fnod ; and any expedient to rid it of its ter
rors, will be welcomed ty the puWic general- j
'j. Whether the seeds advertised ty Mr.
Sarg-r.L of Brooklyn, V. W are the thing
rlesired, we have no knowledge ; bul a dime
spent in the trill wonld be no preat loss, and
might be a grea'i gain. Mr. targent should
Siare Directions accompanying his paper of
Cci.tibe of Lemons. We have on
bur table a bands imc, fragrant lemon,
measuring 8 and 10 inches, which just
dropped from a tree raised by Miss Spy ker ;
or this town. It is a grafted tree, fi years j
old, and still lias cn its branches 2G leui-1
ii!i.iuost of the' n ineasurinz 3 inches. Is :
not tbe cultivation or this Trtiit niore advis
able lllan soi'je other household avocations,
or idleness ? would it not "pay" better ?
teS'The corner-stone of a proposed new
Lutheran and German Reformed house of
worship ib Adamsburg, will bs laid on
Monday the 2'.h of May ncSt.
W5&.The lat cant phrase is, " 7"iat' ti.v
(Echo answer; '-That's s ')
Uostox, April 12.
In iiie Circuit Court, this morning,
Judge Curtis delivered an opinion in the
case of Theodore I'arker and others, de
claring indictments to be void, on the
ground that the process di3 not sufScienlly
set forth that it was not alleged that the
V. S. ''dwmissioncr in the Burtisclse had
a legal cognizant?. All the accused were
thcnC-jre ordered to be discharged. Tbe
decision was received with much applause.
Rochester, April 23. As a locomo
tive was ba.-king d wn the track, iu Cauan
r?aigc Villngc, this afternoon, it ran over
and instantly killed J. L. Hall, Kq., a
kwycr, severing his bead from bis body.
JuJm I'bclpj and another person, stand
ing on the track, were also seriously in
jured tbe firmer so severely that bis life
is despaired of.
RosTim, April 2i A private letter
from Ceylon mentions the death, from
Cholera, of the Rev. Daniel Poor, the ve
getable missionary of tbe American Hoard.
The cholera was raging with much fatality
t Ceylon.
The lialliaiorc American says that the
cost of living in thii city is fully one
tundred pc cent, higher than it was ten
years ago, bat that it is itill twenty-five
per cect. less than In Philadelphia.
r.ASTON, Pa., April 14.
The Moravian church iu this place, vras
struck by lightning at noon to-da, and
the roof mueh injured. 3o other damage
Was ctruted.
"Sam" is called "Yankee Doodle" in
some sections "away down east ;" and un
der that cognomen did effective dity in
ahodh Islaad vary rceenllyi
Vartin Van Huron, jr., son of the ex
Tretideut, died in Paris on the 30th u!t
remain, will be brought borne in July.
The Conn of Perry coiraff refuse lo
pram ''nse. fr the sale of li.itlofs for
tb present yct
rvK7-rTTl.nXt.irrrM-rrh-.nt. MeAjm
tolumn.of the lf f r""T';......' ,,,inc
" The GamT$ are Coming."
It will be recollected that by a recent
tct of Congress a certain amount was ap
propriated to enable the Secretary of War
to try tbe experiment of introducing cam
els on tbU continent as beasts of burden
and for military futoses. As tbe Navy
Department bavc occasion to scad itorcs
0 our r.nauroa in tbe Meditcrrcan, tbe
I store-shin Surwlv. now at tbe New Y-jrk
! vard. has been selected for this purpose,
' . ' . .
Bni. hr ...mm vovawe- will urmii
: camels. This vessel
vill be commanded
i by Lieut. Uavid 1. Cortcr, 01 ius uuvj,,
; ...., ... M . U',t.. n r,fl5,..r
, " i bi v- -J. !'
n. .-tnr'j .l.w.:irtnifnt nf I n.
ei inc I....."1". - i
army, to purchase the camel.-", aud on bcr
homeward voyage will bring them to the j
Tuitcd States. The vessel will be pre- j
pared with all despatch fur sea. There is
co dosfet that the csperiment of introdu
cing camels as beast'; of burden, and for
military pCrpnscs, in the southwestern
part of the couutry, will prove entirely
successful. TherY great ci:Jurauce,.bility
to carry large burden, aud the length ot
J time that they arc enabled to ci.t with-1
i o3t water, will render them a valuab!e j
j adjunct to the army in the section
couutry fur which they ara falcnded.
H asknijlon Luiun.
Riot in PissonrL
St. Louis, April 2i. The office of the
''LuminAVy," a ucfrspaper pu'ulSshed at
l'arksville, in I'latte county, charged with
Free Soilisui, was to day attacked by a
mob of abont 200 citizens, who destroyed
the type and other fixtures of the printing
office, and actually threw tbe l'ress it: to
the Missouri river. The editor's absence,
it is said, alone saved him from being
tarred and feathered. Resolutions were
passed, declaring the paper a uuisauce,
denouncing the editors and threatening
their lives, as well as other proinincut
Free Soilers. No Methodist minister is
to be allowed to preach in the county.
Tar and feathers is threatened for tho fir?t
offence, and banging f ir the second.
The IJoom. We understand that up
wards of one hundred thousand paw logs
are now safely rsoorsd in t?!tt boom near
this place, and many thousand are yet
remaining in the small streams above,
waiting fo? room to be floated in. The
river for miles, is Clled, not only on the
surfa but piled five and six deep. Tlicte
logs are intended exclusively for the ai'.lls
in and near Williarosport.
TrfB Lumber Tbaue. The amount of
lumber cleared at the Collector's office,
for the week ending yesterday noon, was
one million eighty-eight thousand feet.
WilliamsjMrt (lazt3., April ih.
Correct rd Weetfif.
Corn ...
...9-2 50 Eggs.
.8 12
. 12
. 10
. 10
. 12
Tallow .
ltacoa .
piaxsced .
Iricd Apples
Clovcrsccd 5,o0
In &ellv Tp.2th insi. by. Kev. B P Hamlin,
Jjir.t L. Nokto and Misn I-itiietia Wilmist.
We "itcp the pietu" to ftniMuone the avreijit of the
above notice, the $. and the cake! Our tLaukJ mnd beat
wiehe to the worthily 10d rjr')
On the 12th tnst, Alfred f.evi son f John
anH i)rusliaTrumel,ascd 4 months, 2 weeks
and 4 days.
In Chillisqnnque, 15th inst, Margaret wife
of Ge rge Loyd, aged 25 years.
Ih'Chillisquaque, 16th i n st. Sarah E daugh
ter of James and arah Camel, aged 2 years
and 2 Months.
In Uiitlaloe, 1
wife of Isaac 1
21 inst, aged CI resrs.Marjarc'. I
afev. ' I
t . I
TTA7inci I C III k. 1... 4l.-
LnulU..ll. Will Ut' rmilfU II) till-; lest ami rr.osi approver .nstrumenis. in me , ( he wants of aII anJ C(1Inprisinj
L Town Council of the Borough of Lewis-1 most careful and scientific manner, and with ; he 'UMlal v,1ri(.,v fc at s,ri. in ihe large
burg, until 7 o'clock P. M. of Thursday, the I l'-ast possible pam. Persons desirous of - Towns r f:l-t 1 SEE
3U nay ot May, tor consirucung a quiver; r' -
over Ihe mill-race across Market street, at ihe I S'v him a call, as much time, trouble acd
west end rf said Borough. The Culvert to be expense might be saved by having their work
about 60 feet in If neth, and will take from 80 ' rfone at home. In short, he is prepared to at
i loo nerr' .if stnnc Specification, can be ! tend to every thing in the line of Dentistry,
be seen with James P. Ross. Street Commit-;
sioner. . w ii-i.i vm .MUUKt, Burgess.
I.ewisliurg, Ajiril 27, 1855.
Drs. S. L. Beck & J. A. Shriner,
! TJEREBY inform the public that they
I 11 have entered into partnership in tne
practice of Medicine. Office, North Second
j street. Lewisburg, April 27, 1H55
Sunday Schools
TESIUINT, the roiks of the Amrri-
J.J can Sunday Sc-.hool Union, can be S:ip-
plied by catling at N i. 70, third floor of the !
University Building, Lewisburg.
3w576 Agent fi.r Union County
University notice.
rPIIE First Session of the present Col-
I legiate year closed on the lStli inst. '1 he
next session will commence on the 1 Tilt of
Tuition for Ihe Term In College, 10; in
Academy.for those studying the Ancient Lan
guages,)? for those in English branches c'nlv,
Th Female Institute opens at the same time.
Tuition .t'i0 a year for comrrton branches,
and ?30 for Ihe higher. Board, ff I and light,
$2.75 per week. Pupils from a distance, ex
cept in special cases, are required tb board in
the Institution.
Mr. Lara, who is to conduct ihe Primary
School, v.UI occupy the apartment I4te.lv turd
by Miss Uionut, id the baseiiieni of the Bap
tist Church. He is at present stck. and will
give due notice of the day of opening.
Lewisburg, April 37, 1855.
Small Profits and Quick Sales !!
The subscribers offer, it the old M'Fadden
Storeroom, opposite C. Penny's Saddle shop,
a choice assortment of
tngl t for Cash and selected with great care.
The Goods c'omphse the nstial variety, and
will be sold r"at the lowest possible prices.
We respectfully invite old and ne patroni.
and the public generally to call and see our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
liesfisiyoT-, Aftil 2, 1?55
Lcwisbiirg Chronicle & West Branch Farmer-April 7 1855.
Halfo taken the Shop on
Xor.h Fourth street, near !he
Franklin Home, fqrmerly occupied by F A
Donachy ana A H Elder, the subscriber most
respectfully informs the citizen nf Lewisburg
and vicinity dial he is prepared to manufacture
all kin 'It of Cabinet Ware, comprising
BURS US. TAFLES, B"dstcds. Stands.,
Sofas, Corner Cuplmarils. Card Tables, all C,
kin.lsnl f'HAIhS.&r. Also that hemakei&J
L'tJKFINJ to order, ami liavin? provided him
self W illi a IIHAIISE he will be prepared to
aiiend Tuncrals.
Having enpaged the best orl.men,therefore
the public may rely upon having tbe bel of
work from the best material. .
N B. All kinds of Country Produce taken
in exchange. Lewisbtirg, April SR. IH55
lithographic Printing, be.
KAKL VOLKMAR is now locate! on
N.irth Kourlh street, ne:ir 1. Phillips'
lt:ark-.milh Miop, where I.ITilOUHAI'llIC
Vieu-s, Maps &c are made to older.
PICTLRES for Framing, and for Drawing
Teachers. ... ,
The erman and Frenrh Languages, Draw
ing, Painting and Draughting, taught, by Mr
Vrtkinar. I.ewiNhtirg, Apnl, 18f5
The long-established Hat Store !
IIIAXKLIX SPYKER wfplil rcspeft-
A. fully announce that he has just npennd a
most splendid assortment of SITITU AND
than ever l.elo:e oil -red iu l.ewisburg.
Halm Moleskin, Silk, lirtisb, Wide-awake,
Angela, llungariaa", Panama. S.r.iw.Chip oc.
4'ups of all sorts, sizes, descriptions and
Klatts and Tanty Ilats for CHILDREN, of
the latest -ani most beautiful patterns.
Clolhlug for Spring and Summer sUcb.
as Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Hosiery. Glovfcs,
Suspender?, and every other sort of Wearing
Apparel of the latest cut, and cheaper than
the cheapest. ,
rV f'arpet Big, Trunks, Umbrellas, and a
rrcat vanetv of other articles.
The public are cordially invited to exam
ine In; Mock, as he is confident that they will
be satisfied with his Goods and Prices. Re
!"rteml.er the O.J Stand Market street, 2d door
east of Third, formerly J & F Spj ker
Leu-isburg, April 21, 1S55
the 01J Slant! of
J. Ill YES &. CO.
Just arriving a large and extensive assort
ment of N EW GOODS, purchased at the low
est Cash figure, and of course will be sold at
a small advance.
We have a large stock of Dry CiMM of
all grades and textures rancy Dress Silas
from SO cts to $2,25 per x'ard, B'-rage Detains
from 10 to 2 cts, Slially Horaies, Barred and
Striped Boraze and Tissues, French. English
and American Prints of all styles, llK) pieces
of Madder color Prints (at M) Warranted fast
Colors, also A handsome assortment of LACE
and Embroiderytogether with a great variety
of Glove?, Hosiery, Parasols, Ladies' Port
Monnais &c &c
CED ARWARE in abundance of a superior
quality, also superior lot of STONEWARE
of all descriptions,
a lot of Ready made Clothing)
Hal and Caps) of all descriptions.
CARPETING Ingrain. Ail-Wool, Hemp
and R ig Carpets. Stair Carpels, Rugs.Oilcloth,
Window Blinds, 4c Ac. all of which will
be sold low for Cash or approved credit.
5"? The highest Market price patrt for all
kinds of GUXIN.
always on hand. J. HAVES Sc. CO
Lewisburg, April 86, 1S5S
Wanted immediately,
000D Jbnrneymah Harness-Maker.
None but a good mechanic qeed appjv
need applv.
Inquire at .his office.
April 20, 5.
HATHA J. GMER, m. fl , .
, GRADUATE of the Penn Medical
Untvertty,of Pliilada ! offers her profes
sional services to ihe people of Lewisburg and
('.lice at her father s residence, (Dr. J. r,
drier &,) one door be.ow J. l oder s Jewe
store. Anril IS, I S3
N. M'CLUREs Snrjieon and
his professional services to the ladtei and gen
tlemen of this flar.e and its vicitii'.v. He is
provided 'h the latest improved Porcelain I
Teeth; which will be inserted on Pivot or Gold j
Plate, to lonk as well as natural, l eeth and
Stumps of Teeth, whKth have become useless
(if lrotlh!f;r:r!P. n-ill he ttrarlpi o.-iih ihp la.
. . ..
ni his performances will be warranted to
answer al. the useful and ornamental purposes
cf thfr art. . ,
For reference apply fo his numerous cusio
fhers. . .. .
MJfllnburg, Ur.icn Co,. Pai, April 16, 1855.
J. Franklin Harvey, VI. D.,
HOMEOPATHIC riiyfimn---would
respectfully announce to the citizens of
Lewisburg and vicinity litat he has permanent
ly located himself in this place, and astis a
share of the public patronage, feeling assured
"al "e n treat wi n unrurparsea success ail
curaoic u:ra-,r inai w.z i.iuii.111 i.iuiiiy arc
prone to. In the treatment ot diseases of fe
males ami children ihe great Hoinieopathic
law stands wi'houf A rival; also in Chronic
diseases, that has ballled the skill of other sys
tems, Hom't-opatf-'y stands forth as a giant,
claiming viC'.i-ry in almn'si every Ca'S. All
yi atllicteil, give it a trial it wi.l! not cost you
much. ,Try before you condemn.
Dr. II. is a regular graduate of the Homoe
opathic. Medical College, of Pennsylvania,
f(ir 1
' ' '
Oilice on Second .street, above Market,
mertv occupied bv Dr. Wilson, where he can
be consulted at all limes when nut on profes
sional duty.
Lewisburg, April S0,J35r;
AS Eligible Situation, , .
I70R a suilabtc person. The subscri
. ber is obliged, by weak health, lo see!:
the services of a man accustomed to farm la
bor; and partial lo the culture of trees and
plants, to assist in ihe working and manage
ment of some urwcry round, fie
will alsp' have the care of two horses, and Ihe
farming of 10 acres of broken landi . ., ,
A man, steadied. by 2a lo 30 years cf life,
would be ptefcred ; he should be a fait writer j
and pure testimonials of inttgrity and good
habits, moral and, social, will be necessary.
To a person without other capital than abil'
ity and will to work, and reliable character;
this offers an opportunity of sure advancement
to comfortable circumstances through a few
years of labor and painstaking.
Wages, at the first, those of a common farn
hand, increasing to a liberal salary or share
in proportion as expertness and usefulness in
the nutter are increased.
Ad Iress . G. WARING.
Near Bnaltburg, Centre Co , Pa.
Afrtl C, 1SSS- J7w3
. Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters
of Administration on the Estate of ri EN
RV p!EFFENDER,late pf White Deer Twp,
Union Co.. dee'd. have been granted Id the
undersigned bv the Register of Union county,
in due form of -la; therefore, all persons ln-
decicd to said estate are requested to Make
immediate payment ; and those having just
claims are !?o requested to present them
prorerlv authenticated for settlement.
April 2i;5 3 JO-SI AH RANCK. Adm r.
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Tters
Testamentary on the Estate of GEOhUE
WlNKELPLECHT, late of Hartley township,
UnJ-.m county, dee'd, have been granted to the
undersigned by the Register of Union county
in due form of law ; therefore, all persons in
debted lo said estate are requested lo make
imin.-di.ite payment, and those having.any just
claims are also requested lo present lUcui le
gally authenticated for xcitlei lent.
April 20, 1855. Executor.
Attention! Farmers and Gardeners.
CPANISli Onion Seeds. The snliseri-
O ber will sVnd to any part of the United
states and t'apada, free of expense to the
purchasers, a paper of the seeds of the above
superior onion, on the reception of ten cents, i
(one dime.) Fanners an I gardeners, see to it j
that von secure the liesi of sec Is. For a mere
trifle now, you can put money in your pockets
aud fat on your ribs.
2fifi Aicks st.. cor. of State, Brooklyn, .. T.
P.S. Publishers of X wspapers, giving the
above, and this notice, three insertions, call
ing attention editorially thereto; and sendtt.g
a marked copy lo the subscriber, will receive
by ihe return mail three dollars' worth of the
aU.ve seeds, or a copy of Byrnes' Notes on
the Gospels, valued at three dollars and fifty
cents; or $2 cash. Address plainly written as
above. April IS. lH.f5.
William VadOezer,
A TT0RNEY at Law,
il l.rn isburg, I nlon Co., Pa.
rifOlfice on Souih Second St., recently by
II C Hickok, Esq. 5(4
James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. LIXX,
J Attorney at Law,
574 Union C .unty, Penn'a.
Q 000 ROLLS of Wall PAPER have
uvvu just been ree'd ot the Milton
IlookMtor'e. from the Manufacturer, com
prising a Variety of FRENCH and AMERI
CA!? styles. .......
A good article of Clazet. is ciTereil at 'r c.
per Roll, ami a common article is ottered for
6 cts per Roll. Who is it that can't buy
paper for cents, that will save one dollar's
worth of work ! The place to buy it is at
J A & J I. GRAY'S.
Milton, March 30, 1S55 3m5-4
Dr. H. H. Dersham,
HAVING permanently lm-aWil in U
wisburg. Pa. (Office at the lower end
of Market street, nearly opposite to Peters'
Hotel) would respectfully announce to the
citizens of the town and vicinity, that he is
prepared to answer promptly all calls in his
profession. He has devoted .much lune and
special attention to all cisa. es ; and bj. the
success which has attended his practice jr.
other places, he espects a good share of the
public patronage.
Special attention will also he given to all
Chronic diseases, such as Female Complaints
of erery form and variety, Ltver Complaint.
Piles, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Drop
sy, Ague, Bronchitis, Sore Eves. Nervous or
Kick Headache, Neuralgia, St. Vitus' Dance,
Fits, "Consumption, Asthma, fleers. Cancers,
Tetter, Scald Head, Phlegmasia Dolens or milk
leg, Fistula. Palsy, Cataract, Deafness, Hare-
lip, While Swelling, Debility, Tumors, Corns,
Ac. Ao. In almost every Chronic ca, a
complrle cure will beeflected.if the directions
are followed. No pay is required until a cure
is performed. Charges will invariably be as
customary. 1 ewisburg, April 15, 185S tint
fcoTt. Dr. it. Iiu tuaiU In? Old and tLe NiV4U-m
r MVUioine. na will pmrliee tli. N.-w or Amriran
Klrrtir .v.trai- Tlii. .micro o.mpri. theolil nr regular
Allonathlc ,ytcin. -it.il rnlumel; HlwJin i. lain
Bwd. It ronUin. lb. Ilutonic MT.Iem, an4 ...-rTlhiu,
t.Iu.Ma from rTrrr other HT.tero or iuret wk.tarer
It i. Ann-rkna in iu cbtfatUr, alrr. nregressiBS aed
Wejf Firm! New Goods! Slew Store!
f IMIE. Subscribers having entered into
J. a Copartnership iu Merchandizing, and
having. r.erlVid and improved the Storeroom
of 1! ? f'keller formerly occupied, by Kremer
ic Co, ti-oulu respectfully announce lo the
trailing community that they are just opening
(Mere particulars hereafter.)
J.Sf'hrpyer & Son.
LevMsfcurg, April 12, 1S55
TS herebv Riven, that Elisha C Marsh,
one of the Members of the Firm of Ged-
des, Marsh Sl Co, by mutual consent has
xv-ithdrawn from .said Finn, and that the
ness wil I be con.mued a the old staad by
uel f.eddes. James S Marsh Joseph W ,
ner, and r reuerick Marsh, under :lie name i
of (Jcddet, Afc.-i S Cn.
Lewisbuf, April 11, 1855
Notice is further given that the subscribers ,
have purchased the interest of ihe said Elisha
C Marsh in the Union Furnace.
... .... J. V,MAftsK.
Lewisburj, April 11; l8o5.
. University at Jsewisburgi .
r)RMARV Deftarlment. MAntos Lti,'
ils next Term on .WWny, the S.W imt., in the !
room occupied by Mr. But, in the University !
female Instiiute. April 6, 1855-573w3pd ;
leacner. inis acnooi win commence
TffE Partnersliip heretofore existing Le
tween J. Ai f. Sritta ir. . this .day (Jis
solved, by mutual consent. .The outstanding
business will be settled by F. Spyker. -Afril
2, 1855; J. A F. SPYKER.
The business of ihe above firm will be car
ried o.V hereafter bv the subscriber. wlio,i$ de
termined to sell Hats. Citp. Ac, lower lhan
ever offered before, in. Lewisburir. Gentlemen,
please give me a ciaii. . . F. SPYKER.
AR SP0KE$a good article we
will sell cheap, or exchange for a Rug-
lewisborg, March zu, ibjo
The. latest Srrins slvle of SILK
H ATS also a lot of K.!?. and White
Soft Hats inst received at the old
Lewisburg, March SI. IRS
New Good .Sc.ver & Kmwfi.
Spring and Suamer OoodX at .
M LEWIS' New8tore,Ma'r1ietSiree,Lew.
( iAA't. next door to. Kline's Hotel.
Just received. Barege de I ains. Lawns, su
perb Challies, new Prints, Nankeens, Wil
mington SmpeS. Seersucfcern, . Brown and
White German Linens. White Irish Linens.
.,. rVI .l.otrit hmiss Muslins'. CauiErie.
Jaconet and Mull Muslins, stamped and em -
hroidered Collars.L'no'er Sleeves and Xpeneers,
lilacL' dotted Ye'l!ii plain.and plaid Gingliams,
S.Ik Poplins, Spring Silks, cheap Ijcsir.g IWuS -
Ims, Hickory wtripes, for Boatmen s Shirts,
Blue Twill for Farrr.ers Frocks ard Overall?-,
anu new anu iasuioiiuuis. .iiiuuiit.g m s..j .
variety. , ;.;:-
STAflONERV-Gillott's Pens, mercantile
and lor ladies- u,e. ;i he pest uiack itiK, oy me
ll.in rvr ihir smaller n-jahtitv. Seears'. To-
T . ' I
A fresh assortment of Oranges, Lemons,1
Ttnic.na lllf, Piv Irrlanil Muss Paste. Fir '
Paste an I CoBrectloneiiea a ev-rj va -
ntiy, .
Alsi. line Almond. Siap, and highly per -
fumed Beve'h Gntiss. pronounced by Prof,
Brown to he ihe verv best arucle li.r beautify -
ing and promoting the growth of Ifie hair. 1
r fo(.
-.IT.. .Uon -A..t.nr fill IriO WICU7
ti.rt miorsiiliriw urnrW virktch ) riitlilnflt
I. .ii.A ,nl. .i W cm ne, dav for
each volume. .'
dailies are jnvitcu mtdi. diu ridmnir
before purchasing elsewhere, aS bargains of
the most satisfactory character will be given.
Lewist jrg, April 6, ISn.
f MIK.stibscnhcrs are just opening a c :
; Sleek of Hardware at the old Gra-1
haua. Stott Room, larkct street, Lewisburg, I
and request Ihe citizens ot Uuioii and adjacem
counties to call and examine it, and thus help
us establish a business which we trust will
prove mutually beneliciaV. We will keep con
stantly on hand a general assortment of Build
in. an.l Hniisfkrpmn.? Hardware. Coachw.-ire. '
Saddlery, Shoe Findings Iron, Paints, 'fJils,
.Varnishes, &chich we w ill sejl aita&Apri
,;c,. Our stock is entirely i-ien and yo.J call
rfly with certainly upon gAling the best arti
cles at the Hardware Store of
Cryuolds & M'l'aildtii.
Lewisburg, March 2'J, IS55.
OL'SEKEPERS. attention ! Wil! be found
at the new Hardware Store of REY
NOLDS & M FADDEN. Lewisburg, Candle
sticks, Snuffers, Clothes Lines, CoriVe Mills,
Knives and Forks, Shears and Srissors, Bake
Pans, Round and Oval Boilers. Shovels aud
Tongs, Stair Rod., 4c, which will be sold low
for the money. Ladies, call and see.
SHOEMAKERS know what a trouble it is to
get art a r,me"i:of Lasts, Moroccos, Li
ning and Binding iyWns, French Fitt. Shoe
Thread. Heel Naiiy Bristles, . &c.j all. and
much more, yon will find at ihe new Hardware
ADDLERS. if yon call and ciamiai our
slock of Harness, Bridle and f.olkr tiuc
Bats, Hames, Stirrup.; Monnting, Girth-in'-;.
fWr Hair, Straining Ve. feiddle Trees-,
Whip Sux-UsandSaddlers'Tools.vou will find
it to your advantage. HardwareSmrr in Lew
C ItmitilAKERS .will find cotistantiy o
hand Elipiic Springs. Axles, Hub Bands,
Laces, Oak Felloes, Bows, and a general as
sortment of Trimmings, at the Hardware Store
of REYNOLDS Si M FADDEN, Lewisburg.
FARMERS, come and examine our new
slock of Trace, Halter, Breast and Butt
Chains, 4 prong M. Forks, Hay Forks, fevjhes.
Grain Rakes, Ctitiiu Knives, fur. ..at the Hard
wire Store of REYNOLDS & M FADDKN.
CARPENTERS, we can supply you with
the celebrated Greenliel J Tuol Company's
Planes, Hunt's celebrated Hatchets. Axes, Ad
zes, Boat Builders' Adzes, Chisels. Squares;
Saws, aw Bets, Augers, Plane Bins, Hd!s of
all kind'?. ..All will be sold lower than usual
at cash pfices. Drop in and see, gentlemen ;
no charge, for .examining stock, at the Hard
ware Store of REYNOLDS a M FADDEN..
T0 Farmers and Gardeners. The un-
rsigned having a limited supply of what
is called the "7VJ Corn," will send a suffi
cient quantity for planting twenty-five hills,
post paid, to any persou who will Horward blip,
to trhs pest-ofice, fy mail or otheiWise, the
sam of one dollar. Larger quantities at the
same rale.
, He believes he is the only person in this
Commonwecl'.h possessing ah)-of this invalu
able corn. ... .
T-u ...n,l tal4 ttiic enrn ic nhotit eii.AT
i ul usuai jiim ...... -- - i
lo twelve ear, to the single stalk. The follow-
ing notice, taken from the.Lutreme t.M ol
Nov. 8, 1854, will give som; idea of the Valu3
of this article.: - " ' .
, pR0rt-rTisCrias.-VVewereshown.-
ter.Iav. bv Cant. Converse, a stalk of corn.V'
rare kind, which was set for eighieen ears, but
owing lo the seed having been planted too late,
oply eleven came lomalttHiy. If this clir-'ate
m roi Is S'taptea to me ramirg n mis o..iu, .
and there seems to be nodouW of it. tl cer:.n-i
'y must prove lo be a most acceptable seed to
ourfarmers." G. CON VERSE. -
V.'ilkes Barre.LurernC Co.,Pa MarchSl, 55.
AdmlnisUator'S Nolibei .
"T7'IIEREAS, Letters cf Administrate:, tc
the estate of PETER MYERS late of
the B-.imiich of Lew'sbi'rg, County of Union,
deceased, have been granted lo the subscriber, ;
all persons incientLii lo saiuesiaie arc rei(ursi-
ed to make immediate payment ; and those
having claims aga'tiot the same, will present I
authenticated for settlement, w
A , JdlX B uxs AlMr.
r '
fiy Railroad.
TEST rec'd.a beautiful let cf ls !
J Laines and neat styled prints - also. Tick-
' , w : . . 1 1) . - ... VI ... 1 1 r. r 9
,ng, Aew Mantel ana
Pociscet Muslins, at
low prices, bv -March
2. 1855.
J. I! A YES & CO.
New riim and New Goods!
T the Mammoth Drug & Chcmifsl
Emporium of ,
The undersigned hav.i) pdrchased tbe entire
Mammoth .Drug .Store lur,rabrjy kept by Dr.
Thornton . Co-, arc now ready to till Orders
and Prescriptions at a moment's i.ol.ee. We
have a large and well selected stock of frejb
and pure DRUGS, .EDlCLES, heticiU,
Dyestuffs. Oils, Hainls, tilasl iittv and
AH kinds of i'atrnt Afoiina, ..
Fruit ant? Confectionery,
Tobac"o,SnulT,and Imported Cigars of ihe
choicest brands.
Fancy Fotioni and To'M IrUc's;
Fine Toilet Soaps- A Perfumer; .of al) kinds.
BacsHis aso Css tvxav ruiirt.
Books and Stationery; f
a general .variety of Literary apd School Books.
Tine Oil, Lard and Flyid Lamre of every
description; fresh Pine Oil and Patent Burn
ing Fluid alwavlon hand. .
. PURE WIN Eand LItiUORS of all kinds
f..f Medicihal nses.v
Fire i"'-oo and Zinr. P.tinl.
Preserving and Pickling Jars, c
rirCttslomerswill find our stock cJrhplete,
coiriprising many articles it impossible here
to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices:
Call and see us, one an all, and see our
stock t and if we can't sell you cheap gooji,
we will not ask yon to buy.
We are always on hand lo wait on customers.
Remember tiii Mammoih Drug Store !
htwiAwg. Cafe O. T. SC9
SLC0TZ0N.. . . . t .
OJlse of the Union County Mutual Tire )
A6E!tERAt5 Meeting of the Member or'
this Company will be held at their 1
Oifice in this Borough on M.i the 7ih day
of May Mlt.ftonj I ty o'clock. P M. to choose
' thirteen L.reciors foi the ensuing ear.
j J A MEItfZ, Secretary.
! rr,HE Frm jf Hrat-r, Krtmer Z
' I ,hi, i!tr dissolved by rootu
uavf r A Kremer having pun-fin
Man was
ual Consent,
fiased of Mr. I
Moore bis iuieiest. I hey will conduct the
business in luture, and settle ine ar.enc.nts oi
i the late Firm.
Lewisburg. Marti S.1SS5. B. W. MUGKE.
j-.fpH. .
1 I AlS.-" A
I TATS". A ?mall lot superior White
: 11 :SsiiMEKK. and pearl col d HATS,
1 L t:SsiiMEKK. and pearl eol'd HATS,
just rec d and fur sals by
j fi2LX5- -C
j M , ' , , ., . ,
1 WprOVement in DagUerreOtyping !
j CJPYKER & IIAWX anmiUnCC Id the
O public that. Ihey have newly fitted up and,
( Kr'i'1)' improved their R n.ms and Apparatus, t
and are prepared to ake I.ik HC-MtrN sup- ,
! -J
d are prerared to ;ake LlheNCMMeN 'up-
I enor to anV lit this place heretofore, rictiires
- r if-.-u.io
- ' f
our superior 1 ases : rapier )iacn, wmvrmr.
Jennv finl Jewel, Union, ?-ntag,rval, Velvet
and Slieil. Pictures taken at Til and upwird-.
Rooms at the old stand over Dr. Thornton A.
Co.'s Drug store, opposite the Telegraph office1.
I.-wisl.iirg. Feb. 22. IH5S
FOR SALE A first-rate Outfit, all eomp'ete
and ready tor use' which we will- se'l to any
person, with full instructions in the btisiuess,
for less tlian first cost.
. ., "Hive yon seen SAH?"
CEEMS to be a Question asked by
almost everybody '; but we inquire,
Have ji'Hi fn tlit late. VrfN,
. - , w.lh tj.eir supply of .
ev Boot, Siior, Oaltersi, &.C.I
wf The snbsrriters having associaieo tnem-;
I fl selves into a Copartnership in business,!
! .r i.i tki nnlili... at the Old "land 1
of a Sl D. Sli,s, on .Market Su the cheapest
(for Cash) and best lot of
for Men and Bnvs. ever offered in Lewisburg.
Also a new and splendid assortment of
UVM SHOES fur Ui and Centkmrn,
A variety of Gaiters, Half Gaiters, Ties, Bus
kins, Slippers &c. for Ladies and Misses,
aUo Children's Shoes of the latest
ilyles and sizes ; Ac. Ac. Ac.
Vork made to otder Memfihg done as
Bsuale-arul as the, Workmen have rendered
satisfaction heretofore, we U usl we sliali have
a full suarj.of fjiblic .patrouafie. SAM will
c,otu!nue to "ji oh rand as formerly. and hopes
l-j give general satisfaction to all costoiuers.
, .SLIFLR.i M FAD21-4..
lew'stur?' Feu. 22, 1855
Estate cf Abraham Aorand, dee'd.
V0TICE Is hereby given that Letters
X V Testamentary on the estate of Abraham
Aurand, late of East Buffaloe township, dee'd,
have been granted by the Register of Union
county to the subscribers, resident in said
township j and therefore all persons having
claims or demands against the estate of said
decedent requested to make known the
same without delay, and those indebted are
requested to ir'.akj immediate pivment.
Ex're of last will and lest, of A-Aurand, dee'd.
East ttuliittoei Feb. 10, 1853
. . ftOTlCi!.
Y7E bes leave to introduce diirselves
V to the citizens of LEWISBURG and
vicinity, as extensive Miners fad Shippers of
, WbHe A ill Antnratlto Coal,
At Lancaster .Coffifry, Xorthumherland Co. J'o.
where we have extensive improvements, and
are prepared to offer to the public a very supe
rur arttcle.panicularly suited to the manufac
ture of Iron and making Steam. Our sizes of
Coal are
LUMP Vf..r Smelting purposes.
STEAMBOAT -for do. and SteamCoats.
BRflKENl .
EGG J for Family I'se and Steam.
f I for Limebttrnsrs and Siearri-
Oar Point of Shinring is f-UNBUFY. where
arrangements are made to load Boats wi'.hout j
. ,
any Ce.ay. ,
. ' -y 1 A-P 1?, t..",
c w rit.. g,inl,ikiI1 ) do
r"t)rders addressed U)3haraokinorSunbary
;.m re , al;.nll0n. r,r55
J. 1
Estate of John Slair, dee'd.
XjoTICE Is hereby ittn that the Re?
Xl ister cf Union county has grantel ui
i ,r f : .. has eranle 1 me
, (.Uers of Aumini,tra,ilin um,n the estate of
ohn Slair, LuooX Itutfaloe township.deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate ate required
to make immediate payment, and t!iose having
just claims wtll pre:ent them duly authentica
ted for settlement, to
"AMUEL SLAIR, Administrator.
EtilTaloc, Jatl. SO sl55
Estate of Jacob Reedy.
yTTmio t . ,1... -r,,.,ia
T ETTEKS TeStamentarj "D 1he.Etalt
. 1 Ol J -1 . . 's- -
tu-vn-hMi. deceased, having been issued to
the subscribers by the Register of Wills of
U&L-m county, all persons itiiWburd to sai!
Irrtate are requested to make payrnent,and all
.. v. .-1 ., v-.;,nc i . . nr.c.nl them. nmn.
jir, JVPi w I o i ... - .. . .... .... r--
authtultCRicil lor settlement, to rtoraaaia
ng. at Ins; residence. Farmers Mills.
Dec. SO. tS24 p'1
14 MI'S Just ree'd bv Howard A Co."s
j Express, the besi l.ARD J..VMPS pow
ii use. , ,.nAitn iu.
1;4)I TEAS Just ree'd from tb
ton Tea tympany ol .-ew xorn; uie ioi-
rU, t
lowing deseription of leas, neatly
put up IU
and i !b. packages, vij.
lmirrial, fourrjf tfyaom,
0-"ny, .. . Orapuwder.
The above Te;s.ars it very superior quality,
and sold at !i w priies by the only Agent lit
Lewisturg for I'ittlon Tea Company,
Tct Nrebv given that Utters feftameniny
I on the Estate of MATM.V SHAFFER,
Uie of the Borough of IWrsbn?g; dee d, have
been granted to the undersigned. Aft persons
indebfed to said estate are requested to jrtak
immediate payment, and those having. claims
against the sirte will present thetft outy au.
iheulUMttH frr settlement. . : .
Lewisburg, ?Iov. IS, 1R5
aim a
Dolaalc Ciardeii.
rTnilE snbscrther offers for sale a fine assort
I . f Ti?P.nsiHt'DBERY.ucli
meat of TWES and 8lKl'nBERYuch
as Pear. PlaE.Cherry. r'heoti Siberian Crab,
ri..;,i rir.n. V.nes. Raspberries. Currants.
GooselrrOrn.nVnUl Tree, and SNHTtT i VJ"fr fl f..r Justices
ry.Everbloomfngftoses, Flowering Plan.,. K 1, JO C...ubW,b-'
, l5t
... t
tetrisburj. v.
Old SndU'r? Blanks.
irjiJCTTT IAKD WARRANT blanks fnr
all engaged the service fi ine
iu ti War of IBIS and fr their Widows, at
Mie Office of the Lewisburj Chiomele.
TiELER In Pianos, Melodeons, ani
1J nil
il -itwds of Mimical MercbaMf
dlac. Reeps r "nstai.Uv on hand. Hallet
Davis, Bo
loston ; T.iehte, Newton & Bradborys;
I and Bennett
1t ;... R. T:; PIA50H. Also,
Princes 4t
Co. cciebKUed JIELODEO.W.
, Orders from a dian':e will 'meet with prompl
. ,iIrntjon. Heeond fahd Pianos taken in
change for new.
Bimm dirM-tlv f.flnn&.V tl.e Pnnrt Hnnl
,;iliampnrl. fa. (A'pri) 4, '56 I73m4
! . t. . NOTICE.
- Vnlm f. wmty ts.
In the matter of the inqni-'jln
'obrt t L'moa
t M4The, late of Bulla-Jtounty.
Lie to n-hij, ee'J.
".TTI:E is h.-rebr given. l.ll!a Mathers.
widow Jaue Matlier. Joseph Kr-i!y
0l M-irf:!lr,t j, . JhD Cnswtll ai
Janr hjs Wlfrj (;.jr..a iP.rhrrt,)r. J;,ni,s M
c.rel?hl Ksq. euardian otIavid. Daniel. P
Vm,hl Ks euardian of. David. Daniel. Pe-
j ,rr j, samuI P , AUaiq C. la V. and Jnoi
B. HLhcUJel, minor rr.i:fir:n i
f Ma-iha Pcl.fd-
del, deceased, and William and lliitnas J
don, minor children of Mary Jodon, deceased",
and John Mathers, heirs, and legal repiesen
tauves of Peter Ma'her. late if ButTalca
township, d.-ceased Whereas, by an inques:
frr. that purpose, awarded by he Orphats'
Court of the County afore-aM, the real estate
ol the said Peter Mathers was appraised, and
ni ne of the heirs of said decease.! aripe.-fred
in Court to take the premises therein Oven ted
at the appraisement,; you and every of you
aie hereby cited lo a' pear at the next general
Orphans' Court to be held at New Berlin on,
ihe Mill day of May next, to accept or refuse
lo take ihe premises aforesaid at the appraise
ment, or show cause why the Court should
Dot decree the same to 1 e si-id. t
Witness the Hon. A. S. Wil'n. Pre'siupnt
of said Court, at- New -rlin. tfe 2!si day of
February. A. D. DWS. SAMUEL KOI SH, ,
(April 6. I-Vi
Drvj anil CiumiVii mporiuim
Market Strt-et - - Lewisburg. Fa-
A miracle of Science!
DR.C.A.KELL1.G, of Jlethanicsluig.
Cumberland Co., Pa., announces lo thos
afflicted with Tumors.Wens Cancers. Polypus;
Lupui Moles or Marks, tjcrofuln t Kings
Evil, and a il diseases that rave. nsually teeit
treated with causLic or knife.taall.ecan remove
them by an entirely new method, witbi.m cut
ting, burning or pain. Neither chloroform or
ether is administered to the patient. I: is no
matt- r cn mhat part of the b.dy they mt.y bei
he can remove .them with perfect safety, and
in a remarkably short lime. No Minernd ot
Vegetable pi.isun is applied and he mm:y
required until a cure is perfected.
Prolapsis I'teri, Female complaints Chrorie,
Venereal an'l all o(her d:sease treated wii
positive Success. Full particulars, in eitlef
English oi German, can be obtained by writ n j
post-paid. Patients can be accommodated witH
Board on reasonable terms. . ,
Mi chanicsburg i one of the prettiest ana
healthy town in ilns or any other Stair. It 14
8 wiles from Harnsburg on trie Cum.Val.R B
and accessible from all parts, of he Union.
Dr.Kelling will v'.sit cases in any part of the
State when desire;L
Kind reaiUrl if vna know any ctej
fellow creature, delay ntt u lell them . f ih.l
treatment. Iyi93
Estate of Daniel Ranck, cec'tl.
TskTOTlCB is. .hereby given, thai Letters
Testamentary o.i the Estate i f D.si.i,
it.srK, (late of White Deer Township. l'nua
county.) deceased, have bceri granted to tbe
subscribers by the. Register of Union county ;
therefore all those knowing themselves im'eb
trd to sal I estate will make immediate pr.r
ment. and b se having claims will f i..t ..t
them properly authenticated for settjerurnt, it
the sg jj:cnbers, executors of the last will end
teslament of said dee'd.
. DAVID RAMSEY. Fxecntor..
White Deer. Nov. S8. ICS I
.dmlBlMlrator'a Xoiltft.
""OTICE is hereby given, that Letters of
M Administration on theJ-Utate of JAMFS
L IKLAN D. late or Eist JJ iiTaloe Twp. 1'nii.q
Cndec'd.hve been TranleAtothe undersigned
by the Register of I man roumy in dee .'otrq
of law ; therefore all persins indebted to si id
estate are requested to male immediate pay,
rfent, and iho.se having any just claims era
also requested tq present ihcm pn perly auth
enticated for set.lerrent.
THOMA PENT. Administrator
East Buffaloe, Nov. IT, L154 pd
Mammoth Head Quarters!
J.h J. WALLS ........
VRE just receding their FA . SUPPLlf
of Good.'. Ctt fc'i.
LewisV-arg, Oct. 4, ls.'4
' .
TTIF Copartnership urretcfii-e existing id
the Biarksmithm; ba;.ues between ihe
sut'Scnbers, is tins da; '!ssi Ived by mutual
consent. Thejbusinfsi will be cntinurd tjr
Charles .M. J"i-4i.-r, tind old accounu MltlcJ
by Harvey U. F:;!i r.
I ewis'-!'g, March I, S5
TilE subscribers hav? trits ?ay enterrl
into Parintishtt, to (fo a gei.eial Mer
cantile btisine.s, unr ffif :iaiie of !iMSt
Si WTind resrretl'u Ft solicit the fal
ronage U thvir friend and. the puLr.
LtUl.s I Ji ill AGS.
Lewisb-rr Orf. 0, I4
Netf ta'd fiiiutiful Fall Goods'.
TfcST .opening and mirely luo buss to
euumeraie articles bul for qaa. !''.'
Ch'alitv, or low prices, cafl o
Oct.' 4. J. H AtE" V CO.
The partner ship here-
inf.,r. eisfine b,?etn h!tr . turn.
was this dav dissolved by cuwht
David Reber having disposed ot h: im-rrst irt
.u. , lo Peter IlurH. "Ire tns.ness
w,ll be connniie.1 at the old stsrtj isd.r the
Firm of . ". brrT
serve al
Il;he olu eussomrrs " " " i
O. R. VOKbE.
I.ewisfrn'r. Sept. 20. 154
Hassey's Grain Reaper,
or cutting both Grain aftdGrAsS
. vi l i.-n Hl'.ll and fof lile at tb
ivi Hi TI KI'.l) and
,1 1
Lewisburg Foundry v
7fH w
. .,Aa . e... r -rM i r.f ni l- .t ;
v. i
t-. . t
il' I
j ::