JU if :J. 3 V Xfurislmrg Cjpnirlf. r a. jr. wtticutx 4. AWBxeucx ' J Afbil 2?, IS55. wTrjT.l.7.sr a ttha County, YI Future far Farmers. Not only have the staple Farm products Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, Ots, ljav, ic. advanced in price, from 50 to 100 per cent., witbia (fee past twenty year, but there hat been a much larger advance in the prrecB obtained for the projucts of the Orchard, and the Dairy, throughout the West Branch country. Couversing with federal intelligent farmers, we learn that rte day has been when fruit was almost unsaleable, whereas Apples are now as eostly as Wheat was then Eggs bdM at 8 and 4 cents, whereas they r.fltr bring 12 to It Butter was 6 aud 8, while it is now 12 to 25. Whatever fluctuations nay take place in Grain and other staple products, our Orchards and Gardens are now so near by Railroad to the Iron and Coal marts and the Cities, that it is not probable the prices for these smaller arti cles of household consumption will ever be much less than they now are, and they may probably be much higher. What, then, is the best policy for for - men. T Obvionsty it is to turn their at - tention more to the GtrJen, the Orchard, ! the Hennery ; it is to divide their farms ; to bestow more labor upon their lands, and make them produce more, at lets out lay of original cost and cuiT'.-nt expense"; and thus to benefit the country aud them-1 selves at the same time . , We on the nest urancn, arc so near me .utuing aua Manufacturing districts, that we can fur- Iiish those perishable articles of necessity which the West can not bring hither in competition. Our duty, then, appears to be clear: it is to stop the drain of emi gration employ our surplus labor and capital io filling these new demands at home and let the West supply most of those heavy products for which it is in all repects best adapted. Portions of Union and Northumberland counties may . a .1 , in a snort time Decome as populous aud thriving as Delaware and Chester, by at tention to the plans of Agriculture, &c, rtlggested from week to week by the Ag ricultural Editor of the ChronirJc. Nor should it be forgotten, that while Canals and Railways Lave advanced the prices of all minor farm products so im mensely, they bave at the same tltno caused a great reifuctiou in Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Salt, Plustcr, Iron, and we believe all merchantable articles required by agriculturists. Thus, they enable the farmer to sell much higher, and buy muoh lower. Who can deny their immense, their almost incalculable advantage, to him 7 It may be asked, however, Are not the Mechanic, the Merchant, the Laborer, Ac., tc, injured to the same extent ? We answer, that in isolated cases this hangs may injnre and oppress j but with i tbe great majority of people the vast aggregate prosperity of the Farmer if directly tod necessarily tbe prosperity of the Mechanic, the Artisan, aud every other branch of honorable industry or employment Make the Agricultural interest thrive, and other lawful interests can sot tufLr. A bright prospect is sow before the prudent, reflecting, read ing farmer, which will enable him to survive high taiation, and prosper not withstanding occasional losses of crops. IxPIGXATIOX. It would requires thou sand horse power Mow-pipe to do all the " blowing-up" solicited of us during the week past. First, there were many and very careless errors in Philadelphia, io Bending not only but mis-sending Goods fur the Merchants of Jicwisburg and its suburbs. Wholesalers, Salesmen, Clerks, Box-fillers, Draymen, Forwarding Agents, Railroads, Canals, and Station Agents, all have deserved a hot blast far their misdi recting and wroogly forwarding divers boxes, bags, bales, Ac, and we fear have j caused much more sin than they would be i willing to answer for. Then the Telegraph get out of order, and in various directions we cord send nothing and could get noth ing, and many were disappointments and hard words thought or " breathed'' against the little iron rod that now plays so impor tant at part iu the business affairs of life ; and we were particularly urged to " come out" against Dr. Goelf, the Superintend ent, and all the Operators along the Lilt . -v, , , el (except at " A ) for the delinquencies of i tbe " wires." Then the failures and late arrivals bj the Cattawissa Itailwaj, Lave eaased as to It eunurc almost daily to bestow the most pondcroas anatbcinas at our eomtnaod upon tlio Kail way, its Di fectors, Servants, and the Engines. Aad last of all, yesterday morning, tho cap of wrath was filled to overflowing by some j hlanderhear ai Northumberland sending j the Lewisiburg Mail to Danville and we nan hardly preserve our standing as a faith Ail Journalist and sturdy defender of the people' rights, without calling down oyert the devoted heads of all and singular the persons aforesaid the righteous indignation f an abused, plundered, ill-treated, irri tated, badgered, humbugged, wronged, out raged, insulted, and wont-stand-it no-long-er peopleas aforesaid f In all rtricusncss, there is culpable neglect of duty or gross carelessness, hr the rjuartcra we have indicate, which, if wot rcfornieivWiU work injury to the good ane and the- ptcwenry interests of those who ire respontille for these violations of jfta bMi For th Lwln tftiroatcl. Th Home W lis CUldhooi Can this be ike place arttere he first breathed, walked, and talked ! " True, the line hear en are over it," the saate mountains surround it, and the same sweet little creek flows thro' it;-but eU else, hrtw changed V The bara ; and sawmill and ,he grist-mill indeed are there ; Mt where is the little natal cabin, and the forest that surrounded ft! With rtgard to the cabin, its old foundation answers. Where ! Chemistry, however, wnnld say tliat it has been converted by decay into water, car bonic acid, and ammonia. Be that as it may, the old home has fallen, together wtth fee grand old forest that environed iu But what mean those many liitte cottages, that store, that f nblic house, that splendid barn, that smokirg firnaoe, and those fields and meadows that occupy die place of that Cabin and that forest Who has been here since he has been gone? True, a LtnWla has been here; a List has been here ; Gbciks and Hjwaed, too, have been here, and done much. But who have so cleared away the former land marks, and remodeled bis native spot No more shall he be able to hear the mew ing 'coon, the barking foi, the growling bear, the squalling wild cat, the howling wolf, the screaming panther. No more will the whip-poor-will whistle upon the branches over the little cabin j no more will the squirrel play in the thicket around it ; no more will the agile deer bound before the door ; and no ! mure will the rattle snake And copperhead harbor beneath it. Not so, and why ! Be- ! use & Knaia have been and are ! here- Th'y " ,kose "ho hve - dwelling place. They are the men before j whom ,hE fl,res, has h l0 (M thickets van j ish, and swamps dry up. And as a substitute. he no sees meadows and fields modestly standing between his native hills. All thanks and praise be to Kaitiani an & n .u r u . i .1. . ,1 a.&s. J , ILCUCI llt Will,, HIT Ud)E UlliaU, ,UU . .... '..,. . gisned improvement of the home of his nativ ;ty ! May their furnace continue to pour forth its tons, their fields yield their grain,and ! their meadows their grass, till they shall be able to ive it a polish not unlike Adam and Eve's "Eden !" But, O, FoacsT Ino Wonss ! May like wise the time soon hasten when your sons and vour daughters shall be as much admired for , sound morality and intelligence as they n ow are fur true friendship, sociability .hospitality industry, and enterprise. The sun, indeed , has shore upon a mete beautiful, but never upon a mote genial soil than yours. Clouds have fed larger, but never a more faithful and healthful stream than yours. Winds may have wafted spicier, but never a purer atmos phere than yours. Goo has indeed done his part ; now see to it that you do yonrs. THE PLOUGH-BOY. Arrival of the Nashville. Kew York, April 22, 1855. The Steamship Nttthvi.'le, chartered by the Collins Company in place of tlio Pa cific, arrived at noon to-day, bringing dates from Liverpool and London to the 7th in;t. The Vienna Conference bad adjourned over the holidays. The impression is dai ly becoming stronger that there is nothing left but to fight it oat Ali Pasha arrived at Vienna on Friday, and would take part in the future discus sions of the Conference. A despatch from Berlin dated Friday, l"e 6tn "to08 tDat tlie Russian patty is prcdominent there, and that Prussia will most likely throw herself into the arras of the Czar, in ease of an unfavorable result of the Conference. There has been a succession of sanguin ary conflicts between tho French and Rus sians before Sebastopol, for the possession of the nifJe ambucado pits, with tafying success, but much loss. The latest reported battle occurred on the night of the 23d, and in which 3000 men were killed and wounded ; but no details have been received. The Russians as well as the Allies are both strengthening their positions prepa ratory to tbe opening of the Spring cam paign. At a council of war, beld by the officers of the allied armies on the 12th of March, Omar Pasha desired assistance from the Allies, which could not be granted, and the Turks are consequently only ex pected to bold their position at Eupatofia. March 18. A large reinforcement for the Russian garrison entered Sebastopol to-day. General Canrobcrt states In his despatch es that in the affairs of March 22d and 23d, the Russians lost 2000,and the allies 500. The Latest ! 5ew York, April 25. The Africa arrived at Ilalifas yesterday, with later news. The Peace prospect is rather dark. There has been further skirmishing i t.n,.t .,lit...l , . , , ,, . n t i The reported death of Omer TasLa is ' , . f From California. , . . . m m ) The btcailiSilip UCurgC l.aW, amved at , WllQ ls4- i lifornia dates of 31st March, 372 passen gers, and 772,000 in treasure Tbe news is not important. Trade was very dull and depressed, and money eon- Untied tight. Page, Bacon &, Co. rcsrrmed busiriess on tho 29th, and the deposits exeeeded the money drawn out by nearly $100,000. The condition of the other Banks remain tmehanged. Dr. Wright ' friends were raah'mg strenuous efforts to place him in a condition- to resume. Aceoaots from- Lower California repre sent that the notorious Joa quin Muriata was still alive, a4 meditating another ex pedition to California. The miners are generally reported to be doing well although tbe excitement regard ing the new Kern River mines, bad sob sided. Tbe arrival of gold at San Francis co continued tn he retarded br the scarcity of coin to purchase it. Lcwisburc Chronicle REGISTER'S NOTICE. "MOTICE Is hereby given to all con- J. 1 cerneJ,that the following named person have settled their accounts in the Register's O.fice at New Berlin, Union County, aud that the aaid accounts will be presented for confir mation and allowance at the Orphans' Court, to be hold at New Berlin, for the county of L'nion, on the third Monday of May next, being the 211 djy of said month, viz : I. 1 he account of Simon Kama, admims - ( ... , , y . i f .... ...c oxicin """""". vlrahinflon lounhin. dprpar,!. S The account of CJi-oroe (l!aSs. one of a "e accoii.il 01 uior e inns, fnc oi the executors of the last will and testament of Gorge Olutt, late of Washington townsnipi J,,! ' , ,,.,. . ,. a. 1 lie account of rhtlip Rule, fnardian at Wiluam 8ults, a minor clnia oi .ainaniei Shitls, late of BulTiloe township, deceased. 4. The account of Solomon Ruler, admin istrator of the estate of Vunul Z-llen, late of the borough of Lewisburj, deceased. 8. The account of Teter Aucfcer, ruardian of John lleurr, a minor child ef Christian lleiser, late of l'rrry township, deceased. 6. The account of Mary Beaver, executrix of the last will and testament of Wtllium Bea ter, late of the borough of New Berlin, de ceased. 7. The second account of James F. Linn, administrator of the estate of Col. Jaclc&m M't'udden,lMe of the borough of LewUburg, deceased. 8. The account of Oeir Faust, adminis trator of the estate of Mugdalma Futtii, late of Limestone tou nihip, deceased. 9. The arcouut of John Seebold, f tectitdr of the las) will and .estainent of Andrew Wag-, tier, late of the borough of New Berlin, de ceased. 10. The aceonnt of Henry Seebold, ad ministrator of the estate of JaaA Xagtl, late of Washington toirjiship, deceased. 1 1. The account of John Mover and Dan iel Moyer, executors of the last will and tes tament of Jacob Muyer, late of Beaver town ship, deceased. IS. The account of James Marshall, ad ministrator of the estate of AtcioZus HWjA, late of While Deer township, 'deceased. 13 i he account of Benjamin Luudenslc fter, surviving; administrator of the estate of Ueurge l-audimltgir, late of I'euns township) deceased. 14. The arrottn! of John Wilt, executor of the estate of l'cltr funtius, lute of Hartley township, deceased. 15. The account of William Snook, ad ministrator of the estate of Jacob Boyer, la;e of Centre townsnip. deceased. IS. The secobd and final account of Jacob and Sein Witiemoyer, Executors of the last Will an 1 testament of Andrew tViVemnyer.late ofCentre, now Kranklin township, deceased. 17. The account of George Meixel, admin istrator of the estate of George Ryer, late of Kelly township, decease '. 18. The ai'eount of John Gundy, adminis trator of the eMate of Wtluam ftVkcrtcn, late of L'uion township, deceased. 19. The account of Isaac M. Kryder. ad ministrator of the estate of Jacob Krydrr, !aie of Penns township, deceased. 20. The account of John Knnkel, one of the executors of the lat will and testament of John Kunlirl, late ai L'nion township, now Jackson, deceased SI. The account ef Peter Reish, adminis trator of the estate of Jacob O-rr, late of Cen tre township, deceased. 22. The account of Nathan Fetter and Samuel Klin;ler, administrators of the estate of tt'njitniin f'tler, late cf L'nion township, decea;ei. S3. The second an"i fiVal actount of jc'hn l)ateman and Jacob Kostenbader, administra tors of the estate of Henry Knitenb::der, late of White Deer township, deceased. J. W. PK.VXIXGTON. Krg'r. Register's Ollice.New Berlin, April 16, ICo5. JaryLiat-May Term, 1855. (WD JlltOh.1. Writ ft-wrr rhitip ManN-c-li. Mo. Kref-a. Burhliu Hiram uo-ltbrtrh, Jamea H'. bimonton. nUlltinyt', J"un Uiiuilllfl. Lttcittmrg David lli-ber, Alexander Amfnoua, Robt. M. ir. Hater Jacf.b shnwrer, Aaron J. Mjddlerwartb, Simon OWt. Samuel Troxell. '-ana too Klinc-Trr. S -'inArror" Jfhn ilarlner. timrittmt Henrr -'. JtelK Adam Miller. F tard Bannar. praniUn lwr .f .rfci-n. IT'til Der Jonathan ltelT-n(terfrr. IftrVrjf t'hrt.tian rWioure, Wu. tfvrengle. JfMlmeet J"lin ilil.r. Chftjmrn David Rolir.-r. MijiiiUmrt harle U. laMrnptnr. 77T.4 JfKvU.1 J'.ietxna reter Xetman, Jae.Spanglr,Jr., Chriatorner BeettM. iVnnt Jftteih Mitmao. H'Ailr lierr David Meektev. ftabriet nnntlnctnn. Ja cr.b JcCurk-T, Joel KaDck, Lvwia Bitting, Ucorr Dklteu-d-rfrr. ( ,a fhillp Tnuii. Ja SlMr, Jr. ttmprirrr Charli-n rt. iaia WibaIhi Ji.lift C. Wllauo, IVterDreMl. Center lihB Snwk, Sareuvl Hnrtman. llar'.U,V,m. lluntmaJ.in. J .lin llii.llflatl, B. V. B Llnmln. Oeorite Kuhl, Crrua Dreii.Wb. Limestone Jutin Kinkert. Jamra 1'mairrOTe, Michael Miller. ;r.,tiea. Smith, jr Daniel Serbolit. H'ltoe P-ter lU-nuvr. Samuel Uorrow. John Uauck. f hapman John Kemu-tb-r, S. G. lierrold. Wat hearer J"hn l-ab. Iswithmiy It'-njumin Angstadt, B. F. Ljndatt, ITeniT Writ k, Samuel O. Mau. IVrry 4iabriel llruper. met HffUieic"b llelstl. H'jjlinburf llallhlaa Stayinan, John Detwciler, John Lawri-ne. Jttvtiil'cretyl Daniel Ktfs1er. nostimiftM tfamual Nvita, Jotm P. BoDub, Pbllip Mover. ;ut ItuffiHf Ktlar Brown. Acw Berlin Jos .u Wlnler. PETIT JVKtiXS. LimnfrtneO'iiienn t'rneliuii. Lrwirt'iirtr Dav i-.t Slift-r, t barlaa Tenn j, W. Vmnvaliah, A. SUiuxhtin. Jope'h V .Derr. Franklin Vrnti-rirk Krb. llrater Tb'imas V. Sbipton, John Ilondriclu, Jacob Onxs. yew B-rlin II. Edward Bans. H.rJTal'ieJyibii Fvrjum. D. ltiarnVflin.O. 81ear,s--n. JivyyyKlavel Clark. DsvM ll.K'llv. Iti'Hintmrq J.lin llotm-liall. Jiclton John .VI . II. nf. r, David Ol.lt. ItartWy t. tiritian llann, Samuel tirove, S. Black&ird, Levi Kline, It Dry. J.Jin T. Smith. ra.fr.a.rn YYillinm li. llerro'.d. .. f.,ln J..hn S. Y..U r, J . S. Sehrack. Y.U i.V'Ta. J. hn Miller, iVaar I. Jarrelt. Unlet. etirirtian Eeir. W'Htt lfer suram-l llendersdxr. frtinprtf William Byera. .V'l.t.cr,!,- ll.'iuv Welief. i'.rrv Cliril!aii tiraji.ill, jr. It'. t lirartr Ucojaiuin t'ri.-e.. JH) the Honorable Abraham S. Wilson Esq. and hit! Associates, Judges of the Court of Q.tarr.T Serines of the lVaee for tbe Cunoty or L'oioq, J;.y Trnii, ls-'5. The fM-tiiiun .f OaviJ ?tlzc?fcfj..etfiJly Ftiewelh.tlsat your p..iti'n. r A.-cuiien a e..Diin..li(Hii hotiM riluate Iu tl.e towiiKtiip cf llart.ev. in ftie ,ounty atirrpaSl. ..n the lurn..Ke lea-lmK Imro lwiht.urir 10 irntr cunly. at I hij old Unl.wh:re he refflf now and ti een llvlsit'n old rtaml, which is ! ralcuUtcl f-r a puhlie Iioum of eutertitinmeitt and that he i well pioTil.il with hnr.Se room tor the ac-ouini"tiati.n of ranpfr trnTtl.T; that h lirtfl wcuptid tli ttaiJ Iioum an a lim it 1 l,otie many years ut : that he i deirtn of contintnr iii.- ii'iitsc; ne lurri'i-To ripriiuiiy prav ine i ouri .o rrrrntHrtheenftetoke.pantnnorntihlirbouM-bfriiir- Utiontr will pray. 1A V1U STIT.THIi. ttV thenu lerf-imed.chtwnn of tnetowictii of nullify aforr-aaid. beint nennnnl!y Se.uainted wtili mkI lUvid St.tzT. the aloto named 'Utiotirr, end atsu haitig knowh-d'eof ti:e hrutne tor urhtcii the lii-ene in irny d. wn do li r.-ly rvrtify that u li h'niH! re wiry t ac fomtiiolate iti" puhlte and entertain Flrmti;irs and trr.T rITi ; that he is a irrtvun of tford rt'imte f.r honty nn l temperanee. and he ti wtdl proritlt-d with houxe room and eon ren ie-nre for the loiliunndiireouiniortation oftran gem and traviil, w th'Tvfore pray the Coart to jraut him Hi-tiMi. R. V. (tUtrrr, SimwJ Otntnn, Jrrimirr .Vnturr, Tt tvth fhrl, Jvnn .VimW, Cartis! Itomel .ST row, ahem fyfjclmjtr, Jactto t'ttt, lAmirl WUJt lltnry K ajp, rfQ the HnnoraMe the Judges ofthe Court of Quarter Sessiunsr of Union County, .fay Term, I8W. The pt'tittoB of Pid tlViT, f?f tlia T5twh o Iewi)i hnrp. in Mid ennnty-humMy reprewnta, that he oVtipirn the hotel in aid lkruufch. formerly k'pt a.t a puhlie lu by C U. k Hut', and U 'dtdrotm of coDUnuinc tlie aame. The location it OBntral, tbe boaw i lar.'e and wt-11 adapted fr that purpose, and be 13 provided with every enTenienfleforthe t ntrrtalnment of ttranf naDd trav elers. He therefore reftpectfully rayn your honor to grant hiroa lieenr to beep a taeera drinx the enuring yrir.and he will pray. 4e, DAVID II Kit K. The ffutar.ttieri', reaihntof Irwiiirrirf. herely certify that Ia id llrrr, the aidtraat for li'-en-. a man of toi repute fSr bonenty and teajtrraitee. and" i wU I'lttrided with houie rtom and connienee for tbe Io09 tnp andar.mpindarVa of ntranrn and IriTclm. and that a I'Whlic hou Lbere ta net;-ary ; they therefore recoainv nd him at a proper person to btt Itreneed to keen, a rnhle hutu. . ) K'tne, Jamer Critwll, Djwi'l rwt,Jim't H'm&, X. B r.m rhak,Jnhn HilhsL, F SLmphtem. Tnot.A. it. and West Branch Farmer April 27, I'd 10 the Honorable the Judges of the Court of tjoarter Sessions of the Peace for he ETntJ f Li.len at MJ . D.IOA4. Th rMltkm Uktxm Blchl iwptrllr ahea-eth: Tilth y'r 'titiiirr ur-tit a o-iiiawilnia lion!, -iu-tn Va !h uliip of fcrt Butfikw, on tlie turnlike lveftng from Lt-wii-burir t MilHiul-urr, wh Ii I nrlleM eulauti for m!,1k hcuof rutertatnuient, an 1 ha Iweu eeruikdan rud. fit a nun.txr of v.ara, aid frum it. nrifilMirlKjod and ailutl.vii in .uitaLle as well n necwa aary fir Ihe arcniin.d.Ii..n.f ttie public, suit Iboruler taionie nt of atrniia. r an.l traielcri. Tliat lie i well jrotiJ( J with rtahllnc fir hfiwu. and nil r.rtiv.'lileneehc.-ea.-arv iir inevuicriiiinuirii. 1 n.i trav-kra; It thfrrfym robcrtfully irnyn llu : Cnrt to irret hiei II"'ne irocinue u aerp an bl 01 tl ubl. holm. otintcttSlKOlHllllKTe rut lt,.fr.ln. GfDKON' RIKtll. w... u. ui.,i. r.loTl.r)tl-t of th u.wn.lop . r K.it Bu ( Um. , ...i.w .ithiiii- j to1 ,,, ,he ,r, 0u,i ,uo.m.r, and ai hini I aawxrhitiwof ihi-houatS.rwinchibeiiosinoUpravr-1, du ctrtiry thiit Mirli lioniw i, n-wmrjr to ninilW the aubllr, ana rnlrtli. in rtrHTHr or lr. Iw ; that br b . , f m tor honnty and u-mi-ran. , aui timti i it pro.u-.i mil nou m,m am ., nh-arr, fr Hie Ul:tn ati't VTommcidation 4 tMOT-M anl tra-lr". and aii -M imnklcil aith aMniC ft.t h..r .. We thrn f. iv t-a Utn to recoe'.aieeil Mill Ur a llano-. affret-aMjr to titkm. . .SimwW lmUf, MiZufct lr, J'tiin S. &F.rarl fonnv Httt4er,JrrriHi-:U JlHtjJcr. Itm jf VitwrrUAT, T ry M-U, tUury VI. JvJ,H lufrnt, Jacob .V.J, Airia t'uwy, Ootrji WitUr, Af !.l4 MUtrr.U'tirQf 3lillrr,JuJ,ua UtrbU 'JV) the Hon. A S Wilson Esq. President and his Associates, Judpes of the Court of Qtmrti-r &.aioiiF, cf the muntjr uf L'oioa. The petition ,l Klijah C M' iv, of llarlli-y tuwnaliip, in paid uut. humbly ren-M.Dli, that he in Jeiroua of keeping Pub lic llou-e, or Tnirrn. at hi4 old Stand, Infc-ly neeupied by llan I Mrouie. and if a-ll 'reiarud fbrtheaecouiuiixtatM-n of lr;it. l.-n, a-r. Heiher.-!on- pray your Honors toKranl him a iie..i,.u keep a lafern, during Hie entiling yi ar, and he ill pray. e. Kl.l J Ml C. M'KiKK. We (h? kuWnierv, re.Meotii of Hartley township, eounty at 'r,-i.ii.l. herehy eerlify thiit rllfiiti C. Moeie, the appli'-ant t r Ihvum. id a man of Kod rt-pttte ftr honesty ai.d ti ttiM-ranre. ai:d i w.ll provldid Willi houwroom and eohtettienet !r Hi'h"toiiraiida-:-!iiitiiiolaLu)n of KtraQ q,.aod tra.el. ri-. and ij.ala puhlir Ihkim- tlitre 1-u,-ie ry: tiny tln-relore rreomuiend ,iui an aproper K;rnonto he il..QM-il hi keep a pilhlie hoiltw-. .SVm .Sa,-ny'r, Oin-Un ffrnfli, Anthony "".-r-r, Ititmtt Mivulf, 11. I'. tl oi-r, Iftti't .S?ir, J'tl'r Hilnei; Jmib Ftn, l.iiy-r. Wind Kline, J-f.H K.(r, II. Illi-d-U'wl, Jut. titorrr. Ilia. V totfiUi. ''0 the Hon. A 8 Wilson, President, and his Associates, Judges of the Court of (Quarter rV.fir'nsnf thtutitr of Tnii'it. TlieKtiU(nof Ailain J. Veidenaut,ln the Borou-b of LeisMirn. in .-aill'ounly, hunihly represent, that hei. desirous of roiitinuiux to kw a puhiir hnutc at his o'd etnud. in Ihe Koru h sforeeaid, aud hi well prepaied lor thi-acmmiui,d i' iou of tratii(-rB. traveler. lie 111 ro f..re pray i- your Honors to grant hiui a lie-'iise to k-p a tar eru during Lheeu.,uiui:yarlaud he will prav. .te. A.J.tll)l..NSAlL. The un-'rien'. re-id-ntnf LewUluirg. hereby certify that A-lnD J. eid'-n.-iul, the nppticaut for the th enne,ii auiMnol uA ? pule for h-nertv and h-mp'-ranee, and it Weil pnhlHl with h'.t-se room and cnTeuienees t T the lifliiiz md a-c- intiKxlation of tailgerll and trarei ra, and Ihlt a pul-lir house there la n-ssarv: they ttiere fore riflmimruj hiiu as a pioptr person b he lieeured to k,s-p a phhlte house. J2,it. J::'.r!l, Jit,. Jf-rtvTl, J. Ir .VurcA. J.onei .(, Jiftwt Ii"U:!tb.n. tVitliiin A'-iwiaery. f'funtilniM hfr't lr,.7wM yt,4,rr, r. li. Piht.r,Jmtn:ruvKUtilitnH Ujtin A'. J. AVrt-, ' iri-y S. .Vrurr. '1'0 the Hon. .bral tlent, and his As.soriates, Judses of the Courtol iu-irt-ri.-ionor tuion r..untj. Tht p tii,.,n of A. II. ll.air rr- tfui:y hol-tb,t(at he if io i !"-iv-itn of a wry mnd rutniiMKl ou Lou.-, Mtutttr hi the linr"ii'i,i(.f l'wihiirff.lii(ini'i"""umT.irfli icwll rnli iil.tt' J f r a public hiiii.ni fr the ptiurtnini -.t rt atrnnttt-m ai.l trun!"". lie th-Tfir prty t'i-urt i i HT-mt b.m a li pnt Io a public b'u- of rut. r 11 d mcnt. At., at tlH-hftiti afcri-Miil, auj hewillevtPi'rnv, 1c. Lewibui ji,A..riilU, lbji. A. II. iiL.AIi:. V il.gfiibfri'n'rr', rt'fi'l-ntnof Uip HoroiiI -X l."I.s hur?, lo iTti!y that A. 1L Ulafr, th apph'M:t alTC nitDnil If a main f onil rr-ut.' forhont ftl r rtu'l l-m;rruiii', atiJ t well pniTliUtl itb hcuwnvirn, At., f:.r tiw ac'r, uuUntit'U t'f Prniivrs wA traeb r-, ami ih-it a public liouaritt taitt pfac U tun:M.r? . Th-r thfr-f rf rtctmi-nit-nti hiui as a propi-r jxrsoulo be licenced to kticp a pub lic ll' Uf. JvJtn -V. if' tt, l- tris G. Stuler, F. SlovpJttMi, John BiJ li't. i.'.'ta W Lt'UjUhtty Thuf. Xvrtt.n, Unmamt Hynt, C'irist'-pffr mtVri-i'. MUUdm MwiyJamei CrL,t(ll. Juhn Lu'l'if. Uiic ILUi. T 0 the Honorable Abraham S. Wilson. :., Presi..ent, ant! his Associate Jii'lesol the Cviurt nf UunrtaT Sinr:i".j i if the cijuutvof L'ukd. T)it jn-titi'-a t'fTht-uiait (jr-n in tlit Ttwtihiiof K-Ity in th? puiiy ief luivn, huirhiy r)r-.-ri. tliat h rr ru(icabue.u Miiti twti'p whrh ha.t bfrctyf Tt. hrin utMtl n-l ttcMtpiitJ a a houe of ntr?rL-i!:.in'nt n'. ifltloirtiuiv f nmt.itutn thet Mtnt uitl i wttlt pn-pariil for th srotmailnl in of trarert. hp tliTi'for (tRtyf ,ur honor U iirant him a lirenM' to knp m (arera during the ruMlibi; ar, aud he will bray. An. TII0MA3 QUEEN. Th rtntt-wribeni ivsMfntii nf Krlty tuwiifthfp, lnrfby csTtify tlint Tinniv Urrn thf ailicant k-r tn lit-n is) a man of rfbiit fr boniy ami lrinp'rarirt. anl i well prmit.fd with hnu-rt-ia nutl cD.euu'n-r f- r tlir IMrtn nn-I aT'in(Mtati"n of MraujtTs anl tnirtt rrn, anJ ihl a public hoUM thwrtt in rwi-irv. tht-y tli. ts-fi.n r .NrHaturitii ttim as ft ropr ilon to be licbat-tl to ktsrji a public botiw. ( onratl MtT, Peticr Oef-r, Thomiw Iluntinsrtn. ThtTMl 4rowf, John J. t'lark. I. B. Iwlintt, Jrwl lUyr, John Hoi it h, John A. Kiwr, J- H. DaU-iimiui. J-hn icu! mat John liuatington. llenrj UiuuokI, tieor Mt-ixrl. A ril tl. 1k&. fV0 tbe honorable the Judges of the Court of I Quarter Sessions of the peace, in and for tb' unfr f Tnifin. at Mar TVrm. A. I Thr p ti lion f Kmauufl u-rs rD-i.'. fully rpvirnter that vour p-'tiiinnrr ucupfc-n a ennrwdi-'U. h"iw niJu rvt. a iu tlit! Ifiirnu'h of Lr-ut.ur. whi-h in ?-) nl"-latf-1 forapublH Iiouitt rv'rnta-I'Minmfiit.at.'l hrt li-n ahd in now orruft'd v nurli, Bnlfrui it nfiffhlmrhooj anj ffitualion Ii (inlaMt will an nwi'wuiry tortile a--eomotlation sf tlie puMi-. ami thf entt rUiDm.-nt of fir.tniis-r!' anl traflt-r. That he i wll iriilt-l with itnblini: f-r hor.'sw ntl atl ov.nT'iii"n'"t.ucriry frt6 rntertiuntn(.'Dt nf r-traiitfti"! atul tratcJert. He tltTifire. ttrtfiillT rrnv-i thr Court tocrttttt dim a Hcn-f t K'ff att inn or utilic h ut of rntrta.inm?ut at thlac herein zraimd, and 9ar petitkn-r will pry.r.. &. KM AXL Kl, PtTKKi. the nnd-n!rine(lHtizMif of Lewhunt nf.rai.1, Viiig prrw'naMy cjuaintMl with Kmanufl I ftenv tiie arOTr p-iti"CT,aiHl IiaTinff a knowft-lpfft rf the hou( for which a lto-cm-1 pravM. do hvivhy cert'fv that u h a hou. i nfOi-fnnry ta aiwmnlitU- the puhiir anl nter tain Ktraiitcemor tratRlerx, thathe in a fN-mon of ifrmij r.niit f..r Imnnlv mnd tMnilM-rancr. and that h U m I proThicti with houttrroom and ronTeni'DoeH fur th I h deini and arrouiMntionof atrant;er and travelers. We t ttif r"fitr hejf ImTF to rccommeiu. that a license bv grant ed him ervet'le to hiitpv-tition. Tlwff. A. II. Thornton, J'.hn rfena, Famnel Tfetrirfi, Jnnifft L. Iwiff. Jam M. Mowrer. jr ,C. V. Ili-s. F. It. Vn nlxah. Henry Frirk, Williaui MooreT Janie Crewel., Thorn w Urahimi, E. W. Moor. April 8, ls6. TO the Ouurt of Genera! Quarter Vssionn of the Peace in and for the county of Union, at the May T-rm for l$.r5, the petition of Ann Ginter of White Ieer towm hip, in the county of Tnion, ..-a ak. I, hat a-r.ai k.-titinna. i ..t k.f i.mc anuhiir hnuM in the house k.-i t by Ann (.inter ' litPt year, and where she formerly kept a puhlie hnum e.:.7',nirerni:ntoBu:.:' ?r,rr.rr az Court tn rant h.-r lie. ns 3 teep a tavern or a h'.iipe ofuul.lrceiit"r1inmenttortlieace..nindHtinn of travel. r ttnd ptniiirt fJ, nnd iurb a Utltu 10 neceiisriiy wanted, aul will pray Ac. We the nilnStTtber. ritixen of White iVer township, do certify that the atave applicant Uof ifiotl r put for honest v and temi"'ranwJiud i" pro ided with houfe riium ni n.nvnienrii for thr lodging and aeeoutnodi? tion of traftders and stranifera, and enrh a tavt-ru L ntemtarily wanted. Wilnesa our band Kchrnar 1 SZb. UiU -J-i of ' .... Moyd (luintef, Anrlrfw Seybert, Jacob Tmxet. flnfry Rank', Lewie II. Katik, Martin Koeper. Ufore Tnxal.Jr. M Svhler.t. M llotfinan.Wia L. Kilter. Roley MXurly, tJamuel tiood lander. fpO thellinorable Abfahatri S.VVilson.Esq., I President and his Associate Jues of the O'lirt ofljilarter aionnof the enemy of CuioTI. The petition i.f Win. I.. Hitter, nf (he town n'NVw Cn tumiiia, in faiJ. county, hunihty re.re.-enf : Tlint lie ei? ru!.i.'. it l.oue in eni-r town, whlh ha heretofore bt'A used an-1 ocrneii-a ai, a hnle of eutertuinnvntarnj irilo oiinu. of onlitminz tlie Kim, an.l i will (.reonre.! for u,,, are..iii.l.lation ol traveler, he tlieref re .ray your lii.nont t.. zrnnl l.iin a ll'tifte to ki-op a la, em .lnrtniMuo .n-uinc jcar, ilJ he will pr;.y, 4e. M. L. Kl'rrKH. The liVrriK-ri. ''lll "f N.. Ci.liiml:i, h.r.-hy rertifv that Win. L. Killer, the r.Vi.li.'int for the lieenae, I l auian vfrJ r.-.ute lor homely an.l tenipriince. aul . tlieln.uiiii- and aefTmm'tat'.on ot mr.inicen an.l travel er ana that a ruMie hfei, th.-re is neeewnry, they lh. r.-f .re. re..mini'nJ hlin aa a proper uersou tuWliceua tl to k.-,- a I'Tl.iir ll'.UM... M.S. hivr. John U.-vor. Joel Ranrk. JaenhTr.setjJobn St. I'tair, At.rnliam Anim.-y, Aaron M.iitii. lio-.rte J. Swa.tj:, l;c,l.r'. Sl'CUrlcy, D. S. ituthraiift, Francis Walk. r. IVter Kluip. April , IsJi T TO ihe Htindrable the Jmlses of Ihe Court of Q'larter Sessions of the Peace, in a nil fur Union iout.tr. fit It Term A. I. !-. The H titi. n (if M.iTliti Kn.iy rrfpeclfullj rfn : Tlutt your r titioner oci-uplea a c.mniO'li'miv hon., s-rn-nt.-d in wliat i railed r'lirim'ivillr, in the township cf l.utTafo'. by th ptihlte road leading from Iwi-t.ur to Urush Valley, which i well calculated ftra ul!h' bouse ofent'rtaininent. and ban been oerui-i. d a. fra number of yrar.anJ from it neiehWhood ami nituation lit xnttahtu as well as neresfary Sr tbe acrom modal ion of rhe iubiie, aud theentertainmeni of utranirer and trr.fler. t.it hr in w-ll proTitt with Ktahlinx lor borsen and alt mnT-nirnee neceHary mr tbe entertainment of rtramttTrianrl ttavfl- rs. II then-fore respeetf ully pray thr Court t" araot him a license to Continue to ketp nn inn or public buuseof entertainment therr, Mnd h will pray,. SIAltTIX KUDV. We the nnirrd cned dllzens of the township of RufTAtoe afbrefaM, b inn personally acqiniilted mlthMarLin It inly the above named pvtiiion-r. aud alrti haTio?; a knowledge cf the hotiw tr which the litue is prayed, do here t.y certify that such a bone is necesaary lo arenmodat tbe puMir. and entt-rtain Dtranser and travflfn. that be H a pern of ftood ifpute fr honeety tentperaiice. and H is wrti prorrlei with hotiM-rom andeooenirjts fur the rodtur; and rP-erMnoriation ofstrancers and travelers, and alt-o Htrll providevl With tllin: fr lu tei. We tbrre f f bie leae to reeoiciend him for lUutuo sreeaMe to hi petition. tamoel Simon ton .Daniel M Renner.freo. C. Thotn rvm. Jam" Ui.hl. Kdwart Kiirk. Edward Miller, Jamea W..i monton. Abmhsm Youn?, Jaeob litlmnn. Ilowurd An dmca, Jic. .N-whart, Abr. 5gelmr. April 6, lb;&. 35. Heal Estate, Orphans' Court Sale. T) Y virtflo of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Cnion Countv, will be sold at public sale, at the residence of the widow of U-orse (jiiudy, deceaseil, in tast JJuIUloe tow hi In p. on 1'iiihiy the A:h tliii nf Miy next, a valuable tract of TIMBER 1 AVII (ito.K in Pvl 11. . .1.." 22-. ' tou-nsliip, containing about IOO itrrn, ailjoinniL' lands of William Peters, heirs of Michael Ij-unn, and others, it betii? part i f the real estate of u lucli said .eorr;e uumly .tietl seized. fd tract ol lair' w!Il be sold in pieces of, 10 or "0 acres, to suit ptiecrasers. ru'e to comrnenep at 10 o'clock A M of said daj-, heu terms cf Sals will be made knon Ly JOHN (Jl.iNDV, Ailiiiiniiliator of said (icrije Ound)', dee'd East Bnftaloe, April 9. 1S55 N" B. Any person wishing vi examine 'raid Timber Land, will be shown it by calling on either the Administrator, Jacob Uuudy, oi Simon P Gundy Plnladclphia AdV'ts. THS CHEAP CASH BOOK an Stationory Store, North West cor. of Sixth and Arch St, I'ltila dtljihiu. .rrai RiirgaliiN iu f looktt ! Poetical, Juveuile, .Miscellaneous, Standard and Presentation Books, very Cheap. ST.U'l.E A.X FA yi Y s T t TtuSKIl Y. fHper:yr w hite rti'ed Letter Paper, -fit. 50 per Ktam. Letter and nute Envelopes in great variety. Weddings furnished at 'very moder ate rates. Cards Written and Engraved, titlh.tl's and otlu r Steel Pens. Superior Mot to Wafers, 3.::i Mottoes ofl a sheet, for 2S certs. Inkstands, Pen-Knives; Taper V eights, &c. r me J urkey .Morocco I'orte-Monnaies. Port-1 f.ltns.iVc. Card Cases, Backgammon Boards, I Ac, with a choice assortinentof TOY BOOKS, t.AMi;s, JJI.-sKCTEl) PICTi:REs,c.i Al hums. Scrap liooks and Eneravins. April SlljS -f.iSy 1 p. TlloHtSon. Di33olation of Partnership. THE Partnership heretofore existinj: X between l'avid lilairantl J. L. Barrett un- j tier the firm of lll.iir& liarrett, in the business of the .Mount Vernon House, No. U5 North ! Second Street, has be -n this day dissolved by j mutual consent, J. L. llarre't liavirt: ptTrchtiseil the interest of said B!a!r, ill continue to keep the Mount Vcruon U-juse. DAVin RT.AIR, J. L. BATRETF. Tlie M'unt Vernon lfiuc will be continue', bv thf subscriber, who will be happy In mp his friends and spare no pains to make ihftii Ct'intnrfablp. J. 1,. UARUETT. rtlilalt'!phia, April 7, IbJ.j. GSDIflS St UrgC 3 -.Axr ir r ' v'i'" iaiiiiiM iuiri vi ific iitiiiUH n I J Sivirtil Vlrl!i .MafrrfcHt's. T.j.wyi Walnut St. I'litiadt lj liia-. FIVE M.'I.VEK MEDALS awarded. :z. Two l j Hie Aui.-ri.-an Inhtitiite. New York, tt.) IKf, T ; d', rnuiklm Instuut-. l,liil'.-!phia.Ni;v. .an.! ' One at the Marxian I Institutr, Uail.more. Sox. i 1SW ' The peruhar improvement in the Coiiblruc-1 ticm cf this Matress is, ihat all the clumey and ' heary 'cioJtil frame work is entirely dispensed with, and its rliir.e stipnlicd Iijr a lighter and j rotirli nmre durable fr.itTe. thi; springs art; all ennneclcd by hnrnos leather h.'ngcs, securely I rr.-euu, rendering it lmpnssible lor a sin! sprit:" to tall down or ?et out of rlace, and niaktng a Bfd so elatic that any part may be raised or bent up, and is inns admirably lilted ...v u, mc- in, ,n aMiiiu.iiic no may j require a silting posture. havinit the Inxunous : softness of the i.et Feather Ped with the Iifjht- ties and facility of handling of the Common Hair Mattress. j These unproved Sprint; B' ds are inmriubly made of the best materials, and will last many j year without repairs. j I'ersons havins Hair Mjtresses, can bave ' them altered into Spring Beds. These lie is are well adapted forHotels.berths i of Ships. Steamboats and Hospitals. i Sprins Sat for Chair.Carriapes or Church Iews and Hair and )Iusk Maliesses made to ' order. Also an extensive assorlmenl of highly , ornamented (in enamel) arid plain finished ' CA ST IR OX t'f'tXl TURK, j consislnie in part ot li-Mead. Hat and Coat Harks, Cane and rmbrella Stands, Garden Chairs, Suttees, Ac. Ac. Philadelphia, April 20, 1S65 ly57S SALAMANDER SAFES ! No. 26 oufli Fourth ; St., Philadelphia. Creat rir at ' riiestnui & Fitih Sts., Friday morntni. Dec. 15th. 1."1 K'AS A WATSOX'S SALAMAMiEU SAFES TrilL". Ml'HANT, as they always ate when put to the test : 'Piiiinr.LeRi, Pee. IS. 1854. Jte5rs.Kvans & Wats.on.No.2D 5outh Fourth ?t. Cienlieinen We take mueh pleasure in rec ommending your f-alamander Safes to Merch ants and ethers in want uf a secure menus of preserving their books, papTS Vc. (rom fire, - r ra about Se,-en months since has preserved our books, papers an, cah in as Rood a Condition as Ihey were when put into it, before the creat fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above safe was in use in our office, on the second door of our building, from which place it fell into the Cellar, and remained there Ulltll the fie was oi:!. The Safe was then rc- ! . ..-J .11 .k.. . r . .. moved aArt opened in ihe presence of at k-a:U , 1000 persons, who witnessed the ?Ood Condi- , tion of its mntciits. Will vou please have I the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend lo 1 a put it in use a7a.11, having perfect confidence iu its fire-proof qualities. Yoirrsi res'p-rtfi.H?. LACEY A MIILLIPS." Evans fc Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, amuii the many hundreds who have their afe in use : U. S. Mint, Thil ada.: Fanners' A Mechanics' Bank, I'htlada.; Samuel Allen, Esu Hili Sheriff, rhilada. : Juhn IV. MerrdiTMHl. f l!V t nntroller: ( alfb t. a- w: M-..I,.. c, . Hihir.l Uancrol't & Sellers, Machrnists, corner lOih c... . j.---s.- t t ..hm JtI.r i ..t......m a ii iinuiamc ! Thilatla.; IVnn.yfvanta Ka.Jruad Ca.,rhila.la.; j Kacey & Phillips, corner bin and Minor Sts.; ! Sharpies, & Bro., No. 33 South Second ... ; James, Kent & a nice. No. 147 North Third I sr.; H. Horimrn & Suns, No. 51 North ; Third St.; Smith, iViiliams A Co.,.o. 87 Mar ket St.; J. & B. Orne, No. !S'5 Chestnut St. iv" A lan;e assortment of the above Safes j always on hand (warranted to stand at least 111 per cent, more (ire than anv Herring's Safe now in use). EVANS & WATSON als-) manufacture and keep for sale. Iron Shutters, Iron Ilpors and Iron Sash, for making lire proof Vanlts for Banks Mores, public and pri vate buildings; Seal and Letter Copying Pres ses ; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators, Ac. Please give us a ca!I,at Jfo.20 South FOURTH" St., Philadelphia. April 6, '55 573yl HRSrETHlTCHELL, T0. 2S North Ninth St., PhiM.., manufacturer of Mantlllaw.ClorikN, &:. of all descriptions, at WHOLESALE and KETAIL. Orders maJe t"p at short notice in ths best and latest style. April 4,'55m3 " SAra'LHmiTON QTAPLE and Fancy Stationery, and O Card r.nsraviae;. Establishment. IS bo'itii ElOH HI St., Fmlada. April 1,'ao I ar 1 1 HERRING'S ' Patent Champion Fire- rroof SAFES, with HaiV Patent I'owder-Preof Locks, which ere awarded aepar ate Medals at ihe World's mm 1 Fair, Teuton, 1H5I, and also J! Hit the World's Fair, New! TTiii 83a and KSM. The subscribers aie the sole mai nUi turers and proprietors in this State of the ahovfc crie- otialled Safes and Locks. The reputation ot the cenuuie Kermis's Safe." is world wide, nnd for the last th.rtren years the inetTantile cominOniiv have w.ti.es ed and borne lesti- ninny to their tu rtinxn file proof qnali- lies. More than I3,( ( of these Sale hare been actually sold, and over Two Mllal , , .rinmPhant:v throtirh accidental f. .rll. M, ,,.,ired that ill Safes manufactured by the aubscribers are not only Kiiaranieed to be fully equal, but in many re-, spectseven superior to those which Cave been so severely tried by t re. Few w ill forget iheir j services in the bnrnir.j of the "Tribune es- j tablishmcnt,"NVitr Vork. and at the "(Jreat J"ire ! in StVawVerry street, al the larre fi'e lust July, : oppotite ihe tiiranl House ; and still more re- ! cently in the Fire at Filth and Chesnui Sts..in this city, in which these 5afes came forth the ; acknowledged 'larinsi whrn many o!her securi'ies laiieJ. FA i:!EL .A ' P- rnit Srfr and Hank Ijtek Mttkert, ! .14 WALN I T Street, Philadelphia. Chilled Iron Sfes, with Powder Proof, Locks, manufactured expressly for Banks, Brokers, Jewelers, and others requiring scj- -nty from ro?ues. Bank Vaul's, Dorrs, c, ! on hand and made t'i order. All the mosi eel- : ebraiei Locks for sale at manufacturers' prices. Second hand ' J.iles," Salamanders' and ! " Iron Chests" of other makers, having been j taken in part payment for llernns's, for sale at half price. Vartli 30,'35. 52yl j PLU.DS AND SHADES ! B. J: HIFaI.nM.rJ, No. 12 -orth SIXTH fcTkEET, a few doors above Market .sj.. Phihulelphia. ORIGIXATOU OF A 1.1. M: W STYLE ' Buys the l.est mate- j rials cheap for Cash, hieh enables him to sell j superior H fmloiv ItlindH &. Miatles3 , as low as others sell inttnor articles. j Hold Bordered and Painted ShttdeS, iif beau tiful designs.. J'ulT MullaiiJ Shades, Trimmings, Fixtures,) At., Wholesale and retail. I Store Shades Painted and Lettered to order. I ICepairtnK in general attended to. Pure!) sers ph-ase cail. I t W E STL)Y rd PI.CA"-E. j;i March 30) IvjO -;in.rr,2 FRENCH TRUSSES. ITERXM or Rup.nre succes.fully the eU-ar.t KrencS Truces, imp. Vied by Vhe aiid.er.hee -,,.,! n.a ,,. ..nr..,:.. .... I his sales. snffe-in itK Rupiure i II be catiSr 1 I It l .tr that the Lrcah-n now nfers lo pre cure I a Tru5; comt'iiiiit txtrrme iix?ifnfs. triti eart ' d,traf"t'fy "' frrrct a.nttruciMi. in lieu of the ! cun.brous ami iinromlirtable article uua!)v .soi.i. ain exleiiiiive assortenl always n ; hatuf, aapteu to e'erv vahttv cf Ilimture fn aiul!s r.il children, ai.l f r slle ? a rante of ) price to sut all. fust of S.u:!e 'l'rnrs, : $-1 and $5 ; Doubb-,.!, .i. 6. s,s and $H. 1 IVrsons at a distance ran have a Tru -er.t to any address by remitting ihe amount, ser.d iti measure around the htps, at.d staLnj Side : atleeted. For Sale Wholesale and Keiail bribe Im-1 porter. f'ulf-h II. --dlel. j W. cor. of Ttrelt.: Ih-e s!s Philada. i liepot f..r ftannini's faiproed Itodv Brace! ! L" Chest Expanders and Erectir llraees; Patent : noulle uraces; suspensory linndaires; Spi- ( irtil Props and Supports. Lairs" Sooms, ri:h f competent ladv attendants .March 30, leii. p. a. inr?C, PORT Monnaip, Pocket Hook and Dressing Case Manufacturer. N. W. cor. of Fourth & l.hetnut Sts., Philadelphia. Always on hand a lar-e and varied assort ment of I'ort Monnaies, Wnrk rioxeS, 1'ocWet HooU, Cabis, flankers ases, Tr.ivehnf: Hairs, .Note Holders, ii.ii-k.nnmoD lioard?, Port Folios. t'hess Men, Portahle Desks, Pocket Memorandum Bocks. Dressing lases, Cipar Cases, Ac. Also, a prneral assornnent of ENGLISH. FRK.XCH AM) CKKM ax fancy t;nt his. Fine Pocket Cptlery, liazors, Kazor Stri.ps anti (ioid t'eus- Wholesale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH, X. W. corner Fotinli A- Chesiinit Sts . Philada. X. B. On the receipt of I. a Superior I ticm ren win tie sent to any part of trie I niled j Statesi nj mail ) desenbinu pen, thus, n.edinm. j hard, or soft. (March 30,'o lybTi Trusses Supporter!!, LACK STOCKIXHS. UnrH- iier Braces, and all otner Surreal Arparatnsand Bati Sases, applied and warranted te 51've sat.sfaclion.l v Dr.ard Mrs.M'l'LEX ACH AN, No. 44 X.' rth S-EVEXTH birref, Vliitudtlphia. The great number of Fcma'es relieved and cured ty frearin" Mrs. .MX'Irnachan's Sup porters, warrants h?r in commendins them as superior tn anything of the kind ever offered to Ihe publ.c !j 517t VI Ten Nigbts in a Bar Room, And what 1 saw There. 1ST T. 8. AI.TIILB. T(7i Thousand Vtpie in a Month . THIS powerful ..rk.a.ku l.sli.-el t.y all ho Jtave roiol il to br thr 1'nt ...rr writt-a h Mr arfl..tv tr'rt the evils of Intenir-ranee in rir. of thrilling .K.'iriie.. ,niiiir4ons mi ,nr.-i.- oi lavern arepinirana liun) arinkim;. not only o., vidua.- thrtuL' in n mtnumlieil lar;e. Tbr story of little Mry Mof- n !n:1 n1"111" r- i.-1 r-f..rined ty herdevution and urniii.in Kiuue wurip irir frir m in" WnK. TVttiprntnrc wen and ttlnT ran dn more for tbe eaC!i l-y ilrit'ireuiKtion th:m by hut olh. r Btvanx. A;rntrt'WnUti in evt-rv l n and countv ofthe t'nili d M4V5. r t It an edition tr-tt.-f? tip pf-fTly ft r thrni. Wautttuliy iilnj-trutud with a bn mt-zotiot rn gravinir. by Curtain. t- ifiiW.Bforrin f urnt Mrt fJl,r) 64 rS eif.tof thevrie', T."f ut!. The iarfT5.-t rouibinMtjn wilt he niI. Atdrei J. T. IrftAltl.KY. rtil,liher; No. 4S North tourih btrnt, rhiladrli-hta. XtXV llTS. o TiE-THIKl) t'lin.M'KK THAN AVIItTE LEAD, and free trutu clt prisonotf3 qiiHlirli-s. rim iV.ii' jrnsir zisc co.vr,t r. hmnvx irr:iity eniitrrtj it.rir nri c. anu 11. prunu ine ouaiity pt tht-ir rr.Hiu. tr. ir. prrpar.-.! to -x.-ite orders for th. ir SVFERIOR FMN1S, iry. and (.round in Oil, in nwied ,.t m m j.1. toi.p.unds; also r,i."!S5r. e, crenr-a t oil. is warr-uti-u -uie a5d unpuj.?.-,d for wtuj aui Muiirm w m. whirUt iiMtf the Yn-pmty to warrant thir paint to ktt'p Irrxu and cn in the lir any ivarv-na.-le time. In this rrf.-1, thvir paiuta will hb sjupertor to any other in the nmrket. Their UitnwN 1NC fAINT. which H sold nt a low price, an'l van only be made from the ine orea from N.-w r y, i now well kaowrj f..r it trrutediTa UiUaU tifs whrn :.pfu J to iron or other mctalie surfaces. Ti.ir STuNK $ir.OK I'AINT pociie all the proper tiff, ofthe lirown. and ia t-t an a;reealde color fur paisj tlnSCottrTgcs, Depots, Out hnildiiiffi, lirVlet. Ac. . KlitM IIA kU'MKIiS. TThalc Faint Deaterxand lmnorters, K. W.eor.of luth and Market ?U. VkiiitiUifhxa rim-TlU ; MEXICAN GUAKO rPIIE subscriber has for sale Mexicari JL Cuano of the best quality (cargo of ship Thorndike.) This article has given entire satisfaction to those who made use of it the past year, on Corn. Crass ami Oats ground; its elTert on the soil is m&th tiior'e lasting than that of Peruvian (iaano, and the cost nearly forty per cent. It'ss. 18. Ut RLINO, 1P1 North From 5u 3mM9 Philadelphia. 3 Pilnts, Glass, Varnish, Drags, kc )'0B'T SIlOEMAiIER & fa,S.W. J L corner Second and Green Ktreets, Phil. delpliia, bave constantly oa hand a large assort ment ff articles appertaining to their line of bosin'-ss, comprising Trl'lndotir ClIarM of every deseriptioh.as French and Eneluh Plai for Store and Parlor Windows; Enameej Lolored and Engraved Class for thurchtp' '. e5iir,uies. Conservatories, ac. American j ilass. of all aifea, at manufaeturrrs' ! "prt-s. TXvif I'M i til of French acd ; Amencln manufaciore. now White, Brcwn, I n'1 Siohe t.'of.ir. These Paints are much che.-iper, and more durable than White Lea., i n'l n 'ast superseding that article. tar. ni,nf , oi an nines, equal io me b-st, , . ois. u . ,, . j. wai., iioo, nu every t- tide reiinired to make a complete assorUijent of PAIXTEKS MATERIALS. , We arreir-Ssively enjaeer) in ihe ftiahufae tnre of Paint in Oil and I'utly, and are prepared to supply Dealers or .Manufactu rers on the lowest terms. Prices Current sent per mail, on application. April 4, 1H55 571m3 Improved Cl'PER-Plmspnatf of LIME 2,500 ij Pb!v of the most superior nianufacturt also , Ciuano of every description. Calcined Plaster, t'eruent, Ac. W Produce of ail kinds bought and sold ra Commission. R. B. 5ELI.F.KS A ff. Forwarding and Commission Merchants .No 65 North Wharves. Eetween Race and Vine Sts. rhtludtlhia. IVcw Vork Adv'fs. "Spiritual Telegraph," 'JMIE Orjran of MoJern Spiritualism- J. FOLRl'H VfL. commences in May. It contains the fuilest rerord extent of current Facts and Opinions on Spntnal Intercourse. Published weekly at $2 per annum, also a! Spiritual Books ft r sale bv FAKI hllKiE it BKITTAN. 344 Bn adwa'y. ew Y. rk. PS. A Catalogue of Spiritual Books sent on app!ir.a'!o!i 3:naTS Cheap Music and Piano Store OF Horace Waters.Nn.333 Broadway, New York Vppwilinn Iu Ihe t air. Una Um Music at (ireati) Keduced Rates! Xotwilhstandirg the comlinaiion of Musis Dealers to keep up the prices of noa-cr.pynght Music against the interests of Native Citn pos ers and their ?rur,! to extend to Mr.WaTta the oiu'ei'e t'f the Traiie( he has manit sales having abundant evidence that he haa public countenance and juppcrt in his oppos ition ! the Ureal 3lonrpo!y,and in his rflbrts 1 ,u ,d Native Talft.t and adopt thf Nationa! t'ltrieticv. Hi stoek of American and Euro- pean Music is i.'mnense, and the catalicue of his own p'jtiiicaiions is one rf the Jareest and best selected in the I niied "'tates. He has alsc made a grrul rrduclii n in the prices of Pianos, Melodeons and all kir?s Musical Instruments: Superior !tm?d v octave I'.anis for $1"i5, ICd ard li ttle r ! iroi .1 .juiiiv. ena ia.ptruiuBUi a .-.. 1 a. rt jrh.!- tu'.'eab..h ff ft.'ta. I'lanej r frfi rv vrrr-tv . f r')e ana Liicr.uv to V'.ei marialnf thcr f Trn '"i"rnl Mn'i aft-.rir, : -nore th.m tha rvlft.rat.4 B i- m imriri.vil lt..rar Walcra J-iana. aa4 thr nrrt prrmium ,ol.on 1 lan... nf T. liilbert a t o'a make. bnrr i f II e .r.l.-an i-Rtrnt.) rH-eend-band M ai.. at ir.-at tr-:n (.ri't'i. fr, ni -u t. ltO. StUAPa. t, frem riv riitVrrnt .Vxrufc-.i-torie. inrladiDg tb t kr.i vn s. I X il. . sn,itl.'i 1. kdrna, itnr.rd tba iv,i.al f. Direr: bkt.o tte l..,r n.akr in tLv t-'nitd Statva. .rirr. .k is,. Ti. ll'. 1 1 i. 1-.. 1;;5. IM. mith'a tiearla Hank Mriln..n,. -.1 1. t-irb I'uid.. ar d Y4o.i. f uaran td. t Vine l'! Wltti to lit. Tl-le.frliO.-Ia.ar. li lrr e. nt. uirount tu t trijno n sntl tl-urrfcra. ordVra 1 r mvt'v atti-iid-l ic Mu,:r a. at. r.r.'t-anj. tc all rarla eflbe rountrv. at Ihe r.iu-.l rata. f7utra ard svlvrt Catal'ues an.! S tnlul. i t I ru-rs of lluiurat Jn.trum eit5 f .r-var ''nl t i any ?1 Ir '-r f itarpe. JmJ7 To Persons cut cf Employment V GENTS U Wi'LD in every fctiop t ihe I'nifsl hta'f. The noM Kltraoi and Cseful Volume cf (he Yeur Scars' greul Wutk un riurna. Jut f utlt-t.tl. an It!Dftrated TVrrivtion ofthe X0 ' SI AN KMI lhK. bfinp a fbnirnt and political Hwtory or ' it. t,iitrTnmni and from tes, proluctias, raoanast impt rtM j-.ftt.nt)t. c ninteice, iiurture. edneatiewal J mraue. ni:', p (. Buanarr. rvinu ni, aaliqaiU A-.lntnthe Ut-t aid aurt autDrtblie Murcws ! rnt'sili-d with ah, nt w jtiif rait r and Map wf i tiiri paa and A'talic lij.-,a. The lKte entpiete in j one ir-oetaro sidjme oi ir)t.t Ttrtf pages, ategaati I ai 1 ut4tantutlly Lt-tird. ltttfit prt. j 'lnork . bf en fctfril yr in pnparatlott, and I wiil.it ir- believed, nut-t. in tbe tuilet a-o station t-f tbo w..rl. the r-tnt nirrr-aily Ht U r reliald in forma ! t:n thr btrtorjr nd intcrual rr.--arc a rowntrp I ru;. inj Jirp a irtK'n i f t- l-trn bemtfbre, i and liuMiLif co It i tuidull- a ;itH n at the prearnt time i to the T.t of Karr and Ai-ia, I' tit of wSicn car Itas ii knuau than cf at.y itbci turpj nativn If- i sw.Alat.af,-fIr infteretiftk; 1ttne entitled "TIM KAM.tKK.4Llh Al' t.T( Xk.X C i, r.Lt.KKAl tit J'tKXr'.' einbriiDc the rofnanfir lneidenu ai Adventurtn in tbv lirt-A -f & frtngnr r&trpnaen. GeBe ra!S, rTineea, Warn.-rji, Tralera. Afttmtorers. oy' I rrr, Jr., eminent in thr hbtry of Kir' p aad America, inrlitdins akrt hfi of orr till erlt-bmted heroic charac ters. rrtut;ful.y illu.-trxiid with nuittrCD erarravtags. One toI. 4tt yrtff -9. rrjai lv'inct, cloth, pit. $1-4. j hr 5ubirt-tibK r publirb- nnonbrr of BiostsalvaMn lVtrial Ti-ry popular, and of sucb a meral ana relir.oiiMnf urneftLt while p"-d Tb n may caMy eneari ' iu ihmr i imi!ntion. th-y wilt rotitv-r a pa' "he d s-fix. aac : receive a fair rotnirualit for their lbor. To sjkb of I eiitrrjirire and tnct, thin huiiir-"f t-lfi r nofportunitj V-r prtdiialrW etuploj aocul Mfiti. m to re met wild. . reruns wi.-binp to rnfraee in tli-ir ralewill reeefv I pna.ptlv by mail ai'ircnlsr r-ntaii.fnfr full pai tieular,' with " lurrrti a to erer!. df-poArU te art sa Acenta. tocrther with irtm n whit-h th-r will be furniahrd, nddrrSsmg, pest paid, KOUrKT SK AKH. Pwbliber. 1M itliam lt- New York THE GREAT 11 EM ED Y, ABOUT which so much has been said and published, is among us. Who has not j head ot the MEXICAN XISTASG Ll.M-' : MENTf Many inilhons uf bottles bare been Suld and used tu cure BlieuiiiatiMD. L'xers, Pores, Bruises, fprains, fting-worm. Felons,' Palt Khetin, f ile. ""ie Nipples and Cakec? Breasts, Cancers, Itch, Coins on the Tees ore Eyes, Ear-ache, Piuiplrs, StroIN n Joints or Limbs, Cuts, Scalds, or ScaM-hea, Nuthb1 Pahy, Bunions or frosted feet. W arts, r any oiher complaint that can te reached by an external remedy. And it has always beeA successful, fr is itriin cnas in healing Wounds, Scratches, saddle or harness Ualls, or any sprain, soreness or stillness, and it i narranted to cure Srarin, Emgbone, Splint, or Polt Evil, on Horses. t"5"The Liniment is put up in three sizes, and retails at -" cts, it) els. and t$l. The larce bottles contain mtch1 more f.iniment in propor tion to fhe pfiees, and are therefore cheapest. Tu Country Mertliants. Every store should be supplied with this valaale MNlSlENT. as it pars a (rood profif and sells rapidly. li.W. WESTBKOOK, (successor to A. ti. Brapp & Co.) Originator and sole Proprietor. PrifiiipIOflices 31)4 Broadway.NevYvrlr, and cor. 3d & Market Si.,St. Louis, Missourr. Sold bv every dealer in drugs and medicines thronghout the United States, Canada'. Wcsf Indies, and Bermuda Islands. Iy533 Baltimore Adv'l s. BALTIMORE CARD. SALT Salt Snlt. A large sup ply of Liverpool Fine and Ground Alum SALT corrStafTlly for sale by C'a'rr. CHcae A, Co., Commission Merchants March 30, '53 SI Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. Cart, Glese A Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS for the J tiie of Flour, Grain & Luniberf Sjieiirt' Wharf, Jltiltimore. CSAgents for Newark aud Kosendale Cement and Plastt'r. G.AIXM A FINE SfAtTeonsfantlyoa hand". X. Bf: Liberal CASH advanee made ca" donsignmants nn receipt- Balliuiore, March 1, leas iS BaawJalaSaWBi n