Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 06, 1855, Image 3

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    - . .nriiL.
TKVi-Hrcr rhortrr
. .... m rate f." - -6 rt t U month-.
-"" forf""' ' .
$ir..rii-"- NV,ii)ru. rTj -..--
Lr-.- ft,!,, .. ,M.rb n..-- t then
. . nf hl. - 11 . . :i , ;,l
,... .t timr i
:-)l.X;-" ' .. ,11 I.,
i'""-" . W tbv sunt --'- -
,..!... 'V,,,,.,!, iwMfd .t W cents per I
ft i months f j- jo lrtchnt 4c. n. t
Trd ,..v(..r. AH oth-r as nif I
.r f"tU "' .,, rf l,r,ti,r. or 12 "f
it.ter'. t
v. &r n t ftlic!t
s J'li11
.;. d-i.ir.-d on ti H'J "r
1 jrncml intt ivstt
."W"""'": ,.. mt.t. Ail
t,! " ' ..I ui l.v tl. n.uio sua
..sl r:4, stvompanira ly the nsuio
M t.1 CMI- ?'
' ..flh.r;t.T.tor.l
r. to r. clt! utttutiun.
TEI.KOK"'11 locslraintUeios
tilJ"" '
-f tlin ChTOBK-.
. i .! 11 c v'"' . ...
..,1 .ill.
.,vl el. Will iwr."-.'.-
.ioJnefJ"!' .oal.tc tonus,
e e..ffli? on SIM-1
J """" kokvzh it cop.weuus.
. I.VKl. 11-
isTLTS." ..a '-'".
"rs-ii- :',rX"M"'l. -t
A 1-ol.li' oarr
v.11 who lo
wlnmnt of lir
i.r....in; cirri
T M..n f .rtivf.
TV pr--. - - St.l.
C-See AU.crllsoiHcnt
iS-Some lJ or . new auw. .. . ...
.1.:, -.w.V. ta each of which wc direct at-
Several Philadelphia cards Court aud
Legal Xoticcs-on the opposite page.
Mr. Ci-le of Williamsport purposes mn
t tr, nne viciuitv occasional visits, in the
rro-mitiuu cf his bufiness as a dealer in
Mus'eil IustrumenN, See his card,
N. B. against K. N.
The New Berlin .V-tr this week "i reuks
out iu a new spot," aud is vchuicntiv and
indignantly clamorous fur the Aniene.iv. '
party to throw open their council cham
bers and proclaim their principles to tin
world ; and hints that they have done
some wonderful bad things in their d:.y.
If the Slur has not yet learned the prill- j
ciplcs of the Americans which have be n j
, .i i ..1.1 i .. .1,. e.
ar.it.nTiv niTjiauueu L'l iueo.ii i'ji a ivai
.. . i .l. t .!...- ....1.1
past.--we uouo. uuw .uc u
blindness wlnca Has come over ncan ever
be removed.
VThat Lhe new party has performed for
the good if Liberty, Tcmpcraucc, Tariff,
and against Jcsuiti.-m, let its short history
tell. As to its ,:sccrey" ie., the K. Ns
are no more secret or wire-pulling thau
the New lSerliu cliipies have been f .r years
rast: Ihe N D's., and the K. N's both
"fix sines" to suit themselves, and come
cut and annonnce their candidate or not
when they please, aud as th.-.y please,
As to trickiug aud intrigue, we would put
X. B. aeainst "?jiu" any da v.
(Since writing the above, it has been letter or letters being put into a post office,
. . . ..... .i.i . :ii..A
uy-restcd to us that ILo tv. .N s are uot
now more secret in their exchanges of
rpinion as to who tl.ey shall nominate for
President, than the X. L's are ia trying
to find some way to defeat Division. It
is also su.'cested that the Wui" ,;star is
. CC- . ,
merely paving the way for atiotbcr "fus -
JOJl" ticket with tlieDeuiocratic'-Tiuies.")
. ,
Isg-AniODg the business before tbc
j Lrgislature, we noticed a Senate bill for
the recoal of r.art of an act iacoirTatius
ll . ..
the borough of Mifflinburg a petition to
change tbe place of elections in Center Tp
and bill to establish the line between
Union and Juniata counties. Old Cnion
having assigned to young Fnydcr all her
nguis y we. auu.aii. irouuer, ii. oeeoiiiei- mtj,sent Jf it hni Ktt according to
their interest to sec to it that the Juniata j ju auJ t, (.n f..rwar Jeli it vis
county members in each House don't -fix j le cllari-c j wUll udj;s;0,.ai ,,ostl1ge at 10
that line more for the advautaee of Juni-1 . ,, , .- , ,- ,. , ,.t.
ata than of Snyder.
Some membcrt of the Union county bar
have petitioned to be annexed to the Mid
dle District of the Supreme Court.
A further supplement to the common
school law, recommended ly the Depart
ment, passed in Senate.
The Governor vetoed the Stroudsburg
Bank bill,rcfcrring to his Message relative
to a bank at Pottstown, for his oi jeetious.
tmjrhe lmtotrn IsJ-.rr admits lh-.t :
Gov. Pollock's views of the impolicy of!
uj consiuerawe increase of banking c.p-!
Jtal, arc correct, bat thinks that town is ,
entitled to a Uai.k by reason of its large
business wants. Every locality however
puts forth the same plea, no that the Gov-
crnor has to select and decide ace,,,:;,,., i
own view of the general piud.
5-J no uarrisbnrg M ,,;,, ll,-ri,l of
- -M.uvaatc states pr. t'v plainly, tint
,UB "-'gisiattire can't t! e' i'i- '.
ws-TjroTidef.rtLe s..L-"(f
lie W orks flictt, ,.e i i .
or .
- v-.- , w men ti.ev we
.... s -.-...., , l-C s-1,--
" s--.- c-,ijmif '.0 Sav We a.l
n i
V I u.is ciiiierreri npoi
hauoraryt tie of Ai H r . '
u "pernor has c niferred
oticnfri . ' "lat ,1C "as taken :
can Lnt v . -c-" j who, we
rwic- Success to the "Co."
- umn HJUff ifi.Mi '
o wife, we ,
cially e.cc'ed to perform.) the lest tLit " A Fl'r'c!' f f resolutions d.fitiing the dulies
tacy cax do is to pass the most mod-rTe of lI'e officers, and providing for the per
Ap, ropriation possible and m-ike way 'nanent organization of the Society wctc !
for their successors. Aud a Jury of the i atlopted. Another niretittg is to be held
IVsOtile Wiml.t v i ' .. . ' ' I rr.. .. t ..t.. .f t..s it. . ..r
. . .j., .....,..,. r,r.c;imn -,f
the Christian UUurcli, was reaa on cuuciav
Iat bv Jons Owkns of Pittsburg, before
tbe Society for Inquiry of tbc Uuiversity
' .......
at Lewisburg.
8TAt tbe annu:il meeting of tbe Soci
ety for Moral and Uoligious Iuijuiry, held
at tbe University Chapel, 4th inst., tbe
following Officers were elected lor iub
ensuing j ear
President J R f h"i"".
Vice PrrMdrnt-K l'tml-T. lLdl.vsl. rS
aU-i d" 'HF.sl.,r..isrruve,-NJ
lc g SSec'y J A Owens, ri.tsl.urs
Treasttrcr- K Kvans. Ornsboro
j- r l : ,,m
i KltTCIintMIS'-, 1 i inn c -
I.KHl.-iaiKl, l'A.
Tbe awakened inte-
st iu thij liUce, noticed by us a few
itill continu's. Twenty-seven
new nieiniicrs were leieived at a recent
coniniunion. 1 il-yt rim Mumcr.
8tf?even persons were baptized in the
West 1! ranch, on Sunday ufteruoi.n last,
by tbe Pastor of tbe Lewisburg liaptiut
rtrjuWe are rarticlarly ind. b'ed to the
, r .1 . t 1.. O ...
i gallaut tana-ny 01 me i enu .vauia oe..- j
I ate, Captain liltAI'V, lor a volume 01
State Documents and Legislative Keeords,
eartfullv bound and t. reserved by him.
" ' , V i'ms e
f-r the Senate annually, and no Officer iu
citlcr House Letter cams his pay.
Jtep motig tlic Letters uJvcrlizeil this
Ueek, are a large number which are in;
i 0..1. Iinnd writin-T. nostpiid. and came to- :
from Ncw York, for persons entire -
. - .,
unknown in tins retrion. Ihe names aro ,
L w Hutch, apparently, and they have all
probably been misdirected. '
erTbe Phila l. Ledger of the 4th inst
I , i t-i
has returns from Municipal J. lections,
show the success of the K. N. iii Sandus-
j ky, Cleveland, Columbus, (0 ), Calais,
!..... s i s ... i . . t 1.:.. t
j I Ml:) .napolis, t 'U.J aim v. .miinoia,-.-.
T'u v were d fentcd in
Toledo and
al'-t IViLs O'.io.
). uvu
r-I"Tlie Governor of YifCh-iti. has
vetoed the 1'rohii.itory Liquor Law, re
cently passed by the Legislature of that
State, but the L-gislature promptly passed
l . r .. .. :.!. ,t. ;. ..!,.,.
i." ii .1 . m: : ..!.,.
1tq1li.v aii repori me uis?ou. ...u.s ...
i n...;...l .1... t..,,.-.i I ..rt-ttnri:.! I-. .-etiiin
tiiniu tut ...u.-.., ............
I t ; r....,,l r.i.r nii.l rnl,.l.
v-T..nI.-err.ers in tell,' in it to Wr for
' "
a license at May Court, should publiu
their Notices di xt weif
Pcstage Re-julations.
Ajpoilillili III ((.'ti e, Mtn h 2, lSo.").
ifir : Your letter of the ilUb instant is
received. Ia answer, I am directed by
j the Postmaster General to in form you
I i- me aci 01 me .-riarcn, ioo.j, ma-,
j king no pr ivisiou for unp-iid letters M
; laces within the I'uited States, ou the
j sati.o or day following any such unpaid
; itie posimasi- r uiirei i in -.s. uj. cou-
up con
pieously in his offi e a list of the sr.:ic
stating that they are held for postage. If,
I not attended to, such letters mu.-t be re- ;
I turned monthly to the Dead Letter Office. '
' -1 l lit. 1- ll
i 2. Letters part patu should be tlispalcli-
Iii i .1 1 1- - I . 1
, c 1 cliarged with the additional postage
' due at the pr. paid rate, according to dis- ,
,. .., rt-ildi-l rd bv said act except 1
i lal.l.- , esl.U II-I.i'1 ly tr.ua ac, lll(il .
wLcrc the ,;.Vion to t.av the correct
amount js ktiocn to have b -en i t
' .. i..... .s...v .t,,.i.t i... .,.,.! ti.
j nuu iu.j .- iuv. ....v. ..J
letters wholly unpaid.
I 3. It is proper to forward a let'er when i
rrollesfrd iu wriitur. When f.irn :ie.l-.l .
, .,,1,1:, :,,,,.,t ,t ,, 1,1 1 ,.t...r ,,,.1 :r 1
! (h . iet.r c-ulr;,ry jts a(3,re,S) ,ins liccn
, j-i-.ati .utv., usu.'.i.j .0 ut. sialism, . s-.o-
limbed by the act cf 2d Marcti, lSo3,afore-
! 4. Ship letters, as thry can not l e
I prepaid, and tire uot supposed to be ciu-
; braced in the tieiv act,
will coutinue to be .
.i: ...v .i i i.. :.. .1.. t :.
Uis aieneu n:;ieiii.jij jii i.ie j no imuiii oi ;
the fifteeulh section of the act of 2, March
I am, re-pec! fully, yr.ur obedient ser
First Assietant Postinoster General.
1 iTt Assietant I ostmoster I. oner:.!. j
IsaM V' 1'owlcr, PoMii.astcr, New York. !
Ac.uiaT.TTRAl- Society. A meeting
was held in Wiliiamsport, on Ihe 24th
ut.( to lake measures for the formation of
;, , a. ieuitural Society in that county,
Temporary officers were elected to .serve
.1 r M f.ll..,..
J-ihn Oreo,,, 1 n s.dciit ; Jo.n. L. Ila.lI. :
Wa'.-on, Vice Presidctits ; C D. i.ldrc-i., i
S '.-rslary; 11. J. l icKir, irea-urer; at u
Vm. I'. Pr.c'.c-, Jas. Arm-trong, L. G.
iluii.i ,:,Geo. V.'hi e,Ali,.: T'piograj Ii,
V. Woodward, T. Cory. -11, .'laiiagors.
ID' sail) tliouill oi mu m-i, uuv ui
i May ut-xt.
j The Catawissa, U'ilii.iinsport ami Uric
! ll iilroad Compatir, have contracted with
Mr. Gou.il, the President ul the eusejuc
banna Telegraph Cirmpany, f.nr the erec
tion of telegraphic wire's along their liue.
The work is to be commenced as soon as
the frost is out of the ground.
The State Penitentiary of Tennessee,
was destroyed by fire on Wednesday morn
ing of last week. Oue convict, named
Cuuner, was smothered to death by the
smoke. The loss in tbe bniUinga aud
tool, ii , is estimated at $100,000.
LcWisbnrg Chronicle
tv-f it tie are dviuir m many ran
of I
.uw u v...-, -- -
Hay is selling at S.-U per ion. i e ano
. i . . .....nr.!.,,,,. in I
01 lalC, ni,;" ... .
...r.t,.-. .0,.,:iV nt f...t. :
re-ion, on k- " ---V ,
Jer. DniJ'"i'l Arjus.
Census of Kansas. A complete onu
incration tn u;c voung popmauou in rvau- ;
a li-ij 1, ','M oLtninc'I. It seetns to con
tain 3,0o0 elector., which are divided m.o ;
seventeen election districts.
Xo License. TUo Court of Quarter i
Sessions of Washington county, iu this
S'atc, Lave determined to grant no license
to taverns for the sale of liijuor for the en
suing jiiar.
Mail Auent. V"e are plaJ
that otir yoang townsman, .Mr. Henry .
IVtrikin, lias been utiiuintei by I o-t
.Master t.eurral ( ample.!, Mall Ag.-ut on -
the ears rnuuint; bctnveu Port Cliuluu t
and Kltni,..-.!,,, L,nU ,r,.
; Tbe Prrt-resMVC farmer" is the title
j of a neat Agricultural work, puUi.slicd at '
t.i-i lit- .v o v -.1 r..t. t f r'
j Mi'leli.hia, at -No. 2 .North Gtb ot., f.;r ,
! 'J5 cents l-ir annuiii. in advance. It is
w,,r.i, jt,u'0iu ti;at aiu.jUut. Kditor, A.Y.
Rsccipls for Elarch.
R (i Orvt-i", I'liilad-l, p.l to Xj. CIS
' I.. & Mtfllmh. Turnptke Co.
; v-alkcrf ,.(.wi,,.ur!, 1 C12
! it V II I.in.-..!n, ll.ii tVy
I nil
1 .r.O
1 no
1 no
i r.o
1 01)
5 lid
2 (10
I'liorn'.itii A. Cti. -nv."-iiirT
Tru.-ip s M K CU il
. u- M,n.., i . .. isi.nrv
. J-bu Ii -nn.e, Kelly
! Haul XtyUart. Harrishnrj (C)
3 00
J. tin ll.v.lC West liullalne
S irah T M'C.irniick, I.ewisburj
J L il-'vniau do
James ll.ives, P;itiphin Ci.
B. I
C. S
75 ,
SO ;
6'1 ;
. J i
jn ;
SO .
(ill 1
Juiiii T M isee. Mercer Ci.
I "aiilel A.'il, IV IV
j.lc,,b . p,eil.-r, Lancaster Co.
A P and M Mevleit, S'llliv in Co.
II V Ili-auer, Columbia Co.
F A Jjonaliow.-r. I.e-isburg
J P Swcenev. L.iron, III.
Frederick M.ii'sli, Lewisburg
Mrs P Thomj-n rt
Vm II It'chb r. Selinssrove
Mendelssohn t)i ir'etie Club
Jereiniali Par!;, S ulmn
A Ii Verse Kmj. I. -wisbur?
s HI
l -5
Ci3 ;
J M C K niek. Milllit.hur"
I! niar! Jr. East,,!,
SO :
; Miss p I.
.b in s ",
Fa-t H iO'iloe
1) Kline, Lcwisbtir;
1 J,
1 Je
Ini Hertz do
.se Sehrever do
-I.-u-i.h ii ltniwn. East lliilTaloe
'r i i. ....... .!..
S 00
1 so
r. so
, ...,...,...
! 1 )anl U Ulll.'.lll, K-lly
I li ,..,-h Election T.ekets
' fhlltnail. 1'enn slioro, V a.
'Junes Harris. I.ew.sburi;
. Ja,nl,s 'rTSwrll d-i .
I SO !
J M-Trill Linn Eq. do
i Mrs V Craham. lliintiredon't'o.
I t arr. liiese C . Haltiniore
! .'-o T Cole, William -pert
! P X L-.irl. Lewisburg
j Wm WiNo.. do
; riet;e t:i, IluSaloe
i .Mis'!' ',' . -ous
1 00 I
5 00 l
1 ....
CI 2
3 So
; AVbeat
! Itye
J Com
Vorrtrlid Weekly.
12 li's....
..8 12
.. 1
.. 10
.. VI
, j1' '
I ' -.'iX.iCl'il 1 I -
. . . . , . ; j .jr
: -r-.--
Lewisiurg Post-Cfice Arrangements,
.i.srA'.viaii.-(u Mi -t -s.i.rrryii.y i,ut Sunday.
rl.sr at !. A M.
.-.i.sri.-.v jiaiia isXotruV eicrv.tny i hisuh.i.t
rlrat;i'j ol,k, l'.'.M
uEsintx, Munds;, wiUcMia) an.itn.ir.
.vt;7-.,.vvwiiiiain'inrt v.n.i w'.'X'!Iii!frA."M'
rl"" " '' xl "f"'-1'' ''"-Hng
A-t,t--A-.V.Srliosfrue-.iie.a.lUurl swleslowl..
. .. ,t ij, m-
elost- nt S I'.lf r.f nnil.t .rrre-llne.
I . e-.n""in"!1,.""".',1".T e,ee,.t?.n,.iav,,fr,.taeMtii
tl'. 4 1 . .It.l I rUl 1 11, .11 . UT.t ! I . .1 .
II. V. .CitOTZKK. P..M
By Rev A U Caspar. isi!i Feb., Jonathan
II immel and Miss Elizabeth Slear. both ef ;
i J;'1, ;
D.miel Jarrct and Miss t
f IVnns Tp. Still, n't.
. Il.1lii.sl S'.iou-ers ol' ( V r. l.-i V i lie an.! Miss KIit.
!.!,..tl. Mrl of I'.rtie. Also I..rl Il .tlnn. '
, bach of 1'eniis and Mess Rebecca Kline of
: Jackson Tp.
i At the M E. rimreti. I.eu is'oir- s -ihl.atl.
j evening 1st inst. by U-v Benjamin Ii ll inilin,
i J.nnes Hutchison and ?diss Maria Baldwin,
i all of Lewisb-i. (It is haidlv i.eepsary to
I add. that the Pnn'ers wre g-nrrons'y retr.eui
j bered on the jovo'is occasion, and j -in in the
j genera! wish for fair skies and smooth sailing
'h1 rcw adventurers on the sea of inatrim-
In Mt Pleasant. W. si;r,orenn.t Co. IWlh u!t.
agd 20 years. Mr.. Mary E. wife of John I.oyd
Smith and daughter of B.-njamin Bear Esij. of
; Clinton Tn.
, n-rwiek. 2:.th tilt. Mis Frances E Miiicr
in her 2ihh year.
TIIIE ShClI near S. S. Barton's new house,
J Third t-'reet. A. K. BELL,
April n, l:.).o. Cen.Ag't Cniv'yat I.er'g.
Old Sol-liars' Blanks.
T)0rXI'V LAM) WARRANT blanks fr
tiie Oiiiec of ihe Lewisburg Cinonicle.
Uni-crs!ly al L.
M tnLnir
1JRIMAUY Department.
I 'I'l-acl.cr. 'Pins School will commence
us next '1'erm on Mml,ii,.th 2.17 ,ml.. in the
room occupipd by Mr. B ill, in the University I
Female Institute. April fi, 1N.V SiJy.-tpd I
OT!-e of the Union County M utual Fire ) i
liin.rinoe c ... L"wisburg. April S, 1RS5. (
fJENERAI. Meeline of the Members of
this Company will be held at their I
Otlice in this Burongli on Musmr the 7th day
of Mav next, from 1 to 4 o'clock, P M, to choose
thirteen Directors for the ensuing vear.
J A MERTZ, Secretary.
"HEALER in Pianos, Mclotleons, and
J all kinds of .lluxirul Irlrreiian-
disc. Keeps eonstantlv on hand, Hallet &
Davis, Boston ; Lighte, Newton .V Bradburys;
and B-ntietl c Co., X. Y.. PIANOS. Also.
Princes & Co.'s celebrated MEI.ODEOXS, '
prices f-rrsi IJIj no u, SilSO 00.
O.- i..r :'. m a distance will meet with prompt
attei te Second hand Pianos taken iu ex
Change f.T new.
Room directly opposite the Onrt Itonse,
WiUiamtpvrt, fa. April 4, '66 73m6
& West Branch FarmsAjwlrlWJ
Sr-rlmr And Summer Goods, at I
-r o ' .
11 isbur!r, ,ior to Klines Ilotfl.
JuM receiv.r(li 1!ar(.?e df L,lirl5, i,, -n
Challtes, new Prints,
Nankeens, Wil- ,
uiincton Stripes, Keersnckers
Brown and
Wh; - e Gtna-Ml UoruSt white Irish Linens,
I r. J ...i I .....l ..-.v. Un-litis t'nmtiriR. i
: i....... XI,.lin. simni.ed and em- I
i i.. '.:x. i..ti.., i:n.t.r!iUeros and Xnencers. I
Veils, plain and plaid Umrhams, i
lllllcl jue,i
Silk Poplins. Spruif Silks.cheap 1 ickniR Mus-.
Knr,1rs. Vrnr overalls,
DtMi'ii' n ciuiii.-., :
and new and fabhiouable Trnou:ng. in every ;
ur.v. ;
.STATIOXERV Oillntt s Pens, mercanlile !
and for ladies' use. The lerHlack Ink, by the
gallon or any smaller quantity. Scgur-s, To
bare. i. iVc.
A (re!i assortment of Oranges, i.emons,
Raisins, Dales, Kisjs, Iceland Moss Paste, r i;r !
a'l ConftfCljIoiifrifS iu every v;
fll e ,lmond S ap, and Iii2hlr per-
tumej utivtn s ustasr, p.onoui.iu UJ. ...... ,
jus p,(,motjn , RrowtU f ,l,e bair.
A Ci.ci-uiisd laimtr is alio opened, ,
""ri.vL-.tl.nf... c':! I
J spplj.j , readers'ai One Cent per day for '
each volume.
Ladies are invited to call and eianune
Mnfg par,.hasi!, t-i,ewhere. as bargain of
.he ,n,,sl satisfactory character ui.l be given.
! J-ctvi-burc, April r., l.:..
fpiIR Partn-rship heretofore existin; be
I tween J. A- I'. Srint is this duy dis--..l.f.!,
by mutual conse.it. The outstanding
business "will be settled bv F. Hpyker.
Apr.l IHjo. J. & F. SPVKEK.
Tl.e business i.f the above linn will be car
ried on hereafter bv the subscriber, who is de
termine.! . sell Hats. Caps. man
.-er i.uvred befvre in Lewisbuis. 'utTem
please f;ive me a call. F. Sl' KEI
s J . Tt t
AiuniDistiaiui a ivji-iv-c.
W"KKAS. Le,,rs of Admoijsiration to,
V "he estate ot I I. I I.I M LIt. late of
tbe ll.iroiv.'h of Lewisburi?. ( niinty ot l.nion, .
deceased, have been grained In the subscriber, i
all persons indebted to said estate arc request- I
ed to make immediate pavnicnt ; and those '
having claims aaiust the same, will present
them du'v autlicniicatrd f.r stt!enient, to
April 3, ".'. JOHN B. LIXX, .l.A,.'r.
I'tiion f'uuniu f ". .
In the matter of the Jli t" O.-r.'iatu'
sition of the real estaie of Pl; C Court if Cnion
Tin MiTitr.iis, ate ot UuUa-It. ounty.
loe township, dee'd.
VTOTIfi; is hereby given. Isabella Mathers,
l widow James Mathers, Joseph K-lly
and .Margaret Ins wile, John t-risweu ami
his wile, John Lriswell and
Jane Ins wile, tudeoti i-'ieil.lcl, J.iines .vie -
Creiebt, Es.i., ciiardinti of Paviil. Daniel, Pe-
. .. 1. . ! 1. I
o-r oi., i-.iiuuei r., .i.iaiii i.., i i . .in-. -o".
B. Sehedd-I, miuorebildreii of Martha Mehi-d-
del, deceased, antl William and J homas Jo
don, minor children of Mary Jodon. deceased,
and John Mathers, heirs an. 1 legal represen-
tames of rtler Mathers, late oi i.nii.iioe
township, deceased : Whereas, bv an ino'ies:
i for that purpose, awarded by lire Orphans'
1 t'onri ..I" it.n c:.mntv aforesaid, the real estate
! ..I tl,c;,l P.-ii-r Miitbers was anoraised. and
. j none of the heirs of said deceased appeared
in Court to lake the premises therein described .
at ihe appraisement; you and every of you j
h.rMo- filoil to anncir nt the Hell .nerill
i " 1 1 " -
1 Orphans' Court to be held at Xew Berlin on '
the 1 1th day ot .Mav next, to necept or ret use ,
to take the premises aforesaid at the appraise. )
mcnt. or show cause why the Court should j
not (!"eree ihe tame to be sold. I
Wittiest the Hon. A. M. Wilson, President
of said Court, at New B'-rlin. the Slt .lay of
February, A. I). 1S5. SAMUEL ICOl'SH,
LS. y April . !..51 l ink. ,
JIST of Letters remaining in the Post O"
l lice at Lewisburg, Pa , March 91, ISS.i.
I Aurand H
H-av Charles Bell Cath
; Baker Eli 2 Bi ll Mrs Sarah
I Betz Mrs Elizabeth 3 Brodick Virgil
I Brunei Henry Blibl J.ic. b
I Bruner Sarah Jane Back Eiias
! Baker Mrs A E Bremer U T
Bub Fr
Cu!p Mn Elizabeth Clausser B B
Caldwell E Mr. Christliclu iB tschafter
I'.ih.ott John Frgood Jacob
Ell ott Mrs Mary F.hrrcr Jacob Enns David
I'lmiJane Frishmuth W Falkenstein P
far-as:i n Jas A 2
t.ibsoii Will an
(iairellsnn U
lioiTman II Ii
Ii .tfniau M Linn
l e sler Dr
lie. 111 nn II
Herbert Fr
H n r es Miss Mary
il. vcr M ss E izaLelii
(i iito r i libr
tieer David
II n 1 r Mi s Sarah
Hael enburg Miss Mi ry
H igenl.acli Peler
Hate T uiuias
11 ill li K
Hatlb 1 1 A L g
Hipe Fredk
K -nple Miss Cith
K ink It. v C M
Kirif II ram
Luckenbi'.l Edwin 2
Leopai.l Joseph
Lewis John
Ii'a:i'o J. hn
Kelly S ir.ih Jane
Kolii r Jonathan 2
j Ii'iser Ado ph
j '."! Hr
Leib (ieorgc
j liil- r Miss MaryAnn -M inre L'ei j
i .Miller Miss Mary M'Cormick Wm U
! M inn C It M.trtm Tlios
M'-hl Julius Miller Satnl F
i .Minijkeii 11 M-yer MrsNiphia
I Mu?;e Joliann
I'urcell Joseph Perkins Rachel Miss
Peizold Martin
IScish Ccnivrl M 5 Herds John
li.-ish tSc Ke'ly Reedy Anna K
Hooks Charles Rothermel Jackson
Radnitz Louis
Sh.nTer Sarr.I
shiw iu F
Spitllcr Jacob
.Stovtr l.'eo W
tsi.ihl A lain
Slear Miss Annie
Miuith John R
Summers Jeremiah
Telle I!
Wiser Isaac ('apt
Smart H J
Stewarl R 3
Steiniiiier II
Siit-olietit R A
Sciin-lder C s
S-ul I'll
Siemoiis Hedwg
Sjiiler James
Thresscr Fritz
Wchr Miss Susannah 3 i
Zardmati Miss Elizabeth
P..r...nv ,11,., r.,r .Imra irMI nti"
j they ate advettised. or thev mav not get them.
I 11. W. CKOT7.ER. P. M.
"IU II snbsrril-rrs nre just oppintj a .V?
rrjckvt HariHvni'i at th olJ fira-
1.1m M tp Unum, Markrt street, I.evrivl ur.
nh.I rnniip;! llip c ii tnn aT I 'iiinrt ami afiinrf-nf
Cl).,,.s to cad and examine it, and thus help
, pjhlish a business which we lrnt will
provp ni,.lav beneficial. We will keep eon.
stanlly on hand a general assortment of Build.
Ing and lloiisekeeping Hardxrare, Coachwsre.
Saddlery, Shoe Findings, Iron, Paints. Mils,
arnishes, &.C., which we will sell at r.i ;in-
cej. Our stock is entirely vw, and yon cat:
rely Willi certainty upon ceiling the best arti
cles ai ine naruware iore oi
Itryimltls X .U'I'addrrl.
Lewisburg, March 211, Irion.
OCSEKEPEKS attention ! Wil! be found
at the new Hardware Store of REY-
XOI.DS & M'FADDEN. LewiAbnrg. Candle
sticks, Snufters. Clothes Lines, Cntlef Mills,
Knives and Forks. Shears and S-issors, Bake
Pans, Round and Oval Boilers, Shovefs and
Tongs, Stair Rod, A-c, which will be sedd loiv
for the money. Ladle, rail and see.
OIIOEMAKERS know what a trouble it is to
get an afscrtmfnt of Lasts, Moroccos. Li
ning and Binding Skins. French Kttt. Shoe
Thread. Heel Nails. Brisiies, A-c; all, and
much more, yon will find at Ihe nw Hardware
Store of KElNULDo & ,M FAUDKY
burg. '
C ADDLF.RS. if yon rail and "amine nr
tncW nf
Harness. Bridle anil Roller Bue-1
liars. Stirrups, Mounting, lltrtli- j
ir, rUraining Web, Saddle Tr-;e.!
I hks, liitts, Haraes
ii.ir llfpr llnir.
-i icl.tt,..' TrtL 111 fio.t
l Hip OLIfClil nu auut' 1 1 '
jl ,, yoaradranta'-'f. Hardware Store in Lew- !
ft lHVI AhbKS Will
find cnnslatitiv
I hand Klinlic Springs, Axles. Hub Bands
Lares. Dak Kelloes. Qovt!. and a general as- i -
M.riment .f Trimmincs. at tiie Hani ware Store
of UfcYMll.iBK m ' yJ"J:i2.'Z S '
4 nypi; i-nme mid exftimneour new
1 vi..-lr i.f Trnre. I a ter.
treasl and ilntt
(.u.js , M. Forks, Hav Forks, Hrvhe.
i;,.nn KaKts, I uoins M"ves.e ,.it ! ri.ii-..-
lARl'E.N TEKS. we fnn supply V"-i
tli relebrairdCreenl'i'-l 1 lu! f..-misny ,
Planes, Hunt s ceiel.rate.l Uaiciieis. .'
zes. lir.at Unildirs' AJzes, fhiet, M-iares,
Siws. Siw Si-H, Anpers. Pline tt.v. II IN of
all kinds. All will be sold Iwr I'.ian nual
Ilrop in an ! see. .-i.Hmt1'-h :
no rbare for eianiin:nt' ' l '" H ir .-
ware Stoic of REVXOLliJ v M ' !'i)EN,
I,eu i-h:.rr.
H,r i
IIP. unili'WijiiPil, ( i-nir.ns inr.cr !
In ion County, will meet at tb.:r i it.ee.
in the l!..r..ui;!i nt Xew Letlin. on I viH iy.
Hit' Itt.ll l.iy of April licit, fur t;.e purpose
i,l holit'ii? the Apr.enls en the A'stiMin-i:l ''f
ihe various districts of Union Cottt.ty, when
and vviiere a'.l persons whomay lci-1 liie.n ..-Ives
aj:;neved, may attcna n tney num -iru
As essrs will be particular t return nr
Assessments as arly as possi'.le .m said .
si-M I.ITI 7.KI.. ' C m:nrS.
rommVi Otlice, New Iicrim, March S'J, Is.-.
.- .
, rf -a Vtc nn,l C;irdpn.r5 Tho Iin
1 il-rsi
-sirned hariotr a limid snpplv of '
is called the Tidl Corn, will sen t
cient quantity tor planting iw-my-i:
( f pM
ini-t Milt, to anv person woo vi i
11 f rwird him.
men or r;;i.-rv. .s,
Larger quatitmes at the
:mii. rste.
He b'-heves he is the only person in this
Commonwealth possessing any of this inva.u-
able crn.
I Tii- usual vield of this corn is abo-.t tii;h!
I to . Ut (art lo tb single stalk. Th follow
j tnq notice, taken from the Luzrrnr Lnhn ot
j X v. i, ish I, vill give some ilea of die value
' of this arlide :
"Pii.,i,i i riTiComr. We were sh 'xn, yes
,,.riiilV) .y (-ap,. Converse, a stalk of corn,? f
! rare kind, which was set f.r eighteen ear-, but
owing to ihe seed haviu? been plan--,i toola.e ,
only eleven came tomattiri.y. If tin climate
and soil is adapted to the raising ol i.i:s corn,
and there seems to be roidoult if it. it e-rt-nn-
, v
must prove to be a most aeeepi:tt.i se-' i to
1 Ullr f,
i -,
mers." ;V l-1:;,
;es I!.irie.LtizerneCi,l,a.,.Tr.r.h-l,
- .
i; VtiKVl a rfind nrlii-ll WP
iii. . i . . - -
... -i ...ii ,l,nr. r nv.-h-.n'-e f. r a II 12-
iii-w Pit A- KKKMEU.
i , ,,..i!'.. .'',-.
Lewisburg, March 20, 153
. I
Thr latest Spring stle nf SILK j
HATS also a lot oi Iv.iVanc. line
Sifofi Hats just r.-eeivtd at the old
L -wisburg, March 51, r;:
Mrs. P. Thompson
rII.L fi'ton a S'1HLL for YOUXH
LADIES, on the first Wednesday in
.tpri , II ' .e 1.111.-1 .IHO VI-ll..H'UU..o
.he (ir,t floor i f Mr. Prick's new brick l-.lil.l-
: .... ' 1 l,..o.r.T.'r.ii u-ltl be elver
ola .... i n;m ........ ...... ..... 0
ill all the branehestisiiallv taught in Female
Seminaries. While an el'.ort i U be made to
direct the pupil in sucha course as will ensure .
iiite'lertnal discipline, attention will also be
paid to tbe cultivation of the moral feelings
and the loruiation of correct habits. Such
assistance will be prtcured, as the interests:
of the school mav ree
l-,.. . e... .1. !..'..!. l.rnne ties .tn rinT ihe
Summer Session of U wetns from -l 50
to S;7 s.
w l . ... ..... in...: t'v...
r rem n. i.aun. oiiis:'-, iiii.i i.iai. i.i
I.cw sburg. March 11, !)&.
The Summer Session
nr uic Li'.uisKiRr, academy
' will commence in Mosn.T, .A
1 iS.V. and conttntie .0 weens.
r:... r.,nr,i. of Insiriirti m is cale'tlated to
i fit vonihs for College or f. r general business. I
! Tne Bible is in daily ti'e, in ihe School, i
: Composition and Declamation receive careful
attention ; an.t f rol.ciency
I Smrties. is rewarded by iii
m Iv-'citation ot
be.stowment of ,
j ..'.iph'rtrniurij t arils. j
F..r Reference, ihe snl-seribcr coe.ld give j
i the names of most i f our principal citizens j
who h.ivfhiid children or wards nri.b r his care-.
s ,t.... i- t-,r ,, will be see irct.
I i'.-.TUis :K..r Languages. 10; A-Uancedj
j English. Common Br.mche-, pleading,
(Writing. Ceography, Ar.thmettc. t.ra.nmar. !
I and V. S. History,) : per session. (. .
tmgent xnene per session. rl". per
I 'eiiolar. No deductions except for s st fsr. ,
March lo, s... Principal.
T!..' ninn'-.-r T pt.y i'. n-"-! uli-.m lTi.-r w. rr tw-t.-w-s!
t;isl S. j.K-n. ww to. win. .1 i n..l l';iil it. a Jiny.'c U.cJ :
ti'm alttii.uli ..iu'- . f lli'-nl lnj or--r-'. -I.
By RaHroi'l
TEST rocV. a Iioauiil'iil lot of TVs
.1 L lines ai'o! neat style.! prints ; is-r,. , ,r
ing, Xew M arket and P.icasset Mtisiins. at
low prices, py 3. HAYEs cc Co.
March 2, ls'.j. !
New Firm and New Goods!
T i!ic M.iniriHi!'i Drag it llicniical
Einporitiin cf
The undersietted baring purchased the entire I
Mammoih Drug Store lormerlv lent by Ifr.
'-..,,, .,. r,.i , fii iir,t,.r I
.- . . ... .'. .- v- .1
hare ii l.ir -e rrd well select"., slock- ol Iresh
hare a large red w.
and pure HKI'HS. MKIHCISKS, Chemicals.
D.esitifi-o O N, Paints, Cass. Putty and
Dltt (.lilsT' fii. ASSW ARE;
Ail Mini ' I'almt M:i;-!i ,
I'rnit and Confectionery,
Tc'baecojSntilT.ar.d Iuiporte ! Cigars of il.c i
choicest brands. ,
1'inri yulii.au anil Toilet Ariietn, I
Fiiie Toilet S 'ips Jfc Perfumery nf all kinds
Um siiiis n C'oi"' "V VAiutrf. j
looks :unl MifloTtrrv. j
a gen7al variety of Literary ami School Boot... .
Pine fid, Lirl and fluid Lamps of every '
description ; tresh I'me (I.l an 1 I atent Burn
in" Fluid always mi hand.
PURE WiNfcS and LIQUORS cf all kinds
f.r Medicinal use... .
I'i re I'im. unil Z'nir P.iinlr.
Preserving and Pickling Jars, See.
nrCustomerswtM find our stock complete.
cnrriprisiug rftanv arl:r!es it is impossible here
In enumerate, and all soi.t ai moucraie p.:cr.
Call an.1 see ni. one and all, and see oar
stock ; and if we can't sell you cheap goods,
we will nut ask you to buy.
We are always on hand to wait on rnstomers.
Remember the Mammoth Drugstore!
Lewisburg. Cnion Co. Pa.
T) J" I f T'" Q for Justice, and
Jj XJ All IVk Conntahlca.for tale
or jrinied to order, a! the Chronicle Odice
cf H"rrrr, Krrmrr t Mmr n'rtf
rnHF j"rm
I ,hit (1a(
& K
day di-isolved liy mutual rtms'nit,
arer A Ktruier iiavm j'ir:iiasea ii .r.
M li-rs liis inli'ieit. rli v u:ll e,.n-fuet ill"
lutsiiiess iu future, and ictt!'- tn- .M eixinfs rf
the late Kin.!. P. BBWK.R,
D. s. kkei:r,
Lcwiaburr.March .l S.V.. K. W. M i KB.
T I sml J .sH;rItir V lttil' '
11 t:.SlMEKH, and i ciii c.i'J HA I S.
i-i-it ree d and fur i.e l.v
Trnrmrpmrnt In Er.etirrcot-x5l)K !
. I lire r P- IfllVV -en . tm ta tflii 1
SJ I'YREu & Jl VH . (tCnOiintC l UK .
V ) public ibat iM-y have new 'y t'.t'ed up and
;reat:y iin; r.vt.l tiu-ir K nat- and Apparatos,
,,,,i arc nr.-n:ire t f taki I.lk-! 'UP
a,,;,- .nti.is (I'.-iee bervt.d -n-. 1 1 irinres
r .picd, cirtak -n fi .oi lite.an-l m .eo in ie- ,
i! i.Unn-, llreastp'ns r ii-rerntiss, dtc:ieai,
t ir., and warranted true. We annex a list of
I ..ur'ti:ri.-r C.ie-.: p.i;'v. r .Miie:i-.f -uemr.
I J.-I1I.V Lltel, -l?W:, I !.".tl, T.M.-..ai..r.wl
an I ?''!!. IVtMr-s tnV-n a -St a-! p:rar"-
II oms at fhei.lt ar.d over fir. Th -rnl-.n ti ' f.
! I
Urn; st..r.
e'l rapu oluce.
L-a-.sl.ursr. f
roti .-.m.i;
A t'.r t-i !
O i'!ii. r,'! er irple'e
-e v .'.! :-ell t- any
::s in the birinr-s,
"Hits yau sccz SAn?"
'l'.i'.MS lo lif a iyw'm akr.l by
t ever. b ; br.t we meo.ire.
II tic
I v.;:h t-i.r Mippv of
SfcoM. ..SlUcr. &.C.?
I t:.. ...s. ..es lis,-:-- as-eia'e I - hem -
i,t 1 , , ,t(1 , ConafLersoi). ia i: - -s.
. l ... . . .... .'. .1.11. . (i I ;-in.l
1 1! r.l-p, 1 1 i 11C Ui'i;.,. '
f S. .V D Sun a. on M-rket Su thi cHeap-st
: ii ,r C-isU) and best lot T
f.e M-n ! B -
. ever ' .ii-rt l in i.w.sonrg. j
ri'endid assortrarrt -f j
fr .nil. no- (irnii-mfn. r
i Als.. a ne e an !
I i;l l SHi.
v o' 'i ii'-r. !Mi G..:ters.T-?.. Bus-1
v infers f -r Ladies and Misses,
a's . Cli.b'r.-t. s ;i..e i i the tvesi
silrs and Si7CS ; .s e. it", se.. i
W. rl: ' laid t rrd t U-n'l.u d -n as
usual a-. .1 a. lb- Workmen have rendered ,
satisla tion ueretof. re, we triisl we .shall have ,
a full share of public pn'r nnee. SAM will
continue to be on hand J formerly. and hopes ,
to give ceoeral at!fa.-ioa b all en .ronie,..
Lewisbttri, Feb. l3 (
v. ..-. (tiriV-.m Srran.l. iif n'A.
' . ,.,,,..
j A ft fll. ,s limbV ClVfn l!Zt Letter
Te-nin-ir irv en n.e estate o
j Auran.j, i ,- j;a'. ;: t .vn-s
in .. , M.
t Ctni.ti
: I
j,UCi. tei wanted ' I'll K-sister
j c-o--.:.-. t.. the
,,.,r,.s!.;n t ai.J
i-iibe.s. re
ieni in s.ioi
s-.i-s havir-s
; ..mis .-r .o-iuai
a.iis. ine e-s;aie
e-1 to make known '.be
and to. ) ii-b i.'.f I ate
.ieeedent are r-
; same wiuioui i.
I r.-uuesi.-d lo make i o r bie roil in -tit.
.RK li M AI'P.AXD,
tx'n of ln-t will r.n.'. tel. of A. Aurar.d. tlec'd.
East Buifi' ie, Feb. 10, ISS5
WV. ti ItMVPtoiniro
' OIlM'U'i'
to ihe c::!.o-.-.s rf LEWISltl'KG ai
.. . ...... . . . " ... r- nr 4 V--nrr t
nr riiiv. is t.vi''ii; , ..i ..... i
llic AMi .twli-rarlic foal,
.1' tMnau.hr r!lUT!l. Xjithrim1" rl rij Co. Ji.
whero rr" have ettn!ivc impro-.-einent-. and
are prepaied tn ol'.-.r t . lac public, a very J'.ipe-
nor ar;i-e, part:cu!.ir; . sun- u io o: .-
, - i....,Iri
1 f Ir''n an,i b t-u
Our sues of I
; Leal are
LCMP Y-.t S reltii
do. and Steamboats.
Et;i; " for Family Use and Steam.
PE K '""r t-i!n't,llrn:,rs an'' S!e"am-
O.ir Poitit of Shipping is SCXHCUY. where
rraii temcnts arc male to ioau u-'ais num-u.
j an" a:'3y
cft'.'HR x. rn.AT.r. a co.
neret.-.. i.sars-e-r.
Hrsj ItnsH.-e. Lsara.trr.
11. Ii. li-i.iRi-sia ao
,. - j., v c (uiIa, t;iU.
llTOr lers addressed ioShamoninorunbury
Will receive prompt attention. ly-mi
EsMte of John tlalr, Jec'd.
roTiTE is licrcov given lint 111? Re?:-
i.t.-r of Cnion county has granted me
Loiters of Administration u1cn the estate
John silair.'e.teof n-trlaloetowiismpot -cease.!
All persons tn-lebtcl lo snl estate ate required
to make iiunie t.a'e pavmnt,nn i niose u.iiii;
just r'-ams w-tit present mem ia. u.... - uw -
. .. . t .
lea i.i. sei.. in- .ii. i
SVMI.'EL sr.AIR, Administrator.
Biifl'i-lo-. Jan. SO, l:i
I t-i..,.- -e t.,a Ttpp.v
I ssSlI-O Ci l.eesi.
1 FXiTilS Tl" KaiTtrlTV Rj tilt' Y.S.
j j ,)t- j ft.n REEDY, fv- of Bualoc j
,wn, .i.-,-.-..-, I. having i -en issit-d to ;
, M1'.'.':,'r:i,,.rs" bv ;.- U.iTi-irr of Wills ..f
Va)yt) CljJllli a r(.r..,s jn.'.ebte-l to said
, ,., ; , Cll ,(, mak, navmeni.and all !
estate ere r-e.U'-sie.i
persons httei ig t hti-
( ,,,,.', ,.,-,., ,., then,, prop
ai t.
erly authenii.
I t'. r sett ejijcnt, t-' A
r sett eji.cnt, t
ice. F.irs-,.Ts
Yoilug, HI bis
pi; n m vr.r.M:. )
lw:i tfriM.Y.
.1 M'iU KM'FMAX.
Dec. 10.
-Just recM l v Howard Co.'s ,
, the best 1. Nli.) I.XMiM now
.1. li A . i.S V t O. I
I.l use.
flit! IS: TEAS " Just re: .i ii.-m to" ' an-
J tun Tt Cwrtpn'.y .l'Xe York, the fob j
Uiwiti dest-rtpti-n't-t I'.Ms.iic Uly put up in j
i and A p:---.kagis. u. I
' I . . i.l', i' -:! -"', I
The a
ty.!..... (.
Teas are
of verv suprrfor
and s.
l .w r .e- s bv 'be only A:
in ; I.
. li
l.ew.ibarg for Canton Tea -'on, -at v.
. J. H. Eii .V CO
-t-a enrobe r, ven th-.t lo-tters Te-itaTI-n'-trv
I ,i the l-st.-.te of M MTUA-s f,,, . rr'ilit.
late el the Boroil :'n of l.ewishu
dec' I. have
been grantf l t
. fie ii-idersigiied. A I pers--".s
iidebtod to r.i! I estate arc re
iinmedia'e payment, ai.d t'.i.
ag.-niist tbe s nne will preset!
thcnt.s at. .1 for ":tVwfr.
f-iMCE!. SifAFFni.
.ioiin noroiii'oN
I.-w!sb:irg. X.-y- I-"'. "v
d to ii!ie
: toei.i .oily au
' j Fjeciitors.
ri.M-.rMfi" l.'!i(??rrjy
n J;iii5c .iiri.cn. i?-fs
fllilE subscri'-erotT-rs for sale a fm nssort
J m.':o i l'T-'i:"S and riillil' Bi.EK Y.sneh
a IVar, Plum. Cherry. Aprie..t,S:bert;tn Cri.b.
lini'ic (irape Vin-s, R ispberne, C'urrants.
iioosei erries. Ornamrtal Trees r.mt s'hiub-
n(.r.. Evciblooming Rose, Flowerint: P.ams.
Lewittbiirg, Nov.
S inst
7. I .
TTAYINIi rebuilt, in a miuner enbrsel I
I 1 and jir.provo.1. the sieam t.nsi i ,
ree'ntly lost bv Cre. the. sio.scnt ers r. srrrt- .
fully inf. nn Ihe public thai th-y are prepared
to do all kind, ol Custom work and purcnase
Lewishnrj, DO. 5. Ji
Markel Ntrtel ... Lebrf. Pa.
A I!rac. cf Science !
BR.C.A.KELLI.NG, of Mici.aDitbar?'.
Cjn.Vc:!ll?.I f o.. V.:..!ir.t u-rr l fhivS'
t lltiifef ith Tirimtr vV"ti Vttrer Pi 'ir.. i.
l.n?n SU-W- r Maths. S r.-fa!a if Kibs's
bvil. si.d a.I die .-.es that hate nsyal! treu
j treaiej with eauutic or knife. thai he can ren.C
them by at irely t.evr meihod, wiihonl eat' '
ticif. btirnm!; or pain. N-uli.r rfthmlorai .r -
emcr u -u.".rr-i ii. me saiii-r.l. It is lit
laI!tr('" 'hal Par: (f ,h" '' ib'y may be.
be ,., remfre mem wit), perl-et mfeir, an
, ri.nark.?L!y jhnrt I; sr. R., llii.er.ti cf
y ,.;,,,;,,!,. p, 15ra .if i :o-d-i?.tl at' raunrV
,M-niiv4 Hnttl a rnre it ti.-rf.'d
ivlapsrs I.Vri.Feniale rump!aintCtnrr
Venerea! an I ail oilier uweajes treatej w.lh
po r fif.rss. lull particulirs. in titbei
En-t'ish i i t.'emnnn.ean l-eol-fr.ned brrrlir
nnst-r.a.d. In l...r r- n 1 mt-r-... .) . c J
I. .,,' . " "
B,r- ,. r,-s,.RaI,:f ,.rm
M-l.an.rs)r.r? , f sntf
-.'thy townr in ihi ; r ar.v f il Siue. h H
8 wiie from H.rr.sUr:: n. the I ,iti;.Val.K R.
' aid f.eesi:.:e frt m r.:l parti ..f y l on n.
i I): K-''i'T irtil visit esses m si. j an if tfc
( 8.11' w hen ..l.-stred.
, TZ- ii.ii 1 rea.l"r f if y.J hr.ow any atTlieteJ
i f-!iow rrc.-.iure, delay i.i.t I.. t'!l tbr'm of ihi
. tr .lt.nei t. IvSf'.l
Estn'o cf D.mit l Uanck, dee'd.
X. OTIC.U n liereiy c.ven, lhai Llter
1 1 Ir - t.-.mer.Tir-.-
the Esute of ln.sisv
, .. ,.r-er j i.. i.
r' '.v nrrea,c . have been cri'.ted lo lb
' 'V J'.n''"M'! t n: crunt, ,
re r... - c krii.a:;;" thtnisriv 'r.leh.
sai l estate will mi.ke insrt"!:ate pit.
01. --iL ill
'. i...e hatir.g eiaiir.s ul present
r p r.y aula. :.: cited f.-r J,-f.'em-r.i, lo
.sen'-'r :. (-.ver' srs r f tbe last mi!! and
I the s..
j testa:;
El. M MfsiH LL.
li' i: !;a.v
Willi.. L'ei .", X,,;.
J!nl. i-rMor'a o:i(C.
AJoriCc; is hi-rty ?iven. that Letter cf
J-l AJ.r.ir.isi,a-.i,, t.;, ;; Esla.P ,,f JA.ME!
i.. .:t,ia:e ,.rrit B.iaa:-e TwP. i-ntoa
' av been frtrted to th tr.5en:ie(l
by tue Hester of fnicn county m d -e f.,rm
oi law ; tuer -f . re a.l rers..ns no', bte,; to said
r:-.- are r-:neste. to mate immediate Pay
t. -a', and those ha-, in? r.r v just eli lr.is ar
a's(. re-Mieste i p. present taera properly aalb
CLtiCH' .. I :T s.-tllr;: . (,t.
TilorfAs p;:vv. Administra-or.
i-ist liUi.ai ,e, -So;-. 17. HM
Maji.iiiOili Jlead Quarters!
4 Hl. just r-cetiin? their FALL SUPfLlf
J Ol l.or. .;.
Oct. 4, Is51
rpiIE Cnpartners'iip heretofore existing in
1 the B.acksmtthing business between the)
uo. cri. cr-, is ta.s u.iy dissolve I be mntual
. . ,.,
j Eric's' v. 1-toVr'c" V
, uy iirvey t. FiBtier.
. continued by
-cceuat settled
HAKV E Y G. FfcUtlK.
, s . .a.... . e, .oaien i, i-.jo
'I'M!!: subscribers have this rlay entered
1 into Part. ersh.p, tn ilu a set-era! Ier
c i .t.'e busi.'.rss. nr.;, r tnf Lime l !.,
Cs U i:tz.l. an : res-rct.-.j.:., 0;;v t pat,
ronage pf Oie:r friends ami ti.e public.
J.'JWld UiflNLiS.
A.t;v; E.WETZEt.
I.ewisbnrg, Oct. 9, !st
frt. 7 i Mll.r;..
i-Ihours between I'liiladelphiaand
Milton Fare, i 50.
O A and at.er M.-n-'ay. Sj-f. sitb, and until
Fvtens-tcn t iiriMsron. p,,..,.
, Trhl, w run every dny (8u.ja
, ,,.,n a, ,;,!,.,. - UBJaFw'F
.n-..;-. ;
I..n 11 it i T -.e
v 1 1.1111 1; ; r m 1 in
; R,.u.Uue Ua.lr.-ad at Pert Cimtoti, arnvin- at
paia in 7.:;o, P.JL
lelrhia ai 7.30 A.M..arr;re at
A Fr-ighi train will leave Mi?rt n on Vondar
Wednesday and Friday, ami Port CI-r.ten rn
1 u'-s l.iy.ri:urs,!aynnd s,?i"r,!.-v ..fetich veel-;
F.-:.iit is carried to at. ! t - m Fhila.blphnt
i-.tt tra-.hir:-ent,fr.-tu lleailit g Ennrcad
Fre.ght Depot Corner of Br-.c! an.! them Sttt
s-'Cl. 11, l.4
Tln ouiii ta rintira
r? Pinlad. Prams r-.r'iH li.'.ar.isi. rt 5 5 i
(P.isse:.riers rach E.mira same- even rj.)
E::t on Tr,.i.:s re.eh i!,laUispi.rt u-xn ,.,
II' i.-i; ;i-r ri-
'1 ' ii: el. s.-.nie evn.ir.g.)
Ties reach Wrtirr-rrt s i.O . :
t. q-. : ra t r.-:gnt i r.-;n. reach Wins port S.iO i
i r.n:
. A fcitif n.,'J:i! ion Line of
! r-i'svl.-s.-L-o -ii jvr n s s .. iv, ii.
.Tit jn J y.i:c!
rr,.; ..-tl t.-.-u
ces to '..ip trav
lit.-,- t ,': .- tba: ,.- -S ritnt. rg a Dai'v
i." a .-..- 'HM.i -.y i escejtf.') I.ctwerit
tC and Ml loll. .ei.ri; r lif:ri.rt
I I.
i:l t-J e clock A.M t
i-J tai.e lb- i lula.i.
I-.;,,- V
h ? i t --f. .:
r. :.- train i fears ir.i-.-.ng M-t-rn
ne.-n the a-rrvi! i f f tages froni
irt. .'l ..b ave I ewisbt.r,T atS.P.st .
i ii
g io l.ev. :si u.-g up.-r, the srrivi' ol il
phiit eiei.ti:g tr, i. For 111-, tc.sr urgi
sa. l'iinvil.e. er Wiii;.stnsHr.r!. this ih
pe: (,.,.J e.ulck.-st rente. WS?i rft
. C.ltl.-.-i
the I-,
I ei:.e . s;.rt.;v ;
1 Lewis!, arg, lr
o c ueiu..y attended to.
1, f-'l
New aai Seautuul Fall Coeds.
I 11 opening and ent're!? too bnsy trf
rtntiierate art.cie. ft', f.r nnantitv:
4uil tc. or 1. w nriees. ie
Oct. 4. ' I It .YES' V rn:
.tD XL W FIRM -Thepartnershiphere
tf. ie ex.."-ng tweto Utter c Yurir,
;is t' .s Our t'ssio'.-id ty rnutinl consent,
fi.. i iL-'er bavmg disp.se.1 .f h: irterest iff
tli ri-MTr-i to !'-.tt-r ilcrsh. The bttsii.e.
ni'li ': r. r ::!iue.i . t he obi stand inder ibtl
I'oii of .-:r...'i ,V l'..rrr, whn will Sc happy Irf
sTve a.l iiie old cua!oir.cs and Imt of rictr
oms. HAT ID RE3ER,
Lewisbiirf. Mrpt. CO, lSf4
Hi'WBJ8 Grill! Rpar-cr
HLSS6 S UlJJn KParor.
fr catirr bolh Graift and Gr.lS!
.,...rI1 . . f.,r lM
i.cwi.iiuig r
yn.Tl r
Si I
.) .
' 'til
f Ji)
' 1
I j'
.1 .sv.. - '