Xemishttrg Cjirmiiflr. ar o. s. wo nuts k. corsbi.u April 0, 1EC5. W Wlnmrtm .ltrm. Thf I rmvt i CiiauwicUi that tb larartt Mil Ujt cinalaitcn U any tvcaauaprr la faioa Caualy. VfTh frru f burinnt preparation for Ttmrrvivg family and "Me Influenza." hart Carrey,, cttupirtd to hinder the from writing fr the ClironicU recently. He trill won 4; bttttr tititaUj lit facer us. Taa Re-Annexation Qastlon. A larg and cnthasinstte meeting of tbe citiient of ScliosgroTO aud vieinity, U bald on the 2Si!i ult., Hemiy W. S.f TDCa, Ksq , l'residcnt, and a large number of other officers. The proposition la annex tbe whole of Jackon and Union townihips.and the Borough of New lJerlin, U the new couaty or SnyJr, was taken intoconsidcratioo,aad tha fulloing among ether ltajolutiuoa wero unaniiujualy aJ cpted : "lUsolred, Thai wo solemnly prat.'st. against any change being made in the legally ctabli"hed boaniary of Snyder ounty, where it adj.iius Union cunir. " ResolTod, That we have euiij.Uuce in the Legislature, that thy trill disre gard the c!Tirt now undo by the citizens of New Berlin and us uut-poats to change Ibe Diviaiun line aiureeuiu. UeaoUd, That as the voters of Union coanty have confirmed the a:t dividing the c ucty, now ack the Legislature to fhs a 1-w authorizing the taie c f the pro- ptrty belonging to amid county of Union, sad dividing the proceeds of sale c.jua'.ly t. ... . e it..:,.. j.... between the coao'-ies of Utiiou and Sny der." Tbe laat Selin'grove Democrat says : "Tli? friends of Division in Snyder coun ty, U'ivr wojld have eousctiicJ V hns New Burlia broujiht into sa'.i ciun'y Wo know the Division i'J Union county wera iau h opposed to have New Berlin in said county, L-y oi.s:;r.. 1 to take them. T.'.e fa.: ;..:( L evuu'ivs were opposed to ' :.ve New I'rlin, proves that many of tucm are crrupi to the v.Ty ere. On.s reaa that so many of the New L'r'.inars are dj-pi-ed by all honorable :a:a, is this f -t : .ihe-u men UiCjr with them oa public matters, their lirst movo is to make a false and brut-J personal attack on the meu who differ with tli.m mil tlirv mnv rnK i.....n il t..r , ...... , unmanly and overbearing enduut bar j done much to bring about the divi.iou of j tb coiuij." The general principle, that townships nd boroughs should he allowed to choose tbeir own county scats, is as a;.n!ieL'.e to tbe above Districts as ti any oth.r. Tarts of Union, Jackson and N B.-rliu lie about q'ii-disunt from Buf iloe and Mid dle creeks, near which t'ai uiw Court HouseJ will doubtless be erected ; -r. 1 we ee no jost reason why they should uot be allowed to ci-wie which way to go. We do not believe a majority of the peoplo cf Union, of New Berlin, or those of Jackson on Ibis side of Tenns Creek, desiro annex ation to Snyder county ; but if they do, nd would ask that privilege, upon mature reflection, we say their prayers have a right to be regarded. It was this princi ple tbe accommodatiou of the majority which triumphed in l '.viMnn ; auJc. r tbe County Sites are established, we Lold that tbose Districts which may bo about eqoi-distant from each, should be allowed to eleet that whioh is most suitable for them. If New Bcriiu, or Jackson, or Union, should prefer Selinsgrove to Lew iaburg, we think our friends there would be bound to take them, and train them np "in the way they should go." True,New Berlin Las declared it is "only a little bill" and a "short distance" for us Lcwisburgcn to get to New Berlin ; but if after trying it for themselves earnestly, tbe "hill" should become a mountain, and the dis tan;e considerable, we should be inolined to follow out the golden rule, and altho" they would be greatly in debt to us on the score of visits and otherwise we should ay they Lad a right to go to Seiinsgrovc, if tbe hills seemed less and tbe road ihciter. iFfom iJIjiltiDrlpOfa. fOanatyoaJem ef the Lewbt urc Ckronicl.. TuilaT , Monday, Aj r.l 2. PlAK "Chro.nki.1i." Sinco yesterday morning, it has blown a p?rfi-ct hurricane, mnfi inn nininiTT nr ruifcr nirnai ill tipi.ii. . , , , .it i i I 1 eyes, is a miracle. Men bave longed 1 .. , . , ., i rcctable opinion of "Bloomer" costume, j wr tens, iqij nuuien iinu.ueu u veij .vs But, of all the days iu the year, ycslcr- .Tv m.a ll.A mnel .. r. T. 1 1-n . . n tl..d. I id uivam uui"iii.ii.iib . i , v . ' . . - 1 westher. Not a spot, except cnurches, in . .. . . , , . , which to seek shelter from the simoon that 1 , . ... ! swept our streets; not a drop of a'jy tnmg . , . 1 .1 t : mth which to wet dusty wListles iimh-, . , ' 1 11 mg more iDvitui? than a pumi. handle : , , ,, , ' for Mayor Conrad and has men, ai ue.a in , - . . . , ; 1 J Will Ji. Kti o r O ... ... U ,h V j r j'1 J.' ' 1 ous watch o'er enoU tu'pieted spt, i.r etigcr peeped through key-hub ?,ovcr doors, or where shy ccstotu seeks a private track, watching at very prsible a; rroach ; li.-t cm tig with eager ic'.res? f.r every sound, but all wa3 bus-hod a alba'.h stiilne '"- i- i ?. . reigned. No reeling drn'iKara staggered , . . . . througU our streets, and tha peaceful j worhir,er snktniy ihe nciw. nf Co,! . ' wor.a.pcr Seek.ng the htusc of Uod, was not corcpellcd to eno unter sights and , sounds disgusting to humanity rnotigh to , Taa a eL.k of ei kneia pale.' Hut, witb all this,the eort upt and corrupt ing traffickers, who live and fatten ou the ery life-blood of their poor weak victims, ars determined to teat the validity of the law ! li it possible that wo can get no I Talid law torcstraia tho Lli"lilini curse ? j that wo must ISe continually tho Fport of! the u-rvjtl.t of meu with ticklis'u pilms ? We can not imagine bow the present law will be evaded, and yrt we dare not trust cuyahns to believe that it will be cjirW out, and should not at all be surprised to hear of a decis:ou against its constitution ality. We foci like thanking God, some times, tht we have no vote, and no hand in niak'nj log'-Lto in J judges. Many of the oyster-cellar men bad made threats of keepiug open yesterday, bat we believe none of them pat their threats into execution ; we know of onclrmopciiaocia j w10ie hands would nut go to work, fiom . dread of being fined. We heard also of ODO DOCr BUUOrrr. WHO XOrCrOt Jtliaell tld r 7 a " nr t ... . . . ato Scotch herring for breakfast ; but be will never The new ct.p, goes into fifty accept: twenty-six, declaring themselves out of service the very best ''service" they can render the community, if they at the same I time keep out of miscuitf. You Lave, of euurse, seen the aecortnts of the impudent infraction of neutrality Iaws,by the Britiah recruiting officers who h iv j boen hcldirg cut publicly here and iu Nuw Vork, aud which has uot thrown any oil upou the waters that separate Eng land aud America in feeding. It is strange how public cpiuion has changed in regard to ll'is.-ia, since the llungirian busincas ; but it is easily explained. England it out of the Al'ift ! The baro suspicion c f such a fact, is enough. She may carry consti tutional libel ty in bcr train ; she may pave the way f r civilization for the school master, and the missionary ; but she is tiuj?!.nd and we were born to bate i ujr. I ncPi not tell you bow much tLL, ! r feeling rcviides all classes of our com murity ; Low sadly the diath of tlieCzar fell uiiuu the hopes of the people, that be would yet triumph over the upstari Na poleon anl bis tl.ics the Kngliah. The m.iiif. sto of the new KiupereT, howcver,is a source of uiueh hope, uud as Scbanopol is not vet fai.cn, there seems no reason to , i . .1 nespair : aud no one sut poses that the . ., .,, ,. 1 .. I cace Con rei9 Will achieve anything. The Asia btougLt us no news of any eonseijiun!;'', and wo Lavo scarcely any thing to talk over at all. Even Toole is forgotten no, not forgotten, for we see hj is to have MoEumeut to his n.cmory, aui Mr. I'etcrson, of ti.is city, publ's'aes u',Ji't "l "" 6'"' "-i &r.iht cot w 1. Lave a large sulc, and be eagerly read. I was going to fay a few words about some of our Tublishers, but they deserve a whole letter, and we will lay them on the shelf till another tine, when we shall trot them out for inspection. Yours, S. II. F. Pcblic American Party. Wo notice niar.y p. pets lustily calling npon ihe Know Nothings to throw off their garb ef secrit-y, aud come out and act pub liely, forming an open American Party. Collie of these journals are friendly to the principles of the Know Nothings, (as far as they can learn tbem,) with the excep tion of secresy, and really wish to act with them, publicly ; while others, having failed to annihilate this organization by terrible threatuino.j, bitter denunciations, and in numerable two-cent " expositions" of the most hideous character imaginable, are n iw trying what virtue there is iu flattery, 1 homing Cms to draw them out of their chosen forttcss. They fawn upon them, ' tnd tell thm of thiii- irresistible strength and immense popularity, thiiikirg them silly enough to bite at this miserable hook, i A I ll.o cmi. A l.n.n ciil..r.,t.lv li.ltin.v ff lli.. . . , .. , , . ,. , .1 . . . . ,, , tties, wLich generally occur on the eve of i .- c .1 .i i I some election : after tho votes havrt been counted, however, they sdinit that there are not to be thrown off their coarse by 6Utl. pebbles. Tbe former class of journals arc, doubt let?, tho more numerous, and certainly the more respectable. A soberseconl thought woul 1, we think, show the utter inexpedi ency of this party throwing op. n all it. plans aid modes of operation to the pub lic gaze. Tho orgnsiza'ioa is yet in its infancy, and could uot yet tt.ind tho trc- n.endous crposiiion it would meet with if , ... , ,, , , thus exposed. All the odds and ends of bro"on pol.-al parlies, the immense im- j 1'ionoi foreign crinimaiS aud paupers, I CllTJ . et c that Bishops c .n command , , i-. aud at. least h ilt the ludilfereut native , , ... , diua;s who taUo co par! in tbe.r couutrv s ,r ' we.fare tbise wr.i.d be ready to paui.ee , , J ,r. . 1110a tho new party and ileuioiiiiU it in- ' . - , slai.tly. a bo order tnu-t ir,crca..j aud , J . . ., , "a' her much more strength than U has at c , , r . , , , prc.icut before it ct tcrs into au open Cgbt I ...lit, c.-li ft e-iat ennelmn. riilinn. or it will .. be overthrown, and the other parties re-es-tal.li.-hid, ith all their imperfections. Many oljectto this organization on ac count cf its tscresy. Weie it not for se- sresy it iievir would never could have . . - . . 1 .:. :. v.l t - I .til in liueiiea; uuu uir i.uui.en. uai ' 1 1 . r.-i..r.i...l ifa t.r.o.resQ let some extent, mas- m. : tn't-tin a l'an in Jih as mary olject to taking a Kap in , . ,, ( 11 other particular. Ail rartics have tueir ' caucuses, and private consultations, befire ' appearing in public; and tho American party has the same, except that it is long er in prepariug itself for the greatest and most difficult political woik cf our day. Many parties similar to this Lhtc tried to "ake a start publicly, but their day was short, and they wasle no bcadway. Yhn the entire publicity rf this party takes place, the people of tbe Union will be divided into two parties. Know Noth ings and their wcll-nif hers, American born be can ght in that trap again ! I -Oentlon, n K. N.'s, keep shady a lit- " r.. ZZu. ZL Z I he V.Zmw fire ordinance of City Conn- j tie while longer. Don't ... t trying j " !,;,a jf wnV. h fh-ry V-y ,.n fir-. ' P:,V.c are a-...r,.l tii-t a . -.if-. tCect at the same time.wab I jour streugtu prematurely ; you are not ot v;;,",;;;;,,;,.-".:,;; 7."V wim Vi,, ,.:.i ....r i,.rli ; f"l '7:.,,'?.0:, "' A,V " , " .' i " ,., .V . . .'. '' . i. ' ; ng Companies ; the balance, age . ioliow tue cxamp e set you fy -n . ..,..,,, ,hc i.i.,,.i,n. f m. luiitj , Kneheu. -eil ot l-.,i.J Wttr and Hut ila.M- s...tt- e-.-.-n ...p-i.. r t..tii sc u...--:.. ;-.r l.f.n nn Tl rnsinni'. s.iin.'wiif.ri.. 11 n i riNnmi. 1 : ihiubii.-.i ... .... r- ..... ... i i.- , ,, .,,i ee- en I .'i a. i ji s; ace. 1 1 rv nave ti nt a commit- ' "' r. .. i.,rm-n, .F. ... ...j,,. ,, .,,.,, " ham can tell wLon any of his followers i , ,, ,, , ., , ' "" ' i i. Jam. i. ih. jr.c.F. ii,.. s. u . wi, bave ilielr Mafes in u-e : I". ts. Mint I'lol- t . .. . . . . i t 'e to the i n eniati s Hall, over the Canal v.nV4!tati. ii..unrvek.W:iianMre.Jaimi'ri.e:i, . ... ....' I "T tall Irom craca, aud cousni'iently rcvela-1 , , , . . , TimBunirham, K. w. Muoni. A;.nni, is..:.. " ..ni.ii.uiie imiu, . uuaoa. ; . , ,t , i.i i , . ; for the jnrposc of regaining the counon, ' Samuel l.M en, :-q., Ih-U Sliemf, Philada. ; , e,-- " : aua j, rv3 ,lvcd fiat if not delivered un rlv) "r "f S-ssb.ns 1 ,u" A1:'"- lJv ! l"".r"''r I. l.aI?? 1 r.i..i.nn I in Kn, . I in I ni..cn, iir a r.r. 11 I - . nor" 11... ?.. Minirr.r ?r ir ... I. or. . Lcwisburs Chronicle and adopted Protestants, oa the one baud; on the other, a combination of Jesuits, in fidels, land-pirates, foreigners of the lowest character, swell-beads and broken down politicians a swarm cf no small number. Thoso who arc anxious to effect an open oronrza'inn -.,,1 lirlievn it rxnedirnt in 1 . organ. za.ion, ana bctie.o it cxpe.iici.i id .1 - , , ,. , their several loeali i-s, might, bowever, j i ptfinn. and protniing it their support ; I ov tuus encouraging " Sam," it w. u!d I I. 1 lt. : 1 a. I PrOUaUlJ W lUCCHVO III H.mu HUM OUl ! ' earlier day than if le ft to himself. : the locusts do n't shed your shells until you can st?.nd the weather. You were iv t born iu vain, but have a great work to d. The ostracism of disappointed office-seekers and their subordinates should not bend your course i:i the least. c. Fatil Rirt in Cincinnati. At the election rn the 2 1, a riot broke out iu a German ward, where it was al leged the Americans Were not allowed to vote. The ba'.iot buns were destroyed, and fire-arms aud even a canuon used iu ill,, fill i ai- J n tiwi.oAii, vprii o i ne result oi vesterJav's election is s'ill undecided. It ;s alleged tuat fraud iias been tliseovereJ in the Twelfth Ward, whieh gave barren, (Deui.,) fjr Mayor, about SOO majority, aud it is how proposed to throw out the entire vote. If :.his is dime, Taylor, the Know Nothi.".jf candidate, will have about 1U0 majority ; but if the veto of this Ward is counted, Tarren will have from 400 to 500 majority. The lib ventu Ward the balio'. boxes of which were destroyed by the mob, is supjoied to have given Farren, from 500 to 700 majority ; and had the cutire vote of the city been coun : . , , , , r 1 1 '" 'be whole De: i , , , . , b:r e been elected . . mocratic ticket would d by from 00 to 1000 majority. '1 here was m more rioting latt night. The exciteuunt is still very j.r -at. It is suppos. d that ten or twelve persons have bjea killed or n ortally woundcJ. Tistols were discharged indiscriminately, aud the only w.n ler is, that the destruction of life was uot greater. It was, altogether, ihe most disgraceful election day ever ex perienced in Cincinnati. 3 T. M. It was ascertained, upon an investigation of the ballot boxes in the Twelfth Ward, that they contained 55 more tickets tluu there were names on the llrtll booL'.-, and OnC Of iLc JuJCS Cf the 1 . , , . w j election insLtcl uroa throwir' out the 0 I cntifC VOte, LUt tho Other WOUlU DOt agree ' to the propesitiou. AVliile the Ju3c3 were counting the votes, a body of men I forced their way into the room, and seiz-1 in? the boxes eoTitainin thi tickets, car-: , . .. ... ,. . J , I ried them, t-getLcr with tt,o tally sheets, I out into the street, and burned them in : the presence of the crowd. Tl. - of 11... I.'U...t. l Tlf.1. miu, Jritm iluu'.iulua, lKnrjr lluiumci, licorgi; Mtfin-1. I Jlessrs.l'.vansA U .tH'.n,N...IN.Uth r ..nrlll St Ihe 0tcs of the Lleventh and Twelfth Ai;ul ,Sii. (ier.llemen-U e lake mm h pVa.ure 111 ire Wards are thus destroyed. Tho votes of ommendmf; voar S.ilan..u..ler ..ife. to .Much- J 1 . . i .1 1 1 1. .1. 1.. 1 ,.r ,e- r-..,. ..r . . . . ' . . . . the remaining wards give Taylor, the j lr v ,1: i:i..r i . l niiuw .uluiu" cauuiuaic lor .iayor. in t: majority. The Know Nothings contend , that there was a large illegal vote polled iu all the Wards. It is reported that Mr. Taylor will not . accept the office of Mayor under these cir- : lUinstauois. 1) T. M. Tho excitement continues j without abatement. The cannon taken frera the Germans yesterday, by tue An.erieans, was nuiet.y conveyeJ Trom tl.e , , , ' . 1 . ' , ,. , 1. aolic l.anuin!r this atternoon, by tue . ' urmcr. a immense nuiuucr .ot people are now assembled in the Fifth Street f..i. i.e. .1 :tl i . i. . ! luiiunuii iuvy iii S tun tunc i. aga u. This they will attempt if necessary, aud 1 uto'lier riot will probably ensue. Arrival cf tha Asia. HALIFAX, March o0. ihe Steamship ! t. .,1 t t -i, Asia arrived here Ii.t night, with Liver- n ml dit.stothe ITih insr nni unel- ' pioi uaus 10 uie i..u mar., one W eck J. i j No event of strikinr; importance has oe-' 1 curred air.ee the saiiin of the Atlantic, j ' . : .. ' v iinua Conterctiee, wino.i was tormally : inaugurate ! on th, 15th inst. Tho hop antl ftarj ;, rc ibiut tfpjally divided as to' J the probabilities ef peace. From the seat cf war the most imnor - , ( tant statement is that the all it s Lave re - ... Opened till ir lire Upon oebastlipol, with Jiy illC. The Koubuck Committee is still en- paged in prosccutin-y tbeir ennuiries :n 1 fc . aieu.ui me.r I llipiiriea in r..ation to the conduct of the war. . The manifesto of the new Czar to bis t . .... ,., 1 army is interpreted as a very warlike de- ; monstration. Connecticut Election. - ir . ., ,, , . . Nrw llA F.N, April a Ihe result of j the election in Connecticut is 'the cboics i offinrlvnr.w Xi.tbliio. n.l Vl.!rt r' ; g""" eighteen cf twenty-one Stale e ..,,,'' , I fccnators, and two-thtrds of tho House of " I .....it e .. n-i ' ...ciui,...,;. iuni t.M. r rt I .1 . isno ctoiee Governor by the people. Tl.n T1.... :. ITT- a-.. .ou.u..u, vjuvernur oy tue people, j TlmUimaiilia ,..1 1T.,.. V...1.T I ituiuiug cau- : clidates aro about even. Syracuse, April 3. The cars that left I ;l,. i - ill llDgnanilOn at t 0 ClOCk VCStCrUaT mom- iwtrr A'.i nl .a. .U I. ... it'l I t . . . I ing, did not reach here tnl half-past 7 this mominiT Tha lli-l-iv wis occasioned I t- ' ui n uui. j. ae Utiay was occasioned l.y . enCOtlll'.erilll? snow drifts snmn r,f which i ii.euuii.iriug snow anus, somo 01 wnica 1 were Iroro twelve to litteen feet deep. The Scrnnton (I'a.) Herald aud Advo cate recently unfurled to tbe brecza the flag cf llouf ten and Tollock. and West Branch Farmer April 6, 1855. Union County-May Court.! COl'IlT Iroi lamalion V hrr.nU J lion. AU.M VVll.tiOX. V.iil..nl Judge f.T tha'-othJu.i-'iil l)i!trirt.riliistin(r..f the reiln'li'S off men anl Milttiu, an I Jn. W:trMct.J Jim-a M'.It-nu.. .Wl.te JO.I.-T. in I r.mulf. I'sye lii..-J li..ir iTt ii : t. t..':irin tt.it.- the -.1 .ltv of F?J-'rv'- .-. ' r- f.r .h, WJ,.f r- 1iUa'iauri,n.urt'.ic'oniu'uri.iv'.ujcru.iiciiiiii., i:..i.ii.TiL ,,r;,t.'.-;i.n nkw in. iti.iwf r u- t,.1y ctt..l. h. n-mh,,. may ., 1 f ,UY i'". ".".'IT,- j 'i,- 'ji m'i..! wllVt" til. J ir m. ana tn n-ir cemu apT-rnain i iw .!; I ti:tir :n.l . !!.T i-r3 i-ruw. uii:. J ir U-hilf . thf I .. ......... . ...i iil V. .mmftnir.i-ii mmin-t m.t wm . irw, nr.- r - Ji)il. I... -1. Kit. S'irriir. Jury List Hay Term, 1855. Iil.-AM Jl ItOltH vrn it-arrr M.i.:. in 1:, ! K.Tt. y.,,.ll,r,n : ....i.b..rh, J.U,., H.tuuonton. n !'.ifr-i Jhn llufuiutl. M. i sit. i-.ifrr Jj' t ch-wrori Aaron J. MiuJk.iTartbjdiiaau OVH. Samii-'. Tr .N. il. 1 iti.f K.in K irglcr. .S- inrznuv J. Ounlner. 7 iiri(.M- ll.-nry l r.ick. J ,rl!n A-lam Mill, r, K-lwint IInDr. y'mk'in ii'"ii. J. S- Inwli. Wfittf II--T I- nntlixn I'lfff -lidrftr. Hut",, y -i hri-ti-ia S.-Imure, Wtu. Swengl.. J .'.rrf-J.n I'.ilt. r. i mull I'v v I il. l.r. r. Jl'Jinbu elinrli : li. Itswnplnff. TK.tVKK.Sr. JCKOKX. ' J.elrrn lYWc Ncil.uu, Jac.SiatltrJr., Chrli.t'.iLcr j sw'-uu. Jt iiii J...; li Iitm:n. llVvif Wr IkmiI ltkl.r. Gul rli'l Hunting'lon. J j..rfr ZXJ'- i 'ftn'i.'i.i-J' l.ti C. Wil-un, I'- trr Drrtw. C''Ji'r ..hii Mtufh. S'imutjl Iltirttn ui. r'.if Wni- Ilutiuii't-Ki Jvfliu Hirm.in, It. V. B. I,;.rr-ln. (itri- Kuhl. Vyrun Iirfir-lrsrli. I.tnnt-tnr Jnhn UitiUu, J.tru r-'rore, 3Iichal Miii.-r. jr.. i:.-.,. ,mah.jr.t inn! I ih i;.. I. .,','- Vr i-r ii tii..-4-. ;r..w, Johu Uuuck. i.frt.tu Ji.liii Kt-r-tt j i. -i. i!crriM. m: f lu.snr- J 1 1 l.'h. J,- w.i-urj i j.-niiu Auluiit, 3. F. LnJall, Henry Fri- "i, S-nuir. ii. .M.iuk. rrr pi. 1 rrM'-fT. M-if itifj.wJwi. u.rii-h. M r:i 'usyyi.iiiki aiuyiain, John i tweilsr, Julia Lawn iic .Ww'ii.'.cwt-Tmii"l Kcel'-r. Ujthi'nit"n daiuuvl Mciit, John P. Coub, I'Lilip y.:yr. f'-.st TmT. ' Flii Hrfwn. 4w U-:rUn Jo.; b nii r. ' TIT Jl I10R3. L--wif ' Kit i 1 .-.ill r, hrls Tttony, W.TanTalxah, A- Mi'UliUin. Jt.-t fii V 1-t-rr. trat.i.:.iu- trnl. li i; fr-rli jVarer 'i'luuius W. Solium, John lUntlriekn, Jr.b A-w It.Vh !!. f Iwnr J Cnti. f V, rT,i.r J-.iin Ki.x..l)iiu ( iM'ltnmt rIiu,G. Slctr.sta. ; A. !j-Uvi riiirk. ImuI ICKlIIj. A' 1."- n u . $ - J . 1 1 1. 1 m .t i. . i 1 . J ,--:.f M. It. m. r. iJaril Ol lt Jnrt!y 1 lr-!iatt (iitliu, uunKl GrfTC, S. Black to nJ, lvi lhit '. It !rv. tli liu i rui.tU. '7-7"h. VVtllir-in U. llcrro'J. ;isr tu.tr. I- .1' Iid V"Jt r, J . S. Scbrtxk. Wr-tt Iu i.7-J.,bn lliiler. innt I. Jtirriftt. i;-n'rfnT. Uxn Kirr. WtfU lfr -tuiii-i iiflti'lfrron. tSr.'lf-'f-r Wi.iuim lUrT. Mi.i ti- rwK ll-nrv WV txcl. J'.r. ,j rinitiftn iirvt.ill, jr. W'il B'-ttfr lA'ujiiTiiiu I'ttc. fflOthe H'inorable Abraham S. Wilson.Ksti., JL resident, and his Associate Judges ot the (J'-urt t" Q'tarltT Si fiiinii of list rountyof Cuinn. Tue plitit.iD i-fTJi' luav ir-rn in llie Town?lupof KHr in thf r mint i- M 1. iimtt. In ml: TV I -TP " lit . lluit If tc- cu:usniiouM-m.tU t.o.-bip bi-h hi hfM..f r.'. ttfii uirii n-l i-ii('H 1 n li.u? ot t-nt'TL.ir!iiifut ml i Jo irou.! cut Duiii tbe mr nd i w..n pmnrii for the iciiil:iti .ii t.f travtrlr. tic thn-t'n jimy unr l.onortt 10 (.-rant bim hrf.i ti kn ji a Umrn Uuniig I ItiC tUIUll.,; it. iaau uv ntii frJ ar Tlte piitie.T--ril reli.Tlt tf K.-llr townplilp. ln-nl j r. p..".- 1 l.i..ii:: IIia n llm nli.iiicmr (Or ill-, lir.-n-i. i u.n..fi;..i r. int i.t u.in. iy ...i !.nn..r..iip.., a,ii ta i.-i ini:iiii i in-t.mo.;tt..n .r .trncr. sua trmeti r. ... I 11.1.1 a I .!.!.' I.' . . til. r i,li... ar-..U,. I'..vr. r is- rn m :-t..i inm s p-.. to u fc-n-l t ,..rn..' '"tiivr. rtr n. m. Thsmaj iiiiniinfrn. ! i 'P0..'11 iu mc nonoiaoie me j'iui- .u 01 on.i ... . larter Sessions of the peace, in and for ooui.tv .1' toiion. nt M.v T-rm. A. I mt y'.r ,'-Mi.-.r.-...i - .r..,m-.i;...M i..,w .tu,. I n-i .... ...i.. . . L-...... ....1 l'..iu... i........ir.illF r.nn.u.nf lil.-l f.r a puslii- Lou., pusii- imi... .-.mmi. mm w w-n iw.-u;.!. a KU.-i.. n.i.l frjiu Itj" I'einl.ti.rh. 1 i m 1- -m-aiae w. li . nw.r I w it.- ami ii. rnin.J.tii..-i or I'm iuii.ii". mil the nu-rtitinuitiit f i nr..ii.'1-rR an I trsTi Ier 1 tr.t l.e i. w.-u irf-.i'iel tuti in -f.r I.' i.'.anil nMeinTi-iiiiM r".nrv.5nry furlhe j .i.vriniimi.iit ..f .IK.B-. r i . twvr. It.-tti. r. f. r... 1 r-pectrnily rr"Ts l,,''t o"" t- irrunt l.im a li.n... in hi : k(n.n,Mr.,ri,i,,, i,.,..it,Ti:,.m ' I.M.M.ll.L ffcTKiLS. We tti nd. iMii-i! rltr7en rf Iwi-liuri; af..r..M;-! ii pp.r VlT." l-t k'it.. .t.li. in r. ami liai ir.jr n kiioui.ii:c ni iih nii . ,rv to .r m i itoii.ei.i.i.i u!n r,nr ir,.e,..r.. iie,ti.. b.V il,i,,,,,.i,,u.iii .i,dii i ' ' ""-' ' i-meiran r. m.j .a f. r hl. h n l lira. ilol.-r. ly.-rrofytleitsii.ti i laimn I l'ii e ron of k.k.,1 i iat Ih I at li in w.; I lj;,,,.,,.,,.,.;,;.,,:,-,;.,;, U 1 ront. ni,.ii. fur ti,. ili'Ti-f (-ft; lnTit tn r'1 nmit'D-l Uinta Iiceiiw bo gnmt r,.i. n, at Hi-Vny T, rm f.r Id He titien . f Ann lonter of lilt. l-.r Ifiwo-l.-p. II. tl f.lllitvr f ( num. r.... ertrii"y fliw. th Unit yt.ii r it-: il i. .n.-r i. .1 irmiH t f lie- iter a pn'ier ti'iu.1 in tin I oule k.pt hv Ann li inter I tan year, alii where l..' fe ni. rlv Ii- t a put. lie I...U-.' for a liutnlier i f yeari.. an l H prnvhl..! with every n c worT c Dv.-iil. iiri. fi. Imle. Sii-tli.-n fire pray, th r.iiri I., ar.i.1 Ii.., i:. . t.c. In b.. . O.lm i.r 1 I1...1.1. '.r puiai--.i.t. nainmer.t fer aeet.aieJatiun nf trmret. ; rf. rn'l ranr ri. anil Me 1. a Ultra la uecr.-uariiy ati. ana the win any e. v,v "'"-ril-r-. eitir.n. ef WM Deer tewn!nn. I .-f, ,nnt ,,, nhm, it f ..! ,.,,! r.r liiva'ty ainl t-iitpi-rjiire-nn li. w.-ll .r..i..l.ol will. Ii-.ti-e ; renin Tied eeiiT -ni. iive f.r th-leitniii nml ar.mnio.I.v ,f a1"1 t.'-'.'. '"' .'" ; .tav.r,n "J i:. r-..irilv w.n.l.l. ttitne-a cur haiel ttas .i-J ot 1'imnry i..r.. I l.l...l ...miller, .snarew s-viifrr. .larri. i re-Tci, ii-irvy l s eiii.-M;. t 1 samu i Oe.ijiiicJ-.r. O the II mnrable AVra'nm R. Wilsnn.I'.q., Presnleiiiand his As.-ca'e Jmlcrs of the : l'..urtf.rynir!.-r SmIoiis to, . .ueiy of t nion. ill' pi-tninn of Wm. I., ill: r. l!.t town ef.Ww Ca- 1 ."fast mumy. i.u.1.1. reprcent. 1 tiii in-eiv i ru; in. a li..ii.e 111 .iit town. hi.-li lins lii-rrtofore l-een ' '""' 1 ai"1 nenpie-i a. a lem-e .r ,.iin'rniiniueutau.i i .ie- 1 .iron. ..fmiitin-iiiv; tlm ini . nr.il ill wll prepi,r,.J f.-r "e- 'eon.lJali..i. eriniieler. I.- tli.-ref .r pn.yi oi.r j I11.1.' rs to riant l.tin a iiei-n.e to keep a 1.-1 vern 'I'liin; tliO i-n-ainx year, acj h wilt fnr, . w M. L. KlTTIilt. .t j ' h '.' . .y.ee.n.i o wit j roral al with limi. n.m ami roiivuniene. a f i r ' ''' ' i"J.." " aer.. mo. aat'1.11 .titra.mrrs ami tr.ni- u V. f r... recin,'..;..'i mi .,,,;, wV.W j "it., k.a-p apu'.,ie i. u-e. . M.ws-uier. j.a Joi Ran. k, JambTiwiWob oi inn i race in aioi 101 me eui.inv oi ' ' ..i. .iuiU j Saaiia!" MVuri,, J. S. KwUn-ff, Ir.ncl. . Pne"' i-I' . S'""N- ret.c . and Walkr, Ivor Klupp. Apiil , lsii A merican inarm I acttit e. hnow V. lute, Ilr.iwn. j 'and Slot'.e foh.r. These Paints are much1 I ri.o .1. ii . i.i - . i .r.l.. 1". .1.1 . , --1-.. . .1 ' a .' ' ine ii.norauie me juo'-a ui ine ei.uu : nf tjiartcr Scss.ons nfthe Peace, in and f"f e'.ur.tv, at stay Term A.n. lsss. Thir v.,i.r tw et;.m.r n,-:,,- ie. n nnimi.li.il. lion.e 'it'.. Jiuw. Kr.iwa bWiai fr, l'.r.i,u vn.',, ..ieu i, weUcaleulau.1 1 er,,.rtaiLe hi.c.rl. I.1. - I in what is railed I'.inni r.-rlile, i- tl.u tmrn-hip o. fretr. Lcwi.iiiirs w ; ....ii .... r.. . i il .ura oui.i.i- .io.im: li.illllier ol vrari..l.n IIT.Ii. IIS nTl-IlonrioX, ann uoiaill'U , i.,,,.?,,en,m,., ir u arromn.....ai. -a ( el th i.uI.'ir. and t he ent.Ttaitiluei.i of strangers au-l I Z' lan.lall mni.tiirar. iM,...rt li.r thn rnlertainmetit of tr. - t,. that h.-i w-Uprmij-d ..th i.ul.ii..i-f..rhnrSc and all conifnienc neo...wry lir the nler:ainm.Mit ' r! r.c,r, t,.i1.,r.rl,r,r.apetf"li pray. th.- Court ta grant h rn a 'kai e to cont.nue U keep an inn nnklU K....U..1 ........ inm.n, l..r... an.1 fl will martin iaiv. We tnn.l.r.iirne.1 ritlienaorthflown.hipof nITa)oe ft.reraiil.h - ln.'B.raonallTariuaint.'dilhlarUDUu.y 1 1- aheie na.m-il petition r, and alai. liaiiui; a knowhatue ,.r th, hnaM t.r .i,irh ,. ;i0,.nl pr.,,,,!, a . ii-tsr "'r," ' ""eh ali..ne is necf.ry K. au-em-Ula .the ,.i..i... uJ nt-rtain .tr.njer. and trard. rs. U.at he i TT " rPit fr li.ne.ty aid teu.i er.inr. and , ho )ir,,v!,lp4 ,, hon,..,,..;, ,i.UMni..eri.ii.r I I" I l be Ivl.ioi.' and aee.anirlatwn . f airaiijrri. aud irnrriera, f re hr, !.are r aiouimeed him fot a licva a.rM.Ue l in petition. 1 ramaei?iiaeni(in.lliliial I Kennrr .icaa. e. inonpson, Jarnaa Birhl, F.lwart rilrk. lidward Millor, J irari W. SI- mnntrvu- Ihntn.ai Yann.. .l..nli liiimia llnmrri In. aatrm, J. fawliarL AW. Srtam-liu.j. April O.Ua. 1 Real SifA&te. EXECUTCHS' SALE. , rPTTl 'llipri ,lT 1 PI lillli'S (it thf 1'Sl I I 5J,,M I I'M' I: ' . I will a nt to.inment (I (.Mllt'ir. A DA j..... ater it.e Borough. .f .s!i.;;ruvr,wiil , , , . , ., ,,,, ' so", at pubnc vendue it outcry, on the prem- ics, all'iaic in Hi" I miiii t i t"1,nniiif, uuitui ! I'niint'. in n.'iri Iviii" nit l!it nl CJ;ie. " 1 " Three lois on ihe imri'i side i.f.Market strert. 1 numbrred .", ami I , in the pint of lh ATo a TTOT'Sn nnr! T.OT. N. -II. in the plot .f sa..l town of tth.irUMown ly-ijuL ! i!, ,l,e south m.1c of Ma.k.-t sireet. a..-l ru iiinir .m'h w.i! illy inF'.rawt errval!i'V tor'th- I cr Wllh ,j,e apnr.enanes. l.ate'the j.rop. r'v , ' ' i-i Sale to r.ommenrc at 10 o c.oek, ..-..f wnen terms will he made Known. .MAKt A DAMS, , S !insrtvo, March i.xcoutors. Kali i more Adv'Js. srip- DALTIIIORH CAUD ! CAW SaM :U. A larre ; 1 ply of !. ivcrnoot I nd Uround Alum i HALT coastal. lly for sale by urr, Gii'sr A. Co., f i-nni.i-.- ion Merchants March 30, '55 51 Spear's Wharf, lialtimore. Carr, Ciesc & Co., rO-.IMlSSloN IWEMIAMS for llii vy sale of B lour. ;: ;:u & I.umbi r. .it. . t . i. ltlls lM, J.llnrtfiir. ' rf7"A.-ii:i f r Newark and Kusendale Co. Cement and Master. fi.Al.l.M At Fl.i: SAIfconstar.tlyen hand. N. 1!. I.ihcral CASH advances made on ' consignments on roee.pt. Ealtimorf. March 1. 1;j Phifa(!e!j;h:a Ailv'ts.! SAII'L H. FULTCPJ. C TITLE ami lancy Sidiicrcry, nnJ ; O Curd linsrnii.i'. KsuMislin.e it. ' 19 S.j'ith KK.il 1 II St., 1 uiiada. Vpr.l .1,'.V. ! MRS. E. rilTCHELL, V0. 2S Norili Ninih St., l'hilad; 1.1 r.ianuf':ict;irt.-r of.i2aiiU!!i!i,'-oal tljH 1- ... t,i .i..J.r........,c , mini rs.i 1 e SALAHAIwESH SAFE 3 ! rrv.Vr..-J. Evans & Vv'alsrtn. ! 6K I -'S.M- St., hhiiadelphia,. tS? -rc::! Mrr at! "5if', "..,- I hestioit A. r itut s:s.. F idiv k' .TD S . !..' AN" E t S A KI'S 'l il II - ! ..n I VN p( as l!;..v a wilXi Ie ulli , ,ut . the test : .. - r...tim,,.PeC. is. i-.-,t. , anrs ami etaers in vvar.i . a secure mean or preserving the.r books, papers Ac. trom fire. as the oni- we rnri- : a soil from vt.n a: unit sev. n 1 - months smee his pre.erve.I our to.. ...paper. hu imt nt' it, telore th --real I, re of ti.it 1 . ' ... , . , mi.riiiui;. w!.!fh il-str..ye. tue entire hi.c; c. bniiilms corner of Che-tinu and I"if;h .Tree;.. Tne above safe was in n.e ia our plure, on ' I the secon.l il.ior ol our .u:llin;, from which place it fell into the cellar, aral rema-iie i ttiere I until the f.re was out. Thf Sife was then re. moved and opened in the presence of at least . .ou, in. niie....i iiie ruoj imuj.. v.ol vni rl-a-e have ' ""- " ," t "" r ; "r " " V ' 1 : . (. . ,. , , P. ii se -jMi.i. .4.1.5 per.eci couu.tei.ee , in Us fire-rr.'of nua.iliC.. in its fire-proof nnaiilie v. .r..n.. v . .e ii i . . .. I.ACKV A PI1II.I.IP.S." Evans A Watson lake pleasure in referring j the Aorns iV S. n, l.ncomo'ive builders, Phiiada. ; llancroft & Sellers, Mai l i lists, corner H'.lh and James S:-;.; 1'i.iiiklin Fire Insurance (.'o., l'hilaibt.; Pei..yivania l.'adroa I Cu., I'hilada.; I.aeey & P i iip., en er f.ih r.r.d '.liner bis.; Sharpies a ;:.. .No. 32 South Second M. ; James. K.-nt eV S.intee. N.. 1!V Xoil'i Third St.; U. II. Hiirstman V Sons. io. rl North Third St.; Sin nil. Wiil.ams A fo.,:'o. 87 Mar Wet S' ; J. A U. On,e, Ne. 1S5 fho.tntit St. I xT' lare assortment of the above Safes always 0:1 hand (warranted to stand r.t lea-t 10 per cent, mere lip- than anv Herring's Safe now in use). FVAXS it WATSOX also manufacture and keep for sale. Iron Shutters, Iron Poors and Iron Sash, for makniir lire proof Vaults f.-r Banks, stores, public and pn- vale buiMm;; Seal and Letter (Vpv in? Pres. ses ; Pat-nl Slate Lined KefrtH'Tat rs, A e. I 'ea.e ..ne no rail, at ..C s 01th 1 Ol 1. 11 St., Pluladelnhtn. fApril 6, 'tut .Titty 1 Paints, Glasj, Varnish, Drugs, &c. lOB'T SUOE.AIAKER X CkS. W. 1 I corner SuCuml and (Jrecn Sireeis. Phila delphia, have constantly en hand a lare assort and KlVI'All.. (It.!.-,, made up at short notice I nny addrr.s 1 v ieuiitunS t!.- am. tint, .end it. the best and tat-st sivle. April 4,V-5m3 j ,""!ur ar' U"J ' bips. and stauns .ue 1 ! at.. ct.-i. i;?!;;"! 'Si rW-THllU. f IIt:.U't:ii Til AN WHITE '"''s comprising. otf LEAD, and free from all poisonous every dl sen ptiotl. as I reach and 1. tie l.sh liate : ,ll:,iji i, j.. ;,ir Store and Parlor Windows; Enamelled,' flit: .vrir jrntrr ,".Tv rr.vrtyr. hay'rs !. ol"r,ed, and Li.eravea Wass ler t htirches. I t estibuics, Coiiservatnries, &e. American ' Window (lia'-.s. i f all sizes, at mannfacturers' ' ru.. ..orr. ana irtoie iinrat.ie man unite l. can, and are fas, sup-rsr.hn;; Ihat article. Var- t nisSie's, of ail kinds, equal m the best, at ic- j ticle reipiired to make a romnleic assoitiuent ! - . ullu t,f I'AIXTilli ri MATERIALS . "e are extensively etmatp.'d in the manufac- ...l ol E 11IS til - I :XE1 B-,tt. il n U arr prepare.l i. supply liealers or .Manuiactu. . ' , . 11 - rers .lie lowe., irms. 1 ri'fl I lim-hl .ral im I rites Current seat ner mail. on application April 4, ls.-.jr,Tlm1 KEXICAIif GUANO. T piIE siili.snilicr has for sale Mexican -L (iiiano of ihe best quality (caigo of ship Thorndike.) T!is arlieie has riven entire ...t;f..in ... 1. , c :. .u- . .c ... wane ... c .11 nine past vear, on Corn, tirass and 0:it pround; eS'v en the soil is; much more lasting than 'hat 01 1 eruvian t.uano, and the cost neatly ioiiji pel eeiii. less. B.f. nrRLi.xr., 101 North Front St. Philadelphia. Sm5S3 1W IIEIUUTIG'S Sp-fflP! Patent tlcimpioa 1'irr - jtI.V I'ruof SAFES, unh Jtii.r.' IP-.'p'fr Patent Pnwdrr-Fioiif I., c t , f V-.'LiNtV --i w'n.-h uere miauled -tr. ; V 3 .,. M "dais at the V'.,i t?-. !.' L-TJ Fair.i...n!.-f,ll,ai-l uUn ''' rv'"-lr'ii " ih- UiuiM fair, .-w "iniai"-".! Vrli, lXS an J 151. The !i!M-ril'Cr-. .i'i" the S"!" uianul.iil i;rT mn! ' prt 'printers in i ti . n Siate !' liit al'.-vi- m:? ' ii:t!!n! Saf'-s atrt l.-r'.;. 'I'll- rj"H:i n ' f ! jt;(. ,-nti Hfrrin's S,i!V'' is unrlj wi.!., i ainl fi'r 'lie I ' I laii l" 1 ars tl.e l..' rcnn'ale ! CKiuiiiuiiiiy Lave witnf.iJ a:nl L. rue I. Mi- monv 1.1 tl.eir nvm r.ii.itn t:r-- r r i 'I'ta. : lies. M'.r" (h;in U ihe nav j io st ,; rv ti tH bv f:r. F-nr w:i! !nr?' l their ! 5Prvi(tfH in M. l-nrnm' (! tue Triti'im- cn- : tal..:I.....T.t, iS-.v V .k.i;.;;: i!,;- l.r- .-t I . in trawl..m?:r-H t the .!..!.-. eeiuly in the Ki.e at Kilia a;.d i i.. i.ui -ls.. in : this eif.-, in vlo. h Il.ioe . I r;h 'h. I 5ecull!1(.3 iail.,l. F.l.Ki:i. A: CO.. j ,. ,vfi. awl ll-mk hv't Mafrr.t. .11 V, Al.N'l T sire, r el Irmi i:!i inaniif::' lire ! ex pre o Jeue't i, ai,d o'.her- l'ii.'.. I 1', ..:y t- r id;.;,. IV. d i:i.iA--. : ecu- I.o,', lll'ohl ntv fri i i ! l' o-. IJ;'i.i; a:i!:-, I1- . rs, Ac., on h.-.!. ' n.'id i!::..!.' t"r!er. .. II tin imm ei !- : ehra'e I.'.rk?. i..r 5a!e at mar.'il.i'-iiirers' prie?'.. j ben-i.J 1.:: f. I S.i!":," ' ! alaii.ai. h iV' an 1 j Iron ('i'"t." of ot'.i.-r inai.. r-, having' l ' ' ; tai:en in part navinent for li-rri n-;"s. lor ah- i at hall j.riee. i Vaivli till,' tr:vi ELCJES AND SHAD! V-V''!:nz ''Jet '"-it ViV'.. D J. V.'IIJ.IAMS. .o. 12 Nonli l7i MA'TII MKi:r.T, a l.-w i!... r ahov .M.ii'-etNt..H1o:,.,.!p,ia. ,n;l'.lS.r! OV M.I. A7.ll N7 17 .' lines the ! ei mate- ri.i. elu-i'p (. r a si, w loi h t i. aim's h.m to s.-i! uperii r t i::i:xv I5!i!SIs & M,;;ili s as lou as oth'Ts seil inferior artieies. li- Id llor ii red and I'aiir.t d hades, of l eau lifnl deM'.':i. B ut' (ln!!.'.i d Sin !-. Trimmings, Fixtures, 1 iVc. whoif-ale r.i.d retail. . So ire S' r. '.- I'.i .: I .' ' I T.f Mr rrA . r r.T .p - . ..... .. . .. .. .. 1 Iit'on :r.::-' .... r . :,tr. I f... P.. i e i..-. Jl'Ta pir.'l-e i-aii. j ii-w i: i i i:v to j-i.eam:. .Mareh -U . I'.V "Jin.'.'. z rEETIOH TRUSSES. HOM -r I.'i:.!i:rt' . !:wsfiit!y 11 lie..;..-.!, aid r. ml.. rk minted. Iv t'e of tl.e . solo hi- Ml.t Tie i - r, ai...I .11. pro 1 1 v t r express v :.ue tJ 1 r I All s'.f.W n:; with llopiure wili 1 e c';.:.fi ol to ..-arii Mat Hi "'c.o;i.n i.otv . : i. to r -etire a Tr1'--. r. i:;l i!;o -J xlrtn. ti1 'un-r. it il't e..--. irin'...' l.Jli r. mrt rntt.trtir:!' a. m I'.e'.l r! th? ciur.hrou and niieotr.t. r-:al le arlieie nuailv soM. An ext'-nsive a--oiumit lays on hand, r.dapteit to evorv variety i : ; "are in a. lulls aioi ehodiet!, and I t sale a. nn:jr i f pil'-et.i siot all. t '..st t.f Sioele Tnisse. 4'. . .p-1. "r 1 ano -7.i : 1 'i.u: :e. .7. . -to. -TO, ..i.o -r 1 o. I 1 rpi'io ti 1 a loianee ean nave a i ins tia l..S,i!t W'h, '- n and K -a 1 bv the l.u ; p. rter. :lf f II. Vrr(!!lA. S. W. e. r. ot I u !ep t f r It.n.r I'aesi Kxp' t'Ts .-: M...i::.:. 1 IJ..1. -1 . na! i'r- p ai.-i ..i p . corr.'.-:,-,.! ::t.!.. l . I'll! 1 I'O' U.S. U . o- T 'ai.' I.a..t, V- - 1' TT CT.I-T1VT T)UT X-mtif av.i; .1 Dr-i.oiu' t'ase Mai.ul'aemrer. N. W. c. r. of Four h A :I.e.tiiut S;s., l'inladelphia. Always on hand a iarire and varied a.fort rrent i f I r I Mi nnaies, V,.rk Bo.x-:s, P.e!:et Uooii.. V il it.k.Ta' I'a.es. Ii.i-.e.in liars, N. li..!.!er. Ho -u:.m a Boards, 1'ort Fol-.... ri-.ct. y.t a. l' ir:il !e I'-iis, i'i ekei Memorandum Book.. lire, si hi; ' 'a cs, ric.ir faes. Ac. Mo. a fou! ns..,r!it..-i;t rf KX:1 Isll. IKK.Nt II AM) I SKI! MAN FANf'Y (Kiel's. I'lit" r-cK t (-'in. erv, I.,i...ts, Kazi r Mru -i ,i . AVh.de.ia!.-. S-cnd anl Third Floor. .. v; I I- If v n- . r i. . ,-i. . . . ... i. ........ i :i. i i on i . ii ... iir. tn n i i i: i ii.. ..t. N. 11. Oi II.- receipt of l. a ,;feri.r (;..M P,. Wl!! ..,,, ......nvpart of the t -itrd ....... , ' cuie.. u mail ; ut-sei i.o ii z pen. i:n., ineilmni. hard, or s, it. f March llo.'a.i 1 voT i 1'russs Sii)pi in k. ff.( i: !-lW'.!er Ur I. AI K STOr K l.M JS, Shout- races, and all other Sotreii-a! Apparatus and Ban ilaee., applied and warm. I'd ' te cire satis rr tire, bv I'r. ai d Mr..M't I.LN ACIIAX, Xo. li Xlrtii Si:L.XTII :rect, Vi'tlnilffjihin. 'i'he ereat mitubcr rf Females relieved and cured by weann? Mrs. SFCIi naeban's St:p pi rteis, wanants hi r in c. it ir.er.dit'i: them as suprrior to ai vihing ef the k.nd rver oferrd to the pul.I.c j 1 Till toill Ten IJiht3 in a Bar Room, Ami uhal I saw There. BY T. S. AliTlll It. Tin '"'...ii'ii'o ' '. ;.. in a Msnth. TIMS r 1 . rfi.l I t-y all wl.e hara I 11 t.i 1 .- it..- J . -t . or wr.t'ei. Iv sir. Aill.ur. : Ji pi-ts ttie evii. ol In: ..!! - r iliei- in a " irs f TP rill T j; I -k.t. li.-.. iiiti.lr.-.t ti- ' I! . I-"1 T..vt ru kfi-piiv :.u I i Hum .it Milling, n t - loy i li in.'.. :.l ne til In-, tie., tut : in r..iiiii:ui.;lii -.0 :..r.-.-. 1 n- .1. rv . 1" lut.r .Maiv T..r- can mi l l.. r !:rli- r. v. 1, : r.-l r.ne 1 I V ! e.-U-oll..u and dU:::s.a:r ":.rI!:.';!;'r.::' 'a! ':'i:r. . .1 i y -.f ,'. uiueon Umn i-j m-'y ..tl.. r m.-ai.s. A.-: 1- .in:.i .1. -... u ai-.i eonnty fii.e I'i.Oi-I ..tut.-., to i-ell an e.lil: -n cr tti n up ip.ri.illy lr th. m. 1 1 ...iiOiiOy il.iipiri.ie l witu a tue nieiiumt .n .ravtMi, l S.'rOor. t; v. a .wxih i'i t-y will li? font (est paiJ) oa re ceit l uf tin- pri. e. 7-'. e Ills. J Ihe lare.-t .'IU.U11.-.....I1 w ill 1 . pai.t. .l.tiln-ss J W. I'.lt M'l.l . I'liMiatn-r. ' Ye IS N.irtli Fourth Mr. 1 1. I i.iiailwll l.ia. y.iw viis. f " ji'.. ":""lZTA,,e oM- rVr-iwi 1 t,u..i.eiou FAhMS, l'u. mi i.n.inl m un, in a- .o.i i .-. i n m ... o. i - uuis; :.-o ;,';; nn .! .i so.Vi.e 1. " i-i a,, or In i. i, .,n,u i -mo and uuauna-sid f..r t..iiy ud uiio - em wi i'1 e- --. 1 mili.-il of -..r.-i ar.it inn lia. recnltT hrrT. airo.prr.l. ,. ,. . . ; . : . ' '.'ZhL IZ "ti'wrSZUvZ tn ii.i-r -;.t ttn-it jaiuu. v.U uiiukirt any ctt.ir Ti.e.r lili.iH X ZI'.C f UNT. wl.i s 10I1I at a lew lie . r. s fi. 11, :.r..t.rlive ituaii- e. Met ran Ills I . from tl.e V v .iTey. e now . 1 Mi. I l. r il.a ti lii . I to il Tiler s ll. N . rill.ol: I'A I M o-. ... all the prcp.r ti. a .-r 1 1 tt lin w n. ii 11 1 is . t an inrr.val t.-r fer -aitt-tiog Cs.ltagi-!i, l epfctp. Out I ililttinL-.. Itri.iir. a. e. H'.KM II i Kll'Ml'.rs. Wh.l rr.le Taint lv-ateraiind Ini.rleni, N.W. eor. . f ll'lh ai:d vlarket Stu. iVud.i,.'. sm'.-ial'i I'lirt'iiolocy. FOTiZKHS, HMl.v, CO., FKoM .Vfiir roKK 1 llaveoprneda Vhrem ltsieuli abtiitt , rJaTCV 'l ft"''' at 'Hit Al " f,,-l 'vVJtf '''tween mh and 7lh. I'hiletlrlphia. I i r and are prepared to luriusna 1 mrir 1 1 inrty lluur Clock. 1 lar-re lieu, ana a va.i J yj Works rn Phrennl. cy. Physmlocy, . ctv of mbcr articles to.. Bumcroi.s to mseru Hvdropathv. Maenetism. and Phon-1 Terms made known on dav of .ale. ographv. at -New Yurie prices. March HO, IMS lw f " KLINE. rrnirssional Examinaiioiis.wuh Chartsind r..ii ...... .1-. . iniicr c ,f rh:irA?tt r. pwer. ! 1 Kit Ml lliril Hr.-.l.ll.iJ.'.. - 9 -. - - , dav and e.enir..-. ISCabinrl fre to visi 1 i,,r fly517c.V!ql ! I Improved j OlTKR-I'hipliRte of LIME 2.500 J I'.'.Ai. if llie mcit supermr tiianui.etaja alio . af-iinrtia of eve rv d-ser;,,.;,,. , Catru.eil Pla.trr. Oinriit, Ac. r r, juce of all k.m!a b-.e!;t a:.d oMc, : ftu.ii.ii.siou. , li. H. fcLLI-EHS & CO It rwa:;:t.s ai.'i mni:..i n Mrri:a.,;. .No Co X, rlh U har.rj. A'ew York Aiiv'ls. Cheap Ilusic and Fiano Store OF HwiicfWa'iTvNo.333 Rn-atiwat, . w Voi;- fju.-tti n .. V. f..,li,w. (.'M-M.t at tiliwty K" '::. 1 Kat's X-.twitli.taii'i.ug tl.e c ... , ;,r., :i ,. jr.,,; !! ler. I" keep upth pi:.., f,., n , , . M'isic ar'niit-t the inters. -, N., ,, r'. ,.;i" cr. an t th'ir retnsal to f:e:nl lo Mr.,Tl the (imrlni's ' f lee 'I ra oe. i.e l.s., i7of,,.,e .sale h:r. :t.' i.l;ineai.l ev.e". :.t-e j. lt;ij puhi.c ci'iint' i. :.:.(...' a:.d ti.j rt it. h.i f.s-i-i. .ti tn tlo'ifii Morn po'y. ai.d in !,;.,. :T r.s t . a d Xat.ve T.:nt and d( pt il:e .Nit.. :;a -"iiri.-.iry. Hi Mck of American ai.il K'.re p:in Me.ic i- ii!in;i t..e. n n r! ihe cat..! cue if hi . o ..i. p.::! I.oatiot s it one ( 1 llie lai -'. i r t hi-sl s.-l.. .( .'. hi tite I 'liii'..! r- ;a:e.s. 11. lia- a,.,, i: ...... ri .i .. rtiiurll n in tl.. priee ot i'.ar . M ..us air! ail tiiids Musiral Instriirr.t .-nt.rior loo I i-tt:.'.e l'lanos li.r .t-j i . i .. .. ii.t- r . ! - - 1 pliant y. aJ if r.i;,, t u .1;' f .-.-t: l .it. r:.l.:- a !1 fchih f-.li';.. l':sBf4 i . :. n i '- ti i-i f t' i - : ti .'.m li . rns-r- i.' rt I'ini: of I. . r k ij ul - 1 1: .i : n ( nr.: .-( ilt; ! i-.t.J t t ir. -:ir i ri- - Tr. m . u. VtL. Ir- :n . it lVrrM : t. ti tt- t r; n.rluc-.tiif t). Hi i: ki. n I a 'I w- -ii itli'- i i ' Mttlr-l th- M;al f ' m ; r: n- r.t ; t'.f l--'. n-k- tn '.L I ti V J .-UtUa. I r. i- - 4 . T.1''1 Mu:th I- i.f.io :;.. V.- .-!!-. - I- n :ir 'i J. e.'l I. - ' I- rn - t tf l.-iiiJ.'. -i ro, 1.4, i,-. 1. -re i '..:'' n ai'i - ,r'1 f : r- n , t i..r-rr i. -J t-. M. M. ,o-t i t- ii 1 tl- f lii- '"ti: t: v. tt Hi-- r 'tiT-1 Tit. ". c Tl JtCl 'ifft . f- ki.i ' hf-lti' - ? 1 '! ' ff MtiwceVl llJlr.ji;i- i-i"t- i- i;ir l. 'l - f.nT 9'i-:r ff of c halite. Lml To Fci5on3 out of Eaupicynierit liKMS WANTED in em .section ;:hd I stul Vnhime el tiie Year great t.fi; t.t JrtAMri. J; ' i ' I.- I. n ii:urr;.t.l P-r't-t: r. c,fit IXf M . N ." u J l, ' : atl I Jh I I ,. ii.r -V of j- t . . i : ; . , . . I ;-..,.hF. ISO r. urr, . r. i . -:r.i:.' !.t. r rti.:. f. : .iu: '-. .:: ual . , ; l:.. , I . J . -. t. ;. I.I i i... ill ti-,t.i;i ft . . -r- n i; . Iti iii l nif-t t!:l.i n:r u:c-s .. i :ii ar.-u , i-tu ra n.t: bi.J Vfv- 'f 1.- r- : 'it. J A-i W ! . 1 1." W !.' ! l"V- r ' ,-: , L.'i.' '! : l- .t '' - L''f, cBUitIjf 1 1, .1 . !: t 1 pr'i f ' . n . v ..,.).. . . v i .., .ai- .ii t ;irat r, sbJ v .- : i i. i . i ii- i. .! -t i tnii- n . t the tit . '. 1,1- t hi til. . : . I-.t I- T fi l.ul U.I.I BtMr I , ,t . . i .- . : v i i:;' - : :i I f'-uro .f Ptitiiitl f -.;- ! -r. i ,r " ti liK ii ' 1 vi.-- 1 -;"! a bini( l.rrtf. M. J . . . i..; f 1 ' it i 1 .-ill ti al U e J lit tim" i-. I!.-- i - - t : i iinif !t.l Ai. 1 n. t.f tucti lr iM 1 kl.' v.i. UtJ " '. t i-iir' OH Llli' u. to V 'i ' "v i-' "t . v'm'.Mi ','') -TT7K I: i y ' h A : i. t A! r.-: t t I l.U.UAit.t i j. . t ' ; - .i' ' I ' ::.' 1 1,- : ; n kj-J .'.I.. ,ri il..- i - .' .,r i.. (li-nw- i4. . l i.i. . - . - . i . i -. A - v. r.-. '. i.g- , .- . ,1 I 1 . : t ' . i : " -v i I ,.: ; u 1.1 BVI , i- . lv.-; i - ' i' it- : : f -1; f-.- t r. t l b r i- cl.arat t. . - :. ...' i n- . ' '. . I. i i '-i -a .tf. fur l '1 ; 1 ; i . .!.!'. r.'t f ' -.0. - u L -' i ; i' r ; .i; a i. m: t . r f Ui- -t )t: l'u fa I.-. r. ; tt r. n-t ' 1 m . h ft i;v ral anl t r . z ii ..:.! -' i.: t vi ii ti.-i. oi; y -ftf- !y bb- iil- r i u In-l i.' t.fciid ; tt.- i ii.L. r. To m-n f a lu.r n-ii.; ii -a r Mid 1 .at. tl i n nt pormnitj f r : o t :..i I- . i. : I 1. 1.' ai ui I" I . rei t i ! Jn.l'i ; t. i-i ii . :. -r ::.' in IN ir "xle aiil r-eri ! ; r. a. . i- I.. ...... I .i-.:. nr .. i.t.iinii lull ..I.-uiar". v l.i 1 :. I: I.- o . . . - .: ; ...i -I t- ... r , A.-, u.." i t . li r : . t. ; r . a be I. : ' - v wOi I furiiolnl, by m. : -i . lja.1, lii.tl l.r M.M.e. PaMi.r. , 1.; V. i .in M. Vork Tin; a n kat kk.mkdy, VLl'I'T w!.;eh ;o much has l-een said and p.il ' .he.l. i. anionir u. W ho has not I. . .; :! ..':.VM.V .17'.S7'A; USt .Vl:.l Many m .'Ii. ns ol l oti.'es have been s. i t ai I ueJ I., .ore Koeumaii.m l .cert, r. l'rti.-s. S; r.i'i. ;. liing-wt rin. Felons, .-s..'.: Kb U'ii, Piles, s re Xij.p'.es and faked !'ie,-..vt.. I'a.o-rrs, lieh. fetes on ihe Toes, S..:e llv. s. Har-acl.e. I'.ir. pit iswoiier. Joinia or I.niiV.. t'lii.-, s.':.l.'... or Scald-head, Ntiinb 1'aNv. Hie ...sir !"r. - fei I, Warts, or any other complaint that can be reached by an extern-! t- ..!..!.'. Ai..i u ha., always Veen . Ir i i .it" . i ! T r. iton in her.hnjr V.'i i .;. Scta'ciici. .ad l.e . r harness Galls, r aiiy spr..it:. s. t. r.es i.r st;lVne.s, and it is wf.nii.i. -1 t.. Hire jspavin, Knigbi.ne, Splint, i r 1'. .'. F.i :!. . r. It, r.es. ,"j 'i'iie l. tiinu i.t is put np in three sizes, and reia.'s :.t ..) r:.. :".n cts.and 1. The lare 1 . til. . 1. t.t.i.a much mi r I.inim. tit in propor tion to Ine prices, and are therefore cheapest, (.'"ii Cry .V-ii i'Dili). rve'V st..r shordd be supplied with this valealoe l.l.N i M Ii.T. as it pavs a coo l pr. fit and seil. r:.pt l.y. J.W. V. ESTlillOKK, (.accessor to A. ti. Urap c & ". I.riizinator ?r. ! sole rroprutor. rrincipa'.l ii";.-. "i 1 Uroadwav. NewYirk, and cor. :' 1 .v Markets; ..Si. I.ouis. Missouri. S, i 1 bv everv dealer in drttss an 1 medicines lliror i-1:. 1 ii o I'.i 'e.l Si. ires. Canruhis. est la and Uernit: ! i T-lands. Iy-"3:) "Tils CAEIU CCY'S STCRY," A . - i Nfiut'tnl liinintii'- cf inl' n- intrr. t. Vy th A : i.'-'fir .: ! -tor, tL,'-- -L-rwy.r" ttury,'" t!. ''. 1 ! itr-r." .'.c. if. M'ii...-ii - - . rli-Tt...-. Mv the writ. -rofth? riT 1. j.'ii tr work-.i- a -1: r.; n nr'f of th- f.f r v .!. . ': : .r, . .11 to 1. tn:t li ut I i- t- n will t r- c .i 1 . Ii 1 ti' ii' '."-:i lu S M v." is ft 7 .:. 1:' ; 1. 1: ; .:i w. m.i-tr:.; 1.-' tl.' ' T' r i f the- Utw 1 r. V. r; ; l u i:. t!" :-t ' f A'i i 'n 1 hv rtuttuT ! , - . i 1 ui ti: i; i ui .i i !.'' 'Ti t i'r. ni. J char . ti.'- i . i: ; r-- i u;ni fan- r w iththfrn. '(:-; i '.in i : . if : ii.tir"t arl a'v'uture x tl, - ,." i v i k . f li. f .. . -Ui I .fi-;i I ru rl --ii-. a t;;" i.:j-' "'.''r :Ji;if .'I'TioUS lit.'U, in.iM.itirti rt- : ;. 'ii ! t t-' f ry t:iv nc-' Urr- cce. Ihe ! it r. il.li I.' r-.ii.- .f t In ."I'ry. .ul-Ail. tl.e Tirras i.t. ...i" 1 ;it ' ll'Ititiif f.i''. i:'-:it- (1 aul int-ri' i Iv He rtfM-. t tl.itjlrtt'. i Bi"i;r lh C '.t r- .. i X lit" Al-ti i ty I.ntTftiOti of i,.i .-. '' ' Tla-, e. i. in ;h. i n:i 1 all thf tuimrnis rliatr iti.r ..-Li -ut tLf L .r are tid:jr Ir- w :.'. ri-riiirtilv th.-ir in'r.tii n t i i.; . .ni'M.y. lii.-y li..- n i'.1';'J larsrrly t.. it:; -. .- .. r : i v r r .nrully ri' iuc' Uiat ail or- , i i. nl ii: im il:.t-!v. I'.,-., i,' ,i 1 1 il. "it tsi wrr wi'l rrrtitf as j ruii-li a r. -t u any W'T'ii ft il.-ticn timt lt of it t. ..: i t.. 1 fv ti n. pi.rwit!itaP'l:li;a 1 !-.i-i t !. l'ii' Mci-i i. n f "l of Vv ui '.! i0.'' nrk rr l..i to -i.Hfiv mi .nr:.'.i. r"" .m.l f v. Iirt bfn ! ntitr. it t;, n- iir- .i m) fart'il datti'tr rri.iti..n to the -:.ii.i ti;-, i 1 1 ...Mi-s en tl A.'ri.-:m tnt. writ- li n 1 "f I " if - 'tn''"f'l it in fill it 1ml' vus lft.r-' n.i'v." 'J ' k i wr.rt. n i?i !;:..- nn 1 f nr.- 1;iIik aa?, Mvf-i' .. st Ut-:rirtif atiil in-trurtite a)liti a to lh tt-iri . .:' r.'-. T;.i v. ; i t. f -m n V'-r:iti'"u1 r-tnrrt TfTuiri of j rn. Lit! . . ni'-.y ilin-tral-'ii illi fin-- T rr.i iinr. ard !. ni'iiv i i:i..Im.' th. rriff. in (!-th. f n ii.-lrnr : i-i j t-r. tHtitJ, at '.ttf!i r-.ti '! it-H twill wr.t It ti.f i ui-h; lo t;y iAi'l f til t-uuetry ;"r'- cf po- 4,n Yvt .:.ltt hos.'.T'' ar. 1 r. .."M r the ruMishrrs, Klilijtt ii:lt 4 fTilKt-T. i; t':v -. rTttrr.T. t V-f. Ac. ftrHll V. -r.Vf.-,.!Tf.tUts.u;.lK.ut tte I nttctl States atiJ liti i ' I''. .n t-. '2r.:.-'-.7 VEiMDTJE. "!M. bfsPM at I'.e PuMie lf..ne of C. ! K'me, in i'ae Per. ',! . 1 l.ewi.nur!:. I'm n Co., I'.i , ! Miiiii i:J.i aVimi T, 1-.V.. comii-.-.-ir' r.t in nVVk. A. M.. the folleui.." iiri.ol.rv:?: .1 p.-.l.-toads and Bed dot". 1 ( l.eitv I!eie:.'i. f . 1,0 r ar.d Kitchen I oo'j, a:.!., a' I.t "f f oa.rs. Coal and Wood Stoves. T.il':. Ketiles am! Pans. liarrels, Kees and ltu.-i.ei.. .1 let 01 suieiior Vinegar and ( "nrr.iTit U'lt.e m quart b. f.lvs. Stands and Ta bles. Pictures and Frames, a lot ef Tinware, C. pper Kettles, a variety of Dishes, 2 laree Puiley.a and Hopes, 1 Wlieeibarrnw. 1 sett el" f arroi ll.mi.'i 1 sett of Hark Harness, iri.!!es' and Collars, 1 Family farriase, t Two jr.e Top llusv, 1 Two Hof.ae dvereit Sprint; Wauon, I Fresh Milch Cow. 1 S.rirn, 1 side Saddle ar.d Bridie. 1 lar.-e Wo 1 Whrel. To Scliool lim(i. a a 1 J j-.- TV LANK C ntraets auh Teacl ers, and Ot- Il ders ea Treasrt er, at Chronicle Dtf.