Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 06, 1855, Image 1

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    R 0 N I C LI
hJ Jj
i i H 'j ww m tv j u y Hy
0. N. WORDEN & J.
It. C. HICKOK, ConnEsroN -
CDf fcBtetorfl Cymric.
FBIItV, .4 TBI I. C, IS.'iS.
f. ii. .n ine sUeu-li is from one cnlillcJ
!ecn rf Cattle J SStihws.
Thf NT'
Ftirmrr. frun ren of ,,1"
the Vrai"' (''' )
'a;n of
EJitor. Fe
,.i eur re;u- s . ' ,
Us enS;M'r J 'V,;,. cfllle ,ue. :
,u ' !
Mr Sirawu is a man et aiou,.
.ndsUi.Kl.es iu Mature, stoutly bu.U,
with a cbeStof great capacity measuring
.bout the lret,e we toM hfty-lwo
5nches in girth. He isnow finyr year,
cf ar-e : a little v.pou tie dov.u hill side i J
lifc,itUl.air luruiLg trey ; ' ;
granule '-l,,y; that
is,cbliSedtos!uTasI-mya.s about four .
hours every yht. IK' las a large and
pleaant face. -! is a una id ' 1 '!'-
pearance. HI, U.u -U i" ,r",s i
of land, lying, firid'.y, ' ihe Le .it of
can county,
au J next iu to M.iy vl
gaDgaraon. The Crt
of T.'OO
acres, in one body ; being six miles u
length by three and a ha:f m treadili ;
tiothcr. of !?,"i!il a.-res ; or together.
real estate ;"' f r we have not been able
to learn that Mr. St.awn ever sold an aere
cf land siuee he c iiue lo th State. N r
has he bought lamls f-r the take of nn-tio-polizing,
or '-ii jl lir.g on," or fr lr.:!r
in reality ; his p trcLas. s have been f. r
use, and when obtained Lave been and are.
Jacob .Mrnwn was born in Somerset j
couutv, I'enii- Ivania. His parents we :
iufer to have been cither po r, or in such
circunistauees as to Lave Lnu to shirk
pretty luueh f-r l!nic!f. His mothcr.we
larn, was a terrible" wcil'.cr, and the
boy Jacob was taught ia her wajs. Vie
li:,r r-f his endeavors at clearing a farm,
.... i r..-t . ;, - l.i,.. i i. .. -e
at tone iu lctitjylvar!ia: cf his chains:
till far into the night, bv the light of lires !
kindl -dby Lis wife from" the fallen tr es, '
and after a .hurt t-Hf, bcii.g at it agiin,
after th auic fashion, by the tame aid. i
Atanc-t'ir t'.'.v Lo k-f: IV-nnsvIvacia f, r
L'ciiB"Couatv. .. wiicre Le rcmaiucl ,
The great business of his life had, how
ever, been long commence -1. Indeed, iu
his own words, he "befiau it at tea yenrs
cf age, and has driven it to this tituc,with
all the wiud and credit Lc could command."
The great passion of his life was and is
ttetrteatlk : to drive th. m, feed them,
buv thcin, -ell them ; and then own other
Btecrs.to go through the like process ; this ,
was to him and is yet, what books were to
Kirke White, crannies to Napolcu. Ho
pursued it eleven years in Ohio, and at
the end had cash enough to ureliase the
aforesaid COO and odd acres in Morgan1
couuty, three miles fr un .J;.el;snnvi!ie, 111.
He gut him up a small leg house, good a
thnn fif his neii'h!i(ir. ninl which statids
ct where he resided till 1CS when his
preseut dwelling was erected. The part-
.1 ah i nr ..a ..M.ri .... i ...... f ...... : ... c. ...... n . i nori ti 1 ts nt hwu'itr sin ciuiiircn. I ue i 'ininF..i in I . 1 1 n I ii-iii i i n v. i- ToaTt? unrrotcciCu. is as urown. or raiuur i
land a t"e -tn v .1,-, ever .l.i.ie fur Iovetilinc cf culture. Neater, clea- ! centre table is covered with beautiful sea- ! VCJ the judgment ; and never can we for- : as rod, as dead evergreens usually are in ; f""6,,s "s n'w . br fr W w-tJ , eie r re::a!)'r;
unu a-. . ; t.i ... ... , , -i v.-. - .t ,'i i . .'them, iloc'd fm.t '.s alwa.s scarce. n-ri". tv. C-.ci.ar 1 aora f (rtjtrna emgclSi
WOn. The-e 1 itids wi'h r.U their im- i.er lands can not be found in the State. smi' a- . ,, , . , : get the m-.jestio sweep cf his arm, and tho midsummer. v e fear we thad L.TO a . . h-rows .n all
Lutents, stock, and fixture,, are his ! The cnchies .re almo.t exc.u.ively of t , ' ?-ciug glance of Lis eye, us ,l,y cm- long catalogue of znUfortunes to chronicle i ZtlttZJtTZ 7 ZZ t Ltn
n livid,, il earning ; Uit.t: the product of Vrgmh rail fence, staked and ridcrcJ, J'carS of Se' a" 1 of aboUt t,,C ",a;ure "! . braced the large assembly before him,..d by aad by.-- crl4f (Rochester.) , .,jr,"trS . . ; iuK . n, 3:taia a ,K,SJ., ,.f over 15 teet whed
Epecultition, cither it, land,, Mocks rr: such as no civilized bullock will think f ""husband. She is a woman of "'" ; he tIcIailne(I; uYunKlU lc thrc," zui 1 Ivm'w '' -ure, Lot lS v.rr strcn, and ri-tJ.
OtluT matters ; and the result of no ' ri.- attempting. The usual , rac.iee of good -ITent strength and vigor cf character, iog LU hcart aaJ i;fi;n3 Lis ; Cd9 t3 Bnslaad. I V' J -,. , ' X fr- , ' Tfc" !"" '"l m
eleven year" md then puliiu" up fctakes as atrawn. Jl was uis ceniur.es upon ce-muncn to come . . n . f(jUn(j Lis nrr,0;u,,a luri;lI. And when
rain ho ea.'i- tJ Miu-jis, arriving iu ' f"'" ""ur '"tuern and Central ' hhips, what goods, what gold, what gems, our car(h rt,n(jCH up itJ ,rca3Ured rkhes, I
1.1 'and pitehinj uj on a ruiall tract of Winn, Miuuri, and the settled parts of arc garnered in that vast I.Tud storehouse 1 . fce wiU Le but 0QC of tho throBg of j. ;
aloutSW aerc-,here his Lou.e now ' i h allJ LT night.across And above all, what countless bouts of C(1 ambassadors of Clirist who from the
tier of his early life died, however, about seldom lelt him at a loss while there were lathomed caves, ana resistless as are lis fur300i bis evil ways aud his former pro
one year after hi? arrival in Illinoi?, leav-; daylight or stars. j terrible energies, thanks toOod the " Sea ; fesri,I1S) sn,i became au Kvatigelist of the
inghim three sons, who still survive.; IVihaps some may suppose that thcro shall give up its Dead." ! primitive stamp. Ia his new sphere he
Twenty years since his present wife was is no chance f, r art and skill in driving And what an army shall appear on that jj w;,, ambc ardor of a whole heart
joined to him, and five living children are cattle. If any have .-neh a notion, a trial day ! The inhabitants of the antediluvian ' cJ tjliri,t;an) aD, ftW mcn were more use
the result of this marriage " Y. w.i that or two with a drove of wild bullocks would vr.irld swept away by the deluge,re!eiitless fur B0Uie tbrec or four thousand per-
day t , tVi. life : s b--. ui -levin-
ting pursuit of Lis
were the first etur- .
in- ha. liis
lor -in coantr,
and he has probably kl r- :e f ii.ee that
time than ail other men in the county to-
gethcr. The industry wilh which this '
lusincss has been j ursueJ ly him, is
wholly witht ut a parallel iu all the his-
toritsof business tv, r pursued or heard of
tyus. Mr.Siiawu is i. .t and never has
been in any proper s, use of the term, a
breeder of cattle, lie l,.,,t them, feeds
them till fattened, and then sells them,
As bis busiuess increased he inereased his
Jarm, until it Las grown to its preseut
size, lie has
He has now ure.m it f: w .f
corn, 10W LcaJ r,f cuiilc hvir.- just
foM4ou whose lice must r-.on bo ain
filled TOO h-s lo f ,; and ft r01I fur
his cattle, about fA in r-s, and from 0 to ,
100 uul,.s. Of o:L. r st.-I; h- has little,
ilia Olily txjericijce in slue:, h,
gave as
1-jUowb: 'Mle ,i,pe b-m-lit 'JO head ;
the d. $ kiiif tl ir. ..r.i ... i .. i.i
" J vj ii cm. iiiiu iiii! L'l-
1 Hi ivr t;irk hrn!S or
OtW p.ul.rv, ho cares liulc cr ..mhit,,,. 1
He raise, n U- )car, atld one 0f
tl.ee, one year .d a l.alf o!J, sold tbe '
rrent s, as ,D, wci?hed l:i50 lb,. ;
His Mies f wu tLe rrMl.nt FCson
nave amount,.: ew.n
OMLe-aMtn. I . . . ..':.i... t:...i 11 .1 I... M. C '
I of cuttle abr.e cscccdiug 600,001. I
She stfc of furiiiiug pursued ly Mr. !
Strawn may easily le gatlcrtd from the
2 id-. nc i4EM no hca?j oat. VT
mxG Editor.
the whole surfaco of ,
oilier Muall train ;
. Lis domain is devoted to limber, grass.and j
' corn. Vc were, however, tliown one '
field, now fifteen years in prass, which the
' plow has ntjver touched. It was a piece of !
rouuh hoe lowland, given over to weeds
and brui-li. It was "brought to" by clear- i
ing the surface, smoothing it down, aud j
being trod compactly together by an im- ;
,,,,,, drova 0r cstl,... Since th'-n it yields !
a'.l the gias a fcythe can go through.aud '
at Ibis time i-i peppered all over with hav j
stacks. All the corn is M on the ..
A common manner of ra'iMiiir it is to fur-
uiMi the land tu a laborer, and Lave tie
corn lm-iuvu and init into stoi.l;s at aoo.-t to
Mr. S. of ci-zht cunts the lashtd. One ,
man will tend a Geld of 40 acres. We ;
were shown a field cf a half section or
DUO acres ivhich will now 3 kid not much !
1 fi;in SO Ini-slwlt irfr mr h.iil a tho
x 1 ,rt - t tf 1
pcasou has been, ibis ball Eoctiou. bv
the wav. is a favente siza fur a liclJ on
.,:. f.,n, :
v.. t .' : . l::.-- :.. .11
who cuLiva-e i.i. 'r him, that no weeds
. . ... ... . i
are to be tokia'ed. lie will anywucre
on his farm, eet off his horse to pull un a !
weed ; and iu his own words, "a hat full ;
(f cockle burr tr sour dock could not be
found on the rivmiscs." Iu truth, the '
fanners in this ptitf of tho State is here i
i!h. wed, of cutting up and putting in 1
stct.k all the c m. At tl.is woik,the
of Xlr. S., in striped overall, wcr-'1
g-iged cu the day i f our visit. ,
stocks are wanted i.r fecd,they are '..
into a l it a 'j ittirg. pn-1 fed vp '
grass ; stalks, ears, and a'.l. Ilc-j. either
run wilh the cattle cr are turned in after ;
them, and thus clean work is made of!
J he question may arise, where sueli t
number of steers can bc found, as are here
annually fid and turned cC This is pcr
hat no d.iiieult question to answer now, '
(it cat'.b are plenty ut present iu Illinois;
ana lnsteaa oi increasing nts business, .ur.
s t0 ,!'c pli!lt pi" l,f Jea"
and inCrtuity, has rather decreased it of
Iate" l:"t years ago, when the land was
newer and the country was wilier, the i
buin. ss of Cudiug and driving cattle on ,
waw was one oi enormous laoor, ,
'! furuL-Led a field for the genius of ,
or without a mad, as the cise might be, in
a rentier fairly entitling the story of it to
-he pages of romauce. Sleep was of no
coiiscjuciicc to him. To rid.! a week, duy
and niht, without a wiidc of tie, except
what he got upon his horse, was noun-
common occurrence ; and tnia Has been
fdluwcd f.r tight and nine days together ,
'"ore man once.as we uave it irom ins ou
story. 'A'heu the country was particular-!
b' ild aud difiieult.pilots were employed,
1 men were ready here nnd there to'
heed the call of Jacob Strawn, at what-
ever hour of the night ho happened ta
nii.ke his appearance. Vet he would cross
a new seeli.m of territory almost as if by
iiisiinct ; the quick and accurate appro-
hension of the features of territory, which '
habit and keen observation hud given him, i
ex'ract the conceit. Mr. Strawn can drive
any !mii ':;- -rierc. Wo to the wild
steer l.rcakinir irotu the drove to escape
him. On his trained horse, Mr. S. is along
side of him, uud the youngster feels the
whack of that .terrible cattle whip, fairly
cracking through all his interior in repea-
ted strokes, till he roars with pain. If
this docs not suffice, the story is told us,
that, iu his prime, he could ride along
side the animal, aud, without dismounting
f( ire him by the horu with one hand, snd
by the nose wilh the other, and tumble
him upon his side before ho could "know
what made his head swim." How far this
U tm., o .1.. i,i l-i..,ir but have reason
to thiuk it lias Lei-u dne. Of course.one (
or the otht-r must "give in," and so far it I
has always boou the bullock. :
A ci.iistant service of twenty f r Ci-'y '
years of thi kind, could not fail !, -b.v.-l-!
op a ptxtciual liurmsin, none uic i i!.ai
on aeeount of its peaceful ends. 1 ur years J
.,.,...i.. i,r .,.J.nt c 1 r,,.;.
iv",niii tut: 11'vt.ruiaiBt.b ui "
Till Li Ium,,c9 bad reached 25,000 Fr '.
annul.., be k-pt no books l.mtcvi-r,aU his '
rcccirt,, r,rmeut,, and balances being ;
carried ii. Lis head ; jet no uiau caught
bin, in a mistake ; nor could anr man bc '
fdund wll0 cuuld ut aU eppo wi;u Lis ra-!
c - tr. ..;.!.;,. I
praiiiesanu uirouu nuiuer, l iuo iuju u.u.uu ...... . "Vntcred into the rert rrcrarcd tor the
through a drove of a hundred a!een,veiKh !
them all in hi mind, acM the amounts !
tutlirr, calculate their co.-t at the market:
TU zn(f befaro the ow n,r wc,ci t-ocir ;
riDn)5 at frobtarji, Union itocntt?,
number, the money would be tendered : j
"Will you take it '! if 80, Lore it is ; if
not, enough said ;" and Jacob Strav.n is
somewhere else. We have heard it said
that he and two of his three older sons
would almost iMalliMy decide, ity tnc eye,
the weight of any bullock, or number
bullocks, within from five to ten
each, on a ride, through them ;
the difference would never pay the
of putting the animals upon the
Ail steers are known to him.
once on a horned annual, and ho knows-
him heneef..r:h as a man knows his Iro-
ther. Of all Lis 2000 cattle, each is an
a - 'O'iaintanee, ami his proper pasture is
rLiiK'inlpred,aiid his absence from it noted j
tt nce, eveu though iu hU posscsiion but ;
llu tiriiint (lirollIrifT ia ft Iflrrt wA-;fn- '
ry building, of brick, erected in
, . c I
tsaud iu Ft.
. . 1
nS. It is a
hen perua; ,
i '
The timber cost 50 rr-r thonsi
i . r i i:..
Hue farmer s home, w tn atit
! !., .It"! f,...t .n.,l,1n ,,( tl. tv.irk n.... '
cs. - arv to feed the laro household em-j
., "it ..i r .... mi . -ri
pioycu auoui me larm. mo panor is oi
moderate size : well, but not extravagant-;
ly furnirIied ; adorned . with a lile-UUe j
picture ot himself at lull length, witu j
huge ridinc-whin iu baud, and with thj
...i.:..!. i i ..... ti.. :., ,.i,!;, ....t ir-
ot tue tiouseUold, ana Having toe cnt.ie
oversight of all f..rm business most of the
time, iu tho absence of her huliand. Vet
she takes a warm interest in matters of.
education and benevolence, and is ready
for every duty possible to tier situation.
From tin; Annriian r.aiiit Mimmiol fi.r March.
The Treasures of the Deep.
nv o. x. wonni-, Ltwisncno, pa.
"The .S'a yrre n; the Demi tchkh trcre '
it."' is the graphic record of the Kcve-
i . w me grapu.c rccom ui me xieic-
UtuT Jous whcn dweribing by prophetic
vision the last great Day " for which all ,
other days were made." '
TllK Thkascres of TIIE Sea what a !
theme for contemplation 1 what a range for :
me .uwgiuai.on, cairiiug naeu
thousand years, and reaching forward for
among tpars anil sails, ana stores oi pre- ,
ciuus metals, aud baser iron aud bras,and
perishallo fabrics of the han.l?, and the ;
shop?, aud the looms ; their flesh became ,
food for the lesser and greater inhabitants ;
of old oceau ; their bones are hid in grassy, !
saOu.erg;a Ue.is,nr Uleacn along tue eauor, ,
or are incorporated with the coral struc
ture o. ujimuug isii.uus. ii, now uu-;
merous soever they may be, or how widely j
scattered the particles which composed their ;
bidics.the same Omnipotent l'owcr which ,
formed the L'uivcrso from nothing, shall i
re-construct and re animati every sou aud
daughter of Adam iu immortal form, and
"they shall stand, small and great, before
t.od aud be judged every one according
to his works. 1 es, vast as may be ttie
continent cf waters, deep though its un-
l'haraoh and his host, martyrs and miss-:
wnaries, the knowu aud the uukuown,
seekers of pleasure and seekers of health,
those lost iu battle nnd tnose lj wrcji;,tiie
pirate banditti and the coOled slaves im-
mured iu crowded ships, those drowned by
accident, by cowardly suicide, and by vio-
lencc, the "lone swimmer iu his agony"
and the thousands tflccn away by one fell
sweep of the storm-wave's wrath.the oung
and the old, bond and free, the virtuous
aud the vile, cf every nation and tongue
aud age since fin entered into tbe world,
all, all shall arise and come to judgment.
V, yawning sea, what secrets will tuou
reveal! what wonders wilt thou mace
plain ! 0, holy jml-mcnt ! what riyhte-
ousness wilt thou establish! what jnya
bestow ! wh:it wickedness piuMi ! Oat -
raged wife ! abused husband ! dishonored
parent ! deserted child ! betrayed fn. nd !
uuajiuci:.ati.K .
doer 1 oppressed woman i down-trodden
m-n! h.nlr fur ward and reioicc, for all
vf., r.n. sli.ill he. redressed bv the ia-
. - ----
faUiW,-ia,p.rtial Judge cf all the earth !
However mysterious tbe probationary pe-
riod of life may have appeared to you, He
will vindicate Himself before the asscm -
bled worlu's.and all Miall cry 'HUly, holy,
holy Lord God Almighty, which was, and
; n,l i to rnn.o"
Roll hack the Bcroll of titrTe, and open
at the nftrative of the efforts made hy tho
minioDS of a corrupt ecclesiastical power
llacktn the ftirt jume of John Wic-
i.irFK, one of the Protestants against Ko-
maoism who preceded the Reformation,
Although he died in peace ia 1381, yet, J
forty years afterward?, on account chiefly .
of his having translated the Hible, his j
botes were committed to the flames as :
has finely
Y-, tii ilrv l.ncfi to . :tr; t. r.tjiitfJ,
A lit liuitT .:.. ilttt uiook. tii.it trnt;!i near.
i tthnttli the mi -if nt tiAcK liih irpj;ti can hear.
-i.fMi;. tl,:t Toic! wl.i- b walks uyou the iiiJf
'ii.- i--U rii-lduiu UimM hy l.u.-j Lumnii kiJ,;
4'Ai '.Ii-.ti tJic-f :t-1ii, litlV tiTk, Mttl bcr
Ii:t . tin- ATon, Avon t. tin t: !
r;;,;,"";;. V--y thl.Y'aVMi-M j
t. .....i. .t..u... i .1 1 -...1. t .it....r,t
Iu like manner were the ashes of John :
of I heretical, and then cast into the water. , i tu ot leLruary, wlieu ttie mercury kuuk , ' - J . which clear lii fruit trees, rum ana snrnb-
rouniis i ' Tho brook Swift did convey his ashes fceiuw zero in ue usually miri j "-; -i - , urrT e. , rr-.ary "
' i. . ... . . r. ., r . x- - t- t a : i of the c!i ieest Kind of fru:ts. t- mrd in . a s'.nri'l of saeet warLIirp?. .
aud that into the Avon, tUO Avon into Severn, tue ; counties oi iv esiern .-ew iom, ni-eio vis -- . ,. ! -,. , , u , , ,
' .... . i ..!...- . ., n,,t ,.( t'-.-.t !, a : I n-v break the force ufSerCe w.nlet w.BiIi.
trouble i Severn mto the Burrow seas, they into the ; reeUenea very cod, and u ..uo ixpen- , " . ' SJ, !t u riVt. ' a,. 1 their , gre leaves have no elate id
scales, main oceau." This striking remaik ords- , enceJ. In -ew tn3iand we near oi eariu- , - " " ; , . ; ti.,. hP,., rf amtn.
., , - , i. i. l. . : T?, ' Vidual in re-'ar I to lae Eavur, time r n-, .... ' . . . . . i . .. ,
Ilis eve worm uas nueiy ciMoaiiue'i : nuji m wnu ... .... i viicn :ra?ra"i snnmi are nnn?'ei mine
ii t c it ..i 1 .it ,. -1 '
IUj.s and Jkk'jme of l'ra"ue scatlered. appearance completely di'prL'inizod. We
....... i . i ,
Iu that day, these "morning Btars of the ; had, for a t.rae, son-e hopes that the trees
K,f,,rmatiou" shall thine bri-ht in the were ?afe, because the cold slackened off
r- .!...:. i l l.;.l,,'i.J.;,.. I,i
Pr,i,n,i.f.nt wtilln tli..;r tr.tneerj nn.l niur-
derers in outer darkness shall weep and ,
, . - x.it.. .,
weep sui uevcr expiate meir iui;y ami.
their guilt.
Ul our own tunes, we recall, (..forge ;
CookmA.v, a Wethodipt preacher ot rare .
powers, and Lis last sermon as Chaplain
eves to heaven Lc added, "and J," with a
tone that assured every bearer that he
felt his individual concern iu the great
(raus:iction 1)C W3, portraving. Iu that'
Vr , ,,,., ,!, ,7 :iv ,:,h
much f iree to the ascension of the dead
from the sea. A short time afterwards,
bc cmL.ir..oJ on t!i0 iU.fatcj J'm;tkt, to
I visit i.ii: .t-il, Uis sca-girr, nauvo iauu,
"to receive a mother's ki;s, aud crave a
mother's prayers once more." 15ut that j
blessing was denied them. No man !
probably knows its fate, but it seems ccr-1
tain that gomewliere on the broad bosom I
of tho Atlantic, pcrJ. ttuce beneath a glit-',
,e :(.Ki)er'g ponderous weighi,the"l're-
6ilient" was culkd wilh all its precious i
K1,n,i ,, enrru fed with a l its rrccious
cwg0 &f tmU . anJ ,iie e0,1Uent Cookn.an !
au,, j,u pioU4 moll,tr wiH no more see each j
other till the sleepers ia both land and
wacr mQbt at ,Lo lar of Jovah. j
A tbe watcrs ,liat beat upon Bur-
niau-g UUtaut shore, afar from ' ome and
:fe anJ cliMrpp( Adombam Jldsox
rrcrarcd f:
,c pf 0oJ Jut j,;, work 0f fu;th
and ,.ibpr of ,0TC Qre B)t ,)llr;cd ; tho
ni;gllty watcrs: thev, like the sea which is I
.j"-,.! sepulchre, shall reach around j
U)c bt,fcre lhu reititution of all !
tuin ja ,ilat j;, ihousands of con-i
jurlnal)S aiIj Karcus shall for the j
Cr;!t tiluc behold thegreat American apostle !
to face o faee
gtiU mor(J KecaiTl tho I
La3 JoubtlCM been swallow
tho CilyofGhuyoic
wed up by the '
.ivourinwaves.:mdwith it one of the most !
jgygf,,,! Jj.-ptist ministers of Virginia, J. i
S. r.EYNoi.usox. A uative of . old l.ng-
, )au(j rearej by a maiden aunt, he had cut- j
! frcj te wor;j a3 a n-;lvigator, and as such :
waj SUCLVJSfu. About IS 10, he attended ;
- - i-.t 4 : t
a revival meeting in one oi tue .American
tjallt;c p0rt?j auJ was convicted of sin,
asc.ribe to him the instrumentality of
. tJjeir convcriion t0 CoJ. He was favored
' . , . t . r a v;s:t t0 hi; esteemed
; . . , nmibt.r land, and on his return,
i w.(g ouc of the erowJ wll0 cb0S(. ti10 "City
! ,,f Glasgow" to transport them to America,
; f j.iys we haT0 knowledge,
i surp0-c that the dauntless
ru.yn(Ji,jJ0Ilj vl0 bad often expressed his
; rreft.junoe that tho ocean should be his
j GoJ gjiou,.j caI hi:ncn was not
; aarmcJ t mceting his Lord in the watery
! e. ftni wLen he gj,all nrisc radiant.
auil ncw g,(lfJ ;a tha motri.
. f . rcsurrcction, bow will his happy
. . rT. T mnl those whom
j ihou hagt gU,cn me
5ut wbct!.er tvc djpart sooner or
1 u ffom tb(J i.in1 or from the sea, is of
iuiportancCf ;f wc be honrly prepared
. f trum of fiQ. just and irrevocable
, ju(jllicnt i
" iTie Winter,
, The wmter through which wo have jos
! pxsed, will not ion Lo tergotten It
seems to have been altogether remartab.o
1 in almost every prt of f n
many of the SoUi-ltu and W cs.ero . a.es
j there has been asevero drou.h in tbcdcpcb
of winter rivers, streams, and springs bo
. Iov lW water for ordinary pnrpwca cou.d ,
scarcely la had ; aud wo have hearJ ot (
( cattle dying for want of it. Until mid- j
. wiuttr, tho estcrn rven were to lw J
for navigation. Thon cam the wonderful
snow storms of l ehruary, covering up en-
tire trains of railroad cars on the Western i -
prair.es, and blocking up railway travel in
nesrly all parts of the country. Close upon
this carno the intense cold of the CtU and
; jihrrj of enr continent is surely 111 a most
j extraordinary state. i
i We have strong fears thr.t th fruit crop
of 185- will be very small. Here, our
1'caehcs are -one; not only are the tr. 1
buds killed, but we fwr the trees them- 1
selves are j.ozcn to I.,,tU d jwq to the very ;
root.-". In cuttms tlirotiL'ti tiis barK, we ,
find the wood quite dieokrcd, and to a!! 1
irnilnnllv nnd without sunshine : but tur
Lopes are ttuall, nnw. i
i.-.i j. t i. . .i ,
iieroie nuijciuuoiijumm
examination tosje how serious the injuries :
arc, but we see cviaences oi Buuertnir on
all sitlei. A ocauuiui young ceiur u
Lebanon on the lawn, that hag stood ia."ny
n!i ilura of -ham.-'. ch! nrf nt w!
rf i -iu. t'f hi !(! woJ I
TI:.- t.tat - r. w .: ii y v ln
-1 i.y utf :r iKi" -.-i i.tc u'-.r-.
Tu.-r.- i.- ! Uty ' '
iliv i.". wj.n-tT L kI fro.
Tt f.t ": n". t-' i.;n,a
Itlfi ..vif:"l lU i-UiTH i, I t-CJ 111 gV-I,
( :. '1.t -.1 it'.ti ij-",' -iut-J, l ''J-' t riU'l K.i,
1 tii Hi- Miie. l-snj.-t fr wr,
C;:u :r. !' :i wjrl anl " more.
Tbnr tr.-iut- inf pilmn " tn'trh.4 l Umh;
i'-.r- -i r "1 -r h::t:iii; hOiuda
Tin- i ' l.". 1-r (.:' t!i ism-1 M.l
Air -it (t-J, .t t- o i-.'tJtTiy,
It j. Uit.i Trust look abroad for sworU.
TJh arr th f J" T tru.-t,-l tn ;
V .-It iirnor -'i v,-. ni-l cuiuoo dir.
VsJ- talth
Made reiittl i
Y- c t ...
Of, '!..
Au 1,
. nin lt' trut.. .t (iruitte.
rift th' S"lvjulw
. ual ci- r
- 1. nnil
' . bUl WtLU b TU...
-1 uM: n. .u j..ur cl'l' n Kic.
n .y. I...;. i i' r li.
cll.:U-V '".i" I-W t ll'-l list
...-n U-.-l trj 19 II. t lliin
h th-' I-c :nr. i. ;.l i-ii'l fc.uff,
a rarll'i . - ni.. a: Iu.-'..''
iUj: O in' 11'i.i.t !
v.,iir all; yr imih t lontt
Ant a .
T!.. .
II .
I' .-
T1.P T -: ,;rv p11 wer:..! .lu.l;
i.. .. I I is I a.-i. .t !i.l
V ur t...it:. wil:i l-.''nl v.-u- nttJ thio;
II:e ':; Ti ." ;.: ii.1 ami'li-l ll..-ii- lust :
J urw lii - kr,1ln i tr'.st ! in;
Ih. c..n itv.ucr jua and vil.il
Oltt b ivr wakine: m.-.,.ttii); tlrcaniT
Tii- eiit lii. ,tii rfwa.v.
Hi,- i.i. ..an- l"t ' ...
Th.ir . m Is ov.-rtiir'wn. their Rlarlef only wrm 1
1 .c l.ii.-l in luil II' f iar,
'-n ! : '
Tui' .o..n. .1 litalff-n. P"l, Hie crpl.anM ii' lren -ry
;rjrvh'-t..thr. fciBocomfcrtiUou:
In fiii' inU-- rm:x ,
T 1'r.t .liina - 11 '' i'-"" ,rrn.
Tha: n.-.i i;:z .r:t n'.i-t xY.- yi- n.l . hnrm
'i hriu.-ii wli.rh tl.r iw tr twT
A', a' I I.i iuir:nii ' ir.
The r '.ml fi.-i.r si t i.1 9 t-r& h- ? luUtf
C(i;ui' t i i mv 'i.i-n t1:- oxak
: 11 1- tti- i- lu-iv fi- u I.
J:t 1 C w. :!v itl.-l tTWJ
A ftvNc croto U.nt hAvs fur Uf 1 frcm hr Ul.
0 w"lli-T (Tour rao, n nothing break
Ti i- 1 . ' rt'liy -f :f:i:..-:
Tuink i th l.'nr n-i 'rku I m
O'h-r .. !. v-ile the Mj -n i-io
V'-aT-it fr nt' TP ui Uirt !
Aj.-it- Hi ir f Tin 1 .
With inutHrcl h ti1 tmA trUtfnl face Vmed
litM'l "Di e j hut), li-c o clia &ua proud!
It..- N- .--Titi i.- t'irn 1"
In W . 1 n-u !..iiu .-y i -urt ;
I,.- mi! h.tf i'.fl auv
Fr un v.'.r ii I-t.. -niiu trow;
Iii-.rr.wf;! 'i:..
The WHi i-v' Manti :iu l the Hpr.m tani.
tr h t;-icr ef ial! f II
Whert 1 . t- ,rt,.isl.t.r l -:it.i ucr sharp foot tip,
Aii'l i-nait! tuT q'ltV. r.n lip.
WI:ih' tl'-' ' r'.i, -tow n:---s kin;; who utr. Je bvtweftt
"f'aliitr '. mJ 1 t tlifiu K'lh (tsi-le.
V iih !r:iuht t.-rri!':- ciare,
it '.i n fr.-m h.s lair,
A k with i."-rj.- s-.i- i .11 -timi kea
A.- hi" '-rnwi: "1 hr. th- :.'. tit-tlher dar
T-t Mii-r n r nh It'.
II. .w 'hall h' nn!v nv'.T,
Tii- h-flnw tltr-.t iiraws
The I:iU-t i' n: vr. ti.t irreat ukt
V :i - j A' 1 T t'viir. 1 h' h .- 1-Tn-c,
Wr-'iiht u: a Titan's oT-Ttlir '-r,
.4 ml ijiVi lu pri i- i;t tir-t an l lu-t rpl.u!.e T
Whal (!''..' I h - ty w!:i-n tliis heroic hauj
t'at-li ut v. h-i'inc limd,
Aii-1 triuit liit. h.lf in -r.
Jlr;'' m ih. Ir t-:.- rr.' t h-ar.
rl .p Vug y miT
Ah : iriT. T'il. Onti'. tLl ut
T.- ti ll t . Miut like iIkw
t'f h.T l-uijrui-i .-.Ii- n wis,
of t;.m", iit tv:
II ur -U-t. vri.-t u,n iuef.ee,
l tn bt t rai.ny :
l..w T. t;. a-s-; rrf-i:-t!in; .
I! . ars anl tln-n fr-t5;
I! nv slic ;.a ut f i- t iiuvt IoojO
V i Ii ri;! ( an I rt ntus;
shf Imwiis uit' hr f'-e;
! .tr up. 1 h.T frren-l ;
;nit.J Wi-al.er. -lay bv Iit,
In h-r n.'.-m an-1 1 r--'kfi ,al
wo.'.' nj'on h -r w.e,
A' t-t tv-
l 'n tin- j.th W-.-rp fi(-"ior. enJi.
M4-thii.U 1 l!:- ii-vTi-l hn-w
' i t'.i'-nu- '-ii nrinslr at t!e tat" forlorn,
S tin hwt rr. hi f..r-h'a glow,
hi !"' crwl it rrn!
Is this th-- r n!m ihe-f iii: h sui-alhtnl to you,
Tli.it tv Irti a' I it inanv f'n'T.
;.hity -tn-Ii-sm.J tnrlv U :lta,
T' t:io tr ;t '1 wa c.'.T li u?
7'i : Mvii.h- r .1 :Iu n !'' tl'-a-l,
Vhi thtt t t t -rin a:vf xlauhter ItJ,
V ilh t -ii, .-ut I t-irc. ami rai:,
T..1 n h" t that bisti-r kntwi
With uvh un:.:irral!i .vLcauur tel-ws!
to Inf.- 1
Tf not TIM.!.
i nn '"n r.i'v t'-n ?
; T'tnr l.iv U liv.'..
I n-rn r,. i:
V ttir clnrl
Us-. n-'t th-- " wrt- 1"R.J. i:.y.
A t nit!i 1 r Ij : :.:id ' . v t'. m"tl
V'hoia nutiin- 7t th. ri -M to 'way,
"iiu .m- ih ir muiitry will j. lire
Tti f r li-T J .r'-!t--s, hiirnfi th liiher-
il.ti'tW1 t!:erai: A la.- -ur kfl,
ili'.r;i in t" TOtir h.-:.rt fr iriow
whf.tn vour narirnt 'ife kiiutjtl 'Ao,
Antl let Tiioir iil i.tir!
IoHw.iifrt I intjt in OfHl. remain.
rnt.tli 'it . V th Cfi'i n Brain,
V.-il ff.-hrr-f:i!i la.!i.h bir :
TloM u : v ito.lait- mi wnnt: 1--r;t-1 .
Bi-ak r i'. i"'l -tnri s V..w for rtpht;
Mti w: , h i.- -i.T jut Uit-ir trust,
K. Ii rin rrr'k r-T S'H.
V - . i-M l .:Ui l-Ctl.t nf "M,
But . : 1 ' li .-.im.ai'IOi4thiilr.ir
K lii' U ili HiO Uu !
0 . . v. ; -y luinil,
Ri-nr up li.1 ir.-:iK.tb ''- w -"PI
La.uli :it tl.t :nr :in 1 rivi tnrt a
i bUi .mU hi-ld uud ptrwrrd ktle6
Tli- u'l-wci.' of u'-in's itjiniy;
A n.l if ih rcr:i li l rnim.
CiHf it nn oVr toi bm-IJ' nly
1 w.'ur li; ul Ktili livrt id lh:e!
lKw ttb.' low- nt in iIt!-.
)own to thf Tcnr iir-fi. iud at It
TM Pc to tb lp
$1.50 per Year,
Till: I'AIJM :
The fturdi-n 1 iio Ortbard
Wr;tn ir ILe I.cn-:buri Chrcnlcle. !
PlZIlt Frill Trees! '
... - ,, ..
W e published, i:i last week s piper, t'-c
r'-"'-c bLti 'i--''.cs, ai., i.. 3 'l' ,
thcaiJof a fuller treatise, suc'u i.j WaKpg's j
''t ' '"" r J """' "-
: r'l! "r . "r. '' 81
v; ' f f'i:!1 '", ;"
fjT tf l" B 'r"1'-''-
'vice e re he weuli chef !-
'j b'"- ") "("-'
i.n-J now, l-st th? gea-ral char,
he r'i-ed v V ear lo.'v, v.oui 1 -neciailv :
"'!''- J l -
,,u,i r,Ilr r,,t,,r: V .r ;i nf liaTi-
r' ; ; 0 f j
a':- "1" "' J'"'I-ts 01 lu' ,'4' j
hie. S I UM ttl'-Tl i"-.M. o i.. tuc
"r an'..,"lS 'lSjs''
back war I, it wi. i b.-the iiit? ncc e
. . . . f -. , .
u rta j w:"- ,u' '"' "VT r-U!,! J '9 -
, , - ..
r m .? 1 .i - . -.. r !
e' """i
pcrate rerirn. lunu curs ; riu iijaii
any nthiT portion cf tuc.r laud.?. r la
tlinrfi any Jan ccr of tT-e markot IjconiiDg
rlatfoJ. tlij d.-rnaui Lns - ii!" "-ne
j c . Tii . f . o ,j f ' was m'f a ia vcjae u"ttl - jpnl-n ei .a public
! . 1 1 cp:!;ir-n Ly th- claims of the Osage Orange.
frmt tr. f I: an-( the Oran-e havethcadvar.taffe of tx-ing
' Lven M you Lav, aut a STtr,il piece of cffensive locatlK an4 are th.rfcfore iiot injo
grouu.1, piaut bwo u-cv-. it 13 one of rL.;! by lh,ir brov,;ri The Buck;;.orn make
j the points of baperiuriry in the it. oat im- a vf ry handsome, utise, firm hedre yro4
I proved ird'.-s of cultur., fi;it even stand- t fn.i.y, is very hardy ; it is ics thorny than
j ord tret- are so trdiucd imi mo-ii-icd i to the others, but has sharp s-purs oa the oldet
1 - . t ! 1 C-. . 1 m
t nmir.r mne i unae. wh..-! l xttr s Ot
I alu! j;t cv.rv fccies re fuuic !, i-.cii.
' wih ut ikii: n" tL
of u rv ; l.jr; i. i,
el to a Larrel vf :r r.t.
n twiei- the rj'.'in
leirfr -m a K--h-
rt iin v: ri.:ti-.--.
of the p.-ir lit r-ar leu'jr, dj Le.it in " l.i
form aud the f.uif r;'.TC . u s e.ue of li'OM;
I ... . ,-. -. ,. , c,
little I'.CeS
! .(.': per L
i.iid rvUiis at c oO
upwiJs ?. i u. z.n.
2."r ncJ you le dctorrcd by the fear cf
ha. ing to wait a dozen years Ufoie you
see the fi-it. We have knowu Jung
chorri.s, bought cf )lr. Noll, to bear a
c ,, . ii ,i
few spec. uicns the next seasoe. jjutli
, , . ii-
these and peuencs bear very early. 1'itto
the grapj viuJ, wuieh maybe as "S'Iy
; raised a tue hep, it iit more so, tul te ; inches apart, borne set the plants one fool -.
! dwarf fwjr nnl pluui, when well iai-cu ; apar:, ar.J, as the. stems can griw strong
i care of, maj bc txpcctcl to loin t) bear . t and Iru.vr ::h more room, tot is j .rhr .
within three Ci- four ver.rs fr.ra the buO. , The ground -.wf h wetlfUgUd
I , , ," . , f nr feet w:Je and worked during summer P
Lven stauJard appus and pear-;, ween, . ... '
11 r if it wre a m of corn or potato. It nejf
; aeuerous.y .u.!.-.itcd, come forward at a , ,.cw vceij , j wtD, of air Wll, ,tafTe ool
rate which thofe r.evtr divamel who Lave : ; yoau:; plants durin- the firii summer:
been content t.) stick a seedling into the , The plants must be cut duwn in Mirch annu-
i hard-pan an I have it. after .tails to contend all;- lor thrreir four years, to na'.;e thni
1 with the sod as it could. V,'e thiuk Jlr. j verv ihicic at die ba-e.so as to bai ibe pas-
! t i ii v. . j ,i - ?n;e r.f pi"s or fowls. After heirr ih3; lVrro-
1 Jam.s D. Chauibeiliu presented a uofeu , - ' . . . . ,: ,
! ... .. CO. an apnttai ciTppinc is aJv.sable, bnr t':ef
!or more varieties of p.ai s at " lr ar, ica,,;, ,cf, , ,he.elves until, ia tbe
I last fall, all from trees pluuted m iu lul f. arse..f ,.ear, me bt.cm in? shaded bf
Or I l.-.
The oil con:pljint, tat if yea order
j trees, tacrc is no certainty ti ttiiig
! what jKfx cscct, after T.-ui:I:ir fur it It
j years, hu., we Lotier?Iy b-.licv?, nnw nearly
j lost i's f iree. The rk, wh n ynti
'. rrith known and refeUV!e tvx-n In the
! Nt:r-. ry lii:!;u-?.-; is j-rov?My n t jiivaVr
j thn in roiT'ird t ary other artieh- of lt..f
! fi k. A!i:i-st anything J.irc! cun le t-b-I
t:iiir-I thr-j;.-h our tuwustnn, Mr. " -il,
I who, if he has not the rar?eu!.T fr?ieb
! ort hand, c:in j reure it oa N-t-T terms
g- rmral!) mail uu iuf-Mf.il to tr.K r s-niali
: :i'iaat fr h;M-It t-1 tl:;s; v ho !cc
T.. tl:;Si vho feci
i it neec-ary t .sd sl-r -a wo sr.r.-Iy
rcc-.Direc-l tho csia!di.-m!t U ';rs.
' Waring, at Lu!b:irj, i-ntre . , v. !i-.re
!aa eJi-uiik a.----;:::u i:t is kfi-t ; :t:.-i
t!:e tr.ei ore c-nrft 1 j;i r,r own r-.i;itn,
while y.t in ti Puinewhat more rv.j'i 1 t
! uf it. it U Ti'iwxlh to e.p i t thut t!i"y
' i-!i u'id do rl! in cTirjrni-ii f'.1. 1" tre s
brought fnm tLc l'lii! :.' !;! r: a-.d rthtt :
ntir- so".th, r-hn7Viorc thrifty :it lirst,
litisujubtfuU!: -:hrr t!-
1 or come s early into b-jai.i..:.
lr.vn a ccM-.r Lome. Ii,t tr -a ai.y
..f thrs: mctcos csn lc rt t.,r lr...o...
A-Min we say. then, if.f -r r-
f fjrafc fJtKh healthy dd anp-M aud pears
; as are of iudlfi- rout .ti ili' v.
id if iii-ees--li
, ssry tj
clear o.:
siekiy, pr
; trees am! s-nr j laws mi.ko ro;.in for
I .'.i.id ones, duu't b-.'Jtnt.: t.i ilo it. I'iant
and k vp none but tbe l.e.-t ; p'.rir.t no more
i tb;iu J t 9Ta ui--jirc J t" fAt g"t)'i care cf ;
! tu.l if ou these conui iov,- tea thon.'aa-J
j tree s'mulJ be put out tl'.e pn- fnt r:'.?n;
i r.itiiia two iuiiii of our Y- CSf, we
won' I rial to bear, ten nr l.encf.
ail th-y will I: tve f t, r.nd t..kf or. l:f
of what l!;.'y v ..i Lave g:i'.i''- Tiii; r i"
I a m.Ttly pcsuniarj i w, I v"? ":c
I prof.rii-tjri CM a.l the pu:c grat.C.-ition,
! tbe r.ral refinement, the iii.;rv.'l pjy-i-
! . 1 .... . Ii;t-.ti t J
i cai, ye.-, a""' . ,
! mi.ral hcaiih wu.ch the aouuaani posses-
I s-on of fruit u calculated to pronut.-.
always im Advance; -
Hedge Fences No. 3.
Neat bedsrej impart to the bu.Minrr thfjr
: surroumi, a cf'y, conifortable, sheltered ap
-riicej anil lheiri:-e!'e$ tov'i left, natural; .
protect;.-, orderly and wilh do aspect ihr'at-
enin of .-ip'nie vr vexation.
- ,. ,. ,., ; .
i,e.!e.iii- air is'if.rous after sommershnwera;
,j bright berries shine 'hmr-gh the sbovi cf
I U:it ther rrr,aire a pr n of the sni! e;i
whi-h to ove, and this and tht-if iauuobihtv
s:e tiie ouiy disailvantafes of hedges. The
amount of soil exhausted by the mots of a
! f-cdre is exactly in proporiion to its he ghk
nd t!iic'nrs5. The he-lge shoold not be
, m"re than than 3 feet wide at th widest parti
wht'h sh: aid be at the eronad. Goo4 gratf
wi I -row r'ose up to the face of a trimmed
hH,,. The ltJs .hlch m aiin.jall,
,m a,, ,h,t th, roou t.keor more:
,... ..i.
H' dFe tr? ?ithcr defensive or ornamental;
r both, the f MewinTj plaint are those id
winch liie ft rrcrr q .atity predominaiej.
Hitthiim Th.s has been used more
lhau aay :h"r -li.t. In ;ms pans of thai
i.iry me borr is said to injure the p'ints;
tai i ha. never yet seen a plant aflected by
.;-, :n. vt re they grow and flourish lit the
lravr-e .re bright and handsome.
' ricKT;ioa-r, (Rhamnu Calhartuus.) Thli
! t. cs Mr. Pr.in favorite hedge plant, an-i
: n ci-.'u, u.a iwi ...
vry .. :;h and Pi.'Jrace the so it firmly. Od
till ' -i-o-nt it is !.! adapted to planting od
t.i"-s rf 5trem.
O't .i. Oi.xoi. This is now planted by
ii. nuns p-r tanu.n, mi siiv through the west.
I'i grux::i ii rapidu fuhue very handsome.
it has a siiarp tnorn un.tcr every teat ana is
. at:!v qrowr. 1 jianis our wintirs.suneriri
, nil n.ii rii.u Kij'.ii.i. anu ii i. puin wn-
lirei: as e.ripr n ants, u w:.i ,11 acmir oie
t j, .,, p a;-t. j,aye awars epctr.f to find
. :, ln,arie.me by sprouting up where the
roots are cui ly the plough, but it does not.
appear to du so. It grows more strangling
than the oihci plants named, and seems to
I1. aw nr. n the soil more',
, , . .
Plains of these thorns cost from six to ten
, , ,,
One thousand will plant thirty rods at sis
1 Iir-iTn-hir. Inn il... nut fiarrfnllv. The
planis mi::t thu he cut nearly ofl at (hi
grown.!, tii.'innej aid pla!ici down in the po-
s::iou .f t!-.c rsi' in a oT'i5h fence.
Th' hisr;st Kinai' -i the cost of a fc-.tje
i sbont as fc.IV fi r leO rods :
ar.jj r'.a:.:s at ?. $33 00
P uib'e p!o::hin rr s..noiiinr,
ti furrows, and haulhi i straw
or leaves to mulch, first sea-
t 00
1 50
10 00
Ti .-ti.-c. mnn and b. 3 1 day,
Mii-ariii:: off nest spring and re-
pl.ir.iir.g 10 per cent.
Vt'c-r;:. at-ctiuw aud third years.
$56 50
Crr p.ini5 rruripine in planunj anJ prosf
inr !:e!4 of U.g? Grange in the wesr, offer
to y'Aul a" ! mfure a complete fence at from
V i L is t $! TO p?r "11.0?!'? third payable hert
the !n ' je is p!intrd. an-! liit b(i!a-j?e when it
is M.vnrrl. This uf cttirse, mnst incladt
iTir r v:""ftt on plants; labor and lime.
Tn t!.. days while some of our Coa
roj.rarics urge that mineral food in tiol
re; ! by plants, snd is only contained
in t'iL! i borauc the water 13 unablft to
. tbm wbj,c CD,eHii4 ,., pl.0l,;
af,, ct!lcrs aie that soil famishes .11
the ems'itueuts of pl.int. leaving the f
iTt'i'tire a:? ttnueec.-.virv tb thur growth,
rre fi;..! ethers repni:ta all rtl for th
seleCion of wuriurei. thus we GuJ W
.me cf tnr exchangesthe following trango
p;ir.i!:r..ph, ch:;!i is in reply tj an inquiry
t T ,-v.c of ta corrcspondscts. He thai
dircc'-i :
rhntyour pota'.ios tr.VS Manure to
,::;r : t.u'.; aud l.t tiem f"-nd with a
li e..verinr cf earth itr-.iil they are fair;
i. .... j;,.n v-.vo them a gmiJ iruriiitfimd
... ; ,'h th tu wi'h trr or leave to th
,;, ;' I ur tiri Ivt; inches, Snd we dvubl
ii. it witire FiiecciS."
It i.- r.ee.iltss to say that tho fatty k
the r,.i stion, would hardly bo able to
l: Incc the neoessary information frcm tb
t n.t-i F.,rm.
-; l ; '
j t-lu.-ry will Vfinj f rf fittr
.i ,
i -1
i -it