fajsee: ! 1 I r .1 . s I) v. ft 1R. 1.-. I i, V. li ? id r. 1 "Cantt do without a Paper." Y H i . ' i ' What ! io without paper ? no, I'tre tried it to my sorrow. So, to subscribe for ooe I'll g .. Nor wail until to-morrow j Should lovers drown or hang themseiret, Or other foolish caper, do not get to hear of it I do not lake a paper. Now there's my neighbor, Jotham Stout, He alwsvs ha the news,. And. something fresh to talk about, He nerer gets the blues ; While oners yawn with ennui, " His heart is light as rapnr , The cause is plain to half an eye He always has a paper. While neighbor Quick hears all the news, And knows each current price. And always minds his Fs and Qs By taking good a4ice, I can not tell the rates nf rice, Of eora or oats or tape or Any kind of merchand.ze. Because I take no paper. Though I hnve duties which require . Much toil and mental labor, Tet I can spare a little time As well as Wise my neighbor; When lime is pressinz, then I'll use The cheerful fire side taper, And thus take time to read the news Yes ! yes, I'll hare the Chronicle .' One Democrat ! We are gratified to lay before our nu Bierous reader?, the glorious and cheering intelligence, that there is one true, tried, trusty, old line Democrat in the Legisla ture of Massachusetts. He is a whole souled, noble fellow, is not afraid to " face the music" of the enemy, and may yet, come day, be President of the United States. His name is Hiram C. ISrown, and be bails from the celebrated " Tolland District." The -iVetr; York Tribune per petrates the fallowing joke upon btm, which is just as good as tf it had actually happened : Massachusetts Democratic Legis lative Caucus. The usual Democratic caucus was held on Wednesday, to nomi nate candidates for officers in the Senate and House. Hiram C.Brown, of Tolland, called the assemblage to order, when, on motion of Mr. Brown, of Tolland, Hiram C. Brown, E?q., of Tolland, was called to the chair. The election of a Secretary was dispensed with. Mr. Brown made the customary speech acknowledging the honor conferred upon him ; when it was agreed to proceed to ballot for a candidate for a Speaker. The result was as follows : Whole number of votes 1 Necessary to a choice 1 ' Uiraui C. Brown, of Tolland 1 and oo motion, Mr. Brown was unani mously declared the nominee ! No nomi nation of clerk was made, and pending a discussion about nominating a United States Senator, a message was announced that " the Lot water was ready," and the Caucus broke op in a body and went to eee Sam." At the meeting of the House the next day, Hiram C. Brown was nominated for Speaker.. On counting the ballots, it was found that Hiram C. Brown had received one rote, thus keeping up the Democratic organisation. Mr. Brown was, with other defeated candidates, appointed on the com mittee to escort the successful candidate to the Chair, which duty be performed to the entire satisfaction of his party. It will be observed from these proceedings, that the story of Mr. Hiram C. Brown having gone over to the Know-Nothings, is a weak invention of the enemy to disturb the harmony of the Massachusetts Demo cracy, but that it has signally failed, and the party in the Legislature is united as one man in support of the National Ad ministration ! J6TTbe following anecdote, related to us the other day, is a capital satire upon the "sumptuous living ia New ork :J Mr. is one of the merchant princes of the Empire City, and though living in one of the roost spscious mansions ou the rifth Avenue, his eutire family consists of himself and wife. Meeting a friend from the country one day be invited him tip to view his house. The friend was shown the gorgeous rooms, with tesselated floors and mignificent frescoed ceilings, and fi nally was taken into the lower rooms, io one r.f which be found a small regiment of colored servants seated at bountiful dinner. On his return home he was asked if be had seen Mr. So-and-so T "Oh, yes." "What is be doiog now V "Well, when I saw him, he was keeping a nigger board' ig house on the Fifth Avenue !" Rah scay Advocate. Koszta again- ix Bonds. From the Chicago Journal of the 12th inst., we learn ' that Martin Koszta recently met with a Fall, and through that means bat been again captured. No Marcy-ful interference, however, will be expected, since the cap tive not only submits to bis bonds but ac tually boast of them. The following is the account of the affair : "la this city on the 12th iat.,by Judge n. L. Rueker, Capt. Martin Koszta was married to Mrs. Luanda McFall, of Cbi cago." A French man wishing to take a stage for Buffalo, was asked by the driver, if he bad any extra biggage. "Extra baggage? what yon call dat ? I have no baggage but my tree trunks, fire dogs, and too black girl !" " How is it," askel Dame Partlet, the ben, of her lord, " that that hideous duck does nothing but make a noise, and yet always his the largest egg ?" 'My dear,' answered the duck, so goes the world ; the greater the quack.the bigger the gain." A young lady declared, in our Win. the otbtr 4ay, that she would marry no man atfeo dould not keep a carriage and horsM. we presume .Ihh fn i'ii oog n " Wiii iot ht wagon." POST OFFICES IN OXIOX COOXTY. Pott Office. Post Matter. Beaver Town - - Geo. A. Smith Beaver Springs (Adamebore) Ucub Keller .. . r . . . man :.L Jas M'Creight Muruioe, a ttoaoa Chapman John Ilerrold Fasnaacbt A. Buechtel Amon H. Luts Danl B. Reber EdwdBassler James Madden S. R. Yearick George Keen H. W. Crotzer R. W. Smith John Forstcr - Wm Bartb H. N. Backhus John Schnee H. D. Maize . M. Sechler Chesnut Ridge Cosgrove Hall Forest Hill Forest Iron Works Freeburg Hartlcton -Kratzersville -Keensville Lewisburg Middleburg MifHinburg Middle Creek M'Kecs i Falls Mt. Pleasant Mills New Berlin New Columbia Fenns Creek (Centcrville) -l'ort Trevorton Wm. Bogar F rsyth J. M. App Selin.'grove Wiufield White Deer Mills Jesse M. Walter Jonas Fisher Cheaper than Ever! Fall and Winter Arrival oXeio Goods! JlX'KSll TORSE H roSTrespectfullyannouncetofriendssnd XVL Ihe public generally thai they have just received a carelully selected siock oi DRV GOODS, of every variety, and at prices to suit customers, emoracing wairs and Gentlemen's dress goods, domestic, furn ishing goods, gloves, hosiery, trimmings, Ac. r5?;!'ga a fresh supply tif the best qualities sugars, molasses, houcy, coffee. teas, spices, tobacco, segars, craciccrs, nam, Cheese, dried frnit, Ac. HARDWAR E wen e'ted nock of sh jvtis, spades, forks, hoes, and a variety of cutlery, carpenter's, mason's, and black smith's tools. QUEEXSWARE, the cheapest ever offered in this market iron-stone, granite, china and whiteware, also common tea-setts, Ate. HATS AND CAP8.of all kinds and at low prices. . All of which have been selected with great eare, and having been boupht for Cos they are enabled to sell at unusually low rates. They deem it unnecessary to particularize, as their stock embraces everything likely to be called for. Purchasers will find it their advantage to gi ve us a call. PROD DOE taken in exchange. Ir stcpt t rts.ss.jrn tewisburg, Oct 35, 1854 New Firm-New Goods! A new Broom twerps clean JUST RECEIVED, by way of Cattawissa Railroad, OXE of the choicest and most desirable assortments of seasonable DRY AXD FASCY GOODS ever brought to this place, and which they offer at an unusually small advance upon the first cost. Old friends and new, and the public gener ally, are respectfully invited to call and see fur themselves. "wA full assortment of HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, Ac, and at In tar nrirpe.. IDDIN'GS A WETZEL. 1 Lewisburg. Oct. 2. 1854 A NEW STOCK OF Boots and Books and Shoes, Stationery. THE subscriber announces to his friends and the public generally that he has jam received from Philadelphia a large and eac I lent assortment of comprising every kind ano variety of Gentle men's Boots, Gaiters, Monroes.Tics, Slippers, Ac. Ladies' Fine Gaiter Boott, Buskins, Jenny Linds, and Ties of the lates and most approved styles. Boys', Misses', and Children s Boots, Lace Boots, Gaiters and Shoes of every style and variety now worn also a choice selection of the School and Classical BOOKS now in nse in our Academies and 8chols together with a good assortment oi iano aaen ,ir. The above goods have been carefully selee ied and will be sold at very reduced prices. The undersigned also continues to manufac ture B ots and Shoes of every description t order, and from his long experience and a determination to spare no etiort or expense t please, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of busies. JOHN HOUGHTON. Lewisburg. May 6, 1853 University .Jiedifine. Feti AXD Acts ClUD bt Rowun's Tomc MaTvas. Til R CuiT.r.ty of Fr Mcdlcio Md Poi ulir Bn. chrurl by Hit stte of PcnniylTMii Its i... .., 2Snh Aorll. I86S.) mainly for th porpoot of .rrrrtiii. tlx rMulliop frw lb leol.puri., ,u dmiitf-mM Dortrom-, too for lb urj..of "PP'T- 1 - A iff I ... and Ai!U.andiUilnlr1anVetlon.,ha.ohMiUtlo la retoniiiendii.s II In th. highest tarms to th pMnaaa of tao afflicLca. nnvewT. rnMPI.AINT enrrd bv KOWAXB'S BLACK. BEKKT KOOT. Tle abo.a Innitntkra extends It ....... l l.b.manwar.Ul the tedy for "Bowel Oasa. l:.lnt."i well known aa Kowand s Cosapoand Syrnp nf Vtai'kberry Koot.and earnestly reooaameno limine c-a- bdenc oi piuenwannnm -. , n( it lo b. iaealnnblein tbe traatmant ot aaeb cam. r um. iiewry n,rov I Hon. J. K. Itleaigca, J lib a. Howaod, at. 1 J D. K. Arbton, Esf. V Hector Orr, . Hoa- ITeary K. Strong. By order of tba Truttaa, an. Alt pAmaawaleatloTja to be aSSiwacS. JobB B Bowand. M. O- bead of tbe Pharos eee a Liral D.parteaeat and Prutdentof tbe Inl.erslty. Uome Dispensary .odOmc,Xo. Soath SeeondStreet, Philadelphia. Branch Dispensary at the Store of Dr. I. A. II. tUOKKIOS CO..UmArt. TO IsCSIBERBIEar. WANTED 30 to 60,000 ft Maple 6 by 20 lo 30,000 do 4 by 4 10 to 20.000 ft t in.Ash plaak 20 to 30.000 ft 1 do to be delivered this coming Fall and Spring the bank of the River at Harrisburg. Lumbal at rood onalitv and strait Framed is wanted. Pronoaals will be received till Bert, 1 for furmshins the above, and persons sending are) posals will state the quantity and quality of Uef different kinds ihev can furnish. and when Terms of payment cash on delivery aa inspection. Address (post-paid) 490 W.O.HICKOK, Harrisburg, Pa FUST ree'd and for sale at the Mammoth Druz Store a large supply of Dr. Green's genuine BITTER8, for cure of Dyspepsia, etc. Aug 10 . inuaition vw. T IthnrrraaVhlC PrlMllnr OWlce. Li and a large quaswity of PICTURES, for Framing, and for Utaanog i earners. K.VOLKMAR, N. W. Corner fifth aad Market Btt. germax and rKExnmuiirmUtm- m, raintrng, and Dreaghting, tanght vf i - . ia Wtl n miaoifB irairuin hi patient can not obtain or will not employ th. beat n...liel ad.lrs. h.in pnrchaaed that inealuahle renv rdv Howand's Tonic Mlaturo, on aceonnt wf III I Jnat In tbe troaVBB.aioi sctot wwnrirf, nepi. i, ibds Ltiwisburg Chroiiicle and West Branch Fanner-February 16, 1855. Coutlng-Room Calendar for 1855. isi 5MJJ I 1 t si 1 a a ! a 7 s in n 12 is t to u 12 is 14 Tl4'lS IS 17 IS 19,20 7 IS 16 17 IS 19 JU 'il B Sl22 a 24 li 26 W i'2 H 21 26 27 2S f 28 29 10 31 J9 31131 1 J S 1 S 8 4 a. 4 t 6 7 8 9 10 .S7 9,10 II 3 11 12 IS 14 IS 16117 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2. 18 19 20 21,22 23 24 S 19 20 1 22 23 21 2 F IS 26 27 26 1 S6 27 2S 2 30 11 1 2 S I M 4 I T 9 10 I 2S45STS S 11 IJ 13 ltltS 16 17 Jf 10 II 12 11 14 IS t 19ll9 20 21,22 23i24 Z 1 17 1" " 1 24 26 27 28 29 30131 2 23 24 t 227 2S 29 1 2 3 4 5 7 1 2 3 4 S S S 9 lolll'lS ls!l4 7 S 9 10ll 12 13 m 1SI16 17:i819 2u 21 14 14 16 1718 19 20 ' " " S4!is! 27 28 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 7 29 30 I r2M31 1 2 3 4 S 1 2 S S 7 8 9.10 11 12 4 6 S 7 8 9 10 Sl3 14 1 " 18 1 11 12 " 14 15 H" S3 20 21 i2 2 . 21 26 29 A I 19120 21 22123;24 M J7 28 29 SO SI m J( 26 26 27 28 29 30 . s! 4 S 7 J 3 4 S 7 8 10 11 12 13 11 IS 16 H 10 11,12 13 U IS B 17 U 19 22! 22 23 Jf IS 17 IS 1 202l2J S 26 26127 28,29 1 , J 4 2722 I i I I I 30;3ll I ' I Cheap Saddle and Harness Manufactory. The subscriber, thank fat for favors hitherto conferred. resDectfiillv a.oV invites the public to call and price bis work.as he is conBient they will render enure sausiacuon ti diffident customers. Constantly on hand, or made to order, all kinds of SADDLES, HARSESS, Bridla, Col lar; Whip; Trunk; Vulice; Carpet Bag,c. Also the cheapest and best assortment of Worsted. Linen, and Cotton FLV NET3 to be fnundin town, at prices ranging from 9 3o to $4 50 per single net, also Leather Fly Aels of different styles and prices. The above articles will be sold cheap for cash or countrv Produce. All kinds of REPAIRING done at short no lice, cheap, and in the most durable manner. The citizens of Lewisburg and the announ cing country, are solicited to extend a fair portion nf their patronage. WANTED lOOcordsof Woodin exchange for work, also 10 tons of Hay watted at mar- ket prices. .... . . , lyshop in Beaver's new brick block,Third and Market, 4lh door from corner. P. H. BEA VI.tf. Lewisburg, June 30, 1854 Lewlsbnrg Savins: ItMtltallon, T3 now open and ready to do business. The -volar Discount davs are Wednesdays. The following named persons are the Dibsctobs WiittAM CaKtaov, Esq. Mr. Johssos Wills. Mr. Bum Awsioss. Mr. Jais M'Catioar. Mr. Thojiis Hsvis. Mr. Wiivtm Fmca. Fain'a C. Motsh. Esq. OrucsasH-WILLIAM CAMERON, President. H. P. SHELLER, Treasurer. Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on 11 deposits over six months ; and three per cent less than six and overthree monihs. H. P. SHELLER, Treasurer. Lewisburg. Sept. 19. 1853 Winfield Woolen Factory, Hear Hartlelon, Union County. fTIHIS establishment is now in the best order I The machinery being nearly all new, and none but the best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels safe in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establish ment in this or the anji.ining counties. His waggons will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronixe his establishment, will please avail themselves of that opporiu- nity aa . .1.. h.nrl and intend keep U n..c - mg a choice assortment oi veto., ritkm Rniinril: Cashmere; I weeds, nianheis. Yarn; te., which I will sell low for cash, or exchange for Wool and Country Produce gen erally MARK HALFPENNY. Hartleton. April 22, 1853-tf Call and Try A NEW STOCK IN TRADE. The subscribers having formed a co-partnership in business, now oner to old friends and (he public, at the late stand of S. F. Lvndall.on Market street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot of . for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisburg A Splendid Lot of GUM SHOES. Also all kinds of LAEuIS' Gaiters, hall-Gaiters, etc Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes. Work made to order Mending as usual. As we are both known as practical shoe makers and experienced workmen, we solicit a share of the public patronage and will try to merit iu . axiier. Lewisburg, May, 18o4 NOTICE. Having been appointed the 8EXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery, Ihe subscriber would state that he is prepared to perform all duties connected with the burial of the dead, on short notice. A1m that be will attend lothe re-interment of deceased persons, under the direction of their surviving friends. Residence in the Lodge at Ihe oaie ol tbe Cemetery. GEORGE DON ACHY. Lewisburg, May 30, 184 "Small Profit and Quick Salet.' T BARGAINS at tbe CHEAP STORE OF BROWN . niLBISH. "TTTE take this method of informing the Y public that we have fitted op the old "VXWX TRADIXG STORE," where we would invite especial attention te onr slock ol DOMESTIC GOODS, Groceries and FISH, which can not fail to please, either in rrgari to price or quality. Our goods hare been bought for casn, at ine lowest price, ana wiu be sold on accommodating terms. CA8H will be paid for all kinds of Grain and tbe very highest price paid, in goods, foi every description cf Domestit Produce. Tartleville, May, 1154 Dap of Union County. UTOW ia coarse of preparation, a MAP oi 1 1 Union County, 30 by 17 inches in size, exhibitinr all the principal mountains and streams, township aad borough Jines, roads, and streets, post-offiees,churches, mills.sehool honses. dec., eVc, with the proposed Division line. It will be sold at 1.W in plain style. 1,35 when colored. 1.55 with muslin back and rollers, and IeM when mounted and colored, The subscriber asks the loan of drafts, cm, as he is desirous of making a correct, hand some, and useful map; and asks the patron -age fthepoblic generally. ' ' K. YOLKMAB. tswistarg, Nay 18, IBM. Ttleirapnlnf new Rate Table. Uwtekitrg OSto fross S, ji, mtll I. s4 ftwa 1 r i4 sa4 frMi t'i t 7, rJt. From Lewitburg to H.rrisbura 0,88 Berwick $0,18 17 Dauphin S5 Bloomsburg Catuwissa Danville Chapman Carbondale Dunmore Hyde Park, wilkesbarre Plymouth Bloomsburg Danville Sunbury M'Ewensville Williamsport Lock Haven 'Junction S3 Liverpool tl M'Kees falls tl 8elinsgrove SO Providence S5 Scrauton S5 Pitlstoa SI Kingston SO Northumberland 15 Milton 13 Muncy 15 Jersey Short 17 Mill Hall 18 Milesburg SO Bellefonte tl For every additional tions on this line. Philadelphia. SI'S) Beech Creek rord 1 cent to all sta Baltimora 83(1) Not now in operation. (.7A1I other stations west and south Philadelphia, rate increased 9 cents. of UNION TEBFERARCB HOTEL, ana Ice Cream and Eallnsr Saloon, Corner of Second and Market Sit. J2 Having rented the commodious and well JtiSiiitcd buildings at the lower end of Market St. (formerly the mansion or Wm.Hayes.Esq.) the subscriber is prepared to entertain 4. .! XCERS A XD TRA VELERS, Man and Beast, with lodging and food bu not with intoxicating liquors. tjTThere is also attached an ICE CREAM Saloon for Ladies, and an EATING SALOON for Gentlemen. He respectfully solicits a fair trial, and a share of the public patronage. E. PETERS. Lewisburg. March 30, 1854 3m Executors)' Notice. N' TOTICE is hereby given that Letters Tes tamentary on Ihe Lstate of n 1LL1AM ARMSTRONG, late of the IlorouEh ol kewis- burg.'deceased, have been granted lo Jo W. Elliott and Wm.H.amitimi. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claimsagainst ihe same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to W. H. ARMSTRONG, Acting Ex'r. Lewisburg, Oct. 28, 1854 A CHANCE TO MAKE A PILE ! ON account of ill health, the subscriber has determined to quit the Mercantile busi ness, and offers his SioTcRooms,Ware Rooms, and Dwelling, FOR SALE. Said stand is situated in the Town of New Columbia. Union Co., Pa-, on the West Branch River, in a rich settlement, where from $12,000 to 15,000 worth of Goods can be sold at good profits, and in sight of the Sunbury & Erie Railroad. Any person desi rins a good location for business, will find this a rare chance. The property can be purcha se.! at a low price and on easy terms. For further particulars, call on or address the subscriber at the above place. J. D. DIEFFENDERFER. New Columbia. Nov. I. 1854 MEYER'S Plaiias. Tne subscriber has been appointed Agent for the sale of Meyer'scelebrated Pianos. C.Meyer ree'd the Prize Medal at the World's Fair, when he was io competition with the most celebrated makers of Europe and America. His instru ments are universally known to exeel all oth- r .. J J,,hilif. , ' :p"; 'ZL . l nose wishing to purchase a Pianolhat will last for many years and give perfect satisfaction, will call andexamineoneof his best 7-oetave rose wood instruments, at J. L. YODER'8 Watch and Jewelry Store, Market 8U Oct. 12, 1854 Lewisburg. "VjOTU'E. Application irili be made lAl to the next Legislature to change the name of the -Lewisburg Savings Institution." located at Lewisburg iu the county of Union, to " THE LEWISBURG BANK," wiih One Hundred Thousand Dollars additional capital. and authority to issue its own notes for circu lation ; subject to the provisions of the general banking laws of this Commonwealth. By order of the Directors : H. P. SHELLER, Treasurer. Lewisburg, Pa., June 2, 1654, CLOCKS all kinds nf 8-day and 30-honr Brass Clocks and patent lever time-nieces. Brass 8-day clocks at $4, brass 30-hour clocks as iowasi. fliiciocas warranted for one year at J. L. YODER'8 cheap Chirk, Watch and Jewelry Store, opposite Mdings & Co.'s. Lewi.sl.urg. WATCHES Gold and Silver Levers, Lepines. and Verpe. Gold Watches from $25 to 1M), at J. L. VODER'S cheap Waleh and Jewelry store. f EWEI.RY of Ihe latest pattern of allqual ' ilies for sale at the lowest Citv prices by j. l. Voder. SILVER WARE Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt and Mustard Spoons, silver wairanted equa.' to coiu. Silver Tea spoons from $5 onwards, no charge for Engravine, at J. L. VODER'S. ( OLD CHAINS Ladies' Chatelam, Oold J Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, from $10 to $10, at J. Is. YODER'S. SPECTACLES Hold. Silver, Plaled, and 8ieel, sniiable for all aees. All kinds of Glasses pat to Spectacles at thestaortesl notice. Particular attention paid to fittins; Glasses for weak eyes. J. L. YODER. Tnl'ATED WARE Cake and card Baskets, g j auic roras, opiwua avuu uuu. nio.v.! Teasnnnns silver-Dialed on the best German silver, $1 per J do. All goods warranted to cive satisfaction. All kinds of Engriving at the shortest notice at J. L. TOPER 8. OLD PENS all pnces.tn Gold and silver T Holders, and without holders, for sale cheap at w. ... iovi.n v. Lift Inrarancw Oompaniei ! London Xatianal Loan Fund, (26 Cornhill, London; 71 Wall St. Is.YorK) tyCapital $2,500,000 JEtna Lift Insurance Company, (naniora, vonn.i E7Annnity rand .$150,000 Keystone Mutual, (Harrisburg, Pa.) CaTCapital $120,000 POLICIES in the above Companies can be obtained, on reasonable terms, by appli cation to the subscriber. California risks, 3 to 4 per cent extra. Feb. 19 H. C. HICKOK, Lewisburg. Re-mt)val. Tfc WINEOARDEIf has rc-moved from X. -way np town" hack to the new build, ing at the old head quarters, in Market street, immediately nnder the" Chronicle " and Tele graph offices, where he will be happy to "smoke' and "chew" hi friends and cus tomers, in good style and quality at moderate cash rates. - IwiabttTg, Of. 14. 1851. s CROOL OKDEK8 ellT pria aad foe ear at tat rftrsnitfc Omea HARRISBURG BINDERY. 1. l. Clyde F. V. Halter. Suutuort to IV. 0. Hicknk Co. Book Binders and Statioxehs, and Blank Book Manufacturers, Iliirrisburg, l'a. MOST respectfully inform their friends that thy are engaged in Ihe above business Indirectly opposite Herr' liutel. They Batter themselves, by careful attentiou to their business, lo receive a continuance of the pat ronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firm. BLANK BOOK8 fur Banks, County Ollices, Merchants, and private individuals, and every variety of full and half-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Law Books, Nespa pers. Bibles, Music, works issued in Nos., &c bound in any style, plain or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. Please give ns a call. C. & H. r?'Books &c. to be bound may be left with ihe Editor of the Chronicle. 505 THEO. S. CHRIST, WhoUuls and Retail DRUGGIST, Mlfllinbur?, I nlon County, Pa. T TAVING purchased the entire Drug Store XX. formerly kept ry i . J. r.inoii. uec u, i now offT to my friends and the public in gen eral a fresh and pure lot of Also Paints, Oils, Glass. Putty and Patent Medicines. Uruhes and Combs of every variety. A fine assortment of JEW Ei.RY.suchas Watches.goldand silver Pencils, Ear and Fin ger Rings, Breast Pins, dec. &c. Canls.Eu veloprs. Note an'l Letter PiipT. onp and Irrfumerr. All kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil, Pine Oil and Burning Fluid. Liquors of all kinds, for medicinal purposes. Violins, Flutes and Ac cordeons. Nuts, Fruits and Confectionery and in fact, almost anything in the way of No tions and General Varieties. Call and exam ine for yourselves. I charte nothinefr look ing. THEO. 8. CHRIST. Mifllinburg, Pa, Jan. 2, 1851 ly The renowned Remedy! H0LWVAY'SOlNTMENT Tilt itrvonl!nary Unfu.i.t i romr-owl of tbe mot bealiDg blMiai. atii wheo uwl in accofiianee with the iliiwtioiiP .li.-h areoiuiaiiy eacb pot. mil iDure cures when all otbrr meaox tail. CaM4 of I Imp motst rl-tprrat fc-km iisrat--n rt-adilT yiclJ lo il cH.-ai-y. It ia fanvaD when umI in caiof kut,hhumriti-im, Conlrartrti r Mill Joti-V-. Iu AslJUaUaa A niii Uo vndra il ru'Aeti into the Cheat. MoetastonLsh.npCureof Scrofulous Ulcers, certified by the .Mayor of Boston, (hng.; - Gw of LttUrfrom J. .Vrf. K7t Mor of Boston, ; T Paorejfoa Hmow,r-Ivar Sir : Mrs. Sarah Citon , . j pro.ie Our Bilvsi.taRe i lo Ji'id of LanuorpoaJ strrat. Uuton. has Ibia day djwel hrf.re ul , . ' . , i. i :,ilu. mr that f,!Tacunsi.i.raUprioaMi was afflict and throw back a part of ihe cl. cine Suiil harmlna with aerotulooa sen and ulcere ia h-r arms. frrt. Irga, CheelouJ ; in time of a tTt thia rnsMratha ZIZVIXL" i 'oi to conJuc, .ha, por,i of fluid that bejona. ef avjnra. sh. oU.id.j bo abaUment ot suS.rui, but , 0 ihe earth without Ibe aiiglue.t danger oi lea graaoalijr arew wore. ..... . . eine the conductor. Tbi rod has many olher Being txi-aswoM hj efricixt to try eoiir Ointment, . .v.. - i Th. m li nli nl eh. eroeurrd .mall pot, and a box of the fills, and I adeant.ige. over the old one. I be oi.1j flice ol bfiirr that was all used, symptoms of am-n.lmol 'Is- j manufacturinE i in rd. By pereerine with lh mwliriiie. tor a.norii me I loajer aVo.rdiD to the directions, and slnctly edh.m,C , to ytmr roles aa to da-1. Ac . she was p rfrctlj cured, aLd bow cnjo a the bestolliealth. I remain, dear sir. Dated Aug. 12, 153. (sijrnrd) J. JlOtlt Extraordinary and rapid Cure of Erysipelas in the Leg, after medical aid tad failed. IcftfT fVnas ilrt.KixiUth r.a','IV Pit Of'. A'dwiclc iVead, wear Bngnar, SutHz, date J-m. IA looo. To fruf S'or llolioway Mr: I sufT. red for a coni lera blr perHl from a aeeere attack of Krrsipelas. which at length s-ttlKt io my and resisted all me.li.ai tn-at-meat. Wysufferiaiawentecrrgreat acd lo.nited.stair.-d of any iK-rinunrnl amen Im.nt, wh. a 1 was adi.d to bae roarseoyoorlintinent and Pills. I did so without delay, and am happy lo say the result was uiiueully successful, for th.y effected a radical cure of my ls and restored me to th enjoyment of health. I shall ever i speak with the utmost eonfijence of your m!i'-mc. an-l have re.imtncnded them to others in thi-. neiuborhoL-d atmliarly afflicted. wta dcrire-l irreat benefit. 1 am, sir, your obiijred anil faithful seresnt, (siEoe,l) KI.1.AHKTII VtATES. Tha Pills shonM be used conjointly with the Ointmeat in most of the following cases: fir,,!!.... rhllhlsii.a Ft-ttilas fore Tliroats lla.1 BrrasU I bapped ci t hkia UiaeaseS Hums llaiida tiiait'Inier rcuree &welllnt;s Sore Heads Lumbago Tum'-rs Pilea I' leers Kheumatism Wounds Bunions Corns (soft) liib-s of Moa- Cancers chetoes and Contracte-t Sand. Flics and Stiff Coco-ltav Jornts Scalds saws Chiego-faot Elephantiasis Sore Nipples c e. Sold at the K.tahll-hment of ProfeM.r Hot tow at. 344, Strand. Inear Temple liar. Londonl, and 8u Maiden Lane in New York. Orders for Si-licines In the Slates, addre-erd T IMoway, .Vne Virk "will rereiee due attention. r-oid alo by all reapeeral.lc DrMjists and de;il.r" in Meli'-inea tbroucbout the United States. In I'ots at 3T 'i eta., " ct.. and tl.H eaeh. Wholesale by th? (riaci(.al Urug houses In the Union. 1hrt If a colt'ioVciMr lorinir hy (at ing h1ar$tr sizes. N.K. Ilicection. for the gaolance of patients in eeery disorder are altixed to es.-h Pot (lvo04 Sold by Ur. KEMPER, Mifflinbiir- DAGUEUHEOTYPES ! SPl'HCR & IltWS wonld inform the public that they have fitted up a facta) api-essiij for )giic."lrceiiping, n the New Iluildin; over Dr.Thorntou's Drug Btore entrance at ihe firH dime, up stairs where Ihey are prepared to perform any work in their line in the best style of the art. We can take pictures at almost any hour in the day. Children taken as well as adults aud oiher pictures copied. As we have now a permanent location, fitted up purposely and exclusively fur Daguarreo tvpinr;, we think we can render entire satisfac tion, and respectfully tender onr services. F.SPVKER. Lewisbnrg, Aug. I, lfr.3 J L. HAIVS JACOB DYER, Cattawissa, Would inform his old friends and the public generally on Ihe West and North ranch,lhat be continues to keep the STAGE HOTEL, in the center of the Town, and asks l fair share of patronage. Sept. 8 .IdtlitHg'H Elixir 19 the only medicine capable of curing the Head-Ache, in half an hour. For merly, several days were required to relieve this distressing pain ; whilst now the ue of the Elixir will, in a few moments, remove it entirely. Although bnt lately introduced to publicnotice.this wonderlul preparationcounts thousands of advocates. It is very beneficial in Colds and Coughs, checking the most ob stinate fit of couching in a minute or two. It is an invaluable Family Medicine in all sadden attacks of sickness. A single trial will be a satisfactory evidence of its efficacy. Price 25 cts. per bottle. Prepared only by THOMAS 8. PRICHARD, 118 Catharine street, Philadelphia. areata J BAKFR CO.. Lewi.dars;. I. OKRHART, SelinsKrnse. John Schnee, Peter Herman, Mt. Pleasaat. Borer k Baasler, U. k F. C. Moyer. Freebttr. I. D. A H. 8. Hnyer. Penns Tp. X BoaJa. Walter, Barton k Co., Winlleld Brown ltilbl.-h, TurUe.nle. Old Newspapers, SOME lhoutnd in n amber, of aIUixi,for ill t ibe Chronicle office, it AO da per 100 taken they ronprfl when tteorted. A chaneefor ScrapBooka aa wellaa for wrapping Ann. .,(. VTOTES Promissorv. Judcrmnt. and Joint INgtilblnki)at '.hit olfce Dr. John Locke, SURGEOX DENTIST, "VFFICE removed to NORTH THIRD yj si treet. Lewisburg. Lewisburg, Nov. 1, 185 ProcUmaliun to the Citizens of iMiniinbur; and Vicinity. FaWimuclw't HydroEltrie Voltaic Chain, CtvJNSTRL'CTEU to be worn next to the ; skin, prdiicoing constant eun nt of electro masnetisiii, elh-eting immediate relirj from all acute pain; and a iVnKKK-n Care nf all Xeuni'yic Dlsetuei. PLLVERMACHER S ELECTRIC CHAINS W.O'Sft o-d in rranr-.threo yrs rin-r-.fcr tli.turo 0' a-rua disR.-M .ml .tut b.n. i.ibniittl fc th mmt th.,r..' lri.i in ry ll in P.ri. I. tl.. rn.-l l..rn4 lT..f.r. in that eily, tln-y w-r. wiib-W to th. llo.-rnm.Dt of Irur.. wbich r..nt..l a t-nl t.r th. 4K0Try. Durinic Hi- r iS .1-2. thry wr. in'ro-ioctU lu Ucrmany, Austria, l'"iian.l Kniflanl.anilvneyrar incelutTOlun-d a.l p.tentrJ by ih- L . . liuv.rumcut ; Mttti iUlnuAiap rurrt ar Rheumatism. Si VitnV Unr. rtln:alna'llJJlinl, l ali it aion ol ihe Heart, NeurIk-ia -if Ihe Face, f.-r..l o-l ll-a.li.li. Kerfiieiu, Ill.n lne. Yjiao from liJig.Ucn, Uisleric, Vi-ri' Pnr., iVery llutatt, enU'4 .V rroii. la qulrtly and rpljl cured, by tliaply miut.Bi tteChaln f ur a few boors awb day. The bni. "ere 6r.t intrtvtueed in the city or New Trk,wberethy were ealiil.i'e 1 n, Vf l. alentin. M.l. Van Uuren. IVt,CueuocUau. wbarvad.ly di.-eoTemllliat they poMeax-d ivsra.vrir kklikvixh fAjyx. wbcneTer applia l. and by tb'ir ri'e.ii"nen lali.o aod in fl.ienee they were intr.lu-, 1 inm th- lliferent ho,pil.la ot New York, and are now in dnuy 0-e in th'iae In.litu uona in tbe trealmenl of tu cute of lh ate.r; named uiMi.ea. No Otlior Medical Asrtit In ti world ran prolii-e o mnnr aulhentieate.1 cerlin. ateenfe in- from .- iei,ut.c l'b-ic:an ai d Inteill rent i-alb-nlaa may be f.unJ in e;..h i ami biet wbieb my be .bUinedicrauel at th- lru store of Thm S Cnam. h i- wle aceut f rr M ."Jinliuin an I ,Mn!!.nd who ejplaln Ibe manner U uae to any one wbo may "Tn'ih it of New V..rt. at th- fieneral OtRea. SSS Hrondwae. there are diilv le itiR a.Ui fflu l. I.iik) elialna and the nale and demand in n -tnn I- a" rent in propor tion to the opulatl..n, aithou tb. y bare only been in tneluee.1 three mouth. The rbain? are ea-il wrtrn.an-l arerquanj appiir..,.e I to all ela- of ner'nna ihe rhild an well a Ihe adu.t. and arealwaja rea.lv r.ru n-f-rc-u ui oi o-pn.- a. mnrh an article of ornament as th -j arecf a laluab.. mexn. nf euro. The t'hainri ean V eent he mail ti any part or tha I . Stat.-, and can be nl.ruin.-d in all the principal cities in tbel'ni-.n I bi ri'iau-are r. .U. St. d t..eruin- th. m. t KD TO l.Mts.-L.I.ehciaree.enJearerequ.ete.I Bit to u th-ra enly f .r tew m.'mei.ts at eaeh I. me 01 applying. f..r by toctf continued use, mifCarnage la fra que.ulv produced. J.reH STMimT.Oen ff- nt.f "i Bms twaT.yewlorll. THIiO. S. L11K1S1, Agent, l Hill II i-'urjf, 1 y522 !8 nn Co. ra Lightning Rods. i F'fEK maiiT Ytra' close inetication bi nt! j numerous nptrtmenu. ihe Vuitniecmkt jiUa.uro in iiifnimiiig the public thst be ts : ariivrd At ihe true principle ot piotectinp families. . iJwfcUli.gs ai;d pn.pcrtv from llie ilestrMdive influ ence of LIGHTNING. The eaWmiile. ! that mierv CMv. J'onn. V ill nee and Country falls : vkctiro to annually, thro the gro-;s neglence of iu inhal'ilnnl, ia beyond calculation, preiaHy when the leotedy i ao eay to obtain thia i found in AEMITAGE'S Patent fllagnctic tiljtning tlolis, and in this ahme. This Had has b-eu examined by the mostcieniifie B ntleim n in the -ord Professor NrMurtrie, Johii"on,Vallor and many other, that hae exarninrd them. reco.nn.eiiJ and sakof them m .he h.hr-t terra, ot .pprooa uoo. ( and nare pronounces mem me on.y ... . , o, I piUr-trtniin I lite St. 3 duors abuTC 1 2A. .u.cjfiplia. tihrre all persona are rrpec!fully inniM lo call and examine for ihemel-. For sale Wholesale or Retail by THU S ARUM AGE. Oiden promptly attended to Ternia cash. Then rods have been purchased and aoccei fullj ueed by the follow ing individuals, coinpaniea and corporations, whose names are cheerfully submitted : In and nrar Philai'lphia k. k S. Koberts. George SantiinjeT, JuJa H-uicr. Ju Ijc fonn.1. J. Mu!f-rd, Ji.hn Hi BifS I', t'. Clanicy, J.ll'vuner. tl. tiakiT,.''ird Ineersol, the flkickl-.y AlluhouM, Aiidcnu-o X llr'-li.ers. n,-in,t a. r. liiuk-rs. H S mm-n. Hies. Nett a t'o., Mr. K.V.J. L. lintnt. J..lin olnian, inos. i.roeer. oate k,woln. J. V. Ulcer, 1 Vi. UatsoB, t'. Iliimphr ys. J Kiptey k Co., J. yrcnn. 11. Il.irleit. J. o.ei.pbiie. t. IVp ptt. r. ahari'Ie-".. Kr. l:iilm. . Iiorlil.e. J llrlnkley. Mr. llaiison. lr. Pnv:l. II. Hewers lli'.J. 11 llopelioy. 11. Miller, the K d B.ns Hotel, the V. S. Arwnil, the , ipniii: liitrlen ( laull..lone ll;,ll. j In I'.S t"ie .IrU ri'q neirce , r:ei ;o. rfoo.e M'Cail. Judce Iiayton, John etmn, iir. U. M'Muruc, Benj. Roberta, Mr. J. Iown:n. i.v v.iu. rorxir. Hartley Tp. Mark llailfeuoy. M m J-'.-t.-r.JoliTiTTans. Vi. .! P. t.-rn. Jsu-od r-Uiith. Vi man. and Cpmmti,e..oner " Oft Lme.t- Tnbu R.-bT. t'riwn Tjk Vr. rbi.rU Wil-(i. Vahtn-jt-- If. J"Ln KunU, Sirooi. Kunt. ' nn Tp. Is-c Couldron. irA.fe Dt.tr JJi. MKli4ci UoHiuao. XECOMStEyDA rOa,V.f. I'kil-!. , AtTir.l3.1T. I r.T thin diT enfuTlv inn-rt j rm!utor or Lightning Kod, wti au? nti in JvK, rrvcb.l by Mr. j bnve do bfSitatn-D in j.nn that it ip not only th best I 1 haw vTer n. tut t)it tt is tiit only on I bar jet j xamiiW that is cn-tructtl on rtricttjr ilant.fic prinri- I plrs. It in withmu-h Ira5ur that I mi inm nj his COUilUCtutto tle fttU-nltUB of uwncrsnf btvI Jinc I II. M Mt.U'RIE. I um Wfll .tfeft'-d thnt the Maimrtir l.ichtnin- K1. I mnuufnrturYtl tv Mr- Tht.m ArwiUe-. ut t't.i.avlelphtat i is tbf Lent that Im ftr hrvn ma-lt'. I hit-iiiH-nl rvrrai jfjut in tba slucy nt the lnw ol U-ctriit anl mcne-l- ; im.ant Jitc ij.i h"Mttiin in tayinp llat thrw Umli are ! cuntructtil uprn tbe only pritifipst' of salfty. The- rli-rtrir J ibtK-k i rtri iviM and UisptTTtt by tli- mnn- t at thf t p , cf the rod. and it would be iinpwniiili. Yr.linr the Uw of nttrtrtif n and Ti-pmrton, tr a bail J inn bt ' injtirrri by a trt.lit- of liirlitninir wh- n pt trt.ii hy one rf : thi rwro.il.. I bave Wen ac,naint d iiri Mr. Annilajc 1 for neTeral year, und h. f .re hr r.mim-n-fil th manufiic- ! turr of tbew rotli 1 finined llie i-rinnpU-on wbteh thy i I re eontm-"ted. and f It mpim.-ed tluit their ad.-vti.'-n ! would be attended with . omplt te cucet-. The .w-rwin:- I demnml for th.-(w rotl.nd th-f irn-ifabn in ;tll j-ar: of tlieconnuy.ianiiileoonini.'n iaTinn'iiri-tii'iiT-inii ,ur-riority. TICAfV K. WALLER.M.P. KWnpun. PMIart Co., April 10, 1f5"J. tys.C. W I LT ami SAMIEL HOOV EK. llurfltton. Union Co. Pa. ate AfTfnte for Vnion anJ adjoining Count nil will fuinifh the Ko-lon llie name terma and in the same maimer as ihe Pmptieior. Dr. Jacob Ilorlacber, POTAMO PHYSICIAN, having rainfd I 1 his healih, haa resnmed his practice oi the healine art. Hisuperior SALVE is Mill great demand, and all orders snpr-lied as usual. New Berlin. May 8, 1S.H Opposition is the L'fe of Buaiuefs ! NEW LIYE11Y EXCHANGE STABLE. The subscriber would respectfully inform the eilizensof Lewisburg and the tra.eling commun ity generally, that ha baa opened a new Livery and Eichange PtaMe on FOURTH street ball square South of Market, and has proviJed a good lot of Horses, with entirely new good and lash lonablel arriagea, Uuagtes.nleighs. &e.bereall ishing anything in hi line may be accommod ated on the shortest nolice and most reasonalde terma. He will pay eiery attrn'ion to the want of bis customer, and hope by so doing to merit and receive a liberal share nf puMic pinonace. WII.LUM MOOUE. I.ewi-horg.Pec 30. I8M MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, HIATIT k EXPED1TI0ESLI AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lewisburg. THE subscriber con I unnes to carry oo the Livery Bualnews at the Old Bland on i-onn Third street, rear Market, and respecitully solicits Ihe patronage ot his friends and the public generally. CHAPLES F. Hr.bS. Lewisburg, May 22. I8i0 The Par-Famed Hedlclne ! II OL LO WA YSFI LLS. TbcM I'illj. bviog oo.eO(J entiit 7 of nediribal lerti, m cf m m-l barinleu Oiatur, whil it,r . ltiaofdia mrf l lrtum tb pocii bmv rmtlvrwt tht-ni ? Mlly leopaitvr m umly wvrj ftt ol ibe t 14. lb lnticn suci-tM thwj bnvc tul villi thruuLom tl, S:it-t? U ml cxtrftonlioary, owinr.lt it (1rrM1ir)tti lo thir woaViiTfui cSic)T In tti tbr ,f Iiiiwna compiainU bo1 wiuofoVra of ta L.?rr atad 6lo.utv.ja. jVsrrKiiil ftbo prtMSTfr ID VMlif ItirBi tacxrUli, (v d!rcUois, tvldosi IkiJ im bviDg fcttorcU to bs.ltii. Weakness and Debilitj. Restoration to Health of a Gentleman, aged -25, hm at Death' door. CopY'a ttUr from Utt ilfcv CSartet Smith, faud Xwton, .V ifstltpt, ntor bath, JAiwurtUiurz, i 114. ToFlifl'it HniU.WT, Sir A Mr. JvkBarra li ito, tormnlj m idBt of tfci pi . hattl r-f n tn ilrlinifir atatcof bcaJtL lot tt.-a:4s tf thrra ar, -n'ttiovifj wit:Dg wny to m etaMtw ly Bibtljf p.jimtToaa snri WMtit of rrt. Lirli noMd It rent utvafiDf-t ti hif frirdi. b- tiloii.ittlinio mJira) urn in lialb, wit bout ff ct, ii al iaivt urd jont riUft, and ULtiVr l'r iiiunB wa rr-V rrd tu btaltii ly ihfir man. Iff lately cnii;rH to N w Tcrk, and baa jii't wriTt-i tr My, ihitt bm w bvt brttrr in baallB, wtA dftsirvd at to acquaint you wiih th cirewwastaaca. I ou'hi lo tue-DtioD, tliMt my wii Laa daxivcU (xtat butit tr iii liir uw ot y.tir I'liia 1 rejuain. Sir. mon rprrlfiIr. CHAHLbd eMriil,jitotlDB MJnltUr. A f crmaftcnt Cure of a diseaaed Liver ot many 1 eari duration. Coj.y of a Ltltzr f M . Chemist, TtorH, f 1 r'j'tt TV-ar Sir Tn th: dtrjft mir liii f.tntnartl mcra xt-nt aale tljan an nihr f.rr.?ietaiiw-tfit' S-dira th j-uHiv. A a jwonf .f tht'trrlfra? in Livtrr and bt.ioua Con.piaintei I dit mntin tb ftillw;nr rat. A at .til twn mth whom 1 am pv-raoaallv aoaintrd. 1r yrttr m a if -afft-rf r f r m diir ,t 1h Liver an4 "aire"tie eryafe: ber mrtMai att nJnt avrt1 hrr tat br f'ti .d ti n-tl Inp to mier hr niiiTrinff. and it waS uot !ikfi-hr ifulti stirTie manr month. Ihia anooisB ; rtmrnt d' uralij mhw d (mat al.tria aniOa: br frivnds and r! aiiot.ni. and tb- irtltirtd b-T to na trial of jur fiiii.w.hirb ao itnprot hvr fr-m-ral hraltb It at b , icdnr, d to fonrioue (S m nt.ul b rt-tri'td a perfivrt ' furr. 1 Mr 9 tTfiTe mmth o. infi he ba tot pr . it: lire J anv MDif-to. t.i rwiaor, and ofun deelasas tLal jour I'll In hatf brrn the m-an of ai mr hrr Ufa. ' I remain, iVar ir. jrour try, July -Td, 1;3. (iriv-nrd; J. GAMT9. TUtitccUiTaltd IMfi ttr wondcrfml'y efficacious tm UltfoV I lowing cmj amtt : I h i am Pro; py Jundtra SwCOtdarT i Atlma r-wnteTy Lirr i &i).lnt .i..Uini Bnitu Com i.r!-ilaa LuDibsj TifbouioiauS .latnta tu. Irr-g-l ii. a Tumcn ' Bit-t.-lic! on ularitw-i l;b umttftn l ie rs the skin e-ra of ail bt-aut& oi VrOwraal Af I Bowt leuij, i ts kiiaOa Irnc Priu.L. 4ulla fita Scrofula. r Worn of all 1 Cci'ft'I otMiat an "' the il .t-t llt-ati arhs F"re ibrcata WtMatlcpafrs rinutui't.Ln liiJue.-uon Un 2i ai-j caaaa , iKti itj Imlnmntion Orarel 1- Ac. ! SoM at the EaMishment of Prfi-tfc? Hollowt, J44t tri:d. ' oe-ar T'-tnle Kar. Lotidnii.J and eU Xaidrn Lan in -w Turk. tmlrr fur Medtriba in tbe 4ialwa.ad-lrd "T l-J!-urav. .V'i will rwiwi- uuealtrDt-"D. &o4 alpio b all rr9pctb.f- l)rtiifL-t and dt-ai-r in MhIicidS throulmMt ttie Iihim ?ti. in box-) at o7 eta. bZ eta. and (I, t mrh. In be bad It bo It tale of tbt pnncial iJriii: tiu?-t id tbe tun-u. Mmlh iv is st rx.nsWt'rwi'lr ravinr p7 takirtbelaifsr jtr,rS. f.. I'irtH ti'-n? for tbe rnitlttbca cl fatienU lat eT UM-rder, are affixed t m-b Uf a iVi IV'Fcr sale by Dr. KEMTEK, Miffiistiirg LEWISBURG FOUr. DRY. j.The sulscriher. thankful for .nal rtrinare. wnutd lnfcrm ij n' ifcw'wwy'lie public that they continue to L ;.ii,Tinnnlaeinre all kinds ol 31iL.Ii and olher CasUrif:5. Thrasbmtf Machj.es and tlher Machinery repaired in the best manner. Castings warramca lo be ct eood material, and at prices that can not faj io plere. GEDUES, MAKfH 4 CO. Lewisburg. Feb. 1&51 COOKSNG Stoves, vt variuu s are and sizes, for Coal or Woo , for i erns V; and sizes, for Coal or oo , lor sals at the Lewisburg Fonndry hy Gcddea, M ars h & Co. yj Stores, tra mills pstferns, for.-nleat ibe) LewUbure Fonndry. titddes, Matsb & Co. ' "lAflARD'S ratent Ganz Plow, son. V nor article, for sale at ihe Lewisborg Foundry by Geddes, Marsh cl Co. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross Patent rlecirledly the best and most durable (Jra in Drill now ia nse, for sale at tbe Lewi.burg Foundry by lieddes, Marsh & Co. " An ounce of Prevention worth a found of Cure," in thai awful disease, CONSUMPTION! DR. I ITCH'S Lectures on tbe Preren tion and Cure oi Consumption. Thispopular work for sale inLewisburg by S. F.Lj-ndall J. Uouahton ana al this ofli -p. PnVf. 75 ppnia .Map of tbe Slate of Calirorala, OKEliO.N, ITAI1, .NEW MEXICO, anil TEXAS. prmteJ by S. Aug 's Mitchell io l(M6,anJ (lainirj lo carrespand iih the boui. daries tiied bvCangresein 1S5U foissle tlth. Cbrnnicltnifice. price 25 cla. THE present Proprietr r of the nearlj dueo rererl M'lnlield fait (limestone) ia DKY VALLEY. Inion Co. hereby pies novre that the Cure trili AoT be open nn SVXDA 73 fi r Visitors. It may be riMieil by Ladiea and Oent'emen on any oiher dnr, and on PATt"?. DAY o! every week epce;al preparations will be m.ii!e to acciimmnd.ite with lights. j-AU persuns are forbidJen to break eff", injure, or take away any specimens from the Cave, nmler penalty of prosecution. The payment of 12 cents only ia required of every person before enterine. NOAH WALTER. Dry Taller. Jnnr 2. lssa iji,qi)i;?, ijioi-f, & JBiiitfiqi-ii-j 8570 is casu prizes ?5T0. "7"OLl"ME X. of the SCIENTIFIC AVE. KICAN commences cn the 16th of Sep tember. It is chiefly devoted to advancement of Ihe interests of Mechanics. iTirenturs, Man ufacturers, and Farmers, by the diffusion of nsef.it anpwl.'lae neon these 1nilrtai!t K-aBetaee. It is euited be aaeo f raetirally a11lel In Ihe arrs and srtoices. anil welelv repanirii as a st'tirtl ard aMe jonrnal earif all the aaluat'le fat.nl. l-sne eel (rear th. l'atetit "triee, are lilmtrated wi'h Knraviaa; and th. ilaimai.f all ISe r.t.nl. ire utli'h..l ia it-eelnaiasj hns uiakirc lie- pfer a ferlecl beientf e and Maebai-s-el Knevel..riiia fi.r luliire a. well a. trefent rererence. TBS S-ieiil.ne ABrrrieaa le eery eatensiTely vireulated its eir enlatifin In the Isht Tfilnrne eeieilin le 0(0 copies per week. It Is tn form for bir line; eaeh e luae eiaUica sreral hnndrvd Knera.ine. aaxt oser4LiO paaes of ftradiof Matter, wtlh aa lad. a. The araetieal reeelnta aloa at. wnttb to mi finilv mnrh more than sub-rrit,tion price, eh. f.. K1..K.... the fc.ll.iw me ealn.ble hrtaes Stie the larsesl li.-t of snh-rrilr. ent In by ! 1-t ' rT net : SUM) will be ptren for tbe l.reest list, .. iee ta. erond. . tor lb., third. r the fourlh. fcr th. liflb. $4S thr lh. silh.ll'l .e "T'MC? ? 5I eitbth! tf r Ihe ninih. fit tbe tenth. for th. e ... . h 1 Vr the ... l-h. JtO n.e the 'biJJ Jr. for lheoorteenth The ar t '' r r th. .ueeeT-s'ul atpctltor la.medlat.ij sfler January ''xai-One eore ene Tear f2. one eery sin saontb. $1. nee eore-a su nronth. fi. lea copies sin arentha S, toa eore- i.elre month. J fifteen eo,ies twelee BKrnths $23, t.entr eorle. twelve months 2. in atnw No rnmher.r snberriclunia ahvse V0 ean la tate. as le than it. Urea. h. Nstnr. ean he teat ia at dinVreai times and fr. ro lilf-rent rest'u"cs. ,UlU.n. Souibern ami esters a.yusea r ransrnnusa. letters sh-nld b. dm eted. rsl l aid, to MCNN k CO, 11 rultoa unet. Hew Tera aVMessrs. Moaa k Co. sr. "teoaWsl. eafl inventors, wltboat charge ia regar a. U nonsliv as their improTeaiaaU. . MetnfltialS tl. UZsAJlAAai f Snrgeoa Dentilt, T hi. B-sidenc, Booth ThirJ UfiT ofths Board wa!. .. . LEWISBVUO. 11 1