The LewisburgChroniclc, 4, ,0"5": . r -I-- 17i ' IjCtcuburg, n ,l HID I AHTASCI ail KRjfi-'.r;':ror ,hrt,T p.rioJ. Th ,t tut " fcf fcar dentin, VS cU far rix manlUs, $1 foe "'""'i.'x'o . 5 ots- r.ym nt. by mail pi.i) CCpt that it caused an alarm of tiro and Z-MZtolElil-K6t oC "the machines" for r n4n to cd lth the timr paid Tor. o film L.nJ-jmeK luwti-tl t M wot per MUN OO fW,.WW M Jl. " e'$.T,so. iid.te.Ba J.fcufihorBtiiumn.jioiyir. Atiotherifinny V t,ri !- a mou- f brrri.i,or:;of nif qMrtzoc, uc j- W - ... .. J .rilll!" l j 0,nunnnltion 0,1 f pl Intern m"ya !oiiRofle rir, in Mriw ntwntion. : juOSETiJ Trt-lKtUPIl i. In IhaoflW ! . ,.kl,l. bt wbicS w ofin pit important M-w ; rttb.Cbronict.oy a I lymnartei i t,ic "fflr ! '"''torm',,t : . , i,n fjnvr;.M.'.bi "i" u t"t"1 ,u' j w" Zlw'" "-''' i .ndffork.b;-;-- , m1 - V.'OBDrN U COEKiLJUS. Isctrisburff, Friday Morxixg, Feb. 10, 1S55. j Ud dKr "y t'; . -Xew Philadelphia and New York j advertifemcnts under the respective LeaJs on the opposite raCf; m n.e next Uuion County Pair, is lo It at HaRILITOX. (Jood ! Proceedings ; of Society next week. tS-lh. l!retk.-nriJge having declined , on sccount of private affairs, Gen. 0. A. Podge (just dodged out of Senate by ti.e ! people of Iowa) is appointed ?Iini?tcr to SP,ln- , WnoLC Hoos. Two weeks sinccohn , Alexander of Kelly Tp., Union county, j killed two swine which weighed I'2dl j pounds. Pretty good p':gs fir hard times tod short crops, Mr. Luzerne Union. "The Special Election on Tuesday in Philidlnhia for State Senator, resulted I ?n f.vnr r,f II .nrv (' IWt t'm Vh:r m.1 ' American citdid'ate, by 2,312 neurit v. ; The rote is 10,000 short of the vote for Governor last Fall. KMonday, we tried the skighing wards New Berlin never better. Met j forty teams (an! no accident) on the wi.y. , Very slim attendance at Court. Graud ; Jury nothing to do, and Civil List not; presfing. Court Lowever We a ti of James Walls, and started John Qjinn ! ro the track in spite or tue l. iN s. ( 4 . - wU A U .it. ll.i... I itri !.:.' cn i-aa 'nn it oar last dates. ta ' IgUThe fcitt'.n Argui was goin ".put a str.p" to the people's election cler- j gymcn to office, and wrote a violent arti-; ft iK osm. in flt 4 -7',r'rrT. S. uesiroyeu me :ri'TZ""w'r.hi.-b h-;- : Arcade, owned by Mis.Kiutzing. Prof. !L taMK rir.'iiiti in .w","'.'"Lri!i!i: ' Isaac N. Luullli.-i. wblli? riiirnr.,! ; l,itr.,.r . MrenTiZK' MMim.""'"- '"" , . d.. . c,. : t . .1. 11 1 1 .1 tie against them. We replied. The Ar. j M upon tue other to get a gift of gut retorts by a of abuse agaiust an j tuc ,;E,!t of W!iy fur a railroad, and said if absent gentleman who d:d not write the ! !t wero u'3 rm UB would giant it, the article, and who never saw it until iif:. r j other then bautercd him to trade farms it was printed. Vou fire very poorly, Mr. 'J l'cy traded. Argus, fur a Kansas iiun. LvcoMlNG. The Press has a lengthy ' - - ! ueeount of tiie t-fforta to nnl:p s.-imr; front Quite a Mistake .'-A gold watch 1 kaving been stolen at Rciding, not long . j . .. . , ran tctv f an t. unR oav inst xcpr. . 1 , . , . , .iuco, . uescripuon 01 it-c sarro-ea ti.iei l rjtfC,0 j ;n 1702. We hope the Centcn was forwarded to officer Missimrr, Putts- ; u;aI Anniversary of that conception will town, who watched especially the railway j lear wit cf lhe lirth r Railwa. ' J ' 1 counectton. we Aiics te ller denoun- foundaman sitting quietly in a car who ; coj ind, cent and swindling advcrtisemcnL,, answered his dcsenptica so well that he j auJ a(1vocates a morc r! i(1 tariff 0Q made the protesting passenger a prisoner, KediCil, ,4rcrtisillg. Mr Gibson ba3 eondueted him to a hotel, and was about 1 drawn , yicw f j gbore wLjch he to institute a search, when the venerable tf7,lW. recommends to have lithe Gee, Richards and others who know both gr!irljcJ (Voi.KMAa can do it for you.) parties arrived, and assured Mr. Missimcr; A Washington correspondent of the that he bad m custody the newly elected ; Willianlsport V, states that Col. John fitate Treasurer, CoI.Slikb of Lewisburg, , F. Cartc.r Las ..CIpericnced another streak Who was surely not the mm he was after! of inck by which l e realizes a handsome The Oniscr was m .re scared than the Col-1 fam." The churches of Williamsport nel, who consented to let it pas., for a jiavc established a home Mission W. II. joke, but declined to allow any more of j pIeld, sgent. The Jersey Shore News "" Srt" I Le,tcr no,iccs the death pf '' Catty," or KB Jtems from CDlIjrr (Counlics. Jm"h at adnwd He was a blaek man of Ilcrculan strength, the Northumberland. The Sunbury A-' Ntw" Lctter allcging 113 a fc "'n ue ttericin and Milton Democrat look upon ' of Lls rivcr ,rips he carricd wciSht of the division of Union county as "manifest ! fourlccD "andred pounds of iron from the destiny." The Governor has appointed ' bcach to tbe wbarf one ,nad A U his Aids from Milton, Messrs. BoMe ' Cre at I-'cosv'110 00 Wednesday night Frymire, Sweuk, Heinen. and I.awsnr.' I of,ast wcek d3troycd tue Store of Tho mie oo caiuruay nigut, aj inst., a kouse in Duke street, Northumberland, was found to be on fire, aud the iu mates, Mr. Harrison and family, narrowly es caped with their lives, losing almost ell little property David Fisher proposes to run a tri weekly hack, with the mails, between Suubury and Millers- r .. o . . . . . ourg, .nonaiys, WedueSd.vs. and Satur. days, and returning tho following days. ! A beautiful fawn came upon the porch I of the Shimokio Hotel, durine the recent ! now itorm mnA m nn.. . 1 , tal ,cluurcu ncar le Furnace. Both the animals were shot. -The Lutheran house of worship in Milton is repaired and re-opencd, under the pastoral care of Rev. C. C. Culler. -Balance due on subscriptions to the Cttiw,, Williamsport & Erie Railroad fe called in. Bla!B.--Od Sunday last, , young man WW severely injured b, t jlnJ dent at Bla.r Furnace. I, j, doubtful Whether he will recover. Judge Taylor ad 1 Buckalew's Law are playing havoc with the tavern asd doggeries of Blair Ceunty. Mrm.Hr. The Gm.h .1.. Kpfcrtott ?f 500 lb'., fl, w s! !Le Uw istown Mill io a day, aud 1700 bbla. in a week." Two men Lad their bands bad ly injured, while examining a corn sbcl kr,tlicir Cngers hairing accidentally caught bj the cjg-whecls. A camphene lamp, having as is supposed nearly burnt out, exploded in Millikcn's store one evening, but fortunately little injury resulted, ci ; mx -A wLihkcy fight at Yeagcrtown. : ...1. n.n o en Y.rll IPl1 fllilt it ; iU nUIL'U UliC UJtlU WUdv a.- was doubtful whether lie would recover, ana 1 another Lad several severe cuts in his arms. ,, Li f aggressor was bound over to f!..rt in the sum of SjOO but who sold i ,iU ;qUor , ' w hich was the csuse of the mis- Met The Kailroad Bridge over the Juntala a slicrt distance above Leuistown, d(,.ed , fire abuut ,, 0-,.lock on , , . . , - . . Sunday rcoruiiie.ltb inst. The spark took from a locomotive: there was a watchmau .i t ? i . .t . ii n lLe lr'Js?' lut ,be waltr wa3 40 colJ that it froze nitliout abating the flames. The bridge was 020 feet long, and will be . ... . ..... ... , , iiniiii'uinicij reoaiii. ari, lor- ! merly of Lewistown, while at work on a sinfr.M iu Ilani.-Wg on the SI iu,t., full and iigured himself so that he Ju J cu Monday. i.i.ri)7i. . jcrsoy snore paper states ir.g, cut one foot very severely with aic, bat is supposed to be out of dauger. Dano La3 L,;cn Uown out fjr S(jme time plst A .cllte yauic, iiquor ge)k.r in Wilkes Darr?, sold on Sunday, but early Monlay morning iufuriued upon himself aeJ V" ''; " wi'hout troubling any of his neighbors about the matter. A niau I wai knocked donu iu the street am ) by a brute of a fellow to whom he declined giving credit a year ago A four jcar o!J I)urliar,,, weighing nearly 2,000 "lbs. on fot ,iaUMl)tcri.j at ljttston. It was rawed by Judge Laporte of Bradford county. A new Democratic paper, the Spirit of the Valley, has been started at Scranton by Allegar Adams. The Wilkes B-rre 7i'mc reports a thermometer 12 degrees below z vro at sunrise in the open I air on the Gth inst. Miss Harriet A. j -nucl ' n Ji ls miss.Tig irom a orty 1 ort, , ani '"'r fr"1"13 are feaiful she has been foul' JtaIt witb- II is 5ome weeks since she di.-appcarrd. A camphene lamp exploded in the Wilkes Barre pe-ht office without doing material damage. CllESTr.R. The two Whig papers have made an arrangement by which each gives j ,.e.V9 utliy from ,ile date of the other- mating substantially a semi-weekly paper, The V.lhje licorj appears on Tuesday, the Ii.yUt.-r k Etaminrr on Saturdays. Irm sj!is reported week before last, va-! r;c;j ;n j,v-Ke from gQ3 to 5100 per acre T7 I . ; t -. liuui.oK ts oecomin quite a nui- sauce to the staid o.d farmers of Chester, j Two farmers in Kennctt, each having : l1'8'3 worth about '..0,000, made a nap ater a consultation of four minutes. One I thnronghferc from Philadelphia (via Sun- j burvl to F.rie. and .tat! that ('..n:,l . i 1 . mas A. m arncranc a Millinery simp own ed by Thomas M'Connell. Waruer was insured S3, 100 in the Lycoming Mutual. Juniata. A son of John P. Thomp-1 son, fell upon the irons while driving the horses at a threshing machine, and the foot and ankle of one leg were crushed to pieces, and the leg had to be amputated. The Sentinel notices a powerful revival in tbe Lo'berao and Methodist churches, Mifflin- ,own 0Dn M'Curdy, of Oakland Mills, and Adam J. Greer, of (he Sentinel, are promoted to the rank of Aid to the Governor. Centre The Aironeburg Berlchler notices 15 to 18 inches snow in that quar ter, and plenty of folks using it.- The Whig notices a six lepged calf from a cow of Jacob Struble. 1 he extra legs were from the shoulders. Dr. Dougherty of Bellefonte made a successful operation fur the relief of club-foot 00 a child of J. S. Parson's. Mostocr. The Danville papers speak with much interest of the interchange of visits between the Danville and Lewisburg Singing classe. Columbia. Only one week's Court, tod (hit cloitd on IhcirsdaT. Lewisburg Chronicle mifflinburg, AUntion! Ilonors thicken upon your esteemed fel low citizen, James W. PesitiNaTW.who has received the commission of Lieuten ant Colonel from Got. Pollock, and is to be obey.d accordingly The Mayor of Boston Las effectually suppressed Sunday liquor traffic in that city. But one shop was reported open last Sabbath. S&The bill to confer the title of Lieu tenant General on W infield Scott, baa passed both Houses of Congress. For thn X.wiaonrs Chrouicl. Lecture III. As previously anuouneed, the Third lec ture of the Lewisburg course was delivered by Prjf. J. It. Loomis, D. Ph. The subject was &juth America. Tbc lecturer contined his observation, however, to Peru and Bolivia, which he had visited about two years since. These two countries were united under the ancient govciuiucut of the Iucas and were designed by nature to be but one. But, unhappily for them, they had been divided, through the ambition of Bolivar, in cider that his name might be given to a portion at least of the continent. They arc divided naturuiiy into three portions the Pacific ccaat region, extending from the Andes to the ocean ; the Mouutaiu ous region ; and tho Eastern slope. The latter is inhabited principally by the Iu diaus ; the other two, by the descendants of the Spaniards. The Coast region is generally barren ; some portions absolute deserts. No show-' crs of rain ever fall. The nearest approach to it witnessed by Prof. Loouiis in this part of Peru, weie a few dvops that fell troiu a cloud overhanging the Andes while the sun was shining brilliantly when he stood. The prevail ng winds of the south ern portion of the continent, are from the south east. Though moist as the come from the Atlantic, aud fertilizing to the eastern slpe of the Ande, in passing the mouutaius they reach a temperature fo low as to condense all their moisture and leave them exceedingly dry before they reach the western slope. Hence the waut of rain in the latter region. For agricul turul and domestic purposes, the inhabit- ants are depet.a.mi upon tue smau streams which flow down from the mountains. If these are wanting, the only water to be had is brought in ships. Such portions are completely sterile not a green thiug is to be seen presenting a striking con- trast with the buundlesi luxuriousness and impenetrable forests of the lot 1: tuns of Pa nama- In Inuinue, the lecturer met an obi sio 1 man, who, though his buaincsss occa sionally took him several leagues from home, had never seen a vegetable, or any kind whatever, growing. Where streams exist, a lvantag: is taken of then for pur poses of irrigation. Py dividing them and conducting their waters over their farms,tbe inhabitant raise quite an amount of agricultural productions. So that the market of Lima is as well supplied and with as great n variety (red peppers, the indispensable to a South American palate, always abounding,) as that of Philadelphia or New York making due allowance for tho di7creacecf pepclation. Guano (pronounced irano,) South Ame rican Saltpetre, aud small quantities of silver aud copper are the chief articles of .Mlth and trade in thU r.artnf Frn. TI11. 1 guano is found on the Islands of the coast, and is not only a valuable article of com merce, but is the chief means on which the government effects its loans. The Saltpetre is found in vast (umtities on the mainland. Geological indications and actual observations prove that the land has emerged from the ocean, having been more or less elevated at different and distant in tervals. Shells were found by the lecturer at a considerable elevation above the sea, in a perfect state of preservation, and pre cisely similar to those now abouuding with their living inmates in the neighboring waters. The stit, on retiring from these regions, left as the evidence of its former occupancy these marine deposits of shells and salt. While in this part of Pet d, the lecturer was permitted, much to his gratification, to witness the shock of an earthquake. Though the creaking and crackling of the saline rocks arouud hitn was not exactly agreeable, the distant roar was sublimo beyond description. The enthusiasm of the philosopher triumphed over the fears of tbe man, and threw him into an extacy of delight, which, combined with the vi bration of the earth, rendered it extremely difficult for him to maintain Lis perpendi- cular. Tbe Mountain region is the richest in mineral resources. The mines of Potosi were particularly described. Under the old Spanish rule, tbey had been wrought with great energy and success. Some of the ore is worth $180 per hnnd. lb. Still, there is little energy displayed at present in obtaiuing it. The prejudice against certain kinds of labor, including that of uiioiug, is so strong that 1 Spaniard would rather starve than submit to it. Tbe In dians will Dot work more than three or four days in the week. The wood and charcoal used in smelting.has to be brought a distance of ninety miles, on the bocks of mules. No machinery over three hun dred pounds in weight could be transport ed thither, nor could it be propelled at pre sent if there. But Prof. Loomis considers that there are indications of coal near Po tosi, and tbe time may yet como when the pnwtr of Bteam will be brought to bear upon these rich deposits of silver. S jme of lu prineipil tributaries fcvfc ; & West Branch Farmer February 16, 1855. of the La Plata and the Amazon, bead not far from Potosi. The Providence of God seems to have reserved their fertile Tallies for the Anglo Saxons a race more ener getic And liberal than the Spaniards, who confine! themselves to the mountain districts. The jealousy of the Brasilian government, now interposed as an obstacle, will probably be overcoroe,and tho free na vigation of these rivers, opened to all na tions. Rail-roads may be constructed along them, and tbe agricultural and mineral re sources of the continent be developed. The above report is too brief to do jus tice either to tbe lecturer or his subject It is given with the hope of exciting a deeper interest in tbe lectures. The audience was larger than on tbe last (Omsoi. The pleasant colloquial style of Prof. Loomis, suited his subject, aud interested bis audience. The only thing in tbe whole proceedings to be re gretted was the rude expressions of ap plause given by some of the boys (?), as distasteful to the lecturer, and most of his audience, as they were contrary to the wishes of those whose house of worship was opened for the entertainment and in struction 'of all who pleased to attend. It is earnestly hoped that a due respect for a placo of worship will prevent the recur rence of any thing of tbe kind. A Hearer. acujujuiirs iH.ufcet. Currtetcd Weekly. Wheat... Itye Corn Oats .$2 00 . 1,00 75 .. 45 Egg3 Tallow Lard Bacon Ham Cloverseed . ..$ 12 .. 12 .. 8 .. 8 .. 12 ..6,00 Flaxseed 1,12 Dried Apples. 1,25 Butter 10 Lewisburg Post-Office Arrangements. ZASTEUX Maib (?U Mutun; ry if bt Sdy, cloae At V, A M. EASTERX MmllS Nona) wy '7 Sunlr clo.l-U o'clock, .! WJSrf.V,on MomU7,WlBlJniri4l.y, cloMt; A.M. XOR mrir.VWilllinIirt) Moi.. V eJn .n rt., ctoM nt S P.M. ol night -rclta( SOCTBEPX. Slir) Tunxl. Thnrtd. anil Saturd., Cleft at 11, M W JrrOA'X0.1)a,Tnn.lyalrl FM)r, cloac at P.M. if aixl.t i,racilinf . tfHnilnW"nondllT(-rt.nnl5Jfi)fromaUl uvt. A.M.. ana from 12. a., mui 9. r..i No 1, ISiJ. Jl. W.CIIOTZSR.P .M On the 1st inM., by ttev Dr Clark, James Murly and Miss Catherine K. Beever, ail of Lewisburg. Primers' fee duly received and appropriately honored J In Limestoneville, 4th inst.. by Rev C E Make, T. Scotl Boost of SeWgtove and Car oline Bartholomew- In Light Pireet, ad inst-, by John Van Liew, Esq . E.U-ard Burke and Mrs. Eiaclme IUuiz, of Northumberland. DIED, In Buffalo Tp, 7'h inst, George Frederick) aged about 60 years. A short time previous to his death, Mr. F. had started wh a sted to the woods, when he was overtaken with a fit t he fell forward, and was dragged some dist ance, when the team stopped ; when discove red, one arm was frozen, and ne was injures by the horfes' hoofs. He was sensible after his release, but did not long; .survive. In East Baffaloe, 9ih inst. Marlha Wick wife of Saml Bvlrr. ad ti vrn, 2 ms, 26 da. In East Bullaloe, twh ult., Abraham Aur- and, Sr, aeed 60 yrs, 3 m, 17 days. In Lewibure, 12th inst., Charles F. son of C W and Mary Schaffle, aged 6 yrs, 1 1 m. It d At the residence of his son-in-law in Upper Augusta Tp, Ssth ult, John Clark, Sen, aged about 85 years. Iu Mifllinbur!r.30th alt .Thomas Kieflerssn of John F and Sarah C Foust, aged 7 m. S d. In Milton, 7th inst.. aged 26 years, , wife of Jacob Deviclor. In East Buffaloe , 3d inst , aged 37 years, Adalin, wife of LarrisoA Truss. In Vliillisquaqiie, ?;h inst., a?cd 1 year, Leonard, sun of Solomon and Ellen Dentler. Subscription School NDREW KENNEDY, respectfully A announces lhat he purposes opening a Private School in the Northern Liberty School house on MONDAY, 5th March next week following the close of the District Schools. Lewisburg, Feb 14, 1855 LOST On Friday, Feb. 9th. in the neighborhood of Sha- mokia Dam, a White Beagle lluuuu Slut, with yellow ears and a yel low spot at the rump answers to the name of Moe." Whoever returns said Dog io LEWIS LENHART. Shamokin Dam.orto the subscriber at Sunburv, shall be suitably rewarded. ' JuH.V BOURNE. 3wSf6pd Turnpike Election. THE STOCKHOLDERS of tbe Lewis- X burg ft Miuiinburg Turnpike Road Com pany will please take notice that an Election will be held St the house of Gideon Biehl, in East B'lflalfle Tp, Union Co.. on Moi, the 6th day of March next, for the purpose of elee--tlng a President aad Board of Directors for the ensning year. Feb. 5, 1855 G. SCHNABEL, Pres. Estate of Abraham AuranrL dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Abraham Aurand, late of E ist Buffalo; township, dee'd, have been granted by the Register of Union county to the subscribers, resident in said township and therefore all persons having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent are requested hi make known the same wiihout delay, and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment. ABRAHAM AURAND, JOHN AURAND, Ex'rs of last will and test, of A. Aurand, dee'd. East Buffaloe, Feb. 10. 1855 LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Poa Office at LEWISBURO, Pa, Feb. IS, 1855. Aldcrson J G M'Glanghlin John Cambell JoBn Mack George Clarke J E Manges Eiiaa Dunn J W M'Bohn John Dietrick fienj Mohr Peter Dieffenbach Danl Webb John 7 Daly Pollr Neece M Finney James S Royer Joseph Feisher Saml Reyfer Thos W Forrey Rebecca Stewart O W 9 Oromley Geo Sharer Joel L Gaumer Jae Towns Root GarberJohn fittenmyer Samt Hughes Wo S Weidner Danl Harris II B Zoll Wm Jones Daniel 34 Persons calling for above, will please say they are advertised, or they mav not get them. H. W. CROTZER. P. M. Selling 01 at Cost! MY Entire Stock of GOODS. Call and e Corner of Market and Fourth street. ft ttemeni Lewnltnrg, Jin- 18. NOTICE. WE beg leave to introduce onrselves to the citizens of LEWISBURG and vicinity, as extensive Miners and Shippers of White Attn Anthracite Coal. ill Lmtatter CulLery, Northumberland Co. Pa. where we have extensive improvements, and are prepared to offer to the public a very supe ,i -iriii-u. n.iriicularlv suited to the manufac ture ..f Iron and makiiiz Sieam. Oar sizes of ; Coal are ' LUMP yot Smelting purposes, STEAMBOAT yfor do. and Steamboats. BROKEN fciJU Tor Family Use and Steam, STOVE J net I for Limebornsrs and Steam. Our Point of Shipping is SIINBUKY, where j arrangements are made to load Boats without j any delay. i COCHIUN. PEALE A CO. . J Cocmux. t.anra-t.r I BiJ. RitjiHou. Uacirtrr. C. W. ru. Ulmm-kln. I II. asii fyOrders addressed io Sh.imok in orSunbury j will rcreive prompt attention. Ij-SIS j Letting for a School Building. PROPOSALS will lie received by tie Board of S ,-houl Directors of the Lew itburg School District, until Thursday lhr 1,1 dav of March next, fur erectm? a SCHOOL UTILDIXU the coming Summer. Plana and Specifications will be exhibited ten day prev ious to the Letting, at ihe St ,re of John Hough ton. I- STERNER. Pres. JAVES HAVES, See. Lewisburg, Jan. 30, 18S5 Estate of John Slair, dee'd. VOTH'E hereby Riven Ibat the Re- J.1 hter "f I'nion county has granted me Letters of AdminiMra'ion upon the estate of John Slair. late of Buffalo townl.ip,deceased. Ail persons indebted losaid estate are required to make immediate payment, and thus having just claims will preseut them duly authentica ted for setil'ment. to SAML'EL SI. AIR, Administrator. BulTaloe. Jan. SO, IH55 Last Notice! PERSONS indebted to us by Note or Book Acc't, mutt call and settle by March uext, to HA tE fUSTX. I) S. KREMER A CO. Lewisburg, Jan. 13, 1855 Bargains! Bargains!! T the NEW STORE next to Kline's l. Hotel, Market airee', Lewisburg. t'F'AlI the Winter (iood l this Store, will be sold AT COST PRIC ES. to make room for the Sprmc assortment. Now is the time for BARGAINS! Jim! Itcccltcd, Straw Wrapping Paer at 55 ets per ream or 3 ct? per qu're. Camlle yarn at S5 ets per pound, and Tie Vara al 25 cis per pound. Reduction of Prices. H0LL0WA"S Pills and Ointment. These famous Medicines will in future be sold throughout the States at the following prices : Small PotorBoX) SS centa instead of 37J Medium io 6i do 87$ Laree do $1 "O do 1 SO Profeor Holbwav's Manufactories are at 88 Maiden Lane, New York, and 214 Strand, London. SELLING OFF! T AM selling off my Goods very low L for CASH, in trder fo Take a fresh start in the Spring, with a Partner, and an entirely new stock of Merchandife. lThe pobhc are invited to eall atrd gel bargains. J. tsciirejrer. Lewisbuff, Jan. 1985, Hr. ft. nrs. 0. B. BOLLARD, fPEAfflERS of the Piano-Forle and J. SINGING. Rooms at Peters' Union Temperance Hotel. WoaJays and Saturdays. Mr. Bullard is Agent for the sale of tbe fol lowing celebrated Instruments: Hallett. Davis & Co.'s PIANO FORTES, With llieir improved Patent Suspension Bndje. Mason & Hamlin's newly improved MODEL MEl.ODEONS. Holbrook's CHURCH ORGANS. These instruments are built in the most thorough manner, and are unsurpassed for men as ait h OP TOMB. l"sTPurchasers are invited to ea!L Lewisburg. Jan. S, 155 Estate of Jacoo Reedy. LETTERS Testamentary ftn the Estate of JACOB REEDY, late oi Buffaloe township, deceased, having been issued to j ihe subscribers by the Register ct Wills of ) Union county, all persttis indebted to said i estate are requested to make payment, ana an persons having claims to present them, prop- erlv authenticated for settlement, lo Abraham . . ... i t t ' i . 1 Oltng, at ni rrsmcinc, i iimuci. .-... .i ABRAHAM YOUNG. 1 DAVID HEINt.Y, Executors. JACOB KAUFMAN, Dec. SO. 1S54 pJ WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A NUMBER of good Wood-Choppers, 10 whom steady employment will be giv en until Spring. For further information fn qhire at the office of 3w96l FRICK, SLIFER CO. REMOVAL -S. F. LYNDALL HAS changed bis qoarters to Snatvtn'f Old Stand, about a square - up street," where he has more room to dispose of his stock of BOOKS. STATIONERY, GIFTS for CHRISTMAS, XE W YEAR'S. Ac. Ae. Call and see. Dec. Sll. LAMP- Just ree'd by Howard A Co.'s Express, the best LARD LAMPS now in use. J. HAYES A CO. rpEAS! TEAS Just ree'd from the Can I ton Tea Companv Of New York, the fol lowing description of teas, neatly pat up in i and i lb. packages, viz. Imperial, Young Tyson, OMng, GtmpowJer. fhe above Teas are of very superior quality, and sold at low prices by the only Agents in Lewisburg for Canton Tea Company. J. HAYES A CO. notice IB hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of MAT HI AS SHAFFER, . r j j . late of the Horougn oi wwnontp ore u, uin been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted lo said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having Claims against the same will present them duly aa thenticated for settlement SAMUZL SHAFFER, Eleeotori JOHN HOUGHTON, "e,or Lewisburg, Nov. 15, 1854 LEWISBURG NURSERY atnal finrdan. sET -i THE snbscri her offers for sale a fine assort. . .rTDE-ra.n,lslfIUf:nRCRr.sneh men , v n di.. !,. rrv A nrii-.ot. Siberian Crab. Quince, Grape Vines, Raspberries, Currants. Gooseberries, Ornamental Trees and Shrub, hery, Everblooming Roses, Flowering Plants ftf. oaaa,4vfaao Levrisberc. Nov. S.18S4 tm for lusticM end Constable, for aala Ijie f.rLlrOf5c trr pHntH tn otwr. a' BLANKS Bfin.oarnia WHOLESALE and RETAIL V HULLS ALE ana KfclrtlLI Drug and Chemical Emporium, Street ... Lewistmrg, Fs. I A miracle of Science ! DU.C.A.KELLIXG. of Mechanicatars. Cumberland C".. Pa..annuanees lo tboae afflicled with Tumors, Wen Careers, Polypns, Lnpu.i Mules or Marks. Scrofula or Kins Evil, and all diseases that have usually bern treated wiih caustic or kmfe.that hecan remove them by an entirely new method, without cut tine, burning or pain. N -nher chloroform or ether is admiuislered to the patient. Ii is no matter on what part of the bo!y they may br, hecan remote them wiiu ferf-ct anfe:y, anl in a remarkably shsrt time. X Mineral cr Veeetable poison is applied and no moofy required nnlil a eure is perfected. Pru'apsis laen.Female coaip'.aiuts.Chronic, Venereal and all other diseases treated with positive suereis. Full particulars, in timer English oi German, can be obtained by writing post-paid. Pa'ients can be accommodated with Board on reasonable terms. Mcchaniestiurg is one of the prettiest and healthy towns in h.s or any o'her Siate. It is 8 wiles from II irnsbnre on the Cum.Val.R R. and aceessible from all p-irts of the Union. Dr.Kelline will visit in any part of the State when desired. rr'Kind reader! if you know any affiicted fellow creature, delay not to tU them of this treatment. fyn'jS Kslate of Daniel Ranck.- tlt-c'd. "TOTICE is hereby given, that Letiera Testafnentary on the Esta'.eof lunn Rases. (Ite of White Deer Township. Uuion county.) deceased, have b-en graaied lo the subscribers by the Register of Union county; therefore all ihose knowing themselves iudeb ted to sai 1 estate will make immediate pay ment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for se;:!craent, to the subscribers, eieculurs of lUe last will ar.i testamer.l of said dee'd. SAMUEL MARSHALL -DAVID RAMSEY. I 'xtcu'or" White Deer. Nov. 29, Administrator' ollce. VTOTICE is hereby given, lhat Letters of X Administration on the Estate of JAMES L. IRLAND.Iate of East Uutraloe Twp, Union Codec'd.have bcea granted to the undersigned by the Register of Union county in due form of law ; therefore ait persons indebted to said estate are reqneved lo make immediate pay ment, aad those having any just claims are also requested to present them properly auth enticated for settlement. THOMAS PENNY, Administrator. East Buffaloe, Nov. 17, ltU pA Mammoth Head Quarters! NEW GOODS ! J. & J. WALLS l RE jut receiving their FALL SUPPLY y of Goods. C11SCE. Lewisburg, Oct. 4, 1854 Dissolution. THE Firra of L. IDDINGd St. CO. has been tins day dissolved by the sale of the interests of Samuel Geddes and James it. Marsh, to Aaron E. Weuel. LEWIS IDDING3. HAMUEL GEDDF.9, J AMES Cf. MAUSH. Lewisburg. Oet. 9. li54 new Firm. THE suhscribers have this day entered into Partnership, to do a getieral Mer cantile business, under the name of lactam it W.tiu, aad respectfully solicit th pat ronage t,f their frientfs and the publr. LB WIS I DDI NRS. A A RON E. WETZEL. Lewisburg. Oet. . 18&4 NEW ItOUTE. C.I TTA W1SSA, rriLtJA SsPOItT ERIE RAIL-XOAE Oii'.V TO MHOS. Slhours between I'liilaJelphiaand Milton fare, S4 50. ON and after Monday. Sept. 25th, and until Extension to Wilnamspcrt, Passenger Trains will be ran every day (Sundays excep ted) as follows t Leaving Milton at II, A M-ennaectiag with Reading Railroad at Tort CliuTon, arriving at Philadelphia al 7.t0, P.M. Leaving Philade'phil at 7.S0 A.M.. arrive at Milton at 4 30 P.M. A Fretsht train will leave Milton on Monday Wednesday and Friday, and Port Clmlou on Tuesday .Thursday and Saturday of each week. Freight i rrrie.1 to and from Philadelphia without transhipment, from Reading Railroad j Freight Depot corner ol Broad anu unerry 3is, T. M KISSOCK, Oct. 11, 1354 Superintendent. Through lo Elm Ira ! Cr"Philad.Trains reach Williamsport S.lS .. (passengers reach Elmira Same evening.) Elmira Trains reach Williamsport 1000 .a. (passengers reach Fhilad. same evening.) Phila. Freight Trains reach Wmsport 6 00 .w Elmira FreishtTrains reachWmsport 8.20 r.jn AccomnioilatlonLineof Jisicj q kteM taisburtj qo Hilton. JOHN AL lltsa MOST respectfully announces lo the trav eling public that he is running a Daily Liue of Coaches (Suudays excepted) between Leoisburg and Milton. Learin the different Hotels ia Lewisburg at about J o'clock A.M., arriving at Milion in time to take the Philad elphia morning train of carsleaving Milton for Lewisburg upon the arrival of Stages from Williamsport. Weave Lewisburg al3, P.M, returning lo Lewisburg opon the arrival of the Philadelphia evening irain. For Bloomsbnrg, Cattawissa, Danville, or Williamsport. this is the cheapest and quickest rodte. frr37i eft. Pacaiau safely and carefully attended to. Lewisburg. Dec. 1, 1854 He aad Beautiful Fall Goods. JUST opening and entirely too bo-y to enumerate article but for quantity, qnality, or low prices, call on Oeli. J- H ATES A CO. AJTD NEW FIRM. The partnership tiere tofure ekisting between Jeer w t'orae, was this day dissolved by mutual consent' David Reber having disposed of his interest in the eoheern to Peter Hursh. The business , will be continued at the old stand inder the Fifnt of Hunk w Vone, who will be happy to serve all the old customers and lots of new ones. DAVID RBBEK, O. R. VORSE. Lewisburg, Sept. 50, 1 854 RUSSET'S GRAIN REAPER, for cutting both Grain and Grasa. MASUrACTCRED and for sals at tae t.rwFr, - br LEWISBURG ACADEMY Will commence on Tavsma,, lo continue 20 weeks. The course of Insiroetiow ia this IastilwllaSI is calculate 1 to prepare yotbaierCllaje tit for general business. Composition and DeclaiBatfoa reteive can fill at'.eotion. The subscriber is solicitous to aeeare a alasa of Young luitlirs. The Bible s in daily as ia tbc schoftl. Fur reference, the Principal tales piMtaral to reier io mar.y of or emirns. both la aa4 around the place, who have had theif child and waids under his For Languages $10, Hifktv Ef Iish 4i8. an t common branches, (laeladinaT Readme;, Writing, Urography. AnlhaiesjnV Grammar and U.S. History) $6 per stiswa. Cou'.irigent eieBs per Winter atsaina, ets. per scholar, extra. Na daducuoa except for stekneia. JOHN RANDOLPH. Sept. 15. 1354 Pria.aJ NOTICE. OUR Firm being this- day dissolved. WO wonid aay t al! who know ibraaalv ini.b'.i J t' es, that we are in heed of Ik) needful, and are anxioos to aettia np oar fcaa iness with as little delay aa possible. Oaf Buoks will remain at the old stand, aad sl tlemtnt made bv ei'.her -f he Firm. KEBER A VOHE. Lewisburg. Sept. 20. 1954 By Express ! VN OTHER lot cf Fine Brocha SHAWL and Para m rtta Cloths of all shades, at very low prens, ins: teed by Oci. J. HAYES it CO. Eagle Mill. HAVING reb-a.;:, in a manner aalargaat aal impr- vet, the Steam Grial Mill recent'y lost by fire, the subscribers rvapee fu'iy int. no the public lhat they are prvpar4 to do all kinds i f Custom work and purchase Gram as heretofore. NESBIT. HAVES A FICHTHORX. Lewisburg. Oct. 55, 18M Cxpretn OOlc! The nnderaigned have ba Aeois for HOW ARD dt CO.'S E.YiIrS I.ISE, and ara now prepared to forwa: J. .'(,', P-.ekages. Specie, Batk Notea etc. to Philailelphia. New York, Boston, bany.BaitiUii re. and intermediate pomta.aiaw lo the i ihtr Noitiirru and Eastern cities. The pu!.c are respectfully invited lo eV rnn:ie the above hne. as it is the oikt a4 safrst method of uansportauou belwcca tho cities and Lewisburg. Packages received by or before 0 A.M. will arrive in Philadelphia the same day, aad bo delivered early in the following morning. . Receipts given f.T tioie and price. PhUad'tptua OJut -A 1 43. Booth Third l Oct. 26. THORNTON & CO. Who wants a riilla. Dally psanetf O.N and after Nov. lat. Ihe nndvrsifnad will furnish subscribers with aay of iho Philadelphia oa the evcaug sf too same day as publish' . Whoever, then, wihe tho aows, eaa ho supplied by at once leaving their names with us. Tmiu6 ets. per week (for the Peaaj ppers) parable weeklv ormorthlv in advanae. THORNTON CO. Executor's Sot Ire. TOTICE is hereby given that Letters Tan- tam-r.tarv on lh Es:a: of JOHN Ae VAN VALZAH," Es;.. late of Ke!ly Tp. Uaioa Co., dee'd, have been granted to the undo. sin'.U by the Register of t'moa county ia dao form of law ; therefore ail persona iadebied M said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having aay juat claiaaa are also requested to present then properly authentieated for settlement. SARAH B. VAN VALZAH, i Exe LAIRD HOWARD. ) Biota. IOst SALE TWO aew and elegant stx-nd-three-quarter Octave PlnnoBa Also THREE beautifully-finished 4Ji.Lt DEOXSi made after the newest improve ments. Apply to FR. J. GESPNER. South Fourth St. near Marktw Lewisbure. Nov. 20, 1854 3EAYER,KKEMEli & MOORK have received their New Fall Goods, which they are enabled to dispose of vacoia jiiV caitr. Lewisburg, Oct. 4. 18)4 Danville Hardware Store, THREE DOORS SOUTH OP THE BAfK, VT which Will be found a large and w:a selected stock of Hardware. Cutlery. Iron, Steel, Nails, Carruise trim'iiiits. Harness muontinga, I'arpen'er'., Calotiet-makers'snd Shoe makerV Tnols, Boot and Shoe Findiagt( Morecros, Kid, I.iuincs, French Calf' akias. Cedar and W illow Ware. Steel Springs, Anvils, Vices, 6crew Plates. Screw Bellows. Builders' Hardware ol every description.VenitianWindow Bid Hhutlers.W irtdowSash.PilverplldW'are, Briitannta Ware, Guns. Pistols, Revol vers, Manilla and Hemp Rope. Sperm, Lard, and Whale Oil. Tar, Window Ulaaa,Looking Glass Plates.LinseedOil, Spirits Turpentine. Pure White Lead. White Zinc Paints. Blike a Fire Proof and a full assortment of ether Paints, Wmea and Liquors al Wholesale and Retail. Japan, Copal, and Coach Var nishes. Ae. Ac. All of which will be sold very cheap for cash, country produce, or fonr wentha' approved credit i- O. RICHARDSON. at the signs of the Anvil and Saw. Danville. Sept. 14. 1854 lylOt PrMPS Pjp t Pumps r! Well aad Cistrrn Pumps, Suetion.Foiee and Cham, ihe very best articlea now in nse.thrae wlshlsg to purchase eaa be convinced of thi faei by eautng anew Henry foil Eq.. MM?r The subscriber baa also oa hanH LEAD DTE tarn t v, ! 0. BICHA?9I f fs-'e 'f rw-t'.!v. -r-