ITmistag Cjironirlf. Bro&. woiots sr ipKyitrts" ' Febecaet 16, 1855. . ,nm.-TI tiwifir rnoairu in ika istxast aad best cireulattoei ef easy ewtJipT la Baaset County. BdftorUl Correspondence of Lewiatmrf; Cbronicl. JIaqbisbubo, February 14, 1855. Yesterday was the day fixed for the lcetioo of U. S. Senator, and was a day of unprecedented excitement. Geo. Cam ercn cima within a few votes of an elec tion, but after tbe second ballot they ad' jonrncd, without a choice, for two weeks. I must refer you, for waut of time, to tbe papers fer tbe details. The Governor' position bat been, from the first, with ref erence to oil the candidates, that of neu trality, lie refused to commit himself fur any of tbem. Tbe Legislature now talks of adjourning for ten days, to permit western and other distant members, to make a visit home. I write with my office full of school friends from this aud other States ; and as tbe mail hour bas arrived, I mutt close this brief epistle. II. U. 8. Senator No Election. Oo Friday last, the Americans met in taucua 92 members present and had 7 ballots for U. S. Senator, as follows : lrt. M. 3.1. 1th. .h. 6th. lh. Clh. 7th rtaaa rnrarrom ST a 34 M t s Andrew ti. Curtis 11 1 i; 2J 6 M S3 40 U 47 1 Previous to the last ballot, over thirty members withdrew; tbe remainder voted to sustain Gen. Camuron as tbe American candidate. The Democrats nominated Charles It Bnckalew of Bloomslurg. Tbe Whigs nominated Thomas Williams of Pittsburg. On Tuesday, the 1st vote stood : Cameron 68 Buckulew 28 Williams 8 All others 36 Whole vote 130 Necessary to elect, CO Absent Mcllinger.W big; Clapp, Ara rican; aud 1 vacancy. Tbero being no choice, Mr. Cbsmborlic tnovM to adjourn fjr tbrco weeks. Lost : yeas 61, nays 09. SECOND BALLOT. Messrs. Crabb, Cresswell, Fraxcr, Fry, Halderaan, llendricks, Killingcr, Shumau, Sellers, Allegood, liarry, Uoal, liowuian, Caldwell, Cat lisle, Clover, Crawford, C'ria well.A.Cumminge.J.Cummins, Donaldson, Eystcr, Fcaron, Fletcher, Foster, Fraily, Free, Gross, Guy, Haines, Hubbs, King, K.rkpatrick,Krepps,i,ane,Leas,M'Cnnkey, M'Coouel, Mengle, -Morrison, Muse, North, Palmer, lleesc,Uiltcniiouse,Uutter,Saladc, fcberer, D. L. Smith, G.W.fc'mith, StcMy, Vo.ks, Ziegltr 59 voted for Gen. Cameron. Messrs. Iirownc,Goodwin, Hamlin, Hog', Heistcr, Jamison, M'Clintock,Piatt,Quiglc, 8ager,Walton,Wherry, Maker, Bush.Christ, Craig, Dougherty, Dunning, Edingvr, Fry, Johnson, M'Leao, Maiwell.Orr.Stoekdale, Tkomson.Wright 27 for Mr.Buckn.low. Messrs Avery, Baldwin, Downing, Hol eomb, Laporte, Lathrop, Lott, M'Calmont, M'Cotub, Pcnnj packer, Wkkeijliam 11 voted for David Wilmot. Messrs. Darsie, Fr'n k, Price, Skinner, Cbamberlin, Powell, Ross, Witmer 8 for Mr.Williams. Mrssrs.Fergusnn,Flcnnikan,Lcwis,Ball, Franklin, Herr, M'Cullough, Page 8 fur James Veccb. Messrs.Taggart, Fount, Harrison, Ilodp uo, Linderman, Megill, Simpson 7 fur J. Pringle Jones. Messrs. Maddock, Morris 2 for H'y M. Fuller. Messrs. G. R. Smitb, Stewart 2 for Gideon J. Ball. Mcssrs.Tborne, Gwinncr 2 for Tho's B. BairJ. Mr. Buckalew for J.S Black. Mr. Jordan for J.C.Kunkle. Mr. Bergstres?er for O. II.Tiflany. There being no choice, Jlr.Taggart mo wed to adjourn for two weeks. Carried : yeas 66, nays 02, (Gen. Cameron's friends generally voting in the negative.) Sukbtbt &, Erii Railroad. Hon. James Cooper, late President of tbe Company, declining a re-election, tbe fol lowing gentlemen were elected tunnagcrs for the ensuing year : William Bigler, Charles S. Boker, Ro bert Ewing, John W. Stokes, Robert L. Martin, Franklin Piatt, Charles Sinniek pon, Henry Duhring, Isarcl Morris, D. K. Jack man, James Armstrong, Daniel Deal, William C. Ludwig. Ex Gov. Bioler bss been chosen Pres ident of the new Board, and we hope the Company may now see better days. FOREIGN7. Lord John Russell bas retired from the British Ministry, in con sequence of tlx,, increasing public disaffec tion with the management of affairs in tbe Crimea. Newt from the Crimea show a consid erable increase of the opposing forces much suffering, and many deaths, on both ides some skirmishing but without any great result. aWTho Asia, at Halifax on the 14th ins., brings news of more complications of difficulties among tbe European powers. Corn bad declined. Adjutant Geseral. It is a matter f eoogratulaton to tbe people that Gov. Pollock bas overlooked party line so far, aa to bring into the Cabinet an old Demo crat, io tbe person of Tbos. J. Power,Esq-, of Beaver, at present tbe efficient Presi dent of the Erie Railroad. We congratu late tbe appointee on bis accession to this honorable post, and from this appoint ment w hope to be able to date tbe era of good feeling on political ubjects. Pitt, bury Emin Chronicle. The Union County Division Bill io be House pasted committee of tbe wbole ob n edsetdaj last A Stray Ray of Editorial Sunshine. It is n't very often that an editor can make it suit to eajuy the good thing' of this lower world, and when such an event does' occur, it may be advisable to make it last as long as possible in imagination, at least, if not in reality. We, the younger, happened to be tbe fortunate participant in a most glorious old-fashioned sled ride, last week, and we want all the world to know it ! As our readers are already aware, the focal music classes of Danville and Lewisburg, both under the instruction of our talented and ami-1 able teacher, Mr. O. D. Bctttan, had a very happy union and re-union, last week. On Monday night about fifty ladies and gentlemen of the Danville class visited us, and were wel comed cordially. After mingling their voices with ns in singing several selections, they re paired to Pitih' Temperance House, where they, with many of oar class, partook of a bounteous repast; which being ended, they spent several hours together in social conver sation, making op acquaintance, 4c, and, af ter extending to us a warm invitation to recip rocate the civility, started home in excellent spirits. As the lime fur closing the Danville class was near, and sleighing a very evanes cent commodity in this latitude, our class cun eluded to repay it "one day after date," agree in; to re-unite at Danville on the evening following. According to programme, some of us as sembled at the Temperance House, and wait ed for our sled, while the smaller vessels of our fleet darted on ahead. Half past two ar rived, and with it our team ; we were soon all aboard, and on our way. But, ugh ! how cold it was! Tbe mercury iu the thermometer must have huddled away down below the de gree marks and stood shivering in the south west comer of the bulb ; the piercing wind made painfully particular investigations, in dustriouly seeking out every little hole and crevice about our ears to whistle at us, and making frost of our breath as fast as it es caped us horridly discordant music. It was evident that it would not do to sit and take it something must be done sixteen in a sled, frozen, would spoil a story badly this would never do; cloaks, overcoats and shawls were wrapped closely, mufls hugged affectionately. flexible wide awakes and comforts converted to skull-caps and car preservers all doing duty, and we still growing colder ; crossed the West Branch on the ice; the very thought of the ice Judasizing us and giving ns a cool bath made the beautiful water look repulsive; but our glassy bridge bore ns safely over, losing but oue man, a rear passenger, who, getting out with the rest of us going up the slippery bank, on tryiug to regain his seat, tumbled off, but was soon all right again. Finding that the atmosphere was becoming superlatively pinch ing, and that all the buffalo robes and dry goods we could muster were insufficient, we resolved to try what virtue there was in exer cise, and, adopting the motto " fuu or freeze," dropping cold formality and taciturn d gnity, each one tried to be a little the merriest; here began life in earnest running up hill and rolling down pommeling each other for lack of agility in jumping on and off the sled (wish our Philada. correspondent had been along, we would have taught htm a lesson in country life). Ten minutes from the time we adopted our motto, we had forgotten all about the wea ther, but saw that it was cold by referring to the extensive beak owned by one of our jolly crew, it being so long that the blood apparently did not venture to circulate so far from his body, but left tbe apex fairly blue. Onward we sped, any way at all, but the roughest plan was the must comfortable ; women and child ren were wonder-struck ; men louked inquisi tive; dogs only barked when at a very respec table distance from ns all appeared perplexed to kuow what division of natural history to class ns with astonishment had evidently seized all animate nature that caught a glimpse of us. Reaching Mooresburg, we found those of our class who bad taken the start of us ihry having cast anchor lo lhaw out for a fresh freezing, some warming up with exercise, oth ers solemnly studying the pattern of a stove that was in a high state of ignition. We were soon called to order, and the whole fleet start ed off in high glee. Arriving at Danville at six o'clock, we were kindly received at Diss's Hotel by many pleasant faces. We took a stroll towards the iron works, and found that, while so many si.nilar es'tab tsh- menu throughout the State are gradually yielding under the pressure of the present crisis, the Montour Mills keep thundering on as if beyond the reach of hard tunes. We are of opinion that the furnaces of this com pany will be the last in the Slate to chill by depression of business. As it was growing dark, which caused this fiery region to look rather uninviting to a lone straggler, we hast ened back to join our class at the hotel. After partaking of a luucb, which answered as a sort of priming for supper.our class was escorted to Concert Hall, where we were wel comed by the balance of the Danville class, together with many other prominent citizens, who kindly favored us with their presence. After spending a couple of hours in singing we again repaired lo the hotel, where we found an excellent supper awaiting us. We did credit to ourselves in demolishing the edibles, and, after making the spacious dtning-hall re verberate with " Auld Lang Syne," adjourned to the parlors, where we spent the remainder of ihe evening most delightfully. 1'en, eleven, twelve o'clock slipped away, we did nt know how, and time lo go borne came upon us quite unawares ; but it did come, and gathering np our outer garments and " Hallelujahs," bade our Dan ville friends good bye, jumped aboard, gave three cheers for the Iron Borough, and the majority of us struck a bee-line for home, well pleased with ourselves and everybody else. The air was most intensely cold ; going over we had calculated on a moderation of climate to return in, bat oar calculations were over looked, somehow. 8hortl after leaving town we plunged into a snowless bridge; our Jehu cracked bis whip, which was responded to by a crash of timbers, and we were stranded. Boys jumped out, and girls jumped after an investigation followed jury retnrned a ver dict of " a regnlar break-down" our power was too great for the machinery horses had a mind to travel, no matter whether " vehicle" and lading followed or not ; gentlemen in tbe sled behind ns kindly yielded their seats to our ladies boys did no such thing, too tender for such civility; took our crazy craft to the first inn, vi et armis raised signal of distress night was so bitter the keeper couldn't hear bombardment commenced he surrendered threw open his ports ladies look possession, while geauemen,asited by captive inn-keeper, bound up the wounded tied. Committee on locomotion soon reported all right but the fcrakc--ea!,MMTnr&t keep .4 &am ran-. Lcwisburg Chronicle ning away on dest ending grades. Sleds all called la order; and we weighed anchor for Mooresburg, where we found a landlord wide wake awaiting as, with a couple of benevo lent stoves. Wcxdighted. spent a few minutes in reviewing our excursion, warming bricks bricks for ladles' feet, not for gentlemen's hats, mind; one of the ladies passed a reso lution to the effect that, as such an event as this seldom occurs, we respectfully ask the junior of the Chronicle to act as reporter, and publish the proceedings of this excursion in said paper. Passed unanimously, and ap pointment accepted, and then we soon were homeward bound, reaching Lewisburg in very good season for an early breakfast These unions will not be forgotten soon we hope there mar be a repetition before the win ter closes. Such visits stimulate scholars to greater exertious and closer attention to the study of this beautiful, healthful and useful brauch of education. c Dap of the County. Mr. VolkmaR has finished, and is pre paring for delivery, a Map of tbe county of Union, which bas cost biin six months' of bard toil, and for which be deserves a generous patronage from our citizens and from tbe public at large. Besides compa ring and reducing to uniformity all drafts and surveys be could find, ha bas person ally examined every public road and con siderable stream, and noted tho location of Borough and Township lines, Grist and Saw Mills, Iron works, Church and School houses, Bridges, Taverns, Stores, ke. &c. Mountains aud bills and the variations of water courses are given with uncommon minuteness and correctness. In short, it is just tbe Map needed, and should be bung up in the sitting room of every house and in every business establishment. (For terms, sec 3d col. 4 th page of this paper.) The Times, Prophesying ! The New Berlin Timet is getting funny again. Finding that all its thunderbolts against Lewisburg and Sclinsgrove burst without ercn scaring anybody, it returns to its old trade of Prophesying, and last week very patronizingly proclaims that "Trererton and V! infield are DESTINED to be tbe great business marts of Union county" also "Xcie Berlin is destined to surpass the boasted enterprise of our Danville friends." Now there it No use in resisting "destiny," especially when it has the Timet for its organ : we only ask "our Danville friends" if they don't quake at tbe tarlin prospect of being overshado wed by New Berlin ! The Sloop-of-War Albany. The probable fate of the Albany it dreadful to contemplate tbe engulfmcnt of every soul on board and swells the sepulchral list of the year just passed, al ready overburocned with its frightful sor rows. Taking into consideration tbe num ber of vessels in tbe navy, tbe list of thoee which have been list at sea is not inconsid erable. From tbe commencement, in 1775, to the present time, the following are recorded as ''lost;" 1778 Brig Reprisal, (purchased) 1780 Ship Saratoga, while in com mand of Captain J. Young, at never since been beard of. 1800 Ship Insurgent, (a captured Tea sel,) while in command of Capt. P. Fletc her, foundered with all on board. 1829 Brig Hornet, while in command of Master Commandant Otbo Norris, with all on board, supposed to have foundered in a heavy sea. 1812 Bomb brig Etna. 1811 Schooner Revenge, (purchased.) 1S15 Schooner Helen, (iurchasa-1.) IS 14 Ship Wasp, while iu command of Master Commandant Johnston Blakely, with all on board. 1815 Ship Epervier, (a captured ves- se!,) while in command of Lt. J. T. Shub- rick, with all on board, including Master Couitnaudant William Lewis, bearer of despatches from Commodore Decatur, and Lieuts'Ncal, Gormall and Drury. She passed out of the Straits of Gibraltar, July 14tb,and was never afterwards heard from. 1820 Schooner Lynx, while in com mand of Lieut J. R. Madibon, with all on board. 181G Brig Chippewa, crew saved. 1833 Schooner Porpoise, crew saved. 1S3G Schooner Shark, crew saved. 1813 Schooner Grampus, while in command of Lieut. A. E. Downes, with all on board. 1824 Schooner Wildcat, (purchased,) with all on board. 1825 Scboonor Ferret, (purchased,) with nine of ber crew. ' 1846 Ship Boston, during a squall in the night, all bands saved. 1843 Ship Coucord, with ber com mander, W. Bosrum, and one of ber crew. 1841 Ship Peacock. 1831 Schooner Sylpb, (purchased.) 1839 Schooner Sea Gull, (purchased.) 1845 Brig Truiton, three midship men and thirty-seven of ber crew lost. 1848 Schooner Oo-ka-by-e, (purchas ed.) 1849 Steamer Editb, (purchased.) And en Lake Ontario, during a squall in 1813, two schooners, tbe Hamilton and Scourge, with 11 bands, except sixteen of tbe crew of tbe latter. Wherever tbe word " purchased" doet not occur the vessels were built by tbe government of tbe Uuitcd States. Where not stated otherwise, no lives were lost It will be teen by tbe list that Albany, if be baa foundered with all on board, is not tbe first vessel of our navy which has chared a similar fate. It it supposed that Congrats, following precedent already set in a similar case, will grant three months pay to the fa mi llet of those lott is the Albany, togethtr with the usual pension to tbe widows. ISleigMng i suprnic-J to Is going & West Branch Farmer k cbruary lb, It Now Hampshire, the Know Nothing confection bat nominated, for Governor, Ralph Metcalf, an old Democratic poli tician, and a companion of Burke. Io Pittsburg, tbe Mayor has, since his re-election adopted a vigoroua reformatory policy, and teems disposed to abolish ma ny municipal evils. Tbe death of Mr. Pleatonton, tho Fifth Auditor of the Treasury is announced, lie held a responsible post for upwards of half a century. COURT Proclamation When m1i Hon. ABM 8 Wll.l;, P'e.idenl Juilee fur tho loth Judicial Dlrtrn t.enmlHioiof the eouuUU r Umoo ami Miffiin.aiul Jacob WitTti,.Tr. and JtMr. MluHtu. Enuinm Aramaic JuUim in l im ciHiutjr, nave i-uwl Uiir irw't, larinp date tlie ilOth d;iy "I tec. ISal, and to war dirwtnl. Sir tba luiMinft- uf all Or pbana' Court. Court of Coumou I'li-a-.Oycr and reiuiiiifr, ad p-m-ral Quarl-r Snunoua, at NKW 1IKKI.IN. t -t Hie county vt t'uiwn, ou Ihmittoud Moiday oj r'lU Jt, Mm th lith day J I SSS, and Vt continue two week. XOTICF. u thenlom lu-rahy imau lo tlio Coroner, Ju.lio-a el tho IVarv, and C'-nAUMi-a in and for the conn- ty of Union, to appear iu tbeir own jror i-vi-mooi aiih . thrir t'.nlln, Itrcords Inquisition. Kialniiiatioui. aud other Htmumbi ancrn. tdo tlx thine wbub of thi-lr ! ofllcvsand in thi-ir behalf atlertaiu to i-'m-; ami ail witneawa and otber narava- prorivcullng In behalf ol tur Commonwealth -a-aiii-i any perim or uer-on!, are re quired to tw then aud then attending, and not d.-part wilnunl leave at tlieir peril, jusllcture reietu-u to be punctual In their attendance at lb appointed time agreeable to notice. Given under my hand and eral at tbe Sheriff Offiee in New Berlin, tbe 4lh day of Jau'y,iu the year of our Lord one thousand eicbt hundred and tiny-fire, and in the aeventy-arventh year of the lndepenueuea f the United gtateauf America. Gudtavttht fnmnntrfa'th. JOHN KKSoLtR. Shtriff. Register's Notices. NOTICE Is hereby given lo all con- 1.1 Crneil,that the following namf A persons have scl led their accounts iu tbe Register's O.lice at New Berlin, I'uion County, and that the said accuunts will be presented for confir mation and alluu ance at the Orphans' Court, tn be held at New Uerlin, for the county of Union, on the 3d Friday of February neit, bein; the 16th day of said month, viz : The Goal account of David Myers, Admi nistrator of the estate of fxu.ii ipalz, late of Kelly township, deeeav d. The account of John U. Grayuill, Adminis trator of the estate of Abraham GruylriU, late of Perry township, deceased. The account of Daniel P. Ililbish. one of the Executors of the last will and testament of Gevrge tilaht, late of Washington towuship, defeased. The account of John D. Smith and Mnsrs Sprcht, Administrators of the estate of Adam Smith, late of Beaver towuship, deceased. The final account of (icorse Adama, Admi nistrator of the estate of Chri-lmnna AVry, late of Penns township, deceased, filed by Ja cob Oil and Mary Adams, Executors of said George Adams, aeceaned. Tne account of Reuben Smith, .Vlmthist-a-t"r of the estaie of huue Muttaru, '.ate of West Beaver township, deceased. The onlv and final account of Sem Kuhns and Daniel Kuhus, Administrators of the estate nf Vhriitian Kuhns, late of Centre town ship, deceased. The final aceounl of -Nicholas Groorer.Exe eutor of the last will and testament of Lrwi Ai'.'iwiv.tate bfWh'te Deer township.dereased. The account ol Hnry V. Ever. Administra tor de bonis non with the will annexed ofJA'i Sntjdrr, late of Chnprnan township, defeased. The account of M chael Kleclrner. Guardian of Catharine Aumilkr, late a minor daughter of George Aum;Uer,latf of MidJlecreek township, deceased. J. VT. PEXXIXGTOW Register. Register's OJice. Jan. 16, ISii. Jury List -Feb. Term, 1855. Aa'rore J II. Apf. Ilenry Keuer. Itrry JoUd Bailey, fter Traap. M-fitnburg Oeitrge Outeliuf. JElIt Unf ile. Ukieon Hiehl. i-Jrer Henry Henfer, Jacob Greenhor, Jr. Jaei-tnn lienrge Welir, I'hilip Ore., Henry Sfowrrr. Hartlrf John Church, John Leeber. Jet. Katd. Istri'barff Samuel t. Maui, John Walla. W'it Buffalo Andrew Iddings Joeejb i. Klecknae. Inia Jrthn Boon. Bfrtin Andre J. Boalich. Jlnfatn William Steauti. in, 0-irr William liarth. Krtlf George Leiwr. Union aamuel Oeian, Sr. TRAVERSE JTKOKX WttfVfifow John ti undrum, I'eUr tentg, Frederick Rirhter. rtiruVyD:iniet tang. John Secbtcr, Joreph Sampeell, John Seaith. Daniel Weidcnaaul. K'ltjr Jaeub Moyer. JVrrjr John b. flreybill, Amoe thudle. Samuel fl. Shiwcm, William ll U'a". Nathan Foi-ry. Jacob Minium. mult Der Daniel Keber, Ilenry .Noil, William L. Hitter. 'raprof Franklin i. Sehoeh, F.lijab rborn. nst It-MVrr Mielia.-I llearlMrd, tiere Ktylty. CStfpwnm - Win. Kelly, Jacob II. Irmt. JVnar Jacob II. iCrdVy, Jonathan OeniberllDg, II. R. Ilettrick. Iteoree J. t'lrirh, ll'sf flmjfala r ranklin JordOO. B-nvr I'hilip M.rkler. itt Bufiiti Nathan Mear. It rfi'n Jacob tlaker. John ItiritlTe. FrUtdclin Ainoeli uilt, Peter kby, David Scborb, John a K-rn. Oaiie Christian Beashley, Jeeae Blljer, David Mit chell. A. Jeknon Sainne!l. JfJU'ttburg Jamee Chambers, Samuel Orwig , Joseph e.eb-rt. A-iawtoKT Joseph Sandere. JeHi6ucy An-lrew Kennedy. l'im M. II. Teceart. Jaci-Mon Jam, a llarber. rr.Tir xenon. Xew Berlin David Kuhney, William Cornelias', J. T. Leemon. fue'iio Jacob Kaurmui, Jaoob Dcrr, Eamnet Dane, John Wie. nkjlorwrfow Jonathan Arbogaet, Dante! S. Boyrr, Thomae I'ontim. A'elty Ounrad Greift. John rTnntlnerion. JeVliiVre'.. ?amuel II nJricke, Adam bauer. Katt Biffnln Henry Merta. Umvct luuit-l Ziebtr, Keuben Keller, Joseph Maarla ger. LiMeffcme Sainael Pellman, Benjamin Sbively, Ahio lom niiler. ibou Edward A. Kinney, Simon Aurand, J esse To- eum. Jiet-son John Leitsel. I Davi-1 Itedlion. inereee Nali urn I'erkina, Jao. Miller. Mflinfmry Samu-1 Sli'ier. CKfetaM 3mii-l N'ritl. Jacob Ber, h. llirtlry Ilaniel II. burst. iswiinmrg J a me. Aiken. rVunUiN Ilafi.l Roweraol, David Sctiwenk. Onfre Daniel rbower. Real Estate. Union County Woodlands for Sale a nrr At ACRES will be sold tn shares J JJJ of 10 acres at $30 per share, or ten 'hares forS26each,payable in instalments of one dollar per month. Location of lots to be determined by drawins; but any person may, by taking a iracl of 400 acres, have the title made immediately on payment of the purchase money, and may select the tract most aereeable to their wishes. This land is situated in the townships of White Deer and West BuRaloe, and the new mad from Lewisburg to Sugar Valley passes through it. It is covered with timber,sneh as White OaV, Pine, Hemlock, Chestnut ond Rock Oak, and Spruce Run and While Deer Creek furnish ample water powers for saw-mills, tanneries, Ae, on a majority of the tracts. It is situated about 10 miles west from Milton and 13 miles from Lewisbnr', and was formerly the prop erty of Mr. Jos. 8ims. Apply to B. FRANKLIN CLARK. No. 31 8nth Third 8u Philadelphia. FOR SALE. That large and desirable property on the , corner of Market and Water streets.welt calculated for a residence, for business, or for a residence and place nf business. There is a large BRICK House containing 4 large rooms on the first floor, 6 bed-rooms on the seeond floor.and S large finished rooms on th : third. A Kitchen and Washhoose adjoins. There arc also a spacious Cellarjarge Cement , Uistera, a rump, and well ol good water, a , Stable, and all necessary Outbuildings. For terms etc. ajipljr to Geo. T. Miller, Esq. Lswfslrarf , rt. 53 ISO GOOD LOOKS BY MAIL, ''; milium t Fowlers &. . ells, 30, Broadway. TS orJer to accommodate "the People" rrsi dui" in a:l nans !' the United States, the Pubh.-hers will forward by return of th? first ma,, any book named... the MIowinffliM. Toe postage w.l! be prepaid by .hem at the .New Vork office. By tlna arrangement til paying 1 postage in advance. City per cent, is aaved to the purchaser. All letter containing orders ; should be post-paid, and directed as follows: i Constitution of Man : y tJeorip: C"'itiibc; ! the only a'llh r:x l Auvniran cditx-n, with 'JO en.-rar- i aud portra.t of tb- auluur. 1'rice, uius.m, bi cla. Defs-ncc of I'lirenolojrv, eontuininj: an e. ty on the nature anil v.iluo o! phrenolr-ilira! evidence, slo an able viu-llcatiou btireuwluy : by uruui.ui. i'tice el cU. Domestic Life; thoughts on its concord and dis-xTd, with valuablu bints and aueatlcus : by N. Huer. 15 via. Education ; its elementary principlf s foun ded on the na'nre or m-n: bv J. ti. S unheim. V. D. With an ei'Uetells, con1auiio?a d'-M-ri-l:on of the tem p rauieut.- Hi.d an anal)aiul the ohr,-njlzicti taculllca hT it.-"W res-tn. !hn V"iutn- i-a one the m-wt important Lba.t ha l-eu ouVr"t lothe public lor niauv years. " .li'ci ,ltf. dSuttf J Mrnul. Lecture.-! on l'liiciiolo).',v ' '')' Gao.Coombt; with tiote auj an ea-iay on the phrenological nv-de of Inveati.tien. atel an hi'tortcal sketch: by Dr. Doard nian. lilu-trbsl. $1 ii. Martiae, its history and philosophy ; a bhrcntiloicul sn-l phM!i;ical exposition ol toe fuue tiou nn-l q-lnMfl -atlcns nvecasar) ftr hapr? Uierri.ibes. Illustrate!. ;o cte. Memory and Intellectual Improvrment,np- pl'ed to 'elf education and juveuile instruction. 2ulb edttiou, illustrated, bi rU- I MairiiiiDiiv, or I'hr nolopy and Phvsiolnpy applM to ih- aelclion of roi.enil eom.r,nion for i life.lneln.line; direct-one to the married Ibrliring to.e- ther and happily. Wet.. I I'liret'olujrv (.roved, illustrated and applied, I sceompani. d by a chart embraeinc an au.-.lrsis of the J p. ltu..rv iiiental powers in tlieir ranous.lerre.-H of dove- , i.ipitieut. Ill- plirli'.iiiena piO-lil.:e.l by tl.ei; C.-Ull.lUed , at, an l tne w-atlun of the iibr. n . cl t,n.-ana, ! together e,ilh a vi w if tbr m-ral aud theuiu.lcal i u,ri.,-l..rili.u.i,.,.. ei -s- I'liretiul' ijitil Aluiauac, with Portraits. S eta. riirenolofry and tlie Si'r'pt'ires, an aide though .inail WotV : by Rev. Tierpont. 12 ct. I'iin iih1i'RmI (iuide, tlisij:ried furitudi;uln of their oa n charncters. l&c.s. Se'l-l,'iiliure mid lVrfection of C'naraeter, Including the , nod management ef youth. 87 ct. ".'-i.n'e ur .Y-i.r mad, is the motto. So in.ll vi.lual cm r.-a! a i-n;.- ..f it without bem;; improved th. leby." r.timm" Jc,o- Atir. Silf-l.i.-tr.K-ti.r in flirenolnjy and Physio logy, illustrated w'.th lvJ engravings, inrludini; a rliart lor r.-cor liii- the vnri-.u.. U'-gieeHol Uev.-lopm l.t: hy O. S. A L. Fowlur. In paper 10 rts , iu muslin 60 cts. Accidents and Kiiii'rii'nei, a Uuida con- taiuing .lirr-rliMns for treatment tn Meed.n. hruiiw-s, ' cuts. F:-raius. broken le.nes. d sloen-t'n'. ruilaay and I steamUiat a. ci-le'its. burns aud sa -, bib-a ina.1 doe, i rh-ilera. ii.iiu.-J eyes, eh-.fcii.e. fits. ann-rtrol,e, l. luhluiu. drowiiiiig. A-.-., appi.bdia by lri'rii. lo ets. Iiillwor, l' oi !i s iiiid lliiulitiiil nil the Wa ter Tr.-atra.nt, a c- mi-itaUon of papers and Ireturec on the a.i.-jeet of I.yjv-iue aud byirovaihi-, ediled 'ay ll0Ui.-h',n. 1 J.. Cotisiiinpiioti, Jt.-i prevetitinn and euro by the wier tr nlment, with adriee conc-Tnin-j hemorr-ba-re of the luus coulis, coils, asthma, bionrbili, ore tliroat. ac. : l.y Dr. shew. M els. DmueMic Practice of llydropatliv, wltlt a form of a r.-port f.-r tl.e asstan.-e of a-.i. n'.s in ron-ltin:- th. ir pl-y-iciaus by corrc-joiidiiii.e: by C4. Johnson. M D. (1 So. Krrort of Physicians and others in their practice of the W atcr cure : t y J. II. J'.ausre, from the tierman. vtl ct. Ilydrnpatliic Fntnily Physician, n ready presenter and hy,;i.-i,i.-, with f.-rcnee to tile natnre, csiim-s. r,-ent:,.o. sod tr.-atmcut f iis.-nae. a'Ci.lents, iel t'v-ualtie-nf every kind with a 2li-a-ry, table . f enoti nt-. an 1 in lei. il!utr:it. d, n.-ar-ly eiiKravin-i-: by J-l chew. M. D. One larje vntuinn of vjo r.iei., suLttivutialiy b-juud. I'rej aid l.y mail, $ im. Htilrii;i.ifiiic finevcIop.TjliB, a system of Ilrralropathr and llt'ri-ne. cont.-ili!n-; ni,t;;rea i.f ana tomy. pbyMoU-iry oi the human body, hytrienie ait.-n-rieS. act tl.e pre.ervstir.n ol h.-ailb. dieu--. ar.. l.v drol hatirr.-.ker . theory and practie . f water treat ment. -e. ia prithul. cv. ami 1 T.lro tbervi.euti-. oi-clu'.iu-t tbe nature, caosea. sv inptotnn and treat r.i.Mit of all known lieas.-. app. nation t.f II v-lroi-athy to ni-lwih-ry an.1 the uuta, ry ; as a ui-le ta fn nnlie and -In... tit-.r.n I a lent-h-ok lor phy-irian-: bv K. T ilhiiraOl with upward' ef't'io eri. rraving. an l rol. r. d pla:e-. an1 stalit .vliv bound I're. paid ty mail $1 ni). - This is the mist c-mnreheniTe au-l p i n;ar v. o-k yet ioei.i., on II e mi! reel tt l;r droiarhe. Of all the i-i.f, ie.tK.ns wh.rli 1 av. aittin,-! surh a wide p- pul.-irrry. ivfii.-.i l.y l-jvt.rr A Well., per haps none are n-ie aSpbd It' ll- ral litili'v tii thieneh, ii. I enMve, and Well arranged x.nccio- paMia." .V. 1' T'l'i-.iti. Practice of Wati r I'lire, contnininjr a de tailed a-cn-ut rf th.- various used io the wa- ler-weatnienl. ete : t y vi i .ou andUullr. 3 ic:s. Philusopliy of Water Cure, a development of tl.e title nri nt- it-Ki cf health and 1-v ! ' 1 1 i .1 - rt i t i : cvr Uy-.niputliic Cook Jouk : hy II. T. Trnll, 51. l A T'N m -f fvkt-rr tn hr.Ir ipatlur jt n- 1 cit'irM. lontfiininK an (ecilit u of rhf tnif n-lait -tifi of ' all al'm nlry nltftiniv t tif-il'h with i leiu refrli t- U-Usirt... 'ill sbv. i for pr.'.r1nc ill appropriate rtuhM ftr"r,'tJ.r M'al.iif itiiiftita. ffc.-iarirn t4)4rijiiu h.tiiavf. priT-Uc 1 f.itn.tieri, e-tr-.v-f It the Cfkg rt-m tint. If fir f all mUo ttut t-- .trf.' I'aper, els; Jiuftlin, , cl. j Science of Swimming, with iustruttious to j tearoera- Illustrate.!, lo ft. ! AVatcr Curc iu Aiin-rit'3, oypr C( 0 oases j efV'tri('i:!.lif-.'tr';iffa with water, i:h eases of: dom etic pc tiers. $1 WaUT-Uure a(j,iii d ro every known Di cnf a ni w ih'nrv A r"trpV (lfin-int ration cf trtu lulrantai-rt f tti hyi!rninttiir pv-trtni of runnvf di- j W'. l".-.vMiiraU..tln 1'ilU. v ol U.tsitJ..i.iLlt.c mellKKl. t aud tt otUT ninhilitT to -fl. ct a pt-imnnctit cure, with apr-rt'lii, cntnimnz the liT'iriij,thie Ulct. aui rules fur buthiti : by llau-e, 17 cts. Water-Cure .luuual, a popular work em- hraeiup tlf-t-ri, ti' Tifi of the Hrioui molr cf bathing, tlw hyui. nic nn(i curntlT -irrft nf nir. exervi--. lith in, (rrffiiiitioi.. il.ft. water driiiKii;. , tJ-th.r iih dtM'ii tlottfl of Jlreae, and ihv hv-Jmp sthic re-tnidit-i: ! Ur. JSh.-w. f-i els. Water-Curu A!ninn;ic, illutratcf., C cts. ComU's Phviol rv, npnliej to tin pre?or- Tatmn of l.ralth, an.l V the imi rnvrmr-nt f phy.iiral and uen'al t-Jucattou, ith Uott ii b O. 3. Fowler, cU . . i Chronic Discaes, especially the nervous j dirfft of wnnien : ly D. notch, from the raaa. ' SO ct. I Diction, PhiioIny of, ronM(Irrel with Telatinn to the princicltv of dietetics : by Combo. II luitrntfd. oU cts. Food and Diet, with observations on the dietetic n-ciim-n fuit-d to rll-nr-lt ivl tutM'.ffhpdit-e- tic orpmj-t niiJ n atvitutit f ihe lietane i fmitso if 1 th pnm ipa) mi-tr'p"liUn Ml.. I i.ther ectiMi-li.n-.,.U I f r i-anjwr, uuittiu-.ciimiumls, children, the kick, rU. hy Prrit ra. $1 '2d. 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Theory of Population, deduced from the r-neral law of Animal fertility. Introduction, hy Hr Tralf. 14 eta. Woman, her Education and Influence : by Mm Ilne r-il. with an intmlnfilon by Mrs. C. H. Kirklar..!. Wllh I'-TtraiL'. M c. t"?Etlher of these works nuy be ordered and received by return nf the fint mail, post- age pre-paid by the publishers. Please inclose Ihe amount in bank notes or postage stamps and address all orders, post-paid, to t u wi,t:jis d WELLS, S08 Brol.!wv. X-w Torlr. J y.Bc J?aa ft Poet OJt-t.Counfg an J State ' New Vork Adv'ls. To Persons rat of Employment. GESTS WANTED in every section ?;" ea ""''" 'Tl7- -" , W-meol the i ear-Avar. s,uj Ju.t poMir-lied, an lllii'tratel D- caption ofll.e r.CS- SI. 4 s sUi'lliU U-1U) a pu,eai alta a"."' Iliatoiy of it: ti-iverumvuia aul i'tutiaoue, prodatiUtoua. reeouioea, , llu,eiial K"V':tnturtit, c ulilM tee, iiteratu.e, I du, ;iti',uai Bleat, Ie,il-'l. b y e, biaUlters, CUrloiue. eiatliitl--e, Ai a, , lr-ui lim la.e-t and iu t auUiei.tlc auuicea I euit,: !l bid Willi aleut I'M LnKraTliia ai:d Slaps of! i.ur'b au'aud A.-iatic i.uari.-i. 'ilie ebk f-utu-ie iu ' on targe octavo vutuine tit about 700 pages, elegautly I od a-uL.ulliiy U'Uud. liUll nct, gi. i Itis work ha been nVenU yeata in r. irat;cn, and will, it la belMSvrd, meet, iu the .ult a- cruleiMja t tbe word, the Want so uuiver.i!l l.-lt 1-1 reliable mlormae t,on ou the history al.l interual resources of a country occiipyiur so larae a oriiuu ol the fca.b rn henl-l-h'-re, and twluing so lotinalatile a lsite-n at ll-a rrvtut time lo btre-lu! tumpe and A-ia. tut o. bleu let lsa IS kuown loan of auy utuet ivur . jmsn natiou. It. "e.Ai. a ileeptv Ir-t'-re.oiin; vclume, entlltr-l "TIl X KSI.KHk.tliLL AllVL.ti.lilii it ItLtltUAdtV i 'Ui.V.V." cinl'ia li.i; the rL'biauiic IticlaellU aoj j Adresttirca iu the uvea of sovereigns, alabstueu, Uene j rals. I'r.iii-e-i. Warn"", iiaeicr, itdieulurera. tOng ! er. Ae, enioi'-ut iu Hie bi-t-'ry ol turt be euj AnKiius, iiielu'lm slveo h. s ol on r liliy ee l.r.iteii bT ic charac ter, fieaiitifuoy illnstral,-d aiih t.umeious cnit-avij.gF. One vol. 4V1 p-'g , roal IJuio, irlih, git. $...u. Tlie sutctib r pul''i:h"S a nuiT.fc -r f.f mott va!ua.,le t' ljuuk.-, er popn.-tr. :. u4 ul sucb a bi, fal and te iious tnllu'-nce in at alilie g . d men buy -at, 1 enuB in ibeu-cm uia.ioti. llie wm e nbr a pu lie bi uebt, and receive a l.-li roto,.en;itin fur th-ir late,r. To unn if fM ,.r, fiuble -lop.. ; m. iu ee .li ui to be wuh. velersous wobinK toerg uce iu iiale Mill rrreive p-uit t-y .ait.rrusai -uta.niii tu i pa t.. u..i, "Divetlon. to pers- -el O. a. t i.s Aneut, - t, wuh lerni. ji l,i. h tie , .,! b- i.,rui-hed, by ldieiDg, post fa.d, ''''"'Vttw ,'',a w ' ' "" '"' rss I' 4 'is IJfXIIVIlV X 1 1 V llkla.l Ji I4s 3 1 ta II I , , t . j j 4 BOI. i which so inr.t !l has been su.d and publiahed. is V ho hits nn licur-l ol ihe .Ui.Y'.M.V MLXIA.MJ LIM- MEXT? Ma:.y iii llmns of Ltrttlei hare been sold an l ueJ to cuie Itiieumaii-'n. I.'ice.-s, I Stires. Bruises, fSpraiii:,,'-vi-oni., Kelons, -Salt lilicum, lMt-a, iS .re Nipplcv ami Calved Breart, Cancers, I.fh, Cuius Oil the Toes, Sore Kyes. Kar-aclie, Pimples, Swollen Joints or l.tmbs, t.'uts cl-K, or Scal.i-huid, iunjb Palsy, U union-, or fru.vlnl fcrt. Wans, or any other complaint that can hi reacntd ty an external retneiiy. And it has a'tvays been successful. Ir i ntsui ouod in healing Wnunds Seraiche-i, sad lie or harness (tails, I nr ., aneain. soreness r.r st ffaesv. and it is 1 warranted to cure fpavm, ltmgboue, Splint, or Poll Evil, on II .r.-cs. ; r?'Tlic I. ni..ii.t put up in thrre sizes, and retails at 13 cts, ji) cs. and $1. The larr;e bottles contain much mere Liniment in propor tion to the prices, an l ar" therefore cheapeat. . T C'tHittry -V n 't'tiit. i Every stnre shonl I be supplied with this valuable LI.MVE'T, as it pavs a e-wl profit i and sells rapidly. (j W. WEsTBEOUK, (successor to A. f!. Itrac A: Co.) ) Orizinator and sole Proprietor. Principal O.Bces 301 Broad wav.XrwYorW, and cor. 3d V Mar!el Ms. .St. Louis, Missouri. Soi l hr every ilea'er in drus and med.cines tlirnochntit the United Slates, Canada. West Indies, and Bermuda Islands. Iy533! Tu Pcnon nut rf Enn-ymeut. ' $500 to $1000 a-year. A CUAXCE 70 MAKE M't.rEr .1.XD VO GOOD' BOOK AGENTS WANTED. ; ri M C snbcriberpiil'lihe., a nun; ber of most valuable Pictorial Books, very popular, an.! nf such a moral and retioious intl'ience that while e-.vHi ni n n.j s-f.-'y ' tjOie in their . iicuia t on. th. V will eool. r a niil :;-: UneLl, ..nd re-.-vtve a fair C"iiiien"at.on for th-ir latKir. To ni.-n o.f nt.T-n-e atol tact, tlii- bntince otTers an opportunity for prof-tal-Ie eniplorill- nt. "eUl'-m met wuh i'er-'n wi-tiii. lo en-.-a;.- In tii-r tide will r ceivc prrjmpr v by mail a Circular on,a.nit.g full parllruiers. wiili "Dire, ti.-n-Ir. p..r-ots .li,,., .. .1 to r"-t as ..-.-ur-.' t .- ther wl h the t -rm- on a .i.-h l her will be furuisucd, l y ail-lr. .-e:u ti- i' o.r;i.r , ..-t t.rM KOIililtr rKtt I'.ihli-hee. I-I tt ii:.:-.ln etrevt. N" Tor. evtn nrp.s. nn. reajv f .r A - ot ty the 1st of 'Vt., I. ' 'ii-fe. (e, i,,cr;.0;n ..'th J.UT UtTl ;.ic. ' K-.r I'ur th- r lo.rli.-iiti.r-a-lirv-as l-ve. "THE CABIN BOYS STORY," A S- mi Nautical .toiitiin'-e tf irt-: ts inure -t. y tit Aullior ;1 lh "1'ir.ttr IKictur, ' tne -Lvjx Slor,' lh- "OIU 1. ft r, Alt. c. THK n-- riM.rrt.-f i.j tv-M bv C" writ rrf tbf lcre A P.v.tus ..tiauii.-i.t;.Laitm oi iuf...-i with wf" h (r-!u' ticn- ftiQ.ntp fr -m (1 a t.i: I rtc ii.J t j the public -1h Caji. m -hi i- T uiat.'..- n-irr:iti. e. iliu-tta:!iie tl h-rr rt vi ILt Iraoc, s rarrivii n in th.; L.t nf Air tea. luv iutdr li.v 'I iu i'.- r-tv, and thr d MTititn aril! art pamin i pt-r.'-oDat m qua. i-inure itli thoui. . Tite sti'iy - (u'.'i i'! 'ic! t tief iMTe--t uul di'i.t.ire :i9 : the rrlthratvd work iKfi'. "UutiinMvti CruO,, Snd ha- tin' aiit:if ou r tj ir i. r i iu fl ti n, nt:luiu-jh as it is founded on .. t-i i-f fv. rw day ccurrvurv Th fci-ti ry ol ih' i,f tlf Mtxr. .iK.Ka, : tin-m i pinn ):( t.urrha-fd at C"n-t..nt h pi. tdactt-d nul ni.trinl 1 tic rtt-kl . . t el.ii.aru-. .. nmur- Uu- , cwmnndi r ft th- Aihatmn. tm i It th'- iarrrt:on of a l:ut pniut.ti the nU. an I a.i iimHerou eh:ii- art.-r. i. rir i. fl tlir.;Uj;h--ut thi 6Ury fc.e iuai auJ gr-ipliii' dr...rj. ) The pTi'iiish. r- liiiT alr-'a-tr rci-eirii or.Vr fr the i wh-de nf Utr film i) it wan ur:ennj:y th. ir inti-ti.n to ; pnHi-h; con-i'-jti-ntlr, th- I: ti-.-ii cl-l' d Irt- W j to iurn mf tt t ;.nd thr j rt cpt-ctrullj r truest tht a.l or- j d r ui.iy b- wol iniUH-iinii j v. Tht-j cnnlidnri -xpt l thut tlif w-irlt will er-nt? an i niut h iittv-r t ii a..v mirk .t fii tt. n that i-t iat; cam v-mfoatt-fl frm tl.n pr-c. a. rtotwitlitiirc1in'.. sinve the u. -licit :. q f fiu'V T-.m's t'ai tn," .itk rt L.tintr to rlxirty in AtttTip. i'io and co-t, !;: ht-fn i Minie-rniii. n-i"-h" r-Kpi't-uri '1; t. lttti. n to the i m. m i f i-urrh'tsitt -:! on tl.e African t'oa t. writ ten I y on- w(.ft ha it in all tt? hid n iS-f. r mity. The work is ii in thnst- and pur- lonu ...', ft I itl h- a wc.como aud iutru:tii; aJu.t.u to lb: f..niily til-tarr. J h-w..rk will fr rm a h-autiiut rn-ta-.o (!iirn cf 40 ratr''!1, hirtlsom-ty il'ntrr td i;h fine t pf-pniin-. rn.I rlt'cntifly ty.iind in cIo;li- l'tice. in nnvUf'; in papr, 76 c itt. t whjrh rt c pit will itit I y th publisher;, to any artuf the tx-untry trvt cf yos-ts.-'-. 4ir Fof salt whclesul'' anrt r-tait y th- r',,'eJ, ! KU..-WOKT1I 4 ?T: rT. ; Xo. wz Itrcims Sti mt. Niw y-n. I An1 hr all nrtnfe- ilrr throuhfut thtj t iif S'taa Urlbh I'm in- ew. ' ' - Phil.tdelpliia Adv'ts. Improved ; QITER-Phospliate of LIME 2,500 i-i lD Bbls. of the most superior manufacture also GuatlO of cvf ry drscripiion. Ca'rine I riHstir. Cement. Ac. j Produce of all kinds bought and soM on Cymm laSIOIl. K. n. sri.i.rrs & cd. Fcrwarding and Coinmtsi'n Merchants, No 65 Nur.h Wharves. Between Race and Vine Sts. I'luludtlhia. rietrnolo?. FOWLERS, WELLS, t CO, EKoll .VfTV T0KK -r Haven (5rf and lim yisXif betweei llavenpened a Vhreni lns cnlCi.binet : ISauk re, at S A I. CI I Si., een Clh anil Iih, J'nlodi lthiir, ' v.: ' "o arc preparea to tumin ail I re prepared to luinih all iheir : J VyJ Wi.rks on Phrenoliiirj-, Phrsiol ' ir Hydropathy, M:i?neliMii, and f ography, at New Yi rk prices. I nun- Professional Examinations.wiih C'harls.and full written descriptions of character, iver day and evening. tifCabiiiet free to visi tors ly517cSiiq BUILDING HARDWARE asn Tool Store exclusively, T'.it largest Estullithmtut of the kind in the V.S. Win. 51. tt'CIure &. Ki o. No. 287 Market St. above Seventh, Philad. ' MANUFACTURERS' Depot fur I.orks of all kinds, warranted quality. " Patent ' Silvered, Glass Knobs." ; Premium Porcelain Knnbs.overlCO pat'erns. Silvei-plated Knnh. Hinges, Ac, wiih the ' most complete assortment of all the Modern Goods in this line. I Purchasers are invited to call and examine Stock. Catalogues sent by Mail if desired. Hot Air Riyisfert and VtntUatort at factory Price. rAll orders pnt up under the imme-liat supervision of ihe r rim CALL AND SEE V9 T.M9t TrusHcc, Supporters, LACE 8TOCKI.CS.8hot,i. der Braces, and all rut... S, . t urgical Apparatus and Baa. daes.apBlitd and "-arran,... te rive Mr.M'i'li Af'H No. 44 -Noril. fcEUMfl 81X ' " PhilmMphin. ' The s;r-at nuiuber cf Females relieved atj enrrd by wearin? Mr. Wl'lenaehari'j p .r'eri, warranis hrr in cxw tt erolinf ihrm superior to anyihing of tbe kind rrercCf.a to ihf pnbl.e II17iJrt IhLlj leave respectfully to call ihe Pollic'i attention to my K-iablishir.ei.t, No. JJ, u.h FOl'RTH M (leW fhestnci), -Aiferf. elthia, for ihe inatintaeturr and sale .f l a t lop ,, where I will always be in rradihest to a.irud lo any cirrs I may be favored i;h. lam prepared in furnish fcnvelrpes cf everr quality, nje and dpscriptif.n, M holesale and Ketaii.'he'iof rmirtent ra'lern, plain and ler!. I would also ra'l attention to ihe llifr Sitk ina. Lnrravine;. Ptirtmr. nd Etnhossmc nf Hnsiticss Car.U for Envelopes, I.elle r hradj. Bill heads, Cdrds. Cirrulais, Ae.. all tf which I fiirniih at very low ra-ee, 'tan-.pi Viters prevents their poniR to the Dead Letter Vi:!i patent machines of ihe latest in.ptovt. irents for emtossii e, jrii.tiiip, &e., also ftr the manufacture of Envelo-es. and every far;. Iitv for eaecutirifr orders with despatch. and ft-r tht-ir del, very by Evprrss Lines rr as may la aprerd rpnn, I ran not fail to compete with it not eicel any other establishment of the kind in tl.e world. L7 Homoeopathic Envelor'i cnnt.miir .-n hand, sarrple of which may be seen f.rnnrWe office, also of Die-Stamper! KRT IvSmit) WM. COLBERT. ' J(XltlJ CVU.0X.feJ, u:;.,i;...i .a ... " " feM than """'. I0R the cure rf I1EU.MA or Itt PI IEE AcUnowleded by tbe highest mecicil a iihormes vi Philadelphia, incoinparat- t iu peri, r to any other in use. Sufferers iil te (.'allied tj ihat the occasion new ifler to procure r.Dt only ihe ligitt.t and nu-,t uy, but as rfurnie a Ttuss as any other, in lieu of ihe cumbroMs and iiucomloriabie article usu ally sold. There is r.0 difficulty aitendin; :he 111:1115. and when ihe paa is located 11 will ie:a.ii its position wnlit ut change. Persons at a disiatice unable to call on the subscriber, can have the '1 russ sent to any address, by reinitfn? Five Dollars for the sin pie Tru-s. or Ttn fertile dounle with measure around the hips, and stating the side affected. It wt'l be et'.-l-..ined to suit if not Cuing, by reiuroin; it aionee. nnsoilcd. l ot sale only bv the Importer, CALEB II. .NEEDLEri. Cor. Tivelf'h fc Race St. l-hiLid't ltta. l? Ladies requir'n" the benefit uf Mechja n-eal Supports, ovriurj in deran-emcnt of t: e inirrnal orpins, ineluding failing of the w.,n,D, vocal, pulmonaiy.dysp'ptic. nerToos.and spi nal weakness, are inl. tn.ed that a competent and experienced LwtyvM be in attendance at the Rooms, (set apnrt f-r the..- eic'nsive nsr) No. IU TWELETH ft. lat tioor above Race. lioL'J rit: M tnovmi. c 'tRAII. &. MIT(i.,i8 S. uih EIGHTH rtrt. Philadtlphit. Ire learf to n'l he a lrl.l.i.11 i.l t llca'ers. :x hr ,,l. anf pcra. ns -iMiirr the t',rv, to their complete: as..rtment rf lngl,eh. trineh, and Amtrumt H'l'A T1.'EK V.which iliey are sr llmg M'bolc sale a lid Keail in tl.e rpm reasonable; terms. Their m. rk computes frrry raritly cf Cp, I.e;;rr ai.J Noie Paper anrt Envrli pes. inclad ins a full a-crtincnt rl the celebrated wood i.l le I.a Kne A. Thos Kiitads &. Sins of I.rndon. A!.-o Ci IJ and S:eel Pep. Drnvririt Pencils (F 'cr's and cthr-), I rat inp Purer, Eri:tl B.-anl. JJr-aliKa- Wax. Ink. tnktan(,. Kciftt', Croolves',Vne;enholm"i'and other fine Cnilerf, rtri:ntnairs, ckel Il els, renfolios. Writ toe I.f'.s.r.4c. Pervr.ns viitirft the Cnv ran have their p.-iper rnd enrelr pes embesst j wuh their iiiilinit wnhont nira charre. IV" Orili-rs In m dvaiers ard instimtirre of .arnire repectru!ltr schcited ani) filled :h the stririest interriir flmMipf!1 Ten IJish's in a Ear Rocm, A.i 1 uh:ii I siw There. r.Y T. i AUTHVR. T' n T ' omarid O.iiVs in a Manth. 'T-lTtF ewrtliil wvrk. . r.ov.:r.J-.i 1t all whn sve r.ait i.. w llir U.:w,r r.i:tl ij Mr. Aril.ur. Ill 1 1. Is tl.e evil- ..f Inf. mp. r :r.c.- in a er:. a rf tl.ri:i:r5 k.i.!.-. i.l,i!.tr..i u- tl.r.U-rtvcr 'Ijvrrs krepr.caui lEtiru vlriiiliin. n t..n!jon iriLiiTnlii. I, th. mh,, t-.t l.i coinnini.iti. f al l.-r.e. Tii-..r et nitle Alry Mor c:.n at. I li-r f.v'lir. w l- rvf rireii h-r d-votMB and a.ouv worth the eru-e r. the befek. T.-u.perar. e men ai.J . Uerv- can do m.-re for t v itsnirnlat.r.u tv ai.y olhiT ni'ans. ac.t aiewaiitt l lnev. rytr.wn ar.d eoilnty oflbe ruil. .1 Sfatr-. to 1 1 art edition uotb-w up spa-eiallv Vt th.-m, UaiitiioHy iilutrateu with a Cue uetsuliiit te Mr..vlii. .r lllain. tpei m. n IVpy wi l te sent (pct paij) on re ceil t of tl.e prir. Tar, nts. The iare.-t eommiait n wtl. V pM. AtArt'tt 1 W. IlKAl LEY,, No 4B North Ffiirlh Mr.ct. rhllsdeii h.s. XWV. IVITS. o NE-THIKI) CHEAPER THAN WHITE l.EAl, and lice trutn all poisonons QUattri, s lilt. MW JEKSrr W.V7 COMPACT, barltn gr. n i It eiili.i. tl licit a.rl-s. sr d irnrtovrd the qual.'.e i.l tin ir t rt'.tu. Is sr.. rrrt.and to exrtute orders tor th-ir iCItBIOR FIKIS, 1"t. and i-rttttj in Oil, is a ." tr,l 1 avaa.t t t. It. ni te. Mt' f tinds ; aiso 1 UV. in barrvl. rt 'itO ta.unds i-avh. Ihdr .U.lTr. Z1C. whi. h sold dry r crrnnd la oil. is warrsnttd fure and ncstir;a5avd dt tut; aid bnitotm ti vt . m p. a nivihrd of prcarst:oti has recntlv been discover t, vi.. I. rl'at'le- the I . ni-an to wurrant tlieir r-siiita to Vi-i-p fr,--h an., tc fl in tl.e kei". f. r any rcs i.'. le time. In this rvicct their siite ivill Le sni.vriv.r to sty otber in tl e n-r.tV' t. Their 1IKOV.N ZINC PAINT, which Is so!d at a Ic rri.'e an.1 can i pl te mi dr funi the Zmc errs Ir- as New v-r-e. is now well la n fiT its protective -jta.!. tf. ah- ti si-t lif.l to in n or ..ilr mrai:c urlsces. Their yroNE COI.nK f IT rrv-.-cs all the nroorf ti--spflie I'n-wn, rn.i it- 1 1 an arwa' le co!oi fcr pa.B tlnsCotUges, repots, Ov.t I tti'-liec". Fr.'ec. at". H'Kv it a Ki' TTholcate rs'rt TValerssn.1 Imi-cricra, K. Vt. cor of luth aed Mai kvl Su. i'a.'ai.r- Aim. ..'.-.rt4i.'. SPORTK.MEMTh subscriber ha en bstil a large ai.J veil s.elertfd si.trk rf Coas I'liols. Kt volvus. Iviflr.s.Caine Bagsruiief Horns. Mint Ptnifhrs. &c, as fuIU'W. Su.s:e barreltd fcliol flues lrcni $ S.fOto? Iul!e d.. do 10-fO ' i9 moclh eut Kifles 10.00 to 1 do lO.'Oio IS Foster's Tt. Twist RiCcs, very line 1010 to Revolvers 7 CO to SS Pis.ols 60 c. C. mprisinp in all the best torment toJf found 1.1 this repien and ai 1 OWER FKH tn than can be bought .his side of Philadelphia- 10 couclusii n. pive hut. a roll Mid be convinced. J.O.KICHARPt'ON.Hsrdwariltore. 3 doore north of the Bark. To tsiliool Plrcctori. LANK Contracts wi.h Teachers, ann i-r- ders on T:eisvrer, a: llucntc.e -..,