Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 26, 1855, Image 3

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tit r"
' 'y)rll;.y,tat LcirUbdrf;,
iUus I on T' ' ji,fihanii.
l',n n pmb ruii w ..j.nj .
TSii.vv-jV' 'l"'r. ,h.Tt.-r irod. ihw,'
.. ..me nt'l"
J,l cis -
rhUtonMo:U fort, o J
v' ' " or tDk now .i tteir I
...j i P-M- ' ' ;it t(m. ,r.
,.!... ,t lrwrt,d , 60 cnt, p!
A1(Tu. .t in..o, ;
riMn..y !
, . fr.i. f r " ,6 L, of brw. r lief
b. .er-i r ...,.i..i-,i,M.mentauf i
. rllil'.e tmd-nry, r nt .lmitte.l.
. h.n Uie nMff of ny or ecuriin ooi.wu ;
Oonnnonicatioii. t
uiwr.toMm.-t,iJ,i- j
"t'w.a'" " !
:.iih t often st tajmruut Kcw3 j
of tU Ctt"
;;c,cf .1-'
, ,, ,.; ivn.Vl'. l.Khi:i
klEa ,,n...l. rm-
Urti- to I. r for wb
Fuid-Vy MonxlsG, Jan. 20, 1S55.
Advertize "":
. ., ,i.,r..l'TiH'- '1'
,Tfl ntF. m: "
,,Miilt.. --
. ... vt.
jj.fol nn.vTliiii.- w
fac:!t". i-
Bine 'r " ' ' ... .!.
C3 Sc ' .4dvfi-tlM'iiirnl.
Attention Union County I
" . . . ....
thill affr "r"'; '" ' r'T "m I religious journal CAR be sustained by the
IT..... , . . - . . ...
vnr li.-t tr.-ft cntnlu 'nrins trno nave ivn ;
cump'ie-i vi'h our brnu Vjf joyuuut f IM j
, ,, ;' , ,.f thu i.ai er. Thtre
;ire many g-'-'l names hhUh wc thall rrjrrt ;
ttfritf, hit KT ViUii ::t It yjrtmf, and
vt biHV, -.h.; com rjf,tm i j
l'lMt;h Ciith rytitm t f-.tr MU
I. tht.tr print, rmul Vitn,n. ,
7ic furmcr
il!uhr Jots sent out Ldm
fir arrtarajrt V all hit tubtcriLcn-
.A-., j
larrje tim ill the Otjjrr.jak uhiclt he a!
j hate attended to forthwith. lit has bur
rowed money, to kp up the "pcr, vhen
moiiyA nonry teas otciwj rum yood men,
foha'vr pal-l ali hit eht?. if'-, has made
out hit bill at $2 per trar furpast tuLsrrq
tlvnt. Jj he has cummiltfd miituJcn or
there are (fir's to he made, th'-y will he al
lotted vpm being informed thereof. He
detiret not to ma;.: cotls in any case, but
51VST eote'-t hit tin .
HeThjH- out of the Cuunty, have f.ur ;
'.ceeks yet remainimj in vrkieh to furuard j
ih.-.r mlvrintioPt llrase rrnetc rm med i-1
atelu. and 1OV v the vid f.ore as tv.m as
jtouiblt. Xext uetk ti e thall commrnce a
monthly White List (monies paid on the
Chronicle to d (J.
Foreign Pliiitary Companies.
One of the modes in which our alien
born citizens render their attachment to
American institutions uv.t fjspected, is
their exclusive orgmizit'.on into Military
. .- . . i .rr. .:
Companies, WUU iorcigtl names, anuoiuci-
v-ered by rr.en not native-born. It is not
Tjbj'acted that they form eucial or benevo- j
lent associations to keep alive the ersonal
affections which bind them to friends and i
keep up family tr s with their " father-!
laud," although those may be too fex pur-
ued, aud too long kept tip. Hut when I
. , ,. .
theit tortn viriTAnv cfinil.inntioTiS- as-
,, . . I
mremy mey an tnav wtitcu is not neceasni j,
and which tends to excite iealousv in th
b osoms of our people, who are watchtul
acainst any op'.n or secret movement tend
in to weaken our republican iia'.'.otiaitty.
The recent American awaiieuiug has
lad its effect upon this evil. The now
Governor of Massachusetts as Commander
iu CLief Las. disbau Jed setnt Military Com
panies comn ifed mostly or wholly of For
eigners, and cinimanuci mem to rc-
turn their arms, which has been done by j
nil but one, a Capt. 3'utkr, of Lowell, who j
has refused and dei,ns to test the cousti-
tutinnaiity of the requirement before the
In rcnn.-yivania the tamo stc lias been
touched. Iu June last, Cel. S'mall, was
elected General, and Mujor I'ueh, Iuspcc
tur, of the 2d Hrigade, l'ctin. Volunteers.
A court of Inquiry was held, and those
- ,, f , I
.-.If,,... ib. ...... 1 .i.ts: i .
v-ui.va .i,ignii uui, iatiiiu IUC JilUiHUC III i
ciumuu.. oi ir.suuieu. ,Y special election i
was ord. red by G jv. liigler, to take place :
la'it Monday. The first official act of Gov.
1'ollock, ou TLuridar last, was to annul '
t'liii order for a In w i leetion nn.I reinstate :
- "i w.
. -v .. ......i-u, . iiu. ukl
Small aud I'uirli in coiuiuaul.
. i
tton was licld.howcver, and two men where
idjosen, but who will commi.-.ion men
chosen in defiance of the orders of the
Cotnman.ler-in-Chief, " remains to be
seen. G iv. Foilock deemed the act of
tie Court Martial a fl igraut outrage ; but
cLoosing cfliccis as this Las donc.is a piece
of foreigu impudence unparalleled even by
I'orrLATiox of I'n.n8via ania. Ac
cording to tbe annual report of the Audi
tor General, the number of taiable inhali
tints in I'ennsylvaii'a is 558,1:30. Taken
tbe ratio of 5 J of the population to every
taxable, the aregate number of persons
in the state would thus be 3,090,208.
This, if a correct estimate shows an asto
mshing nicrease ia the last five years.
Special Senatorial Election. The
Speaker of the Senate Las issued his writ
ordering tbe holding of a special election
m tLe oid county of Thiladclphia, on
Tuesday, the 13th of February next for a
Stat SeButuTjto supply tLe vacancy caused
by the death of Levi Foulkroi.
Gov. Uigkr's last veto was a till increas
'ht capita of the lI?U'::la!o l'ank.
Death of Clinton Welch, Esq.
Sad Drowsing Case. Between 9
and 10 o'clock on'l'hursday evening, lS'li
January, the persons ou Delaware avenue,
Jaiiuarv, the persons ou Delawi
n,.ar Chestnut Street, were start
of help coming from the Dclsu
n;j;llt was jjk, and they coul
tb drowning man. but evervtbi
rlluu by cues
iuware. i lie
could not sea
the drowning nian, but everything possible
va le.na in rosena him. A barrel was
..u. ro,.. wcre usee:,
to no purpose. The cries soon ca.ed, am.
,l,e tlfrtunale man Mink to rise no mere.
ii3 hut floated on the water, and wa ob-
ta:n(lJ t otlC 0f ,he Sixth V rd Police,
wliosucLded yesterday in discovering
the ,, of the .nan to beCl.ut.m W elch,
of LcwwluM.t nun county, l'a., u lawyer,
i. I., rn to HaTrisburi; to see the
ho had been
inauguration ceremonies, and coining to
this eitv rut ut) at the American lintel.
,Mn,lW.ed to have lost his way, an 'I
in tLe darkness walked overboard. It is
imprtsnt that ltmips bhou'.d be p!a-el
.a,,tig ihe Delaware wharves, to prevent
ctdsn;s tint are so ircquciuty oc-
Mr. Welch left home for Shamokiu on
Monday evening, and did not visit llani.i-
burg. The body has not been found at '
latest accounts. His tgc was 27 years, 1
last June native place, IJellef into. He j
leaves a much afflicted wife, and many j
friends Who admired Lis affectionate dia- j
position and amiability of manners. Ily a !
singular coincidence, the evening of h:s j
death was a jear to a day Irom tlic eVta- :
ir.g of his marriage ; and the brides maid
on the occasion (Miss M. fc. S ,1 was also j
buried tbe day of his death 1 '
... . .
PresfcytericUl Banner.
This al.lf. wroklv ioiirnal outer nr,on !
new year muc-b improved, and has d. mon-'.
". . . -
large Uenomination it nerves, it tttey will ;
extend it a tmall amount id aid. It i.
still t.uhlUhed bv Dr. M Kinnev. 55
South Tourth St., 'bil:ule)l.ia.
tit'W are favored with a " Dutch IJot-
,nt, ,;. i .. r. t, !
Tra!l,rriv;n!. iVr.nrtmont in tl. ut
. . . . .
I liUUUl'Uli:, HUiLU 1L lUUh. tft OI Ul'W
K- X- VklU t0 frank anJ r of llirni
could read. nlthoUijti oue ranks .Muj .r !
Geucral in the militia, and we helped 1
make the other a Colonel, up at Pheslie- j
fiuin, a d(-u Uars airo. Keallv. neh de- '.
CeieD-; Scribes don'l fpeak Weil fer the new
The junior of lh I.wtsbnr(T f.rtmicfr rn if"ttlri(r
ionrrir.1 i tn-inr j ine l to .-t. V id. 1. V.t !-nd f. r new
I j.ii.oi u your i.i..li-1.--. Krifui ih:,ti . .t ..rl.i rtrv j
H;:it,.,v,iur3 .toij. '
A sensible suggestion, tr.i'y. Cut, FlunJunl
(irar, e are not such a Hindoo as to worship
such looking "critters" as ourseif, especially
so long as we can"t steer clear oi loolnng-
glasses and such lure reflecting abominations,
and while there is such an abundance of r.ier
chantaMe idol-timber in this " neck o' woods"
wuh radiant ultramarine occular orbs, and
bonnets a la semi-apple-dumpling strapped to
their hacks. r
Another Cha-ige. at Xetr Berlin ! Mr.
T.KAM'.R has disposed of his interest in the
Vulktfnund establishment to ANhKfcW J. i
Dftfr", Clerk to the Commissioners. Mr. '
IVtrrs is well kuown in our cauntv. and
we ccria.n.y w.,a nira mu,a faeces,. ,
Bf5i.Tiie Pciinsgrove Ikmokrat slates
tuat Col.Wagensoller gave bis influence in
flvor cf the election cf Col. f lifer, State
Treasurer. It aluo notices t!io removal of
pr. Hower from Frreburg to Seliufgrovc.
' . .. ------ ,
tfi.No I orcigti JNews of importance. :
c i
The reported d alh tf Mr. Mason, Minis-
ter to France, was premature.
siT!ie residue of the late Samuel Wil
i on s farm is offered for sale.
Xi:w Jin-Er Hanks. Tlio Batiks that
are closing ate Ocean Hank, l'erircn Iron
Works, Delaware and Hudson at Tom's
Iliver, Merchant's ft May's Landing, At
lantic at Cape May Court Mouse, Hank of
America and Trader's do., City Hank, Cape '
r l l r- .. is L.li rr i . -
' p . .. " , '
, . ... . . . '
uf .or U. A" Tbe ,
Hanks Closed by injunction are Amcnoati ,
Exchatige, Cape May Court House, and
.Merchants Hank, Hridgton. The Wheat ;
Grower's Hank, Newton, has been proceed- ;
... i- i .i i
L'airjst for noncompliance with the law, i
' ,
but the case
Henry Wilson is the new American U. 1
S. Sciintor from Massachusetts formerly ;
-o ,
John . A', ells is appointed from New
Hampsliire, to succeed tho late Mr. 'orris
""til the Legislature meets. '
T.. .. 1 lv A...I ;., inn l?t.;
J UK JjUCl-Ma. e uini in iuu ia. ii-
i ui. i.lii.i. iiuuiniiuiuv x.m.i.-
, . , . ,
uiorenancrsa letter, from Gideon b. Ptnttli,
;i ' '4 p'lTS 1 IllOltlO.s oiu i. on Mi.mi'-u ' ' .
stating that the Scvcnteeu-ycar Locti.ts m..stoir. The County Statement of Rec-
! W;U appear this year on the Eastern shore , Pjpis and Expenditures is published. The
I uf Marvland, and about Baltimore, extcn- lntiWffnctr (Col V Best) thinks Gent'amerdn
! Jin to Carlisle, l'a.. and also to Kunawba, has the best chance lor U S Senate.
V 1 : U'.. b- T.evlnotoll
I a., inn iu i v , u i i uovu ,
,t a meeting of tbe Directors of tho ;
Northern Central Railway Company held ,
on Tuesday evening last, Will. Hose, Esq., I
was elected a Director to fill tbe vacancy ,
. , . e
in tho Hoard occasioned by tbe election of !
John P. Kennedy, Eq , to the Presidency I
of the Company.
In the Massachusetts House of Itcpre
sentativcs on tne lutn, an orucr w--...p- .
ted to Inquire into tbe expediency, fcc., til
legislating so that Roman Catholic con
vents and nunneries shall be open to pub
lic inspection.
The Rot. Dr. Routh, President of Mag
dalen College, in tbe University of Ox
ford, died in December, iu the owe huuJ
reth year of his age. He had been at the
head of Magdalen College C4 yuars.
Mta.cn or Sctama. Reader, just look at
Dr.C.L.Kelline's announcement to all afflicted
.-oh fanr.rrs. Turners. Ac and if anr friends
ars suffrrinp from such d.iea:'. thry mtght i
desnr 'o "y him.
Lcwisburc Chronicle
Xews Jams from Hh," Connlicg.
Aunini-There are six feet of water in
Hie channel al Pittsburg, and large amounts
of Goods going down and Grain comiug up
brik times after six months' stagnation.
".iuTiiii"nix. Gov. Bigler made three
Notaries 1'iiblie. as he left the Chair" three
bites at a cherry." A Know Nothing lodge
in session in Mnoresburg, was broken up by
a mob devoutly opposed to "proscription"!
Pibht. The fire in Liverpool caused aloss
of )jifl cr 8,000 to the Terry Mutual, requiring
it to make another assessment. The Sch'K!
Convention recommended the formation in the
county of three Teachers' Institutes, and the
use of the Bible without seetorian comment as
a text book in common schools. Oeorge V.
Tower, resulii.g near BIocmSeM, was found
dead in the Canal heluw the lock and near llie
dep.it in llarritburg, the morning of the Inau
guration whether he tell in or was knocked
olT, is uncertain.; lie leaves a faiuiiy.
JrsuTi.-John S. Miller is named as a
Democratic candidate for Canal Commission
er. Tlic fvaliml has a timely article advo
cating the oflite of County Superintendents of
Common Schools.
Links. Tiirec of the Members and two ef
the Cleiks of the House (H.irnsl'iirg) arc De-
niociatie Know- Nothing from All Ilerks.
Satnucl Zerr, innkeeper at Baumstown.suiTercd
a loss of his license, .."0 line, and 10 days in
prison, for selling liquor to minors.
CiiiTtn. A horse of J-'aris Reeley, Phmn
ixviile, was bitten Ly a dog last summer, and
died last week of hvd.ophobia. About :itn
workmen in the millssat 1'haMiixville are out
nf employ, and tlo1 others working at reduced
war- A f"Uage onp S ociety has been
furirf,! in W"' ch"!,-r-lo TPlye IcM.tute
with that meat's of subsistence, It is said
a New Voilt company has offered a million of
dollars for the West Chester & rinla Jelphia
"vcx ii !" as
oinrh orchard ami a
it stands. A :i0-aere
cotLij?.: in West Goshen
L.snsT-m.-Sair.iiel Johnson was found
. . ..
guilty of the murder oi Llizabelli 1 homas
both colored perseus. At bate ji.iroor,.nrs.
Johnson was burned u death, and Mis Lewis
badly injured, by lire from a fluid lump.
Au unknown man was cai'ght by the cow-
catcher on the Railroad nearlhe little Cones-
t..a Krii'-e. ai-.d instant! killed. John J.
'ail!e, tsq., whilom of Sunbury, is appointed
Iiectur cf iVankliu & Marshal Collcjrtr.
P.. ..n ii.ixt tttrrl.ir n r.1 u I P. A ITrtrlp
Hutchinson, convicted of the u.urd-r of NauYl
Kjmundson in A very spirited mee-
tm; was hel l at Tyr- i.e City on the ltth inst.
m favor of the construction of a Railroad from
Tyrone to the II ubor of Erie. Adjourned to
meet at CV.nfie! d, Tuesday evenin of Feb.
Court. Court is in session. lioliuiaysb'g
has been divided into Uast Ward and West
Wan'. The Standard notices a number of
shocking accidents on the R-ulrnads also the
ijertih of an industrious youn
man, Patrick
M Outre, who tell headlong a distance ot
feel in the middle shaft of the new Portage
Tunnel, and was instantly killed.
.Mifflin. The Ikuwcrat says Lewislownj's
the third Lest station on the Adams' Kxpress
line between i'liilada. and Pittsburg putsits
population down at :t,'00 and says not half
a much grain is bought there this winter as
there was last. Dr. Wiley's Lectures cn
China are much applauded. M. M. Faxon
has started a Foundry in M'Veytown.
r . -i'l. I !-:. -u. ..f .1.- f li.
LTroIMl l.ieouoie wiiimoi um 'ju;rr
is annointcd Post-Master at W illiamsport, .Mr.
Maxwell having resigned. Col. Samuel
Caldwell, Aid to tJov. Pollock. A fishing
pany from Jersey Sin re caught MOO salmon
rrch &e. on- Saturday. The Jersey Shore
papers complain of rowdyism, bovs runnin
;,M;se ; h,s; &c ,, anolinc lhat ,he Iuek.
up is ready for customers -put that and that ,
t'other. Robert Montgomery is President I
, t. , .,,.L . , i
the Mtincv Bridge Company, which adnpted ;
- Let I
rates of Toll similar to those of other bruises ;
along tiie river. The Luminary is cot Silent !
the Suiibitry ft. Erie Railroad will nevrr be
built with the SMO.OOO subscription of Lyco
ming dottnty.
Ci.isr.i5. D M Lufc, Esq., Aid to Gov.
Kmi.ronn II S Davidson of Ulster ha' his
rifht arm cut o.T at ihe wr.st by a circular saw
in his new steam mill. The Waverly Hotel
was burned on Sunday week. Prof. Brad
bury of New York will supervise a Musical
Festival at Towanda on the tlth Feb'y. A
Teachers' Association has been formed.
Bi TLF.ri. From all tarts of the county are
favorable accounts of ihe wheat crop.
l.t-ztHSE. eel rignt lias returnci again
to Washington. Ammi Hart-son of Hunt-
ington Tp lost his house and nearly all its
cout(.nls , , fire whlch from , ,.ore.
r,pe in the roof. Sloemn township is erec-
ted from a part of Newport. At a rheetinj
of the Coal Operators, it was resolved to sell
lhe c'min" season only for cash at thirty days
anu ill liisi season s prices. .'us xem.iiesi
. .
t.f IViif ..rlr UetnrAH in Pillsfrn tin remner.
I ance The Grand Jury recommended new
Public Buildings at Wilkcs-Barre.the Borough
f-X the experse. Peter Mentsmg
I was louil'l c.eau in a lien: oti muisiou nais
surposeu to have died of apoplexy. George
Gl,b,rt was f(,nn(, i,0xicaled, tak-n into the
,oat-shed cf Wnl Eldridge, and ihere left to
die ; he leaves a family in Hancver. The
L nitiii crows over (j
Blair because Heurv
.. . .. ...
i leiscnuian oi iiii..-s-iaiic ii,!, -.!,! i,j am
, ..... ...;..i,.i hiitik.
SrSt?BSJ!IA. XOUIirru mu. v
ea taken from New York city to be
raised, by Judge Jcssnp andolher respectable
citien of this county.
Colci. ...The Berwick Gazette ayt, -A
P'"cted meeting is now being he.d in the
M. E. Church of this place, and much good is
hcndli to rcsul,.from ,,"(do'nt be afraid
nf .
hbor.) Andrew Freas of Center
Tp slnughtercd a hog weighing 68 lbs,
The Bloom D'mnmtt denounces as impostors
and swindlers, -Prof J Woodman Harl, "Dr.
. Tofk , j w Marin,
Vemi anJ 0.er hum,ngs.
Scm-TLKit-i. The PottsvilleMiners'Journal
is first class paper we guess.forourcopyis
always so poorly printed on the inside that
we can '1 read it.
DiiruiM- The Herald stales that an official
intimation that the longer office applicants re-
, , , ,-i 1 1 i,.,.
ma.ned the less their chance would be, J
wonitertuliy aiminisnea me crowu.
R Dunlap had his license reroked by sellirig
liauor on Sunday. Tho's H. Robinson and
Mr Dickson were ordained by Tresbytery .
Hamsburg on Sunday, Mr Robinson to be co-
ith Dr IWitt of the Frethyirrian Ch. I
i Harn-b'irg.
& West Branch Farmer January 2G, 1855.
liitiun.- Col Arc lure declines being an I
applicant for Adjutant Genera!,.,,,, '
decline a spirited onslaught agams. Gen Cam -
eron, whom lie accuses ci being a hansas
man, and a former persecutor of the K N"s.
NomicHBrannn. The.l.7..n',i-i says"our I
tdwn seems n;tite dull at this time, in enmra- '
rison to the lively appearauce it lias presented ,
for the last three months. A great many
strangers have visited our place to congratulate I
the Governor since his election and to present
their respective claims for otTie
"Milioiiiau" continues to urge tiie claims of
Ex-Gov. Johnston for U S Seualor while the
Americf.ii" thinks Gen Cameron chances
improving. The address of Rev Mr Reim-
ensnyder.Superititendeiit of Common Schnols,
i-i published. The bill io charter a Milton
Savings H.,nk was nresenied in the House bv
Mr Yorks. Win L Scott Esq. has opened
a Law office in Shamokln.- Mr Morrison,
engineer of the Sunhtiry A- Krie Road, is pre-
fariii!.' for the bridge between Sur.biiry and
Norihtimbeiland; estimated cost from unhnry
to Milton, o9l,12!). Tiie stack of the Sua-
m kin Furnace having been choked up (it is
thought from negligence) it has blown out to
the great loss of the proprietors. The eject
ment case ot m m K ickcie.ier vs . aiti n
Itiiu Iinprovemetit Coinp.it. v. iiivtIih
10,000, resulted in a verdict for the I'
Cirrrctid Weekly.
Wlica! !
...S 12
Jtriitd Apples. 1,25
ltutter lo
Lewialmrs Pot 015ce Arrangements,
.s?.TMati'tu ni...i s.tTr-4r.T ),?..,,
,";- '
EASTER ii: '.in N-klllV
al :
., i. m
HY;Sf.7.".V,en M nUy, W. JnefTli. tel tr
' ' i
'. A.lt.l
.VOr.'j'.Vi-ViV.'illtair.irt1 Mi.n.l i.r.-l Hi .
TOt'ri.7.'.VSe!Inseron-;Iui!-.il.i:.urtcl au-l .-nliirtl.,
ll.V.M I;oTF.It.r V
r.;t " rr-'n
luiJioijij-i. j
Oa the 17ih Mist by Rev M Patterson, John
H Petriken Esq of i'aiiville and M:s Mary i
Lrown of White Deer
0,1 the lS.h inst. by Rev P Bom, U-v J P
Shinlie of Middiebursr, I'uion county, and !
Miss S iUie G bin of Sunhury j
On the 18ih inst. bv Rev H Fisher, John S j
Bright and Miss Elizabeth Zimmerman, both I
ot .-suiinuiy t
Cn the !lh in- t, by Rev J Shields, Ge,,rs;e S ,
inhuman of .Vhlb-rstown and Miss Rebecca
Hunt ( f Walker Tp, Juniata C I
On tne Willi inst, by Lev C ( ui.en. Peter
Ketchum and Susan H ifer of Kelly Tp
niV.n I
. : ui. .!,.... Mi
ntie .n visit o ins uju.iil, . . .....
.:-). ok.k ..I. e.l h,mt r...rt ,
J..s r.iB.of"B'iH'i!ocTp, I'niou Co. '
Estate of John Slair, dee'd. j
VOTIi'E is licreby Riven (hat the lie;;-:
J.1 ister of t'nion county has granted me '
Letters of Administration upon the estate of!
John Slair, late of Bnffi.'oe township.deceased. ;
All persons indebted to said estate are required
to make immediate payment, and those having
just claims will present them duly authentica
ted tor settlement, to
SAM I'LL SI. AIR, Administrator
Bnlfaloe, Jan. -i, 155
A Miracle of Science !
TAR.-" .A .K E LELNfi, of JIcchanicNlinrs.
1 c
umberland Co., l'a.,annoit!ice.s to those
afflicted with Tumors.Wens Cancers. Polypus,
Lupin Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's
Evil, and all diseases that have usually b
irented with caustic or kinfethat he can remove j
them by an e..tire,v new-me.iion, w ilnout cut-
euier is afiinin siere.i i" me o.oieif. n is no
. -. ,, . V ' , ,, , .
matter on what part ot the bodv thev mav be,
he can Trnwxe ,em iln perfect safety, and
ja a remarliar.lv short time. N', M. rural or
Vegetable poison is applied and no mont
required until a core is perfected.
Pro'apsis I tcrt. Female complaints. nronic i
Venereal and all other diseases treited with1
positive success. Fell particulars, in either Express, tne best L KD LAMPS now
Eiigli-h ot German. can be obtained by writing I , ue. ' J. HAYES & Ct).
post-paid. Patients ran be accomrai dated with j - - - -
Board on reasonable terras. I Tll. S TEAS' Just rec'.I fi'-'tn the Can-
Meehantcsburg is one rf the prettiest and j J t,m q'ea Compativ of New York, the f. 1
h"althy towns in iris or any other State. It Is ' lowing description of Teas, neatly put up in
8 wiles from Itarrisbnrir on the Cum.Val.R R. i anj j o,. packages,
and accessible from all parts of the I'nion. j Ji-p-rid, Jo;o 7i'-oj;,
Pr.Kelling will visit cases in any part of the q Tiunl ard, r.
state when r-esi.ru.
t Tr rvinu reaoer i II vo.i huow ,ii iii.iae-u
f-lbuv creature, delay not to tell them cf this
treatment lyM j
The Sons Of the SirtS, Of, 177o & 1833, j
i in. ..en in- e .1. . 1): ... 1) 1 i
JIIMOM m iiii'tiix-. ri.initoitmi
A Des,,ny.d-,he AMERICAN I'ARTY.an. !
,,, pN.bable lPfli.eeee n he ne.v I Wl,n Pa ,
Election TowhichisaddedaKevtewof he .
ItZr z;':: ,
Cirrii 1
tTBe American Parte. i
IT. Causes of its Origin.
III. Principles stated, Illustrated and
IV. The Objects which this Oi?aniza-
tion aims to Accomplish.
V. The Necessity of such an Orga
nization examine I.
VL The Exigencies of the Titnes de
mand an American Party.
VII The True Position of the Party.
VIII The Kantd Precress and W ide
Enent of its Influence an Ar- !
gtinient for the Excellence of j
the American Patty. j
The Plan of Operation adopted ,
by the American Parly. I
The Probable In!' icnce of the j
American Party on the next
IX. -
X. -
iTesidential tiretion. t
XI. Review of Hon II A Wise's l etter j
The above hook is now in press, and will
be issued in a ft it- days. It is from the pen of j
one thoroughly acquainted with the undercur
rent of American polities, and the cruises
which have led to the exist!- corruption it!
high places. He traces out clearly the opera-
lions of a foreign element in oer governmen- i
i tal institutions, and shows that tbe Sons of)
I llie Mltl mioiiiu .... . h .-
Tins is the ai.il.or s strong posiuon, which uc
I maintains bv irrefutable argnnients,
The book is one that should be if. the han Is
of every native born citi.en. as well as ior
eigner. The politicians uiii have the hook of
course, for ihev have a personal interest in the
question " WHO WILL BE OHi NEXT
PRESIDENT!" It will produce a rattling
among the dry bones of old political partizans.
Published bv
LIPPINCOrr. GRAM BO ft CO., rhiladtu,
and for sale by all booksellers.
Price 75 cents. A liberal discount made to
those who purchase in quantities
The Book will be Sent by mail to any part
i ne nooir win oe seni mi ". n. n, j-o
of th CaiIed Slacsfr.e of 05iage,on rcCeirt
of .?!.
Selling Of at Cost!
1 fy Entire Stock" Of GOODi).
j ana sei Corner of Market and Fourth
15, 13
Last Notice !
j ,pERS0NS hivh'M tl) US l)V Xotf 07 j
j J .a, .UC
by .March next, to .S.I I
It. S. KKDMLK acq.
I.ewishurfr, Jan. IS, Ihjj
Bargains! Bargains!! j
T the XEW STORK next to Kline's
Hotel, Market street, I.ewisbtirg.
C1TAI1 the. Winter io. d. ai this Store, Will
' be L'!J A'r f,,T 1'KICI S, to make n oni
' lor the spring ass rtineni. ow : iiie umc
JuSt CtP 'lKld
j 8(raw trapping Paper at 53 cts per ream or
:) ct, p,.r ,,u,r,.. .-aI1,e yarn at 85 cts per
pound, and Tie Yarn at 25 cts per pound.
: "
XveQUCUOn 01 1 KClb.
: I I OLLOWAY'S 1'illS atld OintniCat.
j J These famous Medicines will in future
j be sold throughout the States at the following
Small Pot or Box, S. cents instead of 37 I
Medium d C- d i t-7i
Larue do $1 bo d-t ! !"0
Professor Hollouay's ManufacU.ries are at ;
SO Maiden Lane, New Ycik, and tilt Siraud,
Auditor's Kotice.
USTATi; of U m.B.SuIiivan, dee'd. :
J J The unders!io)ed,Anditor duly appoint'd
by the Orphans' Court of Union county, lo
audit and decide op. exceptions to the account
ot H-unucI Hentiers.m auu le.Kii .1.11 n, i.- ,
ecuiors of Win. It. Sullivan, late ot White Deer.
j township, in sai l county, cteceas-eil. win sit i.:r
that purpose at the house of Charles I). Kline,
toe isorwiiEu oi lihis.:. . .. . . ,
ri ii iiav ot reoruary, a. u. i-, i.cn
w hen and ;
I where fli persons interested mav attend. '
SAMLi'.l. WtiRIt'ii, Au.htor. j
Jure to. If 53 .
bliiiliiPJU Ulii I
T AM St'llin? o.T my Ho
j JL for CASH, in order to tax
take a trcsti start
1 in ttte Spring,
with a Partner, and an entirely
new slock of M-rchandie. 2- The public
. i,-Oe.l to enll n.nd "Ct bnreaitis.
: , uiJrffm-
I Lcwisblirg, Jail. lSo ).
Hr. & HrsT 0. B. EULLfLRDi
i TE U'HEUS of the Piasn-Fc-le asJ
; I s,v,.,v,! l!.,o-,w nl P-t-s- Cnloe.
iSl.XCIN'fi. Rooms at P-t-rs
mperance Hotel, vioii-iavs auu .-saiuniays.
Mi. Bullard is Agent lor the sal
of the fU-
lowing ceLbrateJ liistrun.et.ts:
Hailet', lUiii .V Co.'s PIANO FORTE?,
M,s ,nA Hitmhu'scewlvicr-roviMOl-EI.
Holhrnoi's CHI Itrlf ORGANS. These
instruments are built in the m-.st thorough
inanii'-r. ar ! are Unsurpassed tor pixiTt isn
rm iisi ; or nvr.
r urchasers are invited to call.
Lewisburg, J in. S, ls55
- -
Eqt4t') cf JaColl Reed7.
i T r TTFIN Ti.s'r:niipntnrv no Ihe Vstate.
AJ ot JACOB KEEDY, late of Batfaloe
lown.lop. o-ceaseu
having been issued to
, .,
the s r i ncrs oy tne Keg
of W ills uf
"" " '"'
II persons indebted to said
estateare requested lit make l avment.and ail
persons having claims to prss'tm tin.ni.prop
erlv authenticated for srtilement, to Abraham
Young, at his residence. Funii'.-rs' Mills. '
D WID IIEIM.Y. EvecctorJ. i
o. l-o rd
Nl'MDER cf pnnJ ''.Voo.l-fhf'ppprs,
jl to whom steady enipioyinetit will be giv- ,
en until Spring. For further iiiforaain n in- i
quire ;il the olfice of :
iKil h, M-irr.ii v . u.
Drn and Ch- mirol Emporium, j
.Market Street - - - Lewisbtir. 1 a. j
AS changed ins quarters to fsun.i-i.in
Old Stand, about a square "up iir .
where he has in ue room to dispose ot his
stock of HOOKS. STATION Kin, till TS for
Ctllil.sr.VAS, AC H' YE.'. K . ftc.vVc. Call
and see. l'ec. 5H.
fr itll'S
-Just ree'd by ITo-ard ft
. ... ,; v(rv 5ri.r nna!
The abi-'c Te.is ar- ot very superior q
I I and soli at lo prices by the niuy Agents in
l.eu.sl.ure lor Canton lea I o!,i;anr
" j. IIAV lis ,v CO.
'c ts-..:..1 iv..,,e.1, .L.'.l '
.S e OI UiUlltl lumni usi; u. ,
- . f 1
"V 'M..Vu- o ill
Vla'e ' n-'e De er Township. Cnion
' 'j ,,ave D..e:; ran,fj , the
tzzit T
ih-reforc all those knowing themselves tndeb-1
ted M said estate wttl ir.aue unnie iia.c p.i-
I tucnt. an t taosc navmg ciaiius i.t m"su.
properly authenticated t r settlement, to :
ibscribers, ex"cntors of the last will am'.
the subscr
testament of said decM
White Deer. Nov. 2. t5t
itliiiliiNtriitor'H Xotlre.
TV-O TICL is herebv eiven, that Letters
i A Irlini: '.ration on the Estate ol JAMES
I. lnr. Nil. late of East Bulfiiloe Twp, I'nion
Co.,d,'c.'d,have been granted to the undersigned
i-.. tile r,.gjstcr of I'mon count- in due form
0f ylv . therefore all persons indebted to said
etae are rrqneMcd to make immediate pay-
munl, and ilmse having any just claims are
ai.,, reqttes'ed ts present thcia properly aath-
enricat-o Pt '"itlenitnt.
THOMAS PENNY. Admin. s:-at
East Buffaloe. Nov. 17. 151 pi
TS herebv given thit Letters f r'h"itv
on the Estate of MATIIIA fHAFFEK.
late of the Horotieh of I.ewisburg. d"r' i, lave
been grati'.e '. to the undersigned. Al! pe"sns
ideb'H to sai,! estate are requested
e1 M rfalte
,m,.i,.,p .,. and those having claims
- . . .
aiainst the sahtb will present them du'y au
thenticated for se'Mentr nt.
.SAUI7I. SHAFFER, ) r.ccu.or,
JOHN HOUIHTO, j Executors.
I ei-isbttrg, Nov. 15, two
nutanic tiarilcn. VJ--" - A
riHE snbscriber offers fof sale a fine assort-
mentofTKEESandsHKi nBERY.such
n Pear. Plnm. Cherry. Apricot, Siberian Crab.
Q unce. Gripe Vme. st"e""
flonsebrrnrs. Ornamrntal Trees and Shrub-
herv. Everb'.oominr Roses, Flowering Plants.
&c. H. R. NOLL.
Lewisbu". Ncv. 1SS4 flm
j )J j; IN l0 Cons'aMes.for .
or pt'nird id ctvi'. r.i! Ihe Or-irirV t "rrittt
Mammoth Head Quarters!!
VRE just reee-.viir their FALL SUPPLY
of Goods. t'I.L 15D Li
Lewisburp, Oi t. 4,
- -
j fcllOE S1I01, UEMOV'ED!
I r Jt, It l I VI-'! r.-.i'n r-.n. iKnr Rrut
' J4 all ) shoe est:,l.lihiueU't to the Rooms
j,v,.-e the basem ; .t of Prick's s.,:oim, on the
Wtrf l' si ! of .NORTH Tlllttl) street, third
door from the corner. n-re li.ey wd! be glad
, to see ..i.i patrons ami me paoi.c generally.
l.ewuburg, Dec. 11, 1' J
sa -s
uneaner than JL.ver::
Fall and Wiuti r Arri: ul if Xew GirtM
lit: it. & i ohsk
" T OSi respectfully anneuiicetofriendj an
the public e-nerally that they have j ist
recL-ived a carefully se.ected stocu c f
DItV 1I', of ev-r variety, nnd at
prices to suit customers, euibracing L.t-lie'
and tieniiemen's dress t'.s. douiextic. fjrn-
iitlB , ,-!nres, h.i-i'rv , tnrr.mir.gi, A.c.
: - vy-.? -r-f a frr,h supply of the
besl ualUieJ .,,:..ai5,iuui.,sses. honev.coflce,
tf spicts tobacco, regars, crackers, ham,
c(,tfe,e ,irlc,i frIl!t tc-
! HARDWARE-' ":i selected itock
, of silllVriSt jp3 i.irks, hoes, an.t a variety
f Cli.t..rv. rarpentCi's. mason s. and b.ack-
SHI. til S t..o,1.
rf.7:.VSir.1;i.the cheaf 'st fver r.ff-red "
in tins mar
ket iron-stor.e. ran.le. cuiiia and :
. T. -n I, .i -.r:: n li r'HiiK aiul
also Common Ka-seus, vc.
kinds and at la
A"l of which Va . c "rer s,;r(.;r.? u-;t great
care,ar. l having been huiirht for CuoA they are
1 enabled to seil at unusuallv low rates. l'h"y
deem it unnecessary to pauioutariie. as their
! stock embraces everything i-kely to be called
i for. rureli.isers will find it their advantage to
1 glvcusaeall. PKODUt 'I', taken m exchange. !
) n I 'tf' w c itfnl to fLtAr.ii.j I
I l.ewi'..ur?.0.-t. S5, 15I
New f irm -New
isa Itailroail,
. I' WriV ot CPtt.l
N! of i!:.' riioire.: at, ! no st d--irable
assortments oi seasonable DUX AD
FAr'Y uuul'H ever broi-.-ht to tbs p ace
ar. 1 which they i. tier : ui unu nai:)- sinai!
a!'.'ar.cc epon loe urs ci st.
Old friends and new. an I the rubl.c gener
ally. are re.'f ectt'uily invited to call and see
f, r themselves.
!VA tuil assortment of Ii A RD'.VARE,
it:EFSW.RS. GKOt.EIllES, Ac, and
at Ijvv prices.
Lewishnrg. Oct. til. lf.ril
IissoItt f Oil.
HE firn of L. IDDTNGS ft CO.has been
this dav dissolved ty toe sale of the
interests ot Samoe! I.fl.tes amt James
Marsh, lo Aaron E. We're!.
I I1WI.S UilliNG.
riMI'E!. (il'.DDES,
Lewish trg, Oct. S, 1-"M
ri"SII!" stlb-crihar:. Imve lli.s day entered
into Partnership, t ' d a general Mer
cintiie bu-'to'ss. tii.-li-r ti.e name of ieinsns
A WfcrzM, and r-specil'uily solicit thj pat
ror.aKc of tueir ineo U p.nd t1-- public.
I.ewisburg, Oct. 0. 151
11 () I TK.
;Ja o
i-trrj 'ijis.i, .v.. - .4 .tso -ah t j fk:e n nr. eo.id
t'JT.v ,v ;jt:.iv..
' liQUTs bet WCCtl I MlHU !e! tilia
Milton raro, ? t o0.
and after Mon-'ar, 'err. 2'r.h, and until
Eitensun lo Wiiuamsnort. Passenger
Trains will be run e-erv rfav Cun.tays excep
ted) as follows :
' Leaving M'I'.vn it 11. A
Reading K.nlroal at t'."t 1
. .. ronr.ectir.g witu (
'.inton, arriving et 1
Philade'hi.t at '.tin. P.M.
Leaving Prula ielj-h.a at 30 A.M.. arrive at
Milton at I I'll P.M.
j A rreisli! t'-a i v. ili leave Mi'f.n on Monday
Wednesd.tr and Fridr.y. and Port Clinton on
' Tue.-'iy Thi.r-d.iyan ' Sr.tur.lay ofeach week.
Freight :s carried t ' and from Philadelphia
' viihottt transhipnier.;, from Pea. line Railroad
Freight Depot eorr.-r of Broad and Cherry Sis.
Oct. 11. !st."l Superintendent.
Through to i:!ni!a!
:T-Ph,Ud.Tra.s reach Wiihamsport 5.. 5 ,..
(assegers reach Kl.n.ra same' evening.)
Elmira Ti.utis reach W.IUam.port IO.CO
phda. Freight Trains reach irsport . 0 ..
E;imra freignt l ratns reacti v mpori s.su r..
( .
w ...... .-v .
.tittfcm Vitr;:i "L:!'nf '"rf qijO IJJiJcj-.
OST le'rcc'lnllv rrln itl';c:s to tne trav- i
public that he is running a Datly ,
t oi ;. arhes iSuin'avs eTeepic-n w.vtvu
I.ewisburg and Milton, lavins tbe ditl'erent (
Hotels in I.ewisburg at a'out lit o'clock A.M . j
arriving at Milioii in time to tae the Pbilad- ;
elphia morning tratrt of cars 1 aving Milton
fi'r I.e wisbnrg upon the arrival of Stag-s from i
Wilii.imsport. .-to.leave Lewishnrg at 3. P.M., ,
returning tc t.esristur"; upon ihe arrival of the
Plnl.idclpiiia evening trail. F-r BI. oms'mrg.
C.ilt iwissa. Danville, or Williainsport. this is .
the cheapest and (iiictest rente. I are 37 cts.
pArno salely and careiuiiy aiteudtd to. ,
I.ewisburg. E"c. I, - I
; I
; I
New and Eeiutiful Fall Goods.
1ST epr-ning ard entirely ft besy o
enumerate articles but for rjitantlty,
: ;, '
j qn iliiv. or low prices, call on
Oct. . i. It Al r.r
VNP NEW FIRM. Tf.e' pat'.nershiphere-
tofore existing between Kiher - Y.-rir.
was this dav d'ssolccd by mii'ual consent
David Krber having dispose.! of bis interest In J
the concern lo Peter Hursh. The business
wilt be eontinoed at the old stand under the
Firm of Hitrsli A .ir.-.c, who will be happy to
serve all lite old customers an I lots oi new
ones. PAVID Kr.VT.H-.
0. It. VORsB. j
Lewishnrg, Sept. SO, 1851 I
for ciittin? both Grain and Grass.
MANCFACTrrED ar.d for sal. a.
1 :inee Fonporr rr
GSin-.-. MAR H C
Of Tllit
Will commence cn TucasniV, Otl.19, II',
to continue VO .wfi.
The c .ur-e of lustruetion in this Institution
is calculated to prepare youths !o enter Colltg
or fur treneml bastaess.
Cotnpo.itua ainJ Deciam'.ion rtceht cart
ful at'-tiii-Ti.
'1'he sahsertber is so! citons ir icureelatt
uf Y nuii; lMilir.
The Biole is in daily use in tb school.
For rel rem r, . - Principal takes piaur
to rl'-r ! many of cur c.i.zttu. bj'.h in mi
around the place, v. ho Lave had .heir children
and wards ui.h r Lis care.
Tuition. For Languages $10, Higher Eiif
hsh , and co'Dtr.wo branches, (luciuding
H-aJtn?, Writii.g. Geography, Ariihrnete,
Gramtnar and L.f. Historv) o per sssicn
. . . . . - . . . H
j oonTinsenr rxpenes per o iui kiuui
cts. per scnoiar, exit a.
o deduction exertfr.icknes,.
ept. 18, 154
UR Firm being th'i day dissolved, v
would say to all who know themtirlvfa
indebted t" ui, that we are in need of th
ed.'ul, n J are anxii t! to cttle up our bos
iness wiih as little de'ay as pcssit le. Ouf
Books will remain at the old stand, and aet
tiein int ma!e by eith-r of the Firm.
i.ewisrturj. Sept. 20, 1 8.1
: .
j 1 N'OTHKR lot of Fir.e Brocha EHAVtL9
i and Par.irrie"a C.olhs r f a'.l shades, e.t
veiv low prices, just ltd ny
: Oct. S6 J. 11 A 1 1.3 & cu.
' m -
i y TA I.Mi re
AVINti rebuilt, in a manner enlarge!
, I 1 and imrr. vt.l, the i-team Grist Milt
I r-centlv lost bv fire, the subscribers respect
fall" in'fi ran the public that ihey are prepared
to do all kinds of Custom work and purcbat
' Grain as heretofore.
; Leuisorg, Oct. s5, 1S54
CTTm Express Office!
grTf 1 The un I-rsijr.ed have bee
apnonrpj Ateets f r HOWARD I'O.'S
LXi'iil." LINE, and are now prepareil to
i -ruaid. duly. Pactag s. pecie. Bank SvU
A.c. to Philadelphia. New York. Boston, Al
t.anv.Baltim .re, and intennediate poinrs,al
tj the i tht r.N r:h -.ii and Eas'.eri cities.
The public are rcsr'-ctt'uily invited to pal?
ron zetne above line, a- it is ihe quickest and
safest me'ho I i.f trar.srortation between lh
cities and 1 ewisburg.
Packages received bv or before 9 A.M. will
arrive in Philadc'p'uta the same day, and b
del'ver;,! early in tiie following mornins;. .
Receipts given for lim- and price.
fidiii-lphia. OJue 11 & 43. South Third St
Oct. I'l. THORNTON ft CO.
! ho Tantt a l''il!a.l:Uij paprt
ON and after X"t. 1st. the nndersigned
will furnish subscribers wiih any of lh
Philadelphia Dnilics, cu lbs evening of th
satr.e day as published.
I Whoever, then, wish's the news, can b
i siippiie I Ly ct once Lavir.g their names wtttt
us. T;rmt cts. per wettr (for the Penny
racers' payable weekly or morthlv in advance,
r.xecBtor's Xotlre.
"VOTICE is hereby given that Letters TS
l tamentarv on the Fstate of JOHN A.
NVAL2.H,'Ki,late of Kelly Tp.Unioa
1 Co., d. c'd. have been eT.nte.l t the nniler-
i so ned by the Register of I'i.:c n county in due
fori:1 of taw ; therefore ail perJnrt indebted lo
said Estate are requested to make immediate
pax mens, and those havit g any just claimf
are also r"i'.esied to present tiieni properly
aaihetitleate f f r .settlement.
I.AiivO HOWARD, tutors.
Stl.r-TWO new and elegani
1 s:r-nnd-il.ree-qianer Octave I'lBDOti
ANo THREE beau'tfully-nnishtd ilLLO-'.'O.V-s-.
ira-! after th; "newest improva-
rien'.s. App'y to
?outh Focnn St, near Market
si nrir. Nov. ito, 15
havp recrivp-! their
New Fail floods,
which thev are enabled to dispose of ccit-
xusLi mm?.
iLcwisbura. Cct 1, 1S4
Emville Hardware Stora
T which will be f.-ual a large and wtil'
selected stock of
.r.rdw.tr.'. Cutlery. Iron, iftcei, .ai.s,
Carriage tritn'ings. Harness mo;:ntlr,i,
t'arp.-nttrs'. 'abinet-iitaLlrs' sr.d shoe
makers T-.ds, Boot ar, ! shoe Find.nrt)
Moroccos, !Md. Linii.ci. Fr-i-ch Calf
skins, Ce,'?.r an ! Willi-iv Ware, rl
SprtinTS. Anvils. Vicr. S'Crrw Plates,
'pcrei' Bellows. Iluiblers' Hardware ct
cve.v .l - cript.. n. cuu.ai.Wiii.'uw P'd
M.ei" rs.W in liaSab, Stiver pin: Wsrf,
Uii'.'.aite'a Ware, Guns, Pistiils, K"irt(
vers, M.'.nilia r.n i l'tinp Ki l ". fpeimf
L.-r!, and Whn'e Oil. Tai. tV.h'Jow
tilass.l.ci kin-;Glass Dates J.'lsrrd Ci!.
Stunts Turpentine. Pure W hite Lend,
' Wine Zinc Paints, It'lt" Firr Pfrof
ar.d f't'l iscrr'iient of :-:br P.vrrs.
Wines n'i! L'eiio's at W h. ealr and
Kc'vl. Japan, t cpa'. ai,d Coach Var-i.i-hes.
sc-. ftc.
Alt o! v hlehwi'l heso'Jvcryr'-MT'Vrc.srf.
cnintrv produce, cr four months nrr'oteJ
J. O. KK. 11-'
s of the Anvii r" Ja
at '
; 'Pumps '! U'rll and
s'u, tion.FriCe Stii! Cbtn
new in nse.rhese wtMn?
(orirced if 'bt fsrt !,y
1)111 lS I "T
Ihe vrrv ber' ai':.-.,
lo piirchn'e r. i- :e -o"
pso . I cwi ftfr
rnlltngnpon tienrv --o. . . fj r(.
i'l h.er.he, hS 1" Ml br..l '.''
M ....... LMtCtSN
'" . .. ' c-.. t
;r.',- re t. : v-.-r r '
. H- J
- (
r I