1 B u M - .-- CHRON CV 0. WOEDEX & J. R. CORNELIUS. ELEVENTH YEAR T7HfLE NUMBER. -501. JnUp ct ffGjisfcarg, Ifafon (Dronlij, pcnnsijtaia. - $l.y) rrr. Y.i.vn. always is Ammnyf. I: HENRY C. IIICKOK, Editor. LEWIS . 1 L fls tn?-! Thf ifiniSDnni VLyrOfiUlf. ; ; " FRIDIV, J2l Th'fjUowinc- beautiful production the promising American cf one c en"lcfjre ,te intelligence jxts, was wn . Franklin ll ' ,T ' vv) li?hcd by Pr. Rae. 111 Li5 l"" PASSING THE ICEBERGS (I TO" f-s Jbar cf ''ave df rice, .!; dn-. thwuga mist and ram, tw:i :h:5 av.r; :is .f ice Th? sav '.ei f 1 ! arctic vfa-ares. o.ina y 1. Ve friT.fr.: of a crr'ai wT.a aity course iia: frisht . ABJ iTre ie ' ,B lnr,r Aa ciM ae ga:i-eaa to tneir decks. A-ererr i-c r",r 3"a h':m Tk.-? sras'i some 1 .kiig as cf yore, jjjj her1?5 1 x t'e NT?a! rea'ra 'Vaerf 01.:' ra.f 5 the sr-eeiral shore. And eft htnt ath ihe on or moon Tleir $afl aod carer falchions e!ow. W'n.U. i.ke a Morm-veicd win.i. ihe rune Caes through soine teard of mow. A:i when 'he lr north flashes op W :h fre cf miccieJ red and eold, Ti'x k:.ow that manv a biazme cup i ;.-.mni.ig lu tLe absent boil l"t 1-enil :i're. and let us hail Vm Ii-wmir,2 ph intom as vt rass ' i hr :"a.-h. n. haii and aM. V. nhis the ci mp'S ot yoor glass. Set at Lt r rr.al ihe j:ai:'aT s'...v Of thai ore star of Od.n's tiir. rie; l"; wilu c ur f.iz '. a:.d l?t us shuw The coasteliaticn on cur own. And pcak her we'.'. ; f.-r h- re ht st. If tr.'m her heart the wo' Is c u: 1 thaw. Great news Irom nie far fri'ea ba. Or ihe r3o!fst Esquimaux Micht t!l of channe's yet nniold, Tat wff? the pole fn'm sea to sea; Of lands wh.ch G . d cVs.jns to hold A n gvj peop!e yet to be Of wnaifrs which a' r.e preva.l Where day ar.d darknes 'i. inly meet ; Of a", rvh.ch" spr?al the arctic sail; Of Fra-V..3 acd h;s ventaroos fleet Ht. hip'v. at so-ne ! .rions e.-al His anchor holi his ails are fnrd That Fame ha naTied him on hr crcil, -Columbus of the Po'ar World !" Or how his pioojhine barqoes es Thro' spiinn-nne fieldf. witi L-atteicd shares, Lit iinlr lu t!ul ttsmiiAVB. The mask mat mockmc darkness wears Or how. or err. hers Vaek and few. The l .-t rf shivered masts ant spars. He sits a-s ' his fr-T-a crew In etatte.t ' "h ih; Norland stars. No ar.smrr b it ih suiien llow Of reran hrav.r.7 l--r.c and vast An a-2----y of ic a.d n- w. The V.-.ceiess X -r::: .winss proudly pau Dora es tic Economy. New York alone, 15.000 able-bedicl and willing Journeymen Lave nothing to do, and Laboring men are prpr.rtioaably de titute ; when firm men in PLilad. f.ar to redeem their own paper at Z per cent, per month discount at such a time, articles like " K'.Uf to Lit. anl h.ic to Co-k it" ( copied ia our last paper from the San,) are of immediate, practical importance. We coty another telling paragraph : -G.. X.tki. The .t.Ww Kuitttrbnrhr says: -Tne f-tst rure f r hard times is ro- ortnol wwte wans wi.-i as fi.Tr rpr.!s wnrrh f.l a.io t.r-go:ng cii.3 to Ciind a fact we read tot long since. A man in Cincinnati aiea, leaving a young family wua nothing lut a few chickens f-r subsistence. From tlese chickens, half a d-. tea eggs per day were reaped. r.h most families, the chickens would lave served for a f.w meals, or their eggs would hive been ca romed, and the family lived, or rather f irr., upia them. Pat not so with that reflecting, loving, self-sacrificing, widowed mother. She foun 1 a f rJJt a-W. toy a yv,i- , OJrn rrvcsl that e ra meal would give vastly more nourishment than the eggsa-id she soon made an exchange cf the articles, realizing an abundance of plain and wholesome food, and also fuel, by which they were sustained, and well sustained, until additional resources were opened to them. Eggs or chickens might have been more palatable food than meal in iu ample yarletj of preparation ; bat the ose of the former would have verified the fable cf the folly c-f killing tie fowl tlat laid the golden g. I There are few of the families cf want 1 Who ever practice thoujhtful economy and VrfesiW like this poor woman. It is a ! fact admitted by ail we believe who have : investigated the s abjeet.th.t Com is better than Wheat for bread, and twice as cheap; also that Oatmeal, Beans, Peas, Carrots, ; are more nourishing than most rich meats : nil pastries ; and that their cost is sonsi derably lew than nutritions fowls and nm generally. It is also slowa tlat a large amount of the real Tirtue of meat is ; lost by bekg boiled Md tie water thrown iWIT ; htrea, soup is one of the most A a tim when iliiv th-.u'-n-'s in cu' j j . ev -u lui cossiaeration. me ;n:.;r. y ci i:: favr-d la-"' --e ff'-x- f t the very "1 clothing ; and herein, the Woman of miss.on-crs directed the water to be let in- arnson, cf Chester county, Wm. English, fjrx3) EOt th-a the m,ar,s to stto Lece-iaricsof-- wh', Wtv is taxi the household is most responsible. It is to the main trunk of that .mprovctnent, of Philadelphia, and Jcha C. Migill, cf ia operati,,,,. sloalj covtantlv .aata- toitsutmt toVtt-'vt1- wants of t e "'I-rfal how tidy an-1 comfortable few and declared the.r ccnadent be.uf that it Westmoreland county, in their steal Af- ta-acJaal saereJly cle.-L-heJ tv the tro. ,i i articles arranged by a tasty and thoughtful would be in successful rpcra'ioa by the te-r a te lious and laborious jnvesticrition, Tcrnm--at. imprutjien, the iiia:'eLt and those una' oe e J c -, i . . - . . .vi . ' , .. . . . , Lousekeei-er wiil appear; and how a lack middle of last samtner ; bet tm-ir sanguine these centlemen have completed the duty , I can see ro rea-on wcy toe pr"f-. 3 iu 4iu iceuiseics ; wuen in toe city ot on. a snoona a .. e . pct.s. h.ie ,x cent,' worth of Indian f-l re no letter-hardly as good er tte 01 f cnannei, cov- la the accounts, if not cf palpalle wr-sg meat make as n,ucn br I as fourteen cents' a j.'aincr but more cheap vari. tie- ( the ered only by a few inches of earth, thus apoa tie Treasury. The rlc-ht to scatter llt eg? d cornmeal illustrate this truth ) renting but a slight obstruction to the ' the etiih (.f the' Commonalth ia this down nie.r eir-.as-j oae' half, if they cn!v An uncorrupted arpetite seasons the most rassaSe cf tle wltcr' out ,Dt0 tLc bQi ot unguarded way, is, I venture to assert, choose to do so.-' ' t.la;n dL-h. and 'hun-or is the bet sauce ' tie river. Ia all such sections cr place, without a parallel in the managoxent c f . , i -t . . - r and its savoriness diffused among other ; ingrcdicLU of the dish. j Vet, it is one of the wonders cf Eurc-p- J ean tourists, that tbc working men cf the ! United States live so richly, and are so ! wasteful of food. In England.the incenses cf most of the laboring clergymen and r.prhar, nf a rm: .ritv r.f the trail.m(ri I 1 " J J not exceed the avenee was? of American m:n wwn.ira f..-h3. and bniti-T richer ; clothing, than the employer : which is the ' wiser, it is not difficult to tell, for when . adversity ifd'.ets, the employer my have ; something saved to fall back upon while tho 1,,n.1.A.fnnn1 tnr,lor. A Vt nntl m Thu. rnnst cf the banis in Hollin; Mill? receive fmtn ?2 to 84 per day, and nt the end of the year would be in debt if tb-.-y : could get trusted. Oa the other side y .u ! will Cud school-teachers and chr-vnieu living respectably anl commanding a r-.-a- citable f-redit an v where, with half tlat income ves, and oir day-laborers, whose per di.:m eartiinji will not exceed 75 cts. j Will SLijj.'-ll S 44UCW 4U4 CJ.-U have a little home a piece of land and a farm. The Welchman las spent his six to twelve hundred duliars for rich food, drink, and cl-.-thintr, and his nothinj left but a weak constitution and increasingly utitlrifty habits ; while the Gciaiia, living m-re fr-'j.lly and plainly, blessel with as g ,ol an appetite has ttj .ye-d ch-aper lut r.: re ti'.-riti -us food quite as wcll. atd i.- i r.pariui to eti-v a tio-i old age. I: is doubtless a happy commentary cn Americia society and life, that our hirl- ! working laboring men and mechanics cm have ' the best of everythins,"' and while health and prosperity abound, they snff-r f.r ua-liag. Put no true American should , . , - t - i contemT.ate ending tis aavs witnout some promotion cultivate in the se iect that uepress rv, are cri's ta watch a't are Iiabl", ami that it is therefore the 'uJy of every man to reserve means for Lis own support and that ef his family in time cf adversity. To do this, some have only to give up habit- ual expenditures which, though each item may be a trifle; ia itself, are a large sum ia tle aggr.-gato, and each wholly unneeessa-' rv, and even worse than useless. Put in no way can so much retrcnclment be effected as in the necessary outlay for food . tf these qualities will leave the c-stliest furniture apparently inelegant, slothful, anl unattractive. And one woman wiil cl-the her family better than Ler neighbor who erpends twice as much money for the same object. 'I: is not what thee f lutivhat thee A that will make thee rich or poor," ' Q:J3ieT proverb. The true way to reduce exorbitant prices of any particular of food, is to alttiin from it. Ia such a work, the patriotic and benevolent .:.. ,,f:ea s,t the examnle of abstiner.ee It may be something of a trial to adopt a plainer diet, but cheerful labor and te-mpc- rance will in time make one relish a corn- cke with cold water more than the epicure his beefsteak and hot drinks. We do not attempt specific details in the line of retrenchment we have indicated, but two qualities are requisite ia its eon summation, viz. much f?e.D sr.xsE, and a little self-denial in the outset. tv. Ztii-a;!? frch) q 'u-r-i;3rs' r:$s, Bl Mis. LVDIA J. PIEBSOX. G-, -a rrr toml'jrt to tbc lrvkard'f h Where aa iaJaxv bo i-D h-rtl Prm cut m Urosr, porrrtj, and toil, Ab4 keen and cold eomtespt, her wenrj inte ; Ani yet th bach . bi$h mad leneroiu Dul, By ducti. c.ftenrd and yeaned, Aal tl.e sold contumely ef Ibe oria Cvue all the keener to Lu fceli&g nvind. Tb-n hart n -t fclt th armiah .be endorea At ner degraded children droop aroon I, Sup(.re-icr eeen the moan of Lantr's pais In terror at tbe frantic father' fr .n. Her heart ia m-itht red " ail iU r yt are dnd, And the bright ho that f he. red her early eeara Are Bartered ty the band of ce4d devrair. Anl all her treaiura now U van and ncu. Ihe world hath nonjfct for her. Tbe reriert ilaee. That fcela the laeh. and drags tae weary chain. And treabira at an nroo matter eniea, Feel mora f hope and peace, and leaf of pain - Ob. t ol IntcTr.prrancet eileat Send that walks t jx'Q thii boanteon earth, nnrhalnd and free, Bow ean man look upon thy luatheaome f rm. And Tioti homaelf a villinf alara to Ike t tTeaeea help th iaVrerit for they ttaad pmcribril, OhjecU of atorn In Una nnfriendly world. And Charity, that acotbaa aU lighter ilia, Idarka thav wuh lip in aoorn and anfer rarled. Tet, there kt hope ! ewea fur the Drunkard wifa, A brpe brbrbt beaming fnaa the wld of pear, And .he may halL when DS-'a bleak year U pat, A -happy Sew tear a" datbny ia celeatial biles. Tboa eaaat not heal hor woviada. bat thou caaut lire Her ttuoa food aod eioOi.c. ud lu. Toce ! Anl eeea her wounded -trit shall retire. agrceaoie ana economical varieties 01 iooo, ; as tie life of the meat is all preserved, 1 comparatively, frugally independent, the ar:s and svinces,auJ other cao.es of moral purchase were muted, tip to toe st .Mon- peop.e wa taken, at i.i- v..oter eivcm.o, g. -f, bis tsen::.. y to accocij .:u nr Amerraa Iwaoraci frrsf., e-rl latter are the first to complain cf hard and social comfort, have not, it w true, ' day ef July Iat. o c:rs were miue cn ue po.x,, ci pr-ouu-u.ng miu- tae ena de:ni'i, aua rL?u.j Lcr. p- a.ea tr.Dts?e4 witn a jtius grr.nsny. T: times. In our own country, the spectacle i,oen interrupted ; but the loss of valuable under this invitation : and puhiic notice : Urc and sile of intoxicating 1 -p-rs; 1.- (r auiesded. A r-.cvi i s, :lc-ti,; Icte aid coLtost amcBg?t ler?os? wa-a ,t is often exlilitei ef the cmrlved mlai live rrrr. rtv. t.v the eiaaltiecf tbe ' was ajfiin civen, on tie 54:1 tf Noveci- ' 3 J2 v.-te were fast in favor of the n i- cm do no g v J, l-it L.-.y reul'y shou! 1 have the r.zt to s'ar at I. me. 1 .: cither to be an employer or a i Kailroad Company for the three mill lax, tlficial bodies within the limits prescribed "en. te -I0- Jt ' .u' ted by tae .-.ulciU, and to participate in ti:L,r ia sc servie-.ee to ary sel,h -..-. r of the soil And while enoed which is c.aimea Dy some as a pari oi tae by tae law ; and we snsuM not io-i to pro- " ' -------- i.i.s , a.i.j..e ... ...a.e, .u...j, p-f-, sy r.ar:eT iia ort.y p; a- rvice of other all hr,uld rec-1-' income from the public works, we find a fit by the lesson. j temperance. That those laws need saca V.rgti-a. aad the two Car .llais, Lave ta- die. .ictnessoftheniselv.es or fellies act revenue of ?,67,000 ; a sum e,nal to iJy the 20th section of the net of tle : revision, is conceded to far relau-s to tea no action ca the snl-jtet. . behave before the plaln,rie9 ... ... ..v.: . . :n: r .k- ... . . ... . . ., . .... the city of Philadelphia, they ere pecou- . 1, f'Kn mv last . nm-im -n'i-m i.i eotttrart of our lathers, to wmeb th- re- i.,a ol business an i otner revcr- mc luieres. s.-u jc"-"" " vtn ot -lay last, providing lor tue oroi- . , c - . ... ..." . .. .... .- . j.l. .r .t. c.i. ti.- . ... arlv r-reialiciai to nubiie morns, ani seem V, C--n. t-l via',lr. ml i.-t.r:. ct.a'. coix-ent-.J and rs:scr.3?d. aai Vti'rHCt Of lllC Last u3Udi ''eS:3'rc' " . " - e ( - , -itv 1 TJTr,T"PT , (, N , ' WLilst the events of the year just closed, present many causes of j"y and cor - gratu - lation, and afford abundant reason fur tbaaVftjloess to a benefcient Proviiecee fr Lis "oodnefs as 3 merev cnrrropcri- - .J I,. . tuw-.hI. T rn,rr.t in IT awj u. ' ti.v.-.-, i ' i - -1 - .it hi n'.t nnalloved. Tha general .1n.. wn nf.nni1 Kt, ; ,-. krs and cxVr.t ; and in certain fjctiuns of our Commoawcaltl tie aKiciiot ofpesti- knee and disease have also been forely L. Tt. .1. r ti. huLir..'ir.an. 1 1 some extent, of the an'i- vi ate J reward, of Lis lUr, and Icss-cnul the rnenas of Lamati subsidence ; whilst the tlej refsion in monetary and business atTair. has derrived manv laborers and mechanics ot their usual earning. The m.-sns nf MiUi.t4.-nea are tins ercrtlv en- hacced in value, at the same time that the orr rtuaitie ef earning them are nine 'iineu .!:.::. t.,.1 e. 'A f - f'nir 5s o -n. Ul.UlUlIUL 4. AUb w J-' . -J .4 sequent! v wiJcr than usual ; and to meet its reasonable demands on the part of those blessed with an ahuudance, wili be to sas- tain theChristian chtiraeter and measurably to m-rit the continued bounty of Heaven, The azgregate receipts on the public works f,r"the past year, as reported by the Canal Commissioners, amounted to tie sum of S1,V70,C7S 6? ; and the expendi- fares to the sum of 61.101,57" 54 ; leav- ing a balance of 774,-0S 24, from which, however, should be deducted the sum ef 557,000, properly chargeable to the year, ! for new locomotives and other unavoidable expenditures thus reducing the net profits ! to ?73C,00 34. If we add to this $131,. f . Ul An .A.A:P..l 47w.ni 4kA P..nn,i-ln.;, - - vv icec.c-4 v e nve per cent, acoi m iuc c-iic-. ut ag- . gregate receipt. were 577,121 less than i f t the year 133, and tie reduccion ia ex- ' peaditares amounted to over S150,5?7 00. The withdrawal of the business of thPenn- syivania railroad from the Portage road, . readily accounts fer this difference. I regret exceedingly the necessity of announcing to you that the Nrth Pranch Canal is not yet in full eperation. It is now more than a year siaee the Canal Com- exf-ectations,as wtil as those of tue pe-'-pie, have, in this respect, been sally J.sap- pointed. eV varic'y of unf roseea dificui- ties presented themselves in the way tf the attainmc-Lt of th:s end. The old w.rk, construete 1 some twelve or i.iteea years since, as well as some sections cf the new, located on the hill side, near the margin of the river, when tested by the admission of water, turned out to Le porous and to- tally insuEcieut 13 its material and forma- tion. In some instances, rocks, roots, trees and stamps, have been concealed ua- to remedy, short of a reconstruction of the : . -- - l e-. i . . -r .1. bottom of the canal, could prove suSeient; t'je system of managing the Sta'e imp rove and this wis necessarily a tedious and ex- rncnts, this has been the raost productive P'-Bii" TJsceif- There is still a consider-. able portion of the work to remodel iu this way ; but it is confidently believed that it will be ready for use ia the ear.y part of the coming season. That the -fmost skid aud vigilance La3 at all times beea eahili- ted bv the a2enc of the Sta, on this line, I do not believe ; but the deficiency, ; in this particular, on the new work, has . not been so palpable as alleged by some. At the time I came into effiee. the fum . necessary to complete this work was esti- mated at $772,000. Since that time the sum of S 1,200.552 72 has been expended, . and it will still require, as estimated by tie Canal Board, '50,000 to put it into complete operation. j Whilst I regret this nnf orescen cost and com I Whilst I regret this unforeseen cost and delay, I cannot refrain from repeating my ; nnfltrln (sonfidence in the wisdom of the c O f ' j policy tlat dictated the completion of this subsequent events to justify the relinquish- Science cf Agriculture, with a model farm work. The large increase of business and meat of this valuable reservation ; but attaihed wherein tie principles of a sei '. tolls for the year just closed, on the older many on the ccntrarji to sustain the jus- catific cultivation of tbe soil, and manual i portion of the line, indicates what we may ' tice and ntility.- , labor in that pursuit, would le joined to j safely anticipate from the new ; and.I can- Tie administration of Gov. Shank com- nsal academical studies has been i not doubt, that the cross amount 01 mlsi- ! nessit will command, and the revenna it will yield, will exceed the most sanguine expectations of its advocates. The inex- haustible mines of coal with which that . .. . sccUon of the State abounds, the products of which are destined to pass through this j avenue to a limitless market, will furnish into the sinking fund, applicable to that an improvement of nea value as t j com w may well tie proui. vr ttain tua umi j n..:.j,tr us:;0B1i tr jnilvi.ml pr.-p.'r:-1 for it a never failinir supdIt of business onrDose. leavimr the meaere sum of 8154.- ' mend itself as a settled rule ; and I eotfi- nl tie birth-place of Independence ,, y yt. J'.!GPi. , " - C a a ar and tocnaee. Besides, itscomple'.ion will' le aa act of j-ostise to tie ia-Postrious and enterprising inuanitauts ut iui pari 01 iuc Q,jmm ;,nweaUh , who have heretofore will- : iogly contributed towards the construction : of otto improvement cf tbc State, from : wlicb they could derive lut little advaa- , tege. It will, also, add to the prosperity, ', and consequently to tie revenues of the ' Suite. As made my duty, by an act cf tie Le- fulatar. antTOTca the., in Ot Jrnl las', C i II . I rovidinc for tbc saie of the mi.n line of i lc-r last, in ace-wdaoe tic Uh ftc- ti-n of tie act, for propa!..-to be submit- tel to th; Gmoral Assembly; but nun.; lave been received. This improvement is. therefore, still the property of the Slate, nbi..it ti noh ,jsr. it!-n as the Leei'la- ture may deem ntcessiry. My nr.ud has t-u lergme do change, on me satject o. s. llmg the rubhs work, sicee tie p.rtoj of my last message. I ihink the policy of tie Bieasare depecds mainly upon tie prise that can be okaiaeJ, and tie coudStisa on which the rurchis..rs may U willing to hold these works for the usecf th; public, n-.-.t. - r.." -r,l .:- -m- T. rA n 4a.i aui iu uj.-i4tiii.uu, t. rvr.t art - .v rrotcctive ol UC rctts ani i j-- c ictcX.U of the people.ia the future enjoy- men: of these highways a sale might not prove icjarlous to the public weal. Put it is certainly neither wise aor politic to a-snmc that they must be sold for what- ever can be obtained ; or that they should, in any event, be given away. Nothing could hive a more prejudtcul effect upon the interests of tbc S-tate, as invo.vea in tticse improvements, t-aa tto avowal tf ' such a determination. The powers, privileges and restrictions tfany corporation getting the works,shon!d be minutely defined. Past experience suggests these prudential counsels ; for we have often seen in this State, how d'.Stn'.t t I. ' - . UK4tnA , . .... f t ' . J fl . r. , it is i.j vijuuc ue..vu v ...-.w oarv expenses ot government purposes, Nimrod Strickland, c-f Chester county, and John Strohm, cf Lancaster county, were named as Commissioners to settle certain claims and debts against the Commonwealth. It was also made the 0f .e Governor to supply, by p- poiatmont, any vaeaney in this comtals- ;;iiaj Licl mightoecur. The gentlemen already named having declined to serve, 1 accordingly appointed William W. Willi- assigne-d to tlom. and the result wi'.l be ccmmunicatcJ to you, ia detail, in their otvnrep.jrt. I regret to penelve that the accruals so examined anl settled, exceed the amoant of the appropriation nearly giej(M;i.-(.i. it is well, nowevcr, to see the tnJ Lf claims of tLis thsractcr ; and hav- iatr accomplished this, it will be prudent to guard against the recurrence of a simi- Lr state tf affairs. Indeed, the practice of contraeting d-.bt on the public cries should be at once and .r ever a.anoine-J. It has been a fruitful source cf confusion public affairs. Of the many d.fects in (,f CT;i. Repeated attempts have teen made to rcpJ so maon cf lDe act incorporating the lt-nnnsylvania Railroad Company, as re- nnTCi t to ray into the Treasnry annaal- jj x certain per eentae on the amount of imen wl.i.-W m,- n,Se ov-or that mad a Ba equivalent for the privilege granted by ' xhe Commonwealth ; but the General As-' sembly have as repeatedly njecte-1 the rroncsltion. and I sincerely hrce. tlat so ' long as tbe State may need the revenue from this sonrce, all future attempts to ae- complish this end, may meet a similar ( fate. Uavin" been connected with tie le- ; gislatioa which brought this company in existence, and clearly cogaizint of the motives and purposes which governed the 1 motives and purposes which governed the t Legislature in imposing this condition on the erant. I can discover no reason, in I meneei tne canoe itauoo 01 we reuel issues: 1 and that of my immediate predecessor ar- rested the process, leaving $ j50,1C3 CO of this unsightly currency ia circulation. J Ia the spring of 1?53, the policy of can- ... . - 1 celletton was again resumed; and np to this date, $S5,34 SS bad been received - 773 12, to provide for. This dillicnltv f j- j 1" D 1 is diffiealtv will be obviated in Jane next, when th- uuiu.nu -i.e.. .., .,1, tLc hanks and receiving otaecrs cf tie : Commonwealth to jay out these issues and rc.p'.res tbem to be irest-iitel-: thcTrca fury for cancellation. ' My opinion oa all questions that con- cera the currency, have been so often ex- , PKd that they mnst be well known to lbs Legislators and need net be given at cd.i.u in 11:1s r'.'nrinauic- .. a. In accordance with the rovirnj ef a f the sure, and i-.3l rote agitn?t t. l-e jr'-f-T rogtiiaticn of this sa'j-ct gr.'y con;;r-s the moral welfare ef the p?-f :e. an..l f ;r tlat rcastn will claita reur asxivt conrlls ration. Perhaps no tbt-r iworal fiUfsTioa within the rssci of roar author:- ty ?? dccp.r inter?? s tee p-. p!e of every ra:e ad e;B-i;t;:. iu-: e 1, tee im- ors.c use oi m.exica.ic--wh " ev:l thit his l.ft its tr.-.rk m every ucic;g?. Its Ingres, f.rtai!'ly, ha been steadily resisted by rt itri-isi societies, who bare esrf.sjtl U y. and truth and reason again?,: jr. T-.ieiS.rts Knvp d iiir m:ir!i. and insv uj iiiOfti Lvr - j - at.er w u..ii.ii itM .x.o.u4-,j ... vexatL-as , tnciiac-mtLti up Da tte i:guts and privilege of every cit:z:n, th-.re is d-arly bo teamen why thi aH-euea t f a , wcU do.igncJ law, rcgu.aULg and r .trv lug tho saieof intox.catn.g ri -oa.J not UbToaght to the aid of these itiu.vi- dual a,tU. A.ua ii.e vote c. tue pee-pie would setc to iaJieiU; their avsnioa the particular rr-.a of r.forn prop,s, it is not to be inferred, f.r that reason they are averse to all attempts c-f ref ;rtna tica. Suc-h aa inference, I am confident, would not be a true reSeet': cf their sen timents. So far from tirs, thT ackacw- ledge the existence of the evil, an I the nc- cessity ef pr p:r remedies. Hit present lieense laws, to this er. 1. might ia my opj. to lave been c-mstruetel to promote the convenience of drinking, far more then to restrain its evil cocscqueaces. The c-lj.-et is worthy of year early cai Jclileiatc Cca siieraticn. The report ef the Superintendent will exhibit to you in detail, the operation of the Common School sy-'eta f, r the y.r jast closed; ar.l I rc-p-eetfally re: mienl the su2"etet-.ons ot taat ctieerto vottr -are- fa. eratoon. cf teacher should not rank in La r aad prcfi: with the otl;r learned pru'e.-si ns ; wly tie seieaee of developing the Ismaa iitell.e of giving, scope an 1 .Vce to aih 1 if elevating the m r..I ficuliies ot oar race; of centreing tae passions aai teui- pering the desires .-h -u'. 1 not be cot -u.td as highly as those pr.tcjsi ns arid calling whose ornaments hate received all their capacity and polish at the bar. Is of t t cotrr-.rnive.y Luar.-.e at-a i..v tewar ic 1 1 teacher. I earnestly rccomtn.d the common sch: el systeu : y:ur Jiriiac care, as the Ciost saor-d 1 fell cur i:..-i-u-tioss. The e-r-prirtg cf a c-tt'titttti-nal irj-inetlon on the L-ettslatu.-e the cxtvt tion and p-erpeta'.ty cf its s-.fa!ncss,i. the plain du'y cf all. P. .-ting at the very foundation cf the g-.y-er-ment, its practical working our ropt should te a ti n cf re 1 op. reinrl- an -v-tera, ar.d i's 1-e portnnities made available to all le cf rank, cr cr-diti -n, c-r pers'ta- It should aid the po-r, advance the rich and maie the :g nrar.t tvts. Our various charitab'e aai rcformatorr institutions, so creditable to the State, auu which, in their rractiecl orrations, have done so much for thert-lhf of satTeriag humanity will claira the continuel care and bounty cf the Commonwealth. The interests of Agriculture arc ardent- ly commended to your ore. Extensive "d energetic efforts have been recently made to disseminate correct information concerning this great puruit, and in this ty to eocfer upon the firmer the advao- tages of a scientiSc as wcll as greatly re5-' tted, practical understanding of the noble tted, practical anucrstaading of the Coble pursuit in which Le is engaged. : The ntility cf a Collece, deycted to the eiruug'J ,-resseu upon mj im-uun. a. is believed tbst strew an instt'wtion can be successfully orgaaired end. rile auspices of 'te State and County agricultural societies. , The practice adopted and maintained by , , r. i. t . f too s uenerai oisscmoiy, in rtterence , . to oc.ni-.us Luis and special lez ilat.on. is dently dently trust tnis tointary treeecicnt mar ... . net be d-or6--iI-l .. t :it . . ,.KA..r; -. ..to .'. to; r -ir... ii. i, r ... -, r- ' ut - jii,iiniuii:ui..jf,'.. tion to tic fact, that tie Ia-v rtprts iwcty-two Slate lav- Let n regularly re- telxti by this, aui that ie provisi-.r, las ; ever been made, on cur part, to retirro- Cate this courtesy ar.d g:r.crosi-y. I re- spectfully suggest the j r ..rle-ty of su hor- iiiu soma effieera tf the Gcvcrcmcit to procure the Bc;cssary r-;'.u of the Tctn- slviiila reports, to u; j.ly thoee Status who J., 'ui:a. It uzs a.raiv e..:t tae ,t,..ut 23,00?, to which there Eu.-t le annual a Mitis. The o-j-xt is a durable ( Lt, t ut I am cc iSieLt it cn ncv-.r be att-iuti by the m -ie eottrtir latcd in this T; i; a sul i 1 cf c:tait cmilalut .st-.r:' ni l r ' rat: .a is in-; '. A or J al o. n iv t..e . i .a s-: . t. t: . latv tf kst sessi- :. te Coiljll Jiillh TtJs J'ltl the Tuhlieatien r.f the S.cr.tary of th i '1 to CjZ.: F:.C?. ll :h,r:ty th. re.rlT3). Ual.r this a-. se-170-1 I r . f 1- !T?2 to ten r.:iJ . anl tie tenth vclaase, con- taitiing this ra-aa-r, will be d:5- tr.l jti- u b.f re the close of the- ?s?l a. rwoaiPtioaal volasics will ccctjl.ts the w-.-rk. as cr";:i.a!!v Je-rr?--1. Ti.s C-.-uaclis uf I e.pi..a, ly an r- eVsa:.:e passed :n Oct. ler, IV.il, d.dieiud tle ne;esary grianl, ia Iad-.pcaience S j iare, to the cr-.ctLn of a miriurnoi.t, Conimexorative of the Declaration ef Ia drpendence ; sa l tenlerl the i-.r-tssie-n of th; f remises to thj r-pre-cnto'iv-;s tf nine tr mote ef the or'glna.1 S'ates Sitiee that titne, the States tf New Turk, X-.-w Jersey, New I! rr-p-hlre, Rh'e g:a and Peu:iyl- l.iC i Connecticut G -c TaLta 2,1 rhdr wi". ft lit pr-' position on the tertus tLdiea- my cSelal rclsttous with the yy f tav ilg.d Ler t ' .. native C mmonwealth. I may be i in i brief and geacral r.ferc-nce rresent t-rottd r- -siu-.n a.- a oiest great family tf Stat:?, and to the patrl:.:-i-ui, itit.grlty, atd pre-r ri'y ef l-.r :::: rms. The aivan"age--j. ge- gr-pllea" p j-siti- n cf PciiUsylvanii, wl.h a 5je Larb r p--a to the Atiaatie. and another ccaae? t;ng her eect.'al'y with the ri;niH..r.t ei.aia cf westera lake navigation her I.r..- Irasclit.g rieer-. rr.-a I'.az their arzti 1 . tertes 1 evert ry p -rti.-r. o ' 1 . terv a! 1 ! !r.,!,.f f. r- . .:' .-1 to h.r ert..e so; Hi iUstles Ui iKjslts if valjillt miucrals present a Oiuhiuativa of the natural cl etiieiiis of r-a'i,ers scarcely civaailcd ia cur cwa or aLj other (.aart-.r tae globe. These La.e u.aie h-.r au at etavc nril fr the science, industry anl -. :."crpri.-e of ism; aal ail her natural al. la'ictes have been iherishe- an 1 ciiin .u i.uutil she has reached a ceni.tiia of Varied wealth aad j ro.-per.ty. ILr sy-teiu ci ia'eraal iu- roveui-.nts w..i s.teiy cxp-re with tb.se tfany stsUr state, whether ia rej.rd to c.iiip.cteaess ia CoUitiaction, er las ex- t.r-t o! c-U :tj which they tra.erse. N.r Lave the L:':ier hopes of Lataaaity beta ii-reg.rdei Ly t-ur states in .-a aai the r: l .e a; large ; as the i:t"cra! prv.si.rs f.r 0 -m:uoU sei.o.ls, aead.mies aad c ...leges, anl our numerous crowded cLarehes at test ; while, a: the same time, the virions A-yiums fjr the Insane, and f.r the unfor tunate of all cia-s.s and ctiaiti- Lts, .ni llcusos ef iUfuge, f-r the reformitia of t .e aav iri au i trnr.g. s .entiy, yet sure ly, bear witttss t'-at trie cause ef tencvo l.Lce has al.va;,s fetrud eff.ctive advocates ""J1U l-fiiti. la physical improvements and ppula ooa, h-r 1 re'itruss has bcea steoav arjd ra- I' Ja lJ- &JS Uoverucr Snyder, the '""' n- 3 -'r' '- over t-i inso1Lict...aaa Liver, aal tie oastrectiua of a taroj i.ee "ad, w-s thj sul jeel of executive eia.ta- tion, au d a matter of c -ngratulatioa aa. -::g the pe pie. IS'.w Ler wh.le sar.'.e; is heeV-.-red or w.th r-i'.roai.-, canals aal other high-fay?. Th-.a the who'c revenues "e -":c amounted tobut fc.o.,0c"J Now they exceed five u-illuLs. Of th ' ur irS1-' ?:atoi Kt ceatage of in cf the State amounted to but w4o'.0-Xi. 1 ur - - per ceatage ot in er--,ase ,a FTu- ':: "i ee i ', i tue fc besides exeellel the best of her sisters ia the prodaetiia cf coa iter ror.-.atijn tuiuVrs not less than two and a h.lf mil lions nearly as large as all the States at the time of the Revolution. The present value of her real and perioral estates f t- -- ' J" '' KcraBCttu; IT:':: , tion cf c -al is w.-rth ia the market over twenty million,. Her great interests of sncu!rnre, manufactures and commerce m w.ni.ll- . : : .. . r-v ":. . eoe n, in audition, a atorj t i wateu sac spoi waere wasnrsioc-urej 1L . , . th:f great trathj which lie at the founda- - ti i v. it : .. t i ..-, I 1 . T " 1 - I t..- .f ... ir.- t . , glorious pnrt. Her em'rilnlr-B rf to tie fett, an 4 money to tlie tmraj- cf talent azi wisdom to the Congress cf ihe Colonies, were art nr-fimcd by those of any Cher State. It wis ler vns who crowd the Delawsre in the dial of winter, under the lead cf Wabis?-,n, as J f.-r ti ur::ed tLe tide of war. Azr.a, iit ;'e of f r the rk! f who should hive the r-iv:! ge ef p ic j :he s Id. n a:?- this honcrtible p -Tt ir raitt rs t f fjreign war she his 11 a r. less tcv-a'l part'eip itlca ia allviner -1.-racstii strii. 'VYLeaev-r tie ti.'z ;.cy se.'wei to r ty the Con ev- r :' t. n ';-.:re it, she h- s' .ol t:.-J. i'.u-ti.l inl 'l.e Uai-3. ar. if.rthe r'.-'. - f-i'' rti-.-tu f the country, a:. . a.i e.j--.-s uerm- i-tnti r.s ef the p-'.'.'e. S'. c!i is cur St-if. T - !'vo ttr.d die withia L?r lli:, aa' f ue b hae I -me trca a very hnriolc pr? in her civil .-ernce sal ia her Llst ry, I ha'l ever es'.cen: a? a p privil-s? cree t'.a, as it c?ar?r t; itj cl .-", swells n-r heart with u.e to h"r t. p-, at ths i e f tL -uai rjus r.rt.:5 ercon- iea c I have cx-irie:r;J at their i e:r lias'is. TLe fullness ef tr.y exaltation ia tla cLara:c-r and L-ppy conditlja tf our loved Commonwealth, anl the grat tile I have tim:i ieive no : rt in my b t at a dc-i- s ' s oin r ev a a liagrrln:; rojr ska .-f my f.llow-csttzeii, which is soon to relieve tie from th: cir.s anl labors of a prlllt life, lu transient txcltem.n have already l-e:ti f rotten, and its aliea a'ions, if aty, f.rg'vcn. I shall resa-s my p'.ji-: ia the renlrs cf the p: -pie, wi ii a esltc eeTtsoi-'ras of having ala-y sottght to ajvac:: tb.ir b-st iat.rests ty tie ti-er.t of sj altlitj ; and of B.v.r Lav-rs yiellei try c:r.vIcU:-r.i cf rii" o bound us wh- hoive succeed.d t-Vra I s liessings and i:s benea's Lave le.aflt tlr -ujaont lem 2 roars of trtexuprie-i pros parity. If ire woull ehange ary of it provisions, ie-t us, with a: least common fc -nesty aal rr.j.r.liacss, rarsuo th j moda ef atseniment which is p.: Intel out, with a imlrabie ireelsioo, in thu nofcie ias'r- meet iuelf Bar, euiii ti.ii is iic:, thoso amongst us wh--, j'r;ra whatever motive, er under whatever pretext, cither openly r:-r-ri.a- j ary of i's rl .ia provL-ion. or .vcrt.v retroa ti.e ei a rt s.crt orjaa.z-iti -n.sevk to v:.. ate its p r:f, or avoid e aopliance wi-h its cl.ar te-iirsis, dishen r the faith cf tb.ir fathers, aai deny their own palpable sad rrrlema e bii gatieres Entertainiri: ihtse v!cw Low "aa any Amcrieaa patriot regirl. w-th thu least degree ef cearpiaeeney, the conti iu.-d and bitter ei-it raont of one section - f tho country :;-ai.t the ue-m-stic- institatt-- ' f ano-hcr: er the more recent cr-jzr. n-' ti -n of secret societies tLrechctt t'io l:.i c. Lose 1 npea the doctritc cf exei i--iori aLt prescription, utterly at war tu our Nat: Tta! acd State c nst.tjtioas. a::l obnoxious to the libera! spirit of Aptiriean -pajiicaatsu. . What admi of ihe vcn .rated Father ef his .'-. :ry. but rnast ee. Lis Soleinri now t.-ei. w.t rtsiso WaratttiTS against Secret s-cteUeS tor jd. il ea! tiies, as pLeit.g a p ow.-rfal engine in the hands e. the s.lish a..d d:ei;-".t:.-. ani enah.ing thct;: r..: ciry :o acfp'.'j rower unw. ah.ly, i a: al.--. t s: p ai. 4 d -strey the mos: sacrei p.-iUc-pl-s cf en. atovaxcrucLf. Ia ties, rt 2. rtt-tis rtp rs e-r?ain p iinit.'in. if IreV; c u-tr.h? , 1 owa cieaves, I atu acta.tc! by po rr?T. 1 partisan ho-til't cr :. -r. nn-nt. V,". t. I 10 say l-.ss a: tbe present c-tanat, 1 hc"a! ; s:ite my cl are-t (haav'utio . i f rlet'it. as I shtiLk f r - u a ia'y I cwj f th. r . f Pcntt-vlranis. who have J" r :.. r 1-' ,- si-- taiacl me iu vari us r-aliie re! : a ' l. la-t. .M e. mre : I sl. j this regard, fail prip-erly to rctl ct t'-wt constancy and uots rvirg faith whiS o'-ie- ' evince.. war Is the principles et our . ia refcrettee to th? fro .tior.al com- sci.ce ani uv.v;r;a! r.l:gi us lo.-er:.0T; an 1 also to the wt-e d- t.-iteJ ef p'vil.p a:I State s ver.ign-y, aul the iuher.u; right of solfg -v -rvn.n'. PeTing tLe tri f period which r.rcvtn cf my e5eial t.r.a, I sh :1! rfilt'y snl ehftrfallj c f p erat; w!th the O.n.ra! As seial.'y ia all proper m.i-orr, to al.ar.c? the t-allie wea! ; and I t irn. st'y i-.v.kj v.-,. ! t .r ,.r.l i... ?-..... .. ti. .... who urav f .;k-r u. ia cur publi.- veati-a, tire liciiv tars aal ie-.-p:i:i' of tlit res a3j e-neficeat BcingwLo h-:!ds tie 4.?:- nie cf cation as tv.-'! a ef ini.Tfdut.--. as it wtr., in the hoil w of his b .3 1, an 1 without ahose cottitacd sm:!e tier ea EiErtriivi. CaAo4D!., lloi ulj, .T.u , 1 : .3 - ' e- uu. a:.;-r. n ia- f ms-tifainaocj cf the rrvl.s. she lore a i l V, 7: t-v, h V- ft , 41 I' .". 3t f ' , j'-i 0 5 1 'i 1 l 1 f