Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 29, 1854, Image 3

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    ...... . ff-, T vPr f ':imK.
, , I
troisN CjjranirtfJ
-r.. ra.r I O H WOBCt".
. "".iTMnthMrmonil...
4',t.rtlT'"J tU,"w"- Txl"r
- 7ZZZ7ZnrMa
Leteisburff, m
r - - Drr 29 lco4.
.MUK.m-1"! I
Vmti' li. ruMIe
P.,-i.r.!. OlTM-"" j,i.lf h
dllli',;!r!IrA .Ml I" ti" " . .
- 5 ESS?..!,
ja-Tke Editor is attending Court.
This No. of the ChroniJecn h FEV-
under its present rumifucr.
From tie 1st of January, U3, the bn-1
nf th.. Chronkk cstaMi'i' ,
. j . j 1 ,. WfiitnEN i: I iiKM i 'i s ,
be conducted b ot.m
u. r,.. CVe' Having ou"-" -
?ir. J'in "
SD interest in the same.
Our Town patrons require no introduc
k tion to our future pattner,
JACK 01 no. .
T.l. orat.h His correct demeanor "d !
: .....i.' .n t.. Lusincss. for fife :
UQassumiiQ mitu,."M , t
in this cflicc. are a suffieicnt !
yru y- -
i ' . . .i.. i.
slam leuui-.a !.. uc 1
Interested to know that be is a Hunaloc ,
Vallev boy earlv transplanted to a farm ,
' in Scioto Valley, Ohio learned bis trade j
jo Cbillicotbc and ou completing a faitli-
ful apprenticeship, hastened to his early j
lirme to chidden the heart of a widnv. d
mother. Five years' intercourse in our ,
office, abundantly qualify him to jud-s of
. 1. ...1- 1 - . ..T I . I .. : '
it; and lrotu mis Kuowieige 01 um hum- (
ness. mental, aud moral qualifications, we
feel a pleasure in presenting his name as
' - i-
a joint proprietor, aim snau rrjmi-ii iu un
prosperity equally with our . w 1.
The general character of the paper will
remain unchanged, but more labor will be
bestowed iu the preparation of original
matter, and iu its selections.
Mechanically, we contemplate some im
provements. We have ordered a new dress
and by lengthening each column, com
, .- . -
cressine Actvertiscnienis in a roorccoiupaei ,
mi nmiorin s-vie. aim uisi'i-u&iu" wi.u ,
luj uuiiuiui 0
l.r,e cuts tnd stereotype plates, an addi-
tional amount of reading matter, equal to
three or four columns per week, will be
.A.U these advantages will require an
additional outlay, weekly, of money. We
must therefore urge our patrons and friends
to extend the range of our circulation, and I
give us what Advertising and Job Priuliug ,
lies in their power.
TtHMS Weshall hereafter require Oue I
Dollar and Fifty Cents, in advance, of all
. subscribers
This is tl.e lowest price to
.anyone, l'ersons not torwarding tbe pay
,....,, ,
by the 1st of tebru.ry if near at hand, or
by the 1st of .March if distant, will be
struck from our list. Where par money
r J
or gold can not be had, postage stamps w;il 1
.nearer I
If our new materials do not fail 0f,
in season our next number
1 '
or itself : sdJ we maka no
nises. PiBLlMittt.
reaching us
will speak for itself
further prom
MtFrom the above notice, subscribers
.... 1
will ooservc that my individual accounts
for tbe last seven years are now closed,
All over-payments will be assumed, and
naav mntraeta fill..! r'.nt tiv tlm n..tr Kino '
Town subscribers, I will call upon soon. I
,. . . -mi ,.!
Thi-se in the enmitrv. will nlcasu pall nt
.v. -.. .,'...::...., .....
" ' . ' .
tatllC W.I.UUU19. J U U iaLalU It I8U !U I'WJlt"
bers, I will send bills. 0. N. W.
ST" The Carrieii of the Chmnich will Row, al 81 00 a year for single substrip
prescnt bis Xew Year's compliments to its ' tidus, or fix eopies for 85 00, in advance.
readers, on Mouday next. A token of
good will from every patron, would tnake
... . , . . .
..rrA 1-.1 ..
I - .
I SACRED Music. The cultivation of the
voice by music, benefits not ouly beal.h, working well, aud that our fluancial cou--1
but morals j it is an elegant, and ofteu a diliuo is appirently prosperous.
TiTr.fi t -.l.'. . 1 1 1 . 1- ,
, , o .1.0.-... ij, mm. iiu-u.. rortneserea
,ons, we desire to draw especial attention
.. to the adveitiscment of a Singing Class in
'another column. Mr. Rullard has ample
t Jrecommendations from Lowell Mason and
Toothers, and Las taught si mc moulbs in
I)anville, to universal sati-fiction. The
I present is a most favorable opportunity to
cquire tr improve in the knowlcd-o of
vocal and especially sacred music. I to
i GexEROfs Doxatuiv .T.,... tt ie ...
tcin of Shamokin, .Vortbumbcrraod couu- j
: 5j. granted a valuable coal estate, in the !
. chamoltin 4tvi -
. 7 "i", ior tne beneUt of ."'S' Baa a warm reception at. cne
F"or 01 .ew iurij, pk .j.,.,
awuicn was deilicated rriday last. Also j
-o.-iiogui me comer stone of a free
f'E. Sbamokin, to be endowed with
e proceed, of another eaal estate; and
o.tbe dition of a third coal estate to
: rnCSa Coloni-ion. We regret that
nor etig,gtmeo prcTcntcd
Jbe inviunon to be present. g
' L "Gc" Whitfie;d bss been received b,
. I , - 'eglc from Kansas. II is
f .5? W 0Mt"'8 Railroad in
that Territory, after considerable laughter
u referred lathe Com. on Publin ...nd.
Xaemembpr (k. r .,
, - o lurnisn me
Gleason's Pictorial This established
traied Journal, (having absorbed llinum
i -iiiusiraieo (s ) is to ne impro-
. J, . .
additional rae- nf illustrations each'
weelr.r.ak..,.-fr,..,, 1 , -on mr. ill.trai..,.,.
jierannitm. The price is to remain the same.
' 'h'". the work will be printed henceforth on
! fine satin-s.irfaced paper. M.M.Ballou. Esq.
i""'prprietor, is resolved to publish an
, . whjth be a
wu.nrj. nc nas associateu wun
himself, as assistan
assistant editor, Francis A. Durvi-
age, Esq.
a gentleman well known in the lite-
as ' r'P ewlr. graceful and
I J -...l .
idny hiiici, auu mi aumor wnose lame is
already established. This arrangement will
preatly enhance the I'ictiiriuT intrinsic value.
Th, ....hi; r .- - c. . ...
1st of January. (Tj-General Agen! far Pbila- !
delphia, Mr. A. Wuch, 1 16 Chesnut St. !
",' "
Mr. Adams Natlbalieatiom Bill.
TL. f 1 1 . -.till-. - I
I me nHiowiug is me uui ititrouucca into
I the Uuited States Senate, by Mr. Adam., j
di .iisisippi, iq reierencc to tbe uatural-
iz.ition laws :
lie it eifictnl, -c, That from and after
the passage of this act, no alien phall he
auuiiiti u 10 iccotne a citizen ot tne I nited
.1 1 . ... .
- - - - - - " .-., -
atllilteatlon to tin a.Iiinltcit ). :iri in.
I r ne to the satisfaction of the court hav-
inl'iiisilicth.ii of the case, that hi; I.
r,.k:.i1..i :.. ,1, lT,,;,! Ut,.. ..., .,.J
years at least : provided that any alien who
mav be a resident of the 1'uited Static t !
tb date of this act shall be entitled to all '.
tne intra con. 11:1011 soocined 111 the first sec. .
, . .
, . . , , ' r
"The Prohibitionist." This is the
''! of a monthly quarto, couducted by
Edward L. Delavan and other veterans in
tbe cauc of Temperance in New York
State. lVobal.ly the friends of I'rohihition I
c;:u! J not aid the cause more tff etually
lit:., t.r tl... .irnl.f i,.n rtf thij t A
- j ..-. - w.uu.
cheap paper. TERMS :
W copy one yesr - ...... $0.50
ilhree do to one address - 1.0(1
1 1 .00
Fifty do
One Hitnd do
do do
post-paid 25,00
0. i'coviLL, l'ublisbir.e Auent,
Albaoy, N. Y.
liTherc will be a meeting of the Pas- j
tors and Ruling Elders of the Presbytery ,
of Northumberland, in tbe Presbyterian
church of Milton, on Tuesday the IGth of 1
. , , , . re . 1
ier r the subjects of benptu- j
. . . . ,
i ral Revivals of Religion, Christian lienevo-
leuce, &c. &e. The meeting will be opened
witb a Sermon. Rev. Ir. M'Kiuley, 1
Agent for the Hoard of Missions, will be
present on the occasion. I
nomination for President
The IJlootnCelJ Ailviciitt t- I'rria, tbe
American paper in Perry Co., Pa.,
the following flag at its mast-bead :
i of Texas
I 11,n-t.in i ,r". n.inil .if llrcnn mnA ka , .
the first selt.msde General, since ihe time of
"'e amg nnupmus, uno
has taken the general of the anny.and the head
of ,he govcrnnie.it. captive in battle. Different
11 . a . I -1 - 1. 1 ....
from Antony he has spared Ihe life of his cap-
'ire - ,haS fo(r,e",d cverJr ,aw hura" a"d
divine. Hentun.
tfcSL-evi Foulkrod, member of the Sen-
ate of .bis State, from Philadelphia, died
at bis residence in that city, on Friday
' , - 1 . an. n ., . ,
: ""'"'"'g last- 1 c D uly eifi says that
ie death of Mr. Foulkrod, leave, tbe
Senate a tie, aud should Mr. Ruckalew, of,
1 1
the Columbia and Luzerne district fail in I
1 '
return fr. m couth America in t me, as '
it is believed he will, the organization of
tbe Senate will be in tho bands of tbe
A .....rl'iiiM ,.n.t V'l.ta I
' ' I
eifnced its sixth volume in January, j
'IVe beartilv recommend this io,.r,,:.l to .11
i heartily recommend this jourual
who take an interest in music. Published
fortnightly by Mason Rrothcri, 2U Park
i 8k0u our bit pigc will bu lounJ a
. f el. ... fr a. e
b'uiv - iiicuii i our ouic iitiisurtr. irom
.which it will be seen that the biuking
,1 - und System devised by Gotr. Johsston :
and ably sustained by Gov. UiOLtn, is
FreocricR Smith, of Sew Berlin, late
publisher of the Vukesfreuiitl, bas receiv
ed the appointment of Mercantile Apprai
ser of this county, for the year 1855. . A
good chance to collect old subscriptions,
8r?VThe Miincy Luminary of Wcdnes-
day last says
We arc happy to be able
elate that there have beeu no new cases
t . .. i - if t I
of small pox .u this Borough or iu Uughes-,
lt"Tbe Philadelphia Railroad excur-
.1 .
ana exteucfeo! tbetr visit to Cleveland
lai their leaving it.
Boston, Dec. 26. The death of tbe
Rev. Josiah Goddurd, tbe eminent Amof
can baptist Missionary at Niog Po, China,
is announced in private letters bf tbe A
merica. 9A lady who has paid good attention
to their habits, states that last Monday was
tho first time in 28 years she has Men tbe
honey-bees at work on Christmas.
J6r Lewis Tredenick is appointed Cargo
Inspector at Columbia, the post formerly
. J .
occupied by Maj. John Cumruings.
David L Yulee is dieted II. S. Senator
from Florida, in plaoe of Jaduoa Morton.
Both, ultra Seathttrtten.
ved br an a
Watsos, D. D , was instaltcd
,iu u .. . . t
I he O.S. Presbyterian Church ot
j pastor of the O.S
ti.....i ... ic.u t r-
I .'I111..U, 4 UUI3Utj IU.U nisi, atev. i'l.
f ... ... ..
o WU.U.., c. iu.
I 1 a"crsoa Pr0s,Jud anii oelivercia IU2
! charge to the p.stor, and Kev. Dr. Clark
1 di.iv-nd the charge to the people.
j T1 stre 6f CoulI c &
, van mi, mis n iu uic uu .miuiuoj
night a-wcck, in two places. The vigilance
of a clerk wh ) slept in the store, prevent
ed the success of Ike enormoutf evil con
templated. t&"A. Musical Convention U to be lield
at ,I"rr"bur?. co.u.i.enc.ng on Tuesday the
9,n Jiuuarjr next, and to toutinue UDtil
the Saturday following.
--- --
k2BV . na. A..e.t nt c .... I i W Iai...
s"-u our 'af,t notice.
Apot'LF.rnc SrnttoMs. rr-titjttite bettt-r than
Cure" Mr. Juc W(on, of Soulb .'cfintU trot.
(bouk itor,) wax puljrt to (ji't Jiitr'. witU b -ay nuJ
JrtiMrcv f.-rilii. Iiin t on,! flew lo th litail at thi l-nnt
exitruii't. nJ tiff fi'MjUrntlj' r-ll luwn Inn-ib c.
tlmt tt wii- unnifr titlmrt- lutu without mi altt Mi:.itt.
II.. t..lil n.An r..1.l hi. .en.l- in.(i.llv fl...r w tl.i
ht for him. b,Teupn ih. T '-Jt-nn-tvtl hi.u : h .w. rr.
lliiiltiwny'o I'i't- ruri-tl Ittiu in two utuiithfi. ali-J hv now
altt'i ti to buhiii-fi. The- filli atv U&IIy Bcniceatile
lu all dsonlL-rti of li.e liter u4 ptuunub.
Cnrrrttrd W'ttktu.
S2 00 Fl..
.s n
. 12
. 10
! Corn ...
! Dried Apples.
, r r,i
Cloverseea J,0W
i Lewisiurg Post-Office Arrangements.
1 CASTCKX Milj (tI SIiltuS) Terjr y but Sunder.
ci ki , A si.
fjistekx Malts (ti Nomapjeeery jt i.ut s.mdHjr
clo.- at il T o'clock, f. -M
HXriA'.V, on Monday, M'tUni'Sduy knd f iWiy.
cl.eatsij A. M.
.VOitnff.WillUsiort'iM..l W.dn and Fri..
r !uy 11 b I'.M ol Dtiilit triitflio.
S0lTl."i'.V(Setln!.i;l0e)TuelU. Tliursd.atid Satuld .
cl..e at U, Ji.
cl.'M at S I'.M ot ulgl.t (recedinp.
t-tluine hour dnltveic-pt Satidayp frcln C until
11' ; A M .....I froiu i;, M.UDtO S I'.M
i(of.iU,tSM. II.W.UIOTZER, P.M.
fV9- VARIETY of School Books,
US Blank Books. t;ift Books for Holiday
presents. Pens, Ink. Letter and Cap Paper,
Fancv Stationery. .Magazines, Papers, etc. etc.
for sale c'ttitp at the Lkwisroro Post Orrirs.
In Milton, SOib mat . t.y Rev. Dr. Malcom.
Isaac G. Stivkiii and Miss Mv J.Tiorm,
both of Milton. 12th inst..by Rev.C.tJ.Uuller,
Dotn ol .siuion. im nisi., ov uev.v..iuii
Kunmmm and Kmi.,h s,a.
Iu Elmira, 12lh lust., by Kev. CN.Chan.tler,
Xathix U. Kvixs of Berwick, Pa., and Miss
Lizxik A. WoiaiiL, of Elnura.
In Lewisburg, 25th int., at the residence of
her son. Daniel N'eyhart, Widuw EumiTi
NivmiiT, ared 7"J vears.
In Turbui To, I Cm inst-Jicoa WtisB, aeed
25 rears. ISih lust., J nit Kim, aged about
27 years. j
In Hailleion.lSth inst.Wit.Lisn Bucxronn, j
aged IK years and 11 months. The deceased, I
some three months since, in company with a
few companions, was amusing himsell turning ;
some. els,n hen he fell upon his shoulders and ;
head, and received a sprain from the fall that
i Kov. J.
cause l a apinal disease, rendering him entirely ; meni anJ ,lose i,aving any just claims are
helpless and unable to move a muscle.in which j a(so qu,,,,,! to present them properly aulh
state he remained until his death. Viltimian. Jenticalt,j for settlement.
In Tipton. Cedar Co., lo., 27th uIt..Jwas H. j THOMAS PENNY. Administrator.
Whit...... Esq.. formerly of Untontown, Lyco- Ea Buffie, xuv. 17, )S54 pd
ming Co., aged about 43 years.
In Mifflintoirn. Perrv ,2:td inst., of rapid
Union i
e,.,tr. n.i a a-..inn..f ti.en.i.r tr i:.i?rt"'vn vi-
jail. He wall an areonil-liahed and .killtul lirai,-Un, of
.,; prart,re. a.1.1 m, ..nriuidy io-a i"i
!-"" " e:tjftc.,,irera...t..ap..hi.. rt-
Ird ritia-n. a kind n.iclilMir. au-t .ti-fnt,-d In M. Cimilr.
ua tui life a lot u-rtoint. d tho r. wDin iiorw
t a rhriatiai.' calm ami confident, and happy dealti
franrai.t itt .ooii.mj m,mone for l.u Urearrd w.ro
. aial cl.ildr.-n.
Mr.O.B BUU.ARD'S SinginS ClflSS
meeis on .MO.MlAi ana r lilDAl evenings in
...... r.L T.
" " ,c ' ""- " J
" TPPtrs I
Oentleman's Ticket. including Book 53.00 1
Lady's do do 2,00
. .
. 1
1 oe naa nt 1. r 1 131 i.t, at 1 nornion at
i Co.'s Drug Store. ,
Lewisburg, Dec. 26, 1854
Just Received,
At the New Store, next door to Kline's Hoiel,
Market street, Lewisburg.
htde warranted 30 yds, be,n;
than skein silk at 4 cts pr spool.
100 dor. Ryle's bnt Italian upmin Silk of every
vils more
dozen. Also a fine assortment of
' i
Dress Silks (very cheap.)
Men's dt Boy's Heavy Woolen Mitlens,
Perforated Bristol Boards. !
Z-phyrs. c.
fresh assortment of Confectionanes for i
Christmas Holidays and Fancy Articles
for Christmas and New Year's Holidays,
CyUall aud see.
(?J ft D. SLIFER have removed their Boot
lH B, Sin... at.ahl,.l.,nan. t. in. ll....M.
arMn., the basement of Prick's Saloon, on the
WKSf side of NORTH THIRD street, third
door from ihe corner, where ihey will be glad
see oM patros and he b, ' ..n.rall8
to see old patrons and the public generally.
Lewisburg, Dec. la, 1804
T as changed his quarters laWi'i
Old Stand, about a souare "on street
Dec. 20.
Post Office Removal!
WHE fewisbrtrs Post OfTiee is removed lo I
I my residence, on the WEST side of
NORTH FOURTH street, nearly opposite to
Donachv & Elder's Cabinet Shop.
Dee. 20. H. W. C ROTZE R, P. f .
. ELECTION. , . ,
NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockhold
ers of the Lewitburg Bridge Gimpani,
that an Election will be held at the house of
Alexander Blat'rs in ihe Borough of Lewisburg i
nn MmniT lha 1ki rfav nf faiinarv nart f.ip
on Mount the 1st day of January next, for
the purpose of electing one President, six
Managers. Treaurer and Clerk to conduct Ihe
Coocerns of said Company for nne vear.
WILLIAM CAM BBOif, President
Lewisburg, Dee. 16, 18M
T AMPS Just fee d bv H"r.l & Co. s
a Express, ihe lest LARD LAMPS n..w
1TjpJse 1 JJIAVM4CO.
rnr ivt TRiii t.itt r.iM IV. m I'
,.,.,.,. ,;,. irvr YrL- Ih, .,.1.
Wlng description of Teas, mostly put up m
1 and J lb. packages, vii.
i Jmtnat, K.unj llyn,
I ;, Ga,Tc.ter.
Lewisburg fur Canton Tea Company.
J. H.WtS & to.
SPORTSMEN! The s'tibsc'iber lias 011 hand
a large and well se!.M:te.i stnrk of tiuns
Pitol, Kevulvers, liiflrs, Uame Hatt.i'owder
1 Horns, Shot Polishes, etc., as follows,
i Single barreled Shot (ions from $ 3.00 to $ R
Double do tlo H AH to 40
. SntO-Jth CUt K.flt'S
10.00 10 Vi
I Twist do 10.01) .0 11
i FotCf Pl.Twist Rifles, Very fine 10 00 In
lu'voivers - n
Comprising in
r,1 c. to a
,, , , . . i
all the best anrtment io le
r . :.. .u... .. .. t nWPIJ lioli-r.
It HI uu III nils irn, ii . dun .! n uu i 'in.. 4-'
than can be bought this sole of Philadelphia. In
concluiiori, pive him a' call and be convince.!.
J.O'.RlCIIARDsOX.llar.lwatd Store, j
3 donrs north of the Il.it.U. DuncilL: I
Instate of D.Uliel Ualick- dee'd.
"Y'OTK E is herety Riven, thai Letters
1 Telament.-rv ..n the Estate of llixm
a- s :
' IUjiix, (late of bite U-'er I ownship. Li.noi
1 county.) deceased, have been granted to the
; subscribers ny the
the Register of Lnion county;
! therefore all those
ise knowins themselves in leD -
ted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims will present
ihem properly authenticated f..r settlement, to
the subscribers, executors of the last will and
testament of said .lee'd.
Whit- Peer. Nov. 2. 151
A Situation Wanted,
Yi a person competent to take charge of j
f Books ana Accounts, or to periorm tne
ireneml duties belonzinc to a Store or Menv
! antile establishment. Address '-C," Chrmiitlr
Office, Lewisburg, Pa. ftor. 22, ISj-i.
I-IOR SALE TWO new and elejant
six-and-three-quarier Octave PianON.
Also THREE beautifully-finished MKI.V
DKOXS, made after the newest improve
ments. Apply to
South Fourth St. near Market.
Lewisburg, Nov. 20, 1S54
Adminlntrator'S ollrt
"VTOTICE is herebv given, that Letters ot
jj Administration on the Estate of JAMES
. IRI, AND, late of East UulTaloe Twp, 1,'nion
Co-dec'd.have liecn "ranted toihe undersigned
bv 1)ie Rri5tfr of Cnion county in due torm j
0j !att. . ,hercf1re persons indebted 10 sard j
nr, rennesied 10 make immediate pnv-
iven that Letters Testamentary
T3 h"?bT
X on ihe Esi
lute of the ll.T
be(.n er.inlt.j
idebte.i ,0 sai.
irotiuh ot l.ewtsniirg, nec o, nave
ihe undersigned. All persons
said estate are requested 10 make
immediate payment, and those havinz claims
against the same will present them duly au-
thenticatcd for settlenif nt.
Lewisbun, Nov. 15, IS54
! II IM-fWIIal .w w.w .
Hotanlc ;;irden.
mHE subscriber offers for sale a fine assort-
I ment of TREES and Silltl HlJr.K .such
'ear- I'luin.ijierry. pr.e..,, c.o. . s-,. o.
Quince, Grape Vines, R,.spbe.r,es. (.urrants,
t;nnseherries. Ornamenul I rees and Shrub-
aa- . 1 1
. r UI ; ri.m pr.n Plants
J ":'"u""" """" ' Ni I I
f". - I
Lewisburg, Nov. 8, 1854
Wheat, and Flour!
, i vvni FF't VII.I.S the i
H ' subscriber will nay the highest price in !
i iT iTh f..r Wheat. He will keep constantly I
' . u.-.i ivi....,.ii.'. 1,. l(.-tait. ?nd his
1 Wagon will run daily loTown to deliver Flour i
(and receive Wheat. All Wheat he sells, be j
I will guarantee to make 40 lbs. Flcur per bu-
shel. Persons wishing Wheat.will leave their ;
... .. .. . . ...j.i ti.....
shel. Persons
bags at my Storehouse, and they shall be punc
tually attended to.
Lewisburg, Sept. 14, 1S.)4
OUR Firm being this day dissolved, we
would say to all who know themselves
n.trhied to us. lhat we are in need of the
i needful, and are anxious to settle up our btts
iness with as little delay as possible. Our
Hooks will re nain at the old stand, and set-
i tlement made by either of the Firm
Lewisburg, Sept.
-723 mmm 33333333
. or TUB
Will commence cn Tucksbav, Oct.19, 1854,
to continue 20 weeks. -
1 The course of Instruction in mis insiiiuuon
uomposiuon ana -
fail attention
The subscriber is solicitous to secure a class
of young" Ladies.
The Bible is in dailf ne in the school.
For reference, the Principal takes pleasure
to refer to many of our citizens, both in and
around ihe place, who have had their children
and ward under his care. .
T-aifion. For Langnages fJlO. Higher Eng
lish 58. and common branches, (incinamg
Rpadins, Writing. Geography, Arithmetic,
n J it u'ia...rfrl stft nap aeasinn.
Grammar and II. 8. History') $8 per session,
Contingent expenses per W inter session, 60
,,. nrr scholar, extra.
No deduction except for sickness.
Sept. 15, 1854 PriBc?rtl
lomniAf h OHilTiOrS'
JIttllllllVlII IIUIJ VUlll Itl 3 .
VRE just rcetvinp their FALL SUPPLY
of tioo.N. t'.u uu Sli.
Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1S51
Cheaper than Ever!
l.-v f-.r
Full and Vi inter Afrit'! '-Veip Goodi!
Ili'UMl it. SE
MOaTrespcrtfully anni.unce tofnendi an 1
the public neuerally thai they ha.e j it
received a carefully sr'.ecie 1 stock if
URI (iUOUS, of e.e.y varietr, and at
prices lo suit customer-., embracing Lailies'
and t;eiitlemens dres-. e"ds. domestic, furn
ishinj go"d", g'ove. bosi-ry, trimrTiiis, ic.
r- , ' ' .-tt"? a fresh supply of the
b.-si iUjlui.-Vsiir.'' -t molaw-es. honey, Coilee,
te.is. spice-, tof.acco, sr; i-s, crSeScrs, ham.
cheese, lirit'J !V;:it.
HARDWARE a selected nock
of shovel- , spVe.s, (..rks, h .es, and a variety
' of c'ttlerv. carpen!'-'r s, tnasou s,
i '' r ,' , 1
an'l oiaen-
sill. .ii
, . ,t. .,,- r 1 - IT I
in Ibis market iron-stone. anile, china a:u
uhileaaie. also common tea-sells, Ac.
J I TS AND CAPS, of ail kmis au J at low
I All cf which have been Reeled ih Sa
. -.-. hv.i." l-n hou"hl t..rC.ifl Uieyare
j enab', lo sel, a, unusua.ly low rate ,. They
I . ......... ;..i!.--r
oi'eiii n uiiiieeessai iu j-u. .. . -.
' .mlirll.s evervthins likely to be called
I f r-ur..0sci-s will find 11 then dv.i.laje to
I -M.eU3acill. l'RODI'CE taken in exchange.
1 i,.( STci;r to rLLst.jl
Lewisbnrz, OcU So, 1S54
New Flriii-Osew Goods !
A new lirwm tmetpt titan .'"
by ray of Cattawissa Rti'iroad,
ONE cf the choicest and moat desirable
assortments of seasonable VKY AD
F.lXcV COUIJS ever rrou,'hl Ij this place,
and which th'-y oiler at an unusually small!
advance upon the urst cot. .
Old friends and new, and llie public tencr-
a'lv. are respectfully iuviled lo ca!: and see
for ihemselve".
IV. A full- assortment of HARDWARE.
al low prices.
Lewisburg, Oct. 2t, 154
Ui-tsolutlou. .
rpiIE Firm of L. IDDINGS A CO. has been
X Ibis day dissolved by the sale of ihe
iniere,ts of Samuel Oeddes and James S.
.Marsh, lo Aaron E. Wetzel..
Lewisburg. Oct. 9. ISM
THE subscribers have this day en'ered
into Pannership, to do a general Mer
cantile business, under the name of Inmscs
& Wr-Tim, and respectfully solicit th-; pat
ronage of their frieruls and the public.
Lewisburg, Oct. 9, ISat
r I
, AvTiHiiniuiiaiiun Liiie ui ,
n I. A mi !i M 1
MOST respectfully aunouuees to the trav- j
eling public that he is running a Daily !
Line of Coaches (Sundays excepted) hetvreen I
Leu isburg and Milt.in. i-eai'm the d'li'erent ;
Hotels in Lewisburg at about 3 o'clock A.M , j
arriving at Milton in time to laa'e the I hilad-
ephl!I nornlng'train ff cars leaving .Milton
for Lewisburg upon the arrival of Staaes from
Williamrpurt. Ahu. leave Lewisburs at 3, P.M.,
returning to l.eu-is'oir up-'n I lie arrival of the
Philadelphia evening tram. For lili.oiubiirg.
Caltau i.-.a, Danville, or Wi!liamsp..rt. this is
the cbeapcsi am! (,itio';et root". FurtS7 cts.
1'arKir.i.s safplv and carefully attended to.
LcwibiirK. Dec. 1, 1851
11 0 U T E .
r iT7-4irrj.ir;r i.ia ujv.. 7
ofex m Mil
8ilioursl)etveen l'liila lflphiaand !
AJ.l.nii F-irn t -.1) .
ON and after Mond iv. Spt. 25:h. and until j
Eitensmn to Wiliiamsport, Passcm-er i
s titensmn to miamsport, rasscm-er
Trams will be run every day (Sundays excep.
tet) as follows :
Leaving. Muion at 11,. M., connecting wun
Kaitroal at .'or
Philadelphia a , P.M.
Ueavoig Ph,tade!rh,a al
Milton at 4 30 P.M.
Reading Railroad al Port Clinton, arriving at
7.30 A.M.. arrive at
I A Freight train will leave Milton on Mondsy j
I Wednesday and Friday, and Poit Clinton on j
Tuesd.iy.Thnrsrtay and Saturday of each week- '
f reight is carrie.l to and Irom Philadelphia
without transhipment, from Reading Kailica-I;
Freight Depot corner of Hr..ad and Cherry S:s. .
T. M'KISSOC'K, . j
Oct. 11, 1S5I Superintendent. '
New ana Beautiful Fall Goods, i
TUST opening and entirely too busy to
enumerate articles but for quantity,'
quality, or low prices, call on . j
Oct. 4. J. HAYES CO. j
. . hsve received their ,
New Fall Goods,
which ihey are enabled ta dispose of rt.coM
moslv rsrap. Lewisburg, Oct 4, 1854
A ND JCE W F ISM. The partnership here-
Xx. tofore existing between Rtber it Vune, ;
was this day dissolved by mutual consent-!
1dVIUliruri lie. uif; Ul2i"airu ui iiiunvtraiii. j
ihe concern to Peter Harsh. Th. business j
will be coatinued at the old stand under the ;
n : i ni .1:- I -ru. . . . 1
Firm of Hunk 4; Vorse, who will be happy to
serve all the old customers and lots of new
Lewisburg, Sept. SO, 1854
JlUSMil 0 Un.lli. RLniLIi, i
for cutting both Grain anil Grass. '
MAUivrnv.i'nuw a.au awa aaic a. u
Lewisborg Foundry by
ItAfllTAUltKbU ana for sale a: ItS:
By Exprsi !
; t N
NOTHERlut of Fine Brucha cHJnlS
and Pafameita Cioths til au suaues, at
I ve,v lor prices, just led bf
Oct. j. u.i i .
Basic Mill.
j fy.WINO rebait:. in a manner .ti.Jareed
1 Jjl and impriveil, tiie hteani Grist M.ll j
recent. y l.st ny nie. ;:ie lunwnurii inwi
j fully mfi.rin Ibe public ;ht they are prepared
I ! do ail kinds of Custom work and pu. chase
1 Urain as beret., fere.
Lewi ibtlr;". Oct. SS. 154
CzpresH Office!
The rindi-rsisnel have been
Ayents ft HOWARD & -
KXPKOS l.f.NE. ar.J are now prepare.! to
f..rwar diitq, P.ic'.ta?es. -Sv-eie. Rj:k Notes I Iell.cuoa 0f he behold ai d C.lJJtial
&. to Pluiadelphia. New V-rk. Dostoa. Al-j Rnn
baiiv.Ualiifnore.and inte.mej.jte pi ints.also j Buur'3 , -
to the th.-r.jr:h-.-ra a:id E.isien. cit.es. now io u in our Academies sad Sckr-c!
Toe pj'jix are respectfuilv invited to pat- together with a gtod assoitnt ! ttfttlC"
ron ze the aliove line, a it is the quickest and i lifrj , etc.
safest ir'thol of tri-isin.tition between the ! T tie above got ds Tiave reen earefal'T sIe
c;i. and LeivisbtifS. ' i led and uiil It sold a: tty reduced pnc.es.
Packj'jes rece.ved tr or before 9 A M. will I The undersipned a!so ci t.tii.ues to n.ai u.i
arrive in Piiilaielph.a tiie same day, and be , lure Boe: and Sh. es of every descr ytitn u
Jt!.vere early in the f-!!ow.n! niurt.rig. j order. a::d from his 'ong X er.ei.ee S ! a
Receipts given for lime an t price. determination to pie r.o ef.ort or eipens tt
!!, ..'.; nt e tl A. .n.S...i:hTh:rdSt. n'.eL- he hfoes lu merit aud receive a Mtia.
Oct. SO, " THOItX I ON" & CO.
Uo wants a I'lilla. O.Uly parrT
ON and afier Nov. 1st. the uniersijned
will furnish subscribers willi any ot the
Phtla lelphta U.u.ies, en
same d;iv".i pi.bliltfej.
Vh .ever. itien. wi-hes t'..e cci, cm be
supplied by al once leavi.i? their names wita Uj (UU,(1, , .,.'. iu i vty.. A fiy
US. 7tws 5 c!. per Week 'l-r the 1 enny I put.i altli r.-.ri' rn.....-a m taaaa irL.j-a
capers) pavab'.eweelilv or mm'thlv in advance. . u. iai.oi.iean av.tuuaia or ...I not th. a..
el 11 v-f.iv A- -fi Ejriihiuaiwi.. lain..; iurt-ta"i il.al .a. a. ual.a ia-
I lt"K. HM v . y- kuaaad . I..aic l:i!..i. ..u artouut if lla J.M
ca.eorily aaj ku'.wo 'ilia. iu tJi trraui.; c f
Exet'lltOa 'N OtIt e. i le.ud Hi kujin aLCku. Lu ...UvMlua la
"VOTK'E is heiet v given that Letters Tes- . re..oin.-niii j it la ii tiji-.s; ::u.t tsiaa inu,.
i tamentary on the Es'ate of JOliN A. j ' U-""-
VANVAI.ZH, Esq., late ot Kelly Tp, Union ,0WEI, roMPtHIXT eurliv ItCWJtB'i BIACK
Co., dec' J. have been eranted to the under-, iJ tmEV K004. 'il .U.ie iuauotiua aaunda sia
si-nej I ; the Register of Union eour.tv in due aao.-t.-n, in i.a,i,.-r. :., r-, z t r - i;o.i 1 .-
J'" ..- , r ,, 1' , .. I , .aiol,"a ll knoaa aa liowaB-! CaKed hr t
form ol law ; therefore all persons indebted to kuaklwrty k.. ,.jarn: ;. tsa...! it to .. cn..
said Estate are requested lo ir.Ue im-necia'.e flima of ;..ii.uia .'.-j ::t. 1.:' .c n.j.:aibi a.ii
r., mnt an. I ihose tavinp anv iusl clzuns I f u lo ttia.ainjilnu (u. t.-talw.Bli., auto eaa..
ate also re.inested to present Ihem properly
EJlbeii'iCateJ K.rett.e;nenl.
ARBLE TARD.-The subscriber;
respectfully informs the public thai he.
a.sajs;r. ?aflw' ' ' -
- ami continues the .Marb'e uusmess at n:s . . , ,. , . . V, a .
I ..and ,n the upper end of Market street, in b MJrt - "d
j this Borough, where he is prepared lo mauu- th.e b"k cf ,he " at ""risburg. Ln.1
faclure : of good quamy and s'.rait giaited is wanud.
i Crave Stunts, Utntth, l'iaifitrms,SiiL,ic.
He bar a variety of Carved and Plain work
i ni,tt- finished, and leadv for lettering. ,
Persons desiring any article in his line of
business, are requestd to cail at his Yaro.as
he will ihere sell IST'ix) per ceoL cheaper than
can be bounht of persons going through ihe
country. All orders receive proinpt alien-
13. 1854
, Danville Hardware Store, .
VT which will be found a large and well
seleeted stock of
Hardware, Cutlery. leon,' Steel, Nails,
Carri.ige triiirinirs. Harness nioumaags.
Carpenters, Cabinet. makers' an' shoe
in.ikers Tools. Bool and h..e Fitidmg?,
Morocco. Kid, Linings, Fieneb Calf- .
skins. Cedar and Willow Ware, steel
Springs, A'.vtls Vice, Screw Plates,
screw Bellows, Builders Hardware of
every description. Venn anWinilow Eld
Shu ;ters.VindowSah,Silvci"pItl Ware.
Britlannia Waff. Guns. Po-tol-. fiee.d.
". Mant'ia ?oi Hemp k. pe. sp-m,
Lard, and Whale Oil. Tar, Window
tfp rits Turpepiipe . Pure White Lead,
W hite Zinc Paints, Hl-ike's Fire Proof
and a full assortment of nlier Pamr,
Wines and Liqu's at Wholesale and
Retail, Japan, Copal, and Coach Yar-
nisnrs. e. c.
All of which will be sold vervchran forc.tsh.
country produce, or f.oir months" approved
credit. J.O. KICHAKD-aON.
. at the signs f the Anvil and Saw.
Danville, Sept. 14. 1854 lylOt
. ;
DIMIPS Pumps : Pumps ! Well and
X . Cist. ru Pumps, Suction. Force and Chain,
me very best articles now in use.those wishmr
to purchase can be convinced of this fuct by
calling upon Henry R. N.dl, Eso.. I.ev. ibur".
The subscribe! has al-i on hard LEAD PIPE
from j to ij inches. . j.o, Richardson.
Danville Hardware St. rc, 3 tof.rs N.
of the Bank of Danville, tepr. 15, ISM. J
Ice Cream ana Eat ins Saloon,
CVner . Stamd and Market St.
lHavin rented the commodious sn l well
; abaaiiiited buildings a: the lower end of Market
j St. (.formerly the mansion of Wm.IIaj es.Esq.)
' '.he s ibscriher is prepared to entertain
i - STR.iycEKSAXD Travelers,
j Man and Beast, with lodging and loot bu
nut with intoxicating liquors. , - -!
- k7There is also attached au ICE CREAM
t Saloon for Ladies, and an EATING 8 A LOON
for Gentlemen.
11 i.avntri,ll. aA!i.i.a . P : . ' -. a -
;r;.h!..T "
I -O' '
- an pfPfprne
Le,i,bur, JJaih 30. J854 " a
"", r3
I OTIi;E.-AmilicatiimUI lie made
I IV. to the Rett Cegislnturt tn change the
nam of the -tatatisbiir i Savings Institution."
I located at I.ewiohnrg in the enimtr of Union,
i to r' THE LEWISBURG BANK." wuh One
Uundreo;ThonsandPollaraiiditunal capital.
an, authority to issne its own notes for cireu-
If ''I" : ""hiw ' prov.sionsnfthe Sener
banking law of this Commonwealth.
Uv order of the Directors:
H. P. BHELLER, Tpoesarer.
tewjsrjrf , Pi , Jane t, I6M
Baots and Booki at4
Shoes, stai;ciiy.
rflUE .sobser.Ur anaoonees to his fnectW
at. 1 loe public generally ibal be has
received tf,m Ph-'aie!pbia a !ar tLd
lent assortment uf
comprising eery kind aa anei tf Gca:!
nien'a Boots, Ca.rsrs, Mucrcei.Ties, SliyjM.,'
Lndxe Fini GaUtt ottt,
I Boikms, Jenny Linds, atd lies fct lt lali
aud m'.st approveJ sty;ss.
- Boot. tact Bot.ts.Ca
...d row worn !so a,eii:i
'jshkr-. rLosr. tss. JOliN HOltih'l t'X
Slav 15. I8J3
t'nireiniry 1Itdicinta.
farts aB Aoir Ctuii at T. TiKi'a TjsiO S'ataM
t rpfifc Cntvraitv r.f r. e W.die.na aed Pof cla Er.a
I -a- b-iriJ ti ii. s.l.l: f-f l'aiftTtiii. al la.
' l,t .-t"n .; iu. Apm
la.t o-t.n i ;. Hll. April. 3. u.ali.!l fr .ba .utyiait
j (' f!0"- III-".K- 'trtt-
i i.O. J. K. JaJsU.CB
I BrcrJaro?tliaTrU. J J.ho i.. aud. SI. n.
l k. ,lijc.
! I. Uocioi Orr,
! tCT k'. nn?9aiaiaf&t'nnat tM Ta tu :drwaaat Jcfcm
IUiaBd. H. I . isoa U rltuft.ACauai in ( avsk.
ait-i CrcatiticBtof tl UiHr.(f.
itum. Dirptiurjf ad jCatfv.Sa.lT 3otllScOtwlUU.
I'i.alMlljViltt... .
fera&ci jLi-a:y t tl. 5i&r of
W. X. A. U. TiiO.N -tfN CO . T. witlrf.
to LrnocKiicv.
"Vy ANTED 2'J to f o,SC 0 ;t icapia JJ fcy
'f . Ill
Lf-ott 1
I rroposais will Le rcci.vea till spi. 1 :r
; furntsbma ihe above.and yersins sendirg pr.
posils will s'ais the quaniuy and qaaljy t,! ill
different kinds they can lurnish.ard Ltn.
! Terms of payment cash en delivery asi
inspection.- . A.ioress (post-paid)
4S0 W.O. lilt K11K, llarnsburg, tm.
I - - . .
; of,WB,Kte j, ,1... wnn,,i nf,m
puui.c that tncy have Cued up a
fiiity iJprijislg fei eJciitii-lrwtttpiDtj.
J in the New Building over Dr.ThcrBton's Lm j
btore entrance at the Jirtt dour, up stairs
i where they are prepared to perfoiai any work
in their line in the best st;, !e of th: art. V
i can lake pictures at almost any hour in the
! day. Children taken as well as adults sad
I .T ' .
oilier pictures copiex
As we have now a perrnanr nt location fl'.isi?
op purposely and exclusively for Daguana-"
typing, we think we can render entire satis!ac:
lion, and respectfully under our services.
Lewisborg. Aug. 1, 18:3 J L. HAWS
JACOB DYJ:R. Cattawissa,
Aav Would inform his old friends ar.d ibe
itipttblic generally on the West and North!
Iii.ii.i h.that he continues to keep ibe &TJOE
HOTEL, in the center of ihe Town, ar.d askc
a fair share of pairor.ije. fept. 8
I)RESERV!NG and PicwTng JAKsjns' rcid
. and for sale at ihe .Vammoih Drn? Mote.'
JI'sT ree'd and for sale at the Mammoth
Dru S..re a larre snpp v ..f Dr. Green's
genuine BITTERS, f. rrii of 1'vs, PrSiS. etc."
Aug 10 Da. i IIOKNTON & CO.
Tllhocrapltir rrlntln Cffic:
J and a larce rit:antity ol P:C I I KES, fr
Framing, and tor Duua.g Ttai hers.
-K. vnr.KMAR.
W. W. Corner Fifth and Vsrkei Sis."
GERMAN and FRENCH Lar.gKaes. D.'aw
ir.s, r.i.ung. and Draughting, taigt.t Iv K-Y.
Lewi-nrg. Sept. I. lHj-t
"Small 1'rafts and ftii.i; Sale.'
JL take ihts method of inf. ruii.tg the
puWie that we have luted np the old
' where we woaM invite especial auec'.icn W
our slock ui , , , .
I I'Omestic ror.rs, .
! t.roerli and tinr,.
whirh can nrt fad to please, etrher in regsri
to price or i;ua!.:y. tlur g w!j iaTe tit)
boncht lo.- cash, g :hs lowest price, st.d wi'J
j be sold on cect'inme.'ariDg terM.
j CASil will be paid for ail kin:s of dt-alii
ar.d ihe very highest price j.-hI. tn loess, fui
piciy .'vsciirtimn Ol lA.THtlltr J rt,ciit,
Turtleville, May, !Sf4
- Bap of Uulcn Coctty.
VOW in curse ef prcpaiattcn. i M.'.P c:
1 Unian County, SO.b; 17 itches ir. si?e.
exhibiting all the principal a.rnntairs :id
streams, towrship a;id. bc.-i .-h I re. ri;.-."a,
and streNs, roi-p3iPrs.ehuri-f.is, mills ' '..i . I.
I houses. &.e Slc , with ihe prvputrd Dins q
(line. I: will be ssl.1 ai $M0 in plain style.
I.2S when cilo'rJ, J.-a u,:h n.os,n back a cat
roiatrs. i4 1.60 when mr-unted and frlr.red.
The (tibscr.uer atka :l.e loan of drafts. Ae .'
as he is desirors ol" makipr a crrrect, bird
some. d useful trnp; and asks ike patrra
age of lie public ;er,rrtly-- -
Lewisburg. May 19. X3&4.
Dr. Jacob Horlaclier.
BOTAXIC .PBTMCIAJf. sriMf r'riiterT',
bis health, has resumed hi rracitr ft
ihe healmarl. His.nperirr AI VP iaatilf
in great dexand, ,ad .l .drrs srrlifd '
esual. New Berlin JrTy t, S
CHOOL OSDEKB mi'y rrr'reJ iSikf
aa:r v. ret cijrr-isii ca:
i .