LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. A Right Hiaiir, Bidly Iars;ti "Thank joa, I don't care if I da," said fast ' yonng man, with a largs pressed '" brick in Lit bat, as h surged up to t.e Indian, that alaoda io Croat of Van Cult's tobacco store io Broadway with a bo neb of cut iron cigar in bis baod. '. ftj take - one, I smoke sometimes," sad be reached out to take the proffered weed, bat the In dian wouldn't give it up." He buag on to the cigars like grim death. "Look here old Copperhead,'' said the fast young ' man, "none of that, no tricks Upon trave llers, or there'll be a, muss, you anl I'll fall oaf, somebody'll get a runeh on the heid." The Iodian said aerer a word, hat hod on to the cast iron cigars. lie was calm, -dignified, unmoved as an Indian should be, looking his assailant straight in the . face, aad no muscle moving a single hair. '-Ye ! yes ! Look at me, old foatherhead! ' I'm one of 'tm,Vw around,I'm full weight, potato meaure,heapcd up," and be placed himself in a position, threw back his coat, and squared off for a fight. All the time the Indian said never a word, looked with out the least alarm nnwinkingly straight ' into the face of the fast young man, still holding out the cigars in a mighty friend Jy sort of a way. The young man was plucky, and just in a eodition to resent any kind of an insult, or no kind of insu!t ml all. He was ready to "go in," bat the calmness and irapertuaability of the In dian rather cowed him,and be was disposed to reason tbe matter. "I'll take one," aaid he, -'oertaioly : I said so before." I freoic to a good cigar, I'm one of the smokers. My father was one of the smokers, he was, one of tbe old Svrt, I m edition number two revised and corrector! with ntcfr author's band writ ing on the title pae.a ij copyright secured. Yes, r II take one. All right, old red skin, I'll take one." Bat tbe Indian said not a word, all tbe time looking straight in the face of the fist young man, and holding on to tbe cigars. ' "Look bere,old gi toilet eye, I'm gttiog riled, my back's coming up, and yon and 111 have a tarn, smell of that, old copperhead," and he thrust his fiat under tbe nose of the east iron Indi an, who said not word, moved not a 'muscle, but kept right on,lookfog straight into the face of tbe fast yoang man, as if not caring a fig for bis threats or taking in at all the odor of tbe fiat "Very well," said the fast yoang mar, 'I'm agreeable, I'm around, look to your ugly mag, old pumpkin-head," and ' he let go a right bander, square against the nose of the cast iron Indian, who nev-r moved an iueb, nor stirred a muscle, look jug with calm, unchanged dignity as be-j fare, in the face of his enemy. "Hallo," cried tbe fast young man, in utter bewil- j ferment, as be reeled back half way across the side walk, with the blood dripping 1 from his skiuncd knuckles, "Hollo ! here's a go, here's an eye-opener, here's a thing to bant fir round a corner. I'm satisfied, old iron face, I am. Enough said between gentlemen. ' Just then he caught sight of the toma hawk and scalping knife i tbe belt of the savag) and his hair began to rise. Tbe Indian seemed to be making up hit mind' V tue tbero. "II )1 J on," cried the fast yoang man, as be dodged round the awn ing post "Hold on, none of that I'll avolosnie I squat, I knock nndcr. Hold in, I say," ho continued, as the Indian seemed to scowl witb peculiar fierccne?, "Hold On I " Very well, I'm off ; business down the street; people at borne waiting for ms : can't stav." And be bolted like 1 a quartet horse down Broadway,' and his ery of "hold on" died away as be vanished beyond the lamp-lights up Columbia street. Wise Con fa b. The day after the Election, four New Yorkers met, and con-1 f.rre'l together ia this wise : "Hello !" 'ITcllo bacV aytin." - "Who'd yoa vote for V "Cirrnn II. Mark, and be hanged to jon! Who'd you otc f r ?" "Soratio Hejmour, the hop growers' fa Torite 7 didn't rate neither of 'em." Who diil you evt your illainanable eufTerini for !" "For Brecne C. Gronson, and hard times!." 'You were all fools, I say H -Yo do ?" . "Ya-a. dr "Why ? "Bcciuia yott all rotod wrong, tbit's aur Wrong f "Yes, wrong r "How did yoa rote, Mr. Wiseman "I roted the Hindoo Pagaa Aaiatie Hail Columbia Ticket myself. I voted for Aniel Dallmaa, aad the Goddess of Liber ty. ThaCt the Ticket ! Hail Columbia and the Coeti Ratio T And the four worthies went their ways, each satisfied with, what he had done Mb, Keg. , , " Pcaa Bbasdt." Since the French. Gorcrnment hare f orbiiJen tbe distillation of cereals, a very actire expert demand has sprang-up ia New York, raw wkiJery na.eotnnvm rum, and nnees hare material. -t Jy advanced, with uxjp freight engage- raents for France. Woea it- ootnes biek . i . . . .. .... uu. v .W6i..,.OT.u.r ; " stt:!'; ! 2', or prio. Cheap Saddle and llarueaa Itanuracforif. The subscriber, thank ful for favors hitherto aatiSMfeT invite the pwblic to call aad price his work, as he is confidant they will reader entire satisfaction even to the most diffident customers. Constantly on hand, or made to order, all kinds of SADDLES. HAKSESS, Bridkt, CW In, U'siM, Trunk. Vuliea, Carpet Jays, 4-- AIo tbe cheapest and best assortment of Worsted, Linen, and Cotton FLY NETS to be found in town, at prices ranging from Sl.tS to 51.50 per single net, also leather rly Acts of different styles and prices. The above articles will be sold cheap for cash or country Produce. All kinds of REPAIRING done at short no tice, cheap, and in the most durable manner. The citizens of Lewisburg and the surroua cing country, are solicited to extend a fair portion of their patronage. W A NTED 100 cords, of Wood in exchange for work, also 10 tons of Hay wauled at mar ket prices. t-irghnp in Beaver's new brick block.Tbird and Market, 4th door from corner. P. H. BEAVER. Lewisburs, June 30, 18M Almanac for 1854. ass ; s 2 - j 4 1 2 7 s 14 IS 1 11 It JJ aui jo 4 s s II 1'2 13 It. 19 20 2ii6it 12S 6 9 19 16 1 17 tl It 24 a jo ,:i 13 14 1$ JO il it C, iS 2S 5 4 S Wll It 17 IS 1 24 -5 it 1 2 S s 9 ie 15 l 17 tl 23 24 2331 H i ! 5 M V ?! a! ! , I I 1 1 ! ti s i a !tO!ll 12 I.1IU 116 7iol Z iii;tiilUjb itiat i3iti!ii2ai5ijmi-j is 31 w ?' 4 3 ' t lo ll!li ts;w s; loll- IBtIS) S14I M .-1 SS 11 V 31 41 m el 7: 9:10 tlltS s 7 b i3'i4:ts i:i7.is; nf M.ll2i'j3r.'4;i5 10 13 14 e it a7jSH!anaoisi ij 3 41 9 10 11I2)U U 0 in;ii I 1718 l;J0Jll 5- t J sj ft J s si siio'ifti'i ft la r-i3 17:11 '.'41 21 so, 31 a. 1 T- 14: B lo: 11 lT,t-i. lyi.-O s i 16 wf ij.il li'ii a. 27 . I 1 l! 3 48 7 S ! I 7 B ;U 14 tills 17! S is'ai SITU it 13 14 A IS 1 JOjM. LefTlnbars; Savings Ittstlfntlem, IS now open and ready to do business. The regular Discount days are Wednesdays. The following named persons are the DiDccToa William CiMtaax, Esq. Mr. JiwsMS Wills. Mr. Bum Amvok. Mr. Jinn M'CaciaaT. Mr. Tuoha Hist. Mr. Wiun Fuel. Fk'k C. MnvK. Esq. OrrtCEB WILLIAM CAMERON, President. - H. P. SHELLER, Trtaturtr. Four percent, per annum will be allowed on all deposits over six months; aad three pet cent, less than six and overthree monlhs. H. P. SHELLER, Treasurer. Lewisbnrg. Sept. 19, 16S3 Winfield Woolen Factory, Sear Hartleton, I'nion County. rilHlSestabhshment is now in the best order- The machinery being nearly all new. and none but ihe best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels safe in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establish ment in ihisor the adjoining counties. His wagons will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronize his establishment, will please avail themselves of that opportu- i nitv- 17 I have also on hand, and intend keep in? a choice assortment of Cioodw. such as C..M. Satinetl; Cathmere, Tweed; HlankcU, Yam. r.. which I will sell low for cash, or exchange for Wool and Conniry Produce gen- erally. nsiuinAbrriiiini Hartleton, April 12, 1853 tf MEYER'S Pianos. The subscriber has been appointed Agent for the sale of Mfyer's celebrated Pianos. C.Mejrer ree'd Ihe Prize Medal at the World' Fair, when he wa in competition with the most celebrated milters of Europe and America. Hi instru ment are nniversalljr known to eicel all oth er for exquisite tone and durability. Those wishing to purchase a Piano that will last for manr vears and eive perfect satisfaeiion, will call and examine one of hi bet 7-oei-ow- wood inwrnmem. at J. L. ODER s Oct. 12. 18 3t Lewisburg. Call and Try A NEW STOCK IN TRADE.. The subscribers having formed a co-partnership in business, now offer to old friends and the public, at the late tand of 8. F. Lvntfirtf.on Madta street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot at J3oot0 and S&orff for Men and Boys ever offered ia Lewiskarr A Splendid Lot of GUM SHOES. - Also all kinds of iL&SS' Gaiters. half-Gaiters, etc. Children's Shoes nf all styles and sixes. Work made lo order Mending as nnal. At we are both known a practical shoe makers and experienced workmen, we solicit sea- of the public patronage and will try to merit it. S. . SllTer. Lewisbnrg, May, 18S4 Notice. LETTERS Testamentary cm the Estate of . WILLIAM A. PATTERSON, late ef Kelly township. deceased, baring been rssaed to the subscribers by the Register of Will of Umoa connty, all persons indebted la sain estate are requested to make paynMirMBd all persons having claims to preer them, prop erly authenticated, for settlement. THOMAS COMLT.I-. THOMAS HAYES. J JnW 11. 1M w NOTP'K Having been appointed tbe 8EXT0X to ihe Lewisbnrc Ccmeterr. the subscriber would stale thai he is prepared ! "F !"""!c,"ru"" 01 ine neaa,on snon ooiicw. aio tnat nc win attend to the re-interment ef deceased persons, I ndr the a'""" f " sarviving friends. Residence in the Lodge at the Gate of the Cemeterr. GEORGE DOIf.VCHY. j Lewisbnrj, Mar 90, 1BA4 4 Mtfraphlng new Rata Table. Lewieburv. uftua. front . an. until It w. Mi awl frees Vi U 7, -from Leuitbury to Harrisbnrr $0,33 Berwick 0,19 Dauphin - 3 Bloomsburg Cattawtssa Danville Chapman Carbondale Duumore Hyde Park, Wilkesbarre Ptymcuth Bloomsburg Danville Sunbary M'Ewensville Witliamsport Lock Haven 17 j 17 15 I 20 'Junction Liverpool M'Keea ) faUs 8elinsgrove Providence 8cranloa Pittston " Kingston Northumberland Milion Money Jersey 8hor Mill Hall Milesburg 13 St 21 to IS ti SI 20 Ift 13 IS 17 18 20 26 18 15 15 15 17 IB 20 Bellefonte 21 Beech Creek For every additional word 1 cent to all sta lions oo tbi line. Philadelphia. 4f 2) Baltimore 82(4) Not now in operation. 17A1I other stations west and south of Philadelphia, rate increased 9 cents. HENRY C. 111CKOK, ttornri) at faro, Ieiwltbars;, I'nion Connty, Pa. EKecnlorn' Police. NOTICE is hereby given lhal letter Tes tamentary on tbe Esiaie of WILLIAM ARMS I'RONG. late of the Borough of Lewis burg, deceased, have been granted lo Joaa W. Elliott and Wa. H. Akxstboxo. All per sons iudebied lo said etate are requested lo make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present ihem duly authenticated for settlement lo W. H. ARMSTRONG. Acting Ex'r. LewUhnrr. Oct. 2S. 1854 Instalment OJfice StuqnehuHna Jimlrnad Company, J IlAaaisacan, Jan. 20, 1854. rpHE STOCKHOLDERS of this Company X are hereby notified that the Sceond Instalment of Five Dollars) per Share is called in. payable on or before the 8ih of February next ; and an instalment of like amount payable on or before Ihe 10th day of each month thereafter, until the whole is paid in, to wit, ihe 10th of October next by those residing in Baltimore at Union Bank nf Maryland ; Dauphin county Bank of Middletown ; Nortbuiuberl'd couuly Bank of NorthumblJ; Union county Lewisburg savings Institution. By order. ROB. 8. HOl.I.IXS. Treasurer. HOMtZOPATHIC MEDICINES PREPARED by Rodemacher & Sheep, Apothecaries to the Hotnceopaihic Dis pensary, No. 239 Arch street, Philadelphia, constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale and retail.in Lewisburg. at the Drns Store of Oct.2i.'S3 Ha. T. A. H. THORNTON. New Berlin Hotel. Reports having been extensively circulated through the county that I am not prepared lo entertain my guests, I beg leave to assure my friends that I am weUnippUtd with the best tfte market affords, as well as house room, and stabling, and can accommodate nil who wilt be kind enough to favor me with their custom. I hone that misrepresentation anil petty ivrse- eutions will not drive ur friends off. without first giving me a trial DA ID II L UK. New Berlin. May 8, 1854 CLOCKS all kinds of 8-day and 30-hour Brasn Clocks and patent lever time-pieces. Brass 8-day clocks at $J, brass 30-hour clocks as low as $1. All clocks warranted for one year at J. L. VODER'S eheap Cluck, Welch and Jewelry Store. opposite Iddmgs & Co.'s, Lewisl.nrg. w ATCHES-Uold and Bilrer Levers, Lepines. and erpe. Unlit atcneti . from $25 to $100, at J. L. i ODER S cheap Watch and Jewelry store. EWELRY of the latest pattern of all qual ities for ale at the lowest City prices by j. l. Voder. S ILVER WARE Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt ! and Mustard Sooons. silver warranted enua to com. surer tea spoons irom -js nnirards. no charse for Ensrarins. at J.-L-YODER'S. OLD CHAINS Ladies' Chatelain. Gold 1 1 Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, from $10 toW at - J. L. YODER'8. SPECTACLES Gold. Silver, Plated, and Sieel, suitable for all ases. All kinds of Glasses put to Spectacles at the shortest note. Particular attention paid lo fittine; Glasses for weak eye. J L. VODER. PLATED WARE Cake and card Baskets, Table Forks, Spoons and Duller Knives, 'P ........... . il ... ...il . . n ,,m Kcl (.rmnn i etve satisfaction. All kinds nf Kncrat ine at the shortest notice at i. L. VODER'S. OLD PENS all prices.in G..ld and Silver I T Holders, and without h Ider. for sale cheap al J. ! YODER'n. Life Insarance Companies ! London Satiimal Zovn Fund, (56 Cornhill, London : 71 Wall St. N York) I "Capital $3,&t)ti,i00 lna Life Insurance Company, (Hartford. Conn.) tSTAnnoity Fund $190,000 Keyttane Mutual, (Harrisburg. Pa.) (7"Capital $130,000 TJDQCTES in the above Companies can be l7 obtained, on reasonable terms, by appli cation to the subscriber. California risks. 3 to 4 per cent extra. Feb. 19 H. C. HICKOR, LtwUhurg. Wtn aieval. PWIXEGARDEN has re-moved from a "way np town" back to the new build ing at the old head quarters, in Market street. immediately under the Chronicle " and Tele-1 graph office, where- ke will be happy tu smoke' and chew" his friends and cus tomer, ia good style and qoarir at moderate cash rales. " Lewiaborg, Oct. 14, 1853r - - - MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING. lliTLT RXPEDITIOCSLT AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE LcTrisburp;. "H."(EKffai.T 8 arc eon Dentist, A T hi Rdrse. Sooth Third 8l.iornT AJL. anno Board walk'. LRWtSHVKa. set I TWEEDS of apwrioTforo.for sal at th , - Jar nieIaa!Se f eta stogie. 0 per Ju HAUKISBLTUP B1NDI RY. J. J.CIjde II F. V. Ilulter,. Tmni i ill ir O. ll.clok 4t V: Book Bisdcks and Stationers, asd Blank. Book. MANi'FAcriutita, ll'irrixbHry, fa. MOST respectfully inform theirfriend that thev are t neaeed in tbe above business : Lr" directly ippite Herr's HoteLJ They m nailer inrmseivrs, uj micihi . : business, lo receive a continuance of the pat n j ronage o liberally enjoyed by the old firm. DLtAiJL 0t;una nr uauut vm..-, Merchauis, and private individuals, and every variety of full and half-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books, Periodicals-. Magazines, Law Books, Newspa pers, Bibles. Music, works issued in Nos., 4c bonnd. in any style, plain or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. Please crive us a call. C. & If. EFBooks dee. to be bound may be left with ,Be Edlor of ne Chronicle. 609 THEO. S. CHRIST, Whoteaal aad Satail DRUGGIST, , Mlininburs, Cnlon County, Pa. HAVING purchased Ihe entire Drng Siore formerly kept by T J. EJIioti, dee'd, I now ofT-r to my friends and the public in gen eral a fresh and pure lot of 3)ructs. Gluhiicals an3 2i-Sliiff. Also Paints, Oils, tilasa. Puny anj Patenfl Medicines. BruheandComb of every variety. A fine assortment of JEW ELRY, such as Watches eo!d and silver Pencils Ear and Fia ger Rings, Breast Pins. &c. &c. Cardsfn velopes. Note - and Letter Paper. RnnvM and ItrfiiniTT. All kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil, Pine Oil , I tnd Burning Fluid. Liquors of all kinds, for! medicinal purpose ViorTns, r lutes and Ar.i conleons. Nuis, Fruits and Coi.fectionerv and in faci.almost anvlhing in the war of No tions and (iener.il Varieties. Call and exam ine foi yourselves. I charge noihin? fur look., ing. THKO.S. CHRIST. Mifllinburg, Pa, Jan. 2, 1851 ly Tbe renowned Remedy.' HO LLP WAY'S OINTMENT Thin (xfraordinarj Coj(iirl t opowd of the mmt btMliujC ttalMuirt, ni wltf omI In acunisiic with th- tliros-tMHi which nccu-npmoy ech ewt, will lifurt cam when all chIht mtrnn hiil. Cm at the wwt 4-ppv-r.l tkin n-dily y-U to it rfflrttry. It i IWsMmAwheti mml in eauf lioaCKbeumatUin, Contntcitxi or Stiff Joi-1-. In ActhBUW U will do wosden tf rMJ into Um Cht. Most astonishing Cure of Scrofulous Ulcers, certified by the Mayor of Boston. (Eng.) Gp9 of letter from X .V'tV. Eq.t M'yor of Auto. T PROtitsaoK IlottowAi Utsir Sir : Mr. Sarah Dixon or titiuorKinl tr-t. kio-ton. ha ihii Aj i-tftore Qf that for acour-iJernt.lf ptrioJ i"hBiris r-Ti-relT Ultru-il with K-ritultiun rvon-n nnl u!c T In (it irm. -t !. antl othr (iurt of h.-r body; !! UIiou-lt tltv flr-t f tnt-dical ttr wan htniiiirtl. at lli ciM't of a 'mrjr.r um nf oioi-. y, 1m; ctia.B d tu avbuttuwut vt BUlfvrin, but gradually itrew womr. Itrinje iwimtndxl t y a friend to try vonr Ointment. li procurrd a Pitta II t. ad box of Ihe Till, aad vforr that was all tiMxJ. ympt'Mtt of aurwdiwi.l aira-r-d. Ity arvi Insr with the mvUUimn lor a fhnrt tinia ionffr rc-rdinff U th dirr-rtlonn. aud rtrictty adhi-riiift to your rle aa ia dkt. te . h waa iwifectly cured. at.d nowenj" tbe brstol Irtmlth. I rcu..tin. dear ir. t)4Wd Auk 12, l&JX (Mgnrd) J. NOBLE. Extraordinary iil rapid Cure of Kr)iiolas in the Iegv after medical aid had failed. Letttr frnm Mr.KIihrth Y$9fthm Pi-t OUrt. Atdwiek A'nuf, war iiwnr. .nmsjx. dalt Jjn !!. 13. " S'yLSiT-MTS ,Ktu ulrd ia my ,,s. and rerf.titi it mrJirat tn-at- imt. MyMiftVnns.war-- vvrr rrrtit.iul iqu.tuar-l'airru f any MfrmaDrirt amrw-laa -nt. wbn t ana aJvia. d t biirmvurw tuyuurOintment anU rilla. I didaowitbaiit dalar, and am h.'P b j the reault waa raiinr.ll; ararwful, fc.r th.-). alTrdrd a radiral eura ul mr Irg nJ r-it.rr4l lar to ttMf enjt.vlMrlit of health. 1 hah erer irpak witb tlw utmn.t crndrn of your mrdiciajra, and har rvcommrnaad thraa lo ninera in mi ancuuwww aimliarty .ra.ru-d, win. drri.rd ptret brnrat. " .' ry."n: (isnrd) ELUAUKTII i KATES. The Pill. .b.uM br ward rnnjoialfy wSS tbe tM.ilaa. at la moat of the following eaara Bad I .era CtHbl.ioe. Hau Urvaats ClwT -d llurna llnnda nnuiona CornrCaoft) llitre of Moa- t'aneera ehrtnra and Contrartrd SamlHUra and SUB Fltulaa Sore Tbroata ttonl Skin Uiavaacl Glandwrar Scuray fwelliuf Sora llirawa Lnubagw Tuaaora Filra Vlrera KbromatUai Wound Corn-Bar Jointa cVwI.la Saw Chtrru.ftwt Eh-nhantiasis Sore Nip). Ira Ir e. Sold at tbe (UUMt-haarrit of PridV-... r Itoi lovat. 214, Strand. (nearTrmptr Uar. Lnodon), and Ml Maiden Lane in New York. Ordrra lor Mtirin.-a in thrStatea.a.ldrer.rd -r Maara. Awi f.fwill rrreirrdueatlratli.n. Mil ali brail rrrprrtaMe IH-umtirta awl dvaL-r-in Me.li.inra throilirhoutthatnitrd etatra.in Pola at 'Si U rla s; rlr. d At. a rarb. Wboleaale by tbe urinripal uruj uouaea in ihr Union. X.K. Uin-rtina r.r Ibr runlance ol paiienin in areTj dlaordrrarafll.d tnrarh l'"t 'lvM4 8..I.I by Dr. KEMPER, Mifltinburg The Old aiammolb DRUQ AlwU CHEMICAL EHF0RIU1II RFTQPEXEky. Dr. THOK.VroS & ., Wlutleuile & R'ttiil Druipjittn, LetciJinrg, U. , . . ,rri. I large and well selected stuck nf fre.-h urugs. AirutciDes, Liiemicais. ground pices, (pure.) Uyr-SlufTs, Brushes, Combs. Perfume ry, Buaps. fancy lotio:K, rratt.iunfeeiKinery, lloolcs Stationery, and a variety tif articles too numerous to mentinn. Give us a call and ioitze for rourselvss we charge nothing for limltifi: Remember the Mammoth Drug Store f Dai T. A. H.THORNTON CO. fr. alffff miis' Klixir IS Ihe only medicine capable of cering the HCad-Ache, in half an hour. For merly, several days were requited to reliev this rtiMressingr jrain ; whilst now Ihe use of the Elixir will, in a few moments, remove it entirely. Although bur lately introduced to puMiciiotice,ihis woarjerfal preparaiioncounts ih.iusamls of advocates. It is very beneficial in Cold and Conchs, checking the most ob linate fit ofcousning in a mtnule or two. It isan invaluable Faaiily Medicine in all n.ilen aliacfcs of sickness. A single trial will be a satisfactory evidence of its rflicact . Price 25 cts. per botlle. Prepared onlv br' . . THOMAS ST. PRICHA11D, 118 Catharine street, Philadelphia. lXt JJARZBJl CO.Le.Lbar. . I. libKUAKT. SrUoaajDra. w Seknae. FeteT lleraaan, m. Pleaaaat. - Soeer Bas.ler,O.S r. C Mnnr, Frnbaff. I. B. 1 H. S. Voyer. fawaa TX Road. Walter, Barton a Co., WraSall Bavwm 1 Bililfb, TarCsatUa. Ml Dr. John Locke SURGEON DENTIST, OFFICE removed to NORTH THIRD street, Lewisburg. Lewisburg, Nov. I, 185 ProcLmution to the Citizent of Mlfflllnbur g and Vicinity. ra'.vtrmaohtr' Hrdro-BtMtrtc Vallate CkalB, CONSTRUCTED to be worn next lo the skin, pnlucoing a constant current of electro magnetism, effecting immtdiutt relief front all aeule paint, and a Permanent Care of all Neuraljic Dueatet. PULVERMACHER3 ELECTRIC CHAINS War. IM U In rr.D,:hree jart n.for I. cur. of o-rti d.n-,Kl fu:r buj obtuittl to tin thor..' tri.l ia .mj ho.uti.1 ia Ifmtu y "w . l.mrnjd M IO city, tlwy ROll"l On'-nimoot of fruiM, whicli mntol a paUbt ' 4iMo.r. During iba m 2jl-i, thy f a lutraaucoa la Uarmaajr. Auftria, Hraats nj Koglanri, ol onoraa atoca iatroJaocd ami pataotad b tha U. S. Ooaaraasaat. kansaUam. Sl.VitiW Daoea, Fajoful aotl Si-tlnl Jotnta, rlitlion ol the Heart, Neuraltia of lb rca, Periodiral llraxlacha WliinK BLoloao, Paint from loaigaalloa, Uralirlca, Di.pap.la, Vuriaa Palua, ry Dueau, mllM .momt, l (ileW aoil rapidly eoitd, bj riajplj waarinf tba Chain (or a few boo. aaoh day. Th. Chain, ware rt IntTOlncei ta the eHy of Raw T.k.haa' th -y wera albibitad to Pr.h. Valeulina Mott, Van Burro Pol, Ciwoueliaa, who reajitj diseOTerad that they poatcaanl . grange and SfftJgr 1wrt of IJlSTAStLf HKLIUVIXO PAIKS, whaorat-r applitJ. and by thfir rvromm.n.lation and In Sumo ihr tutrjdurod int ibx diOerant hoapitala a V.irk. and are na in daHT a-e in thoaa lottita- Uona in tha treatment of tba eura of lb abnaa-aaaacS No Oilier Medical Airent In tb w rll can produr ao many arall aathenikatrd aarlifiVatr urciirr frmo .-irnlltte lbv.ieiatia and intrlli Krnt I'atirnti aa may br I oml in each pamphlrf. which my he ibuiiiil ttfrHli-l at III- lruu Slora of Tliw S. CHitMT. abui- fmlrMCaiufirMifilinkiiritamlrii'ralty.aDd who w.ll cxplttln tba ojoiinar of oae to any one who may pplr. In the rifr of Srw York, at tha Oenaral Ofllrw. 668 Rrs-lwar. Iharr arr d iil hrinu ai.ld fnito 40 loftO chaii.i and tlir -air and d-mawf in Bn.tn i. a- groat in propor tion to th. population, although tbry bare only been ia trndiKr! Ililr-moiilha. O Tha I'haia. arv t-ailv worn. and arerawaltv applk-abla I fan .11 rU.a-. nf urr-ou. tbr rhild aa well aa lha adult. ami arralw.yarmd f to wrrr crt out of rp--lrad a. nui-h an arttcla of oriiRmvnt as to.iy arc ol a valuaoia BK.m of rare. "I'Im- Chain, enn or wnt br ronll to aar part of tba TJ-Stat-., an I ran b- nluin-d tu all tlir prU.cipal eittra to IhrUnwiu. I'hv.ieian.aren-fio-au-d tnriaminrth.nl. Caalt 1 Lwiw. I.adie. a h- arr aaeirnfe an-reqn-rtrd not t'. u-r tlim only for a frw mom.-i.t- at aarh timr of .p;y:ntf. f.r by lon eontinurd u, miaearriace i fea qorully prodw-rd. Jo-r.r. T. linr. Orri kZ'-M. SC Broarfwar. JTrw York. THEO. . CHRIST, Agent. Mifflinbnrg. Iy5iZ.18J Union Co. Pa. ciai-vrox WELCH. Altornew ( Law, LEWISBURG, Union Co., Pa. Vtj0i tcz on S. Second St. near Market. Refers to Uon. Jamet Bmrntide,Biifotile, itl. Mmet I. iluU, f. C. ItumtM a- Co., da Uon. Ai'rtkum S iriraaj. Lewutewn, w. A.Jied. n6arw. limn, Hmtih d O., J'aiaaklj.iaaa. Lrwilkuri, April XI, It-Si. Lightning Rods. AFTLK many yrar" cKwe inveriigalian snd numerous esprrimenu. the Patrmee lakes (th aaure in iiifoiraing the public that bo baa Siiiaed at the line principl ul pioteciing laniilira. dwelbiig aod property Irom ibcdeatruciiae tnllu t.cc ol LIGHTNING. The calamities lhal every City. Tuu, illage and Country fall varum lo annually, th.o' tbe groa nrglii;euee of ita inbai-iwiii, I- beyond ealculnion, aaprcially hen Ihe lemedy i o easy lo obtain tbi i found in AEMITAGE'S Piitrnt illiiqnctic ijl)tnina Boots, nd in tin. alone Tliia U.mI has bit u eiauin.e.l li) Ibv m.t -ririiiilir g ntleuM-n in tbe wotlJ I'rolraaora M'.Muiirie, Joiiuron,Wa!lor snd many Ibera that have esamined them, recommend and apraltof l hem in the hiphert leime of p'robtion. aod ha .ruoouuceU item tha only aale rod id uae in thia.ir any other count, j for tbe protection ol Lives and Property. One advantage ia lo divide nd throw, hark a part of the el. cine fluid harmlraa to the cl.md ; in lime ol a stroke thia enables tbe rod lo ronduci thai portion of fluid that belonea lo Ibe earth without ihe alishle-t daneer of lea ving the conductor. Tbi rod has many other dcant..gf- ovel tbe old one. Tbe only place ol manufacturinc is in l ine St. 3 dors abate 1". Philadelphia. wh. re all perton are rcapectlull invited lo call and eiamine for them-elvr. For aale Wholesale I or Retail by THO'3 ARMITAGE. Order promptly attended to. Tern. a cash. These rods bare been purchased and curcesi lully used by Ihe tnllov ins individuals, eonipsnie and cnrp.iratioua, vhoe name are cheertully submitted : In mud 'ar 7..7rfW W A. k 9. RcrWrU. Qit& SftuUiovr, JuJck Utifiir, Jadicr Oil-wl. J. lulluril, Jobn ll-'in-", i C. t'lttnlry, J. Utvont-r, U. IhUlt-v, isjinul IntrMl, the Ulorklrj Almnbou, Amltrn-nai k BrotHr, Krv.J. 1.. raut, Juha Not iun a. Thou. i.roTcr, lUtr k noon, A. M. liinkera, II. imux n, Tho. ott k Co., Mr. Downing, J. Wrri, J. W.Wton, I', llumplirr jw. J. KtplrT Co., J. Ny mam. Hartm. J. Vtruthir. I. Fa. fr, Mr. hrj'Ies, Mr. Jrhrtio ti. DnrbtVy, J- BnokWy, Mr. Ia"-on, lr. Paul. 0. II. I'uwrrs k t o., J. W tnc'niiT, II. 51ill. r. lb- K.ti Hank U-.h-l, the U. 8. Annual, tbe imnn isarOt-n CigumiMiinr IUII. fn th' &"tr of Arm Jrnry. lirwrB Criipto. Jivl-e M'l -ll. JuH lMi.ni. Jt.liu .N. tniviD. lr. U. M Munm-, Brnj. UubrrlA, Mr. J. IWttintf. .v vmmx coryrr. ftitrtlty Tp.MutV llalfffiitty. Wm. Jintr. JohnlHns, lt iirl IVtt-rm Jarob Mvii!, Davnl Vilmftn, KruN-u Mracb, (.rnricfs KU-rknttr. JVe-ar Martin Cotirt IIate. anii iinMaW . trm.-e. LetmUiX-um it-juiin l(bcr- Fminm Trltr. rharb-a Wil)w. Hbiajtiaj 7 -J-.hn Knnls. hiavw Kuulx. law Tf Zwac Uvwldroa. H'kile Dt'r Ty. Michael Hoffman. BECOMMEyDA TWSS. I'muna., Anr.13. 1UT. I have tbi day carefully tusiretod a onniturtur or l.ichtninn KM, with ranr and iit'trx. errrlrd by Mr. Tboiuae Araiitaur. on St ltarue llowar. OI.Hare.trr. and ware uu b.-aiUUon in ra inn tbat it la not only Um brat 1 Rare rrrr M-rn, but ll.ut II ta tile only one have yrt examined tl.at i r..ntrurlrd oa rtrii-lly Mnenliltr .rlnrl nlr.. It ia w.lh aia.-b .teaure that 1 rrromrnrod bit conductor to tbe ailrutiuu ul owners of bu.Minir.. U. JltMUUIlUE. I am well satiafird ttlat tbe Vatnrtbt Lih'btairre Kod, manufarlur. d l Mr. TlH.mi.a Ariuita-e, of 1'l.itailelpbis, ta Ibe l-eat lhal barrier bera made. 1 havrapewt eeveral year ia tbe rlir'y of the kiw. td etrrtrinc, and w-tgnrt-i.ai. and have no h.iuti.m in aa iuj: ihat tbrae Kod ara eonrlrurlrd uiioo tlir only i.rinrti.U'.'f a.itrty. Tli. electric ahi.-k ia rre. ivrd and diai--rrei by the snacm-t at ti.v t.p of the ro.1. and it would br im..i.lbir, arronlm- t the liiwa or attmrtinn an.l reriulaiou. r r a hu.ldtn to be liijur-d 1 y a atr..ke ofliihuilni; wbn pmUrtrd I., one ol . rule, i n... kera arquMnird .lib Mr. Ara.it.aa forervrral yraia. and iM'f.re hen.ninirncrd tbe manufac ture or ihrre riMla I examined tlie firineipleon wbirh thry are ennatrwrtrd. and f-lt ronrinred that their adopti.'.a would be atw-wried witk rowiTib'te nueecaa. Thrtnereasine demand for three rod.,and tlieratrnaiveaalea in all nana of the country, is ample com taemlntioa of their utility aaS aup-vioritT. 1KACV K W ALLER, M. D. liiaine, Sua. Philad Co., April 10, ISM. E7S.C. WIL'f aad SAMUEL HOOTER. JhtrlUton. Union C: Pa. at Agrnl for Union and adjoining Counties, nd will fumi.h tba Kola on ihe aanve Urms ami ii lb am manner as iba Propiieior. Opposition it the Life oBusineu! LIVEUY EXCHANgV STABLE. I li. .nlu.nh.1 mvj.mI.I ...d-.r..ll. mt.ui. .1.. " ."p........ r,,r T,s,0rw. K mar be visited by Ladies and cn.xrn.ofLewirl.urg and the lr..rl,., cn.mun-; Gentlemen on an- other da v. and on SATLR tt, generally, that he ha ..pened a new Livw.y , TAY of evert week special nrenaraiions mill and Exchange Stsl.U? oa FOURTH atreat hall a square Mouth of Markrl. and ha provided good lul ol Horse, with mtrely new (.kmI and lah iOBl.f Carriaaeei Bnsgiew, Steigh. As.wborrall wishing anything ia hi tins aay bt aecwinaiod Sted on Ibe shorlrei nnlic ami ai.iat rtsaanalile terms. Ha will pay every anew ion la iKe want nf hie easloraer. and bnpes by aa doing lo merit and rwcciv a lineral ahar of public pauonig. WILLIAM M00RB. Lewiaborg, Dft 30, 1 651 "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Curs," in ' ' that awful dittaat, GOIlSUMPTIOri! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Connimplion. Thiepoputar work for sale inLewisburt: by 8. F.Lyndali J. Houghton and al thnolri :e. Price. 7S cents ,, , curislmrg JbunDci milE subscribers, thankful Tor past pat- X ronage, would inform the public thai .l -. r... .ii L:Am .r maw raniinnp in mHDii nuuis ail hhius v. mill urarmr ina uinrr vmb' - Machine. nd other article of Machinery p.i- red in the best manner, lasting warranted io be of Lood material, and al price that cn fail to pleae. GEDDES, MARSH it CO. Li..a -. Feb. 1851 (10OKI.(i trvs, nf variou s.Mti'rrii ' and sizea. for Coal or Woo , for a' at lb Lewiaborg Foundry by Grd.le. Marsh A Co. OTOV liS Parlor. Wood. n Coal O Stovi'S. virinu paiif rns. fur caie 41 th Lewi-burw Foundry. Getltlra. Maiah A Co. w Jti'$ Piitfir tiani: I'lnw a niip- rinr aruele, lur -nip at irre L.wisburi; foundry l.y Grd.le. Maifh A Co. IUIN or Seed Drills R.ws' Patpnl rlecirtcdlv the hret and most dvrnhlr Grain Drill now in 0e. for file al th Lewisburg K.u. dry by Gedde, Mamh A Co. LTt THE underniuned continue the LIVE UT BUSINESS at the Old Stand, od North Third St., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage of hi friend and the public generally. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg, May 22, 1850 8 S22j??ll53 WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUG Slarhcf Slrerf, trpsslnburgr, fa. r CHERRY PECTORAL f'mr ihm Vmrm f fOrCIIS, COLDS. II0ARSEESS. BR0MH1TIS. WH00ri.G-0rCU, reorr, aisTHiiu i.d -roxsriiPTio. uJnd tf the rirrtr. v the tmena tAerrf whalt ffrow T rvc firr wmt. M'ac trut Jiil mt .itif and thw fntt Vtertnf 111 hefr mvrt and the lof thrrrnf far mniicint 9 llritr wm hope for the ti k rtrftided latf.u,s..dew-ry I year atlda avew proof to ike wuraitcea tbat tbvfe proaitaeit -hall mot UO. A medical whence tljerTpr and Jtiioatr theremiedia nature ha gives, one ly one the dtseajars that afflict our race yield to the aontrol cl art. Of all Ik maladies we suffer from, bod baa earned sorevictinatoaft aotimwly irrave thaw CoDSumtHii if tbe Lwiia. fBlsjoBed we give nn evid-tiM that tbi too may be eured, and that ' 1'utmnnarj Ccr.aikiUlinailihcix form, nay b rvBMvrd by CHrtRf pKCTriBtlV. fob ixnveyzA Axr mroorrxG corcrr. N IITILLaTvlaB., JUBO 2S b. Sib I have repeatedly awed yjnr Chibbi pErrwL toe Wbif..ipp Touch and li.Hiiwria, ard have no heviUlioft in pnsuotinring it a etiBtawrte ivn dy. or of ray ebild drrB BMwr b-en afBrt-d with tbre dii-raaea, asvd lb few m of tba laVCTaUl bal always BAiroVd niaiaat iaetanl re Iff JAHUA t.U)VK. We lUtt the truth of the above aUlentw-Bt : M M;iNTV. M tor rf Ike. -ubville Whig. J. M. Z1MMEUM AN, Wae-U fob a Gossrmivixm i-ovan. PiTT-uim. p rh is. iai. Dear fir For thn-e year- I bate been afflictvd with a , eoupb. mm dtrPting that I ftvweajtly daHrrd f rreoe- ! I w- 'rlmir.a m eonrh wuwld ..fltt- am- when I laid I ii.viiia; na many reiwaifa without mueiirrltr-r. 1- at last tried tlw I'MlElif FBCTOBAL. Whieh undrr HrnTid- coov ius cured me ahotiVr. f aiw with erlitade Yours, JAMta M'CA.XDLtS. Among tbe otb-r d-stm.mihrd authoritst who have lont tbi-nr nnan-s to rreoatmr:.d tbis pvp:iiwliiB ns tbe best known to them fr rrf,-ctinni -f ih luuir-, are ffr. Vt RB is, i f Vorinoni Med. Cotlt-ge. mrrt SLiriMA?i,i-f Yale C'dlep. Prof. VtuuriSK M--.T. -f ,rw Yrtrlt. Pnif. Ciak?in. of Uwd(.n .Med. CoUe go. frof UvrrntriUiii, if Hki Mrd. Coil ge. CajfAbut Ji'taALov MaB.c.tt riocit. BuSfirn Mk.SU.4L AD ApB4Kt J)CA- CltARICTU iS .) MtPtCtL KtTUW. NtW JEKSIV MlBtCAl, NirOBTa.. II n. t'L.v. V. 9. Sfnatff- lbn.tr. P. Miaii. Am- Ambeiiainr to TarkeT. Uen. KvTriAL Rtuirs. iTv-did nt i f l hili. Bi. I.ee. Kn. fuwfciu Lnnl Itnthop f Turonto. Kr- Irr Lotnsc. of Bn-olilTii, N. T. Archbuhtp PL'.ciirL. of Cmr-insuttiwO. Alsowsnv eminent per-winngr in f TiS cuntrTr: Not only fa tbe BMre dnBtirron and tii-trr-nniaj tliesep of tbe Lungs, hot al-o ava ISaiil. mtdieine f r oeM.cnal Boe, it is the SrifcM, plraanttnt aad brst in ibe world. FKFABED AXt SOLD BY JAMES C. A1KB. I'ractkalattd AnalvtirttlVbeniitit, JTt For-nlel-v C W.SfnArrL.Lewib-jTp ; J. ll.Caslow. Milton; Mi5a M MTay. North umber land ; O. W. KeU-r. New IterHa; t.tswbjirtv Selin-roee : aad by Druggists rrT7 wbwre . lyra.b--lotcht(qa 51ap or tbe State of California, OKEti TE SOX. UTAH. KEW MEXICO, anit reXAS.prtoted my 8. Aor'. Mitchell in - , , ...... IMS, and painted to correspond wilb th boon- dartesfiieil baCongrein 1(150 tarsal alth Ckronklioffica.prireSS el. rWlHE present Proprietrr of Ihe newly disco vrrrrl TrTlnneld C'stS flimestonei DSY VAI.LEV. 1'ni.in Co. herebr frive notice ikn Me r... ; wit jl. ' c I V n s Te I . ' be made to acenmmndnte wiih lisltt. fCAU person are forbidden lo break ofT, injure, or lake away any specimens froaa the Cave, aider penalty of prosecution. The payment nf If cents only is required at every person before tawna. KOAII WALTER. - Dry Taller. June 5. IM "VTOTES Promissory, Judgmenl. and Join Notr nranki at tnis omet. 45b i . i fowtn m iJKmt womamf a uwnmaumim m mm w i? ucm aanacnsar, t ihxr marita ntithar. i7 r Kimm lata cirromataaMa haoecrrrd wajrh onatar St s aaaltar of doty to tba awoke awt ta aa el'aataar atkat, lor whit Ik aabaanaal aaamawi of ttt era trampatc oy eoiwaiiia urtrz u.a rraat an --wd br na mad caJkma ay ta -rrlHj Tr,1 Vo W4m3 idi ;mJ -re nanarj. Ckrktte' Caivaaa aatl laraefjc fsraflfas. kara bea qnietly wsrkiiig their way aapi. tao oat atelU(raat tad naoactatio cUaaaa. aai ara cwastaatly acbiealng cam ia aa aatrauaa taataaf diaeaaea. rnkxh ba tor aea bajaad aU tba al al udlrnic and all lb reauuixes of Scamca. Tbani NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, ad in tbaae diseaaa BiMicioe ie of ae avail aiaT aver. It awvwr won ffwo.1 and M often doaa Sara. Syrnpr. Katracta, BalaM, Balaaaw. kjisira, Bitta r.lki. rowders and rwtiowa of a. ery huat an aiw vrortl.laaa, tor tbey weaken rha vital ajMrgiaa of ai already proalxated ayilera, wk.la twder fh atrenrta ning. lile-Kivtng. vitaiixing inSwanca of Ualranaaa a S.lied ky tbi kwaaUf af daacwawry. tba nhmtmut Client aad weakened latml ia aaaloted hi feaue alia, atreagtk. elaaticity aad .igoe. These remarka rrtata k each dneaen aa NF.V a.AUiiA. tk; dolobwx. bhonchitis. rat- flTATIOS of tba HKAKT, HlUMiS aod KK.MALK CMSflKUKRS, aacb as SKHVOLS HI. AD Atlits tASSlTtUt and DtSrONOkNCT. wSrck re only other names (be Nervowa lrraareaiaot , triLtrrit rrrs and convulsions, wo, are anwr knowa Is result frora a omMqnilibnaa ef Llectric mOuence ; NtRVOlS TKKWOBS biff. KSH whieb M nearly always caused ay aMaauty wf tke Axillary Nerrea. and caa always be awu, rarrd by Oaliaaisn. wheatbaorgaa M not deatrorel , nvSI-r.rSI S in iu worst lorraa : fALSK ami rR.A LVSia nmfc.rw.ly raoaed by a deSeiewey f Nerrooa inanenca , HllDMC KHa.L'M.tTISM. TORf IDITY of tba LIVtU, PAIN ialbaSIUR. SLKMilSH ( IR CTLATIOS. 8PIMAL and Hir fOStrlAI.NTS, OtrM.'IKNCT of NUtVOtS and rtiVSMTAl. gN ERUV, and all thoea distressing coaiulaiau raaolv Ing from a DtKA.NOtiU-.NX of tba NBVOiS sts-rtM. la taw aboro piaralaiit aad terrible class wf mil 'iihh t oadaiwu ara and, atoaw aaavas was tbaa if generally imagined CHISTIFS ClLliSIC niiTITE Ara an AbwaiMa aaadl rwattti Tb BELT m Bted whoa th body or ayataeB aao raUr i uifected ; tlio NeX ULAt t lor eompLaviuu n itva Throat aa Attbaaa bin! niwabjua, aad mi tt Head, and tho KA kLKTS for all diMrdsm of tko rM or limb, aa HbeoataUaak, rmisy, Troanora and ltpasmodtc aaeciawna. Theoa a rue lea are amply aa niied m directed witb tha U AONKTIC VIVID wkjcik Benmvnnies them, nad whmm tiuUsiviUy nod tkmf Ntvta r ail 07 The rreof pemrrarify and nnllturm of ftW OALVANIfTlL'KTIVt eoiUMta ia tha tact that tbey arrest and car diseoaa by mmhtm oaliot, in place of tho nanal nretbod mi tmirtmaj and rhvait-kiDBj th patieitt ttM ebsjatted Bat are autko koiteleaaly nnJer the infliction. Ty ttrtilm i-e trwVV 0Bt4ear. tmmtism Ike etm-tUmfttm mf th jtfawd, aw msafe the wi-rii, rnvtgmrmf Ike i-itu awsyreiea, anal Cam neeer da rhe wttthtett iarrwj under mmw i n i MaaTf. Smco their introdncthin in tho Luttd Stataa, aniw three years ijnca. more Uian 75,000 PERSONS tBrlaJioa; all ayes. c!e and ennditioon, mmmmf whnat nerealanre number of L-a-'iea. wax ara paco liarly anhct t Nervous taartplaunta, brnvo boon Entirely and Permaiiently Cured, when all bnpenf relief kawl been iven p. and errry thmtT ele been tried in tain ! The raar&csl ma km vsbicb bare nnnrnily attended their aae m emr. dently stated to bo witbnnt B poraJWl iba aan.it. , t of Ve.lK-al Science. lertrv wen. h-wters and ean nbysrrians ; kadsoa of tho highoat atandtig , bata, Kuuhetl jer-ns holding eleatal ssfficial staUoaa. iwerrkanu, maatifacturers. anl merbanica; the poor Ifl the rich alike; often whole families, among ail cUue. ranks anJ coodiiarms. bvoonaIly been ra cipieMls. a havo e.ualiy ac'tmwle.'.geii tba woo Mid oi ten in!.rected aewmU which tbey havo thrtt rrreiveil. Bf Let it be kmwn and rewemberoJ tbM tho onTf Natural Itestorvtivo ttr tho Nervco in Oalvajuao. and that in all Norefnts Piisnsas wo akonld M Throw Physio to the Dogs." To illiistntctb nseol thoOAlsVAXM: WnXVf. nppe the case of a peroB alHictel witb that bana of civdiutiooj, l . tiPtuPSlA. or any other Cbsmic mr N err oris Dtsorder. In ordinary cBsea, sUaalaots are taken, wkirb. by tbeir nctioo oa tbo ajoeeoa aed aiusclosivf tbe stomach, afford ttmpmmww relief, bat which bravo tbo ootient ia a lower atato. aad witb. BVcred faculties, after tbo action tbtss excitod baar tv-osed. Now eompBro this witb tbo oftect rasulw from th avpueati of tbo OALVA.MO BfcLT. Takat a IrTspertie sufferer, wen in tbe srorot oyma. ms of an attack, and simply tie tho an altar k, and aimplv tie tao net lownai uto Codv. name tho Mae-neti lltiid as dirorted. In n rbcrt perHMl tho insensaito perapirmuon will art on aa i.n.live element of Ihe Beit, thereby raimne a Cal.aoia clrctilatro. which will aass aw te lie Betratire, and thenca hacb aein to tbe aoeiuva, thus keeiana up a coatinwoaa tialvawic CMrai.ua thronrhout Ihe system. Thus tbe moat eerere cease ' UlSPtfSI are rtBMS.Nt.NTLV I'JRKa A KKW DAIS IS AMPLY St rFM ll-NT TO UaM tATt THK DIStASt OS VtASS. MANY THOUSAND CrBTiriCA1S AKD TESTOfOIfULI frees tba most totelliewM and re. pacts Me wnawr reaaliaai in erary aortson ef tba t ailed Sums, real be p roe led- These ara now. wnneceasary. bat a anaaeroua aelectiow emlrac.ns: many etateoaeam ef tbe moat eraoedinary character, sr bcieal te lO VINLE Tilt MOST Sr.tlTIC.AL may be bad ef Iba aatboried rent. Toe intemteJ era peiueniaily sBvitcd ta csU. WHAT THINK YOU OF THIS t rrata ana af ibe as 4MaW2.Sl rkfav ciaas as Ik CHy af lew lata. "I bare been asina Christies Oalraaic articles a omet wsv amonc my pa'aaatf far abewl Iwa Tea west, and I conCrss I am aatonieaed at tbeir sacct If I am son a disease is A"rsa, I kaana just at, thev will do. In Kp.lep.jc sita, particwlarly chil.lren : Deafneaa and ASeetaans of tba Head, adults ; raralysia and Palsy, ia aU avee, aod miese aeTeral ether diseases ef Ilka icm bave kwa) puzilrd the projrsstow. II j Sws I aba liastacw; articles of anrpming bewfi Althr rb I defeat tbS ahamclesa quackery of aJi 'iseift aad aewt paiers, I must express mf " ...a aad beuea' in the wouderlul rutaes or HIR 1ST IKS CL mA TIVM. My name ia. of coana, cotuVlealial bat aball never baaitata ta in nmwmnl fwa aruclea a all proper wcaaauoa.' AKOTHER I5STASCE OF CIXVQK, To P. C MoatMvan. 3U D-. '-waV AgL t'MBianw. Now Yok. Demr 5ir, Beiiijc B pbvsicnn ta th vicinttT one oi your Agents, I have bean a. nth. erstifted m tho exBrninativn of vonr Itoivanie 4 arates, anf biRbly I'leased with their pracbral result I bse o4sofed that they are eonatrncte-l oa tbo tree scisn tifte fritM-i tur tbo genlic, JK tit wsnt timmml Jevelf mewt of tk ta-alvaiuc errent. tbeTebf llinff b daSadormtuat. lona; osnutbt fee. bwt besvtoaero ink wsa I rhrersAiilv recomanetvl tbern for tbo Bllsviation and euro of thoso distil swing a-tonai-ia foe wbadt tba aia a b.i Mill seat i.n I biiimIi desie-weaV eiy ir.ly yewra. DATID BICE, X. ft Lanrett Maaa r'cbrwarj I. ISaSr Na trmibk ar mewuveaaenw attot ef UK. CHMSTIES G.lLt.l.MC ( I S-f TH rv. ' w bv tk -art mwbaaaaw cste with peclcct aasa and eaietf. la araaw waswr tba aeaaatna allaaslina; tw aaa at Sera., earn and efrwreele. Tbey aie accampaais.l by full aa plata direr Uc-aa bar aaw. rampbliai wwjs aU fer tataiars maj b. ebtaiued (Jajiia, of tba aasaaciBaS agaa Priees: Tha 0 a rvaiuc Belt. . Thres DoIIarB. The Galvanic Necklaee. Two DnUars. The Galvanic Bracelets. On Dollar Cam The Mngnetie Fluid, On Dollar. PARTICULAR CAUTION. gra. Jbweiea Clwanrfesla and "aelarss JaaaeaaaW . C. SIOREHBAD. M. IV- OENtBAI. AOtNT FOR THK I'MTKD STtTl let atvaaO wray. ew taaaw Awunla awWfrasr-e.W.SCnAriLB tDanUb at tlje Cf)wmiri ffrr. ON a:-nrrt hi as raw oifto sia taot r.,t"AU aaasUa W sod,' Wheat, Butter, J and att otkr PtoJutt foi hcnrthjU ittr tunai r-