Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 01, 1854, Image 4

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    metnntwfsej'-y V.'-J g" " 1
- -Tht Hew Gudgeon.
' The following' dialogue, whidi actually
tout I'Vace acme years sin&j between an
oM laity, wko ha J much pnfiJcnce in pro
ftutjtonal, aad a learned but eccentric rler
grraaB, gnet Us strengthen a conviction al
ready strong in many mini), viz., that
buuian nature is gullible.
"Now parson. You are a wan of much .
L aming. I want to ask you what becauio ' kl MDULKa. HAKMXS. Bridle, W
, , , , i ,i i lore, hint. Trunk,, alien, Carprt Bagt,ie.
Of tlie elrTCTi days, when Oli Style wan ( A,S(, le cheapest and best assortment of
altered tn new T' i Worsted, l.inen. and Cotton FLY NETS to
TA.ll -.11 i Vm-vm (iiiu be fuutidin tjwn, at prices ran-int; from $1,25
'Well, well, madam, you know tuia , $4 50 p sinR,e Jffi also Leather Fly .Nets
w-!d is bung on two great gujpeons , f ,t,Uercnt stvles and prices.
'Indeed, t-ir ! Wi ll, bat then V j Tlie anove'artieles will be sold cheap for
. -r. . i cash or coun'rv Produce.
ucii, u mj Dcen running rouna,
or, tbc two gudgeons a great while, and
they got worn out, an ! it broke down."
'Ij tell rue if it did V
"Yes martn. Well, after the world
broke down, all the people turned to and
put in new gudgeons, and set it goinq
gain ; and it lock Vm just elevcu days!"
The ol'l lady was abundantly satisfied,
and would have given to the learned gent
leman the degree of bachelor of science
without further examination.
. Three 1!rotiu:us ix Con;bess. Is
ral Washhorn, Jr., of the Bangor, (Me.)
district ; E. 15. Washburn, of the Galena,
(111.) district ; C. C. Washburn, of the
Mineral Point, (Wis.) district three
brothers will probably all be in Congress
together next session, Israel from his na
tive place in the " down East State," and
the others from their adopted homes in
the Wcai. They arc agreed in one course
opposition to the Nebraska swindle.
A similar event happened about 1820,
when William Findley, of Pa., was a Sen
ator in Congress, and bad two brothers at
the same time in the Ilouse one from
Pennsylvania and the other from Ohio.
Tub WAT thbt Take it. It is really
musing to see bow philosophical the jour
nalists of the defeated party in the recent
election, announce the result of their down
fall. The Cleveland Flamdcalrr, says :
"From the- relegrapfi report it will be
seen that Know Xuthing, Whigs, and
Free Soilers, have carried Pennsylvania;
that the Free Soilers, Whigs, and Know
Nothings have carried Ohio ; and that
Whigs, Know Nothings, and Free Soilers
have probably carried Indiana. If any of
the fusion papers want onr Booster they
can have him, as we have do- bsc for him
at present."
John D. Whiteside, tavern keeper in
West Fallowfield township, who was con
victed on Thursday last of Belling liquor
to a minor, and sentenced to pay fine of
125, the cost of prosecution and to voder
go an imprisonment of ten days, was par
doned by Gov. Biglcr on the following
day. The fine and costs were not remitted.
Wat Chester Examiner.
An ancient Copper Mine bas bear dis
covered in Bucks county, Pa., on the farm
of John T. Necly, in Solebury township.
It is believed to have been the work of a
company of Hollanders in early colonial
timet. The excavations are quite exten
sive. - For unadulterated economy .eonrmend us
It the German. Give him a salary of for
ty cents per diem, and in tea years he will
own a brick block, a fat horse, nine child
ren, and a vrow broader than she is long,
and as good natured as a blind kitten.
Landlord," said a seedy pedagogue
somewhat giving to strong libations, ,;I
would like a quantum of spirits, a modi
cum of molasses, in conjunction with a
little water ; bnt deal largely in the spirits,
tboo man of mixtures-.."
"Did yon know," said a cunning Yan
kee to a Jew, "that they bang Jews and
jackasses together in Portland 1"
"Indeed ! then it is well that you and I
are not there," retorted the Jew.
A boy called a doctor to visit his father,
woo had the delirium- tremens; not right
ly remembering the name of the disease,
he called it the devil's trembles making
bad Latin, but very good English.
Dobbs says, he would have died of chol
era, in August, if it bad not been for one
thine " the doctors cave him up." Two
days afterwards he says he was a well man,
indulging rn soecotasb.
" I don't believe it's any nee to vaccin
ate for small pox," said a back-wood Ken
tnckian, " for I had a child vaccinated,
tmi be fell out of a window and was killed
in less than a week after."
There is a man in West Troj who has
so much of the milk of humao kindness
that he is obliged to water it, for feat that
he should be so benevolent as te give
wiy ail his property-
There are two reasons why yow should
not interrupt an editor when he is writing.
One is, it is apt to pnt him out the oth
er is, yon might get put out yourself.
The celebrated "Doesticl," describing
Jfcw York boarding boose, nys h can
always tell when they get a Dew hired girl
by the color of the hairs in the biscuit.
No proof of test pc ran ce a man with
his hat off, at mooanaght, explaining to
lamp-post the principles of his party.
A Know Nothing at SoiucrseL who fell
., r. , . , , ,
uOo thawaUrrefwed to U rescued by
a Ituhman, and was drowned.
The ladm,Who took mrtUv'c
10eiariy.wnoiooCTtrtt.oJj Eejfjinurt
had quite a supple; -
Cheap Saddle
and Harness
The sobscri ber, thank
ful for favors bithrrtu
conferred, respectfully
invites the public to call
ami price bis work.as he is confident they will
I rentier entire satisfaction even lo the moat
diffident rostomrrs
Constantly on hand, or made tn order, all
All kinds of REPAIRING done at short no-
lice, cheap, and in the most durable manner.
The citizens of Leurishurs and the surroun
cin country, are solicited: to estend a fair
portion of their patronage.
WANTED 100 cords of Wood in exchange
i fur work, also 10 tons of Hay waated at mar
ket prices.
FVShop in llraver's new brick bluck.Third
and Market, 4th door from corner.
Lewi.-burs, June 30, ISM
Almanac for 1851.
i i i iii' I "
a. 2 a 4 ! 7 a - a 4 s :
? I'M' is'is ulis . Sto 'I i is HS
S t nil tv so -a I n i a' a -3
? i 24 i xt t M s . a
SO oil I I. SI
J I S I 4 l' 1234SS
5 I t I 10 11 U I J !' '1 12 '
I3 14114 IB I" IH 1 (' S 14 li Wll In 19 20
?JU 21 22'23 U t. 21 , 1 M 21 22 .E 21 24-26 27
27 . I ' WWjlu al . ., ,
I 2 3 4 S I I I i 1
2 ! 7 8l mill 12 S 5? 4
8 13114 IS I 17ll(i l S 2 11 12 t;i!u lill 17
1 20bll22 23 24 3t S l" 1 20 ,21 22 23 24
a; 2S;2!i3v 31 I . 2i 2 27 piW -'
I 3 I ! 1
B 3 4 S S 7 t,' . 5 J 4 Ul T S
IH 10 11112-13 14 IS IS ,1 O 10,tll.' 13jl4 15
17,is'l,20i21 22 9 1 t 1 I7,l 1!2I 22
24 25 26 2S It 30 I T23 24 25 2S-27 2S 2
',30 31
M 1 2 3 4 s T 1 4
3 S lO'll 12 IS 14 I 71 "!fli" 11
B ISIS 17 IS IH 20 21 (' 13 Mill I!l7 1 1
4 22 21' 24 2 2 47 28 1 2" 21 2i;2 2 24 26
j 3ol.ll , ' ' 27 2S 2
1 2 3 4 1 1 2 a
i ' 7 9 to It l H s " "
B 12 13 14 IS lH'i; IS 1 1 X II 12 IS 14 IS l 17
B l 20 21 22 23 24 24 ' m IS 19 20 21 22 23 24
2 27 28 2:S0 f 2i 2e 2S 2U 30 31
Lefvlsbars; Savings Inslltatlen,
IS now open and ready 10 do business, i nc
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
The following naiuea persons are me
D,bectou William Cuius, Esq.
Mr. Jonssoji Walls.
Mr. But! Anaoxs.
Mr. James M'Cbsigbt.
Mr. Thomis Haii,..
Mr. Williik Fairs.
Fiiu'i C. Mhveb, Esq.
Orncias WILLIAM CAMERON, Pmident.
H. P. SHELLER, Trtatvrer.
Ponr ner cent, prr annum will be allowed on
all deposits over six months: and Ihrre per
een4. less than six ann overmree mnnmi.
H. P. 8HEI.LEB, Treasurer.
Levisbnrg. 8ept-19, 1853
Winficld Woolen Factory,
Near llartlcton, Union County.
riiHIesablihment is now in the best order
I The machinery being nearly all new.
and none bul the best of workmen employed,
the subscriber feels safe in saying that his
work shall not be surpassed by any establish
ment in this or the adjoining counties.
His waggons will be around as usual, and
those wishing to patronize bis establishment,
will please avail themselves of that opportu
nity. IT" I have also on hand, and intend keep
ing a choice assortment of CSoodu, snch as
Cl,t!u, Sutinctti, CtuhmtTtt, Twetdt, Blonktti,
Tornt, S,r which I wilt sell low for cash, or
exchange for Wool and Country Prodnee gen
Hnleton, ApritJrI853 tf
MEYER'S Planoa. The subscriber
has been appointed Agent for the sale
of Meyer's celebrated Pianos.- C.Meyer rec d
the Prize Medal at the World's Fair, when he
was in competition with the most celebrated
makers of Europe and America. His instru
ment, are universally known to excel all oth
ers for exqnisite tone and durability. Those
wishing to L-urchase a Piano that will last for
many years and give perfect satisfaction, will
call and examine one of bis best 7-octave rose
wood instruments, at J. L. YODER'S
Watch and Jewelry Store, Market 8U
Oct. 12. 1854 Lewisbnrg.
Call and Try
The subscribers
having formed a
ee-oartnership in
business, now offer
lo old friends and'
the public, at the'
lata stand of 8. F.
Lvndall, on Market
street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lev f
i)ootfl an& St)Ot0
for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisbnrg
A Splendid Lot of GUM SIIOESr
Also all kinds of Q,3gS'
Gaiters, half-Gaiters, elc.
Children's Shoes of alt styles and sizes.
Work made to order Mending as usual.
As we are both known as practical shoe
makers and experienced workmen, we solicit
a share of the public patronage and will try to
patent it, H. Jl If. BllTer.
Lewisbnrg, May, 1854
LETT KK TrMame rrta rv mi the Estate of
Kelly township, deceased, having been issaed
to tsne subscribers by the Register of Wills of
Union county, all persons indebted lo said?
estate are requested to make payment, and all'
persons having claims to present then, prop
erly auuieaucatgt. tor settlement-.
July a 1, 1854 w
NOTICE. Having been appointed the
8EXTON to the Lewisborg Cemetery,
the subscriber would slate that he is prepared
to Prnn -u ,B,ie eoaneeled with the burial
of the dead, on short notice. Also that he will
.rresd lo the re-mterment of deceased person s,
' under the direction of iheir surviving friends.
Kesmeace ta me l-xlge at Ihe t.ate or Ihe
I Uwi;burg, May 30, Ib34
new Rat Tank.
Lrwiaburg oV from s, ., u.til IS, I
WMi u4 frem X lo 7, M.
From Lewuburg to
I .
Harrnbarr $0,33 Berwick
, 15
. 20
M'Kees falls
Selinsgrove ..
?f orthumbcrland
Jerser Shore
Mill ll:i
25 ,
Hyde Park.
Lock Haven
i I
- i
Beech Creek
For every additional word 1 cent to all sta
tions on (his line
Philadelphia. 3t2) Baltimore 52(4)
Not now in operation.
feAll other stations west and south
Philadelphia, rate increased 9 cents.
ttornti) at fam,
E,cv4ls)bnrs;, Intoa County, fa.
Excciitorn' Notice.
"YTOTICE is hereby given that Letters Tes
M tamcntary on the Estate of WILLIAM
AinlSTKON'U. late of the Borough of Lewis
burg, deceased, have been granted to Jon W.
Elliott and Ws. H. Assnnn. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and Ihose having
claims against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement lo
W. H. ARMSTRONG, Acting Ex'r.
I.ewisburz, Oct. 2. 1H54
OJJUt Stuipulumnm Kaihvod Company,
Htaatsnras, Jan. 30, 18&4. $
THE STOCKHOLDERS of this Company
are hereby notified that the Bceond
Instalment of Fit Dollars! per Share is
called in, payable on or before the Hth of
February next; and an instalment of like
amount payable on or before the lflth day of
each month thereafter, nnm me wnoie is paw
in, to wit, the lOih of Octuber next by those
residing in
Baltimore at Union Bank of Maryland ;
Danphio eonnly Bank of Middletown ;
Northumberl'd county Bank of Northnmbld;
Union eonnty Lewisborg Savings Institution,
By order.
ROB. 8. HOLI.IN. Treasurer.
PHEPARED by Rodemacher & Sheep,
Apothecaries to the Honumpathie Dis
pensary. No. 39 Arch street, Philadelphia,
constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale
and retail. in Lewisborg, at the Drue 8tore of
Oct..'531 l)a. T. A. H. THORNTON.
New Berlin Hotel.
Reports having been extensively
circulated throngh the county lhal I
am not prepared lo entertain my
euesls. I bea leave to assure my
friends lhal I am wdlmpplied with the best the
market affords, as well as noose room, anu
stabling, and can accommodate all who will
be kind enough to favor me with their custom.
I hope that misrepresentation and petty perse
cutions will not drive my friends off. without
first giving me a trial DAVID HERR.
New Berlin. May 8, 1854
C1MCWL& all kinds of 8-day and
30-hour Brass Clocks and patent lever
time-pieces. Brass 8-day clocks at $4,
brass 30-hour clocks as low as $1. All clocks
warranted for one year at J. L. YODER'S
ehrap Cluck, Watch rnnd Jewelry Store,
opposite Iddings & Co.'s. Lewisl.nrg.
WATCHES Hold and Silver Levers,
Lepines, and Veree. Gold Watches
from $25 to SHOO, at J. L. YODER'S cheap
Watch and Jewelry store.
fEWELRY of Ihe latest pattern of all qual
ities for sale at the lowest City prices by
ILVER WARE Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, silver warranted
n.- r 6S
eqiia. to com. isnver i ea spotin uem v
upwards, no charge for Engraving, at
1 J. L. YODER'S.
OLD CHAINS Ladies' Chalelain, Gold
Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, from $10
to $40, at J. b. iUllt.lt o.
PECTACLES Gold. Silver, Plated, and
Steel, suitable for all ages. All kinds of
Glasses put lo Spectacles at Ihe shortest notice.
Particular attention paid to fitting Glasses for
weak eyes. J. L. YODER.
PLATED WARE Cake and card Baskets,
Table Forks, Spoons and Butter Knives,
Teaspoons silver-plated on the best German
silver, $1 per J doz. All goods warranted lo
give satisfaction. All kinds of Engraving at
the shortest notice al J. L. YODER'S.
GOLD PENS all prices.in Gold and 8ilver
Holders, and wilhout holders, for sale
cheap at J- L. YODER'S.
Life Insurance Companies f
London Rational Isnn Fund,
(6 Cornhill, London ; 71 Wall 8t. N.York)
tyCapital $2,500,000
JElna Life Imuranet Company,
(Hartford, Conn.)
tyAnnuity Fund $150,000
Keyttone Mutual.
(Harrisbarg. Pa.)
L7Capita1 $120,000
P0LICIE8 in the above Companies can be
obtained, on reasonable terms, by appli
cation to the subscriber. California risks, J
to 4 per cent, extra.
Feb. 19 H. C. HICKOK, LewUburg.
PWINEGARDEN has re-moved from
. "way np town" back to the new build
ing at the old head quarters, in Market street,
immediately under the" Chronicle " and Tele
graph offices, where he will be happy to
"smoke" and "chew" his friends and cus
tomers, in good style and quality at moderate
cash rates.
Lewisburg, Oct. 14, 1653.
vIrjtTT 9rgtOB Outfit,'
AT his RssioVaea, South Third 8Lrrar
fthe Board walk.
iTtjCCDS of opiiorform.foraU at the
Cbrooiclsiffica.b cu tmgJe.JO jer 4e
J.J. Clyde r. I. Hutter,
Hxnmntw W. O. BUM t ft. f Bi
Book Bindbrs ad Stationeiis, and
Blank Book. MASvrACTi'Btas,
Ilarr'ulurj, Pa.
MOST respectfully inform their friends that
they are engaged in the above business
Indirectly opposite Heir's HoieLj They
flatter themselves, by careful attention to their
business, to receive a continuance of the pat
ronage so liberallv enjoyed by the old firm.
BLANK BOOKS for Banks, County Oihces,
Merchants, and private individuals, and every
variety of full and half-bound constantly on
hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books,
D .1. lfo.9in Ij. Rooks. NeWSnd-
pers. Bibles. Music, works issued in os &e (
bound in any style, plain or extra. All work
rrriuu L.ia, ,.,.,.......-, ' -
Warramcu, aim ui'.iv ..t-f-j- I
Please eive us a call. C. A H. t
fP'Books Ac. to be bound may be left with j
the Editor of the Chronicle. 509
Who!Ml and Retail
Mlininburs;, I'nlon County, Ia.
HAVING purchased the entire Drug Store
formerly kept by T. J. Elliott, dee'd, I
now oflVr to my friends and the public in gen
eral' a fresh and pure lot of
3)l-tjg?, ClKbKaiS and Syc-?(ff.
Also Paints, Oils, Class, 1'utty anil Patent
Medicines. Brushes and Combs of every
variety. A fine assortment of JEW
ELR V.sueb as Vatchcs,gold and
silver Pencils, Ear and Fin
ger Rings, Breast Pius,
ic. Ac. Cards.En
velopes, Note
and Lcticr
Soap and Perfumery.
All kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil, Pine Oil
and Burning Fluid. Liquors of all kiods, for
medicinal purposes. Violins, Flutes and Ac
cordeons. Nuts, Fruits and Confectionery
and in fact,almo.t anything in the way of No
tions and General Varieties. Call and exam
ine fot yourselves. I charge nnthins fir look
ing. THEO. 8. CHRIST.
Mifflinbnrg, Pa, Jan. , 1854 1 j
The renowned Remedy!
Till, extraordinary Unguent In compoard of the met
healing Balaam., and worn and In acenrd.nee with
the direetion. which .erompnny e.ch not, will innure
cure, when .11 other nicaue tail. t:aee of the numt
d'-fperate Skin dieeaaea readily yield to it. efllrarv.
It in famous when nd In caH-.oruSout,llheumatiem,
Contracted or 8UI Joint, In Asthma, it wlU do
wonder, if rubtad into the Chert.
Most astonishing Cureof Scrofulous Ulcers,
certified by the Mayor of Boston, (Eng.)
Own ay a Man- from J. .ToMe. jtJ., Jrdjror BotUm,
To nnm Houowat Bear Sir : Mr. Sarah Dixon
of Ltqawrpond (tree, Boston, ha. tbi. day deposed before
anr that for a considerable period she was arerrrly alHieted
with Me,,rulnn. sore, and nlrers in her arms, fret, Iras,
and other part, of her body ; and although the Srst of
medical adric. wa. obtained, at the cost of . lent- sum
of money, she obtain' d no abatvment of .uBcrinf, but
sradoally grrw worse.
IMng nnimnMnded by nfrienj lo try your Ointment,
sbe procured n small pot, and a box of the Pills, and
wefnre thai wa. all used, symptom, of amendment appea
led. Be aeraeeerin. with the nredleiwe. lor a short time
I oncer areordinit to the diraetioau, and strictly adlwriuK
to your rales a. to dirt, ae . she wa. perlertl cured, atd
now enjoy, the best of haalth.
1 remain, drsr air,
Dated An. II, 1S53. (signed) i- 50BLE.
Extraordinary and rapid Cure of Erysipelas
. . ,. i , i e :i
in the Leg, atter meaicai aiu nau lauiu.
Ltlttr from .Vrs. r.?tmJW T,aM,ftl Pit Omrr, A'dwui
kood, near HeMr, dnorz. ded Jn 12, IS:!
Tn p. m-.r iiniiAw-w Mir: 1 suffered for a eonsklera-
We period troe. a se.ere attaek of Krysipelas. which at
lemtlh nettled in my leg. and resisted all medical treat
ment, NysunerinjsweTe eery grest.nnd I ouitedesi-aired
of nny permanent ameuMmeut, when I wa. adriard to
hare recourse lo lour ointment and rills. I d.dsonlthut
delay, and am happr to sy the result was eminently
socers.ful. they effected a radical cur. of my leg and
restored me to Ibe enjoyment nf health. 1 shall oier
speak with the utmost confidence of your medicin-s. and
hare recommended them to others in this neighborhood
eunilarly afflicted, wbo derived great benefit.
I am, rir. your obliged and faitliful screen!.
(signed) 1XIZAKETI1 TEATF.3.
The Pills shonM be used ronjoiuUj with the OintmcLt
in most of the following caeca:
Bad a CkllMaln. - ri.tulaa Sore ThroaU
Vhnpned Uou Skin innrjuc.
Burn Itand
Uwndnl.r neorry
Swelling for. llead.
Lumbago Tumor
Pile Jlcer.
KBcnmatirm Wonwd
Bunritt. Corn, (soft)
Bite of Mo- Caneera
chetoe and Contracted
Sand-rim and Kti
Coco-flay Joint
Scald. Taw
Chicle-foot Blephanttui Sore Xipplr C- 4e.
Sold at the RstahliVhment of rmfcsatr IToilow it, 214,
Strand, (near Temple Bar. London), and Sll Maiden Lane
in New fork. Order, rbr Medicine, in the State.addrerd
- T. leVoww., Awr lort-w will receive due attention. Sold
also be all respectable llnncists and dealers in Me-licinc.
throwshout the United States, in Pot. at XI 87 els.
and Sl.St each. Whotranle by the oriattipal Drug houses
in the Union.
wn)Vr. U a rnnuidrrahU taring 6y rnKno faeitrtter siren.
S .B. Directions for the gaidaae of patient. In averf
disorder .re affixed lo each Pot. (lyoOJ,)
Bold by Dr. KEMPER, Miffliuburg
Tbe Old Hunt tk
Dr. THORNTON k. Co.,
Wholetale & Retail Drngyittt, Leicitburg,
OFFER to their friends and the public a
large and well selected stock of fresh
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ground 8pices,
(pure,) Dye-Stafls, Brushes, Combs, Perfume
ry, 8oaps, Fancy Notions, Frait, Confectionery,
Books, Stationery, and a variety of articles
too numerous to mention.
Give as a call and judge for yourselves we
charge nothing for looking.
Remember the Mammoth Drng 8tore !
Dr. nJaftfMM' Elixir
IB the only medicine capable of curing the
Uead-Arhe, in half aa hour. For
merly, several days- were required lo relieve
this distressing paia ; whilst now rhe Use of
the Elixir will, in a few moments, remove it
entirely. Although but lately introduced to
public nolice.this wonderful preparation eonnts
Ihoasand of advocates. It is very beneficial
in Colds aad Coughs, e'necking the most ob"
stinate fit of eooghiag ia a minute or two. It
iera invaluable Family Medicine in all sudden
attacks of sickness. A single trial will be a
satisfactory evidence of itr efficacy. Price S6
ets. per bottle. Pf epareu osn by
IIS Catharine street, Philadelphia.
Xrrntn-J.aAXITI a CO., Lewtsenrf. . ".
I. OBRHaU rUbsaenina. ' '
Joha Blhnaa Puaee laerananu Wi. rbsnsL
Borer Bassler.O.a .C. Morcr. t rcburf.
I. D. a II. 0. Bnj-r, Penns Tp. X Reads.
Wre, Harrow m To.. W Infold '
Vntra Ifilbbh, Turtl,uf .
. Dr. John Locke,
OFFICE removed to K0KT.I THIRD
street, L-wisburg. .
Lewisburg, Nov. 1, 18S4 '
Prodjmatiun to the Cilizmt nf
Mlfllinbars; and Vicinity.
Folvunuchn's Hrdro-EWctrie Voltaic Chain.,
"INSTRUCTED lo be worn next to the
' lhV
I i skin, prducoing a constant curre
electro magnetism, electing immediate
from all acute paint, and a
Pcrnwicnt Care of nil Xeumljic Diteavn.
War-Or.t nuil m frn.tliiw y-an nil. tt) cur
of D-ro.n iliM-MMifcl f" twin ubioilul to tu.' nwmt
th-.r.,' tril in every l.Myill Pri "' mot I.M-nt
rrufw.'ra in tt ,-ty, th'y r. l.-.-Wo. th
Ooi-runmul i.f inim, Uili (nntrd iWnt r.r U!
liKOry. During Uu yemr 2il-2, U.ry wr intrulonrd
In Urrminy, rtri. Hrol. tmt Kn -lun-l, n4 "!
inn ialruancrd m l pauntea by ibn U. S.Uurnin-:nl.
Rhura:.tl.ul. bUVitJ.-D.ne,.
P.iufulnn4Si-lll J .InU, l .ll.ltiillon of tlir part,
!C,iralsi.. of tb- F, I'.-ri.-lM iU llrnlnrlM
D.fwJ.. Bl.nJnw, rf" fr. ln.lige.tloo,
Uv.wrio, l)(iifc furlne l'mj
Ki-trn Dutf.nti'-I .rmu.
In qnickW .nd ruBialy rnrrJ, by ilsil wwirinu Ibe Cb
..r few hour, micb day.
TlwCli.ini, er at ,itroJa-l in lb. city of w
T,irk,wiwn tlliy wr eililWteJ to Pr..f. Vlrntin. Mutt,
Vn Burrn, Pust,Cui;ii!u.u,woOKiljjMlltli.t
th.T poise.(l . .
Smut rir;ir Tmwrt.r
.V5r.v-ir siKLtmisa i'Ai.s,
wheneTT pi!lr.l. n t by tlu ir rmBiinrnntkn a i
Inrm lliry wr intnxlnfd into thu ui"Vr.nt bonptliU
of S-1 Vnrk. nJ r no in dily u in th linlllu
ti'tii. in tue Uclincnt of LUe car. of tti bfnr-nmnl
No Other Medical Afrent
la the rlil ran r.ff!iie. n many .othrr.tlratM
nrliffratM of .an frnm -)illSc rhr.'iri.m and Int-lli-crnt
"itirnU may b f.nnd in mrh m.hlrt. l'lrh
may b obtain Icrallnl at the llrug Sulre of Imo. S.
CUI.IST. nlio I. .nl auwil f r ! slltinhur,: and irintty, and
wbo will uplaln ill. mannrr of uae to any one who may
' hl'ilM eit of Xw Vwlr, at t!i rinrrnl OiW SSS
Rroailwar. lhiT an- !! r.-ins imld from 4- toOO chain
and the Mir and d.immd in B-.ton U a treat in nropor
tion to the pnpul.tiHi. although they have only b-cn in
Uuluoad lure Mouth ' .
The rhaim ar eaHly wrrn.and arrennally pilleable
to all ela.ae. of prwtni tuc rUild a well a the adolt.
-.i rv..lw f,ffn. - nerer ert out of repir..nd
nnrh an article of ornament a. tht-y arc of . faluabie
mean" of eur.. -
Tlie Chain, can be eent tie mall to any fart of th. U.
Stale... and can be obtained in ail the nrineiDal citie. In
thel'nion. fh) .irian are n-,ld to examine them.
C to LiHrj. Uadie. h' are encienle .re mrjneeted
not to niw them only for a Sen m"ment. at each time of
aoptyine. for by tons continued use, miscarriage i fre
quently nrotlueed.
Jocer-H iteiimt. lien A T-nt. fifJt Broadwae. !few TOTS.
THEO. S. CHlliST, Agent, Mifflinbnrg.
IyS23d8 Cnion Co. Pa.
Attorney at Lair,
LEiriSBVRG, VnioH Co., Pa.
ana.OFFiCE on S. Second St. near Market.
Refers to
Jlon.Jamet Bmrnridt, BcR'J'lr, iu.
Jimtt T. liutt, do
r. C. lmma Co.. do
ifen. druAaai 3 Ifjion, ItxblMtn, fn. -
A. Jrdan. Sanhurf.
M njetuei rwfrt.. H'iiittf1fhurg,
linn, flmitb 4 rJa. I'HiladttpAut.
jVwijovrp-. April 'li, ISM.
Lightning Hods.
k FTEIt many year' close investigation and
J numerous eiueriment, the Patentee lake
pk-a.ure in infoiming the public that be ha
arrieed at the true principle of protecting families.
dwellings and property Horn me destructive inuu
ence of LIGHTNING. The calamine,
that everv City. Town. Villaee and Country fall
klim to annually, thro' the grona negligenc of
iu inhabitant, i. beyond calculation, especially
ohen the remedy it so easy to obtain this i
found in , ,
fJntcut fllcianctit tialjtnina Robs,
and in llii alone. This KoU b been i .mined
by the niuat acientific gentlemen in tbe world
Professors M'Munrie, Johnson, Wallor and many
other, lhal ba examinrd them, lecommend anii
peuk of them in tbe biabeal term, of approbation
and have pronounced them the only afe rod in
use in this or any other count' 1 for the protection
of Live and Property. Onr advantage in lo divide
and throw back a part of the el, etne fluid bsrmlr
to Ihe clouds ; in lime ol a stroke this enable, tbe
rod to conduct thai portion of fluid that belong
to Ibe earth without ibe .lightest danger of lea
ving the conductor. This rod has many other
ad.antngr. over the old one. The only place ol
manufacturing i in
fine St. 3 duort abote 12A, Philadelphia,
uhere all person are respectfully invited to call
and examine for thenveWra. For rale Wholesale
or Retail by THO'S ARMITAGE.
Order promp'ly attended to. Term cash.
Thcte rod have been purchased and success
fully uaed by the fol lotting individual, cotnp.nie.
and coi potation, whose names are cheerfully
ubmiiled :
In ana wcirr PMU&lfhia k. k S. ltoberta. fleorre
Santtineer, Jnufre Hourier, Jmln Conrad. J. Mulford,
John llnmes, t'. C. Claalej. J. hrenner, ti. Oakley, Conrad
Ingersol, lb. atockiey Almehonsn, Anderson k H rot hers,
R, J. L. Oraat, J,,bn Notuian, Tlius, tirover, Bate k
llcnns, A. K. (linkers. II. imni,s, Tho. .Volt k Co., JJr.
Donninc. J. V. tireer, J. W. HaUnn, C. Ilumplireys, J.
KlBler a Co., J. hrman, B. Barlrn. J. Iltenshirr, O. rVp
pcr, Mr. Shrt,le, Jar. ll-Ttio, n. Dorkleji, J. Bnaklejr,
Mr. iHvhoii, Dr. Paul, 8. II. fowers k Co., J. Winepeunr ,
II. Miller, Hi. Red Bank Hotel, the U.S. Arsenal, lb.
Spriug Garden Commissioners' ilall.
1m the Slutt nf Act. J,rary. ijeonre Criirptn. Judc
M Csll. Judie barton, John Xetmu, Ur. U. M'Murtk,
BenJ. Roberta, Mr, J. liownlnir.
.v vmos eorxrr.
ItartUy Tp. Jlark Uallarnajr, V m. Foster, John ITaa.,
Michael Peters, Jacob Smith, David r'ilmao, Beubea
Slearh. Geonm Kleekner. AVn, ierin. Court House,
and (Vimniia-loners' UnV-e. Ltmutbmit Tp. John Kelwr.
('.ion Til IK. Charir. Wilson. HiuAinalon Tp. John
Kunts. Hiraon Kunta. limn Tp. L&nnc Couldrua. aVaUe
Deer Ty. ltichael UofTmaa.
Pmuna., Aon 13. 1MT.
I have thta 4.T earefully inspected a conductor or
f.ia-btoing Kod, with v.ae and index, erected by Mr.
Thomas Annit.cn, on Belle, ue llouae, Gloucester, and
has no hesitation in s. jing that it i not only the best
1 have ever seen, but that It 1. the only one I have yet
examined that is constructed en stricttr scientific prlnrl
nles. Hi. with much pleasnrathat 1 recommend hi
conductor to th. attention of owners of buiidinr.
I am well satbAed that th. Sfntmrtle Lightninr Rod,
manufactured by Mr. Thoma Armltarre, of Philadelphia,
i. tbe best th.t has ever beea made. 1 have spent several
years ia th. study nf the law. of electricity and masnet
ism,and have no hesitation in satin that these Hods are
constructed upon the only principle nf safety. The electric
shock i received and dispersed by tlie magnet at the top
of the rod. and It would be impossible, according t th
law. of attraction aad repulsion, f.,r a building tn be
Injured by a stroke of lightning when protected by on of
those rod.. 1 have beea acquainted with Mr. Armit.ge
for scleral years, aad bef ,r heeoAiri as sd tbe manufac
ture of these rods I ra.miwed the principle on which they
are constructed, and felt convinced that their adoption
would be Attended with complete success. The increasing
demand for then. rods,and th. extcneivesnte. in all parts
of tbe country, is ampl. commendation of their utilltyaud
nperiority. THAI V K. WAU.KR, M. D.
Krstug San, rhllau.Co April 10, 1S41.
Hartleton, Union Co. Pa.
aia Agents for Union and adjoining Counties,
and will furnish the Rod o the same terra aad
in the same manner as lb Proprietor.
Opjpotit-ion is the Life of Biuineu I
JjSl exchangTstable.
Tbe subscriber would respectfully infoim the
cilixensof Lewisborg and tbe traveling commun
ity generally, that ha ha ond a new Livery
and Exchange Slabls on FOURTH street b.lf a
square South of Market, and has ptwrnJeda good
lot of Horses, who anthcry aew goo) nan lash
eajabrCCarriagea, Buggies, Sleighs, oVe. where all
wishing aaytbing ia his Una asa ha aecaSBrjad-
ated on the aharlcst aotice and mot reasonable
Ha wilt nav evarv atlewioai to tha
MSI. of hi- n.lHH. 1 i. I J
.wivseas, saw awrcn vj wv suing
to merit and receive a liberal .hare of public
Lewi bur;, Dec 3, 1951
" An ounce of Pretention worth
a pouud of Cure, in . tl .
-: that awful dhtait,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven
tian and Cure of Centumption.
Thispopular work for sale inLewisbury
by S. F.Lrndall J. Houghton and at
h'ofli:e. Pric.7 5
i cpnt.t
eu)isburg JonnDrn
IHE subscribers, thankful for past paU
romge, would in form the public that
they continue to mantifncture all kinds of
Mill Gearing and other Casting. Thrashing
Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai
red in the best manner. Casting warranted lo
be of good material, and at pricr that can not
fail to please. GEDDES, MARSH & CO.
Lewi.bu'g. Feb. 1851
COOKINO Stoves, of various pattern
and sizes, (at Coal or Wood, fo r sal
at the Lewi.bcrg Foundry ly
G.-dJes, Marsh & Lo.
f 'TOVES Parlor. Wood, and Coa
Stoves, various patterns, for xnle at Ihe
LewUbarr Foundry. (irdde. M.ish Co.
WIAKIPS Patent (lanj: Plow, a supe
rior article, for snleat the Lewisbure
Foundry by
GcdJr. Mar.h & Co.
GRAIN or Seed Prills Ross' Patent
rlecirledlv the brut and most durable
finin Drill now in as, for anie it the Lewi.burg
Foondry by Uedde, Marsh Co.
THE undersigned continues the LIVE
RY BUS1.YESS at the Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market, and
respectfully solicits the patronage o( bis
friends and the public Generally.
Lewiaburg, May 22, 1850
Market Street, Lc.ilaburs;, l"n.
ir iIm l -tre
brokbitis, uuoori.NG-roica,
".lief fty the rirrr. up the bunk themf knIJ ffi m nl
trft firr mtxtt, whm traf thnU mt fni ami th fruit
Lhrrtrtj shuli bt fur wknxl and th U tUrrfjQr medicine."
nt-ntu bnpr for the rk lwortiVd looj: mirft.Dd rx ry 1
jemr avdJf new proof to lb 4VMiiranrr8 th.t tliear proniMt '
shall not fell. j
Aa rorJioaJ f rfx dittrT-ni anrf tWiirtratrs th rrmrJi" I
tntur hv iriTra, ooe hj on th? tlifiuwji tb.t ftlfirt our !
rare '.rid to tbe omtrol of art. Of mil ike nialwlic wp 1
ufTwr from, tmi? hn carrinl iworr TtrtimstOfiD nt-mf-f t
gtT than ronimmplioB of tlt Lnnttii. faljoia'l wr
fitt pom efitfrcor tint thin too amy bt trarci, mud tht
Ptttmonsrj CoBplauatwia ail tl
by ClaEEKT PlXTOfc!.
N.4imt.LK. T-tiii.. June tV, l.Ji
.it I Irito T7ftiJ)f owl ourOnnt?tT Pettoki fir
WbrMrfinff Coupfh ami liifln-nza, and hart no hmitsTk-n
in prijaounrfi.fr, It pnpl-t rt-ni-ilr. '.urtf my rhilj
tlrt'D ha" bfD afltirtril with th- duMara, and tb tw
- of tbt FlCTOHAl, hat alwajt, afff.rj. d almH instant
We attest th trut h of thr abnTe ttrm-nt :
M. M'lUNTV. Editor of ibe Naahrille Whig.
l. M. ZlMMKllM A.'v, Druai-t.
for a coxarMivn g cornrr.
htTTsjiiito, Pav, r-b, 2S. IRiil.
lVar Sir For tfcf-e r-r I hare Kn afflirttl with a
pourzh. no Uirrtiiia; that 1 frvio-ntjr tpairrd if rrooT
erj : marh of the time 1 wa- obltd to sit ap aH nht in
my chair, aa ny eouh would fwTieat me when I laid I
down. Ilarine u.d many rrmrditm without much rfliwf.
1 at last trifd tbt Ckembt I'sCTurax, whirl, ratter Prneid
ner ba. cured m altoevtlwr. t am with armtitud
Vour-s flAMK )1'CA0LK8. .
AmonK the other tlistintraiethrd authoritrtHt who hare .
lent tb-ir namra to nopmmtud this pn-p.-traUon as the
beat kntB to them wot am-e.ioni ni tne lunfrfi. are
Prra. PiftKixa, of Vermont Mrd- Ceilvge.
Prof. SltAin A. of Tale Coll.
Prof Valutihb Mrr,of Nt-w York.
Prof. OucTKLi(feTs of Howdfin Md. CoUrge.
Pnf BuiEBtlijLtsftf (Mite .Med. Collrmt.
0!l .!. JiHTR-tALOr M.ttCAL SritC.
Moetrm Meiml up SotttTAL JovmjiAh.
Ch4Ljto?i C.) Medical Ittriaw.
linn. lltv'kT Clat. C. 9. aVnator.
How. Oko. P. M sn. Am. AmbmKuifl'.r to Tarkej.
O-n- Ent-Ei. UiurJ, Prenidv-nt of Thill.
Rt. Rev. Kb. Power. Ijord Binhop of Toronto.
Rev. Dr. La!M3.,of Btoklyn, N. V.
ArrhbUhop PtTRCBXt. of Cinrinnnti, O.
Alan many eminent prraoaaor In fcr- lirn cottntrie.
Not only in the mote danrtniui(and.lMtiwin( !i
of tbe Long, bnt alM at a frraily medtrine pr orraioBa.l
uae, It IB tbe ita., pieaoantefii ann or f a me worm.
rfaetS-al and Analytical Chemist, "Wl. jVom.
jvcreTsalebyC.W.ScsMrris.LewtsBnrg: j. ll.Caslow,
li.s hVrlln: I.tjsjrhart, Sellnrrov. : and bv Drnntst.
every nkere. lymsiueeuocngiia
Map ftlre State of California.
TEXA3.pri.twJ b, 8.Ang-.Mi.chll i.
iae,sas painica to cnrra9pona wiid tne boon
dartenxetl bvCongresaio 1850 fi salt at tha
CbrooiclroiEce. price 28 els.
TBE present Proprieior of the newly disco
vered TrVlnficld Cave (limestone) in
DRY VALLEY, t'nion Ct. hereby gives notice
that the Core trill NOT bt open on SVXDA YS
for Visitors. Il nay be visited by Ladies and
Gentlemen on any other day, and on SATUR
DAY of every week especial preparations will
be made to accommodate with lights.
(Jj"All persons are forbidden to break off,
injure, or take away any specimens from the
Cave, ander penalty of prosecution.
Tbe payment of 13 cents only is required
of every person before enir-rinz.
Pry Tails. Jane . 1'
TOTES Promissory, Judgment, and
x Joint Notes iMitnks) at this office.
AT w, Ww m x. -
e-wer of theav wJwf A ix.Ttooa aw a m, L
erailv known and iheir tales and leptjutioa Arr, I
cat ike whle conBBtry so eatemsiwe, that it
eem ntiuetreAsary to arge their swhts fnrta-r
f.iiMUtemrcnmstonwes bavevweurred M-hp... :
it a matter of duty to tha pa b lie not to ke
siknt, tor while the ephemeral n'-strams of Xa
t trampetoti by coinstaa throuj;ii u'a fren art
twt: 'c ared by (;cars anU xnV.oia o tae atlcitj.
lakm. ue UrL i-U si M m.-,
Chrklic'f 4Ulf Jtsvff ao4 nittk CeVjOh-,,
bare been quietly working thvir way aatofie '
most inMlBt and iwi-rctabl classca. aod rl
constantiy tv iinetmg euies ia aa tUraune traui
disease, kick hare for Bfres bM U the d
metliciae aitd all tit resources ni kwuca. Tm
diseases are called
and in than ajicase mcdtciM I nf a .rail ,1K
erer. It never doe good and it often cna, u-x
8, rip.. Extract, Balm, Balaama, a-liarm ly,
rills. Powder and rotnuia of eeery ainj e,au,
wortlilesa. for tney wnaae fn. vital .nerrn, w'
alreadj prostrated jstem, wail under th. sjwr..
eninf. life-eivinr. vhaliring inSuwne. of Oinua,
a. ajpl:ed by tiu. beautiful diacovcrr. ta. n&ua
Estient ami weakened sufferer is restored I. km
ealth. .trength, .Ustlcilv and vigor.
Tlies. rrmark. relate to .ttrb disease, a.
FKMALK IilSOKUKbS. .uch aa Nr.RVOl'S HKt:
A lit.. LASSITI'DE and DMrOMbKNl'T. .uj
ar. onlv other name for ervrms lrar.r.nsot
now known to result from a nMi-entrihlmtr if ,
Electric innueoo; NERVOUS TRKMOHJL i
Xl-as, whka nearly always caused hj toraKitv
wf tha Auditory Xorvea, unt can alw.ri te a-Va,
etrrej by tialv anism, when tn organ ia not oartrspal ,
DYSPEPSI A ta rt. wot form ; r ALSr Md Ptaj,
LYSIS, mulV.rnilr cansed by a dcoeumcy M Stm
of the LIVER, PAIN in th SIDE, SLLIXilSH CIl
DKKM li.M V of NaHVOl S and rHVSk Al. El
F.KtsY, and .11 those distreaving complaint, run
in, from a DERANGEMENT of tnn NaAVuil
In the abore preralent and terrible elaaa n m
esesNetrosw Coeaplainto are mweb mere m
aas than in generally imsginnd -
Ara sun Ahwolat wjsel PwalUra Siawia,
Tn BELT is need wnen the hodv or srstem fr.
rally is affected i th NECKLACE fercomplanu
ha Threat, as Asthma and Bronchitis, and of us
Head ; and th BUAl KLETS for all duorders of a.
arm. or Lmha, aa Kanaulism, Palsy. Traumrs mi
lemsntodic aSections. These article, .re urny'tr ra
otied a. directed with U.. MAO.NKTH fLl lBec.-l
aecrnnranis tit em, and vraea fsilLtuliy uses ihrf
Is- The great peeuliarftr and evcellenre of fit
(HLVAMi; I BATIVl.S conwia ia lb. tct lhal
tlrey arrest and etrr dieas iy snt.ar. applHsnsii,
in 'plac of th usual method of Dmaaing and
Thriieking the patient till exhausted catar. sinks
h.tpeleaslv under th inSirtinn. TV, nrraclam ue
wWe rfjrm. violin Ae r.realatisa toe B1m fs.
m tae arrvrrasas, ian'rarete (V safcrv snerjinv aW
rsa .ever de lae ilitKltrt wra .aso- V nrrannwew
Since their introduction in th tailed Statm, mlj
three years ainca. nor, than
7 5,000 PERSONS
mrlnding .11 see, classes and conditio, annf
n liom a ere . l.re number of L.1m. who are sa
liariy subject to Narvou. Complainta, kav beat
Entirely and Fennanently Cartd,
when all hop. f relief had Acnjrrrsa un. and ersn
Hi i else been tried in vain! The beneficial rerjiti
which have uniformly attended their us. w canS
dentlv stated to be without parallel te tB.aanal
of Me,lical Science, rlergymen, lawvrn, and wa
phvSHtian,) bdie. of th highest Handiagi Antu
guished person, holding elevatad offlcui staUon.
aerchsnu. mannfacturera, .nd morhansf s ; the pn.e
and th. rich .like ; often w hole families, amnor, all
classes, ranks aad condition, hareaqnally ben tv
cipieats. and have eqnally .cttnowloteed tlie .A?
drous aad ottea uneapected banefru wbKh they iim
tiiti. received.
g f Let it be known and rememlt.rett thit thei-
Natural Kestorative lor the Nerve, is tlalvssA
and that iu ail Nervous Diseases w should
"Throw Physic to the Dogs."
To illustrate the neo(the OAIVAStC BELT,
suppose the rae of a nrrstm afflicted with that &a
of civiliutinn, IH SrtrSI A. or ny other t hromt
rWrvous Disorder. In ordinary case, rusi,.'at3
are taken, which, by their action on th ncnei
mu.clestf the stomach, altord lemnspwf reiief. r(t
which leave th. patient in a lower .tat., .nd s -j
ir.jtred faculties, .tier th. action thus muted us
ietl. Now compare this with th. effect ter.-t-
from th. appucatmof th GALVANIC lti.t
Take a nvrpertic snll'erer. even ia the worst sr
.mi of an attack, and aimplv ti th Bait renai ta
Bodv, using th. Magnetic Fluid as directed, in a
rh rt period th. inscusibl. pervpiratloii will act a
f,e poittii. cletnmt of tha Rett, thereey rsuneg a
flalvanic circulaliou which will pass on to th
negative, and thenc sack again to th. nneitiva
tiiti. keej-ing up a eontinuou. tlalianic eirculaue.
thtrmghont th svstrm. Thus the most se.ere cans
from t!i. most intelligent and rwpecUM. W
residing in erer, portion of th I nited Stitm. eoM
b presented, thae an now .nneceasarr. sat s
umerou aelectioa embracing many sutsmM" w
the meat entraordinary character. sChcsmt to tu
authorised AgenL Tha int. rested ar paiucunf
invited ta call
Irwaa anc at the atast 4ktluvrjirtl 11
claaa ka the City af lew lark.
I kav been using Christie's Galvanic artictn
a quiet way among my pa'snaH for about t. vear
east, and I cenlea. I am aatosushed at thnrmcrt
If I am snr a disease s A-'es. ft. I know J"" " V
Ihev will do. In Epileptic "r ite, partKOlarly ,
ckiUren -. tmhtm and AJee turns of th. Hset.
mlults t raralrsia and Palsy, ka all ajrea. and inin
several other diseases of like hick kav. assl
nuzzled the profession, I I
taa. I th. Ualvsaw
articles of surprising bencB
shameless quackery of adt
napera, I must sapres. my
n ,1. efnn.leH-,,1 .irlne. tk
Altiic ihl detents
n. at and sv
-el . and bsM
th wonderful virtues or CHRISTIE It"
TIV1A My nam is, of eourn. eonaViential
hall nrr hesitate to lecaavKjaat yenr aruckw
all proper occaakuae."
Ta D. C MoaiHcsa. M, D, tana. Ajjt. tar
I naiaiis. New la..
Dew Sir, Being a phyiiriaa la th rlriaflr "
a Mm imats I kav. euaelh wrmti&ei
th. aamumtioa of Tour Gaivaaie Cwratjves. ail
kighly pleased with tneir practical resnha.
eamrved that they ar constructed a the tree arne
tine vrincipl for th gesuie, mt, twnsssnl and a
J tiling a disiJeratuav long aougkaiw, 1 ker
rismet ueTetoraiem os tn uaivanjc larrenr. laetev
: ' ' , " "
,nd " TfSJSi
Naaveoa Ceareunrnj, far whack uVry anas
eaiied Naavev Ceatruaeva, Mr wk
k.n...l. ..a il,.i...il
Very truly ye. re, DA VID MUX at
Lore ret t. Mass, Fsbmarj la, IsML
N trouble or inconrenienr attends th.
' of vk. ciuusTUrs eju.mic ctB,fTf
ta. aeasatioB attending taw nee m si(a, i .
end aareseUe. They ar aecompaaied by (ad "
slain direction, for use. Pamplilets with faa
Lea tars mj h ebtaiiutd graua, oi la astwra.
The Galvanic Belt. Three Dollar
Tbe Galvanic Necklace, Two. DolUra.
The Galvanic Bracelett, 0n Dollar .
The Magnetic Fluid, Una Dollar.
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D. C. N0RK1TEAD. V. ".-
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A sort ta .wtatma-C. W. SClIArFLB
tUattUi. at Uje CljMniiU CSf.
ON account, fioaa oa
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Wood, Wheat, Butter,
aaJ masl other Pmduce fct Uattts
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