Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 01, 1854, Image 3

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jfrnistaRg (EfymMt.
Friday Morning, Dec. 1, 1S54-
. ntrTRTffE -Manfcemw. s.lerrr.ertp, Tal'Mr
ADSE2i. C1.T anl Country. Meenanir.. K.-tr.
lare " 'n"" J, . , ,,i...lTnt iwoductre. .
EJ- See Xcw Ads erlinrni .
jWe learn that the "fret atid inde
pendent" voters of Uuion county re
again signing petitions fur Division, very
generally; and tie New Berlin papers
sptmer, . -v
Some of the Emporium ites say they shall
. . v i..til,;tir-viiv
not remanstrate, but expect the.r DitiMTY
.mitfer. and SCO d. aniazmeiy lucrcai.
irill deter the Legislature from doing any
I'jing derogatory to their interests. Others,
however, intimate that they may possibly
come down from their lofty emineuco, and
pend in their names ngaind Division.
Should a majority of the Voters again sign
in favor of the naked question of Division
clear and disconnected from all side is
jrjes of Politics, Prohibition, County
lights, Railroads, and Bridges we opine
there are a couple of gentlemen in Juniata
Who will not thiuk New Berlin is all Un
ion county.
forThe cheapest way to
the Railroad
Trom our side of the River,
is evidently
Hess accomodation line, the charge for
which is less than ordinary bridge toll,
and which connects with the Railroad and
Stage routes east and west. (See adver
tisement.) Xortii BttAKcn Canal Tolls collce.
led from December 13th, 1So3, to Novoni
ber 1st, 1854, $192,888 9, being an
increase of 127,022 60 at the Beach Ha
Ven oflict, bver the same period lost year.
. iw"On Saturday morning, at Ilarris-
burg.on motion of Hamilton AIrieks,Eq.,
II. CLAT AlAEMAN, Esq., late of Lewis
was admitted to practice law in the
several courts of Daaphin county.
'Tbe people of Will iampnrt arc
miking efforts 'to change the location of
the Sunbury & Erie Railroad, from the
outh to the north side o'f the River, at
and above that town.
. M.On the 1st inst.-, the teYm of "Judge
Black as Chief Justice having expired, he
returns to the foot of the list, and Hon.
Ellis Lrms becomes Chief Justice of
ovuumi. it imam rouxK,an
aged citisen of Turbut township, Northum
berland county, was killed on the 18th
Inst., by the fall of a rock, whilst quarry
ing stone near Turbutville.
ayThe rumor of the failure of Cecil
Bank (noticed in last Ctronicle.) we are
glad to see, is not correct. The report we
believe reached here from Williamsport.
tnjrfcc Americans of Delaware State
hive invited the National CotucIl to nom
inate a candidate for President, &e., to
convene at Wilmington in that State.
&Congress assembles, next Monday.
Those who desire to be perfectly " booked
in its proceedings, are referred to the
Prospectus ofTheGlole on our first page.
Kansas. Gov. Recder has authorized
the Herald to say that "an election will
be ordered fof a delegate to conwsj to
be held on Wednesday, 5ov. 29."
WrThe Virginia Democratic Conven
Kou for nominating State Officers, Was to
Mscmblejit Staunton, yesterday.
Gec. Smullcr was chosen President
oi me bank orMiddlctown, at an election
fceld by the directors on Monday list.
"Tfe? ChamberArtrg Why warmly
rgcs Col. StitEK, of Lewisburg, for next
Btate Treasurer.
ia.There has heen another arrival from
California, but no particular news.
llobert W. Johnson, a Democrat of the
nltra-aonthcrn school, has been chosen by
the Legislature to serve out the unexpir
ed term Dr. Borland in the 17 S Sr-natr. '
v - u new by appoictacnt of
Oov. Conway,) ,nd aiso for ,he fu
from the 4th of March nckt
r TW n!BK' XT-28 Tbt c,irir Aip
Itnlrluk PI.- r r. 14 r
i vnich I. i , , .
-" w" 'orean l-ranctseo. afipf
' pro-
tng as far as Ihe Uighlands, returned !
In fk C .1 . .
" ui Spit in coiscbuence of a
Bllilinv nn iws. 1
Uken into custody, and the ship
aiM m.-- 1
A mectinir of !. Ti . .
a i-ijrA-iHiic oiate
commiMee of .Pennsylvania, will
1 i a MJU
h htA . l s.. , y
------- i lucrcbunta' Hotel, lhila.
15i t 4 o clock, 1'. M.
Ex-Oovcrnor Johnson'. fr;ca(Js tLe
i understood .W .t.. t, ....
GenemTa renortwill Z V rostfflaste'
vnu a report will pek more favorably
V ttan before
Vv the J ,evTCsDB tM t"wept"
ttt.jor,rctoHt.BB,J(J1 fctd4t.BW
The ftlbUft Healtll
. The last warm season lias becn,thro'ngl
otlt the Union, noted for the variety nd
the virulence of those diseases incident to
sntnmcr and autumn. Oar own vicinity
has not been exempted, and although the
mortality was not great, caeept among the
aged and the very yoang, yet numerous
families have stiffcred,from ague especially.
Nothing like it has been experienced sine
1824, when, throughout the Yalfey and
along the Itiver, some were ill in every
family, and in many there was not a well
member to wait upon them. The sickness
has now mostly disappeared, but there are '
still countenances which show the nccessi-!
ty of much care and attention in effecting !
a complete restoration to health.
During the summer, a report prevailed,
not 20 miles distant, that there were 480
persons lying sick in this Borough a fig
ure over 400 too large ! Rumors obtain
! at prcfcnt a!s0 that do2en, are d ; dai,
i J c J u8 " "!
among us whereas, the truth is, there
, ,
for a month past, one a girl of 5 years on
the 5th ult., and the other a youth of 10
on the 15th ult. Some few of those wbc
had been exposed to the contagious disease
before its rei'l character was known, have
received it, but the cases aro of a mild
type. Vaccination is rery well resorted
to, and, with proper diet, temperance, and
above all calmness and absence of fear,
will soon exterminate the infection.
There have been no cases among them,
but, as a precautionary measure, the Direc
tors of the Borough Public Schools have
suspended them for the present
We regret to learn t f the death of Mr.
Henry Heincn, of Milton, of the same
disease. Its existence, however, should
uot create a senseless panic in the country.
It existed, last season, in Sunbury, but no
alarm was raised, and it was worked out.
JtaThc New Berlin IVcesjifunff goes
fur Botts for Vice President on the Pol
lock ticket, and the Star for Bell. We
hope this split at head quarters will not
ruin the cause; but any disagreement of
the 'organs' at New Berlin is a bad omen.
Bjr-tbc-way, Sew Berlin must look
cot for its 'laurels' as well as for 'county ;
(,'" : Dtaieiueoi tuat mr. ijcaaer is
about to establish Know Nothing paper
at the 'great Metropolis,' was interpreted
by an nuinformed Editor on the Juniata
as meaning the Citjf nf Washington !
ttgrOur neighbor asks us, " It Sara
Houston to be the candidate for the Presi
dency in '56 ?" Vie see no reason why
that query should be leveled at us, partic
ularly, but candidly answer we don't know.
Or, to be more explicit, we are not in pos
session of any information whatever on
the subject, and can therefore form no
opinion with regard to it We are j ust as
much in the dark about it, as our neigh
bor, or the public at large. Arc yon con
teat ?
Heavt FailVbe. The PhflaJs'phia
lodger, of Thursday, says :
"The very enterprising firm of Reeves,
Buck &. Co., iron manufacturers it was an-1
nounced, yesterday, had stopped cavrf.cnt : !
' t r
their liabilities being vaViously stated at
from nine hundred to fourteen hundred
thousand dollars, with assets to the amount
of three millions of dollars. This firm
has extensive imn trb'rfcs at Pb&nixvilli;,
in this State, and we believe also at Bridg
ton, AVest Jersey. We have heard no par
ticulars as to the cause of the suspension,
but we presume it results from the shock
the iron business has received from the
difficulty experienced in negotiating the
millions of bonds so freely given in pay
ment tif railroad iron. With so large a
margin of assets as here shown, it would
hardly seem possible that any loss can ul
timately ensue, or that the concern will
stop operation. A year ago tfie iron bu
siness was esteemed the most prosperous
in the country, now it is probably the
most coihpletely prostrated."
Fine In WiIlIamspout. The steam
Sasb, Blind, aud Furniture Ware manu
factory of Mr. Wm. Fink, al Williamsport,
caught fire on Friday evening of last week,
and was entirely cousumcd. This, we
learn, was a most complete establishment,
the machinery being of the latest, and
most approved kind. We have heard no
estimate of the loss, but it nlust be very
heavy. Insured in the North Western
Insurance CorhpaSy for ?3500. Muncy
In the United States Circuit Court, on
Friday morning notiee was givdn that the
case of Capt. Smith, who wai convicted of
participation in the Slave trade, and who,
through bis couriscl, had niade application
for a new trial, would be postponed till
February next. No decision will be given
until then, and id the meantime theprisrv
ner will not be sentenced.
An exchange paper Rays tbst camphor
has been discovered to be an antidote for
that terrible poison, strychnine. A man
who bad been thrown into Convulsions by
two doses of the poison one-sixth of a
grain each, administered for the rheuma
tismwas relieved by twenty graina of
camphor taken in six grains of almond
Datid S. Reid, democrat, has been elect
ed U. S- senator for ii years from thi
4th of March next, in place of Mr. Badger,
whose kiin expir?, (in North Carolina )
itg-td sorifo districts Ceftter and Ly
coming, for example the election cam
paign is warmer since the deceive day
than it was before.
The election for U. . Senator in Penn
sylvania, now takes place on the second
Tuesday of February, instead of January,
as in previous elections.
Mn. II. A. STAMBAUOn.of Ilarrisburg,
baa opened a Daguerrean Gallery in the
room over Mrs. Iblano's Millinery esta
blishment. Give him a call.
lyThe Siudent wlio was lo have delivered
the Address before the Society of Inanirr. in
the University Chapel, on Sunday nut, has !
Deen uncxpecteuiy prevented Irom reluming
to the Institution: There will therefore be no
public exercises on that day;
TEMPERANCE. The next Temperance
Addreas will be delivered in the German Ke
fornied Church on Tuesday next at half past
B o cloclt. Volunieer remarks will follow from
any who may desire lo speak.
CjTThe regular Quarterly Meeting of the
L'nion County Agricultural Societv, will be
held at the Oiilce of 8. Weiriclt, Esq . ia Sew
Berlin, on Tuesday, 19th Sov, at i, P. M.
'J0 CUNDY.'pres.
9-blotrhci cn the Skin Eilrmordlnarj Corrfbj IIcl.
lua t olntmrnt dJ !ill liliru of tlie l ni..n who
re fflirtrd Kith irurTj. Irprojy. or Mher taTf-ttnite dl-wsx-i
of tlx- kin, lo hjrh the human frame h lubjrrt,
can not make use rf remnlien en eertan. ate, nnfl epevdjr
in thnir cum. IMluwnv'a (liniment and Hlla ; the
former are the flueat purittri of the blood, ebile the Hit
ter Immediately at upon the akin, and tbua conjointly
eradicate goch dinraat-a from the avalem. In all part of
Slate, thear Madieiueii are alhwitj to be.lheanoat rflira
dnnaeter ma.ile koawn.and the moat obstinate ca.cs
quickly yield to their curaia power.
Lewisburg Pott-Office Atrangemenu.
EASTSllfr Mails (via ilii.ro; erery day but Snndar.
clox at , A M.
E.tSTEKX Mail! trie XotTn'i.1 erery day t.nt Sunday
close at 3U o'clock, I'. U
WESTtltX, on Monday, Wedneaday and I'rid.T.
cl.eats'Ji A.M.
A'OjrrrA.V(Willlamport) Moml. W edn and Frl ,
cloe at S P.M. of night precodina.
50rTM.V( Sellnjrotr) Tuead. Thnrsd. and Saturd., I
cloaa at 12, 51.
BVFFALOB X SO ADS. Tnenday and Friday.
eloar at S I'.il. of night preeedinK.
a.Huftinrffs hours daily 'rxeept dundayafroin nnntil
11 1 . A M . and from 12, M. until 8. I' M.
Nor..lsa. II. W.CIIOTZEK, P. Jl.
A VARIETY of School Books,
Blank Books. Gift Books for Holiday
presents. Tens, Ink, Letter and Cap Paper,
Fancy Stationery. Magazines, Papers, etc. e,tc.
for sale eheav at the Lawisacas Post Orrics,
Vvmcltd Weekly.
-.81 80 Eggs $
Itacon. ......
. 10
. 8
. 12
Flaxseed .
Dried Apples. 1,25
Butter 20
In White Deer Tp, Thursday lth ult, Di
iit Kasck, aged 75 years, 3 months, 15 days.
HAVING no use for it this Winter, I otter
for sale, cheap, or exchange on food
OAK or PINE Wood, a good TWO HORSE
TEAM, all rigged, and ready for nse. Or I
will sell or exchange the Horses separately.
Lewisburg. Nov. 29, 1854
Estate of Daniel Ranck, dee'd.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters
Testamentary on the Estate of Daiiti.
RtxcK, (late of White Deer Township, Union
county,) deceased, have been granted to the
subscribers by the Register of L'nion county;
therefore all those knowine themselves indeb
ted to said estate will make immediate pay-1 1
ment, and those having claims will present
,hem properly authenticated for settlement, to
. ,k . r .u. :n i
t niv a Li ....... i i ... . iiliii j u i uic ia,i will nuu
testament of said dee'd
While Deer, Nov. 28, 1854
AcboTDitlfdatfn Line of
MOST respectfully announces tn the trav
eling public that he is running a Daily
Line oT Coaches (Sundays excepted) between
r.eaisbure; and Milton. Jjemin the different
Hotels in Lewisburg at about 9 o'clock A.M ,
arriving at Milton in time tp take the Philad
elphia morning train of cars leaving Milton
for Lewisburg upon the arrival of Stages from
Williamsport. AUo.Xciye Lewisburg at 3, P.M.,
returning to Lewisburg upon the arrival of the
Philadelphia evening train. For. Bloomsburg,
Carta wissa, Danville, or Williamsport, this is
the cheapest and quickest route. Fare 37) eft.
Packaoks safey and carefully attended to.
Lewisburg, Dec. 1, 1854
. Register's NoticM. .
The following accounts will be presented for
confirmation and allowance at Orphans'Court
in New Berlin, Friday, 22d Dec. 1854 :
The arcounta of Jams M'CrrifM and Jftfan T. MagW,
exetntora nf Andnw Man. d we'll, who waa Qnardiaa of
Mattlda, James, Marv, mn4 hmeph t. Matre.
Tb arc! of Jotin StatUi, adm'r of Jacob Smith, lato of
a BM-arar t p, m a.
,The acct of Andr Cook, ata'r of DnM Oaler, lata
of JjlarUey Tp. dnr'd-
The amt nf Maria ffhT. axaeotrlx. and Sannat Ptaher
aod Saaaaal Webs esecatora of Rev. iienrv Fishar, lata
of D.-rliD, dae'ik ....
The a-et of iamual Strfnpand Oaoraa Scree; exacts
ton of Qorl:al9trtin.iatpof Waahinzton To. iv&A.
Tbe final acet of Smal tlradrnon athl Robert Candor,
cs ra ( tn. u. suinran. late at n ntie user Tp, aecw.
Tba only and final an of DaaH Helaranl Jacob Wet
el, adm'rs of Daniel Waj-ner. lata of Panna Tp. dve'tf.
Tbe a?rt of OanWI O. Ouidla. adnl'r of John Uennlnff,
Utt 0? Krll7 tm dfe'd. i
TJie vrt of Jamb Uuramol, ex'r of John Haaaaet, lata
OfK lljrTp, dee d.
The aei-t of Jarr.b ITnninel, F-q . Orfarllan of Sanivel
II. and Wm II. Hitter, minor children of fatcr Hitter,
late or Eai Jjaffaloe To. d-rM
The aeet nf Jubtl Dateaman and Jacob Roatenbndcr,
dm ra of II r Kctrnbairr. late of tTKr, l)a r Tp, ae'd.
The second aert of Sarah Darkhns, adia'ra of Ilr. 8. 8.
Tbe art of Ph.lir RuM and Saaoal BeehteL adm'ra of l
rrtrr Uemtri. late Ol n aal vunaloo 1 p. one J.
The an-i of A. .llnrf vrd, Sag , ax'r of Tho'i C Wilson,
late or .New Krlln. dee'd.
Tba acrt of John Rrber jr. acliaf adaiV of Jnoc Ikbar,
latj. nf Ifaat Buffalo Tn. dar'd.
The oalr and Caal aoat of Bllaa B. MnfavOiurdiaa of
ameita Snyder, a minor.
The acrt of Charles S. DaS-ia. One of Ihe n'n af 1. W.
Smith lata ttt HwIIwm i ft vm. dee'd.
The acet of Jaaob Mania, dm'r of Antf MH, fata rf
rerry Tp, aecd.
OP tmi Citizens nf rewisi'flrff, to taHe
action about NEW SCHOOL BUILD
INGS will be held In the
Town Half,
SATURDAY cein?, M Dee.
iast A fall attendance it df sired.
JOSEPH GLASS, fjh.inrat.
!AM'L P. BAR toy, ee,
CiC. l,lcot
--r.j. -
A tiltu&lori Wanted,
1 a BeMon eoAnetent la lake eharrt of.
Bopka and Accounts, or lo perfnf at the
general dune Belonging to a atora or merc
antile establishment. Address tKrmick
Office, Lewisburg, Pa. Nov. 2?, 1854.
ron s
X six-and-three-fjnarter Ociave Pin now.
Alan THREE beautifully-flnihhed MIAAf
VEOXS, made after the newest impreve
merits. Apply to
fn. J. .ESaNER.
t?iidih Fourth St. near Market,
tewisburg, Nov. 20, 1864
AdmlnHlrator ollcc.
"VfOTICE is hertw KiVen, that Letters ol
ll Administration on the Estate of JAMES
I.. IRLAND. Icie of East Buflaloe Twp, Union
Co.,dec'd.have been granted to the undersigned
by thi Register of Union county in due form
ol law ; therefore all persons indebted lo said
estate are requested to make immediate pay -
ment, anu tnose Having any just claims are
also requested to present them properly autk
enticated for settlement.
THOMAS PENNY, Administrator.
East Buflah'e, Nov. 17, lrJSt pi
i r
TjMi be Sold at the residence of the
subscriber in Kelly township near the
ford on Buffalo creek, adjoining Lewibburg
borough line, on
Friday, the 8th December next,
the foliowine property, viz.
..... r...K..,, .
iTfone 4-hor-;e W
H7l HHr i Trnel
aeon andPv Alt
ek Wacon.AX-lJt
Plows, llarron-s. Cultivators, Hav Ladders.
Horse Gears, Bureaus, Tables, Beds and Bcd
dine.one 8-tlay Mantle Clock.t Choking Stove,
S Wood Stoves, and a variety of other
IfivtelwJJ and Farming I'tcnsilt
too numerous to nyntion. Pale lo commence
at 9 o'clock, A.M. ol'said day, when terms of
sale will be made known.
"tS hei-etr siven that Letters Testamentary
l on the Estate of MATHtA SHAFFER, j
late of the Bomiich t.f Lewisbur?. dec'd. have i
been granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested lo make j
immediate payment, and those having claims ,
J against the same will present them duly au-
! tbenticated for settlement.
S1UI 7I. SiHJFPER. ) .
Lewisburg, Nov. 15, 1854
General Meetinf
Office Susquehanna Railroad Company
Hanisarn.3ov. 13. 1S54. S
AN adjourned general meeting of. the
Stockholders of tBis Company will be
held at Calvert Station, on Monday, ine 4th
December next, at 1 1 o'clock. A.M.
Nov. 15, 1854
Office Susquehanna Railroad Company )
Hmaisarao, Nov. 13. 1854. )
A GENERAL Meeting of the Stockholders
of this company will be held at Calvert
Station, on Monday the 4lh December next, at
12 o'clock, M-, for the purpose of electing 12
Directors in The northern Central Railway
Company, for the ensuing vear. By order,
Nov. 15, 1854
Botanic tiarden.
H E subscriber offers for sale a fine assort-
I ment of TREES and SIIRUBBERY.such
Pr. Plum, Cherry. Apricot, Siberian Crab,
Dm nee Crane Vines. Rasnbeines. Currants.
-- ' - I , -
Gooseberries, Ornamental Trees and Shrub
bery, Everbloommg Roses, t lowering I'lants,
&c. U.K. NOLL.
Lewisburg, Nov. 8, 1854 Cm
Mrs. Irlaual would re-
spectfully announce to the I
Ladies of Lewisburg and vi- j
cmity, that she has recently
renewed her assortment ofl
Jtc, which she will dispose
of on favorable terms.
Her healih is so far restored that she will I
fcay personal attention to business. Oct. 6.
Wheat, and Flour!
subscriber will pay the highest price in
I!4SI fnr W'hal. . if u.ill treen rnnstantlv
on hand. Wheat and Flour to Retail, and his ;
Waeon will run dailv to Town to deliver Flour
and receive. Wheat. All W heat he sells, be
will guarantee to make 40 lbs. Flcur per bu
shel. Arsons wishing Wheat. will leave their
bags at my Storehouse, and they shall be punc
tually attended lo.
tewisbtirg, Sept. It, is54
OUR Firm bein this day dissolved, we
would say lo all who know themselves
indebted to us, that we are in heed of the
needful, and are anxious to settle up our bus
iness with as little delay as possible. Our
Books will remain; at the old stand, ar.d set
tlement ciade by either of the Firm.
Lewisbnr. Sept. SO, 1 854
or TUK
Will commence cn Tocssdav, Ocr.U, 1S54,
to continue ?0 weeks.
The course of Insiruclicri ia this Institution j
is calculated to prepare youths to cuter vouege
or for general busineis.
Composition and Declamation receive snre-
The subscriber is solicitous to secure a class
of Young Laiitt.
The Bible is in daily use in the school.
Tor reference, the Principal takes pleasure
to refer to many of oar citizens, both in and
afonnd the place, who have had their children
and wards noder, his care.
Tuition For Languages SlO.Higher Eng
lish $8, and common branches, (including
Reading, Writing. Geography, Arithmetffc,
Grammar and U.S. History) 8 per session.
Contingent expense! per Winter session, 60
els. per scholar, extra. -
Ho deduction eteept for sickness. .
Sept. It, 1854 Pr"C'P-
Ta school nirectori.
LANK Contracts with Teachers, and Or-
dtrs on Treasurer, at caronicie uitce.
at h Chr,-D;clrrffie.
Mamimnth HWrt Oiiorinrcl
l'l""U"V" vu. cuui ivi k i
ABC just receiving their FALL SCPPLt j
of Goods. Cm in Ssi. :
Lewiiburg.Oct. 4, 1834
Cheaper (han Ever!
Fall and Wiulf Arricul of Xew GooJi!
rUST respectfully an nouncelofriends and
J.VL 'he public generally that they have just
received a carefully selected stock of
DRY ftiOOOS, of every variety, and at
nrices to suit cutonier, embracing Ladies'
, nml Gentlemen's dress soods. domestic, furn-
I ishin; goods cloves, hosiery, trimmings, &c. !
rT";-.";!'? a frfs supply of the
! frqum&w! a8ara, molaissi". houey, coffee,1
u as spices, tobacco, segars, crackers, ham, '
, c,eeSe, dried fruit, See.
r, se!ectd stock !
of shovels, spades, forks; hoes, and a variety .
of cullery, carpenter's, mason's, and black-:
smith's tools. I
QUEEXSWARS, the cheapest ever oflered '.
in this market iron-stcne,grap(ie,chini and
u hiteware, also common tea-sci'.s, &c.
H ATS AND CAPS.of all kinds and at low
All of which have been selected with great
care, and haying been b'g'JghlforCuA they are
enabled to sell at unusually low rales. They
deem it unnecessary to particularize, as their I
slock embraces everything likely to be called ;
for. Purchners will find it their advantai to i
giveusaeall. PROOLCEtaken in exchange,
y ii stciiI to rLsascJ
Lewisburg, Oct. 25, 1S54
New Firm New Goods !
" A new Broom twerp) ciori .'"
by way of Cattuwissa RailroaJ,
ONE of the choicest and most desirable
assortments of seasonable DH Y AXD
r'AXCY GOODS e,-er.broiigbt to this place,
and which they offer a: an unusually ssiall
advance upon ihe first cost- ,
Old friends and new, and the public genrr-
allv, are respectfully invited to call and see
for themselves.- . , ,
iV A full assortment of HARDWARE.
at low prices'. .. ,
Lewisburg, Oct. 24, 135t
THE Firr-i cf U IDDLNGS jk. CO. has been
this day dissolved by the sale of the
mterests of Samnel Oeddes and James s.
Marsh, to Aaron E. Wetzel.
Lewisburg. Oct. 9, 1S51
THE subscribers have ihis day entered
into Partnership, to do a general Mer
cantile business, under the name of Innisos
Si WitiVt'. and respeetVully solicit Ih; pat
ronage of their friends and the public.
Lewisburg, Oct. 9, l5i
AVING bought
from D. H. Risttit, of
Mililinburg, a quantity of Dry Goods.
, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Iron. &c,
also 5 Wagons, a Horse, and a sett of Har
ness, we hereby give notice that we have left
the same in the care nf the said Rissel, to be
removed to the dwelling now occupied by
, him, and to be by disposed of for, cur exclusive
use and benefit. . Also that, azf Pools and
I Accounts are placed in. the banus cf said Kis-
I sell, ami all persons indebted to us are crgent-
ly requested to make immediate settlement
w.,h him.
Mifflinhnrf, Oct. 18, 1854
SjhoUfS bet wee 'l PhllaJelrihiaaiid
Mi!ton Fare, $4 50.
ON and after Monday, Sept. 2J.ih, and until
Extension to Williamsport, Passenger
Trains will be run every day (Sundays excep
,ed). as follows t
easier Milton ct II. A M., connecting with
Reading Railroad at Tort Clinton, arriving al
Philadelphia at 7.30. T.M.
I.eaviue Philadelphia at 7.30 A.M., arrive at
Milton at 4 no P.M. '
. A Freight train will leave-Milton en Monday
Wednesday and Friday, and Port Clinton on
TuesdayThursday and Saturday of each week.
Freight is carried tn and trom Philadelphia
without transhipment, from Readme Railroad
Freight Depot corner of Broad and Cherry Sts.
T. M'KlS-sOCK,
Oct.ll.IS54 Superintendent.
New and Beautiful Fall Peds.
TU8T opening and entirely too busy to
ennmcTaie articles but for qtantily,
quality, or low prices, call in
Oct. 4. J. HATE3 & CO. '
have received tb,cir
New Fall Goods,
which they are enabled to dispose of rsena
tosLT cr kap. Lewisburg, Oct 4, 1834
A ND NEWFIRM-TbepartnershJpbcre-tofnre
existing between Rrbcr Purse,
was Ihis day dissolved by mutual consent
David Rebcf having disposed of his interest in
the concern to Peter Horsh. The business
will be continued at the old stand tinder the
Firm aiHank 4 Forte, who will be happy to
serve all the old oustonfers and lots-of new
,', : . . .O. R. VORfcE.
Lewisburg. Sept. SO, 1854
for cutting both Grain and Grasp;
AXl'FACTL'KED antf for rale at the
Le wisborg rounnry tv j
e. I
LIME COAL j 1st reel and rr MI ty
t MOTHER In of Fine Brocha SHAWLS
' and Parametta Cluihs of all shades, at
very low prices, just feed b : ,
Oct.J6 J. llA.f E3 CO.
Eagle Mil!.
nAI.N(i rebuilt, in a manner nlrred
ai)d improved, the Steam Grist Mill
terently lost by fire, the subscribers rr.ejiect
fuilv inform th? nublic thit thev are prentred
i tn do all kinds t.fCostun work and purchase
vrain as hrretfire.
Iwisburj. t)ct. 85, 1851
Express Office t
The und.-rsig-.ed have been
appointed Agents fur HOWARD & CO. ti
EXPKE-jS LINE, and are now prepared to
forward, oWy, l'ackag-s. Specie, Bank St'tes
etc. lo Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Al
bany, Baltimore, and intermediate points, also
to the other Northern and K.lsleju cities.
The public are resncci fully invited to pat
ronize the above line, as it is the quickest and
safest method of transportation betweeo the
cities and Lewisburg.
Packages received by or before 9 A M. wi!l
arrive in Philadelphia the same day, and be
delivered early in the following morning.
Ruceipts given for time and puce.
I'MluJelphia Office 1 43, South Third St.
Oct. 2i. THORN I ON & CO.
aYtio UaaM a IMiIla. trallr paper
ON and after N.v. 1st, the on lersigned
will furnish subscribers with any of the
Philadelphia Dailies, on the evening of the
I same tUy as published.
.Whoever, then, ihes the news, can be
j supplied by at onre leaving their names with
1 us. Ttrna 6 cts. per week (for the Penny
'. papers) payable wetklv or monthly in advance.
Execnlor'M A !!;:
"VFOTICE is hereby given lhat Letters Tes-
tam-ntary on the Estate of JOHN A.
VAN VALZAII, Esq., late of Kelly Tp, Union
Co., dee'd, have been granted to the under
signed by the Regisierof Union county in due
form of law ; iherefore all persons indebted lo
said Estate are requested lo make immediate
payment, anl those hav.ng any just cUims
at.e also requested to present theui pn perly
aalheuticaie l for settlement.
HOWARD. f u'cr.
MARBLE YARD. The subscriber
respectfully informs the public that he
still continues the Marble Business at his o!d
stand in ihe upper end of Market street, id
this Borough, where he is prepared to manu
facture m
Grace Stones, Mtnttb, l'lulfumu,SilU,tZ-c.
He has a variety of Carved and Plain work
now linishejd, and teady for lettering.
Persons desiring any article ia his line of
business, are requested to call at his Yard, as
he will there srll LiO per cent, cheaper than
can be bouslit of persons gning through the
country. Ail orders will receive prompt a'tea
Lewisburg, Sept. 13. 1854 . .
Uuivlllo Hardware Store,
VT which will be found a large and well
selected stock of
Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails,
Carriage trim'ings, Harness moantinps, .
Carpenters', Cabinet-makers' ani Shoe
makers' Tools. B?ot and Shoe Findings,
Moroccos, Kid. I.iuinis, French Calf
skins. Cedar and Willow Ware, Steej
Springs, Anvils, Vices, Screw Pldt:
S.-reir Rellrtir. rrtiMrrs ?V,r.irare
every descriprion.Venit anM-ndiw d
rnuuers, t inuowasn,..verpuo t are,
Brittannia Ware, puns, Pi.-tols, Revol-,
vets, Manilla ii-d Hemp Rope, Sperm,
Lard, and Whale Oil. Tar. Window
(ilass,LookinGiass P!altrs,Licsed Oil,
Spirits Tnrpentice, Tore White Lead,
White 2inc Pa'ir.ts, lllakc's Fire Proof
and a full .assorupent of rthr Paints,
Wines and Lionrs. at Whclesale and
Fetail, Japan, Copal, and Coach Var-
hishes, !tc. &c.
. All of which will bssotd very cheap for cash,
country produce, or four months' arnroved
credit. J.O. KICHARPSON.
et the signs of the Anvil and Saw.
DAntf !-!, Sept. 14, lS&t lylOt
PtMPS Pumps ! Pumps !! Wrll and
Cistern Pumps, Suction, Force and Chain,
the very best articles now in use.those wishing
to purchase can be convinced of this fact by
calling npon Henry R. Noll, Esq- l.i-.f;ur?.
The subscriber has also hand LEAD PIPE
from i to I J inches. J. O. RICH ARtHON.
. Danville Hardware tt"re,3 tours. A
of ihe Bank of Danville, Sep'. If, V.i
n .
Ice Cream and fr-atlng, Saloon,
Corner of Second a:':d Mt. l' t Stt.
J? Having rented the commodious and well
JKifftted buildings at the lower end of Market
Su (formerly the mansion of Vm.H.-iyes,Esq.)
Ihe subscriber is prepared to entertain .
Man aud lieast, with lodging and food bo
af with iniosicatir.g liquors.
. C7Therc is also attached an ICE CREAM
fca.ooo for Ladies, and an EATING SALOON
for Gentlemen. - .
,He respectfully solicits a fair trial, and a
share of the public pafrc'nage.
. . ... - E. PETERS.
Lewisburg. March 39, 1854 m
VTOTIUli Applicatioa will b madr
it to Ihe next Legulaiurt to change the
nanje of the -Lewisburg Savings Institution."
located at Lewiaharg h, the county of 1'ni.in,
to "THE LEWifARI RO BANK." wild One
Handled Thousand Dollars additional capital.
and authority to issue its own note for circn-
iannu s .jcm to in: pnvisiin ui nn
bankmg.laws of ibis Commonwea:t!i.
By order ufths Directors:
H P eilFLLFS.T.e.'urer
t:.tv ri,''iB'?, im
Boot tad I4n-i
rp'JE sobacnbei anaoaaces lo hi frid
I an.l Ih nul.lie nrnrrallv that h hsa lkl
received from Phitsdclphia a large aid sisci
leal assttrtment of
comprising every hird and variety of Cae'a
men's Belts, Gaiters. Moafots.Tiss, Slivf tf a.
. '
r, diei' Fint Gaiter Coeti,
Buskins, Jenny Linda. ad Tita f the latee
and must approved st)les.
Boys', Misses', anil ChiiSieu'ii
Boots, I.ace Boris, baiters aad Shoes cf evti
ityle and variety tov wom also a ahe.M
selecuon of tbe School and Ciassisal
now ia ose ia our Academies and Scb(ls
together witi a gobd assortrcent of atkllc
nrrji etc.
The al oe goo2s have been carefully selro
ied and will he sold at very .reduced prices.
The undersigned also continues lo u.ai.M
tnre Boots ani Shoes of every descriptit-n r
order, and. from hi long experience aad r
determination to spare no effort or expense :i
please, he hopes to merit and receive a literi'
ihareof business. JOllN HblGHTOJt.
Lewisburg. May S. 113
Vnitertiti fltMcint.
t stsb a lara Ci aa a Rovaaa'a Tone J!ixrcx-
TUB Cnivvreity of Free M.dicme ai.d Popular I:..
a4s. eharwrrd ls tliatateuf rvanylB a a: 1..
last acnaton vts-Xvlb iiril, lHiO nainl; S.r tbe fl -of
arrrrtint tlx a lis rrauliire itvm Ht aale u! fui .
an4 ilaba.roa noatrnniA. altv iur the arAea 01 .1
inz tbe public n!tb rlUlaa reowd.ea in eaaea nL.v..
the iatl.-nltaa not oltain nc riil nt.t eatpiny the b.t
meUtr-tt aJvMD. Larinir purihakej that inaiai-t!. ttv -eje,
H'.wand'a Toaia Mtaturo. o acroont f lis i .
cei.brits anj known eflicarj in the treatment 1 a. ' - r
aaj Aac. m.4 iU kitijc l a(.altaa,kaahobeai-.l'a !
reroBtatitlii a it ia lie Liabeet tras lo U-a fair-a -
of the afiiateU.
BKkilY UIX'T. Tho tU laatiluuca nut.i i.i
sanction, in like manner, to ilia r.lntiiji lr 'Lo-l 1' -t -plaint,''
aw well kaoea u HoiMlSl'-pvilail Srup tl
HtukCrrr K-joi. at-d . arn at. v rwrii.iau.l it lo iLe . j
4-nea of patlenta a-3 cted wl'h thaa. e. ntptain' ae.i. r-
git Lo betavalaaltiaii. ILa trtatmentol and. r3va.
. tea. Il.nrj K. Slrrj
lion. J. B. Itae-sta.
SordarofthoT.-oaUaa, , Jfl-a K Kuaao, S-. 1
1 b. i:. a.Ltf-i. a..
. llaator urr. E.
aj-ATl eomMna!ratiana to bo avtlreea4. JiLa ?
Kowand. M. !.. bend f the I hartnaeeoUrnl lief r' u..
and freaidrOt "I tbe t bieerute.
It "trie ItiaaearS' u.duiBcrtN"o.4TSanth ia-. i'J-t.'-Fbia4Aal'bia
braaeii Iienar7 9 tle Store ef
it. t. a. ii. rnyaiiun co.,r.. ia-f.
to LrinERit.
WASTED Vi to S9 Oct) ft V ap Z 1
iu to so.eoo do 4 t
It) to 30.VV0 ft SiaJksL pl.t i
. . , 10 to 30.006 ft 1 1 do
to be delivered this coming Fail aad Sprit f o
the bank of the River at liarrtslorg. - Luu.l
of good quality and strait (tiainej is wanrtd.
Prtposals will be received till Sej.t. 1 fee
furnishing the above, and persons serditg fti
posals will s;ate the quantity and quality ol tin
oil. r re nt kinds they can furnish, aad wbcb-
Terms of payment cash ca delivery aoJ
inspection. Address (post-paidj
480 W.O. HICKOK, Harrubu.-g, Pa.
SPt'KtR & II ATTI would infoim lie
, public that mey have fitted ott a .
iiiJ iJjiivssiii for )ajtirrjiiip'l!g,
in tbe New Building over Dr.Thornton's Lrur
Store entrance at ihe Jir't door, up stairs.
where they are prepared to perform any aork
in their hue in ihe best atjle of the aru W
can take pictures at almost any hour ia ih
day. Children takes as well as adults and
other pictures Copied.
As we have aow.a pennant nt location, flttad
up purposely and delusively for bagu.rteo
t ping, we think we can render entire satis.'ae
tiun, and respecifiilly tender our services. '
Lewisburg, Aug. 1, 1853 J L. HAWK'
Wonld inform bis pH-friends aad tie
public generallv on tne Wesvand Nortt
tiranrh.tr.at he continues to kers the ATJG
HOTEL, iii the center of the Town, and askt
a fair share of patronage ltl- S
. and far sale at the Marnlwlh Drug Store.
JUST ree'd and for sale at the Main mot b
, Drue More a large supply of Dr. Green's
genuine lliTTERS, f, r cure of Dvsrepsia.ete.'
Aug 10 D. THORNTON ok CO.
Tltbornpblc Print In? Ofllce.
J and a laige quantity el PlC I I'EES, lot
Framing, and for Diaaii g Ten hers. -
N. W. Corner Fifth and Matxci S:s.'
GERMAN and FKE,Nt H LarguCts,Drnw-
ing. Painting, and Drauehiiag, iaugk.1 by 1C.T
Lewisburg, Sept. 1, 1HS3
" Small Props and 'Quul S'jiet."
BROiTX & tllLBMlr.
TT'E 4akc this meihod of informing ilit
f pubiic that we have fined op the o.J
where are woald invite especial atuntirn to
our s'tjck oC .
Grccertes and fjtir.
which can sot (ail to please, ruber is rrr-r.-f
to price or quality.. Our gooJs.bave icon
bought fir cash, at the lowe-n jr.cr.ard
be si.t on ricromnitdatii g Krm.
CASH will be paid f.Ta.l kinds ofC'rali!
and the very highest f.rice pril, in gnc 4jt. "f.-i."
every description of Amrtl.c Vrtduer.
Turt!evi'.:e, May, I8i4
. . Map of Unioti Coohty.
VOW ir" co'irse of prrparatico, a MP.i:
i.1 Cnioo Coanty, 10 by 17 incl.es i". :.-.
exhibiting a!line principal rrrnrm - o.'tl'
streams. jowisii) and. lrcrgb li.-rs. rc.-;.
and strrcsvpvs-r fiires .flhiucbcs,tcil s -ct'-honses,
Ar Ac , wi'h the pnpi'sii! r: 'i:'-n
line. i wiij be sold at $1.10 to pla:;. trV.
1 ."5 when colored, 1.-5 with mu'!iu.h:."k ird
rollers, and M. when i nnied ard r !r rrd.
The subsciiaer asks ti.e Ivan cf !tat!-. &e ,
ss he is desirens of making a corect, h.-id.
some, and oseftil rasp; and asjts the)atrrn
age of the public generally-
Lewisbarg. May I". 1M.
Dr. Jacb Hpjfacbtr, .
BOTANIC pflTSlCUN. 1avirg rrja-ef.?"
his healih. hsa resnird bis ir-'ii,-r r
Ue healing art. Hissuperlcf PAI.Tf: ia'm'f
ia great deotsnd. and a" "t'ts tefjAni is
nsual. . New Berlin. 9'ay , If 24'
rHflOL ORDERS rest'y privet ua':
) .? . ercn-;tt CAcf
" tf
r v :