7"; Pec. 1.1S54. t : - 1 - ft. mmosm . 1 Uwiaavea Oumncit ll'laaari thm lartatt dKalatkOl of ana Cnf.iah -"" Secretary of State. .. Wo Vec by the papers, that AsDRiW Cacao Cuam, Esq , of Bcllefonto, ha Leen offered, aud has accepted, tlic post of Secretary cf the Commonwealth under Go. Pulluck. This is a very judicious "and excellent appoiutwenf, and meets uni versal approbation. Col. Ccetjn's tine alenta, thorough knowledge of political affairs.and conspicuous services, peculiarly fit Lita f-r the responsible position to which ke been designated. The Munry La minerry states that his friends will not consider this promotion as in any respect a waiver of their desire to See him elected to a teat in the U. S. Senate, tut will eontinuo to press his merits as a leading candidate for that statiou, with redoubled energy and leal, and with sanguine hopes of succss. Thirty-three years since, the grand father of Co'. Curtis, filled the station Ir is soon to occupy. We copy in thi- con ncetinn, a Iritf sketch of the useful life ul the elder Mr. Gregg i "Oied ia Brllef.mte, oa the 20ih May, 1835, In hii 80ih rear. Asnar.w (.Jxior., E;-q. Mr. Gregg was. among the early settlers in Penns Tai.ry. lie was born on the ttith June, !735, at Carlisle ; acquired a classical education at srreral of the best schools of that day, and was eega;eJ ft wnii years as a TutiT in the I'niversity of Pennsylvania. In theyear 1783, Vr tJiec?. having saved a few hundred dollars from Uis salary as a teacher, changed his em ployment, and'eommenced busioess as asti re-k-eper in Moldeiown, Dauphin comity. In inr hi married a daughter of Gen Poller, .i .k- w.i Rrnnrh. in .orthiim. berlind county; and, at the earnest request of bis father-in-law, in t movea wnn nts iam ily to Per.ns Valley, where he settled down in the woods, and commenced the easiness of f.rminp. about two miles irom rotters uia F.wi. On the nlace he firt settd. he contin wed improving his farm from, yeatto year, sunuing wub great iad'iatry the business of a .. . Yl... .11 I. i . h 1 1 , ' n mcmn There, all his children were r-onmry innatr. Born, and some marrieo. ana mere ..c . . - . i i ., . u- : J . J wutil ibe year IS14, wlien.necame nn mii family io reside in this borough ; having, some vears before, purchased property in this neigh- j borhood. In 1790, Mr. Gregg was elected a , Member of Congress, and, by sewn successive lections, for several diMricts.as they wereas riimI from lime to time, inelurTfng one ir a general vote or ticket over the whole State i was continaea a meicsrr ot h uj k-i ten tirrrwirt yetmtni duringthe session of 1806-7, was chosen a wiemberof the Senaiei.f the United Stales. At the expiraliou of this Itrm, on the 4ih of March. 1S13. be returned to private life. One principal object of com ing to reside in this borough, was a desire to be convenient to good schools, for the benefit ..rt; mhii-h children. Here he lived a re tired lift, attending fo the edncmiou of his i Rajcsom, accompanied by brs wife and Si nTir Uedty j cl-ild. -re riding in a .opgp along the Hiratertothe simatinn of Secretary of the j line of the Sunbnry X trie Kailtoad, wucn, Commonwealth. Dunng the administration JJr, Ransom was about crossing tbe rtflnv llirstec. the duties of that omce were I . . , raeeoLtbj ?a-.th talent and integrity. Mr. j track, a tram of empty freight car, com (iregg. as a patfie man. as well as in private j uicoecd backing, the hinduiort ear Ctriktng life, was remairabie i..r '""? j nat nr m nd. aereeable and dignified manners, strict regard o truth, and unbending and ua 3 . . i j j ... yielding boneny. Ctiiire Vtmixrat. -Ve were forcibly strurk, during a recent ten days' sojourn in Cincinnati, by tlrt total absence if Philadelphia newspa pers. From tbe time of crossing tbe State line beyond Pittaturg till we arrived at Villia9rt on tbe return trip by the northern route, we did not net to see a si a- gle ntamber, ofatj description. The files contained western paper in superabund - tace ; also an ample supply af Baltimore, .. ... , . Sew York and Boston journals , but not a ; paper from Easiern Peunsjlvauia that we could find, or hear of. And amoug all the omer.jos bills of the leading traveling routes, posted in the ho'.cls, it was difficult to find any reference to the Ceutral Penn'a Railroad". It is very doubtful whether stranger suddenly dropped in the Queen CitT. wonld discover in a month's residence that there was such a ptaee in existence as : Philadelphia, and certainly would not be led to suspect its real character and impor- lance- This ia not very gMtitymg to aTewaaylvanians who feel proud of their vrtv commercial metropolis, and rrj we in her growing greatness; or very comfortable nnelation Treaty only awaits the signa 10 tkose who wish to preserve their custo-j ture of L;noHt,o, 10 be transnii t,cd to wary aesotiations, and daily intercourse Washington. Liholibo was then absent with the Ftiladclphia press. We merely !from ,be Cap;ui. record the &ct, without knowing how it ' yiQn3g0 w;Tt probably go to the happens ; but respectfully suggest tnat H Philadelphia would take cqaal pains with her rivals, to make herself as familiarly known throughout tha great west aa a household word, ste wouia, at csr, be the loseryU. fACr. Iu the German States sad in Swtd.n, from 17SG to 1800 Lrfore the iattcJuetioo of reccination the ttrernyr tropertion r.f people who died of Small px was (of ail who died)... .615.5 to 1000. In tha sauj oountries, from 1346 to '50 litre the practise of vaccination was nforced by law the average number of deatMirom fliwi'T "m l oft lfififi to) -J I A luetic, fro. 66 deaths ts on .n , ,Tcrag,i...rongcv,deDceof theuntver-al benefit of vaccination. (O-We learn that onr " contemporane oas neighbor" round the corner has inti mated that onr trip to Cincinnati sight pot be strtctlj orthodox. This is positive 1 unkind. It U nngenerons, when a oonntry editor in tight times Tisits a west ern Tillage to lay. in his winter's pork, to follnw him with irrelevant allusions. It expected that "5am" will promptlw yl the amende honorable.. Hon Iltorv M. lnller Ua asr.ate'J a ; BloDdj'War. The news from the Crimea is of a bloody ! character. By tie Baltic wij lave Liver- pool dates to Ike 15th Xovetikr. r The nea conCrma the treat loss of the Eng- ...... . . ..a , ' lisb Hcbt cavalry at tne battle oi isaiaKia- va-400 out t.f 600 h.tfng been killed. ; the application of lawful wedlock, he made fJfi leTc Je".. virV Since then there had been continued and proposals to the object of his affections,. . rj.(g. aj SION Farm, com bloody fighting before Sevastopol, both which, it seems, she received favorably i p.-,inf njjja, aj.rcsjnr.re or less.alt cleared" sides claiming the victory. A tremendous but tbe father, Mr. Jacob Wyant, beicg a ln(j ln , good stae 0f cultivation, except 10 battle, in which nearly the whole strength ' prudent man of luueU foresight, required or 14 aorta TIMBER, with of both armies wss engaged, was fought on ! the 5th ult., in which it is said, the allies lost 5,000 men, and tbe Russians from ' 8.000 to 9.000. The Russians were driven ! back, but the battle was renewed on the ' . ...i viu, iuu was ragmg wueu sue wbi wc-tu-. in uung uiuu k'iuu mouvun, r-vU, ruuning water in the barn-yard. AIo tne ger left Scvastopoi The nert arrival will i and this suit was brought to recover tbe j 'arm of 14S acres adjoining, be looked for with deep interest. We j smouut of the bond. The case was first j wilh (ne un(irej Utes cleared and the bal think that either Sevastopol has fallen, or ! tried at the last April term of the Franklin ance well Timbered, with a the allies have been forced to raise the court, when Judge Kiuimcll decided tbe j Good Log House aitft Barn, I r,. :. Tl rv, J ... l Tl.o cirricd eood Sprint! of runnine water near the boild- . , ...... buirr vuiruuuiiuk-a mo imiwt f"" of the allies, and asserts that despatches decided that tuc bond was " good ana vai have been received by our government ; id, and in accordance with the policy of that very unfavorable news from Sebasto- J tbe law." The case, therefore, came up pol had been received by the French gov- again iu the Fraukliu county courts, when crnment, bearing date cf tbo 10th ult, and that it was not permitted to be pub' liabed. The Very Latest. The steamer Afriea left Liverpool on tbe 28th ult. and arrived at New York on Wednesday evening last. The tclegraphte despatches from tbe Crimea are up to the 9th, at which time tbe work of bombardment was steadily and vigorously progressing. Several eminent British officers have been lost by death and capture. Both the Allied and Russian forces bad ! suffered terribly.and needed reinforcements which were hurrying on their way. The Russian Hospital had been burned up with 2 or 3,000 men. No fresh sortie bad been mado by the Rossiaas np to the 8th. The Allies were preparing a storming mpn , . - , .. - eo Cotton and Flour had declined at Liv- rpoot.Trade dull at Manchester f SQuThc Pittsburgh Post states that Gov. Biglcr issgain confined to his bed severely ill. Fatal Accident. It Becomes onr painful dnty to report a sad and fatal ac cident which occured in this place on Thurs day last, by which one of our roost esteem able citizens lost a beloved wife The circumstances are as follows : Mr. John the baepy, completely demolishing it, and tV.... ' S. ' instantly killing Mrs. Ransom. Mr. R., and child escaped ia a most miraculous manner, neither being injured. Tbe grief of the husband can be more easily imagined than described. H illiamtport I'reu 'Iblh ult. We stated a day or two ago that a ta vcrn keener in this place named Wagner had jbeen iudir'ed, tried and convietcd lor sel- ling liqu-.r to a man of known intemperate , habits. According to this conviction no- tico to a landlord is not nccessarv. It - . . j was proven l tne inaiviauat to- nom Wagner told the liquor was of l.notcn in temperate habits, aud 'this was regarded by tbe jury as sufficient evidence upon which to convict him ; for it is but fair lo presume that where a man is known by the whole community to be of intemperate habits a public tavern keeper cannot be ig norant of tbe fact. A notion for a new trial was made by Wagner's counsel, and the matter will be argued at the December ' term. Harri&urg Dat'y UcralJ. Washisstos, Not. 8. Mr. Grcpg, Commissioner to the Saadaich Islands, writes to the State Department, that the prjotcr on Thursday ; it will average about eight columns of the Union. A Vekzbame Total Absttne.it. Tbe Russcllville (Tenn.) Herald says, tbo ' DemUe goilie rcmarlwd in the session of tbe Conference on Thursday ! morn'mg, the 6:h ult, when the report 'of the Committee on Tcpcrance was up for eonsidcration.tbat he was tiow74 years ! of age, and that be Ivlyet to leant, hoio J u hitkrjr tasted I Ebie. Tbe common eoancil of Erie liav rtaascd resolutions autborizine tbo . M to direet lne High-Constableto re- m0Te tbe r"road traclt occllP)",ng lDe street, after one week's notice to the com- ' w f A Geoeral rf g u..a:aA h,i Ponanla of tha UnUed States in Europe cannot celebrate marri age either between citizens of this or for- I eign countries. Hon. John M. Clayton, who was report . J .. ; (ho Knni Nnttiino- Convention in ! . , , , , , Cincinatli last week, has not been away i from home. Some people know every-! ,. . thing and some know nothing. Bostox, Nov. 28. Tbe city ofCbarlea- . j i ..A if.,,. v,k town yesterday elected three Know Nolo- ;ne 0 tbe Legislature, to n.i to vscaa- sitjlu'e.'eic. jn their dJgiwB LEWISBURG CHRONICLE, & WEST t A Novel Law Suit. 'A suit at law, of a somewhat romantic character, ' has just been terminated in Franklin county. Ittccmi that one1 John Leaner, became pierced with the arrow .of an 1 l I - . i I .1 1 l, m . vuptu, ami wisutng to neat tuc wuuuu vj . the said John to enter into bonds of five hundred dollars, "conditioned that the; said John Lcsher should live with his wife and treat her as a lovins and nffeetioaato husband should do." But tbe parties, af- !.,:: i ,..,-J , . , . . . iu mc cujueuic 1 the jury found for the plaintiff for S979. o The result of this suit may give a valu able suggestion to anxious fathers whoso daughters are sought as partners at the Ilymcniul altar j and an imitation of Mr. Wyant's forethought, would show a pru dent concern for tbe daughter's welfare. New H.vvrx Railroad. In an action connected with the late extensive fraudu lent issue of the New York and New Ha ven Railroad Company, brought by Mon ris Ketcui m and others against the Pre sident of the Bank of Commerce, to recover 325,000, with intcrest,paid upon a trans fer of 370 shares of tbo company, Judge Hoffman decides that tbo plaiutiSs arc entitled, under the certificate aud power taken by them from Mr. Stlyens, tbo President of the company, to be admitted as shareholders in the capital stock cf the companv, in common with all the other shareholders whose rights are admitted, or shall be established, aud that their right is in proportion to such whole number of holders allotted upon a capital of three million dollars. " A Warning against Negro Pbejc- bices. The most obstinato opponent which the cause of annexation has found in the Swdwteb Inlands is Princo Alex ander, the heir apparent. While ho gives a variety of roasous for his course, it ii weH known at Honolulu that his invinei blc antipathy to this country spring-t from the fact that, when he was traveling here tbe steward of one of the Boton aulNow York boats refused him a seat a the sup per table on acciuat ft hit color T That indignity has seethed iu bia mind ever since. Portland Advertiser. Tat Elective FoANcnisE is N. York. .V N. York correspondent of the Frank lin HAy, half jokingly, half seriously, commits tbe following : " I would mention that in New York City, an American has hut one vote, a Gorman tiro, all other na tions threr, except the Irish, and tbey are entitled to rote as otrn a thry plcnte. VUI... Any on)J acquainted with the manner in which etcc,i0C5 are held in the cities, will conce,i0 ti,at there ia more truth than Cc- li m t,Ji3 BtalC3,cnt, .,. Rcpre.entative in CongTess from the Norfolk District, is on the "stump," in justification of his vote against tho Nebraska bill at the last ses sion. The logical niiud of this gentleman is at o ) loss for strong points of dcfi oce on this question. He was tho only member in tho Virginia delegation who spoke aud voted against the bi'l. Fitserald's City Item, speaking of our representatives abroad, says," if we except James Buchanan, wo tmy say with truth that tho best are bad, and the worst are infamous.' This is strong language from an independent editor, but it is true to the letter. Mcrdib. A mm ranted Cornelius Hcrron, living in Faltoti township, Lan caster couuty, Lift SaturJay morning mur dered Lis ou child and a colored woman named CUe Stoit, aud almost killed his wife and a man natmd Samson Bcnctoa. Iio was laWing undvr mania potu. Dr. Stephen T. Bcale, of PhilaJ., has ! been sentenced to 4 years and 6 months' imprisonment in the Penitentiary, and costs of prosecution, for the crime of wbicb . ... ir , ! be stauas convietcu. no vecemcntiy pro tested bis innocence. Tbe Boston Journal cautions politicians ! against joining tbe rinow-othmg order, l remindin? tbem of tbe old fisherman: necer no clamming at high water." Real Estate. VALUABLE Mill Property T7or Sale or Kent. The well known OLFE'S MILLS, situated on Buffaloe Creek, a mile from Lewisburg there being a 1 : 3 storey Grist Mill with 3 ran of stone, and a ' Plaster Mill, all in good repair, on a never- ; falling water-power, in one of ihe ,j;,,rjcis in the Sta-e. Terms easy, Connected with the Mills are two Dwellings (one of them suitable for a rttoreroom.) and a Spring, and Ouuhouses, adapted to one or two families. For further nirticulars. inquire of Mrs. S. a.i i.a. wshe. Guar 'isns of th Heirs of e.'i Woirv, dee'd Leai.trg, Pr. 17, last m 1 1 an REAL ESTATE, -AT Public Sale. - M" "IITIU. be offered at Public 9ale. on the ' J premises, in Hartley Tp, Union Co. on 3.,,jtoo,u STflXR unilSK and Kitchen. LARGE BAXK BAR.V icith Sheds, (jarriJge House, Wood House, Sorinir House. Cider Mill and Tress, 8 or 9 acres of OHOIIARD. Limestone on the farm, a Umestohs Spring near the house and ings, good Apple ORCHAKU and other Fruit of various kinds. AUo, adjoining the above, 250 Acres of good TI MB till LAND. which will be sold together, or in luls, to suit purchasers. a1,.ve Prfl?ir!i, inlB l.11-! borhooH with Churches, School noases.Mis,' Hiores, Furnaces. Factories. Ac cnnvenieni. It is near ihe line of the proposed Lewisburg, Center & Spruce Creek Railroad, and about 19 mile vest cf the Susqiiehanna1tailratl at Lewisburg, to which place there is a good Turnpike. j The property is in excellent onler.aml every way worthy the attention of pilrcha5ers. Let ters of ityffixtTj answered, and terms made IfJiown uu the day of sale, by 1 MARK HALFPENNY, I c. f . i Survivinc Executor of W illiix FosTiR.acc a. .... .. . lirilcton. .Nov. l. 1851 MWroye-D,,,oVr.lN-otktUa-gUr."copyU. Ailjournetl OUPHANS' COURT I SAIiL. ' BV virtue of an order of ihe Orphans' Court of Union county, will be scld, at the I'uhlie House of Gideon Uiehl in East Buffalo i Tp, Union Co, Pa, on Friday, CfA Decemlxr, 1851, tbe following described Rpal Estate of the late George Koyer, deceased Jt small trarr of first-rate Limestone land siluate in Bnffaloe township, l.'nion county, adjoining lands of Samuel Click John Rohland, and Juhn lleimbaeh, containiug 13 Acres and 134 Perches neat measure, all cleared and in a high state of cultivation, and on the public road leading from Lewisburg to New Berlin. Sale to commence at 1 1 o'clock in the fi-re-noon of said day. TERMS of sale easy, and will be made known on d.iv of sale. GEORGE MEIXELL. Administrator of Gtoaai Rovia, dee'd. Nov. 11. 185 SUFRlFrS SALLS. T)T virtue of snedrv writs of Vend. Ex. II isaued out of the Coon of oi Union county, and to me expose to public sale at the .Yew uerltn on Monday, the 18th day of Dec. next, the following real estate, to jr it : A certain tract of land situate in East Buf faloe township, ITnioa county, containing six acres more or less, all cleared, bonnded on ihe east and uor.fc by lauds of Prier Wolfe, un the south and west by George Kunkel, whereon is erected a log house with a kitchen attached, a frame stable, variety of frail trees, and a well of water near the door, with the appnrtenanees. Also a certain traet of timber land, situate as aforesaid, containing twelve acres more or lrss. bounded on the south by George Gundy, on the west by Henry Urown and other, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be seld as the propei ty of milium V Young. Also a certain tract of land situate inWbite Deer township. Union county, containing fif teen acres more or less, bnnnded on the east by lands of l.mle, Farron dt Brady, on the s"nth by the Snpar Valley & White Deer Turnpike, north by Little. Farron & Brady, and west by , whereon is erected a oue-and-a-half storey framed weather boarded dwelling house and shrp, with Ihe appnrtenanees. Seized, taken in execntion and to be sold a: the property of Ijircnzo I Teed. Also a certain lot of ground situate in Buf faloe township.Union comity.containine three acres more or less, adjoining lands of Edward Miller. Daniel WVnz. Isaac Miller and others. whereon is erected a two-storey plank framed Dwelling House, with the appurtenances as the p ruerly ot R iwlar BnrklnU!. JOHX KE.-SSLER. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, New Berlin. Nov. 10, 1651 Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE. THE following valuable Mills and Farni, late the properly of Joan A. VixvALzaii, deceased, is offered at private tale on reasonable terms, until mtcdv noon, the 9th day of December, 1S51. viz. lo. 1. A iotir-nnd a-half sto rey BEICK GRI ST MILL with four pairs tnrrs, and the fines! water pow er on Buffaloe Creek. The Mill has lately been repaired throng hoot, and is in first-rate order, with a good run of custom from a thickly settled neighborhood. There IS also a cuiuiuuauic L'nciiaii uuu iui the Miller. No'. 2. An excellent Saw Mill . , a order, and with ample water power. No. 3. A first-rare Farm of 11.1 ACrel Limestone land in a high state of cultivation, with a fine young Orchard nf about 5 acres, besides numerous other j.rait -frees, and having thereon erected (be sides Ihe above Mills) a larce two-storey double-fronl Brick MANSION HOI SU and Kitchen.a Frame BANK BAKN 100 feet bv S5, newly weather-boarded and painted, together with numerous other out buildings and improvements, and an abund ant supply of Water. This property is one of the most pleasant and desirable in the West Branch country, and is within four miles of the Catawissa and Sunbnry ft. Erie Railroads. It is situated in Kellr To; Union Co.. Pa., in the heart of the rich and populous Boflaloe Valley. It lies on Buffaloe Creek, four males from Lewisburg and the same di-tanre from Milton, on the road leading from the latter place lo BuffaMe X Roads. The location is one of remarkable beauty and health fulness, and convenient to Markets, Schools, Churches, &e. (7If not aold by the 9th of Dee. next, it will then be RENTED for one year. Letters of inquiry can be addressed to the subscrib ers at Lewisburg. Union ennntr- 8ARAH B. VANVAIZAB. LAIRD HOWARD. j, Jfer. 9, M5i:. Erecjrt. BRANCH FARMER. lrtn CnHnl U'aoiMmiU for Sa' ' JXa.1 A nfCi ACRES will be aold in sharea , If.vuU of in . . ., cm ...(.him. or ' ten shares for SiS each payable in instalments of one dollar per month. Location of lots to be determined by drawin?; bat any person may, by taking a tract of 400 acres, have tne t.tl. aae unmeaia.eiy on paynn . .-- purchase money, and may select the tract most agreeable to their wishes. . . . . r . .. I his and is smiatea in mc lowmnipj oi , wnneueer ana esi ouiiauir.anu mc cw road irom I.ewlSDUrg to sugar T alley throneh it. I Iliscovere!withtimber,suenajwniteuaif, . Pine, Hemlock, Chesmul and K ick Oak, and , Spruce Kun and White Ueer Creek furnfsh v , . r .,.,,. ample water powers for saw-mills, tanneries. ic,ona ma juri'y of the tracts. It is situated I about 10 miles west from Milton and IS mites from Lewisburg, and was formerly the prop erty of Mr. Jos. Sims. Applv to U. FRANKLIN' CLARK. No. 32 S .uih Third SL Philadelphia. BulTaloe Valley Farm F OH SALE. Havins become loo old to manage mv larire Farm to advantage, I wish to sell a part cf the same say a tract ol 95 Acres, or of 105, .purchaser might desire. The portion I would part with is all first auatilv Limestone i .... .1 r .. ) .1 U. w rnn. ill. Linli Huffaloe crerlr. 'it i a!l .mler a (rood cultivation, uiili ne w ft nets, except about ifl i fiprpc ff ficpllnii TIMUFIt Thrrai aSB-eSCFa. acres of excellent Ti.MUEIt. There is a l.inaestiine Q tarry npenrd, from which thousands of bushels are sold vearly. It has also a young bearing Orchard. The improvements all ntv are a eood two-storey I-'riir.ie HOL"E with a Cellar Kiichen.and a i'uinp beside it, a aprinff llouse.a lnrpe BASK IIAKXi Wagon Shed. a f "orn I)Ue, and other oitbhildinzs. a lie iiii'ruiif iri in nniT tow n ) u, pear .' ' . ,, . , , r Oulihn s store and Kellv a mill 5 miles from Le.Isb and frm Mllcnan,, has befn rr(,nallcej one of ,he ht ia ,he Valley. Title, indisputable. I'ayment to be made one half down, and the remainder on lime. I'ossession eiven the 1st of April next. Aug. 1, 1851 SAMUEL VODER. FOR. SALE, yXTbat lar?e and desirable property on the Ji JL corner of Market and VVa'er sireets.well caiculaied for a residence, for business, or for a r-ictence and place of business. There is a lar?c BRICK House containing 4 larje rooms on the first fl:ior.6 bed-rooms on the second floor.and S lari- finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and V.'a-hhousf adjoins. There are also a spacious Cellar. large Cement Cistern, a Pump, and Well of good water, a Stable, and all necessary Outbuildings. For terms &c. apply to Geo. F. Miller. Esq 8. E.DAVIS. Lewisburg, Sept. S3, 1350 Writ of Fabtitiox. TTNIOX COr.NTV. ss-In the Orphans' J Court in and for the said coontv. In I. S. y ihe mailer of the estate of JAMES 1 '- ivo arc a. FJn .' . . K an M Clwre an.l K.chaM M Cluw, heirs of ihe above nam?! e.(.ire, will kike norire if Common Ple'asVr" by " 0rJfr ,v lh'"', C?n "I'lff : Erected. I will! ln a Partition of the lands and ; tn,.rt ii-. terenjwni5 of said dcrcasni uaale in Batialoe j of DeC:r next, at 10 o'clock. A.M., when and j where vcu may attend if von see proper. JOHX KESSI.EI?, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. New Berlin, Oct. fi, 1854 TTNION County, as. In the Orphans' Court j J ol Lnion county. In the mailer ot tne ( a a f a a a . I.oiuisitiun of ihe real estate of MICHAEL PIl 1 laUCI Pll lil AlV IS. Wl'IXX, late of East BufTaloe Tp, dee'd Notice is hereby (liven to Mary Quinn, Da- j vid If iinn, George Uorna and Kiiza his wile,' JTVCIIiy 41 UBSrS, John Arnold and t'arah his wife, Ann Quinn, Weighing leu them I) nunret, Beberca Qoinn, JaS I.. Quinn. Jere'b Holier, ; -j-. ,he cme c( HKKMA or KLPJ I KE Ruardian of David Ge.ger. Mary Ellen Geiger, Jy Acknowledaed bv the hiahest me.lica! John faeiser and James Q Gei-er, minor chil-; auhonlies of phiiadt.iphli,, incomparablv su dren ot Kirchel Ge.jer dec he.rs and leSa , f , , , Oeiefs w.il be STr"r k ! lrn tnat the occasion now oflVrs Buflaloe Tp. aforesaid. dec d: W hereas by an , n , m) ,hf hlf, mJ tn-inest f t that parpose duly awarded by the bu s rfupf(ife . .,rB o(h Orphans Conn of the eonnty aforesaid. Ihe he camhtom lnd nncomforlable article nsu real estate of the said Michael Qu.nn .at ., old There no dirticnlty attend.n-the appraised, and whereas none of the t heirs of, 6i and vhn ,hf d n the said deceased appeared in Court to lake , re,a jM i!wn wilht'B, chaB the premises therein described at the appraise- Arsons at a distance nnabie h caH on the menl; yon and every of yon are hereby cited , s.brerib.r ean haTe lhe Tfn ,., to "Ppear a, , he Bex, General O.hsns Coon h Five Dollars for the sin- to be held at New Bert., en the 1V ry tf ; i.Tros sor Ten for lne if ,ubiewllh measure December nrxt.to accept or refnse to take the around he hj and h jide premtse. aforesaid at the apra.semen or , be cha fd , sult lf M fi b show cause why the Court shou d not decree .. atonc. on.ol!eif. the same to be sold. Witness ihe Hon. A. Wilson, President of said Court at New Berlin the 20th day of Oc lober, A.D. 183-1. i s. SAMUEL ROUSH, Cler. ! New York Adv'ts. THE GIvEAT KEMEDY, 4 EOCT which so much has been said and published, is among us. Who has not heard ot the MEX1CAX ML'STAXG LIXl HEST? Many millions of bottles have been sold and useJ to cure Rheumatism, L'icers, Sores. Bruises, Sprains, King-worm, Felons, Salt Rheum, Piles. Sore Nipples and Caked Breasts, Cancers, Itch. Corns on the Toes, Sore I.yes. Ear-ache, Pimples, Swollen Joints or I.imhs, Cuts, fceaots, or Scald-head Numb ! v n . t, . . r... vt' . UUHIHII9 vi i..-iiru "oiwo'i .iy , other complaint that can be reached by an external remedy. And it has always been successful. ir i. urmi on.io in uriiung Wonnds, Scratches, saddle or harness Galls, or any sprain, soreness or st:ffuess, and it is warranted to core Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, or Poll Evil, on Horses. lyThe Liniment is put np in three sizes, and retails at 55 cts,50 cts.and $1. The large bottles contain much more Linimenl in propor tion to Ibe prices, and are therefore cheapest. To Country iferiktints. Every stor should be supplied with this valuable LINIMENT, as it pavs a good profit and sells rapidly. G W. WESTBROOK, (successor to A. G. Brag Sl Co.) Originator and sole rropnelor. 1 OT' PnncipalOmees 301 Broad wav.NewYi and cor. 3d cc Market Sts.,St. Louis, Missouri Sold by every dealer in drugs and medicines . mi iiuiiijii , itic i.iiiirii ciflirs, vanduit, ,w indies, ana uermuna islands. tyojj To Persons out of Employment. $500 to $1000 a-year. A CITAXCZ TO MAK HOyET AXD DO GOOD! BOOK AGENTS WANTED. riiHE subscriber publishes a number of most valuable Pictorial Books, very popular. and of such a moral and religious influence that while eana-wjrit bit aaCty rnrnir in tTirfr rtrmia tion. tni7 will rnofr r m paMic benafis, and raotira a fair ei-mDanantioo for thalT lannr. To m.D of ratarprliNi and tact, tWi aaatna.1 affara aa npportnnllr for protitaMe araplormi'nt. Mildom mrt with. rVrgena wiftbina to anaa la thrir aula, will rrrnrra wffiio3.. :Z7 72 i tejatnar wlh tna tarnta on which tbrrwilj Oc favaiaood. .h. .v. . i"ao. , KOBEItT SF AH-t. rnhiuhar, I r . )'Tl!''T'rt. wTnr-raaa.anlroadr far 1ml. b. tha I at af o4 i ftra. ' rr fa-:t tar'Iwjiai.. idlrta. a ibora. 'THE dABOT BOY'S STORY," A teml Mautiral Roanarc of InUBat lnt.r.t, ty tk . Antl.iT or tli "mt Uoclur," ua -lJor oiurj, Ike -Old Uuatar," Ac it. 1 TUK acraMklttwrtoinJaitad by tafwrit-rof t!M pitpulAT aurk, ta aAcwut jcaarnolve "1 ibr far witli wUtth int Ll'in aimtmt mm fcupra '"' .,.,iF ,rr.ti.. niu.tr.tinf ti. brr r of tu 8i... u carri to u f Ahwa. 1 lja VT lu tbe llaty ali'I the d.'ftrr!itin mn4 cltar- TtM 9tin.. (, fall f iciim; ii,un-.t and adTcatu.-a aa . ... i l. in r I ..... . I 'raui." . ..I . - - - B Lt aVr, d,, curr-nc. Ti,e hi-tory of ibr b-roineor tha Siory. Zulnaa. tha trca - mo u fumami ---1U(h!'r , th Alb,lnU, u dmaiy .l..m..( . plnt,J ft. tn ilu; nr,. and all it- auuwroua ray aetria p.nrayd ibroaKbnot tba aUry ara ylykit and Tfi ..fn .ir rewiT-d ori-r. f.. tha .i,,,. , uid ti. it waa orymaliy thtir laiaaUnato auhh.h; niB-iy. ttr-yhay. bc ..liir-d '' toincwaaait: and tMy raOalljf raqoaat taat all or- tam.4i.iaiy. Tbey c.i.n l.nii j apect tUa th work ill m" aa ttiueh inWrt m any work Af flrtioa tbt bMfifratt antra enwiitnl fix an tht pr, ss, sitTiviinsw 1x1:0. Mince the nli'icJtiD -f "Lnc Trm' (-i.inf" work, re in. in to sJrrjr ia Amerie. fit nfl f.f, hrm b atlrurroua, iHn bTf pir?U htlrr rt-latioD to th RTilrfB nf tiTrlMa.iie;f4atea th AtTlrmn Maf, writ ten tty onr wbu bu witnMiJ ii in all iu iiJrvn uV-r-tatty. T)ie work is written In clirtt aaj pur ln7Usr. anl will im m welcome aud laUuctjT atititUoa to the tkmily lihrnry. Tle work will form a braatirul octave- votvJM of 400 pasri1, hsnilwovlT il1utratH :h Ww rnjcraitnf . and elecaotljr Uiontt ia cloth- Prm, m ektb. no d-.Ilar In papr. ;i o-uu, at Lien raw epw. rn fcr iit i.y Hi publisher to say part of tbe country trf of pc Ufre. 4- For ebolesalr antf lvtail br tb roMbtra, fcl.LS.VDUTlj A fTKKKT. TCo. 1- Beww tTHMT. Niw t-tK. And hf 1I RWiksirllera throuat tbe Unite! State and Bri'ioh IViTiaree. 2tn Tlra 1 4 intnff A si tr C MJilt 1 1 III I'l K.tll 13a CAKK, GJS1SE & CO., lp"nR'm r i a. t i .i,t , uraw, a. uuwukw tuiuuiusiM Merchants. ..23 k 2b ?r:ar's Wharf, .rit to Hultinnre. Rorera. a. smnicKion a ( o., J. Toma, Kf)-. Fritaid. Cacil Tank, Fort Deposit J. Wallrtaer 1 .a, llarrbura. tot. II C. I.urr, I c .. J. li.rrio .s,!"n s""- NapK U incata k Co.. SJllloa. W. W. Cv.ka. Kl . I Sirann Srhnylar. K-q . ( """7 Grttrz ll'lrlie, K--I . llunhriyilla. Waa. H'eayr. M. ntoarsviila. Grn W m r'. Tackcr, Jama. II. Ilul.ag. KJ , ( W ' Lrli. Ilnlln'. Ki, J M ll. nrj a Uu! a. jrxy Shnra. J. V ll'ilins. , L-k llarca. tyCARIt, GEIE t CO have the larpest Wharf room of any Commission Huase in Baltimore, alirays giving quick ilespalrh to boats i discharging their cargoes. fim5l" FITS! FITS ! FITS! EPILEPTIC PILLS, F or the eure of Fits, Spatml, Crampt, and all yerrout and Constitutiunal Xjjcctta. TlERSONS who are laboring under this distrrsintr malady will find ihe VEGKT- i ABLE EPILEPTIC PII.LS to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy. M F.l r . th 90tWfMB nvm.nti.i lth,.iw i-rf pr-prii rrtU.iy fiT ih- parpMV ofennut i. tof mm b tbanil of Mfnial bmn tit Crr all proBfi fflictJ wilh weak Brvrr whiw nerrons trutrm ha Iwvn prmtratel or fctU-riJ frcm nuw hatcTr. la ebronw eompiafnu. or iirmtf '?g'lwnhfr,rt. Tmm. m.1 of the City, enrlnttni; a rrmiteaae. will havr Iba rwla arnt thfn thrmyh t?la mail. tre of pnatasa. For aaia iy $t.Til &. IIANC'K. No. los. BtLTaoaa Stkkt. ttflTftmnrp. M1.. tn TinrA ordt-r- from all prta of Ihe L'aiOB Waal be addreatrff. poat-pai. I la7-ew e.w For sale only bv rtie Importer. CALEB H. NEEDLES. I Cor. Twelfth At Race tts, PkilidelfMa. tTXadies requiring ihe Dearth uf Mt-eha-I nical Supports, owing lo derangement of ihe internal organs, including falling of the Wuitib, vocal, pulmonary.dyspeplic, nervous, and spi- nal weakness, are informed that a competent and experienced Ladif will be in attendance at the Rooms, (set apart for their exclusive use) No. 114 TWELFTH St. 1st door above Race. !y&33 Arte Stock ) WindOW Shades. $ XnvfVyle 1851 $ I 13j G. L. MILLER k CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale $ Retail Dealers in "I IT IN DOW SHADES sooth-west comer W Second and Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Such a Ooihe's Landscapes, Borders, Vases, . . , ,, i, . 11 i . . , , ircroiis, utMjucis, vvio uorucrsofc. el me most beautiful designs and perfection of finish ia h.e country, and at such Lo,w Prrrs as m challenge all competuion. Hull and White Hnllan.W. 1'imhnr. . Titwl. Frr. I; . . J,a-,3:. I lll , in burn-!!., of a 0 pound -rm. Occ m every variety for City or Counrry trade. Thrir wiiitk zixc, hin i rj dry or rn-aa.i in WWe invite an examinaiion of our Stock ! warranted i ura and usaurpan.4 ka; iaf .i . . t. . . ! UDltorm ahitrnrna. ai ine iepoi. o. n. corner M at Arcti, rnilatu Ain. 1851 4m511 BUILDING HARDWARE Tool Store exclusively, T7i largest Establishment of the kind in the V.S. . MVm. n. M'Clure It Bro. j Xo.287 Market St. above Seventh, Philad. r..tr.LTll(Lti uepot lor Locks of xVL all kinds, warranted quality. "Patent Slivered, Ulass luioos. Premium Porcelain Knobs.overlOO patterns. Stlvei-plated Knobs, liinoes, &e.. with the most complete assortment of all the Modern Goods in this line. Purchasers are invited to eaU and" examine Stock. Catalogues sent by Mail if desired. Hot Air Ilegistcrt and YentUatort at Factory friers. La" All orders pnt up under the immediate supervision of the Firm. CALL AND SEE US. i.M9t Hook Agents Xt anted. AG2NT9 WANTED in every Town and I County in the Cnned States, to sell the I most popular and saleable book's published ' many oi mem eeantirolly illustrated with Col- ?i Ensraving, ; also .he most popular work, a . o. AITICI, 1UC1UU10K 'ArtUUr S lOIISfe t lt a 6 IaUiUra.1 ana antarnrlrlTjf asaa will tuS UK a atria - M-ta4pa-ii.iii.kw.nw rmtlrlua.ad4ra fnoat-Mia w. aiuM.tr. rMi.a-r. lilJJ Trui4ca lupporlert. aLACE 8TOCKINC8,Sh, sr i iy' ri " ' " au t,.k leurgiealAaparalusscii;; te (ive satisfaction, ion, by Dr. and Uu.UXl r 14 -North SEVENTH s' . AtHAN, No. 44 lL;Ll.lhia. The great number of tVmalri relifT,a cured by wearing Mm. M'Clrntrhan't ., porters, warrants bcr in con. mending th.. , ior , aIlVlbing uf the kind ,r ,i " " J, pnkl c f ri,4,7!' ' Philadelphia Spriag Trade 135 va 1XWR1CHT, 11 v.i Tlx a Toy ti(j jy 152 Market St. & 23 Merchant $t ' Importer! and halfwit Pettier! m Staple Ii. ranrw Dry ta,. A RE nnw reeeirine a verv CE.n., ASSORT.MEAT of - Domestic ani Xortign iubrirs, suitable for both iiy and Ccnniry Trade i;' which they offer at eery tote fr ert, fr Cash, or to 1'rompt Six Mouths' Men 17 We solicit an elimination ff cars- by Citjr, Neighborioc and listaul tojfrj. ch.uwcey ntLcrnT, ; wiTa 1 Wainwrijrht. Huntington 4 Flw d. IS? Mi:( imsic2jj fct. Vhttedtlfj 4,0. J n.VC ST.4TIOXr.UT. ClRAIG dt FCLT6N. 1 $oui7i lCHT I Street, I'hilmJtlphia beg leave lo pj' the aiteiitioB of t'ounlrv Sealers. Schovlj. j.J ; persons visiting the t'ifv, to their cri-, asortment of Knlith, Freluh, and tia.r,i .S7.1 TlUSEIl V.which ihey are se IliniM t (. sale and Retail on the must reawiabi---. Their stock compiles every Tvruty cft Leiter and .Vote Paptt aad Eavelores.inr.V- in a full assortment i f the ce'etraird rotd' 1 r,f I)e I.a Rue fo.atd Thr r.n. ,,u a . U-ndoa. Also ' I Gold and Hieel r?ns. Prawirz ?fiieiis' (Fi j ber's and others'), rrnwir e ParT. Brlt' : Board, Scaling Wax, Ink. Iiiktan:s. R dcr j CrooteM'.Wovienholms'and other fine Co'lm J Portmonaies. Pi cket Books, I'orifolu s. Wr :. linf Desks. A e. A e. Peron ViMtirg the C. can have their ytper aad envelopes firbciwi : wuh their inilii.U wi:bonl extra ehar;r. IT" Orders from dealers and iasinoiitiiia of I learmne respecifullv solicited and Slled w.:a the slricie.-.! latrgniy CmSlTrd; TBEG leave respectfully to call ihe Public attention lo my E-:aV..shir.r nt. No. S4 Si uih FOTRTH St. (below Chestnut), i'silcif elphia, for the manufacture and sale of F.o- ClopaM, where I will alway be in readinf to attend lo any orders I may be favored :lh. I am prepared to fninijh Envelopes of evtrr quality, size ad description, Vs koleaie ir.t 'etail,thetosernment pa'lern, plaia and Iter. I would also call attention to the Die fits ins. Enerarin?. Printinr, and Embnssinr Business Cards for Envelopes, Leiter-bea:' Rill-heads, Cards, Circnlais, Ac., all of fc.:: 1 1 furnish at very low rales. Stamping le-tf-t I prevents iherr going lo the Dead Letter Cifcr. Willi patent machines of the lairs; jcprore ! ments for embossing, printing. Ac, a.M f . r I the snannfactnre el Fnvelopes. ana everrrar:. lity for exectfltng orders wuh despateh.and:' r their delivery by Express Lines or as mar arreed cp on, I can riot fnil lo crmpfe wfk l not excel any other establishment of lie k:M in the wor!. IwIIomoropaibie EnveVpa eont.int!y on hamf, samp'es of which ntav re seen Chremirle office, also of Die-ffamr''1 Eti. Iy5l?7jt WM. COLBERT. Willow Ware, if. II. rOl LTEK. AO S, uih SITO'P PhiUidelph a, doors above Chestnut. Eji: snie, Importerand .Var.ulacturer all kitiis.l "Il'II.LtrW WARE Consisting infartf ihe folViwihaf. lavas' Traveling Bi lieis. Work Bakria, Flomrr Baskets. OiVe Baskets, hesar Bakrts. Plain. Farcy as j En hroidrred Pa-kets. I.adtes Wcrk Kiir-1. ir Sewing Chairs of beaunlal dair ttieieei lent workmanshtp, which be la scii.rg icmar kaWv cheap for Cash. N.B. Just n c'eivrd farm fT'rwarv. a li-rf and varied assortment of EA.f V t.OCM.io which the attention cf tie pnt lie is rarfct fully in vittd fn:5I7:M; rhrrDols;y. ToxiTtns, treiis, rr, no yrw toik. Have opened a Phrenvh g eal C knr! and Book Hurt, at 931 ARCH St.. Kf.an ClK am. I 7,1. V . . 1 .J . , k ... T Bnifift nr.nH.1 ,a .'...vivn tl ttir Works on PhrenrlrJV. Mrsiolocy, Hydropathy, Magnetism, and Phcn ography, at New York prices. Profrssional Examinaiions.wiih Chart". an full wnlten descriptions of character, eivr: day and evening. Lw'Cabinet fiee lo riii lors Ij517c5dq ZIXC P.tlXTS. 0! NE-THIKD CHEAPER THAN WHITE LEAD, and ftca frto .11 aniunr I . . r in"1"1'9- K,EW. .FRSEr .a!S .cnMPAXT. katx ffl&ZsVa?, uf tmua r Air. is. iry, i.naod i. Oil, la ' awtrj rarkacn ol Irrm t 50 r-nart. ; alao i A ln.1hoiorrrrar,tio.arrerBUybalarmft, whirh enah llir I'c irpany to warrant tltatr aaiitla to- j ki-op frrM and poll in tl k-C" for moj raaaoajabla timw. j ln ilur mi -t their raicta will b auperior l. aa j othrr ' ia tka aiarkrt. j Tii. tr I' Kim 5 ZINC PAINT, whirh I. aold at a low I rnrt. a l fan only b wiada frowi thw Xinr or.S foar I w Jrrr. if now vrll kn(,wn S.r ita protmiva na.1- itira alirn apnlira to iron or mhar ntyrailr rarfarra. Thrir rToN B CX1LOK I'itM pmraara all tha prarr-tlra-oflhr VfMii. aniy la r.f an airftralfr color frr ia:a- tlDitclUi.5,lXTiota, Out toil. Huts Brklraa. Sr. rT.ENni a i-rrs. Wholraala Paint lrairra and laarorurf, !t. W.ecr.t.f l;'ih and Mark, t Su. I'hiUdr'ih- i Jt j STRAW G00CS...SPRINO 1854. f I1HE sirbseribers are now prepared to exhi- bit at their Splendid Xtw Establiahnient 1V0. 41 South S.ctnd St. PLUadt'jhia, an entire new and beautiful stock of Straw, Fancy .Tn-I Silk Bonnets and Flatts. Fliwrr'. AcanJ Panama, Paint and Summer Hats frr geittlrmen, which our "id patrons, Jlerchir an I Milliners gmerally are invited to exam tie. eo-ilidently prosiiaing them.in extenuin van'?, ia novelty, and in styles. a Shrek oneqaal'rd tjTOruerscarfuilvand promptlv exeenied. TITOM AS WIlffE CO. Itage TTaated. ; U TJEINO extensively engaged id the imsbn aeture of PAPER, we will rsv te I cati, : u . . . . ' !..-..' trw Merchants and ethrrs haviar SAC le. ; saie, mort Ikon tie presri't market prices I f JE9LP h. MOOEE. Taper MaaafJ?: 1 . . 'j ('ltt tiew Arch.teia ra . 1 j aMMalajjaaiaaai&j.T.v,,,, J -'At