LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. I - . i Yl K CfmiGunra ibnrumnp. ' -TWot Ed!.". 0. N. WORDEN, Printer. v ..le.Tire. jl.TS In three mfwttiA, Sipaid AH1.M 1" ".M at tfcend of the je. ola. nhia-V B f.tmer ana w arr. Ann v u - ' L,ctrisburffp Fa. Nov. 24, 1S54. Fbidat Morxixo, rrr ...f.rtiiw. wrrnsr.t. !' Offliw "a,r"',LO JVi who . n or ilVfn'thins"''V ,.Wf Tlil-wr""" : Bus. vti :hX'r" ' ron.u"rr.Adl jje7xew Advertisements. Iffl-Next week, Thursday eveuinjr, our citizens are requested to meet at toe lown nail, to advice with each other upnn mea sures relative t.3 the mora effective execu tion of our Common School intern. The construction of new school rooms, and the consolidation and clarification of the sev eral schools, are matters which havo en gaged the attention of our people fr some years past, and the School Directors desire a free and full interchange of sentiment, before they proceed to cairy .tit any of the plans proposed. One plan is, the erection of a three storey building, on the Town Hall lot and the one adjacent, with eight School Rooms, and the third storey fur a Town Hall. Others have proposed tico School Houses, one in each Ward, of less ilimcnsioDS, as more convenient in location, and quite as capable of effecting the pro posed system of classification leaving the Town Hall want to be supplied from other source We trust the pe plc concerned will confer upo? tte matter, ind csaminc ;it thoroughly, Lcfort, the proposed mcetiug, that uuity of action aud feding may if possible be secured, iBank Failures. The downfall of Western and Southern Bants is so great, that the only safe rule is, to tai.5 nmo of rthem. Those of New Yoik, should be re--ccived with caution. Thus far, IVan.yl T.inia has sti ol the shock nobly Co liauk . failures, and no individual suspensions re quiring publicity. Gov. Bigler having . signed its Charter since the Election, the SVaeren Bank commences business this week.undcr the IVcsidencyof J. Y. James, and II. Lcrncd, Cashier. Let those among us who have funds and owe anything, or wish to buy anything, - pay out their money now, and they will le Done the poorer, but the community will be much the gainer. Every dollar pai l may aid to pay a dozen debts, and public confidence would be revived as far as tin liquidating power should extend. IOTue Railroad Bridge at Williams port is completed, and is highly eulogized by the Press. It has been over a year in course of construction, and embraces 1,125,000 feet of timber, secured by 142 .tons of wrought and 32 tons of cast iron, resting upon 5,000 perches of first class, and 400 perches of second class mason- rj, fastened in their positions by 18,000 bushclg of cement, and also about 4,f)00 t r...t.. r ti. v..:.l. . ! " fe t ' combination of tbe Ilurd Truss and Iiurr Arcb, and contains scren spans. Noth- , , ., - e . . mg out the iron rails for a few sections 13 j 'now required to complete tbe liuk between 1 AVilliatnsport and Milton. ' r ... ' census has just been taken of tbe Borough of Jersey Shore, as consolidated ' pop'irhtioD, 1208. A very suitable Cemetery Las been laid out by Sir. Sctlonaicr, about half a mile 'Vest of the Borough of Jersey Shore. On Saturday last, Andrew Ifrown, an ged citizen of Jersey Shorc,in attempting to irlesccnd 'flight of stairs, full to the !ldircT ttep, Jrijtiring bis neck and spine so that he died on Monday. Republican. Ba-The Western papers report Willard TIall, of Misssuri, as appointed Gorernor of sUtah. The New Berlin TVmei recora aends Maj. J. Cumniings for that of5ce. The same paper raeiiinniends A.B.Dl'S Kiso, Esq. of Luzerne for Speaker of the IIousc Mr. D. is a capable man, of am pie experience, and a 'capital Divisionist. "We have not heard of any more cas-' f vmoloid or small pox iu town. Yet it may appear again in some exposed cases, ! nd it is therefore highly important that , . , . . , t. ewa v. eLxinaiiuu Euouia tie : f rocceded with, m every family. Let no onejourg or old,Tail to eecure that simple uard against this morl horrible disease. -In Massachu-etts. the'whlrr. .I., I r . . . c - fc- Acprcscntatiye, the Democracy 1, audjlresh Cranberries, Muscatel Rasilns, Dried the "Republieana" 1 .1.: i . Zante Currants for mince Dies, fresh Dates Know Notbino-t a ,L . .li""' FiR. and a general assortment of fine . . . " J udrmoitious " the Democracy ! a-The Jateet Washington rumor is that Messrs. Campbell and Guthrio are to retire from the Cabinet, and Mr. Marcy to Mccecd Mr. Buchanan as the Minister lo England. lnct, an.l T.fton of the Berkshire dis ""mWuj, are clergymen. remmendedfor State Treasureffin he Hwrisbnrg Telegraph. tlW for illegal WtiDg ln Sew York. rkdxiij- -One B?an of the Penns Creek Awic the R,h - oillUBKrovc, Itave WET On rnuay tm- A boat that was passing thronch at the time it gave way, wa. brofccn in two, one half remaining in the aqueduct, and the other falling into the creek below. The aqueduct has,howveer,bcen repaired, and the water let in. Foreign. The news of the defeat of the Allies at Balaklava, is confirmed, but details are wanting. The same acconnt ! represents Scbastopol as iu tbe last stages of resistance, and about to fall, unless it obtain great reinforcements. LATEST ! The "Canadian" arrived at Portland on the 22d, with 3 days' later news. The Russians had made a sortie from Sebasfapol, but were repulsed with a loss of 1000 men. The bombardment of tbo city and fort continued, and they suffered greatly Another rutuor is afloat, that Scbastapol had fallen. The Sullivan thmncrnt having been temporarily suspended, sale by the Shei iff of that county, and other official advertise ments are published ia tbe Mann Lumin- II..IL iWT"a Pn.u.m rrrtain Carr f, r nil B'linm Ti m p.aiuts arid Dii.ordiT.4l Stoini.chanfthr t.rn- rfrl.fr Miicacy. ( oi.y uf a tnur fnm 3nf Trviit, K.i d.td Sknwbnn. Janutirv 2-1 -Trt lir ir,ii..vu. I wan f..r . roe T.arn a tuff-rrr will, a lul-om ecinr'laint! arrainpan J aitli in.iic-.ii,.n and a d .on. rrd .rairh. In the h't4 nf nl.tninii.v n-lif. I ita...! i irln.ii. hut fruitlnir. I wa. h..wwr. ii,.lunfl to try your i inn hy a Inrrirt mtr.e nr.o hntl dftif.d eivat rn. TH Irom llinn. ;.n.t woul-l far :h-t lh--T -on r.-.tr. d my airtit.. and rft.-rtil a enm, I.t,- t.unfi'ton of I lie . now I'njoy me im f.r nva in. J ks Tkt.JiT.'T Lewisburg Fost-OSce Arrangements. EASTERX Maili (Tla MlLTojl,. CTery day but Sumlar, cIomi at 9, A M. EASTESX Mails (via XottnV rrtry dT 1 lit Siiiid cloe at 3ji o'rlnck, tV. M tr57.V, on Monday, Wedutfdat i.iid FriOay. cloMats'fJ A.M. .VOCni'ff.V(Wil!iantiirPrtl Mond. WVdn acd Fri.. clo-e at s I'.M. ofoibt pri-rdinff. J!OtTfl.V(cliDSBrove)Tue.-d.TLnifd.and Satnrd.. cluft at 12, M. BCFFALOE X KO.tDX. Tors.!T nrd FrKry. clone at S I' M. of uiittit prpeeJinjr. tr5.nnin.honr!' d:ii:y(cniTnt unii:iji.;froin G unlit H'i. A.M.. and fiom 12, M.unl.l s. I'.M. ot. i. lbt)3. JI. W.C'ltOTZEK, P. M. A VARIETY of School Bonks, B!mk Books, tiift Books for Holiday presents. Pens, Ink. Letter and Cap Paper, Faoev Stationery. Masaznies. Papers. etc. etc. fir sale e'trao at the Li.wisrcho Pusr Orricr, Corrected Weekly. Wheat.. 80 E2SS Tallow Wd Dacou Ham Cloversccd.. I 1 12 10 8 12 5,5) Rye Corn Oats Flaxseed Drieil Aj'Vs Batter 90 75 40 1,12 1,25 20 On the 9th inst., at the parsonape of Jlev. A. G. Dole, Jim rokHsT and Cathamixi 'Fkhwwtalt, hoih of Chiliisquaque. AIsoJ.r. km i ah Drsa and AnaLisa Eauly, both f Clul liscuaque. And on the U'.li.llisui L (Jislik of i.euirbhTg and Hiiiiiiu Monto. SaiiDans of Cliillis;iisijue. In Muney, 13th inst.. by S. Schuyler, Esq., Jamkb T. Nrlsoii, tkf Lewiburgv and Miss Rf.bf.cca Wihi, of Muncy. DIED, . Ia BufTilce Tp,22d inst, Jacob Ri:edi, agz-d 64 years. In Richfieln, Janiata Co., lOtii inst, ased 3 . r. .n....tl.r tl .1...- V c.n .if jthnand ,ie late Mary Ann'.Montsomery. In Center Tp, Berks Co., 4!h inst, Jacob 8maAia, in his Vith year. At iho Iiniisf of James Reei. ia Poltsrrove. Samah I'.aat, in her 7Sth year. I In Freeport, III, Sth ins'.. Williati Gmvin, lorilicriy ouci iu Ul I. iiiuu su., 4 a., acu aouui ia yCars. In New Berlin, 21st inst aed about 80 years, J.ia Bisnoe. He had been confined to bed f r eight years past. tii :r..fl- :. I ' . o . I 1. I In t.euris Tn.. Jolt; Jirna Waittb in his , .. , . .. . --- his Ssjth year. In Turbut, 11th inst, Mrs. Elizabeth I- tisi, aeed 89 years. Town Meeting! T" E Citizens of Lewishnre are invited to meet in the TOWN HALL, at 6 in the j evening ol 1 Hl-KSDAY, 30ih Nov. ltfftl, to take into consideration the propriety of erec- I tin? a SCHOOL M il. DIM; l.irje enough to 1 accommodate all the Pnbhc Schools of ihe ! Boroneh. Plans and Estimates for the build in" and a statement of the School Fond on hand, will be laid before the meeting-. By order of the Board of School Directors LEVI STERNER, Pres. JAMES HAVES, Sec. JVcw Dry Goods, r10NFECTIONERV,&c The subscriber I resoectlullv informs the citizens of Lew- isnuri and viciuilv, that she has opened an ETir.ii tut stock of DRV ttoOlM. CON". FECTIONEKV. and 8TA I'lONERV, purch- asfd '"r Ca,,h. "d which w'.ll be sold on the ;,Be,,len,1(," of maaie to her choice stock of lire 6-W and Trimming: All articles of J jj GBSTLEXEKa DKESS GO&US and Hosi- , ery sold very cheap. New Good constantly received. M. LEWIS. Market Sl neit door to Kline's Hotel. Lewisburg, Nov. 21, 18S4 ! Fine Cranberries, Dried Currants, &c. A T the NEW STORE, Market St. Lewis- aw t.urg. (next aoor to Mine s noiei.j nne Confectioneries may be procured. "".TTANTED a GIRL to do housework IT l'P'y ,0 M- LEWIS, next door lo Kline's Hotel, in Market St. l ewisburg. A CHANCE TO MAKE A PILE ! ON account of ill health, the subscriber has determined to quit tbe Mercantile busi ness, and otters his Store Rooms, Ware Booms, and Dwelling, FOR SALE. Said stand is situated" in the Town of New Columbia, Union Co., Pa., un the West Branch River, in a rich settlement, where from f 12,000 to 15,000 worth of Goods ean be sold ai good profits, and In sight of the Sunbury A Erie Railroad. Any person desi ring a good location for business, will find this a rare ehao.ee. . The property can be purcha sed at a low price and on easy terms. For further particulars, call on or address the subscriber at the above place. J. D. PIEFFENDERFER. New Columbia, Nor. 1, . A Mlaation Wnnted, iBTBBn!raK5,?ssrlfi ir.nrra dm e hp nn nir t Sloe, or M.i-p. untile establishment. Address "C," Chronicle "'T.ce, Lcwtsliurg, Ta. IW. 22, 1854. : T1 i -A Oil S.4LE TWO new and elep.mt six-and-three-quartor Octave Piano. Also THIS EE beautifully-finished MELO- DEO.XS, male after the newest improve ments. Apply to FR. J. GESSNER, South Fourth St. near Market. Lewisbur, Nov. SO, 1854 AdmliilMfruior'H .otlre. N-OTICE in hereby given, that Letters of Administration nn the Estate of JAMES I.. IRL A XD, late of East Bufialoe Twp, Union Co..dec'd,have been irranted to the undersigned by the Register of Knion county in due form of law ; therefore all penon s indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having any just claims are also requested to present them properly auth enticated for setllemf nt. THOMAS PENNY. Administrator. East Bu.Ti!..e, Nov. 17, 1854 pd "1TTILL be sold ? I snhseriber in Kelly township near the 1 f,,r,l nn niiT;1In rrMlt. nminin" Levishur? I ' jo o b"r"U?il line, on Friday, tbe 8th December next, the fullowin? property, viz. ?l HORSES. COWS, JL (fone 4-horse Vasn andnf,k(. IXT B,lr, l Trnrk Was.m. jjj -Jl Plows, Harrotrs, Cultivators. Hay Ladders, Horse Gears, Bureaus. Tables. Berts and Bed din?.one 8-day Mantle Clock. 1 Cookmtr Stoye, 2 Wood Stoves, and a yaricty of other II msihJil ami Farming L'lcntih too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A.M. of said day, when terms of sale mil be made known. Not.I3,1h5 JOHN SXYDER. IJotice TS hereby siren that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of MTHIAf SHAFFER, late of the Boroneh of l.ewisbnrc. dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. AH persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly au thenticated for sett'enu nt. SAMI KI. SHAFFER, ) -.,, JOHN NOI-GHTON, J ""utors. Lewisbur?, Nor. 15, 1854 General Meeting. Office Susquehanna Railroad Company Harihsbi-ko, Nor. 13, 1854. $ VN adjourned general meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at Calvert Station, on Monday, ihe 4th December next, at II o'clock. A M. SIMON CAMERON, President Nor. 15, 1651 CEXERAL XEETIXG. Office Susquehanna Railroad Company ) II nniBl'Hn, IViv. 13. ISVI. S A GENERAL Merlinr, of ihe Stockholders of this company will be held at Calvert j Station, em Monday the 4th December next, at 12 or. lock, M, !or ihe purpose of elecliiiE I Directors in The Xarlhern Central Km I way Company, fur the ensuing year. Ilv order, ROUT. 8. HOLLINS, Sec'y. Nor. 15. 1854 LEWISBURG NURSERY mtfr Botanic Garden. L-t--f5 T IlIE .subscritierolTfrs for sale a fine asort X ment of TREE- and sHIil'lillERV.nich as Pear, Plum, Cherry, Apricot.Siberian Crab, Q lince, Crape Vines, Raspberries. Currants. Uooselierries, Ornamrnul Trees and Shrub bery, Evcrblooming Roses, Flowrrme Plants, 4f. II. R. NOLL. Lewishunr. Nov. 8, 1B51 6m ma... T . n vn,,M r. IT, La-J1, "aiaaaasa . sac vs!snectlnlly announce to ihe i V: I i r i .. ..i .... ;V .1 urilt ul iAsi,uii; onu cinity, that she has recently renewed her assortment of' BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, Ac, whirh she will dispose of on favorable terms. Iter health is so far restored that she will pay personal attention to busiucss. Oct. 26. Wheat, and Flour! HAVING rented WOLFE'S MILLS, the subscriber will pay the highest price in CASH tor Wheat. He will keep constantly on hand. Wheat and FL.ur to Retail, and his ; W'atron will run daily to Town to deliver Flour and receive Wheat. All Wheat he sells, he will guarantee to make 40 lbs. Flrur per bu shel, i'ersoiis wishin" Wheat.will leave their baes at my Storehouse, and they shall be punc tually attended to. ALEX'R AMMON8. Lewisburg, Sept. 14, 1854 NOTICE. . OT'R Firm being this day dissolved, we would say to all who know themselves indrbted to us, that we are in need of the needful, and are anxious to settle up our bns- ness with as little delay as possible. Our ooks will remain at the old stand, and set tlement made by either of the Firm. KEIibK & vOKSb. Lewishnrg. Sept. 20. 1854 urns mmiii 3S33n or Tins LEWISBURG ACADEMY Will Commence on Tucsdat, Oct.19, 1S54, to continue SO weeks. The course of Instruction in this Institution is calculated to prepare youths to entrr College or for general business. .... Composition and Declamation receive care ful attention. . . The subscriber is solicitous to secure a class of Younir Ladies. . : The Bible is in daily use in the school. For reference, the Principal lakes pleasure to refer to many of our citnens, both in and around the place, who have had their children and wards under his care Tuitiun. For Languages $10, Higher Eng lish $9. and common branches, (including Reading, Writing, Geography, Arithmetic, Grammar and U. 8. History $6 per session. Contingent expenses per Winter session, 60 cts-pe scholar, extra. No deduction except for sickness. JOHN RANDOLPH, Sept. IS. 1854 y Pfinefpal To school rectors. B LANK Contracts with Teachers, and Or ders on Treasurer, at Chronicle Office. TrO0D WANTED TT at the Chronicle Office- at the residence of the A mxw Mammoth Head Quarters! NEW GOODS ! J. & J. WALLS ARE j.it receiving their FALL SUPPLY of Goods. C.Lt AKD Sat. Lewisburg, Oct. 4, 1854 Cheaper than Ever! Fall and Winter Arrival of Xew Goods! li it lttll & VOI! S E MOST respectfully announce tofnends and the public generally that they have just received a carefully selected s:oc in im V (MOOi. of every variety, and at prices to suit customers, embracing Ladies'; and Gentlemen's dress gj'-ds, domestic, furn- j ishing goods, gloves, hoiiery, uiuiraings, &c. j GjlSji-"" rcsn supply of the besl qualaies sugais, molasses, honey, Coffee, : teas, spices, tobacco, segars, crackers, ham,' cheese, dried frnit, ic. H AROWAR E wel1 selected stock j of shovels, spades, lurks, hoes, and a variety ( of cutlery, carpenter's, mason's, and black- j smith's tools. QVEEXSWARK the cheapest ever ofivre.7 in this market iron-stone, granite, china and wbiteware, also common tca-se;is, ic. HATS AND CAPS.of all kinds and at low ! prices. ! All of which have been selected with trr-at care.and having been bousht fur Cua they are enabled to sell at unusuaily low rates. They ' deem it unnecessarv to particularize, as their j stock embraces everything likely to be called ; for. Purchasers will find it their a ll-amaze ti giveusaeall. PRODUCE taken inexchange, i Vwk rrnr to leask.j Lewisburg, Oct. 25, 1854 New Firm New Goods ! " .4 new Bruom swrps clean !" JUST RECEIVED, by wiy of Cattawissa Ilailroa;, ONE of the choicest and most desirable assortments of reasonable VKY A?D FASCY GOODS ever brought to this p'ac, and which they ffer at an unusually small advance upon the tirsl cost Old friends and new, and Ihe public cencr allv, are respectfully invited to call and see for themselves. iTA lull assortment of HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, C-UOCEKIES, ic, and at low prices. IDDING3 & WETZEL, Lewisburg, Oct. 21, 1H34 DisNoIutloM. rUHE Firm of L. IUD1NU6 &. CO.has been , i this day dis&ulved by the sale ol Uic . , I I J L.l interests of b.unuel Oedjcs ana jatXaCS o. Marsb, to Aaron E. Wetzel. LEWIS IDDINftt. b.WI l.'EL liEDDES, JAMES S. MARSH. Lewisburg. Oct. 9. 1S5I NEW FIRM. riUE subscribers have this day entered into Partnership, to do a general Mer cantile business, under the name of Iinntics 4c VVaTxnt, and repcctfuily solicit ths pat ronage of their friends and the public. LEWIS IDDINOS. AARON E. WETZEL. , Lewisburg, Oct. 9, 154 WTICE. IT A VINO bousht from V. H. Rkiiil rf Mifllmburir. a quantity of llrv Goods. timcerie. Hardware, (J leensware. Iron. vc also 6 Warjons, a Horse, and a sett of Har ness, we hereby give notice that we have left the same in the care of ihe said Kissel, to be removed to the dwelling now rceupied by him. and tube by disposed ol tor our exclusive use and benefit. Also that our Hooks and i Accounts are placed in the hands of said Rts ! sell, and all persons indebted to nsare urgent ly requested to make immediate settlement . with him. ) KITCHEN & KIEFFER. Mifflinhunr, Oct. 1, leM NEW ROUTE. ca tta mss. i, bv. . ia m ii f v r ..' en if. EJiir.OAP, on:. to MH.TOX. ! SlhourslrCtWeeil IMlilrt lelphiaand at l. i d t r i MlltOIl l-art', s? i OU. 0' N and after Monday. S-pt. 23th. and until Entension lo W illiamsport, rassen?er Trains will be run every day (Sundays eaxep- tert) as lotto ws Leaving Milton at 11, A M., connecting with Reading Railroad at Port Clinton, arriving at Philadelphia at 7MI. P.M. Leaving Philadelphia at 7.30 A.M., arrive at Milton at 4 30 P.M. A Freight train wih leave Milton on Monday Wednesday and Fridav. and Port Clinton on; Toesday.Thnrsday and Saturday of each week, j Freight is carried to and from Philadelphia without transhipment, from Reading Railroad Freight Depot corner of Br.a l and Cherry Sts. , T. M KISSOC'K, Oct II, I Ml Superintendent. New and Beautiful Fall Goods. JUST opening and entirely too busy to enumerate articles but for quantity, quality, or low prices, call on Oct. 4. J- HAYES & CO. BEAVER, K R EMKR & MOORE , , have received their . New Fall Goods, which they are enabled to dispose of cxcnsi woMLT catAF. Lewisburg, Oct. 4, 1S5I AND IfEW FIRM. The partnership here tofore eiislniR bet weep R'ber 4 Vorse, was this day dissolved by mutual consent David Reber having disposed of his interest in the concern to Peter Hursh. The businesa will be. continued at the old stand under the Firm ofHitrsh Vorse, who will be happy to serve all the old customers and lots of new onei. DAVID ItFlDEK, .,0. R. VORSE. Lewisburg, Sept. 0, 1851 HUSSEY'S GRAIN REAPER, .-,, -: 'An , For Cutting pOtb Urain and tjras?. ; - - VfTF ACTURED and for sale at lha ! . .... - Lewisburg Toondry kv GEDDEM. MARSH & CI 1; 1MB COAT, jnst reed and fer a! by BE.WER, KRE Vtlh ft By Express ! NOTHoR lot of Fine Brocha SHAWLS and Parametta Cloths of all shades, at very low prices, just reed bv 0it. J'. J. HAYE3 & CO. EaIe Mill. nAYINfJ re'jji't. tti a minner enirtred anj improved, the Steam Crrst Mill ree.rutly lit hy fir?, the subscribers rrpect fu'lv infiTT! the pit'ilic lint they are prepare! t ili all knl if Custuin w irk and purchase Grain r.s hTtnf.re. NI-aiT. HAYES At FICHTHOaX. Lewisbar?. Oct. 25, lS.1t ITTT) V.rprtSH Oilirc! taTWYi The undersigned have been appjiui'-J Agents f t HOViAKD i CO.'S EXPKIi.S LI.NE, and are n "H prepared to forward, dull. Packazes, Specie, Bank Notes &c. to Phila lelp'ii. New Vork. B isroa, Al bany, Ui'timore, and intermediate points, also j to the ottic r Norheru auu t.as:era cu.es. The public ar? respectfully invited to pat ron z the above line, as it is toe q uckest and saH-st luethnj of transport A'.iou between the cities a:id Lewishurg. Packa -es received hy or bef re S A M. will arrive tit Philadelphia the same by, and to delivered early in ihe following morning. Receipts given for time and price. l'tiihd-tctiia Olfics 1 1 & 13. South Third St. Oct 2". THORN I ON & CO. a-fn n-....fu i:.it' I'&iiila- nmierl I V f, . .."". ' J ' ; 0 s. nfer Nov. l,t. the un lers -ned i ill furnish subscribers with any ,.f the ------- t r...i.iu. 11.. I... in. .femur, of ihe same d ijr as published. nnoever. men, m" i" snoDlie't hv at once icavm: us. Term C cts. per week (fur the Penny papers) ravable weekly m monthlv in advar.ee. THiiU.VToN &. CO. r.xcciitor's Xoticc OTICK is herebv siiven thai Letters Tes- ; tam-ntarv on the Estate of JOHN A. VANVALZ H, Esq, laf ol Kelly Tp. Union Co, dee'd. have been granted to the under signed by the Ucgisier of Kiuon county in due form of law ; iheief re all persons indebted lo said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, an I those having any jst claims are also requested to present them properly authenticati J f. r settlem-M. SRII II. VANVALZAII. ) Ei'c LAIRU HOWARD. utor. i's 4 f.j?tt-iXj U-: . -'vex AjyWA.'.H e VJtL ,eA- A R II 1.1? TIRO. The subscriber. respectfully informs the public mat ne sml continues the .Mamie uusiness ai n s o n stand. in the upper end of Market street, in this Borough, where he is prepared to manu- j j facture , 7J I monuments; TOMBS, . I. x . JT1 - . I OraKSto,X.intb,i'fiSll,sl:.1 wd Debility. -Kestoration to He h a variety 01 uarved ana i taia u. now nniMi-u, anu iriti im iriirimst Persons tlsir iiff anf arurle in his line cf . ! business, are requested to call at his Yard, as he will there sell i-r W per cent, cheaper man call be bousht of persons eotnsr throujrh the .nrinire i nr.i.rc vol rereive nromni a len- . lion. SOLOMON RITTER. Lewisbnrr, Sept. n. 1854 Danville HuJvare Store, . TERES DOOltS XCr.Tl! Or TJIEDAXK, 1 T which will be loifnd a large and w selected stuck of Hardware, Cutlery. Iron, Steel, Nails, Carriage tnin'in;s. Harness moiintiiic;s. Carpenters', Cabinet-makers' and Shoe makers' Tools. Boot and !hoc Findings Moroccos, Kid. Liuiir,'s French Caif skins, Ued ir and Willow Ware, S:-el Springs, -ViviK Vices, Screw Plates. S.reiv Ueilo'vs. Umlders' Hardware c eyery description.Venit .inW indow Hid Shulters.WindowMishiIverpltdWarc, ; Ilriitannia Ware. Cans. Pi-tols. Revo!- Lard, and Whale? Oil. Tar, Window , Glass.LookingUlass Plaies.I.mseedOil, . Sp rits Turpentine. Pure White Leaif, White Zinc Paint', Bike's Fire Proof and a full assortment of other Paints, Wines and Liquors at Wholesale and Retail, Japan. Copal, a:id Cjach Var nishes. Ac. &c. , All of which will be sold very r.!ieap for cash. country produce, or four months approved credit. '. J. O. RICHARDSON, ; at Hie signs oi uie .-snvn t..u wn. Danville, Sept. It. lHot lylOt 1jr.1I PS 1'u.mps ! rumps ',! We II and Cistern Pumps, fuction.ForQe and Chain, me very best articles now in use.those wishing d of thi fatit bv i to purchase ean be convince eallin; upon Henry K. Jii.lL Esq., l.ewisbnrc. The siihscnliet has also on hjrd LEAD PIPE from i to I inches. . J. O. RK'HARlitsON. Danville Hardware Store, 3 tours . of the Ua.nk uf Danville, Sep'. 15, UMIOIff TEMFERiiriCE HOTEL, un ...... Ice Cream aad eating Saloon, Otrner rif '.-coHr mill Market Sts. I Havins rented the commodious and well lUitiited buililirgs at the lower ernl ot .Market St. (t'ormetly the mansion r.f Wm.liares,Esq.) the subscriber is prepared to entertain STRAXGERX AXD TRAVELERS, Man and Beast, w.th lodging and food bn fii.f with intoxicatin" linnnrs. - tThere is also attachei, an ICE CREAM Saloon for Ladies, and an EATING SALOON for Gentlemen. He respectfully solicits a fair trial, and a share of the public patrsnage. - . . E. PETERS. Lewisbur?, March 3d, IR5t 3m NOTICE. Appliealiftn will be made to the next Legislature to change the naitie of the "Lewisburc &ivinfs Institution." locaierl at Lewihors; in the conmv of Pninn, tn "THE I.EWISBCKU BA.ri,- witn une Hundred Thousand Dollars additional eapitil. and authority to issue its own notes for cireu lation ; suhjeet to th provisions of the general banking laws nf this Commonwealth. Dr order of the Directors t ., H. P. 6HELLER, Treasuref twisburf,T 1 Jan 3, 1b Tan Night ia a Bar Room, An4 whai I saw There. BY T. ARTICI. Trit TSt uatd Opin in a Munih. TniSpiwirfut irk, m1-1ii., n h MSJ it V. S the b-.tcr rillr hr M'. I'fi'U ttie.til.erlnteMper.nar " rulli. .lichee. i tcnratiV tha 'H t- ' Tatero -erl" ""I Rant .trink'nr. B "lr " lwH.a-j'f theeiaeleaa. fcat lne m- Juiti -atlr. l:w aurr -f .iH Mary M.je na rl herfatb r. wai Is re.'.rmeJ her ik-Ua aJ lea'.h. ia aiona worlli lUe pri.e "f fe loo t mperan aien aeit i:hi-reea !' ia Te tr th eaoaa .j ..i.i-u'et on than b a. y aia-r at. ana. Aje. t-wilJ lBt-r Un aj l eoante oTtf.a Cu'.ltJ S'at. to -( aaedit.on fftlt-a np ei-eele1. .r 'h-ei. b-a ittrm ylilo.irataJw.tn a fiaa maunUnt a ravlnf. he Srta n. f. porriln a Copy be wu.l (post iS) 0 ta cti'il of Hie arif -, T '' fr-ntp. TUe large t cbmoi.a:oa el' be tH- A '.Jrrr, j w. mttii,KY. I'uM'ei.er. "o Sortll IT ,nirJi Street. fhilau!.hla. Cheap aJIle and lianies. Jlanuftirlory: The in lscnber, that1 k fu! for fror hitherto conTerred. respectful'y invites the public to call I ill price his work. as he is cona jeat they wul render entire satisfaction even, to the most dilfilent custodiers. Constantly oo hand, rf tr,A to order, all kinds of SADDLES. y.tfcA Dndla, t t la. W'liiis, Trunks, Vnlirrt, Carpet Bact.i'. j Also the cheapest and best assortment t 1 1 Worsted. Linen, and Cotton FLY NETS to r , . . C 1 , , , . oe n. un no iiiwn, a.i prices lauxiuit h-mm WP" s,n:e B-also "la" 1 i . r . -...t. 1 """ " " P' V"' ... . n tnt i .--. "... --r cash or country Produce. Ail kinds of REPAIRING cone at short no- . lh. ,nvl rfMe manner. The enizens ofLcwisbar; and the surroua- i , . i portion or their patronase. W ANTED 100 cords of Wood in exchange for work, also 10 tons of Hay wasted at mar- ket pnees. ihop in Beaver's new brick bloek,ThirI and Market, 4ih uoor from corner. P. H. HEAVER. Lewisburg, June 30, 194 The Fair-Famed Medicine! 'Ue,e r;l! lielnjr cmeowi en'-irrlr cf medicinal hate. are uf a ai"el l.armi'e nature, to. e tle raf-aoi din ar t'rtura the aua.ena bae rVu(ler4 theia unier. eatl pupuiar in nearly eferr part ol tbe world, lb Immense iaet4 the; have u ai .ill Uirouitlirul U.t tat. a le muat estraiiriiDar. ow.o, it ta preen med to their ..nderrai eftac. iu tre mro . f rJin.. : eitujiiaiule and Uirordvia t tae L ver and Oioiarh, IVrsmiaahu prrMitiTv ia usiuir them aerorditii; ta direction, hithiD fail in beleg regtored to bea'th. Oit9f a It ;Urfram t ie Rt ClarUs Smil.dxMt4 Xrt. Tj aZ " ' . sir-A Mr. Ji sra Pure, termerlT a rraUant of IW r:r J en aiieciimm .tateot beaJth io uKriA . r: J. . i t. ... Hi htlv i-s-roimtiou nd want uf appetite. lWrh rwam& t erfU ufHiiH'f- to hifrfU.i- iib4 fxuli rTfKo ! I'iiiJia. umI. nutif rr.Tnlf-ncf m rrfUred to health by tli.-ir tn-nn. Hf lt-ty tMi;ratrtl to Nvtv Tork, aftd has Jit.t written to eaT, that be waa ner better ia beat lb, ahd leaired na to aequaiat you.w.lli tbe ctrcuoatane. 1 oujhtal.o lo menli .n, that icy wile baa derived (real t-iuvfit fr-m 111 us rf T.r H.lis. 1 raioaiTi. Sir. your reersrctfatlv.. Oil Uil.iii 831 I'll, DiaeaaUnt Mlaiattl. i permanent Cure of a diseased Lirer cf many Years' duratica. Cepy of Letter sm if.. ..t:r, C'ltmiii, Tefttil, ta freeeie &,:. nt.r,rmn i th- puMn. A a jirooi. r iCftr ern-mr-y 10 L.:r-r and B.Iku Coiptai.nt" 1 w t2-'nti.n ll.r fr,U win caw. A !jmIv cf thit'wo with wbtr I am proiii atnjuntVI, t-c T'-ar w. vrr1 -ittt trim rtt."a 1 ir lTr ar J "nijE'-ttv oraBn:-,t--rirnJirrti ttbiiut a3rt-.i h-r that h i-ca'tl 4o ootltinf I-v r-Uc htruli.-riiifr', and it a ool J 'irwt mm, ir.uiah. Tbin annoiiii- crDitif nArtirally rmiiI cr-atal-nn anKtn-r her fri-a Jo t.J r1'!ior. aril th.-T iti.iu4 hrt to make a tnal af f yi-ur P.LU.wtiKh TmrrnTtfi n-r fr. nral h-Ith tl at rhr wa inlfi J l" cnutiue thf m titatil he rrrirv4l a pertrrt curt. 'Vii twrlva months ao. mni ah fa not ,-r ietiei MBiioTii 'f n-laD-. tiJ of n ilv!a-rtTi uat jour Puis- baT'" bwo tiie nan of iO'- h-r lift. 1 rftbaiu, la.r Sir. your truly. . July CM. (SirnMl) J.C X'Al. itcing compiui-tl: A zum Prciy J uudice Sttondary Aftama PvM.-nie'-y " Lu rCwpIntu f mvt-n Bhprt Com Krvipslag Lumlago TiclioaiurcuX l-.aiuts .uiir lrr.g- Taiuura Cl'-trhe OB ttlriiwi . Ithr-uti.atim V- ! r th-Skin F-r9 of ail Hrti ntion ofVrmreal Af Kuwi'lCmrta kiuiia I'rtne f rtiora Ovtka r,tJ fcr'.tu.a. er W"rm of all Cou-tiiatn ol'i'-ut Kit'F' Kl fcin-ia . t.e lt..wU ll-l-ocT:a S.rt iliroat TV.iVnr.- frm (Vnimititn lnJieti'a St'-jia and air uui Di bi.it r ImlAiaatirjo f-raTel kc. sir. . S-Ii nt thr K-taM:'mnt of I'mfcw? llAitcwaT. 2W Straiiii.tncar Tfiupir Unr, Loniln.) aoii "U .Ja.tii:a. laa io w trk r ter- f r I-Jnin. iu tlir Statfie.aJJrvwl f H4briM.Sifv loik." wi.l rt.wiauatten-.jwnrioltl Imo bv wll rf!p)'tA!i trtv ;iw.;nd dealer in Mrli id- thronirhoutth" l;n'T"rJ rtaV.ir Hoi at 3T)it. 7 eta. and $l,,v, crdb. T" bad V btltsala ot VL priBci,l UruiE hftiwri ia tb Cairn. -Th"r- ianMjiril!r airphy tsairpthlargaT Box. .V B- D-n-ctknufortb -mdaocf, olpatiraUiB -rry 'ttMrde-r.r affix d to acb Box lyfvr sale bv Dr. KEMTEItU Mitllinburr . Call aiid Try A NEW STOCK IN TRADE. The subscribers having formed a eo-nartnershtn in business, now offer '.o ola fritnes the public, at the late tand of S- F. Lvndatl. on Market j trt, thf? cheapest (t'nr cath) and best lot ii 1,00(3 ant St) Of. 9 for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisburg. A Splendid Lot ol" GUM SHOES. Also all ki.!s ,.f Gaiter, ha'f-t'atTers, ere. 'hd lren's sh.'es.of a'l styles and sizes. Work made, to order Mending as usual. As aeare botli known as practical shoe makers and experienced workmen, we solicit a share of ihe public patrunase and w!; try to merit it. S. At I. JIlf.T. Lewisburg. May, 1S."4 ICotice. c:ne country, are .solicited to ex.euu a "Mi!r.t.i.imiioiit.i.iiio.r win ui th ia ! I10LL0VAY'8 rETTER Trstnmentanr rm the Estate of J and streets, posi-i .u"ices.churrbes,mill..rhcc; j WILLIAM .. PATTERSON, late of J houses, be Ac , iih the prop. fed Divisi.-n Kelly tnwnshij. deceased, having been isstied i )ine. It will te sold at 510 in plain style. 10 the subscribers by the Register of M'iIIs of I Tn ion county,. all persons indebted to raid, estate are requested to make payment, and aU I persons having claims to present them, prop erly aulncntirarei. tor settlement. TrtU.M Ats COMLV . THOMAS HATES, Julv 21, IBM 6w ATOTJfTe. Having bcen.appninted the Ll SEXTON to Ihe Lewisburg Cemetery, the subscriber would slate thai he is prepared to oerform all duties connected with the bun! 1 ef the dead. on short nolle. ALothi he will atteud-oih.re.intermem of deceased persons, under the direett'.n of their snrri.ing friends. Residence ia tb I-le at the .a i tie ) le risbu-g. May 3 I'.M , . A NEW STOCK OF Boots -. lcwkt an i 8koei, 8utiotty. rpHE tubtrriber BoBe & fr' X tbe f aMic itcnmUy ikat h k J received from Pm'laitlphi large and esctvl lent asorment af eoir.prisnig ery kitd and vaiwty ! Ctl4 meo'a Bcot. Uiter. BJoLris,Ti, lijfni' JyiJiri' Fine GaUtr Eoetf, Buskins, Jem.y Linda, ail Tte it tit Ute and melt apj.ri.reil t!e. - , Boys', Misses', aiid CLiIdrei. Boots. Lae Dyf ts.Caiteri r,d tlvt efr style and yanetr bow wr tlso a afciutt leiefji-a tf the School atd Claas tai BOOKS A together wiiS a gocd assortment of kteallt' ner), ee. The itxive ;er3i bare teea earefnlljr aelet ied and will be sold at tery reduced prices. The undersigned also et ntinoes to ai bfAt tttre Boot and Shoe of erery deserpt:. i-, .-j rm ki lor eirenecre tad a ... ';,;. , .., no efl rt or eIe t ptea!W, Be brpes to merit and receite B liberal ck.... .... inttv Hill (ill aiie7i4 u u .i .i t , , . ....... . Lewisburg. May S. 1853 luitertilg .KeditiHr. Firca akb Aasa Ccio it Bowato's Tene Xntm T uf"T 'V.;.H i. u,. s,ate of leau.ei.aaia at lu ia,t ,,io. Xjih auhi, isa.) a.aiaij fcrth. yan ol arreatoa tbe ariie reeuiiitir lb (e af ,rH r' "lLrJI.Zy.L tae tne bbDlte Vila re.mfc.e -".. ' " ' aiadieai adifare, haioa inrchaa Ital itoaalaaela ra aii, KneanU A Tonie Miature. oa aeraaul f lla Ja etiel ru aa.l Hik.b aC.-aT in .11. lreaUt sf ar. anj Acue rnd ite kiuircl a(T.etin.ba ohaiUtl m remiEei.4ire a la tla Likhal ua laUa tUt ol tlx aCt-al- U. BOWEL CuMPtAIXT curralrj 0irNl 1L-CK-. IltKkV UOOI. The aLoea Inetiluliaa .At.ad. IM taaetUva. IB liav Banner, n th rBe-a lev "bowel Aaae pliunt. "on well koraaa Kowaau'a C.ataDU aintp $lacr.berf Root.aotfeariMats reeoaiaiaau It lo lb aaae fi.ae of 'patient afS-lea i-b theeeetasalalate. btiaa lag it to a in aluabivla tbe treatueat of aaeb eaaas. (lloa. H. ur j K. Strocg. lion. k. I iatii, HjroraaroIUioXriu.ua, v Jiha k. kowaaa, U. . J !. K. A.blea. ti . llartvr srrr, Ka. j- Alt eAmmonleatttna to ho adr !. JcLa V.. r.o.id. 11 D . bead .r toe fliaraiacaaUcal lefarl at was, ai.il ero.:UDtof ll.e Lai.rit. Hots' Uienaart aaJufflc, So T Soalb Saeoas llrsaa. It,iixllrl..a. Itrantb Diepen.arT a Ihe Srrre of tr. T. A. li. Til01.NTi-4 CO.. inelae. TO tfJIBETRJIE-T. w 7"ANTED 30 to 9.nu4 tt apl 6 fcjr zotod tuu ao ey . 10 to 20.UI.O ft 3iB.Aah plasif . .. ,S3to30.eo tt 1 4 ' do to le delivered this ecrr.inc Fall ar.d Spriai a th. blnk of q.. Klv.r .. Hrnstnr. Lumbal of good qualny and strait (trailed is wasted. Proposals will be received tJl Kept. I fcr fumtsbins tbe above, and perrons sendiDf pr . posals will state the quanuiy and quality ot iLa different kinds they can liirniih.ai.d who. Terms of pa) merit cash on delivery a aw inspection. Address (post-paid) 480 W.O. HICKOK, Harrisbarj. Tsi. DAGUERREOTTPES! Sff KER IHHI would inform la public that itiey have filled up a in the New Building over Dr.Thorniou's Vng Stare entrance ai the first dour, up alaira where they are prepared to perfurm anjr aerie in their line in the best style of ihe art. Wat can take pictures at almost any hour ia tb dar., Cbildreorlakeo as wtU as adults aaT ut.ier pictures copied. -As we have now a pcrn'tinrnt location, fittia up pnrposely and exclusively for baguan - 'vpmg. we think we can render entire sa.isfa.- tion, aad respectfully tccuer onr sertices. F.tJPVKErt. Lewisburg, An?. I, 1353 J. L. MAWS. Jacob dtek, cattawissa, Would inform his old .friends and tkw public eenerallv on the W est and Nruikv tir.i.u h.ihat he continues to keep theSf UJt HOTEL, in the center of the To-vn, and ask a fair share of patronage. ept- rRESERVIXG and rickiim JAS just res and for sale at t'.e Msm-noth Vrtf Store An? 10 Da. THORNTON 4 CO. "ST ree'd ar.d for saTe at the Mamonntk' Iru: fre a larce supp'y f Vr. Creea't genuine BITTEKS, f. r cure of QTrepsia, etc Aug 10 Dm.THOK.NTON Ai CO. rlthacrapblc Print Ibb; OfBr j ai.ii a larce quantity ot PIC l l'fcES, tor Fratninj. and fir Di awing Tear hers, K. VlH KMAR. H.W. Cc'mej Fifth and ilatkei s." GERMAN and FRENCH I.anjnices. iriV in. I'amun;. and Ira3jhti3g, tauglt by K.T,' Lewisburg. K'pu I. 153 Small F'rrfts end Quid Salts." etlS BARGAINS at the (HEAP STOlltf .... r, hhowx iiii Bitn: "VTTE take this meihod of informing the yy public that we have fitted op iht old -VSWS TRAD1XG &TORE" where we would invite especial atttnlicn 10 oar stock of DOMES.IC C00E3, . . Cerorerles and FJSll. which can not tail 10 J. lease, mber in regard to price or quality. Our gootls .have trra. bousht for cash, at the lowest free, arid will be. sold un accommodating tejrns. CASH will be paid for ail kinds i f (.rain and the very hisbest price j9.d,.in gids, fui every description cf Vonetttc i'roJbcr. Turtleville, Mav, IS54 Slap of Unioa County . . "lsTOW in equr.se of preparation, a MAP j 11 Lnion County, SO.t 17mrkes in u.t. ' exhibitine a!l ihe princifal mcar.tairs nr I streams. trtwisVn and bortiueh lines- ro'rla. 1,25 when colored. 1.-5 with moshn bark ana rollers, and l."l when mounted and rolorea. The subscriber asks the loan of draft, Ac , as bt is irejirons of makinr ! cor'ee,!, htad. seme, and osefa! rhSpi and aks the pair age of the public generally.... TOLKMArt Lewisburg. May IB, ISM. Dr. Jacob Horlacber, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, harirg regain his health, hss resomcd his rrrerire ef the. healing arL His superior SALVE js stt'J in great demand, and all 'r"Tjli osuaL New Berlin. May . IPti as j - CHOOL MtrEi;8 est prh.ted tl frl s? ' the r'.eerfiVi txt ' it; .r 1 ,1 -1 1 1 r i it r f f ) w x . h. r 18