Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 10, 1854, Image 4

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A IVav EnglaaJ Farmer's San;.
Oire to the rich his pal.c granJ.J
And hall nfaplen.li.l pride;
A fi for all bis dignities.
And ail his nomo heide!
Gir- me the Farmer's peaceful home,
B-nesth the inapts hi;h,
W'trre X.U ire's warblers wake the song,
TUe iter prattlin? nigh.
c nones.
Then here's to bi n who tills the soil,
Tae tr ie, the stron?, th brave !
Without hi:n. Art would it the land,
And Ujurnerce lr ire ihe wave.
And vet no f -en of tivifur cold
Disilaim his manlv hr.
Hail to ihe F.inier! thrice all hail!
Ljrl of the nudity plow!
The citizen miy love the town.
An I Fashion's eaulr show;
The brilliant pageantry of Art
Mav please ihs eye. I know;
Bm Nature's charns dliht the heart.
All simple thm.h they be;
The acres broad, the streamy vales,
The baring herds for me !
What thoi;h the bronze is on our cheek.
Toil-calloused is our hand.
With honest pride we stand erect,
Thj nobles of ihe lan d ;
For "patriot Truth." that spirit bright.
In this wide world so rare.
Points proudly to the Farmer's home,
And cries, My own is there !
A Woitu of Crack. Wc baJ no con
ception of the rcraarVable work of rcfr
mation and of grace now going forward in
Ireland until wo beard the narrative of
Rev. Dr. Heather at the Tabernacle, Us'
Sabbath evening. The spirit of inrjnirv
among the Catholic peasantry f Ireland,
the organized and persist cot hostility of
the priests, the beautiful eiimples of ftitli
and heroism in the convert, the larg'
number of eorjTeTiions to Christ, the de
votion of missionaries, the eagerness of
children to learn the word of (Si I all
how the presence and power of the Hily
Spirit in a remarkable degree. We trust
that the chorches gencra'Ijr will have the
privilege of hearing the story of this work
of graco, from one who fir thirty years
has labored for lire poor and tho ignorant j
of bis own country. The narrative is fit
ted not only to awaken a praye.Tul inter
est for Ireland, but also to quVkeo into
the spirit of a revival the ch arches of this
A contribution of several hundred dol
lars will be secured from the N. Y. Taber
nacle Congregational Church for the fur
therance of Homo Missions in Ireland.
Slay all do likewise ! X. T. InJrpcndcnt.
Extraormkart WnrAT. In every
county throughout the United Kingdom
much has been said in favor of the wheat
crop, and in confirmation theraof a largo
field of white wheat. prmn this jf nr,inthe
parish Scssay, near 1 Lirbk, ia a proof of tno
bountiful suj ply IVovidence has this year j be kindenooeh to favor me wiih tbeir catom.
b-.en so praoi.sly p!cd to b!e mrj?tC"t
e J i fntjns will not drire my rrirnns nn, i.nom
with. The field of wheat in question has 8rM .,vmj m(. a trial DAVID HLKR.
been the admiration of every beholder!
thereof. I'eof.le, rich and poor, from dis
tant villaees.who bare heard of this sulcn-
did field ;f wheat, have, through curiosity,
.. , , , .5 . '
gone miles to have a look at it. fconic of
the straws, when standing, eiccedcd sit i
t.i ; l..,I, .,1 .!, . ..,i. r I
tho ctasw in the field ruold furtxeeed the i
i. .: .L. sr e ,!...! '
Many of the
ears were upward of half a foot in length, I
aud well filled, yielding between five and j 1
six score full crown corns. This field of,'
i . t , s o 'l . r .l. I
wueai ociougs io inr. omuusoo, oi ,uc
Church Farm, Sessay, and is upon the cs-
tate of Lord Vicouut Downe. The seed
of the proligc wheat was first introduced
into this country two years ago, by tho
scent of Lady Franklacd Kussell.of Thirk-
leby l ark. lurkshire Ga:rlte.
How to Blbn Coal. The great mis-
take of all is to put on too much coal, as
if it were wood the greater tho qoautity
the greater the heat. If too much coal is
k t-tv-i I i j1 r Via itnmrtnafiAn t wafutsAasiskt! tf im
perfect, because the fire is necessarily
"choked up," the draught destroyed, and
.i. V. .T
from it.nas off to the ehimnev nnennaumed
.. 'r . . . . .
or disseminate in gases through the room.
Whereas, if the strata of coal be Int mode
rate, a red flame will play aronnd the inte
rior of the utove, by which entire combus
tion and health are secured. One ton
of coal, thcrefore.by thoronirh combustion
it a t. a j t i .
will often secure more hcat,and a healthier
atmosphere, than two tons secured in the
ordinary way : and this is a fact which
ean be easily demonstrated. Graham' t
DerRECATonr. A genuine Down
Easter was lately essaying to appropriate a
square of exceedingly "toogh betf ' at din
ner, in a Wisconsin hotel. His convulsive
efforts with a knife and fork attracted the
attention and (miles of the rest of
. l a . .
me company, wuo were in tne sime
predicament as himself. At last Jonath
an's patience vanished nnder his ill soc
ess, when, laying down bis "utensils," he
burst out with "Strangers, you needn't
laff if you hain't got no regard for the
landlord's feelings, you ortcr have some
retpvet for the old bull." This sally,
"brought down the house."
How gently the crisp leaves flatter
down upon the pavements and along the
walks as the trees are bbai.cn by the Au
tumn winds 1
Tbe man who "kept his word" gave se
riotts offence to a lexicographer, who wan
ted it for a new dictionary.
Btick to your trade and it will stick to
Talesraphlng new Bate Table.
L3.,UM OGIf-- f. . - J . ti: fram I to SJ,
Fit.: eal rV..m 7 . I
From Tsmith-jrij to
llirrishiire T,0,2S
B.rwick l$0,
Blo.nnshttrg 17
Cattawissa 1 7
lYtnville 15
Chapman 20
Carlmndale 20
Dnim-ire 25
Hv le rark, 24
Willtrahirre 20
Plrmnnth 20
B'rmnliurg 18
Danville 15
SnnMrjr 15
M'Kwcnsvillc 15
YVilliamsnort 17
I.K-k Haven IK
Berli Creek 20
M W- (Mt
J.-rs-v Sh rt
Will Hall
II ! Icfnnte
For every a.Mitional word 1 cent to all sta
tions on this line. .
Philadelphia. 3 If 5) Baltimore 61(4)
Not now in operation.
riAll other stations west and south
Philadelphia, rale increased 0 cents.
2lttorc9 at fam,
LewlnbarfT, I'bIob Vemntf, Fa.
Perfect Fits!
Mllf II. KILLER carries on tne
I'ailorine business, on hi own honk, at his
old stand on North Third Street,wnere ne win
att-nd to Wkins and Cnltin as nsual. The
PAHIOX8 received from New York.
All woik done in the best style and on the
moat reasonable terms. Produce received a
Vtarket prices. rKawishiirr, 3. 1853
Offte Sunmtehtmna Kiilrnad Company, '
Hatei . Jan. SO. IS.f. 5
'PBE STOCKHOLDERS of this Company
1 are hereby aerified that the Seeond
Instalment of five IfollarB per Share is
called in, payable oa or before the 8ih of
Fiibrnary neat; ana an msi mucin oi u
am nint payable en or bef.tr the lOih day of
. . n -. ... L . 1 . I
mi,mh thereafter, nntil the whole is paid
in. tn wit, the 10th of October neat ty those
jre - at Cni
don Bank of Maryland ;
Dauphin county Bank of Middletown ;
Northatnberl'd county Bank of Northnmbld;
Union county Lewisborg Savings lustitutivn.
By order.
t ROB. 8. HOLLIXS. Treasurer.
JltKPAItC'J by Rodemsrher w'ep,
ABotnecartrs 10 inr li.-m-c-'-p."
" - . . . i
pentarv. Tin. -1 Area siren, i n.i -sr'm,
eonsontl m hand and P.r s'-, !ioleva
and retail. in Lewist nri. ai ihe I)rn Stre of
Oct ?,' T. A. H. THORNTON.
New Berlin Hotel.
Itp .rts havina been esieusively
" . . ... .W ... I
cireslaiC'l throiipu me conm m.u i
.m not nernnred lo entcitain my
Jliii5f -nests. I bea leave to asure my
fr..u ,mi I am mdl nilkd wilh the best the
! . i .i. rn.mil .c bnTive r.inffl. nl)
!,.,. ,.i .ceommodate all who will
New Berlin, May , I8at
,1 I'l.m Cls all kinds of 8-day and
tJ2kW-honr Brass Clocks and patent lever
U? ttme.p.eces. Brass 8 day clocks at 1.
bra-s 30-hnnr clocks as lew as $1. All clocks
warrallIcj r(,r one year at J. I.. YODKR'3
'-' f7.. ,v"'f mi Jtwthy Store,
opposite l ldinifS tJo.'s. I.ewtst.iir?.
ITATCHES tiold and rl-lver Levers,
i a l.mnffc ml spree. worn vh aicne
rrm to $100, at J. h. YODER'S cheap
Wajch anjLlewelry store,
E VVELRY of the latest pattern of all qual
ities for ajie at the lowc-t t ity prices Dy
J. L. i U II Lit.
! Tn.VER WAHE Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt
anj Mustard Spoons, silver warranted
'opta,' to coin. Silver Tea spoons from S3
,uPwarJs no char6e fur KTl.'yoDER S.
-'ot r, i;HA!N.i Ladies' CliaielainTGold
'.1 t Fob. Vest and Guard Chains, from 10
to 10, at
SPECTACLES Gold. Silver. Plated, and
' Sieel. suitable for li ?x s. AH kinds of
i . . Quni..lH tl,. . I. (i r 'in. ' nntiep
p,r,icu,ar aention paid to fittinc Glasses for
weak eyes J. L. VODER.
1)1.ATED WARE Cake and card Baskets,
Table Forks, fpoons and Butter Knives,
i T" c- .es.,st ca(affr-sn4j,t1 n lh hPVt laPrmnn
jsilTelT , ?1 pfr j dt,z. All goods warranted to
give satisfaction. All kinds of Enaravine; at
I the shortest nonce at J. I.. VODER'S.
' OLD PE9-a!l prices.in O..M anrt silver
;IT Holders, and without holders.
for sale
cheap at
J. h.
Life Insurance Companies 2
Lrminn " Loan Fund,
(26 Cornhill, London; 71 Wall St. X.York)
IT'CapiUl $2,50(1,000
We tnturnnce Company,
I (Harlford, Conn.)
UTAnnuity Fund $150,000
Keyttont Mutual,
(Harrisburp. Pa.)
lyt'apital $180,000
POLICIES in the above Companies can be
obtained, on reasonable terms, by appli
cation to the subscriber. California risks, 3
to 4 per cent extra.
Feb. 19 H. C. HICKOK, Leteuburf.
WINEGARDEX has re-moved from
war op town" back to the new build-
inr at the old head quarters, in Market street,
immediately under the" Chronicle " and Tele
graph offices, where he will be happy to
smoke" and "chew" his friends and cus
tomers, in good style and quality at moderate
cash rates.
Lewisburg, Oct 14, 1853.
Surgeon Dentist,
4 T hi Residence. South Third St. .corner
ofthe Board walk.
DEEDS of stoperiorform. for sale at the
Cawawwlesfflcs,! ttt iinl,tO- per t
J. J. C'l lo & r. I llu 'er,
.Successor to II. 0. ife!.ok 4 Co.
Book Binders and Stationers, am
Blank. Book Mam factlrehs,
II irrirt.nnt. I'll.
-m rnfiT ,.n,w.trutn inf..rm llieirfri) nd; til
i at
A I thevare cnia' e l in the above business
"? directlv opposite Herr s Hotel, i ney
(latter themselves, by carc.ul btteoUon to ;heir
business, to receive a continuance ct the pat
romc so librrallv enjoved by the old lirm.
BI.AXK BOOKS lor Hanks. County Oilices.
Merchants, and pri.-are individnals, and every
varietv of full and ha'.l-bouiol constantly on
hand. Paper ruled to anvp itlern. Old Books,
Periodical. MaiiT.itie. Law Books, Newspa
pers. Kiblcs, M'iie, works issued in Xos &c.
br.niid in any style, plain or extra. All work
warranted, and d 'tie rlc aply.
Please rive us a call. C. cV H.
i-jritooVs to be hound mav be left with
the Editor of the Chronicle. 503
Wboieia! and Brtail
Miminhnr?, I"n!on County, Pn.
HAVING purchased the entire Drnc Store
formerly kept by T. J. Elliott, dee'd, I
now offer to mv friends ami the public in gen
eral a fresh and pure lot of
Jii'tlcS", .Nl0li .1.(3 3)!JJ-51lff.
Also Paints, Oils, Glass. Pulty an I Patent
Medicines. Brushes and Combs of every
variety. A fine assonment of JEW
EI.KY.such as Walchcs.cold and
silver Pencils. Ear and Fin
ger Rinss, Breast Pins,
&c.cVc. f'ards.En
veloprs. Note
and letter
ftonpa and Pcrfnaisry
All kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil, Pine Oil
and Burning Fluid. Liquors of all kinds, for
medicinal purposes. Violins, Flutes and Ac
cordeons. Nuts. Fruits and Confectioners
and in faet,a!mot anything in the way of No
tions and General Varieties. Call and exam
ine for yourselves. I charje noihintr for look
ins,. Til KO. 8. CHRIST.
Mi.flinburg, Pa, Jan. S, 1851 ly
The renowned Remedy!
This rs!rnMl!,rt rrgsl rfip;flt f.f Ihe ninrt
hv4ltrrf i!at. tt li.-n In w..T'lTiP" with
t. r ! wlw-h i-p.-n-tl ri r h - t, Ifi-urf
nm lr ll o'h'-T m.. fttO. I j M Hi tnst
I-nu M,m ilM- ftii r,'ly yirM t ia ei-cy.
It r fcim"w .li'-i u 1 ir. rrl '"Ut.i:lieiitu.4-f in,
rfi'rr'l ' sirr i s '. In A.thni0 it will tlo
wisiJeti' ii ra'jieU into tli- Cht.
Jlost astonishing Core of Scrofulous Ulcers,
certified by the Mayor of Boston, (Eng.)
OTW IKr from J. XV: E 7., jwr of iWoit,
To ruTTt-cm n .1110 !). r Mr : Mrs. Surah n:n
of M UorfftiJ tr-. V,.I..n. h" Ihls tij drr4 hr
in- thsi f-vr imH lrI- t- rifi.1 "-n-rrly sjinirt.
with i-rr -lui. n ?m-. muA ulr. w ;e h--r ri., Rt. l.-s.
n oth p irtp c.f Hlr n'l Itli'WKll Ihi- T-t f.r
mi ii -i 1 n-iPi-e vpi rMsinp I, st th rt f'f tare Mtm
ol pnnm y, hr ot.l. 4 no batilMnt of frin', but
j;pIts:i rftrw sni..
kriiii iT .iiii r.Jp 1 y fripn l to trr ToiirOin'mrnt.
In- firnpiiPMI fi tnll pnL s .0 ! ' f tb ''"I
b. f;r. thsl w ; u-l. .in: t.'itis f smt-nrtmptit urt-'-n
l. By pp"-prln with th WPiltPjnP fop m -hrl t-mp
Upiffpr e"r liTw to th- aim Moris. an1 v'rf.'.f Ihprins:
to rour polp to 'IM. 4p . she f Tfcctly curpj, ai.il
uoWcrjTi Ihe bttt l p.,lti.
1 remain, dear air,
Dated Am. 12. 13..3. d) J- N0BI.F.
Extraordinary and rapid Cure of Erysipelas
in the Log, after medical aid ha'i miea.
UiUr frm Mrt.K iVVr r ,'('. Psl 0,'cr, J'JirUk
nnn, 'fjtr. iti'tf't J 'It li.lS.ili.
Tn l'r-f p-p II..1 i'owi. Hip: I pt.lf p.-'l f T efP.-I'l' ra-
hle r'rll rr.Tn pptpt ttse or r.risieplw. hih t
l.n,k In Mi U. flflfl rP-'fPi -II fOPillral tP-Mt-
m-ot. Vf nfTprinspwpT" ppt aTppt,.-.r 'l ! .ui-tei alr-d
c f po jiermntirtit rop" m 1 1. h' I lslil tf
hmpr'p,.urt".inrMtTnfntan l eillp. 14-a'Withnt
d"!r. stirl m ri:irf r!iil pBiinpnlli
.-p.. f.il. p lh- rvet1 a TYl. ai PHK c.f lI lesl !
p. -r-lrneM tle erj of r.p.lth. I fhall pppp
.M..a rh tlip nppi.t p- rtSpaf of roar metliein.. in 1
h:iT-PPp mrn.-n'lp'l tliem to fh-pi ihi PMfliliborlnji.'a
aliiiliarl? alii.rti d. ho IppIppJ tfPeat Twrnnt.
I am. aiP. f.tit otilitpl I t'ltl f I "rant.
(Mgt.l) al. U.ABI. f II YtATF.3.
The PIllKahooM be ovd er.rgointly wUh the Oinlm-'lit
in Bl'ii-t c-f the foMoirist east:
tir t I.eL. f 'l TKains
BalBfessts th-'le-I
Pnrna flMO-la
Kunl-.'os Coma C)fi)
Ultes of Mna- Caneera
eheto a and C-Pteaete.l
ai..i r:iea and miff
Fi.tulas SoreT'irnats
Ilotit Sltitt Me-aaes
Uiai.'lular Seurrp
rnellina Prii Ileaas
I.iiTiihago TionTa
Fil.a Ileprs
Khenniatipm Wonnilf
t.-ai.'s Yaws
CoO-UaT Ji-ir.ta
CliieK-foH Elepli-.ntiapis Sttre Niri'lei le. e.
si-.l.l at the E.'.l:l-hment f Prof-pa. p K-i u(Y. 144,
Jtrnr.'l.lnearTrefie P-tr. l..;ndon ami so Mni'len Lane
In Nea York. Oi.Iera liir M. lu-mra in Ihe Slati-p aMre-apd
T. Ii '.'eir.'y. A- le l'-re will rereire due atl-oti'n.
al-o br all r -iieta'.!- OrTiir:.ta au-l .lealere in Me.li'-in
llipou-jbout the United Slat-. In I'ota at Xi, ct.. T eta.
ar.d SI.M..-a-h. Whuleaale by Ihp i-naclpal Drug liousea
Id tbe Union.
e.'Aerp U a eoa.nderaW taviny hy taling thflarprsurt.
N.B. Direetiou for the KUi'ifiDCe of patients in avery
disorder are afilxe.1 to eaeh lot. (ttMlt
Sold by Dr. Kli.Ml'ER, Mitllinburg
Tbe Old SInmmotb
Dr. TIlonXTOX fc Co.,
WhnTamh & Retail Dnitjjittt, LetcUhurg,
OFFER to iheir friends and the public a
large and well selected stock of fresh
Drugs, .Medicines, Chemicals, ground Spices,
(pnre,) Dye-Stuffs, Bruihes, Combs, Perfume
ry, Soaps, Fancy Notions, Fruit, Confectionery,
Books, Stationery, and a variety of articles
too numerous to mention.
Give us a call and judire for yourselves we
charge nothing for looking.
Remember the Mammoth Prng Store!
Da. T. A. H. THORNTON tc CO.
Dr. oltldun gig i:if.rir
IS the only medicine capable of curing ihe
lead- ftchf. in half an hour. For
merly, several days were required to relieve
this distressing pain ; whilst now Ihe use of
the Elixir will, in a few mnments, remove it
entirely. Although but lately introduced to
pubhcnnt,ce,ihis wonderful preparationcounts
thousands of aduncates, ft is very beneficial
in Colds and Conehs, checking the most ob
stmate fit of conhing in a minute ertwo. It
is an invaluable Family Medicine in all sudden
attacks of sickness. A single trial will be a
satisfactory evidence of its etT.cacy. Price S5
cts. per bottle. Prepared only by
,.o T"A8 s.pj:ichard,
1 18 Catharine street, Philadelphia.
Ageats-JT. RARER A CO.. le..bn
I. GKUHART, Selinsgro,."
We iR "'. "". Mt Pleasant.
iD k -1 C "" Freeburg.
h "; " 8- Boy-r, Penns Tp. X Road
IIer,ft,rtonACo,inrMol '
4 Lg
Proclamation to the Citizen "f
niirtllnlrareT anJ Tlclallj-.
Polvaraiacher'a HrJro-E!trie Voltaic Chains,
CONTRUCTKD to be worn next lo the
skm, prducoinp a constant current of
electro mainelism, elfecting imnudtide rtli'f
from all acute paint, and a
i'.-rmaaent Cur? nf all Antraljtc Ihvnnrs.
Were lift il-l i rranee tliree yar -tnee.t-.r tne eure
of aerroua di--we.si.l fier b"tn Mibmllted t i lie mt
Ih-.p..' trial In -very bni ilal ia lri l y the n..-t leart.e.1
Kr -..ra ia that eily, tli-y ere recomnw.i I d to the
.i...-ni.a..ntof Vrauea. ahieti t-rnnted a aatellt f.r the
.lie.,.-r. D.triH t Ihe 1-nt l!..l-i Hiey ' introlaeed
inU riioy,il"tria.l,raiaBd Ijiiland.acd ..aeyear
.luoeiawoiueed .a I .ata-nted by lk U. 4. UoKiniucnt.
Jfuf iKawtiiif enrei "f
Rhe imatl-ra. e: . V .t.i.' l.ane,
Panf-il iitiaellp.lJolnt, I al.il mon of IhP Heart,
NeursMa ! tb t'aee, Feri. Jj-al lleaila. L.
U-vfiiea., Bl.n lDea, Felo-. fro,a luUi.Ui-a,
H. Plerirs Hvapepeia, Ul-nne Paiua,
Kee Zielp. lapH.J .Pr...,
i 1a;e!iy an.lrat.idiy cur.-4.bji imi.ly wauring tbe Chain
f..r a f. hours eaeh day.
The'-hains aera firet (.itrodnpej In tho city of New
Y..rk.here tliy were esl.iWe.1 tn Frr.f.. Val.atin. Motl.
Van il iren. Poat.C'uenoelian, whoraadily di.coered Uiat
they p.waeeaM
.VeitnTe in4 f:rn'ar 71.teTS "r
i.vm.vrir nELinriya PAtM,
whme. r apvllMl. an-l by ''lr remmmen latm- and In
S i-n- lhe were iatrlael into lh dilfcrenl hi.itl
of X- Y..fk. and are now daily those lualltu.
tio In the treatment of the cure of the aboae-named
diseases. ......
o Other Medical Aecnt
In Ihe world can r-iwlaee so many well aulhenHealed
e tit-ale. of eupe from Mentltie I'lipaieiana and intelli-
cent Cati' Pt- a" may be f.nnj ia eaen l-am-nie. anieri
m iT be ubuiaed (arati.1 at the Iro !t.pe of Tnso 8.
CHitlaT. who i- sole asent ripMifflinbuPit aa-laielnity.and
who will eipleintUe uausier ol use u any one wao nay
Pf'r-. .. .v. e, , e.pa aa
lu tne ell- Ol -aew irai, aa ip. ..riietw. ........ ...
Rroattway. there are dally belTmei!dfro!n"tnfliehalne
and the aale and demand in Boston Is aa (real in pr. -portion
to the nonulation, eitbouzb Ulej bate only la-eu in-
tnalueeil three months.
Th- I'haina are eaplla wom.enn areeqaauy apr-neanie
to ail classes of perxms the child as well ai the ailult.
and are alwnya reatty f r nc neaep g?t ont of r-pair,and
a much an article of ornament as they are of a valuable
means of cure.
The Chains can be aent by mall to any part of the V
Statea, and ean be obtained in all tbe principal eitles In
theUnion. I'hrician are reqn.-st.-d toeaanilnelhem.
CanD TO Limes. Ladies who are eneiVnp are rcioi-flted
not to nae them only f.r a few momenta at each time of
aiVyintc. f.r by long continued use, miscarriage is fre
quently pmduwd. ,
Jo.ppii lr.isi!ltT.Oen Aent.6C8nroadwnT.ewTorlt.
T1IEO. . CHRIST, Agent, Mifflinbnrg.
ly."2iJH Union Co. Pa.
Attorney at Law,
LEWISBURG, Union Co., Pa.
5a,0FFiCE on S. Second St. near Market.
Refers to
llon.Jamft 7IitrnriJe,Blt'fontc, ru.
J.f.aes T. Ilntt, do
F. C. Huwn C Co do
lion. At.ral'm S. HVton, InciitoKn, w.
A.Jurdam. Sunlmrf.
u Ssaiuei 'nlriH, tf lliit'tifiburg.
linn, .Smiii r iV).. Itiiladtljhut.
Lrwittiurg, April 22, 1!kI.
Lightning Rods.
4 FTER many Tears' close investigation and
numerous eiperimenta, the FaU'Dtee takes
(l.asure in informing the public that he bss
united at tbe true principle of protection families.
IwtUii'Ks and property from Ihedes'rucuse influ
ence of LIGHTNING. Th calamine
hat esery CiW, 1 on, illace and I ountry trills
tclim lo annually, thro' the gross nrglii;eiire of
its mhal'iunts, is beyond calculation, especially
ben tbe remedy i so easy to obtain luis is
found in
Patrnt magnetic ivjl)tning llous,
and in this alone. This Rod has been examined
by tbe most scientific sji ntlemen in the woilJ
I'rufrssori M Murtrie, Johnson, allor and many
utber that have examined them, recommend and
peak of them in tbe highest terms of approbation ,
and have pronounced ihcm Ihe only sale rods in
use in thisor any other count' j for tbe proirction
of Lives and Property. Oneadsantnce into divide
and throw back a part of ihe eh cine UuiJ barmlrss
io the clouds ; in lime ol a stroke this enaMcithe
rod to conduct that portion of fluid that brlongs
to the eaith without the slight danger of lea
ving the conductor, i nis rou naa many oiner
ndtantngr over the old out. The only place ol
manufacturing is in
Vine St. 3 dmrt above "th, Philadelphia,
sihrre all persons are respectfully insited to call
and easmine for themselves. For sale Wholesale
or Retail by TIIO'S ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash.
These rods have been purcha sed and success
fully used by the (ol lott ing individuals, companies
and corporations, whose names are cheerfully
submitted :
In and war rhitadrlphia. A. A S. Roberts, flpr-nre
Haiitztnpr, Ju-lir. K"Uipr, JtilK C"ma t, J. Mulft-rtl.
J ha ll"tnpa. ". f. t'tanVy. J. Br, nnpr. . llaklp.T. Coiira'1
Ir.pppul. tlia lllocfclrv Almphouaa. anlprsrn k Kmlhrrp,
11- p. J. L. ilrsnt, John Niitman. Ttma. ilrnv-r. Batr A
ll ama, A. K. linli-ra. II. imm. na, Tlma. N"tt A Mr.
1 -wnina. J. f.ilrppr. J. W. Vt'atS'in, V. llllSrPl ya. J.
It. Il. A I'o., J. Nymnn. R. Ilarlrn. J. Ovi-riahirr. u. P. b-
r r. Mr. Cliar.ppa, Mr. Marlin, . Ik.rblry. J. Ilnolilpy.
lr. Iiation, Or. Paul.d. II. IViwprs k J. Wlu'-pt-nnp,
II. Millar, the Krd Bank Uotrl. tho L'.D. Arsraal, tha
iirrri; llrrtpn tYmmtsptiinpra' Hall.
In tr Xite r AVa? J. rtey. llporpp Crisf In. Juili;e
Ml all. Jwl.-i! I'lytun. Jl.n Nitinali, Or. U. ll'Murti.-,
Buj. nolarts, 3lr. J. lirtamnff.
.v twin or.Tr.
Tnrtlef Tp. Mark llalfinny, IVni. Friati.r,JhniTaas,
Vlrhapl IVtfrs, JaMib mtlh, David Pitman. Rpiiln
M'Drh, George Klprkner. Acw hertin. t'eurt IInap,
awl O'Dimia-lonpra' IIIMpp. .iBirf'ap Tp. John Rphpr.
Cnion Tp. llr. Charlps Wilson. MiwAiniii Tp. Jrhn
KuDtz. Mmnn Hunts. ia 7.lsaac Cvuldrua. ft'Aite
Dttr Tp. 31icnal llonman.
Pniuna.. Anz.13. 184T.
I have this day earpfully in4prt4Ml a conductor or
(.ICMnlnc; llorl, wltn vanp and tnilpx. arppbl ny Mr.
lliomas ArmitaicP. on Hollevua House, tllourrstpr. anj
harp Do tipsitation in saying that it is not only tlia bi-st
I havv evvr sit, but that it is the only nap I have yt-t
examinpil that ia ronrtruplrd on strlrtly spipntifip irin-i-plps.
It is w;tli much nlpasura that I rpromincnd his
conductor to tue attention of owners of nuiblinirs.
I am well satisflrd that thp Magnetic Li;htnlnn Rod,
assriiifapturpil hv Mr. Thnmns Arraitaac, of fbilslplphia
is the heat that has ever been made. 1 hnve spent several
years In the study of the laws of elprtrit-ity and magnet
ism, and have no hesitation in sating that these Rod are
construeted unon the only prineipleof safety. The electric
shork Is reeelTeil and disperped by thp magnet at the top
of the rod. ami It would oe itnonastnie, according to the
laws of attraction and repulsion, fir a building to be
injured by a stroke of lightning when protected by one of
these rods. 1 have been acquainted with Mr. Armitage
for several years, ntnl rn I re ne commenced the manufac
ture of these rods 1 examined tbe principle on which they
are constructed, and felt convinced that their adoption
would ta attended with complete success. The increasing
demand for these rfljincl the exten.lve.ales in all parts
of the country, is ample commendation nf their utility and
superiority. ill All e. n ALLEH, a. o.
Riing Sun, Philad Co., April 10, Ihbl.
Hartleton, Union Co. Pa.
aie Agents for Union and adjoining Counties,
and will furnish the Rods on the same terms and
io the same manner as Ihe Proprietor.
1 -"y,j Jf V-.-V. . a.. -.
HAVING been appointed Agent forthesale
of the celebrated Pianos, manufactured by
GEO. TOGIIT, Pbllatl.,
the undersigned would be happy lo supply any
citiarnsof the Susquehanna country who may
desire an Instrument well made, after ihe latest
improvements. Two of these Instrumentshave
lalelt been introduced into Lewisburg, to which
I ana happy to refer any one. The Pianos are
warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for a
year, hey may be exchanged. Prices reasona
Lewisburg. Feb 24 IS63.
0TES Promissory, Judgment, an
Joint Note, blanks; at this office.
Almanac for 1851.
v., at
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Winficld Woolen Factory,
ICear Hartleton, I'nlon Conn! j.
riMIIS establishment is now in the best order.
The machinery bein; nearly all new,
and none bill the best of workmen employed,
the subscriber feels safe in saying that his
work shall not be surpassed by any establish
ment in this or the adjoining counties.
His waggons will be aronndas usual, and
those wishing to patronize his establishment,
will please avail themselves of that opportu-
ITT I hare also on hand, and intend keep
ing a choice assortment of .ools), such as
rA. fitiincltr, Caihmtre, Tweed, Blanket,
Yarn, dr., which I will sell low for cash, or
exchange for Wool and Country Produce gen
erally. MARK rlALrrb.i.ti.
Harlleton, April , u
THE nndersipned continues the LIVE
RY BUSIXESS at the Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market, and
respectfully solicits the patronage ol his
friends aud the public generally.
I.ewisburg, May 22, 1850
- - Z. miaV sLV smmsj
Market Street, EeCvTlslturg, fa.
Vmw ike Ctr m
forcus, toLDs, noinscxEss,
iEOrr, 1STU1IA, AD
".Ir"! Ru A ri' r. t.tpus IV iffH-. ZMrrnf shaft ffr-
trtt r vat, whtt letf shall tft fal ami th fru
thfTti f iJttzJl (r jur went and the lea thereofor mnJictne.
It re a.- bupe fur the fit k nx or Jrtl loojt n, tid Tf ry
iara'Us ow j.roof to the avuraarv?, that tbrsc promises
rhall not bul.
AimHlical wie nc 'HcoTer anj .IvL-nate thr rrmeJica
nature ha given, one l.jr one the Ji.-ea." that alllirt our
raw yi.:l to the control ff art. Of all the malailie w
Fuffr front, niiic ha.' carHtJ more Tietiiutosn nntimiljr
,rra-e than Tor.5umrt.cn cf the Lung... fuljoinevj wo
BiTe tsoni rrid-DCf that this too may be eunl, anJ that
by CiitRtT PtrrtiB.L.
N.uHTiLLC, Teitn., June 1S-.
?!H I hare repratptlly xih yourtnERKT iKT"R L for
Whooping roueh and InHunza, and have no hesitation
in jinmounrinn it a emnplf tv rem' dr. Four of my rhild
tJrcn bT bvn afQirted with thswdtreaii-, and the free
uw nf the FtcToaAl hit always aff ir-l d almost intant
rrh.f. JAHKS ULuVli.
M'c attest the tmth of the abore t .ternf-nt :
M. M t.lNTV. Kd.tor ofthe NohTiIIa Whir.
J. U. ZlMUtliMA.N, DruKni-t.
for a cuxsi MiTrE corair.
I'liTMiCko, Pa Fth. 25, 1(151.
jVnr P!r For three yenrs I hata bwn with a
couh. o dfeTrMr tht 1 frequpntly dep;iirrd of rvroT
ery ; much of the time 1 wan obliged to nit up al I nijrht in
my rhatr. an my cough wuld s-uff.-ratA tue when I laid
down. llMTing UM-d many remrnlte withutmurh relief.
1 at last tried the Cherbt Pectoral, whirh uixI-t ProTid
enct: huM cured me altogetiur. I am with grtitude
Sours, JAMLS 31 LA.MLh?S.
Among the other dixtingwished authorities who havt
lent tht'ir name to recommend this preparation at the
best known to them r atrTtioni or the lung, are
Pres. l'EEi.n.of Vermont Mr-d. College.
Prof. SlLti..'(, of Yale Co'ieg.-.
Prof. VLi?tTi!B Mott. of New York.
Prof.CMATKtAsn, of KowJnin Med. College.
Prof BtJTTKRFIavLZ, of Ohio Med. College.
Caaiia' Ji "rs l or Mti.:cAL ciem'k.
ClI-ssRUtSft! (S C.) MriICl Rf.TIEW.
Nlw Jersey Mkmc al Kivoetkh.
Hon- lies m Clat. U. S. Senator.
Hon. ftto. P. M msh, Am. AmbatKador to Turkey.
Gen. ExAtvt'EL Bllges, Prenidvnt of Chill.
Bt. KeT. Er. Pow is. Lord Bi.hop of Toronto.
KeT. Dr. Li!iBlso, of Brooklyn. N. Y.
Archbishop PckceUs. of Cineinnntl, O.
Also many eminent pertonagefi In foreign roan tries.
Not only in the more dangeroun and sitniriwing diiessrs
ofthe Luoga, hut alo as a family medirine for ooraronal
nae, it it the tafent.pleanntent and bent in the world.
Pmrtirnl and Analytiral Chemist, LnwlL, Mast.
al-rorfalsjhy C.W.ScHArTLt. Lewinh'jrg; S. ILCsaIov
Milton; Mitt M. M'Cay. Northumberland; O. W. Keaxler, ;
sew Benin; x.uernmrc, sennsgroTe : and dt DruAriatai
everywhere. lylntldeslOfichgqa
Map ofthe Slate of California,
TEXAS.pr.oted by 8. Aug's Mitchell in
1 846, and painted to correspond with tbe boun
daries riied by Congress in 1850 for aale at tbe
thromclrotTice, price 25 eta.
FT1HE present Proprietor of the newly disco
I vereil Wlnnrld Cave (limestone) in
DRY VALLEY, Union Co. hereby fives notice
that the Care will NOT be open on SUN DA YS
for Visitors. It may be visited by Ladies and
ientlemen on any other dav, and on SATUR
DAY of every week especial preparations will
he made to accommodate with lights.
(Tj"All persons are forbidden to break off",
injure, or take away any specimens from the
Cave, nnder penalty of prosecution.
The payment of 12 cents onlv is rennir.
of every person before entering.
r. vp .. . NOAH WALTER.
Dry Taller, June !8, ISM
iPjjacrp4i.1;e,lll Of
I IOC'".
OVi-'iC'E remored to Market st
1 ' llnor entrance door lata er
ll.itel and C. E. Bowes' Store.
LewisbuTg, April I, 1853
Ixwlabarg Savins; IitHtltatlon,
TS now open and ready to do business- The
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
The following named persons are thr
DiascTOsu W'iiliasi Cisrits, Esrj.
Mr. Jiim.vsow Wai-LS.
Mr. Brias Awmoss.
-Mr. Jtwre MT.tir.BT.J
Mr. Tiioms Htits. i
Mr. Wiliiaw Fairs.
Faun's; C. Wvp. Esr).
Omcias WILLIAM CAMERON, Prttidtnt.
II. P. K1IELLER, Tremturtr.
Four percent, per annum will be allowed oa
all deposits over sir months ; and three per
cent, less than six and overihree months.
H. P. SHELLER, Treasurer.
Lewisburg, 8ept. 19, 1853
IT IS !.T,
ONE self-evident, and worthy of ever)
consideration, that no Miller ean moke
good clean flour without be has good clean
wheat. 1 suppose you wish io know the
remedy. 1 tell youit is to get one ol
Hergslrener i Wheat Iteourtri, or Smut
Machines. He being an old, practical and
experienced Millwright has invented, got
up and put in successlul operation the best
V heat Scourer now in nse. Any person
ordering a machine and afterwards nndinp
that it does not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shall be no sale, as lhse ma
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary.
lie is now having a supply made at Lewis
burg, by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders
for midline, or letters of inquiry, will be
promptly attended to. Machines will be
sent and put to all order;. Address
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 32F
SfxxiiX and
The subscriber ofleis for sale larg'
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such ap
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties
all warranted genuine Peach trees, 2V
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine.
Prune and Pear trees, together with sorm
6 or 8 varieties ofGrape Vines ofthe be
native and exotic varieties. Ornamenta
Trees, such as the Paulnnia, Linden, &
N. C. Persons wishing to procure a
quantity of the Fruit trees.are requested Ir
make immediate application to thesubscri
ber, in order to procure the varieties am
size wanted. II. R. NOLL.
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850.
Ccrutsburg JTonnim.
i fPHE subscribers, thankful for past pat
' I ronace, would inform the public that
', tlicy continue to manufacture all kinds of
i .Milt liranng and oiner castings, i Draining
: Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai
red in the best manner. Castings warranted lo
! be of t,ood material, and at- prices that can not
fail to please. uEDDES, MAKSH & CO.
Lewisbu'E. Feb. 1851
flOOKIXG Siovrs, of various pat'erns
' and sizes, for Coal or Wood, fur sai
at the Lewisburg Fuundrv by
Geddes. Mar h . r
OTOVES Parlor. Weed, and Coa
i" O Stoves, various patterns, for sale at the
' 1 : i xv,.. 1 f -.. I 1 ap.. l. p. . ,
ucwi,uvi iuuuuij. uruurpipiairu oc vo.
lARD'S Patent C,an Plow, a supe
rior article, for sale at the Lewisbur"
oundry by Geddes. Marsh & Co.
j " '
I AlN OT Seed Drills RoSS PalPDt
V T drif?edly the brst and most dvrahlr
j (Jrlin Dri no9n ase fot we t th9 LiW.burp
. pOU;.(ry hy Ge.lde-, Marth & Co.
Opposition i A Life of Butinets !
iX NEWL1Vis.11Y
Tbe aubivcribrr wouiJ reapectfull inform tbe
cilizensof Lewiabarg and the traveling commun
ity generally. that ha baa opened anew Liver
and Exchange Slab la on FOLKTH atreet hall a
(square Hauih of Market, and hat provideda good
lot ol Horses, with entire.? net good and lash
ionableTarriagea, Buggies, Sleight. cVe.whereaU
wishing anvthing in bia Una may ba accommod
ated on the sbortest notice and moat reasonable
terms. Ha will nay every attention to tbe
J wante of bia customers, and hopes by so doing
to merit and receive a liberal share of public
pattonage. WILLIAM MOOHE.
Lewisburg, Dec 30, 1851
Tocal and Instrumental MUSIC,
uiii ti;e German Congnagt.
VEKV ItanUh'l for past
W? PMronK ,rom ,t, titiaeDs
r asnanuoiuaanisoii.awisoarf ana
vicinity, lb subscriber would
state that ha continues to live
instructions oa tno runo and Uuitar also in
Vocal Music and in th German Language.
Having been taaghl iatbo best Music Schools
in Germany, ho deems himself amply qualified
to teach Music, and to aid in th correct acquisi
tion of ihs rich German tongue. He will slsc
tun Pianos, and put them in repair. if desired.
Residence in South Fourth street, in th lata
Brick Office ol Dr. I.odsrig.
" An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease,
DR. FITCH'S Lecturea on tbe Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
Thispopular work Tor aale in Lewisburg
by S. F.Ljndall J. Houghton and al
thia offiae. . Pric.75 centa
Old Newspapers,
SOME thousands in number, of sllsites, for
sal at the Chronicle office, at 60 cl par
100 taken aa they run, or $1 when assorted. A
rhanrefor Scrap Books aa wellas for wrapping
paper Aprfl 8,1890
t rd as
1 1"- ' Lyf.
rWlstlrS CataaBk an4 linsili ...
bars bcn quictlv workina their way .
stoat inuilicvnt and navPPtabka platpi '
constantly acUMViog cures ia aa iiar,r-.t. ,
disaaacs. which hai for apa taffip4 ail i, "c
apalMrina and all the resources of Scipxt
diseases are caJJsat :
mmA im thaaa diaeascs saadicina is of b .
aver. It arrrr does rsd snd it 4
St rtipa, Latracts, Daima, aaauaaaa. li s
filK rirwdvrs and rions of avarv kiM m
worthless, for way woanew m viiai mrM J
already nrosiraiew ijiwi wm-tip
gninsL IrM-eiviasj, Taraima pwueacpoi
r "i'nr, 4
h .....i.aul bv tun beaauftil discoterr.
Ctient sad weakened sufferer M reaioml
alia, airmrth. elaaticitv and vis-or
These rawiarsa reiaie 10 suro aiapatiM
VKV4LE D1SORUF.RS. such aa MRVIil Ii
are only other nasaes sor .-acrroirs oertfta
triLttTIC KIT8 and tONVf UIONS.
sxiw knowa to result rroia a nnn-ejtiihrra
l Ulrv.. inaaaaaca: NtBVOI S TRKMI.&S k.
XlSA whirh ia aearlv alwava caiued U a-.-
wf the Auditory Nerves, and can always to
rwppd by ial a aniarn. w hen the organ n ' v- ,
DV SPKP81 A sa its wont tonne . r AtS an,
LVSia ojufcrmly eaosed by a deftcinip; ti af
influence-, CHHONIU RHs.lTMATlS'4, TOtri- !
of the LI VEIL, TAIM iatheSIUP SLII...S- I
CIL-ATIO.". ariNAL sad Hir ro!!U'
DKKK.IKM'T of isiVOl'a and tHWrnL-lJ
runv acd all those dxstresaine eoaiiaiiw-
htf frova UEaA.NOtilt.NT of ua SUx
la the above prevalent sod terrible rlasi
sasee Naevowa Coaaphuata ara atwch mam
OwS than is generally isaagtned
oBTirs ciLTiiic niiTim
Are mm Am mm FMttr 9mA
Ttt BF.LT it naml mhwm th hoiy arirtvaetJ
rail is .fleet! ; tit u.i.UAL.e. mr chsfj:-
th Thrnt M Aithma ami Brtmraim. tad a A
HttW ; and th BRACftLKTS for all di-onm 4
trtMor luaba, aa Uwmakua, FaUy. Tcwnat
SburaodiC mMtctioma. Tka ntrtielea arttm rJ
ali4Mdircl(l moh tb M AtiNKTItV t-LLrvti
acotn panic thaaa. atid whan futhiuij bw v
NkV LH ft AIL !
tff Thm ajrrat arnliariT an-l mrceiler.i 4
OALTAMC VRATIV enntuf to thy tan y
tLejr arreat atl cura dHeac trntrard rM .
in lar of th wmwd method af Dm t tiff
rbyiirkina; th patient till snTiaaal nature
liolea.ly aader th inflict?- TJv t4?i j
whmit fUem. HjHmdtze 0 rrrcuUim mf lm JUn, aj
tmte th arrrr ttms, mtifTW wnnr entrf 4
-sta aasvrw ala th iikrktti hmrm fJnWcr errrs- rtrrhammm,.
Sine their mtiitrtii in til tailed Sum
three years ainc. mon tnaa
7 5,0 0 0 PERSONS
mrlitslma; all art, cltuwa arvl cfflitW- trl
Whnm wre urre nnmian-01 nsrsa. -.at' .t r
liarly subject to erroaa tovpiainia. aw -
Entirely and Perm-vncntly Cra
wbeaj all hop of relief had len fiTeo np. tte?
thir.a; else beet, trtea in Tain : 1 ne nrirxx tjt
whH-h hare aniWrnly attended thnr wn
drntlr statetl to b withont ft para 111 ic rca
of Medical Scienc. I lrfTeu, litymaip
phrtr.an, ; la.lin of the hiatHest iian.irc
fuihed paraona hnldiai; elevated oft'-ial iw
mcrrhant. manT-facttirera, and aiechnic
and the rich alik: often tude lamiuts nn
classea, ranki aud cpn.tttKna. hare ;t;i.? :
eipienta, and have eqaaily arVitowle!: 'it
irons and ol'.cu aiKxpccted btaenu aumra
thn received.
0p Let it e known and rrmemerei ftv :
Natural Ke-ioratire for th .Nerve, a i
and that in all Nervous Diseases e siionM f
"Throw Physic to the VosC f
To ilbi-trate the a of the OA 1.V AMt BH'
mippofve the Celt f a pervon aiHirteU
of ctvilization, PVSPKPSI A. or any other 1
h -u -A
Nervous Disorder. In ordinary cae.
are taken, which, br their action on the v
nuarleaof the tumacu, atftard tempttrtrnf
which leave tbe patient in a lower etai "
irjered facrtluea. after the action thua v
aassased. .Now compare this with th efTra
I mm the appUcatwn of th tiALVAM- U
Xike a Dype.tic sufferer, arret, in the wot
tfms f an attack, and sintplv tie th Belt r-J
Eodv. aiiic th Mairnetic Vlil as dirar :
rhcrt irntd th insensitd penpiratioi) -!
ha fMMiuve element of the Belt, there!1 era
ftalvaruc circulation which will pu oa 1
netittve, and thenc back mtwa k the r'
thus kepinj up a conUnuona iaValvamc fir:-
thronehorrt th aTStem. Thns the mrl "rr-r-w '
from th moat intllifnt and rspecta r
teaidins: in everr port of th I'nitad
b prajsonted. These ara now nnnceM7 '
numerous selection ambracins; many stevtfwii'
th moat exwnordinarT character. scJ.cieot w
thoriaed Acettt. Th iatereeted are
invited to call.
frm Me ff Uw mw9t 4mtwpti n
cteM I thm CMj f lw I rk
1 hare bee auwiia Chrirtie Galvanrc wnt
m quiet waj mong my pa'jaiUs for about
Mat, and I confess I ant wtisaishsJ at tbav st.
If I am sure a disease ia .V-t am, kno
a ill do. In
Epileptic Kita, parties? j
ana juncuons or ui -
adults : Paralysis and Palsy, ta all acaa u
aeveraf other di
oi uaa aicnrT'T
Milled th profess ton. 1 I
fMe I the "
Alt a th I if
isma a ui'
rticl of aarprisintf benetl
ahamclaaa quackery f nd.
u th wooderful virtnea r LHRlSTIt 1
T1VES. My nam m, of couraav conaV-'tn:.
hall never hesitat to urn mil saw yv anc'
ail a roper ccana
T B. C. Meaaman, M. D, flea. Aft f ' .
I'Msant, Nse Vs'k.
IVer SJn.,Besnf a physiciaa ia the vlr:' I
one of voar Agonta, I have been aaech t
tbe anaaiiaaliosi of voar Ualraais I
kajhly pleased with their aractiral reraita r
llisriad that they apeconatraKiJ ea iaptra
Djswel doveloravjesjt of tho Uolraasr wrreoa,
lUra. a aswieiwtaaa, lose aeaarat fsr. hot spivisp
wakaowa. I eheerfally neoasasnd
adovelnrsssssl of tho Ualraaie rarrenf
rmrm those I
called Naavece Coawuravs. far w sack I
Wr aasnkaaalT sir- , ;
Vera irmly vowra, DAV ID aUCs.
Ivwratt, Maaa, Febraary la, ISi.
No Irowhle or taewaieaieare sneass
skmlam saay be aetasaed (ratis, of 1
Th Galvanic Belt, Tare IVH
The Oalvani Necklace, Two IK.lUr .
The Galvanic Braeeleta, Ona Psllsr w
The Magnetic Fluid, Ona lM'ir
Jsware a Ceaaarerrtts east 'evUI" o
l Bss ad way, new
Aaiwv ra swtabnrr-C. W. BsTHarna
tUanUi) at tlx Cljrsnitlt Ci
ON aceaante horn ens oa le sis
landinf, CASH and also
Vwv ivTiotit Butters
nil mrwt oihrT rretlocc fct hcuf-ipWB
the fffrrfD. rtfl
ra'vi. 1
f DM. CHUSTIMTg GJLfJSIC tl a-""'-sal
they saay be won by the ssoet ebsBi -eal
with perfect ease and safety, la aST
the eeaestsea attendins; then- ase is
east afreeastr. They are accompanied "J,
n dipwrtinoa Sap aso. rassanieis -- .
i r