j 4 4 LEWISBUltG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. t"rgCjiramrif. rctri!ibwff S-a. Friday MofeN-isc, Nov-10, i&54.' f off--r- m V' " .11 n .-ti n . M afvi- relic . lMrrwllrrr...nif-.tri .' ;t r- n T iro,nrrm. aa-IW foW. And l J church nt North East Static., Dutchess Co., X Y. a-tf-Oii the 1st mst., while John 11"- . c. ,r,,v was ciiL'airi d in ?I V ... .d, he f, II. ' f members of tie posed broken a Hood vessel, i Si-w 1t Orr.CE.-TLc ' 1W Master 1Cr K,-V,s r' II"- rtencral has is.ablisbed . new post office He,P lf MJuttiou if Sarah Ann ........ t..-I'.iion cnutitv. IV. and ! Asuion, was K-ntoiice.1 to iv a fine of n.lr.. Forsvth. nostruaster. $ 1 ,j00 an J t0 U1,,J' rfc"' leara ini Treaty with Russia. The terms of J'ermasknt Homes. In theso days' of Mie treaty recently concluded with Russia Ltjib refits and high priees.ovory poor man establish between, the two (.ioverumcat.i on-hc to endeavor to procure a permanent the following priucii Its: -residence f T l.imseif mid family. Thi: 1st. 1 hut free ships niakc free goods tan, g of "mi vnig is ruinously co-tlv. that is to say, tl,t the cfiei-t or gauds n ''" deslrtirttvc of property and plea l'i l"ii:iiig to the Miljt ets or citii. n of a Bure- 1' ciipple Ltisban-.'ry prevent Power or State at war are free from cap- 1 1-nit ng trees and vine, and obliges the Hire atid confist atioii when f.uud on board tenant to Ir.q n-nt the prervry with money f iuu:r;il vi-Mi. lrt, wiih tho extejttion i.f m hantt for ihmi-and littie t!iiiit,irtiieli it Ui.i cimie-rv, tli-vy wnniJ raice. N.'iie eu dj j .ipprccialv home tiil once having owued and inst on-. Reader, nhui'V.T, heri;er jimi are, ln . d thij advict pro Vide a home, uo iHatur how smll, ho unecnifi.rtal.h', or how aulhiiiable it maj Le, at.d 3-1. u will ritTcT ngret it. A very cxceiivut aid to the poiT mall, 111 I utiile: contrahiiiid uf war. id. That the pmpi i ty ot ueutralii on board an enehiyV esel is Hot ml ject to coLti.-eation, unhso .1 .. 1 1 . 1 . . . , iue m-tutc iju vuniruuana 01 w.ir. luey j i-ngajM to apply these prineiples to the ' coman ree bud navigation of ail Mich I'uw- j er. ami Mates as cliiill cot)etit tn admit ! them mi their part as permanent and im mutul le. Tkiikitouy of Nmihaska T. B. Ctiiiuiiii.g, the acting Governor of Xclnt La, has U.Mied his piuciamation ordering a census of the Territory to Le tak, n imi j d:ati ly, iu order that au election for a lel- Mammoth Head Quarters! I 5i alfev 1 GOODS ! NEW nr Port Trcvorton is located at the terminus of the Trevorton railroad, on the route between Ilurri.-loirg and Northumberland. l)lXI.INATiOS in Keal 1.--tate. We observe a great decline, rapidly extending, in real estate, iu New Yoik. New storc-8 in L'hiinilcrs street, and tLc neighborhood, priMililucut to the j;.i(eiii 1', uaelitiary. THANKSGIVINS FIiOCLAMATIOK. rtLtHii, s. In the K.-me onrf hy t,e Aulh.mly ,j tht Cvrumuimta. 7i vf J'uiiitl- .1. & J. WAI.LH VRS just rereuin- their F.M.I. PLTPLY llf (OU(!s. CltL JD Hkc. I.ewisburg, Oct. 4, Cheaper than Ever! Full ami II mlrr A rimil ij Arte Gooilt! in kmi x 10n.se MntTr''irtfallv aiiaotiiir tofrimli and j tli uubite Kenrrillt dial tliry hive just ' ' ri'eriveil a raretuliv e'tfcteil ktoca iif 1 gali.Zi! liuildn g aud LkU AMwieiatiouii, J ui ery variny, and at and take bharci to the uu miit of b. ! P"" ,u Ji """ . wwn . ,. , 1 aiii Oettileinen'a dres t iml. a iiPstw; turn- mommy aoilities to puy. by UO Ujl l!iiltl)l gUilli tUtKti ho.iery, Inwinmes Vc. our nuclijuiei at.d uiaii;g uilU t-ie the matter iu hand, 'i'iie piJU i.ai betii tliiu elewlnre wiik tuiincut ruccet, md luauy a piiur iujii Las in th'.i way uLlained a piruiaueut and couiU,rtalie Lutuc Jlur rULunj ll,iul,l. The Hurritd.urg Herald cf Wednesday wet k fays: More than two-third of all the riprescntativcB elected are Ktiow Nothings or Ann rieans, and !lionld thai party oinnlie " ou tlnir own ho. k," tln.y will control the Legislature, and elect thj United States iSuiun.r and State Treasurer. Ealc Mill. '.WIN'S rrbuilt, in a manner entarfd and imprnvet, the t'oi (inl Mil; j reei-ntiy lnt tiy fire. th ulerit).'r rr-i el ; folly infurin the puhlic that thry arr prepared : to do all kind ot atiiu work and puiclia-je tiiam as RretneT'-. .m:siiit. iiaye. & fichthor.n. I.euis'jurg, Oct. 3'. 1 -' 1 tea Kights In a Bar Room, An I whai I saw Tbrr. KV T. S. AilTIIUft. Te n Tno nand Orj'U in a Mmth. 1 T hj .t t I tlM- r-Urr writ' l hy mil bo hav hJ .t t l tin- arltrr rit"- nr. Artt.nr. I- .i t Ih.- evil' of I it t tiH'.-r.ln-- n 11 f 'hrrtiiMC ' .t-lrtif. iiluiritn tin- ft rtf Tf fl h lH( u.i I'.Mut Jrinkiitrf, n t n'jt . n in ;i;ilti,i, I httna. but i r niittrj: '.y - mt i.-t .v. T- t :n M'.ry M-r- t 11 r'u 1 ! 't'vIi'T. h i r-i m-i y hr J.-iot.ou an 4 ti.. a HiMf worth t. prir th-T-v--r4ii. irvn itM .'iir-"-n l ii ir fr the CM i i'- ii 11 ! .i(t tint l. i't :'. r uj' Aj tit- rr r-. r it, t-r t tt rd QllTltV nftli I tii.-. tin.. 1,1 n ui,.!.. n -uit n Uj rtptMtv I r ( .tiu i.lj-trj,uri w.t:i a f.n iuu.Uui o- ,r.nn.' "1 cp- Charl.'s F. Little, E.q.f lasbttn uppolu- tu. tv dov. Bitter. Auturv rtiblifi rthi:ncr!iiiil, FKtMur Citixkws. A sincere Iclitf in the exitienre of ntid a jm conception c.l His auriUmelie al Hie loundaiiun vt inir relieiou (,ay6 the !W,) which could only be ren- j I u.' i.l n. tt-.o Kt i.f Miv at S8.000 rier vear. ! fhis altnicli'vauii l.t ui iirMi: t.,. i.. v" J ' m. - "..pirit . . - a. : ...r,Hv..mmoinre..nnar.l her ii.habitauts ! Wtnlc Uatdi'D. "-A """ .VCii''i' .a r.M e..5rd. j fJMIK Wt--.. i..r a ,4.r,. LEW 1SBUFG KUHSERY v.. V ire now i ff. red at a yearly rental 01 SJ,00l, with uo takers. -a fit'li upj iy of the n.i!akf s', l.i nfi.c- .iee. i.-as. pir., ti l.irc.1, segiM, crac'iers, ha.-n, cheese, dried trmt, 4c. H A RDWAR E a well selected Hoclc of shovels, spa lea, torkt, hues, and a variety of culler-, carp'uier'a, iuaou'fc, and black smith h tools. t) t't'Ji .V.s' lt'.4 H K, tne cheapest evr offered in this mtrket lrnTi-MoiiiMjrauile, cluna and a'hiteware. alo enmmou !ea-eMs, Ac. 1IA1 AND t'Ard.of all kiud an I at low prices. All ef which have been vlf SJ with ;i ll care.aad baviua; been boi;t.'h4 Ui C.ti U. y t enabled t i - at fcrmma.lr low ra liier deem it unf.dce.a!i, t p-u-ticu'ianze, a. .rir sincit etii'ur.iccw ep)ibia( lilu-t ki Ue eiilci f T. l'nr uar wili fiud n ifenr t.i give una call. I'HODI lii ui :j;f. ' IV n i trim in i.tui I.ewist-uiii, Oct ii, isf i : M 4. V.. it's Piano. The .i;..erib'r ha b. -ii 4pp.:mte I Aent fVr the 5ale ol M'-yr aeHetrait-il Tianuv '. vleyer ree J the Pr r Mrlal at tb i.rid Fair, when he was in n.mprtiiiiw with the m;it celebrated raiki fs of Lar.f nd At'r:r. His tnvrn rae it irr aniveraally known to ecei a'l etli rr for rt )nilt' tune and dnralnl.ty. Those wistiiaff to .urciiae a !ianit:ii wi.l t.si Hr in inv year-, and eive periect saitstarlion. w;J csll an I imine one of his bel 7-'.r,ta .'e rosc wuod iisairnu'.rnts, at J. I.. VObCK'"' Wan-li and Jewelry flop-. Ma:!-:?! 1S1. Oct. 12, im , .wijhyrj. T? ' i 't fwt p-aiJ) c 1L. LifH t C4uiBI::0U wf' l: fl I. Mf .1 W II,. U V. lMl i;tT, y ri.ril. K., :ri!i -lr- . I h.m. -""e .i C ht up S;Il.e n:3.1 sint-iir limmfiifloiy. Tii sal.s. r;ber, t!:auk ful l-ir r l.iii.rn,. n-aaa I ' conirrrr I, refifeimly invif 's ill r 'jl.iii: t'i p.:l and pr.ee h.s w. r'.'.as he i eor.n tent ifciy will r. 'inter cr..ire aatisTact.uu e.ca lo ibe rcost doli !'!!! r;:.tofers. Con. ,;i hin.?, of rt.a'.e t. i rj. r. all kind- ! $AtbLEi: flAKM. S-UUt, CU lirs. V. 'I'.unvj. l.iUn. t iirni bift.r. Also t.'.e elu'ant iJ beat ai.ii r;:u;it el Woi.ird, Lineu, aaid C'.tt' ti r'l.Y Milt t,i be tmii.aiu io',i,ai ysict r tunitr &r"ia!,5 to i fit MuK.e url. iiv Leainar t ly .e: Wheat, and Flour! TTAVINU rented WOLFF. S Mil.l.S, the I 1 subrriber will n-ae lUv hluptt iimcp in C'AsH l,.r Wheat. He w,U k" cou.ianny 1 "f " "J on h ind. Wheal i.:: Kluai iu lUtuI, and bu ':t 1"'ve atticirt wili It auU cheap fur V. r.e .o will run doilv ..Toa lo deliver VW ut . ,:'-,"e- and r-'icive V'Lai. Ail Wheal he ailia. t W ill auaianlec u uk 40 l'u. FU ai iur bn- A NEW BTOCK Boots and Books aid Soes, Stitioceiy. riHE subscriber annenntes to tner.ia I and the r u! iic trnerallv that l.e I. as f received from Puiladclhia a large aid fii lent a-si iiiik ni of entr.prisw g eery kicd and variety t.i t.iLtlc mru'a tfoots, Gaiiers, atearos,'iies, wiiM ra ac, I.mliet' Fitir Cait'r IU-nti, Buskins, Jenny l.ifcds, scd Ties tf tL latta and must apirevd utiles. I lioy', Mi-iM-s', and Cliildn li'a : B icts. I.ace Kc t, Gaiiers at.d Sr rj rfevrir style a:.d varirtv now wire also a ti.cn selectioa of tLc Schix I ar d Class. ca j BOOKS no rin use io our Aoce.mrs aad Fitula,' together wi ll a fcued asscnuient ul StX.ll. urr, etc. The a'ove seeds have berr. rr'ui!j :e!it led ard will be si l l at very ic f n, s. The uriittitrri! 'o c Titin U- i aLil.-e-lure Bur.ts ard h' e et every 'ier.in a t i r ler, and In ra tis !cr iifrlr.re aid a (IrtfruinHiiH lo iare r.o ttirr rt rijtf.se l fir a., he bepeiio '-d t""" a i.leial Ibareof Lusu.ts. JOHN KOLGKTO.N. l.rwiaburir. May S. !aC3 ahvl. i'crtuua wUmmiu Whi ai.wiil !.. ibrtr al ui) lorelwile.aai ibey aball lie f a:.c lually attended to. Al.CV. U AMMOXS. Lewisliurg, S."p 11, lSf.4 New Finn New Goods me liquor acitt-n --""8 : '" an .'. of h , eminei.U, Q .ir. tir., ',.. Kpts-ir er l'w, "a time" iu the Municipal Court. Judge Df"""t a eopie so iuKb y f4,,,rtj. jlMrKerr, tt.i.. nrnt.l Tie- ard Hut.t- Il,r makes ouiek wotk of them. fitme ! f.. i"',''f "' M "a'et'Wed upon b.ry Lerbluoavir.t Kos, Fit wetn I'ata, syur relations Willi ail lie . Ihr Mn. Ae. I.ea sruta, X. e. 8. If-f.t k .Nt.I L. em II,,. ..),.. , to j !, nnj tn lli-j ll iuse ot L' rr.c-1 -re m,-,st an.ical le, and the tun.nli oi'inirrnal ... i ...i.i i ....- ;.'.. I 'ril has i (t t een he .id in .., t.,,,li a,i , "V lit, 1 , . I r, ne.Sa O'l'VMs ot the p., ,,le hare been! hkKCriOS..iim ud two Uiouaaud d. liar tol.ds. A large ! e.iui.ently prper.mi..ex.:,.p oily the wrnrul- t-Wt-VV liuiuber, finding it of uo Use to coutuud, jura!, u tiieh, in p.irl ol Siatej ha aulf. red II.I. te sui t al aueiu a al tbe late rcai- h.ve piead guilty and paid up. i WOhi'' 1''' , , i" d' V'"'";" A. -.. dte d. .... . ' .. . I M "h lh? ex. epuon of a few communities, on s..u'ti Third Sitjet, L. wi t urf , t,a Arthur T. Leo, of the Sth lafant- j tZ lXtS fr! ry, was killed m Texas, recently, by tbe , govemmeni bave ben perpetuated, and civil "f AtikKTl.l VUAl. UTLSfll.S.t.ua. Indian, lie was about forty years of a.nd religious liberty enjoyed by : ibe pr. pie 'i'i' ol I'l, ab.. 1 CuH;v-i.. 1 Wmd.uilt, . .1 . rt' A it. ..... . i r he CH,"e "tucaiion and tthnaiianuv has 1 Matron with Ladder., 1 'i'ntek V.Kt.,oi. Ac. age at tic lime of hi., death, was a name I bn advanrrd. ,he arts and scune have " e-'b"r wtih a var,ciy4 ol UOCMKU..LD of SoTiLuuilicilaud, and, Ufide being a pr . eress !, and Hie moral ami physical con- F'.'KMTrKK. umo i ni ine connsrr been unproved. I AI.su, on lue same or surreerlme dav. a' 'i'iie devastation ol war which are now l!lt Brick U p on Market si. beitu 4ib aud so sorely atilietme ibe pe. pie i f Kuropc, 5th, au ei'ensive ass. r'Oit nt i f the desolations el" famine, and the ravatrts of Vntunrl Mitctr't TmJ, pesti!. np. br.ve in 1 h en permuted to invade Henrhes. ei iivenieu. s f,.r fini-hinir Fnrnit- " A mm M-ijum iwrrj tltun .'" u:sr H.:i riven. by w iy of CattAVti.: ! ii!roi l. ONE of the chiiut at.tl m. st deirab. a.rln,e.iM nf se.is,.:tbe LKY AX1) h'.t CY HOJl.i trt brought to i:u p a-e, I and ahi rt lit y , fVr at iin unusually m:lj adt if .ee upon ttie ti si ci st. iio frieiuli anl u.-w, ai.J Ui public gener-; al.y.are lespe.iiuily invited io call and e j for tli'iielvi'i. t l.Y full as r.iueul of UinnWAKE. QliKGX.sWARE, (SKOCEKILii, Ac, anJ at low yricok. IDDIXCS i WETZEL. Leinbur. O l al. t m64 NOT1CK. OCR Finn beiiir thia day dissolved, we wottld to ail who know mmykr. ia.tehted t, -. Uiai we are la need of the needtui, aad aniikua Iti se'Ue Hp our hus iness wuh as Utile dr'av as pit ible. Our Hooks will rit.iil at tbe old sl tr.d. at' I set tlt Ui.-iil nt'tde by etlhcr of ih Finn. i;.L;um i vop.se. l.e' ;!'ur. Sept. St), ;51 All kaida U i:Ki'AIKiNC! duae at short bo lice. coe.,p, and iu tint umsl dura .le manner. Tn? ci!i-'u of Lewii.ar it ulibe aatreua c.a" c..u.:r, are s.li. iied la Head a fair portion vJ ibe.r ptatri ank:e. WAN i Hi) luOc.. i of Wu din Hi-hat r' for work, al.o IU l..us of Hay ivaaicd at mar ket prices. :"i";ii p ic Beaver!! new br.rL Mvck.Tk.r J and .Viaru'et, 4ib dooi- freut ei.riieT. r. H. UEAVtlJ. Le .vi, urj(, Jaae 30. ijrrf V -51 .i. -." Irave soldier, Lad considerable repulaiioti as a literary man and a laiid-cape painter. He had bcrn in the wrviee of the United States about eighteen year. AboUsiimk.nt of Tut. Canal I'oard. Seviral of our xthnngc are adv. cati;.' the abolishment of the Canal iiourd. J hat the public work? of the State have been miserably aud dishonestly inanagid, is too v.ini.i, !.. hereby appoint well kuowu to nquire a word of argument; T"rB""T' T1,K 83,1 aoviw.ea mir, , . , .it i , as a day of general ihiiiikscivire and i, raise but whether any other plan can be uevised , lhrllt!llu, lhc Stil,. a,id lJil tint will obviate the plundering and waste j tbe people, iliai, selling aside all w. r'd'v pur- of the peoples' money.ua point not ,e. j s;blijbcd. merry. bpsecch iiiin it a ci.ntir.uai.ee if T etir t.tvnr.'d (.I'lniiioiiuenlth. Tne.se mamtidd Uessii;f;s are ibe eifl offS. d. and in Hon mir mi si ilevout tlianLs sheuM he . t'l-r-d. t"-.W then l.niu cnnctieu of duly, tnerei;. re, :,,.. ,n ronformilv uiih ihe wishes of mint' .m.I Cllizens. I. Willi. a Biuiia lire. Ac . I lu rse potter Turmnc Lathe with circular 'id upfiht u Ca uies attache.!, Tureoir Tooit.. turnrd limb Pi sis, twil se. so. ert fu.-rrv. if,iie, ami iN-plar Liiinbr, Ma boyanv. Wa'nttl. and V. ..plr tn.etr- &r. toi-e'her tr"h a !n"P l.-t l.t l.ew At.lt aelt.tnn.l veriior of the Commonwealth of Petmsvl- rTRMTITt! ..h.i.n,li lit,,, .lr p.. per llaneuies. Fire ll.air.i I'rn u. Ar.Ac Sale to e.'uimener at 111 A. M. Conditions made known en tt'e dav of . A M.ll. ARVsTKONfi. Nov. 6. teftt. Acut Fireun.r Ilisawlitf lou. IF. Firm 4 L. Jlil'i.sUS A. CO has been thi day tlLtaolvtsij .y t:.e sate oi ti.e liile f-a ol sja i.m I Ci ddea and Jatara S. .Wr-h, lo Aarou L. VVetiel. LLVt IDLilNfiSt. KAMI'tl. I.KUUFS. j :.tt:.s s.'M.iKsn. Lewisburg. Oct 9. ISO! T' NEW FIRM. HE stihscriU-rs litve tlti d.sv entered inlo fari.ier-tep, to do a eeneral Mer- Caultle Lu-iui as, ui U r tl.e name if Inaisns wtl, aud rr-pecl"u.lv solicit th rouage of their Ir.eu ts and loe public. I. i:vis iuiii;et. A A HON" E.W KiZtL. Lewt'sbtirg. Oct. !, lfil tr-.'i.et- MASULr, 'BX.-The subscriber rupeclfiiliv intorui the public tSat he still continue ihe Marb'e Ilnsiiiea al h; o!d stai.d in the upprr end of Maiket street, in ilea Borough, w here be ia prepared to manu facture MONUMENTS, TOMBS, Grave Slm. MintJi, J''j'ui luUMi, ifr. He ban a vannv of Careet at4 Tlaia Wo:k : aow busbed, etd iea.lv li.r iiAirro e. i Fersobs J.-ir ae anv arurle ui ni lite of I hasitiesk. are reone-i -A to call al bis Yard a be wul iu.'re sell CF'ittl per e.ut. caeaper mau c.u be bwacitl of per.tis ttoii-ir liuoUfth Uie couuiry. AU order will rs-r.-e iut' a'lru Hon. SoJ.OiiON KJ1 I'cliU Lewisburg, Sept. 1:), IMi Tbe Fu-Timtl KcdicLi;! t ""5 A'l lla.. rht- PIIIp Mi n mix.ff 9r.Vrf -f ts-H,fi ke-rUi, f H ttt ml ULltrV. r11tr t.f i a ii tftfk- ury rtit.x th. fr- rt - Tt ,,L n-e,(r-pi.t r.t t.mr in fitstj rv ;mtt f A.t fid Tht ttnui.n nc t' ' .! ih ft '''v r--t I tbP .s. mrnt t.aonl amrj. (j f. f jftnA, tu l.fcr vqh Srrf-ii i ft. Ntr tfi ( rwffa, r4 H.rO'j t JUl'itil-L- UJjl.1 lji m tot tate i. .r tUtal a, fcaearfe. IUM tB. Is-kIj of 9w9 Hwtiif'a ul lfebWi Hs w mlm, faLt-rty U Mtk it rr.-j.iat mi iti tttatt tk--at.be. . ML Ap:J, feaeV.l tt lbe UI(.a4t t mtt- mt IL rutti-v frvai tL . .! ,uta.(. mm1 tt.-f.an ixsi'fie.-. Hr tb firHl a.4in, W- !. lai- WB ' 'a'la PSWJl'vi.t IU UIaW ILeb'kkiriiuikur will cot a.;'5 lb h Wsi"-. xit . I ir-fcW ktfti. uai-at in-r aJf. aft - T .BC t:.t-a.. M C 0Ot f it 4Vlfel (TAJ Wet I UI Ut U. ft i t-J S I . -W aV kjj tii.ea.1 llf C.aVJ.l. t bo iU. t tL Irf t9.mt. Jtt g ma ic L4iai tajru u iiv .ixt,aa ul t- -it:.s-a. B.cl Complaint t-ikr roitanc s black lirMk.. kil. KsUov U.U t.t t,u titvOU. Iu Urte eh. A Let. aMeaC aMC . to V.t ev i ft.1 - -JtJt i.ftksV 'aw til ktiaw-at oW' . . -Bul dru vf t tkefl lAutrC. eUaat-axeV-K:i leVUahahtfeJ U iw U. Mar t tee- l i:taa aft rb-ti !. txaaii.U. lsv iOati iu ia.aiiuau.stiu to UMioftui uei. By or! of rnwivsM. Jt.u k. k.'twv. P- (it. K A-Lou. 14. atar-s):t - -f.u:at:(- u t - ii. - '2 -,i t o T; tVswakS l, X. I . IV-eftl ! raValaUakCaUttl.. T '. Bjaf ti Hf - viMsai w-li ,No.47iu.kfMii:siStr(1v l'Ll.ekUliti. MrttftCit t'i.-arr f tl r -r cf ifr. i. A. M. TaJkTj! A CO.. Zikr;. TO LDIBCRilEJ. ItrAMile-ai to f 0 Ot o u a-aple 6J by S le lo Cti 100 do 4 ty 4 1C L. , 3 iB.A;li Ibik au to ::ii.t-i on i tto to be delivered ift: rrn.it-.f Tall and lpiire cii the bank of the Kivtr at l.arrialiiia-. Lb ml M i-r.u:i.h. :. r r in u.. ujM i. cl t- utiaiHT and alrail 4ia.l.eo 1 aal.l.d dir ftiou-. ...iivm n... m t.. ,i.u,t t uiin. , Fr.-posato will t reett.rd lUl S.pt. 1 n r tv- 1 i t. i . . ! furnikhini tbe aleve.ar.d rerut ai.Ld:Lp rrt.- m ,0?8 V "l',,!1"y--R--''"-in to p,,,..:, wul ibe viuai aid cualiv till . Ueaitb gf a leutlcluau, aged 46, when j dilfetent kind. U.ey can iuiiitab.i.d when, at 0 aih's d " r. i Ten:. a of pa in. ;.: ca.ii en ul.veri J D J i'a'.. Jtwmi-Kv. it a.-. inscection. A 'Jrt s (rosi-caiu) 4ei) W.O. HiCkOii, liartislnrg, Fa. Dinvilie Hr Jr Store. THREE bUUUS liUMTU Of 'i'UE BAKU, pat- Xfn want u I'uIIm. Dilv parT ON and after X . It, tfa? aa Ws-rned will furnish subitctibera a lib at.v of ti- TnE.V, AND NOW. The editor of the 1 iWtn , er mY hnnd ani, ,h( t wa, ( f l'loladelph.a l....l,es. tbe evening' of Ibe ra- . - . . ' 1 I.'. . . . . . . . San.e A iw :.s ....ill . .1.. J. h ever, liien, ih the news, can hs? supplied bv at onre leavme tleeie names wiia US. Trrmt C cts. per week (for Iter I'etmr Hazerstown Torch Liirht, ill be km the old Gtcs of that journal, finds the fol lowing in in under the editorial head of the number bearing date July i", 1821 : "Flour lias m'vk to Si 50 per barrel." Hits r'ucH to SI 50 per barrel ! I: must lave been lower previously. What a cot;- Ihe St. it- at ll.irrishitr;, this twentv-riehth div of O -tnber.in the year of nnr I.-rd 1H5I, and of the Commonwealth Ibe 79-h. Ity the (Sovcrnor. C. A. Bi.tra. Secretary ef the Conitnonaealih. NOTICE. nAVIX'S b tMtbt from l. II. Ktsstiu of .Miiilit.l ui. a uHantiiy i.t lm Ooods. I. reveries. iiarlwre. Vie ens ware, iron, Ac., also 5 Wrtt- .t,,, a Hut se, ami a sett ol H ti ne, we beretiv .rive ai.tiee tt.ai ve k.. left the same in fie care of ihr mil I'is.ei io he ! paper; fayao.e wet aiy io rtHfonit-in anvaiice. remoee.l I . ttie ilwrllti r n. w Ktitried bv rif..iivrov . ..... . ' V 'of'.-',. Ij al 1.4 i- -r. JW (a. Hi teTtl.iJa aMifar I lie- ti- taif e): V f4 uJ Llar.r '. arr :, 4 -a: tu J.ni t eVUj a,itt!t. 1JJ t f eaj ls4.a. t. tfr-sal uaas4k--e 4asfi i tjw.av it. 4... au. eae-'Uie WU Ml Wav,. f.UUI VI M- el fa ...rtj Jtf Ui- ar mmm- jle- y . ffu.-v. 4 w f a A,. l m- jaltt fcftti.-ai ia-y, M. I e ktt V UjU- Ua ..ixavi.li, diftl J laWiu avUUaallat ).U e I lAt it" r. thaaW fMw. J f( iafbt airkf tv ieiaa'H. ! r VUtaB 0eMa(ai ay wait LrU' ill U aB tlj.- Ure- wf 'ir hnM ...,, . , . c . i . 7i caa take picmres at aim. st any botr in tl.e " " 7" "s" oi j.,. t..ile lakea well a adults-aad many i eaja uuiain B. I) A( U I-. ii It EOT! PUS! ..r.ai! Oi'VaialK v J.A weald inurm ibe .tVti,', O pat-lw tbat liii y bve U'.ted up a TJ0B) CfjiriiiiJ fjt' 4::i:it ri. tJnjI, in tbe Xew I'u.i it. j i tr Di.i i.oiu iu'i 1 r .j Siorr ei irjice as ihe -t en.s-, up siairs uere Uiey are pri jaiei u eiit iat any amk TIIolNTO.N" CO. IllLL.T,T'3 I1US. ft rertntn Rem,.lv for F-ltlste Itm pl.lno. Tt.e inii.'ca:ii an.! rurir.-ti.ic t'i- rttp ,,f llits.,. nTMtuh r.il. r. i. I- r lit in mti itn.f i.rlaMe. They tnav le. tsk-ti l.t f tnslee 'lt itn Be rt.f- f.-rma Irom lu il..riitf.-m. i,t l Ihe .., em. In .lOfh trast between the once tbco. and the price reinin -..j ei tr-e. in.r ii.mede.irrw ' i Kitfa-eKaee. Kiii'l. fr.-,... iiil.. DOW J "1 Vessr, -e 91 rt. Irlancl would re- perituliy ano.'U'.ee to Ibe ties ot I.ewisburar and vi cinity, that she ha recently wi -t t t r? c. .:...!. i ' k"t ft Ulie l lillil L rj , oia., aa ci oi-n... nu ..n Ht t(ji re.r.' i v ra ism-t q m n.a. tiver below Sunburv. he weut over the 1 Shamokin Dam, and was drowned, lie LewisbUK Post-OSca ArraneemBnU. It ""rt C . i was an oiu man oi anoni v years oi age. Il'is body was found the licit morning. is - t4 1,11 m iil..! fr.-oi. ittiy .r.-,r if.-en iM-tt-ti in-iu ' V'? s renettet her ass r-rr.ent nf oflT' ltt Wej Ir.ennteMiMT pr .te-l t.y , 5 V BON NT'!' 4 TiiUl'.tlMJS . mat tliM. Pit:, are Ihe ..-rr t- r-iai-ll...; & V;.t l . ' , ' n f r ilierur-ril.,e ili-iraT. aoa wl rn la ; " " e will dispose 11 iur,f In,. u, .r ii. .si in do aper.hi.asi.int ' ' of i h favorable terms. hiia, nod to he by disposed off. .r our exclusive use an I benefit. Also that eur B. i ks and Accounts are placed in Ihe bunds of said K.s sell, and ail pers. us indebl dio us are urgent ly reqi.t,ied lo make iuiiiie.:ale seUleiucut with bitn. KITCIIEX & KIEFFER. MiiTIinhiira, Oci. Ill, 1K54 cents. t.i.sTtllX Maila (via MllMj eterjr Jay l.ut sunjav, el. e at tf, A M. I riiTi'iii w.ii. ... . . i ........... jiiiiiB (i .siiiTii p. every nny l-lll sm.,.y The steamer Su.squchanna, running on f . , t i.s.-a, r. ft the basin before Sunbury, has towed 2'JOO ! etiawait', a.m. canal boats and flats, sin.f, the first of j (wmi..v w. April. The charge -for each boat is 50 t TrA'A-isiiai.;roi.)Taefii Tbii-a ani s.tord.. j BUFFALOE J HOAbS. Tu.ndayai.il Friday. .."i- . . .... ... Uttl . I'CUUIf. WW-Hiitim-aBtionrt lNl!v,etr..! Sur..IayJ frrai t nulil lljj. A.M.. antfruui It, -VI. until K. P.M. Aur.aa, Ikiii. 11. W.CaoTZKR, P. M. a variety of school Bm-ks, Clank Books. Gift Books for Holiday presents. Pens. Ink. Letter and Cap Paper, Fancy Stationery. M..;razine, Papers. etr. etc. Tor rle chrao at the Lt.w isltran Post Ovrica iiaa-aaUte-SMf,. I Her health is so far rest.ne.l thai she will 1 pay personal attention to business. Oct. St. I By Express! i VXOTHF.R l. t t f Fire BriM-ha ?HA LS and I'arame'ia Cloths of al. sba-lea, at vny low prices, just reed by I Oct. 25 J. HAYEKS CO. N li W KOUTK. The 'Canal Commissioners have appoin ted V. R. Jlaffct, of Luzerne county, "En gineer and Superintendent npon the North I Branch Canal, in place of M. A. Gamble, resigned. Gen.Pctxam planted in his native tewn tn Windliara, Conn , a mile of apple trees in the high way, so that the xir nifcitt have apples as well as the ricb. Gen. Sam. Houston, of Texas, is an nounced to deliver one of the lectures in r-t TTA WISSA, W.'l. LI AM -I'ltl: T tf ".' BAllrliOAD Oft tu ML I HA. hotirslietwern l'liih !t lhi;tand Milton Fare, M 50. OX and after Mond iv, Sept. iSih. and until Eitensn.n to William. ikti. I'assenirrr The undersigned bate been Trains will be run every day (SbnJays exeep- ao,.e.tJ Agents 1. r liOttAuu at to.;) lett) as folin'vs- KAI KKsS l.t.vl., and are now prepared to Leaving Milton at 1 1, A M.,Connectine wilh f.-rward. du ly, IVickagea, fcir, bauk N. les Keadini; Railroad at Port Ciiuton, arriving at lie. to l'hiiatleiiitiia, .New Yoik, iiuaton, Al- Philadelphia at 7 :10. P.M. lUltn titlirr j bany, Baitnuoie, and iniern.tdiaie peiiits,aiao to Ihe t ill, r Aioribern aud hasten, cities. The puti.ic are respecilully iiitilrd to pat ron tz" Ibe above line.as it is the quickest aud safest mettiod ol tiansporiauon oetwevu tbe cities ami l.ewisbtitg. Leaving Phiia lelhia at 7-10 A.M.,arrie at Milton al 4 :U) P.M. .A Frtht tram will leave Milton on Monday Wednesday and Fridav. and Port Clinton t.a Tue-d iv.Thur 'davand .Stunljv of each week. ! creutl. freight i earned tn and from Philadelphia atUJCftliurc iHnrUrt. Ciirrtefrd Weill Iu. Vtbeat.... Rye Corn . tie anti-slavery course to come off at Bos-' O itg.".. . ton this winter. Mm 'AMT 1 I Ntw York, Nov. 8 I". M. A few counties to be filled p, but fro Flaxseed ..... I ried Apples lluttrr S2 00 90 75 . 37i . 1,12 . 1,25' . 18 Kges Tallow Lard Ilacou Hnru Clovcrsced.. ..li .. 12 .. 10 .. 8 .. 1 ..C.00 Packages receivtit by or before 4 A M. sa ill withim tratiahipment, from Readme Railroad arrive in 1'ima.lr ,hia Hie same tli y, and be Freight Depot corner of Broad and I'i.erry S. delivered early in the .'l.otii mornimj. Kvceipts civen lor lime anil puce. I'hiMilfitua Ojfim 1 1 A 43. rstniih Third St. Oct. a. THOKXIO.si a tli. "XTOTICE is nereby iveu thai l.ettert TeS' ! 1 w tamr-ntary on the Esiaie of JOH.N A - VA.N'VALZAH, Esti., late ol Kedy Tp, Inion Co., dev'u. nave been granted to ihe unuer ' st'ni d by Ibe riegister ol linton cnunly in due lonn of law ; llicief..re all persons inilebieu io 1 said fj.state are requested lo make immediate 'payment, and those having any jusl claims are also requested to present llicui preperly ' autheuticaicd f. r sctllt inent. . SsAUAH B. VA.W AL2AH, Exec- J utors. tatnr-ntary oil the Estate of JOH.N A, Oct. U, l5l M'KiSai tfK, Siiperintendent. , . .-S2iAl&lBJ!a3, At the hntisa nf S?n. Biair. lwisbnrC. 7th insuby F.ld. Wm. Lane. Ji.siru F. M'lUstwt and Miss Eli Sunlit, both nf Columbia I canty. Also, bf Rev. B. B. Ha nlln. In 1. i Ku of Colombia Co. nnd Miss Mnar A. 1 BarTTtis) of Huntingdon, I.iizerne Co. J New and Eemtlfal Fall Goo's. irsT openinf; and entirely trio hny to T which will be found a laT!e and well- V selected st., r.k of H.itilware, ( uil'ry. Iron, Steel, Nail I'arnase inm'ii.es. Harness motinrues, Carpeuteis'. Cabu.ri-u.akrr' ai d Mu e makers' Tunis, ttool and Mu Find.ugs, Moroccos, Kid. Litiines, French t'a f skins. Cedar and Willow Ware, Mi-el tsprmj-s. Anvils, Vices, Vrew Pl.ttes, elerew Bellow,, Builders' II ,r, I a are of every descripii- nA't-iiitwiiW'tiidi-a Md r-l.uii. rs.V. indoaNashiltt rplM Ware, . Britianma vt are. Guns. I'l l. Is, Km 1- vers, Manilla and Hemp K' pe. serai I.arl, and Uhale Oil, Tar, Wiudew Glass.Lm k ine Glass I'lales, Linseed Oil, Hp rils Turpentine. I'ore White Lead, White Zmc Paints. Blake's Fire Pnmf and a full a-.soitinitil of other Paints, Wines and Liquors at Wholesale and Retail, Japan. Copal, aud Cjach Var nishes, dtc. Ac. Al! of wh.eh will be sold vervclv.-.p for cash. country produce, or f ur months" approved J. O. Kit HAKDssON. at the sipns of the Anvil and Saw. Danville, .Sept. U, 1851 lvIOt quality, cr low prices call on Oct. 4. J. HAYES A CO. I.AIKU HOtt'AKU, present appearances Seymour (.s'oft ami In tlv German KeliimirdCbnrcli.l.ancaster, Liquor) is chosen Governor, Srnftitip moriiiojt of .liC (K. N.) Lieutenant Oov.ernor, and V,iu! I ams, (K. N.) Canal Commissioner f.ir Sew' York State. ;. 53t-r I n"w"-of tlie leook Haven "Tribune," and jr. , " , Mss Srat.-i fatti, of Jeraey Shore, (boih Fernando Worlds (RwJ nJrLiqlir) 'formerlv of Lewisbtir-l aa SG8 plurality fur Mayor of New York I mhmtmmmmmBmmmmmmmtmm eity. - , r ? DIED, BE AVE K, K I EM YA k M00KE have received Ihcir New Fall Goods which they are enabled to dispose of rsrnx scoxLf tu nr. I.ewisburf. Oct 1. lq-t 1)tMI8 Pumps ? rump1! M II and Cistfrn )urnpttcin.n.hYrce and rhmn. th rery best articles now in use,ihe wishing j in purrnn!e ran nr convincfn i miis irtrt ny ml.ittsf upn llnry K. INtll, E"., I.fvitnrc Tiie suhnt ti has abn mi hand IK AD FU K from t I J inches. J. O. U.OI AKlX.. Danville lltr.1rare St- re, 3 tm r j of Ihv- Hank if lMnville. h'rpi. 5, M. S UffilON TSIIPERAKCE KC1EL, D. ar 1r fn tLi Ji-,M .lr, em 4 a m-T tt. m-f- sasai.- iWn ant .. -r p' -r-krltsTN -irte- r-f rr tli Ir-r A- -m4 sftkaWtMssf L f . I e4 i H la. at. j C 'IUU ttiU I Wm m -e.tl.el, ;A fMtw ' 4 , I tf i Mn ele4 N.rtj I mm v rP.B:tj mewm-rtf, f ,r j yt-mr - -'-tv -uff-r. r ir-t 1, - m ifc. mi 4 l-iaje-it-.sttrc-.a; t,raievn-alrt y.tttit aa)r4 t-r f mt h 4 4' at.-t ir,ff r- sV-r. mr miff .... mm it wm tsa-l .f te.12 WsrIT aWsl art-al.Wt.-,. II I. e.ttr,.c. r ---' M'krfll.V -)., d nr. oltraa V-.T- k. ea-.. ..,. ftUti pe:iti,w. mm l tla. i.teaea Iter b ft-atta a Ufi ' 4r ii rtaj-r.-.a-et -fi-fm ,''h tsv mim Iu4jk.4 atteitjaa ftt n itfiti) rV- r4 a t-a-.' mtv VlUfi la ni,irt- av. ml (af eaa r tt.' I Mt t mu u.-nm f r arl -ifflfi aV. art- Uet JOr kJa keel lirt atteT -if - Bj e J ' IVMil, L. aaT s4t- lute.. ru ( Jab i-d, IftiS. I :-) j O KIB. V.';tUrua liU. ir, b- t;v cflemtmt m tU fo'- t-nrty c tmts: X jo F-ro -y J.uit.er !Wr.T.iSarv A-tlfoa Ltrtt 001 lntf rvmik'na Ht-wm Com Kr4i'a L.nla TiU aifi.a pletinM I laar llti-f -l'il TllO'tiia th ."Ail IVte-i vi a:, t.t.mm vi Wtt m) af. H..a it uit'ta Siu-U !.. ftaUa 1 t will at n ot tuiii Iki.at i-ii Ainoa ttiv lis.tawia ii a-i-a.-fca nt iurufctss mLu mtau I'. UtGJBi( tli D i'.tJrlM.a BT .lier eO. J aTJ t ayOataS &!( at Ui KtaM.whcii-at of .'r Maor Uoil -,y. 244 Mrat, a,.r l-tiite jiar. L-Afu.) ail k Vk iti Im - 141 NVw T"k .r- H.r I.-Juiu. hi lr "Hat- Ma'tw-eVU -i" lV.-y..-nay. vr.'' l.4 tivife at 1wi.f Ma SU' al-. 3" all ertam. t)Tiia-lr iaj-tl 4"ai r- m h.dKtiir. thrtuci.uii t. 1 ;nt-at ot..4t. id K. ait t a i-ia.-; ,-tt. ai.tl $i,"U, arb To lar hml UtrflMiif of LlLri;a! Lr .14: Iiuum- in tbr Laiou. -lb-r if em-e li-re.t.1- PHT.r.c l.T thkii f tl'-!aryo Bsk--r. V. ft. irti-i-oli -b- t.-r ttr -unitt-ct I latit-uts iia eTrr dtfxirtlor. trv a'Kt-d ton.'-h l-ix lctl , tiT F.tr sale by Dr. KCMl'f.K, MiUui.I urg uiLer pictui'v ci p tJ. As vr Lave n- m a f.erm.Sr?it !fati, r. fired up purpeeir and eacluiveiy lir Ljki.ne-typ'i-sf' liaiiik are c.u r t tr tnTtie s-;i-laei-Uia, aaui resf tc'..liy teLdcr vur a rvir s. Lewisbarir, Aur. 1, IW1 J L. KAU.V. ...a Iv.a. i iuoi.ee. tin a I t' ; a Ik Iiftj by-K-v. II. Harhatish, I "M",1"" - " ' ' . . . . I "l.ewisl orir tsintt 's Institution, wnl be tRKDiiLl.. 01 i.ewisuurg, uuu --- . ,...r. ... ,,-,,i tt ,,',. 11,' , .. . . n.-lU l I" c s....vv v. ...s... ....... . r MMtMaafltUMnW a.aiMStrr. . I l.., ....,o,,,r,, l,n P,r.ii "nii.ni 1 a... a :..!.' J 1 eonsent I c. - e..t . ,- , i. liit the mh nil he Rev J II Gr er Dtirt ."""' , , . , . was una in; ui-..... - siiiiiin iur wiits, una na i i.tu wi.oo.t till tile -Iiin llll, OV ev. J.ll.ttrirr. 1l.sit.i. ..,.,,,.,. .v..n,pr 1 ,niu..n lip i. .mi l. I . t .C 1. It interest in , me i..o, .,a, s., ..... Liavia iveocr nuvniK uis. Itir (ieni.crr.en. hours of 0 o'clock A. M. and 3 o deck, P. M, ! tlie cnnCfr. t0 pPler Hursh. Th bnsiness j H r0!.ec!ru!ly solicits a fair trial, and a atwhichtinie seven Bitectors are to be chosen j Wjn ne continued at the old stand under the . sv.ir. 0r (ie public palronaze. ! Ice ( renin and i:atliipr Saloon, I Corner nf Smuti ami Jlmirt &. Having rented the commndious and well i jtLivfitied buib!:ni;s at the lower end of Market l sst. (foTmetly the mansion of Wm.llayes.Esri.) the snbscriber is prepared to entertain I .STfV.t.Vt. J.'K.N' .4.VO THA YEl.V.RS, I Man .-tnd Beast, with linbriritr ninl f...l 1,n ND XEW FIRM. The partnership li-re-; , wiln imo51cfl,j, liqUrs. tofire e.vi.sting between hrbrr .y ir, j y-Xherc is also attached an ICE CREAM Mike Yvwkh' anl errrv VelrM.V. f Al "e resl.lene of ber , rlanehter. Wi !ow WrnfiU....n . I J.ihaf McHr, i Bnffaloe alley, 6ih inau. i - - . v. oncicss trom tbis State W,.l,. M.i.. Smirmr. aired 88 rears. U reported defeated. i ..-,, f It Lewisburj. 5th insu S.a.B. daoehler of Illinois, W iscousin, Mlchigm, and New Jersey, appear to be c.rrie.1 by larao ma- joritie against the Administration, t rri . .... anere are more Dank failures reported ID tbe Western Stale. - Ko Stmfryrt in.". for the cusuins year. H. P. tsHEI.LER, Treasurer. Lewisburg. Oct. 13, 1054 : I'Actatora' iVullce, -s-OTIOK is heieby given that Letters Tes j tam-'niary on lUe Estate of WILLIAM A itV.STKO.NU. late of the B irouali of Lewis- , burg, deceased, have been grautcd to Jons W. i Elliott aud Win. If. Aaasvauae. . All per 'sons iudehied to sa.U estate are requested to j make immediate payment, and these having claim against the same will prtieul ili(.iu duly I n il....iti9f r A fi,r cetlteRselil tn . MM.......... -.o s. - ... , In c'lunrnm To. 23lh Sf DU ScsaHlli, Wife ""'V aing t- ofJehnCVaig. tn hertethvear. r I Lewisburf, Oct. 1854 Isnir. 55. Srid Jorinn a Sterner, need 5 years. In Centervile. 2!h oll JosaTwaa Faass vniTti, In his 83d year. In Union Tp, Jib lilt.. Sixrii N.otr, in his 75th vear.' i' " In AVashmstlon Tp.27lh ull.,Mau M. wid ow of Peter Swwr'.z. in ner Wltn year. Firm of ITursh $ Furw, who will be nappy to serve all the old customers and lots of new ones. DAVUJ Hr.OL.il, O. K. V0.1SE. liewisburi;, 8ept. 20, 1S51 IIUSSEY'S GRAIN REAPER, l I Lewisburtr fonndry by : URUDES, MARSH & Ct I.ewisiiarg. March HO, 1854 PETERS. 3m VfOTICE. Application will be made 1 to t!ie next Lcsislaliire to chanee the name of the I.ewishunr Savincs Institution lot aled nt Lewishnrrf in the eonn'v nf Cnion. for Cllttina ItOlll Urain anu lirasc. 1,ln,lred Thousand Uollarsadditionnl capital. AStPACTri?ET) and for sale at the ; an I authority to issue its own notes for circu lation; subject totne provisions i tue general bankin? laws of this Commonwealth. By ordef cf ihe Directors: H. P. SHELLER, Treasorer- Lewlsbnrp, Pa., Jane S, 1854 IME CO AT, t'usf reed and for sale by j BEAVErt, KREMER M00KE. Call ar.d Try A NEW STOCK IN TRADE. The aubstriLers bavins formed a co-pannership in ja, bu&iress, row ePcr atraas. l" "' friends ami ine pTio.ic, al lite late aland of K. F. Lcndall.on Market street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot of iSiotM and Sljotfl for Men and Boys ever rdered ia Lewisl urg. A Sp!ei,i!i,l Lot of f.UM SHOES. Also all kinds of ? r -- 7 7 7s Gaiters, ha f (.alters, etc. Children's shoes of all stvles and sizes. Work m tile lo order Mend.ns; as usual. As we are boiti known as practical shoe makers and experienced workmen, we solicit a share of the public patronace and will irv to merit it. ... t. iilil'cr. l.ewisbar?. May, 18.r)4 JACOB DYER, Cattawissa, m Would inform his old Ineads ard the putlw eeneraily en ibe V tsuan.l North l.t..i,t h that be e. rit.nues to kep ibe STACK HoltL, in tbe renter of the Tcwn. and aski a fair share of f ri nafe. Sept. S 1)RE.-ERVING andPiekl acJAKts jnsiir.4 and for sale a: the V artni. il Lin c s-toie. tng iu T 1ST TeT'd Urue M re Urre snpp v of ltr. Greer,' genuine Bii'l'EKf, I. rruie t'l Itvstrisia eiu. Aug 10 la. TJIOl'NTO.N A to. THOK.NTU.N A CO. ti f. r sale at the Yammi.th Jllliotrarltlr Iitntir.ar ritts, J a..d a large quattitv 01 Pit: I r.Lj, lor Framing, and for jjiauing Tea. heis. K. '. ' I K MAR, K.W. Corner Fifih a d .Mr.rket l,s; CEnVAXand FKE.Nt Ii Larguaces. Ei aV irr. Painttr.e. and l'raueM:i:f, iang: 't ly k.V: I.ewisbnrg, Sept. 1, lti53 " Small rrojttt aa.l Qut Salt:" m to am- UrjJh CaSa .-aali- BARGAINS CHEAP STCfi or BBOWS &. ItIl l;i!.IT. TtTE take this n,e'hed of in.orr.ir.ir tbe y I public tbat we have ftted op il.e o! "VMUX TtADlSV STVhi:," trhere we would invite esjecial attec'ti; 1.0 our stock of DOMESTIC COOT'S. CirrM't rli'S and FlSlf. which can net fail to please, ei hrr in rerri 10 price or qua::ty. our gooes r.avf trert boutht for cash, at the lowest rrice, nrf wi'.t be sold on accommodating terns. CASH will be paid for a'l kirn's of C rr ..a v,., n..., ..,1 -.1 t " ni.u ..ii. s. , u.s,..a. ,..,.i- ,,y pit every descripunn of ihwrttic lYerf-rc. Turtieville, May, lb."4 Netted. TETTETtS Testamentsrr cn 'be iM.ne of i s LI.IA vT A. PAI'Tr.RsO.N'.la'e i f Kelly township. decease,!, I.av ii. at been issued to the subscribers by Ihe Register f W ills rl I'nion county. a!l persons indebted 10 said estate are reiuiested lo mae p uyt)ient.and all persons hvvtre el'trs to prcseetthem, prop erly authenticate for sett'emen'. THOMAS COMI.V, - . THOM.W HAYES, I'Ie Jnlv SI. IS.M C VOTIi'F. Tliivlnfr brr-n sfpointod i!;p i 1 SEXTON to the Lewishurg Cemrterv. the subscriber wonld slate thai he is prepared to prrfi rm all duties connected with the burial of the dead.on short notice. Aln thai he will attend lothe re-interment of deceased persons under.the directu.n of their surviving fnrnds. Residence in the Lodge at tbe Gate of the Cemetery. GEORGE. DOXACHY. Lewisburg, May 30, l-3l . -a Map of Union Ctznty. Vtt' in course of preparation, a y ' rf Union County, ill by IT inch' n ' sfr. exhibiting all ibe princpa! nn u- Jia.us i a streamsi, township and bt-n-nrh ! .res. t. i's and aireets. posM Cic es.churthes.r 1 ill's "r j houses, Ac, Ac, wi-h the prt.rcs-d l":,vi"s,r line. It will be so!d a' fHO in n?in 2";' I.S& when colored. .1 .5 with mn.irf b.-.-I: ard rollers, and l,r,t) when mrniie.! bl. ersored. Tl-.e siibs'-nber asks ibe raa f ilruru, cW . ns he is desirous rf rralrinr a T, ,.'it, Kacrf some, and oseful map ; r.l asVs rh- j.aui v age of the public general? r. ' K. VOI.E.MAR.- I.ewisb:tr. May IS, ir.f. ,..K Dr. J;c'l Ilorl.tihfr, ' noTAxrn PHYJsrrfAX. har;R(r ,ffi;B.(. I bis heallh. has res'a-r.ed his. rpetice rf ihe healtDsart. Hissoprfior fALfp i, in great demand, ard ail i ntre-. -frier ae nsual. . New Berlin Mav . IfH SCHttOt ORDERS neatly pr-icfed Wct. aale at the ChumUU Cc:c i I CI Si 51 rf it 3 i! V. l ! V, ' 1 4 3 ,11 Hi 1 , t'i 4 I i 4 i 11 1 f It fcy if. 1 1. h' n. 1 ii ! 11