u WtfMU(Mmm & WIST ( BRANCH FARMER . If 1 I ..Hood oa DaollBf. Tom Hood describes aa iatendea1 duel that as prescaied by an amicable arrangememt wjV upoa ikt groand. The parties a Mr. H x W and Mr. CU-rivals fur Ibc affection! ... vd'sslluc; Br!!, and il necessary to appeal .m:' ' .'... 'Bit lnt they fc.and a friend a-pirce, Thi pleasant thtitigtit tn wire; That, when ihey both were dead.laey'd hare Two secuwfe yet to lire. 'To measure not (he ground, ant loaf rt "The eeeena neat forebrv ' . -And bavin; talc one rath step. They tonic a a xu more. 'They next prepared each pittol paa Azamst ihe Jea.lly atrile By Baiting; in the prime of death -Y-,. Arjainn Ihs prime of .life. Now aM wis readr (Vr the f.ea But wbeo inejr tok their stands, Feir mvle them tremble wo, ther foiinJ t Tint biitli were 'halting hamU I iUid . Mr. B. t.. Mr. C, Hre one of ui may fall, v A'ui, lik: tit. Paul's Cathedral aow. Be doomed to have a ball do ennfe I did attach "" Miscondort'.to your namei If I witbrlrawthe charse. will now : " Vonr rammd do the same !" aid Mr. -I .'o agree,' Rut. ttiink of II imr courts? If we be I'ff wiih'iiit a shot. There will be siram'e rrptirtm. - i . B'lt. look ! th- mornin" now it bright, ' Though clo nly it bezun; , Wiiv can't we aim above, as if - - We had ealied out the sun !" Imp into the harmless air. Their bnliets they did send- ' And niiy all niher duels have i.. That upthut in the end! , Ohio Stats Fair. 1 Newark, CM. 18, 1854. j -li oiiai:lf. horse exhibition. ,To-Jay one of llie m st laulublc affitrs . occutTC'l tbat I have ever witnessed. Tbe I hnn ring, wlich has been open during the afternoon, for the use of such gentle-' m ;n as tuiMit wi.-U to pricjcclhoir horses, , . ' . eniifaiiiodsniiie.il or seven fiue horses plenliil!y caparisoned and attached to light suki. s, which had grown so eii ed by the spirt that the whole affair had be- j csme merged in'o a most sp'ritcd race. ' m' .,. .i t Hie contest was stron;, an I every borve ' J was urged to his utmost specJ. A vast i crpwd had co:.ct.d for tlio purpose of en-1 joying the sport, and loud ebouta attested' their approb..ti'n of the faTorite horses. - t . i ..,,.,. ., ., o ust aooui me ue igni oi ine race, tne ; rope tbiit nrotoctcj the entrance to the 1 fine was lowered atvl one of the ucliest ,7. - , , . . j , look in it snpiitir.ria m th hnr kind thai. o I ever saw, entered. lie was of dnn color, dno'-sidI, loosely built, ring-boned and ep.wiued. ilia driver, an old man, with a short grey beard, was clothed in a rusty suit of grej, with a seal skin cap, and was seVe! iu aa old unpaintcd sulky, with a bundle of straw beneath the seat, from which an old rusty umbrella protruded. At his very entrance be was erected ,.l, .I. .- A -ru..k. k: ! out," "move him," "wo-baw," and other derisive shouts tbat showed he. wis setting cut under the m ist unfavorable circum stances. Almost at the start be bad been over 'ken by the finer horses, who had been . p'.nn'ar favorites, and astheyesi ip 'Se .id dun.thc leaders of the race railed . o his driver to g-t out of the way A Aer a few awkward efforts, he did try to - to, but it was after a manner little ei- j peeled, for the old horse shook bis ears fi begin to strike out at an awful pace, and the blooded horses began to feel tbe wed if trying their bottoms. Away tbey went, and by tbe time they came round to the starting plaee, the old duo was consid ml's in advance. The faster be went fhe uglier he loukid, and his gait was so iT---r. that the crowd roared with hugh'.er. Away he went, and away weut tbe Moods in pursuit Tbe further the old dun went the uglier be looked, and at every round he was greeted wilb cries of Go it old elajnk." Old clay-bank did git if, and the way be went was a "sin to Crockett." liy the fifth or sixth round he had just gained the length of tbe track on his competitors and eatue up in their r. ar like a eancbrake on fire. The ex- c it. meat was now intense, aud the roaring as. j belLowuig trf the crowd almost deafen log. i w The old dun terrr minded the crowd a whit, but held li'mst If d wu to his work, and as he eama round agiin, he had passed two of bis rivals, and. was abreast with the third. 'jo it, old CInybatik, "shouted the spoe tstnrs, and without whip or a word from Lis driver, he cnoo up to the scratch. By the time, this round was finished there re mained Lilt oue hor.-u ahead of him a fi.ie, b.oed gray sousi-Te-J by all (he best hnrs, in all points, on the ground. A they roarbed the entrance, the two horses were abreast, aud the gr-iy eyed his oppi- n-iit with a sidling gbnee as he sbmiblcH lon side of hiui. The old man now reached down behind him and drew tbe HinhreHa from the sheaf Of straw beneath the seat, and to which it was fastene l,aod with a great Sourish oyer his head, brought :t down on tbe hip-bones of tbe old dun It was bard to tell which rattled most, the old umbrella or the bones of old Clay bank; but from tbat moment tbe race was at an end. x Tbe gray was left far behind, and tbe old dun came up to the entrance at one of the most awkward, shambling, and y -t swiftest paces thai I have ever seen, lea-'isig Lis rival a considerable distance, and pr9nling within himself the ngliest p.if horse-flesh that has ever been seen a this section of country.- Is-sV-weadkaw f say. tbrt M Claybank was tbe fayjrit, ik btdanee of thaday. - TelograpUmf aow Rat Tabla. Lewlebara OwVw Irons t, ojt. natil It ni vasal From Lnoittturg to Harrisbarf fO,M Berwick fO.li Daupbia Bioomsburg 17 Junction tS Catlawista 1 1 Liverpool SI' Danville- - 16 M'Kees fall .31 'Chapman JO Xelinsgrove SO Carboadala S6 Providence S9 Dunmore 15 Scranloa S Hyde Park. ' S4 Pittstna SI Wilkesbarra SO I Kingston SO Plytnnnth SO Northumberlaad 16 Bioomsburg 18 Milton 13 Dauville 15 Muncy .".15 Bunbury ' 15 Jersey Shnra IT M'BwensTille 15 Mill Hall 10 Williamaport 17 Milesburf ' . SO Lock Haven . 18 ; BeUefonte . SI Beech Creek SO : For every additional word 1 cent to all sta . tinna oa this line. ..-. Philadelphia. ail's) Baltimore 52(4) ' Not now in operation. 17 All other stations west and south of riiiiadrlohia, rate increased 9 cents. HENRY C. I11CK0K, ttornri) at fa, AND Leiwlnbura;, Intern Cuntjr, Pa. 3L Perfect Fits! JOII It. MILLER carries on the Tailoring business, on his, own hook, al his old stand on North Third Streel.where he will ailend to Makin; and Cutting as usual. The FASHION'S received from New York. All wmk done in Ihe best style and on the mist reasonable terms. Produce received a Mark.t prices. Lowishnre, Sept. 3, 1853 JOHN B. MILLER. Instalment OJfirt Snoqurhanna Railroad Company, II 4 nisara., Jan. 20, 1854. rilHB SI'OCKUOLUEKS of this Company ,r hftrrhv notinen tnai ine aeeona ' Instalment of Five Dallam per Share is; payable on or before the 8th i of February next; and an instalment of like I , paT!1ble on or before the 10th day of j each month thereafter, nntil the whole is paid " , "cu,lrer B", 'uu" Unmore at Cnion Bank of Maryland ; finpbio county Bank of Middletown j Nonhumberl'd county Bank of Norihnmbld; ., . -J. u , ... . Union county Lewiburg Savings Institution. By order. ROB. 8. HOLLIN8. Treasurer, HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES fKEPAREU by R.nlemacher heep, 1 I Aoniheearies tn the Hoinojonalhic Dis- i - - No. s:19 Arch Phii.aelohia. . conMantlr on hand and for naif, whniraale ' ' ! nd -io Lf wishnr?, at th Trnf t?iore of !ici.M.'.S3 !. T. A. H. THORNTON, New Berlin Hotel. Reports having been extensively circulated thmnsh the county that I 'I'. am not prepared to entertain my iuests I bes leave to assure my friends thai lam wrUupplied with the best tbe n.rxei unu, wt.. ... w.., ( stablinz. and can accommodate mil who will j be kind enoujh in favor me with their custom. I hope that misrepresentation and petty perse- ' .i r .... eulion. will not drive my friends off. without lion, will not unve in? in t trivin: me a trial I New Berlin, May 8, 1854 6rt uivins me a trial DAVID HERR. 1 . CLOCKS all kinds of 8-day and 330-hour Brass Clocks and patent lever y time-pieces. Brass 8-day clocks at $4, brass 30-hour clocks as low as $1. All clocks warranted for one year at J.L. VODER'S chrap Clk, W ulck and Jtrntln Start, opposite Mdinss & Co.'s. Lewisborg. . f ATCHES Gold and Silver Levers, W Lepines, and Verse. Gold Watches from $25 to $100, at J. L. VOUEK 8 cheap Watch and Jewelry store. JEWELRY of the latest pattern of all qual ities for sale at the lowest City prices by J. L. YOUER. SILVER WARE Table, Tea, Dessert, 8al and Mu-tard Spoons, silver warranted eqna' to com. Silver Tea spoons from $5 upwards, no charse fur Engravine. at J. L. VODER'S. ( OLD CHAINS Ladies' Chatelain, Gold 1 Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, from $10 to 10. at J. L. YODER'8. SPECTACLES Gold. Silver, Plated, and Steel, suitable for all ages. All kinds of Glasses put to Spectacles at the shortest notice. Particular attention paid to fitting Glasses for weak eyes. J. L. VODER. 1)LATED WARE Cake and card Baskets, Table Porks, Spoons and Butter Knives, Teaspoons silver-plated on the best German silver, 91 per dox. All roods warranted to Cite satisfaction. All kinds of Engraving at the shortest notice at J. L. VODER'S. "I OLD PENS all prices.in Gold and Silver JT Holders, and about holders, for sale cheap at J. L. YODER'S. Life Insurance Companies! Ismdtm Kol'mnal Isnn Fund, (26 Cornhill, London; 71 Wall St. X.Vork) t p"Capital $2,500,000 .V.tnu Life Inturmct Company, (Hartford. Conn.) UT Annuity Fund $160100 K'y$tone Mutual. (Harrisburp. Pa.) L2Capital $120,000 POLICIES in the above Companies can be obtained, on reasonable terms, by appli cation to tl subscriber. California risks, 3 to A per cent extra. Feb. 19 H. C. HICKOK, Ltwuburg. ' Re-ruoveU. 1 WINRGARDEN has re-moved from , -way up town" back to the new build-in-; at the oid head quarters, in Market street, immediately under the" Chronicle " and Tele graph offices, where he will be happy to -smoke" and chew" his friends and cus tomers, in good style and quality at moderate cash rates. Lewisborsr, Oct. 14, 1853. MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, SE1TLT k CirEDITIOCSLT AT THE "CHRONICLE'1 OFFICE Lewisburg. : H. GERHART, Bargees Beatltt, A T hi. Rswtdeaea. Boala Third 8t.ve.rnar XX. artbs Boarrl walk. LBWISRVKG 9- DC EDS mf asopariorforai.forsala at ta Chfarslaaa,S sis stsgto.M- far 4m HARillSBURG BINDERY. J. J. iCIrste k F. L. Batter, aVwssm l to ST a Hlot Of. Book Bis ok km and Stationer, ahd Blank Book Mabhifacturkks, v Iltirri&urij, l'a. .'1. s MOST respectfully inform theirfriends that they are engaged in the above basinets Indirectly opposite Heir's Hotel.i 1 Tbey flatter themselves, by careful attention to their BLANK BOOKS for Banks, Connly Offices, Mercbauis, and private individuals, and every variety of full and half-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Law Book, Newspa pers, Bibles, Music, works issued in Nos Ac bound in any style, p'am or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. Pleae eive us a call. C. H. fiT Books &c to be bound may be left with the Editor of the Chronicle., f .: 609 THEO. S. CHRIST, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST, Mltninbnrp, I'nlon County, Pa. HAVING purchased the entire Drug Store formerly kept by T. J. Elliott, dee'd, I now offer to my friends and the public in gen eral a fresh and pure lot of jDriigs, ClKbKnts Pi? !!?itff?. Also Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty and Patent Medicines. Brushes and Combs of every variety. A tine assortment of JEW ELR Y. snch as Watchesold and silver Pencils, Ear and Fin ger Kings, Breast Pins, &c. Ac. Cards, En velopes. Note ami Letter Paper. Soap and Perfumers. All kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil, Pine Oil and Burning Fluid. Liquors of all kinds, for medicinal purposes. Violins, Flutes and Ac enrdeons. Nuts. Fruits and Confectionery and in fact. almost anything in Ihe way of No tions and General Varieties. Call and exam ine for yourselves. I charge nothing for look ing. THEO. S. CHRIST. Mifflmburg, Pa., Jan. 2, 1854 ly The renowned Remedy ! HOLLOW A Y'S OINTMENT -trHin.r, rj.a--t . mi u m ba1iii- Ha I sua ai a. and wnmm utwstl in armraaiMir wtia tbrdnwUot-a which arconi(aiijr each pot, will iDur! curve when all otlit-r mraun lall. t'mtma of the moot d -p-rata bkin dl-a-r rvadily yiei to rtietftrm.-y. It it tanotm hin u-i iu cam-moI Uout,Utiuiiiatiiu, Coatra-Hd w SUIT JoitH. In AsUjum il will do wonders if rubbed into ibr Ctic-L Most astonishing Cure of Serofulou Ulcers, certified by the Mayor of Boston, (Eng.) Gpg of LtUtr fnm J. .Xo!.le. EsJ., Mifar of fkHtou, To P-ftiwsnii tI-Jlxowt Di-mr Sir: Hn.Sanb DiXn. g. ibmi tor a-uaKMrslHc paTluu lie w Mftrviy mih-u-u with rrmiulciu-mh ml uic. r iu h' r srou-. - t. li. ' ,MliQj. itMCMlut, i. . oi utun'-j , Kae ouuNDtu nv iihk-wh V bwu-,M, imi Srwiiuallv nwrw worm. being rwummemjril ty a frienj to try toot Ointment, elie prnrunsl a flinall pot, and a box of ths te. and to-fur that waaall n-d. Heiiiruwie itt atnKndinnt as-a-p d. toj pen-evi-riiuE with thtt mrdiriaw tor a rhort time knr-r areonlinx Ui tbt diractima. and titrirtly -ulbt-riDK Ia your rule aa to diet, e . ibe perfi-eUy cured, ai.d now enjoys tbe beat of health. I renein. dear air, Dated All 11, 1853. (kie-aed) J. 50DLE. Extraordinary and rapid Cure of Erysipelas in the Leg, after medical aid had failed. UtttT from Xr, a-TiarVM r-'w,-Ue 0ea, Aldrici i'oni, nrar tt-onar. Sum. daUrt Jan 12, lsiX To rr.tti.Mir lloltowaySir: I naff.-n-d far a pun-ddera-ble perirMl fmn a M-retst attark of Kr-raipelaa. e-birh al lentob Mittled tn my lr$, and re-nl--.l all aiediral tft-at-mcnt. M-rnarlerinziinerij very xreat,"d I quite oWpairt-d of any -M-raaant nt amett.lla-.-nt, wb-n 1 aa adsfa d t have reeoura-atiyourOiutaient and Pill. I did wi without delaT, and an tij.pT to any the mult ana raiiaeoUr trar-s-ivful. Ibr iby effatted a radk-at cure of my leg and v-pfc vd me to the enjoy oot of health. I hall aver ppi-ali with tli. utnioitt a'afiuVnee of your medicineti, an.t bare rea.mnieadel tliem to olbera in tW neiabborkood t aiuiilarly aBJiru-d, wbn ilrtved cri'al b-nffit. I am. air. veer oouxeu auti miimm perranv, (igDd) EUZAHKril VI.ATK8. The Pill" nhon:d be i-d eonjoiatly a lib the Ointment in aunt of the milowiuf; caar: Bad Lena Cbliblaiu tl.tntal rVire Tbraata Bwl Breaats Cbarpnl Oout bkla Oiaeaaas Burns Uuod Ulandular Brurvy Bunion Corn (eoft) Swellings Sore Heads Bit.n of Mna. Caneera - Lumbago Tumora rbrtoi- and Coutrarted Fili-a tjl-era gand-r'lica and 8li RbeumaUim Wounds Coeo-Uae Joiuta Sealita Tawe Cbb-go-foot Elrnhantlasie Sore Nipples Ac. Ac. Sold at the KitUbliubment of l'mfcLr lloiMWH, 244, Strand. Inear Temple bar. London-, and Su Maiden Lane in New York. Orilrre n,r.Meiieineti in theStatea.a-ldrefuied T. HaUowtii, Knm r.-rl" willre-silTedue atf-ntlon. Sold alio by all isupectaUte Drugsiata and dean-rein Uediriaea tbrouicbout tbe I'nited SUb-e. in Pota at 37 16 eU ST eU. and $t..K. each. M'boleaale by the principal Drug house in tbe Tnlon. a n, laere u a omridtrohU mmmffbif taking tr largtr met. N.B. Direettone for tbe gnidanca of patients ia averj diaorder are affis-d to eai-h Pot. nr.r-n4) 8nld by Dr. KEMPER, Mifflinbure; Tbe Old Maiiiiiiolb DRUG AND CHEHICAL EMPORIUM RE-OPES ED. Dr. TIIOKVro.'V it Co., WhtJemle & RrJail Druyjut, Letcuburtf, OFFER to their friends and the poblic a large and well selected stock of fresh Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, grouud Spice., (pure,) Dye-8infl"s, Brashes, Combs. Perfume ry, Soaps. Fancy Notions, Fruit, Confectionery, urn', oiauonery, ana a variety of articles ion iiurnrroos ui mention. Give as a call and judge for yourselves we charge nothing for looking. Remember the Mammoth Drng Store ! Da. T. A. H. THORNTON tt CO. . Or. oidt lung's Elixir IS the only medicine capable of curing the Head-Ache, in half an hoar. For merly, several days were required to relieve Mis distressing; pain ; whilst now Ihe ose of uc uuxir win, in a lew moments, remove it entirely. Although but lately introduced tn pnblicnoticejhis wonderful preparationconnt thousands of advocates. It is very beneficial in Colds and Coughs, checking the most ob stinate fit of eonghinc in a minm. e,- i. is an invaluable Family Medicine in all sudden J -"" " A single trial will be a satisfactory evidence of iu efficacy. Price 15 cts. per bottle. Prepared only br : . JSOMA8 PWCHAHD. :. 118 Catharine street, Philadelphia. "a a co.. La.li w.ia. ' I. UKKUAKT, rVueegnea. .... J Oh a nrhnee. Prr mra i. . - yalur. aam, Oa. WhrSali. . ntinaan, Aajwaruas Frotmimatiim to th CUitau s4,.,. 5 " mmlxabtira; auid Tlclnltr FnlTeraacber'a BIr4r-BIxtls oltaie Chains, 1iJNHTRUCTBD t be worn next to tbe I 1 akin nntiiAuina? a constant current of electro magnetism, cneeling immeduilt relief Jni'n all acute patru, ana a -;' ; 1 Permanent Cure of all Neuralite DUrltes. PULVERMACHER'8 ELECTRIC CHAINS Wen- art osed la f ranee, three yenra alnee.Sir th. en re of i riMi diaaam,nd aln-r b-lng Mbmitled to the moet thuni' trial la eeery hoapitaj in Faria ! the moet learned ProMeem ia that rite, they were eeeommen-b-d to tb. Ooevrumealaf V ran re, wbeh granted nataul for tb. diawti-ry. Uuriag the fear 2S'1-X tlu-y were nitriKlured in Oeriaany, anetria. Pr'la and Kasland, and one year nana intrudaoaS an 1 patented by Ihe U. S. Oorernmeui. Mitt HUonuhimv cnrtl of feheuraattua. Si. Vitna' Danee, Painful and Swelled Mats, ralpHalion oT tbe Heart, Neuraljia of tbe a.sj, "eriudiial lleadarbe Ueafaeea, BlivlnnA fuius from I adlgeetioo, llyeleriea, Prrpei-ia, ' I'terine Pnino, . Jfau-f Outate, tnUM .Wramu, ia quickly aad rapidly cured, by limply .oaring tbt Chain Sir a few'boura ewb dny. TheChelna wen Brut Introdueed In the etty of New Tork,wbere they were aalilldted to Pn-fe. Valentine Mott, Van Uuren, Post, Cuenoel.au. who readily diaeovered tbat they pooseaaed Strang and Fingml-tr Wen of lXSTAXTLr KELmYlSti fAISS, wheneeir applied, and by their reeomiuendation and In fluence they ei-re ialnslu-eJ Into lh different boapit ,la of New York, and are now in daily ue in those limtitu tiona in the trvaUmnt of the cure of the abi.Te-uamed dieeaaea. No Other Medical Agent la the e irld aan nrodaxe no meny well antlientleatrd 0 rtifii-atea of cure from Srieutine PbYfietaua and intelli Kent Patk-nta aa may be t iun-1 in each pamphlet, which m-y be ..buio.il icralie) at Hie Krug Slore of Tuso. 8. CmisT. who In anb agent lr Mifnlnlsinc and vicittity.and wbo will eaplain Uw manner of nee La any one cbu may apply. In Ihe cite of New York, at the Oeneral Ofllc.. SS Krosilwae. thep. are diily being sold from 4il to nu chains and the sale and demand in SVton ia a great in propor tion to the population, although ibey have only been in Iroduis! three mouths. Thn rbalns are eacily worn.ani arerriuatly applieable to all elaeFr of puraou tbe child aa well as the adult and are al way ready f .ru.- never get out of n-pnir.attd aa much an article of ornament aa thy are of a valuable mrnn, of cure. The Chain1 can be sent br mail to any part of the IT. Ststre, aud can be obtained in all the priuripal eitb-ff In thet'nion. Phviciauareritui-atd to examine tin m. Ctan ti L, wtn. tjiiee who are rmctmlt are reijuncl not to ne them only Sir a few mom-nta at eacb tnue of aiipiying. for by long continued uee, mucarriage ia fre qiieully produced. JunCPH Stkiseht. Oen Atf-nt. WS Broadwav. New York. THEO. 3. CHRIST, Agent, Mifflinlmrg. Iy5'22d8 Union Co. I'a. CLIVTOSI WELCH, Attorney at Law, LEWISBURG, Union Co., Pa. CPaOffice on S. Sccood St. near Market. Refers to Il'in.Jim Bnrnsidr, B-VtfoHtt, Fix, Jjmu T. ltale, tlo P. C. ittim't a- fa Hon. A'irahamS. Wyon.LewuUncn,ru A. J.inian, S,tuurm. Slmart Uilrm, Il4ltt-jgburff. linn. Smith a Co.. J'l,ilad,ij,htu. LvtuhHrg, April 22,lSuO. Lightning Rods. AFTER many year.' close investigation and numerous experiment., lb. Patentee takes pluaaura in informing tbe public that b has anived at lb. true principle ol piotecliiif, lainilies, dwelling, and properly Iron, the destructive inllu enca of LIGHTNING. The calamines ibat eeery City, Town, V illuge and Country (alls victim to annually, thru' the gross negligeure of it. liihal-itanta, ia beyond calculation, especially when the remedy i. so easy to obtain tbw ia found in i ARMITAQE'S Patent magnetic tijbtning tiobs, and in this alone. Thia Rod has been eianuneJ by Ihe jnost seitnti6c avallemen in the world Prolrssora M'Munrie, Johnson, Wallor and many olbsra that have exaoiimd them, recomn.etfd and apeak of them in the highest terms of approbation, and have pronouueed them lb. only aafe rods in use in thisnr any other country for the protection of Live, and Property. Ooeadvanlage i. to divide and throw hack a part of lb eh cine fluid barmleaa to the clouds ; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to tbe earth without tbe slighht danger of lea ving the readucior. This rod has many other sdvantagr. over the old one. The only place ot manufacturing is in Vine St. 3 rfoort oinre ISA, Philadelphia, where all person, are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale Wholesale or Retail by THO'S ARMIT AG E. Orders promptls attended to. Term. cash. Theee rod. have been purchased and aurcesa lully used by the tolloiing individuals, companies and corporations, whoaa names are cheerfully submitted : . ani ayw Philadelphia. A. A S. Roberts. Oeoree Santxiner, Judge Boavier, Jndge Conrwl, J. Atulford, J..tan Ih-nuis, V. C. flank-., J. Brenner. i. Oakley, Cnrau iiiKrimi, uie axi aa,e-w aiuipiiuusv, JinarrMiu ex nrl Iiwrf. I IV. J. L. itrant, Jfttin Notamn, Thos. fJrosvr, Bat 4 llfon, A. H. 4iinkrs. II. imnionit. 1 lion. Nott A Co., Sir. U; Si?n riaS- ?.ott 51 1' ! i, B. Itarlrn, J.Ovrnshire.U. P. p- Uwwlin S. llnrM. J Uastr.Lla.ie ' buwuiiajr, J. I'.tintr, per, Mr. Sharplef-s. sir. Martin. 8. linrMt-y, J Brloklry, Mr. BmrlfOB, lr. Paul. J II. Powers Co J. W'iBrpnny, II. Millar, th Krd Bank Ut-I. llie U.S. Arseaai. th 9princ; (J antra Cittm.ii.aB.tra' llall. At th tStatr a Aifte Jrrtrf. Ueoree Criirf In. Judi; MTall, Judffe Dayttra, Jitha .Ntiausj, Ir. U. M'Murtie, UcBj.Kobcru, Mr. J, BowniaR. in vmkx t onvrr. fTtrtllf Tp Mark Ilatrenny, M m. Fofter, John TTaiis, Mtrhael Peters, Jacob Pmlth, IhiTid Oilman, Km ben Menrh, UenrR Kivrkner. jXVis Jterlim Court llHUe, aad CirBtmis-iuaprw OAv. LiwutU'nr Tp. John Kelwr. f aitsra 7. Dr. 4:harlfs WiltHia. Huhitjtfm 7. John Kunis. biasoa Hunts. Van Tp. Laac Cvaitlroa. White Uttr ip.MaCtkmei uonaiaB. MECOJIMEXDA Tioys. Pbilss. . An? 13. 147. I hass this day earefetly lapretn a eonnurtnr or iit;bii.tDr, Hod, tun rsa and inoex, erertrd by Mr. luuniss Axmiisgu, oa Itfllevue Uouw, UlotKvFter, and have no htitstioD In savin that it is not on It the brst 1 bare ever seea, but that it is th only one I hare y.-t examined that is rnn'trated oa strictly tHentitV prinri- aies. i. is viib asam pleasure insi i rtrrontmeDd bis condnctor to tbe attention ol owners of .mi Id it.fr. H. M MI KTRIB. I an well satlslVd that the Matrivtrc Lixtittiinfr Rod, saannfatrtnivd by Mr. Thoaias Arautafte, of Philadelphia, is the best that has cer brea maiie. 1 hare pent sereral years in tba study of the laws of electricity and tnirnet ism. and have no bentatioa ia sayinf that thee ltodi are coni-trat-tsd upon the only principle of safety. Tbe electric n-ra is rect-rf ed and disperssu oy iae ssavpenet at th top of the rod, and It woald be iaipussible, nreordins; to the laws of attraction and repalsion, f r a building to be injured by a stroke of lifchtiiinr, when protected by one of these rods. I hae been s.equatatcd with Mr. Armitnj-e for avreral years, and h 're he enmmiaed the nanuf;io tare of these rods I examined tbe principle on which they are roMtrueted, and Ml coariucefi that their adoption would be attended with complete Kucecss. The ionre.inaT demand for these red,ead theextcnxiTcnsIcs ia nil parts of the mantry, Uamplecommeiiflation of their utility and snperiority. TKA'Y K. WALLER, M. i. KWogSun, Phltsd.Co., April lu, 1S62. 78.0. WILT mod MAMIJEt, HOOVER. HartUton, Union Co. Pa. j ate A rents for Up ion tod adjoining Counties, j and will fuinifb tba Kodann its ame term and in tbe aaoia mioocr as lb Prnpt ietor. PIANO AGENCY. HATING been sppointed Agent forthesale of Ihe celebrated Pianos, manufactured by eco. Tocar, puiiad., tbe undersigned would be happy to supply any eitixensof the 8iisaaehanna country who may desire anlnstrament well made, after the latest improveflienu. ' Two of thaae Inatrnmentahave lately been introduced into Lewisburg. to which I am happy to refer any one. The Pianos are warraated.aad if net satisfactory oa trial fo? year, hey nay bo exaaaaawd. Prices rsasosx Me. : i La ' . i' rs lisvif j.ur.oojLn. IwastHUi, Fa S4 I8M. - TESPrt)snissrT." Jwdcnaent. an Joint Nolo (blanks) at thia Offite. Almanac for 1854. 3 a I a' 4 tw l S nils S v ts ' IS a. 2 3 al a el a a 'v laltslitlis 12 13 14' i'ai2i r 2.: , at 24 2o! aupi 27 W 5 S 4 5 A a s is 20 47 s 10 i.Ulll'i 7 1 S! loin l 16 I" Isiri 24 -Ai'-ll : uiuii HI" tk 21 22;23'24 24 2Si2!3o! 11 2 S 41 S I I si ; lOlllllX nJ ii i-i ii! B 13114 16 HmKIIS u'i; II17 1 j(i?i'.Ta:ii,i il"li2n 2t22!w,a 2iUo27a,21(:30j a 30131 1 a 2 ,1 , a a T b 3 4 6 e 3 n;nirt3i4 ..lis 0 'q'I1'-'Ii3 14'l 1 II 24 iiiJitii'aa aiii',!!',-, IU!22lt2X 2U.27 MI2V 4l Dili 1S, 2ii2 3131 i 2 3 3 4 S tlll'JI Villi ITIls'lKl a I 114 Hllo;l7 S 2n21!22'23.24i e fi -:i'U4 2 'ill il 27 S8 29,30 2 5 6 U 111 6 71 SI b It ir. 1 J 11112 I.I'U IS IS 17 B tin Slia'si i4 26 j ! I'.M-.H 2l!2?!2S'-.'4 2j!2Ci27l2S;2u;30S 2 27 2;29 M Winficld Woolen Factory, Sear Hartlrfoti, E'nlon County, f 111! IS establishment is now in the best order. The machinery bein; nearly all new, and none bill ihe best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels safe in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establish ment in this or the adjoining counties. His waggons will be around as usual, and those wishing lo patronize his establishment, will please avail themselves of that opportunity- fiT I have also nu hand, and intend keep in; a choice assortment of Uoods, such as Chili', Stitinrttt, Cuthmrrea, Tiretdn, Blanket), Yarn; trr., u hirh I will sell low for cash, or exchange for Wool and Cnunirv Produce gen erally. MARK HALFPENNY. H inlLton, April 22, 1853 tf rMlE undersigned continues the LIVE L HV BUSLXESS at the Old Siand, on North Third St., near Market, and respectfully solicits the palronage ol his friends and the public generally. CI1ARLK3 F. HESS. Lcwisburji, May 22, 1850 .VIIOIL'SALE and KETAIL DRUG Narkct Street, Vc Isburjt, r n. CHERRY PECTORAL rr Ihe Car. nf fOrCHS, COLDS, nOlRSFAESS, BRoxniTis, WHoorixc-rorco, CBOrr, ASTH.Vl. AAD coxsnirTiox. uJnd lv fSe rtr. i , upn vt ui.-wa ,mcJ W erne oV trs f.,r irnt, w.Ve Itvf ,;,.iI w.f f.utr ami the fruit Mu "J" " ' lfrr,.ror mnline." ' ' wy ui r. m mvium swi atc'r, hitu v r v 1 T(sreddii nrw tiroof to tbe anrtvnrt that those rromiMMt -hill ru;i I tball not fi.il. Amcl nc flat II hi (rifl nature ha given, nnc ly one the dLieaMs that afflict our race yield to the control i f art. Of all tbe maladies we suftwr frutn, nune batt rarricd 3iure victims to an untimely grare than Connuuiption t.f the Lungs. Fulyoincd we arire some eTideuc that this too may be cured, and that Pulmonary Complaints, in all their J6riiis.may be removed by CncssT Per a tie. for lyhn tyz.i axp wimorxG corcrr. NMi.Yii.LF, Tcnn., June irt, ls52. Pie I faaYereTM-atMiy ued yaur Ciikktit Hh-T:.ral for Wbooptnc t'outih and li-nttrusa, and hae no hesitation in pronuunch-.g it s e -nipit r-m- dy. r'our of my child dren haee bfn afiltctcd with th se diseast-s, and the free use of tbt PsciORAi, has always aflordt-d almost inmaat P'ltf JAMrLS 4LtVH. We attest tlie truth of the atv.ve t:tern-ut : SI. M'tllN'TY. rMitnroflhe .MasbUIe Whl. J. M. ZIMMERMAN, lernprist. FOR A COXSVMPTirE COVflfT, PlTTKblkO. Pa h. 25, 1S51. Pear lr Forthr yoar I bar horn afflietrd with a eotJvrh. so dir resiTtf that 1 friiuvntly deaired of recor ery; much of tba tiute I was obitird to sit up all nijrht In my chair, as my eouh would fuffucate me wbra 1 laid down. llariiiK ocd many renv-ditrs withcut much relief, 1 at lent tried the Ch-juit PacrostL,wh'ch under Pmrid nee has cured me altogHiher. I am Wfth frmtitude Yours, JAMa MV.lNfcLEMi. Among th other dstianiihed authorities who hava lent tht-ir nnmen to recommend this preparation as th best known to them for sffi-ctious of the luos, are . Pres. pKSKns,of Vcrmout Med. Collets. Prof. ilu.iMA?i, of Yale Ooiletce. Trof. Valextisk MoTt.of New York. PnTl'UAvsLAifn. of IV. wdi.in Med. CWIlega. Pnf lIUTTBatriRLD, of Ohio Med. Coll.-g. Cansdiax JttaALor Mt DiCAL 8riKca. BmSTN MlDICAL AfD St'RAICSL JoLS.IAIa. CllALT07 (S C.) MLDICAL KtvVIBW. New jRRSrT Mrmcal Kcpobtkk. I:n. ll!(RT CkVAT. U. 8. Senator. Hon. Urn. I. Maeh, Am. AmlMssador tn Turkey. Ocn. KA?iiTei KiiLr.Rg, l'resid-nt of ('hill. Rt. Hv. Ko. lowxa. Ixri Itixhop of Toronto. - Rct Ir. Ltms. of Brooklyn. X. Y. Arrhbifh' p Pukcxlu of Cinrinnati.O. Also many eminent personairis in f rvhrti eoantrfea. Not only in the more dan trf ma and Jitrcs.inr listtaxi of tb luo?s, hut also as a f itnily medicine for rratonl nset it is ine sait-st, picasantent and best ta the world. PREfARhM AXD SOLD BY JAMES C. AVER, Prscticsland Analytical Cbembt, Eowdi Afats. ..r.V-.rr:r..lJL'. Milton; Mm Mew Berlin; l.Uwrbart, Sellnrmee : and by Irrngtrlats Terywbera. Iyinalde40&ebxq. Map of tbe State of Calltorala, OREGON. UTAH, NEW MEXICO, and TEXA8, printed by 8. A ug's Mitchell in 1 848, and painted to correspond wilb the boun dariee filed byCongressin 1850 forsaleattha t'hroniclr office, price t.1 cts. THE present Proprietor of the newly disco vererl Wlnfleld Cave (limestone) in DRV VALLEY. Union Go, hereby gives notice that the Can will NOT be open on SVXDA YS for Visitors. It may be visited by Ladies and Gentlemen on any other day, and on SATUR DAY of every week especial preparations will be made to accommodate with lights. (C)AI1 persons are forbidden to break off", injure, or take away any specimens from the Care, nnder penalty of prosecution.' ' : The payment of H cents ftnlr is rennirerl of every person before entering;. 'T NOAH WALTER. Dry Valler, June 28, 1 BOO wWaartrtmj - Or.Joha Lock," SURGEON DENTIST,, OFFICE removed to Market street, sa oud door entrance door between Kline Hotel and C. E. Bowes' Store. Lewisburg, April I, 1853 Eeeweiabars; Saving institution. IS now open and ready to do business. Tb. regular Discount days are Wednesday.' The followiof named persons are the DiascToaa Wittian CaMsao, Esq. Mr. Jou.sdst Watts. Mr. Bixa Aww.sa. Mr. Jtaas M'Caki.aT. Mr. Tu.xas llaits. Mr. Hiiiiaw Knit a. Fhkk's C. Mnvaa. Esq. Orncsas WIM.UM CAMERON, PretiJen H. P. SHEI.LEK, Treiuurer. Pour percent, per annum will be allowed ci all deposits over six months ; and three pe cent, less than six and nverthree months. H. P. KHEI.LER, Treasurer. Lewisburg, Sept. 19, bii IT IS A FACT, ANE self-evident, and worthy of ever) J consideration, that on Miller can make yood clean flour without he has good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the remedy. I tell you it is to get one ol lStTgtTtsrr,i Wheal Seoureri, or Smui Machines. He being an old, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got up and put to successful operation the best Wheat scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, ihere shall be no sale, as these ma chines are to be warranted good. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary. He is now having a supply made at Lewis burg, by Messrs. Geddrs rV Marsh. Orders for midlines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be sent and put to all order. Addrps. J. BKICHis I KKSSKK, Lewtshurg, Union Co. Pa. 32Si iFruft ir.V tS.V0 R NAMENTAL AMEN1 TtiEES. The subscriber offers fur sale a lark' assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties all warranted genuine I 'each trees, Si varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Xeciiirun. Prune and Pear trees, togt t!n-r with sun 6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the be oitive and exotie varieties. Ornaiiienta Trees, such as ihe Pai.lunia, Linden, rVc N. C. Persons vtisliinji lo procure rjuaniily of the Fruit trers,n re requesk d l make immediate npplicntion to ihesubsrri her, in order to procure ihe vnrieries ar.r sio wanted. II. R. NOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, IS50. Ccuitsburg Xoundrn It ''HE subscribers, thankful for past pal- rnnage, would infurni the public lha' tliev ron'inue lo manufaeiure all kinds o Mill fieming ard other Castines. Thia-liint Marhinea, anil olher articles ol Machinery repai red in Ihe beat manner. Canines warranted to lie of ),rnJ material, .ml .1 price, that ran noi fail tu please. UEDDKsi.MAKSri & CO I.ewistu tt. Feb. 1851 COOKI Mi Stoves, of various pntirrn and sizes, for Conl or Wool, for sa! at the Lewisburg Fuunilrv lf CcJ.les. Marsh & To. CI TO VtiS Parlor. W C)d. and I'oa ij stoves, various palierns, fur sale al patterns, lor snie At th ( tides. Matah cV Co. '"' c..u....rT. 11 1 n n u taieiHtiaD MOW, a T I III to. n i ra. It rinr Arlir! for sanla ssi tho f ,i OedTes. Marab & Co. GRAIN or Ser-rl Prills Ross' Patent rlpcirledlv the brut and most durabh Grain Drill now in ae. fur nle at the Lewiehurr Found-y by firilde'. M.rab & Co. Oppotition i lite Life nf Businrts ! NEW L1VEKY exchangTstable. The subaciiber would reapectfully inform ihe eitixensof Lewiaburg and the traveling commun ity generally, that he ha. opened anew Livery and Exchange Ma Me on FOL'UTU atieet hall a equate South of Market, and has provided a good lot of Morse., wiih entiiely new good and lasb ionable Carriages, Burgies, Sleighs, 4 e. w here al I wishing anything in hi. line may be accommod ated on the shorteat notice and most reasouable terms. He will pay every attrn'ion to ibe wants of bis customers, and hope, by o doing to merii and receive a liberal .hare nf public paiionageT. WILLIAM MUOKE. Lewi.burg, Dee 30, 1851 Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC, and itje (&trman Cangnage. indftludeolaol l.ewieburg and vicinity, ibe subscriber would stale that he continues to give Inatruciions on the Piano and Guitar also in Vocal Music and in the German Laneusge. Having been taught in Ihe best Music School, in Germany, he deem, himself amply qualified to teach Masic, and lo aid in tbe correei arquiai linn nl ,h. .lek i:.,m.a Innene. 11. iidb riipos, aau put iuvih ii. rwp.ir.li oenirea. R-. H,h Fnn,,h ,... : . t , ' eaidenre in Hoain ronrin street, in Ibe Islet Brick Office ol Dr. Ludwig. FRANCIS J. GE8SiER "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful disease, CONSUMPTION! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. Thisoopular work for sale inLewisbur" by S. P.Lyndall J. Houghton and at Ibis office. Price. 75 cents Old Newspapers, SOME thousand, in number, of all sixes, for aU al the Chronicle office, .t 50 eta par I OO taaaa aw tKmm ,m mo n I wh.e .SMrlenl . A chancefor Scrap Books s. well as for wrapping paper Apiil 8,I8S j fkristle'i Calvaok and Wj-irrtle imukn, hare been ajnietly working tkeir war arnon, asMt intciljKeut awl resjeKtaLle eUMea. an.1 a, ronsuntlr achieving core, in an alanninw traiae' naea,ea, whicn nam lor autee Damad ail the a,.i -aieilicin. and all th. raauurcaa ol Scamca. Tfaes baaaaes an cailei NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, im in the 6itm BiJicisM ia ol bo avail vba; ver. It never loe rood and it often tVue. aar Syrup, Extract, Balms, Bafcaa, tbtn, ftitis rills. Powders ajd PMions of mwty lutM art t, I wonnwii, ir uiey wsaKea ids viiai snerf ,n M m already prostrated ay tern, while ander th itrrr tuns;, hle-rivtcat- riiliiina; inflotmcsof 0lt4m as aj-phed by tin beaatAfuIdiscATeTy. the ethaaj Ctieat and weakened suscrsr is iMored lo&irav alio, strentrtn, elwiticitT and ieor. These raamrks relai to soeh dirwe as $VX RAL'.fA, Tit LOLORKl X, BHOM HITW. I At PIT AT ION f the HUAKT, Wt.4Kf mi. and af s'fcMALt DISfKlLtUf. such Nf RYOI S Ht.AU iJHKe LAS8ITLDK and Dr-STONblOit. Y. wax re only other nas&es for Ncrou Lnntivnwtit triLKtTM; ITS and CONVULSIONS, whirh ar' ikiw knowsj to result from a mn-q'iilbriiim ef tUectne indueDCe; NtRVOLS TKKMnlLS, LfclF-Kfc-SS, which is nearly always caused by totpiuv f th Auditory Ncja i, aiad canal-vaji U cwtvrf by ttalt aoiam. when the orraii ii mHdrt!rmJ( D.SPKPSIA ia iu wofst iorais , PALS', sinl r.-ilu. LVSiS, aiuf&rnily catised by a deficiency o( Srnrorj influeucs ; CHHONIG Kti a. L' M - T IS !, TOKfiDiTf ol th LI V Kit, PAIN in the SI If r- SLL (ISH f It CCLATION. Sl'I.N AL acl II IP 4 OMf'L 41NTt DKKJ(.li-N( V of NkKVOLS and THISI AL ILV KKGV, a&d all thoie djtrrainf conpUibt mto. in from a ULKASiikmS wf lit MlK'.OJ 8.STK.M. In the abor preralnt and terrible class of t aases Nervovs 4'otnpUtuts are atuch ssora mvmtt oue than is generally wnaiiied CHRISTIES CILfAallC CCRiTITES, An mm AImoIbUo bmI IakSlllw- SpecltV. The BELT is card when the body or trtrai fn rally is tdfectsd ; the kXkLA('K tor coafiunu at the Thrutit, as Athma anl LroncliU. sud ef the He ad - and the BHAt t LKTS for ail disorders of the srauor bans, as KhenmjUstfi, TaUy. Trsaiors and 9 puiihmIic flectKMJS. Tfteaw arti-lei art? iml tp. oueu utiirecvea wita in i uf.i m: pliil wdkb) krcompaiiuca thetD, tuui hea iwtUtuliy uvi tLr Nt-V tR KAIL ! afsf" The rrit p?rnlisr.ty anl excH!f?!4 of rh r.AI.VAMl I K VriVKS cms. it! in '.h tart that they arrest an t car diJ?e by mttwnml rrlutin in pUte of the uiil m:hiM. nf Utuz'Z PiijMokinj the j. t i?it till enh-KrJ cit irt trnkm hoilij ausJer the inrlirtinn T'i'y tt th wltotr rl2 the errmlntrti mf sW kiwi. fjiefr th afrrttiwna. iuvgurmte tr t !trt roungtft, wswil Can nrrrr 4m the tJirtftt httrm Mdir ear) rtrrwwi4araV- Since their uitrtlui-U(.n in tii L luicd Staid, oaiy three rears wace. more than 7 5,000 PERSONS nic luffing all ape. cHaies anJ coralitoa, aaronf thm ww re a lanre nnutl-er ol La-iic, mlv are tcc liaTW iubjci to Nmoiij laj lainta. hav hma Entirely and Permanently Cored, hen all hoj-fof relief hl been afiret. wp. and ever?. Ihinr ele been tried in Tain '. ITie berietieval resml't bicii antatinplr atteaJexl thetr tae m ceicV dentlr tat-I tn te wtthnirt pratlel in the acaa of MeJical Srienca. lergt men. law vera, mod ta phTiirians; lwtaliea of the faicbe-t atamlina: ; dir.m fu.b4 perMwos hold id a; Wai4 otWi-vl sfatmna nerchanu. Biannfactnrera, aad merhaniei : the pf and tb rtrh alike; 0ea whole famiiitM. maT. all cUese. rank and cot.ttnn. have 4ta!lT retn r. eipteau, and have equally c ik leisreJ the & arousaitil oitett aiiextsctaa tiet.ta mK thev kite thai rereieed. T" Let it he known end rewtrwifrered tLt theory Natural Hetoraute kr th Nerve h taiaxjii, and tliat in all Nerrnns Diietes we ahtniM T3irow Phytic to the Dogs." To ill tut rate th neof the ALVA IC BF.I.T, upK)e the ce of a crn arHicttI with that hit of civilnatioa, f SPKrsi.V or any other 1 bioute or Nerrous DtorHer. In ordinary rae. timuia.T. are taken, which, by their action on tb aerve and wxcles of the stomach, anoni trmpm-tr relief, but which leave the patient in lower state, and with r-jcrej iacaluea, alter the action thna rtcited baa a-easel. Now con, re thia with the enVct resuiV. .tr from Uie apphcatiM of th tiALVAMC BKLT. Take a V ,.uc saiterer eve in the wont imi of an attack, and simplv tie th Belt tDund tle Body, nmntr the Matrnetic Kluid as directed. In a fht-rt peritHl th tnenill perspintinn will act oa tie poaitive element of the Belt, there!' canami: a balvantc eirculatioD which will paa era to th negative, and thence back again to th poime, thus keeping ap a eontinTio traWanic circa le:oo throuf-hottt the atero. Thu th tnoet MTer caac of DVSPKFSIA are P KB M A N K. N T L Y TRKD. A KKW DAbS IS AMPLY SI KKK 1KNT XO ERADl tAXt Tilt DlStASt OF VtARS- MANY THOU8AND CERTITICAlaSS AHD TESTIMONIALS from th most intelliirent and raepertabl peraena raatdina; in ererr portjtm of tb Vnited State, coaia be preeutetl. 1 hea ar now nnnecesaary, bat naxneroua eelection embracm; mnny etatemefita of the most eawaordinarT character. acAcient t CON. VINi'E THE MOST SCKPTIt AL may be had oftr nthoriwed Areat. Th interested ar PaUtaculvl invited to call. WHAT THINK YOU OP THIS ? Itm mnt of the mo 4htmevM rfci tUM to It Cy mi Sw I rke "I hav been nsinsr Cbriiti OaWanic rticle al qniet way atnona; my paMta for about two year past, and I confess i am astoniahed at their sncca If 1 am aure a diseaa is A' a, I luianr jnst wl ' they will do. In Epileptic Vita, paxticnlftrle Cluldreii ; Dearaeas and AiWtHms of th Had. adults : Paraivaia and Palsy, in ail age, aad laeas everai other diseases of hk kick hav long fwnled tb prvteasion, I . j foe. th OaiTanas articles of anrpruina; beneH Alloc rb I detest to ahamelesa quackery of adi -tfnena ts and aew. aper, 1 must express my ' aad bW tn tb wonderful virtues of CHRISTIE'S CI RA TIVi-A My asm at, of caar, evidential, bat tl hall never baiut to rarnmn ai ax aniclat ss il proper occasfcma." Aif OTHER IHSTASCS OF COjOOR T D. C MasKHBao, D., Oaa, Asjt. Ar Hr. Chsmtib, New Yo'k. Detw let, Betug a physiehw bs th ith.lty af an of your A(rnts, I have been a. oca auiVsd ia tb exsminslion of your Galvanto Carativ, aad highly pleased with their practical Ksulta. 1 hav obwerved tbat tbey ar constructed ea tb tra acietv tiAo principl aW tb gemti, mtjt, ajdaasaaal and es timtml development of th Oalvanic Camnt. therebr Uling a dtsatleratuav long ougbt for, bat brtofor anlLwwa I cheerfully recommenj tneaa for the alleviation aau car. ol tsoee awtreeaiaar Called Naaeat-a CameLaiirra. for whjcaTaii hannily and wreriioa.lT dcurned. ney an e Very truly youra, DAVID RICE, K. D. Lererett, Mass., aebruary la, lanw. aufo irrmrue or roetmrenierx-a attewd. to. aja. nl dm. CMtiSTiirs c.iLr.iNW cvKATtrKX SM tney nay d. worn by tae moet fc.nl. ad .all cat. wita penret eat. and aalaty. in acsay th. aenaatio. attending their ua. ia ni Innaad'ny'rnU ial aleta wil faU far- an. arreeaMe. jney are afcouif ante. k!.I ilimettnMa tar m. hn-nLUM I iietilara Kay b. obtained gratia, of Ih. aalinriaaS gaa Fricea: The Galvanic Belt. Th. riwlwnnia Necklace, Three Doliara. Two DoUars. aek. n.iwania Bracelets, One Delia 1 The Magnetic Fluid, Ona Dollar. PARTICULAR CAUTION. Off. Btwf of ConmerftiU mod ITartataM IllUllhl i I C. MOREHEAD. M. D . eiNBUL AGENT FOR THE VSITED STATCa. iiin In ewwbarg c. W.SCUarrLx! tDantrb at tt)e CljronitU CPlEtr, ON account from ene on to six jeaie sUDdieg.CAPU abdalsa Wood, Wheat, Batter. ad sunt etk.r Pioduee hi aeasekeM "' the cunrnl rales 2 ! '2 3 inr"