Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 03, 1854, Image 2

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t:- t i - - I : ' 1 '
T 11
Nor. 3, 1854.
Tm ltfn .Wm.Th T.iwianrwa
im rrnnmi
baacwaelai raliti the lla.lw ftttlmtM
aewapeperHe dilc-a manly.
- t&rlt oscd to be the cam, in old times,
that " when tb brains were out, the aian
..i.i j:. vt.. ..i j
, ., . .. j .... .
mil le IiaJiI wraul with tlta e..fl....rir,l, ithM.
,,,c . ,. . . .. , ,
pions of tbe anti-divuion eaoM. Aliawach ,
1 ... ... . . TT6.
completely rooted, whipped out of their I
. . , , t . .i
vuuia, pruuou io ptvwutT w'twecn me oppo
sing walls of their own faWhoods with
out paver at home, or allies abroad, and
diasMyed at the total destruction which
has oouie upon theio, they still seem ti lia
ble a realit the coniplcteness of their
.roc, u. ...v..
V. I r .( I U. , uu. U'lUUUUI ftUUUb UNO UVU
..... , , . ,
wiib Its Wad cut off, and seek vaiuly to
, . . , ,. ' ...
butlremi their fallen fortress by riiicinc
. , . , ,. . ' ,
the chances oo the cabalistic numerals
, 0 . . c . . . ,
1D, and Mvioi; vnipail.ctic paragraphs
, -j , i .
from outsiders as powerless as tuemselres.
., ' , , , . ,
lliee, however, are but the enlvaiiised
, .' , . f ,.
rff'H-ts of despair, not the vitality of liv -
, , r . , ,
lue, hopuful enerifies ; and serve only to
.... . ... , , .
etuihit the HlriKi.ii: coutrost between their
... ... . . ..
IiuinbU tone in defeat, and the reckless
.... . . ..-..
pint of last winter, wl'en Mill, frimonton,
.w.Ii.a 1. fl 1 . 1 . 1 - - . Lah !
the rrpnMutotioe, could insolently tell one i
ol His constituents, Col. w apensciier,
, , ' ...
" U e have ct you down, aud intend to i
b J l I
k:cp yoii thirv.
Theso feelle
ii"i' ai ' w a. um in .
mislead public opinio., are altogether um-.
...r ... .occoun.y . a ...re- .
l . : . i .i .i I
r 1 I r-
out . me comirir sc-aMU oi mc l'-cia-1
. , , ,
tare is as inevitable as the decrees of fate. :
, , '
itlitT M.j. Nuioutou j ni' rclv nurjrn-;
l n. .j .rity of 1,5, nor au j 0 h,r vote !
upon r..d, .a .est r.f rullio ,.ti-.
,ue, ,pais, d,v,S,oB ; ,hc New IJ.rliu j
leadirs have alajslriiir!;lrd nith di-per- j
ato energy agsint every ff.rt to have aby
men vote taken. To run Dr. Crav. ford, a j
1 :1I .1 . . . T e .i ,
tllksin Ihtnorrnt auJ a stianjj'r, ajfaiust j
the AVuig iioiuioee, in a strong Wliig J
county, with party spirit high, and a U. . j
Senator at stake, and C"tnc so lirar beating
him in hisovru eouutv, instead of mckine
aginst os, iu reality proves the overwind-
. ...... ... .
tiling strength of the HiviMun fei ling iu
the eounty. Tiiket-ffiheMViral hundred
divit-iin Whigs who voted f-r M;g. Simon-
t.in because lie was a H'AV, other hundreds
ofvdiviaion men of lioth political parties,
who voted for liini as an anti-prohibitionist,
and because they wrre deceived at the
eleventh hour by f:ilMhoodr, fr.'tii hiirh
gnurves, with regard to the Scliixgrove
bridge, and Maj. SiiU'.iitun, as an ati U-
Vision test, would be left behind 500 or
600 votes at 1. ast.
Upon what principle they hope for the
iiifjuencc of Dr Crawford is more than
we can eoi.j. rture. Aud Mr Seller let-
ter to the New B.-rlincrs, which th.y pa -
radc with so much ludicrous ostentation,
. .
only states with a rognelrus appn eiatiou
of the politiral chnrae'er f the firty he
was dealing with, and a sLrewd ari'icipatiou
i t the results whic'j have since be. n bro't
about that he;,uld ensider that test
biudingnpon him if lmtt'it expressed."
Now to regard that ls5 unj-iritj fur Pint-1
onion, uudtr the real cirtumctauccs of the
. ...
case as they arc well known Io exist, as
... , ....
an . " bonett, or hotutly obtained ex-
prestion of public opinion ag:iiut division,
would bo tLj very climax cf cubiituc tf-
The truth is, as we have already stated,
the division of the county is necessary aud
will of the majority, and adapt thcnisidvcs
to the impending change, the better it will
be for their owu inUris and comfort.
iFrom jJj(I,itif!pfji.T.
fOrreapomlD( of th. l.i.ltarj Chrrmirl..
l'llll.AI)., Oct. 50, 1854.
Dear CnROMCLe : The warm summer
days we are enjoying just now, make one
almost too lazy to write ; but a spare hour
this morning has tempted ine to devote it
to you, and this spare sheet of folio has
a trip somen here.
The loss of the Aretip, the capture rf
Sti-'st-pol, the battle of Alma, the oyster
sickness in New York, and th trial of Dr.
Keale in I'itiladulphia, have all been sour
ces of excitement tor a fortnight back, and
now, unless something turns up pretty
soon, we shall be in about euth a state as
the system would, with a sudden change
of the thermometer, fr ni 100" down to
The case of Dr. rVale, dentist, who mat
List week convicted of violating the persoi.
of Miss MuJge, whom he bad put under
the influence of ether to extract a
difficult tooth, has been one of extraor
dinary intcrcs, and one about which there
is yet a great diversity of opinion. My
opinion is, that any one who will sit cool)
down and weigh the case, must agree with
the jury. I know both the Dr. and Mis
Mudgc, very well, and have never bad a
doubt about the ease.
The Pacific, with later news from Eu
rope, is announced, bnt the foreign newt
is not very interesting. Sebastopol bar
not yet fallen, and there seems no certain
ty that n regular siege Us yet eoaacaeed
Of one tl iiifl we may rest assured, tkat,
althour tlace may fall, it will tvotbti
. a. . a 1
an obstinate tiege. The allied ; armies,
j tiataralrj jealous of each tbr, and fired
tiataralrj jealous of each tbr, and fired
Ly a spirit of emulation, 1H undoubtedly
perform any task not positively impracti-
the dreadful sufferings which must result
from such a war. The details of the hos
pitals and transport ships are already sick
enine -enoucb to make one a disciple of
Girardin and Cobden.
,, . , . ., .
W hen we look at the divisions of in-
A ... ..... .
terests which exist in the other hemis-
phere, the insurmountable barriers to re
form, and the spirit of human rights bran
' ded with Cain's mark and curse that
. whosoever finds it may slay it the won
derful wisdom of God which preserved
, . . . . , . ..:
.... . . .... . ... .
millions, and in its isolated position, be-
., . . . ,
comes manifest in every step of its prog-
. . ... . ' . ,
reus thus far. We have no antcdcluvian
clnims to settle here, no sovereigns to par-
, ... ,
eel out the soil without the recorder of
. . . . , . r
deeds as umpire, and no balance of power
' ., . . . .
that can not bo settled at the polls, with
( .. .. .i. .
uo more trouble, sometimes, than the ju-
' ,. . . . ....
idioious addition of a few naturalization
i 0 i mi r.-. i
i papers. Seriously, Mr. Editor, docs it not
, . . . . , ... , . ,
1 almost bring tears or cratitudo to one a
! . . , . .. - , . , ,
prrt. in Ini.k At thA fiilifM nf r.urntu. and
' j i
Asia, at the present moment the sub-
. . , , . .. .
stance of myriads wasted, the hopes of
,. . , , , .
inni.tlr-a f liniivumia nnpnchrrl nitillililili.a
-" " " I '
. of accountable beings learning tho lessons I
. i j i i
'"I in iiu uiauiij iiiiia uaiiug vi iiuu, lu
j fj BwW,.n . a,)d lhe tur u ow
of ., ,,, BM ,
, 4 j ,
oi'.:rais. auJ mherft Mnilutmn fimla it irnnl
i , , . . ,, ,
a.niOst. anvwncro between a. constable a
i ... ....... ,, . ,
-wu aud the " bite House, aud where,
.i , . i . r j
'f the people can not boast of vines and
; t tl ej Lasc at ktat vines au j U
,ril t,f ,ly( olrM ,
Tbio M F p
'Public opinion, io this region, is the other
a - .V".!!.!;
Penuylvinla Election 1854.
(overnor. Prohibition
' Srn.Lrimic
1 .
' I''J!,
! JJt
,""S'? ,
: jju,.hiu,
t. k.
; Fl;'ln',",
' i'iuu?i,
' "'".
1 l-' rno.
. r.niog, .
j uloj,
: S.'phh,
i Srhot-ikiii,
-i'' ",
1 -"n'ro,
I .,""b
j Totsli
Bifln. rollork. for. Again't. j
XIM l& r. I
51 IS 1077 lo.(Oi 4M3 j
1K M.- it 1711
lt 23 11.64 li9
201 aliT l'i.i 2SS1
S4U3 SIM 26 io.atf
ISIS tin IM 1II.1
M'-s t:s a; 71 ss:s
EH ' 4S11 :!SJ UTS
2.i"i Xioa rui xan
l":i l-.T iaJ l.aj
l.".T 1UM f.SS 1073
21 IS rTl 24.-JJ 1S71
4112 UiU aSUS 3S.10
2173 201 S14S 1S7
14M 118 1.-.1S (.71
t-i HI 1111 MO
2IS0 13SD 10717 1KB
2C7 zrm 2av4 2I:iS
Sill SI57 i.M 3210
ill 4.161 2476 344S
1S68 2-MI 1721 l:'l
Sf4 i m 3,17
24ld 3tH 3IV3 H"7
37;i .,T 2S9 Sill
7 70S 4M k:-
2MM 174S IIM 17SJ
una axis ji.-u
14 ilOl 23.18 ixai
oiS KS8 l.lsi lulS
1170 117V 1140 i9
4o'J lo.!W2 St
it 2S7S li 737
17.il 3KM iml 5784
Mi SO-14 77S 4711
4S 4S4 4. -S3 .1' S
SM 279J 2.U3 l-
2 4ii 4IS 481
: SCSI I9f5 lfl-5
la7 lftto lw s2
1917 K S7 1718
SS.-4) .1144 3SW t7S
P7i 767 773 -36
3-SS 5)17 1SII um
2182 2121 1.-24 2JMI
141-1 21.1 12W7 lsen
5I. J) 2S,M7 '.i.xn 20.670
fit -Jtn 242 4-'S I
'.. 718 I3 IM
tnS 4J52 7'2 SWUI I
Utt 276 1740 1M; )
Sl-JS 28IS 2-JO 16-s I
417 3 .-0 ) 319 i
149 214S JIH I 1S7
1913 2V-1 1440 2i14
I4 17 IMS S.T2
lUS 1400 li73 "7!
3157 VJT.K T.t 21.72 i
177 14"S l'3 (KM
38"3 377 3 32 ' 3:14" '
l 1174 1171 :tt.
4707 4777 3 19 -4
167001 2U40US 1W.2 ICilO J
1711 j
Against Prohib. 5, 1 68
Judge Sop. Court. Canal Om'r
Work. Smvrer. hint. M tl. D ,rn. 1
Ad.m. vn-i 914 1-43 v 2062 11M :
AItn.nT 6.111 4ol3 !7iiS luml 4H-J7 !
no-truuf lu.12 7X2 13 3S-0 SI I !
Ifca.rr 1"0 1107 1200 lilfl I
Rnlf-id 20.3 I22S SIS 2fy IS. 2
H-rka JM 3474 2794 1122S 237a j
lllair 1446 4-7 2296 3.:.1 70
Hr.df.Tj 2T01 2n4 lS 4M 2U20 ,
llurka 614 21S W 7717 270 .
l:nlw 174 1 IKS ai7S M13.
limVria 17i 7tl 10 1910 1117
arloa 12-JS 231 74 19S0 247
(Vli'r. 2133 31 2311 44S1 391 I
i b.-.l.r 4SA4 ar-JS 2 70 711 1716.
llnnrm 3103 ti 11 .'091 .i9
Cl.a.S.14 I 1 3S2 900 2:4 1-2 ,
rhaton 918 SOS 1I4U 2077 3lo
ro:umt.l 3147 431 720 f14 416 l
, raS.rd SrO lfwo 17M 4'CTS li7 I
lmlrl.B4 2-1.1 IS 21IIS 463S 1116
Pauuhin 2293 1101 266S 4US 1606 !
I laward 1681 1379 104 162S '
r:.k 3J4 1 .173 7M 4 1
t.rW, Tlit 14 '4 loot 3384 1876 '
r'ayolta 2Td4 73 3177 !. 101
f'rai.aila 271 1157 2114 4817 16o0 !
Fultoa 877 a0 387 I-TJ 330 '
'Itmk 1972 -.01 1326 S.'l 21 ,
llanliapSoa 141 686 1977 3.115 621 ,
Indiana 13 144 1140 241S HIS.
Jiinl 946 120 1447 2V-13 128
Juoiala 117 SI4 3S9 1642 791
l.alM-:..Ur 472S - SSot 10411 6SM
Uwnaaoa MS 168S S02 18 lull
L.hanoa 1690 1401 12e 2876 14C3
Uli S"2 17 2J 1261 4342 1749
l.ui roa 4287 1U.VI 3673 8ul2 962
l.yrouj.ng 3274 SCO 3410 4I-39 231
M.K II M 10 490 375
t.mr 1513 1641 S51 3117 1531
ttr.io 1292 S41 940 224S 626
H.nroo l'l 313 323 2I7S 178
foolaoMry S6-0 S140 1..64 7216 3283
d.ab.ar SIS 296 38S 1360 27
Vorth.mobin 3786 C7S 3242 6186 675
mhuBbrrlaaS 3186 SOS 945 84 7:17
lrry 1463 343 1W S.4 150
Philadalikaa 3S44S 6So3 32104 49693 11693
Ilk. Sal SS 61 7S . 100
1-ollM 3 T0 314 SM 476
SrharlkUl 6.177 DM S461 S3S0 1006
'onrr-.t 1461 140S 111S 104 2346
Saabamaa 3133 HMO 1298 3624 1U68
'ollnaa 407 114 IK lt S3
""lea 14S 7S2 1474 27S3 771
I'aioai 1842 SOD 707 XM4 3083
Vaaango 1413 38 135 S3 200
Wairra 104S 131 643 1643 727
Waabiagtow 36 1611 3322 47 3000
Wayao 176 616 70 R10 St
wmaioralaaS H7 106 3433 6221 11J
Vjnmiot S67 33T 76 1710 SIS
Vork 4812 731 4044 7771 1104
17019 73571 120696 37407 SK31
Black's maj. 46,414
Motfsmaj. 190,743
ataTTDesds; next, Electioi day in New
York and several Wcitera State.
nefrt(2ff.)JrWofTha)Oeal TH flt!glfc-5.
lay last, has the following aotiot of the - alalfcP HWs
arrival of di.tioguished .tranger. in that
roeeuog. yesterday, in our town Hon. hli j
Slifer, of Lcwburg, Pa., member of tne
.Senate of that State, and Joseph W. 1 ar-,
ker, Eq.. of Lewistown, Mifflin county, '
.. F ...... vt I 1 11' 1. 1 :
ra. -f ney are Dotn Anu-ineDras" "'e
of the right stamp and bring good tidings
from the old Keystone State. Long may
.they wave. The Little Giant also arrived
last evening.
"Xot a drum w fcmnt not a funeral ate."
Fred. Douglas is also noticed as cxpec-!
ted to speak in Freepnrt on the all cngros-1
sing suljcct of Nebraskaism.
A Fapal Edict. The Cardinal Vicar
of Rome has issued an edict in which, .
. . , . I'm
aiier aiiriDUunj; me cnoiera o iue aiun ut
.L. n tf .,: , .u. A
' c '
St. Peter, the arm of St. Hoe, the heart of .
St. Charles, and other relics, shall be ex-!
.... , . .. ...... I
poscd to the admiration of the faithful, in '
order to avert the wrath of the Almighty.
. j
tSvThn near Presbvlerian Church at i
t -ii -irt j j- .i rri . . i. painted, tosjether with numerons other out
Pauville, wilfle dedicated on Thursday j Duildl ,;d impTnvtmtDts, and , abund.
the loth inst. I he sermon on the occas-
ion, will be delivered by the Rev. Citas.
Wapswobtii, of Philadelphia. Services i
will be continued until Sabbath.
Mr. Ira Footer, late of Lcniabnrg, has
taken the pastoral charge of the Danville
Uup'ist Church
Union County Business.
COt'RT Proclamation Whereas th
H m. AHM S W II. SON. P-eid.nt J u.lae
for th. aT'tb Judicial Di.trirt. con-Utioie of tlM roanliea
of L'moa and M1IU1B. and Jacob Wittkmktki aad J.MLa
3d.s.a.LL. E-qnira", AM.lato Judra in t'aton eouutr,
hare :a.u.d th.-ir pr.-r.ttt. !iirinR duto the 2SCh d.y of
fe.pt. K4. aod to n. dirwctrd. fr th. holdiDff nf an (lr
plian..Cnurt,l Aiurtuf Ooinama t'l.a',Oyr and Tvmtin.r,
and g- a.ral Quarter SMon.. at NKW ItKKM. f--r th
County of I'uion, on th. t'uru .Vuiy . UEC'H next,
1-.IIU th.l8thdy l".".4.aiidtocitntiiiui-twow.-.k..
yo'i'lCE ui tliereforo b.r.ly gi.rn to tho CoroB.r,
Ju-l!c . f the Peac,and C'oatallira ia and for tit. coua
tyof Ti;i.-.n, toapi-oai ia th.irowa proper nereoni with
tlirlr 10.11a, llnn-rds lnquuitioaa, Ktamination., and
otti.r ki-in-nilranre., to do thne thin wbirh of th-ir
ofnct-H aod io tbi-lr behalf appartain to be don.; and all
witn.aM.an.1 ,.th.r peruMDs priwerutlos in behalf of ihe
Commonwealth aj.in-t awy p.mn or peron, are re-
quin-d to be Ibea and tb-fw ato-ading, aad aot depurt
without ieaee at tbi-lr peril. Juitieiare requeebl tn
be punctual In their alfc udaace at the appoiutad time
agreeable to aooee.
Oieen nad.r aiy band and aeal at the Sberift! OIRee la
yew Berlin, the 2th day of Oct., in the yi-ar of our Lord
nn thAnnd . 1 li I hundred ..J lift .-fcni and in 11m
e.v.nty-.T.nth year of the lndeneadeure of the United
Stales ol Ani-nca. uoa aarente iwwenpwiii,
John Kts.-l.tR, oVrjr.
Jury List -Dec. Term, 1854.
BttJTiUm. Dmvtd Ifenninft.
f.A"waMU Jacob H' inner. R. Vryer. Il'ary Taager.
t ill Buffi'ir. John Wolfe (on of L)
ll.irtl'1 llenre Miller, Kobert Foster, Samuel Uanpt
AV'y Jowph Kelly.
Lrwulmrf. Oyer Amaaoa. Thoa. nayaa, Jos. Metxell.
Limrtm Rob.-rt lta-ls.r.
M'fltntturg Joha Ri.h.-I, Rnj W. Tboapsoa.
Jfi-MVrreri-Jacob Olclrkh.
va Iaaac Smilh.
Very Jab Martin, Em.
rnitm 1 JiMeph lpler.
WlI,wifm K.lw.r.1 Miller.
H'Aue Uttr Jol.a Situate. Jacob Lrbvr, N'ieho. Oreoear.
2irer Philip Kinney, Paul LVnfer, Jacob Kern, Hosea
2?iirifer rianl.1 lUngl.r, Jr Samnel Slmonton, Joarpb
Orntrr Oeorir. lUker, France ITaehenlrg, Joaeph Pain
t. John Steiiiiner. Albright Swineforu, Fraderick E
Kremer. (Imw S.njpa.-!.
Lnrmbitry Jamea ll.jca, Michael FtchUlorB, FJeary W.
31 jHitJturff John Frira, J. W. Pennlorton.
l-nat Simon KanU. John t. Ilotten.ti-in. Il.nry Lleyd,
IHvtd IL-uer. Il.nry C. Kyer. Sural Hitter, Oeo Kby.
i?in! '.Jfi'-Sauil llun',1., John ZeMrra.
N..t yA-rfeoe Ira Kinmaru John V. Barber, TJenry
houtt,John HayM, Seimjitian Vitm.r.
n.irtlf John r. Wilaoo, S. B. Masoa, Jacob Smith,
Sama.l Arney.
K'Hjt William Hirer.
lefjtone Jacob Kleckner, William XorUlng, Jr., PhDIp
Scelmld. .
B-Hin William Sbinraek.
yvrry ltonjamin Snyd-r.
fno.n Oeorice Boalirh, Itohert P. CoraellUS.
H"iiaT"Wl Jacob Kou.h Jr.
n'attr Dear -John Baker, Paul Goodlaader.
I'KTIT JI RORS (2d work.)
iai.afMW Frederick Bulender, John to. Smith, Henry
Moyer, Jacob llerr.
HirUtf S.-tmue!C. Wtlt.Jaeoh Ringaman. Joha Filmaa,
Jr , Oarid Kline. ! ha. 1-V.olfc, Ha. Katheruan.
tnaa E.ij:ib Coiildron,
Bff"tae Joa-ph Vaueida, Daniel Gehart, John L. Gear
hart. r- Ahn.r Mi-1-ll.ewarUi, Simon Aigler, Jacob Bea
rer. s.mu, t;re.nhoe.
EtH Butr.'t .hraham Farlee,
Hi t Kutf'tlo William Sarrie.
LmriMmrt Jo-ph Kd. Tliomiu Graham, A. J. VT.l.en.
.iiul, I 'h.rtea S- Crtta, Jonathan epyker, Jamea Kelly,
P. ter Hur.h
C'tlr J.!, R 'IchTee, Jacob Auraad.
irrif Abner lloriilweper.
nit Mi-hael Krer. Jacob Sypher, Ilenrj High,
t'eioa Oeorc B-aeer. Mirtia Duakla.
Chapman Philip Burkhart.
Issue List, Dec. T. 1854.
Peter Rirhter'i Ek'ra w Wl Wacnneetler
eame es pr't of J A W V Wajrenaeller
Jonathan ...mhcrlinr ea Ilartman jrwith noCtoOarn.
I4nl Kenler ve Jame. U'Creiaht
H.-nry W Snyder ts John Snyder's Adm'r
Mary K.ichley ra Wm KeicblcJ
Ib-iijn Loo,; LP Tued
Chaft Sb-ea ea Gen 8 Kiuihla
J M'PaMen' Adm'r ea K.-ynin. Ituaranee Company
Cbriat lor Cameron ea Geo A Fricfc
John llaaa ea W M Van Valiah
Geo Brown 1'hlt. Omr Town.hip
Peter Oxiibert A S dimming (2 ault.)
John M Uenfer t Lycoming Mutual Fire lulu Comp.
Iliirh k Albright ea Loremo P Teed
Henry lllrh ti him
II k W llih ea aama
m J l.nuhi-on t. Slifer and Friek
Trurkmortm.Oreen A Co ea Hoffman k Mi
Semi Heitec va Sim. Frank
U-.nl ReB.-b-r ea Jaa M'Cnbiht
Peter Dauhrrt ea AS Cummma-a
lleo S Kimhle ea Chaa Sleea
Siml Ouobar va PhiiipOrt
Benr.y fie Simineton t Henry Tluib
Money a Saml Ritter
Kant Henri- r ea O.o Miller'. Ea'ra
Bnnk of Daneillo va 31 Kiaher ami G B German
Jamea McCrehtht v Daniel Kanrler
Famuel Shriwr T Daniel Srhrark
Klia. C llartmaa va llennre Hill and others
Jacob Mauck va John tlitt aad others
J llartaaaa jr va Jacob tiinriea
A W Kremer va Al.rah.rn Krein
Charles Fiaher va William J May
John Matthiaa va litis Cumminn
Sent Sehoch vs larael tlatelius
Henry Cochran va Jacob Brown
Mary Jrnkina va II 0 Tarrt et al
Mi.hl Kleckner va Saml Hoyer
Jaddi Brown va Henry Cochran-(J talta)
SLMd. k Miller v. Henry Hh 1 '
S Uatea and Wife va Jnae h Albert
Sma va Jacob Albert
n.-, t".. ' " JonnUiaa Waters
ChriMtaa Herman va John HnmaMl
John MathhM va Joe Mrtmaa
p"niminK vs Hector k Srewart
U "Jlcekner vs Church, Rooke Co
" Manrarits va John Treaatot
R BCarey va Mark Halfpenny
E Moatl vs aiexAmmonl
BaetianTiefel va John Fiaher
MKhlleawjrth, Keraa Ca va Mlefal Snatts
Maria ETrnU va John Trntt a"'VKm
Karts va V tTeiriek aad II Wetliek
'"' Catharla. Wolfc
JimaBaaaler vs Cbrlatlaa Schfnvw
Benjamin Shoemaker va Vm. Fleeter
J- W Thatcbet tr J R. m joi,, Kantaa adw
M. Chapel fo, 0. w. II.,. .. job a laxka
a i . .r1 eamitet Hakor
Jacob Kook va John iikhM. -
i'Ji l"i"n " G" "owe""
KUehea a KeltVr ea John Keaaler, at al
Daakl OU'a Iier'ea vs Wraabatk Ott
Henry Smith va Henry wrois
?J?!T,?.''n.'- " - WU wia
James Rank va Jobs Grass
tm tAmmk va J. Bweearar ftriirKuro
VaOma atoyar va Beormi
- ------- -j . mwaoai, 1
f hjail
Vaua,c Rcal EstatC
'I rar u he prnpfrly of j. a.
t7,Ai,deeeased. is offered at private taU
nn rel,0Mble lerms, antil 84Tobbv noon,
,ne 9th day of December, 1854. viz.
mi A r I - I If ...
ysO. 1. A Iour-iillu-a-uiii si-
with tour pairs ourrs.
and the finest water pow
er on Boffaloe Creek.
I'he Mill has lately bef n
repaired throughout, and
is in first-rate order, wiin
a rood run of custom
from a thickly settled neighborhood. 1 here
i. also a comfortable 1'welUng House fur
.V.. M.l
' ,. Mill
good order, and with ample water power.
T . . r. r
No. 3. A first-rate Farm of
tlH trrca Limestone land in a high state
Qf cultivation, with a fine youns Orchanlg
f about 5 acres, besides n'omerous oilier2f
Fruit Trees, and having thereon erected (be-
idej ,he aboye Ml1) , lare. lwo.orPV
double-front Brick M ANSION HOUSE
and Kiichen.a Trame BANK BARN 100
&-teH by 65, newly weather-boarded and
ant snnply of Water.
This property is one of the most pleasant
d desirable in the West Branch country.
i is with:n four miles of the Catawissa and
Simburr & Erie Railroads. It is smiaieil in
Kelly Tp, Union Co- Pa-, in the lieart of the
rich and populous BnfTaloe Valley. It lies on
Bulldloe Crcelr, four miles from Lewisburg
and the same distance from Milton, on the
road leading from the latter place to Buir.tloe
X Roads. The location is one of remarkable
beauty and heaUhfulness, and convenient to
Markets, Schools, Churches, Ac.
7If not sold by the 9th of Dec. next. i.
will then be RENTED for one year. Letters
of inquiry can be addressed to the subscrib
ers at Lewisburg. Union conntv.
Nov. 3, 1R51. Ex'eutttr.
Lane. "Ind W." and Lew'n "True D." copy L s
4 TRACT of Land in Chillisqaaque Tp,
orth'd Co, on back road from Milion
to Korsman's, adjoining lands of Sherer.Mach
imer. Sweeny and Hepburn, containinz about
3'Z Acres more or less, about 25 under cul
tivation, ihe remainder Woodland. There are
on tb? premises two pood Dwelling Houses
and wells of Water, separate, and a number
of Peach Trees, Pear, Plum and Apple.
This properly will be offered for sale on the
premises on
Saturday the 18th November nest,
at tO o'clock, A.M, when terms will be made
known. Immediate possesion can be given.
Oct 14 pd WM. M'DANIEL.
Valuable Mill Property
17r Sale or Rent. The well known
' WOLFBS MILLS, situaied on BiifTaloe
Creek, a mile from Lewisburg there beini? a
3 storey Grist Mill wuh 3 run of stone, and a
Plaster Mill, all in good repair, on a never
failing water-power, in one of the best Wheat
districts in the Stale. Terms eay.
Connected with the Mills are two Dwellings
(one of them suitable foi a Mtoreroom,) and a
Spring, aud Out-houses, adapted to one or two
For further partienlars, inquire of Mrs. 8.
WOLFE. or A.M LA WSH E. Guardians of the
Heirs of Sasi'i Wubra, dee'd.
Lewisburg, Oct. 17, 1HR4
Valuable Real Estate
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Union county, the following Keal
Estate, late the estate of Henry Kusteubader,
deceased, late of White Deer Tp., Union Co.,
Pa., will be offered at Public Sale on the
premises on
v Friday, 3d of November
next, commencing at ten o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, la wit:
No. I. A tract of Land in
White Deer Tp. aforesai I, adjoining lands of
Kaufman A Reberand John Koch on the west,
on the north by a 1 59 acre Tract of sa id dee'd,
on the east by Sawmill tract, and on the south
by lands of Rudolph Broward and Daniel
Bennage, containing
150 Acres
more or less, all cleared and in a good state
of cultivation, except about 15 acres which
are in first-rate TIMBER. It comprises also
TWO ORCHARDS, and a portion of excellent
Meadow. Ihe improvements are iri
laree two-storey frame Dwelling House.iijLi
(and a Spring of never-failing Water.) lare
BASK 3AHX,nd other necessary Buildings.
No II. Also another Tract
sitnate in the Township aforesaid, adjoining
lands of Kaufman tV Keber on the west, Dr.
Samuel L. Beck on the north, Jacob Farley
on the east, and other lands of said dee'd on
the south, containing about
159 CVcrc0
and 89 perches, about 40 acres of which are
cleared and .11 a good slate of culti
vation, and the residue is first-rate
Timber, with the While Deer Creek
running through the said Tract.
No. III. Also another Tract
situate in the Township aforesaid, adjoining
the 150 acre Tract of said dee'd on the west,
Jacob Farley on Ihe north, lands of the heirs
of Frederick DiefTenbach on the east, and on
the south by other lands of said dee'd, contai
ning T Acre and B4 Perches more or less,
on which are erected a frame Dwelling f-e
House, NEW FRAME BARN. feral
Saw Mill,
Clover Mill,
with excellent Water Power, a
good APPLE ORCHARD, a never-failing
8pring of Water at the door of the Dwelling,
and all cleared and in a good state of cultiv
No. IV. Also another Tract
situate in the Township aforesaid, adjoining
the 150 acre tract of said dee'd nn the west.
Sawmill tract on the north, east by Daniel
Williamsaad south by lands of John M.Ranck,
14 Acres and 159 Perches,
more or less, all cleared and in a high state
of cultivation.
CTThe above property will be told in
whole tracts, or in pieces, as may suit pur
chasers. Terms of sale will be made easy.
Any one wishing 10 examine the property
before ihe day of sale, can do so by calling on
Jacob Kusteabader, on the premises, or on
John Dalesman, at the west end of Milton
' Admauttratar, n Henry Kuttcmbadtr. dte'd.
8pt. 19, lmH '
1 'v Union County Woodlands
v ... for Sale. JUa.
A CC ACRES will b sold in shares
4.uuv; o
t 10 acres at JO per share, or
K J5 each payable in insla. meots
tea btoares lor Via eacn payaoie in ioau
T . -
of one dollar oer month. Location of lots to
be determined by drawing; but any person
.j ,
may, by taking a tract ol uo acres. nae inc
title made immed.ately on payment of the
nu 'chase money, and may select the tract most
. i.. "Zl - -. .1 "I
agreea'e ' wi..i
rrcL-. " -
This land is situaied In the townships of
White Deer and West Uultiloe, ami the new
niieueer aim ' ."..'.,
road from Lewisburg to Sugar al.ey passes ,
through it
It ,sovered with limber,sneh as White Oal(
Pine, Hemlock, (Chestnut nnfl Kock uaK, ana ,
Soruee Run and White Drer Creek furnish
. ' i- ., .r. I,., ,w.mills. tanneries.
I . , . - - . i
ic,on a majority ol tnetrarin. n niium
about 10 miles west from Milton and 13 miles
from Lewishnrg, and was formerly ihe prop
erty of Mr. Jos." Suns. Apply to
Xo. 32 S.iuth Third St. Phikdtliihia.
S Public sale. HI
1y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Conn
) of Union county, will be sold, on the
premises, in East BulTaloe Tp, Uuion Co. Pa.
?3.ti-0;)!!i -Wl of ?u'ii)'ek'
nev,t, the following described real estate of the
late S.imuel Wolfe, dceaed :
A ceft.tin tract of land sitnate in East Buf-
fnloe township, about one mile from the Bor
ough of l.ewisbnrg. adjoining litnds of Jacob
fiunily, heirs of George(Jundy,lec'd, Abraham ;
ltrjn, Wm. Brown, and others, containing
and 86 Perches more or less, all cleared and j
in a good state of cultivation, with an Ul.t-ll-
AUD thereon. The iatproveinetits are a
Ttco-slortif Dudliiij lltusr,
Frame Bank Bars,
and other necessary Outbuildings.
Sale tn commence al 1 1 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day. Terms of sale will be easy.
Oiiardian of the Per-on and Estateof Mary
Ellen and Wm. H. Wolfe, and
Guardian of the Person and Etaie of
Catharine, Naac (...Charles S., John, an.l
S.imuel L., and Committee of Person and
Estat" of James Wolfe all minor child
ren of Kawcel VVulpe. dee'd
Lewisburg, Sept. 87, 1851.
IJufialoc Valley Farm
Ilavin? become too old t
manage my lare Farm to advantage, I
wish to sell a part of the same say a tract of
95 Acres, or of 1C5,
as a purchaser mighi desire. The portion I .
wiu!d part with is all first quality Limestone ;
land, anil every field mar be watered from the ;
Little; Uutl.ilne creek. It is all under a good :
I . 1 - -. I , , . '. r-1 f k ...... f.n... ....n, tth.,,, "II
arres of excellent TIMBER. There I
is a Limestone Quarry opened, from !
which thousands of bushels are S7.!d8fcr3 I
vearly. It has also a young bearing Jfe j
Tiie imnrneemenH all new are a a-ood
J.JLjcji,ri)and a Pump besirle it. a Sprinz
House.a larfre BASK B.4fiV.a Wagon' Shed".
a Crn House, and other ontbuildinzs. !
The pruperty lies in Kelly township, near
n,,i,i,r.-L vi,, c. and Kelk-'a mill 5 miles from
Uuldin s store anil Kenv mm o mnes trom
1 ..:..!.. ,A v,.. u,iin.,nJ hi. hn
pronounced one of the best in the Valley. :
Title, indisputable. Payment Io be made
one half down, and the remainder on time.
Possession eiven the 1st of April next.
Aug. 1. IS.VI 8AMCEI. i ODER.
That large and desirable properly on the
rner ol Market and Water streets. well
calculated for a residence, fur business, or for
a residence and plare of business.
There is a larje II KICK House containing
X larae rooms on the first floor. 6 bed-moms on
ihe second fioi-r.nnd 3 lartre finished rooms nn
the third. A Kitchen and Washhouse adjoins.
There are also a spacious Cellar.large Cement lhe cumlirons and uncomfortable arlic'e usu
t.'istern. a Pump, and Well of good water, a a"v soM- Tl"'re ls "u J'h culiy attending !l,e
Stable, and all necessary Oultmildinss.
Fur terms &c. apply to Geo. F. Miller. Esq
Lewisburg, Sept. SaV 1850
From the 1st April next. THREE
ROOMS on North Ttlird street, now
in the occupancy or I harles s. Elt-ll as a
Restaurant, and Saloons. They are well
suited for Shops, Offices, or Stores. Enquire
Lewisbnrz, Feb. 4, 1P54
New Vork Adv'ts.
4 BOUT which so much has been said and
published, is among us. Who has not
.ri.i j . many minions 01 Domes nave Deen :
sold and used to cure Rheumatism. Ulcers,
Sores llrnises Snrainc. Uin.irnrm Pl..,.e '
Salt Rheum, Piles, Sore Nipples and Caked
Breasts, Cancers, Itch, Corns on the Toes,!
Sore Eyes, Ear-ache, Pimples, Swollen Joints j
or Limbs, Cuts, Scalds, or Scald-head, Numb
Palsy, Bunions or frosted feet. Wans, or any
olher complaint that can he reached by an
external remedy. And it has always been
successful. It is Eiirm.Lv soon in healing
Wounds, Scratches, saddle or harness Galls,
or any sprain, soreness or stiffness, and it is
warranted to cure Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, !
or Poll Evil, on Horses. !
RTThe Liniment is put up in three sizes, 1
and retails at 25 cts,50 cts.and $1. The large
bottles contain much more Liniment in propor-
tion to the prices, and are therefore cheapest.
i Lounrry Men-himt.
Every store should be supplied with this
valuable LINIMENT, as it pavs a eood profit!
and sells rapidly. G.W. WESTBROOK,
(successor to A. G. Bra eg St Co.)
Originator and sole Proprietor.
Principal Offices 304 Broadway, New York,
and cor. 3d dc Market Sts.,8t Louis, Missouri.
Sold by every dealer in drugs and medicines
throughout the United States, Canadas, West
Indies, and Bermuda Islands. Iy533
To Fcrsont out of Employment.
$500 to $1000 a-year.
THE subscriber publishes a number of most
valuable Pictorial Books, very popular,
and of such a moral and religious influence
tion. they will confer a public beawht, aad laceiva a fair:
womuwoeatioa ror raeir labor.
f:ir,jZ"zzzz:iz. p"p'" k, published-
frranaa aiahiaa i aennire ia their aale. wm reeeiva tnany of them beautifully illustrated with Col
mZnSlZf'S curaur saataiarag fail partk-ai.r.. ored Engravings ; also Ihe most popular works
" ewreawa uiepewea MIH apM,'
A.H .. 1
together with the term, ea which tbev will be furaiebwa,
BUBKBT 8IARS. Pabliabar,
T M JflWillLiai Street, New Tae.
! Frees, aad ready for A urate by the lit of Oet
1M cr;ror- C-eea Jcwariaa Em-f-
ror eartbat parviealari aostren u abn.
A rVl-Kotll snnix of inunw lnt.iv.t, hj IIm
Autkor-.r lh"rmt I'Mct-t, Um -la-r' Stur,'
tho "Old lU,"
ril 1J t iKwe. hltb.rto.li4 hy th. wrlt of th. ahov
S. pnnililr work., m .uttrit.l caar.ate. of III. C.or
with wiurfc rio. nwmg tn.n by p. iii
aMe ,nu.tui ti bn,,r. f th. 91...
-,..,.. Bnitl. mu.tnui i
i.,i.. u crM on in tb. t.t of Anva. Tb. author
ha. a.r.l Id in. o..)r-iJ ibe d--n..o. and i,ar .,
.. r. .... nnininl from iM-r'nalaruu!i.l.n.. allbllM-a.
-.- - t ,,, iui,r.,i .od i.nt.in a.
" .., "l K....io-.o . r. .-i
ha. ii,.i..nt....rthti"rk.n. a tlm. inm-j.h
aail.t.and.d o6m-U of ..-r daurr-i Tl
hi.t..r of th.f hvroineof tb Story, Iaa. ma.ircaa-
hi.torv ortll.? nvmiBeollDa bwt, "
,u !,. v ir.al at t'..n.timiiiMipia, .ducat. a aud
m.rrird cy w wiws y , '. i
c.oiui.d.I. r of Hi. Albi.ta. it loi.lj ll narrrtioo of
t M fpl,m ,h, hf, ,n4 .u ,h mww rbar-
'" I" r.nl ihru-bol tlw atory ara ritHlly and
s"' .Irly wl. fw
h te i f th,l.dl1,,n it worijinaiiy h.tr Inu-ollon to
r'-M-h; e-miu. mi., th-y im..- w obliir.d iariy
".cr ... It: M t.Tr.-.p.ct.u.ly nym
d'-m may b wnl
A..wm ... Im ent l",o,ecl In I . I
They wmfldeutly er-cl that th work will ereitte a.
mneh Intereet aa anr work of flcli.B that ha. of late
yemre rui.D.lot fr..m Ibe cp .a. a, notwttli.Ureliii.
ainee ll-i paldleatioa of -.facia Im' I'aMa," w..rk re
Uunir to .Uvery in America, ra'. and Cos. bare been
nuinerotia. none h.ee aptM-ared haTine relation to the
ey.u m of rurt h:iainp .la.c. on Ilia African 1'oa.t. writ
ten l.y one wbo line wttne-wd it in all it. beleon. ilef-'r
tnily. Ihe work i. writb-n in rhu.te ao-i pure lanuae.
an I will 1 a w.lcoiue aud instructive addition to the
family lil.rary.
The work will S.rm a brantlfal octato volume ef 4
paa ., b--iiidoiiW'ly illu-lr;ited wi:b flu. eeirraiin. and
elegantly b ond in cloth Prke. ;n cl. -.1,. -ne dollar ;
I in naner. 7i Cent., ut wbii-h rate eotee. will he arnt y
the publisher, to any part of the country free of poa-
4SJ- for sale wholeale ar.d eelai' by th. nnhli'liera,
KI.I.SUukTII k STiltl.T.
No Hi K i K'-i STrrT. Niw Voas
An.l by all Bonliellre throui;hont the l-niledStalee
and Bri-ih I'roein'.-a. 2m?.t?
Baltimore Adv'ts.
t y
! t-"J3 .Jt.T.w.r
1 fcV.
Flour, Grain, & Lumber Commission
McrcliabU...'23 & 2j ?iear' Wharf,
a.rra to Jiiltt'mre.
J-'hn Clarke. r..o.. Pr,. ntir-aa Bank. I rt-it,ojara
A. r-.liil.-a. K-ih ;! rr,;nklin do u11""0"'
John ilerlael. Jr.. a-, . ( l bi:.1,1 Li..
lto-r.. MimivkM.a A f, , , '
J Tome, t-i . I're.,.1 ('nil llank, fort Depoait.
J. Vlatiower M .-n, Ilarrlabura.
N. Hili.-nte A CO.. Vllton.
W. W. Cooke. r.i . 1 .....
Simon ;
bugler. l.-'l.. 1
Hediaa. K-.I.. Ilu-'h. illle.
W iu. Weurer. lomoiiravi.ie.
(ten. Wm F Packer,
I ' ''.'i '.I ' Vn"Ui"' Wimamaport.
J-mie. II. U'llm. h- '
l-.i. II. li -t inir. .
M'll.-my Jt I'.iO b. J. rey '.ore.
J. I. lluln.T. r:i . leiek ll.ieen.
!7';.UI, liEOE & t O haie the larpest
Wharf roum of any Cnmini'.Mon lloue in
Bnltunore, ahrays pivin? iiiiick tlcjpaleh I"
boats in discharging their cargres. 6mol7
For the tnre of Fit, &p-frn. Cramp, and aid
Xtrrttn ttnd Constitutional Otrwt.
ERMSi3 who are la!)nn? umVr this
I rfitre.in? maladv will find ihe VEGET-
4R..P FP1I.EPTHJ PILLS 10 he ihe oi.lv
reme.lv ever dicovered for curing Epilepsy.
, Fal'line Fits rri
Th.. nn. r". . er-eide h. nerv.n.
vateai.an.i although th.j nr. prepared efpcrujij r the
."'irre ofcorinj Fit'. Ih. will b.-f..un.l ..fe.pecl.1 Ken.
i !. I" 'leai eimalnini.. or .. a-e
"J"'"V1LTriIlJU" ''T rT,""" , tL'
"rTi -,' f" i N..r?r'twin..frr s. rvr.. c.t .(
the Cite. ew.i.ir. a reaott.nce. will haee tb. esi'r i
""'m "ir""-'h ,r" of ite t"r.tr ij
nCTn i. hjinck. . I'. B.tvw stctt. i:ltlmi.re.
... -.. ....... ....... ..i. r-.i
.r-.i. po-i.m. iv-.-i..-.-
j Philadelphia Adv't
ircuctj Cvu.r3.or0,
BVV4? fr.-a thim 5 ounces,
IOR the cure of HEK.MA or RI PIT "RE
' Ackuowledired by ihe highest mediral
a'Jlhorittes of Philadelphia, incmnparubly su
perior Io any i ther in use. Solferers will be
ttratilied to learn lhat the occasion now offers
to procure not only Ihe i's'Uttt vnd w rwy,
but as dun.ilr a Truss as any other, m lieu 1 f
fining, and when ihe pad is located it will
retain its position without change. j keI'- Work La-kets. Flower Baskets. Office
; Persons at a distance tinahle In call on the I Baskets. Seear Baskets. Plain. Fancy aad Em
! subscrilii r, can have the Truss seni to any j hr"'deied Baskets. Laities' Work Stands and
; address, by remitting Five Dollars lor the sin- I dewing Chairs cf beautiful design aad exrel
gie Truss, or Ten for the double will, measure j lent workmanship, which he is sellir g rercar-
around the hips, and slating the side affected.
It will be exchanged to sine if not titliug, ly
returning it alonce, nnsoiled.
For sale oblv bv the Importer.
! Cor. Twelfth & Rare Ms, VhiltMphta.
r?" Ladies requiring the bent-fit of Mecha
! nical Supports, owing to derangement of the
, internal organs, including failing of the woinb,
i vocal, pulmona1 y.dyspcptic, nervons.and spi
I nal weakness, are informed tint a competent
' and experienced Lady will be in attendance at
Ihe Rooms, (sei apart for Iheir exclusive use)
No. 114 TWELFTH Xt. tst door above Race.
Xrw Stock WindOW Shades.
Mtmufitrturm and V haUtak i, Rttail Dmhrt in
lVLNDHW SHADES south-west corner
v f Second and Arch Sts. fhitidilphta.
Such a Oothe's Landscapes, Borders. Vases,
Scrolls, Boquets, Cold Borders, Slc. of the most
beautiful designs and perfection of finish in
hte country, and at such Low I'rlcen as
to challenee all competition. BniF and White
Holland, Cambrics, Tassels, Cords, Brasses,
If- in every variety for City or Country trade,
"6 We invite an examination of our Stock
at the Depot, S. W. corner 2d & Arch. Philad.
Jan. 1854 4m51l
Tool Store exclcsively,
77ie largest ExtMUhmtnt of the kind in tht U.S.
w, ,,,.., a,
Xo. 287 Market St. above Seventh, PLilad.
AXUFACTURERS' Depot for Locks of
all kinds, warranted quality. " Patent
Silvered, Glass Knobs.
Premium Porcelain Knobs.overlflO patterns.
Silvei-plated Knobs, Hinges, etc., with the
most complete assortment of all the Modern
Goods iu this line.
Purchasers are invited to call and examine
Stock. Catalogues sent by Mail if desired.
Hot Air Reifintert ami Ventilatort at
Farbtry Vires.
I r All orders put up nnder the immediate
supervision of the Firm.
Book Agenta Wauled.
ENT8 WANTED in everv Tot
A GENTS WANTED in every Town and
County ia the United 8tates, to sell the
f T M . ; -i.il,." .. r..
v. a. k nw.wvw, lu.iuiiiuK ... v.j ui a vmiaKC
Iatellhtent ana mtarprliHag wmw win 8a4 this a sleaa
aat aaa preCtabla bariaaas.
for particalara, addremi (anat-ealdi
t. W. 11K4PI.KT, rnbllabsw,
174M Do. inwtb reuith Sr. StaeVaia.
Trnaaca. SaiB)Bvarlra,
der Braces, aad all hw
Burgical Apparatns and Ba.
VMM, applied and rin,.,.i
le give satisfaction, by Dr.and Mrs.M'CI L
ACU AN, No. 44 Konb SEVENTH Bir,"
The great a umber of Females relievrd a.a
cared by wearing lira. M'Clraacbaa's fegp.
' . " oop.
j P-riers, warrants btr i. eema,ed.Dr ,h.B
superu.f to anyibing of the kihd ever effrret
ole pube fliSniMl
. . -j
FhiladalpbJa Spring Trade -1851
152 Market St. & 23 Merchant St.
Jmporlrrg and Whuletak Dealeri ta
Staple & FaacT Dry Cdi,
4 T.E now recerring erv CEKERAL
Domestic and foreign abrirs,
suitable for boib City and Couniry Trade, aad
which they offer at tvrt; ivw fncet, for
Cash-, or to rrnn.pt Sia MoLtbs' Men.
I ?W( solicit an examination of onrsioak
by City, Neighboring and Distant Buyer.
Wainwrizht IfunargtoB dt Flmd. ISI Market
:im517ctI St. H.LdtipUa.
ireet, Vhilaililuhtu beg leare to tall
Ihe a; It 1. lion of Couuirv Lralrrs. Schools, and
persnns vnitn ir the CiiT, Io their tcaislev
assortment of .'nwiaA, Frmck, and Amrittn
S'l'A TIOSKH y.which they are Sf llin M heV
sa and Te'isil on the most reasonable term.
Their stuck comprises eTery swrtrjr of Cap,
Letter and Note Paper and Enveli pes. inclod
ir.i a full asMTtment nf ihe eele!:rnird roody
of lie La Kue & Co. and Thus Khrads V ....
! .,f f ...,. il.n
ti.dJ and Steel Pens. Drawina Pencil (Fi
ber's and others'). Prsain? Parer. Bristol
lli ard. Sealing V.'ax, Ink. Ii.kManti. Brrlrers.
Ci.Htlve-'.V.'oMei.holois'and olher fine Cuilery,
Pi.rtii ot aies, P..cket Books, Porlfolit s, V ril
me Desks. Ac. Ac. Prrons visitine the Cuv
can b;ive ih. ir rrrrr an enveli. pes embossed
with their im'iV I- tt-ithonf extra charsre.
IV Ordets fri m dealers and instiiuiions of
learning respectfully solicited and filled with
the strictest integrity 6m517pd
! KM KTH !,L tbe:" Ch""':). I'i'd-
'"' 'T,"1?"" fcya' f '
t rlopi'N. ahere I wtli always be in readiness
j "" ' ' ay be favored wuh.
I am prepared to lurmsh En vel pes i f every
.quality, size and descrrptti n, Hlnt'llt and
j I won!d also call afici.tion to .he D Uiuli-
'"2- Kn-ravmg. Pnniire. and Embossing of
i Card fur Envelopes, Leifer head..
j Bill hem!... Ta-ds. Ctrcnlats. t. all mf whirh
I furnish at ten' low rare. Massing letter
! -.,... , ,1.. . ' ., ,1, n..ji ..rur .
. urei eits their z-iiM to llle Dead Letter OCct.
; Wi'h pat-m marhines of ike latest impro.e-
the mannfartnre of Envelopes, and every face,
liiv for eierunnw orfirrs wnh despaich.anrl fi r
their delivery by Express f.-nrs i r as msv !e
as reed rpfri, I ran not fail to compete with 11
not excel any other establishment of the kind
in the world. I z Hon.cropathic Envelrfes
eont.in:lv on hand, samples of which mar be
seen I 'hrrmiek office, also of Die-Sramred Err.
Iv5l77jt WM. COLBERT.
Willow W;irr. J.r,
11. t onm.', s. utk ffxosd st.r
VhilnUlyh a, a di rrs aore ("hestr 01, East
s:i!e. Iniprreraarf Mar.alaemrer all kinds ot
1 ILLOW WARE (aasisiiag in r.rt.i
! ,he '"''owu.g. Ladies Traielii.e Bas-
kablv cheap for Cash.
N.B. J11 si received frrm Germany, a large
and varied assortment ol FANCY GOOES. to
which the a trnuoa vf the public is resptct
fully invittd fimSntSd
rom.iss. nrns, rt, tkos xew toss.
Have opened a Phrcnnk m cnl f, himrl
rVfrj aud Bk Sturr, at 231 ARCH St-
tev'W between Clh and iih, f'kiiadl.hw.
i - . ana are prepared to lurmsh all their
WJ Works on Phrenology, Physiolcgv,
S. Hydropathy. Mazneiisrn, and Phon-
.' ography. at Mew York prices.
Professional Examinations. with Chartsjind
full written descriptions of character, given
day and evening. Cabinet free 10 visi
tors Iy517c5dq
LEAD, and free from all poisonous
TT-tly entrtrfr d ttivit worl. and Inprutrd th qnslitj
ni thrir i rxtuttP r- .rs-parrd tn rxrrutt rrjVrfi ftvr tbir
SUFLRIOR FAIMS, lrv. anO i, round im Oil, la
a-aorifl 'sckaifvi t lr m to i) p"rnlt ; tint
I'K V. in tmrrrlfi. of ail pnuiidi ra h.
TKir W lllTfc. ZINC, wbirb im pal drj or proand im
oil.. narntntrd pure mod anrarjMotd tot ktsdy nd
uoiiorm hth -!.
A mrthrtsJ of prv-a ratio ba rrcrBtlv lWo dJmwrfvivd.
whirh rnt. ibw '- pan tn warraat Uir fmtmtm m
Im p fr-h auil inift ia ttiw kt-r t any ivawtftli urn.
Id thin rr-i-vft Uirir &tut will b mperior to aa j tlwr
in tht nrk. t.
Thv-tr HKOWS ZT?rrTT. wblrh ). asld at lov
prirs?. aad on tmW W mad' frmm tb Sim or frrm
Ni-w jt-r , i now wii kmwo tut it protvrtiv qu.
ti m h- n af.Hrd U iron or oft sirtalir nrlhrfi.
Thnr STitMC C)Uk PAINT porrmr all th pmor
tiffth llmwn, and ii ftf aprra'l color fcr pJ
ting CotUgr, Irot, Ou hvifilinv, Brfctr. Ar.
FftKNt H A kU MRP!.
Vh.lral Paint DraltT and laprrtms
5. W. eor.ol loth and Market St. Phdalphtm.
IHE subscribers are now prepared to eihi-
Dit at tneir
Splendid Sew Establlahmeat
Xo. 41 fA Secomf St. niladtlph'a,
an entire new and beautiful stock of 8traw,
Fancy and Silk Bonnets and Flatts, Flowers,
die, and Panama, Palm and Summer Hats for
gentlemen, which onr old patrons. Merchants
and Milliners generally are invited loezaatinw,
confidently promising ihem.inejteni.io variety,
in novelty, and in stvles.a stock unequalled
C7" Orders earefuMv and promptlv executed.
Ram W a Blest.
BEING extensivrlv engaeed ia the maaaf
actureof PAPER, we will payloCoaa
try Merchants and others having RA08 for
sale, mart than, tht prrsrml market friers Cra
JESSL'P 4 MOORE. Paper Maaafac
PAi'AioVoiiio Nos. J4 tt t. North St.
Im'i (1st St. be ew Arch,briwra th Wh )
w-S fa
j BEG leave re-perifully to call ihe Public '