JU 11 i;mVrSBURGCIIRONICL'K 4 Ml$HJ fMe& . a 1 O, VIDI :r-;' . r. From every fertile prairie," From forest spreading wide, ; (Mm town a.id crowded city, 1. ji i: From every riverside, j i :. -. . Hark !. how the about is rising! ..5JJ, Oua universal .train "Prepare for Prohibition ! , ,. Uii it Hie Law of Maine!" .i. ..To Ion? ibe licensed dealer Hi liquid fire has sold, " Too long have we been burdened That system to uphold ! ! . ?Ji lonser will we bear it Blot nut tl.e d:imuing stain From Pennsylvania st-ilut'S, s '' A from Ihe State of Maine! V: - ' ' kJ o legalized rum-selliiitf. Our couutiVs cure and shame; Do I'ti. l wti with every proeeery, (j i. rir.U every sull-l.ouse flame: .t A diT rem lenaiation -.. W mast and will obtain ; Ilurr ih for Prohibition ! r, - Give us the Law of Maine! -U w Tn. 0 L ir l !' the orphan A'i1 m tiirtiiti2 widow cry; "H v I hi!" tlie w.rse than widow, With up-raisc I, tearful eye. ' "The v-riM-he-snber drtinkir.l, '' Who vrmU but can't rrfrain, ' ' etijY. ) fur Prohibition ! Hive me t'ie La of M.iine!" To.-u np. ye Temperance army. The scab'.ard throw away, X-r lay asid? your arm. r T.ll victory cr.urn the day; Till over Peiinsvlvania (Bv lar e iiele.l) reign .' 8'arcU. -ii ire. a-i l 'Instruction, As in the State of Maine! Lime a Preservative of Potat ics. -JV Boil the fjlluwinjr rep-n of . xp, ii- monts in ke. jiing pntatv in the R i'ish (i ir l-mer' Chrotiiole. Th e xp' rliuonts ter uiuio in a more limnM eliiu i'e th.ui arnecess.iy t, Pr. vet st-rcl P datocs ' ' ! Ii- im aeeijiii''. i n.-re are i, .vever, some l iftili'ies wi:liin the linitiw:eli" of tho T . , , . . I inn Jour ,ttl where th.'-c amti ru iy Lc . 01 S.rviOC. 1. Trile etuisful .f p-f .toes lifted ' OotobsT 15: )i, 185.;, storl w h ua- the lime brim' :! tc d in um ill bun.I!' iu tho 1 IneJ.lli! of each sack. TaVrsaU pros . vcl; ",;;,U,B c..a..tv-Leisi.uis'laHigs lusiitnUun! Lett as. m nut i :ie tinif I otatr. stornl j liy order. wi'boue lime, w.re much aiT. ct. J. ItOH S. 1101.1.1X5. Treasurer. 2. Ffty oiisful, jf potatoes, Jife. up to-! HOM CEO PAT HIC MEDICINES WvtM tlie t-n l of Oclob.r. worn Fittcl , ISPAUBI bv Kodemacher A sheep, , i'i e i it i.l Apoiheearies to the Hoinipopaihic Dis ,.l,.l,r,e l.ushels of quick l.m,., tbe lat- j Uch slreelj piphia, tct being jilaci J at the bottom of ll.e pit., constantlv on hand and for sale, wholesale Wia covered over Willi a thick layer f and reiail. Le-.sloirir. at the Drn? Store of ... , ', . '.t.2V5 l. T. . H. THOK.VIOX. gorse. Uti opening the pit it was f.u't'l thai tbe diseased IuUts did not utiriant ! to more than two d izeti. Tub rs stored in ! i therordinirj way, in pits without fun ', j Were aliiust entirely destr.)ved by disease, j 3, 4, 5. I'otatn "S stored willi and with-j out lime, quite uutoutli'.-d by tbe disease. I 6. Hoots stored in a large chest or b..x ! . . : Wltu lime, and tbe latter being placed lti j W small cliithes-b iskiit, and covered over ! I :.k e r. .....:.. .i. i. - ,i. . : v. iiJ i.;.os. i, i.jfi-uiii iiic uit luc tubers were found ij ii'e bcilliy, while done that had been kept in a cellar wiih- out liiui! were 'u.!i diseased.. 7. TwrtU'f bushiiU tf talers w;re pl:tr- eHoal-r bit. witb thrt-e busbvls of j lima, tbe Ulter f ..ruling a stratum at the opposite I Mmj. V.'s. Lewis). nr?. battu ,'aod cn-ered over with a thick lav- ' T rATi'lTi.:s i"ld and Silver Levers, er of cnar-e cinders. At the cud of 'hrce ! 1 Lepmes. and Verse. Gold Watches . , , . i . I from ijijj to .-slot), at J. L. YUDEK'S cheap muatb. tho roots were found to be quite I wtph ,,, JrwrtTJ r sound, wb.le another U which had hem EVLLHVro7rhe iaTes. pai.ern of allqnal put inlu ail'.thcr bin without liutc were j J Uics for sale at the lowest ITiiy prices by wry much diseased. J.JU. VOIEK. 8. Potatoes housed in Packs, one or two I OTLVLP. WAKE Table, Tea, Dessert. Salt , , , ,. , . ... , and Mnstaid Spoons, silver warranted large lumps of lt.tie being rut into each j (j cnjiu Siv,r Tea spfl(,ns fronl sac, tubiTS quite dry, and all preserved. 1 upwajuD charge f..r Ensravins. at n u. ........ 1. ...... ......... . 1 OLi.1'. D Ul.-l. Ullt'.l U 1I'CIU1V uu a cravel walk to the best of the sun. at.d , . ., , .,, then i'ored away in large boxes with lime, :i i. . i .1. .. 'P.. ' i i . " U'"-J- -. 1- "4cir uai- j ural condition bocatue diseased. 10. I'otatocs housed with li",all heal tby . 11. Same result. 1. Several bushels of potatoes were j pitted with lime, and when ex .tuinod, at i h.i exnirali-u ..f several mouths, wore r . I,,,,- i foi il J to remain untouched by thcdisea.se. i llootr fitted without lime became quite j rutten.'- - 13. Two or three, hundred bnshels of , potatoet were divided into four equal lots, i Tjjrci of these were pitted with liuic, the j other in the ordinary way. Iu the first of j , , t . . j . i- .li- the three lots stored .. lime, the l.tne : was placed at the bottuiu ;f the pit, with the proper prauti....s; in the m-coi.J it was thrown into a coaical h -np in the on tre of the tubers; and iu the third and I last, it Witt placed on the top of the pota- t.Ks being separated from toe latter by a lit'r of brushwood, Sic. Oa cxat.-.iuing - i ; ie tuin is at tuc eti l of some tuouius, I liTT of brushwood, lie. Oa examiuin .e tubers at the ti 1 of some luouihs, w. In the Cr-t pit wi re found to Ik luueb diseasid, tthilu lli si: couluiticii in , the oth. r three wie nearly he.lihv. "The the ol(1 nPji, ,,,lartP1.s. in MarUi, r,. best r-su'ls," s.iys this c irr-sji mdcot, 41 1 iramdiateiy nnder the-Chronicle " and Tele ant disposed to think were obtained by ,l,Iires: wl,"e .t1 "'e' h'lr.Py . ,. e , "smoke and - chew his friends and dis placing the liuie on the top of the tuHers, ,,,lliers, in pood style and quality at moderate and this is the plan I intend to follow." cash rates. v T r I Lewishurjr. Oct. 14, 1853. Farm J.urunl. 2 ! The following is the copy of a will left MOST KINDS OF by mm whn chose to be big own lawyer: : TVl T)T)T WPT AT "Trig is the last will and testament of 1 J U 13 1 IV 1 IN I 11 U . Tn'-.John Thomaa. I give all my things to v v relations, to be divided amongst them !..' best way they ran. "N B. If any body kicki up a row, or makes any fuss about it, he isn't to have anything." Mrs. Partington advises all young people afflicted with preparation of the heart to 1 apply the eataract of mustard, to draw out j ine-TOiormstton, ana sue says she bas ' never known a failure when tbig device was folk wed. Telegraphing new Rate Table. Lmtulmrg Offlc fhtn S. from 1 10 5J i . M sod bom ti u i, f-av. j From Leuil'r'J to j H.rriborg f Dauphin , i 'Junction i Liverpool j M'Kees ) falli Selinserove ' Providence Si raiiton : Pi li Hon Kingston ' Northumberland j Milton ; Muucy j Jersey Shore 1 Mill Hall Milesbnrt; ' Bellef.mie ;:h Berwick $0,11 25 Blooinsburg 17 S3 CaUawisna 1 7 21 Danville 15 21 Chapman 20 30 Carhondale 2G 25 Uunmore 25 25 Hvde Park. 24 21 Wilkesbarre 20 ! 20 Plymonth 20 j IS Bloomsburg 18 ! I I Danville 15 ! 15 Ki.nbury 15 j 17 M'Euensville 15. 18 Williamsport 17 20 1. oi k Haven 18 II : Beech t'reek 20 i For every additional word 1 cent to all sta tion on this line. I (l . 1 Philadelphia. 3U2) Baltimore 1 Xot now in operation. . ; fT"A!l other stations west and south of Philadelphia, rate increased 9 cents. ! HENRY C. lilCKOK, Ittornrp at fain, I Asn , l.esis!uire, I iilon County, Pa. Perfect Fits ! 1 -U-.IOII Y II. .11 1 I.I.I. K carries on tne Tailoring business, on Ins own hook, at his j old siirnl on North Third Street.where he will : attend 'o Makms and t'uitin; as usual. The ; FAfHIONS received from New York. All wotk done in the best style and on the SUkri ,lrices. rl,.v,s!.r.., s(-,o. S. I(JS3 j JOHN H. MILI.KR. Instalmert. Ojire Siixqwhiinna Hnnfttf Cttmp-my,') Hi MisHi'Hfi, Jan 20. IN.Yl. rrHE T ICKHULI-EIW ,.f .hia Compaur I are hereby notilied that the rcei.nd I .tal nent of I'e DcilurN per fhare is called in, pivahle on or before the 8ih of Fe-brnrv next; and an instalment of like a.n,iuu, plva,,,e on r.ef..re the Klih dav of earh month thereafter, until the uliole is paid ,he 1Ulh f 0c'"ber nel,-by ,ho-e B ilnm-r-a Union Bank of Marybnd; D tuphin conntv llanl; of MuKilolitu n ; v .ka.iM n.i..i' ..r v ...ii..nki.i. I iew I.er!iii Hotel. Reports having been extensively circulated llir..nli the county that I m nranmH lit ntrltn m XT 'V.ri-! ne t. I beo leave to assure n.y It lewis that I am wll 'nd:td with the best the market airVds, as well as house room, ai d b!'.i. a!1 1 accommodate off who will be kind enough to favor me with their custom. np mj-re.iresentiition and petty perse- eonons will not drive my Inen.ls on. wiiiiout : , I li A VI 11 .1 L' L O uri uivmr me mm New ISerlin. May 8, 18S4 l'l.OC'KS all kinds of 6-day and .iii-ii" in uiass nn.n .uu iniriik i ' .11 ; vts& ume-pifces, Iliads 8 day clocks at l. bra, -i-ht.ur clocks as low as All ln-k "a.ited for one year at J. L. Y01EIJS i (O :H MNS Ladies thatelam. ( !I I'ob, Vest and Guard Chains, froni at j y((ui;j-; OLD t:il IS Ladies' Chatelain. Gold $10 irs. C,p!.:crACLKS-GoId. Silver. Plated, and K'eel, suitable for all ases. All kinds of Glasses put loSpectacles al the shortest notice P-iricular alteiitiou pjid to Citir.s Gla-ses fur weak eyes. J L. VODER. I IL VI'ED WAKE Cake and card Baskets. 1 Table Forks, Spoons and lltitter Knives. Teaspoons silver-plated on the best German s'lv"r' P"r 1 1"z' " ?"ods warranted to cire satistaction. All kinds of Eneravini at sh.,riest notice at J. L. YOUEIfS. ,,u, r.Vxs"nii prices.in C.,dda"nd SiTve"r -JT Holders, and without h"ldr. for sale c'"-aP at " J- V- V' iPKR's. jj-g Insarncg Companies ! j,4., .xt;m,ul Ijivi Fund. C Coriihili. London ; 71 Wall St. N York) I V'Capital -1S,5UII,0U0 Fna Jlff Imnrm ;mpm!,. (Harford. ;.ii,n.) IVAnnuity Fund SI50,o . II - 1 T. riairisuui. i .1.) r-rr imp- : i t .a i. I ' llla11.j. on r(,asi,ab!, terms, bv appli- cation to the subscriber. California risks, 3 f,""1 u,r.. . .. te. li H. C. HICKOK, Isurtl,urg. Ilc-mot al. P WIN EG Alt DEN has re-moved from NEATLY & .XPEDITIOCSLT AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Icwisbur. H. GERHART, S org eon Dentist, J1 oZu?Vom.k LEWISBVRG. 399 TWEEDS of ouperiorform.for at the ! Chronicle iffice, 6 (U tinfle.OO pet dr HAHKISBUltG BINDERY. J. J, Cldc it. F. E UuUer, iaci.n to W. 0. Il.cl.nk- l Co. Book Bixubim asi. Stationsam. ,, ., t.. ? TOST repertlullTintorm ilieirlrienus mat 111 thevare eniaee.l in the above business t ? directly opposite Herr's Hotel, j They ! flitter themselves, by careful atientioii to iheir j business, to receive a continuance of the pat- j variety of lull end naii-oounu coiisiaiiuy ou hand.' Paper rnle.'l to anv pattern. Old Hooks, Periodicals Vaiazines, Law Hooks. Newspa pers. Ilihle. Mn-ir, rnr issued in No?.. Aic. bound in any sivle. p'am or extra. Aii work Please trive us a cnM. (' A: H. 3 ''B.Hiks 1 1 be bound may be left with the Editor of the Chronicle. 509 THE 3. S. CHRIST, Wholesale and Be tail DRUGGIST, .HlfilJ:j!iii ir, I n luti oiinly, la. I SI l piircnasr.l tne enure wrii!.' fiore I s forinerlv kept h- 1 J. Liliott, ilec d, 1 no i'll r to my fries N and t ;e publje in gen er.il a fresh and pure lot of i)f'?j!3, tvii.'iii:;iis ;.;J i)(K-Ri!(ff. Also I'aiuts, I Ins, tilas-, i'uity ana Patent Medicines. Brushes ami Combs ot every variftv. A line assortment id' JICW LLiiV. sti'-ii as i!riu's iroM and silver Pencils. Ear and Fin ger Uiniis, reast Pius, &C.&C Cirls.Ku- elopes. Note and Letter P.. p.r. SfKir w'wl Iri Tsimorr. AM kinds of LA Mi's. L ir.l Oil. Pine Oil and Illinium F;md. Liquors of all i-inds. t',.r nielicin il purposes. 'n.linv. pjiites and Ae.-cor-leons. Nil's. Fruits and Coofertionerv and i;i f.iet. ahn-'St a'lvihin in 'he n-av of No tions and Oner. il Varieties. Call and fsan- ine fo, y.mrsdve,. I cV;. ifrU. mi. Til !'.. S. CllUIisr. Miminbnrg. Pa Jan. lsSl ly The renovnsd Rcmc3y! HOLLO WA Y'JS OLN i'MKNT Xliifl rxtmonlinnry fu?iK-tit in rmaiioml if the nml IjtMUIl.' tiill-HlUr. Wilr-TI U-a III ..! T HI ,- WltiJ til .1.1.- t.... J whn 't :;'. u.j . ti , I. .i 1 iii-'n. rurt-f! w!j.:h nil .rth r lU '-i.- i;!t. C .f. til xtv d -;.-r.r kln u;.- -- rivJily i-l I i" Hi rf.i It i.- CtiiinUH wlifo u-itl lii etf-il" W"Ul.I.l.riiuintli,i: t'iitrm r S.ii'l t-. In Acii.ui it lU wonuero il ruii u into the I'lir-t. Must ast ni:inp'uret 'rrnftildu I'lrs, ccrtilieJ ly the 3i:iy'ruf lis!n, (Kn'.) C'py f a letter rota J .Vv. '.., Jiy.r IPu,t. To Ptlfnt80E Ii- lion .v ! -itr .-'ir : Mn Paruli Ilium of Li iutirpoiiit ttr'.. i.n-tin. im- thin .(-;tnWs,j .,.:,,t iu- tliT fr itr-t.itri'jMr:.!- ji.Tm i .-hf m-t- rr'.y utYv-t. ij with -rr'.lui' ti-; lonn itil ulc- rt in h- r arms fwt. l-i:. nnil otlir rtx f ti r tHkl; -.u-l I:)i-uli tli- nrl 44 m. .tt.:tl a.lvit e nUntiifd, mt lh rjl tf trn ftini t money, -lc- fki.'ititttd no b.iWniut if iiullTinKr, tut irr:ni'J!lv prt'W vm ttf-inic "r-i-.nimfi.l"l I w to fry Timr'i ntmnt -Ii- f in nl m im:ill (."..I. at 1 u If- "f lli" I'H. b f-r.- licit w:m nil u -wl ynti t-'UiJi f am -i"itti-it mis-i h n.L lly per-fTfritii itti lUr iu-.Jiiit.- I-t a rh-nttiuif loucfr acr'trtlm t-- tltt Jiret t-ui, ari'l s'r r:ty wlht-riiJii U our ruln a tu -li.-l. A . t-h- wiv -rfcciiy t'urtiJ, r.ti auw eig Ultf Ot'lll VI t.e.oin. Ilit.wl Au li.lSiJ. (Kixin-d; J. SUBI.K. Extraordinary and rapid Cure of Krysipetas iu the L', after luclical ai l bad failed. tttt- rr .!. . JTinb' J".af., .('.. I'"t O Her. Altlieirl A....', war h")ti"r. tfs. " it'-l Jn li. i"-. X T.i l'r.-l ..r llol.im.T Sit: I .i.ff r..l f -r s.i-i.l.-ra-i-riisl rrora . m.'ir i.lti.i-k I Kri..pel. wliirli .1 li-li.'Tli i-ltlMl in my iij;, ami reM: 'I :Ol uif.ll.al liswl in nt. My.utrrin.wer very i;re;it.-o.(l I .ui. 'I. .1 ati'.l ..f miy -rmiin nt toiien.'i.-et. wli.-n I .in" u.l.i. .1 t'. leivi' p-iY-nrse toy'.'.ir.iiiiliiieut an-i li.-... I iiidowiib,.ii .l.-liiy. nil am in'.v li sy lh mult .ai. i uiin.nl! nii'-e-.-fiil. f..r tb-y virisTUsi a r.lieal rum ut rav leg atxl r.'-t..r.-.t Hi. tn tl.. enj.ii iieeit f.f liultli. I .lif.ll ..t-r n.;ilc .ittl tl.. Iifni'.-t c .nl.Jelie- ,.f y.iur Uli .lli-iO-.. .11 I h..v.' r...um"ii.l.l In. i:i t'. -"ln'f- in tl.i- uelliliurhiH'il fiuiii.riy Ttt!r,l. wlio iteriveil trrt-nl b-nefll 1 Mill. rir. v.ur obiiteil aii'l r.itl'f rv.ir.t. (nimll l:t.l7RKI'll y: ATh'S. Tli. Fill- .li"ii'.l t.e h.mI nj.iinlly with the Ointui.-lit in IU...I ! tile 1 io.iiT. earn Il;.. I.e.'. I'l i.l.iwiiig Ki-t.ilas Sore Tlirnnt. Uu I llr.'uFti Ol.. 1-1 O..UI Ssiti ili. aiu. llllrrn II ii;.. ii lariil.itnr Seur.v Mom .n. Ci.ru Ooft) Sn-llll-tr. S-i:. Ileaj. Ui" . ..f It'... I'aii-i r Luoiljo 'i'uiu'.r. eh-!..' anil t'oiilm.-tel l'i.. t l.-Hr Saii.l r'iii-B nn. I sl-.lf Ilhnm.tifni oniijs liella. J.ii.t. S.l.l Va Olii.a.ii.4 Cl..kitiai. f"fr Nili- . S.11 at tl.. Kili,b:i.liiu.iit of fr..fir 11'M.tim tT.244. .-traiel-'ni-.r 'i'.-iu.. iir. I. .i.il.'ii Mel al." "I lii- h..u- D Ve Y.rk. 0-l Sir .-tl.-tl. in llie! ii.-n i.'i.ln "1 ' T. '.''i..e i.. A' W ."r;.-" .:ll m.iT.ii'ienlt. wti'.if. Mill! rt... l.v --.it r.-ss-Ia. l.-Urnsio-ti. iiti'l .--. I. r- in Mf-lt. in.-. lliroiiletnt tl.e t!.ii..l st.it. i. in dm i.l :'.T 1 i-t.. -7 ft-. .ii I f t.M. ea.-li. W'lii. I.Male bj tile iTiunfiai bnig UvUsi-i. in :h- Uni.ni. CI. tUrrr i .1 ciiii.ro''nii;7l.v tt'.inj the larger titt$. N il. lireeli..ns f-.r lli ?ii .Iniiee of . itii-nt.- in .very dinnrJ.-i' "is- iiflix' il u. .sf-li l''- lr."Ji4l Sold by Dr. KEMPEI5, Mifllmburg The Old Mauiuiotb A, IV. f'l ii a drug akd rnnicAL Emroainri Dr. TllOicx I Y Co.. OFFEI. to their fripnds and the pnhfic a ! iar.e and well selected slock of lr-li (pure,) ly-.sturls Urushps, onib;. rerfume rv.SaP.. Faney Notion,, Fr.iit.i;nfV.ctinnerv. llm. U-. latinnerr. nrl a nn.1. . r -..i too niiinertini. to meiiti'.n. (Jive us a rail ami jiiilge foryourselv cnarce n .iniiiR inr li.i.kinir. Kememher llie Mmnmnih Irn? Siore! Diu T. A. II. TIIOKNTOM & CO. tfi: .kthliniH i.lixir 18 the only medicine capable nf rurin the Head-tciae, in hall" an henr. Fnr merly. several days were requited lo relier this ili-tressine pain; whilst now Ihe tne of the Elixir will, in a few moments, remove it entirely. Although but lately introduced to piit'hcnntirte.ilns wonderful preparalinncntint thonsands of advocates. It js Verv benelkial in Lolds and Conehs, checking the most ob stinate fit of cnoghine in a mmiite or two It is an invaluable Family Medicine in all ..tdden attacks of .icUness. A single trial will be a satisfactory evidence of its efficacy. Price 25 cts. per bottle. Prepared only by THOMAS 8. PRIOiIARu, 118 Catharine street, Philadelphia. Apnte-J. BAKKK a CO.. LeaHbarr. I. GEItllAKT. llinaaora. John imm. V.-r ij..M. u. , . ID. II. 8. Bti,.r, Pmr., Tp. X itoada WalUir, Barton Co., W inB.ll. Brown lUlbuh, TurtlrtUl.. 7-JS Pfuch'malim l the CilUrni of r ' ! MittUnburjf ami Vicinity. Pa'.T.nniclier Hriro-Elccttfc Voltaic Chain., t.jH-t'l'Kt'C'l'KU to-be worn -next to the pr.:ic,....g e-..ta..t hamuli ocii'. iMi.u, and a , f ? .fall A' R't KLI - -j - .', .,v - PLLVEHM AUI1KK t,i.w,i v.n.-si.ir, Wn- tirst u. iu ris?,l"r.- Jnm humtiik of n rr., d ca e.:iu.l :J. r b in -ulmiiib ! t lb th.ir r trial In . rv li f Hl in Kri the m'-t leril 1-Mfi.oM in llit'Uv. lU f r.i r.Kin.-n.l to the il.v riiu. utul kri o.wli.eh nr.iut.sl tel.t tr tlei ry. Iinriiiir ihe vr 2H .!-.'. Iney er n t olm eil in i.-ruiany. Aiwria. I1si t unil Knilnil.nml . .:ieyer iuci mr luiK-a u l intteuWil !J llif Uuvuruuisut. Mitt iiintsli' l fnm of Ittii-imnhin. ui.vttiw' lBs, liiiil' li fvn.i -willed JtiinU, I ailtaliott uf Uv Itesrt, .-'ir.- -i.i ..I th. te. l'-ri'sii':iu lli-ii'i' tie 1 n.-if-.. ilt.ni:ne--s. Vlii frrtm In iieMK-n, ltteric, llni-!-!, t'o-rtiif lainis ' .ty Villus' rUl -V. re, t.(iorMvftn'lr.iitl,, .-i-.-.l. I.y im, !y wearing; tie- Cliatn t . .. i'...' i. ..... I." .).. Thn liu wrv rt Intrf.iuisil in the city uf New i V .rk.wiieri' tlivy were x.liil.it I lo I'r- VmVoiiii" Mi ll, i V:in It'in-n. e.t,i:u.utjeiin. wlioreii.iilylicwT.-nilUiat ; tli. y ptiso.d . I .V,v7.t; "it.f Hi,.gUr I H"r, nf i .vvr.t.vr. r K f.i.ikv i i: i-aimi I i, ,. rin''ie.l. .m l l.v lie ir r. .,.mi:n n.iii..ti l in- , twnm lli-v -re ii.tru.luJ till., the uWer.nl. it U i I ol V...n.( we lie ''"'' " ' tl,"!"' ti .a in tlie tr alia- nt of tbo ("ire of llie atx.Te iiiiani I tlim4..3. 1 Nn Oihor Mciliml A:ent Iwe&uea,. s i.M.ii :r rli,.iriai.ii aull no ll- ! !n ,,, wrlll rm cTtiii-at'-H-Jcur.' fnui tenl l'ti. il-se mi. l. f.ini 1 in e.ieli I alii 111. I. ni.-e fit-. h- ..M'.iti' .1 li-rsll.l at the tiri.tf .SUtr." ef Tio.n S. Pa. J.Vi-iViiM'm'm..thiMM e-i'l:. in ih uituuur t( u-t? u oiu; in tjf In ih rit- .f New Y-.rk. nt t!i- f.-nprnl .' it ii I tin ml uil t'-ia i in i: -t- ii i L'n-a im rr Por- . . . ' "i'li 'li.tirir' r worn. nii'i n' fjul'y ':t 1 1'"-''' J ti .-ht-s.- oi jr-iui il.- ' iiti.i ii-i - th- mWit. Btl'l :iri ? - III. I. ,h ,ri:li'trfirn ! Tit- hairt- CJin b' n) T mail tn sbv n;iTt f- i n. i;i;i-. :m t .-ai ilt nil it hi t.i" -rit ; ..I v 'i iu lli.- lriin. - lti vicm nt : T'i ri' iit''l l. miin.-1 m- A U TO tH :. I.it.t ii . W iif.'h.Var T(U 1'I no: 1 1 u ; th- m mity fur le ru 'tin-M al e ifli Urn' "I" y "-t. T.r liy !ug cuutiuui-1 u-f. lui-carr-vt ir Ir- Jin- T iNLi.T.'i-n A- nt B-nirtwf-T. Ni w York. 'J'iiliO. . CJIUIrtT, Ag-ul, MiiTln.bui-(r. Iy52 iwj , L.ihui Co. Pa. iLin. n uu u, . 4ttoj tioy at !.n(, LEWisnuwJ, L',;,m Co., -.; ren.')n iCK ou 13. liccoiul St. near iJoikot. Kefers to 11 'ii. lltrntirir. H'llefrtmU, Pa. J imn 1 II lie, ' .. F C. Mvm-i ' Il'n. A ns'mm .V lt"'i'.n. ..iri.-f-wii, 1H. A. J 'r.'.iM. .s' ..'..' . v. o .S' ,-.el I ..le.ii. II I "I ty l.t.rg. 'in. Smilfi if (' . I''. ttjUe'j'hta. T.' my. Afeii 22. 1 - :'-- Lightning Kods. 4 KilU iiMiiy . ar ili iiitrt-liMtiiiii and X jL 'llllltTUUii CX(KHint'Ilt. I lit? I'iatlblt'- l-iUf , i aj-Uf in liil-iimtng tlie iulilic that hf tutu irr.vtil jt ihf l ilt ( riiui(jh' ! nuriini (ai)tilitn, I Iwi Dii.gi anU jr"j'tfi) tuna ilifii f'iujnt inlu- j ci cc ol LIGHTNING. 1 b CfU.Ml:- j It nt f'iy l.lv. J fuu. iiiiit.t; aii i nunu IjIi I fc-.im to aiiiiually. tfart tlir ur-j- iirniici'ii' i it- ii.hj itiiiiir.tii- bt i.iJ cJlcul.t'.on. 9jtci:i1ly lit ii t!ie (a.eJy it so fa-y tu uldaiu ibis U luuuii in ASMITAGE'S Putcnl Xlliinciic Li.il).nin3 tloto, id in Huh aloue 'J'liir Koti Iuh btfii eannnei ttv the Ulu-r ni litific nitfimii in ibe wml I i'rd?ioi-K M'Murint, Juluii-uti, VVailor unit tn-iny tiu-rt th.it have examiti-ti thrrn, reconin nil am -rait ol tbeiu iu I he highlit ifrmc ot approbation. uttiJ hve prnuduiiCfJ ihrrn the only att' rnU iii ii!- in ibifor auy olhrr ouiiiy lor tb truipctiun t liivenartd Propfty. fira:taiitti; i tu divj.'e mil thrim hark a mrt of thr ehciric llui.I barnil-t. u the rluudr) ; in time ot a airokf this rnatlrKtbt I rod to t oiidurt that portion ol fluid lhal U'ltinKs 'o tbe earth without tbe hehirl ilanecr of Ira- t vittg the tofidiictor. I hi rtnl has many ulticr ' tUant tajPH o.er th old oue. The oidy place ot maiiutai'ttiriue in in I ine .S. CJ (I -or aharr VZth . Vhitotli tphia, ih'Te a Tl pfrMHit are rr-p-,-ltuilv initt-d to call 1 1 id ev.iuuie lor lhto.-f Ivt F nr a- tu debate .r l!rta !ly TWO'S A fIMM A(i K. Ori!en iromi'v allei.dt'J to. 'J ni f cafh. Tht-e itU have hffn purrhaed arid rttirctsa ulij utftj ty Itif UilloMtut iiidividiiaia. ct.hianiei nid coi pi.ratiou Mboe name are cbeertully iibuiiited : 'Hiitin.. r. Ju.lj:,. ,..uviL-r, Jwlu t -iim-l. J. .M;ittiril .It. tilt llnlrif. t t Int.,. v .1. II.. ii.inr 1. il-.L Iu. t ... r... l.;;tr-.., tl. IlLnklty Auurl.ouf. . mk-W.11 A l.r K.-r. j IE v J. I.. 1.1-miiI J. i.n N.iiiituu. linv. t. i..T. tint" ; II" in-. A- K. (.ilikrf). . timni -ni, 'i'l.iw. N-tt i n.. Ir. linaiitiiaf. J. K i rt-i-r, J. tt tt jitxn, Ilunijhr. J. . ....i..v i n, J. Nj .:,. B. iiHri. n. J u.-i.hLi.r. r.-- j lr. ilr. Menrfl.-f. Wr. 1 .rl.i.. li-rU- . J. Uru.i.lr.. j tl l..l..r. tr. K.d I'.Kl.lt il..t. I. t, II S lrM..l. I li . Ar 'J Siftr J'-rftf.itsTf Cr:f in. Jiulje 'ITnll. Jiflf U.ijti-n, J'liin Mi-tmitu, I)r. ii. M'Muitn-, II llj. UUIl Iri, .MT. J . llliu l.lllrf A' .fA r rr. Hartley Tf lnrk IJj:f-rity . M ru. Tost-p..Ihn IIn, H--j.al iMfts. Jmttb altl., l;iti. KilniATi, I.t-nl.i n Mi'it.-h. ti.'ur)n Kin-kner. A w Ur'.tH t .irt H.niif, ! 7i. llr. ( hiirlrn WiIh'Ui. llfi.A..;f..ft 7 .r- lm ! KmnX, Mm. in Ivuuli. 7. L-ac CuUidruu. W'kdt ! Lh.'.r Jliihuel llnUuiuu. XECOMMEXDA TIOyfT. 1 .111.41 a . An? 1. 117. T bf.v th! rt:iT cnrt'fiitly li.-) .--t-tl r'.n.)ii,-tr ur I.Khtnint; iiJ. nitli tjiw and iit-tet. rrtl by Mr. 1 iniuiaK A 1 nut :', 011 ! lift tu lli.ti--. l.ifnj-..-tr. ui 4 .i tif hil.tt:(n in myiup tlmt it if notcniy l Ik- b-nt 1 Iihv.-. .-r .-t-fii, (ut ilint ii in ttir only uni- I li:tvt .t xnniiiirM t.at ih i'n-trut !Ml u -trutlv x ifi.tiiir riiiti. pifp. It i. w.tli niu- h pltJiui tlmt i r.'.'iiiiiiiDit bin .ouJurt T to iLt alt- uIimu l iur f ht: 1 ;i;i. II. Mi MIMiTltlK. I am wall Katlnfl.il tliat th Marm. tir I.i -rhtnin ltt.tl, Klitiiiil'Mctiirnt 1 Mr. Tii-lii; n Armitniri, of I'IiiIm l-l.bia. l I lie leiit I hat hat f r Utu ma...-. 1 b.iir sprtiL mii:i! jr,s, ,,,,0 V u-'"' : Iflll. It till II Te tilt Li-si tAt II til 111 MA Itlaf 1 hml thfSU UimI- iiv . riii-trm-ti J upon thf only mm-i(.-i of g.iirty. Tlie clrr-tric ph"--k it- wlihl xot UiMHTf-c-l by th mrifii"t at tin top of Ibe rtnl. R ml it vtou.il b- ii fftli.e, amnlm to tbf IhV- of ntfrncii n an -I ri'tiiwoii. f r n bu:Minx lo ! it-jiin t 1 y n blt k of iiihtiii n;: Ikmi irnU't twl ' ou i.t tin rciB. I luivf tw-t-n -if-i-iiiinl.-ii v. it It Ir. Ai niit:tL'i f..r ( vitsI yit!. tiiitl i f t' I.t inoti urt-.l tf mituuf.it-turc-!' tin m- nxl: 1 fiiito nr.1 ih j Tinf:rlroii wbirh ib. y arc ronirurfnl, an. f -il i-otn iiit-t ibnt tlnnr t.-ln'.i'-a) voiild Ih nit- n-h'il wild i-omj b-U rur- 5-1. t'bc inrraiiic ilftniiinl i.tr tin- mdf.ttnrl ri-i-i-r. n-1. -ni-j in nil j.nr'n mirioritv. tiavv k. WAu.fcK, i. lli'i"K Su"' rhnd Co., April lntli. LiS.U. WILI anil Ml Kl. IIOOVFIE. ii.trfleton luiott Co Pa. -'" " ' .tie.. ami will fur.ii.h lbs lii.,1, ..11 Hip ...iu. t.rii.. ami in ioe same nmriuer ua tlie t r-ipnetor. PIANO AGENCY. Kii;"2'il i ' ! I I HAVING been appointed Agent fnrlhe.nl. ol the celebrated Pintioa. manufactured by GEO. TOnilT, IMiilad., the undemignrd wnnld be bappy to supply any citizen, of the 8u.jui-haniia country who may desire an Instrument well made.alter ihe latest improvement. Two ol the.e !ntrument have lntel been intrtMlueed into I.ewi.hurt.to which I am happy lo refer any one. The Pianoa are warranted. and if not ..li.lactor. on trial for a year, hey may be etchanred. . Price, reaaona ble FHN:i J.UESSNER. I.ewi.bura. Feb 24 I95S. If OTES Promissory, Judnment, an Joint Notet (blanks) at thf. office. Almanac for 1854. ' i "fl e. ' J Swi s1i33l 3i! .! ,! rj 4! J 7 sj l,illllill3 S 1 i I... I iti 17lll ..- -Jtlj-lfil Hl.-.'i.i. ; 'TIT!' -h 2 iii--'iiiiii!:''J 1 - 1 ' - -m!j '-!, si .vl 4I 5 r. s C ;I-.1!;U 1: r) iriiT.is.ttl'.w.'le.'i I jiis ,s S7is.a an 31 II j 1! -! :! 4 s t. -) Si l.'lr tl !-.' g ..jU.j..-!lt .s. ajijb'jjis. ..rj .! r.?..,Jwa.i:.'l.i 5'tip L - .i e t Ur .KH'M.-'l,ia j. . - s.; MIS. -: J.JS. 3 ; s wu till U I --I I J. 10! if-, i !t-;lu ' j.-..i!-;.isisiij. Ij .. Ml - m 7! "i i.'ii.'iiiia t ia.li it I'ljiTjutu m -..,,! 1 !j. :: :i -.-..jl i ,1,1 ,!.!,! l i .i II' I.' I!' Ill ! J 17 IS I fr..l!.'2 3 si .. in it i . 1 1 i 7 i - i ;.i.!-.l r l-.l-K 1! ! I s '.;iu T 1 . a " .i 7 ! ! I' I'l C ujt.i Iir;,!i.ji7tis E i'i . -j" j Ji -0 e aa 27 jH;a j6 I . it; 7 VuiifieH Woolen Factory, ' ; Vf,rAf II .It I 5 f t OSt, llllftll 1.1111111). I . , !rj - ill - teMWisnmei.t is now m tn- bei on.ei I -ri.. ....h.tiri l.ii. ..e .r v all lieu. a!d none bin U.e bt ol w..,ki..ui'empl. ye.l. the subscriber leels tuie in saying uini iii . . ,i ,., he snrpnf l lv any fstabhsh- m iInK : r the iv'.i 1 II Hi : i-UUllt'S. jiis waiTcUS w ill ut nrumi as u-w.n, uu . in n r ii ie his rsia,ilihirint, will please avail tht-wselvcs of lhal opportu- n 1 1 I b.'.ve aK-o on hand, and intend keep - ine a choice assoriii.ent of .00!s, Mich as Cl'.t'n .S-.tiurltr. Cui!i turret, ! iv. llnnUl-, 4c.' which I wi!l low for cash. .r i... i' r r....i nn.t f., ii. on- I'r.wlurf ren - Prallr. M KK H A LKPE.N.N V. Jlirileton, April 'i'i, lsj:t if tr, XT . . J A -:3 i f PIIK oti.icrsi..'ne, ei utilities ihe AI E- 1 ii y i:i sLi:ss t ihetj.d siiiti-i. on North Third St., near M.nkcl, n spi ctiiiliv solicits the pmronaou ol his friiliJs ud tl.e til. lie e t:crallv. (.'IIAli'.KS F. HESS. I,p i-hiiro. M.-iv Ti, IS.'ill ViJICLl.'SAI.E and ULTUI DRUG mmmw mmm. Markrl Strot-I, l. w ishiii j., r n. fni.rSiir.i-n CKEFiBY PEGTORAL For ihe l ure mf f 01 (.:is, (olds, iio.rsf:ess, BK0.(liITIS, WIIOOriVG-lOldiU, reorp, Asm .a, ami io.sr.iiPTio.. .i.t t.v' .i . lUtwii ' '. f' r. I I " . n..l tne t. tr I il,, M .,- .- ..,!,'..,- tirrfft thttll trJ'-T We--.' h-I--f-r lliit Hik r.'..i.I..I !... blo. ar J . t. ry Ttar'll' n jirtrnf lo tin- a...uiatHK tlmt tin 9 pr"tn!i.'j. i,-; ! jj). ' . . .. ,. ...... Aitiiiu-a.rn-d.r.Jv.TrianJ.K.tbTrmi.llrt nature Im- ci.rit. f It 1 n. li t tli. tuat ntf.ot our C jrr. ..tt- t.n ...i.uu;,i.u .1 iu. i.uim. fru!.ma w k-if -..it..- t-T.J i (v tlir'i t . intij b. cur.il, ai.a tli.a iWf .Vfli L..t .ixn 117 ,ov.v? r.;,.-.-. ! Ni.-'iviim. IVi n.. J ;.tn . . . Sin Iha.n-Tvali l.j iL-t y.uriM.iij 1'i.rt-i.AL tor ; Wti j ii ,; 1 uli I i.l!t.. in,-,! ! r i-u It, in pri.imr.i!i.e it t r my. r. r-hi ! v. K.uir f m ' drcli liAV. bHii ktlh'tl Willi tli -?- di.s'jtfr. mi. I th fm u- ' i Uu' ruiyi.L bus ti,ayt all. .d-d nlnoM inr.mt V.BttrttVlrnlliftrthi.an-T.'t.r.-iii.-Nt: ! M"JITY. I J -.r . t -, Na-bviile Whij. J.M..lMi.j;MA..irl.,.:-t. .1:T.-,,,.. 1,. ,8-lf : IWir Sir F-r tbr p y. -ir- I 1.,-tt j tiVivi w.th h M.isr....thit lfr.i,M.MlydeS..!,n'..'fr.T- n.i- ebair. a .w;h w..iii. .ir-rt. m- vh. n I M d-.u. li .Tin, u- d limn r ui-d r wi'h-.tit muri, r. iie-f, I ,t U-t . tn.d In-!.., ; l'au.h..-(. m,d,.r l-,ov,4- euct- u:is rumi uu- Jirr.'tiii-r. I urn i. it ti i'i- .f ;t'i. Voul, Jiilt.iinv,iin,K,j.i. Anioni- th. oilier J tln.oii.li.-.l an.tn.riti.. wl.n h.ire lent tb.ir ohi.- U. r.-cu.n- . .1 (; i,r. i, . 1 iiti.-ii a. ih. Uv.-l ivif.nn io 1 1. fin ut nH.vin.t .1 llj,- l'iii. nre I'ff I'-r-KIN-.l't i-ni:oni M. d. i.'i.tr. I'r.-f. -i:.i.. i. f V.ila t'.i!; . lrt.f VL.MiM. l .it. of N.w V..rk. I r f i'i. i:un. f It wd -in .-d. 0o!b ga. I'r- f litTTfr.HiLH. ..f Of io M.-i. Coil- e-e. t'in J iKAot M. t i-i. Vii.m-. It'-T S Mr Pl. M IM. M -,l l. .1 H uSaL, 0:ur.n-T ; tS ('.) M; iirL KvitW. Nr Ji b' X MlIMi iL IU.1-IRTI a; 1L.-U. Ho- T i.iv. li. S. ntnr. Il-.i.t I. Ml-tl. m Aioh:t-flir tnTnrkfj, O n. Ki m f.i. Iti ,.(.. Ir nid m i f - li ; i i. Kt. Ki t. Kb. I'niri.n. lrd Ri-rin; f furunto. IS. T Mr l.'i. of Itr.-.kly,.. X Y. -AkMi-)i j i'i .'. iu. i f t'.n - nn.iti. K A" Tnm nmrifi.t t:T-on:-ee ;n f r, ,v,mtr:'. ,.f , ,7, ."i.V-f .r',.ha , i.,..i. im Hi. .1. ni.-:i-a .1 ami b.M in th. w. .1.1 , ri. Kr.ll.'i ri .4! .-").) in J A.VI.sr .t l i:h. . PriirtiMiliii.fi An .u ii.-nirrii-i.iit. .... .ii.. ' H.K.tr.nli- l.v iVVi , -.irri.f.. !..iri-Tiir!r: .1. tl.rn.li.w ii:..... M ... M Ml'-.. ..rl l..i... .l.,i. 1 . 11 it- u.u - N.w lt.-r!in; l.iii-riiurt. S Iin .r,.r,. ; ',, Uruiii-tj ...rv.h.ri-. lvi.ii.i.i.4iii..h;.,u I n.w ol the stale f Caltf'uriii. 0UE(i. UTAH. AEVV MK.Yit'O. anJ TEXAS. priutetl b 8. AuesV MiUhi'H in I846,aritj (.Minted to ourreontl wnh th toun tlarit Hxeii by dmereah in IH50 foi aale at th I'hmnirti otfire. jirn r 25 'la. TIIIIE preient Proprietor of the newly dico I irere.l VTiniH'ltl I'lllC (limestone) in DRY VA1.I.K V. I'-iion Un. hereby pives notice that Me Cure irr'ff XOT bt i.p'n nn SUXDA YS for Visitors. It mav he viMied bv Ladies and Gentlemen on any other d .y, and on SiATl'K DAY of every week especial preparations will be made to accommodate wi'h lights. (EAH persons are forbidden to break oAT. injure, or take away any specimens from the Cave, nnder penalty of prosecution. The payment of 15 cents only is required of every person before enterine. NOAH WALTER. Pry Yalltv. June 28. ISO DrtJoha Locke,' iSLJiUi.UA, ungual, Ol'i'ICC removed to Market street. e oiul lloor entrance dour btlvrern Kline H'.fef and B. Irnwes" Store. ' Lewisbnr-f, Aprtl 1, 1853 IS now open and ready to do fcusine? s. The regular Discount days are Wednesdays. Tne lollowin;; named persons are the Diaziruus Wiilmi Cjb, Lmj. Mr. Jhhssu Walls. Mr. Ill tut Aanuxs. Mr. Jiitt M'Cuiioht. Mr. Thomas HfLs. Mr. HiLLitt Flirt. Fhkh'k C. Mothi, Ksq. OrrictRS WILLI M C.WiKllON, I'rtsutnit. II. P. .SlIEI.LEi:, Treamirrr. Fvi ner cent, pprannum will be allowed on all deposits over six months ; and thrtt pt-r cent, less than six and "verihree ition hs. H P. slini Li;n, Tieasuier. LcwisLiirir, .epl. I-', ISCv iT IS A FACT, C si':i-cvidi nt, nivl worthy ol ever J cn!lst.!-.Hil..n, no Miiicrcun n.akt iillij I li on lliiiii win. out lor ii'ii f.i'j iii..f i . I . l. . l i. I '-''. uK,.-n ... .... ren .tly. I ti-Ii ou it Is I., get one ' iiriirenser a It ii till C'C-tiTtr, ui ismm l ...k,.., . IT,, ht iii" an fAiL nraclicai and experienced Millwright has invent' d, jj'it tip and put in sucrcssfut operation ihe best Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person ordcrine a mnchine and arlprwards findmo . ,l , jt n,;t ,,ri)Ve to onernte as rr-pre- fJ thefe fch n( ,ae, , j.. SP , , rkifi are to b warrnicd good. rur!b.-r 1 rPcoinmr n' ntifins are lhot ht .inn-css-irv. , ' II.. :.. ...... am nit mnri-i ..I 1 i ii 1 - l?fi:IV I 111 V I II I au u. M,- - - fur tii cl.inrs, or letfi'M o inq .iry, ill hf oo i -ui' pronipl'v iTIrnded to. Jaehmes w ill hi proni and out to (ill order. .VMrrs. I.pwis'itir. t'nit.ii Co. Pa. xuiX r.r.U on r. a m n t a l I I.,; suhs.-rihi r oli-i- Inr sale a larg j lissoriti.i'iii -il chtitci- I' i ' Tri c-s such as Apple lu es, " tt. 1 II feet hull, 40 vurietio, jull srr.iri't ri rcniuiif I i nch tri-es, i i varM-t.es ; Tnrtarian i nerry, .seenirnit , . I'rum- and l'car tri-rs. looet'ii r iih sdii e i (L ,,r 8 varieties ol Urn,..: V.n, s ol U.e I.e.' ni.tive ar.'J exi.iic viirieiic-. 1 .ui.t ...n Trees, uch as lli-' riiuln in. I.i.nli ii, ir N'. f. IVrsi ns vi .sl.i i Id i,ii.ci:re ti ii'. iiri; 11 ttie f 1 u i ire - i reiiiifsii u i I 1 1 m ike 1 minej.atr nj'plic itn ii to I he suliser 1 j her. in i.rii- r tu pnsjie u.e v:ii:. in u I -iz- wanted. II. it. NULL. I r'wi.st,.iri, M.ireh t, !:"(.. f JMIE sn'iscrilii r. th.-tiiki'til for pas' pn-. . 1. ronton, WDtiiil iiil.irm tl.e pnhlir thai . t.'.f v roiriniif; t- iiiiinti'ic'i re n.l kinds t! Mill (icariiig aij utter ('..-lines, lh.a-ii'..: Mai-' iin-s. nitiT i-L r atlit !'.- ol Mjrl.iriv n-pni. ml In trt.' hes- itiitini-r. t ':!ir.(;s .arrsi ti .! Io , nt l- -ui m.i.r rir.l. ini-l at owes h ,t fan m ' fail t.. t-h ... I.KIU.K-.MAKe-il t 1 l.e-ti-1 u r. F. h. f.OKlNIi Stoves, of Hrif t.s pat rr.- nnd s-i7os. fur Cm! or Woo ,i r ' at the Le witilmrg t'liuii lrv hv (Jul !es. M .r . -n. I Si in i..-s Sr., v.s . ) Stiivi s. various pnivrns. f:ir stiip.it tin ,. , .... Lewish.irj I .nindry. C.ei.Ie. M.nh ("a. Lewis w IA(M-S VhU-v llutv' VUi. a mipp- .' rmr nr'tclc, fr-r i!r at f hp Lwii ur- oundry by Im-mM-. Marsh A fa. 1 i MS or SVrJ 0ri!!-IW Vxh i: : T Hpri cillv the nr.! ....,t 7.... (Jrain n.iHnowin ne. for Mfr t I -isl.. . fV jiy 5afcfa M h r Vrpo.:Ltton , lU T..f. ,. Plnest .' ... . A?V J 11 AND EXCHANGE STABLE. 1 "c uuia iejrctlull v lulorrji tut : citirm-ol Lem.ur aiitt ihr lrariiiij; comnn;ii- ! jty nmemllthat he has owned a new Lntty fc.xh-; iMal.le on f Ol III li Mrei lull u xiutfe cuili of Vlarkft, and h.ia rnvulfd .1 fiou.l ! lot ol iiir.e. with riilin-W ne.if khhI and ah- ' ,onah,ri Buffmt i,irii.ba Ac.ttherraU wishine amUiing in hi line tnn ! acrommnd- M on lIlf sIu(rrii otice anJ ' lB fnnnUv . . terma. lie win pay e.ery aiten ion to llie ol 111 eaatomers. .nil hope hy "O Joins to merit and fece.ve a lilieral .hare nf nnl.li . pa'tonase. MII.1.IAM .MOOiit:. Lewi burg. Dee 30, IS51 Vocal ami Inslrnmental MUSIC, : A VERV lti:krt for past; r" F',,ro":e from llie fittzriis; Mtit j V yadsIudentol I.e Hhurc and ? iciniU, the iuWcrit.fr would rtl1 Mote that he coiiii t.UM tit ie Intrucuonv in the Tiann and t.uiiar al,o ., "V """,? ''5- """'K Bern mucin in inr. real .iiikic .-cnonlf liernianv, he iiee.n, hnuneli amply iualilird tr. le.ich Muie. and I o aid in the correct aeuui.i- tiot. ol the rich i.eririati loncue. lie will lc lun' 1'unoe. an.l put llifUl ill repair if drcir.d. lie.iilrnre in Snuih Fourth .treet, in the l..t. Brick l)tlii.e ol Dr. LiuI ms. FKX.NCIS J. CESSNER. p " An ounce of r revention worth a pound of Cure," in thai awful disease. CONSUMPTION! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This .otiuUr work for sale inLew isliur-. by S. F Lyndall J. Ilouohton and al thiaofiire. Pric. 75 cent Ohl Newspapers, OME thou.aml in nnmher.of alliize.,for .ale al the Chronicle orfice, at 50 ct per 100 liken a. they run, or $1 when naorted. A r banc. for Scrap Book. . well., for wrapping paper April 8,1850 ' I I j 1 I fi of UTfic wim l.f J ir.Tr.tfnM ,t M7r ,7r v fjt t!. Jile c tun try mi Ktrw. tint it U'.M t mu'ler 4 4utr to th pubut: not ry .. .t..r t.k-nt, f"T Wli,ltii epatH'! F .t li ... . tU9'-9 i IiJam iwiw.. j chrHle'i Clfnnl nl to -ante furare. j nav. l.en omeiiy wotKm i k.v ammi. u.t (La . cnitstantiy h. bMTintt 'if io i .-trn, ,f .,f ! . all Uid reaource vi bcico.. t.hm d.e. we ci. A'KKVOl'S ro.HPLAlXTS, in ! in tlics tli-easft me-Ticine ft of r.n avail l;1t eier It t!Vr Je ffwl :iJ it iIh uo Lr, S my, K:rart, t ilun, Bl-ijni.x, f.!rin. fc. te-. i till'., in Jen ana iii'h.iw ft iit-ff kui-l r i i.iTl.le... I"r tli.v we .k.u the .Itiil eiasriri.. alreu'ly priitntnl .y.tem, wlnle Ufi-l.r tW .If.iiK ; em..- hie tr i: 1 1!.. In i.: itilttl.nre of li.ilv a. j j 1..1 I'V tl. l eieitit il .li.eiit.iy. th. ..i.'ir. EHtif.'.l iiii.l w.k.ite.1 nD.nr k pesilicj to I1.r3.ef uilta. .tt.iisiii. .u-.iki:.i al i;or. Tc.s. ren.rL. n-!re;e tn reh .ti..s... , -i t' H M.I.I t. 'IU- LiOL) !'. 'X, bllOV ... i ic, l i1TKlN ..f ti e I1K.AHT. 'l:u ss , :. ali I..M ALrl blSnliic.HS, u. b t ..liVl Hi. V At liK. LASsITt lie. anl IlKS 'dS:,-M V. :;-. ar. only oilier umiiri Inr Nerin'i. 1 -r.::i;i;m..t tinn'n Mis i.ii.imiim.is.. " .-. n,"T It"1 1 result fir., ii a n..ii-e.n.:it'riiini .f (e.-tni: n.:wie; N :!;Vnls in. .its. ., i;.. Ni JS. wI.K'b m ncttrtT aiwav cn-4 t ti'iva t ci Usf .11 !i!tirv Ni-itf. a.l cm ain - r". rmW hv :aitsm. lieu '.Uf mz.n m iut dtiMA, , JiSI .-SM in i; wt.rl :.rn. . 1' M-V. tt-l l1 a . I.VS'S. iimrr rr:ijv rvn'. l. a iVftt-itcT t.f . inrl'u.ice-. IIUu.Ni; KU.-.I M 1 & u'H-Vrwl i i ol ihf I IVf.lt. VMS in trSr!)K. S!.I ..'t.SH ' fit. i I LA'J s: i an I U F mm, liis. r;i IfM V "t Nr HVfi! ? iin l"H.!i l. KV iJ ali ii-e .liirc--.iitf fut i-uii. ic v i. ? tiom a lLil.Siii.ii.SS of the NKRYUIS la.Sir.il. I:t ti; lere pretal'-it an-, terril le rlati of T. t Neiou i . -m uiat are nacit aora BtuaifeK bu tU-U i gi:neid!i iii.-tfu.-.i. CKKISTILS CALVAMC fit 1TIYEJ, Ar ain Aw.lute aiMt Fo.lllv Sp.clfle. The EVI.T i when th. or rr.frm er rrill) . nrtvc:isj i li;. r.l i.H t. U,r ckiii.Li..: Y t!i. TUri.at . Aol.v.ia a::.t Bn.n.-t.iiii. aa.l nf i:. Hi .4 , .ml tlie C UA . 1 I.K'l S lor 41I .liM.r.l.r. wf ti. amis iir lintt... a. K.ieiimj'i.m. rl-y. i'r.n.itri ir.i ; ;'xi omirHiile. iLclo. al 1.I1VU luUuilj 0a U.C. .NKV t.lt r IL t rr Tl. : i vlv vs:. , 1 1.1 : iki' i.l t... 11.. ,1 ' l ! t 11.. till 'At'l ti.e ii.l... ' ion .'. ... ... .':' ' . ... 1?, v el-' u " 1 a- ii. t I S.'io; tiieir i:.t! '-.i.iri. 111 Lu I tLrr. 1 i-t , c n's:i: 'iii.i :tl -"t-'.c. o.y 75,000 PEP. SONS iT"!'t sTl fpi". r! U 110:11 v.-re i..r;-- i:-;: Ii.t,-Iy tl S.-m m '.( rr". M!-' n. a"rV"f IT t.i t Hliill-f js,i 1 ui : i ii-.i'.o. -li.n p tn Entirely and Permanently Cured, h-n ail l uf reiirf be if l-ecn ;hq np, nd eTsr- t.-i.-; -.- i t: ..'.! .1 ! '1 in- l'rM:-:..:-i! rvni' ;..cli h.tic ii ut-TBih atten-tixi thnr n ia caiA ?-: J t l'l to beRitltf'Mt a r;iil--l in tU Hi'. 1.1 : if.!ical Si-iencf. I-rmirifii. lArr and iij .tfuTi'i . 1 1 !. "f t:i? Ii:h--t t.tn. '1 i ; iU:. tti-l.es) -nniK h-.bli,e' ,'fiatl ftri. 'jKn. Hit-r!j tu:. nir.-nii.n tt;r':. a: J fi. :;i:m: . ti.r r an-l t'it iirh.i(ti; ..f'.-n w !(ol fwrni.-cs el..". rt-k' -:. 1 -.! ;r. t.ivar iT.: lly f-u :- ftl-ie-.. !!!!( h'.vr MM. ItV A' k"itw .yr-t tV W r 4 : ius an 1 oI'mi u.i.X! itri l'..icl uu: li tit- J Lta th'i- r-i I it be kT.wn an! rcTr-i.fre.! th t t'.e"vf X it ItV-! v t'.ir tne- Vrut 1. ililtij, an-1 th.it lt,i v..-: i'i t.-..-tr. .e ..u.iiJ " Throw Physic to the Dos T. ii: - ti :.Te tl iKottt'G .I.V.WU nvt.T. ''!""'' M.p.- i-omI a of-i.i ifii tci i;n t -rf ,-iii;a'toa ) H'.'r 'S! . or air othr 'n -tTi"f -r Ti -U- I ."'t-ltT. In i.r-!:iiH:j "ca-. tim'.;ir! a:a t.iken. trl.Mh. r-y thf.r trttrm tin tie ncrtfi ur t Biu-cl-..t llie t.:ii.i.h. adorJ -iu; ry reliW, hit vl.K'h I": - e tr1. ji.T'it'Tit in a V-wer fate. an t jth v'.ii-j l:.cul:ic. uitsT ti. rti n tk't if -citoJ ba " t ow omit. ,it tliis m 1:11 tl. t-t-rt r.:;S. .p fr..rn thf a(v.h-ti-t l tb ti.VAiO BKLT T .i.t k 1; -i''; tif utt. rer. n in the worit :rts of an ttark. and iniJy tir the blt rtmnri tua ii -it "'tr tl.e V:H-tiT l-ltiii a drtrTi) In m rht.rt ri-d U iuM-itih!e rs p ration writ art nr 1-f-uiv I'lftiir-it ot ti. licit, thereiiy rntr.c a .tilv.ine riri'iilation which will a on to ti.a rewrite, iini ii:.Mi. bavk a.iti to tbe n"'vn.ve, tb'.s W-revm? wp a rtMt 1 n iruUnir tirraUt.- 1 thr- ii;hin tut nv:m. 'I !im the- mX rr ot l5.:'K.rSI are I KRM AM. VI I . t BKU. KKU" l'.S IS X .-ri.V SI KKI' !KNT IX) fcRAL'l CAlii i'tir. UlSi-lASK t'K aKAltS. MANY THOUSAND certificaixs asd testmon:al frmn tl miMt intrlttcnt an.l rr-(tVIe fr" re-i.ljr in etcrr ;t.rti-n uf th 1 itftt Sute, cpuJI te prenteit r!ne are nrw uimetary. -t a nmr.eioiu -tlrctiuii eiubiaci:: i:iy Itntetnenu f the mnt rt: air-!ii ir ffl'-imctpr. t Tiripnt to 1 t'X ViV K TUK Miirif hriiCAL aiay lie bad l t an.iori-el AcuL 'ike mi-ieMcd aiu (aiUJU.a.5 iui.tekl to Cl. WHAT THINK YOU OF THIS? Prom onr of t!ir mot !itlxi?i!ttd VY iatw in (he iiy f ftrw York. "I have b-e. nir bristi inUauc articlet ifl l"!'t n? ai:n.ri; my -- CN f. r a'n.tit Ht. wild I coi:le t in ai.ube at their nrr If I am nrc a Uncase is Xr I know jut l thy iil do. In Kfiiirf'c'l'it. fn;U.nUrlT 1 , . ,, . , , , . "i .'- " ' u .iectiuiis ut the liea-i. o. raum ui.r. u u 1(m ai n.iM tin.rlnl 111. ..r..i.-....n I I t.. . 5 artirU. el imi rt-iiif t..u.-ii .1. 1 .11-., .i,. .,..rj -. . ,n M.i ra-r, I mut r.prt. my ,lti beiirt in tbe noii-tfrhii mtnfi of 4 IfRlSTIP.'S rt'K 11. K!. Mr nan'e , of enuiev coufiitentul hut ; ha. I nrcr bttitir tu recunuanl jur articlaa ot ail i roicr occ-Anma." AXOTHEH iySTAXCE 07 CSIl02. To D. C. UaHfi. M . D., ln. A4L fur Dr. t MMi.tia. New V . JVnr fir. Bmi 4 a r.hy.icin ia th tic in itr of n f iiwr Axi.:. I btrn nth ( a.ilWtl ia) the raaivnuaiou "t wir l.il;iniT t urativea, anJ kisThly lor.1 with tiieir frnctirnl revniM. I time oterrsl ih-it ll.rj art- ctm-tru.; t,3 the true tcieiv titir pniici.-le it the tmrt. mf, i 'th-my an I v ttnumi tlevel. wwtt uf the (ialrantC I'arreut tllTrT fitiina: a duitienauin, Imig tjamcta for, but herat4:a link Miwn. I cltetM fully revtnuii:etiI then fc-r tf.e aileviatioa auU cure w tiva &irm aiLaeata rulleil Nmti.i 11 4'oMriifi, l'r tnu Uitx art kaily aii tngeMMuir ijtjciml. Very truly UAV1D RXE, M- D- Levtrett, Jvi.. tabmanr t-. lM. . t,e No triviM. or im-otivnti.iire .tta-U, th. TW. , f nH cm.rsTir:'s i;.n v.i.mc rt'.ijri :. : an.1 the. ni.l l. auiu Lv Ui. Bu4 iMtiaaaj a... I eat, with irfect ea. ai.t saiet, tu a .rr e.-. ! tbe teu.atiia ar.iiilinf thi-ir u.i i. H.tS . i.nf ' mmA ar.i.a.i. 'In.y ar tK-rooiBnuwJ b. fi.ll an4 Jir"o, r imn.M:, i: . A I ItiCS. The Galvanic Felt. Three Dollar The U3i.-nic Necklace, Two Dollars. The f!:.h uiic nrneeleu. One Dollar EaatV The Magnetic FluiJ, One lolla. . , PARTICULAR CAUTION. JrJ- tewart . CmuHtt jeir, mn4 WrtUett fMirariM l C. MOREIIEA l, 11. D. OiNtBAL AUtVT KUK THK I MTK.O STTE IT. u. .wty. w Vark. M.H In .wlatur;, C. -M.Ui ItLK . tUanttb at tlje ditonirir (Tff.rf, ON account, from ene on to nx je" atandinc CASH and alto Wood, Wheat, Butter, and moat other Pioduce loi houacbold o. fte current r.-te inr