LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. X ffojioburg Cjironirlf. H. O.HICOK, Editor. 0.. WOBDEN, Printer. . . tl 76 In thr month. fSptld Apntoia PWUdflji-V B falner I E W Carr. Lcivisbitrff, Fridat Mousing, Oct. 27.J1854 .lM..nhrt.r.. Mr!-V.T ADVERTIZE atr an. I Vui.itv- -i.T.-.-"' ir "r!::;'.; a,Xiiroain " .taeTwrKe rTi'i.'In .h''"-' '"" ODUBlri- any - . -- r Te7 Advertlsenif nt. . xB-Pome rovnws new indivMuaJ .otiec. n..v be ft-un-J toller rjr.Tr.te olacos in our ci CoJulllU' till? weifc, we invite particular attention, as ..mwi litis it to interest all. (hire is Ihe utility of advertisinft is becoming nnra. .ml more miderstond : and the beat medium, in doubtless, that which has the best circulation. We think we can mb itantiato the fact that the Chronicle has nearly if not quite double the circulation of auy Euglih paper in l.'niou county i-.S patronage increases r. gulai Iy, timlith by mouth auu more substantial or letter paying patrons we know not of. It cl lims therefore to be the bit mcUiuui Kr the ; circulatiun of advertisements iu this viciu- ity- Our Schools the University. The streets of Lewirburg are again alive (and Ecmetiu.es vocal) with the huudrcds of tuiilmg faces of the "la;s and lasses" young men uud JoUng ladieb who arc attending cur various schools and seiuina rits iif learning. Success to them ull ! The University edifices, we regret to ssy, are lull to oveifli.wing. Our regret, is not to the number, but to the lack of accommodations, h;ih is an itjuiy to tl c Institution. Uo nis for students to study and sleep in, are aur nj the th.'ice pri vileges of students. Our steadily increas ing Railroad facilities wtil as steadily iu--crcase the number ho dt.-iie such rooms. fltc-v. -Mr. lir.LL, Aent of the I nivciM- !iy, wo understand will soon u.akeau effort j was eh ijuei.t and highly appropriate to the to supply this deficiency. Of the sum rc- j ocea.-ii.n. The audience was attentive and qHireu, it is believed that Lcwisburg aud 'apparently deeply impressed with the sol Ticiuity which renp ait the ptcuuiary 'inuitics of the ceremouy. WUiiumuirt profits of the institution should advance j Yew. at least S'i.OOO. (We say aJi:,a; for it J It-t.iTu-riZIur stated will be rejaid, iu various way-, iu a very jn pnv;l.e jpatc,cs fr. m St. Louis that short lime ) Over half this sum has al-; 0llv 5ur (jf jri.rasjjt Territory, who ready been secured. We certainly '"re l..l Lut u f.-w .lays previous rcachej his ha will uof find much difficulty in secur- ' pst) j. j 0,, lbe iS(U in;t lug the balance, ior every 1UJ rai,ca Gvernor y. rcacU-d Bellevicw city, here, 5-00 wiil be raised abroad, and iu- ; Nebraska, on the G h, but was too ill to vested iu brick aud mortar in Lew is burg. !attecd a festive gathering on the day fol- Thc remaining University edifices are .; ;u uUur ,lf j. arr;Vi.i. certainly needed, aud their friction, the! - , , , , . i -., i! Ihoannuul I'airof the Xorthuuiberlatid Rimini uivnu. i,-n4 im renuiiej r.v ' ., . . . e i verv consideration of economy auu future . prosperity. And the friends of the cuter- prise abroad, look for its home friends- i ti. u,.,,, 1l ila ni.e,,nif.rv hell. htH to take the the funds. lead iu the cff rt to raise ' Union Furnaca The machinery of this new enterprise at 1 SVinfield, four miles below Lewisburg, we I understand bas been tried, and works very j , ,. , i satisfactorily. V-c shall eee-k an oppurfu-' city to eive a tuore rarticular description bf this most iuiDortaut addition to the bu- sineu of our umunitv. for which they are indebted to the fore.aig.it aud energy of Beaver, Gehues, Maksii i Co. ja.Gov. HioLtn has been ou a visit to asbington, ana w as screuaueu, aim maue a speech, at Thiladelphia, on bis way thither, lie is said to stand his defeat tnaufuliy, and various happy -editors are ; quoting those very oriiiual " stanias, ' Irtttb crush. U to e-ir tb," kt and And more true jj MArcutluJ extltsl, f.-els," c Silver Cvp. We have been shown an elegant Silver Cup, valued at 510, received by our townsman, I5enj. C. Taylor, from the receut Indiana State Fair, as a Premi um for a specimen of " Half's 1'atent lirick Moulder." Mr. Taylor, we are glad to learn, is doing au exteusive aud iucr ca sing husincf with these Moulders, iu the Western States. Tl. i.v: . ! ... ii .i:( . RS.iiic .siaj;aia uiiiseei at Xlilill ix, day before yesterday, with three days' later news. The siege of Sebastopol was progress- ing, but no new action is reported. Cotton was reported dull Breadstuff's rm, and advancing. t9-'e sec it stated that Gov. ISiMer . . rpi .. , - basset apart Thursday, November 30, to ; le observed as Thanksgiving Day in Penn- i .rt.,;. tu r- e . .1 ui.i-uia. m u. iruvexj.iirM oi a.'Vasai .a , the ntlier Kt-.t..a .1. .. . .i I mabc aiav ava auari IU0 eame day for the same purpose. .Within about three mouths, under the charge of O. li. Ellis, millwright, the Lewitburg Eagle MjLL bas arisen from its ashes, and, iuiprov d in appearance and construction, is again prepared for business. Te Express Agency, advertised in another column, must prove a great eonvenience to town and countrv. Me Testis will give it his personal attention. The faithful and obliging Clebk, win success as the Merchant. ' you bare any outdoor work to 4o, now ia tbt time to do it. Fibisin LEWlsftt.Ra.-Tb.ere was alarm of lire on Saturday last, caused the falling of a stove pipe iu the house of i;c Church in Newport (Ky.,) and the Mr. P. liillmycr, lut no damage done. j Bishop, growing out of the latter having On Sunday morning, about 101 o'clock, ' a schiiol home built on a churuh lot with the stable of Mr. J. Bright, on North out the consent of the former. The trua- """' Blreeri louna to De on lire, auu oca burned down, but, b, the .id of the CDgiue, the buildings in close pronu.ity were tappily saved. J be cause el l lie lire . l t .i. -i 1 r iT: ' "-s -"6 , fuk wu.ru. p, mu am. ui uiyperatu iwo , lc congregations. , i ( t.l . t . ' rauuuaj cicmujl, large neap 01 'f burijillg combustibles at the otLer cud of i the Bridge, threw such a glare of light j upon the steeples ou Third street, as to cuu.-e an alarm of Cre iu the diactiou of , iLe llivcr. I Will our Council tale any action for better security against lire ' or shall the people individually enter into the work ? j What pay our omc:p..tent " Know-Xoth- ings" to getting up an engine of their on n, superior to all others? Co.Ml't.NsATtos. The long continued drought has resulted in the utter extermi nation -f myriads nf insects, worms, atii inalcu'te etc.tliroL'ghf ut extcri'ive sor-tious of the Union, which have hitherto proved very detrimental to cur valuable crops. A southern paper say-i that the joiut worm bus been annihilated in many whtat fields, having become diied to puwdi-r before ar riving at maturity nod shedding their pes tiferous brood for another si ason's ravages. The States of New Verk, New Jersey, Illiuois, Michigan aud Wisconsin will hold j (flections on the 7th of November. They ! will together. elect 51 Congressmen. In several of these States S ate officers are to be elected. Iu Massachusetts, the dic tions will take place on the l-'Jih of No veinlor, when 11 members of Congress, a (joverui'r and State Legislature will be chosen. The Corner Stone of the new Evangeli cil Luther.ui Church, iu this borough, w.. laid in the fureiioon of the 10:h ii.st., with a propria:; cen monies, lbe sermon o the Lev. Jese Wiiitci.ff, of Lcwisburj County Awicultural Society, was held at . " . . Shamokin on Tuesday week. There was In 1 nOAnl.inna n t. 1 tl.A A t. It ,'.f lltl IBrtO ' ' ttlrfavoraLu season d, considering the unfavorable season ' for farm produeti.ms. Now that the Democratic party has been so badly beaten, in Ohio, Indiana, aud i,nt,srlan:. ;. . r,.rv re,t ,ii,fae- considerable , ' . i,, - Lucomiwj Uitzrtlc. ... IJosTO.v, Oot. 24. Several 1 rotestant Cltlicns oi iangor, .'laine, nave preseuicu the liev. Mr. Uabst, the Cat atholie prie.t.l ccoutty so outrageously assaulted at Ells- rorth, a valuable gold watch. Lewisbnrg Post-Office Arransements, eAj,Tt:nx Mii MiLt.., try day h.it snn-tar, cltr at S, A M. KASTEHX' 3Ikib via XomhVi erery diiy 1 ut Sm..lr.r C.i..-f 1 li' ii;liick. 1. ! ri.c i a.m. A'Off r.'.V(Willluiiiwt '. V. n.1 Wnln ami Frt., cl-r at I .. fl mitht lireceillng.. OlTff.V.S!iDM:ive) TimmI. Ibui-d.ai.d Salami. rliwe at 12, M. BCFFALOE JC llOAlia. Tuelay it FrH.y, ciowf mtS CM ot uicl.l ireee.1it.ff. .Bn.ineii? hour. 4il Tiener-t Sundays frtw I. until 11'" A '! , nl froui 1J, Al. uuto S I' M Xoe.i-1, Ilia. 11. W.C'liOTZEII, P. M. A VARIETY of School Books, Blank Books, (iift Il.ioks f.ir Holiday i presents. Pens, Ink. Letter anil t.ap I'aper, ; Fancy SSialionery. Magazines, I'api rs.eir. etc. fur fle clvtiu at the I.ewissi ao I'ost Orrics Cnrrtctrd Wetkly. ..81,75 K,'i's... .mi . 12 . 10 . 8 . 12 .6,00 near. . , j JJ,"" iOats. ". 5)0 'J'aiiow Lard liacon Ham Cloversced... 75 37 i 1.12 1,25 IS Flaxseed Iried Apples Uutter On the 26th inst., by Hev. E. KiefTer. Dr. LXWII II. MIEII, OI .VIlliin, , aim ....-3 ,,,, . K. yonne-st dat.Rhter of David Kellv. of Kelly Tp. L'nion Co. Pa. il.. ihe 24ih insn bv Rev. V. Z.Weiser, Jos- - . . i l . . tl ira Mesata oi tacwisnuig. " second daushter of Henry W. tSnydcr, Esq., of Selinsgrove. Al the Temperance Hotel. Lewisbnrtt. 21th inst bv Rev.B B Hamlin, Hiaax Boni'sa and Miss AaoKLim Ziirawi.ll of Union Co. On Ihe 24th inst.. by Bev.B.Baiisman. Wn tia Am.., and Miss Elixabf.tb Postics, both of I.ewishurg. DIED, In Lewisburg. 22d inst , Matis 8rrp, aeed 81 years one of the very oldest of our I citizens, having resided here upwards of half, tamentary on ihe Estate of WILLIAM a century. His companion-with whom he ARMSTRONGS, late of the BorouKh ol Lewis had been unite, I in m,rr,.ge the extraordinary term ot vxiy-j yea.s ...... n. ...ou... the loss of the faithful busband and lather and the esteemed citizen. In Milton, 17th insL, Robibt Gt, about 70 years of age. On the 20th inst, Eli as Waltost, about 40 years of age. an! Ci.NCiNRATf, Oct. 2 l.A difficulty has1 ty'ciistc'd betwBcn tLc trusteed of the Catuo-1 tees applied for an injuuetiou, which grauteJ to-da, by the' Court,' tha Judge deciding that the Mishop hal a rwht to annoint tho truite... f..r tha el,,,.,... .A . w uso tiie ground for cuurch purposes only. One of thk. Cals. The Toledo Re publican Fays that a German woman went mto Scoti's hardware store, a few morning since, bought a coukiug ttove, and placing it ou her he.J, deliberately marched off with it. If she's not M.ar.-itJ, tiwn'i a woman for you, boys. This is about tho transition time from i the brilliancy in which the forests are now decked n.l.din l.r. ..!, .... ; dull and daik November. Another soak- itig rain, succeeded by a Li-h wiud, will . , , . at once destroy the now gi.riis plcturo. A letter fioiu SuigeoB J. of Dr. Kauv's noed tii.u, datod Kifiu's Hay, July 11, 1-iii!, is it pleW with iuto re.st, and the afety aud good health uf ibe crow bis Lieu received with rnuuh joy by their fellow oounityuiea. A GllibU'iteriiig army ui 1S00 ma bas been disbanded al L U4vii!, ia coue tjuence of a tibues ia tu luouey iinirket. ,",. A. ' tRS, a Blind man, will f t . vK'ive a fUMJi-KT ot Vucal and tnstru yiiienial Music, in ihe L'blleee l-'hapel at l.euisburp, THIS ( Friday) evenine, at early candle lighting. He plays the Melodeon ai.d vi riiet at the same nuo- a iiuvtliy worlh hearme. iVA iiimtancc, 25 cts. SIr. Ii lanrl would re f V -i. Ladies "f Lewisbarir and vi- v y. r renenei her ass-irirripni' of IKISNLTK. THIMMI.NGS. 4V Vc. wlueh she will dispose ot ..n tav.TsOie terms. Iter ha!ih is s i far rrMnred that she will personal ktteiitii.n to business. On. .'li VNOTIir.K fit of Fine Urocha SHAWLS and Parametta i.'biihs ..1 ail sha le, at vtrv low prices, just reed hv Oct. 25 J. HAYES & CO. VTriM. be s.,ld on the premises, near Dr. T f lJeik"s, in ISonh Second St., on Friday, 3i Novehbsr neit, at 10 o clork, A. M , a large quantity of ( ur)' iiUrt , 1'ummitkrr.t, rind (wipers' HiHU. such as Amjers, Braces, I'h'seM. Uil's. l'ianes. &c. Turiinii Lathe nn.l T.x.ls 1 1-!. iijniR to it aso Clnins. Hopes, Wurk , Beiieiie.s, and THKKB S'l'riVK.s. KKL'BEN MABUS. Lewisl.nr", Oet. 20, Til Eagle 3Iill. II AVING rebuilt, in a manner enlarged and unproved, the Mcini Grist Will n - ODllv 1. .St kir fifn iha mk;.r.Lta tM7 "'m !hl? Ph "T re prepared to do all kinds of Custom work and purchase Grain as heretofore. iNE.sBIT, HAYES & FlCHTHORJf. Irfwisbure, Oct. S5, ISM ' i r?5T F.XUrrsn Iftife! The nndersi-ned have been ' appointed Agents for HUWARD & CO.'S .mi ,.v.t. ann are now preparej to, forward, emit). Packages. Xpecie, Bank ISotcs i j Ac. to I'hiia leiphia, .New Vork, Boston, Al-1 bany, Baltimore. and intermediate points, also - " ..'.C,;" V 1 , s-v.es. ineiiioa oi transportation betnecn the cities and Lewisbtirc ! - . ' I I ackaees received by rr before ! A M. will (arrive in Philadelphia the same lv. and be delivered early in the following morning. Receipts given for time and price. Oct. THORN I ON & CO. IMmkoIuIIiiii. T "'HE Firm of L. IfUUNU.-s tt CO.has been this day dissolved by the sale rf llie iioerests of fsamiiel deddas and James Marsh, to Aaron E. Wetzel. LK WIS IPPIXC.S. KAMI EL fil llliES, JAMES f. MAiiH. Lewisbnnr, Oct. 9, 1H54 NEW FIRM. rpHE sub-cribcrs have this day entered 1 into I ' trtnersnip, to an a general .Mer- raiittle businea;, under the name of Ini.it.os & UsTziiuand reNpcctfiiily solicit ilu pat ronage of their friends and the public. LEWIS 1 01)1 Mi. AAKON E.VII J ZnL. I.ewisbnrff. Oct. 9, 151 Executor's Nollrc. OTICE is herebv civen that Letters Tes- tain-ntary on the Estate of JOHN A. V'AWALZVH, Esq., late of Kelly Tp, Union Co., dee'd. have been era n ted to ihe under signed by the Register of L'nion county iu due form of law ; therefore ail persons indebted to sal I Estate are requested lo make immediate payment, and tho.se having any just claims are also requested lo present them properly authenticated for seti'ement. SARAH B. VANVALZAH, ) Exec LAIKU HOWARD, , mors. lYotice, rTWE Annual Election for Directors of the I Lewistinrg Sivinjs Institution." will be he.d at the (Mice of said Institution in the Bo roueh of Lewishnrj, Union county, on Monday Ihe I3lh day ot November. 1S54. between Ihe hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock, P. M.. at which time seven Directors are to be chosen for the ensuine year. 11. P. SHELLER, Treasurer. Lewisburg, Oct. 13, lt?54 ExecntorM' KoflC, -vrOTICE is herebv siven that I.etira Tes- indebted lo stid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to W. H. ARMSTRONG, Acting El'r. Lewisbarg, Oct 20, l))54 fil ,.,, W..-- ""P- Ulrtll SU lI Fall and Winter Arrival of Xtw Goods! mnH a. vore T 09T respectfully announce to friends and rZlot DRV ttOOD. of every variety, and at P"a u suit cuaiuiners, embracing ladies i ami in Ueutlemen's dress (roods, domestic, turn ishiTiir goods, gloves, hosiery, trimmings, &c. G'3?!5R".!I3 a freD supply of the best qualities sugars, molasses, honey, coffee, leas, spices, tobacco, scgars, crackers, ham, cheese, dried fruit, Ac. HARDWARE a well selected itock of sliove.a, spatlcs, torss, hoes, an J a variety of cutlery, carpenter's) masou's, aud biack- smiiu s too.s. QVEEXXWARE, the eheareit ever ofT-r.l in this market iron-stuue, granite, china aud wniteware, aiso common lea-ssiis, &.c. H ATS AND CAPS.of all kinds aud ai low prices. All of which have been selected with rvM care.aaauiivittf s.. oukmiiw t ui.y ar enabltd to .sii at uuusuaUjr u-w r.st. l'bey : ileum it uiiuciarv lo (iaiiuUrixe, as their ,u,ck ub: ei lkei 10 w c-tu-d I tor. ftu'chA-xtr will 6ad u their a.iuiaie to give usacall. f ttUUb'CE iakea il.r;U-JC. rr wi ta rui.i I.eivubum, Oil A, JmM iew Finn Xew Goods I A 04141 Hi UOtli IWt'pl eUliHi" Jl'aT RKLtlVED, by wj ot Caltavrisua Riilrorl, OME of the choice aij ra.t lewrah asktirtmeiiM id vin.ili.r UK Y J Xli fAyCY VOOUS ever broui-tit U tb.s piaee, and w aicb Ibey . flir at an uuasualiy kiiall advance upo ilie hisl cost. Old fi lends an new, and the subtle cei.er ally, are. lespeetiolly u.v.U:d ui call aad see for themselves. VTK full Ksortmeat nf HARDWARE, Ql'Kt.VSWARE, bUill ZHlLd, Ac, abd at low prices. I1)I)I.GS at WETZEL. Leisbur, Oct. 24, 114 T Mlt(l l rector . BLANK Contracts with Teachers, and Or ders oa Treasurer, at t.'hronicie Uitice. NOTICE. IT A IG booijht from 1). H. Riwit, of i L MilBintiurp. a quantity of llrv li.icds. ir.:erie, H.irdre. li ieensware, lr.,0, ic also 5 Wae'.ns, a Horse, and a sell of Har ness, we hereby give notice that we have left the same in the care of the said Kissel, lo be removed to the dwellirg now occupied by him, and to be by disposed of for our exclusive il-e and benefit. Also that our Books and Accounts are placed iu the bands of said itis sell, and all persons iudehtedlu us are urgent ly requested to make immediate setllerusnt with him. KITCIinX & KIEFFER. Mifllmhunr, Oct. IS, 1S54 NEW ROUTE. CATTA TFI.ViA, WILLI AM.;mh T .f KRIK SAIL-EG AD Oil 10 MILTuX. 8 hours between Philadelphia and Milton f are, 1 00. OX and after Monday. Sept. S5th, and until Intension to Hi'lliamsnnrt. ! 7'rains will be run every day (Sunday excep-n-il) as follows : Leavini; Milton at 1 1, A M.. connecting with Rea-tin; Railroad at I'ort Clinton, arriving at Philadelphia at 7.:l, P.M. Leavina Philadelphia at 7.30 A.M., arrive at Milton at 4 30 P.M. A Kreisht train will leave Milton on Monday Wednesrfnv nt.d FeOlai' an,l P.. Tuesdav.ThursdavandSaturdavnfeeh aeeV F. "Ki,t ia "rr""'1 tn a:1'' fr'nn Philadelphia w,'n' ul lJan!nipmenN Irom Keartm? Kailroad r f M'K srK , ,, ,ar, J . ni rei.iii K, ' 1 Jl Superintendent. . - " TJ COrNTV. ss.-f the Orphans' : I J ..V. S. the r,iat:er of the estate of J "MEs M'CLi'kk. dee'd. brrr, m ,.,,rii,m; . ... auu o. llic .UU COIII1IV. Ill I K' an M'Ciure and Kichar l M'Cliire, heirs ol the above named e.-ute. will lake nonce that by an order of the Orphans' Court of I'r.ion county, a Partition of the lan.N and tenements of said deceased situate in Hnil'-iloe township.will be made on Kaiou the lstdny oi iec r next, at in n clock, A.M., when and where you may atlend if vou see proper. JOHN KKs.sl.KK, Sheriff. SherifTs Office, New Berlin, Oct. C, lgftl New and Beautiful Fall Goods, TLST openinp and entirely too busy to enumerate articles but for quantity, qnainy, or low prices, call on Oct. 4. j. iuvfis co. mmnlli IflVIl! f)nofnnc. ltHlllIH, I U liCUU tUUllllO, B. saw i'.ai j JLL wa'ajr-r- i.?;iwt NEW GOODS ! J. & J. WALLS ARB jast receiving their KALL SUPPLY of (Joods. Can aid Six. Leuisbnrg, Oct. 4, 1S34 BEAVER,KREMEK & MOOItE have received their New Fall Goods, which they are enabled l dispose of rxrnx iiislt cheap. Lewis!tirg, Oct. 4, 1854 Li,U7IOf ra A ND NEW FIRM. The partnership here- tofore existing between Kbrr Jr Yurt, was this day dissolved by mutual consent fli..ol tt.h.. tiavin. .llun-we.t of hi interest in .i.- - , l...... ii..rh Th hnsi.... 1 will be continued at the old stand under the Finn of llnrth Vurse, who will be happy to serve all the old customers and lots of new ones. DAVID REBER, O. R. VORSE. Lewisburg, Sept. 20, 1651 HUSSEI'S GRAIN REAPER, for cutting both Grain and Grass. A f ANUFACTL'RED and for sale at the XIX Lewisbarg Foitmlry by OEDDEM. MARSH & CI" LIME CO AL just reed and for sale by BEAVER, KREMER MOOKE. M I t UK'S Pianos. Tim ulcnler has been appoiuted Asent for the sale il Mayer s celebrated Pianos. (.'.Meyer ree'd he i'rize Medal at the World's fair, w lion he was in competition with the most relcbratcd makers of. Europe and America. His instru ments are universally known to excel all oth ers for ei.iiiiiite tone and durability. Tluo-e wishing to j.uri'hi;e a 1'ianotliat will lat f'T many years and eive perfect satisfaction, will call and examine one of bis besi 7-ciave rose wood msti uineius, at J. I.. Watr.h and Jewelry Store, Market St. Oct. 12, 188-1 Lewisburi. KLKCT10X. XTOTICE is hereby given, ihit an E'ection ! 1 wi'l be held at Wh t- 1 er Mill, in I'niv n county, on Muxsit, the tilh l . w nf November neat, lo elect a i'reidciit,sx Man - afc-crs "d a 'Vt'.:u ' 'J s'Wmtud Hie aga,r alley wmie ucer turnpike Ko:tl L'ompaujr tor the ensuing year. KUBKKr C XOOR, S.c. Vhite Deer M.lls, tcC 10. TI1 ltlll at 1 111 1 II .' TtaXK-i Oi,tl, Ie mWribrr will pay the htKuest price iu L.iSU lor HUM. M'i will keep c.n-jmtly Tue abjve articles will be soil cheap for on baud, VI heat aud Flour to ttitail, an t bis , c3sh or eountiv Pr.-iluce. Waif 0 'I r.n.jilyt..T .wo to d -liver Flour j Ait kiui f hCPAlUt.NO 'ione at sin rt no. aud receive W neat. All Wueat he sells, he lic(.t ctc-p ai,, ,u ,he mris, m;lnn. r. will guarantee lo wake 4U lbs. Fir ur pi r bu- I -pug ClllJ,M f Leisbtir aud ihe surroua sbel. Peru i wib. heat.will leave iheir ein!f countrv, aie vd.cne.1 lu exicu l a f.ur bags at wySurrUoute.aud ihey uall be pane- ; p,,rl, ,a littil pvr..naae. iuaiiy alieu-ird to. AI.FT K AS1.MOX9. Lewisl.nnr, Sep'. 14, H54 NOTICK. 0l UR Tirm bem(t this day dissolved, we a.d say t ' al! who kuow tbeiulve indrhied to u. that we are in ueed of the needial, and are ati.tus lo seilie up our biis me.s wuh as lil.ie deUv a possible. Or B . ks will reifcaia at ik old laji J, aud set tlement made by euber of the Firm. Kent: it & voius. Lewisbiiri;. Sept. 30. Ibri 1 MAfiBLK YittD-The subscriber respectfiillv inlorms ihe public that he ail II continues to Marble Business al h.s old stand ia ihe upper end of Market street, in this Borough, where he is prepared to manu facture MONUMENTS, TOMBS, Grant iituiut, i.ififas, i'atrm,Siili,it'c. He has a variety of Carved and Plain work now finish.' J. and teadv for lettering. Persons desiring any article in his line of b'isines', are rebooted to call at his Yard, as he wiil there sell 1 per cent, cheaper than can be bought of persons EoicK tbrooch the country. All orders will receive prompt arteu tion. SOLOMON Kli i'Elt. Lewisburir, Sept. 1 ). 1S.VI Danvllla Hudwire Stara, THREE DOUiiS XOiiTU OF THE BASK, VT which will be found a large and well selected stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, fteel. Nails, Carriare triin'iiiL's. Harness mounimss. Carpenters', Cabinet-iur.ker.s' ai.d rshop- inakers' TooU, Bool and fhee Findings, Moroccos, Knl. Lininu, rrench Ca:f skins. Cedar and Willow Ware, Mteel Springs, Anvils, Vices, Screw Plates, tcrew Bellows, Builders' Hardware o; every description, Venn. an Window 11 Id is'hntif rs.VV indewSash,Silverpltd Ware, Brittannia Ware, Ouns, Pistols, Revol vers, Manilia and Hemp Ki-pe, Sperm Lard, and Whale Oil, Tar, Window Glass, Looking Ulass riatrs.Lins. edOil, Spirits Turpentine, Pure White Lead, White Zinc Paints, Binke's Fire Pruof and a full assortment of other Paints, Wines and Liquor at Wholesale and Retail. J:.p.m, Copal, and Coach Var nishes. Ac. Ac. Al! of which will be sold very cheap forrah, country produce, or four months' approved credit. J.O. RICHARDSON, at the signs of the Anvil and Saw. Danville, Sept. It, lMt lylt't I)t ,I I'S Pu m ps 'Pumps !! W ell and Cistern Pit tups, Suction. Force and Cham, the very best articles now in use,tho.se wishing to purchase can be convinced of this fact by calling upon Henry R. Noll, Esq., l.ewishnrg. The subscriber has also on bard LEAD Pi IE from to I) inches. J.O. RICHARDSON. Danville Hardware store, 3 f"oors N. of the Bank of Danv ille. Sept. 15, ISjI. S UHION TEHFSIIAKCE LCTtL, Ice tretim and Eatln? Sa!oon, V'H'Htr nf tSccvtii ami Murfo t St; 1 Havina; rented ihe commodious and w!l iiijL'iited baildm;s at ihe lower end ol M.irkei St. (fitrmorly the mansion of Wm.Hayes.Esq.) the suliscriher is prepared to entertain snt a yGEns a yjt tha rn u:tt Man and Beast, with lcn!ii!g and foud bu not n iih intoxiratin? liquors; LiTTbere is also attached an ICE CREAM Saloon for Ladies, and an EATING a A LOO. for Gentlemen, He respectfully solie its a fair trial, and a share of ihe public patronage. E. PETERS. Lewisburg. March 30, 1854 3m NOTICE. Application will be matle tn the next Legislature to chance the name of the "Leirisburi? Sivines Institution." located at Lewisburg iu the county of Union, to "THE l.EWlSUrHU BANK." with One Hundred Thousand Dollars additional capital, and authority to issue its own notes for circu lation) subject lo ihe provisions of ihe general banking laws of this Commonwealth. By order of the Directors : , H. P. SHELLER, Treasurer. Lewisbarg, Pa June S, 18M W. Zw ilnaaSl-sae -sLV Ten NIghU In a Bar Room, - AnJ what I saw There. BT T. 8. ART lit a Ten T!touand Copir in o Mmth. x Ti'utiit U, b Um twrtHvar wrMlcD if Ur. Arttiuv. I J.jJ.i'tli thc.OVilw.,1 li.ttaip- rmarr in KfM t tfcriuiiisj I t. ti iiK-. inii:r .tin H.- . IT -t ft XmVmm in in 1 I kutii juiilimrf. ax wf 6ii :nsi)itjuiB th tf, hnt i. r.,m mi. tu .1 imr&. Tin Mr .flim Mtj Mor- hraihvr.itb-.urin! uwi-vuboo !r. tti. i aUon wnli th pricm A lb- lonk. T 'uf-rmw neu rr othwrv nan Jo m re for tOU f&tMtM I A-bt u vatatrj iu oit 4 w cttirf7 oM. j ritual StRfe. to an lit. on gfn oj r. iltit. leftattfuar iiliairntevi wiu flu at stUiit a- trm in,', i.y rt.o. j t t r n CopT t lr,t ((roat paviJJ oo rv ryt ot the pnr, 7' r nt. 'IUj irsti tuuiBMiioa k rn V. 4 Id ! 'o 4" North F 'urib mm!. l'!.t!.virt.iv aud tiariie JSanttfnlory. The s'lhseriber.thank- ful for lav..rs hitkrrtu j conferred, respecll'nlly j inviu tlj- paO.ut to call i 1 an,i t,ncc his work.as he is confident they wilt! . t.,u,L.t eu.ire sati.lact.oa even lu ihe most! j,,', t., coslnriiers. (;nstnntlv on hand, or n.a le t.. t r-!-r. all kilKis uf s.i'l),)LI, UAJtXEm Jiruik; ! i VMa, Trunk-, V,dir,. t.ir.ef Hi . 4 j A!si. tiie c!ipaj'est an I best assi.riinent of W'oisfd. Lim.n, and t.'utt.iu FLV .LT.S to he f. ...... I . rk f.iur.i it .tp.. r-jnffiiii, fVn.n si' V ri . : l, .! 5;l lin imi.:i. i.-mI,ii l.railr , ,,f ,,, jv...... ..... ... ,,..,. WANT till loo crds of Vo d in excharee for work, alio IU tons cf Hay wataied at war- k-M prices. ! w-"ihop in Beiver's new briek M-ici-.Third and Market, lih door from cori.er. P. II. liEAVLIi. Lewisfmr, June 30, ISM The Far-Funed Eediclre! IlOLLo V. A i 1 il.i. Th.-tw I'tll- litif ftimioed ciatirt-I i f .'(!: ii : bert f uf tu ft latui -r itktltM. i.i th- (." . (i.t. ry wirtiicat lh h.T- iv: il- r i ila m ni.n- r- -4t.j j j u;r iu a tajrlj rt-ry i tk-t f I til- '1 h kuiTUtuv ttw ka o .: .Hi tbr.'U-L'-ut U.t- btaUw i n'mt ravlrtsArtaiiavrv. uwm;. i I- pr wn- tl to l.irif miill lrkiu. t-Cai-iwc; iu ti.e . ure- .f huwn" e(Uy.tUttp- mini i-w-r-i r ! tur L.r ai.l M fOJaVh. lVr4Hl Ui pTwTi-ri' IU IU;L2 tt.rai c.riiu tc t UiX-t-Uulli", ti-Miviu lull in tri-it. rvs Uitfd lo uvtU.lt. Woalcnws and IVldiity. Ki'storati.-n tn Health of a Gtiitlciuau. ani 40. wluii at louth's door. fl-7 it. neir hl th. S mmetJur, 17 .iua. T l l'n. fr-a B tl.iW t. Mr A Vr. J -.-it-ii I'c XT'?i. fftrni-rtT rt-pit'ttfit of thi i I'lm-'. iikl ft-u n il'-'l: true f: f lavaul. U-r u( wnitt? ' f ttiT--1 vn-. taTei'l'ia; wf:r lu ! t J trtul ur.t-ni.iisf' Liefr.iti. m.- In- l.awt -.TMiit U tkt.oUp iin.vi t: Bit-Ti iu iaitli.r.ifccut -Act il at itvxt uM ycor i;,it .iu! Hi'iltT T Ti-1-t.r. v Tv- r-l tn t.,ti) .t tl. ir a.-!.. Ui Iuiy t-mtenreeasl to Nt-w York, and Ltw ' jtMt ru a to Miy, U't.1 be bu nrwrr l-t.r In IWauUi. I a'..) Iwt.rwU mi' t tn'iUMtt! you with tb'-iin titn(A:ir-, 1 t utht ! O uiviiti n, thht tow w.ic Lu Utrrvl grv. IavUoLiI iE'-iu tt - iue ul vi ur n 1 reuiauu. -ir. j-i-un ra-wtfuily, A pcruiaiitiit Cure of a diataswi Liver f many Years' duration. Copt of a Letter mm Mr. miu, CKrmitH, Teoril, U Dar Sir In thin .ltri'- yt-ur i'UU rmniar ! i rnu-ulv ) tliMi anr rthr pi"riitrt utirl.t iitr lf, T tb puli4. A m prttsf of thftr ( im LiTr mini U li.iu OlUlltUiaU 1 IUa' aistDlioB tall- fl.lXla, txkt. A iU ot tlii Uxn with abiiii I an perwiiiJtalr anaaai.tMl, f.r y'ar ai frs rsufff nT frita ilitaMr of the. Liwr li'Ajf-t: otiOiD-: hr nie-ji.-i Nttr-ilint xvsUrni fit-r tr.al h roa'd do ttuttaiKfa1 lytixrc b-r Auflnng, aDJ it uvt klkvljr ialti HiifTitr oiAnr uiontht. Diti anii.MiD rfmvnt uat'iral.T cnHi-tl rrcat tJrai ank.tc br fne-aJ aii'i rflaktt4ii.il. an J thy uilurMl h'T tu ciakc a tna. your filU.hit It tiUk-rt nl IWr iT-tv nv lWti'.b IKat h ay iuitttA-.il t" Ciallllua- th. Bt lltit .l -fc rrva-ittr-i t IV- t e-urv Ihi i J we i t Dinnth af". atvi h hms n.t x-r-ifiift-J tan nvfiM '" -f rap4'. uil i.r.tn .i-ire, tliai yur lMlin Ua lb- m-ai f a.r.- ! r I. IV. 1 rtkaaio, U"ar ir. your truiy, July 241, 1S.M. (.xsutnl; J.r4M!. i'ttucctttKrrofttkf Mis art tarndT fiJI y e aznuut in Ltt oi l'U-ifj ..v.f-i'ittiU; Afthaia l i1:-y Li..t i oij latr pvin.t..ni liim ut Com l.ry i(-.a Lttiut acu TirU .uiureus BU-'cli- on laivritit-r ...H-'imtOhn. t:r.-ri th- rX'.D rT-r! uf al)U t nti u ot n ral A !!. H iubl'tP fcioJ lnt ft t-tw u frili.n Fit Sor fu.a, t-r W . riun wf m'l the fcrt.wfU lUw. i b STf l!inHl" IVi-ahn m fr:n riiti;iitUfD lui;-tun irt.'iie aui any 'iuw Otbi.ity i.ui.'atuiau.'O uravfi c. . si!J at tiic Kta !iiiriDU-nt nf 'r..f, -tt Ihn.v-v.w.'ili Strnwl, ar Trmfl- hir. LtiuJob.) ami .ii I hix h.-tifx it, York. if ItTf Ft Mf-iicin- f m ihf Mffi.ail.r,-iii- "T --'" aVit lar4-." wiil MTiff 'tiif attvltrx!) Nl-' nr all n-'irtiil'tr- lrurftitf Nitd .li a.-n in WnlTinr- ttiroucbout tl:t L'Dife,! t;a . in 1-"X- 9 at ..?.. ct. i a l 1. -it, -a h l" t li-ui IiliM.v of tt-t; t riut-'ira; DriK hfii-M-a in tlW I'ni' n 4a-tivrt' if a v U-riMe raTiff? it tafcinpthflarict1 Itt.x,... N. B. !'iT-ti"n f.r l!f irui Imct n pfxtif ut ti im Jik.rtlfr,arr sLIxt-d tn ra-1: H't tVT.T sale by Ur. kt.Ml'LK, Mirthnburg Call and Try STOCK IN TRADE. V NEW The subscribers havinc furmed a cn-p:irinership in jtifZP, business, now oiler rgfcjUfr to old Iriemls an,1 the pnbii, at the TSaaav late tand of !. V, Lvn.lail. on Marker street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot nf for Men and Boys ever cflered in Lewiburg. A Splrrdid Lot nf HUM SHOES. Also all kind nf !!, T '??' VStCS Gaiters, hall-fiaiters. etr. Childr. ns fh. e rf all styles and sizes. Worli made lo order Mendins; as nsunl. As we are bi th kn.';-ii as practical shoe makers and experienced wi.rkrnen. e solicil a share of ihe public palrcnace and will try to merit it. f. Si, II. MIllT. Lewishdrc. May, 18-'4 notice. TETTEKS Testnment.in- on the Estate of j WILLIAM A. PATTERSON, late of Kelly township, decease I. hai tnt; been issnrd l. the subscribers by the Reeister of Wills of Knion county, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons bavins clatais lo present them, prop erly authenticated, for settlement. THOMA HAYES. Jnlv tt, IRM rhr Exec's. NOTICE. Havlnj; beon appointfd the SEXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery, the subscriber would slate thai he is prepared to perf -rm all dnties connected with the burinl of the dead, on short notice. Also that he will attend to the re-intermeut of deceased persons, under the direction of Iheir surviving friends. Residence in the Lodre at Ihe Gate "f the Cemetery. GEORGE DON ACHY. Lewisbarg, May 30, 151 A i. ff C7 t,5 . i fin STOCK OF i BmIU tal Saovs, iuuvliij. T HE inbsrnber annoarxes w i intcam ; I tfte putiic ceurftliv that h h ) - . f r pk:,. j.i-i,:. laravaf matt mci j rcccieJ fn-m Phi!de!fbi rtrgf eul asM'ftmfDt of crmpnsiri5 eery kind and variety uf 6etl4 i men Moots, Uaitcra, Muarees, I is, auiyfers, i c- ! L'lJits' Fint GaUtr toots, i Raskins, Jenny T.inds, sad Tits af taa lata! j autf mest appfoee st.ls. i ttoys', Mines', and Children's Boots, l.ace Boots, Gaiters and Shoes Of every style ai.d variety new w.rn also a caviaa selection cf the School and Classical ' BOOKS now in use ia oar Academies aad Senoilav together with a good assortment of HaltlC' nvry, eie. The a: ove gor-ds have been rarefy lly selaa ied and will be sold at very rdie frires. The undersigned also ci ntir.ns to a insfie ture Boots and Mines of tverj deier iptiva to order, and from his Ion? experience, and determination to spare no etli-rt Or expras tw please, he hopes to merif and receive a liberal shareof business. JullX HOl"CHTU'. l.ewisbar;;. May 5, 1653 t utter Hy HfditiHtK it. A'.es Cvsu t lie Tc.sk Kouaaa, TIIK t i. r l -f lr., V. Hirint n1 eeUl lief rb . rt. r-a Sy I h. Sfu f PnMl.TUM l K lt v..' n '.s. SJtb Aprtl, is---.. Mialr Sir iae ar$M ul arr-.ttn tl.w . r. puliu.it Iron llhr Ml irlMUI l aai.K -r,..-s rim-. uLf, ft.r !& fry.MWf K,le in;; tb- y S.i? i'h r-ltS. fta im raft brM tut pa.lnl enn nt ol-ul r wwl K. eaipt lb. S-a meal- ai aUr-. b&ias purrS4ea that iavalaaSia H wli' r- air Mitture. ow aecaaal al isa iaaS e.vi.my aaU k'-a rBt-a-y in tb craalaieatar Sas n sa l .tuna aU it) Siutlrr-1 ff. atWaa.baa ae baaitaliaa alt rMs.r.iwvfifliLS c la lb aikamat urana ta Ska (aUamaaat vl ll. jftnalaX OHEL COMPLAINT earrj k H0WA5D'! LACK- maetanB. ia httv maurr, to turn rrtaly tVi- uMowl -a p .vjitl."ro uom a tUWaBd's 1Vb Bjtmp tt H Rrkbrrjr Knot, uad -aru(i ratwwMMcaxl It ta tha wap BtlDoe nf iat.utaaf& cl-U ii thaarcowjalaiatt. fcaliaa it tu bm tavioabiU. ibv trntuat af faeh ca. Hf a. BrTj K. etrwtg- I lln. J. K. tlani(ca, h uMr wf thaTrusUtw. Jlra K. fUwana, M. 9. (l K. Jkhu a. Lsr Uretorurr. ta if- All FommutaicatioBf tu t ai . Jo.m W I oaaoj, M. li.. liraui ul tl a I'l.armMVuUrtal Impart aB aiau rrva.a-kloi 1 itiT)ii . l'in- u.,'easr) abtluiU.r,So 47 ikiiUi 6coo4 iUa k-la-aani U. B .'attic,. 0vtriicftr a tfct irnr rf lr. T. A. li T.iuLMu.X CO., Lmikr. TU LI Mi;i:.liE.V. A.N I Eli a i.. .'0 in 0 rt .Maa'e 5 ky 20 lo au l.0l du 4 by 4 10 lo i Oi.O ft 3 .n.Ash Llaak w 2(1 IwU.tiCU II do to la del vered this crn.irg Fall and hprmg oat the bank of tue Kiver .1 lirnslarg. Lambev ofirned quality aud sirau grinr-eii is wani.d. Pr. poa!s will be received nil l?epl. 1 for fumishinz the above, and persons sending pra p.isals ill slate the qaauliiy and quality of ihw di- erent kinds they ran turtiuh.ai.d whra. Terms of naymrnt cash on delivery 4 inspection. Address (post-paid) 4M0 W.O. IHt'KOK, Harriaburg, Pa. I) Af.UFaltKKUTYPES! SPl KilK A. 111W.I wonld nfora tktf public thai they have fitted op a liocit) etpi-jfjij) f?.' Dygti'rKctttpIifcf, in the New Building over Dr.Thorntons lm af rl:urc entrance 1 ihe firl duur, up siaira a where they are pr. pared to perform any work iu their line in the beat style of the art. Yfm can lake pictures at aim. st any hour ia thai Jay. Children taken as well as adults aaf oih-r pictures copied. As we have now a permanent loestica, Duct up purposely and exclusively for Daguarraaw Iy ping. e t.'iink we can i-n:!;r entire aaiisfaa uon, and respectfully tender oaf servteei. T. 8PTKER. Lewisbarg. Aug. 1, 1153 J L.HAWN. JACOB DYER, Cattawissa, m Would inform his old friends and lb public generally on the West and MoriK bi:it.ch.that be continues to keep the STACK HOTEL, in the renter .f the Town, and ask a fair share uf pa'rona:e. lepi. IRESERVIXG and PicklinrJ AR8 jnsi ree an.) for sale at the Mammoth DrugStura.' An? 10 Hn. THORNTON CO. J'i T ree'd ard f.-r sale at the Mammotat lltnx More a la'ge sum y ,.f Dr. Green' genuine lil I I fcKM, t. r enre of Dyspepsia. etr Aug 10 THORNTON A CO. Iif ltorraihlc Prindnsr oart, j a id a l..r;e qiiam.lv ol J'K I I KES, far Framing, and fur Diauing Trai hers. K. VIII. K MAR, . W. Corner Fifth an Market fits.- GERMAN and FRENCH Larguaces.Drawi in;. Pamtinz. anJ DraoeMing, tangl.t by K.T. Lewisborg. tSepu 1. l53 " Small Profits and QuUi gate.' BARGAINS at ihe CHEAP STQRf brows & liiLimif. take this methid of informing the T public that we have Cited tip tha old -CXJO.S TRADIXO STORE," where we would invite especial attention Ut our si. ek of liOVESTIC GOODS. f.rorcries and FISIT. which can not fail to please, either in regard lo price or quality. Our goods have bee) bought for cash, at 'he lowest price, and wilt be sold on accommodating terms: C ASH will be paid for all kinds of Grata and the very highest price paid, in goods, for every description of Dometlie Prixfuee; Turtievilie. May, 1854 Hap of Onion County. VOW in course of preparation, a MAP of il Union Conniy, 20 by 17 inches In sira; exhibiting ali ihe principal tnonniains ant streams, township and borongh lines, roads; ami streets. post-olTirrs.rhnrrhes.mills.aehobU bouses. Ar, ic, with the proposed Division) line. It will be sold at ? 1. 10 in p.'aih I,: 5 when colored, 1.S5 with muslin bark kf d rollers, and 1,S0 w hen mounted and rbtSed. The subscriber asks the loan of drafts; Ae.. as he is desirous of making a correct, 'and. some, and useful map; and asks Ihe atria age of the public generally. .... K. VOLKMAR. Lewisbnrg. May 1. 1854. Dr. Jacob Horlacber, TOTANIC PHYSICIAN, having rega,M(j' his health, ha resumed his prsener of ihe healing art. His superior PALYE fa stilt in great demand, and all orders snarlird sr usual. New Berlin. May . 194 SCHOOL ORDERS nestl,. prin-ei sad fol sale at fhe rfnnfch Olie NEW Boots and 'A C. :'t ;3 i I 5 i i? h it s i