Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 27, 1854, Image 2

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1 r.1
Oct. 27, 1854.
haa .ai4rahl lnpt ctrculaUo. of anj Bug. lab
.wanapar in Unlmnount.T.
Tate of Sir John Franklin.
, , , , ,.
The article on the first page of this pa-
per is further confirmed by the following
particulars from a Montreal paper of a
later date :
t t - Morn
In the spring of 150 a party of white
man amounting to about forty, were scan
traveling southward, over the ice and
draK.ng b,aU with thorn by some hrr,,,,.
maux Indians, who w,re k. hnp eeals on
the north shore f km ill.am s Land,
wWI. a large uJ.nd, named "Kcl.kuk
ly the l-.scjU..u..uX. .None of the party
could s.ieak the native language mtel-
lipid-, but by signs the na ives were made
to understand that the.r ships had been
era-hed by .cc, and that the white were
now gomg to where they expected to find
dr to .hoot. rr..m the appearance of
th , nun, all of win except ehi.f ofliwr,
looked thin, they were sj ped to be
getting short of provision-, and they pur-
chased a seal from the natives.
Af later date, during the ssme sea-
sou, but previous to the di,rupt. .n of the
,ce, the bodies of about thirty white per-
sons were discovered on Uecont.ueut and
five m ire on an inland near it. About a long
dav's iunrn.7-.ay tl.irtvfive or forty
miles to the north west of a large streair,
which en be uo other thau I'apt. flack's
tJreat Fih river, as its description, and
tlm of the low shore in the neighborhood
of Point Ogle and Montreal l.-lauu, arce
with that of Mr Ui-orge hack s.
S nue of the bodies bad been buried,
gome wi re iu the ti nts, others under a
boat that hnd been turned over to firm a j
shelter, and several lav sr.iitcreil auout in
iliflvr.-nt uireeti jus. Of tliwe found
th islan.l. one was sui'fowd to have
au officer, as he ha'l a teleMiopr
gun liy underneath hiui. v,
lilatet! siale t.f tr.any of tl, e
ed the tartv had len driven lo t
resiuree "'eaiiuiiiaii.-iy
-as a mean ul
prolonging life.
There upjiears to have been an abundant
stck of ainiHiinitiou, as the piwiler was
emptied in a ht np on the ground by the
natives, oat of the caj.-s containing it, and
a quantity ef ball and shot was found le
low tiigh water mark, having beeu left on
the iec close to the beach. TVto must
have been a number of watches,!-lescrpes,
compares, guns, all of which appear
to hav.i Um!U brt'.;ii up, as Dr. Ilia saw
pieces of these difT. n-iit articles with the
Esquimaux, togethi-r with some silver
spo.ius and forks. As miny of which as
could be iiLitained were purchased, and a
v. . ,r.i- . . : ..( tt... r..!!.. t
JlSl Ul uie nuji Muni. ...
fouud, with the drawings of others, were
to be forwarded to Loudon.
Sir John was last heard from alive, on
the iOih July, 1S45, Le having sailed from
England the May previous. Next week
we fehall print a sketch e f tbo intrepid
navigator, whose fate is now probably as
eertained. HSrTlie doubts expressed in our last
paper in giving the account of the alleged
Chpture of Se-bsstopol, were well f.uuded,
aud the downfall of that f.irtress is not
yet known. The allied forces, are ma'iing
rapid and determined advances, and bloody
scenes havo doubtless beeu enacted in that
quarter, of which more authentic uews
may be soon expected.
The Eastern War.
Sandy Hook., Cm. 24 10 o'cbck,P.
M. The steamship Washington from
Bremen and Southampton, arrived this
eveuing.bringiug London dates to the lllh
inst., f.iur days l iter than tha Africa's
advices. She brings 250 passengers.
No official despatches have been pub
lished, relative to the battle of Alma.
The English are reported to havo lost
2,000 in the bat tie, in killed aud wounded,
and the French 1,400.
The allies had changed the plan of their
' "
contemplated opcrtions,aud were
ing to attack Scbastopol from the South,
where it was found to be weaker.
The base of operations is Balaklava,
where the cavalry and siege artillery had
been landed.
The Russians had sunk seven ships-of-the-line
at the mouth of the harbor.
The bombardment i f Scbastopol was
begun on the 5th of October.
Marshal St. Aroatid is dead, and the
command of the French army has devolved j ,ucsc - - -
on Gen. Canrobert. divided by the Know-Noth-ng or Amer-
The city of Memel has been almost j i" P--'. Lund Lew,u,cr
wholly destroyed by fire. New York, Oct. 24. Several sudden
Vienna, Tuesday evening. On the a,.aths have recently taken place in this
9th of September, loO heavy guus were j cjt JeciJedly referable, so the physici
disembarked at UaLklava. j as fyt to bad oysters. The case of
Blciiarest, Oct. 5 Prince Gortscha-j 3jr p'jin Williams, is cited as proof.
kofl"isll. There is a great concentration ivd.iv, we hear of the eeiually sudden
of Turkish troops at Matchiu. i ,j(.n,ise of Mr. Robert Smith, some years
Fbance. Despntehes from Marseilles, ' siCc the Whig candidate for Mayor, and
ender date of the 10th, annoutice that or-' latterly Alderman of the Fifth Ward,
ders have been given to receive the remains Mr. Smith, was as well as ever ho was on
of Marshal St. Arnaud with all the honors Saturday. He ate oysters in the evening,
paid to him upon his departure fir Con-
The farewell wbich Le lad addressed to
the army, and dated on (Le 26tU of Sep queotly is excited against tue Divaivea,
tcmber, Lad been received at Toulon. He i particularly tLose wLicL come from South
says that, overcome ly a cruel disease ern waters an impression obtaining, that
agaiust which he has so long struggled, he they are peculiarly unwholesome, this
is obliged to resign the command. lie season. J'hilaJ. LtJyer.
pays the highctt compliment to his succes
sor General Causobcst.
IbTAt a epeeial eLetiou for a Council
man in Reading last week, there was ouly
r,tr. candidate" and he was beaten, two !
.. aae, b, a god for nothing K. N. j
State Legislature 18M.
Newlf elected members marked with a
1st Dist. Pbilad. (Old Citj)-Eli K.
Price, W., and W. A. Cralb V.
2. I'liilad. Co. Wm. Gflodwin, D.,
l" oikrod, . JW
3. Montgomery Bent. Fnck, W.
4 pelawaro James J. Lewis W.
5 Berks Wm. M. Hiester, D.
6. liticks Edward K. Sieger, D.
7. Lancaster and Lebanon John W.
Killineor W., O. Shuman, W.
jy, W.
Lebii-u W Fry D
.Ml(Sroe-Jamcs' II.' Walton D.
AJanlsIlaviJ Mellinper, W.
YorkJiluob 8. UaUenan, D.
.CumberlaDd-Sainucl Wherry, D.
14.ciiuton-Jm W. Quisle, D.
15!llirJames Creswcll, l.
1(; Columbia0. U. Huckalew, D.
W..miug-Wm. M. Piatt, D.
ls.M--Kean.LBvron D. II,mliDj D.
.Mercer-Thcm Iloge, D.
.Kriejamell Skinne W.
UwrcnCRj1)Un Ferguson, W.
22.-AIU-hen,-Oeorge larsie, W.f
M.liofock D.
Wa!(lli utonJ .0 .Flennikcn W.
24IJedford Francis Jordan, W.
Iudi,Das. 8. Jamison, Ind. D.
.juniataJ4mcs M. Se'lors, W.
27- FettoWm. E. Fraier A.
Iki,jJobu Hendrhsk W.
,.,,. ,
D;'mncra,S' 1 InJ- Dum ' " '"
1 American,
Adams Moses McLean, 1).
j Allegheny .Jacob Guy, W., .1. .T. Muse,
' w., Uivid L. Smith, W., t..a.i.yster,w
J hn Kirknatrick, D
Armstrong, Clarion and Jt fferson G. W.
Zeigler, D.; Philip Clover, I., Abner W.
L ins w.
Beaver, Butler and Lawrence B.B.Cham-
th rim, w., Wm. Stewart, w., . li.
j iV Combs, w. .
d'ttculhria Wm. T. Dougherty, d., Geo. S.
irlierlii Juo. F. Linderman, D , Jeremiah
j Menglo, r,., Aud. M. ballade, d., bam 1
Mii arer, D.
HW.r and Huntingdon Geo. Leas, I. D ,
George W. Sinilh, W.
Bradford It. Laporte, D., J. Ilolcomb, W.
lijtka Samuel K. Gwinner, w., Ed. G.
Harrison, w., Watson P. Magill, vr.
Carhon and Ihigh Thos. Craig, Jr., 1).,
llenuau Uupp, D.
Centre 1. C. lhal, I. D.
Chester M. A. Hodgson, w., M. J. Pcn
ii v packer, w , Wm. K. Downing, w.
Ch artie!d, M'Kean and Elk Alex. Cald
well, D.
Cl iitou, Lycoming and Potter Thomas
Wood, W., Wm. Fearon, W.
Columbia and Montour J. G. Maxwell.D.
Crawford A. H. K-ss, W., II. Powell, W.
Cumberland M. Donaldson, W., Alexan
der Criswell, W.
Dviphin John A. Stehley, d., L. Berg-stre-sser,
Delaware Thng. S. Maddoch, w.
j .'jrio(j j. Ball, W., Jas. Thompson, D.
Favctte acd Westmoreland bamucl JJ.
lV''. Ja- Weddell, I., Clement
Hubbs, I., Jas. Foster, I.
Franklin James Lowe, W., J. B. Orr, D.
C.retoe John N. Stockdale, D.
Indiana Alexnndor M'Connell, W.
Lebanon W. A. Barry, I.
Lancaster Emlin Franklin, W., John F.
Ilerr, W., D. W. Witner, w.f Uugh M.
North, D , Jacob L. Gross, D.
Lufrne A. B. Dunning, I , Gideon W.
Palmer, w.
Mercer, Veuango and Warren P. P. Mc-
(Vitnon, I., Kalph Clapp, I., D. Lott, I.
Mifflin Elijah Morrison, w.
Monroe and Pike Abraham Edinger, n.
Montgomery H. N. Wickersham, W., J.
liittcnuouse, w , jacoo rrj, v.
Northampton Moses IJusb, D., 1'nilip
Johnson, V.
Northumberland G. M. Yorks, I.
IV.-ry Kirk Haines, I.
l'hil ida. Co. E. G. Waterhouoe, W., Nich
olas Thome, W., Chas R. Alligood.W.
J. A. Simpsou, W., Thos. C. Steel, W.,
K. M. Fust, v., Joshua S. Fletcher,
S. H. Bowman, w.f Alex. Cummings,
I. It. M. Carlisle, D., R. L. Wright, p.
Philada. City H. K. Strong, w., W. R.
M .iris, wy Geo. K. Smitli, W., M. V.
Baker, D. '
i Schuylkill C. Frailey, D., B. Christ, D.
j s,,RK.rctJOBepl, Cummins, W.
Susquehanna, Sullivan and Wyoming J.
gturdevant,w., C. J. Lathrnp, I.
Tioga Thomas L. Baldwin, W.
Union and Juniata Jas. W. Crawford.D.
WashinBton Samuel J. Krepps,W., Jas.
M'Collough, W.
Wayne Otis Avery, W.
York Win. M Conkey, w., Daniel But
ler, w , Eli W. Free, D.
Total. Whigs, 54; Regular Demo
! crats, 30; Inelepeuileni ieuiocrais, iu.
however, was immediately attacked wittt
cramps in the stomach, ana on iuonuay ue
was s corpse. A great prejudice conse-
. . ...... t
Gov. IUeueb, m Kansas. Gov. Ree
dcr landed at Fort Leavenswortb, which
;tl u, hi. home for the present. He was
, .....i ...ubj.;i' il,.!
greeted on Ois arrival .a u. i .
national salate, and a public reception, was
given him. I
Pennsylvania Election-
Governor. Prohibition,
For, AgalneL
If lair.
laiatfiit r.
17 :
una i
141 17
6i 4
113 ia.i-:o
Pollock's maj. 37,097
ainst Prohib. 5, 1 68
H5rTbe Official vote f r Ju lgc of the
Supreme Court, aud Canal Commissioner,
wc willj'gtre next wee'. Meanwhile, the
anxiims frieuJa of Mott and Black may
be assured that their election is
Jury List-Deer Term, 1854.
Bulb. TTi Ttniilng.
.;bman. Jtvoh WifrrMT, K. FrffP. Tf -Dry TeT.
E'Ut B ff it'". J'bn .itf (on f h )
cry Unry Miller, Robert WomU r, Aamnl lUupL
he 'if Joseph Kftllj.
l.ncif'urp. Byi-ni A mm on. Thoi. limy, Jo MclxelL
fJwu.t. liofhTt Buft;r.
.h'fHinhrff Jr.hn Ki-brl, B-nj TT. Tbompwo.
Miiiecrf kJnrch Dietrich.
rry J' ob Martin, Em.
frttr! .r.Karfih lipy.
H jiAjitTfAti -IM wa.nl Miliar.
H'Aite 6r Joha f.tliu, Jiirob IVWr, Mcbo. Groottr.
TRATh'ftsE jrROtS.
ijvr PlJIlp KlDoy, Ptui Bonr, Jacob Kern, Momi
Rufith Dantfl lUng.er, Jr, Sftmntl Piaonton, Jocph
TMolT-'n Iprfrr.
t;fri,-r' lttk?r, Frf Itawrhoratr;, Jih rln-
t-r. J4,rm 6uinini(-r. A!t-ri(Cht tiwliKforii, FreU-Tick E.
Rrvmr, lisf.ryfa aimpl.
Ltwuburg JautM H Uie?hl Firhthorn, Dfory W.
M -jUHtimrv-Jc. hn FH". J. W. rnn.ntnn.
ytvftaMriitnoii hns Ji-hn F IT.tt-nftiii, ICptipt I,lr.yrl,
David ll. itwr, llnry Kcr, S..ml hitter, lleo Kbj.
;( limf.tf iiil Dunk:. J'-hn ZMTit.
Hrrt ivP -vj i !r Kinttisn. Ji.hn . Barber, Ueory
hboutl, Jhfi Hut-, ttatl.n tt itmr.
-ryJi-hn F. Wilton, r). U. Maaun, Jacob Smith,
AJVy William Rnr.
L.nmiffJaoub Eleckner, William XoftMag, Jr., Thillp
. W Wi:if-m ?tfnrark.
rrry iJmamm roy.Ur.
'urct floriP1 B ik-ii. Kobrrt P.Cornelia.
Wu.inrrt Jacob tfounb Jr.
WUUe Dt John Bakr, Paal Ooodlander.
PKTfT jrtlORS (-! wrt.)
LimUm Fmb ri-k Bolanr, Jt ba at. BnHtb, lTrary
Mover, Jarob Drrr.
r7rtey ttemueia Wilt, Jacob Bin man. John Filman,
Jr.. ItM Kline, ML ha-1 Wolfr, Wa Katht-rmaa.
V-iau KHjb Orxitdroo,
iJUoe-Joaeph Vauelda, DaalalOaphart, John L. Gear
bart. .trwAriner MI411warth, fltaea Algler, Jaoub Dea-
r, Knmnl Oreohof-K-rt
Ifrjilm Abraham Farley,
WVtf fi7jo William 8arTta.
Lu-u'mrgJo-fh ReM. 1hmn Orariam, A.J. WMn
eaul, rarlea 8. CrtU, Joualbau Bpjairr, Janiea Kelly,
IVIrr lloroh.
Csnti Jvrb R"ifh!t. Jarob Aaraait.
Vi-.-y Abner HoruhntT.
IfAitt Ihtr Mirharl Kver. Jarob Frrher, llcary lTlgb,
r'un ieor Braver, Martin Doakie.
CA-iwaaan I'bilip BiirWhart.
722 WEISS!. 3233DH
Will commence on Tmcbsdat, Oct.19, 1854,
to cnnlinue 2t) weeks.
The coarse of Iostrnetinn in this Institution
i calculated lo prepare youths to enierCollege
or for general business.
C.unpusitiun and Declamation receive care
ful attention.
The subscriber is solicitous to secure a elais
of Vnunir Laditt.
The Bible is in daily use in the school.
For reference, the Principal takes pleasure
to refer to many of our citizens, both in and
around the place, who have had their children
and wards under his care.
Tuition. For Languages $10, Hicher Eng
lish $S, and common branches, (including
Readin-r, Writing, (Jeography, Anthmciaf,
Grammar and U.S. History') iG per session.
Contingent expenses per Winter session, 50
cts. per scholar, eitra.
No deduction except for sicVness.
Kept. 16, 1854 Principal
OilO SALfi. JgJ
VWler, folloek.
SD4 S124
aus iott
104 s
lus 2aU
9ti si w
uta 271
Sunt Hv
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J'.H 211
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4707 4.77
ie;i -uiuh
Real Estate.
VTR XCT of Land in Chillisqnaqne Tp, ' the south by other lands of said dee'd, contai
North'd Co, on back read from Milton ning 7 Acre and 4 Perches more or less,
lo Forsman's.adjoinin; lands of Sherer.Mach- on uhich are erected a frame Dwelling-?-,
1 II 1 . .. ; n 1. .. . II VIMIT I'D III' 11 A II V -fa-9
j imei, owp-iij ami iir"iuiu, i."iiibiiiiih ammi
A.m a nr I... n t ,,..PAM
ill .11 1 ce mi'it i .t,.i... "i"ii-,
tivauon. ihe remainder Woodland. There are
on ihe premises (wo good Dwelling Houses
and wells of Water, separate, and a number
of Peach Trees. Pear. Plum and Apple.
This properly will be offered for sale on the
premises on
Saturday trie 18th November next,
at 10 o'clock, A.M, when terms will be made
known. Immediate possession can be given.
Oct. 24 pd WM. M DAMEL.
Valuable Mill Property
T7er Kale or Rent. The well known
1 Wm.FI.rH Mil I S citnat4 na RnlTaln.
Creek.a mile from Lewisbnrg there bein? a
3 storey Grist Mill with 3 run of stone, and a
Plaster Mill, all in good repair, on a never
failing water-power, in one of the best Wheat
districts in ihe State. Terms easy.
Connected with the Mills are two Dwellings
(one of them suitable foi a Mtorefoom,) and a
Spring, and Out-bouses, adapted to one or two
For further particular, inquire of Mrs. 8.
WOLFE. or A.M.I.AW8HE.Gaardiansof the.
Heirs of Saw' Wolfs, dee'd;
ot. w
For Rent,
.Until the tt of April next, the large-
I'll sAa.tlntr lliitme at the foot of 3.1
L, Lewisburft. Inquire at Chronicle Oflice.
Union Coantj Woodlands
for Sale.
A rff ACRES will be old in sharrn
lf UUU of 10 acres at per share, or
ten aharrs for 9ti each parable in instalments
of one dollar oer month. Location of lots to
be determined by drawine'i but any person
m. bv takinc a tract of 400 acres, have the
title made immediately on payment of the
purchase money, anil may select the tract most
aerepab e to their wishes.
This land is sitnatcd in the townships of
White Deer and West Buif.iloe, and ihe new
ic 1 r i u f...ll... .co I
roan iroill ntB.iS iu ovSa. ""- I
throiiL?h it.
It in covered with timberjuch as While Oak,
Pine, Hemlock. Chestnut und Rock Oak, and
Spruce Kun and White Deer Creek furrnh
ample water powers for saw-mills, tanneries,
&c,on a majority of the tracts. It ia situated
about 10 miles west from Milton and 12 miles
from I.ewisburtr, and was formerly the prop
erly of Mr. Jos. 8im. Apply to
No. 33 South Third St. Philailtlphia.
"lY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
Jit of I'nion county, will be sold at Public
Wale on the premise in White Deer township,
uuion county, on
Saturday, 28 ih Octobkr
neit, at 1 1 o'clock in the forenoon, the follow
ing real estate, to wit:
A tract of land, late the estste of Adam
t!ver, deceased, situate in said township of
U'U:. 1 . r T -:
! Bennape.Cha' Sreeae and others, containing
ttr a eia a.
I 35 Acres and 13 FerCneS,
; allowance measure. 20 acres of which are
i cleared, and the balance well Timbered. ijipk
About three acres of the cleared land are 2
excellent Mca.W a goo.l OIICHARD f dif-
terent kinJs ot rruit. Amnntj me impr.ve-
Mnients are a nod two frey Fr.me
Ilwellins House and a FRAME MARX.
There is aKo an excellent Hpring of nevcr
failinc Water near the dwelling.
The Terms of sale will be rajr.
Administrator of An Guna, dee'd.
White Deer, 8rpt. 27, lH5i
By order of the Orphans' Court rf I'nion
county, will be sold on the premises on
Saturday, the 2Slh October
neit, the following Real Hatate, situate in l.'n
ion township, Union county, Pa., comprising
112 Acres,
of which about 90 Aeres are improved, and
through which runs the Main Road between
Lewisburg and HelmsRrove. The property is
bounded north and west by lands of J.ieob
Hiich. and east and south by lands of Doebler
and linc'l. There are erected upon the pre
ifprA mises, a larse twu-sinrey Lo House, a
JkfciWeU of Water at the door, a l.OC
U.lhS. and TWO bearing APPLEjs
The lnd is in a pood state of cultivation,
abnut 4,l)f0 Dushel of I.IME havin; been
put upon it within the lat three years.
Sale to commence at HI o'clock, A.M. Terms
made knowa on day of sale br
Administrator of Willi a Paasr, dee'd.
Sept. 20, 1854
Valuable Real Estate
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Union county, the following Real
Estate, late the estate of Henry Knstenbader.
deceased, late of While Deer Tp., Union Co.,
Pa- will be olTered at Public Sale on the
premises on
Friday, 3d of November
next, commencing at ten o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, to wit:
No. I. A tract of Land in
White Deer Tp. aforesaid, adjoining lands of
Kaufman Keberand John Kocb on the west,
on the north by a 15!) acre Tract of said dee'd,
on the east by Sawmill tract, and on the south
by lands of Rudolph Broward and Daniel
Bennage, containing
150 Acres
more or less, all cleared and in a food state
of cultivation, except about 15 acres which
are in first-rate TIMBF.R. It comprises also
TWO ORCH ARDS,and a portion of excellent
Meadow. The improvements are a
laree two-storey frame Dwelling HoHse.JLij.
(and a Sprint: of never-failing Water.) Iar((e
BASK B.i rV.V.and other necessary Buildings.
No. II. Also another Tract
situate in (he Township aforesaid, adjoin inc
j ian(js nf Kaufman & Reber on the west. Dr.
aamuei L. uecs on ine norm, jacoo rariey
on the east, and other lands of said dee'd on
the south, containing about
159 CUrcs
and 89 perches, about .10 acres of which are
cleared and in a good slate ol culti
vation, and the residue is first-rate
Timber, with the White Deer Creek
running through the said tract.
No. III. Also another Tract
situate in the Township aforesaid, adjoining
the ISO acre Tract of said dee'd on the west.
I Jacob Farley on the north, lands of the heirs
: t,p Frederic..: Dieffenbach on the east, and on
House, Hun rn.i.i'11 r a
i . 1 . IT
"j7 OAW
' AT' m ,T
sl.or.n j'tit.i
with excellent Water Power, a
I good AI'i'l.E ORCHARD, a
AI'i'l.E ORCHARD, a never-failing:
; Spring of Water at the door of the Dwelling,
and all cleared ana in a gooa scaie oi cultiv
No. IV. Also another Tract
situate in the Township aforesaid, adjoining
the 150 acre tract of said dec d on the west.
Sawmill tract on the norlh, eas ny Uaniei
Williams.and south by lands of John M.Iianck,
14 Acres and 15S Perches,
no r less, all cleared and in a mgn state
of cultivation.
CafThe above property will be sold in
whole tracts, or in pieces, as may suit pur
chasers. Terms of sale will be made eaay.
Any one wishing to examine the property
before the day of sale, can do so by calling on
Jacob Knstenbader, on the premises, or on
John Dalesman, at the west end of Milton
AdminUtralart ef Henry Kuilenbader. dee'd '
Sep. Vt, 1864
Public sale. M
TI V wrtne of an order of the Orphans' Court
v r iT..in .nit. will be sold, on Ihe
in East Buflaloe Tp, Union Co. ra.
' r . i .
nextthe followiHR described real estate 01 mc
late Samuel Wolfe, decea-ied : ,
A certain tract of land s.tua.e in East Bnf-
v. i ..(. fr.,,,1 the Bor-
lame iowiiiui, - -
... : l.. !,n.l .if Jariib
fiunily.heirsofUeorseUtinrtv.dec'd, Abraham
a.. - ,- it,..... nthi-rs. ctintainine
onifa ill i.cw......B, ..jU......B
UIUWU, au - -
and 86 Perches more or less, all cleared and
in a enod stale of rui'ivatum.with a:i tliti-.l-
AKL (hereon. The irrproveinents are a
T,r.n.t,.rn tirfUllt1 Il'tU?.
' ..'... t. I
r IIAMB 1.VIV O"..-- j I
,.i mher necessary Outbuildings.
kn r..f.. '
Sale to commence ai ii oeoea ,
noon of aid.day. Terms e.f sale will :
AlJ.r.li .11. 1.- oi.i. I
i ofthe Person and bMate of Mary
. ... ,r it -r.l
i W m. 11. W elf--, and
Ellen and
Ouardian of the Person and h-tate o
f..... n fl.nrle. H.J.din.aiK I
eamni mr, .ina.. - - -
Samuel I... and Committee of Person ainl
Estate of James W idle all minor child
ren of Sawcai Woirr. dee'd
I.-juisbur?, Sept. 27, lf-31.
V virtue of an order of the Orphans' Cmiit
II of Union couutv. will 'C sold, at llie
l'ublie H"ti?e ot (iiiieou uit ni ill uai uuiouo
j Tp, fnion Co, Pa, on i
.... i 1 . r 1 f
1R.M. the fo'lowm" deserved Real Estate e.f:
. 5 " J , ' , ,,.,
situate in Bult.iSoe lownsnip, 1 nion couutv.
la lioininelandsof .HaniueUilicleJohultuhland,
and Jehu UeimUacli, cnuniin
13 Acre
and 131 iVrchs neat measure, all cleared
and in a hisrh stite of cultivation, ami on me
public road leading frum Lcwisburg to .ew
Ucrhn. . '
S ale tr commenre at 1 1 n einrk in the lore
noi.n of said d.iv. THRUM of sale easy, and
Will te raadi: kaown on dv i f sale.
Gi:o:(f;n Mni.XKf.r..
Administrator of (iruiiG Kutait, dee'd
Sept. Si'. lr5(
Bu.fa.oc Valley Farm
IlllR MALE. Havin? become ton old to
in a n ate my lar?e K.irni to advatitnce. 1
wish to sell a part of the same s;iy a irci ol
S5 Acres, or of 103,
as a purchaser might :!ire. The portion I
would part w ith is all first quality l.imel-ne
land, and every field may be watered fr 'ir. ihe
Link Uulfaloe creek. Ii is all under a enod
cultivation, witli new fenres, except about 20
acres of excellent TIMBER There KZX
is a Limestone tjnirrv opened, from VaX
which thousands of bushels are sold fcSfvj
yearly. Il has also a young bearing Jbm.
The improvements all new are a trood
M two-storey Frarae HOUE with a Cellar i
Kitchen, and a Pump beside it.a Sprina
llonse.a l.ir?e BASK BAHS.a Waion fched, j
a Corn House, and other outbuildings. ;
The property lies in Kellv township, near
O'.ildin's store and KJly's null 5 miles from !
LcwislmrK, and 2 from M:l!on and has been .
pronounced one of ihe best in the Valley. j
Title, ind. sputa!)!". Payment to be made,
one half down, and the remainder on lime.
Posaeaaion given the 1st of April next.
Aug. 1, ISM HAML'F.1. .ODER.
AAThat large and desirable property on the
jLA corner of Market and Waicr streets, weil ;
calculated for a residence, for business, or for
a residence and place of business.
There ia a larire BRICK House conta;nins
4 large rooma on lhenrsitlnor.6 bed-rooms on :
the second tloor.and 3 larpe finished rooms on :
ihe third. A Kitchen and Washhouse adjoins. -There
are also a spacious Cellar.lare Cement
Cistern, a Pump, and Well of p.iod water, a
Stable, and all necessary Outbuildings.
For terms &c. apply to Ueo. F. Miller. Rsij. 1
S. E. DAVls. i
Lewisbnrg. Sept. 23, ISTjO
From the 1st April next, TIIIinH
ROOM.S on North Third street, now
in occupancy of Charles S. Bell as a
Restaurant, and Saloons. They are veil
suited for Shops, OlKces, or Stores. Enquire
Lewisbnrg. Feb. 4. 1S.M
New York Atlv'ts.
BOUT which so much has been said and
J published, is amonz ns. Who has not
heird ot the VESICAS VUSTASG 1.1M
MKST? Many millions of bullies have been
sold and ued to cure Rheumatism. I.'lcers,
Sores, Bruises, Sprains, Rins-u-orm, Felons,
Salt Kheum, Tiles. ire Nipples and tVa-ed
Breasis, Cancers, Itch. Corns on ihe Toes,
Sore Kycs. Ear-ache, Pimples, Swollen Joint
or Limbs, Cms, Scalds, or Scald-head, Numb
Palsy, Bunions or frosted feet. Wans, or any
other complaint that can be reached by an
external remedy. And it has always been
successful. It is raraur noon in henlinij
Wounds, Scratches, saddle or harness Calls,
or any sprain, soreness or stillness, and ii is
warranted lo cure Spavin, Itiiigbune, Splint,
or Poll Evil, on Horses. j
tTThe Liniment is put up in three sizes.:
and retails at 25 cts, 50 cts. and The larqe
bottles contain much more Liniment in propor
tion lo the prices, and are therefore cheapest. :
To Country M. rch'iiit.
Every store should be supplied with ihis
valuable LINIMENT, as it pavs a sood profit
and sells rapidly. C. W. F.STHKOtlK, j
(successor to A. G. Brace A: Co.) '
Originator and sole Proprietor.
PrincipalOffiees 30 1 Broad wav. New York,
and cor. 3d & Market Sts.,St. Louis, Missouri.
Sold by every dealer in drills and medicines '
throughout the I'niled States, Canadas, West
Indies, and Bermuda Islands. Iy533
To Person out nf Em2hyment.
$560 to $1CC0 a-year.
r!HS subscriber publishes a number of most
J. valuable Pictorial Books, very popular,'
and of such a moral and religious influence j
ik.i -kii.u: a.r-l i.n.i . In thpir rirrnla. i
tion. ihj will eonftr a public benefit, an remli. a fair :
fmpeimaiion for thHr lai.ir. 1
To wo or nfriiri'. ami taet, thla buinea oltera an
opporttuiitT.rt,roiiUUeiii.l..m. iit. i.l..m met with.
renoD5 winDinic m enirw in m-ir i."-. ..i.tt
prmnvtij kj mall a Cirrular rontaining full parth-ulam.
with utreetlfina wi penona ninjiwii hi ar, an aicnui.
toolbar with Ihe tiTniann whii h thTwill be furniabeil,
br addrsaaUlK tb1 anliarriber. po-t-pniil.
BOliKKT FEARS. Fubllnbar,
181 William Street, New York.
W3Tn Pre, and read fur Aarata bv tb. Iat of Oct,
ISM. .W lUnstralM Pneripliim ff th Kuuian W
wira." for furtbar partleulara aadrraa aa abera.
A S..I N.ulirJ Komw of LIMiw ltwH. hj IM
Antb..r i.f Hie Piwte Ifcelw," Ui -lwjra Ulorj,
tbn "Old B.ictor." e. e- i
TIISar.mhniiert..eiJiye4 b th wrifc-rf the alow
pjpaUr w.irfc. i. -lneiiit ftmranlw r l"
ilk wliKh n; (inHnrtWD. nnD ltm b V" "Ul
n,rtl,.. in.ir.iin tin- h-.rr.. ut h siw
TniiM, II trnl in. r . -rr - ,
iu a.-rml in Hi" u, j--rninn ' '
m-t'" rr i.inil frn -r.ni r,iiulii-' li lurm.
i ...... ii1t.r..t tunl eilrrulura e
.... 7hV:f7 " '
J,,. Z. ir.,i. ..-r el. a Bi-ri .u. a. u. in..n.uri. I
i.,.,; c t - r '"Z'nr .'. ,
hiturjt lb- h-r...t.r..fth, .,ry fV"i''..V' , I
, 4 ,.rrhaif t On-liie.""?"-. ...
. . . . .i.....l. i.vm..ur tt" i
,mm,wi. r .,rn t""'-1'
a hct . a f"m ilw irf. ''"
n.,rri..l i., vr.e r r ',.. f
, wV-r i ' Ttr i
U tlir utout tliu ury r imljr
t i.ii.i . !.. .In..! f rrtml ori-r. I w
h .1. .1 tl dliinn it ww rWMli tli'i' lnt!i-n lo
Jir uiiiv ,H. M.D1 i,1,
t.,.-, .s i,t:, .Tt T!.ii"
I,.. - .. :..t...,l fr.'n t.. nr s. a'. I'"l ;tli-tiO! Inc.
. , , ",. ..r-t j CV la," .
'".V . " ' , , ,.. r r
.nn..tr..ti.. t...i.r lij.. awsri-.! I.avi'.x rr-lali .n t.
iMtu. . in Aui. r;r, m . uia .'.-.""- i
i . .... i....;.... .n Him A!'riRn ri a-t.
"w't i. i a- i" "' '
m T,,, ,' i. .r:,r. ,, m ami i in.a.i.
at. I a aL-ipi'Ul au-1 lli-irucue ai.aifc.uuiu
hmiijr m.rarjr.
Tli--ir iil f rm a
hv ,,.,,
ii.,.,,11. i,.m.u . !..!
hrailliful iw'aT Toltime ( 1
trot' .l a it, flnti mjraiii.tr-. an-l
b Ti iei. in r'oth. i.ne il- 1 ar :
in i-p-r. .
t'- l.uUU.1
e-nl. at wl.i-h rs' ripli will Ii- a" '
r. tu auy pari of lb-: cuulrj ff. e 't Y'
J- For rale tfliotaMli- n.l r -til th rn'.'i-lierJ,
n.iii;rn Tl.:lT.
No 'H ll-'i a -i 1 1 ST;:rrT. Niw VirB
r.'tirtl nmtia,re ihroiizh' at the IMt. l 5u!
anil liii i.' I'mra'". 2iiVT
ilahimorc Atlv'ts.
"3 !? -.-ZL tL:
cAiiiarEiaii';"& co.,
Fbar, Grain, & Lumber Commission
Merchants. it -5 spear's Wharf,
una t Jrilhmoie.
J'-hn Hftrlie F".. l'r- i jtien' Bsiik, I rjait;mot
A. IMiil.ii. t- l . e'"h Franklin .o j
J..'m ll-rtz-. Jr.. K-. . I ,1, ..
K-.ie-r. etini'cti-iin i . , (
J T..1H... (.-! . I'n . .1 ivnl Ban, l'ort tefotil.
J. Wit lirr a .-'in. Uarributif.
I.I II l". fc
j. ii. )r a
' yIiii.-rt.ve.
t t o.. Kilt. .
W. . I'4r
! l!inn M
li-.,r;. I'. J t
III 1. iv- r
ll-il VI ni 1".
T '. I.'. v !.
(..:. li. Ii i
M il lin t I
i:-i . I
:. r. I. i I
r. .- I . II-
1.1,.. ullf.
1'i.nrr. i
hi . r iJii r, I
I.-.- !. , I
y.i. I.- . J
J. p. (I'O.iw. i.i . l.-i a llii.-n.
CVCAUU, t.i:it; .V CO hare tbe larsft
Wharf room of any Ci m:nisvion i!i use m
U il'.itnoie, always giving in.i-:k despatrh t-
boat.-, in iliscliaigiiig their cargt rs. CniOIJ
T:iz Ti :rT.Tr.r tz n t
Fur IW r'ire of l':f. XyH'ms. Cr,t:j. und tilt
S rm ia and C-'Utit:tf unal ..' :i.tr. ,
ni:.siNM who are Ijlmrn: ur. t.-r this
I lii-tie-Mi,;. iinla l.- will find :he VLOr.T
Ai'.I.K EPILEPTIC PILLS to be the ra'v
remedv ever discovered for cuiii.g Epilepsy,
or Falling Fits.
Th at. l'i!l r-.-... a f-c-'fr ai-ti -n rn tr, n.", 11
iy-1. m. ai- I alih- u,-h tb'-y -.r- r-.-i-sr-..! .pt ris l f T ihr
j,nr.-..'l llrrn- r,t-. TS-V ai 1 1. f.nr. I ,.f ...i'. t:.! I-:,-
ttt f'T all ,-r-on. af?1i'-til a'tli w-k B.'T' s ' t wI.a..
norvuii v.fi.M liaa n , . rr.iil ..r :.a:teri. 1 f.-' ? i
at.y c;tn" wh-.ti..-r In rhn o e wm, l.io;t.. nr l a-i-of
l-.i'ir .tar..lln,r. .irTiiiiluit-a y nvrTuupne.a. II ev ar.
..ti- ilin?;T K.i.. f.-ial.
Tri -i- 1 r-r l"s.or ta-. f..r l. IVrp.n. nut . I
tlir I'i:. en !'"! -i; a r..m;rfi.i.'-... m I I af tl.' lii i-t
...ri tl r. -Ii '1 nirvil. fr. . i)f i-.i:.-.. l'..r.I l.r
S II A ('i:. Vv !. Miitii F. s-i '-r. l'':iiimr.
!!.. t" w. -in .Til.-r'- from si! r srt rt.'id- I'utxa tiiut t-f
j.!-.,.,t. p..r iat-!. ItIT' n.w aw
PhllrxtlP. I'hi.l All V IS.
iFrtnctj zxymi
't'iUinz Ic t'lan 2 ounces,
110IJ the rure ot 1IKK.MA or KI PI I UK
a itlunties vt ihil.ititiphia, i:itimparab!y mi
pr.ir lo any ( titer in use. Suirerers u-iil
traiii.eil In learn that ihe ocra-ion now n tiers
to procure mt iti!y tl.e iiqAttst und nwtt tt!it
hut as HurubU a Titles a?, aity iMhrr. in lieu i f
the cunibrotis and iinc.'iniV'ri;tl)!e artir'e u'j
ally sild. Tiiere no diilicnUy aiterilms he
tiilitig, aiul vviien the pad is L taitd a
retain its position wnhf til cliance.
jVtTMtns at a tli-tahce unnble t ea!l nn the
snhM. riht r, can have tlie 'I rnss seni to a:;y
a'liiif s, hy retnittn.e Kn o lillars lor the s.ii
pie Tru-s. vt Tt for T 1 1'U!! i'h in.i-tirp
arnuritl the hips, athl Ma.ine the siJe ai-iei!.
It will be excirtne 1 to suit if ucl liiiing, by
rctarnini; it atone, nrisoiieth
I'vr sale imlv hv the linpnrrer.
t.Al.KU H. .NEKDI.E.
rr.Teift!i & lin e S:s, Vhiht f;h;a.
rma;hes rrqmrinti the ben ''fit ( Mecha
nical Supports, mvin? to ih'ranment of tbe
internal organs, inriiitlinp failure o( the Wi.nih,
vocal, pulincna' v.'ly"peptir. nervtns,ari. vpt
nal weakness, are iu for rued that a competent
ami expeririicetl Wy will be in a'tendance at
thp Room's, (er apart for their exclusive qe)
No. lit TWELFTH st. 1st door above Race.
Xrws.'ock i Window Ehades. 5 avm .va
IS54 S ( 1854
Manufacturers and Wh'drsah it R(ffiil Dealer in
riNDOW SIIXUKS orh-wesi corner
nd and Arrh Sts. Vlvl.drh hw.
Such as I ii 'tile's Landscapes, Borders. Vaes, j
s. r .lts 1! -ouels. Go Itl Hinders. Ae.of tb m,-it
beaiit,,,.. de.r an., paction of finish in
hte country, and at Midi Low Price as
to ehlllensre all romoemton. n ill .m l White
Holland,. C.iniines Tassels. Cord,. Brass,.
&r it fverv variPiy ftr (.'ityor CouiiTrv irai.
! r'lVf invite an exaim;n:itin of our Stock
in a .j. n- . a . . .i
at the IVpot, . Ctirner 6c Arrh. Philnd.
Jan. l'a-l 4(1111
Toal Store exclusively,
The lar;el L..t,blihme,t if Ihe kind in Ihe U.S.
Win. M. M' lure & Kro.
No.CST M irket St. above Seventh. Pbilad.
ANT KACTl KKK.V Depot for Locks of
all kinds, warranted quality. Paienl
Silvered, l.Uss Knohs.
Proiniiini IVreelain Knobs.overlOO patterns.
Silvei-pl.i'ed Knobs, II inpes, Ac, with the
most complete assornueut ot all the Modern
fiords in tins line.
Purchasers are invited t call and examine
Stock. Catalogues sent by Mail if desired.
Jlit Air Rxjihtert ami Yeutilutort at
Fm f'iry Pr!rrt.
tT"AIl orders put up under the immediate
supervision of the Finn.
CALL AND SEE I.'S. 6m519t
llook Agents Wanted.
A GENTS WANTED in every Town and
2V. County in the I'niled Slates, lo sell llie
j , , . , ,, . .
nu,st popular and saleable books published
iu,tuv m iiirin oeauiiiunv niusiraien wim tin-
ored EiiRravmss; also the most popular works
of T. S. AaTHia, including "Arthur's Cottage
lntelliaffnt and entarprlaiDg naa will find tbla a plea
ant and profitable bniuei.
tor fartkolars, addrasa (pnat-aaldl
J. w. UR ADI.F.T, Pntilirbar,
1;IM Vo U iWiitb Peurib 3t rtUaaW.
Trahara, fapportlr,
(LACK BTOCK!.N(;a,e. r
der Bracea. and all'- .
1 dase,applicdaiicaiT.
te irlve aaiisfaelraiaHky Dr.and Mrs.li'CLf.'
AtHA.N. N...44 Konh feEVMh
The prrat number of Female relif,
cured bv wearinc Mrs. MX'ltaach'. '
i .. .
w '"'"? :fcett
,uperie,r to anything of the kind e,,r of, "
10 ll,e Publ'e P5t7tc:
Philadelphia Spring Trade lg"
wm is n r ig ii t, it i-s rise ro.v fl o ?i
152 Market St. &. 23 Merchant St.
Importert und Whi.tttulr lltuttrt m
fstaple A. rant Dry
KE now receivii.e a erv OEM:.'
Domestic a n2i iorrign abritc,
,i,.,I- f,,r h.ilh Cur and C. nntr. t.-j
which they titfrr al tery luw jit cet, U r
Cab, or to I'rotnpt ix MuutLs' Mta
f VM'e solicit an exammaii. n ef our ..
!....... V....V.I.... . ... A Ii .
"j .vi I've'iuvn" visiaiii riueri, j
Wainwri'Iit. lIunln giuD 4 FiorrJ. 1 JJ Marin
"ni517cUtJ Si. 4,Wf1iaia. f
Mreet, I'hilad'lphir. btg leave lo c
i'iC aiti'iitmn of I i iiiilrr L'eaiers, Schuu'.i.a .
persona miiiiie the City, lo their dir.r..
assurtnieiil of -'"ir Frmeh, and Antrz;M
Al A 'i'ioMCH V.hi-h they are fihiieLi ,
sale and Keiail on the most reasonable
'1 heir !.: ic comprises rrery vanity (.f r,. .
l.eiier nnd Note I'aper and Envelopes, inc.i
inp a foil a'sorlipf nt of the celetraied z'i
ot He i.a Kue & Co. and Ti.cs Khi aJs & Kli
of l.om'on. Also
f;. ld and S:eel Pen, Drawirr Pencils (Ft
ber's and others'). Prawir.r I'arer. Bruv;
Itoard. ealin Wax. Ink, liiksiamts. Ridrri
'rc.i.ke".Vos!Tilii.lm"and rtl t r fir e Co lft
Pcrtrr.onaies. Pocket Books. Portfolios. Vr.:.
ir? Desks. Ac. Ac. Persons visttir. tr.e C:
ran have th :r paper and envelopes err.brs;
wirh their inltid without ex'ra charse.
ti Orders (Mm dealers and ir.M:tnt!nref
! learniKe respectfully solicited and filled m.j
the stnclrst integrity CrjiJnpd
IIiF.CS leave respectfully to call ihe Poli'iea
acennon to mv Eiablishn.ei:r. 3.?
fi uMi FOURTH M.'(below Chesirif). I hiiU--Ijhiii,
fi r the marHaciure and s.e if tfit-
dopf !, where I wil always e ir. rr?iiin'a
to atieml lo anv orders I may be lavored :'.h.
I am p:epare ! 10 furuish Envelopes f nerr
:Maii:v. s:ze aril d scription, ho.'esale art
!'t:r.i.'heOoT( rrin.i-ni panein. pla;n ard lega!.
I wo j.J aKo call it'ei.tioii lo ih DieSina-
1: g. l"::i-r.'iv:r.. Flint. rg. and Fir.Nv.sire cf
"usne-s C..rS for Envrli.pea, Le:tcr-hea ',
j b'lll-ber.s. C;-r Is. C:rrulars. Ac. all of which
j I furnish at tery low riles. .Nam ping lenera
prevei ls their goirg lo Ihe Dead Letter Offra,
j Wi'h patent machines r f the latest improve
ments lor cinnossirp. pnnf.na', c , ai?o or
the rranufacture of Envelopes, and every fsei-
lityf. r execulu.g order with despatch, and f. r
the.r d-liverv bv Express Lines rr as mv re
Hreed upon. I can not fail lo compete wi:h it
not esee! any rih-r establishment of the t nd
in ti e world. IVHomirof aihir Enrelrpra
eonst:ir.!'v en h.'iiol. samp'es of which may e
seen Ch'tti-!. ifa'e, aI?o of IJre-Stampeii F.r.?.
lvS!77fl1 V.M.COLBERT.
W IIIuit Wairo, &c.
II. COI'LIKR, 4!i Smth SKfOXD St..
l'!iili.t!t'fh a, S doors above Chestnut, East
sii'e. In' pi r:er r.i d .Vantilacturrr a I kinds ct
1 11.1 (I W WAKE Consisting in part r
W Ihe fi iliowuis. Lad es' Traveling Bas
I ,. Work Baskets, Flower Baskets. Oflice
il.iskets. .-secar Baskets. I lain. Farcy and Em
t n idi red baskets. Ladies' W ork Stands and
Sewn." Chairs rf benculnl design and excel
lent workmanship, which he is seilirg remar-kiit-!v
chenp lor I'ash.
N il. Just received from Germarr a larj
a Ml varied a.soitmer.t of FANCY G001S.ti
whu-h the a tenuon if ihe f ul iic is respect
fully invind fm5I7l3dj
ruveiEKs, wnLs, co. nvtf .vrar ronr.
yrrr ,,ave opened a Phrtnvlg'ealVLbmet
&r?l and llivk Sim, al 231 ARCH St,
DW- 'ween 0th and 7th. Philud,ljhia,
y . and are prepared to furnish all their
) J Works on l'hrenclrgy. Physiology,
H Hydropathy. Masnetism, and Phon
i;:":rTL. cgraphy, ai New York prices.
Professional Examinations.wiih Charts Jifid
full written descriptions of character, civcn
dav and eenii.g. ryCabiiiet free to visi
tors lvSI7cAdq
351. lis? P41XTS.
l.bAU, and free from all poisonous
j ' ti.. -r i r. .i i t- rr. r-"ire,l t arrute ard rr ,r ibri'r
SCIEaUOK MBit, r- and Hnnmt in OU, ua
Th.ir w ijitk INC. l..b i .ia ary or rrvmnd la
'i,,,, w;,rTi,nt' J i"1 ourrMa fr hy u4
utitiorm hi-n .
a mnhM , rrr.mtn h rntly twa dirwt.
wl U U nM ll.i' C mrrin U warrant tlivir psunl t
y iit.R n mi vtt in ii Rftr" ht may rfM.Dbl tiBM..
lo tla. rrsT-rri tlirir laitita will be auperkir to aay atbav
in thi niarn-'t.
Tb. ir HliOU N ZINC P, INT. whieh la aold at a br
pnra. anil ran rnl W amdr from th. Zinc .reo freaa
NrW Jrrsaj. V WW Well k.l. . It BTDtrrli. qo.ll-
tij wIi.ti j.'..( lii..l I., iren or r.tbr airtalie aurfaraa,
Tlu ir M'OMi ColJiK PAINT pop, all tb. pmorr-tirsi-fthe
Dnwii.aml i. of an airret.l.la eolorfnr paln
tiLg CvtUgrs, beisila, Ot.t 1 ni'ilioira. Bri.lr.a. me.
FI KM 11 KK MKtlS,
VThiitaal. Paint IVaters ana ImrrtOTV,
X. W.cor.i f loth ami Vatket Su. I'lutadtifkM.
'1 HIE subscribers are now prepared to eibi
bit at their
Splendid Sew Establishment
Au. 41 iSJonA &cbitJ St. I'hihueJfht'a,
an entire new and beautiful slrrk rf Straw,
Fanrv and Silk Bonnets and F'alts FluwerSa
Ac.and Panama. Palm and Summer Hals for
gentlemen, ahi.'h our old patrons. Merchants
and Milliners generally are invited t examine,
confidently promising ihem.in extent. in variety,
ill novelty, and in styles. a sb ck nnequalled
Orders careful! v and promptlr executed.
Rne Wanted.
BEING extensively engaired in the vtannf
aciure of PAPER, we will pay to Cosa
try Merchants and others having RAGS for
sale, aaore than the prenent market frier CaRJi
JESSI P & MOORE, Paper Manufat
rhiladftpkilios. 21 & 3r, North fcV.
tm'i flat H. be ow Arrh, betwvfn Srh & fail.)