' 14 i t 4 .1 i E W I SBU Hli Oa TO 1 CLai H. C. UlClvOK, Editor. 0. N.WORDEN'.Pbixtek. LEWISBURG, UNION COUNTY, PENN., FRIDAY; OCT. 27, 1854. ( VULUME Xl.AO.30. i Wnou Ncmber, 550. Vrf .M II F.i tlml .tin mt. l.i.ru f till) , I jll'rtr II "IU IICV. A' I . IM'tU, rinillljj ' H.bOl.lv . .11.1. lUl; UILUIUIIO ... ..... TllC IjCWisbUr1" I. lirOniClCi ! that he had accepted the call to the Pro-1 Synod hive good reason to bo well atis- Vss"iIiip in the Theological Seminary , fied with the kiud hospitality of our citiz- unsr-iva" raMiiv ' (vacated by tlio resignation of Dr. Nevin, j ens, but we are equally sure ulso, that the TttueJ on Frii'iy Mirpntij, 'j'K"' '.'a year ago), which was referred to the j citizens of Lewisburg have been delighted Ininn rou'f rr",',,) ).,ir.rr.s coiiiiiiittcc on the Seminary. with the members of this Synod. ,".uMt'M'" ',";h'j'pXVil6ru's" ' The committee on Nominations reported Early on Monday afternoon, the Synod J'"1.,.::'.' ' w ' 1 a double number of candidates for the dif-' dj mmcj having been 1 1 "r af rtl n: cith... - - . , .f, .... ,. ,InwtiHWin , ' rir.. r U It--i-r- 1J in.MH-il itne TO ft ITIir" t . .... ..,. 1 .11 A LCfATOIl. ; .. luvi.ni'.io-'i"! ' civ t l'. ,..-nr- . ... tn o V VVi.-a.'-N. 'i.'O . I I'ltP" 1 . . .... m Th. m i!ktu' ti:i.d;kai-h .- m rf o,,. j,ro.r'. n-t .rr.f .-'n' t.- a "e.- l' ,! 1..- -t ' nl. a .n . rt- 1 I a double number of candidates for the dif-! adj iiimcj hiving been in session einee fenut. Hoard.-, and di h e ites to the various Tuesday evening of last week. It U the r,.ur'i. .f ctcleiat.tieai bodies u it u hieh Snod is s-lwriest session of this body WiiieU ha. ..r Ti,,. is in c"rij'(iin'ei;ee. I been held for a uuuiber of year. Closed vi;!i prayer, by Iv. J.K. Keller. AFTKKNOfiN SESSION. Opened with religious services, by Kev. W. J. ll, 7itu i. r. The eommittte on the Liturjry nude no report, iu toiisujueiiee of the als;'uee of iin it., cbaiiaian, wh.i is now in Europe. The totiiuiinee, however, was c.nitiuuo'l. The couiiuiiiee on Cerniau The f.lhnvin' F.solu'ioas were tiuaui- niously pa A : Dlilrlrl. 1. l'hihd. Co. TJio't P.. Florence. 2. f City Job U. Tyson. 3. " Co. Wm. Mill ward. - 4. " Co. Jacob Hroom. ft. " Co & Mntjr. J-CadwallaJcr (5. Chester John Iliekuiuu. 7. l?ui k.s S. I. IJiadshaw. 5. liel'Ls J. O'flilli ff June. 0. Iiueastcr A.E K.il-erts. li). Dauphin .John C. Kunkcl. 11. S-lmylkiil James H Campbell. 12. l,'i- rno IK-nry M. Fuller. 1:5. Carbon A hi I'-uL-r. 14. Su-o ieliaima j duha A. Grow. i -. r: , I . .. .1 iv .r.... Wit., 1 nat tho eorl:Bl tliattks .rtlns : . , , , , . n- , f lu. ( uiiili. ilniiii leiiiuel 1 .Kl.t. s-vii" i '" teni.'r.-l ttie memoir.-, ot . . ., ., ,- ' .. r , , , , 17. I rari iiin D.iviii I . !otnson. .fjrja rin: "; "'.",H-.nn M.,t iurr.n rtli-Mc..o.-"njFtnrjr.-J Sehool l'ublieat ioS (IteV. lr. .LtalwTUw rl"- ' . I I A O. N. WO!tTrN. Proprittpr. tuan uisu;, n ymn, .iiki o. it ..... i ' The cumiiiittee on the (ji-rmaii Sunday is:. 4. Oct. Uiioa Ccunty. (:i Selmed Hymn l03k rt''irted that they had d. iie uotuing further iu the niatt. r. T: e matter was referred to a speei :1 eoinmittee (ilev. E. Kii-ffi r, oiiaiiman), to report a i'. ! minute mi the sul j et. It apptars th.it IS) I. !lhe J.'itlKr.in Sr.'id h el, a few years ago, tlie tierm in UetHriiie'l clmreli 1:1 i.l bui-, am! o-h.r eitu 'ii; .f t!ie p! o-e, fr; the kind h wriitjlilv ex'Mided to its mem- I .. , i ehueek, i iV...rr7, The iftnr I be rerpiesfr-'l hur-'eJ. to auii 'imee tois ill sulutiou Ir on the pul pit, tod have it published iu the p ipers of the place. A Fhs of Truce! The V.'a-liintoii L'ui'iu li.isl een rabid as political rancor cmiM make it against Anicrie iniiii, or, rather, the principles of the mysterious Kuovv Njlliing-", as they 1. , V 1S..T ?!!!.. a- IMVI-IIA. j T.W. S'TO t.-r. li p. V- r A -.tii -t. j HI.I. n I.ewitnrs 2-t4 1 4" Ka-tbuudloe S3 !H J..- 3 111 19 Ke.iy -i '.'2 11 I" -r'l V.uue Deer -' 1-7 ::"' '-'-7 5S liulValor r i:u S5 U7 III Mull.iilmrs M'i ' ,; I r t wvm iiuii"..ii.e u ' i:'-1' Jlar.ley ' J'o H 1'" 1'' l'eiins 27 la3 3 1:5 fcielitiMCrovt (i"-w) S 7 Cliapiuaii I 13 SI W lfi "s WasUineton 111 C3 HI 1-2 S' IVrry t"'- 1115 " Franklin 71 U- 45 11!) C i:tr Ueaver CI S..C 0 2.7 22 2.": West Bearer 21 177 I !:! 3 202 l.in.esl.ne 07 76 I 137 120 J icksoii (ntw 1 ! r.4 H,on l- 127 27 1!) 7:t !:? fentrr 2t 121 0 a 13t MI,!K-.t1; C2 .Mi I 110 17 t--r ?iew Ueilai i'J 7 ' 1" !"' ii.vitid the tier. K. f. Synod to unite wiih : ?e-m to have leake-1 out. All who sym- th.m in publishing a new hvion I k f. r ' palhizcd ith the p. pular niovem-nt or .-..U.aih s-i. s it. Cerniau' for both de-1 a tn.-sth of pm. r to swell the whirl- .. ' .:...l ..r li..i.'-.r It.-ti-ii.iir't iu. ui.r.. ile- i.i hiiiia' ii e, to whh u a lavuraole re.-iiiiiie , " j ,, n.i- '. ( it 1 y this yi. 1 nouueed m villainous traitors ami inti.ler- ! ant wrtches. liut tlia r.'e. ut elections : have showu the streiin'h i.f attaeliiiu nt to the er ee l tint Amei ieaus must rule Ame nd. A committee acc-ii itiiii'lv tirjiointcil to Co' t" rale vviih a similar eomiinitee fiimi the l.u-he-r..l. Svnu.I. A Si leetii'II W.iS made i lilltiV I v these e. u iniil. es, ami j ubiUh.d. liut rici, and the Washin-f ..n t'., appalled it.,- e-..v-.,l,t was taken out in the name ' at the result, bolls out a fl lfi of truee, and " i . i i i . i . ... . : ( f i.i.l :. f the tiatiiUw of the Lutheran aliu.t pcrsuaa.-ai.. ucc.me a.uciiwu. i i .i i ..i ei I We rut s'lne if l..'illiiii. - v. . ami if ini; nil: .1 r .i"ii.i 111. .. t 1 ... in. .. ..!... .i;.., 1, iK record - 1 1 j ieil, recouiiucuditii; to our delciMes t'"'"'-' s, :.l a stalLineot of the1 -In taKin im- P"mi...t, I oe i.p.ro to iliat l.o.iy to pre 2U!t i:j Il'.o ihu i:!i Mnjiiriiict ri,... Mifiliniown 6S 151. Fermaiiagh Waiker Kayrli' Delaware UreenttoiiJ l'aUerou Milf.Til Turl-ett lt'-ai 't'-icarura l.ark i;:a. k t'trrysville 63 100 61 :u 100 :io f5 tiS 19 1.1 HI) 19 . Sim .111111. 0 ri 1211 l2 115 27 II 45 4(1 et r.; it.i 5 v laiil'..rl. S innit i 1 17 Cas-, and prueUie a j lint possession of the book in 'j ivstion. There was some l.ttle spiiy U.scu.-ston on the su' jeet beCure the suj-il was thus rt lei red, the blame beio east toil on the Svund, but upon the iitili 1 ' ' i.'s v. h j cempoaud the committee ol that Sv nod. ! The cmiauittceen the Minutes of Classes further reported. 4. ft. C 7. . t. l.i. 11. 1-.. l:i. 1 1. 15. Hi. 17. IS. 10. 20. SI. raiie pari) licit In r ussinues that the natuia- 1 - 1 I.. .. j .. j il.iv iii . iul i.ii. r.fi fi i'f ' 1 . 1 1 in II l.i a " " 1 .1 " . " i , i. or that f. ri itiers hav ii"t on seine i c.s sious suljeetej thi ii.si lves to justceii.-ures, nor that the 11 mau Catholiu reli'niu is based upon the true Chiistiin cn-cd. Ci tizeiiihip is a boi.ii, granted to foreiirn crs by the libeiality of our it.stitutions, and this fact cannot be too car. fully woijhedaiid apt reeiated by our fi.nieu fur future- its aijiuis: rifeiiLce. i us on a;s the (hi" piMtiiin it should be can fully Ii.tho iu mind that the Ieliioc- f.::fi 7-.it 101 lilt 91 1 It isr. 43 109 117 lots 220 II 2I lit! IfisS r,;i 1027 r. 4:1 7:1 I9i 91 72 O 49 25 -.11 3i I 30 LCI I Tie in regard to L'i n. t . . . 1 ' .. t 1 ... .. .1 I...M I setioii ol the tjlassis ol .Marylnml Citizens. J hi y suomu coiisiaony i the' that the Lir'h priviiCL'i C'UiCKletl loun m have been L-raut. it uiioii Ine reasonable lleiner was laid ou liable uiitil Saturday ninniug, when it was IS. S mi. rset Jnhii K. h lie. 1!. A,stm ir. l iiid John Covode. .it ov r 1 ... K i.i. .I.t J 11 .ISUIIIU'.TII II I...1.1M" .k.t.g.... 'Jl. Allegheny David K.tehic. !'. ' ,V lluih r S.A.l'urviancc. "J'5 H-nver John Alison. Jl. V.irren Carhou 15. Curtis. Ciaviford John l'ick. Aiiti-N-bra-bii Ti"fnncm.. 1G WLigs, 5 Free Democrats, 4 l'icreeites. Ohio. Timothy C. liy; Cincinnati. J. Seott Harrison, " Ij. 1). Campbell, M. 11. Nichols, llieburd Miitt, J. U. Eoirie, Aaron llarhitl, leojimio Stanton, C K. Watsotl, (). F. Moor-, V. 15. llort..ii, Sjuiuel liailoway, John Sherman, I'iiiU'iuou liliss, Wilii im H. Sapp, I" I ward IJ .11, C. J. Aibii-ht, llerjatiiin F. I.utcr, Edward Wade, Jiishua K. liiddings. J. A. liiiiirham. gs, i l'r. e Sutlers, 4 Free Dem. IniUam. Smith iV.vc. Wm. 11. ;. (Jenrjie (I I'utin. David V. llolloway. Will Cumback. Lueiau Harbour. Harvey I. Scott. Daniel Mace. Schuyler Colfax. 10. Samuel brenfon. 11. John IT. I'eltit. A ToncMnc Incident In his visits among the poor and degra ded, a City Missionary occasionally takes with him his little daughter, not six years old. In one of these visits, they ascend ed to the third btorey of a large buildiu, which is rented out in tingle rooms, inhab ited by Irish Catholics. Ou reaching the farthest door, he faw a motherly looking woman, who readily entered into conversa tion on religion; yet she seemed far more interested in the rhiM than the jtmuhrr. ISeside her was stauding a young woman, who had just been called to bury her two babes, who died iu iufaney. In another part r.f the room wi re two little girls, about five and seven years old ; they had been deserted by their unnatural mother, who had become a confirmed drunkard, and had left the city; their father was iu his grave ! After speaking many words of the pre cious Gospel to these women, the preacher was about il parting. lJat their eyes were fixed ou his child, with loving expression. So he said to her, " Lucy, repeat one of your pretty hymns." Glatfing into her father's ryes, she mM, "Which one shall 1 say, Pa?'' "Oh, say that one '0 sing to me i f henven.' " In a clenr voice, with much feeling, fehc repeatcd this sweet bymu : oil' liiiL- ti.iui- uf ll-iivn VVtii'li 1 mia 1'iilli-lJ to ill., iii - ! li: i-c-l. y 1'u wiu: u.y R"Ul ' bull. VV t..n i-olii atiil .hitiTiJi dr.-l l:.. 1 .-ri in.' iii.ii 1 1- l.r Hunt torth lu .Irniim i.f jo) fulnes U t lu?i-u ..rfiii Wli. h Hi' li.t m- Dlfnt rnuii't, oli, wt ! mi dyiuii Aii. An 1 r.. . Ii U b-irfi.t. arr.pl VI bifh o'rr rarb fcalurt. Uvfc TliB, tx mit raptiirl .nr. 1. t .am wi t ooitf brivrn: oiil-K rb .Tia iiii I.t '.n r.rlh, An i K!'i'l i" llr i" ltta,u Tin n r'..e mi i.t.'titl.'ii. .yf, Ai..i Iv uii- a..n tn iv.i; An ria-i". my r "' ' T, l aa" l.'i ii nij life.'.. I ratl." ISoth these Catholic women were melted to tears ! The tender words from the in fant lips reached their hearts. As verse after verse was recited, their souls seemed with Minnesota. A-. Minnesota correspomlcnt r.f tha Chambers!'Ur) Wn'j gives the following? ib'-eriptinn i f the soil aad cliina' f Minnesota : . It has a very rich toil ,whieh yields abun dant crps tit wheat, corn, oafs, potatoes, beans, pumpkin, turnips carrots, beets, and every thing else usually raised in Pennsylvania and New York. It is of ft d irk s.imly l .im, generally speaking, with a large- intermixture i f de-integrated mag. nesiau limeston1, a very firtiliiing mate rial. This soil is warm and genial, easily wronght, free from stone, snd bring vegft. fation forward with great rapidity. It L much less subject to eariy and late frosts ilian the m'.re clayey Soil of Ohio, or than the hard rocky tiehls of N'eir Englsntf, though far'her North. It has therefore hnppf-n-d that people leaving New England after the fall frosts bad destroyed all gar den viui s, and arriving here, hve found every thing of the kiud fresh, green and untoiiehed. Notwithstandieir. therefore. Ye who think the Iruih ye sow I. ? beneaih the u-iiio-r's snow, I nibi not. Toni,,s nnerrin? Taw Yl ahnll l.rine lh reni!l thaw, ttod in nahirp ve can iro.i: Is ihe ifini of mind less just ? Res. I VP n"! .It mhlv thnneht Oac hy anc.nl sac hnhl ? Thoiiih ii wilhrreil in ilie blisht Of ihe meiliaevat uiehi. Now the harvKI wp t-eh'.M: Hee ! it bears a thousand foM. Vnrkers on ihe barrPD ami. Yours may eem a thankss ti-il fiek at heart with hi pe ilefVrrr.l, Listen to Ihe rhi-rine; wrir l .Now ihe fioltfot sowr ?rors. Soon he'll bind his eolileo shrarrs.' Ff rreat VirVm ha'h ilerreeit Man may labor vi ihi H Never in ihis life shsll erow. fciiall Ihe sower rase to Sow ? The fairest fruit may yel be borne On the resurrection morn ! Fate of Sir John Franklin. MnMKKAt., Oct. -1. In our extra of yesterday eveninL', we informed the pul i;M .!.-. v, ....... ...B nl.nf ; ..... 1 . s . v.. r c;J i.i,.P..i:; I ..A the hi-'h ,-,fitud'J of Territory.it is .. j.u- i- 111 ' i- 1 one of the finest f.r Iudian eorn in tho U. his crew and their ships, had been discnv - j . frS e immediately desLa'ched a spe- red. e luiiuen'iutely desLa'ched a spe- 1 Aij ,hc f:irrurr J0 ; tae , eial messenger to the Hudson Hay f. lunv place, to secure ICO, 30 or any number of acres of iaud at government prices ha feuce in as much as be can ny's house, at Liehine, and through the t.i 3 . f . i . 1.' : 1 . Klliouess 01 'or i f oviTior..-,ir unT ;n -imp- 1 lijay choose, leu rm, are enablH to Iiy b. fore wrj.f'lp'. lu wheat, com, oar., kc, turn hi the following oufimcs of aJ fi p"tup e-ciyed by him yesti rday froio PtWiew ' 1 1 . .1 . nr. iiae uas necn aoseni on ine cas' siuee ine i.rst ci the nioutn f i J une.n.i... j ( i? tj,b,.r 0f horses, cattle mid sheep and returned to York Factory on the i, , ,J1S f-ru r ,:l lV it,.p lim;!td vnlj by of August last, from whentv he f rwun'e I ! ,hc amount i.f hay and other fodder ha letters by express to'Sir Ge. rgj Simpson, ,y (, ayie t s..cure f T them during the via tbc lied river settlement. ; upon the rrairic where thpv will j BjjS.""iiiier, and cut Lis hay from t-i arytoiiii i!i t. isi pisture or n:cauow. winter. Tl.r ..ill . 1 r.i T . u. , ub, i.iii-i i luciriseivca After briefly unliving the reult of hi-. ,ip..n ,1,,, r!.:lil.:e Ullt;j Iuij,j:e C)f -j. own expedition, ami tlio eliih-uaies will. I vembcr or which they had to contend, he prociodj ti state tha' from E-fpitmanx beba lobtained certain information of Sir John Frank lin's expedition, who Lad been Marved to death, after the loss i f their ships, which were crushed iu the ice, and while making their way sou'h to the fireut Fivh rivi r of suflusel with the beautitul scntlOJcUtr Km.j. - .k. .!,. f -bt,-h a nartv of I ' A.. .. in t Iia hvmn lif.n t III laur line ' t-. i i . the ufit of December some times, but rarely, later and may be turned out again from the first of April to tha first of May, so that the time of feeding is not longer than it is urdiuarilj in the At lantic States situated much farther South. One of the beautiful IVatures of Minne sota landscape, I have as yet omitted to intutioi. ; tamely, its innumerable little . i Was uttered, tl.e elder woman exciaimeu, . .... ....,;., ih.it thiv would surreu ler (I U'lilm 8 I'nn ll.inoerats. 2 Pierccitcs. taken tin an.! t.assed. with the txeetitioti .' ,. . . .: 11 ... . 1 1 j 1 : tlieir lll-Mtn-llvc I.auve 11a' inuaiiu. auu iof the reference to the chairman of Synod's i.c,imL. faai:d aud assimilated to our native 'committee of last Year, which was tro-i i-inzens ij all their teeiiii.'s, setitimetits, therefore and devolnm to our 1 b, I institutions. It Total Anti-Nebraska Nebraska jl ti 45 r .41 u ..... .. .ii..., I ..Hi- m.r npi'i.iitira f.i i:...ir cnr..r. i .1 l"l t..-- .. - s . iuc m c;ear. oeiieious water, well stored with the fiuiiy tribe, and iu the fall and spring abouutiing iu wild fowl, such as? ducks, geese, brant, Ac , where they be come fat upon the wild rice found along the borders of some of them, and in tha vicinity of other. These sheets of water ho ob-" , e hundred tards to twenty miles . . ,IP" j ings on the mutilated corpses of some e which had evideutlv furuUhed f iesl to their r' 'unfortunate comranions. . i ii I u I This information, althon i Both raised their eyes ckvoutly lo Heaven, from the p:,,tu;Mnnl , itcs. clasping their hands, as thoi.gh iuvokiug catCll with ,he viitc!t) au,l " I he Lord love the little darling. J he Rhicu La l t.viJoutly furuUhed food other exclaimed, glancing at her neiglbor, 0IJf,,rtuI,afe C0mpai.ioiis. then at the child, " 0 ! how beautiful." I This information. althonL'h not derived had commuiii ho found their blessings on the bead of the infant preacb- mes theiu now, in view of tin' late sig- lunsot popular teeling, to ei i.siil r Weil wneiner, in 'iieir i isi cou- ilue' tl.iv mav not have given occasion to frii-n ! of the cause. Vote on Prohibition. vote throughout the 5 been adversfl, it i-lumld not discourage the, sleeping beneath Mai. 112 fimontonV maj. i" ls,:' L'lawf.Td's msj. in l't Senator Ofl Siieir". rn. !, l.fflin, J uuiala. ! .'. a mi I.sil 4 -I I 2t7 812 Ii. T. i 1.7 n lull noiinci d ut. const it utional ' sriiei. n out. i 1 ! v,.;.r tin, V.oar.l of Domeslic' U,'Uf t'Xl'r'' ( - o Missions held us atuiivi rsary meeting, which was attended l.y a crowded audience. I1Ul a rhe opposition which exists against The annual report was read by the corrcs-! them. Native Aimricans are justly proud ! p.meiii g secretary, the lU-v. F. W. Kreuier, 1 of ihei. high prcr .games, and the; are . Thi is the way the school ' to u ' . . , ,. ' .turallv iialons ot iinvihiiii: like foreign; ' . , , , ,, , , ..1 U-t.ai..m. It was a long, well-written naturally j . In tl,,e system was intr -liieed to gladden and, long I ' iijiPirticc njioti tlietr institutions, iu loese j V , i r ;and l.tghly nit-resting document, and pre- . .MlJ f.ii,, ttc p..rtio'pate- to make blessed our State. Old berks fir , remains, but from another band, er. As for the children, they were motion less, aud turned their faces to hide the pearly tears that coursed down their little If the vote throughout the State has cheeks. lid they think ou a kind father . JS I a grassy mouua . vr ; lu:luuf3t.,ure wu:ci, hit leen : tLe I. t them c'amiT to did their little hearts recall to memory the ' the Legislature for a Prohibitory Law, tn! lutemp. ranee tt their mother '. iiu mey bo at lilicable to such counties as choose : remember the time when she taught them say the Lords I rayer: 1 erliaps they 1 for that heavenly home, Whw Ilia aVar Httl c biMn-n. of trrr clime. taini-a the d.-tuils i-u-.i may yet t- ;n l, ,.,,-!. .....t ,f .,.,.,.;...., l .i,u relied on. No d-ubt is 1 ft of the truth are like e.u i;i .j eareleS8ly of the rerwrt, as the natives had in their j abour. They affe-rd soma of the most tasteful sites for residences that can bo' found ar.y where ; and will hereafter fur nish for the interior abundant supplied of ice, hard as rjcn and clear as crystal. bball rrowii ti. t'bri't'a armn aa'i br ble.-t ' sent, d iiuite all encouraging asp-ct of the (e i.t t.xteut, and it is because we uil years resisted it, and would not accept its, )lPlu the Scripture say in vain, " Out operations of the lloaid duiing the past . ttiat wo so earueslly repel the iinputation j,rivisioiis, but finally yiell:d. She has j f,f the muuth of babes aud sucklings hast y,.u.. The lav. Mr. Haibaugh deiivered that the D moer.it ic party has pursued. 1.,, 7ysS a-alua-t 1'rohiliLtion now, but ; ,1U rdaiucd praise"? We thiuk not. 1 an ad ness on Ihe occasion, Whit u was lis- 'r " " r ' ' ' n nroce-s of time her eyes may tc open-1 The above is one of oril.r in I'li.le.liaio ine i.ii-io i..... V. by means of special subscriptions, creating lite members, &c kc. 'J ho result was .i i f ... i . . i ... i.. i , , . i i ,1 IliOSl un -la , ui.naius vi munc uuuun'i t..s-li..l li.uil. 4 Willi Whll-ll V UOU . I I J T I S. '.b r-mj. " Il..;v.rt. .l f.irt!irl-l'".nrc1ireuiele. German Fefonned Syaoi r.n- 'u tl: l.j TIirKSDAV. .MOKNINO SFsSIOV. Opened with prayer, by Kev. Mr. Cans. Keports from the delegates to the van oua ecclesiastical bodies with whicii Syuoi is in corresteinditic?, wire receive adopted. The committee to whom was i referred the requ-st a similar committee c .l.A ..t in r.-f.-ri'iiee to a ! 11UIU me eoimi .'I -ii... ... closer connection with the Reformed Church of Kumpe, kc , r.porN.d. Noth ing definitely done in the matter. The committee oil the- Minutes of Synod and various other committees reported. We merely notice some of the most prom inent poiuts: The committee on the Norih in process of time her eyes may . .1 1 . f IP .. ll 1-..I oil i . . .- , Al, (.1,1 to see ill the e'l w me uiivaiii.ijies n ...f. , . f m nuU;u a iiciic ciu.u in lencuei. i..n..,'.se iner.-ase of f .Tfiiin iiiimi-.-raf on 'they have been to tlu necessity of Com-i kll0W VM suiJ " A Utile child bhall 'remarks were made by Messrs. Seiiucck, w;, i,jn the lust few years, l.gitimite rea- mon School Klucation. iii.n.. i .i. ...i . Paper Hikln; 111.1. 1 . tj. ill.1 I. Ill J . I lllll. IU II1U l'l.- I. I.H.-IIS ."I ... ! !.,. M..ill.ll..a T 111 1. iii'sin; IL. aii'j 11111 ! I I .- ... r :. ..... :. . .t . r... I r.l. .! i of f,.r.i.fi rii.titlla.MoU UPOl our , .. t its blessings as toned to with attention throughout. Af ter the collection had bet n taken up, sorm1 We, therefore ' jc.aj tuem." lleiner, auu ine i resiueni, oi mc nuaiu, s-.-i or an earnest investigation oy uainc ica,m it m the t gut ol 1 uiiaiieipnia anui ii I I I..l ... ...!..-.. l il... .!.!.. ii.Hiiitii.i of this ; . ..... i .... i ...1 1 iii-i. i. ii. iii'i.L'i . iu I i.iri i iii.l ill lilt i-io- i-i -'11-. ill i o. ..i........ - .1.... .,.li.,ii..j iii.iT iidAin. ir.. "ill. I iiiir Heiii ... prie.y of increasing the fund, of the Roard increase of for. ig-i po,:t.hi.ion up;... our ' ' K f i Ky, which at one U me proved a ri- 1 J ti.. . ;.....,;. -.ml l...rinm .tn "r "i lv J L.u mi. until. phh... ti lifinui lri'i'ripr-. and sl j.-et for discussion; and if' it shall re- . l'rol.th.t.on will extend its blessings as rw suit .n the convictioi. that our natutalizi- universally over our State as his tue j w,mi; t 01lI gouglt r, but tion laws are difeCve and n ipiire to he sseh.K.l Sy-tem. Ac call upon our bre-, . a,uM ,ru,,l, W ' hi-r- throughout the S-ate, wh, have, Uud,m limes, z. ns ought net, her to be nrK e el n g ,,, wi,h tt , ,!,e good caue, I llll.lalll. II may oe assiiNicj as ..er... I., , ,l...,in.l fr ' possi ssii n various articles of European pos session of tLe whites. Among these are silver spoons, forks, &C, on one of which is engraved "Sir John Franklin, K. C. IV' while the othrrs have crests and initials on them which identify the owners as hav ing bilonged to the iii-fated expedition. Drawings of some of these have been scut down. The fearful trag.-dy must hive occurred a thousand instances, j as long ago as thj spring of Is.V). d ind ,Ju"ar,i were secured in this way. SATi;ilI)AV JtttitXINO. Opened Willi payer, by Kev. P. S vis, i f Maryland. Minulcs Were read and approved. Da- fact that the native American population Synod procceJed to elect the members j of paper, growing out of a scarcity of rag, We, at the Flast. Lave been in the liihit "f speaking of that put of the Mississippi above St Louis, as the Cpper Mississip pi;" but here that term is applied ouly ti that portion of the rivvr above the Falls' of St. A ut bony. Ksteuding above those Falls Several hundred miles is said to be a beautiful, productive, intenstinc country. j In the North eastern portion of Minnesota md North-western of Wisconsin, the soil is if an eutirvly different char.ictcr, being . . . - ., T will n.v.r con-cut to any mod.ti.-atn.ti ..I from tne nexe i,r.s.a.u... - J. would have in diminishing their prouis, j the priMiihs which el-.aract.rzes their Law, t-.r every couiuy in-- " ' "'" ! ..ffered a reward of $-'5,000 for the discer- iiistitutious. anl from wnaiever iiuaiici - desire to havn it, wnn ine nsm " of the d.tfercut RcarJs, ic, Messrs. Ross-1 ,... danio r of ibis kind they will be ,,,.;,. toaieept its provisions when i i ; T..1I...J i ....... i ..ml n ni l it. When tho ' . ..,-. c. . . ! ra liraiiu votssuii, niiim. j" I they see IToper. i mkki. o'i'i. Tl... r. nort of ihe committee of Publ'i- sugestiou is made that the danger lurks ' 1 lie n p..r of Ihe - H envi f the (V,ln!j,.s., Tbl, :3 ,he true ground. In I hiladel catiou was received and adopted. .'" . P ,i... .h ..f,l. t ...:. .,....1. .,,c .i miioritv of .(H0 , ) ii is iiciii ttioi 'i-... - ..... .. - ..mM ..... .-..,..- - j . The committee ou Correspondence fub-. - ..j be sifud to the bofom, a,ruinst ttlc Kum TrafT..-,iu spite of all tl.e unttid their report, wliicli was labeu up a(j fn ,1Vestigaiioii none reported a minute, expressing regret course of the Southern Classis, and in a mild, conservative and Christian spirit, recommending them to reflect and delibe rate on the matter. The report closes with a reei'miiK ndation that no further action be tnkeu in the pn misi s, at least for the prescut. The Hems. The iioii has toutiit out that it com The action of the Synod adopting the ,;,,,. j a blunder when it so fiercely assail- ""' ; ..f tl. riinisnlli rs to defeat It. iNow shall the people of tint City be coin- report of tho committee lo confer with a- tj Ainerieanism, and now it is willing to li.pior I rfsi - . at i . i I l . Larol.ua V lassis . .-se.inr ck, cuairman; ; , , few ;i.. n.i.r., than tl.e Democracy." .t the " - iv . . . .' i - i -, - i . . r .... .i it - - i J to endure the terrible evils ot tho traffic because the people of Kerbs - i. ;u l,.v. t? Chester touuiy 1 1VI l...ll Vjoui.., ... - - eon x and be-' Iiarnoi.. o, c ouan , ,... i . 1...1I t.. neonle lie ., ,1 ll! . , .. COIltll UIIICI1 lllllll, " '. e. t was reconsidered, and it was then resolved ; ,.s, cspi-cl to bear of its editors, being h ,locauS(1 j.high County will that this committee be continued. initiated into the Order, and fancy we see :u r.....l.nekon and . t . . . , . , nave in .iiii.is.uu -- l.:.i ,, l.-.rii vnoLet. ai-ainst the 1 rat- 'is1 I I similar cotuuiittte from the Syuod ot Ohio mously adopted. Synod mijouiucd over uutil Monday , ua the mvstie signs and grips report was unani- ,.;,, a,lllii-Ksins ar enough to cover I .i . J- ..iTMii"if nrr ofirv ti'iifl ill! - -1- . i in I he aitcrnoo.i, ,n. wj1(1e roUt.d of controversy ; II thise t?ir .t. .-?. a ... , . ccverai ureguiarit.es iu u.e .unmus ol : ,,lu ,.ortl-s jjupp,:.r Were had in the cl.ur.-h, , .j u u.,ri)1,u.j auj , , ted tin Classes were reoerted by Ihe commitlee on ... ,i .i;..,.. held also iu the that suU,. .." ! ' "rr"" The aiuei,.,i,e.,t t C ;l ' i' l.le.,1, the nulnits of nearly all the'I'"" "f his rx-raet fie, and shall their numerous grog-shops continue to blast these communities, ho se the gt people of the per Lu t hey will i.e. e a.-K . c-.eiu. . ? j. thwW Counties, from the organ of have a rinht to be -i e ' il ti-il i.,t t .' 'i.L. i.nn'. i ' . . t i reference to the ordination ,.f elders and churches iu town were filled by .ministers; nc .ceicra. .i ......-.- . . ! Sieved of it, and they ought to tie. nei amLcr of the pulpits, leogmeu ... .u. - " " a ,aW ,,c passcd then, applying to an sucu cause, auu mil. voii".. , i - . . ... . . aebcous, wuicu was sent down to (. lasses :..f Synod, as also a nui during the past year, it was found, had in tl.e neighboring towns and villages. leco adopted by a majority of two-thirds These services were well attcuded. of the d.fivreut Classes. A good deal of financial business was We arc uuable lo specify the business nroeeediiiL's of Mouday, as we have not i transacted, but uot of sufficient interest to ' access to the minutes just at this moment the general reader to be specified. 1 1 ,...,1 llorouohs which have i . i oiiiiiies. iiniio - rj fieation which has been Leaped uP''n , ,CI in favnr of Prohibition.-AWis- :....-...... i.v a iiiiiK.iniTaiion i iiners ; vmericain.-iii .-j .i i A enod trouncing is very apt to put poll- The city of liostou has entered into a ' new forwarding btisiuifS. Four pauper: their town Olive Uranch. . A respectable Methodist clergyman, a few davs since, was arrested iu a Itailroad fkMl'AT MOHNIMU Sr.SsION. Opened wilh singing, and a prayer by Rev. I. Heller, uf Jlcdford county. A reolutiou was adopted recommending to the different Classes, to report the num ber of candidates fur the ministry uudcr their can. Tbe committee on Overtures reported a tieians, as well as you.igsicis, i-u i , . i ;..-( v.... Suffice it to bay, the business all along lias ;fe' -, I n ... from Taunton to Roston, been conduced iu . sr,t of harmony, """'f ' C;finrrogi..n that he wa. a lunatic brotherly aud kind gentlemanly tee.mg , se.dom go .o - ; from tbe A,.lum ut the nt nttier liarsou s cuuicucs. . . - ., -ver. read all the capers they can get hold 1 former, place. of. Enough said. ! ery of a cheap and pel feet substitute for gs as a material for the manufacture ot i . i ! paper. Many experiments nave aireaoy been tried, and thjough, as yet, without entire suc-ecss, we may still reasonably hope, in view of what has already been accomp'.i-bed, that ultimately the desired j result will be attained. We have at present in the United Sta tes, 750 paper mills, which, it has been o, I ,. r.-i.r.. 171) 000.000 lbs. r ' ii. c-i-i . i in no; i i were on Saturday last anaigtiid before a of paper a year, valued at i ,UUt,UUJ. . . , . . , . . ... ii. ir , ii f justice in that city, on a l unt eharge ot Allowing that one and a half poun Is of J - . . p ., - , . ., i bom J "foreign pauper, receiving aid rags, are miuired to make one pound ot " . , - , c in- ..n.mon i .f from the city of It. "ton, against the peace paper, we have 40.),UOO.00O pounds i t ' 1 ,. , i , ,t i -it the Commonwea.th, and contrary to the rays cuiisunicd in oue year, which, at thj ' r.ue of four cents, pound, are worth Sllv : 1'ni1' '" T- ...KiOOlh and if we add to this the cost of ! ch:irc "f Pf';"-" ' . , -.. , . . i 'and the court ordered the prison, rs to be- maiiufaetunug, which, with mterest and, . . , , r. u... returned to the Queen of I. real l.ntain. fixed capital, insurance, expeuses, b is , oi a-o a.io i .i. a Ihey will be forwarded iu the ship Star ol been found to be Sl,0u0,000, and the cost . . ... ,. ' , ' Lmpire, which leaves Rostou iu a day or of labor, making an aggregate of 8J,UJt,-; ' 000, as the actual expenditure, in nunu- j ,wo fur .'1.T.erl'ofi - facturing paper worth S27,O00,00O, we a JuS '""'""" find "the measure of profit by no means 1 gJ society, dining oce day at the table unreasonable: and which tuiiiht even be ut a gentleman wucre ne rcu me necessi.y The foregoing em braces all the pirtieu lar as vet kuuwu iu this city. M.ntrrjl UttM. WKlTlllKl. iHtLf.viiii. me over-, j . e t whelmmg rev erses t roue Lt iitinn Ine Ad-1 , r f , , c 1 mat ion, ati'l t.t cimrse more rocky, les ministration in the recent elections has set . ., ,, . . i- i a rertlle. at ii n.Ui-li mor s.il iunt t. oi1 an.l ..... vi' -i -..... i... .!....!...:.. . ii...! . ' " .nc i. asi.ii..i.u ii jie frier. chances of Ihe l eekral Lm u. iois.nie X.itionti! Inle'li'jnt'tr says, is wretch ed busiucss for any journal, but worse than all for the official journal and orgin of the oi roiuent. ltiiefited ambition hodrive-n many a man to treason, but it entreats it ofiicial neighbor to leave all calculations of the value of the I'uion, and ail specu lations upon the nature of the events which are to destroy ir, if they shall over occur, to inveterate niil'ji?rt&nttl'tliti'iii i's., who ''pant for the dissolution ef the Union as the hart pantcth for the Watr brooks." We hold it little less than trea son even to "iuiagiue the death of the Union." which is beyond all praise. Never have we attended a similar meeting, iu which mom business taleul and tact, greater promptness aud despatch in I he prosecution of business, and at the Mine time greater love and kiud feeling were exhibited. Ti.o iir.-K-B ponnties coniposinz the itern reserve of Ohio, unitedly anti-Nebraska majority of 15,682, The resemblance of the parson to the lunatic was striking. The Rev. gentleman seeniBto nave expencuccc conn .ea cou. -, - . . he western reserve of Ohio, tinitcaiy, give im -. . , , . I WS BOHUe luaiaM- It is b-sviiy timbered, and id this region are very extensive "pineries" from whenre immense amounts of lumber are now taken, though the land is still the5 property of I ncle Sam, and timber agent .re appoiuted to prevent trespassing npon it. The eminent Pr. Rush says that the exercise of the organs of the breast by singing, contributes to d. fend Ihenj very much from those diseases to which the' climate and other causes expose them. The Germans are seldom bSl eted with consnmption,and spitting of blood is alluosf unknown among them a fact attributed by Dr. Rush, iu part, to the strength which their lungs aivpiire by exercising them so frequently iu vocal music, which constitutes an essential branch of their education from their earlier years. The queerest object in existence is Spinish beggar, for these beggars beg an horseback ; and it is a queer thing to sea a man riding up to a poor foot pisseneer ! a-king alms. A gentleman iu Valparaiso, being stopped by one of these mounted beggars replied, '-Why, sir, do you come to beg of me, who huvo to g.. on footj while you ride on horseback ?" 'Very true, sir," said the begg ir ; '-and I have more noed to beg, as 1 have to support my horse as well as myself." Uos.tos, Oct. 21 The opiuion of the fc 1 ' 1 ..1. I . 11 1 1 . .1 C. ........ C..nrl WSJ .1a considered small, were not the manufae- r"'S"'S cuo.ces .aoguage, , ,uit ueucu o. a... . turer comparatively free from those sud- -inD1 u,s rau"nS ""'e UT- lue j ''"-" --- -- deu changes that affect the manufacture of s) s--emed rather too much like the le gislature annexing Charlestown 10 cloth and metals." If a substitute for home to be sd this occasion, bn 1 be-; Boston, which act has been accepted by rairs be discovered which will keep the ing elesirous of displaying his acquaintanea ; tho voters ot both eit.es,.s unconstitutional supply of paper fully up to the demand, w.th th. dictionary, he g.ntii.cisel tbe aud void. The anti-annexat.omsts . ,a 2 c I IdS perce'ive that a tremendous term b, saying to the lady wLo prided : j Charlestown aro celebrattiig the decision "nol will beivo U, the manufacture. "If J please ma'am, I'll trouble yo of the Jm ges by fire works, salute, sad JBuUimor American. - - ! for half . spoonful of your impudence.' torch light protons. j 1 '5 .ft ji t'i! .'I II : ' ii i ) f' 1 T ' f f t If: . r t ; if If: 1: 7t H Jl 4 ; j -.rt M Ml i ft-1 11 1 'II It f H. 1 I