Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 13, 1854, Image 4

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    i-r j
fcraistarg CJronirlf.l
H.O.BICIOS. Eiltor. O. If. WOBDEW, Pnntcr.
llllHlik .laaaeV. three .... : riJ
' .a ,r. -' - ""- 'EVc.,r
(.. 1. rhl!W;..-V B P.1J2
JjCtrisburff, Mra
Friday Mossing, Orm 13, lS-j i.
. ,.rf..Vrh.rl..rul,'""' a -v ...... "i-
ASSS2 -j
Sec Xew ,ldv-rll!.fn:fHN.
tote of rni.njounty, wl'P-
"Dreadful Tisister.
We Lave a telegraphic report that the
American steamer Arctic, which K ft Liv
erpool on the 20 ult., came in collision with
a Hritish steamer ou tlie7ih ult. Uotli
vessels sank, and over 400 lives were lost.
How the news were obbuued is not stated.
(A paper received last evening gives a
detailed account of the Fad ail lir, w hich
wc will notice next wek.)
Thursday of nrxt Week,
The Vale departments of the University
at LewUburg, will commence their Wintti
The Seminary under the charge of Rev.
Mr. L'.u:i, will open the fame day.
JSrMr. r.AMH'Mli. in consequence of
illness, has j"iipon.'.l ihe opining of the
Lewisburg Aeaikriiy. until Thursday if
next week, (19:h in.-'.)
FtVALK Skmixarv. This department
of our University will open promptly on
Wednesday next. The vacancy occasioned
br the rc-itiiatiou i f the f.Ttuer Uaoli. r.-.
is Ciled. Miss Aniiii'i i Taylr, who has j
rcetitlv been teaching in Ciiic.nnati, and i
who coiii. s vi:h the l.iido-st r.'C iiiinenda
tioiis,will take the place of Miss .Snliu r.
and Mis. Kean, recently a te.n '.er in the
Female Seminary connected ii L J. flersi u
v'ollege, iv ill be lur Asi.-lallt. Mr. Ucss
l:cr. of this place, .-o f.ivorably k:ion n,wili
take charge of the Music department.
Terri")l3 Esptalsn at Dm7ille.
I'AXVH.LK, )c. 0. About half past
tie'ht o'clock, this morning, one of th
boilers of the Montour Mill eroded, and j
was carried from its foundation to a .list-
ante of about one bun ire 1 feet.
It carried with it a f.-ame dwelling-
bouse, and dem dished a stable in the r.-ar j
of the lot It alsi tore a space about thir-!
t or forty feet eff th'i niiii, and
buiieJ j
several persons under its ruins.
In the house tiat was carried away,
there were two families Jol.ii Farley's
family lived up sia'rs ; one of his two
children was carried away with the boiler,
una tnsunny uuicu, x. ic o.uer, a nine g.ri, ,
1- . I'll. ' 1
was found in the ruins, dangeroudy cut t
lip, and is now dying. j
Three of tbs children of Harney Mc -
Ouire, in the liwor story, were hurt. Me -
(luire himseif, Peter Monaghan, and Law-1
rencc MclJride, who were in the
house at the time, were also injured.
a...,l,. C.., 1, , I, ... ,1; .1 I .!, p,:j
larles bcarch,! boy, died. John luest,
John liasin"er. Alex. Wand-, John Ad-!
. .. ...
;ui)3, .Mieiiael L.cvv, Isaac nines, m.
Uutler, and Jos. hugart, are all badly
calded and hurt some of them danger
ously, llobert Wools, Dryau Deiiuiu,
T..I Mil'... J.,.,..l M.l-r rr..r.t
"""" M ' " -
Sllguny nun. I uej are miu renim nig
the rubbish as fast as possible, as it is be-
,- , .i i . :. ...l I
lieveJ tLcrc must Le. lu'ire un I t it who
are missing.
The boiler is S'jU to have been empty
of water, to which circumstance the aeci-
dent is attributed. The loss to the Com-
Iany is not known.
f We learn that 0 rirvios in all hnve
died from the eiil-ision. Lew. Cuko.n ,
Sldiikx Death. In M'Ewcnsville,
one day last week, we are informed, two j
young men, named Marr and Smith, were
in a well, engaged ia Hasting. They hid
put in their powder, and were engaged in
packing it tight, when a blow from an iron
hammer upon the limestone rock, produced
.n.l J
"'" a'"a rajiiuamu inuuiitu, I
tearing off the top of the tkull of one,
and puttinp; out the cye8 ana endancerins I
c h " J""' " c -"a ,
the life of the other. AVe have not heard
frcm him this w.ck.
Fatal Atcn.KNr. On Saturday, 30th
ult., iu Liberty Tp, Montour O., 1'ETCB
Billmver, son of the late Geo. Uillmyer,
met Lis death while helping to raise a
eaw-mill i short distance from Lis dwell
ing ; the timbers beinj nearly all un and
ready to receive the plate, the one bend of!
me building not being stayed on which
Mr. U. Lad just ascended to adjust the
plate, suddenly fell over, he bciug on the
under side, aud instantly crushed him to
death. His age was 32 years.
8-Tbe Daily News of yesterday gives
additional returns for Congress. Jones
nd Packcr,Xebraska,and llickman.Hies
ter, Robinson, Edie, Drum, Kitchie, l'ur
viance, Alison and Dick, (Anti-Nebraska)
re reportcd-2 districts to hear from.
The rhilad. County Ticket is divided.
Brown, Dem., is elected Senator over
Hamilton, Native.
The Whigs appear to Lave a nctt gain
cf 15 Assemblymen, thus far.
Railroad Jubilee.
The borough of Miltou was enlivened ou
Friday evening last, Ly tho arrival, over
llii Ccttai.-a roiiJ, of au excursion party
from New-York and I'liilaJelpbia, consist
ing of tlio Presidents and Directors of oth
er road.-1, capitalists, iucuii.rs of the city
councils, 5.'c.(&c., who came to inspect this
newly opened road, and see this hitherto
secluded Wist Branch couutry fir them
on very
st notice, fo that but few persons were
from thU auJ c,kr SWing
tuv,ns. Hundreds woull Lave been there
from INffaloe Yalley if time and circum
fiaaees had permitted a call fur a jjeueral
mass meeting.
After supper an adjournment took place
to the Odd Fellows ll.nl!, when Hon. Wm.
I). Ltwis, of 1 hiiaJ., President of the
road, was called to the chair ; which he
accepted, in a humoious speech, at the
close of which he gave tho following toast.
Mir.TO.v near neighbor to 1'hilaiM
phia uiaytbryal ways remain good friends.
This was responded to by Win. C. Law
son, '!-., in an efieetivc speech, in which
he referred in glowing terms to the in
domitable, energy an J perseverance of
Col. l'axton in pushing the road to an
early completion.
Numirous ttlier toasts were given and
pcoebcs made by Col. Fasten, and Mor
tou McMichael, Wm. Moran, Cols. Patter
son and Penrose, Edward Miller, Philip
M. Price, and others of Philadelphia ;
Franklin Hound, E.-q , of Milton ; Gen.
Clement, of Sutibury ; Mr. Foley, of
Pasiviilc ; II. C. fluk k, and some others
whose name we do not recollect.
Much interesting information was given
with reg ird to the errly history, and jn s
tiit pro.-jii-ets i f the Cuttawissa road, and
ilso of (he isiinhuiy & Erie road, which
lust will be opcLtd f t tiavel between
Milton ml Wiiiiuui-poit on the lT'th of
,Vrn.l er, and tlien pushed en to Eric as
circumstapces will ptr;nit.
Special toasts wi re i ffercd for the "Sm
, 'i"hau.i K-iilr-ad" and the "Lewisburg,
Ci litre, anil Sp:uee Cruk'' road, and the
i entliusia. tie n.auiier in which they were
j reeeived by the c .iip:.ny, j'roved the ex
istence i f an enterprising railroad spirit
on the pm t of tho knowing ones business
men and capitalists !hat will not die out,
until ail the projected roads in this part
f the State, have been oirried to an car'y
1 l 1 . n.i
SUCCTS- c"n,P'-'- uiecnng
r. interest till one
"' k ' mninp, and then adj 1Urn-
J wi!l' ll'ri'L' d-afoiiinR railroad cheers,
-We umb rstand that next morning the
: guests were taken ever the S. & E.
foa l as tar as the bridge near I uiontown,
and at 11 o'clock left Milton ou their re-
turn home, expressing themselves highly
gratified with their visit.
Cs2r"We have published a few extra
papers this weeK, contaihinj; the account
of ,!ie Ar;cuhural Fair at Lcw;sLur!,
& t(s cac(
jLswisbar; Fost-OiHce Arrangements.
. xaztekx iai! (ri Wilt . rj oy .nt snn.iaT,
s.STl:l;x M,H, Swn,. wrT 'itr'
: H.ir.v.., on Mor.dnr. ltuina;iv ar-i t ii-iev.
rliM Hi !. A. l.
IXOBTliEKXCn 'HI ams'irt V.m.l w,!n r.nH trt.,
,w m s cm of uwiiti.roe.iinS
s-rjxrt7;.vls!iii1.Sri) Tua. Thiind. i Sutum..
i c..m-ai li, M
i;ryrMoE .r i:oatx. Turs.ij si.a iri.i
rlee- Ht CM. uf nisl.l r rere.linc.
t!T-Uuin..t ours, ilni: v :xr,-t Stm.lnj ; freui 6 ODli)
11 1 A. !.. mil lioui i, 31. unto s. r.ii.
Ker. -ja. lsia. II. W .UIOTZGP, P. M.
A VARIETY" of Srhoel Books.
ifiCjf - Blank Books, tiift Books fir Holiday
prc.sf nt. Pens, Ink. Letter and Cap Tape
Fancy Stationery. Magazines, P.iprrs,eic. etc.
for ule Wean at the Ltwimmo Post Oincs
. .,
i Kyc
j 0TQ ....
Crirrectid Weekly.
Sl.f.O Kt'!?
lit) Tallow ..
75 Lnrd
1,12" Ham
. 12
. 10
. 8
. 12
i Iried Afples,
,", "j Vin-r y f
u T ylju Dr. ,
E Al.hiout, of Huzh -sville and Miss Axx
K daughter of Jos. cbster ot u olf I p.
In LewMmrp, 4th inst..a;ed 71 years, I!ev.
in an.-1 "'.(.. - - J . . , I
Nicholas MuhcB. Mr..MeilScn na enilurca
a mental and phvsical decline for several
i r .d i ....o,
,ecn a preacher of the Oospel in connection
1": :k V; .,r,Mi i..,n , ran church, m!
Northampton and other counties in the east-
EewLburg the 9lh inst, M. Jua..
, i. ir, a ,k
oaujiiier o. a 0. , - j
In Eew'isburg, 12th insb, Daughter of Karl
Volkmar, aged 2 weeks,
t a At the K.urt of many f rten J of the dsreaaed, we
re-V"Uio Uie f Mowing Obituary Notice:
At her home with her brother Saml Geddcs,
I.ewisburg, 1st inst.. Miss Mibiab Uldum, oi
a congestive chill. Asa friend,as a neighbor,
as a teacher, few will be more missea man
MissG. Her piety was unilorm, self-sacrifi-
cing; and atinougn tier lasi oours tic aj...
in rnconsrioiisness, her life leaves abunilant
evidence that with her "all is well."
Tlioa art pin, faithful tearber! like a flah from Uie sky
The nrm fell uooa u. that Maih woolil dm :
And acar bad wr heard il. and Uie men?er rped,
Kr anotb'r fuecetded, that alai! she to dead I
Thtatirh ber exit van auflden, yet death'! aombrii wing
No ahadow of alo.nl o'er her pathway eould King,
lth tTirirt iu her lieart and a lislit in ber aya
She laujbt aa bow tweclly a I'briaUsa caa die.
In the 1ot6 elrelea of home ber form wilt be mliiat-d,
A brolner. a Fiyt.. the cliild whom rhe kiMed,
The friend who dun 'routui n.r,and wa.p for her aore,
Will here meet ber aud bear her and are ber no more.
The arboot-rooni deaerted, ttie meetlne for prayer.
The coarh of tho "irk, and the lone widow1 tear,
Atlert that her lire wa no Tala. Idle fhow.
But a well-rprlng at goodnaea, n quiet lu Sow.
Her life bad Itj eaoB. her death baa it, too.
Our time bow oneertain I like Ihe fleet aioming dew,
O may we, triumphant, when the aummona ia girea.
Tread iu flory ailb Lar Uie Irfe loU of llearen.
i (a-t. S lHSt. Commauicalea.
Travelers to th9 East,
Can now leavo I.ewisburg, after Ireakfait
and the opi-uing of an early morning's
mail, and reach Philadelphia by daylight.
They can leave Philadelphia after break
fast, and reach Lewisburg by tea-time.
Mails come and gi in the same time.
fcyflless' mail coaches carry passengers
between Lctvisburg and Milloa on the
arrival aa J departure of every Passenger
Train. His charge is only 25 cts. a trip
less thau the liridgc toll ou a carriage. It
is obviously the best way to Miltou frenn
all this side of tho river below Datcsmau's
by Hess Express. Far.! to Milton, 25 c,
Milton to Phil.il., St f0, leaving 25 cts.
out of a S3 bill fir refreshments 83 from
Lewisburg to Philadelphia.
(O.Sje 11 lilroad advertisement.
BiTbe Center County Agricultural
Society appointed Wednesday, Thursday, j
and Friday of this wo.k fir th.ir annual,
Fair and Cattle Sln-v. Th .ir Premium i
List is very l.irge. and car f'Iy arranged, !
and the weather was Gr.-t favorable. Wo '
t ika it that Center has one of the licst
and best supported Agricultural Societies;
in the State.
Jersey Shore, (M. 10, lSr..
A boy named Cameio i Thompson, while
out shooting birds, in rim:, any with his j
brother was accident ly shot through the
he id. It is ih oihf he cannot recover.
ejrH7.i.ir ' i.i a M.-fn t t:niE kmluoad
ox.v ,o 3i;i.ij..
S'hoursbolwoeti lMiilatlelphiuand j
Milton Far.-, if I 50. j
ON and after Stoiul iv. Sept. S5ib, and until
Extension to Wilham-port, Passenger
Trains will be run every day (Sunday lucre ;
ted) as f. Iloivs : j
Leaving Milion at 1 1, A M.,ei nnectinc with
Kea lini Kailreal at Port Clin'ou, arriving at,
l'ailaile phia at 7.:!". I'.M.
l.eavinz 1'hila b lj'hia at 7.:i0 A.M., arrive at
Milton at 4 :tll P.M.
A Freight tram will leave Milton on Monday
Wednesdnv and Fridav. and Pint Clinton oi
Tue.il v,Tlmr-.dav and s atur lay of each week.
Freight is cai r e.l to and from Philadelphia
wi hout transhipment, fnun Mi a liii!? Ktilrcal
Freight Depot corner of I'.r oad and Cherry Sis.
Ot 11, 13
"OTI'n is hereby siren, that an Election
will be held at While Deer .Mills, in
I'ni.in county, on .MorT, the Gth dav of
November next, to elect a President. six Man
agers and a Treasurer to superintend the
S.iL'ar Valley V White Drer Turnpike Koad
Company for the ensuing year.
White Deer Mills, Uct. 10, iBot
EYEK'g rianos. The subscriber
has been appointed Agent for the sale ,
of Mover's eelebrated Piano. tt.Meyer rec d
Ihe Prize Medal at the World's Fair, when he
was in competition with the most celebrated
makers of Europe a"d .Vnerica. His instru-
ments are universally known to excel all oth-
crs for exquisite tone and durability. Thoe
wi shins to purchase a Piano that will last for
many years and give perfect satisfaction, will :
call and examine one of his best 7-octave rose- .
wood instruments, at J. I.. YODEIl'S )
Wateh and Jewelry SU're, Market St. j
Oct. 12, lR.'l ' I.ewisburs. I
Writ of Pabtition.
UNION COI'NTY, s.-!n tl;e Orphans'
Court in and for Ihe sai I county. In
I..S. y ihe matter of the estate of JAMEsi
.M't'I.l'ltE. dee'd, lirtrr nur j iirt 'tmi :
H .an M'Clure and ltiehar I M'Clnrc. heirs
of the above named estate, will tak notice
that by an order of t!:e Orphans' Court of j
I'nion county, a Partition of tuc lands and
tenements of said deceased situate in Buffaloe .
township. will be made on Fhiiiay the lsld.iy
! of Drc'r next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., when aud
where vou may attend if voti see proper.
8heriirs OlTice, New lterlin, Oct. 6, ItUI
Ten Wights in a Err Room,
And what I saw There.
r.Y T. S. ARTIll ll.
Tn Ttiomand fopim in a Mi nth.
THIS powerful aork. ai Vii.wJIl'. l l.y all alio hnvr
r ad it ti le ttie lie.t -ipr a ritltn lT Mr. Arthur,
di'r-letn the e?il of lutenip' rante in n atri. ..f thrilling
s:;itr)ie. itlitntr.oilu the i it. , t. ol Tuvern eiuft aa.l
Hutu drinkirtir. not nnlv on Iti'liv i.Iti.-la tin tn-lrr. Int
iu r- lutniiDili. jial l:,ri:e. 'J h.. nlor.r of liti'a Sl.ry M'.r-
frxn anl her father, who i. ri-t""i ml tr l!vrileot;ou aud
tiratll, ie atoua aorth th vrirt ol Ihe iMH.k.
T-nipernnei- ntrn aiel other, ran Jo uvre for the ratlfe .
I'J il riieu?at;ou than t any otl"r men n. I
A?ot arewaiit.il in Vrery ti.an ai.d conntr of Vt '
I iiilrd statiei. to Ft II an .motion uotfn p fr-i"is"y lor
Ihe'n. beautifully IllurtrateJwith a frne ni.-iCvUi.l en
gravinjr, by Snrlain.
ciriin..i i opy wi.i be feni tJi.-l r.aa rn rv-
ceii't of lite pi
f the pTifr. . r. nla.
... larire-t comnwuou itt he psil. A.'draa.
j w. itit Ai.i.i y i-uWifher,
wew ana jjeanmai t an uooas.
. elliHy too bu,v t0
f) enumerate art.cles-bu, for quanUty,
ouality. or low prices, call on
- J. HAVES & CO.
RE just receiving their FALL SITPI.Y
of Ooods.
Call ami Sut.
I.ewisburg, Oct.
4, lftj.
have received their
"Sew Fall Goods,
which they are enabled lo dispose of rsrns
xosn cncAP. I.ewisburg, Oct 4, 1S51
AND NEW FIRM. The partnersM, t rre
tofore existing between J.'iitr 4' Ynru,
was this day dissolved by mutual cons.- it
David Keber having disposed of his interest In
the concern to Peter Hursh. The business
will be continued at the old stand under the
Firm of Hursh w Xont, who will be happy to
serve all the old customers and lota or new
Lewisburg, Sept. 20, 1851
1 rKB:s Clastin Powder,
1 " 200 lbs. prime live-picked Feathers,
Lot of Carpenter' Tools,
Wrought Nails, 8 and 101.
Cast, Shear and Sprin; Metl. Steel Spring.
Axles, and a j;riieral variety of Coach Tum
tninz, j'jt reeil liv
Sept.12, B!:.Vi:it.KREMERAMOORn.
Wheat, ami FSour!
JL subscriber will pay the highest price in
CAslI for Wheat. He will keep constantly
on hin.l, Wheat an I Flour to Krlail, ami his
Wa; m will run daily to Town lo deliver Flour
and receive Wheat. All Whrat be sells, lie
will 5 i.u.intee to make 40 lbs. Flcur ftr bu
shel. lVrsons wishing Wheal.will leave iheir
bass at my SiorehoUiC, and lliey shall be punc
mall alteiided to.
Lewisburs;, Sep'. I t, 1S31
Xoilic to Tcaiitcrx.
SEVKN MALE Tr.ACHEliS are wanttd to
l.i' e coarse of ihe I'ublie Schools of the
Wlill'i; UCr.lt Disiriei.lo commence on the
lirst Monday of November next. There will
be a incetiu j of the Hoard of llircctors on Sa
turday the ih tb l. nut ai 1U o'clock A.M. at
the bouse of Mrs.t;int r in New Columbia, to
employ said numb"r of Teacbers. Ail appli
caiits must have a (VriTieate from the County
Supcriiiti-ioleut, in order to be employed by ihe
board. Liberal wanes will be guru to tirsl
class Teachers.
JAMES FINNEY, President.
Wb.te lle.-r. Sept. 12. I."k
YAlilS. The subscriber
0.1 1 respecifullv i ti lor in s the public that he
still cont.t.ues the .Mailile Business al h.s old
stand in ihe upper end of M.irkct street, in
this Borough, where he is prepared to uianu
Gmcc .SVoiS, Muiikl.-i, l'tiiltrm,Siilx,itT.
lie has a variety of Carved and Plain work
now finished, anil icady for leiterie.
Persons i?siring any article in bis line r.f
busiiicss. are requested to rail at his Yard, as
he will there sell i v'il) per cent, eheuper lhan
call be bought if perfiis roia through the
country. All orders will receive- prompt atten
tion. Sill.OMUN KIl'i'EK.
I.eu isbtir?, Sept. 13, 18.')l
Dan7illo Hwd-.vare Store,
niiiEE uoous yonru of ruv u.yK,
(S tfe:.
VT which will be IoulJ a larye aud well
selected slock of
Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails,
Carnage intn'mirs. Harness iuouiiiii.es.
Cirpeuters'. Cabinel-inakeis at.d Hiioe
niakers' Totds, Boot and shoe Findings,
Moroccos, Kid. l.itiincs. Fiench Call
skins, Cedar anil Willow Ware, Steel
Sprii'jrs, Anvils, Vices, Serew Plates,
Screw Bellows, Builders' Hardware of
every description,Veuitiati indow Bid
rihuiters.WindowtSash Silver pltd Ware.
Briuannia Ware, (tuns. Pistols, Bevid
vers, Manilla mid Hemp Itrpe, Sperm,
I.ard, and Whale Oil, Tar, Window
(ilass,l.o.ikiu(jlass Plates, I. insred Oil,
Sp.rits Turpentine, Pure White l.cad.
White Zinc Paints Biake's Fire- Proof
and a full assortment of ether Paints,
Wines and Liquors al Wholesale ar.d
Keiail, Japan, Copal, and Coach Var
nishes, Ac. Ac.
All of wh.ch will be sold very cheap for cash,
country produce, or four months' approved
credit. J. O. BK'ilAKliSDN,
at ihe sipns of the Anvil and Saw.
Danville. Sept. 11, 1-"1 lylet
1)1' .11 1'S Pumps ! Pomps ! Well and
Cistern Pumps, Sin-lion, Force and Chain,
Ihe verv best articles now in use.thosc wishing
lo purchase cin be convinced of this fact by
railing upon llemy R. Noll, Esq.. I.ewisburg.
The subscriber has ai-o on hand LEAD PIPE
from i to 1 1 inches. J. O. RICH ARLrsON.
Danville Hardware so re, 3 f'eors N.J
of Ihe Punk of Danville, Sept. 15, ls.'i l. j
"II 7"AXTEO immediately a stout young
V MAN to do the heavy work about the
Store, and keep a memorandum of what he
does correetlv. Ennnire of
Another Lot cf Goods
"EST opened that will pay well to call and
I eiamine Vfore ptirrhnsing eNewhpre.at
lec Cream and llalisi? Saloon,
Corner of Scconil anil Mirktt &ts.
ptjllaving rented the commodious and well
iiltiiled buildings at the lower end of Market
St. (formerly the mansion of W'rn.IIa) rs.Eso,.)
the subscriber is prepared lo enieitain
tiTRA Mi E US AM Tlt iVLl.MK
Man and Ueast, with lodging and food bu
no with intoxicating liqnera. '
fiTTIiere is also atttirhcd an ICE CREAM
Kaloon for Ladies, and an LA1INU Wbuu.i
for (ientlcmen.
He re spectftillv solicits a fair trial, and a
share of the public ratronaSe. pETERS.
Lewisburg. March no, If.'il 3m
T OTICE. Application will lie made
1 to the next Legislature to change the
name of the "Lewisburg Savings Institution."
located nt I.ewisburg in the county of Lnion,
to "THE LEWiSinntO BANK," with One
Hundred Thousand Dollars additional capital,
and authority lo issue its own notes for circu
lation ; subject to the provisions of the general
banking laws of thi Commonwealth.
By order of the Directors i
H. P. SH ELLER, Treasurer.
Lewisburg, Pa., June 2, lSal
a at f.r-arisbur? The First
J Session of the present year will com
mence on MONDAY. lm eepu ie... .u
r .l- Lun,l Siminnrv building.
Hin in me i smmv j -
Three 8ession in a year, of U w eeks eacn.
Tuition. $4. Incidental expenses, 26 CW.
N. BALL, Teacher,
i Lewisburg, Sept. 8, 18M,
CifU BBI.S. Salina alt.
:uu sacks (iround Ala in Salt,
New Mackarrl, No. 3,
JII0 lbs. New England Cheese,
liH lbs. mixed Slocking Yarn;
Cider Vinegar, just reel and for sale by
Srpt. 13 J. HAYEiJ & CO.
.i(ft lUUg'S IlliXir
TS the only medicine capable or curing the
I 1 . . i-
I iicna-.tvuci m nan u uoui. inf.
uTerly. several daj-s were rcquiied to relieve
this distressin? pain ; whilst now Ihe use of)
me elixir will, in a lew iuoiueiii, remove u
entirely. Although but lately introduee to
public nutice,ihis wondeiful preparation counts
ihousands of advocites. It is very beneficial
in Colds and Coughs, checking ihe most ob
stinate til of couching in a minute or two. It
is an invaluable Family Medicine in all sudden
anacks ci sickness, a sine trial win oe a
satistactory evidence oi its f tl.cary. rncc x.
cts. per bolUe. Prepared only by
118 Catharine street, Philadelphia.
Aj.-ntn-J. BIKKIt Co, Lj.kurj.
1. (ii:::HM-.T, S,!ln";rore.
J'!ia S.-hm-i., IV-ler o-rmnn, Mt Pl.-msiint.
Ii..vr & Rn.-liT, II. A V. t' M"jer, l-'rwlur.
I. i. i II. s. Il..jr-r. ivim. T. X IUiUj.
Walter, ll.rton 1 Co.. Winflvld,
11 uai ilnl.l-li, TurtleTiiln.
Ciictp Kaddl.t
ami Elaritextt
The subscriber, thank
ful for favors hitherto
conferred, respectfully
invites the public to call
auJ price h;s work, as he is coiiUJetil they will
render entire salisfactiou even to ihe most
dilfidenl customers.
Constantly on hand, or rr.ade to order, all
kinds of SADHLKS, .li.Vv'.S.S, llridles, CI
Lira, W'u'ji, Trunks, Yulicrs, Curpit linn', 4".
Also the cheapest and best assortment of
Worsted, Linen, and Cotton Fl.Y NETM to
he fouadm town, at prices raiuins froini!,Sj
I to Si I 5U per single net, also Leather Fly Nets
I of different styles and prices.
j The above articles will be sold cheap for
casti or cwnntrv rronnce.
All kinds of KEPAIRINO done at short no
tice, cber.p. and in the most durable manner.
The citizens of I.civisbur; and the surroua-
cinz country, are solicited to extend a fair
I portion of their patronage.
WANTED lts)eord of Wood in exchange
for work, also 10 tons of Hay wanted at mar
ket prics.
I v.-S!iop in Heaver's new brick block,Third
and Market, 4Ji door from corner.
P. 11. BEAVER.
Lewisbur?, June 30, 1851
( Milr nii'I ' wioe.)
"V"EXT TEKM will cnm'nenre AuRnst 21.
Total expense for board, room,
washing, lights, fuel and tuition in English,
Latin &. Creek, from $42,50 to si2i, per quar
ter. Students should be here on Ihe 23 1.
THOi. BOWMAN, Principal.
Williamsport, Au;. S, 1S5J.
The Far -Famed Hedicine!
Tht-se PilMbrin:; ctDiro tJ entirrlyof mclirin! hr! .
ttrt" til a 111 L USriUICSe nalUlf, bite uie i au"io. ,
ry vii-LUi-ti tht-y -mr Iw.-wv nutlfixi them univi-r-
fully jjfu,jr in ii-tiy v ry i-rt ol the i.nd.
iTi.urusf .HCe.- tln- li.iVi u.et with throughout 1 1
Mit'i-t is m't extiatirtiiiinry, owm. il prum-d,
Vi their woii-lfif-il fliri.ry in the aw if l.iiiokts
couipi&iut- aa.d tit-tnUt m uf tne L.rt-r and Stom wh,
Jvrnoi. who k-TM- n in uniug thrm ascrorlir j t
Uirvctiun K.ium faiil iu Lcinj; xclu;ed to tur&Uli.
Weakness an;l Debility. Restoration to
Health of a GcutlLiuau, ageJ -13, wi.cn
iit Doatli's Juor.
Copynf.t Tstttrfrom th w fartt$ Smith. d:t't1 .V.rfon,
.V. I'.'iil pf. nrar j;jfit SomtriUthtre, 17 Aug. liiJ.
Sir A tr. J' p:i li .rrr., formirly rJ!crt of tlsl
Arr. h!ri br-rn in n rrltnin-r itf h' llh for upwar-l
i-f l!inf ytiatit. jrr.ditai wmitiu w:iy lo l.:ulow ry
iii.-htl ierrp;r::t:f'n ml waul cf ajip-t.te. h: h catiM.i
t UOertMtf.-sIo In. Ir:-! In- I.nd cutifuil' tT-"irt"UJ
I m-stkai wen ia Batli.anl.atti .tt.ri. i ui last ua-u jour
'i k and tinti.T rpilim-.i an. r.e-re.! fo nv:..in iy
th.tr m.nn. He lately .mUn.t. A to .ew Vtk. nJ has
in.t n-i-ilten to that be wsa nerer U-tter in health.
..uiilu al a meiiii. D. that air wn baa derivisi Errat
.d 'leMn-tl me lu aeiiaini vou anil til ctn-uni.iance.
mv wile hi
bi uUit In in Hie n-e ol lour r.ll.
1 remain. Sir. . ura ri": is tfiolr.
l li.lli'LKS SH1III. Utarentlng tinl.ter.
A prrmanetit Cure of a diseased Liver cf
many Yer.rs' duration.
Coty of a IMier from .V.. -i.i. Chemist, J'eorit. fo
y:fVv. Viie..y.
Pear Sir In thi di-nh t your Tills eomman.l n mere
ext' ti-ive aale ttian iliii o-h' r 'ri'.rletrrv nietlieioe l..f.,re
the jllie. Aea ir.eif T tht ir emra.-y in Liter aud i.ili
..!..:. I ...e . ..ri..n Ibe f.Wlowi.i , r.w 1 lull
A la ir ..f
ttnutowu aithauoti. I ain prre..ualir ae..u:iinted. f .r
v. ari . a rere -unmr lr..m .l.en e..l ih- l.in rat.il
iiij.-tive organ.: Iwr ra.!:eal slterataiit aasnrrd li.-r H.al i
be ,-eu'il uithi:? t" ri-llevi- her auu-rin;:.. and it w ia f
uot lit: el v -be r.ntM .nrvire nnnv moutllit. Tl.i annoon- ,
eimeut naturally raitaed ereat alarm aminr b-rm-m
it relation, aud th. y iu tueed ber to make a trial of
Yeur I'ills.a i.l.'u a" ii.i.'i"' a i.e. f ,n rii mat
a. inline, it to f-intoilie th 'rn Until .he leeeired a taTftV't
eure. This la twele uiontlm ato. and .he bae not exre'r
ienee.l anv .vlu; t.me i f relapse, and oftea deetarca ILat
your l'llb have been the mean of favini: hep l;ft..
I n'lUII.U, l"." O'l . J um. e . ' ,
July "!, (arijrued. J.G AMI.
T'tcfttbratetl J'dts are itWrriii7 tjT.raatws in thtol
iikiiutH ti niniw. irrrg-riira i amors
BloUh on ulttTitH-i !,hf umalt.-m I lor
thrkin re vers or u 1;. vducii ont-.Mi ai
ItowrlCuiDTU tiuil I r:n Fi-tiuiis
Cfjlir Fits fftcfuliit orWorin v( all
Cv arili pat 'd of t.otit fcmic t.u lain ia
thfli'wili Il.-n.'-m-lio 8ircliirr(i We.ikiv frto
O. iismnptioB Imluwtion Stone sad ny eau
Strand, 'tifur TrmpI ltitr, l.fn.tou.) ai.J leoal hi luur
i New York. Ont?r Ft in tli italjnwre!'u
r. Mluwiift, Arte 1''ia" iH rccriTf dursttrntvii. ?'ld
jitho In all rrpt-ftl'lr Iru?l-t-s mid Ualt rn in UtlKincf
thmul:hoiit U'f l:nitrd M:it.s. in ISnit n at :i7. ex. 't.
and Sl.-'O. eaib. To be had l nolesale ol Ice principal
"KT.einJ.l, r.,inrbv ..kin,.bel.r,e, -As we are both known as practical shoe
Boe. X.B. bireeti na for tiie;uiJanc iiiiatientiiiB , makers and experienced workmen, we solicit
evervdiaordfr.areanixrdtoearh Box Iy50
ISKorsale by Dr. KEM TEf!, Mifflinbnr:
OJJi:c &u.iqut.luinna Hailrimil Cmptmy,)
Hinnisni a'-.. Jan. 20, IBM. $
rfHE STOCKIloLDniiS of this Company
I are herehv notified that the Second
Instalment of I'lvc UolIaiS per Share is
lied in, pavable on or before the 8th ot
1 1 - : ... I . f i:l.
Febmarv next; and an instalment of like
amount pavable on or before the 10th day or
each month thereafter, until the whole is paid
in, to wit, the luih of October next by those
residing in
Baltimore at Union Dint of Maryland ;
Dauphin county Bnnk of Middletnwn;
Northuinberl'd countv Banlt of Norlhnmbld;
Union county Lewisburg Savings Institution.
By order.
ROB. i. HOI.LINS. Treasurer.
for cutting both Grain and Grass.
MANUFACTURED and for sale at the
Lewisburtr Foundry by
LIME COAL just reed and for sale br
To Wool-Growers
sa.OOO pounds Wool WANTED.
Tne siiDscrio- rs icei laitiKiui u.r
past patronage- cotiferrcd upen their I
in iiiuiacitinue rp-rauons, and ii 'pe in imure
that the well-wishers of th -ir eoo..iry will leel
di-Dosed to share abundai.liv by puirumziug
Home Industry and Em rprfse." rurmers.
'"ercnaun, anu ..lecuairies, J .
t ive ns a ea!!. as Ce intend kruinif cons- .
- - r-- -- -- .,. ... i
"""V u" u " " ;
ou uw0 manufacture, such as ,
Cloths, Cassiuiere, Sutlutlli, Fl-mitcU, j
JHunktU, Htutkiu'J Y'trm, it -. i
to exehanse for Wool or sell low for Cash,
Oram, Lard, Soap, or any other marketable ;
Produce. They will also Wh .lesale to Ver- j
chants,and save them the Jobber's prulit,which
"J-:." i 'tllr', fCnt....,t1;me,,be !
. ; ' . . i
regular markKt price. We d n.-l enpeet lo
run Wagons to collect Woo! we il.iuk it is
better for both Wool Crower and M mufaclu.
rer to deal at the Factory, where thtie is a
variety of goods to select from, and Ihe manu
facturers have a much better ch.ii.rc lo render
satisfaction to their customers llie.n when a
few goods are hauled out in a waeoa.
By strict attention to bus nes:, they hope to
merit a goodly shaie of public patronage.
Very respecifullv roar.
White lleer .Mills. I'nion Co, I'a. ,
Mny 10, 115t 3m52i
C'l.O KS all kinds of s)-dey and
"2i3!)-bour Biss Clocks and raleul lever
Vtiiiie-pieees, Brass 8-dy clocks at $'1,
brass :-hour clocks as low as $1- All clocks
warranted for one year at J. L. YOUEIt S
thrnp CA . H'ucA and Jtuilsy State,
opposite I'Min? & Co.'s. Lew:sturg.
T ATCIlEb Uold and Silver l.eveis,
l.epiues, and Verjie. tJnhl ;ae.he
from .'jiij io sjitJO. at J. L. YOUl.lt i cheap
Wateh and Jewelry store.
"I EWELKY of the latest pattern of a.l qual
ititrs for Sale at thq low est City prices by .
rill VHI U'l!r! Table 'IVa. De.serL Salt :
anJ Mustard Spoons, silver warranted
ina.' to coin. Silver Tea spoors Irom !Ja
upwards, no charge for Enraviitir, at
J. 1.. YOBEU'S.
J( Fob, Vest and ii aard Caa ns, from $10
to (10, at J. L. YODERS.
OPECTACLES Gold. Silver. Plated, and
H Seel, suitable for all acej. Ail kinds of!
OI tses put to Spectacles at the shortest notice. ;
Particular attention Paid to li'toig tila--es for I
weak eyes. JL. lt'l.l H.
.ATE 1) WAfiE C.ike and e.ir I lU-kets,
Table Forks, Spoons and Huiter Knives,
Teaspoons silver-platrd on ihe best German
silver, $1 per dz. All goi.d, warranted lo
! give satisfaction. All kiuds ol r.nirraving at
ihe shortest nonce at J- L. Ol)LI S.
(1 OLD PEN--5 all prices.in G..ld and Silver ,
X Holders, and without holders, for sale ;
cheap at
Perfect Fits!
JOII II. MILLUR carries on th?
Tailoring business, n his i-wn hook, at his
old stand on North Third blreet.whc re h- will
attend to Makins and Cullin? as usual. 'I he
FASHIONS received from New Yon.-.
All work done in the best style and on the
most reasonable terms. Produce received a
Market prices. I l.ewishiir;, rpt. 3. b'3
Summer Fashions for IS51,
From Ths P.Willinms.Broadaay.NrwYork,
. "lit.
Jtlsl TCC u by
J. 11. .M1I.I.EU, EewisburR.
11UEPAKED by Rod-rcacher it Sheep,
Apothecaries t.i the Homrpopa'hic Uis-!
pensary. No. a:W Arch street, Philadelphia.
constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale
and retail.in Lewishor'. at the Urn? More i f
Oct.28,-53 Ua.T. A. H. THOK.Vro.V
New Berlin Hotel.
Eeporis havine bean exiensive.v
eirculateil lliroiish the county lhal I
F(tk eirculateil iliroiish the coiu.ty lhal I .
,,n n.,i nr.-nirrd lo cuteiiam mv ,
iS-'iSScuesls I bee le.ive to assure my !
........ .....i.., I .mwd.nn.Mnih the best the ,
, ..rj. . ...n ' . h, n,n r.n.m. and
iiiaiivci ai..j.u - - i
i slablin". and can accommodate u wno in
DCK njrniiu':n mt ....... -
. i- ... . - .. ih. 1 1 v 1 . i t r,
1 1 hope that misrepreseniaiion ano pei.j
I cutmns Will Hot drive U1V irieiois I'll, a uii.'Ui
firt giving
mr a trial DAli lit-Kl
New Berlin,
M.tv , 1SS4
JOTH'i:. Ilavins w-en afpnintfrt ifie;
SEXTON to the Lewislutt :. m.terv.
,he subscriber would stale thai he tspr-pared
i Pt-rtorm all duties connected wnn t:.e ion...
i of liie dea l. on short notice. Alo that he will
t alien'.! to the re-itilerinent of .!r.-eased per-flrs
aI1,ter (l,e direction of lbi-ir SUrl li ItlS tri'mts.
.l.- 1 i.. ,i iba lime if the
iuinciii.i; ia ... " " , ,'ir v-
Cemetery. O Etlitl.E DON Atnl.
I eu-isbrlrir Mav 3(1 tt"4
Call and Try
The subscribers
bavins formed a
co-p;iriniTsii!i iu j
..-. .,1.1 I'rioo.ls and
ihe ntibiic. at the '
pSV late stand of !S. F.
ss. Lvndall. on Market
street, the cheapest (for cash) aud best lot of
for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisburg.
A Splendid lot of GUM SHOES.
Also all kinds of L.S-SS' VolAffi
Gaiters. half-Gaiters, etc.
Children's Mines f all sryle anl sizes.
Work made to order Mendins as usual.
a share of the public patronae and will try to
merit it.
M. ti. U. surer.
Lewisbnrtr. May. 1854
Administrator!! Kotlce.
TOTICE is herebv eiven that Letters
1 Administration on th'
Estate of Kobt.G.
' it. Haves. Kit' of West Buffalo
;!o Township,
pramed to the
I Cnion Co.. dee'd. have been
nndersisned bv the Register ol I men o, in
. ? e . ' .l .". ll r...cen. i..h.
t jue form of law ; therefore a.l persons indCD-
ted to said Estate are mim-sred lo make im -
mediate pavment, and those having any jnst
claims are alsn reijriestr.-f to present them
nrsnertv auilieiiticatrd for settlement
r ' ' JOHN' HAYES.
June S3. lSS-l. Administrators.
TETTERS Testamentarr on the Estate of,
K.e ,y .ownsnip.neceaseu. naving n " " "J.1
to the subscribers by the Reg,s er of VV, lis of ;
Union county, all person, tndebted to i
estate are requested lo make payment, and all ;
persons having claims to present them, prop
trly authenticated, lor selttemenr.
THOMAS COMI.Y. tstc-t.
Jaly 91, 1 384
as. f
Books and
Shoes, SUtlonerj.
rrtHE ifrbscriber announce to hi frteidl
, X "' lh pub1' Jtenef!ly that L"e has jo
i j received from Phi'adelpbia a Urgf il4 entl
lent assortment of
ly fj tj" sTJiJ ilj
c(JnJpri,ing fT,ry tlcd and varIfty r U.ntlf
jjuct, Uaiters, Koufoes, Ties, SlijperJ
L'tJm .e Ouit:r LmAt,
Buskins, Jenny I.inds, and Tits of lLa latts
4nl( mosi approved suits.
J3()ys' MUsi'S, an'J Children'
Boots, Lac.' Boots, G.i.er, d Sb. of every
,nd vanetv tow worn also a cnwt
e"leetica cf Uie School ant! Classical
now in Qe io our Academies and Schr
together with a good assortment of Ststitt
TJ, eie.
The aove goods have been earerony sal
ied and will be wdd at ery reduced prices.
The undersigned a:sii conlinoes to aianofa
tnre Boot and bhies of every (lrserptiua
order, and from his Ion? experience ai.4
I determination to spare no effort or expensa t
! please. he hopes to merit and receive a libetsg
I Lhareof lsiness. JOHN HOUGHTON.
Lewisburg. May 3. 1C33
I Miter til y ltedirit.
fstu asi. Attn CicK it RoAn'b Tosie ilrSTSB A
THK l'nterilj of rr Mrflei.J Popalar
r lx. chrt r.l l.j rh St! ef Pcnn.rlni at
lant svxioD 'J-'tli April, isli.) mfcinlj fcf tbt T"P.
if arrtm tl.r ll rrttliir rr, of Pl,Oro
md'I dLtrern. Borrim, mlm tor tSfl bnrprM o( apy
ir( lira p-.D ic ailk MiLl rrlna'iu la tax L.r
tbr ratieiit riD not ol taia T will B,C fcpt.'y tfc Ir
aiaOi'-al . fci.inc j aichaMd that laiaiual r
Jr. HoaaD.l' Tunic Miliar., aeraaat of Iw J"i
auirlirity an.i kowa .etn-7 la th traaluaat af
anU As.ur. and !t kovtrl ff cli- na, baa a.. liUf' a in
rfaini.i,-ilit a il in UiaLuheat luru ti- lb jiJiM"
l u aCku.
, v .-,u-.ti.'c f.e
If':a II. i ".'Jl c u rr r w - .
' HkKUV KnoT. la ata Imtilntioa aauaua I.
" I
,,,,,',,.. ,n ku. wa aa i oaaad ivunad r;rp d
Blackberry immm, lul aarocat.j ' .
ta.nec of tatienU afe.nUd nb tl.!rmaaialau,baiart
iugil lu bain aiuatlaiu IL Irralaiaalof audi eaata.
Jlloa. Hwiry K. Suotg.
I!i.a. J. K. iianigaa,
J.La k. keai.J. It. '
I l It Asbtcn, r.ai
. JUetorOir, ltai.
Mif A eoniamnieations to ba aiidraaaU. Jeln W
Ui.aaud. 11 1 . u. ad vl IL. Cliariaacauucal Vf ariaiaaa
atd .i.i.t..t ih iri..r.n
Hum If.T vtrtry iBf,.tfflti,o. mbu
LT. I. A. II. TllOaiNT'.O. 4 CO., LwiArg.
7"ANTED 30 to iO.oi'O ft Maple 6$ by
20 to SU.l'OO do l-y
10 to '.O.ncO ft 3 in. Ash pi aa
20 to SU.Ot'O ft 1 do
. I,. Jt:rd ibis n Trirp Fall and Bnril
the i.nat of the Kiver at liarrisbnrg. Lumber'
of Qnai,tT and strait craned is waiued.sj
' D m w 1 1 1 rarffivfil tilt Brjl. I IB
j n.i. - - . - r
furnishins i'.t above, and persons sending pro
posals will state the quantity and qoalny of lh
dirTerent kinds '.hey can furnish, and when.
Terms of payment cash on delivery ana
inspection. " Address (post-paid) j
440 W.O. IIICKOK, ilarrisbnrg. Pa.
( I) AO U Kit U EOTY PES t
SPlaialR & HAWS would, inform th
publx that tney have fitted up a
iicn eur:??ijj fcr i);ig'!Jr.viti.g,
in Uie New Buildin; over Dr.Thornion's l)ru
5re entrance at the Jlrnt duor, up stairs
where they are prepared to perform any worlc
! in their luie in the best style of the art. ve
i can lake pictures at almust any hour m ine
: day. Children taken as weU as adults sad
1 other p.ctnres copied.
As we have nw a permanent location. Dtted
I up purposely and ejelnsively for Daguirreo
typing, we think we can render entire satialae-
uon, and resptcilutty tender our services.
I.ewisburg, Atr 1,1853
J L. KA s N.
Mai World inform his old tnencs ana ina-
E , U public -rnerallyon the W est and INoritr
In.ii i h.that be conttr.nes m kef p the STACK
Hl'lKL. in the center of the Town, and asirs
', a fair share of ratronasre
- -.RESERVING and Picklin-r JARS iust fee
a ' . . . ... " ... A.
. and for sale at the Mammoth Drug Store
Aug 10 Da. THORNTON tt CO.
JUST ree'd and for sale at the Mammslal
Drng Srore a large urplt of Dr. Green'
genuine Bi"rTEK?,fi'rcnr of Dyspepsia. etov
Aug 10 TMOri. Ili-'a
V A,m a m..t Blaa.a AwRa.aa -
t . aml A I),,irinlp Tea.-hers.
. ' K. TOLKMArt'
S'. W. Corner Fifth and Market SH
GERM AN and FRENCH Lanruar,es.Draw
ine. Painting, and Drauehhngaujl.f by K.T
Lewisbnrs. Sept, 1, 1853
"Small rrrfitt and Quick Side."1
mums a KILB.m
TE take this wiethoi of infricinS;
pnbSt that w have ttted np th oi
where we would invite especial attentic
our stock of
Cirocrrlea and FISH,
which can not far! to please, either in rrp .irs'
lo price or quality. Our goods have leen
bought for cash, at the lowest price, and ''
be sold on accrmmodarinjt terms.
CASH will be paid for all kinds of Gra,.
and" the very hiehest price paid, in poods. -every
description of Domestic Traduce
Tortleville, May, 185
Hap of Union County.
""Vt-OAVin course of preparation, a MAP ot
i Union Conntr. SO bv IT inches in sire.
i ejibittn all the principal mountains and"
j mwrnchin and hnmneh lines, reads
tnjSIrPeta , rost-otrrre.ehDrches,mills.schro.
' . . 1 . ....
knu aa Art. Ae.. arrth the nremaeil Divisii'a
( Ijne u b, ,r!j $jhq ,n plain style,
i ! !5 wlien t0 s with mailin Jae anA
I roicrs, and r.S0 when m. anteJ aJrrrerer.
The snbscriber asks the loan of drafts. &c.
as h is tlesirons of makine a correct, hanil.
some, and useful map ; and a;ki the patn n-'
age of the public generally.
! Lewisbnr. Mav IS. IPM-
t)r. Jacob Ilorlacher,-
T-jfiTANlC PHYSICIAN, havinff rcf-aine.
h Tumed his rrscCe of
rnt , Hissnperior SALVE is stilf
,,p,td a
i usual.
New Berlin. May , 1354
CHOOL PR1EK8 neatly printed aid i
aa'e at tnt c immat ri
Boots and
j i-1. I
ii ;