Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 04, 1854, Image 3

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Ittuiolmrg Cjjronitlr.
, . , " 1 .75 In three month, t-ww"1
A: ,1 . I- d",M1 at the '
V.rehar.t. ToMir
.":rQTT7.E MMiufartnrers.
r?-" mi.i.
.IC.ntry. . nroeure ..r
ii.rs. m v
el- St-e Sew
nrTwo new Land Sales. . other new
to the Fair of to-morrow and next day,
pint Tickets, &c. .
Ve hear encouraging opinions as to
the probability of a large contribution of
iiu.na rrodu,ts for the latr. Wc
Lopc our own citizens and minicdm.c
acighborswin take especial efforts to se
cure a good turn-out.
jvTare engaged to print a snrplY
t prohibitory Liquor Law tickets, to be
distributed during the Fair, when persons
will be in from all the NorthcrrfTistricts.
Is Election Pay, and wo hope all the
sovereigns" will come out in their
f trength, and vote as we do independ
ently. The candidates of the two principal
parties fur Stole oilied?, are too we'l knowu
to our readers to rtju'ie repetition.
For CotigrCi-.vJoUN KL'.K!.K,(Whig)
.f Danphiu, is the only untie we sec up,
although it is stated that Mr. J?oi;iHTE:i
..f Lebanon will be in the field as the
Democratic candidate.
For Senate, Mr. Stu.Uts, a merchant
.f Mifiliutown, is the Whig candidate;
Mr. Pott, a lawyer of the same place,
the Democratic.
Our local tickets are considerably un
settled. There were two Whig tickets in
the tHJ, (ons Iiri-:nn, the other Anti
Uirision,) and a IX tuicratio ticket. An
arrangement vu learn Las been made,
by which Dr. Speck withdraws from the
Whig ticket, and Mr. Germa from the
While Messrs. Speck and ?imonton
both Whigs from the same couuty were
in the field, there was a tolerable fair
chance for a test vote on the Division in
sne; but the substitution of a Juninta
Democrat for a Union Whii', makes it a
vory complicated matter. Our Democratic
friends arc of course highly pleased with
the movement, and now take hold of Di
vision with redoubled energy. A number
of true Division Whigs also acquiesce, be
lieving that foaae sacrifice is necessary
that the signs are favorable and that
the sooner the question is settled, the bet
ter for all. Others, however, have no
faith in it, and desire to be represented in
Harrisburg by a friend of Gov. Pollock's
administration, who will work with him in
State reform, and who will vote for Kx
iov. Johnston or some other man for U.
f. Senate who will go agaiust the schemes
f ur Slavery extension plotted at Washing
ton; they also fear that many ot the lA'ni-
ocrats use Division simply to help them- j
selves into offbe. We regret that on this
measure of policy we have to part compa-
tw with esteemed fricuU.s, but linps al
most against hope that '-'all will be right
in the morning." j
For Conimissionr r,lLu.FPK.xr of Hart- j
1.-.W id let rif.nillnr mull fitr this end of tllC I
county, and we think if the people gencr- j
ally, wituout uisi.nctiou oj pany, wisu a
proper man in that office, they will make
no mistake in decline Mark Halfpenny.
For Kcgistcr & Recorder, James W.
Pennington ana Ucorge 1'rcisliaeh nr jiu
flinburg, and Dr. Socbold of New Berlin
,re the candidates all well known to oar
For Auditor, wo lave Mcssr.. Schrack
And Boycr only both Division Whigs.
The vote For or Against a Prohibitory
Liquor Law, should not be forgotten as
ou the vote hangs the Law.
Hanner of Voting.
In Union county, all the candidates
except Judge may be voted on one tt!p,
ot each oHicer may be voted f ir irjuintlrii,
fcarRcmctnbcr, the Judge of the Su-
tirpmn Court, and the vote on the Liouor
, - - - I I
Law, must be on single tiekcts; separate
from the slips.
Division Meetings.
We arc informed that a meetiug of the
friends of Division will be held at New
Columbia, this (Wednesday) evening
also at MiFFLlNiirim on Saturday even
ing next. Also, that the Divisionisls of
the "lower end' are holding meetings
cycry evening, enlivened by the stirring
trains of the "Selinsgrovc Glee Club."
jai'iv jiiual, uuarantek. We are
authorized to say there arc several persons
in Lewisburg, of abundant means, who are
willing to give personal bonds to any tax
f aycr in the North end of the county, that
be will not be required to pay any Tax
for iyouutjr luildiogs in case they are
jerectei at Lewisburg.
" AXOTnElTZwen
jens of Stlinsgrove have executed a Bond
(similar to Ibat of Lcwisbnrg) in the sum
1 f uwjbb inouaand Dollars, for the Sny
der County Buildings, provided that town
fee designated a. iu cjt of juatio..
Corrected Wcclttu.
lriod Apples
51,75 Eggs
37 i
At tlx Temperance lluiel, Lewisburg, SOih
nil, by Rev. It. B. Hamlin, Jons Witehs and
Miss M amu ault Dniian of Lewisburg.
In Lewisburg, 1st inst, of palsy, Mrs Sum
wife uf James Cornelius, Sr. in her liUth year.
In Lewisburg, 3d ins., of consumption, at
the residence ot her mother, Mrs.O,iiiddingtun,
Mrs. Mm A, wife of Jacob Mower, of Ju
niata county, aged 29 years.
At her home with her brniLcr Saml Gcddes,
Lewisburg, 1st instMiss Msrhh Utimrs, of
a congestive chill. As a fricud,as a neighbor,
as a teacher, few will be more missed than
Miss U. Her piety was unilorra, self-sacrifi
cing; and although her last hours were spent
in encousciousness, her life leaves abundant
evidence that with her "all is well
Thuu art grant, faithful teacher! like a flash from tb iky
Itn ofwi, it'll uiun uit. tliat Maria voultl tiie :
And fatree bnl vt ht-Md it, aua the Btepmnvr
Krc ftnoUii-r FUrcvidid, that alaal ht wms avadt
Though htr rxit was Fuilden, yt dekth't fomhro wiaj
Miiklow of clfMBi uVr hr pathway enuiJ Uiug,
With cliriat iu b-r ht-ait and a lifthl in hr fo
the taught iu how vwurtly ft C'hrialiaa lu die.
In the tore cirrlin of hnl hrr form will te mlFaed,
A brother, a Fitter, the rhild wiit-m Fhe kivd,
1 lie friends who clung 'rouud her, aDd worp for her aore,
ill hero meet her ud hear her and aoo no aore.
Tlie erliool-ronm draerted, the meeting for prayer,
courh (-f the M k. attd the lone widow'k U-ar,
A(tett that her life was no vaiu. tdle rhow,
lint weltpruiis of f COdo K qukt its Bow.
Her life h&d ita h-sson. tier death hat Its, U.o,
Otir time how uoeerLtin ! like Ihe fleet niorutng dew,
O may we. triumphant, when the sumitt'iusts imeu,
s'tead in glory mitit her tii tree soil of lleaTen.
Oct.:l, ls.4. t:ommuTiited.
New and Beautii'nl Fall Goods.
T L'sT opening and entirely too busy to
fj enumerate articles but for quantity,
qualitv. or low prices, call on
Oct.' 4. J. HAVES 4 CO.
V.U just reccivinfi their FAl.L SUPPLY
ttl (iuods. Call kso &k.F..
.ewisbure. Oct. 4, lKt
have received their
jVcw Fall Goods,
which they are enabled to dispose ol i'mcos-su-ili
tottr. I,erisbur, Oct 4, 1851
Lowisburg Female SemlDary.
ritUE WINTER SESSION of the Lcwisburg
I Female Seminary will commence t
'ilinndaij, October !9ih. Instruction will be
given in all the branches usually taught in
such Institutions, by compctentTeachers. Mrs.
Taoarsvx, a lady experienced iu leacbing,and
favorably known in this place, will be associat
ed with me inthesupeiintrndeiiceof the school.
TtHvs per Session for Boarding and Tuition
in common Enslish branches - - $55,00
Tuition, without Boarding !yti, -fS and ij 10,H1
Music, per quarter ------- 10,00
Use of Piano 2.00
Drawing and Painting, per session - f00
French and Latin, each, do - - 6.00
3w54 P. B. MARR.
ej. Came back upon the p
Ji2 the subscriber, on the
fT7'S BAY HORSE, about 15 1
Came back upon the premises of
10th lust., a
hands hi;;h.
middling old, one hind foot white, turning
gray around the breast and neck. The owner
is requested lo pay chaises and lake him olE
East BufTaloe, Sept. 20. 1W54
rilHE next Session of the VXIi'KKSITY at
I.EUlSHliU. will open on the third
t nursdav (19th) of October. Students are
admitted to either the Classieal or Scientific
course, or lo pursue select branches, if they
design remaining less than three years.
1'he ACADEMY receives such as are not
i nrenared to enter lOiiege, or wisn to aiuny
some elementary branches in connection with
some st.id.es in Coll-;-
I ne rr ll..ir. csc.tlll.ii U,:ii3 m. u.iy
before the Collegiate Department, ll oilers
the highest advantages which experienced
Instructors and an admirably adapted building
can secure.
Tuition in College (per annum) $30
in Academy do 20
her branches do 30
common do
-1.50 to $2.25 a week.
OUR Firm being this day dissolved, we
would say lo all who kuow themselves
indebted to us, that we are in need of the
needful, and are anxious to settle up our bus
iness with as little delay as possible. Our
Books will remain at the old stand, and set
tlement made by cither of ihe Firm.
Lewisburg, Sept. 20.1854
Public Sale!
THE subscriber intending to break np
house-keeping, will otter at public sale
on Wednesday, tne Ulh nf Urluber, ihe follow
ing personal property, viz.
One good milk cow, 4 hogs, S shoats.wheel
harrow. potatoes bv the bushel, 1 Clinton air-
tt - ht cooking stove, 5 coal stoves, salting ves-
sels.cider barrels, bedsteads.beds and bedding.
lahlM. chairs. bureaus.looking glasses, carpe
, ,- .... v..
ting, study tables, a large quantity of dishes,
tumblers, knives and forks, Ac, and a great
variety of articles too tedious to enumerate.
Sale to commence at one o'clock on said
day, and continue from day fo day until all is
sold. Conditions at sale.
Lewisburg, April 81, Wl
or this
U'tll rnrnmrnee r.n MuXDIT. Oct. 16, 1S54,
to continue 20 weeks.
The ennrse of Instruction in this Institntion
is calculated to prrpare youths to enter College
ne for rrrneral business.
Composition and Declamation receive care
ful attention.
The subscriber is solicitous to secure a class
of Young Ladies.
Tk. it.ula i in daily nse in the school.
For reference, the Principal lakes pleasure
to refer to many of our citizens both in and
around ihe place, who have had iheiischUdren
..J B,Pila iin.lnr his MW.
Tuilinn. For Languages $10, Higher Eng
lish $8, and common branches, (including
Reading. Writing, Oeography, Anthmeuc,
Grammar and V. S. Hisiory per "sum
Contingent expenses per wnier session,
els. per tchnlar, extra. - - '
No deduction except for sicWs..
(Ht. 15, 185, . ., ltuV
1 f KEGS Blasting Powder,
Jl vl 200 lbs. prime live-picked Feathers,
Lot of Carpenters' Tool,
Wrought Nails, 8 and KIJ.
Cast, Shear and Spring Sieel, Steel Spring,
Axles, and a general variety of Coach Tum
nings, just reed by
Wheat, and Flour!
n A VINO rented WOLFE'S MILLS, the
subscriber will pay the highest price in
CASH tor Wheat. He will keep constantly
on hand. Wheat and Finer to Retail, and his
Wagon will run daily in Town to deliver Flour
am! receive Wheat. All Wheat he sells, he
will guarantee to make 40 lbs. Flcur per bu
shel. Persons wishing Wheat.will leave their
bags at my Storehouse, and they shall be punc
tual ly attended to.
Lewisburg, Sept. It, 1851
Notice to Teachers).
take eharce of the Public Schools of the
WHITE DEER District, lo commence oa the
first Monday of November next. There will
be a meeting of the Board of Directors on Sa-
turday the 7th Oct. next at 10 o'clock A.M. at
the house ofMrs.Giuter in New Columbia, to
employ said number of Teachers. All appli
cants must have a Certificate from the County
Superintendent, in order to be employed by the
Board. Liberal wares will be given to first
class Teachers.
While Deer, Sept. 12, 1S51
MARBLE 1AUD. The subscriber
respectfully informs the public that he
still continues the Marble Business at his old
stand in the upper end of Market street, in
this Borough, where he is prepared to manu
Grace Sluites, Mnulrh, l'hitfrm,StiU,br.
He has a variety of Carved and Plain work
now linished, anil leady for lettering.
Persons desiring any article in his line of
business, are requested to call at his Yard, as
he will iheresell r5'20 per cent cheaper than
can be bought of persons going through Ihe
cmi'i'.ry. All orders will receive promm atten
LeOTsbur?, S7-. M. lS5t
Danville Hardware Store,
VT which will be found a large and well
selected stock of
Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Sieel, N'aili
Carriage trim'itigs. Harness mountings.
Carpenters. Cabinet-makers' and Shoe
makers' Tools, Boot and Shoe Findings,
Moroccos, Kid, Linings, French Calf
skins, Cedar and W illow Ware, Steel
Springs, Anvils, Vices, Screw Plates,
Screw Bellows, Builders' Hardware of
every description, VeuilianWindow Bid
Milliters, Vt indowSash,SiIverpltd Ware,
Drittannia Ware, tSuns, Pistols, Revol
vers, Manilla and Hemp Rope, Sperm,
Lard, and Whale Oil. Tar, Window
Sp'rits Turpentine, Pure While Lead,
While Zinc Paints, Blake's Fire Proof
and a full assortment of other Paints,
Wines and Liquors at Wholesale and
Retail, Japan, Copal, and Coach Var
nishes, &c. Ac.
All of which will be sold very cheap for cash,
country produce, or four months' approved
credit. J.O. RICHARDSON,
at the signs of the Anvil and Saw.
Danville, Sept. 14, 1851 lylOt
"mt3IIS Pumps ! Pumps !!-
Welt and
L In
stern Pumps, Suction, Force and Chain,
ihe very best articles now in itse.lhi.se wishing
to purchase can be convinced of this fact by
ealline upon Henry R. Noll, Esq., Lewisburg.
The subscriber has also mi hand LEAD I'li'E
from J to I inches. J. O. RICH ARDSON.
Danville Hardware Store, 3 f"oors N. i
of the Dank of Danville, Sept. 15, 1854. J
WANTED immediately a stout young
MAN to do the heavy work about Ihe
Store, and keep a memorandum of what he
does correctly. Enquire of
Another Lot of Goods
J UST opened, that will pay well to call and
examine efnre purchasing elsewhere.at
Ice Cream and Eating Saloon,
Corner of Second and Market Sts.
5? Having rented the commodious and well
Jtiititted buildings at the lower end of Market
St. (formerly the mansion of Wm.Hayes,Esq.)
the subscriber is prepared to entertain
Man and Beast, with lodging and food bu
nut with intoxicating liquors.
fiThere is also attached an ICE CREAM
Saloon for Ladies, and an EATING SALOON
for Gentlemen.
He respectfully solicits a fair trial, and a
share of the public patronage.
x.. rr. i lus.
Lewisburg. March 30, 1854 3m
XTOTN'LV Application will be made
I to the next Legislature to change the
name of ihe "Lewisburg Savings Institution,
located at Lewishurg in the county of Union,
Hundred Thousand Dollars additional capital,
and authority to issue its own notes for circu
lation ; subject to the provisions of the general
banking laws of this Commonwealth. ..
By order of the Directors:
H- P. SI1ELLF.R, Treasurer.
Lewisburg, Pa, June 2, 18M v
F University at Lewisburg. i ne rirst
Session of Ihe present year win
. . s-v.w-t a xt io.u ant la..!- tn the
menceon jiimuai... "-i - ;
Wine of the Female Seminary building.
Three Sessions in a year.of 14 weekseach.
Tuition. 4. 1Z;Z.
a,ewisbut, t?yt. 8j 18Mv
Oflfl BBLS. Salina Salt, , 1
iA)J 200 sacks GronnJ Alum Salt,
New Mackarrl, No. 3.
200 lbs. New England Cheese,
11)0 lbs. mixed Stocking xarn,
Cider Vinegar,
Sept. 13
just reed and for sa'e by
J. HAl iva ol.
1 1
M9P. iftttllHg,lt af.ii.rjl
-.ro, ,i , ;! hi- r.r ,i
I Mead-Ache, in half an hour. For-:
merly. several day, were required to relieve I
this distressing pain ; whtlsl now the ue of,
the Elixir will, iu a few moments, remove itj
entirely. Although but lately introduced to j
public notice,lhiwondeifu! preparation counts
thousands of advocates. It is very beneficial
in Lolds and Coughs, cnecKing tne m si on-
:.,":r:3 . .n .:,..;
attacks of tickness. A single trial will be a
satisfactory evidence of its efficacy. Price 25
ilv by
IU Catharine street, Philadelphia.
Apinta J. BMifctt t CO., Lewi-hurg.
I. ClgUllAKT, Si.linirrovo.
John IVbnee, Peter Merman, Wt. Pleasant.
Iloyer Bl-r, O. k H. U. Voyor, kre. burj.
I. O. U. S. Boy r. Peon" Ty. X toads.
kalter. Burton I Co., W 106 -id.
Ilroan b HilU-u, Turtleville.
Cheap Saddle
and Blarocsis
The subscriber.thank
ful for favors hitherto
e,.oerprl ri'SDeClflltl V
. m - I j
lHr invites the public to call
and price his work.as he is confident they will
render entire satisfaction even to the most
dillident customers.
Constantly on hand, or made to order, all
kinds of SADDLE, HAHXESS, Bridlet, Col
lar, Whips, Trunks, Vulices, Carpel Bags, 4.
Also the cheapest and best assortment of
Worsted, Lineu, and Cotton FLY NETS lo
be found in town, at prices ranging trom Kl.io
lo $1.50 per single net, also Leather Fly Nets
of different styles and prices.
The above articles will be sold cheap for
cash or country Produce.
All kinds of REPAIRING done at short no
lice, cheap, and in Ihe most durahle manner.
The citizens of Lewisburg and the surroua
cing country, are solicited lo extend a fair
portion of their patronage.
WANTED 100 cords of Wood in exchange
for work, also 10 tons of Hay wanted at mar
ket prices.
!"rshop in Beaver's new brick block,Third
and Market, 4lh door from corner.
P. 11. BEAVER.
Lewisburj, June 30. 185
(Mule and Female.')
TVTEXT TERM will commence Adgust 21,
jw 1854. Total expense for board, room,
wahirg, lights, fuel and tuition in English,
Latin Sf Greek, from $2,S0 to $35, per quar
ter. Students should be here on ihe S3d.
TH03. BOWMAN, Principal.
Williamsport, Aug. 2, IW.
The Ftr-Famed Medicine!
These Pill bein- eompoiird entirely rf medicinal herhs,
are of a most harmless natura.whila theexu-aordin
ary virtues they oossees have reudrrt-d theta univer
sally popular in nearly errry part or trie world, tot . .
Imruensr surern they hare mil with thmuthout lh UOMSOPATH IC MEDICINES
States la most extraordinary, owing, it is preeumed, j ". -Jr.?!, . .v,r Sheen,
to tlK-ir wonderful ellicaey in the cure ..f Bilious 1)REP.RED by RodemacOer at n"P'
eooiplaititx and disorders t tne Literand gt'iinaeh, 1 Apothecaries to the HomOeopatnlC UlS
ivrsons who per,eTere in using thuio a.eorJ.nf U j v joi. Sp-u .ireet. Philadelphia
direeUon,aldoin fail iu hetng reetored to health. pensary. O. Arcn sir eet, 1
.nn,t,ni . nn tinnH anil fur sale, wnotcsaie;
, ...3 T .L:l:- T 1 l'.w. A I
iteaknpK. nun iuuuH.iwBiuish.uu lv t
Health of a Geutlewan, aged b, vben
at Death s door.
Oipyofa Lstttr from tht. Ker.Chartfi SmiIhtdaTtd .V.rtoit,
M. Its-tlti. ntar Htttt So mend? lure, 17 Aug. 183. j
Sir A Mr. Jotum Plxtos, fonm rly a r.lntof this
1Uc.1ism, been in tio!iiiinK fUtf of bfalth ft-r upwanl i
of tlm yar. rmJiially wnftinp txwny to a fhnjow tj J
nirhtlriarfpir-tionsnndwantofaine-tite, whirheansed j
Kret urusiut-ss to hi., friends. a hehiideoniultid mrioua
uedieal nien In llatfa.wiihout effect. He at Inst n-d your
Pills, and nnd-r PnerMsnr was re.tored tn health by
... j. ii. i. v.. iwl. ...i hu
jut written to say, that he whs nter teller in health,
ana aesir ratinii.ii ..,. .
ou.-Mal-. to .nentlomthsty.. ft ha. derived great 1
h.-n. fit from the ue of vour l iih
I remain. Mr. yourn rpTiiniiT.
Cil AIU.KS rimi, Hi5.-eutirs Vini.-ter.
A permanent Cure of a diseased Liver of
many lcara uuration.
Cfpy a LfUrr fr-m. .. wmt, Chtmut, Yeovil, U
W.-mr 6r In (his dtetri' t your I'llli" rrtmmanJ a mnro
t-ttn. al than any otbt-r pri(.iittnryruU'-intt b-for
th isulltc Ana iTOol ui iiifirt inrarw m i,iTirnu dikoux
,4imi.atut9 1 mar nwntii.B Ibr lollt-win rai. A aiy of
tiitu ttw with wliom I m p. rfwinalir afitinintrtl, fr
arc wftn a nvTcrr ?utT. rrr froui tliw-a of the Litt and
iiet'5ttvroreanrt: btrnniicnl aitendunt iMurril her that
he rou M do BAthine; U relieve bf r Siitr riu. notl it wan
nr.1 likel itie MittM fmxvive uianv n.oul)u. ThiK anrKiun-
'mentnatuUycan.J nT't alnru. am-nit her friend
an.! rt'Ution. and U-j ibuuwi ner 10 piah a iriai 01
vnur PilU.whirlt in impr'-Trd her Rt-neral health tbatcbe
J . . . . a: l...n. .rlllslu. rw.ivl a t.r.f
rnnt. Thin to iwe.re nmnin- mw, - r.rr
ienretl any nvnirtatTB relafMe. and often itx-Urm Uiat
your 1'illt. hi"' I"" tl,e m-" of awTinir b r lifo.
July SM. ISM. ' tSlgaid) J.0AMIS.
VtmaMmUi iWt mrr nrrmdrrmVii eJcacOmi in thtot-
Acna Prory Jaundiee Seetrndnry
aefhma lvseiilery l.ieer mpints eymptoms
Bilious Com- Erysipelas Lutnhago TioOouioraul
plainta reuiala irreg-nnw """
Blotrhee on ulsnUes i.neumsii?m i nsrs
the Bki fevers of all lletention of Venereal Af
Bowelfmprt" hinds t'nna t-etinM
Colles 'lt BCrrauia, ot ejorme oi ...
Constlrat'n ofOout KIor rvil kinds
the Bowels Head-aeha for. Ihroats Wekneesfnn
Consnmption ladhnuiioB tton. and any causa
Dt-hility saaauiaiiow
w.t.i.li.l-nientorrmfeMor I1oliowat,244,
9trnnd.(ne.r Temple Bar. London.) sod also at hi. i house
n vrW York. Iirilers lor ..leui.-i.e- ..- - ----
T HMvl. A York." will receive diieatunte. Bold
al, hv all re-p.-et.Me Oru-i-ts and dealers in Mivifclna
throu'uhout the United Stales, in llosrs at . j els. s. ets.
and 1 $1,M, 'h- To he h.d Wholesale Of the pnarlfal
Urui bou-s in tne ,.vi,,,,,,,r
aoTThere Isa consiuerame nu.. -. ----
Bocs N. It. liirrell 'nf lor tne imn.
every dlsorder.are alSxed to each Box lj
l5TFor sale by Dr. KEMi r.it, wininirorg
OfRce Susquehanna Railroad Company,"
II... ..near.. Jan. 20. 1851. S
. are hereby notified that the Sreond
t..tt rivp iioiinrn per cnsic ts
I llSlillllie,. ' m . -
called in. payable ou or before ihe 8th of
February next; and an instalment of like
rmount payable on or before the 10th day o
each month ihereafter. until the whole is paid
in, to wit, the 10th of October next by those
residing in ,
Baltimore-at Union Bank of Maryland ;
Dauphin county-Bank of Middleiown ;
Northumberl'd county-Bank of Nor.hnmbld;
Union county Lewisburg Savings Institution.
- By order. '
.. , . t ROB. f. 1IOLL1NS. Treasurer.
for cutting both Grain and Grass.
" f ANUFACTURED and for sale at the
l I Lewisburg ronnary oy
LIME COAL just reed and for sale by
To Wool-Growers
08,000 pounds Wool WANTED.
The subscribers leel inankiui lor
nasi natrona 'e conferred upon their
nmmucturing operations, and hope in future
i at the well-wishers of their country win leei
, disposed lo share aounuanuy oy paircmzing
. " Home Industry and Enirrprise." Farmers,
' Merchants, and Mechanics, we invite you all
. " we lnwnJ kt'P e,'IJl
Iant'y on band a good assortment of Goods of
our own manufacture, such as
Clutht, Caiaimeres, Sittnellt, Flunneh,
litanketf, Stocking Yur as, dec.
eXchane f,r Wool or sell low for Cash,
Ural , j s or an 0,ier marketable
pri)duce rh Wlll aIso whule!
will also Wholesale to Mer-: anj mott approved styles.
them the Jobber's prom.which j nvs Mis(,R. anil Children's
chants,aud save
is from 10 to 15 per cent
Cash will be paid for WOOL at all times the
regular market price. e ao not expect , ,
run Wagons to collect Wool we think it is
better for both Wool Grower and Manufactu
rer to deal al the Factory, where there is a
variety of goods to select from, ana tne manu
facturers have a much belter chance to render
satisfaction to their customers than when a
few goods are hauled out in a wagon.
By strict attention lo business, they hope to
merit a goodly share of public patronage.
Very respectfully yours,
White Deer Mills, Union Co, Pa.
May 10, 1851 3in526
CaLOCSaS all kinds of 8-day and
30-hour Brass Clocks and patent lever
liine-pieces. Brass 8-day clocks at $1,
brass 30-hour clocks as low as $1. All clocks
warranted for one year at J. L. ODbK s
cheap Cluck, Watch and Jewelry Store,
opposite Iddtngs 4 Co.'s, Lewisburg.
WATCHES Gold and Silver Levers,
Lepines, and Verge. Gold Watches
from V- to $100, at J. L. VODER'S cheap
Watch and Jewelry store.
JEWCLRY of the latest pattern of all qual
ities for sale at ihe lowest City prices by
ILVEK WARE Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt
and Mustard Spoons, silver warranted
equa." to coin. Silver lea spoons irom ?o
upwards, no charge for Engraving, at
OLD CHAIN-Ladies' ChateUiu. Cold
Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, from $10
to 10, at J. L. VODER'S.
OPECT.VCLES Gold, Stiver, Plated, and
O Steel, suitable for all ages. All kinds of
liL ses pul to Spectacles at the shortest notice.
Particular attention paid to fitting Glasses for
weak eyes. J L. YODER.
I) LATE D WARE Cake and card Baskets,
Table Forks, Spoons and Butter Knives,
Teaspoons silver-plated on ibe best German
silver, 1 per J doz. All goods warranted to
give satisfaction. All kinds of Engraving at
the shortest notice at J. L. VODER'S.
GOLD PENS all priccs,in Gold and Silver
Holders, and without holders, for sale
cheap at J. L. YODEK'8.
Perfect Fits!
JOH1 R. MlLLEBn carries on the
Tailorinsf business, on hi own hook, at his
old stand on North Third 8treet,where he will
attend to Making and Culling as usual. The
FASHIONS received from New York.
A.'l work done in the best style and on the
most reasonable terms. Produce received a
Market prices- Lowisburg, Sept. 3, U53
Summer Fashions for 1S54,
From Ths P. Williams. Broadway, New York,
just ree'd by
J. B. VILLER, Lewisburg.
an retail in r.ewrishlirv at Ihe Drue Store Of
v . . , . - -
New Berlin llote 1
- m Reports having been extensively
circulated throngh the county that I
ISSSsk Uain no, prepared to entertain my
daajJgUt'StS, 1 Deg 1"" " """"
JVietlda Itial I am Well Supplied With Ihe DCSl tne
t . .,,.,! as well as house room, and
market alTorus, ,. . ..
cnh me and can accommoua'.e mi wno win
j,e kind enough lo favor me wilb their cuatom.
l ,u , misreoresentallon ana petiv prrse-
1 hope tha sP""la ,r w ihout
CUllunJ win mnuii'v iwi - .,.
Itet mi'ins me 9. tfia
New Berlin, May 8,1S51
NOTU'E. Havins keif appointed the
SEXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery,
ihe Subscriber would stale thai be is prepared
to perform all duties connected with the buri.il
of the dead.on short notice. Also that he will
attend lo the re-interment of deceased persons,
under the direction of their surviving friends.
Residence iu ihe Lodge at Ihe Gate cf the
Lewisburg, May 30, ISM
Call and Try
The subscribers
having formed a
co-partnership in
business, now offer
lo old friends and
the public, at the
late stand of S. F.
Lvndall.on Market
street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot of
Uooto ahd 2lo ffl
for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisburg.
A Spiced., lot of GUM SIIOES.
Also all kinds of J SuIS WilJtE-
Gailers, ha!f-Gaiters. etc.
Children s Shoes or all styles ana sizes.
Work made to order Mending as usual.
Ax we are both known as practical shoe-
makers and experienced workmen, we solicit
a share of the public patronage and will try lo
merit it. '
Lewisburg, May, 1854
AdmlnlKtratorU Notice.
-wa-rOTICF. is hereby eiven that Letters of
i Administration on the Estate of Robt.G.
it H,.. late of West Buffalo Township,
Union Co.. Hee'd. have been eranted to the
je.i.,ne.l hir the Register of Union Co, iu
j... r..e, r.r law therefore all persons indeb
ted to said Estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and mose naving any
claims are also reqnesieu tu ,.ie..
prerly authenticated w
June 23, 1RS4. ' Administrators.
Notice. ' ;
TETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of
j WILLIAM A. PA TTERS0X, la e of
Kelly township. deoea.e.1. having been ,rd
to the subscribers by the Keg.s er of W ills of
Union eounty.all person in de bted id. aid
estate are requested lo make payment, and I all
persons having elaim. to present tbem. prop
erly authenticated, for settlement.
THOMAS tw'-i. EieoV
July Sl. lSe . ,
Boots and
Books tad
THE subscriber announces to ia innw
aud the public generally that b has jna
received from Philadelphia a largw and axea"
lent assortment of,
iriSjTrira A5TD 821)23
comprising every kind and variety of Oealla
men's Boots, Gaiters, Monroes, Tie, Blipper
ZWiV Fine Gatter Boots,
Bnskins. Jenny Linds, and Tiea of ! latea
Boot,, Gaiters and Shoea of y.r,
m eMt.
.'.,.. , ... -. . . ..,:,.
selection of the School and Classical
now in use in oar Academies and Sehoa
together with a good assortment of SlatiO
cry, etc.
The above goods have been carefully sle
ied and will be sold at very reduced price.
The undersigned also continues to tnanofaa
lure Boots and Shoes of every description to
order, and from his Ions; experience and a
determination lo spare no effort or expense to
please, he hopes to merit and receive a libr
ihareof business. JOHN HOUGHTON.
Lewisburg, May 8, 1853
I'Htvertilit MeMrine:
fiTu Aoxs Ctu at Row tan's Taxi .
TUX. Calwersity of fre Medleina and Powalar KM
.law, chart. r-d by tba State of r-onnsTlsawsa a
Ust suaioa (via. Suib April, saainlj , tho aia
of arresting the aeila mailing fosa the sal of so ana
wad dasucernuMoatruais, also far taw aaraoaool ansa
iaf the fublic with reliable remedies in aaaaa waorw
the naUent ran aot ablaia or will wot aaole.y tha hw
i : i .... I r. k.ln, nweebaaejl that lnsalnatlo rsaa
adr, stowand's Toaie Millars, oa accwaat of Iu Jnat
aeiebrity and know a eatcaey la tha trwatacowl at
aad Aue,aad its kindred aSTeatlons, has aohssllatloa la
r-eoamiendlai ilia U bi(hut tarau to tha aatfoBaga
of tiieaailclcd.
sanetioa, in like aianner, to tha ree.ly r Howal Co SB
t.ut,"aowll known as Kowaad'a Coairaaa Sjraa a
ilaekborry Knot, ana earaestly reeoaiaioBd It to tha eon
Sdence of patieoU afflicted with Ibeearoaaalarnla, awlan
leg it to ha imalaablein tba laaalniaat of aaeh
r Hon. ll.ary X. Itroag.
lion. t. K. ITIardgeB,
Br oraarof IhaTrsaUat, 1 John H. kWaand, II. a.
JDK. A.hloo. Kay,.
I lloctor otr. cm.
atatll eoaaainaleatlons to ha adilrssaade Joha
Boaaad, M. l, head of tha PbaraiarauUcal iMautaaaat
acd Presidantof tha tal.er.ity.
llonw bisaanaary aadooa,.No.7 SoatkaoaaiulMn.
ttraneh lipaaaryat tatsStmwof
lr. I. A. U. TUoa.NTON St CO.. UsatuSmwa.
ANTED 30 to 60.000 ft Maple 6) by
SO to 30,000 do 4 oy
If to 20,000 ft S in Jth pi a
SO to 3U.CU0 ft I i do
to be delivered this coming Fall and Spring
the bank of the River at Harmburw. Lumber
of good quality and strait grained is wied.a
Proposals will be received till Bept, 1 fa
furnishing the above, and persons sending pro
posals will sure the quantity and quality of lb
rtirlereni kinds they can furnish. and when.
Terms of payment cash on delivery and
inspection. Address (post-paid)
410 W.O. U1CKOK, Hamsbarg. fa.
SrYK.ES. sfc H1WI would inform the
public that ibey have filled up a
ijijch) ixpMvjltj for aOqp.rMO.tif.ina.
in the New Building over Dr.Thornton's Dru
Store entrance at the Jinl door, op alairs
where they are prepared lo perform any work
ta their line in the best style of the art. W
can take pictures at almost any hour la the
day. Children taken as well as adults aad
other pictures copied.
As we have now a permanent location, filled
nn nnrnoselT and exclusively for Daguarreo-
typing, we think we can remter entire aauisiao-
tion, and respecitnlly tender our services.
Lewisburg. Aug. I, 1853 J L HAWS.
JACOB DYER, Cattawissa,
Would inform his obi riertd and the
nnblic eenerallv on the West and Aorta
ttrai.ch.thal he Continues to keep ihe STAGE
HTEL, n the center of the Town, and asks
a lair share of patronage. SepU el
TTaRESERVING and Pickling JARS just recti
I and for sale at the Mammoth Drng Store.
Aug 10
)l'ST ree'd and for sale at the Mammal
Drurf Store a large supply of Dr. Green's
cennine BITTERS, for cure ol Dvsf epsia. ete.
Ti(Uorapblc PrlBalaia; oner,
i and a large quantity ol PIC I I RES, foi
Framing, and for Di awing Teachers.
rt. iiiLnn.tR,
N.W. Corner Fifth and Market 8i
rrc ivi.il FRENCH Lanenaees. lraw
ine. Painting, and Draughting, laught by H.V
Lewisburg. Sept. I.
Small Frofilt and Quu t Side!."
WE lake this method of informint the
public that we have fitted up lb. old
where we would invite especial -
our stock of
Groceries and FISH.
which can not fail to please, eilher in regar.
to price or quality. Our goods have been
bought for cash, althe lowest price, and will
be sold on accommodating terms.
C SII will be paid for ail kinds of Grain
and the very highest price paid, in goods, u-r
every description of Domestic Frtduer.
Turtleville, iay, loo
Hap of Union Connty.
ATOWin course of preparation, a MAP ol
i Union County, 20 by 17 inches in size,
exhibiting all the principal Boonlainai sn
streams, township and borough
and streets, post-offices,churebes.millsjtbot..
houses. Ac. &C with Ihe fYJx"
line. It will be sold at SUC0 la plain style
1.21 whert colored, 1.25 with muslm back anr
rollers, and 1.50 when mounted and colore
The subscriber asks il.e loan of drafts. e.
as he is demrons of making a cajrrecl. hand,
some, and useful rnapt and asks the patron
age rt ine puous
Lewisburg, May 19, 166.
Dr. Jacob Ilorlacber,
TOTANIO PHYSICIAN, having regaintV
his health, ha. resumed hi prneriee e
ine healing art. Ilissupenor ialis is i"
in great demand, and all orders suplid a;
usual, i . Nrw Berlin. May , I9S4
inied aadf
CHO0L rfSDEKS rieillr pi
tale at the Ohrrmiclt Orate
Tuesday. October 10
Whig TickejL
Ao. roor
CcaMl tmit.ior,rr
Ccwoty Corn raj aaiuLeT
JHL5i I). KUMIG, (sUu-Diy.)
BegiaUsr a SsCakrlar
JAIiPr V. ritKXIXG lON, (Bit.
alOUN f. SbEkOU). (Anti Di.V
iOBN SCUBAt.K, tar
UUiC Y & liOYEK. '
fudy ! 9oprem Cburt
-.. . . .
rantBnM kiQaai Law.
FUR a Piohihktvrj L'qvot Law, or
A(AI.aTa ProhibMorj Liaoor Law.
Democratic Ticket.
Venal Cta.raladiooer
1E.NBY 3. M3TT.
County CofawiiaaTOtief
Keg isR vV Rrrorfh r
Judge of PopreroolCMri
NoaiBiToaT LiQroa Law.
FOR rrt.hiMnry LitKf Law, or
GAINST Pnsa.hi.of Luor Law
i ji
A 1
S :
i ii..
r U
H a
' ii
. . .