CHRONICLE BURG 1 v M , i mm aaa r II. C 1IIOKOK, Editor. O. N. WOUDEN, PniJfTEH. "" -rickets '. Tickets ! ! Any person desiring Kleciion Tiekcl, can be accoinnioJd at tie rate of f 1 nor thousand Cash. ... X3. We have done printing for noth- ing. LEWISBURG, UNION COUNTY, FENN., FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1854. VOLUME XI. NO. 26. Whole Ncmber, 546. Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hamp shire, and Maine. Thus far, Mr. G row's prophecy is verified. Dir "VT WECIAL.-g.lS.S.h- JV.1. oovuan .TT ti?"'Tbe right of private interpretation' is an American right, which neither Ro manism or Know nothingism can deprive us of. In the exercise of this right, the editor of the Bloomsburg Star gives the following 'free translation' of the above advertisement in a late Chronicle: 'It means of course a special nieeiin? of the Know Nothings on the I 1 1 1 at it o'clock, the The Fair. v, ,i occurs t!ie Fair, Cattle Show i c ! T ..sUhnr" Are our Citizens, letters 'vovitan" desitrnalin? the place, anil and Sale at Uwi. tmre ,,.,.;'! the whole is signed 'nV meaning a blow the Officers, and the sc.eral t ommitt.xs m making ample preparations for satisfactory t.infuun,,, if not critical." Another arrangements, and a good display ? gentlemen informs us that Lc has "found fc-A meeting of the Officers aud tliC h a put;t mf8ns a ,pocial battle, with Committees is particularly desired at the ! Ja,r Jn hauJ ie Vtth moon t,f ti,e 0:h Office of the rrcsutcni on cuiuru,.y month ,Q ,0 espt.i t;lC i),,u't Knowtu, at 1 o'clock. 1 -'I- "Sectiox 'J. That if a majority of the quite calm sinco it became a county seat non-iawyer yet. cuoseu uu.uor .o. voters of said county of Schuylkill, quali- again, we infer that there were at least i last thirty years. A eio torlc Iribuae. fied as aforcraid, voting on said question of removal shall decide in the manner provided in the first section of thin act, in favor of the removal of the seat of justice, in said county, to the borough of l'otts ille, the citiietis of Pottsville, in taid county, shall erect, or cause to be ended, at their own proper expense, within 3 years from and after Mieh election, in the bor on Mi of Pottsville, aforesaid, SITITA W.K WILDINGS, OF MUCK Oil STONK, FOU A COUKT HOl'SK and different OITICKS FOR 'J' UK SAFK KKKP 1XG OF THE Cor.NTY KKCOUDS, under Ihe direction of the county commis sioners for said county, who are htTeby authorized to receive a convey ance for a lot or lots of ground, for the use of the county of .Schuylkill, in fee simple, clear of all incnnibraneos, the said buildings to be erected on such lot or lots of ground thus conveyed ; vwl the county coimmt tinners for tiiil county are herrht mihort- M mil require,!, A I THE Three yo-ts a, f the Circnicl ings from Xauvoo." Uettcr yet. Theso commentators are all mistaken op s.ll CtU'NTY.f" emf luilJ tho Democratic E liter' the notice was, we aro conlilent, intended uifn'.r i 1)1 .1 1 I'hlMJ.N .u" jaiij, i.rted his opinion ' for a joke merely the I) K X."s being : of l rkk or stone, in said borough of l'otts- 1 ' I .... . . . IIIln irltln a..! 1 tlir.u, vi.irj !ifli'P RUL'll that Wm '. r wo..ld be elected G J7cr-1 no political organization whatever, out a ".,' tnai inn. j 1 , , . . , , , . election, as aforesaid, nor over tho t" e i incumbent, m. . somewhat largo aud iiunrganwcd bo.y in ' " '' . . ! . . j. :t i :i r Afr .'it ami rxiJtftt pntuiont Y. J jlinton. As the K.Iitor is atsent, a siaie oi naiuro, quae uocm-, aim ) j ' ' - county scat instead two sides to the question. Col. Best, in his last week's pupcr, in effect confirms Mr. Cook's opinion of the benefits of Division to Montour, by the following brief facts : 'The Court terminated on Tuesday evc-i ning, on which day all the Jurors wire discharged. j "The County Treasurer, ColDeeo, was prtsccr, with ample fuuds to cash all couu ty orders. Our couuty the hands of the present Comuiissioui rs, aie well managed, and altogether Montour county is prospering, although it does uot aQord much law business, or require protracted scssious of the Court." Amon" the resolutions offered we select the three following : UcvJinl, That the passage by the fra-ni'-rs of the Constitution aud tha fathers The Lewisburg Chronicle. of the republic of the Ordinince or liSi jj. 1MirMlplUhtlBtlt jwmpirw: itu.Ut clearly established as a cardinal principle ;i!DZw .. ;i,... .I... Kl.,e ..knnt.l l.o forever1 "" "'""-ly 1nertH viiiu " .in. ...... L . j " ?iuTrt on. wK. 2it ttati eh nn.hiliiteJ in the territories of the Luitcd . r. To t t.r is I I Mt're.intil!i not .1. the Whig Tulli-her take.: plcaMire turning the c"iiipiimciit,at this late day, It will :u re-! persuaded to follow in the track of their j,U3 rcnr'e voted. 1V, bv rcsprctive file lead, rs. i 'svilIe f jr.t!' of Testimony of Cllntoa County. Lock Haves, Sept. 21, ISot. II. C. Hickok., E-d Dear Sir : I have i received your letter propounding certain questions, as follows, &ud you will rlud my answer appended to each : 1st. "What was the cost of your (Clinton) County buildings when fiuished fur use ? Are they sufficient for the wauts of the county, aud were they erected by taxstiou?" Kiplj. The cost of the Court House land Jail amounted to about SJO.OuO. flIFDI1T FAUIIV JntTBJil, ratio! on Frilay Mirniii'jt, at Lewiilurtf, Union amity, l'eitutytriiihi. TT.R VI I.SO p.r Tar, ror aotutlJ in xlni: clearly established as a cardinal principle iiiDZi. oumWr. mitt, f I.T J-ir. r.n.r nil. fiiorth nf a St-itcS. ! .l.i.f.1.. !u . vmp. Huff .... . h.lf Drwr. Y.-arlv l?,iJrrtJ That we Cordiallv approve of ltl-aiu ub.Rt blf r. IA rau p.rll--Ilt Uitutteil, 1IUIW8 euraiiiij J f" lio;1tomilrlonxprim.r,161r.ii:r,Unniarll. the firm aud manly stand of the Wtiigj Ditina option i with ih. p.ii.iibr. h n Senators Of the State Of XeW York in do- 4a.-rem.tpMl; DlIntre.tonllrc.antdBe. fense of the rights of the t ree fctates, and Bol muhm h. nu of rutr m wUui ..t,., ah maintenance of the principles and policy i i-tt.r to -m pot pi.i. reomrni i.j th. oi. n.i ' , .... . i .i . . 1 . ! tiMnt of th wrttw. V feoH utrnlion. tfThnm. of the nig part v, and that we tenuer , r,i,j, fXchi-iiy to ti witnriii n.(;rtin.i.t. to i our grateful thai-ks to those members of ;on-!,thMe0" ton "rets who resisted witu hiea naciny i Tll. ..ivktu; telehrapu u i-tiin th.on' ,. . n the breach of public faith involved in the i SXEZXJ?' ! '"e".y Apples not under 10 kind, or r peal of the Missouri Compromise. o,nn-t-i -itn h.o!n-r...pi mtwW format i les than S buhels in all,J.or R.and i:rilcrl. That bv the act procurir.2 tl.c kin l. repeal of the Missouri Compromise we h-dd that we are forecr discharged from best bnshel Buckwheat best 3 acres Barley 21 best bft crop Potatoes, not ntidr acr 3d best best bushel Sweet Potatoes do Commua Potatoes best 2 acre Turnips best bushel Turnips best J acre t 'arn.U best acre Beeu best bushel Heels best J acre Kuia Baga Tarnips best acre Beans, J. or R. and 2d best best peck Beans best peck Peas best lot Cabbage best 2 Pumpkins FRVIT. best lot Winter Apples, not onder 4 kinds, a peck of each kind, all raised by the person presenting, J. or tw ana all obligations to support auy compromise with Slavery, except such as arc contaiucd in the Constitution of the United States; and mo-t especially that we are forever rJeascd from all obligations to admit into our Union any State which sanctions or permits Slavery. Important Correspondence ! New Bf.rlix, Sept. 20, 1854. JO IN V. MA.VKD, f JOB PI5INTINO, hich will h. ex-intcii with I best 1 bushel Apples best specimens fears best specimens Plums, 3 or more kinds neatm-d- anj .lepati-h n.l on rr.-ouM t.rm. .0V 'Hi Martft S-iiur, sorth nttoiul rtory. Zi itutt bor lb t'ott 03"r.. O. W. WORDEN, Proprietor. ... . . tii ititnirpnt. iif.i prnifi? nr rrwi.'.i iri. Ihe trtitu is tnerc n mucn unncccsa- - c r i r f , f c ' e .i f ,r l ic I'COIi lil 01 t inn i ui ui ai j - JO.-SliU V V. C OMLi. tisouircs. nonreturn from tha.fuecesl" lumber ry fear of tats oow orgamz-ttton-a .JJ UtU CoUrt IIoU?e , J1 Leiu ; joVlI CASE. 'S , , trir," down the river, aai Lave J make whi.-h does not exist agam-t similar secret i . . , .nVlI1 j..,,ti- arranced. These I Gentlemen : Enclosed ' I !. i i .i Tl .. liouse auu unices tor tue coumy rccorur.. . - ..... t i . i 1 way for Jamcs VU.ui:k. poh teal ni.d other associations. The rea- , (;IU(ispi(,,r.s J ,.nt p a buiidiugs were erected by taxation. Gov. liigler is personally a ,c-y ra- s;., A XA.m r,,,s J,,,,. Ilf stJ;. at he I 21 " Are the taxes of Cli.itou county ble man, and we are gbd to see that the .,J.u,t..m A. r , , Tlius i Ij(.rc..ptibiv li)lhlt hi,b,r iu proportion ,o ZTlZ'lL Hon. Abrah,,n The Farmer. OJicers of the Union Countr Agricultural Society. rrcsiJent Jacob Gundy, East IIufTalo. I7c ire$ii.Ie nts S.jrrrr. !ntuz. Pfm i ytft B. ll.inu.' K K. MU'iil, H'iui.,1 l-c Erin, I u Hk&t e. Kteil vunr i t! 1. 1 t tttK y ?( . iff 'tllttrttk l J n aw. .i;, flnie Ui 2.00 1.00 3,00 2,00 1,00 so 2.0i 0 2.W .(0 50 64 I.U0 SO 60 60 1,00 l.CO 1,00 1,00 1.00 I.OO l.OO 1.00 1,00 .I'TOI IIZVTKR. H ! T Uu.kftliX. H. tEtartr J toil Si.t.;:s Omitrtult JM n 1LT, UarLry best peck Quinces peck reaches best lot (j rapes, 5 lbs. or more DA1KY PRODUCTS. be-t 10 lbs. or more Bauer, a silver bat ter knife and 3,00 (no 2.1 best nffcred for) best Cheese, 25 lb, or more 2,00 best lot Honey, 25 ibs. or more 1,00 Fl.olU -I.Yi) BREAD. beM barrel Wheat Flenr 1.00 i best 50 ll. Buckwheat Klour 1,00 jtcvj.t rrffti: besl spcmen Klour Bread, with written iTlVI'Z&T state.,, of manner of makinf it 1.00 best Kve ai:J Indian, same conditions i,uw HOVSF.HOLD MA .V UFA CTVRES. Lecu conduced W,fvf iioircr wimous revealing us. u , , I,, orlv wri. .,, ten vmm S UM. lwS.i,t J.l.r of the 20: h 1 resent campaign has without abuse on either side. Hut it c:in to the public eye. Know .vj.liingism is ; not be denied that Gov. D'gler as a pub'.ic the Ithuriel's spear to Jesuitism ! j man baa been unfortunate. Ills choice of, In illustration of this opinion, wc point ! Officers has often been unpopular he has , to our State Election. It is understood, , appeared to be on both sides of the JJank, i that the Know Nothing voto will be east i Temperance, Division, and other questions for Pollock (Whig) for Governor, and for and in various local quesfious, has man-' Mott (Democrat) for Canal Commissioner aged to alienate both opposing interests. ' ...not that theso gontlemen arc cither of Ilis opposition to the sale of the Public them Know Nothing, but because they AVorks, as expressed in his Message, is not; prtfer them to their opponents. 1' in accordance with tax-payers' and boat- i is obnoxious to them because of Lis alleged men's views of policy. I':s recommend.- special devotion to Irishmen and Catholics, ; tiona in favor of thve-hol.'.'.ng in this particularly for his choice of Campbell as . ... ... T I . . . ' I ; . fM.....;.,l V(.4n A ttArnr fr,.r- tlo State tor asuort time, rpent a. u - - , o... v -v, dt.Ut to the growing coal business,rec,uired repairin; i ft.;,a r,,f,lon f Aii,. oti r.eor.le had rei'Ctcd him as Judiie. And : . ,c. " ... . previous to the division ?" Judicial District of I'euu'a, or his succe3- a l,.- ,... ,,..,! The reader will obs-rve that the Lew 1. The were never very hh , jor isburg bond is for -all the nrcessnry Bail- an this county for county purposes, and 1 , rf . anJ tlie fcat of Ji:,s ami yrounih." What was promised do not thiuk they were at any taue higher ( justjce iocatcj atlewisburg, that the ncc-f.j- Pott.-vil!e by the law was Court House than iu the old counties of Lycoming aud cc,af arv prjuuds glall be purchased, aud and County Ouices only while, as if to '. Centre, from which Clinton was erected. the whole of the Couuty Buildings erected mx-,n M hut the veriest fo.ds from a do.. ; The couutv was or 'anized iu the tall oi ; without uxatiou w me pu..c u. oUU- Vorr'j .S' r'y Uiehd V.B Lincoln.llartley. b" lU'.j Sec'yO. X. Wordon, Lewisburg. ool Flannel, 10 yards cr more Our county tax is now (1S5 1) 2i ; As this is a matter ot vast importance " 1 " v. , ,r,,i gniue persons arc There is w r-j-t --- .. , . ,. i.o. if f.itthnrri l.t.d "lit La. L rj sm. lti!-it.i.''1-v-r! best Fulltd Ciolh, 10 yards or more 2,00 1,0V 1,00 All Treiturer Robert II. Laird, h-tst Buffalo. : . (. ,.,- an(i Wool do. 10 rds or more 1.00 Librarian Samuel Weirick, New Ut.rlin. j best WooicnV'arnCarpeung,5jds or more 2,00 ExtcutUe.l'vm. Jas. P. Uoss, Iewibiir2. I 2d best t.00 do IsaacSlcuker.XewBjrlin i beM "S Carpeting, 6 yds or more 1,00 Jo Henry W. Snyder, Penns ,rth RllR 1,00 -v t t i a -L .i T best 4da. pairs Men's Woolen Half Hose 60 'in f ;i no De ai Leu rsuurj?. bet woo!8bwi i Oct. 5 & G, 1854. Committee of Arrangement. GEO. F. MILLER, Chairman. Jusatuax Wolfe, Joseph M.Sesbit, Francis Wilson, sibilitv of mistake, the same section inilSlO. express terms requires the erection of a mills to the do.lar of valuation. lnere w I jout WUttUer said Bond will be ti'ntt'iv pii-ou or Jail by County iaxes. j more revenue now in iue coumj iuJU aw cn tbohe wu0 signed it ; having jllUS Kun0j The bonds it will lie seen are not alike, ipay all Her liabilities, .uesmea tuo utt- connaeuce in your legal uoiuues, x nor was Pottsviile required to put up a ! tiou ot tue public ouuuings, tuu euuuij ; ue.-ire you to gnu iue am uu Jail. The larL'e increase of criminals iuei- ihas b Geokde R. Bi.tss, John Chambeelin IIenp.i W. Fkies. John ALcxANbta. keep Ingitivcs, partion oi A.ovru, m . -.- pe,T,c " , 7 fc v ' largo and strong new Jail, somewhere ; ing S8000. alorious attempt to cet M'Creary from ; IUnstE is "spotted by the Know Xoth-; ? ... ,.. .... ' I , 5 . . " . 1 l. t l,V.o Lnrii 'ilinTlf nils as ..asj lot m v'uu V I J. "J Low, the Jesuit governor oi .viaryiauu . iog, mnum ut rr" all these, have alienated the Free Soil De-' a year before he came to America. But, ecu at great expense iu erccling and ful examination, and furnish me in writing F beslPlaUi0Bo be rin- bridges-one bridge aloue cost-j ''t'1 opinions, whether or not sa.d MMnn we ,' c Bond will be biudiug in case the Division servlce season Premium (tor 1S34. UORSKS. natd when he has been ! best Straw Hats, 6 or more limits of the Society one ', beat demesne Snap, 5 lbs. or more 2d best best pound Woolen Yarn best ti Ji;t 2i best bst Bedspread 2d best best specimen Needlework 2.1 best best Lamp Mat best Knit Tippet best Wrooht Shoes best 2 pairs Mittens best specimen raised Worsted i ork 50 60 2.00 1,00 1,00 60 1,00 60 60 60 60 60 60 1,00 1,00 takes tilace, and thescat of Justice located " Is there any general inclination , ag therein set forth. An tarly answer is it at Pottsville as at Orwigsburg. tj Lave Lycoming and Clinton counties most respectfully requested ... " , . - , T i " i." .1. l. rrs A u i roocracy. ins reiusai to ai l in cxprcssiuj; oarMo is i cnu t vs.- the voice of Pennsylvania against the Xe- not a word of sympathy is expressed for braska outrage a voice which would have : Mr. Dauio by any of the presses or orators tilled the bill is especially obnoxious. : who wc p barrels cf crocodile tears over I the "proscrij.tion' of Irish and German . Scotchman and repeat, then, the people of Pottsville did :re.unitcd as they were befure the division?" honorably carry out both in letter and in j li.u'y. Xo such inclination has exis- Your Obedient Servant, James Macshall. pirit the stipulations of the act of Assciu-1 tcucu within the limits of Clinton county, . To THE IIo.V. JAME3 MaHsHALL. It is chiefly, however, his want of fair, i open, manly, direct hostility to Slavery j Catholics ! O no, he is a Scotchman ai extension, which has injured his standing a Protestant and they can't support hi bly uudcr which they all acted. j but every person is content aud more than And now what become of the whole- j satisfied, silo slanders Leaned upon the people of i , tv. np ., nnt ti.B pn(,ral service season $j.oo 2J fcct, same conditions best Breeding Mare, one or more of ber colls to be shown 2d best, same conditions best lidding Horse, not over 7 years 2d best j best 3 years old Colt best 2 years old Colt our i best sucking Horse Colt .VAMFAVTUREV A&TICLES. Yours of the 20th inst., requestin opinion in relation to a certain bond sign- ! best . U sv:, n....,. ...I ...1 ! Lpst suckjnS Mare Colt P.atbviilc and of Lcwiaburg, by the New j interC3t3 0f the pffoplo of the two cuuntics j to tllC 1Ion- Abraham S. WiUon, Lq., m v - .. . . . iiuui i r in n una uiiimin iiuu lulu . . uiil.'. 1 i i: i i .. . i. . i . . n ' iuu buiii n uu i uuuotu4 uuuui o. via among a people who I,- liberty aud Late . They strike hands with the 6ft ; onr honest fcllow i rT, 1 W 1U tW dition. tW, case the county of Union oppression, ..... . . i . .1 T .. !. ttti'lt 10 iTeveiu uis cieei.vii. .t;i. iut ; . . - ... - - ,. . , i . .l . t --"'. 'i ;,;,.. 'n r. ft...t ,., ilin Wm .... . . i : , . i .... . I L,nn1.l Lb diriiii'il at the next session of ocratie aud Foreign voto bo cast for "" " ".. - , . ," . "ave- Clinton county is in a ueciueu siaie - . Altogether, there is a wide-spread dis-,Dem ... -. - 1. I I, .M nd lukewarmness srn-..- his the honest ana capable scoicn l ro.ctaut, former supporters, and erir county con-) and they will give proof positive that it is ventions of Lis own party have refused to Republicanism and not Jesuitism they are ; recommend him, even since his re niioin-! lo fiercely vociferating for. Intelligent : ntion. Ilcah Frazer, the '-War" of Foreigners will regard tLc present contest Lancaster, and Lundrcds of prominent j as a test whether the Whigs or Demo Democrats in different parts of the Slate, ! crats most respect the rights of adopted ; Levc openly expressed their opinion that! citiietis. " j Gov.Bigler, 1'iKe bis predecessor, will be a jjjew Berun Intentional Deceptions. Cameron, Wm.I'rick, Byers Amnions, Eli of prosrc.r;ty aud a largo share Mifcr, It. I'. biw ller, lhos Hayes, Josepn j nust fce atttiLutoj to the erection of the Very respectfully, C. A. MAYF.R. of this ! the Legislature, aud the majority of the 1 2J Des, 2i best PLOW! SO MATCH. best Plowing, regard bs in? had lo the skill of workmen aud discipline of teams as well as execution of the work, rather than time, provided it be done within a reasonable time 3.00 best sinsie Watron 2,00 best specimen Cabinet work "4)0 3.00 best Dress Coat !. 2.U0 '. best Vest W 3.00 ; best Wagon Harness 1.00 2,00 best d. z. Calf Skins finished 1.00 2,00 best I duz. Kip Skins 1.00 2.00; best i doi sides Sole Leather 1.00 1.50 : best lot finished Leather any other kind 1,00 1,00' best do, pairs Thick Boots 1.00 1,50 best 2 pairs sewed Calf Boots 1.00 1,00 best 2 pairs Ladies' Kid Shoes 1,U0 AGRICULTURAL LVPLEMEAJS- ' best improved Sward Plow j 2d best I best improved Seed Plos f 2d best 3.00 best Subs. il Plow 2 00 , best firain Reaper , - 11 lit ri- i.:m T 1... it-. .11. I..,; .leixeii, 1 limp iiumycr,uuuu 11 aus, oas i IR,W jouuty. I. L,mn, James i.risweii, James 11 ayes, Lewis L'.dings, A.M. Lawshe, Peter Beaver, John Chambcrlin, Charles Penny, Chs D. Kline, Levi Sterner, Solomon Bitter, II. ! " one term Governor, and that nothing but apathy on the part of the Whigs can defeat Judge Pollock. How Goes the Tide ? The following is the opinion of Hon Galusha A. Gaov,the Democratic Mem ber of Congress from the Wilmot District, Pennsylvania, who is now running Lis third term for Congress, without a com petitor, lie maintains, now, tue same stand as Le did when he uttered tLe proph ecy found below, (while opposing the re peal of the Missouri Compromise, on the floor of the Xational.IIousc of Represen tatives, in May last,) and we understand is opposed to the re-election of Gov. Bia lf.r: But, sir, as an early and constant friend of this Administration, I desire t!' defeat of this bill; for its passa i.iil. : 1 my judgment, insure, beyond a doubr, an anti Administration maioritv in Iob next Con- cress. As an earnest and devjtcd 1: tend ' of tho Democratic party, to wiiich I have given my best energies from my earliest political action, I desire the defeat of this bill ; for its passage will blot it out as a national organization, and, leaving but a wreck iu every northern State, it will live only in Listory. As a lover of peace, Lur mony, and fraternal concord among the citizens of the Confederacy, and as a devo tee at the shrine of this Union, with all its precious Lopes to man, I desire the de feat of this bill ; for its passage will tear open wounds not yet healed, lacerate spirits already frcniicd, and " the Lond of confidence which unites the two sections of the Union will be rent asunder, and j years of alienation and unkindness may intervene before it cn be restored, if ever, to its wonted tenacity and strength." Sir, this is the only element of discord that can ever sunder the bonds of this Union ; and there is one method to render even this harmless. And that is, faithfully to observe all the compromises and recon ciliations of ita conflicts, and henceforth banish it forever front these Ilalb. Since NeLriekality was made an Ad ministration measure, the Administration Mr. MAYER, is Clerk to the Commis sioners of Clinton coantv, and is therefore W. Fries, Jonathan, Saml Gcddcs, ; wci nualified to testify ia retard to the Couuty buildings, and procure the grounds John Houghton, A. J.Weidonsaul, David 'latter. The valuation of Clinton emuty necessary on which they are to be erected, ! Rebcr, Jonathnu W one, and G. K Miller ;;s Tate at icss than 52,000,000 qualified voters should decide by ballot, best done by a boy nnderSO years of age 2,00 ; hest fi.ass Cutter that the county buildings for the northern part (to be called Union County) thould be located in tho Borough of Ltwiaburg," tho obligors "shall erect or cause to be erected aud constructed all necessary best unproved Horse Kak be.-t Liiae-Spreader het portable Cider Mill best mirtable Clover Hull.r which is' without taxation to the County; the Luild- J best, same conditions 2.00 b,it j. scythes ,. . 1 i.i-.t-i. oc-t u w tor mock .,w t.est tloz. nav orKs promise, over their owu bauds and seals, ,(e (h!ni icss tuan c;tuer Uuion or Snyder! mgs arc to bo completed within eighteen 8 or more J)ai Cows c,wnfl an , d Ialinrt. ForIt, Ai.ll CA11LL. hesHirain Drill Yest Bull, not under 2 nor over 5 years 1 Dest Corn Drill eld, kept within the limits of ihe Society j 5, Fannin; Mill one service season 3,00 Desi Culuvaior 2d best, same conditions 2,00 Dest Harrow best Hull Calf 2,U0 : b,.,, R,,lt.r best (. ow for all purpose?, I of her Calves to be shown as evidence of her breed ing, and full statement in writiue of her Dairy qualities 3.00 IT- J . r.ti.,,,1 (a mncA ,7 tl 1. . 1 1 1, r lLt, 1- - l.;h il. ...moir. ' in as solemn and binding form as can be , woujj iiaT ;n ne 0f a Division. The i mouths after the location is determined s on-ueJ and unscrupulous wircworkers lf lhat th'S crctt ccrt; f1' ., K0.000 Court House and Jail were built, aforesaid, and not to be inferior to those - , : .1...:. .1 I iffts ill a given contingency, iho best ,e understand .when prices for labur were , recently erected at Moouisburg in the .New t,cr i u. 4 . -. Pennsylvania have 1 ui,rfl(.r ,Lm now County of Columbia, and also to be sub-' S yar old Heifer. Jair 11. and SI. or 2.00 j upon a too-credulous community. Wc ' . uiBmr man now. j i Cow civin-greatest amount of Butter 2.00 1 . ,;, nnr -nnu on .licet I Prf'nounced ,u0 hoai Val,J a,lJ biudiug. fWc Lave thus given our readers the ject to the approval to the Court and Com- best 1 year old Heifer !.' r 1 ,L. r..futo all their soh- ru kuow tLo3 wca to lo mcn c'f cha, icxpcrieneo of the counties of Juniata, j missioucrs of the County in which such best hener Calf. J or R. or . ' , , tacter ot reputation; you know them . A.ll,nft.l. . nn. Ham onr Tinner . 1 J lstry mm ia.suooos, j circulate much iu the regions where suca impositions are swallowed without thought or investigation. But wo have occasionally exposed the falsity of these efforts, nud now propose to investigate another. The Timet Las repeatedly asserted that the pcopb of Pottsville agreed to build a Court House and Jail for Schuylkill Co., on the removal of their seat of justice from a geographical to a business center, but that they cheated the people by erec ting a Court Houso and Public Offices only, and erecting a Jail by an enormous tax upon the people and that Selinsgrove and Lewisburg would do the same. The .S''nr of List week, alluding to the Lewis burg guaranty, made another Matcmcnt in refereuue tu the same matter, as follows : "The time kind nf vomit were given in Schuylkill county, when tho county scat of that county wa3 removed from Orwigs bur to Pottsville, trhirh rouhl never be rid l.n.J, and the COUNTY HAD TO ERECT THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS- The same statement in varied forms is made by the New Berlin orators who invite themselves out to humbug the people and shower their abuse upon Lew isburg aud Selinsgrove. These "suborned witnesses" who bave conspired like some of old to crucify tLe truth, niigLt bo condemned on account of the essential variation in tLeir testimony But we proceed to bLow that they Lavo falsified not only the people of Tottsville, but aUo the act of Assembly. Any one can satisfy himself on this point with very little trouble. - Just turn to the V ampniet tn ' Clinton, .Montour, Columbia, Carbon, buildings are to bo erected" ke. You in- bo men who would scorn to deceive men !an(j VvoMINO, all of whom bear witness j quire whether this Bond is valid and bind- who would not write down their own mM-hat small counties 10 of iaerrare the my with their own hands. Yet John M. amuunt of taxation upon the people, when Baura aud Isaaa Slcnkcr, Charles and ,u nrc gQ crf ctt(t as to conform to tho ucorge .uerrui, jonn rtviticioru ana ti m. arrangements of nature, and the conven- Lesdcr and their satellites, denounce tho ;L, 0f t. US citizeus of Lewisburg as base villains, intending to deceive the people by a frau dulent aud worthless guarantee ! It is for you to say which you will believe the honorable and high-minded gentlemen whose bond is pronounced good by the i best lawyers in the State ; or the whole sale dcf.imcrs who resort to every conceiv able deception aud falsehood to uphold a desperate cause. ieuces of trade and travel. Cltronitle. New York. The Whig State Convention on Wednes day evening, Sept. 20, agreed on the fol lowing nominations : -Mvron II. Clark, of Ou- For Governor tario. For Lieut. Governor Henry J. Ray mond, of New York. For Canal Commissioner Henry Fitz htigh, of Oswego. For Prison In?pcctor Norwood Bowne, . r x 1 1 imes insinuates that the letter published L ' ' , by us from Mr. Cook of Danville was not r. Liars nas . designed for the public eye. Tho suspi- throughout .. is senator.-. -SKI falscas tl uianLr of its arPL those termed "Seward men ha, eter All the letters we j been wuu im.- resistance to Slavery Aggression, aim uas nontoor and Columbia. An anonvmous rorrcstiotideut of a late . . ranco is despicable. hu lost ever? Northern State in which an Laws for 1847, pages 330 and 331, and lection has been held-Iora, Vermont, yon will Cud the following provisions: Z Zr Ibcen an early, constant aud zealous cham- solely f ir general information. The trouble about tho pcrlormaoco oi tho contract at Bloomsburg is alluded to, also, by way of exciting suspicion. The Commissioners of Columbia county paid some 52500, out of tho county treasury, f..r work on the county buildings which the contractors declared to be extra, and pion of the Maine Law. It had not a more determined supporter in the late Senate. It is a rather noticeable accident that the Whig State Ticket comprises two Ed itors and never Lawyer. Mr. Clark, the candidate for Governor, is a thrifty bard- ware merchant at. nuiniuau. , I best best yoke Steer Calve. J. or R. or TEAMS. best team of Oxen from any one township 8 pairs or more 4 years old or more best spaa of Working Horses 2d best best span of Matched ITorses SHEEP. best French Menoo Buck, kept within the Society limns i years sniyE. farm, Dot less than 10 head, J. or It. and OXEy A.V) STEERK ing aud capable of King enforced against J bm pair of Oxen, 4 years old or more the obligors, if the events therein spccilied should happen ? We have examined tho Bond, and are clearly of opinion that the same is valid and binding, and that, if the County should be divided by the Legislature, and the Seat of Justice be located at-Vritatd.. Lewisburg, as contemplated in oestttLamos the Condition of the Bond, and bet Boar the County of Union should ne- jU. with l or more of her pig, to cessarily incur any expense iu be shown, j. or r. and ?i i r r i best 5 or more rigs, 2 to 10 meets old, the purchase of grounds or m j. orit. and the construction atd erection best 3 r,s poultry. thereon of the necessary County j best pair Shanghai chickens Buildings, equal m character to best pair chitta;ongs those of Bloomsburg, that to the j "jir Cocnia Chin extent of such expense not excee-; 21 be,t ding Fifty Thousand Dollars the 21! best Bond can be enforced, in the btjirrfny other brwd name of Abraham S. Wilson, for best pair Turkeys . . . i JJ best the use ot the bounty, agamsi j crops. 1I 4t. oi enrto ,rtn ovpf tltflil t hp ! bet 5 aeres Winter Wheat ail mc uwooiis " .. .... . same kept by one person, written statements het rloz. Shovels of ape, breed, yield ic. to be rendered. j beS1 J ,1,,. ll,,es "Pena'a Farm Journal" one vear. or , hfSt i Harrow Aes Arricult. Patent Olfice Kep. and !. or 2,0t; anT urv and useful improvement in any farm machine, or implement, trom I to So. accur.lit.S to its value, at the discretion of the Committee. '""I any new and useful improvement in any I household machine, implement or aru- l.Ouj cle of furniture calculated to lighten I the labor of females, from $1 to 5i. 3.00 MAM RE. len norr toaus tumj-usi ...... 3,00 1.00 2,00 1,00 1.00 s.oo S.00 3,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 so 1,00 l.OO 2.00 l.OO 2.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 2.U0 1,00 4.00 2.00 2,00 500 200 2.00 2.00 5.110 1,00 2,00 l.OO 1,00 75 26 75 SS 75 25 4.00 3.CO quality, prepared at least ex pease, br anv new process, a statement in writing to be given of materials used, mode of preparation, expense, &e. 51 best FARM ACCOUNTS. best account of Farm Operations for tLe seasonivint; the management of stock, crops, any improvement in fencing, plowing, seeding, cultivating and har vestins crops, together with expenses and income of the farm, to be presented to the Committee on Crops on or befem the first MonJay in January next, and premium awarded bv them greatest profits from i acre of land in auv crop cr crops, full statement in writing of expense of labor, manure. Ac, with true value of crop.certified under oalb, J. or R. and 2d best , The same animal or article shall take the same premium in the same class but nce.nor be allowed to take a lower premium in rank than has previously been taken bv the same. The several Committees shall have libertr to recommend Honorary be paid by the Executive Commuter as they may deem. 75 ' the fuuds nf the Society wilt warrant, and also 25 tn award Diplomas to such contributors as they To j may deem worthy cf that notice, 3,00 1.60 2.00 the contractors uwmcu j i - nut provided for in the original agree- Lugh a miller and forwarder at Oswego; uu , -t ..... 1 ml TSnwne make neivs- ment, and n sharp controversy between t. :ti p.innmsbnr!? ensued. We UdUIIUD " " - 0 Messrs. RavmouJ and Bowne make new nr. for a livins. We don't remember i i Lavo never invcstigi case : but as ated the nierita of the j another Stato Ticket in our State that was .u. ;M;nn0r nsid the not mainlv composed of Lawyers. Mr. case: uuv a iue wui... t- . . , sum voluntarily, and as Danville seems Bouck, so far as we recollect, is th. only JOSHUA W. COMLY, J. W. MAYN ARD, JOS. CASEY. 21st Sept. 1834. j 2d best, J. ut R. and j 3d best j best bushel Wheat I 2d best i best acre Spring Wheat I het 5 acres Kye The Justices of the Peace, of the Bor- 2J best . rs mi i r ' u i r be' 5 acres Indian Corn ougli of Danville, Lavo furnished persons , s emaged in selling liquor ia said borough, ! 3,1 best wHh the names of a number of citizens ; bestbushel Corn ia tars to whom they are notified not to sell, give j best & acrM Qatt , or otherwise furnish with any intoxicating , d b,st drinks. best bushel Oats 1.01 90 son 3.110 2.00 1.00 50 1.50 3.00 2.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 1,00 50 2.0A . 1.00 Lewisburg Post-Office Arrangements. tASTXRy Mails, every iUj rswt Sur-'.r. . d ml St oVIll. r. as HTSTitCX, ob Mor. Wtotair ! r.Ut. cIom at s A. X. .VOAnlv.V(WillUiDP'.rtUloDj. WfJ rri . : vt P M.of oibt prr.Ulig. 50tTl Jf.ViS!iu!iprorf ) XuX Tbutrful "'rj BUtTJLOt JC KOAI Tly nJ FrUny. rltS'!l.lrwdln(t. .Cn.i. hour. aily,icpl Son4j) fruBl snttl 11'.- A M '.. ": from 1J, M. u.t:, S. V..M. So. ls3. a. W. tBOTZSR, t. M. pv- A VARIETY of School Books. tif Blank Books, Gift Books of Holiday preseats. Peas. Ink, Letter and Cap Paper. Faner Stationery. Matratines. Papr.te.rte. for ri! dkcav t the Liwtjacas ro fita Pi in Ji1 Hi 1 i A in .1.-7