tor lir LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. SIR I a .1 f SI Hi !?. HI lift! L i . .I I'D: Jsha Smith's Family. Tlia "Tueriu Vcrin"is tbe namfl of . . ... i r n..-...,,,., society iu v,...,. - - - , '..kiiii; for its object tha developm-iit. of, :i, lo -Ici an 1 proficiency in gymnastic ... . ',yi,i to ualit ) : i (.' o li-rs. The eth'.ir uf ;v 5. ;.. s was present at a m. et- , ' use, an-1 was " 'he c-il'iii' of the nil wi:'i this JjrgJ uuuiber of "Smith's" lie - itistitii'mn. We annex : . 'i'- -.ii -lory serv'l us with: 1 ; 3 nit, i.u'ie Suiit, Suit fr .in J.J In!!, Siui'. fr.mi the holler, .Suit mil do store, S:nit mit Ji lilaclistnit ship, Sn:' mi it a lalier bier s!np, Smit mit out any "crow," S ;ii it -.v it a "vrovv," Smit mit one leg, Smit mit two h', Stnit mit lb; pi-i, Stnit in it do pig heal, Smit i.i. '!o pig feet, Siui mit i!.! '.rick yird, Surf mil il- j'lok shop, .-':.!. 'ni: .1 ! tuil gis i-i, .-' n. Hiit eye, mit In eyes, S-.. t mil .h W, Smit mit t.v.i ''vr.nvs," Smit mit d : swill i-itt, Siui mit. ili- s.-':vr stumps, Smit mit pc-iuli pi's, Siint mit ile wbikcrs, Suiit iii.t reil liair, Smit mit no Lair, Sinit. A !itv Time Sixty Yeahs AfiO -- In O il Alley's History of Western New York, j , , . , - -, . lr. Coventry, wbu settled m 1,'.(0, whm i - liis f imily, at the outlet of Sent ca 1. ike, f inoshos a sketch of tl.e ason ami the bealtb of this region f..r a series of y. ar, 1 1., s ,yJ tint -in, no rain Ml either 1 - i l I 111 tlie or JUIV; tllO Water IU Hie i IK , ' , , . re i mire luan a u.n., u - dir. t siip'lv. - times a year, afford but ' , ., ., i ..-i.i., I ,, ' . . , , . : ? tiled on lire, the ear. Ii scorci.e : .iniii.c.., S:in!l proht nidt!ed. If each one now j ..1 ...:. .11 " I.. 5tit 1 In 'sill 1 14! r sai nrtiie 1 vv 1 1. i.-jsi ut.-ui.--. 1 . ,1,,,,,,! ,,. : . was verv hialth- the coll 3 ear, .u seoaou Was .ry ful. Wf '--am from the last Lewislmrg t'liMtiiele, that several cases of eh ilera i hive recently occurred among the r- p. at the I'.p t in our lloroiigh. The ''News ' J . ti. r" speaks of similar eases near a- : liam-port. We have heard of n eis.- r. r:r than Susatiehanui Tp., about t mil 'S distant, where : Or 4 .U l l"n U.-lltl- , h ive oecurr 'd, but whether from ( u den j i ,,, . -vi . 1 .. . .:, ,. ,;, I c.r i t...!..r!i Vl ir .tls wre 11 :l Ve IIO 10 ISlt I W Hi - ' 1 1 I ftr nitim II Jlioni'port I .. : , f "3It gives us pleasure to annp-inee t ta; a p iintiiioiit of ilnam l. lmss i' the t'asluership of the trasti:v d. pa t. i' iu place of t'.d. A -a lliuiock, r '.-igo -l. Mr. B. has leu actin as a c! rk in tb i department f.r some yearn, and is eminent ly qualified the p st to which he in-h- u promoted by the sti'i treastir t t'ol. D. was an J!e and cfiVicut ofTfer, but his place is well supplied by thj new appiiiiti'C. II irrirliiirj I i"H. Gen., in a letter from Knp' itid to th Courier and Kmpiirer, writes ' the wheat crop, now being rapidly secured i'b. .i l the slight. 'st it.jnry from theocea- : i-'oual hhi.w rs which have fallen in eer l t J'. :ri. ts; and slightly retarded the . tv. .iK is d only the greatest in ex'etit. ; ;!' :'i in pr "duct ive per acre that bus ; . r been pr.dacej iu the I'uiteJ King - - j .-'hi rtn iu Webb'U. of St. I.swrenee conn- tv, isays the Kveuing Journal,) was aim in - at a deer, when a hugi bear hove in ; .: i,i II.. ..I.,, ,0-0.1 l.i aim. billed the ' bear and left the deer run. If he ha 1 j ti it done this, be would have had to too ' liims. lf,aiid as the weather was extrtm-ly : hot. this would have been uncomfortable with the bear after huu. j A Novelist's Confession. llu'.wt r ; ti," ir.velist, iii a letter to a gentleman in li.o-tnn, said, -I have closed uiy Career a- a-, I llornins Fluid. Liquors if all kinds. fr te . I ..: ,...oo or 1 me licmal p-irp.tses. Viubiis. Flutes and Ac a tntLr of bction. I am ar. I ut.- am, ronf(.rlllin rv 1 -f :iy. I have exhausted the powers life, liu-iiis; pleasure where it i not to b iVmd " Henry AVard lbjecher, in lisorgin. the ImhiirmUrtt, is out in a fli:ntn trticle : n.iinst the "street preachers. b'troet pr'iehin" he cousiders a tinisanec, ('mow nothings thecntrary notwithstanding.) aud he eilis upon the .Mayor to auui.; it. I a it It.. 1 ... ASIIlNilTOS.oepr. 1 1. us. .t oo.,., th" excellent anJ highly csteemcJ wife of 1 V .n ,,f Mi niiri ,lieJ in this citv Col. l.-uton, of Mioun, died in this city to-day. Col. 15. was passionately d vo'ed to her, anJ her death is a great Ujvt to iiiui. Her ac was about Co). Mr. Michael Lehman has the honor of ploneership in thc introduction of an onini. l-.i as a regular institution in thc tdr.tts . ... 4 . Ill"; at lilt" ItiU llt-itu iii.o-n, in ..irtiiitri -urn, of illianisport. A c trust hm cnteronse i n,,,.,,,,. lln,ifr ihe- Chronicle" and Tele will receive proper encouragement. Iranh oitiecs. where he will be happy to The srconJ Kansas party from Maa- iis"'.'s, numbering three hundred string. aicd thru' Albany on their way westward week. The advance parly send back I'.vorab'.c reports. 'J'lio merchants of Lycoming couuty give itotiee that they will prosecute tilt persons j o Jd'.ing wares, nierchandiie, Ac, as pro hibited by the act of Assembly of April, 1854. lr. Robert M. Patterson, late Director i" thc Mint, died at bis ruidence, in l'hi aicljUa, on TacaJay tbe 15th it'- . Tclegraphlns new Rate TaWo. From Liiristhuni to : Hurnsburir SD.?s uerwicn hjll 2ft 23 it 21 20 S5 21 20 15 II 15 17 1 20 l!l,H.ui!'Urg ITaitau-issa ; ii ville ("liapinun Carboivlale llunmnre Hyle Park, Wilkcsh.irrc 1'lynioti'h B'iMinKbiirg Danville Sunlmry M'KwensviPc V'il!irm5:port Lock Haven Tlt'erh ("reek li.-lled'nte ..;.,, falls Provid-sire !crant.m Pulsion !'-'.Kmton , rtiitiinberlaiid ; Mihoii jJJ" 'II1CV Jtv sh te , m m ir iii Milcshurs Plii'n lrlphia. 31 ' -ri:" ,me- ' tt now in operation. i ' . AM ollRT stltmn Wisl ami suUUl 01 i ! r.iii.i'M;t!ii;. r.lK' inrrfavfi i :Ml!'i. I ' ,1,1 , - ! i - - - - ! I A If, , I ! H Ul xl liYl Vll I NCI ' ..... . , .Sllll-e llit! ' iiriii( .f rtlllt ItltO our Hallos, ' iv.! Irnv .1, ..1 if ' ,i..icr li'iii. ;it !l ulSt, ' i i.f :0! oi SluO l."S.-e rent has nearly l 11 .1 . ii .. . .1 ..1, .,,. .0 1 '() ! ; I'l'l 'I.''. I 1 lll ltl I'.I I.' U, 1 V.U i .ir V..) per e -lit. 1 lie inimiii r ul MoiMm n j in;i! iyej is larg. r Farmers' produce is j . li.-c-l in price generally but nur terms I It -i iv not 1 ecu a lvanceil. Thus, wbib: i.iiir pitniii'iy bus iuereascJ, our 2,n'J''s .... t r .1. . lave not. i.v-V i...i..i,ii1.1,. infi renee from tbese ' I '.f..llis..S i-, tbat VK MfST KAISR Ol:ll - . .7... .,. ,-mtks vy :n.::.i!.s, vr our rtmOt must ; tb.'aitl !i:t illtTeu.-; of I'ATUnN AliE. Tbe ' ' , ... , , ,t mi-rs above us on t lie est lranen, and -ome on .be X..r.!. Uranch and elsewhere, li ;vc rai-cd llieir charges. c choose to I i , .r i l : wait one year boi:r i at. tint old rate. trusting that we may b lavored wt' smell I iui i-eme of Sub.s.-riWs. Advertisinf, ' , , ... i ii . i iud J.ili vork, as niny enable us to keep ; on :it our old rates. j ry nei,hhorl.ood within j - '!'. ar""u ',. .w''s0."rf:' Umon u",lt 1';'1't:"eJ; . I send eut weeKly !IS papers ID ll'' . . , ' , ' i jw''rt. Jo print, ft.M, eu elope, and ... ...".. ...... ..I...... tl! . ..I...... .rill nrtn tt.tnn.. - . ....... .pt nr'nt,- ton t.t tttit: tu i. '"ew subseribers to join him, the larger I , . w -,, nn , , ' , nlT , nienaoes wil, go more safely, and allord us belter cotii'o'iisation. C."e as1, ail who approve the course ! our pain r, to am 11 oy getting one or , -re stiliM-ribi rs."' C"l .'' ' L4DIES' INSTITUTE mi .V-"(? L'uirnr!lg of I'hUml. j .'J' till ifiii! f .,o. M.,i;,.,i! .. , vt.,,,.1.,,. (Icl.i'ior IS.11. eniitini'ie t - - n monihs. l iic S;;trianf TfacJiins, here pursued is ' ' etittr - .tv' lie;v. and is more comprehensive, i , ,r..m.!i. liberal and pr.iencal, than that of other M.'tlieal 111 the c oinirv t,.,s.., a far a possible, upon the positive j 2, - consnurntlr free from all sects 1' The branches of sitidy are di-! t ire r litis; to toeir natural order of sue- i . an I ntsltt in four pretre-ue cour-. v. , -t i- :ir tn.inth eh ; there are two cour- s.-s i'i each veir, linis enablinff the sltidenis to pass sncressiyelv through all four courses ., ..r.. ...... . . '. . tu n tuti veils. Uy this arrangement the ' . . , , , , i ri i : 11 H i- r-ndried easy, and possessed of daily , - 1 i ni -n asm" tni.-rest. I.i-lios .h-siriiiir a thorcMghlv scientific Me dic il IMiicatiim. or anv part particularly inte reti 12 t'ieio.have facilities here In b" fotllld. r.T atiaonnreniente containing Terms, Whir'i will always be made satisfactory list I liners, r iciiny ana oilier parucuiais. lasc address Jll.s. S. T.ONnsIIOKK M. 1. No. I fill Arch street, or linx Uh:i, Philadel Anj. Hi, 11.11. phia P. O. THiiO. S. CRTJST, Wh'eiarile and Retail DRUGGIST, "Ilti5iii"-nii, I ii ion County, la. 1 I AVIMi purchased the fntire ltrtis Sture fi.rtneriv kept by T. J. Klliott, dee'd. I .,. ,,,i-.r , mv ir,cnds ami the public in een- a fresh and p.ire lot of ijCH, CiN-iiIlis :i)J ,i).i;-?i'fr"j. Al." Paints. Oils, tilass Putty ana Patent M. ilicnies. I'i i-hos and Combs of every variety. A one assortment of JEW V,s i::li a Watches o!d and silver Pencils. Kar and I'ni j:er Kiii?s. Itreast Pins, ii'.Ar. Carlv.Ku veiops, N,.te an ! l.etirr Pnnr. Ml kinds of LAMPS. . . I.nrl lt. fllie Oil in 1 in fart, almost anylbmj in the war of .No tions .m l 'loi.-r il Varieties. Call and exam ine for y .urstlves. I chars;.- noihins fir look-in- TilKO.S. CHRIST. Mifllinbar;. Pa. -Ian. 2, 1851 Iy Lifo Insurance Companies ! .twoii it:iiiml Ijmn l'-iiiift , (j.i Cornbill, London: 71 Wall Si. N'.Vork) ' f,; m i tllartforrl. Conn.) Annuity Fund $150,000 i " . Knjtlimt i j (llarrisonrc. rn.j J .. t . ' '-'ani'al tstlSO.ono j , ,)OU.,,, in thc aI)nre romjanies can be I I ..blamed, on reasonable terms, by apnli- I "n to """""iDer. t.aiiiornia risks, .1 ; to 1 per cenL extra. Feb. 1! H. C. HICKOK, Lewi-hurif. Rc-motal. I) WIXEfiARPEN has re-moved from I wav up town" hack to the new Innbl- i . .t i i i i i. t -i -. . SiiioKe ni l "cnew nis inenus anti cus tomers, in good style and quality at moderate cash rates. I.ewisliiirir. Oct. 14, 1S33. HENRY C. HICKOK, Hornet) at fa to, l.cMisbur, 1'n Ion Couatljr, Pa. N'OTICK. Persons knowins themselves indebted to as. either by Note or Book Kcconnt, are requested to call and settle soon. B. 8. KREMEB & COv tewisburg, April 8, ltiJ The renowned Remedy! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT t Thi .xlrnordinarr VnKttent In er.tfcl of th! nio-t I.wiIiuk Balfiu!,iia.. u-"l Inarnvilaiirciiltli ' J.twt:l 1.N-I1 n...-i .-ll -,!! .I..-H"- ; ror. oth. r maii i'i.-v. r ih.- d sp..r,ao tin Uiw. l. al.iy Ti.-U t.. ii . ;) ...-y. It .a i.mi.iiK wli.-ii 111 paw s ul i.uiil.l hi'inii . ii.iii. ' or Mill Jointl. In Asthuitu it will do i i)uacrU tljLediuIotl.i' CIictU i certiaod by .be Mayor of Boston, (KP.) . a Ltttor from J. .Vf-. .Miynr r It-ntvti, t Ph .Fr-.ior. II af l iu .-tr : Mr-.Fimh I-ixon ! t.ri.i'tnorix.ntl ftr-t, Ibtun. thin trp-.(n J 1 -fori- J ni. - l:iifor ptosi U raliU inTid ulie w. M-.-ny til i uith Tu:ulu Mrs mij ulrTfiin h.T aruif-'f-t-t, !", ami -Mir pari ot Ii-r Klv; an-1 aUli-u.-h th.- tirt uf in..!ial aJvirt-oMitin.-l. at tin- mrt of a Ur-- sum ?rit.l:.Mll. iving n.-. uim. I y frnl to try your nin!.irr.t '- l;ilir.4 m liliill l't. nlt'l ft liox of II- I'll-, r.a. iiy iiewMrriin! itii in-mJi imw i. ..rt in.u L.ii.r a.T. pl.Uij t.. Il.i- ilirc-n li', tw f.l.ri' nunrrin; tu your ru!r uf to di.-t. Ar . she way p-rf.-ctly curinl, uoh coj tl brut heaitti. 1 rciuiiio. !."ir fir, I'.iI.hI Anj. 12, 1.'.3. (M.-iud) J. SO!:I.K. Kxtrafinlinaryan'l rapid Cure of Krysipclas .i i r. i : ... I . 1 I... 1 f.:i...l 111 I lie ljCg, .UllT ilieuicai iim mul-u. U. . I"'.- l'f.r ..fl'.i AUimu-h I Tu I'r.if ! or IJ.'l.i.wi.y .-it; 1 -i. il l"-r u ronri-t. ra- .-ri'l f:'.nt . .. atta.-k ot Y.r .la. h li.t.t!li .. tlltHl in in li tf. and if itnti-1 m!I nn-.ll. al ir. : in -Ml My -iill.Tiii ;i.u, r. . rt ;r....I. . nj I riile.l. J 1 of any i-rmati-tit aim-n-tm -lit. I n 1 tits ali. .1 t'i ,,,.,,.,!,,.(,,,.,,,,, mlul,,,t nii ,. iti..tit !!. a.l am h 'I I' to '-"'H r.- 'it was i mil.. n!iy sti f -r Hi i . !T. l.-.l a ri:.-i.l . lire or my linai.J : ri..ri i, t.. tin. rni-.vuii.i't oi i.. -iuit. I ahaii m-t j ZTiimuTX ; iIni:ilr'v aiiit.-i.-.i. -.: i. . fit. 1 i am. rir. vi.ur ohllvisl a'"' t-iti f 'I rtant. I ,-.:, ki.i.aiii.iii ykatks. t: rm- . ..i w u.l .iO:i.Ujr Uli tlx oiutm. nt tnta..,t.fti.of.,.:..iara.,: is.. : t iii.Mi.ins li-ttn i-..i ii,,aHts thn!;-.i oo,.t p..r.' Titro:it. Skiti liirft'ttAi'i. j ,:,,,. coni'i. ,.n) s.te:i'ii,K-s s.'.re uada j j;- JZr" j fc. ...i stf Kh.ju.tbm i c,o,Xt Ku M,,..r e. ae. j S..1.I at theKtablirhmit of froffitw r IIollot.244, . Stratt.i..n.r T.-miie lliir. L iiilou).andaM. al ht iioo. ;iBX,wYr . i,.r,!,i si:,i....:.irr-s...i T "".,, . i..w.-w,u r.f .in.,tt. mi. n. r-.i.i . also hr all r.-.t-lil.!.-Itruu-.'i-t" iin.l .lint.-r lit Milt'iii- I ihrouit.ut n.,-i nit.a stt.t. ivtai a;i,n..s7 n-. ; ail) ?!... tiuh. IV iiu'.t:lr by tllr ITiUrlliAl llruj hoUM-n , i.v MMrsror.7ta,M'jj'.ri.e..-. x.n. Iirm4.. i tu.- mt.ltutr .1 t.,t-.:t.- m..r, d,...., ,r.-..! u.-..i, r.... .i,:..ii .s .ld bv Ur. KKMPKlt, Miiiluilniri U A M Eli FA. SI I IONS -1 I !'Wn-at-a'A:'tflFP, K.itll, l',f Cnrnrr Murlirl unit Tiinl Wn. J. & F. Spyker 1 i)r' i"sl 'rc"''o "" i"r sate . toap a jl asn or in CACiiauj;r; un i..tiiiiiiii 'i.itiiir llatN Moleskin At.s. I, 2, II; ilk 1. 3 j Augla Kos. !,.; Hack curled bum, I pearl and Hat brim iluiisanaii, tine brush. mafsoii, wool, fir Men and Iloys. Siimatei Hats from Panama down to a levy chip. t anH of the lat-st styles ami t f every ties- ,,,., . 5ult -vervbouv. Clothing t.its, IanTT am! VtMs for ; I J Men and Boys ; Shifts of different kills, -hut ; ' ' ci. ars, stocks, hand kerchols. "hues, soci:--, , , . . i i . ,- , in short evervthini to wear lrom head lo loot, f diflt-r'nt k ti ls, -hirt ; Also Carpet I!;i?s and Trunks. Thankful lo our customers for pan favors . !,,.., . -..,;.,.., ..,' ,h.. vo.oo ! i prices arc low. (Jive us a call an 1 examine j f((r ynrsffv bef.ire purcb cwiirrc. Panama, I.ehorn Hat-, at Ibilinets W111T- r.t:o "n rutssLO on sh.ol i.oli 'e aud reasou able terms. IMay, leS4 The Old .llaituitodi eE3s, DRUG AND CHEPIICAL EHF0RIUI1 R&OI'EXED. Dr. TIIOK.vroS & Co., W'holrmile ii- Jlitnil DnvjijUtty LtaisUinj ; Ol'I'EK to their friejids and the public a larzc and well selected stock of fresh I)rus. Medicines, Chemicals, (rrnitnd Spices, (pure,) Dye-Sittifts, Brushes, iinbs. Perfume ry, rsttaps, t ancy .utions, r ruit.t onircuenery, ,,.,L-a Sttationorv ntn! n variole f,l articles i j, ...... - , W Q too numerous to ineillltin. I exannnra lion li" is.ltl-urti-ti on ftrii-iiy M-irtiittir j.rinri :.... . oll no. I for we - I'I' ". It 1 with llilit h plrajurr that 1 r ilttl.-n l his charjre nothing Ar Kokin Kemcmbt-r th? Mamm.-th Dm; Siore! Da. T. A. II. THUKXTUN & CO U0K. iIMKKS AMI ri .Vi Ht:ns, AM . Hr Ilk' lbo.k- Mam LATTI Rtn JSLANK l.uiiK .11AM IACTLBLR.S, II irriJiVI'n. I't. 31 OST resr.eetft.llv inform their friends thai ' theyare enraeed in Ihe above business : . iiirititv tl ) isite licit s it.iiri. j) ; 1 ney H:,o, r them !v es. bv earefn! attenlion to ilieir ,ls,ni.s,s. to receive a continuance of the pat- . ui..,.rv ,.jVed bv the oM firm. u. VVK i;.,.v- f ,'r ,i,nUs. County tltliee,, Mert.liallts d private individuals, and every varil,ly ,lf f, ad half-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Hooks, Periodicals, Magazines, Law Unoks, Newspa pers, liibles. Music, works issued in Xos., Aic bound in any style, plain or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. I'leae cive ns a call. C. A If. t Hooks A-c. to be bound may be left with the Editor of the Chronicle. 509 MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, SEATLT i EXPEDITIOUSLY AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lcwisburg. H. GERHART, Surgeon Dentht, 4 T his Residence, 8outh Third St. .corner aCX Of the Board walk. LBWJSBVRG. 399 TI VltlilSIlITlU III Nil Kit V : l-w. !' !"" ... ins it..: tiuw s... . . ,,. , thm ,n-r,tk,. ert!.; lun-.. are- to n.ern ana receive a nncrai nare ol r-uwic ' ' J.l r . h i" 1 , ' lIAItUlDLIUI Ol. OI.O. 1 . l(.uftril,p,.n,.olyi,rt,i, l.ul.ty.TI l.tlr:.-, I'r. I'tauss, , f V irmont Vie,,, loilrse. . Uatl.03Ce. WILLIAM JII'OiiE. ,.f I - ".Til . I i.,.H-k is ree-heil anil disi-rxsl l.y ih.-mat-n.l nt Ihe top I'n.f J-tovt of -il.-follni. I i t o.. io-. i 'l'ra. I ut esnres mj - ... ani Velrt J.J.riVtlC K 1 Ia. I! titter, I , ,he risT.',.! it would W in,,..sSil.I.-..-nml,nt. to th" i r V lex - M.. iCIV, ' laewieburg. Pec 30, 1 8 I I Jn th. wenderlul y.rtae. or t lllilS nr'.TJ It K A; .sec. If. O. Hid.. d hi,., of ntlra-ti .n ao.l r..,.l-..oit. fr a lutldine to hr j ,.rf , LlHvl:, lN. , .,., ,in ,,, ,..,,, , . "J "I-Li - 1'rocl.tinatiua tu Hie Vi'k u 3IlKliiihli:- am Vicinity. Fnlrermaehtr'a Hr Jro-Eli.trte Voltaic Chains, tOSTIJL:CTKI) to be wora next to the ' 1 J skin, nnluci'iiiz :a constant eurr tit ol ' eli-etro magnetism, ellectinj immediate rili-f t front all acute pains, ana a IVnwmrnt Cure of all Acurulitr Mwnsc-r. Piri.VKRMACIIBU'8 KLECTK1C MIAI-VS Vl lir-t ar.l In yrn.i-,tlii yin" rm--.f-ir lh run I'f U TTf.:is i-..ti.nii'l nf'.iT In-mik (tuUmitli J th;- um-t lliur.' tri:il in . Try li..e.itl in I'liriftl.y .-irnl r. . .1 . ..1... li.-! iwra. In 111 a - .,.:. ri ' in ii. r: i .nr. An-tria. Vn-An Mi'l Kiln.l.ii..a..njrr liiK-iu!ro.luctd n I pt. nl.l l.y llw II. S. l.i.uuiJut JUdUtoutiiJ""")!; lilicuaiitl-ra. tJ.Mtin. Iwijee, Painf .1 an-l.-wMI. .MnlntK, I i.l.ltli(.n 10I Mi- II. art, 'la 01 in. rm-i!, n.-.i ... ... h'-utti..., IUin-lnr-5. llyoUrirs, lni.. I. Li-rmt I'.nif. V.-m iturvn. lV-t,(aeDc'.au. uliorvaJilj li'coT. r- J tLi.l .V H-f Vffiyth'r r rr-rg IX ST A X T 1. Y It K 1. 1 K V I X 3 ' I wltrt.T r r.;.:irJ. nni hy ln-ir ivrtmttw ti'tBtfnn t In tlu.-ti.-.- tlii-v w n irttr.Hln (-. iui.n tl li,ii-ri.iil Jhj.Ii . i .f N-w V .fit. mil nr- no iii .taiiy ii"- in Ihwc In-litu- ti ...n in tli trvatui.-ut of tl.e cure uf Ihv ab-.rc nam. 1 N. Oilier Medical Aeeut in ttio w trltl can''" po urittv wull Hiilln-ntli n-l-rtli -tlt.-fi ofrur.. Iroln s.-rtitli!f ritwl-iKI. trtit I'itii.-iit - may W f -mt.l in .; -!. i.ttttij ii-.-!. v i 'ii i,rTu'..'i-,l. utfiri.r.iii nr I f wilt rx.ii.iu iim uiwuucr 01 u.-v w auy on.- ui.t In tit Htv of NfW Yorh. tt t . fiMtnnt n" j ift.,ii.ii..i:.,l!.-.inii j lErindwiiy. tltciv arr -li.ily lii ini: mi.i tit.- lion tot I..- iitiJ :.-:.itiiil ,. n...i..i,i,as Kitiui..sp..r. ijiil." i..aiti...ah th.y i.ut. ot.iy I...U in-, ln..,ii-.-l l!in- Ul .Till Th I hiin. r .-ailr aceoiMi-illy iM-li."it.t" m r'.w - oi o.. i-iiti.i a- wi I. ti.. atu.t. , an 1 tin- itlttttt - f r u tit i.t r.-.:ii r.i.ri-j i a. in in-!) :in artli'lc of tr.iutiti ut lh ar t ii i itltlt- in ii- of rut ti. 1 1... Iltiiiit- .-..n h- "tnt t.r lirtil f. any ai t of tin- I' S .t t.n I i a I I.- nt.ti.lit ! in ail II." r;-ii. i. :l -:!i- in Ho-1 ni-n I'livsiti.n - .11.- r 'Jit' i-t- .1 ! .nir-TH.-1 !t lit. I'V'il. T". I.tltlfji. I.n.ln--th i are rt.. ,JV ii." Ir pi -! 1 not . Il-r tltt-in only for a t.'W motif ot- :it . ti ii lint of ai-I.ty-.tttr. f .r l.y lon conliiiut-.l u-h-, miMturr....- I.- fr-!-.4.1.-11: 1 v j ro'tu'-t-il. Jo t rii ,-t- iKtiT. n-n A nt.."'H Kro!tti.:iv.NioT Yorl:. THKO. S. Cillil'ST, Agent, M t it? n . 1 . 1 1 r-ir, lySJUJs) 1'iiion I'... Pa. Attorney al l.ixw, LEWlSllUll'J. 1'iuuu Co.. '.. I tOmcF. on b. becoud ht. near .Market. ! Refers to ll.n.Jinrt nirni.l.,11, ' JtHtrtT. H rlr, f P. fames f (.'.. I'ih. .V'taium .S'. H'than. -..?o-n, ita. .1. J-if'ttK. .Viit'.iirn. " .!.-.,rl ll. l. II y I.HT. .inn. .Vnii... if Oi.. iv.iat.1 'y .ot. 7. trial ii .. .On il JJ. t.l-. I Li"h(iiii!2; Jods VF'J'CU inaiiy yvar' I .-o inTivtiLatMn an.l j f.umerot.s c tiMrittieiifs. t!i' Tut: iiiv. t;i!;t . fleiitture in iitfnrmiiKr the r til. Hi: that bo b aiiivrd si llie lfue princ'i e ill ptot rtioe fiimibt s. : iKvt lllhps or. I pr .pertv from thr drstiuctlv- tiil'itl- j of LIGHTNING. The ralaniiti. s 'bat every t'ov, Toivn, tllace at-d t'oitrtry talis i v tun lo snnttally, lino' the mi" in ylt.-rin e ol j il-i ii:!ia-iiaiits, o. beyur.d c ili id.i', . cmUv , wlit ii tbe remedy is so ra-y to obtain. ibis i j l.if.n.l in AKMITAGE'S J Jl-Uciit illiigitclic ti3ljmi:i3 Uclis, ! and in this olone. This Kod has brcu exaioi.-o'ii j by the most pcieiilinc g.-ntlcmrn in the wotl.1 ; Professor M'Murtrie, John-on, Wallor nnd many j others that ba examined them, recoaiT.rtitl ario ; jptof ihem in the bicbe.t terms ol appmi.s'iott and have ronouiicril ihfin iho only salt' mit in j u in thisiir any olhf r counlfj fur thp pru'ctitt.n I ni laivcsanj Property. Oue Jvnt.te tu JiviiV j and ihrott 1-ark a part of ihr el c:rir Unit! hr.rn.l. j to the cloud ; in lime ol a itnkt ihi- cnat.lce the rod to roruluct thai portion of ilutd lint tM-t.-nii- lo the rutin ttitnotit in nunir-i nanciT tu it a- lo tbe eailh wiihnut the t I viiuj the cuinluctor. I , . .. . ,, i,i ailnuit n;e over tnc out 'i'hi rod Iia nintiv i..!j'r , one. The only lore ol inai)u!m tuiiitir in ! Vine Sft$ dms Zth. rhifcjt -ft 1.7. J n. re sit prrons are r. him,. .. ,.. , ., and enan.iiiu lor lliein-rlvts. For ale b le-al Hal by TMD'.s A JiM IT A ( r'. I t r r tit r prompMy atlcndfj ti. ' cab. "I'ht'se rOiU ha hem purchns! and uirrpp'- i fully UMd by ll.c (u! logins; individua!ii, chi a:iie , and corpitralioii, who?e names are cbeertui!y j auhmilltd : t ji ami nntr PhilnUlphia A. A P. TtnV'Ttft. fliinre '. Hhtzit'T, J-.i'lK'e lt..un.r, Jud.'f O.nrn t. .1 Mutfnpl. i li-'iu'-, '. Llmilt-y. .1 lit- iito r. i. tti' y,i :.r;- i , liiLrt-rM.I, Itie IHit-k'f.v .i.iihii-e. And.-r. ii .t I'.r -iif--. i 11-v. J. I-. firaiit. J"im Ni'tin;.i. T!n. t.r..v r. J:tt A Mf n-. A. II t.ii.-a' r? II. Simiiii. ti. 'llio. N-U A t o.. Mr. linwrtiti.. J. J W V nt -:-. I. Ilu:i hr- -, J. , Kii.h v A Co., J. jn:in. It I'- iri.-Ti. J. tt'i:Jii:i . . !' - l. r. lr. M.ari'lr--. Air. .M .rlin, s. ti-.n-o-y. .1. i.rtiit.i.-y. Mf. ll:ivi.on. 1'r. I'atll. S. H. f .v r? A t . J. VV il,. .. i.tii . II. Jlill-r. Ihe I'd Bank ll.-l the L. i. Ar.rual, Ihr Sl-tti-K titir-l. n , . liinii--i. in r Hail. In tie Al.rr of -Vrr J r..y -ii,-nr;-e rrtrln. 4u.l.f : M'l'till. -tii.l.-- Oi.ytott. John Si-tiuitn, Lir. 11. M Muili. , ! U, t.j K'.WrlB, lr. .1. Iiowninz. I,v I'.vo.v I f.rrftry r. Mark Ihtlfp-nny. Wm. Fr .t.T..tobn ITaas, j Mi. harl ' I'. torn. Jnt-ol, Suiitli. Ilavhl t iim:.n, ltrii.n j Mrnrh. liroe-r K'.rVn-r. .V-Kt iirilin fnitrt Hi.tts... and VoinmiK-ionrr.' offl... .iwo-.f-nr 7ii .1.1 in IV! ..-r. 1 i'liiim 7'.. Ilr. rhsrl-f Wtl.-n. Il.t-li.or'.r Tp l- l n : Knnlz. .Simon Ktnitr. '. nn Tp. 1-aac Cou.drnn. to'nit' ileer I'P Jin harl tlotlinan. , , J itKCOXHKS DA 7O.V.T. Pun in.. Ait? 1". 14T. I hare tbla 1T rafefully lltl"s-tr. a roii.ln, t,.r or!htii.n? Itf.l, with ritnr an-1 itt.lrv, rn-rl-d l.y Mr. I 'I I. "ma Anuiiiti:i.. on It-'lli't ttr lion..-. an.l lour no n.-Miaiion in sayinc iron 11 m n..i ou:v tin- i" i . . . .... ... .i. , .. i liar., n.r i-.-t t tut it ....,,,...,., ii... n. I.nt that it is tl.e only one I havr yet ' romluctor to tin- att nlion vt ovr5of lm t .ttu. i). N.-MI UTKIR. I am Wf!l rtti-fi l tlmt tlif Mcmftii1 I.iu'liitiin Ktot. . OiMiiiliirtiir-il iii Mr. Tu ..niti. Arm. f I'liihi'li Ij.lin, tin- rod. 1 hnvt- licen iiniuaintcii ith Mr. Armit. '-r ".-veral yearn, anil la f 'Ti- he the mnnnfar- tllrrol ,n,.i, r ,xamtne.l Ihr .rin.-i.l.-on whlrlt lit, y are rons-trnrtril. and f.-lt rnnvnif..d that their -"M "lJS'u Ortlienntintry, sui-Tiortty. i r..,.ti. n. Hising- eiuii. I'hilad Co., April In. 1s5l'. tytS.C. Wllr and SAMI.EL HOOVER. lliirtklon. I non Co. Vti. ate Agent Tor Lnton and adjoining t ounttes, ; and will furnish the on the same terms and : in the sime manner as the Proprietor. PIANO AGENCY. HAVING been appointed Agent forthe ale of Ihe celebrated Pianos, manufactured by CFO. VOt.llT, Phllatl., the undersiened would be happy lo supply any citizens of the Susquehanna country who may desire an Instrument well made, after the latest improvements. Two of these Innlrumentshave lately been introduced into Lewisburg. to which I am happy to tefer any one. The Pianos are warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for a year, bey may be exchanged. Prices reasons. Me. FR,CIS J.GESS.NEK. I.ewiaburg, Feb 21 18.12. . NOTES Promissory, Judgment, an Joint Notes (blanks) at this office. i 1 :r liesi I nil i: '"ni uiiwii-. i u.tiec ifiii.Ti.'.-di ,,.,. . . iwl ni.ii mitlineri . . C 1. : . .. . . . lyriirsinllte.-tiitH ..f Ih. laws ol rl.-rtri. ty an.l m.,.ti. t- ,.., ,,.. ., , p-r mtu-tid tl.i. ,, .ration a Iho '. '. """" T " " ff" C" ' 1 '. ,"'": '! Aimaiuic for 1S54. H, S H. 1 -J -t S ..2! ,'J,! ,U! . n t' .s t k . ? imii ij i:;'t4 t.-. if Z. 17!-Ui'!ilrl--t W) J4lsils..l.'!l'llai . .! J 4 Ji Ji . ; -i ail,., 1 1 liiia S 1 ' 1 I IjTMo'fJl.M Ji :i j -- .'-ii'if.'-.iJT 3 !i lUill I'J I II It) r 2.-.I-.-I i. .7 j-p S'ji.ill 7 T f.'f.n'ia 2,1.1 nli:.!r.i'li.!i'. : l ft nllilJ 1 i ; - ..-1-6 a Jf 4 ;.i ! m ti!!-.,!t:: ti'i ! t.. 17 li!'ii. jii-.iffij4 3 fiiihiiiiiiiaiuitt "5 . .i; l-.,l-.'lJiil-i 1 2 sl 4 5 il j v iuii,ij a' r:iu 1 : 1 7 1 1 ; : : sii,-ji '2:f2i,s;..s M 4 s f. 7! (.!ri llll-,KMl!l.'.l..17 i!fi-'2'-!'- - M'l 1 1. I - Ml! I'1 2 S In 11, IJ I. Ml . 1 . ' sll.-.,iv.:-j;:li1::i) I I I 1 M h '.. 1" 1! l-.l:: 14 i r. f. r;l 'v"iY w 5i ,' -. ; t! '! it S i:n toi;..i i: it l'j M -21 a - IU .5 I jViii!:eI(3 Woolen Factory, Xcur llarllt ton, ( nlon Comity. I III W establishment is now in llie best order. j he machinery tieinc; nearly an new antl ntitie inn llie nesi oi vorunien einp .nj en, the su'jserilier feels sale in saying thai bis i. h,,u ,., ...rr,.-,! I, :,,.,h. '": i: ...;...., '.- I ens u-ill be ar.omdas usual, and i His ii r- ,t,. . ... ,.(,,,. . mi n.ti ize Lis establishment. ' -i i r i ii please avau inciiiscivcs oi mui oppinu- nur. l 1 -'-e ais" on nam. ana mtena keep-, a ill. ice assi-rtiuent (.I i.U44iS. SUCH as I Cl.,r,: .S:i;. f: rwliunrr. tlrrnlu r.fcnl.'tr, YuniH, u.. ' h I u-.ll seil low for cash, or 1 exchange fur Wool and lYnnnrv Produce rcn- it.. iiinc nil i-prvv erillv. MRK iiai.H'U.n.w. II inV't ii Anril 22, 18.1:1 If , n(Jwi r(1Ilti!1.JCS ,bc LIVE' 1I tinders at nri L III' HVSLYESS at the Old bland, ; on North Third St., near Market, and ! .r..i... -.i:.:... .i. n ..n ol In-3 respeeiiiiity souuits use putitjit.i.. j friends and the public Generally. j CIIARLKS F. I1E?3. I.ewisbiirg, May 22, 1850 V,I( Li;s.I.K and UETAIL CHERRY PECTORAL l er Ik l itre of (Ol tns. (OLIiS, HOARSEVESS, BROMIIITIS, MIIOOriVli-tOlGU, IBOIP, ASTU.M.t, A.I) C0.S13IPTI0.. o.,;l l.y tlr n'f i.vjx'H Hit tin'; thrK,f shrill .rrts trl' I' ) vlr . .-.'i '.V n.l li r!' ntt'l !: ,.r'. ' th'il! fi' Ji r inrrr .in, I :h. r I' ' j. .; - - II r- a- It- I'- I -r tlo- -i' k r.T ol. .1 ii -l: --- . :ti..l - v r; . .r .-.11- n w ro. f I" tl.e a' ftirnr.i-i .- IL. 1 r ntis. l.all ii .t fail- A- ln...:i.-tl - -1--T1. i' ,!t-.'.oT..rF; nn 1 1. pi . nat. tli' r.-n:.-!;. -- 11.1. ..n- o...- it'" u. - o. ..... ..... ...... . ..... r.-t--- :. t-i t' 111'- o.-'ittnl f art. of nil thr n:ii...1:.s a.. , U(, , .;,.,, mor 5i, lim,, u,,t,milj W lh"n -''i'11"" ' ' '"' -" "- - -rir.- sotnr i rl.l. rr. tl.:.t tl.i- t. nt-tt t- run. I. at , I th..t .ulm ,nari o iiil UiiiK.iuatllh. ir lorm?,m:.v knauvtil - l v ' E' T' c FOK ISFLI ESXA AST) WIT'iOWxa mrr.1T. .N Ip'tvlI.Lr. T.-nn . .Itinr u''-. 1 ".'.'-. Sir.- I tnrr n-i-t tit.uly toi.l y. ur ' hn-:L f..r VV h. ..; in l oticl. ami I: !!! lira, at ! I;nptini:i.-il.!li..ii it. n . ii.iiitit-n It t. r. ntj.lrt.. r. nt .If. I ur f nt v i-htnl 'Ir- 11 have ' - t, .1 wilii Ii...-r it... . at. ! Uf fr... ti t" t tio rial-mo, h::s almos itfl'.n I il n'nii.-t if. taut ' .1 VVU:s til.oV LIS. Wc ,.u..t trntlt of the stau iu. nt : M. M'.IIM'Y. Ll.tor of th.- .a.inllie H hit- .1. . XPLVUlllMAN. lri-: t. fi.V A CuXSl'Mt'TH K 1 ul'r.TT. I 1itt-iii mi. 's.. l',.. ISM. Cj-r,ir thr- r v.ars 1 hair h,..-n alLir't'd with a rmi-lt. ... Ii.-' r.-.-.-iti- I hat 1 fmittentlv . f r,r..r ry: tan.-li ofllii- I w:i. iit.iii.'..-l to it tin all tii-.'l:l nv -hiur. n mv r- w..u'.) Miil'emt-- m when 1 tl .n. Ihitip,: u-cit nianv nun .lit witimtit iinn-li r li.f. I st l:"t trift tlii v'ni p.i;t I'ecti'Eai.. whirh nri'lfr lrivi-l- i-ucc UacuicJ w .tltoaTi'ilitfr. I with ; Vtmr, JA.Mh .MX ANlLK.,".,i. I'r. f lit rTi !iFO.i.., i.f Ol lo M. I o.ll. "A-it.I..V.I ., liMLor M.DICll S, I.'.S, K. II. ..TI-S Vi.Iii'l. AM Sl tt .l. ,I..t . ttSAL. t,iiAr.Lr.T..s iS r.) Mrnirti. Ilt-rita. Ni w .lrt:s. Y Vtt ni, IL IIEPiT.T: It. 11 .n. IIlsiiy 1't.ii. II. S. s- naror. ll-.n. Utio. I'. M msil. Ala. A'ail.ik-sa.1 r to Turkey. ,1. ti. Kuwrv! l!ri..iF.s. I' ni . f . littl. III. II.',. K:. I'otiElt. l.on llo-hop of Toronto. K. v. Or. I.vmsimi. of Unoklvn. S. V. Arrlil.islu n I'L-ltflXL, of riii.'innali, t. Allot many eminent pi-rsnatr.-s in f .r-i?n rottntriee. ....;... ,.,.n..t .. : :: 1.1 .ll-trrA-itur .i.ia...S dt. f r oei-asiou.l of th. i.un-. i-ut also ai. a taraiiy no-dt.iin- f. r ot-i-astoual is tire saf. ..vanteet and u,nn the w. ri.l. Wt in tl ;;MviVf a xii son ur James v. a yen. Prarti.-ti I and AttaUliral Chemist. i.itil(,.lin. u. lor sale l.y , .vv .sort ri lk. lajwishnrir: .1. tf.OasIow, -vnib.ii ; itss ti. m , ay..oriiiiiiiitH.rian i : ,1. w . KeAsier, ..-w niTim, i-uoii"' . itn-i;r.'e ; anil ny UruiriaU every where. lyinsid.-toorhiMu Map of the State of California, 0REi:0.. UTAH, NEW MEXICO, and TEX AS. printed by S. Aug's Mitchell in 1816. and painted lo correspond with the boun daries liied byConcrestin 1950 for talc al the I .'hr .m irlr office, price 35 ets. rililE present Proprietor of the newlvdisco veretl tVitlSioUl Cave (limestone) in lliiV VALLEY, I'nion Co. hereby pives noiiee that tin- fare will XUT be open nn SVXDA YS for Visitors. It may be visited by Ladies and (ientlemen on any other day, and on SATl'R PAY of every week especial preparations will be made to accommodate with lights. (TjAll persons arc forbidden to break off, injure, or take away any specimens from the Cave, tinder penalty of prosecution. The payment of 13 cents only is required of every person before entering. NOAH. WALTER. Pry Valley, June S8( 15i3 fnrhrt Strrrt, l.fwlt'urc, Tn. ' S BLa"--m r-sr- MS' W&t&QiX'fcs y ittr-v .vo.iimietom.inti'.'.i-.tren! LsM'TiTlf I FJLIlJT rK M.rM,.e. and o'h. r ankles of Mac! CKTIVJ .1 " 1 '!sI iJ .i : !l.e liesi n.anner. I'astin Dr. John Locke, s' i n at: ox i:x tjs t, OrriC'E rinoveJ to Market street, se j ond floor entrance door between Kline's I II., -el at A V. K. Ilowea' rtore. i I.ewisburg, April I, j Lewltburg Savia? Inxtitiilioii, j TS now" open and re.nly to do business. 'J'lie regular Discount rlays are Weiluesdays. The ft. Slowing named persons are the DiiitTuiii Wiuum Crno, Esq. Mr. J.iiissos Walls. i Mr. LYt:H4 .-Mnsi. ' Mr. Jinn M'' Mr. Thomas IIats!. Mr. Wilms Fan it. Ksr.n'ic i Mori it. K-.-j. OincrriH U il.l.I VM i;.MEii().N. Prfiiltut. II. P. SIIEM.EK, Treaturrr. Fmtr percent, peraiiuti in will be allowed on all deposits over six monthi ; ami ttrtt per cent, less than six and overthree inonihs. II. P. MIKI.fXir, Treasurer. I.emrisburtr. Sept. 19, 18.".:: IT IS A FIOT, NE sclf-tvitlvnt, auJ worthy ol' ever) V cons: Jurutiun, that no Miller ran nnki food clcaik Hour without he has good cicin wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the remedy. I tell you It Ii lo get cnC OI n..,,-,, lfl.,i r..,.,.-. ... du.a. are clea M.ichiiHis. lie bfius an old, praciical auu eapcricneerl Millwright lias invented, ,-(,! nn nr.d nut in ucceslul onornt ion tbe li'st wheat Perjuror now in use. Any person I ordering a machiiiH and aflerwards finc'tng - - T,illr;r ,,!,..' 44..,,. " j ( ciai, pi . SeilICa, IliPfP sli tll lie no SU,e, lis ll;(se ni l chines are to be warratiied good. Further j rrcommrnHntions are thought unnecessary, t . . r I Ho is now having a supply mnde at Lewis I burg, by Messrs. Oi dJes i. Marsh. Orders j for midlines, or b tu rs of inrpiiry, ill Ik 1 promptly attended lo. Machines iil Le sent and put to nil nrr!er. Address 1 j. nK.'if-'PTKisr.n. j I.ewishtirg, I'ni'Ti "o. Tii. -- 3 Mit tv U I k N s m L-. I J I A L iv'i, ."7r J I'he .subscriber nib is i r s.ue u l.irg' ' ttssorliiienl of choi :t Fruit Trfe, uch a ! Apple lu es, 7 to 10 feet hi., id varii.-i - t. -1 . nil Warranto,! C,:riU.lie I .-.ICII ,' varieties; Tartarian th. rry. Neetirint,) I Prune aild Iear trees, t' UC'rn r H II ! ti or 8 varieties ol Grope Vim s nflhe be- native ami eol:e vnrielies. t lrrj'imet:i;i , Tre stteh as the Panlotiii. ii n. Ae , N. I!. Persons wishing to procure : I rjinri'i'y oi (be Ft nit trees, a r? reri'ie.stf ,1 ! nri'.e iinn,rdiate npplict.tion to thvsuWri : b, r. in t.r-lt-r to procure the no. i io t ft tite: . II. U. NtlLJa. !'.jrg. March I, 8nti. iCcuiiobuvg ountirn! scr.bers. tbaniiiui warranted lo be of too l material, and at pricm thit ran not f.til to please. f.EH !I, V. A KH & ' Lewi lu I. Fib. Is-i ('10tKI 'i Stoves, of vnricus pnl'f rn- and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for salt ; st the Lewisbu'g Foundry by ' tiiddes. Marsh A Ito. Sit) l.e i-t-i ri'OVii.'S 1'ariur, Wood, and Cta lives, virions patterns, for sale at lh I.ei-biir2 Konedry. lit ddfs. Marsh A (o. VIMAIill'S Pa-en; tiang Plow, a stipe. I rii'r ariitle, fi r sale a! ihe L"w i-biire rour.dry by to. Mrs. Marsh A ir.-i. M I'.AiX or Seed Drills Ross' Put, r.i vX ibvidcdlv the hmt and most iltirnlilr (irain I)i ill now in use. for sale al the Leivibur? Foundry br Ced.le-, Marsh A Co. Ojijusiti'.n is tin- I. if' fiiittiittr ! EXCHANGEABLE. 'J'he suhjcrituT would respectfully infoim the citizen! of lpwihur and the traveling conimuu I ity gt?n(rul!y,lhat he brts opened a ben Livt-ry I and Exchange SiaMc on FOl'UTH PtrcetUaIi I square South of Market, and has provitUda govni ! lot of Horses with entt.cly new good and UU- I ionab!eCarriaft'S, I!cfRics, sleigh, dkcnhereall , y-ir-int- .!; r. ... l.ia ltti mac l.a i "t'ff 'tiv tl.itig Hi ins line may vt accoinntod- atcd on the shortest notice and meet reasonai-it J terms. He will ray every attention to the i Vocal ami Insirumenlal MUSIC, filial tljc German Laiiainiijc. !sS. VERY for pa-t A5"Vr P,ro"Ee from the I'itizrn. aa' , anu.-iunenlsol l.rwihurt: and 7v i vicinity, the subset ihei ,o.,t.i a, -15yAta.. V state that he continue in .iv. i t... ... , - --- i u"utnon uu me l lano and t.unar a o t , . , ...u ! ' oc' 'n'e nd ill lite l.erman I naving oern tauBBt in llie best Mnaie Mrho..i. in (iermnnv. he ilerma himself en.nt I, , l .. ' i . . , l'j imiiiiiuj 1 . ... binrccT acquit. i lluu ul me rica t.erman tongue, llenin alsc tune Pianos, and put them in repair, if desired Kesidencc in South fourth street, in the late Brick Ollke ol Ur. I.udwig. FRANCIS J. GEtiSNER. "An ounce of Prevention vortii a pound of Cure," in that atrful disease, CONSUMPTION! DR. Fl rCM'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. Thispopular work for sale inLewisbur. by S.F.Lyndall J. Houghton and al this office. Price. 75 centu Old A'cwspapcrs, QOME thousand in number.of allsires.for KJ siie at the Chronicle office, a, so e,. 100 taken as they run, or $ I when assorted, at """"lor Scrap Rooks a wellas for n rspr.rig 4-4 - .-ijoii i pin ( i," Tm rknowle'lJ n4 trAr !inary eon-. 9 power! t,f these wonderful iBTentioos a dob H eraily known mJ Uieir taluand r"itati'in u.rf .j ul the whole country en extenatve, thtt it w .' ! Kfm tiuneresarj to ure meir merit intber. i. ome btenrcumtaocee hateArranv'i wbtb tu . r '! it a matter of lity to the trflje tvl to , f silent, for while the ephemeral nostrums of :S . are trurnpeTeii by column through th Pri i e j ana kiuja jutrf a., Chrbtle'i Caliaaic and Xaraellr raratlrn, httta l.ffn nnitlv workir.r lhf;r ttit unn, " Ui '" ji-jm. which hat v irn o-.tni n , ! ,.i i ' liem and all the ieouicea oi Scit. iw... i KltVOFS CO.MPIaAINTS, j an-1 in these dieases tedicine is of met trail v m I rver. It never il"es ffood and it often li. L: n. I Prupe, Kktr-ft. fi ilma, Balsaais, Lliiirs., . ( Tow-NTs etii-t l'.rtins of eery kia-l are I wortiilcKii, 6r they weaken the H iJ ewririeo( t ,IreaU t ro)tr;.leiJ ttiU, wtiiJr OD'ier t:.f siri . :. "I L '..I.-..,- f lni , . ..;.j , tln beanl.ii. discovery th ha . patirnt an 1 weaRenr.1 ittnerer w n-.torra 10 ; iieUl. UciiK(h. an ri -r. rrntiirki rcl. 'f t- anrh .lt-.-.r la - t BVLiilA. in: liOLOKr.tX. BRO.V LITIS. Ii;. IITM'IOV of t!. HKART. WtVkVUS an 1 ..1 H. v LK MScniir.RS. auch aa M.HV'bLa lir.Alt A' Ilk, LASS1TI 'UK and Hl.SrOMO.V. r. .r!, ira onir olarr name fcr NrrTroia lratttfrmrol , .l'ILKl'TI; UTS "! ONVLT.Sins u at now known to result from non-nj.iilit.iitiia of I. lcctric infllrtK i .NKRVOI S TKKVolal. to- T- 1 M-.SS. whir h u noa.-ly always catitra i y tot; i I of the An.litory Nltttl atl caa aov i l.e p. . y mrtJ t,v Hal. anism. w l.rli lltt org..:: i. O'-t dv.rr'.t' : . i riVSt'r'rSlA in in w orst fornn i P 1 . ati 1 I V li ( I Lists, nntf. nrlr ca.i.J ! y a defiii.t-iii-y o! rr..., . llllOMi, KHM'VATlS.t. TM.!':1 i I I of the 1 IVLK, I AIN' iotl.eSiUi. Sl.t'i.i.lSIi t ... III. T10.s. SIil. a.-.. I li:r "t o-.iii Ul:HI Ifc.M Y of NaUV'OLS arid IHVfll AL KliliV, and all .iistressinir coni lait.ti tr. .i!. ir. Itotn a Ui.ll.Ntii..Vir.M' of th .tltVo. S SiSTK.I. In tl.e above jreralnt snj terrible claa r.f ea.e Nerrotn ' oni-laiitt are much mora una..: tiua than a generally unafrtned CIir.ISTIFS C.tLVAMC fl'RATIVES, An an Akwolnta bum! PwlUn SprelOe. -TI . Itt'lT . nu.1 wliM th. til. V 3T Itr.llt -r. Srctt-.l ; ttie NI-., Kt.t fcVorr..'mrl,i.ri.,.f the Throat, u .oitm ti Bronrheii. aoj oi , ,nn, ,)r hml. a Jrmior. a..J (l.4inodic art-.-Oin. J lie arttrlri i.:r..-ap.T a ) arromjnu- them, sua whra iimuui.y awJ U-ry r.i.e.1 as oiret tr.i - . r,...,...,. Mr-VhK t IL ! G LVANH I K VI'! r!;..; tli " i ;;. 4j tl.ev arrest an 4 cure iisne lx n-?.,.-. in .!n.e "f ti.e v.-.iA n;ii"l ol' l1- :??.-? v I rtiMrkii.r the pa'ient till ehnn':te.l Tr-tr- h.-.j, i h 'i rl(?--ly niiu--r tlic i:.Hirti-.n. T -y a-Si-Zr tytn. i:tmtiZ t' r.rtumriv mf f H-J j-t.-'f tr.f trvtt:-ii. inf-i-tfv I.f mit- r. ;, k tan nnrr 4 tit i.'r .f m nrt.i-r et-y 'fwi Snioe tiscir i:.!nMu. uon in U.e Liatoi i:,ot..f th:e jcitr sin.-e. nsie than 75,000 PERSONS inrl i.linfF a!l ajrc, rlntw an I cnn-!ilin. inn' i; lbn H.'ic.;.:.-f ir;'.::i-rnl I i :te uinuif i: IajiJv fuoct t Nr.oii onij lint.1. Lae let:ii Entirely and Permanently Cured, I.t a a'i h tf roin'f I-ce:i en in up. nJ ev?rr. c' c lict n tnp'1 ni tjim t 'IV iemficial rwnlta Invf u:.;,..rn!iv a '-r..!f.l th-ir u m corf ii.-utiv s.;teJ t l e .I'.ht ut a pmllel in the annals of Viiril &fj4 i.-e. litrnn, law yent. an.! a thviici.iH ; Liiiit" of ttit-'.iet atan'li-itf '' je -.". i'ersor. hoiitr eUvn'.e-l 3ifUtl tatoni. m-rri -nt:. rna:.iifact'irpi. ati'l aiet-harm ; th r-"r ai l tite ii.-hahLc; ot'-n w hule UBtiiie. amoin A f I nnk unJ fonli'ion. aTe h..i11t cff re- cii ivt-s. aiiii have e(naiiy acknoVi Iei(Kl the won. drousftn ! ofQ ULCt CC'-tJ tvUelitJ which tlnrj but ilia receivftl. M m 1 -?t t n fcnnwn a'' rerTtmVere-l ti r -'y Kf-torJtite lor the NerTee i tijalv4nm, ai.i thut in ull Skim us Piscase We tiiouU Throw Physic to the Dogs.' To iili'tra:e the ueof the Ci ILVA.Ml BF-l.T. i:ji.i tlie cm-vC ot a perfin arUicteJ with tf:: : nf i-iri. nation. li srKTSl K. or any other t hror - t NfTvom Iisvrier. In ordinary case. aro tken. wlikh. hr theirartioa oa the nenit..! misc ie of the stomach, allot J tvmpwarn irU.-:. t whirh leave the patient in a lower ttate. i:i tjtrcd faculties, alter the action thus t-vcitri r.t k-ap't. Now compeire thia m ith the effect nT:;t lrom ti.c a; i i.;t.-n of the tiAI.VANK Br LT. T ike a Pysrei'ttc $tirte?rer. eien in the worst r nis of an .atuck, ami singly tie the Belt rouivi E'-Jy, n.-tn the Magnetic Kluid a three tt'.l !n a (hcrt periiM. tle inseiwMe perspiration Kill act on ie positive elcxent of the Belt, thereby ci'i'ir 4.aUanic circulation which will pau on to t:i nciraiive, anJ thence back aain lo the .its e thus ki-ci'ii. nP a continnoua tialvanic circuiativn thrt'tth- "it the svstcm. Thus the mot seT-fr- caM of PSPKrsi A ire PF.RMANKNTLY i ! 1 H rKVV t,S !S AVl'LV SlHt IKM TjJ ULkUL t ATJC THK DISK ASK OK YKAKS. MANY THOUSAND CEBTiriCAlZS AND TESTIMONIAL from the mot intcllijrent artj respectable persors rositlinar in every portion of the I mtei State, eouiti te precntel. The'e are bow nuneceuary, tat t BUtnerous sviection em bracing many statement r4 the mot craor!ii!ary eha;acter, st.Hcient to CO VINO; THK MtST SCKPTIfAL may be had of tf: atitLomcJ Agent. The interested axe p-uUcuiaiif iuvited to c&U. WHAT THINK YOU OF THIS t From nc of tb Biot dbtinfulw Phjr clans In the 4 ity of Sew 1rlu I have teen tuin Chriitie Galvanic article rt a rjniet way airtorn my i-atjubtt for anotit two yft- i f-'1- "rife 1 a I " 1 m l"e a diseiwe i .V j ja. , j. btotusuetl at taeir tnicv .V-a I know jut v tfie "l ita tanirulikrl chil'iren; iVafness an.t Aatectiotts ol Ut Heaj. aUtlt : Paralysis and PaUy, in ail ag. and in) several other diseases of like ".. bch have 1" AXOTHER INSTANCE CP CA2TZ3CH. To D. C. MoarHo, M D.. :eo. Ai,t for IT I'HBisvtr. New V" t Dtar Sir, Rein.? a phyicin in taUe vicirn'rr ot One of your AfreuU, I hare teen much c' '" the exaininatiou of Tour Oaltaoic Ct-raues. aJ highly pleaicl with their practical resuii I hate oh-erved th;it they are Constructed d the true fi tiftc principle for the etnttr, eji, ratnnt t' 1 o fmiii develorment of the tialvamc l arretit tue-r f ftllins; a disiderntum. Ions; svnicht for. but hervtvlv' nnlwutwn. I chevrlully reeosnmen 1 tlitai t r . f ileTtion and core ol tlioa.di.-treaatr.ff aUaier.1 called Nratnt-e , .-Mri.tsT. for wiuci uef ' - I katuay and uieemcmsly deaifrned. Very truly you. DAVID RICE. M. P LcTerett, -Maaa Vebruary IS. I -a). aTar" No trotiMe or itieonTenienc. atte-alf th. of UK. CIIMfTIKS O'.M'..Vfr r( JtTllAN an.1 they aiay ba worn ty the mttat feeole aad tlru cat. with pe'nect ess. arid salety. In B any c the sensation their use is :tV . rsaiiot wial mertmUt. 'I'hejt ar. areompanied by lull ana plain direction, lor ne. rampi.iel. with loll par hrulara may b vhtavined (taua, uf th. auutorawal Agca - Prices: The 0 alvanic Kelt. Ihre,I,1,", The Galvanic Xeckhce. TwoIMlars. The Galvanic Urneilets, t'ne Dollar aoiV The Magnvtie I'luid. One Dollar. PARTICULAR CAUTION. Qrj- Bewrff C'unlttjtils n4 ITerl.ViVif niraOfaaV D. C. M0REI1EAD. M. D . 0NCBAL AOKNT K"R THK l'MTK.P tT4TI'4 KM Uawaalway, aosav. Aoist In cwUSir.- C. W. ?v UAH LS tUatttcb ot tljc Chronicle Cf tr, ON accounts Imm on on to til )' standing. C AMI and alo WooJ, Wheat, Butter, I "i1 most oiher I'ltduie Vi UuhtW V". tri W3WrW - aU jivcr vci.Aioiia. ij e cuftei.1 rate l ' i i ii ,,1 mr in