LEW1SBUIIG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. IJrdotag Cjjruiiirlr. tt O.HICKOK, Eor. I O.N WOBDEN, Printer. 4t,,."?S. - th-"d ,,,r tblnth. )'"" . xirui. . .i.il..l.li.hi.-V B "" " " . ACenw - m - Friday Mof.mno, SErrlW 1. PiiVlir rnlo.. wish to rroriirt- cr Mill ri".- r - ., , jj,, null's- in i " See rw Adrllrncii. of the secret editor, of the "TlMts" last week, traveled so far out 0f the record a, to th. r"te inlrrMM and rr,feS!i..nal buMnew of the Editor of the Chr.micle. The nominal Editor of the "Times" refused, after 3 j .i..i;lw...t;.in. tn rivc us the name of the author of these wholesale libels , and falsehoods. It is natural, of course, I for the perpetrator of such a meanness, to skulk like a guilty coward in tnc sha dow of an irresponsible I'ublialier con cealment being better than daylight, in such cases. Hut we respectfully surest, that while bis band is in, he had bettor tap the cliu.u! of infamy at once, by Lin'iifi himself out as a j lurneymau thief. or some similar estimable vocation. His i principles of ac'ion would not elevate him to tLe level of an open highwayman. e are promised exemption from juich assaults in tuture. We have only to remark, that tiny will not be ventured upon with impunity. II. fcj?We are informed of three Trials at the present Tel in if Court. The Super isors of I'eav.r, found guilty of neglect of duty in a certain mad case. A biael. man named IVter Shenkliin- found gu'Jty of assault and 1 attery with ;.n intent to ceniinit a npc, and senteiiceil to 7 years' in the Tenitentiary. Yans Taylor found guilty of assault in shooting a blv.ek boy. but nut of intent to kill seuteuee not pronouuerd. jbBtJamfs Merrill Linn of Lancas ter, late of I.ewisburg, was on Tuesday admitted to l'cc liar tf I't.ion county. Teschers' Convention. I'ur.-uaut to previous notice, a respecta ble number of the authorised Teachers of Union county met iu Convention at Mif flinburg on t-aturday, liitb iust. and orga nized by electing John M. Uasck, I 'resi dent, and II. 15. Ai.muijut, Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, iu the judgment of (his Con vention, the salaries of J ulilte .school Teachers Lave heretofore been below what the standard of right ought to be; that in teaching for the same tl.oy have not only done injustice to themselves, but also have Lave itfiictid an injury upon the commu nity generally, inasmuch as the induce i.au:o held out have not been such as could possibly secure the services of half ciiovph competent persous, others than whom it would have been almost as well tJ Lave had none to have taken charge ot the schools, and that thus the Common School System has fallen to a great extent into disrepute, and iu many localities has almost entirely lost the confidence and support of the most enlightened class of people : therefore Uesolved, That in order if possible to remedy these evils, the Teachers of this Convention obligate themselves to accept a no less salary than Twenty-Five Dollars per month for teaching iu any district in tlie county. Uesolved, That authorized Teachers not present, but who coucnr in opinion, are j respectfully called upon to sustain the action of this Convention. Uesolved, That in schools where the higher English branches are required to be taught, the wages be not less than Forty Dollars per month. Kesolved, That these proceedings be published iu the several County papers. On motion, adjourned. lirMes-rs. Kennedy, Wallace, Vorsc, ai.d Cumininps arc selected as Teachers for this Uorough for the ensuing season. -The County Superintendent, we are - r , l ,i e -.1 r l l- i r . ..... rm. u, in ...e laiu.iui uiseuarfc.c oi uw duty Las rejected" fouiB applicants for tlio ! TeaehrrMhir, or, eeor.f ..f ineno,,., ' I I ss..... s.. ..To.OIJ and one or two for immorality. . j WO. W e learn that Dr. CltAWFORD was i roniiiiated for P.. nreser.tative fur this Dis . tnet 1.' tLc IK . , e si is htm-eralic ( onferee Meetinc at Mifiontown. TLe ( ffitial account Las : Lot c-tue to Land. t&"Mr. SmsDKi., of Minsgrovo, tLc oomiDec of the Democratic Convention of tLi county f. r Auditor, requests us to etate tliat Le declines being a candidate. I6IIod. Henry M. Fuller and Col. II. It. WrigLt are agaia tLe nouiiuees for Congres in tLe Luzerne district. It is Fuller's turn tLis time to be counted in. l&-TLc Whig Lave made no nomina tions in NortLitmlerland, Lycoming and Center counties. TLe "Independents' Lave full swing. I"A slii-Lt frost on the Middlccreck, Monday morning ; ana b1eo along tLe ? , jeterdy morning. Juslil'A V. Cosily, Esq., of Danville, who was one of the Whig nominees for tLe Supreme JicDcL iu 1851, Los been nomi nateJ by the WLig Couiiiiittceof Lancaster county, us a candidate fur Associate Law Judire. Cji'I'mrvfwrllaltw:iv, B-ttl'li-hment U t as. corner of Aoo nod -Va..u mr-K. New Y..ik. whir hi -.polar l-iiln.l Httiuiit-nt.wlnrli Lnx midi rfiituiiiD f.r numl-rof v. am in rry I'-trt of th w-rMjiiv hi; ' . ! r. p r in tl i country, -iiid th-rr in no iiieRl..D but 1 j zrs ov an rxs'Tiy itif Kind i tunnc m- o,ir riiu- n ( iuir. nit wou.il r-Lrtrtifflv Mi!.. .ur frtfti la kiu th-m a trial, knl th r- m mi fcr tut th.it th.-j w.oil.t . (.itTioiK tu u.e tht-tn whenever uiv uieUicine micbt be r.-'iui-ittf. Cttrrrcttd Weekly. ! Wheat... le Com 'Oats ; Flaxseed ...51,75 Esc. is) 75 7i Taliow hard liueon Ham Cloverseed .... 1,1: Pried Apples. I,i5 Hutter 10 .4,ot: In Lewisbui, :tlst ult. by Kev.B.D.Han.lm. Ad U'hitlock and Miss Elizinltu Hoi-' skl, all of Lew.sbut?. lu ttloonisbiir?, 7th inst. Emsni PiTrns ! of Lewisbur and Miss Duiiicti Milli of Danville. j In Milton, 12!h inst., by Rev. A. (i. Dole, I Jims IIili, of l.ewisbui"r. and .Miss Kliii It in litvuT, of Montour coiituv. I DIES, In l";i-t Duflalor, Nth inst., ard 25 years, Miss Many Ax daughter ol" Adam and -aral (iun.Iy. j l'i Leaniersville. Tllair Ci.. CSlh uil acreil I :i vcars. el U. I.i amkk. In Mnl i.'crcck Tp, 5tti inst., aijtd about 50 year, i i.li .n (J-tt H i 1. 1. In VVluti' l)t t r, i t iiit, acil 4 yrs, 5 mos, In .New Uertui. Tu .lav evening, age-J 72 year, I'nii.ir Lrkuhek. Id L'liMii Tp, IStii inM. ajjed 2t year. Mis I. LI Z A B TM Sri.TI.EH. Oil itlC l'JllltJaCUB Kri.ll ac! ab. ul --S y erf is. J FOX RLKT, ("TiA 13 IiH K Hul'St: m the upper end of p 3 Market sti.-et. I 'm iioir. Possess.on ' jlien lioincdialelv. lnutiire al the cilice of I the Chronicle. Sept. 20, IS54 Earn ay. (Tame back upon the prf-miss of; Ihe siibsc'i'o. r. on the Hl;h inst.. a i Y HoKsi:. about 15 hands In-.-li, : luiooitn old. one loiiii loot while, tuitiini; uray arcund tt;e breast and neck. The owner J is requested to pay charges and take h i in off WILSO.N I. Ll.N.N. East IlnlT.iloe, Sept. SO, Ih",i USIVEKSITV NOTICE. rpiIL nfxt SrsM(,i. .t the IMVEKSiTY (ft Ihtirav (Uth) vi Ortolx-r. Muihits are aii:nittcd tu cilhrr the CiaMraI r Ncieniific cuuise, or tu pursue select branches, it" they i.e-in re-main in less than three years. J'lie AA IIM V rfj :ves tuli as are not prrparc,! iu en't-r ir, ur u ih ti stmlv some eifiiwntary it; ..inches in connection with some Mticite in The KlIMAI.i: M:MIAKV opens tlie day I"tire th 'oij'i;i'e IVpartiiit'iit. It oilers (tie hiuht advantaces uhieh experience, In-lnictoiN anj an admirably adapted building can secure. Tuition in f'ol'ee (per annum) $:J0 in Academy tb 2(J Female St minary, higher branches do :Hi do ci iinnon do do 20 B tard l.f.O to &Z:2b a uetW. 4w545 A XI) NEW FIRM. The partnership here tofore ex:till between liibtr V IVr..r, was this .lav dissolved by mutual consent David KebiT having dispied of his interest in the concern lo P.-ter Uursii. 'i'be business wiil be continued at the nH stand under the Firm of hirh v l'or.sr, who will be happy to serve all the old customers and lots of new i ones. V.W i! KNIIl.i;, . K. Oli.-E. I.cwislurtr, Sept. SO, IS.il N0T1CK. 0'Rw. Firm beinw ihis day dissolved, we ubi say to all who know themselves ind. bt. d lo us, thai we are in need of the neediul, and are anxious to settle tip our bus iness Willi as litile delay as pos-ible. Our Books will remain at the old stand, and set tlement made bv either of the Finn. REIIER it VORSE. Lewisburj. Sept. 20, ISol I-ul.lie Sale! T HIE subscriber intendin!; tu break up house-keeping, u ill oiler at public sale on 'td'Ut!ui, thr th of thtubtr, the folluw inir persfn;d pruperty, viz. One got d mi Ik cou 4 hogs, 2 shfiats,uheel-' barrow, potatoes by the bushel, 1 Clinton air tight cooking stove, 5 coal stoves, salting ves sels, cider narreis, bedstead s,beds and beddtin-;. tables, chairs, bureaus.Iooking plasses, carp. -tinp, study tables, a larpe quantity of dishes.' tumblers, knives and forks, Ac, and a "-real i variety of articles too tedious to . numerate. Sale to commence at one o'clock on said ; dav, and continue from .l .y fo day until alt is i sold. Conditions at sale. JOHN 0 HAL-FA NT. Lewisburg, April 21, IH51 th'. .kIi lung's I lUir TS the only medicine capable of curinp the I ..- s.v, in nan an nour. or- U1y, seVeral days were required I,, relieve this distressing pain; whilst now the ue of the blixir will, in a lew iiiomeiils, remove it entirely. Although but lately introduced to I public, i.otice.tliiswondeiful preparation counts thousands of advocates. Ii is very beneficial IIIOUS.IUIIS Ol rt-l .'s...-s. 11 tr. u.oi.s.ni ,., t;i,K ad Coughs, checkin-r the most ob- stinale fit of conghinv in a minute or two. It ' . I....I I. L I.. ll..l..I-'.n.II...J.l... a l nivaiuao.e r d.i..i ...oi. me .,. nu s.i... i. . , ,.... .i. ,ri.i .,n h. . satisfactory evidence of its ell'.cacy. Price 25 els. ner bottle. Prepared only bv I MUtlAS . I-KII.I1.V11I', 118 Catharine street, Philadelphia. Acmu-J. BIKKIl CO.. I.i-burir. I. IIKKIISliT, .S liuwive J'.hn echnee, Pter ti, -m.n. Mt. Mewant. IIutt I1mI.t, .1. a t . V , rr. el urg. I. I. II. r. II .j.t. l-eiin Tp. X Uoiula. W iiltr. Il .roin l o., W Infi. 1,1. llron a llnl l-b. Turtle.. 200' BBI.S. Salinatsa'U 200 sacks Ground Alum Halt, New Mackarel. No. 3. 200 lbs. New England Cheese, 100 lbs. mixed Stocking Yarn, Cider Vinegar, just'reed and for sale by Sept. 13 J. HAYES A CO. - f I. KEGS Blasting Powder. 1 ) 200 lbs. prime live-picked Feathers, Lot of Carpenters' Tools, Wroujht Nails, S and lOd. Cast, shear and Sprint; Steel, Steel Springs, Axles, and a general variety of Coach Trim ruinus. iust reed by .... H, BEAVER. KREMER & MOORF. "V r r va -tl ;t . t 1 r,.H.-,f!.il. , ,i i.i... i.. Mill roniiiiiiA tht? Marine Business at h old suiid in the upper rn'l of MarUrt stri'et, in tins Ui.rouijh, win' re he is prepared to manu facture MONUMENTS, TOMBS, 6'rore Slim, Jltititit, I'liitfn, it,Sits,i(c. lie has a variety of Carved and Plain woik now Himhed, and teaJy for letierinc Persons .lesirin? anv article in his line of business, are reipiested to call at his Yard, as q (. j ue win mere sen ; sr .u per cent, eneaper man i Can lie b-iueht i f peions soin thr-'iifh the i country. All ord. rs w ilftcrenv prompt a'len . iDjtion. SOLOMON HITTER. ,S ; l.ewisburs, Sept. 13, 18o4 . 12 ; Dinvllle HirJware Store THREE DOUKS SOUTH Of THE BASK, A which will be lound a larsc and neil- s.decle.l Mock of Hardware. Cutb'rv, Iron, Steel, Xails. Carriage trou'ini:s. Harness miointmcs, Carpenrers. Cai.ii.rt-makers' and shoe makers' Tools, itoot and shoe Find. tig, Moroccos, Kid. Linings, Fi.-ech Calf skins, Cedar ami Willow Ware, St-el Springs, vis. Vices, Screw Pliite-, Screw Ileilou-s, Puilders' Hardware of every description. 'i nit an mdow llld Sliii'ters.U nolowSasli.Sih erpltil Ware, I.iiMannia Ware, (inns. 1'iMols, la v. 1 vers, Manilla ntid ll. n.p i;( pe. Sjierm, Lard, and Whale Oil. Tar. Window Gias.l.ui.kilie. t.l.isv I'iait s I-ins'-ed Oil, Sp rits T.np. ntine. Pure White Lead, W lute Zoic Paints, lliake's File Pi. of and a full assortment of . tlurr Paints, W it.es aiol Liquors at Wholesale and Ketail, Japan, C. pal, and Coach Var-l:i-hes, Vc. Ac. Al! of which w ill be sold vcrv cheap for cash, country produce, or four months' aeproicd credit. J. U. KICHAKDSO.N, at the sins of the Anvil and Saw. Danville. Sept. 11, Isil lvlot T)l HS Pit hi ps ! Pumps!! Well and Cist, ru Pumps, Suction, Force am! i 'hain, me very best articles now in use, those wishing to purchase ran be convinced of this fart by cal.nig upon Henry I!. Noll, Esq.. Lew isl urg. The siibscrtler has also mi hand LEAD PIPE from 1 to I J inches. J. O. KICHARl'SON. Danville Hardware St. re, 3 f'oors N. of the liai.k of Danville. Sep'. 15, lSOl. Notice to School Teachers. VLI. tl com ie authorized Teachers I'll uiity are reiiiestcd lo meet in Con- veiiti.m at the Irankhn .thoiiI lluue in MIFKI.IMil'Kf!, on SATI KDAV, the lt;ih Sept. niNt.. at 1 o'clock. 1'. M.. to acree upon the V.'aes to be retpiired fur the ditlerent urades ol I cachers in t own and I ountry. ! epi. 5. MA.W Tr.ACHIOK.s. VI JAN TED immediately a stout younj f f MAN lo do the heavy work about the Store, and ke-p a memorandum of what he does correctly. En.j'.ire of BEAVER, KREMER A MOORE. Another Lot cf Goods Jl.'sT opened that will pay well to call and examine before purelnsing elsewhere. at BEAVER. KREMER A MOORE'S. I.ME COAL just r.cd and for sale by BEAVER. KREMER A MUORE. UNION TEMPERAWCE ilCTIL, v Ico (-inn hikI i::illii7 Saloon. 'iriiir if Smmil tni.l Mnif.it .S'.'s. ' ff Having r.-nted the commodious and well I JtMWlitted buildings at the lower end of Marl.el i St. (formerly the mansion of Win. Haves, Esu.) the subscriber is prepared to entertain .V77.'.I .Vf;.7.-.s- .l.V 77..1 VEI.EUS. Man and Beast, with lo Igini? and food bu ni't with intoxicating liquors. ! t?- There is also attached an ICE CREAM Saloon for Ladies, and an EATING SU.OON for Gentlemen. lie respectlully solicits a lair trial, and a share of the public patrona. TETEUS. Dm I.ewisbur-r. March 30, IS.M yOTIfE Application will lie mile 1.1 to the next Legislature to chince ihe name of the "Lewishmc Savincrs liistiintion." located at Lewisbtirg in l! e county of l nion, to "THE I.EWISB1 RG HANK," with One I Hundred Thousand Dollars additional capital I niill.iie.fi. I,. lcc..a ,tf. .,.r .' . n,i i f......... ... . -m ii- . unit. I,-1 t in u- ; lation ; subject to the provisions of the general banliin laws ot tins i.ominonwealth. By order of ihe Directors: II. P. slIEI.LER, Treasurer. Lewisburp. 1'a., June 2, psfil Sf lioul oilrc. riHIE undersigned. President and Secretary I of the Board of School Directors of the Borough of I.ewisbur?, will receive proposals from tins dale until Saturday the lfoh .lav of September next, for r'Ol R Male TEACHERS to take charge of the Public Schools of said Borough. Ihe schools to commence on the first Monday of October next, and continue five months. L. STERNER, Pres. JAMES HAYES, See. N. B. The Coiintv Superintendent of Com mon Schools will be in Lewisbur? on the 7ih day of September next, for the purpose of exa mining Teachers, &c. Auj. 24, 1851 Scctl W beat. r HE undersigned offer for sale the celeb rated GALE (While) WHEAT for SEED. Price, Five Dolls, and Twenty-five Cts. per hair of two bushels, including cost for baifs. Orders promptly executed. Address CARR. GIESE CO., Commission Merchants. Spear's Wharf, Bah. Baltimore, Aug. 31, 1851 PRIMARY DEPARTMENT OF University at Lewisburg-The First Session of the present year will com mence on MONDAY, lih Sept. 1851, in the Wing of the Female Seminary building. Three Sessions in a yeai.of I t wcekseach. Tuition, ft. Incidental expenses, 25 cts. N. BALL, Teacher. Iwishurg, JVpt. i, 16 1. I 'rhrap KVudi and llarui'i tliaimfarlonj. r..i i., r...r liithiu. ui '. " eniiifrrni, rr-pi-ciniuy invites the pnt.nr to can and nnce his work.as he u confident they ill 1 r.Pn"er "ausiac.ioi. cvc. .... tiuimeni customers. ; rAiiri Constantly on hand, or made to order, all, B A rlG Al N S ! kinds of SADDLES, IIAHXICSS. Uriilltn, ''. , w,i he almost impossible to enivnrrate ., Whips, Trunk', Ytilirra, Inrptt lln!,)r.. ,ie aritr.ieH comprising our slocW of (ni.ds. Also the cheapest and Lest assortment of but they invite all to come and see for ilieui Worsted, Linen, and Citn KI.V NKT.S t.. s(.ives assuring them that thy u ill ct be found in town, at prices ran?,..- (j.l, fr the ame Money of d.lferent styles and r.ices. The above articles will be sold cheap tor cash or country Produce. All kinds of KKPUKINC done at short nr : any ioui.j in a wen iiirnisnr,, s,..tr. ... tiee, cheap, and in the most durable mmiirr. I der their establishment well w.-rtb a visit at The citizens of Lewisbur? and the surroiin- j all times they will continue to n-ce.ve as the cins country, are solicited lo extend a lair season advances, new invoices ol seasonal... p..rtio., of their paironaee. 1 1'" for Ladies' or Gentlemen , wear, so as WAXTKIi loo cords of Wood in exchange ; to be able at all tunes to oil. r the choice ol the for work, also 10 tons of II ay wanted at mar- New Vork and Philadelphia markets ket prices I "avin? adopted the motto. Quirk .-ult ami ET- Shop in Heaver's new brick block.Th.rd . ' i'r-fil. they hope to have a liberal share and Market, 4th door f.om corner. j "f public patronage, p All kinds ol Country i II l'.KAVi:it. Produce taken in exchange lor Uoc.ds. Lewisbun, June no, 1SS1 Dissolut io FITH K co-partnership heretofore existit.? be-i Apotliecarir s to the Hom.ropaihic Dis I lueen the s.ib.criliers under Ihe firm ol ; pensary. -No. S.t'.t Arch street, Philadelphia, I) naehy A. L'lder is this day dissolved by inut.nl consent. The accounts will be sti lled by Mr. Il. naehy and the business con'.in ed by Mr. LUJer. F. A. nowcuv. A 1). K 1-1 11 It. Lewisb.ir, July 17, 11. Cw DICKINSON SKMIXAKY. (j.-onff ;...) V"CXTTKKI will c.unm-Mice August 2t, Hal. Total expense fur beard, r n, u ahin, hylits. Ttiid and tii.tin in I'.tii:!iiit Iaiui V (irerk, Ir.un N'i'J.r.o to p-T fpiar ter. sS;ud-:fits !omld be here 'ii 'be 'Z'.A. TJIOS. UOWW , lVnit .pal. ViIliamport, An?. 2, I K-i . 1 VI Kit II A Mi I MiS, Chiirs, an3 Cabintl Ware. II .i i..f ui.i i.' a large amnilon in rear ol Ins Buck shop, upper end of M iiket Mtc.-t, and .tiscoiitmu.'d his hop on :'d street, the sul. seriiier has removed llo-ic all his lovdi and ware, ami will be happy to see old eu-to-ui'Ts an 1 new at his Market St. shop. A tre.h supply of WALL PAPER, consist ing of ii'-w and fasinoiiatiie patterns, is tiow selling at redeced prices-. Ail kinds ol i-HaI l:sund C Mil SET I lit XITl'HE, mi. table for Parlor or Kitchen, can be had en lerms winch can nol fa. 1 to please. Uj-All work warranted. WM. ARMSTRONG. L'wisliurir, March 17. Is.'. I ion The Far-Famed Kedicine! Th- ti!I- t'cin com 'Of. J ntirrh i f nn'Ii-ii! hrr , ih t-f n ni..st tmiiiiii-i i-itOtrt. hiU- M i H'.idin nry Tirlm-i (i--fp hart n-iiti. r il Hi-ni uim- r-t-i: j.ij ular iu nearly i t, ry itt t tin- wi-rltl. 'i Ijv i'tlllti ii t:c ef- tlicv I.-lfc Illt-t Mllli ill r. .i , .; n I tlir liitci. i. lu-.f-t fxtrnoiijiimry. r.waif. il i rrutu .1. to t In ir nun Jvrl.il i-lli. ucy m itm uri I liiimun ci'iii'liiit- ait-t tli-.ir.ii-r f Uiv L u r ui.-l M.-mai h, I'.-r.-on v lr I'lr-fiiTf in u-ii! iIh-ih scr. jril.ru tc Jir tiou, ik.lUiu lull in U-icu rvsturtil tu Lr-lih. Weakness ami Debility. Resforation to ' n. i.i. r n il. l t ..!..., at Death's dour. T..ii,.'irr.-.,u ii..iimvv. pir A ir. J '"rn xt--x, T.-rtrx-ri) n ri-ci-jriji oi tin J-lm-f 1:1 Ih -u II l'i luiin j hi ult- it luh.'ti lor uiu'itil. t-f llir.f ynar:, gnA iil.lly -4-r-jnr:iti"!i Urrft U11-H li; !! It. In ni'.lii-K- itifii in I'.nlli. 'uV w; -tiii-r aw;iv to n -hn U.w 1 y j ; nl w ju.t uf iLiii-v-t.ti-. lit li r-iUM 'l fnct ii. a- l:f l..-, i i.ii-uJt. d inr.txis 11'ti.v.it fCct :it I:i.t t.M.i otir . I'liln. iil iiinit-r i'r vuli-n.f rt. n-'l In h..iltii l.y ! tli. Ir mi-ruti. Hi' I f I y cinijr:it.-tl In . w Y-tV. :in-( hnn i jn-l wiatru to -ay, ilmt l.e .t it-T.-r t titr in hi-aliti, i at .1 'i--nir.il m' to ncntiRini m with ill.- i-ir rm-tjimi-. 1 ui:f-lit filso In iiit utioii. tl:..t tu v w.t'r lia dc.ifta j;n-at Im'U' tit In m ill i m ur I 'ill 1 ittuiti- ir. .. ri. t tr'nity. Cli AKI.Ka Mil i ll. Hi- itii f; VinitiT. .V poriiiatunt Curt of a ili.-caMil Litr of many Ye:ir iltiratioii. t'oi u a L'tUr frw Mi. "mil. 'Vi.if, i,f, I'fi7, to !. .r lit tli.- ili-lri-1 your I'.lt- com man-1 a mr .t'-ri-ii'.' ' limn nv '! - r r- ft ii'ii-n iti.-ii;. inc I- f--r th- fiit'iir -r-'"f "f tl.iir i-Hirafy in I. . r ami (t;liou- O.oif-tMttit- I i'-H lie i.ti- n ih- I ;!- wniii fd-f. a li.th ot th:t'i. with i.lii''i t am f-ri'iin!ly Me-1 u. t r t-ii. f .r iMire-t -iMv-i.iis-: l-. rm - nnti mi-i..ii.i.t i-Mir..i u, r timt lltr ct.u'il do li"H.U (t tu l.-.U'l.' I.'T r.lt'-, :ltltl (t WuH if. t likely !- ci.iil.i fturvtr- i::nn ni'-iiflt. I 'I.i annouu- i (mi-lit i.n'Mr:It en ti .-! r.itt :.Unn auion h.-r fri.Ti-1 ami ifl .1 t-'-iiH mi l tti' in tin'r.l It-r 0 n. Irn! -.f ji.ur wl.i Ii in . imi'r-'H J hT if. m-rl --. I r Mm )i,. , WU- imliM-rt! t runtiUII1 III' 111 lll.tll -lt l H h-i feet i-iir.'. 'i hi- iii t !- riiniii h ir- rni'l chr Iih tn.r xp-r- ' iiir.! aii i-vni foil t n lihw, r:l nft.-n ((.-,-lnrcs th;it your fiUfbavi U- n tin nii-atm f a m. In-r lite. I niunin. I'. -ir Mr. jour- iruir. July ".Td. lS-Vt. (.-iiDMtt J fltVH. I TfititcitMruUti JSH or w..-r'u c fiend- u in fht ol wtnu cnmylaititr: t Sztx lrnj.f.y Jiiumiira S.rr.ii.irT ' A.i,inia llvst iilfry l,n r t u ur . u toinn i iniiit. F iii.ni- Iim- I'll. m Tumor , llSi'tclif on uinrilieM l.h. um.ili'-ni I i- r tit-'"Kin Iffrj i-f all lit t Tiiion oI.n-r.aI Af-It-.m. iruij l't kibtU I rim- t -ti. !? i.iii,:. Kits Pit- lulx, frW.rm. t.t til Coiistij :itn oMi-mt Kit ! Kiil kiii-iji llltf l..W'IH ll'l'. W I.I! 'If lit! " ..eiaur.- inn 1.,(nn,,,tin lu li.'i'-o. n M- nc ul any mu-e ii. b.lily I.ill:.iuut.'U t.r.iiI Jo-. S..U1 Ml the K-tat'tif.liin..nl nf I'n.f.-sir lt..ir.m AT. 214. I Slr:iu.l ar IVu..l l(r. l..i.lo...l uii.l ills, at lo li..u-e in .t- ork. or.l.-rs f.-r t.Hlii-tn..i i.i tl..- .-i:ti..-.Ma.lre .si f "T t'Jl.m:nr.XrM JoiA." wilt rs ri. r ! lie alt.,.i0..n. S.M I nisi, l.y at. r.--i'.-lal.le l'rutf.'i-l:o.J .Iral. r in M. .lii-i.j... IhroUL'tmntlliel HUM .st;.t... in J1..X. p al 1 ... .!". S74-L.. an I JI,...., . . h. Ii. I liaj l...l.ai.- ef llic .rio. ..l I. rn-.' Iinuse in the I ni..n. I A-Tt.'-r.. i. .siiisi-l.-rMl'lfMiepl-y takirp lb- tarter : II, , .,.. II. l,te. l..ll. fi.r the (0U0 M.alirils .O . . rr .l."r.leT. re aflisrd t" r. h H"X l. i'it I "5 For sale by Dr. KKMPEK. Milliinburg Instalment. Ojfi.-r Snaqnthiinna Hailriuil Company, Hi.ihish. m:. Jan. 20, 1851. $ T HIE s rot.'KIIOl.tlERS of this Company are hereby notified that the Sreond Instalment of TIlC WollarM per Share is called in. payable on or belore the 8th of! February next: and an instalment ot like amount payable on or before the loth dav of each month thereafter, until the whole is paid in, to wit, the 10th of October next by those residing in Baltimore at Union Bank or Maryland ; Dauphin county Bank of Middletown ; Northtimbeil'd county Bank of N'orthtimlild; Union county Lewisbur" Savings Institution. By order. HOB. H. IIOI.LIN. Treasurer. NOTICE. rr l CAKPEN'TERS and I.AnnnKKS ran D) ted. to work on the Union A Susque hanna BRIDGE. To good men. liberal wages will be paid. Apply to J. A. BONEP. Selins grove, or WM A. BELL, at the Brioge. eVen miles below Selinsgrove.East side of the Kiver June 8. 1851 DCEOS of .upe.iortorm. lot Mile al th. Oiwonicleamee.S ctuigle,50 p.t dot M-Si ! hollow Ai rn j j Spring and Slimmer Goods! . 0 I CT ' ' ! j JSC L. IDD1NGS 81 CO. ..'.J Txf"0RM '"c public that the have just IVn.n lhlriart n ill a k,...i . avnrinir?!ii ui . . n i"i ti oiiu . r, ... , sl..e h I : I ......1...U.I ul ..n.iv.mll.. 1.1. IT F-.luS U(f ar; enab.e,, lo ,icr lo ,lC p,,,,, at than at any other house in I.ew.sl.nr? rhey nave all kin 's ol nry ...wvis, .mmir , ........ w.ue, leeusware. an i an oiner anic.- s u- I.ewisiit.rt;, May 'A, lol HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES I1lti:P.i;i:i) by Rodemacher A Sheep,, constantly on nan.i ami l.r saie, wnoiesa.e ami retail. in LewisburL'. at the I)r.i Store i f Oct.2V-,:l Dn. T. A. II. THORNTON. Acw Berlin Hotel K'-porls having been extensively , circulated through the eonetv that I a:n not prepurd to ent.itaiu mv gu. sls, I b-i leave to a-ure my iV.e.ots that I am .;...'.. with the b.'st ti e market all.r.ls, as well as house room, and si. ,1. ling, and can accommodate all who will be k.ndenoiigh to favor me with their custom. I hope that misrepresentation and petty perse cutions will not drive my friends ol!. without lirsl civin" me a trial. DAVID lliililt. New Ueilm, May . i VOTIi'K . Having Itren ;)iii..iiiln! I he i SEX TON' to the Lewistmit. Ometeiy, . me sutiscrituT won u state uiai nc is iiir inicn . to perlorm all duties connected with the burial ! of the dead, on short notice. Also that he will attend to the re-ititer:nent ot deceaseu pemois under the direction of iheir surviving friends, Residence in the Lodge at the Gate of the t'eniilerv. GEORGE DON ACHY. ' , ,, ., , Leu i.bur;, May 0. IH.M ... . . fTif. i- Pl.S.StllA IIU.. rpili: Cr,.Partne.sh:p heretofore ex.stu.c 1 between the subscribers under the In m ot -Hertz .V Cutler, is this .lay itis.oiv.u i t mininl consent. The ace. unts will lie setf.d bv Mr. Hen, and Ihe l.osines continued by Mr. Culler. JOHN HERTZ. JOHN B. CL'TLKK. Lcwisbtirg. June 21, ISM pd 4luiiullrntortt ollce. r; KTI KKSuf Ailiniiiivr-itiiin havinr been duly r ran ted tu the nnderi-jnetl on the estate ul .lir.. a.mim ad i .necease i.iate of Iafwisbn: It-ro -n Minty, notice is h-rebv piven al! persons indebted to said e taie to make i:nmediate payment, and th.-e havini; r'atms atfairt it will present them, attested for settlement, to UENJ MI. AMisTADT, Administrator. I.eu-ivhurtf. June il. liil lust Opened! t FRESH LPPLY of M lllir.il f.OOltS suitable f.r the season. Summer Wear of all descriptions, and Diess Goods of all desirable styles, quali ties and prices, at J. HAVES ,St GO'S. II A RASUI.s beautiful assortment of fash- I tumble Parasols to be had al low prices ot J. II WES A CO. ATs Jiii recti, a uperi-r lot of Fine II MdUin, Pan ma White Mauvar, iv ir r u r. 'ahans. ant I ;i im tiat tor saie at low prices by J. HAYES A TO. SrONKWAKC a:i cxce'ient a-v rtmt iit oi c acre I llutn-r Jar. M:lk Pa, re.tm p .ls.P.trliers, Jn and SjMttnnn; j.ivt r.-rd and tor sale bv J- HAYf.Si CO. Call and Try STOCK IN A NEW TI.ADE. Tlie subsenberi. bavins fui mel a Co-par.iiersbip in -L.bilsint, now idler tt0ft I" 'Ul ineii.i ani M- Iiir puuiii, at i-'t I .lie sT Hi d of S. F. I.vndall.ioi Market fctreet, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot ul 2300 ta anD ir.jor.o for Men and Hoys ever ( tiered m I.ewisbur: A SpIfuiliJ Lot of r.r.M SIIOKS. Also all kinds of ji, :Ji:L'..J,v! .1:"J.XHm Gaiters, halt-Gaiters, t ic. Children's Shoes i f all styles and sizes. Work ma le tu order Mending as usual. As we are 1m. th known as practical shoe-1 makers and experienced woikmen we solicit I a share of ihe public patronage and will try lo merit it. f MIKT IewiNlmr. .May, ih. NEW GOODS ! Maniniolh Head Quarters! J.k J. WALLS I "J AVE again filled their spacious Shelves,! J I Counters, Cellars, and Rooms, w r.li a c.ueliil selection of s:A'0Nable goods. embracing everything required in the way of vit y a o'ovs. ii k or EU ies. ha ku a a HALT. FISH, Ae. Ac. for the families of 77ie F.trnur. Tli Mecliimir, j The n.m'hrjrr in whatever vocation, w hich we ofler to old ' friends and new on the most accommodating terms. We invite punnc inspection. fefi-lT-OPlTt'E of all kinds wanted, at the Li.'lioit Market prices. Lewisburg, May, 1S54 i 4flmlnlMlr(or, Xotlce. "YOTICE is h-reby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of K.do.G. II. Hayes, late of West Buffalo Township. Union Co.. de.-'d. have been granted to th nndersigned by lae Register of L'ifton Co, n due form of law; therefore all persons indeb ted to said Estate are requested lo make im mediate payment, and those having any jusi claims are also requested to present lliem pnperly authenticated for se-ti-mem JOHN HAY F.r. DAVID HAVES, Admittis'ia'c-rs. June ?8, ifcsi. nr. Tu Wool-Growers 50,000 pounds w..i wanted, IJksEJ T:.e subscrib ers Iccl in v.:.tiil t r . , . rr ini patronage conferred upon their : "' """"'5 "I"-' F- -" ( Ili.il liie well-winer 01 Hiircouiiiiy iu irn hare abundantly by pair, nun.g II r. I,. I,.vir.. Km. r.irisr. (ariBeis. M-rcuaiit.s, and M-chanics. we invue yuu ali t.. eivr us a call, as we intend krepiub' cons- lantly on hand a good assortment ol Uoo oi our i u in inulacture, such as l'l"lht, f '.w.W -, S-itnirttt, Fl'inmU, li'mifc ti, SimkiiKJ i ' s, t-''. t. ex-banjje for Wool or sell low for Cash, rain. Laid. So. p. or any other marketable Produce. They wilt also Wholesale to Mer chants. ! save them the Jobber profit, which i !r..,,i in t . 15 per cent. ,-an ,. ,M n pa t,,r iii.i. ai a i umes.ine reul ir market price, we rio noi experi io run Wasons to collect Wool we think it ts better b.r both Wool Grower and Manufactu rer to deal at the Faetorv, where iheie is a variety of . Js to select from, and Ihe manu facturers have a much better chance lo render sa'i-tactioii to their customers than when a few t;oods are hauled out in a wagon. Ilv strict aitenuon to business, they II. p? to merit a .m,iv share of public patronage. Very respectfully vour. STATTKN. MARK A CO, White Deer Mills. I nion Co, Pa. May 10, Ps.'t 3m5S'i CLOCKS all kinds ..f 8-day and 30-hour Brass Clocks and patent leier nine-pieces. Brass P-dav clocks at $1. brass :M-hour clocks as low as .-jit- Ail el.ck warrauteil for one year at J. L. YODKK'S rftfilft Ctirk. U".icA uii'l Jewtlry St-rre. opposite Mdin?s A Co.'s, l.ewist.urff. 11 TATt 11 ICS Gold and slvr I.evei,. If Lep: nes, and Verge. liold Watches from to sjltio, at J. L. VODER'S cheap Wutch and Jewelry sto.-e. JKWKLRV of the latest pattern of all qual ities for sle al the lowest City prices by J. I.. )UUtK. s ILVKIJ WARE Table. Tea. Dessert. Salt and Mt.Mard Spoons, silver warranted ' to coin. Silver Tea spoons Iroui &5 ! unwarJs, nu charee f. r Kn graving, at i J. I.. VuDF.lt'.-. r ' OLD CHAIN La lies' Chatelam. io .1 Fob, Ve-t and Guard Clmns. from $10 0, at J. t. VODER'!. rirr.l. rACI.KS -t.ol t, silver. I late.:, i o steel, suitable for all aces. All kinds ol 1, lasses pm to Spectacles a' toe shortest notice. j Pamcular attention paid to C l in; Glav-es f..r 1 weak eyes. J L. YoDKK. j ! " -"7 7 C,.,.. . , '"."." I I.A 1 LD H ARL Cake and card Baskets, i j Spi,un , K,v. . j T.-aspoons siho-r-plated ou the best German I ' silver. -1 per S d..z. All foods warranted to ! satisfcl.on. A'l kinds of Fneravin. at ; ,ne sllt,rlc,t , re at J. L. ODER'S. I 1 OlA) I'KNS all prtrs.in fi-'M and Silver Jf Holders, and without h-dd-rs. f cheap at Cheaper than Ever! NEW GOODS 1254, j1 II E nndersi?iifd respectltiHv ain.tiui.ee to their friends and tne cmens ot Lnion coiniiy, th it thev have opened a new stock ol Dill' CiOOD, embracing every descrip tion of I.ADlEs' and MEN'S WEAU.also a i complete lot of H'KMSIIIS'; GUt'lts. &c. I Ti. ir stock of GUOCEi.lEri is very large and cheap. Ms . Tlanslr. .I....1: ,o' II lltllU R Their assortment of y EEENsVX ARE is j one ot Hie nuesi ever lrougni lo mis section of Country, and extremely low. Ma. I urn l ...us, la 11' irri. I'...-, chased at extreinelv l..w nr'ces and f r f'iuA. ! u enables them lu oiler nnuMial uofurenieuts tii purchasers, as re-peris vanefr. Myie, and priee-i. j he public are respectlully inviied to call and examine for ihemelves before rur- chaine elsewhere. exeharae fi-r (inuds, and the highest market pi.ces allotted. in nru k lonsc. Iew isbursr. May :i, If.M Perfect Fit; LLJO.I 1!. .HII.LS l: carries . n th. Tailorm:; business, in h's i.i, h ok, at in. old stand on North Third Street, w here he will attend to Making and Cutting as usual. The FASHIONS received from New Vork. All work done in Ihe best style and on th. most reasonable l rms. Pru!uce recen fd a Maikti prices. l.e-wisl.tir. sepi. 3, lo.iil JOHN tl. MILLER. sininier Fashions for l"s."4- r on Ths P. Williams. Br..sd. nv. New York 1st ree'd by J. II. MILLER, l.ewisbtirf. Xew Sirin,2; Goods ! I IIIST OF T1IK SEAMVN r VV havi- :bt day opened a lartjc and biairit.tl unrt- (int o: -pnn ( oil. IVr-n Ner Sv!es t( (; .ods and al I in win I ol pines, are rep'-etiiillv invited to ; Apl7 ;ive us a rail. J. HAVES A Co. A SPLENDID assortment of siiks. shaihes Armenia. Wool Del lines. Persian, ai.c I Lawn DRESS GOODS, to be ha I at vetv low prices ot J. MAILS sV CO. 1 INGHAMS anil Prints of all descriptions. 1 I" also 1'0 pieces extra ! c's Prints t be had chap of J. 11 WES A CO. 1 TY.CELI.KNT sortu.ent Wool, lugiain. Vj and Hemp CAUPE I1NG. also Drugget Oil cloths, colored and w hite cotton anJ he. up Carpet Chains, at lowest prices by J HAVES A CO. s r. PERM. Tanners'. Fish and Linseed Uil.s and White Lead, best ijuahiv. at April 111, 1851 J. HAVES A CO I f- IBS of excellent FKXTIIERS to lUtt hid of J. HAVES A CO. HUSSEY'S GRAIN KEAPEIJ, for cnttinjr Loth Grain and Crass. Al ANI FACTURED and for sale at th. Lewisburg Foundry by GEDDEs, MARSH A Ci FJotice. rETTTR Testanientarv on the Esti'e ot j WILLIAM ,A. PATTERSON, late . f Kelly township. deceased, having been issued -.. the subscribers by the Register f Wills o' '"nion rouiity, all rersrns tn-tebierl In san' slate are requested to male payment, and a!1 Persons having claims to present them, prep "rly authenticated, for .ettlemer... THOMAS COVLV. ) . THOMAs HAYES. c ' July 51, 185-t Cw N fi W Boats and 8 TO r Shoes, Statioceiy rpllE subscriber announces lo l.i ir I and Ihe DUblx tfenrral.c ilii i" received from Philadelphia a iatj ! ient a-s- rluienl of. v.. - r.ttTt JtT1 xompt e-n. evrry kii.il and var-,, ? .fu .e men's Boots, Gaiters, Monr-jes. 'IV j ; ! c. L'uliit Vmc (Jaifrr Hit'. U.tskins, Jenny Linda, and T.es ol .Le it:. and in. st approved suits. iiovs', Mis-sfs', aiid Chil.!rt n'-i Tioois. Lace Hot rs.fiatiers r:d SI.. e 1 1 r style ai.o vsrietr new v. n also a t;,nt selection of the Scboed and Classical BOOKS now in use in oar Academies ar I ?'h. 'I UTethei wi'h a ?ood assortment of Miitt.s Il.-r, eic- I'he a' ove e. . ds have Inn ctre'n. v ltd and wll ! e dd at v. ry rtdure.) rri The ur dersicn.'! also c ntii. lies to n.r; lit r Hoots and S'h es ol cv-: .:.r or.ter. i..l from his Ion; r.-;'i i. dterii.ir.atior. to srare ro I r . r pl'ase. he b. pf s to merit an re. . . .share ... t business. i.'H." 'i:- ,:-' Leu isl .iru. Vav 5. ! ' 'put: l v r rr ..t. kt.u . ' M. la-t -nf i -i. itU Ai,t J, biiiO kr tf : f rr. !-t:nrf th iVrtOMtx Irim iLr ! . wn t iai.fci - rum. Pr lh- itr "f tr-i t!.. V k f ib r- lr l-tit 4 r ID -..- t I... I stir i.i r. wl t. m i-'-t l'-3 !..-! Kill -KjVF-. lat.l-: I Uft ! a tl l 1H..- .-IV, K" ' 1 - i n Mit..ii. k kr.itnr.t 1 ik Cf.'vI-riT au-l kli- lU rlhra ir. K livatk" Hi -t r-.-iiM A.'B-'.t it t- ktiir"! wi. "1 li.lili'n-'I'i.I I:!!? r r-.inPf i .10 ( K lu lb. t.tLt t tu I I . t ti. .ii.-.ct- a. II MWr.L JII'MIM wV. i . V '. IU.1..1V :..hT. II- l-. I. ' -.liCl'lt- I. I.S liUVT, t.. t. f. B.rOj tT- l" I j.'.:i 1. ' s. .1 , 1. - 1 I...I . 0' U.I - - I S. I . lllmrkbrr Il ..(.and iui..t J. tr. a i 'e -I. t-kli.'. i I al si.ls ' -. o! .Ur: rufiilkO.l il-. it) .1 ts t. mr.lu.Llrll. III. trkta.B:f .1 d. - It ... II. b: v tv. M..-. K. 1 n. J U K ..!!.. . t wrrl ll..Trutr, , J. i... !.. k. .r.'l. b. i ! i: hi. ... (i. I ilwt. i 01 r. Icq. C.s ll c. u.nun:rht;cl. I.. I, iildr-.'!.- J'l B IX l:.a..f M It , I . a.1 .'I tl. M MtMlMt-fl .1- : 1 -f.rtfc. Ml I I':- ..:. ! . 1 I I., t I I . . F- . 0 .: I i ; :::r i,r.,of.:.-(.Jo.4.7sl.u.t..s- .1. I-. Ml .(. si- r t.f TUut: r.s r a 0.. L to M'HRcmirx. AN I Lb :t0 t.- sow o n V: . t ' f ?o to 3u t0i ij,. 10 ti. CO :t 0 fr r. ;t..A ; I to Le dci;vered this, ci iiuii J-'iii; ai d .vT,r i the bank f the R vcr it Ii..rt.;lnr". I li f A j le j of cnl i'.auty and str.t tr; air.e..! in u i i Pr. p. ils will be r f ivd till hej t. I furnish. n-- !. above, aiid j-eisor. eitd'i-! i po-av nil! Mate Jheuartnv rri ' qnaii'i different kif fs tv eai; fnrntsii. ard i n I Term uf piMnent eh on ifl v r t inspection. .Vdre , t j,a:d,, 1 4so w.n. liit Ko:: if-.- '.ii' . i DAtiL KIiKKO ! k I'H iji'V k j:u &. u i Vs . i m pablic that tin y have t o , ilsVii) c)ttc$f uj f:e : j in the New Ituih'n.p over Di.'l store e . tr n.ee at the Ji, t . . It. 1- si..' I where thev i f'tipaieo t- 1.1 tiieir line in tee b-.sl si' .. can take pictures at aim- s: . day. Chil.lr. n taken as w, ; oilier pu llt.ts c. p;ed. A e !..- n. w a run. ,; p pn.p Ir r.nd ejrl.i- ; t pur.; we tin ok Me c-at. r i: 1 tiont ami r-ptl'u!Iy !-i.dt Leib.ir. An;. I, la."? J h bA.. .TA !'- LYEI?. C.u-i.on.vsA. Would inform his ol.i fiien.ls .n il li e i'iJ public sent ral'y on li e v est ar..t North lr.n.ch ihat hf continues to keep ti.e 7 .Hit! HUT HI., in the tenter it the Town, in' tsk a fair share ot a'r. n.-iee. s.;t s 1 )!.F.sF. RVING and PicUlmsr J Ks ; i. r. c.J and I, r sale a' th Varr.m. th I Aug 10 Da. I aid f. r TIloliN TuN ilit. II V- re. 'd Ding Si i !e at th Mao n. ie a la ge si.po v of Dr. l.iern pp y of gem A gennitir BITTEKs, f r . r .it Pv-t ersia. mi , Aug lo 1K. HlOKNTu.N A iu. Illioruiililr 1 i Inline Ofliit, i ! IM II M.-,, ar t 'i'f a. hi s. K. li'l KMAR. d a oiiL'e q.ianii train in,:, an d f. r D a i N W Corner Filth r.i J Maikr: Sis GEh VAN and FKENCH Lai gi aees. D:n-. ng. Pa;otoig. and lir:;io?l-t.r.g, lat.g- I l.y K 1 Lew isbnrg. Sept. 1, IS53 BARGAINS at the CHEAP or ITItUT. . I.iS 5.1 . YV K take this meihod ti" infortn.t.g ti public that we have tttr i up i 4 -i.vi;. TKAfi.yu 7o;.," where we would invite especial alien. our so ek : I'OVEsl lC com s. .rorri( and U.' II. which can not fail to'plea,.. t. I.t n. r. garc to puce or i)U.ihly. Our rr... 1 : -. e tun bought fi.r casn, a the lo.-: , be sold -n arrt n tri e -t.rg t.-tio-. CASH will be paid f r a.'l k nVi ci Crutr. and the very highest price paut, in to. j, e.ery d.-sci ipnon of l'i.ntrt:c i'.iL'u;c, Tt.ri'evil.e. Mae. !8f-4. Map of Unjan Cecnty. "N' OW in c urse ,. ..reparar-on. a MP nt . s I men C. aaiy. n bv 17 in-lo s n s.7e i-xhihtttrig il iir prii c-pat 13 . 1.1 in s 4im streams, t.r.r.-.sloj. . d ti-ri-.M h l i,,s. r.s.s and ir-e-s. p.-..., rVi-e.-rhnri Ii.--, & 1 's 1 Looses. Ac.. A .-. w o'n tVe rer' I. - line. v '! ie s.-'J at (0 le .lj.-r 1,-5 ht-i. c.'oi.d, 1.25 i uh u ii.-'m b : -,. rollers, a. rl l,;.1 bn irn uncc ji ' . ., r,-. The subseriber asks tie ?. of s . as he is de.ir.i.s of making r .... i.,. ,' some, and iisful m-.p , and ib - ji: n- ag of Ihe rnobc gem rs'lv K- vri , it T.ewi.bnr-. 'av t. .9't AS. Dr. Jact.b IJorltti r, ) OTA NIC PinXCIAN re-ec i'f bis be.iih, r.. iS"nir4 r s nr-r t .be heal.r r art. r ;s ; u;cr '-r s'A 1 1 r 1 in gieat dem--d. ( .11 or-1. r t-- j 1 . tT usual. ''! slew-P-ilm Mae . 1W1 OCK-OI. OKDI TS realty vnr.tej jinfj n! at the flftr "Small Profit .--? (t'..-V. V,,,,. Ee or.Mf fc In m -M in II ?li iy -: ij if;' m I e isltsi f M t 'J ..1.f 'if;; r i m m .-..VT.'i 3 V - tv I 4 'r' t -l-1 4 ' " 1 .8-1 ?e' V.ri 4