Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 22, 1854, Image 2

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.v. 1
at 1
t. ft
Skit. 22, 1S4.
tfw .firm. The l-swraat k CwaosieLa j
tu mui l mi l tha mnrrei - -"J a
aawapAer ! Uukat wiitlr.
irAiy TV.
rT.iwrnr-JAMES POLLOCK. Nor'humblnd.
Stpeeme C.i-o D. M.KM VSKR. Montgomery.
Canal Cimmutivntr JE0.1)AKSlE,Allegany.
Demvxratir. State. Ticket.
CeernorW 1LI.IVM KMST.KR, ofC.rartield.
Supreme Court J. S. HI. At K. nf Somerset.
Canal Com-nUnunT H'Y S. MOT.', of Pike.
Union County Whig Ticket.
CongretZ-Xlan. JOHN C. KFNKLK,
or DlUPHl (OCJiTT.
&mife-JAMES M. SrLLKRS, K.
i.' JlMT COl'TTT.
Aitrmh'y Dr. FliKHKUICK SI'ECK,
or SmKMiEt'Tr.
Itt jitter JAM l'S W. PKNXINfiTON,
or MirruBt'Bo
isr 1Vashi.tok.
-Gen Jesse C. Ilu-inn, of North 'd,
lias received llic Ilenrnctalic nomination
fur Senator in the lljiiphin district.
For lilt l.rwittburirChron'ele.
lsarrc S!inl:rr, Efn't, tijii,n'u the
Jhixl c n Ay ihr cilz- " L iri,t,n. ij.
At all aiHi-iiivisiou inci ting held in tlic
Court Hou-c, in Tuesday evcuiiifi last,
Mr. Slci.Ver, of .V Ilfrlin, said in sub-blar.c-e
the Buud was not binding hccau.se
1st. That there were lin parties to it ;
That to every contract, there must he par
tii.i, able and willing to contract; and that
Judge Wilson, the loinl n"t being given
to liiiu in bis (iju-iuf capacity, was no
arty, atid no action would lie tip-m it.
2d. Tli. rc is no ciiisid.-rati in. A past
Consideration will nut support a promise
In New Yi'.rk. a mini f .und his iieishbor '
stubble field no fire, and approaching the
fcta -ks in the field, and h put out the fire;
the owner af:urw.irJs promistd to pay
I . . . - t 1. I I...1 ' .I...I
Htui, out re.usco, .- ...- -
would lie. Ergo the l'.ond was inv...d .
Shapes or Marshall and Oibion
1st. The lionJ ' payable to Judge j
Wilson in his (fo i-il c ..pacify, and there- j
for that falls to tl.n crouiid l
Important Correspondence !
Just as we were ready fur press.the annelid
Corrcspondenre was handed in. We .unit
ome other articles to make room for it. Mr. '
CoMtv i the Lead of the Danville Bar, wliiio
f t . :f vmntitr itiA fir in ihe Will.
iamsport-and Mr. Cr,-. standing as a
lawyer is equally prominent. READ AND '
CIHCL'l. TE ! i
Vr,T:v ,rt .s0
Nr.W bUtlJN, .Vpt. -U, 1?0I. I
JOSH L' A W. COMLY, 'Esquires. !
1 ' r.rxTLP-Mrs : Emd-.1
-.;ilfinl. ..riifie,l m.t.v i.f a IJor.d
isbur in the slim nf r iffy I hoUsand lol- '
law, made iia;rMo ilt lion. Alt-mliam
ftd The consideration is not pant but u ttiat the Anti-l'ivisionists Have beeu tunlav the 7th net. next at in o ciock ... i. ai
i, lu,ory, tWefore the ca,e doea apply. Mdig a protracted meetmg at New Ker- j tX
The old a':f "mi t k s are no hay- I'll, but no cou rts made, although the cants must have a Certificate frm the County
' I. lo I .,,,i;nl l.c Liter ibole Emporium labored with devoted Superintendent, in order to be employed by the
ItacUs, bait been nu.lifiel by tlim Utttr , i , B .ard. Liberal wases will be given to hrst-
i . ,e.i... auAiei , buu o upuee cwiueioru aua vol. t
S. Wilson, IVsidont ,Tud-o of the 20th ; ' y TT .
Judicial Dwtrirt f IVi.n'S, or hU mccci.- IiC S t" 'Pl-rteJ Maj.SimoDton.
tor in office, cmtiif ittieJ,in ce the cunty "w' fa the of the hi- Confc-
of Union Mioull be divided at the noxt, rf!.", ''The Whig Conferees" thchUd
tension of the I-zilatur. and tle scut tf uot to Df,minato him. ..yet the Star tries
juf?tice l..rated at Lc wiburg, that the u. c- ' tfl pM im nff un tllc vuig Couuty
cescarv ermind fha.I be rmrpnased, and , . . . , - ,
r i i . i ii: . . i lieKft in tace of the facts . 41 1 eddy,
the whole of the County iiuihln.-rs oreetcd ...
without t-xation to tie penj.lc of the Tout:- I'at, "you tuny have your choice be
tj. As this U a matter of vast importance twnne the two mares, but i troth I must
to the tax ravers, and as seme persons are have the gray !'
. . H l . f T ' . ' . .
iu doubt whether paid isona win fe otmnitp
i -. i
in law od those wfco tigma it ; navmp .
rktnftt.tni in rnttr K-ial abilities. 1 ,
. U . ...- ... j C7 '
desire you to give the said IJoud a care
ful examination, and furnish nie in writing
your legal opinions, whether or not said
Bond will be binding in cusc the Division
takes place, and t he s,eat of Justice located
as therein set forth. An early answer is
most respectfully requested.
Your Obedient Servant.
James Marsham-
To Tins ITos. Javk Marshall.
Yours of t'io 2Uth inst, requesting our
opinion iu relation to a certain bond sign
ed by William Cameron, Kmj., and others
to the lion. Abraham S. Wilson, Esq , in
the turn of fifty thousaud dollars, on con
dition, that, "in ease the county of Union
e lit J- .... -f ,L . '
thould be divided at next session or the.
!...:.. 11..I fho mnioritr f . .
rinalified voters thnuld decide by ballot-
.V.. .1 I...il.li f r the northern
J . fc .
tart ft a be called Union 1 ounty) bhouhi
f , , . lt i r t -i
be located in the IJoroUh nf 'Wlsburg.
. .,. . i
the oblicor.- "shall erect or cause to be
" i , . , i,
erected and constructed all neecessary
- Tk.,;i ,rA1.M.i1arJM,n i
County buildings and procure the grounds
ceceespary on which tbey are to be erccteil,
without taxation to the Cuntv; the build
ings are to be completed within eighteen
months after the location is determined as
afore..d, and not t be inferior to tu
recently erected at Uloomsbur in the
County of Columbia, and also to be sub
ject to the approval to the Court and Com
missioners of the County in which such
build iogs arc to be erected" &o. You in
quire whether thin Dond is valid anJ bind
ing and capable of being enforced against
the obligors, if the events therein specified
should happen J
We have examined the Bond,
and are clearly of opinion that
j the same is valid and binding,
i i .--. .i . i in !
and that, if the County should te
divided by the Lcgislalure, and
the !eatof Justice be located at
Lewisbtirg, as contempl-ited inj View. - a. i , nr,
, r . t i i A despatch from area, Aug. -1st, no
the Condition of the Bond, and tifi.g ,hat tbe ..,;., La3 80nt M her
the Cc'tl.'ity of 1 llion should lie-i
cessarily incur any expense in
the purchase of grounds or m ;
the construction and erection
thereon of the necessary County
Buildings, equal in character to
those of Bloomsburg, that to tho j
extent of such expense not exece-,
ding Fifty Thousand Dollars the .
, , , i
uonu can ue eniorceu, in me
name of Abraham S. ilson, for
the use of the County, against
all the persons who executed the
21st Sept. If54.
r-)r llir lnion Cc-unti ?iar.
I osirre an ediioiial in the Star of the
14th inst., stating that I admitted that
the Bond given iy the eitiz- i: of Le.is-
l urif, hiinliiig tin mselves to j ut up the
Public Builtlinjs in case of a division of
the county, never could be collected by j
htx. I do assure you, I never made any
tiiuli iilii .-..inn f rtnditiliop
(lie Conferees fmm New liorlin stated in
Heavertown, (hat the bonds was goud fur
nothing iu law, and that Mil. Sl.ENKKi!
had given an opinion to that effect. I re
marked, in substance, that I was do I.iw
yr, and was not able to give a I'jut opin
ion oa that point; but I was perfectly t;it-
jifhVd, that, if law did not bind them hou-
j or would. I am acquainted with Uearly j
everv man on that lioud,and I know them
to be men of honor and integrity men
who would spurn the very idea of giving
such a bond to deceive ; and, further, I
uM Ka((J ,iat a
.. ft fa
I, v .
ttcrjf tens':
Kjsprct fully Vours,
James Iarsiiali..
. . , . ,
S,A huunTous correspondent informs !
li.nl.er exhorted most faithfully. The
j spectators did uot crowd the mourners.
i su-Lkw presented .
a jmy of lawyers unanimously pron
ch which
not founded up in fact.
lt;0 popiij iy whom he didn't ;mw
. ..rrli,i,. ihrer-n.-onv till fru:nt
Missis. Cauieron, ilifer, and others wh
u ""S1" of them-
11 s if Ibcy are half as bad as the yom.j;
man tainted them no doubt truly !! j
"Old Ner" tried to butt the lUiiirja !, i
ut "' " ' g'H a,on8 near as-cll as when ,
he was President nf tliQ llailroad mcoting i
i. i . i i .. e '
we nes of
meetings has closed : and in view of tLcm '
.W .ugubrmusiy exclaims-
' M'j. Smfnl'iii i l-fftil, it urill
be u hurntnj ami a fast fay nhnnie."
Tho rfnpi.tinn nf fnroian uowa tWrert
from 0:iebre is a noveltv of recirrocitv :
1 -
tscajctdy expected. J he strew steamrr in-
! tawa arrived there yesterday nf'f rnoon. '
i . i" t rti-
: naVIDir left IUTT "1 0U the Otll, hrirg- !
three davs laitr mteilienee, and an- !
ticipatine tlL Atlantic, which was f. have
sailed on the Cth. The Ottawa reports 8
further and general decline in bread-stuffs, !
' j
brilliant whether and abundant harvests. I
i The clnsini; price of Consols was 9o7-8. i
, , , . I
The war news is as usual nothing. 1 he ;
' . 1 1 c. i i u :.. .1:
.llsiriau V ousui ii ci. 1 in isi7ui"ii is ui-
f, ,
: recu u ...n u, i. j - 1
i l,roun dc 1'IIu'f!' ote'. anJ ta
1 modifications in the Russian ac
lTi-. ia ciwl (rt haw nfrpmnlnr!?
t""-1' , ,
' mected the required jruarantce tnat the
.'J- " fc
' IVieiralities should be evacuted. There
, , ;
had been no further tnovemcuts in the
, j-
;liaUic. Tranqui ity had been restored m
i. ' - ,
jP"1 -
mere is Doming ucw iraui 1
11. ...V. C. n, I..nnl.n Xrm Yttl'b
lliae .ii. "
TVi'iioic lOih.
The steamer Alantic arrived at New
, y . -n . moruit,s, with Liverpool
dates to Wednesday, tho Gth inst. She j
brings 214 paenger. Capt. AVcst re-
iKirts. harine experienced a constant sac-j
t .... ,
sow ion of heavy pales aunng tne vyage,
,. ,, , , 111 V J ...
aud had her starboard pauMle box ana out-
water carried carried away, in a heavy
, i
northeastern gale.
llichardsou's circular reports Breadstuff's
as having been heavy since last report.but
with an itnprovrnienl at the close of the
narkl u Tawda.
umlitional rejection of th
propasais oi me tour rowers, is coniirmuvi.
...,. ,n,;n nf the ra-
plyof the Czar t0 the propogai3 0f the Four
power, a Cabinet Council was held at
mcn ; transports to Ualati, and has been
cleaned and fumigated. This is the ves-
sci winch suitcren so eauiy irom cno.crx
The cholera has abated in both rrinies.
No new movement had taken place, ex--nt
that the French were embarking fxi-
cinc3 anJ artiiiery.
Tub Baltic. Advices from Dantzio
to Sept. 1st state that Admiral Persoval
nJ neU of Hillcrs and Brown have
uiade reeouuoitrea of the fortresses ot 1K1-
singfors and Swcaborg.
or' I HIS
. Will commence e.n Muxhit, Oct. if, 1854,
i to continue 20 weeks.
t The course of Instruction in this Institution
: is calculated to pre pnre youths to enter College
! or for general business.
j Composition anj Declamation receive care
ful aUfiition.
j The subscriber is solicitous to secure a class
of Yiuni? Ltulit.
The llible is in daily use in the school.
Kor reference, the Principal takes pleasure
to refer to many of our citizens, both in and
around the place, who have had iheir children
T. ,o, i?her ES-
lish ami common branches, (irululjns
tiramuiar and L'-. Ilibtury) " per sesiuii.
' (.'tnrinpput ffnenst's nt-r Winter stMim, 50
cts. per scholar, extra.
o deduction except f r sickness.
Sepi. 15, IS51 l'niiripal
Wheat, and Flour!
n AVI.NO rented WOLFE'S MILLS, the
subscriber will pay the highest priee in
CASH for Wheat. He will keep constantly
on lunJ, Wheat and Flour to lieiail, and his
Waffun will run dnilv to Town to deliver Flour
and receive Wheat. All Wheat he sells, he
will guarantee to make 40 lbs. FIc ur pf-r bu
shel. IVrsnns wishing Wheat.will leave thi-tr
h.i s at my Storehouse, and they shall be punc
tual'y attended to.
T.ewisburj. Sep. M, lt
otl c to 'laf lici.
lake charqe of the Public Krhools of the
WIU I C LllCBIt Dislricl, to commence on the
tir-t Momtay ol .Vivemter next. I nere will
b(. a mePlin of jar,t f n.reetnrs on sa-
e!as? Tearhers.
JAMES FINNEV, l'resi !ent.
White 1'eer, Sept. 12, lol
Candidates' Department.
ClHKCB 2.r "t. ri-r f li lini. or !i-M. eirh Inwrll".
To th'j Voters of Union County.
The underpinned would respectfully infurni
Ihe voters of Union conntv, that he has been
recommended as a candidate tor the Office ol
H KUISTF.lt AND KECOKDEK, without his
solicitation, and afterwards nominated hv Ihe
Democratic Convention assembled at New
"'''' 1 W"1J therefore say to my friends.
and also lo all others thai may consider me
,.,npPteni to attend to the duties of said i.lTice,
that being reasonably well acquainted throu-h-
"tit the countv, I hope veu will excuse me for
, on- vou r',r5(,nal,y MWe lne elec.
i.n ; but should you favor me with y.mr
L tZj
stricl tvtelitr, and to the best of my ability.
ours respectful! v.
Mifflinbnrs, Sept. 2, 18S1.
Union County Dnsincss.
Issue List, Skp. T. 154.
MtrWl Warner 'liarJt Cawly
num.' Ti A Tliomaa -t al
TclDfiit Manacr va Yiuiij:iiian k Walter
r;tm.t X hn li llr-K-
fatun va Y'oin.rnnn k Walter
Pftrr Ki.-htT' Ex'ra x W V a.i!-eH r
PHiite fr'tof J X V K Waifnwllfr
Jonnthan ilcniWrllnjt ti Unrtnmn jrwith n.t.to liarn-
John K li He for 1'i ilt J ilnrluian jr ith u-tuv
Ii 111 lt.ilnr th !o
Ininl IN nirUr t JnwM MTrviht
l', trr W. l-h th llftin W.h
Ihnrv W finvI-r s Jf.hn Snr-Ier'n A Im'f
di K Va"ii -t!U r v ttlid ami I ilartuiaa
. Mary Ki-"hley th Wm (U-ichh-y
i lUi.jn Luatc a LP Tit-a
t t'ha Stifi a tiro Kim Mo
J "it a I ban Arlivat th Uui Arbfaat
M'i'i Si.;it. Bnrno A Im r
J M i'Ut ii'n A'lm'r s
liiy-t -n Insurance Company
fhrut for Camn.n (j-oAKiirit
John llaad W M
John Ha U M nn Valtih
Man' K ShriU'T n 1 ru-t" i ha II lmner
. Uh,r. T-..v.,..
j i,n .i.-k v auini iiur.-h
I'. t.-r 'uuln-rt T' A S Cumniin ( 1 nit
J h i M IHif.r ts Ljcmmp: Mutual lire Iiuu Comi'.
:,..nry n-h T4
"S. Ilw .,orir
;Vf"J .... .. ,
tlntrc tjiwivnre m Jim.li W smith Lxeeutors
m .1 iiuti-hinn snf, rn.i iri. k
Trui-kni"rii.n.llr"'n ACo v llo:raiD X M'Miiig.'r (Sit.)
t 'JV..uf
Splint t;wt"r tb Sitntin rr.nlc
J w F wnen-iiT t a ouWiui
'--' f.Hwuni
v ,t HauinTl l A s I umoi.na
Imsui. rhsiwi
" !
Ili-ir.y f T bimintfton v llnrj ITIgh
M'l hiimfjr saml lliib-r
William .l.ni.lr ti l.itiac tftailflcn
J OtiSKi. r anil wiw In do
thml Rfnclr Ta tht Miller I'.x'r
!-t"f Ti m i ihr m.! i B Crrman
v waftier t e a i iiartman
A.l.n S.hr er Jiuum S Mar-h an.l Athera
Joim m r-v. ,r t truth ami mimu wemcit
Jawea .vH;r.ht ts naniriit.-vni.-r
?-ni...-i siiHn r v Daniel shr.
Ktic iiariman t tie- ihii Mdothera
wk johniiitan.iotheri
j iuiudm jwohiiiorich
, w Kr..r Ai,h. .in
.... . . . " """
J.ihn Matttiiu is Iir A H CnmuiiDS
8m h.wh ra liirml fiutrlius
lf'arv Cfhran i Jar.b Itrown
1lrT JnliiD II o Taifi-rt t al
j .'cS,-,-,
HnrlniAn 1 .r MartnuB a W Smiih'a Exr'a
nw-ias u ..itiier ia unrv ili-h
S OaU- anU Wife ya Jnneph Albert
nw TH JnMh Albert
.wn. va Jonathan Water.
I 1 unman Herman i John Hummel
a.i n, v.n i'n 4 smith Ts Huffman a Me-ninrrr
John M.lii ia JoaMitman
ir a M:annninja i Hern Frewart
J ' II Kl ekner li rh.irrh. Km.ke t Co
n n Mrir,irit t. John Treau.r
S J?tJ!'!!Tm
: Ba.tian TinM John Kber
Mi.i.it.nrth. K.m a t-n 1. jnrhi "rotta
iVrti" r w" w,-kr'd v wcirick
K'. fi-J-Wiifc
! J"hn arirr v. irt-uansrhrnrer
llrnry e .er U (iunJrumV A tmr
Aninw iixvnia otnk
CiOi RT lro'laiatlon WhrrrMihe
Hon. AHM c Mlo., I iJ nt JoH-e ;
for the it'th JiHli"il IHtrirt.r..ntiimf tlm r-onti--df
ImonMMl Miffiia.anJ J.wi Wittmeter ml J vm n
M vh-hml, K-i 'ir-, AwH-Ute Jutltft in Union cuttniy.
hit ukuimI th-ir .rMfU riii Ai thn 0y "f
M:.t, lii. d4 U me dirw t.i. fr lw IioW.iu -f " r
i.tiiu'CMrt.,..urt f ConiintiD -t.o-Hr nl Tormim r, j
Wt r-n-wl iartrr n.i NKW ItKHI.IN. f..r ihr j
j Ctllity 't ll 9'CH M"""9 sr.r
I hriu tli ltb a 1 1. wntiniH" two wrfk
1 X.TI-'H i ili.Tifirc ti-rwly iri- to tlw i'..r .nr,
JtiMi". if lit-1' !", an J riisUKltinn nl fr ti- fun-
ty l L'ui- n, Uriwir i tb. r.rn ir'iir r.M with '
' Uilr lt'U, Ilreor'", lmiuiit.ll. fctHBilimlmiln. nnl
! otl.'-r Krmiiibian..-. ttl io- itiitia wli- li t f th. ir
; i.ttic ana id lli- ir lM-h;ilf ) irtairi l I l.ws all
uuirM mi I other wfw-n T'ltwuttng to l hII ( Uv
(uin-4 to folium nU thtn mtttmlini, rnii ii"t l-irt
I witltout Imin at Uu ir fenl. Ju-tiw f are r-iiifntil I'
I 1m unt-tua In tlir U uOuiu at th miintM timi
i atfrtfitliltt Ui Dotic. 1
;;jti mirl.r niv tinn.l :inl Mat nt I he HK-rlff'- fflr.- m
Nfw li-rtin. th lJth ta.T f .'y. m (he yfon-f ur ( r.
' oti ttifuan.! riahl himlrfl antl tiftr-f-'Ur. m l i'i ti--;
fv'btr ni year nf th In lcr.-nili'tu't ( f th l ur.t -J
: sui' j 1 Atunca. oWftftvfV tiwH-r(i". 1
; ResfsterTs notices. !
Th" f.dlotrins ac-nuts will b' nrcsentr.l iVr,
j coiittrmnlion and a'h-wance ai Or(!inns'C)uri
; in Nv Berlin, Friday, 2-tI Sept. ISM: i
Tlr' avi.unt of Stim -u K ui.vr, Aluiin jtrt-r tf th
j fl:iti- of IVi-r K' niv r. l:tc i.f l, rr t'lwii-Jnp, tl
i Hit iM-ct of JkioS ut.j J- lui P. K.u.b, Lim if 1'itili;
It'tfh. I:.U- f Wa-hjiiilt.ii 1. Jn-1. !
Th-- ac t of J.w.b i;.Ti..icr, Aaiur oi jarou ii. rKni' r,
it- -f iiiiff.iic- T. a.-.-4i.
Tii'an t nt Ut ulf n irmim an 1 Sul tinou Kniut, A loirr
.f ,l;w(.h Main., lat -f IUaM r Tp. irvA.
"Ihf w-t of lavi 1 lli'aui, AJmr of tienrgr 7tU, late rf
E i-t buff.ilof Tji, l-il.
Tim Tt f J hn lioiniHl.' r, A.Imr ft -. W. llix'n.
Intnof Vt llull.ttn Tp. il.-.l.
Th nc-t f Ja-)b Ktihl, Admr of Christian UaU, !at.
of Linv-ttne Ti, iltv.l.
Tj- a t of i...rif In-r, AJmr if tfnmuel Sln-r, l-iti-of
U hili D.-.T Tp. d. r l.
Thf a rt of 'icor-e Ui- Atnrt J tieortfi-Tli-'Dia", lt- ,
of ItVatcrTp d.r.i. I
l it.- a vt ot in orge Uicgil, A loir of IVlly Th 'inw. late ;
of If. ncr Tp. lf .1.
Tin- a-vl f Kj.ilih J. i:i!if.tt. A.luiTX f-f Thomas J. i
i:!IiotI. at of liltltrf.ur- lt.,r.-. .
Tin- n. -'t i f J hn Chaiuherliu, AJmr f J.-bn U. M;l! r,
ls.t.- f UiiluN4 'i't, d ' 1-
Th- nret l lii:.r Ili-rrtf. Admr of Kltzthfth li.-rr",
Utf ..f U.i-'int i Tp. U-.i.
Tli.-:r t i t tioyr--' J "ha-h, Admr f ll. nry Mi,
aiof M.lilU--r-k T., rt-n!.
Tlx a--t of J f M irliu, A l.ur cf I;irni t !'li norinan. .
lat of rrv Tf, ! d.
Th-i!nt of I-.ii n l Ar p aii'l IT-ury Fi Lr, Vxth of
Jury List-Eept Term; 1S51.
P'tiut-h-tt. A. Snv it-r.
.V w Ib-rht Ihv! ul - r.
Ilarll'jt I!. -t r K :n M. K ittit-rman.
r.4.im-n -l-'i S. th riuld. II J. J II rr- M.
Ai,c.,,-r Jiii.u l(4h' LI, Micliati Miller.
i,.tr-h. AT ..I Km tw.
Ji'.trrr- ,l..hn biti.iiinati. ti-r ttnpnni:iD.
t'rt Mi Jri'-nfi K 'luium-t, .Mm M-v r.
.',. ':.;r L'Ti Slu-mkcr. r'mucut l il.o:i. rimrlp Vr .
P-rni An. !r- w K.-h'T. .iK.ui.l Mvr .
lliii(i(" iro. s. .Mt.ver, n-nrv Mo:iti.
('ur W'm. IUiinr. J. h Snn itr.
htHjf Jiltllt.-' tLii-li, Wui tUtyvr.
. 7-am ; jn:tjt v.
L'iftrt X.im'iMn Vi'o'fi-. Vm. 'Ii.orc, A. J. Wt-t 1 n
f4Ui. r'l. iJitt. r, Attr. U:1t.
A I t il-ttFttnr- -h hll 'ii;illl ! 'til. .T.'rl.a II- ;T t.
Vitvpuum AnJ I lorn-r. O iv . nv-tcr. ' Itri-. W tt;t.r'r.i.in.
J-ii-ofc ll ... .-hoar. .N.. I. V--lir. t. I'Lii j- II. I. -Ii
r.nter -Ait. II-rm ih. .:.n. 1 --IU v. J. U- Walter.
,-;;,i,lln Klitijr. Atr:ihuM tiio,..
yvw.f J. F IIttfit-in, riin-tiiiii Strin:'.-r .l.il.n F.
Kr:it-r. .I.iliri t. -larr. tt, ; I ...- It-, j. i ii..ci:.
J.ti. . hili.i;'. faml Vni--fli.
'.-rrv Kr.-slk linllif .n. Mi hrnl MaitUin.
H'Af-- r t'rhtnius Krnrk.
fi.,ff I irti-1 Sl.-.T. TUi.ii:.-. i-Milifra. .I.i"-h 7!V..i.t.
V -Ll'tarrl ni Inn k j.'au; M-LL-.r".
'.imr,'trJi ho M -Btit. Af r. W.Jtrr.
f "" J -hn .-lii.llfr, U. K Si:tlt-r-.
irr'.IJt.vf-"- Ji.hTI F. S,-!,li.-f. i o. F. filft-.
.ir. rJHiitf" . Smith, J..hn Sinn. I.
H-tt twwr-Jo. INlti-. -'to. Artfff...-t, Wui. ."until.
ir rft'i JrlO'l; ."llii'tl.
.irffy-J.w. U. Kurr-y. Ja" ItnI.U.
PETIT J' Kif'S wt )
Ym R rin f harlff Kl rku. r. J-.- .-iutT r.
fhnrrrr'k Pnv. II niiinu 1, Satul V.lcr. Henry Mltclif
Vithn'.uru J hit SlitT.
Prunt ni. Miijit. .fohn Partfi. Paul O.-mht rlin.
V',tU Ther ll. nry Ktut.hn l. r, J. L. ;.-r.
Heft JiajTii't-f lift Klt-rknrr.
ri.iim-ii -lmS it'r'. l-aar II. (T. Iai.'l Itohn r. V."m
MjJ Itvtirtr .U-m(tn H'lii:?.
Prrry J ir-oh I'jithf .n, ti or Iltliw, J. 11:;
itr.trr di Virtaniv1'
ttrr Ji-na Hil-r. l.-raM Ilarlioi.in, J. Ilprtman. .1. hn
f'nian M" h.- li.-nf.-r, J.l-n Mi.r. h- 1-
Mfey I-rii-I littnM k. r. Urn F;.-hiT, Wm. tli,. rt.
kfl'ft Ji.M. Mii.o.irr. Win. H ii,n.
f f ' to.i! arol VM. SmuI liuul.l', JcTf. K;tt. r.
l('iAif"M John II. M rti.
tor Jus'iec.i and
'onti.hles, for sa'.
or irinteil to orler. at the Chroeiele ( )!ue.
1'L'HLIC SM.l-:...Siitnnhty, Ort 11.
Orphans' Court Sale.
I)Y lirtue of an order from the Orphnn1
y t'ourl of l.'nion county, the .ifitl.-rriirneil
Administrator!, of s.mi il V. iki.s, late ot
Kelly Tp. ilrr.nsod, will 'fiVr nt public lale the
following Ki: l, USTA'J'E. to il r
.iitirii, l.',,lo5i,:ii i,
Tho vnlunMe tiacl ol land situated in thr
town-hip and e.iuiity aloreMii.l, mihiu I ini..-s
of the Ihrtvinx village ol l.ewisbu'i;. bounded
by land.- uf Ihe hens of TIio'k YViUnn d.-e'd,
lavi.l Meyer. Klavel Clmitan, Joel Itmer, l'hil
ip sihook. atid o'liem. culllailiiuc; AcrCS
or IhercalHiuU. I MOaeresele ire l.hSMni: thcie-t-Am
ereeied a two slo.y Frame lluie-e ro d
-XjLKitrhen. a Krame liarn. a Spring llousr
(and a neeer (nilint; Spun;: of Wntt r.) ond a'i
other .lut-buiMmeK nereury for the r.i.nfon
and conieiiieni e of a Karm. There ii. air.' 4
aEoo l Apple On haij, w ill a variety ol 2i
Kruit Trees. The rlenred land is in a high
stateof cultivation. and aboundi with Limestone
tor all neee.tary purposes.
The above (imperiv will answer lo ilividein'o
TWO or TH ItKE FA KM 8. ond will bo solj 10
suit purebaiterf..
For termi of sale apply to ei.her of theub
scribcrf.or IoTimmh Wi to. on ihe premises.
Sept. I, 1RSI. Ailniiilhtrutor
'F"JC not -sold as above, the said Faun will
I)Y virtuo of snndry writs of Vend. Ex.
) issued ont of the ''ourl of Common l'lea
01 Union county, and lo me directed, I will
expv.se to public sale at the (Vurt House in
New Berlin on Monday, the l:h day of Si.pt
next, ihe following real estate, to jr it :
A certain tract of land situate in White
TVer towiislito in said countv, containing
fourten acres more or less, adjoining lands
of Kearon, Kid. lie A Co. whereon is erected a
two-storey frame Duelling HOL'SE .r"""
with the appurtenances as tlieprnpertyj
of Jaw.: UeRMnniir.
Also a tract of land, situated as aforesaid,
containing twenty aeres more or less, adjoin
inj lands of Paul Fisher, James Culbertson,
and other lauds of John I.. Kisher, whereon
are erected a los dwelling house and a log
barn, with the appurtenances.
Also a certain tract of land situate as afore
said containing one hundred acres
IpvQninre or less, mostly Timber Land.
adioininz lands of Jacob Farler,
rftol'"'r lands of John L. Fisher, land
of Charles Rudykuust and others, with the
. Iloth tracts as Ihe property of Joux L.Fisnrn.
Also a certain hit of ground situate in
llulfaloe township, Vnion county, containing
fn-e acres more or less, adjoining lands of
bdward Miller, Daniel Wertz, Isaac Walker
and others, whereon is erected a two-stnrev
plank framed dwellinehouse with the appurte
nances as the properry of Rtsita Bahklow.
Also a certain two storey Frame House,
messuage, and tenement, marked No. 78 in
the Town Pint of Freeburg as the property
of Henry J. lloyer.
Sheriff OflicB, Nw Bt-rhn, Aug. 10, 1851.
.Valuable Mill !
rrWlsror Kale or Brut. That,
ij22a2$,eil known VVOl.FK'S MII.I.,'
siioal. il oil Mollaloe creek, a mile from hew-,
isburz.it Leing a a storey bnildinj; with 3 run
of stcue. a I'lasier Mill, all in Rood repair, on
a never-failina'walcr-power.in one of ihe best
Wheal disincls in tlie.Siate. Termi easy.
Onn.n.-.l it!i tin Mill r to iwrllhm-n of
Uim wi-ll mlH-t-d to fU'Tvrvm a Si-riog, anJ out
lt"ii !.wi.ll H'luiitt-il t.mii. r two fill-. f.t.f
K.ir fiirthir (iiirtirtilnm. Iii.iulrr i.f Mn.HMI.ll.
Hil. I K. ..r A. M. I.AWsat, Ouitrliiu.of th lit", fi
Simi'iL W I.lf , 1V''I. '
Ii.l.urir, Ao. In, I'M
faxim anil (Dutlols
r.. (.nWrilier otfers f..r sale that well
known noieiiv. formerly Cd. James Moore's,
siluaied in lluilalne and Kast Uull'aloe lown
sli:is, l'ni"n Co., la., one mile west of l.ew
i7.(n r. Iron tin $ on the Turnpike and on the
old llulfaloe road. This farm contains
150 Acres
of firt qtialuy Limestone Ianl. in a liinh state
ti('cu!tivaiiunail havmshecti thoroughly tunetl
recently, two streams of living water running
entirely through the place,tht best of Springs
at the ("ioor of the Mansion Houses very large
Ltank 13aru,an ( rrchan! of young bearing Trees
,"f various kinds, anil all Omhousen requisite
f, ,r a good farm, with some Woodland. AUo
on tlu- Buiriloe roaJ, aiijoining saiJ Farm, is
otlereil in I.o'I'st ot from ft to 20 acres each,
to suit nnrcliascfs, upuu winch is some choice
Tniilier, hn Ii w.ll tie s.ihl as it stands, or the
w.m.J will he removi-J if the laml be snl.l. A
livina stream of water rnni throtili these
(I Hints. There are Oak. V altint. Maple, and
Hickory sh ide trees on '.he premises.
If nut si. Id al private sale by the 1 1th Oetn
l er ni-xt, Ihe above pr perty w ill be oli'ered at
I'l 'lJI.It' ?AI.K on the above day at UI o'el. ek
A.M. If a pleasant day, the sale will t e on
the premi-t-s : i th -rwise, at Kline's Unti l, in
I.evwbjr.. Kor further particular, inquire of
j()si:pu .meixki.i..
I.e-.vi ! -r r. An?. C!. 1S51
!1?"ANii at Private Sale, the well-kn'.wn
Ifi isel Farm, cotiiaining TWO III'MHiEll
ACIlilS. I. iog in Northumberland county, on
tlo- east bank of the Sitsijuehanna Ku-er, two
mill's fr Lewishitrg, and two from Milton.
As there are two setts i.f boil. lir;'-. this Farm
mav be divided, and I will sell either p. riiun,
.r both, as mav su:t rt'rel.a-eis.
JomEI'H meixei.l.
Bnifaloe Valley Farm
JDIt SALE. Having become too old t.
f manage mv laig-- Faun to a.Ivarilai:'. I
wish to se.l a part of li;e same say a tract of
93 Acres, or of 1C5,
as a ptir-'lnser nii;-lit desire. The porti"n I
w.-u!J pail with is all lir.st quality Limesti ne
land, and every field mav be warer-d from tlin
Little lu!l'jb e ere. k. It is all under a uxoit
eilnvation, with new Oliees, exeept about 0
aeres of excellent TIMBEIt. There IrJS'.'i.
1- a l.i-ne-t 'iie !i:iarry opened, from -y
wii.rii ihousan.U ot bushelsare sold Syjhi?S
yearly. I: has also a young bearing s.
Tlo- naproveiTinis all new are a good
j t r ..-storey Frar.ie lit ME w.th a Cellar
1 XiKi'r'ifti.an I a Pump besiii.. u,a Spnns
Houv.a large i.'.IAA" MA'.V.a Wagon Shed.
.1 C;rn II ne, an i othi r ouil.uildii.
Tio proj eity lies 111 K-'llv lown.--hip. near
tJnl.iiu'.s si. -re and Kellv's mill ft niil.'s frtini
l.ewi-burz, and 2 frmu Milion and hs been
pronoiint'ed one of the brst iu the Valley-
Tale. itnlisputaM -. Pay.nenl lo le ma !e
'r.f half down, asid the r'-mainiirr on time.
Possession civen the lt of Appl next.
A tig. l.l-.'l SAM!"i:r. .ODER.
--'"Ii.i! '. ail th.. r;i! if rr'-jertv "n tlir '
cur'-': :' .M;irk't an i Waicr s:rct'i.v li
t-ali u rued fur a rfnlpc, f r Inines, v r U t
1 residciT" and of htif-p-s.
Tii-re is a !ar' IJUIC'C II-use containing
I larLH r.'i ins n:i tlie !ir-t il.'ir.ii bftl-rtMnn- i'ii
tin- MV'.r. ! fi.n r.;'.r:d ti !ar finished r'misi en i
tin; (hi ril. A Knehn and Waslilmu.r adjoins. '
Triers are aIo a p i j Ce!!nr.!arffe Ci'tn'.'nt
(Vtrrn, a I'ump. an-l Wei! nf rood water, a;
staldp, and all necessary Outljnild'n?.
For teruis i-. ii,ply to Ul'o. F- Milkr. F-;.j
Ta.Mvih:irir, "fpr. 21, !s: 1
5, From the 1st April next, THREE
jLal .KOOMS on North Third street, now
iti nil oecnpaney of Cuarlts s. Bell as a
Kestaurant. and Sii'oons. They are well!
suited for Sl.ps, tilioes, or Stores, Kioitnre:
"f W.M. FKK.'K. i
I.ewisVtrtr, Feb. I, ISM . 1
Xcw Vork Atlv't
BOCT which so much has been said and '
published, is among lis. Who has not
in ii I ..I the .Vi;.Yr..V MC.STAt; I.I.M.
Ml. XT? Many nuilions of bottles have been
st .1.1 and ttscil to cure Klietiniatism, I'lcers,
Sores. Hruist's. Sprains, King-worm, Felons. i
Salt Kheuui, Piles. Sure Nipples and Caked
Breasts, Canrers, Itch, Corns on ihe Toes.'
Sore lives. Ear-ache, Pimples, Swollen Joints
or Limbs, Cuts, Scalds, or Soald-head, Numb
Paisy, Bunions or frosted feet. Warts, or any
other complaint that can be reached by an
external remedy. And it has alwavs been
successful. Ir is ciii-allv noon in healing
Wounds. Scratches, saddle or harness Walls,
or any sprain, soreness or stiffness, and it is
warranted to cure Spavin, Kingbutie, Splint,
or Pol! Evil, on Horses.
ll'l'he Liniment is put up in three sizes,
and retails at '-ft cts. . 'hi cts. ami .sl. The large
bottles contain much more Liniment in propor
tion to the prices, and are therefore cheapest, i
Tn C mitry Mcrtluints. '
Everv store should be supplied with this
valuable LINIMENT, as it pavs a ennd profit
and sells rapidly. tl.W. WESTHKOOK, 1
(successor to A. fi. Bragg A Co.)
Originator and sole Proprietor.
PrincipalOtVie.es- 301 Broadwav.NewYorlt,
anil cor. 3d A Market Sts.,St. Louis, Missouri.
Sol i by every dealer in drugs ami medicines
throughout the United Slates, Canada. West
Indies, and Bermuda Islands. ly533
To 1 rxons out nf Employment.
$500 13$1000 a-year.
rilH 5 suh;criherpuMislies a number of most
v iliialie Pictorial Books, very popular,
ant! of such a moral and religious influence;
tht ult-V (TfVKi m- n ma unfely ftntrnite iii their circul- j
tifp. th.-y will ronfr & ) utile benrtit, and rect-'ire lair
ci to:'in;ttion for th-ir Ul-or.
To no-ii r.f .-nt4-nn tactt thin borin ffm 1
oppnrtimitT f r profitable tmpioTin.'titi frlth-m nt-t with. '
IVron wifhlne tn ottxt in th-ir m. will rprviv
pmtnitly by 'ail 'irrular (yntjiintf full purtirulftr.
wlib Iiiwti.iii to prrMiniixlifiitnfK-fl t urt a Aafiitu,
tofrrtber with th rmt on wkirh thr will Ttefurubht-d,
by dilresiui; thr Kiii'tw-ribrr. pnt-piiJ.
K'.HlKKT KAKS. I'ul-li-ber,
1HI William otm-t. New York.
t"Tn Pitm. m.1 rfBily frr Ae-nt by th lut nf (Vt i
1H.'4. .' llhistmUd iftcriptif,t a the RivtiaH Em-
jmtr Tor furtlur irUeatart d'lntif s? atwv. ;
A S-mi Nautlral IEfman'- of tMtri.v- Int. r. t, j Mm
- AittiK.rnf ihr - 1'irai I-tor," bt ' Umyt 4 Stur,
thr "Old D.-rt.ir," Ac. .
fPilK u.-rr-. hiLhTUifnj.vi hr tli- vriUTOf tli tinwe
poptil.ir urka U a .utti'-ifiit ku rn?ia of iha f r
with whirl Bnr ir'-)utii.n mminir frm li p o will
rwlV-l I.JF Hi (.uoiir "Tmi" !"U H 't M-ai" i m
r-ilili- urr..tj, i,u traliut tW Iftf nml tUrn $imw
Tr.i-I. a mrrii-.l u i t th.? ; Afri-. l'U author
lui a rf-l in tli- tiki) mn. thr Ji-m-nation ati-t ri(r
at-r ! .iitnl-J trum r.l .tji.iiui ail), tlu-tit
Tiiw at-.ry lif full i.f "sr-iiin itir-t t n-lrriittirr aa
th. rt N-trat-l am k -t 1. htrt "II .rtnon I'ruao. " ku l
ha. tin elvant4' r th it h.rio'i A tin, itiiwmitrh
a- it if I'-un.twl on f l .f r- rv dT f-(-urriic. Tin
lii-t-irv of tii.- h-rwineof the btotv. .uicka. Urn .ira-
' M.m I'Urrha-"-'. nt I'uu-Uuttin'ff-ltr, .l:imtl au I
tUAni. J hy lo r-k !. V-t rhlralilr, Kcym-mr tl
c. in tn in-h-r f ih.- A trout, ia aiuiil? th tiarrrti-m of
a !.-t (miiibd frt in Hi llf-. an. I all t(.: buui-p u- i-har-;i.
l. r-rtry. J tf.r uiiout tho U-r aru ifi41jr auJ
Kriipr.itl'f drawn.
'Mi- .n n-h-ri haTi lr-aIy rf-.-i-ir.-l nrlt-r f-r th
h o- l ti.'-. -I ti o It wan oruiDaJly tb tr int rttin t.
, I-it ii-h ; r .ii-.-4n. n(Ir, th T h lt n ot'i.'l Iar-ly
t. in. r. H-f it: 1.I..I tln-y nHff-tfullj r.-utat th.t ail ur-i-
r- in i I" jwiit inine'lit-ly.
1 To - . 'Hiti l. ntij ft tUt th- w rk will fivatr. m
mil. It iiitr-t it fttii w.-rk .f fi.-ri- u tl. it ha-of
fiir-. t t:inri I. . fr. Ul ! -rtK. a", lt'tf it hrtati ito.
; i.iio-e th.- f.iit.lifatiin ' fl'u k T .ra" '.i.l.m," nlw r-
J.i t nt j: to jift,very in Am-rnri, l-l'- imj C", b-"ii
iiniio-roti-. n -ti-li T'-a.;-.ir-'l hn! rfiati' ii to th
tfitt-nif'f i-iirrhaiiii ! m th Afriran ''tf.t. wnt
Icn !v on win. hn.i w.tn' m1 it in ail Hit hilu d-l.r-
tuity. I I WA k in wr.tt- n in l.;i-t- an i pi:r Un.u .
atil will h. a Wflt-fUie aJ iutruclitu aJliti n to Hit
lanuly l;tr!try.
1 li-- w rh ill frrm a autilul rfTf Toturo r.f 4"0
' hfii!'l..tM-l illu-rrnf--l with fine rn ri in.-. anl
i i-J. tTjy Ip.uimI in rl.ih. lrit. in rlrth. nnl"!ar:
in .:t' r. '-t c-iit-t, nt whifh rat copio will h M-nt Yy
tt.' ptihiiah.T- U aoy (.art of tlie c.nittry fr-e uf pna
l ta'f.
Mv" t' T Mle bo!eAiI" an-l Hiin r th rmhlih-r
i. JlFXl ,W V 'l K
An lhyatl BV.l(.-:l,:r-i throu-h- ut lUv t'nit-t St-ttJ
ani Itri'irh fro in- . ii;"i.,T
ISaltimore Atlv'ts.
Flour, Grain, & L'Jia'jer Commission
.Verchauts-.-Ja A to Spear's Wharf,
u.rca to
J'.hn Ctnr'ie F-
r.., Yr - Citm
B.mk. 1 ,
l-.'iie a. K .1.. faali
fri.nl nn 1
. llultiture.
I J.
I rt li.-rt.. I. Jr..
t ii,t:,t. ti!i.
.". itltlll ..ll 1 I'i.
1 .me. fc-. . IT....! Oi il lljnk, I
ii.,.r &.q, IUrr.lu..
I 11 1'. r.ier. 1 ...
t LV:
11 in. a '.i . , '
.ll. . in.-ate a Co.. Milt
IV. I'...k.'. l.-i .
S:i:r.n S -ton ' r. .-i
I. ..r- ll.-l.ee. K"; . II itle.
V. in l.H-r. .1. lu.K.f. t .'. .-.
i: ti M 111 I . f... :.. r. .
I.ir.i.M.!.i:.,.i'.vHr,',r.1 .
. - 11 11 - . 1 " l.llanol-ort.
J .Int.. II. Ilu.in.'. I. 1 , 1 '
le-.. O llllll!,.-. L-. .
M It. ti-j iln' 1.. .1. r.-. v S!i..;-e.
J V II tt;n -. l 1 . I... k II . v. n.
J 'i-CAUK. tiKlsE A CO have the largest
Wharf r-i tin of anv Cooimissn n House in
li ikithore. alvvavs ;-ivi
bo.its in diM'hari-iii th
rig tti:i -i." nespah'h t"
eir c.trgi es. lono 1 .
fits: FIT3! fits:
TIiK R..!.T.:tI. EJE'R. T
l'.,r t.'-- ru-r f l''t. Xpoi.t C ;.";... ana A
.Vni. u-tt V .n!itu?'"iu! ii.fit.
'l.'o''S' w 1 a arc ii!t.r:iiz under .l1-
d.-tt'ir.rr innladv v .1 fin I ti:? VI.(i..T
AHI.K FriI.EI'TM; PILLS (. he ih rn'y
reined v ever diCttveied. ir curing Epi!(-p-v.
or Faliinj Fits.
T!n -x f:i!i j-- -. n i"ti--n n t itrT..u-
itM--i. io.i ni !. u. lt lln-, ir- ,.r. j- r.-.i .--d- t i.i l. . r tit.
j. ur -f rurit- it-, t ' .- i ! hf fi.titi l (--; .-. is I
-lit it r all r- :i- .tli!. l i "iT.ii wc:k in rr. . nr
n tt. ns -v-'Tii t;.ji ! i-fii l-r ! r:t.-t or Ia!!i-rl f: n
i:y fu wh ifv r. f hron r p-mi-ri!nl-. ..r -sn--
nf -tai'!!M. ii:nT.n-Jattd t-y Us-rui't'r.tt,i-i rt
rt-. tliilvr i V tet-liff.
: ..rl'.',i.rtw.UT-1'r''. T-'w. out ri
th - 'iTv. '. -ioT s rt-niiTttiiM--. iil f aTc t'i- I'i! i- nt
tt-.m i..r -i:-li t!,f mul. tr'- : (..MHa.-f. tr :
-I Til . II .- I-.-. 5M,m k. r..rt. !-,:rir.. r,
V i.. t vl.. r:. t r I- r- f.-. at ;i0 I it!i I i,;. ji t,
Mr !. i- T i U4T- n.-w r
Philadelphia Adv'ts.
i?rfnc Crti0.3f0t
W'tl''.,! I m then 1 ounce.
JlOil the cure .1 HERNIA or KCPTCKE
i Aferniivle ig.-d bv the highest medical
anil. or. tit's of J'.ol.i'o'lj Ir.i, me in; ar.tbly su
perior to at.v oti -T in ns. Sulferer will l e
L-ratiti'-d t i learn that tie- eeaMoii ii 'W ol!:.r.s
tt procure not in y me ogft.v. awl imit
but as thirallr a Tnis.s a atiy t thti. m lieu ol
the ciirnbioiis ati 1 uncomfortable article usu
ally ooi. Tiit re is no duli.Miliy a:teiitling the
titling, and when the p:td is I. t-attd it mil
retain u pos;n, n u ;;!.. til change.
Persons at a dii:me unable to call on the
snbsrri!'. r. c..n have the Truss sent lo any
a 'dress, .y remat.ng Five M illars for tbe sin
gle Tf ti's. or it .j lor the dotib'e wi'h measure
around the !,:p. and stating the ,ujc atl'eeted.
It will be exchanged to s ilt if not fitting, by
returning it at once, unsettled.
For sale onlv bv thtt Importer,
f'-r. Twelfth ai K ice Sts, Vhilti'lyhia.
: Lilies reiiiii:i,g the ten-fii of Mecha
nical Supports, owing to derangement nf the
internal t igans. including falling of the womb,
vocal, pulinona' y.dyspoptic. nervous, and spi
nal weakness, are li.f. i ine.l that a compe ent
and experience.! Lary will be in attendance at
the Co .ms. (set apart f, r their exclusive use)
No. Ill T ELF I'll St. 1st dour above Kace.
Xwstek ) Vindow Shades. XnrS'iie,
lS.il ( lsftj
Munufuetuirrx and Wfiidtiule V Kttail Drakes in
riNDOW SHADES a.tiirh-w-rsi corner
Second and Arch Sts. ,A,rf;.4,a.
Such as Oothe's Landscapes, Borders. Vases,
Scrolls. Uoijuris, (iold Borders. Ac. of the most
beautiful ile-igns and perfection of finish in
hte country, and at such I.oxv lrlrrl as
to challenge all competition. Butt' and While
Hollands, Cambrics, Tassels, Curds, Brasses,
Ac. in every variety for City or Country trade.
i We invite an examination of our Stock
at the Depot, s. W. corner 2d A Ar.-h. PhilaiL
Jan. lrOl dmoll
Tool Store exclusively,
TUe Urgent ll-tuht'ohment of the kind in the I'.S.
Wm. M. .ll'C'Inrc &. Kro.
Xo.'27 Market St. ahovc Seventh, ThilaJ.
MAM FACTI KEKS' Depot for Locks of
all kinds, warranted u,ua!ity. Patent
Silvered, Class Knobs."
Premium Porcelain Knobs.overlOO patterns.
Silvei-plated Knobs, Hinges, c., with the
most complete assortment of all the Modern
tioods in this line.
Purchasers arc invited to call and examine
Slock. Catalogues sent by Mail if desired.
Uot Air llrifisters and Ventilators at
Factory Friers.
rF"AU orders put up under the immediate
supervision of the Firm.
CALL ANI) SEE I S. 6m319t
nook Agent Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED in every Town and
County in the United Stales, to sell the
most popular and saleable books published
many of them beautifully illustrated with Col
"red Engravings ; also the most popular works
of T. S. AaTm a, including "Arthur's Cottage
I ntellieent ami enterprising men will find thia a pleaav
ant ami nn fital.lr luinea.
or rtirulais, addr.- (nnl ri(l
, 1. W. URADI.I V. PuMtkr.
'J.'S Kc. ti .Nciil. feiirtb M ii.'iairi u.
'I ranxea, Supporlera,
der Braces, and a. I
Sorgieal Aparatni anr; g'
ttrs. ntlDlii.it ana ..... "
te give satisfaetion, by Dr.ai d Mr. M f ' r.
ACHAN, No. 1 1 .NunU tEVENTH B
The Rreal nnrnber nf Females relieved
curetl hv wearing Mrs. .M CIenaehan'. '
' p .rters, warrants h. r 11. coin mending the-rr, J
! superior to anything cf the kiwi ever fi..
j to Ihe pulbc ljiltil-i
I Philaielphia Spriu; Trade 18
j 152 Market St. Si -2-1 Merchant SL "
' Importers unti W lwU ttile Dealer tn I
j Staple li. lunrjr llry mhi,
Villi now receiving a very jE.(..
Domestic out) foreign .fabrics,
suitable fjr both C'ny and Cuui.iry Traii?,i.
which ihey otfer at tvrjr low fricu. for
Cash, or to rrou.pt Six Mont ha' M,j
fiWe solicit an examination of otiri-.r!
by City, Neighboring and blatant L'u)m.
Wain wright. Huntington & Flnvd. 152 Mav.i
fmol'.cUi St. thitublpiua.
I KE statioi:rt.
C1RAU; A Kl I.TON, 19 Stnth F.If.HTH
Street, I'luhultlphia beg leave io r: :
the a'.tetitiou ef -'i uatry Deaieis, Schools. i :
persous vi-titing the Cny, lo their ci n r1. .
.issorfneiii of .igit. trenrh, and Amtrv.-
STA TIOM'.U r.which they are s. liir.g h. .. .
a!e and lie-ail on the most reasonable trtv
Thtir stock comprises rrery turrety oft i-.
Letter an I Note Pager and Envelopes, ir.r .
in; a full aortmnt i f the ceTctirated t
i.f le La Hue . Co.ar.d Thus KUoad & ,..
of London. Ai.-i
Id and Steel Pens, Drawing Per.ciN , Fj.
Iter's and others';. Drawing Pajer. Iir;Mt!
lioard. Sealing Wax. Ink, Inkstands. Rotifers'.
Cr.tokes'.Wosteiihi Ims'and oiler fi. e (Ju Wrv.
I'ortiimiiaies. P. rkel Books, Portfolios. W r...
iti Desks. Ac. Ac. Persons rt'itit c tt e (' ,
rait have toeir yer ar.d envelopes emires";
w:th their iitilf.t with, tit ex'ra charge.
l'ir Oidei s t'roin tleaiers ar.il ir.sttttitii r.. rr
Iearriii'2 re-p- ctf-illv solicited pnd f lle-1
the strutist it tegrity in.17pi!j
rliEfi leave re-pertfiilly to call the Public's
attention tn my Establi-hrr.ent. No. I.,
; t. nth FOl'UTH St. (below Chestnut). I' hi lea.
1 tljiliia, for the n.anufacitire and sale of l.n
I K-I.;eN, where I ili always be in reaitinr.
' to attend to any orders I mav be favored witt.
; I am ptepared tH' furnish Etiveh pes of rrery
tjtialitv. sie and description. W ho esale ai 1
; Uetail.ihe timet 11 men! pattern. plain ami I. ga .
j I would also ra1! attention lo the Die Sir.-
ing. Engraving. Printinz. and En.bossiri if
! H .sii.fss Card f, r Envelopes, Leiier-kes .
i Bill 1. en.'-. Cards. Circulars. Ac. ad of wh.fa
' I litrtiisti ttt verv low rates. Mamping letters
I pie. i ts iheir gt tug to the Dead Letter Office.
H'rli pat-nt niachiiies of the latest improve
I tr.t-rits f. r em: os-n g. priMmg. Ac, also for
tiie ii.anutaiture i I Envelopes. and every fari
I htv for ej-cut'iig t nlers nh despatch. and f. r
tt etr tleitierv bv I spress Lines or as may te
j agr. . d upon. I ran not fail lo compete with :f
to t i-ii'fi in v ot'- er establishment of Ihe ktr 1
J in the world. t? Homo? opaihie Envelopes
I c- nstantlv .t '.and. samples of which mav le
; seen i'Urninrlt .'iliee.also of Die-Strppr-H Kr.v.
I tlv.M77''l WM. COLBERT.
, Vlil'.v ITare, &r.
I!. CorLTKIJ. 4'.t .outh sh( u.D ?t.
I'ftJ. 't'jh a. 2 doors above Chestnut. Y.jy
I si-'e. Itnjiortert.il Manufacturer all kn.fs .
j lrll.!tlW WAKE Consisting in part, f
11 the tnl low in?. Ladies' Traveling h'as
1 ke-.s, V t rk Caskets. Flower Baskets, Ctl ie
; Baskets. Segar Baskets. Plain. Fancy and Err.
j broi.ieietl Pa-kets. Ladies" Work siat.ds ai.1
' s. wing Chairs i.f beamifol design ai.d excei
1 lent worktuanship. which he is sellir.g rtn-ar-i
k iblv cheap for Cash.
I N.B. Just received from Ccrmar.v. a larre
i and vane,! assortiret t rf EANCY COt'lSm
! wh ch the a'tenuou of the public rt sptct
1 fully invitnl fim'ir.'.;
hi 7.-.. nrir.s. it I-", rj;oM xtir jotx.
Have opened a I'.'irtm l, irlrnl i ubin't
-5" aiol .'.o .s-forr. at :! AKCH t
t-etweeu btti an.1 ,lh, rhilujelphia,
and are prepared to furnish n-t it,.-
)' V-,J W orks on Phrenology. Physiology.
s iiynrrpainy. ..lagnetism. ami J'hon-
aphy, at New York prices.
Professional Examinations, with Charts an J
full written descriptions of character, give
dav and evening. l Cabinet free to visi
tors Iy517c5dq
LEAD, and free from all poisonous
nn: xrw jrrsrr nxc. firr...vr. haitne
ffrvailv el:o:r. it It .-tr Wt.rfe.. ar. itnpreieU tbe qualily
.t ttirtr ir.-laet-.nre ,.i-.'(ssrrsl to eierule order. .r lh.ir
SUrERIOa FAINTS, l,v. ai,.l Or. unj in oil ia
--.et .l n.-kiice ..1 tr tu te. etj p,,un; niao
V . in hsrret.. ol I'tit r.ititjs .a. h.
Tuelr lilTt: '.INC. L h it. a. 1,1 ,trr or rrennd in
oil. tit wurrine.a l-uri; uuU unurja.ss,J atali anil
uttiti.i iti w liil. n
m. ili' .1 et t-r.-i aration haa rerrnili tn tliaeniensl.
wl.ieh ....;l.,...s t l.e I . atrtitv u. ittrraiit tlieir tiaint. to
keep Ir. -h i:J aell Lu the km f..r ani reaaonal te time.
In ihi- r.-'f.-' t tl.eii paint, wil. Le uH'rk.r to anv ctltrr
in tin market.
Tiit ir llliOHN ZINC PAINT. vMeh la aoltl at a t
rr..-r. and ,-au ..nl be mtide Irt.m the Zine err fr I.
N. w J.-yt-.v. I- n. a well ki.i n for it probrtite ijiiaa-tti-
wt.-n at li.-.t I., iron or o'I.er niefaiic furtatra
Tli...rsT..M:C.t..ll: l-AIM o..,, .11 the ,r..p'r
tt. . .1" tt.e l.rt n. :ni I it. i,t an aismaMe eottir for pajn-
L.r... ,.rr..e. .u, ti:..nitt;. Hri.:tf. a. e.
KilKNl 11 Jl KIC.KIs.
h l. sal. l-ainl Ia-aleraan4 liiir. rt.ra,
N..e,)r...n,tL an.l Market lit. JH.AwV.Mm.
STRAW G002S...SPRIKG 1854.
ri IHE subscribers are now prepared to exlii
J. bit at their
Sll-iilid Sen tablllinrn(
Xo. 41 South Scouii Sr. riii!Hl IjJutt,
an entire new anil beautiful stock cf Straw,
Fancy and Silk Bonnets and Klatts, Flowers,
Acaud Panama, Paiin and Summer Hats for
gruilemen. w hich our obi patrons. Merchants
and Milliners generally are invited lo examine,
ronti ientlv promising them.iu extent.ln variety,
iu novelty, and in styles. a stock unequalled
li'trders careftillv and promptly executed.
Rags Wanted.
1ELNfi extensively engaged in the irtanuf.
1 acinre of PAPER, we will pav to Coun.
try Merchants and others having KAGS fcr
sale, more ttum the pretint market prieet Ca
JESS! p A MOORE. Paper Manufaci
Philadilnhia Nos. ?4 "ft V..k G.
i J
Sru'S (1st St. be cw Arcb.br'iwetn f:h & SthJ