Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 01, 1854, Image 4

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: !l f,
. -
1)kv CiZws'-Tvo bj among the
Mackbcrrv bullies, sonic milo or two out.
cf town, L a cl.ud rising aud heard a j
sound like thuu.kr. ii.-,wtio was a Iittlo j
timid, aid to the other, Come, Fred, let's .
go Louie it thunders. The other, cot j
wishiu" t n'turii so soou, deuted that ll
thundered at all Directly the rumbling (
noise was a-tain borne on the freslieuinj.
breeze. What's that, thou ? liLjuired the
other. Why Fred, dou't you knew what
that is? If you dou't, I'll tell you. ;Yuti
know it has beeu dry weather now for a
long time ; what clouds there are floating
about are as dry as old iluvp-i-kius, aud if
the wiud blows it rattles them. Have u't
you ofteu heard the sails of vessels snap
ml crack when they were ahivi-riug iu
the wiud ? Well, just so dry clouds do,
only they make a (r-'cat deal louder noise
because they're so much bigger. The cloud
happening to sheer off in auolhcr direc
tion, Hill's dry clou 1 story went down very
well. B -iff do i:.rl,Hr.
" Your old Kentucky home ! you poor
soul you," said Mrs. Partington, thrusting
her night cap out of the window, away al
most into the midnight, to ciUb. the note.
an individual was .-iiigitig in a dismal voice
near her house, "I wi.-h to my heart you
was there, where your friends could take
kr of you and do for you. It 's a teiii
Lle thing to be iu distress away off among
6traugcrs particularly win re. you aim
acquainted with any of 'em j but I don't
think it looks well for a man to waken a I
whole neighborhood at midnight with hi.
Borrows." She saw him disappear a mo
ment after, in a shop with a red curtain,
opposite, when with the remark that she
guessed the'poor creatur had gone in to fret
something 'to invarigitc Lis cistern with,'
bhe tdiut down the wind nr, and i:i five
minutes by the wooden mantel clock thai
ticked slcciily in her chamber, she ha 1
forgotten all about the Kentucky home.
" v
Conviction fxnr.it the New Li..i:.
Law. The first conviction in 1 hiladel-
tibia, under the new l.aw Prohibiting sales
e.f liijunr to minors, drunkard aud insane
porsou.', took dace bcfure Jmlj( Kelly in
iho uarter Sewions on Tlmr-day. IVtor
1'Inni, a German taveru knp r, wa ar !
raigne'd on complaint of Mary llamioht r,
f jr ntlliD liiiiior to her husl.aiid, au iu-
temperate peroti,uf.er repeated notice ... j JEWISH (JK( ACADEMY
desist. He had also sold liquor to one of
, .... , , , . , , W .1! r lminencc on Mnsntr, April 17, 18;i4,
her littie bnys, an I mad.', him, as she ties- ,,, r,,nlinlu. tt .,.ol,s.
cribc'l it, "beast ily drunk. " l'lum was I 'I'ln course nf Itistrm tinn in this Institution
convicted on Mrs. Hanm-hiV. testimony, j:,;';,
and seuteuccd to a fine of S'.O and ci.-t.-, c ,1,ii.,Siii ,,n an 1 lbclamati'm rfcrivc care-
andimrrisonuK'Ut fir (50 days. Tin c mrt '"' itt-iiii'm.
, , ... ,. ! Tin. subscriber is soliritnm to secure a class
also ordered him to pay the prosecutor ,lf y., i l,i,lirt.
810 in addition, under a provision of tin" I Our c.itistant aim in the improvement of the
law, for her trouble in bringing him to ' l"""1-,!s u' re,"Ur ,he 11'M of 'he srho1'
c c : a well a the mere impartm? and aerjmring
justice. I "fkii'iwle.lse.snljscrvient to the higher objects.
' ' . ! t i u it.ihe f.irmaiion of a Riiinl character.hascil
EXTBAORDI.VAUV l.LTK. The Oiici- ,, S(,un,, mnraiity, and the preparation of
da Chief tells a good story of a man in . th- youth hy well established habits of orjf r,
Vermont, who thou-ht to improve his i"-)-and in lep. n lent self-reliance, for usc
' . r-. ' . j fulness mid snr.ress in life.
fchecp by the introduction of an expensive -piie HiMe is in daily use in the srhool.
buck. He went to Canada, ns'he himself TuiH,m.F,,r !.ansnat's 10. Hiuher Enj
. , . i . r? i. ('sh a"t couimoii branches, (including
reported, hut only to Syr.icue, a.s others Ki,a,,jn, Writ.iiR (i,crapllVt 'Ame.
assert, where ho found the animal " his tJ a'mn ir and r. s. Hisiory) i; per seion.
fancy painted," and butiirht him ut a co.st :
of twenty-five or thirty dollars. Ilavitif! j
got him home, he bragged pro ligiously ;
and indeel the rlieej) wi a noble-looking i
animal. Last Spring, when he anticipated I
a large increase in his flock, not a lamb ;
appeared, and bis ajtoni.-luiient was but I
cnuallcd bv his cbacriu. When sheariii!
time came, however, tho cause of tho sad j
disappoiutmetit was ascertained tho far
fetched and dear-bought buck was no buck
at all, but a very Cue wether !
A Toucn Meal. A freshly imported
1 'at lander, who bad engaged himself ns a
waiter at one of tho hotels, was ord.red
by one of the gucstj to bring him a nap
kin. Now this was an article that 1' at
had never heard of in bis life,and to save
l.ia cnnl frntM nnrT-i . ir.' lie erilllil not toll
, J .... , . ,
what the gentleman ineanr. uis iriMi .
blood forbade him di-ldn vine hisisnorancc, ,
M he went off as if .0 comply with the or-;
der. Presently a thought struck bun, '
and ho returned to the gentleman saying : ln
"Faix, sir,and will ye be plascd to take
Bjmetbing else the uaj.kius bo all ate ,
nt t.f our I
A htit Pi v pftiin
. " " J " .
ncrjuaiutance perpe iaieu tue loiioninj: p in (
he other day
'I've discovered a new ci'y."
'What ?" cried we.
".Scar-city !"
''What Slate L it in ?" was the next
"State of want."
A lover once wrote to a lady who reject
ed him, saying that ho intended to "retire
to some secluded spot and breathe away
his life in sighs." To which the lady re
plied by inquiring whether they were to
be mciUuni or hirj size ? The man has
not since been heard from.
Mr?. FquccZ'T writes to ask if "j-hctt
music," often mentioned in the papers, is
f-inging in bed ; for the adds : Mr. .S'juce
ter often sings delightfully while asleep.
The desire of Mrs. fur information is
only equalled by her ueec5sity for it.
Gen. Scott, it is said, will be brought
forward again as a ca-ididate for the l're
udency, with John IJclI of Tennessee for
tho Vice Presidency.
The fellow who slept under" ''the cover
nf night," complains that he came very,
af frcviins.
j Telegraphlng-new Rate Table.
. Juucti.m
SO,-' Berwick $0,1
25 Hloomsburg 17
2a Cattawissa 1 1
21 Danville 13
si 'Chapman 20
20 Carbomlale 2fi
2.1 Dunmore 25
S5 Hyde lark, 24
21 WUkeabarrc 2
20 Plyinonth
15 Hloomsburg IS
13 Danville 15
15 Sunbury IS
17 VM'Kwensville 15
1 Williamsport 17
20 Lock Haven 1
llcer.h rrtek 2li
:il llellcfoiite 21
j,.rSey sh .i
Mill Kali
r'or every additional word 1 cent to nil sta
tions on this lino.
W.t now in operation.
! 'V AH oilier stations west and south cf
I'liilailclpliia. rate increased 9 cents.
A Word for Ourselves
Siuee the f VVne cauic into our hands,
we have clothed it iu new type, at a cost
ot 6:il)0 or ?1 HO Office rent has nearly
doubled rrinling p iper has advanced 20
or 'lb per cent. The number of workmen
employed is larger Farmers' produce is
rdscd in price generally but our terms
have not been advaueed. Thus, while
inr jut. nin j-- has increased, our profits
have not.
tO A reasonable inference from these
.r.'iuts.- is, that wn mitst raise ot-n
t t-s 'K ll Minus, or nnr ri'ntrr ninst
. . , I
ilitalll :ill increase nt PATItOXAIiE. I IIP
nit.,.r mI..,vp , mo f1, West ISramdi. and j
mo on the .vm. lrancii ani ci.sowucrc,
nicd tl.L-Ir ehruos. Wo vlioosc to I
wait oihs t;r lon.r r.t tin oM rates,)
f ni-jfr.cr tli'it wo niftv ln f:ivnroil with snrli !
(f Subs'.-ribers. Advertising,
md .fob Work, a, may enable tts to keep :
m at our ni l r ites. i
In almost every neiL'Iiborhoo.1, within j
'0 inih s around bur?, additional (
'i.itrvn mi"ht readily be obtained. '
" . .
e sen ! mi! ttv;kly!W pnpers in ny? ;
..;. in tirn.t, tol.l, envelope, and
Jirect siuglv, Wl times a war, affords but I
I t S!ii ill profit indeed. If each ono HOW j
J.,,.n;n? paper a..n will pot one or more
now subriber-i to join him, the Innrcr j
' p-ickajes will p. more safely, and afford:
ins Defter compensation. i
R-.We a.-' all who approve the course
of our paper, to aid it by getting o0 or i
iu ;re .ai!scrilr-rs."uJ3
TilE 3LrJllJili2s 323S3S33
ok Tim
urti,.n errt r..r sicuncss.
March 17, lsnt.
joh.n iuMioi.rn,
Wholesale and Retail
:li;Mlii!urtr, I ii Ion County, Pa.
r.W'lNti parehased the entire Uriic Store
J I formerly kept by I . J. MHott, dec (t,
" ",j'r " X ncm!s and the public in gen-
I ,i)p!is, cit:ii)i:.ils mi? 3)jii'-?.!ffjt.
I'amts. Oils, (ilass, luiiy and Patent
M- lirincs. llrahes and Combs of every
variety. A line assortment of JEW
lM.it V, such as Waiches.ioldand
silver Pencils, Ear and Fin
der Kini;s. Ilreast Pins,
&e:.&c. Carls. En
velopes, Note
and Letter
Sonjs and I'riTumor)-.
.hi h.i. is i i i.a iii. iaru nn, line mi
and ll'irnnis; Kluid.
Liquors of all kinds, for
. Violins. Flutes and Ac-
,nlicinal pur noses.
c.ordcons, .Nuis, Fruits and Confectionerv
"aV "VM 3 "J,
ine for y ourselves. I charge nothim for look-
1 Milil.til.iir
, Pa, Jan. S, lS'.t ly
Life Insurance Companies !
j Isnition friifiotr.r lsntn Fund.
ir' ,:t,rnlli,!- L"i"I"n; 71 Wall St. X.Vork)
C V Capital s-:,S(Ki,fMi0
.v.rmt . Iiinrnnre I ompany.
(Hartford, Conn.)
f. ' Annuity Fund Sl.lO.noo
lii.'t"iic Vtt'iitt.
(Harrisbure;. Pa.)
t 't-'anital lid.liiin !
I y H.ICIK.s in the almve Cunpanirs can tc
I iutanirl, on reasonable terms, l.y appli- j
ciiii.ni in siinscriDer. Ualilornia risks.
t i per cent extra
Feb. 13 If. C. HICKOK, UwMurg.
IlO-llKM Ul. band. I'aprr ruled to anv patt.-rn. Old lloolrs,
I) WIXEUARDKX has removed from ! "iudicaU. Masnzines Law Hooks. Nc-wf-pa.
. -way lip lou-n" back to the new build-' i'crs " ,k"" Mns,1c w?rM ,ssnci x'1!:-. &c-ii,-
at l!ie old head .iiiart.-rs, in Market street. L"1""' "', .S',yle' P'ain or cxlra- AU w"rl
immediately under ihe" Chronicle " and Tele-1
fjraph oiliees, where he will be liappy to j
"sni' ke" and "chew" his friends and cus-!
tomers, in good style and quality at moderate
cah rates.
I.ewi(tir;. Dct. M, tn.rt.
JUtorncij at faiu,
I.t wlslitircr, I ii, ii County, Pa.
VOl lCE is hereby piven that Ahsalnm
II. mart has this day retired fro.n
'he firm of Tustin, Stuart and Lewis, he hay
ins s"'d his interest therein to John W.Stuart,
bo takes his place in said linn.
March 4,l".'.l
The renowned Remedy!
Tliin extraordinary Unicivnt Is eompowl tif tho most
lieaiiitg Ul:'aiu atitl wkun umh! in at-cirlmice ilb
thtt dmvtMjn.i wliirliafrom.anycat Ii l, will insure
cures w Wu all otlu-r mvauii fiul. 'an- of tlie uit
d 'MH'rate skin iUawhi readily yield tn it illuaey.
It U fam.tui wh-n umj-1 in raw'sof Oout.ltheumati.-in,
Contracted or Mill Joints. In AiUmuu il will do
wouders it rutbed into the CUuaU
Most astonishing Cure of Scrofulous Ulecrs,
certified by tho Mayor of Boston, (Kng.)
" iVfer from J. K.Me, Siq., Mjyur r UiUon, j vHu ilurrn. Post, Cuenoc'aan, mho readily di. ci'T red that
.iHCiAnslUr' i tlo-y io.sc.-'Ki'd
To rRort-son II 'Uowav bear Sir : Mrs. Sarah Pixn : .STuuve l Sintuhtr J'"rt "f
of l.iiU"rnouJ stntt, lloston, ha this day d.pcm-l l torn 1 ISSTASTLT It F. i. I K V I X (I I' A t V.?.
no- ilia: fer aconsideraUv period clc was Mrrerely atiliru d j vhciit;rT apiilicd. and by tlo-ir ri-couimi'U'Iutioii and in
with wrotuluuj4 fors and ulcer iu li-r arm, f.-et. iiui-ncc llo-v w-ri- inlr.i!uiv-l into lb -- di:I-reiit 1; '.siWN
and other parU of h.-r U-Iy ; and altboujh the firit of j 0( xcw ,rK. and ure now in daily in tl:o.- bistitu
nn-dieiil a.U ieo was ohtained, at tho cost of a iariro sina ; tions in the tivatuieut of the cure of the almvo-uano 1
of uiom-y, fht ubuiluvd 110 ataiU-uwat ii t)uifcrii, but
gradually grew worw.
living rwfiniiK'uai'.l y a frinj to try yourOintmcTit,
sli .rni-iiml n nU nt, nJ a x of the ani
b- f'ri' that wi all umxl. pyui toui of auudin-ii( j.!
rctl. liy lurwvcrini: with Hit? iucakiue fir a .-brt lime
IniKt ri'i-onling to the dim li m. anil htrii'tly nOli. rin-r
to your rules to Uift, Ac rhc a i rlV-vtly curi-J, UL-J
now lj"js the Ust nf Iiralth.
1 remain. !car fir,
PaU-J Anr 12,lS;r3. (!tguel J- NOnLB.
Extraordinary and rapi'l Cure of Krysipclas
in the Leg, after medical aid Lad failed.
L. tt.rfrr.m M,-t.F.:iMUth V-aUrthr I'-st OT.cr, MJwidc
' m, Jt-jr tiimr, ,fitS''.'. ( J rn. -. l'-Tt.'t.
T' l'rofocsor Holtuwuy .ir; I Miti tI fir a con-it! -ra-hr
irfrio l fmm a n vi'tt ntta -k of Krs whit h :.t
K u'tU p' ttlt tl iu uiy It-4, Hii.i ivi-N -.1 all iuriit ;il trt-itt-m
nt. V yu!lvriii';:.vT:' very -niit.:ini! I mur (! -aiml
"f "T i-iui m. n imant, h n t ! aJn a to
hart- ivcour.M' toyuroiulmciit au.l 1'ill.t. I ti.jMiwitlj'ut
J-isv, mi l am liinv ti fay th" n-Milt m miKijUi
-u-fsf,,l. f t il, -, .ir.ie l r..il,:.l .t.ro r my l;B an.i
r-.tom.! ki. In tii i-m.ivmi'rt I I--1LII. 1 Miail BUT
iih tl.c ut.mo-1 (-n:i-J'i)v ni v, ur r.icijrm. s uwi
niM -n K .1 th. m to r:li- rr in tl:t i-ighUrh'--fl
liTivcil trn-at ht ib-lit.
I miii. ir. rnir
(siKi.i-J) ' M.l.AIimt VI.ATK5.
' 1 Tl,,. Till.- s i'.iiM U' u-.1 i-i.il .i l.! It Kl'.ll 111'- Oll'.tm. CI
in mo.-t . fth-i.piicwin-.-.ws:
,tt .Vit t$ ,
iimm ii .njj o:in.J;:l:ir .suivy
l'.o:u .! Cnns (!) .v. llin-M Sort- II a,ls
int. -t J!s.-aii-cr l.inutuu Tnti
r'i nu!,'1 j'S'i liiii '"rMm vou"u
t-.-K.v J. int f.-ai.in Vaw
Clii'Wl "t Kit! I.aiilin.'is ,-c.ri! Mfpl." ic. c.
su m ti.i:ui.u-t.ta.-i.t ..t itj-m. r it tf...4'.
r";:""-'",r ':'i'"-'y:' ":" . . .
; - u ', ',..'ta i;.rwiii r'.'ivUniait -iiUun. i !
fi'. I
t'um'u.r. .. r.1.n;.i ,t f,-.-!
,.N l!, I'ir '''' -f" -t i--;:-.i-1" '' j
li.-dr.l' r nrr anixnl tn r. !i l'.,t. .. 1 1
h.,i.i bv Ur. Kt: vni:i!. MiiiioJiur I
M.il.1 by Ur. KI.Ml'i;r., Mililikhurg
Soutlt Hunt Corner Marktt and Third Sis.
J. & F. Spyker
HAVE just opened aud for sale cheap fur
Cash or in exchange for country produce
Hals Moleskin Nos. 1, 2, 3; Sillr No. I.
2, 3 ; Angola N'os. 1, 3, 3 ; black curled brim,
pearl and Hat brim Hungarian, fine brush,
majjgon, wool, for Men and lloys. Summer
Hats from Panama down to a levy chip.
Caps of the latest styles aud of every des
cription, to suit everybody.
Clothlnsr t-'oats, l'anls, and Vesta for
Men and Boys ; Shirts of dillerent kinds, shirt
collars, stocks, handkerchiefs, ploves, socks,
in short evcrvthing to wear frem head to foot.
Carpet Bass and Trunks.
Thankful to our customers for past favors
we hope for a continuance of ihe same, as our
prices arc low. (Jive us a call and examine
for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere.
Panama, Leghorn Hats, and llonnets whit
Kr.n asd rntssro on short notice and reason
able terms. l'ay. 1854
The Old mammoth.
Dr. TIIOK.TO. & Co.,
Wuihialc C Retail Dnnj yi&ts, JjCwLliirj,
OFFER to their friends and the public a
larsre and well selected stock of fresh
limes. Medicines. Chemicals, eroimd Soiees.
(pure,) Dye-stuffs, lirushes. Combs, Perfume
ry, Soaps, Fancy Notions, Fruit, Confectionery,
Hooks, Stationery, and a variety of articles
loo numerous to mention.
Give us a call and judge for yourselves we
charge nothing for looking.
Kemcmber the Mammoth Drnu Store '.
u Aiiiusiiuiia iiiXDi:uv.
J.J. Clyde K I I,. truUcr,
Fucccssort to W. O. llid ok 4 Cn.
they are ensaed in the above bnsines
i j directly opposite llcrr's Hotel, r , 'l iieL.
flatter themselves, liy careful atlcniuni to their
business, to receive a continuance f ihe pat-
roine so noeraiiy enioyen ny inc old In in,
lil.AXK 1KJOKS for Hanks, Cnnnty Ollirf, :
Mrrcliants, and private individuals, and everv
variety of full and half-bnnnil constantly oil
warramiiu, anu uone c iicapiy.
I lease t;ive iii a call. ('. v II
'.' Hooks &c. to be bound may be left with
the EJitir of the Chronicle. " It.a
Surgeon Dentl3t,
t T his Residence, South Thiid St. .,.. I
J.X. ofthc Boardwalk. 1
... I
IJonti JJi.nhf.rs ami Station ehs, ank ! !',;J"r ,'v J!." I'l""";.'"',n i-."-:'"' ' "
I 1 ; tlicfiir rods. I have been :ir.1iiailit-d Hill, lr. Armtl: :.:
I.LANK 1.0OK MANLTACTfRLItS. J l'ors.'Veraly-ars, and l f 're heconnm-nred the nmiiul.,.-
irnrrijMrn , tur.-of til, se ro.1. 1 esamini d the frinripl,-on hi. h Ih.v
JllirriMiint, 1 tl. . Pr,n,trilrt.j. and fit ronrim.-d tl..-,t II..... ,l.,,i :'
OfT respectfully inform their friends lb.it i ""ld i.'att. u.i.d ith mnj.i ete sut"i !ji. The in 'ri'M-inr
Proclamation to the Citizent nf
Itliminburg awl Vlclnlly.
Pnlwannaehwr'a Hydro-Electric Voltaic Chains,
CONSTRUCTED to be worn next to tlie
skin, prducoin? .a constant current of
electro magnetism, ellecting imiiuitititc nii'J
from all acute pains, and a
Permanent Cure of all Alurnlyir Diseitvs.
Wen- (Irst njod iu Krance.tlinf yuars nincc.f ir the euro
of ueryous disoasenjiud afu-r b-in i4uhniilted to the most
thorn- trial in eTrry hospital in Paris dy tlie mot Irani, d
l'r..fwir in tht city, they were recommended to tlie
Horernment of franco, which irruntcd a i.atenl fjr the
dUcon ry. burini; the year SS.M-S. tluy were iiitrolucl
in Uermany, Anrtria, Prussia and Knrlaud, aud our year
since introduced aud patented by the U. S. Oovornuieiit.
M'tt utfouuii'iK cures nf
Rheumatism, ,st. Vitus' bnner,
I'ainl il and Swrll.d Joints, Palpitation of the Heart,
Neuralgia of the lace, Periodical llrad ache
lvalues. Uliudnc, Pains from ludi'ertion,
Ilysbirirs, l'ys-p!a, f Irrine Pains,
AVfJ-y Owl' ralU'l AVrrirtiS,
is i uicltly and rapidly cured, by simply wearing the Chain
for a lew hours caeb day.
Tl...t'h.iion wrtt lirt introituei't in the city of ew
V .rk.whi re they were exhil lle 1 to Prof. Valentino tl. tl,
Xo Qihcr IMuJical Agi-nt
in the vwrUl eau iirolucc so many wt-ll autln Titli'Mt'iI
ct'rtilVnU'.s ol ciwv from ifutilie l'hy.-lrian. :ml iiit- Mi-ji-iit
I'dticntf! x riny l" t-un'l in -;trli iain;hlt. liivh
limy be ol.t:iintil 'j;r;ai at tli Ituk Jlor f 'I'u'ji. fi.
CitUnT. uh in nolcBcuitt fir-MillIliiUur au 1 vicinity, mil
wii't exj'taiu tLu uiauuvr cf u.m- to any ou j hu may
Iu tlie tif ff Nrw York, fit tlir? fJ.iirrr.t OT1 -o, fi W
lln;iluay.tuerc are niy b- ini t'-d Uvin 4' - tw rhaitiP
nuJ the ral.; a:i-l l-lii::i.. in II ,V-n a ;.t, nt in r.ur
tion to t: irfj.ulati'.n, allhou;-H lly hare nn'y cu iii
tritlU'1 throL Dtrtlithi.
'1 !:; 'li;iiun ars i-ach v wr.rn,a:i t are finally avplinMi'
t' .l tlaJ'- n of -T c:i's-tl.,' rhil l n- n. il - lint ;i-In!t.
an.i an always n-n.ly f rn- ni--r ir. t nut .f n .iir.nu-l
a much an aril! wJ'oiuaiii'ut :u- Ut; y an (.fa v:-.luati.
ia-aH "f rurc.
TI:v Jii!iti.. cm !) fiit Yr nail tn miv -rt of tfn V
fat'-, nn 1 ran !' oMnin. j iu ail t!-t- f ri !: '' --1 -! iu
tin-1 ui .n. I'll) Mans ar? n ii,.t. I ti-ia!i.iniih m.
riii Tn lJriit.'. LnJit-s ii arf tt" ;ir. n-H ti- I
act t u.m tli-tii only for a ft?w ni'iin.tnt- :t ti in .f
ajj!v;n. f.-r ly l-itij; (uutinu J Ua?, tiiL-carriao in ire
HUiMttly irri.lu'iHl.
Ji.-Krn St; iN:.nT..'n. ALT'-nt-o-'-S Broa-lwar. N w York.
'I'ilKO. ti. rilKl.VJ', Agent, MifHinlnirtr,
Ciiifm Co. Tit.
Attorney at lair,
LEW1SP.URG, Union Co., Pi.
r?iOt Firr. on S. Second St. near M nl.et.
Refers to
It n..l".mtt ?ni -iif.-. Ti tUnnir, Ta.
J.IHfS il. .IX, (.
f V. llUMCS it l tin
J:n. A ii-.iniM .S. Ill n, .' iti.r i: n, 7'a.
A.J' rtlitit. .Intl'iiri.
41 .Sliulr't .?ri;i, i!i ltl:rn.
.i.-ol, .si.i''i a l'".. '.-i.Yti.' ou. !
.. I'.ii' ;';. Ai. it 1 '
------ ,
Li';ht:iii!i Rctls. ;
4 FJ'iiiJ many years' il,ijc iiivotifstii'n ;
J, t.umcrous vxpcrirnonu, iKe l'iit. uu-i i-ktc 1
pU asurc in infoi imnff ihe uhiic thai t. 1.2? ;
aruvi tl at tue title riuciplc ut protiTl;i:i; :.nl.
(Ivvi-IIiiigH and pnipprl) from the destructive ir.Ilu
ence of LIGHTNING. The calamiti.
:hnt every t-ity, 'l'tMn, illume and ( utiutiy l-ill-j
vn tiin to aiinuallv. lUtu ihe cross no,;!it nee of
il-t lutii' ituiits, i bfyotid ca!cula?ton, fhj't'ci.tlly !
when the icmcdy U so ca.-y to ol-tain ihitf i-- i
round in
Mcnt illaguctic Cigljtning Uoo,
and in this alone. This Kod has beeu examined
by the most scientific gentlemen in the world
kroftisson M'iMurlrie, Johnson, Wallor aud many
othe that have examine J them, recommend and
peak of them in the highest terms of probation,
and have pronounced them the only safe rod iu
use in this or any other country for the protection
of Lives and Property. One advantage i to divide
and throwback a part of the eh ctric fluid harmlrns
to the clouds ; in time of a stroke thi en a Mrs the
rod to conduct that portion of fluid that bolonq
to tho earth without tho slighlct danger of (ra
ving the conductor, i his rod has many otfji'r
advantages over the old one. The only yUcc ot
manufacturing is in
Vine S.3 doors Wf 12A, Pkiluttttptiia,
where all persons arc respectfully invited to call
and examine for themselves. For rale Wholesale
or Itetail by THO'S ARMITAfJE.
Drders promptly attended to. Terms cah.
These rods have been purchased and success
fully used by the following individuals, c unpaiiiet
and corporations, wbofo names arc cheerfully
submitted :
In and n--iir rtiflcd'lpltia. A. k S. lloTrrt". rrTr.e
SnntzinpT, Jti'Ipp lttivicr. .tii'le C.'nrrt.t, J. Mtilfxr-I.
John linmo. i C. t'lKtilry. J. Itit-nnrr. ti. Oitkl'-v, C i raJ
lutfrro'il, the IH.kN y An.ihliou, An-i'-n A. "l.ntl:tr-.
Itt-v. J. L. tlnirit. Jt.iin Notinnn. Tin irfv r. I!.a. A
liowuin?. J. r. irecr, J. . Watxiit. V. Htiu.j hr. . .1. I
Kiph y Co., .1. ISrmnti. II. liirlt n. J. iTcii."liir-, I', i,
yr, Mr. fharplets, Mr. Martin, 6. iK rlilvj, J. linnkkv,
Mr. I)inim. It. I'aul. . II. INiWerf 4 tV, J. Wiim cnny,
II. Miller, the liVd Uank Uott-1, the C. r1. ArM.na.1, th.'
jirmp uuravii i rti lii ipm' ill " null.
In the St'tte of AVw J.r$trr.4lvcr? Crispin. Judiro i
M-ulljJud I;.yt.". J-din Nvtiaao, Ur. II. M'Murth-, 1
J v f Hi v Vi.rvrr 1
ITarilry Tp. 31ark llalfi-enny. Win. Fttr-r. Jntin ITfiw. !
Michael iVItTK, Jacob Mnlth, Havi-I J'Uniitn, IlcitUii j
Mfiirti, Crnn-e Kleehner. At to Jrlin O-urt Ifou.,
and Com mii doners' (Mlh-e. Lime ft- nt 7. .Ii.lm lteher. I
l'ninn T Ir. Charhs WIls ii. Iluizn -itm Tt. .I- hn !
Kuntz. Hiinoii KmitJ!. )an 'A. If arte Cuulurr-n. HVn'.V
fter tp. .'iieiiai'i i it. n ui au
TiriLArn., AiK'.ll, lJT.
I bnTe thin dny rnn fully inie-ted a e n-!u--t.r or
Id i.-l itninjr i!-d, with in uc and index, ereefc-d hy Mr.
lit' Uiun Armitnpe, on Td'etne Ilmise. i'ou-c.'-ter. :n d
have no Limitation in fajir th:it it in not ontv thw h. t
1 have ever Wen, bi:t that it in the only one hare V t
examined that eor.-trnctt d on ctri-'tly m-ientitit? priiV-i-len.
It with much pleaurv that 1 recnanend lii.-"
conductor to the atU-ution of onuersof luil-iir
II. 31 1 Ml i.TUIK.
I am well patifflf'd tliat the Mvaeiie I.i'hiuinr Ho t,
m nn fart it red l.y MrTh ui;iet Anuitaz, a 1'ltiiadi Ij Ilia,
if the I et that hr.S ercr ln-en mad-. 1 lmred ent everni
years in the study r.J tl..- iawH d rleetrii ity and iu.:!i t-i-m,
and IiaTe no limitation in ravine that tln-se IU J art:
eoii-triietrd uj oii the only riiii'ide ct ai'tty. Ti" tdet trie
fhorlt in reetiu:d and i!I-le..-ed by the uniun- t nt the top
of Ihe rod. and It .vim! I be iiitpcrihl", areordin to th.
h.w? r.f attraetl'"n and npu:-.ii.n, f r a hnildin to he
Ii'iiinnd for tin-si' roils,aiid llieexti'nsivi al -s in all .arls
of tbf country, is-.llnj.ieconimciiihtlii.ii . 1 ih.-ir nti!ityand
siiH-riosity. 'I IIAI'V K U Al.l.lil:, M. I.
lirsillfrun, IMiilnd.Co., A.ril 10, lKr'.
rrx.c. wnr and nami:'ei. iioovnn.
llnrtU lmi, I niuil Co. I'n.
ate AsniU for I'nion and adiniiiinc foiintit-i.
and will tumi!i tne l-ods 6n tlie Mmc ti rm ai;U
in the came manner as I lie 1'ropiielor.
1 i
nAVIXG been appointed Af;rnt fnrihcsnle
of the celebrated I'ianos, manufactured by
the undersigned r.culd be hapiy to supply any
citizensof Ihe Susuui hnnna country who may
desire an Instrument well made, after the latest
nnpioTcmcnU. Two of these Initruments have
lately been introduced into Lcwisburc, to which
I am hajtpy to lefcr ny one. Tho I'ianoa aie
warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for a
year, hey may bo exchanrcd. I'tices rraona-fclc-
i.ewisnurg, reb 81 I S.12.
ATOTKSP. :.. ... .
'oitii Notes (Mnnlt) at this odlrp.
Almanac Tor 1851.
1, H S "I, ?
i5 2 i
J ! t S
, 2 3
2 9 10
ri n idw 14
Ki 17
17 J.. 21
30 .11
I - 3 4 .1
h '.. lo'llllj
li'ni pIimIu
a'ia 21 s. 28
Tl Hi
S Mil-'.'
1. 1 7
11 2 :: l
S; ie0:!b!2
a. ! 7
a lalMllS'lo '17 i t-!f-t
2. 11 12 i:i'u ir.
t 2lili;2;4i2ij
27 2s -JO -l!
i 3 4 b! : s it
s in iiii2;i.i'it r.iir.
- llv!20.2lj22 .J
O Ii,i2li::,ilt5
n i;ji7:l,ii!'!2i)!2iM
J 2:ll24i2i 2127 21.129
S f, 7 H u'loillil-2
ir. is iu
w 1 2! -If 4.
"i 7
a n 14 t.'Mii7ii-
5 2o 1 21 1 22 '23 21 2.1
"TiT ' i
m 4 0 f. t! si '.
LT i
S 5! ! 7! " o'lo'll
S i!n ili;. ttli-jm
B l'.i 20 !ilL2 2:1121,25
S1 II 12 13114 l.'lr:l7
2 I.l;i2IM2ll22l23l24
' 2o2li;27i2s,2:i,:i0 31
WinOcld Woolen Factory,
Scar H:u llcfon, I Hloti Comity.
riVH establishment is now in the best order.
I The machinery btin? nearly all new,
and none but ihe bct of workmen employed,
the subscriber feels safe in saying that his
work shall m l 1"- surpassed by any establish
ment in this or the adj"inin; counties.
His warrens will be around as usual, and
iioise wishing to patronize bU establishment,
will ph ase avail ilo mrelves of that opportu
nity. I have also on hand, and intend keep
in? a choice assortment of CJootlM, such as
CI .S. ;.'. Cn ,'i'nrrc. Tnciils. lihinkitf.
Yarn, e., v. no li I wnl sell low lor cash, or
eichanirr f..r Wool ;md Country Produce p-n-1"
''?:', . -, !A1lil"'F,ENV-
II irtl-ton, April ii, .-.,l-tt
fllllP . I fkn T II :-
1 AT riSI.Yi:SS at the Old Stand,!
on Norlh Third St., near Murkct, nml
n spertftilly solicits ihe patronage cf hU
fi inids mid the iu!lic cmcrally.
cii.:;:.i:j f. nv.ss.
l.. uis!.'ir, Mny 'ii, 1850
market Sircel, I.elbi:r?, Ta.
r or inc lara
rorens, colds, roarsexess,
f 0I P, ASTUM.t, AI
:-.r, , r t. vi, J ,'. ,; n t rii. cn-i v.- f. , ,t
lha . -i) shall lJ:r vmt .il ttu f&' ikirfff-r uudicim."
Ii tv w h- r f'r tin si k record, d l"a- aco, nr.. wry
y. nr adds nun f r-x 1 1' tfit auranct a that thvgv i r. iaiv:
A.-minIifai s.-Kn"c -.Ii -rr-TtT. and dt-w-'na test ii rr Died
ii;itur' l:as pivi n, n l y c-ne tin- di.-ea.'-. f thtt af.Iiet our 1
I u;itur' l:as pivm, '-n-- l y fin
r.-.'-i' yii ' l tn tl - O'litrnl t f nrt. Of till the maimli-':
, m?- r fr n, n ne lias ecrrird :n"r-' lit'iius toiitt uutiuii ly
r Mv tli;in f'-tisuuf ti-n f the Lun-'. huljoirn d we
f.te Mine fT-Jrnce t!:at flu., too may t- curt d, and that :
"ulmouary C 'tn;daii.t.stu nil their form.-, may W rvm vt d
' CucKni Pict r-l. j
ioli tXFLt'EXZA AXf Wll'tOVIXa COCC1T. I
.-!1villl", Tt iin.. June 1-;..
Ptr. T ISit ri'i-eredlv ymr ( .trrti.T I'lT't; i fjr '
Wh.j.h -t'.ui -h I.lld lii'llli l,M inl I .ii.i -! t,..cifili..
in iri.in.nt;rirL- it n nnd.-tf rem dr. hmr nfmv eh 1 1,1- i
" " -i" ur u... iturni mv :im- 1
dr, n h--T. I. . ii ::!;!: f -d with tlo d'-ea-en. and tlie I'r.f :
t,,c 1'r.r.u ... .-a.f;ri.,, a.m;v. i,,s,aU,
v."i:r Lrs.M.i: ri ketaii.
A .
IU, atlist it.i- trni!. r.f tin-a! it" stitcm ,-nt: T!ic sulisciilicr noulJ rf "pcctfullv infoim the
y.Mr.lMMi:i:MA U'aU WW- : citili'iiii of l.ewisbarg ,ai the trav.ling common
I roi: A C'KYsr.vrTIVK r',,r:r. ''-v ccncrally.that ho lias cpencj a new I.ivcry
J rnriii;:.ii. I'a.. 1. b. i", f t. , anJ Kxchinjie SlaMe on K( U IM'II street Unit a
rv.ir ?lr-F..rthr.T yar.1 l.avo l,. n ;.i.. v,i with a square South of .Market, and his iiroridcda good
i rv; muHi .fib - ii .i.-1 was !.H.-,J to it w ,1'. ni.-!tt in lot of "0f. with entiiely new good and lash
; my rhalr. as my e nth sri ulj cuiLmtt" m h. n 1 lai.l ioiul lc Carriages, liapgies, Sleighs, ic. where all
J mu. HaTii-ir u-i.l many rumiji.s ai'.l utiuurliri ln f. ;.i,;n. ....hi-. :,. ki. ti,.. k.
I I at last triil tl:o fii: ,.:.: Pteioatt. !.:.. i.i.I.r l-r,..ii.
; tuix-1i:ls cun-J nn' alt"--vthr. I nva with jrr;itit,i.l
lours, JA.UI .S Ji CA.1)LK.-S.
l'rof lit ri'KRHi-.tD.of (!iio .Me.I. C 'lleco.
iJusT N MlI-i AT. AVO tfLiH.K'.L J.'LKML.
t'in!:tr-Tf. (S.t'.j Mi rtrit llcni-v.
Ni.w Ji:bli Mi.i ical KEiitTt:tr.
I! n. H ;;v t'l IT. Lr. S.S n il r.
l! -!i.;i -. I. M :n. Am. Auilw.-vrnbr to Turkey.
(', i.. i: vi , t. i I'n .-! nt i tiTiili.
l:r. I!.v. i:;i. I'oiw.ii. l.or.I li -h .p of 'IVrontrt
I. t It. Mwivi:. ft Ii- v !yi. N. Y.
Ar.:ilJ!h.! lt,:i,;-.Li..(.f rni. tnn.ili,
AoM-my i ::iin -ut - r- un-.;s in f ,r i ::i eountrle.
N- t i. nly inU'e riorMl;ui.;i rou.-'.ac.I'li-.trcit M'en-e';
of Hi.- Iaiv j. hut ',-o as a fmi ly mr.li.-iin' f,ro,-vi. u:u
u.--e. it V- tl.f s-if.i, !i-nrnntet uui bes-t in tin Wi.rlit.
rur S'Air. if axu soli nrjAUKsc. a rrh
rr.irli.-:.l.lli. A !i .ilClu-ni-l, Z 'tr-V. J.rjT.
Mliti.u; Mi -f M. M 'ay, NiTihuniiuriaiiti :Vi. Vy. Ki-sinr!
.... ......, ......1,..,,,,,o ,M i'ji nruir-:..ts ,
v.-rj wh.T-. liiiiMa.-t'.t.Ii-'.iU
' i
ort:n state of Caiiroritia,
""KE(in., UTAH, .nV .MKA'ICO, and
V 1 L.VAS.iinuttd by f . Aug's Mitchell i
UlO.and p.iincd locorieouJwiihlhoboun- !
dariet fised b) Coiires.- in 16.10 foiaalc altbo 1
' 'un ..1 ;is.
PtTT " . . t. . .
' a iMisent rrnnrietor ol the r.tnviy tii-c-i
I ..;'""lS"i:sriClJ 'a. r (lime tiic) in 1
li;;i ' AI.I.EY.l'iiitui t,). lK'nl'vpiicMii'iiee j
thai tl' Can u-ill SOT It epen im .sf "A7J.I V.S
1-r Visitors. It rnav be vi, ,od bv Ladies nn.l !
Oenllemcn on any other day, and on SATI'15-'
DAY of every week especial preparation!, u ill !
nc mane 10 accoinmo'tale null limits.
rtTAH persons are forbidden to break off,
injure, or take away any specimens from the
Cave, under penalty of prosecution..
The payment of li cents only is require I
01 ratrry person n-iore eniennr?.
MAH W I.Tri?
. - ' - r- - n an is ui uis cusionicrs, anu uoi'cs uj eo uo ne nuz7led tic rroieasion. 1 t j L.a ! ik i.Ui
:n:,r,; .a :hcr rMic! Keli.!Kf
r rv ii, , rv , i. Lewi, burg, I).c 30, 1 Sol in the wnndcriul virtues or i IIi:iMit.u I I iu
r,VAV i - r. '. .? 'rt fl"11:,
tVy Vj11v. T-,n.'
OFFIf'i: removeil to Market mrcft, e
ond II or cnir.incpftour Ittwetn Kline's
Hob'l an! C E. Bhwps' l(lrf .
I.cvvisburg, April I, lur.a
LefVlNburg Sat lut;s IiiUtu(!oii,
18 now open and reaily to Ho biisinrs. The
regular Discount days are VVtluevlays.
'J'bc following nami'd prrsons are the
Mr. JoM.tsosj Wat 11.
.Mr. Urms Amim.
Mr. Jamcii M't'HiliinT.
Mr. Thumas Hate.
Mr. W iLi.itw I'mi i,
Phcd'k V.. Mmrm, E-.'J.
Ornrtui VII.!,!M CAMEKOX, I'rtutUnt.
II. I. SHEI.l.EIJ, Trnirnrrr.
Four percent, per annum will be allowe! "r
all deposits nver six nvintli ; ami Mrre per
cent, less lhan ix ami overtime rnomlis.
H. 1. S1IEI.LEK, Treasurer.
I.ewisbtirg, Sept. IU, I8.ri3
NE SPlf-LvillcIlt, ari'J worthy III" t'VCry
considcrotiun, that uo Miller cun make
iiooj Clean flOUr tWlllOU. hO has ROod C'lraO
wlieat. 1 suppose you wish to know the
remedy. 1 tc!l you it Is to get one ol
' J ,
Jergslres&cr a II heat bcoure rs, or Smut
Machines. He beinsr an old, practical and ,
experienced Ml!!lrilt llflS invented, got
uuand put in successful operation the Lest'
Wheat .Scourer now io use. Any person;
orutruif; a machine and ailcrwaroi nnd:ng
.l . ', :
lliat II UIS.S uui I'm". "!'" "J "I"1
scnlcd, there shall he no sale, as ihcse ma-
' chines nrc to he warrniitcj good, rurlncr
rpcotritncnrfii!ions arc thought unnecessary. 1
! Ho is now havinRasupi.lv made at Leu is-1
! bur bv l!oS5ra.C0duVS & Marsh. Orders !
for m-icliinns, or Ietter3 ol inquiry, will ho '
promptly nttrnded to. Maf hinos uili Le
f sent and put to nli ord' r. Addrrs
I J. PKKOSTUI-:.--!-:!!, '
. . . f - 1! I " IO
Svult nr. a
J'h.; Mibscrlbi-r o.Tif f r saic a larj:
is ' 1 :i .' ii! cfch"i'--c l'rtiil 'I'rtvs uch a.
A-m:: tnr,"to Hi ii-ci In-;!., i'J varictn-s
till ttir.-niiVi! crii'...re I 1 ucti trees,
v;u It tit t : Tanuiaii ( "' t
I'r.n .( and IVar lnrs, I ilier llh sor. f
(i or 8 varieties ol Crape Vines of the hrst
unlive and exotic varieties. Orr.an.cnta!
. ii 1 I l
I rrrs, siicn as mi; t uii.tu:ia iiuui, ix
N. !!. Persons ih!. in to procure a
firtn!ify ol lito Fruit trcrnre rcrjurstttJ to
m-.l e rrnn.r,!;a! n plication to tl.csuhscri
ber, in order to pnctire the varirtira an1 1
z- wnn-cd. II. H. NOLL. '
LewishurK, March 4, lHTiO.
Ccwbbnvg JTonnDvri
: ft'HE suhsrribcr, thank fu! for paf ptt
', L roiiise, ur.ulil inform the public tl.a'
i they continue to ni inuineture all kimi- if
, Mill Ceatinu and other Ca-liiiE. '1 bia-i.ine
! Machines, anJ oilier anitlesol .Mat iiim ry rrpai
. red in ihf best mnnner. t'astins narrantc.l to
j be of i;noJ material, and at prices that can no'
fail to , leae. ClEIlDEf, MARSH 4 I'd
i I.KttUlll i.. Feb. IS.", I
t - -
:ri'oKN y":t " !'-
;..! Marsh ( .
I Ci TOVKS-IvVlur. Vcd, and Coal
' J 'S:uvrs, varum pniu-rns, fur .-aic a tin
. Lc ibll; Foundry. (ii Jtles, Marsh & Co.
, ! liri.MU) IVaom (Jan; Plow, a su; r
! 1 V rior ariicle, lor j-nlt-nt i!ie Lou i! ur.
f'oUIl;y lif
GRAIX or Stx-J Drills Ross Patir.r j
rii'rirlcrJlv tlie hest nnd mnjst dvmbtt
ram. now in U.ip. for f he t the Lrwisl.urg
Futintlry by
Ofpo$tlt'm is thr I.tfe r f fusttnr I
N'EW 1.1VE11Y
r A D
4 , . - , AV m t
"-""'b .'"'6 " ""v J
ated on the shortest notice and most reasonable
term,. lie will pa, every .Itcmion to the
Vocal anJ Instrumental MUSIC,
nnU t!)c (German Ccnciimac.
- l4ift Mile that ho continues 10 cive
Instructions on the 1'iar.o and (iuilar al 0 i:i
ocal Mu.ic and in tlie lY-rmaii l.anruar;e.
Having been taenia iniho kc( Music fvhoobi
in tlermnny, he deems himself amply juaiilied
to teach Music, and to aid in th-" corr. ct ac.iui. i-
Hon ot i!io rich (ierni.m tongue, lie will abc
tune I'ianos, ami pul llieni 111 r,ia.r.u denirrJ.
,, . , . , , . , ' . . ,
I.esidriirc 111 S-oulii I ouuli atrit t, m ihe L te
Uritk lliiuc ol l'r. l.tid'.iij.
ri: m is.i. Esi!.
,. a r n . -
n ol"lCt- JI 1 ri' em I On vvorti.
a rou nd cf Cur?," in
. r .
t'lfl air fu! durac.
that air ful tlUra ic, '
I )u; 1 n Lectures on trie rierrn- j
-f bin nnj Cure of Consumption. ,
Tliisninntir .n,tr P,. 1 1 -t 1
, ' . "f.P"''1 .W 0r i fr s;lIl "C IS!,Urj ,
,1 r -ndall J. Ilou-K.
I'rim. 75 cent
on ami a'.
01(1 CWDancrS
v.-- .
4'i.ML, thousands in number, of allsires. for
aie at the Chronicle ollire. at .Ml rts ner
lilt) taken aa thei run. or l H-hcn a.soilrd. ' a
! bancrf..r Scrap Ilonk. as ir ell-,? f.r wrap( i'c
y . v 3T J tuJontsot !.PWi.t urg and Pre off voi-.r Arcr-, I hur rHe nne!i gr?i'u
Ar&tV; vioiuiltf, Iho &ulsnil.n would i iiw.:"r,Ki;i,"n ."' la',':Vf-;
i-fff "NVU Vi'l
i; T il.-.
The cknowle-lee'l M xtraorilinarr Cnntr
I powers of these wnn ierful inntuiM w now to
I mllv known anJ thir ukand rcmtati-.n thrt ,
. out th whole country to tniie, thit it w
i pctti ntinex&a.ry to orsr their mwit f:iitli-r. t :.
. ,rfmcUte"irriniitanC4B ha oecorrt! which rrii:..f
it a maiur of duly to the public not ti H ilif.?!!!: p
.i.-iit. fr w hile the rphemeral ivrftnjTit .,f ti.' ,:if
fc:u trumpeted by column through th frn tr
aadarofcund jui.lso oraur,
; f hrttli Calvank and Xaene.k Coratlrfi.
. bav ccn quietly workis their way amor tL.
,;..UBlly iUeTii.r can in i,r,.ii tai...?
, wnieh hv for : utsj u tu 4,j .
o 'li'-mo and all the letourccs ui Sa.kj;i lli
leasts are calied
an! in these diseases melieinc it of no
j i;;rt;
ain-a.it' irostmtr.i syjtimhiieutiierti.ttrr..r..-.
c:;r.i;.i,l'.' ci.i'X-,t'b1,llt mfluance ol lialvaai.ru,
a. ai i lir.1 lT thi. bcanUI'il Ji
at-i-iiet! ty thi beaitUl ii diftcntery, tit ehiu.u
pilirnt anJ weaJ.i.eJ sulterer u restored lo form-
il:h itrci.-lh. elasticity and rii-or.
'1'r.t.fc rt-aiaiki relate to iuch dufan u Nf."
nr.ViiUX t.f tue ilK.UiT, WEAKMJiJI. at.J r
F- M l K t'IS01iK.ItS, ucli as NKKVfH S Hr.A.
A- I.e., LAboiiLUK and m-SroUKNt V, whan
1f. ui !v i.tlicr namn i- r Norvnm Dor;.: n ir ;
KI1I.KI TIO V1i and CONVLLS10.N. a s-e
iif.v kiitiwn to reilt fim a tio.i-o ; w.: i.-m nf
i.K'Ctric infl-tence ; NfJlVOl S TUKMni.5, bKAK
.N -.: S, whit b i nearly al CimM ty t":i:'iy
ol tho Ai: Lii'-ry Ncnt. ai.4 can s e r.j,
rtt't.i (y t -r.u ;ir, hii tl.e orffTiri it r,.-;-V ti . . ' .
I' , SI rji M ... ls cr:t f rn ; f LS'. ' d V U .
I S.S ti.v n, n-is'-'! It a -Vf.ricnr- at N.-r i t
: .t..K:;rc; t tiiJ.SU illir'A M TtaM. T(KI it). IV
! t Mi 'Kit. t !N in tleS!!K. SIJ ' .
I 1 I. 1 1' . Si IN L d iiil' LAIi
-:-.M' tVV ' "i NX'lV'Hi an! riiS' VI. .
KiaO, ki:i ;.U tS"-o i:.!r(;?i::j f out; l-i.ts if
:n t:uT a If'rM VMirli.KVi of tLe NLitV"Ci
.-ii .-.M.
I:i t!:c iTte jrcTal'-nt nr ! terri1 le class if Z
tJ-Oi N.T.i Tii .-ri'j.I;.i..u arc mucli n.'j:e a(irr...r
tu tiian t.- (t :?tiil i-tained
cmsTsn calvimc rrsiTiTis.
Are an Absolute and loatliT Simtfir.
Tlie BLt.T ii u-.i?J wlea tl.e t fhly or Urn. ?
i-.l lv ii a'rf4- 1 : Ii..- SJ WLt K fi.f CottlT.lu
i the 1 lro-t. .Vi.!i: and Bwnf Itiik t J ui ti.e
!lt;i.i ; ai; i 1.1. .f i.mj anu.- -. rmoi u.e
urn: fir h.. , XUiCTurntimi, rI-y, 1 rrntot ju. 1
S:amoiIic rtil.-ctiurn. 'i'i.fsc art.. ..m; ir a;
i.I.trd auditerUd with tlc MAti". KTH: h l.l ID whico
a' cc:i.piiiii- thect, -ud l.a :i.'ui; usvd tuty
1 .v.t.i. r ui..
f j" Th-" ff-n? rc'l! ir;?v r.r.l (xr.lTirfj of ti n
;I.V.N.l tl llriVK.S tnv.-.it m :! U f t
tin nrti-"t ari-1 ere .iia'ae ly v.i'f-'--i i'jt.j -,
in re f the o:nl methfj if I-'rua'l ar 1
I !. -;r k i . the I'-.tut t:;l exhuntrd r.:nr
h ; i'I'1-Iy uii ivr the ir.!liCti-u. Ty ttrmztKt ri
it f.r ;.'f n. 'v"'1"1' ! ctrcuiatiiin tf tk lU-f-l.
m:tf ti.e $.-rret:i"i, iHrieitrmte lb rrtttrr mrrftrt. atW
t rrn ntrr l.t tiitHlttt harm uiuiW eity nreumitv
Since their inrroductin in tii LuiUd &iatcs. o:..j
three yl-iti fiuce, more than
7 5,000 PERSONS
melt: !irtn H claS'M and tonuiticnu. mr
whom err t larce nnmtr o( La lien, who are pwr1
liiiiy Bulcct to Srvmis t;on!; hate U?ou
Entirely and Penr. a neatly Cured,
when all h("rrrrl.tT h-'.! Vvr up. a-;.! (.ott-
tlimir els1 n tried in van '. The hrn.-n.:iil rvui:)
lnvc u.iif.in;ly af.-T'led tK.:r t; c it roi.i
Hf.:ly ttafr-! to hf? Without a frti-'. I ar.rui
of Vf'irnl Sciunre. lerfryrr-.f ri. 1 .-. ; rr ar..l eti-a
r,-.y--i.i!i ; lilies nf tl.e f.ihf.t snr, a
j:il-i:cd itciii n holding eitvaicd oriic.! lu.ua.
morrfintit.4. maTriifactureri. and iM'rliir.k: , tho j-.r
and the rirhai.ko; ofti-s uhle lnmi,K.-. anitn.s
cl;;c. rar.V'! n:id con-liti-ir.i, l,ie .1'iaJit !---n rv
rij'it jL, and have ctjnaily Rckmi ieilyl the n-.n-drou
and cltrn uncAi ccttJ bcaeliu w h.vh they
tli.is received.
Let it he known and rememVcre l th"t -horly
Nat'irrd Kcsti'rrtire for tL Ncnei w i;a!a:aira,
aud that in ail NerTim rii.ies we ihouid
Thiox? Phjsic to the Dos."
To illTistra!e the ne r f the ti t LVA. It: BELT,
FiipposQ the ci'e rf a rr'.-'n artli.-re I wtih that t'1.-
nf civitizntir.il, ! il i.l or any othtr rtt runic -r
NervoMS 1j:t,!'T. In i-r.hnary ci. stimI.ii
are taken hioli, ly tiieir n.::.L.n on tLe n?nu an !
muscles of the st-irvtch. :i""rd t wp-ro' tt nhf, .r
which l"ave tii9 patient in a inner it.ita, and n!i
r.;r.reil f..'-tiltitt, after ti.e artion thin excited L -
hfied. tiw commro thii with tlie effect res'Uv
.? from the ar;T'licatin of the (JAl.V ANIL" Br.i. I'.
T.ike a Ityspej'tic uiferer. even in the worst jn".
;ns .f r:i atLirk, and simj ly Uc th Belt rm:ud tl;e
iv ly, it-inc the Mafntic V'hii 1 ax directed, la
fhtrt i-'ri.d the tnsen:ivIe r-crturatita wiil s t t-:i
J.e ptw-itive element of tlie LelC thereby cawrz
l,lvanic circnht'.iou wlucU will f13 oa t0 i: 1
psstivr, and thence buck asrtn to the p-::;'.
th'is W' Ci ii'.ff up a continuous Galvanic circular j
throTirrri'nt the fystem. Thns the mnt ser.r. .-a.-t
of ISFr.rs.A are PKUMANKXTLY t ri:n. A
j r ATil Tl IK JjISL 4Sfet Ofc" YklARli.
fmm the most intelligent arj respectable rer r
tvsi.'.itis-in eTerr portion of the I'nitod St.tcs. c.iu.i
bo presente-1. These are bow unnecessary, t ut a
nnmerotia selcetion emnraeine; many st.uaieau ci
thr. most cxtmor.Iinrv character, scJtcient to I ON
V1NCK Till; MOST SI KrTICAL may be had of tie
1 Bttthorisctl Arnt The interested axe I'aitkuiAri;
! invited to call.
From one cf the ciot dls'.tefitct! rbjfr
ttics la tiie City tf .c Vort.
"I have been usir.ir rhristie's Oalvmii; srticles ta
j) quirt way amnni; my pa'ienta for a! nt two serirs
rist, and 1 confess I am aKtomiieil at Ilifir sujcc5.
f I am sure a disease is Ae I know jn't wh it
tlicr v. iil do. In Ki'ilej uc "r lis. partici:!.rlv in
cnn ircn; I'eimcss aiv, .jec:i-ns ol ti'.e iipt a
. tf?&
l -cive.t tht ihrv art con.lruclvi to. the trc .
tif-C 1 rin.-!, ! I. r tliC rni'V, s 1 j,ai."f '
liniwi JCiCl.); a. iit t.f l':e llalvanic C!irTe::t tl:- rr'
Cl!i::l a iti.-i :cr li'ni. 1. .-,;::it fer. t-iu 1.. '
unk..wn. I ci.c'.lully hoitn'K ttra i.r
eil. vh'i'.n r. I c le of tl.oo li trr "
raiUsl Niaiois ( uMri.tifrs, 6n Hluj ui.j i. -
h .i'j'iij" an i :n.'ii;,nM ''' i-j: o !.
Vrrv truly T. nr.. 1'AVIH ETCS, V
Lsvcrttt .V.AS. t .t .uji, 1... 1
f-f Xe tr-Mr- rr i"..' .r rw 'o !' "
i4 i n. cii-l.-Hi. .s .. i.i.w.: i r . i -nn.l
they t I ' .'ti ' y tit . :v.t L-:t!e '-
c-.Il' ..:li r.'i... : l:-.c sr'.tv. I-i n'.i
IV : i . .. -t ttntr i. ;
CK.I f,, ...... ..... li..! Ii I .1
I t.itn tlinrcti'-TU lT b. rucii.Ulvt u .:.- : i
l.. ulaii nia Laot.ti.c l guu., 01 I'uC au... -
The Giaaic r It.
Ti o Ci.lv .r.ic N'.vl.i oc.
The fialvanic !!'''"
f.'.rce L'-iuicx
T J rllars.
tii e Dollar Eadl
" Va r.T : 3 wL Aft CAUTION.
r. f. MOI'.EIIEAD. M. P .
I.. . LI INU B , . . aw.
.tn-st In srMuiT-C. W.El'tlAFI'LE
' H'antca at tlje djrcnulc trffin:.
' rrnnnlii fintn ins nn tv'etl ri'
V7 a
r... i,vir -..I -i -
W ihhI, heat, liulttr,
! a"l mo other ric.Ivcf U' faijf h"l'' o"
, -Tl-.TR -; I
ill j-roj-cr ec:aiCs.',