Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, August 25, 1854, Image 4

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Newspapers,' Worth and Sooth.
N'jwip'ipuM are the very bodjr of tl"
lies, tlio exponent, of the liusiucss auil
iitcllectual activity of the community
If a city it prjiuciil in it habits of
thought or business, acknowledging anotb
r city as ito financial or political capital ;
or if it is really a im?trnpii, spinning the.
cl uf its ciostiuv from i s own abuuJaut
vitals, tin's is revealed iu lUe clumps of
its daily papers. If a section of acounrry
is inferior ia intelligence, but yrcJotninant
in politics, the circulation of its periodicals
nil! be limited, while their tone will be
rude and arrogant.
Ileury A. Wise ones thanked God in
CVi.rfss t'.iat dure was no newspaper
publisiiui in liis district. There are many
utliix Si'ii'lu-iu UUiiie's in a fcimilur state
t ili:titu!iuii. At the d.ite of the" last
.- i. -us, there wi-re six slavtholding States
in which tbre was no daily paper. The
weiklys have a very limited circtila-
tiin. All the periodicals f lurge cireu
Liioa are publifhed in the N..rtli. Take
any ten weeklies in the P'titb and theag
cri'sa'e of tlitir editions trouM not equal
tiia' f tiic l'liiladi'lphi:! Sitnnla' Eetn
t ... W or of the N. Y. Tr. T.HuHt.
In m:i:izitie literature, Putnam' Mmth'ff
!. is a larger circulation tlinu all tlie Sou
ihi'iu magazines together, wlilo ILtrper'i
tieaily doulilea ltmon.
Pailv. Other. Total.
Free States 177 1G:3 ISoO
SUvc Siutcs 77 C45 723
Gov. Brown, of Florida. This gen
tleman having addressed the late Whig
meeting ia Tallahassee, is thus reported by
the Seutincl on the Nebraska and the j
Missouri Compromise :
" He stated in language not to be mis
understood, that he approved of the great
principles of the Nebraska bill ; but the
fearful cins.viueie..s which arj the result
of its fiuits arc much to ha d.'plorud, and
threaten to test the viry strength of our
political institutions, aud the integrity of
the Union. He said that there was at
t!iis time no necessity for its introduction,
i.ml it (Uianattd from rather a suspicions
furcc, fi.r it could not be forgotten
that its author dodged die vote on the
compromise of '50. Considering the as
pect of its origin, though it did embrace
the principle of non-intervention and the
repeal of the Missouri Compromise, the
only principles in it, which concerned the
South, he was fearful from the appearance
of the political horizon, that it had opened
a Pandora's Box which the South would
be t.ij powerless to close. He said that he
was opposed to the Missouri Compromise
when it wag adopted in .0, that it was
the first step of Congress toward interven
tion on the subject. He said that the
Compromise of '50 bad been acquiesced in
by tiie whole country, as a final settlement
of the slave agitation, and the re-opcuing
of the question looked very much like a
trap set for the South by cunning politi
cians fur their own tt;fiti purposes."
Tape Worm Trap.
In the liie of modern inventions, per
haps none excel iu novelty and gingulsri
tv one for which a pntcnt has been applied
fir, by Alpheus Myers, of L"gnsport,
Iud. It is nothing less than fishing for
worms in the human stomach, in order
ti remove them and more especially
especially the tape worm with
out employing medicines. He has mailt
a small trap, on which a bait is secured,
and after fasting for some time, the pati
ent swallors the trap and bait, the latter
b.-ing snapped at by the worm, which gets
its. i .ad into the trap, and is at once drawn
i.i 'V. .-nrfac, a captured teuioid.
?UK!tIFF OCiWITTED. The HippdrO-
iuj i-i.hit.ited, a short time ago, in a pleas
suit country village not over fifty miles
fiom Miiwaulie. Sheriff Ellis, of Wau
Letha county, had been notified that a lot
of pickpockets sharp fellows at the busi-cc-s
i'cllowed the Hippodrome, flleecing
the unawary. In order to watch them
the better, our sheriff disguised bimself
;.nJ n.ing'.cd with the crowd as a green'un
t"-.in the rural districts. lie passed thi
biy iu close observation of all the suspi-
- r looking characters, Mid madenodis-
until about 9 o'clock, nh?n the
. ; .1. to his miug'.td surprise and amuse-
. , i t. that his owu pockets had been pick
t.. ..JciU wallet, notes, bills, checks, ie.
ail JjLe.
Know Kothinss.
Thi Pinviile It publican says that the
'.nv -.tho d-.'jied the right of his father to
v V- l.iiu b.'cause he was "n Jitnteil o7J
.r. i-iii-r" is KiippuSC'l to be the founder
r t i, z i. i .i..r.
'jrL "i' K. : Xo'u'ni who Lontem.
I !i Icvin; Aiuvtioa b-cau.-e itwisdis
.. :c,l Ly a Lreiuer, has giveu up the
io titioti. Ho wiil thercfote rciuaiu with
u- a little longer.
OFFJCiAL Cocriesies. Judge Pepper
of the 7th Judiciul District of Tennessee,
who was a blacksmith by trade, lately pre
sented to Gov. Johnson of that State, a
fircshovel.madeby the Judge's own bands.
The Governor accepted the present, and,
being a tailor by trade, returned the coin
p'.iiueut by cutting and making with bis
owu bauds a coat, which be presented to
the Judge. ,
Tu Admluiatntiga ia "ittting pega" lo
acquira Cuba
Taletraphlns--new -Rate Table.
liarrisbnrg 90,38 Berwick $0,1
Dauphin XA BliKimaburf IT
'Jnnctioa . S3 Cattawissm 17
Liverpool 31 Danville IS
M'Kees J falii 1 Udapman , 30
8elins?rore 20 Carbomlale 96
Providence 25 Dun more 25
a-ranton 25 Hviie Park, 24
l'ittkn (St VVilkesbarre 20
Kingston 20 Plrinonth 20
.Nortnamberland 15 Bloorashnrg 18
Milton 13 Danville 15
Mimcy 15 Simbury 18
Jcrscv Shore 17 M'Kwensville 15
Mill Hall IS Williamsport 17
Milesburg 30 Lock Haven 18
B. erh (Treek 20
Phi!ade!phia. 34 llelltfonte 21
For every additional word 1 cent to all sta
tions on this line.
X t now in operation.
riTAII other stations west and south of
PhiiaJelphia, rate increased 9 cents.
A Word for Ourselves
Since the CAnmWecame into our hands,
we bsvc clothed it iu new type, at a cost
ot !UiJ nr$IUU Uflico rout has nearly,. ii,,m-...riiii.iiiti.eii.n,iu,ir.h,.rit.u..
douMod riintinir paper has advanced SO
. - ,7,' 1 . ,
or j.i per cent. 1 lie nmnlior of workmen
employed is larg.T Farmers produce is
nied in price generally hut our terms
have not been advanced. Thu, while
our p ittron'ije has increased, our pmjit
have not.
JA. reasonable inference from these
prtllllSCS if. tll;lt WE MUnT RAISK OfR
BATKS OF CUARiiES, Or Our r(l?rrs must
nbtnin iin iiifrenso of PATRf."AUE.
nn..i-2 Va.t T!..nTi .1
r"l'' u v 'V'-1' " -,m
S"Uie OI1 tllC t)rth Ii ai)ch and elscwliere,
h ive ried their charjes. We choose to
w;iit one year longer at the ohl rate?,
trusting that vre may bo favored "nth such
an iiieron of Subs'-riliers, Ailvertisins,
an 1 Jul Worlc, as may cuable us to keep
on at our oi l rates.
In aim. st every neihhrrhnnd, within
20 mill's around L"wiaburg, ailditioual
patnns might readily be obtained.
We send out weekly 98 papers in sinyte
crupper. To print, fold, envelope, and
direct singly. 52 times a year, affords but
small profit iudeed. If each one now
tfe-ttinir a naivr alone will mt oni or mora
....... :i I - i I
it i-iiu.-w.ii.XTS iu join Ilim, 1118 larijer
packages Will g.l more Safelv. and affiird '
ns better compensation.
, - '
lf.We ask all who approve the course
of our paper, to aid it by getting one or
ni.ire subscribers.-Si
Wilt commence on Musoat, April 17, 1854,
to continue 20 weeks.
The course of Instruction in this Institution
i calculated to prepare youlhsto enler College
or for general business.
Composition and Declamation receive care
ful attention.
The subscriber is solicitous to secure aclass
of Vounir Ladtn.
Our constant aim in the improvement of the
pupil, is to render the Vimitme of the school,
as well as the mere imparting and acquiring
ot knowledge, subservient to the higher objects,
to wit.the formation of a good character, based
upon sound morality, and the preparation of!
me youin ny wen es'taonsnea naDiis oi oraer, :
energy and independent self-reliance, fur ue
lull. ess and success in life.
The Bible i in daily use in the school.
Tuition. For Languages $110, Higher Eng
lish $8, and common branches, (including
Readinu, Writing, Geography, Arithmetic,
(rammar and U. S. History) $6 per session.
No deduction except for sickness.
joiix iuxDor.pn.
March 17. IPS!, Principal
Wholesale and Retail
Mlfllinbursr, I'nlon County, Pa.
"I TAVIXG purchased the entire Drug ftore
XX. formerly kept by T. J. Elliott, dec d, I
now olT-r to my friends and the public in gen
eral a fresh aud pure lot of
ijitui?, CiKini-'qis qi)J 3)ii;-ttffs.
AKo Paints, Oils, Glass. Putty ana Patent
Medicines. Brushes and Combs of every
variety. A fine assortment of JEW
ELltV.snr.h as Watches. ?o!d and
silver Pencils, Ear and Fin
ger Kings, Breast Pins,
ic. ic. CardsXa
velopes, XoW
and Letter
Switw and I'rrfamery.
All kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil, Pine Oil
and Bnrni'ic Fluid. I.iqnnrs of all kinds, for
medicinal purposes. Violins, Flutes and Ac
cordeons. Nuts, Fruits and Confectionery
and in fact, almost anything in the wav of No
tions and tJeiiertl Varieties. Call and exam
ine for yourselves. I charee nothinz fir look-
in-. TIIEO. 8. CHRIST.
MifHiuburg, Pa, Jan. 2, 1851 ly
Life Insurance Companies !
Jjmdun Xtittnnui Ltian Fund,
(26 Coraliill, London ; 71 Wall St. Work)
I"Capital $2,5uO,C00
JCtiia Ltfc Insiiranre Cn'ipr?rtit
(Hartford, Conn.)
tS" Annuity Fund $150)00
wytlune Mitual.
(Harrishore. P-4.)
: Capital $120,000
TJOLICIES in the above Companies can be
X obtained, on reasonable frins, by appli
cation to the subscriber. California risks, 3
to 4 per cent extra.
Pel.. 19 H. C. IIH'KOK, Letri-burir.
Tl WIXEGA:I!EN hat w-moved from
I . "way up town" back to the new build.
iug at the old head quarters, in Market street,
imine.i:itety under Ihe-Chronicle "and Tele
graph offices, where he will be happy to
smoke" and "chew" hia friends and cus
tomers, in good style and quality at moderate
ca-h rates.
Lewisbur;. Oct. M, 1853.
iUxvitx) at faro,
Letvltibars, (.'nlon CeuHly, Pa.
NOTICE is hereby given lhat Absalom
B. Smart has this day retirel froai
the firm of Tastin. 8taart and Lewis, he bav
in sold his interest therein tnJohn W.8taart,
woo rates ni place in said Brra.
Marak 4, ItH
The renowned Remedy!
This extrmordtnttry Unpiu-nt U cnmpaH (r th mort
biMlluic balraiun, ud wtK'B umnl in acuiJalictf wilb
thi dire'-ttoim irbirh nmftntiir earh iwt, will insure
curv whea all oilier miiu ruil. dua ot tlie mo5t
d nMrate Skin li.-al..-ll readily 'if IJ to IM efflrary.
It i tamuut. wnrn Uil iu ca-auf (.itnUKlieumatlaui,
Contracted or Hull Jii.t. Iu AtUuuu it aill do
wooden if rubbed into the CbraL
Mat etJ.inwPnronf SnfnlnnTTIr.
w. " j
certified bv the Mayor of Boston. ( Kntr.)
j J V b ;
0r LdUr from Ei, Mayvr oj Jiudon,
To PltoFESSn IIoixowav IfcarSir: Mm.Pamh Dixnn
of Liquorpood tr.ft. IbMvti, bait thw i:.y df-iml lure
m'thatfirao-i?iJeiaMt- TMlf'Iwvw;T'rdyart.ictd .
willi orrclulnus nurrf and uo t iu h-r nrmA. ft.t. Ugp,
and othr rrt of hT lody ; nd although tbf nr."t of t
miHlicat au vu UiufU, at tlm oubt t a larn run ,
of mon.-y,sJnf obuind no aUfr mrut of uffrtiu but j
'L!!1J12K. .... a;-..J
1. nrKiira m miuill irf.t- miuI a hit ftf the Pill, knil
i'.nrair.iin? t- ibn
! yoar ruli". it to du-U
now tuj .j ib u at t
lim-Uf.n. na tr:oy m.in.-r:iis
Xe . be mtj i.TtfCtl curcti, tti.il
rauiain. Joar Fir.
D.tolA-j; 12, ISii. (riitwtlj J. KOBLE.
Extraordinary and rapid Cure of Erysipelas
iu the Leg, after medical aid had failed.
Lrttrr.fT-n Mn. Fi-a!-:l na'","" P" OJUf. AHmick
A'ou., nntr Hnjnnr. .Siw, liitf Jin 12. !s.S3.
To ll.irwi,ySir: 1 miIT.thI f..r nnHiT-
ble iw-rit-t from a M-ri? mIimi-Ic of Kr. f;iI. whu h at
length in niy le. "! re-it..J nil tnmjiml lnt-
II ruilT.nciwfr' -rvcrt't,nd I in.tdeM airtl
I 'f Bnv r amrn lin- ni. win n 1 .. adtt4 lo
rratiiriiHiiiru. fiii.iiipilfitii..iil un.1 ln at I it ixl hi. tar It hi Hit
dlav, and am h ipt to env th result m t-tnineutly
i Burc4?.-f ul. f f the v etU?t. a ra.l ;fal cure of nr lT and
m,iv.I uieto the fi.jnvL.iiit of li,iltl.. I xball cr
t p-ak with tlte ntm-. o.int.Ji-nr o your mt-Hrin-. atit
jmemiimran'ini hh di iai inn-ri. hi iih irciiiuviuuHt
tsituliar atilirtrd, lio ifrifd n'nt b -m-fit.
i am, ?ir. i.ur ubiisud uini f: . r 1 1 f - -rTnt.
(Hign.-d) EUZAItKllI YKATE3.
Trn rpls shu'J be nn d conjointly with the Oiutmcnt
in most of the fotiowimcca'p:
Ha-. L(.n riiilblaiua Fl-tulaS Son Throat
ItalltruasU Clmfpt-d (.tit Skin liiu-aca
I-'una llula Ulandular SrurTV
Uiitiion Com. (-oft) wfiiingB Stt llcndfl
llit-'ft of Mri- (bii-'ith Iuinbat(0 Ttimri
chfU and ContrartM Tilf . .i-tT
ganil Kliea and M.? l.htiimatbni Wounds
Coro-Par X.kitrt H.lil Yawa
Cliifgrvfuut leihantiafiiii ore Mpplci te Ac.
Sld at the K-tnblifhnvrnt nf 1' r.iferiH.r IIlllou at, 2 14,
EtranJ.fiiear Teniile llur. LliiJ-io I. and alsn at lii h..u.-e
in New York. Ortlerp liir AIe.lii-iue ill the Stutea nldree'l
Itollowati, yrw l'.irt '' will receireutle ntt.-ution. S..M
also by all reiM:tal.le llrnrita nn.l .lei.l.-ri in MelH-nea
thrnnlmut the t'nire.l ST..t. . ill l'or at :;7? , cti.. el rt.
I M. earu. boletiale by tbe prinrtpal liruj; bouaea
in Ibe I'nion.
a n. ' Vre U a cinrid'rirUr tarino by .I t'no hrlnTgT n'jel.
B lirerti"nf..rlli.' BUi.lnuee of . .t.ent. in every
dieorder are affix.-4 to em-h fit i'tv.'ili4
Sold by Dr. KEMPER, Mifflmburg
&u4 Eaat Corner Market and Third St:
J. b F. Spyker
HAVE just opened and for sale cheap for
Cab or in exchange for country produce
lain Moleskin Nos. 1, 3, 3; Silk Nos. I.
2, 3 ; Angola Nos. I, 2, 3 ; black curled brim,
pearl and flat brim Hungarian, fine brush,
mi;;nn, wool, for Men and Boys. Summer
Hals from Panama down to a levy chip.
Cap of the latest styles and of every des
cription, '.o suit everybody.
Clottalns Coats, Pants, and Vests for
Men and Boys; Shirts of different kinds, shirl
collars, hocks, nanuKrrcmeis, gloves, socks,
in short everything to wear frcm head to foot.
Carpet Bags and Trunks.
Thankful to our customers for past favors
we hope for a continuance of the same, as our
prices are low. Give us a call and examine
for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere.
Panama. Leghorn Hals, and Bonnets wit
r:r.i iud rimu on sh.irt notice aad reason
able terms. (May, lbol
The Old Mammolli
Whultsale & li':tail Druij'jUt, LeieitLury,
OFFER to iheir friends and the public a
larne and well selected stock of fresh
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ground Spices,
(pure,) Dye-Stuns, Brushes, Combs, Perfume
ry, Soaps. Fancy Notions, Fruit. Confectionery,
Books, Stationery, and a variety of articles
too numerous lo mrnti'.n.
Give us a call and judge for yourselves we
charge n. thing for looking.
Remember the Mammoin Pr :j Store!
J.J. CI) do 4. F. I Ilttltlcr,
Ameranrt to IT O. Hie'-iU: d. Co. -
r, . .
Dook BiNDKtts a.nd Stationers, asd
Ijlaxk Book Mani'factubkbs,
JJarrmliurif, 1 ,i.
MOST rpeCtfu!ly inform their friends that f
.t . . j
th-rareenirased in the? above bninet.s
IW uirectiy nppsnc nerr iniiei.j j ney
flatter themselves, by careful attention to iheir
business, to receive a continuance t.f the pat
ronage so liberally enjoved by the old firm.
BLANK BOOKS for Banks. County Offices,
Merchants, and private individuals, and every
variety ot Km and naii-Dounii constantly on
banal. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books,
Periodicals, Magazines, Law Hooks, Iewpa
pers. Bibles. Music, works issued in Nos., 4c.
bound in any style, plain or extra. All work
warranted, and done cheaply.
Please eive us a call. C. & IT.
.""Books &c to be bound may be left with
the Editor of the Chronicle. 509
Sorgeoa Dentist,
I T hie Residence, South Third St., corner!
I tV. ettbe Beard walk.
iMvriSBVXC. ait
Proclamation to the Citizen of
MlMlnbarg and Vicinity.
Pntranaaohar's Mr4raElKtrl oltale Okihu,
"lONsTBUUTED to be worn next lo the
I ftlrin. nrftncAtnff a eonstant current of
electro magnetism, effecting immediate rtlirf
from all acute pmttt, and a
Permanent Care of all Aeurafyic Ditcasen.
Wen 1itrt ari in t rnre.tlife jtmtB nnee.for th rure
nf nrroun diwfi,aii(l afu-r being oubmtlUtl fi the moct
th'.rti tlisl in evry bnBj4t. is Pari! by tUm otfwl irnnml
ProfMra in thai city, thry wf ri-cucomuilil to th
0vrumeiit of France, whh-b trrantctl m ateiit lit llt
disrof f ry. bmime Om yernr US:I-i. tliry wr inlnfjovrd
in titfrmitoy, Austria, Prnwim and Kix)tni, and oneyrar
sinoe introUuoed ana mtutetl by th V. b. tiuvernmenl.
Mutt atUMithing cum nf
Rhcumatlnn. Si.Vitiw' Dnr,
IUinfuliMl.tfllHl J.iinU, l alptutiooof tht-Kv-art, '
Nf iraleU "f the Katie, m rtTM-tlh-al Ilfatla-b4
Iafut-fls IMin.ine?, Pi in- Cmtn InJijt-sUon,
Ilyorics, fvniMH" Utrin Pimt
Vr mtxu'n
r,,r a lew h'turi w.u any.
ThfOhtn- wen. flrt ini-Mnt in tv city f v-w
T.rlt.wberfth- wwmWWte-l toPr..fi.Vali ntiiiMott.
Van Uuren. I'OAt, CuvnocUan, wboralildiMXHtltlnt
.Kranre -mrf Simpthrr fr,awt nf
whenever apiilitol. and by ttifir rfc:mtnfnlaiin nnrf in-
fluenr they w.-i intrtHla.-s-d int thf .liff-rMit boojiit!.
of y.irk, and are no in daily u-m tn Uh Inntitn-
tjuns jn treataieut of the cure of tlio UTo-naHUTl
No Other Medical Agent
rtrlifirnte .f riirw from Srlpntitin I'hvician aiid int' Ht-i:-nl
I'atiftit a may be fiiinl in nrh immplit''. L:ch
m y bn otuin-d iffniti) t lht lnit Slow "f TnM. 9.
I'ifitlHT, wh f i)le nwtii fur MiHhiibiruunl i luity-and
who w.Ii explain thm uaanvr of iie tu any out? wbo may
in lor w"ni (41 ruiitir! wi inani ri i.ti- ..
In Hie eitv or lttrK, at in iiei.(rai umre.
Rroidwav. iben. ara d .IU in-inir a.td frnm 4nti,iio rhairs 1
and llic mW and demnn.1 in B".t..n U a. jrrat in rtvpor-
t.on toll,-.opul.li.,,libougb they bai.ouly bran in-
trd.iee.i three niniih.
Tli t'bainaar- eatlw WArn.and araennallr art.liea.te I
toailel..-. of perlia-th.rl..l.l. well.. Ihe ad,.lt.
1 n" w-w.-ivs ri-mly f .rum.
never i;et out or ri-pfiir.,iil ,
iv marh an artifle of oraatuvnt u th -j areuf a T,Iua;
Tbe ('ham can bv nt tvr mv.il to any rrt of tit II.
Ptt'-w, an l r-in l oMainl m all the t-rineipit! nif in
til' i nton. rnvmrtnn- are r-fu-at-tj tiifxaniim- ttn m.
t'l-tD t l.iuir.i. I.-xlio ti-i art efiffivar' rtijii nli tl
not t' u-f ( In-lit onty for a fer mnnvtit at etr-i timenf
appiyine, fir by loug coDtinut'd on-, mb-carr ::.- is fr
qu:itty pnda--i-l.
Jo-ft". -t iHT.Ofn rt?-fit..VR nromlwrtv. Vc w York.
TIIEO. S. CHKIST, Agent. Mrfflinhnrp.
Iy5i2tl8 Vulon Co. Pa.
Altorncy at I-aw,
LEWISBURG, Union Co., Pa.
t.OFFiC oq S. Second St. ucur Market.
Refers to
Hon. Mms Burundi, B UtftnU . (.
J'tmrt T. Hu V, do
P. C. Itumn & ,'.. do
Jlun. A'-raham &. IVthon. Lewutotcn,
A. J'trdan, Sanhurg.
" Simwl inletn. If lltdtburg.
I.nn, Smith i ft . t'hUadrlyhia.
Lewubwy, April '22, lb&J.
Lightning Rods.
4 F TLK many year.' tlotc inve.lination and
numerous experiment. Ilie Patentee lakes
plenaure in infoiming Ihe public Itiut he haa
aiti'ed at ihe l.ue principle ot pioircnng laniilo a.
dwrllitiga and property trom lhedeetruclir influ
ence of LIGHTNING. Th calamiiiea
that every City. Town, Vtllane and Country falls
artim to annually, thru the groaa nrgliarure of
ila inhal.itanU, ia beyond calculation, eapecially
a hen Ilia remedy is ao eaj to obtain this ia
found in
Patent illagnrtit Cigljtning Hobs,
aud in thia alone. This Rod haa been eiannned
by the moat acientifie ( nilemen in the world
I'roleaaora M'Munrie, JohDn,Watlof and many
ulheta that have Clammed them, recommend anJ
peak of thera in the higneat terms ot approbat ion ,
and hare pronounced them the only ante roila in
uae in thia or any other eoontiy for Ihe protection
ol Lives and Property. One advantage ia to dmJe
and throw back a part of tbeelecinc fluid liarmleaa
to the clouds ; in lime ol a stroke Ihi enables the
rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belong
to the earth without Ihe alighle-t dinner of lea
ving the conductor. Thia rod haa many other
sdvaritiigea over Ihe old oue. The only ( lac ol
manufacturing is in
line St. 3 duori alote Zth, Philadelphia.
there all pcreona are repeFtfollv invitrd to call
and eiamine for thtoiMrlvea. For ale Whnleaalc
or Retail by I HU S AKMITAGK.
Orders promptlv attended to. Terms caah.
Theae rods have been purchnaej and auceeaa
lully uaed by the following individuals. companiea
and corporation, wboee namea are cbecrlully
submitted :
r ...H. m .T ..J. r .. i a n . - f
a...r i.. r."L
jukn llTavns C. C. ClMleT.'j. Hfeaaer. . iWtley.CMitnJ
Initeol, the rJlorklej aini.houre, Anderaun a lr.iher!i, 1
II.-V. J. L. tirant. J,.lin potman, Tho.. Orover, Kate a
loon,, A. K. Oinaer II , ll.OT. .Vntt Co., Mr. .
liowninir. J. e.Oreer. J. W. atmn.C. Ilumi.hr.. va. J.
Kipl... a ( o . J. .Njm.n. B Barl. n. J Oveii.Mre.li. IVp.
Mr. liavtMin, irr. I atii, n. tl. rower a 1 o , J. t inepetitiy, !
ii. .'.hit, i iie u imii, iiiii.-i, ii, t.. o, aiMuii, tue
i.rinff tlartlen C.4nnilNloner' Hall.
the StuU tf Xem Jrrav. G-fr-r Cr!ti In. Judv
M'l all, Judins Iyt-ni, Join. Nitman, lir. U. M'Murtir,
ikDj.ilbbrrU, Sir. J. Ihwnin
ix uxiox t-orxrr.
FTartley 3. Mark llalf-nt,y, m. Ftr, JoTin naad,
Tj. hal l-t-tcra. J&rxb truiitli, p-viil Vilm-in, Kt-ubvu
Mi-nch, lMrie Klerkmr. JWvr Iterlin Court Htuft.
and Conimi-t-mnpT-e-' utff-. Limtst-nt Tp John Kv-hr.
t'ttitm Tp. Ir. Charles Wil"n. Ilu'Aiiif-ii Tp. John
Kuuii. simmi Kuutc. In Tp. Isaac Cvuldrua. While
Mer Tp.Hiiihmtl Uoflman.
rrirLna., Anir.13. 14T.
T har tht day earvfully ini-rctil conJiiftir or
Muluins Hod. with Tarn and In.li-x. rrrtrd by Mr.
Tliuiuaa Arniitar, on B )lerue liouxc, Ulourvrtf r. and
)iae no heMtation in pacing that it i not only th b-nt
I haTe Ttr nnu, but that it ia th only one I ha y-t
fiinmrtl tliat it. ron-trurird on utrveUr urientifir i rim i-
Ufiepnnj i-
concluu, attention.,, n.ner.of
iiit-rv. uii wiw nui n piraaurw mai nomairntj bii i
... i
I am well aalfefiod that the Majnwtic Lttrhtuiutc Kod, j
manuiacturea ny air. jHHetnn rnnu;'. oi rmiailf lfiia,
tha beit that haa ever been made. 1 b:-ve a. tent Mtveral
yearn in the atudy ot the law jf elt-v-tri. tty and m.in-t
i-m, and have no hesitation in saying that these Uodn are
constructed upon tbe only pr.nr.i-le of saft-ty. Theelt-rtric
b"-k is receiTetl and dipere.l by the mafrnet at tbe top
oj toe rod. and it would be tmpoi-sinie, according to the
laws of attraction and repulpit.n, f r a bnildinj; to be
liijund ly a alroke of illiluini; anen nmtei-te.1 l.v one oj
thVnii. j n... w, ae.,ua.nt, win, ir. afn.it,,?.
ft-r acTeral yeara, and Wf rr hfcunini-ntvd the maDiife
ture of Lh-in ruda 1 t-snioirml thn pnnciplf on whirli thy
are ronsiructru, ana mi convincea mat iheir a-ioptiiD
"ould be alUn.iea willieomploteenee,ai.. The lnere.lnR
demanil for theae rndn.ana tlie eiu-BNivrtlca in all tarta
, theenotrT,i,an.rieconime.i.tion..f,iMFt1,i,;ad
TBAl'V K. WALLEll. M. D.
Iti'ing Sun, Philail Ce April 10, 132.
Ilitrtlttvn. Union Co. Pa.
aic Aeents for lnion and ailjoiuiri( Countiee,
and will tutnih tbe Koita on the ame terma and
in tbe airne manner ae Ihe Proptietor.
HATING been appointed Agent for I ha sale
of the celebrated Piano, manufactured by
GEO. YOG IIT, Phllad.,
the ondersif ned would be happy 10 supply any
eilixeniof ihe Suaqurbanna country who may
desire an Instrument well made, after the latest
improvements. Two ol these Inatrnment have
lately beca introduced into Lewnbort. to which
I am happy to refer any one. The Piano are
warranted, and if not sathrfaetory en trial for a
vear. be aaa be evehanred. Prires reasona.
l.awiabnre. Feb a I an
VTOTES Promiieory, Judgment, and
Joint Not. (blink.).! (hit. office.
, wtJEE;t"'
Ml rM
Almanac for 1854.
tm iiiiH
ta - 4 al ;
T! ii. it r.' is u
i i; IHiu 3. ii
a( Jl tliL.i-, Jo
31 I
. 1 i .1 4
t h Vll'i II
S 11 l'lli IT 1
W 21 2-ii.al-ji .'4
ga 2j:ji-il
f. r, T 8
S lii;
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"I 'M .
5 fi! 7i :
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I" riiSjiu
t --M 2-:
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ti i:i;u.i:.!ii.in!is:in
j lo'.'I 2:!ill.'i!a J6
; lej .n.hii
S 4 Tl S; B
Iu Mil- I : 11,1 .18
I Ti ( s'v
m ". 1112 l"i'l
gi iajii:ii!:i'.pbi
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MILl'lS 14 I
- 1
I) 10
il l'J'211. -'i22 2.1 Ui
1 25 ' 2T j 2 1 2". j J
: 3) 41 si ti! 7 8
0 : i",n!i-' i.-.'i4,i6
1 1I.M7 H,!...JI2
3d 'ill
20127 2t.i2
C 3l 41 5
g I.'4I!''1I7:INI
? 2;2I,22 23,24Ui2
aj a:
i-.- 'l" "
I 1 ;! si 4
6 f, 7 a I V.lujll
u 1:1 11 i:,;li'.'l7is
B 1:1 2llll2-2 2:.ljl'2j
26127 22'J,J I
m 4 5 i:l 7l 81 6 10
X Iljl2ji:iiililf.iieji7
Wiiificld Woolen Factory,
Kear IIiirll?ton, I'lilon Comity.
f IlJllSetablishineiit la nnw in the bet order.
J The machinery being nearly all new,
and none but ilie best of workmen employed.
the snbsrriber lei-ls sate in savins lliat Iiia
u l,.,ll .., . he snrnnsspil liv auv rstahlish.
worlc !'nj "' 1 D? bllrpaeu U) ail esidUiisn-
ment in tins or tint ailj..innig counlies.
His n-nni.nc u-iil urittiti. niinl. and
iS?,.. l le,.,.i, i .cl,l.l ivh.,,r.r
" i . t v v....
win piease avail tiieiuscives m mai opporiu-
"'rr I have also on hand, and intend keep-
ing a choice assortment of .oIm, such as
f7..i, fivl milt. Canlimrrm, '. Blanket,
Y.im, Jrr.. which I will sell low tor cash, or
exchange tor Wool and t'ounirv Pr..duce pen-
e rally.
ILinleton, April 22. l8.-3 if
fpilE undersigned coiilinues ihe LIVE-
I Hi' JIL'SLVESS at Ihe Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market, nnd
respectfully solicits the patronage ol his;
r.:....j. .1.. ...ii:. n.. i
flit lids und the public cenerally
Lcwiiburg, May 22, 1850
VvlIOLIlSALi; and It ETA 1 1.
Market SI ret-1, Levi hhnrit, Tn.
tTr I he t are mt
rorCDS, (OLDS, iioarsi:ess
at'aTk ' a' aT nWaT A-
av.isi.tiriiu.y. i
ll.-f hyfhi rir'i.::fu:n thi l..v I'.nff rrtV prim off '
Ir f,T mlut. wlf-n
t"- " ""' t "' '" '-eW ...
' re was ni-p.- i..r o.e m.-k re. t.ia.-u H.iiir aco. aril .-very I
year adrtp new. rrm.fb. ttc a.-.-urauces that tLLec t.rt.misei
,UI , ,,,.
arae.liraIMenredi'envers ntirl lw Isnat, the reme.lt.-s
race yietd to the ef.titrol
ni' wVVl!,1,tr'' 7
7tVrr,!r 0 ilf, i
, y . .
arm tliwri Cnnnnii-)tii
iTeM.Bie.d-nc-tliattl1i t.-o nny U rnrrd'ai.d th .t
Fuloi-.nrv O.nirlau, in all iht.-ir form- m. U-niut.t.d ;
by Chkret I'nTomt,
NaiiVH.i.f, Tt'i.n., Jun Hn. lbZ.
Pill I h.iTe i-fpv-atcdlj tiM'tl 'iur ( hi Rk( I'tt ip.mL f.r
W'h'i'i'ir.tf roucli ail It liu- i z.i. ar d Laif no lit-itaiion
in c r-uuunriii-r it a c uipi.-ti- n m dv. J-tur nf mv child
dra liNti -l u atilut-'l with lh m- U sen and thf fre
u.r of the I'ivCloiiAL aiwayn iitf.-r-l. d - ut-t iu-f.tut
ivli-t l Mi:.-i GL-ntU.
He attwt thv truth "f the ah-)Ti t il-m-nt :
M. MMIM V, t.H..r.Hj.j Nahrille W hie.
J. M. Z1M.MI.KMAX. Iiniftrt.
roit a coxsrxiTiE t on; IT.
Dear PitwFor thr-e y-ars 1 bate bet-n :.fltict.-d w.th a
,fOU'h aodia:ri-Miiig lhat 1 I'r.-(u..iillv .y-p.ir.d f rret.e-
rysamsfthftiwlii - d u up ! ..i -hi in
Z ,
i ai iri irn-u int 4 HtKiii t lciuKai., winch uiiui-r I'lTitij- i
eurx- La cured me alifijr. ther. I rtm t.tli t-ntiiinle '
Your. JAMES M'l'A.NHLK.. 1
Amonc the other d.stinihh,d authoritle, who base
lent their naine. lo reeomni.in thi, r,n.ni,rti..n uih.
i nn-naratiun as the
Deal anown to meni ir nu.-ctions r Uu- iuut, are
I't I'ii:ki. i f Vermont M.-d. Coih-gu.
Truf. MLLiMtS, f Vale Cnlletre.
Prof Vilemi.xi: M ot. of Nrw York.
Vrt ftt h.vs. i f lb wilmn Mt-t. tollrge.
Ir"f iti'TTKHrtttn. of oi.i.. b d- CoMi-ije.
t.Mr J uas Lor M tncL . iice.
B trtTa IlUC4L AMI L'K .H L J-HiK5AU
rnR!.F.M is H f.) MiDIUAJ. l;i.vits.
11 n. Ili.Mhv ri.v. L S. S nntor.
linn. ilro. I'. M ifcu. Am Ambas-sil -r tn Tnrker.
O-n. Euaxi ki Hi Lur.!, Pn-sid nt f bill.
Itt. K. t. Eo. Power, laonl Hieh-.p ' f Toronto.
K- e Hr. la5tsi5G. of Brooklyn. N. Y.
Archbih p I'Ctcaiix. of t'tU' innnti, t.
Also mint eminent pr-ron;fji-n in f n ijrii countries.
of the Luntrs, but also as a f m?ly notlifine ffir oeeanonal
..,......., ..... .,. ...... .......-....,-,,,,, ,
ase.ll is ilie asfc-M.pi-asantewt .in i-hi in the w rld
ti''. Area.
re: J.'Ti"r.f!, :
Practical and Analrncni t'heniiFt,
W-Vorsalebv C.W. Scmrri . laewihner
Milton; Mis M. M Car. N.rihnmlrlRnd:'il. f. Kler!
New Berlin, I.tauhnrt, a;iin-nv. : .nd by lrugni,t, ,
averywliera. liniJ.4lHichi!ga i
.Map of 1 lie Stale of California,
TE.VAS.pnnlcd by 8. Aug "s . Mitchell
1846, and painted to correspond wiibthe boun
daries filed byCungresain 1850 foisale at tbe
t.'hrnnirli iifliee, price 25 ?ts.
THE present Proprietor of the newly difco
vered Wlnfleld Caie (limestone) in
IfRY VAI.I.EV, Union Uo. hereby pives notice
thai the Care will NOT be open on SCXDA YS
for Visitors. It may be visited by Ladies and
Gentlemen on any other day, and on SATL'R
DAY of every week especial preparations will
be made to accommodate with lights.
fl3"AII persons are forbidden to break off,
injure, or take away any specimens from the
Cave, under penalty of prosecution.
The payment of llj cents only is required
of every person before entrrme.
Pry TaJIey, Jans S8, 1863
Or. John Locke,
OFFICE removed to Market strert,
onj it". r entrance door between Kline's
Hotel and C. E. Uuwei' Siore.
Lewiaburg, April 1, 1853
LcwUIiurg .iavingit In.lftudun,
TS now t pen and rea.ly to do business. The
rewar Liiscouni oays are Wednesday,
i n i j
j iic mi iu i. uauiru I s are tna
UiBUTOai VV iLiia Cmoi, Lsq.
Mr. Jmhjuo Walls.
Mr. BrEna Awu.a.
Mr. Jooi .M'l'm.niHr.
Mr. 1 Hunan Havlb.
Mr. H iLLUM Kunn.
Fhch'k C. M .rm. Ksi.
Ornctns WILLIAM CAMEKO.N, PresiJtnt.
II. P. JSHELLEK. Treaiurtr.
F-iur percent, per an mini will be allowed on
ail deposits over six months ; and Ihrte rer
cent, less than six and overthree mcn:h.s.
II. r. Ml Ki.l.Lli, Treasurer.
1 ... '
Lewisburg. Sept. I'J, I85J
ONE self-evident, and worthy of cvcr
cnnnhlertitiou, thai do .Miller can make
iod dtan fl'HJr HhoUt lie has good deal)
uhear. 1 nppoft vou wish to know thi
. 1 1 - 1 "
rewedy. I tell you it is tO get one Ol
it t - if I v
fftrgttrebstt heat bcuttrera, or tniui
M. chines. He brina n old. practical a nr.
, ,
'nfrn'tirfri Mi Huvrmhr La aan.r
" - "s M ""'-I'l' u, jui
up ana put in successful oi Oration Hip hi-si i
: ' r t . .
j Wheat Scourer now in ur Any person
'" 8 ""lc,';"- 'rd- findin, i
' lhi" " "es not prove to operate as repn I
! si nied, there shall he no sale, a linse ni't j
j chines are to be warrnnled ood. furthci ,
1 ,m-,: , ,, i . .
i ,, - , , j
in is now ii.tvin n soi'piy mitfli; ai l,ral i
j hiir. hv Messrs. Geddes ti M.trsh. Oniors
j for iniehines, or letters ol inquiry, will In '
j prrmptly attended lo. Marhinpss uill b 1
sent and put lo all order. A.Muss I
Lewisbur;r, (Diol. Co. Pa. 3J!'
iFmft iir. U
AVJ: '?
aw k a '
j The subscriber olb is lor sule a larg
i rfssi.r:n rut of choice Fruit Tri es such i.?
; Apple trees, 7 to 10 feel bih, 4t) v;:rietie
iill unrranttd pfuutin IVach Irecs, ii
varieties; Tar'ariiin Cherry, Atciarim ,
: I'rune and lVur tr i'S, tnetlier vi it It sun
Ii or 8 varieties ol (..rape Vines of the brs
j nttive and exotic varieties. Oinamenia
l Trees, such as the Paulonia. Linden, Ac
N. Ii. Persnris wishing lo procure
quantity ol the Fiuit trec,are requested I,
make immediate applicntion lo thesubscri
ber. in tirder to procure the varieties aru
sizn wanted. II. R. NOLI..
Lewisliuro, March 4, IPSO.
Cciuislmtt) JounDrn
fPHE nuhsTribera. thankful for past p!
X. ron ie, would mlurm the public tba.
it.ev ron'inw tn manufacture ail kinds o
Mil) (ieanna ai a! oilier Catinc. Thia-Jiint
.Macbine. anil other ariiclea of Machir.i ly repai
red in the heat n.nnner. tnstina. narrat'tnl !
be of ueiid mnleri.il. and at price that can not
fil lo .tee. (! T TDES, MA RS H A CO
l,ewi-! rj e. Feb. IS.) I
1l)(lKIt, Siiivt-s, fif varh-us pat irri-
and siz-s. lor t'onl nr Wood, for sale
ihe Levtieburg Foun.lrv bv
fiiddei. Msr-h A Co.
r rrovi-'s
-3 Parlor, WH, anl Vv I
v.iriiiiid pnf.r-rns, foraleat r!i j
Lei,bt.rB Foundry.
, IIMAIUJ'vS Fatm; ilunz Plow, a supe -
j 1 V rior arliclt', fur nlp iit thv L-'wi'-.ttiir-
, Foun.irT j OpJ.Iw. M;h A Co.
Foundry l y
P RAlN or Drills Ross" Patpnf
rf,'rifM,v rhp nncl durable
f;"ain T'il' now in usiv fr ,e at th Lewihurp
'""u' c'rT ''.v -iMe-'. Marsb & Co.
Ojy,osi(ton s the Ii fe rf tus htrfs !
! Tli suUriibrr wuuld rrt-eclfuliy infuim the
rilixfnuul LfWMhurg and the iravrhnp connmi fi
lly jri'iHf lly, that tte has opened m new Livery
! and tlicb.nne M.ble oo fOLUTH Mitel halm
u .a m.,l. ....i k .- ..........j .
. , u ' . . , . . a
l'" Hainr. llh enU.Hv new gtod and lash-
"''h',, ' i .," Zl"
ited on the shurlenl Dutice and moat reasODal le
i-rma. lift seill nae esrw nlleniin in iha.
wanU 0f his cuslomcra, and hopea I. o doins
. J n
to merii and receive m lil-ernl ehare of iutlic
pa' ion ace. WILLIAM MOOKC.
Lrwi-burg, Dec 30, 1851
Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC,
auD Ujc (Pcrman Caajtragc.
T'17D. ... LCI "
p-iir.inai;B iium ine lllizet'a
' t1Jfr'Y"n,,;!iu,,i'nt0, Lewisbura a id j
) vicinity, the eubaeriber would i
K - rrf . .1
- t.4 Mie mat ne ennitnuea in give
instructions on the riano and t.ullar aUo in,
, aa ...i ,h. ... .
' .' "I" "...u uailLUREr
. ...
flavin; been ISUpht in the best .Music Sellout
in Germany.be deems himself amply qualified
' te"h iJ crc. acquiei.
l'on lh rich (.erman tongue.
He will abc I
tune P anns. and put Ihem in repa r.if desired
. , r . r ' . , "
Kettdence in South t ounh street, in tbe late
Brick Gffica ot Dr. I.u.lwii.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful diteaie.
DR. FITCH'S Lectures oo the Preten
tion and Cure of Consumption.
Thisnopular work for sale inLcwisburj
bv S. F.Lr niiali J. Houghton and a'l
this offi. Price). 75 rente
Old Newspapers,
SOME thon.an.ls in nnmber. of .liaises. for
on. V " ,hB Chronicle office. at 50 cte per
100 taken a. they ,. or $1 when assorted. A
cn-ncefor Scrap Books aa well.. f
PI'" Ap,i.l8o
I T.t nrl(norte.I)re1 anil extraordinary evntiat
F"' ."" .,.,,
arallv knowii aud liieir ialeaan.1 r.ulaiM tun ir,
j , ,h. hnte rountry M .u-a.,.e. tkat it .,:)
i aeam iinrietewaiy to urt;e tlieir merna further 6i.
, aome rale rire.imiraarea haTeocrurred wba-b re-.lap
f it a raa'ter of duty to tlie rublic not to a alt' etii
i aileat, lor while the e,iiiemeral noatrvmaof tLa a
' are trum.etel liy olumna throitfrb tlia r.-e.,
' fhi
wallowed t-y qnarta an4 rajl"iw by Uia alStal,
f hrklL Calv.inlc and yiatnrtl fttraitf
j bar Wn nnitly wnrttinc iir way ainonr tSa
I mMt. tui'ult h -'t .
: cntiafitDtly K htrvin cure in an aljrmirr tra-m of
diii-. iuci ha.t lor ea a.i ti.t Hi vf
meuicina an-J an u.c rvauuicaa ox one:.;. TtiMa
! dwasM aie called
t -rn -ar.ic rnAinr atvro
iiLiwi wa. a.a r a.., a .a a a,
..... .
i and in m
e.e ufveatea medicine is of no avail wliaf
ever. It never doe b;(mm! and it ul'.en Wa
8rnioa. f.xtraeti, Bilma, Baiiama, l-.lisira, Biit..
riila. I'owdeia and rotion. ot every kmJ are alike
wortlilet. lor titer treaken the vital eiierrie. nf ili
lrea.lv profttiated fyMcrn, vrliila umlft the trecr'a
enii.ir.'lile rit me. viiifl.zm inltijence of tiAlvauiita.
ea ai'i.lle.1 l.r tho tieatitifnl .titcmcrr. the exhaii.T-i
latlent and weakened unorer M reaiorea w I
Leftlth. tlreneth. elastic it y and i2r.
These rem irka rel it to aueh dive iae aa STV
R W .-M, TU; lAIUUiKl X. BN1S. HITIH. r.ti.
PITVJHlS if the UK ART. WKAKNtf.i at 9
FKMUefc, UlSOKliKHS, 'ich mn NrKVlHS Hf.M
A UK, LANblTll'H and liMltlMK.NtV. w.i.rh
are onlv other namei fr ernn llera?; fi:eit
now known to re-ult ft on a mn-e.(niit .iritn f
Mertrie induenee: NK.KVIM'S THK1iH.3 li.W.
tiy.SS, which w nearly always caused ly torjiany
of the AuJitory Nervei. and can alway be ptrft, u9
rtf rrl Iit ( ri.' lisTTi. wlin the org -n ia not J-.uim ; (
ItiSfKISl 4 i iw worst forma ; PALSV and P.ViiA
LYSJS. un.lv'. :nlv caused y a deficient-t of Nerr,
influence l HltiiMt, KHh.L M ATISJ. TOKPIXilTf
of the IIVKK, PA IN iuti.eSM'K, Sl.C'.f.lSIi t :R.
tlLVriON. SPINAL and HlP t OMPL KVS ii,
y.VM 1KN V t.t NtHVOLS and Pli.Si. AL t.N.
KHOV, and all tbo-e di-trenflint; complnts retuit.
ir.f from a UiJaA.Nt.LML.NT of U NLKVULI
In tlie aTtOT frovalent anl terril'!e class of drs
awes Nervous i nilaints are amch aaora Busier
on than is g tzuereUlj inuiiueti
Arat an Atwolutc and FoaltlT Specine.
The BKLT is oed when the body jt at Hem re
rally is aitected ; tlie NLt KL VJL fur cpJn nf
the Throat, aa Aithma and Bronchiti. and of tfcar
Head; and the B.M rLLTS for all diMrJers of the
arm or limbs, as Rheumatism, Tally, Tremors and
lii'Hinotlic aiecuons- The articles are aim Je sp
viied asdrracted witU the MAONLTM KLl IUwliKh
arcomi'SUiies tWin, aiwl hea fa.tUuiiy osed ti.ty
JlsT The K reat fwirlisrify and eiceUenre of tha
GALVANIC I K TlVr-S coum-ts in the fact that
they arrest and care die'e by mutwmrd mpptuttm,
in ilare of the mu.il method of itrure;rn snj
Phyickiris; the p-ttient till exhamte.J nature aM
hoiele&lv Uti ler the infljctmn. T'-ry tt"xlin tar
whoU rtfUtm. ty;; i Ke timtlaiien tht Rumd. ar.
aiaefe f.'ie nmj. rrnicmafe lAe entire WfteS. eai
cm merer da the Uw'-iett harm tVr swy timummfmntet
Since their intro-lucii,.n ia the L oiled ekiaias, w.
three years since, more than
75,000 PERSONS
inrliiiin;; all snre, erawsca and cmK.ti.na, amnr-f
whom were a tare nnmix-r of t.atte. h m pec
Larly subject tn Nervous I'ontjilaiirtv ha e been
Entirely and Permanently Cured,
when all boiveof relief hM been ri . en up. tn.! erere.
thine el-e been tried in atn '. 1 ne t-eitciictal raalb
which have tinilrmly attended t'eir ute is cmV
dently ttateil to te whisnat a paralrei in the anaaia
fi Mflical Sien"e. lerjometi. hers and eieaj
I fthyi.ic-ian'i ; la .lies ol the ninett stan.!i"jf ; tUnis.
i ft'iiohetl persons hI lin elvveitel tul-ri. ttatmna.
j merchants, mnnlcturers. and merhaiiic. tl.e poor
I 8!ii tlie rich alike; oliew w hole families n,oin ai)
( elaet, ranks a:ul coji.lt tins, ha.e aqnailt I eea re-
t fii'ieats. and haTe e-tnnUv arkiMin letfe.l ti e w.a-
; iron and o!ea unej-ectevl benefit, whioh they have
Uim nreiet.
j iy Let it belttvwn srnf reTiern-ere'T ttt thee!
Itainiatl Heiirjiie t-r the Ner.es is iaiv auuca,
and that in all Nertou Di-ce.es we Uoi..d
j " Throw Physic to the Dotjs."
To illustrate the u-cl the I.VAH BKf-T.
enniHNie the cae ( a fer'n atttictetl with that bane
j ol civfiaArition. 1' SPr-l'Sil . or any other i hronic er
Nernu Disorder. In ordinary eases, stimulants?
! are tiaken. winch, by their iction on the nrneaanF
mucle!ol tue AtorrtMrh. afford pmpmrmy relief wt
which leae the jtieut in a lower state, and with)
irjrred faculties, alter the action thus eacited tsaal
teased. Now com fare lhi with the effect resnlt
.r from the an litMti-n of the AI.VANI; BKLT
Yke a lTsr-evric sullvrer. even in the worst avtna.
mi of an aturk. and .imply tie the Belt rotmJ t!;
j ,hl -n
ine tbe Mei'rnetic Kluid as directed. In
i-enod the imeiiMMe remi-iration will a.?t on
fie .oitive element oi the Belt, thereby cati'inr a
fialvaiiic circulation which will pasa ou to tl.e
netxative, and thence back a (tin to the ponlne,
thus k-e .iiK up a cot-.tiunotis imlvatiic circuutu-a
thrimyhut the v stent. Thus tlie nual seeere cs
of nsSi'KrSI are PK RMAN KNTI.V I. LI A
czaTiricAizs and testimonial
from the most l::te!!itent an-l rejectaMe irfr
residing in every ortnn of the t nitetl States, cvili
be pr-ite.l. 'Ibee are Mow unnecessary, but
numerous selection embracing many statements of
the mo it rxfcraorditiarv chaiacter, si hcient tn LO.N
V IN K THE MOSTSi KPTH AL may bebadoftrta
authorised Aeut. The interested are paiucularl
iuvited to CeiU.
,ro" "nr V '"r l?
CWB m ,Be
I "! hare been tisinjc Ihristie's fialranie articles l
. met w,t .m(.,l(E n pa-is for aUt Iwo tear.
, niit, and I con few I am a-touched at their success.
If 1 am sure a disease is AVra jt, I kiuw iiit what
j they
! ctull
they wiil do In Epilep ic I- its, particulatlr ia
hen; Deafness and Aiectiotia of the Head, nr
adults; Parahsis and Pnly. in all are, and indeet
Teral other disesttes of lilie
kich hare ln
pui7led the proiesion. It fn. I the talvam4
articles of surptiong betu."a. . !tl.- h 1 detest lha
shameless quackery of ah vr-r and news-
!a-ers, I must aspress ay ' e and beliea
n the wonderful virtues of IlKISTIfcH CTRA-TIVi-A
My name is. of conne. coniidentiai but I -ahall
never hesitate to teconiniiSbtl joor axueiaa ass
ail proper occaHna.
Te D. C. MoarMt.D. l . D, tn. Aft. for Or.
4 Mai.ric. New Yo k.
enauf jour Areu-.. I L.ie been m
the eaarainauon of your (ialvaai!
hiablv .leaaeJ with their tirac-ucal
ei.xrveil th tbej are eonstmcie.1 c
ZVor fir. Beinf a physician in the vieinjty of
.en rotten eratibej ia
vania Curative, ami
Ural result, 1 ha.e
ther are con,tmc!el cn the true tciea-
tifte pnnei.le lor the ferule. Kte, funeral rA Ma
nnuai iletelxi'meut of the UiilTaiue fttrrent tlleev
tinumt deel...meut of the CiilTaine Current thev
an: , i ..... . . ..
mini . vuwviiiHn, 11.11C aiu.ui nr. mi ncreia.w
aiik-u.wn. I rheerfullv recomlrenJ then lur ti.
trend them tur
: ellaviatir.
. Sa
anJ cur. of th.ne d:i!re..iftc aiUnenta
,oca ioMri.ar.Ta, for hica thev i te
and inreiiionlT ile.ipne.1.
vary truly youra. UAI !U 11K.&, M- V.
Leverett Mm., lebruary Ii, sj0.
Xf No rrotiMe or ineonveniene. atte-n!a tn. naf
ol UH VHM&rWS G.ll t.i.MC I l lirl t
and tbey may 1m wnrn by the moat fe!e and deii
cat. with perk-c-t ea.e aii.l safety In nncy eer
th. sensation alien-linr their n.a ia AteA, r.ina
mud mrmoll. liiey are acconir-.mej t y tuil an4
plain direcuons lt,r n,e. famiihleta with fill re
tieulara may bv obUiur4 (raua, uf tu. aulUiriaat
The Galvanic Belt, Three Dollare.
The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars.
The Galvanic Bracelets. Oue Dollar EaolV
The Magnetic Fluid, One DolUr.
Q- Btwmrt Cmtrrftitt eaat H ertalea, JaaiaBWe
lt llealwr. '
Asm It, e.lab.rf-C. W. SCUAI1LX .
tDanttD at Itje Cljrcnixit (TE. (
ON account from ene v to sil !ltr
standing, CASH and also
Wood, Wheat, Butter,
and most other Pimli.ce for tousthcliJ "
Iks eurribt is'ee