Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, August 25, 1854, Image 3

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H.C.HK-3-, a;ifl:!!'""""" '
,!. east, in it M." i'Z'S?L,iS
-,tl,i"t:r,t-V B rate- E Carr
T sn.mittlltirn. 1
Feieat Mop-sing, Ave 25, U54.
A .ih to pro.
- itor..
d, W "'-"c7Z.,L-r-.r.mitUr TW ft-'
aamctbrtm "" . '.;, a',:,.-n tn a B-n, ii.uti-.it - i in
m lars and ,n of aKi.c. ".'.Tent yron-"-
am S Advertisements '
weeV'a Chronicle.
, I ... n 1 t.-h WO
j-The cln uf.-ht
suffer in this region,
States in the I'uion.
extend ever half
A Proposition.
. ..anient frem a disfact Tewn-
- - i
stiou cn the Iiv:n n
thip makes a i
iiistion. which
us too late f r
ibis week's paper.
-a-In the morbii.C of the iOth ir.ft
Motz's Store, LiWrty Viills
Center Co.,
slJ ctb. r
rr,t,l.-,l it t'j'"-' i" HI " J
1.,.'a rr,i?.,riv. I.T ttie
f ,r w re.-tltution C'l
,a,u I ' . . . i
which 5:.f reward is cff.rd t v J
tLvid Tsggart, Ksq., cf Northumb
erland has received the V'hig uutniuatiiii
iu that county f r SeLate. No othvr
nominations were mode.
(iideea M- Yorks, V.- . is an Indepen
dent caudate f r Aw.inb'.y, and will
prelally be elected.
e.TLe .Str La j locked up courage
to jut in an olscuro place its 4th page
a tart tithe Agtieuitura! rreiuium hist.
2nd j romiscs to co y
the rema.ndi r.
we.k 1 That's tLCOumping we
l.ojt-s of you ail the time '.
Ky the ly, why J n't the I.e.r,gtown
p.apers cr-py the l'ivirioii l-ill, that the:r
rt-aileT5 niiij judge for tLefcivlvtS wlut it
is why ?
W5A large meetitig of Iemocrat of
Sullivan county was held at the ljoyalsock
Forks last week, and addressed by Judge
Wilinit, af'er which they passed several
roduti.ins atraitist tLe aggressions of the
Plaveocracy. declaring the sentiments of
Gov. Kigler, cu the Nebraska (jUe-stiou.
unsatisfactory, and avowing their deternii-
nation to support ouuge a o..e.c, ut
liovcrcor. j
afcJTLe Yhigs of Lebanon county no- j
niinated J im W. Killinger for Senate : ;
Iav".d 1". Uoyer fr Asscml ly.
Congressional C' nfe-rees Moses Arndt,
Iavid M. Kannony, and John H. Kin- !
jrts uninstructcd.
The portion of NorthumbcrlanJ coun'y '
included in this Congressional district have j
tppointed John in;iman,of Georgetown. I
Conferee instructed for Mr. CVsey. j
Pauphiu and Juniata counties hold I
th'.ir delegate elections this week. j
tey-Tbe Northumberland Uaptist Asso- J
ciation convened iu LewisLurg la?t week i
according tj appointment, ben 12C lap- j
tisms were rcpeitcd, ai-d a total member- ;
ship of tG'iS. A niw church. Lap-rto. '
Sullivan county, was admitted. The n-st
session will be held with the White Dc-cr '
church, Kiirasport, the Friday following j
the Commencement at Lcwislurg, lso5. j
The following Keport was uuauimously ;
adopted by the Association : ;
Kyjrl on Ttmjran '
Your Committee repoit, That the sigtis ,
.f the times indicate a grow ing Lostiliry ;
in the public mind against the legalized
sale of iutoxie-ating liquors. This disirable '
change in toruiar opinion we had with '
feelings of j-y and hope for tho speedy !
dawn of that day which will sec legal pro-1
tectiin to the lui-iuity of the ruin trafhek. :
We cSfer the foil. twin? resolutions
1. i'.csolved, lhat the propriety of a
rrohibitory Liquor Law in this Common-,
wealth, ccnin-.tnis itself to the common I
fensc. patriotism, and ChrLtian
lO I
of this Association.
2. Ilesolved. That WC rC't'lCSt the pub- I
.. . . . , ,-!.,. it ,1 1
lication of the above l.cport iu ail tne ,
newsrare-rs within the bounds of the I
, , . . ...
Association, and also in such other puMic
im-n"a 15 tnir L" T-Viv-.' ti pi.tr it
jouma.s as nijy ne p.ca.-Cu to cojy u. (
' :
tTh New lJcrlin Ycikosfreund in j
tpcakin; Of OUr proposal to hud no more 1
- v T 1- I
conventions in New Dernn, says: I
.ill- l i i l tit'
" e hope his remedy may be adopted, i
and our Liace never again be diszraced bv
the presence of such drunken blackguards, I tiian -h N.m.. can t nt in at a.i nnt
as s..-e 0f wcrC) h0 K,aidlt?Z
Lere that day." I Lcttcr t tnti he dmete-i. r- i. t tn
, .. , .... f JII N.N id), la ru t rtrvct. New Yerk
. .c . . c. I
ue uoj not so? a single drunken man
at New B-rlin the dav of tl Ii ,m,;. rrcunna i-i.na. i t oe. ,....... ...d w.u aJ Kostenoaeier. ucy Ann nostenoaoer, .yiarpa
at .sew H.riin ul daj ot the Democratic T .iUj, ot iu -.,rJ tott. no.clty of Kostenbader. Daniel Kostenbader. John
Convention, certainly not atutia ' the dole-: '"
gates, nor can we hear cf aby oco who j
ma. c therefore leave our reader, to 1 ei;h
form their own opinion tf the Yolks-1
freund's characteristic piraraph.
fThc Xew Berlin paper, mutter all ,
orts of discordant and contradietorv tones I
in thrir rmen-l. ,ff..rf n . -el ,; 1 ...i ! e-s.
just their recent d. fo.t-l,,. ....., . !
-ort a t,l. i j- i r i , su (formerly the mansion of m.Haes,Esq.)
Mrt U wkolewk perpendicular fa!sel,oods, ; ihKuhs,uer is prepared lo entertain
as therr most available refuge, in this try- STRASGERS d.V) TRAVELERS.
ingcn.CTg.ne-. Tb onlr way ia to la M and Beast, with lodg.n; and food tu
them lips.w . .v " . r , with inioxicatiug liquors. ...
tneni ue away ; r.e thein plenty of rppe irThere is also attached aa ICE CREAM
and Jet them hang themselves. j Saloon for Ladies, and an EATING SALOON
ri,. ; tv ' for Gentlemen.
-ue court oi Vt arrtn county, it is said, I- He repectfully solicits a fair trial, and a
t.Te refused to grant li-ens to the tames ; sWe of l" TMic r ---
cfthat county. : Lfw;ibarg. March . iM " '
tCLristiaa Reif, of Hartleton in tbia i
I couutv, has ohtaiucd a Patent fur an im
i -'
p roved Clover Seed separator.
ts-A little girl playing with matches
,' set fire to the stable of Mr. S. Slifcr in the
roar of the Post Office, on Tuesday after-
noon la t ; happily, it was discovered ere
j it haJ maJo much LeaJwav, and promptly
i t'jpprcseJ, or it wuu'.J Lave laid half our
1 town in rutDS. Two queries
1st. Will the Town Council wait for
another destructive fire, before they make
rea?.'b:ille efforts to suppress its outbreaks?
! J. (.'JL'ht children to le allowed the
u,e of tuatcLc, at any time ?-(aad yet we
; see hoys about four feet high with matches
in pocket and ciar in incutb, pufEiug in
our streets in the face of every passer-by.)
For tLe Clirunii-le.
&?"It is fun to the '-Know Nothings"
tj see what riJijuhir assertions arc made
against theru by the deniagjue presses
w!kso masters thry are everywhere
lightning-like tossing cut of their p!ace
i f power and j rr fit ! " Kail on brk !
f r ynu cau't bite." It's fun fr us, tho'
Jeaih to you. JJtme. Xwjtut.
, T'
nri-.n ff i ut rcali-ri ; e .!! -d U l.'f-.-wr
Il-.i: rt". A ir. reiMiiirut-. lu aiw llirr .rt ff our col
umn. 1 ;.. vi.rl l u rT(. u t t t.ii pi. in ami o.ut
u;i.t r- l.ui w.-il kn-c It r--'i' r-- cini b (-t-mai'-m fr. to
I l.I II, ' V Blr. WlllKiUt il.i.lt. ti: lu.t .fl.cci.u
r. o(1h .-r nistiT r inj ; nl.. Many t f our n ndt-r
l.:.vr ilriti J uuiuiiM. b.-u-si fn m u.ids tbr HitU iu
n-t f ( f l-il.-. tt.ii Li a'Tl ii:rai 1 tilt I. Is 1 1 Ihr ptollia. b
and btiKri. atjil no rut tm-ftu- d - im- in r-inl Ihc ptir-a-.r
p.w.-r- (! Itii- Oiiilui' nl iLt- fn;l U lias cu Uie
Luui-.i; f.-aiDir b c-Tlaioiy a.-ri Ei-Liiij;.
Cirrfc'td V. ttUly.
'A'heat $1
i aliotv
1 1 V e' . . .
t'-irn .
lri. J
Uvltt. 1
1 -i
la .V.anta.Ga.. S-ih nisi, by RevJJ Duncan.
E Lwiii.. f-irmerlv of Lew-isMire. and Mis
eeit W. daughter of Wilhs I'eck all of that
l,ew!.urg. l:l:h n..-:.. Cum At, twin-
.la-i.'h! : f AVx.m'W and Sarah Amnions,
are!'. in ii-h-. AN. Sksior Malmim, son of
La and K-becca lu V ster, ai.l months,
ein lric -':ii 11.-1 CiiAHLia. si 11 e: a:n.itl S.
and H.mi.aii lia:t .a, a:eJ aJ-oui 'J nionibs.
Sdiool Aotitr.
HE BTfersifned. President ar.d Secretary
of the It ar t of shotl Direc'.e rs of the
iiorouirh of Lewisbur?, will receive proposals
I from nils dale until Saturdav the Ito.h dnv of j
; M jitemoernfxt.lor l'ol It Mule TEACHERS I
1. 1 take charge of the Pubi.c Schools of said ' y.
: I'..r,.'.ii;!i. the choi to cumnience on !,e tirst 1 ts-
j Monday of October next, and mr.t n::e five
mor.tlis. J.. STERNER, Pres.
( N.lt. Tlie County Superir.terident of Com
1 m 'n Schools xill be in l.ewisbure r.n the 7th
' V "V.10 1 , !
AN TED immediately a stout yenng
MAN to do the heavy Wurk aboui the
Store, and keep a memorandum of wbu he
does Cerreetlv. Enotiire of
Another Lot of Goods
ST opened that ml! pay well to call and i
examine ' etl re purchasing elsewhere.at nest. Th-re will be a meeting of the Board of (;1"fi i it ' h f,ar'rt nfr .rf.i(rf.VTrro
BEAVER. KKLMEIf & MOORE'S. J Directors on Saturday the SBii, dav of August Slt'iF??!?' SwT"'"' i:
rIME COAL just reed and for sale bv
Union ("aniemn Gnnrfs
You are dnected to meet at the !
house ol A. II B.airnithe Bi.roueh
cf Leu-isbun on a'.urday the 'Jih
day f September. !'51. at 10 A.M.
in full uniform for drill.
N. B. A Court ol Appeal will i
te held at the same tune and place.
also an Election for non-comnns-
sionrd OtFicers.
Bv order of Captain
ijlj.'n-iii.'i, liH,iii)ik'r, eV; iiiaivii-'i'irei's.
?."70 IN CASH prizes 8070.
RICAN commences on the ltiih of Sep
tember. It is chieily devoted to advancement
of the interests of Mechanics, Inventors, Man
utacturers, and Farmers, ly the Uitfusion of
uwf.il In'tat-iir- utn t!i.." itnr-.rtaiit brnt.-b-. It i.
J it. .1 ni- n J r.T ff.My .li'Vl i-i th- art. art.! -Hitiis-..
an4 wileli rejarltl a. a a turil ar.tl abir j'ltimal. Nt-ariy
all tbf xaluat le l'ai.ue- ableb i'.ic aei l,,y fritai th
Patent "tti.T. sre I'lu-trsti-J a,lli Knr.eini:.! an.l Uii
claim" '-f all tb- 1'armt. .tt vnMi-tl (n it. niiuinn. :
ihu. maainir ii pal-T a pr&rl srif-nutie ami siebaiiK-al
Ki.t-.rl. ii.n. 1 lulure as f il a.- 1 r-.-nt n tciucw. lh-
!v.;,Tlfie .mt-ri -ai' i i i-m-xtriiiT-tT rtr- ut .o-l it. cir
culation in thi lant r:u axetlin. I".'.! ctit r
rrai bunind I L.-rnii e--anlto-rl .'.e-s. f 10 atlin-
Sl.o.r. vim an in n-x rittpnf.niri;i.iitiirKB
v nU fuallf ma..h ,,,!- ,;!h-i,ti..n pn.
Tn, kmi.h ir-r n,e f..ii...n; ..!u.i pni-. for
tbe larr -t il.t .f Mili-rrit.T M-ut in bv tlie lt January
n,,t: .,11 h- rirm frth- tr.---t ift. -ts f r the
eiLf lir ihe U.irJ. j'-i fr the fourth. t-M fir th-
tflh frr fli.h tor u-.ei.tb. rr
.i.hth. r th inn-li. s 0 f r tlie t'-nrti. Jo l.-r the
ei- . $n f th-1. if . f to f-.r th- thirtr-utn. ani
?, f.,r ibt-luurtwiith. Ttir ca-b will If pa J tn th- crier
f the aueecealul ctmpet'--e uuasruiatrijr alr January
!- '-"
iir-. o iv.pyr.njeiu- tione rr ix 'B' It,
fiv.. fie. pix month- 1. ten enpi- six tnunlh. f-. ten
- ,4 - .t,.!v - oi.th.i ..rne.n.pi-t-ie month. ii,
"ny cn- t ie n.inh. cs ia aJrano..
Nn :tutiit-.r t f .obecril'tit
-1..- -.1 lt ..VH .
OlrW. Mn Ca. ar ' .trnir!y en;e-d in
r improTm . nt.
poll S 11.1. or EXCH ANGE for a Horse
- r a Kucsiwa or I r m rv.
I) s. K RE MER & CO.
itc ( ream and "tallnfr Saloon,
Cornr f'f Seoul and Market AV,
. I. , . j;. .,11 - of
illuited buiid.n.s at the lowerend of Market ;
To Wool-Growers.
50.000 pounds Wool WANTED.
Tne subscribers feel thanktul fur
pal patronaee conferred upon iheir
.. j . ... ,
' h the Well-wishers of their country w 11 leel
.. nome Industry and Enterprise." Farmers', i
CltKnriKn Ii ti-raa 9 iimi1ii1 u r. w rnir. , it,
Merchants, and Mechanics, we invite y..u all
to eive us a call, as we intend keeping cons- i
tantiy on hand a good assortment of (jtv..s of
our own manufacture, nch as
Vlvthi, Caxfimeres, &itinctt, Flannth,
JihtnkcU, Sttickttiy Yarns, f"c.
to exchar.ee for Wool or sell low for Cash,
tJrain, Lard, Soap, or any other marketable
Produce. They will also Wholesale to Mer-
chains.aiid sare:hem the Jobber's jireilt.u hich
i " " nnr. .. ... .k.
regular marlet price. We d not expect to
run Waions to collert Wool we think it Is
better for both Wool Grower and Manufactu
rer to deal at the Factory, where theie is a
variety of goods to select from, and the nana-
facturers have a much better chance to render
satisfaction to their cutomers than when a
few jjoojs are hauled out in a wagon.
By strict attention to business, the? hpe to
merit a goodly share of public patronage.
Very respectfully yours.
White Deer Mills. Union Co., Pa.
May 10, Isol 3m5M
tins new Medical
School for Ladies, wi
f. mil fn.- tn ill
first Moiidav in October. 1S51, and continue
four moi ihs.
The y m rf TrccAing, here pursued is
enure y new, and is more comprehensive,
thorough, liberal and practical, than that of
any other Medical School in the country. It
I is ba-ed. as far as possible, upon the positive
Sciences consequently, free from ail sects
and dogmas. The branches of s'udy are di
, vided according to their natural er-ier of suc
cessi'in. a:itl Uuhtin fo'jr progre-,sive cour
ses i f four months each ; ihere are two cour
ses in each year, thus enabling the students
to pass successively thri ueh all four courses
; within two yenrs. By this arrangement the
; stiiilv is renJereJ eisy, aiid nostesse-d of daily
increasing interest.
; Ladies desirms a thr,rouirhlv scientific Me
: d.cal Ed ica i.m.or any pari paruculariv inte
resiiug heai.have faciimes heie nowhere else
' to be foun i.
i F'T arino-jncements containing Terms,
rwh;ch will alwavs be made satisfactory list
ol UlTicers. Faculty and other particulars,
please a-ldress
! No. ICO Arch sireet, or Boi 103, Phila lel-
I Aui. 1, 15. phia I. O.
riHE co-partiiership herei. re exi-l.r e be
l teieen ihe subscribers unJer the firm of
D. nachy i Elder is this day dissolved ty
mutual consent. The accounia will te sel
iVd bv Mr. Donachy aud the business coatm
ed bv Mr. Elder.
Lewisburg, July 17, ls54. 6w
vt Slrajcd Away
"eS liV Trom Danville, on the 10:h u!t a
Ii marge fresh Bnndle COW. with j
se.uie unite spots low down on her hind legs,
straight, large horns, supposed to be four or
6ee years old. The Cow was purchased out
of a drove that came from Union countr about
s,x wce-s 5I"- A"? person returning the
i-ow or irivm? in ormation so lhat
; mav get
I HIT a'.l.l.fl .hllil ha U'a!l n-tl f. lit.;. -..nk
r)ant-;n s.,- iau ,i,
Xotice to Teachers.
IrpHREE Male and three Female Teachers
ic vainro io laae cnaree oi ine rnoiie
; Schools of ihe Bjrotish of Selin-eroTe. t6 I
commence on the first Monday of September I
.at 10 o'clock A.M. at the Cnion SchocI Hone
I in said Borvuzb. to examine annlicants ani
I employ said number of Teachers. Liberal
j wares will be given. The higher branches are
1 required to be taught in one of the schools,
j Bv order of the U..ard.
I July -0, ls.3.. GEO. HILL, President.
1-n.n Olf caul niimh.r f T.a.k.r. I ,K..I
fSftt TAKEN CP, about two week; a-i,
jrlk-hr lhg subscriber, a black HEIFER,
atfoui a year old, a l.:tic white along ihe belly j
an J enl of tail white. It came in ith a drove
from the West. The owner is requested to j
prove property, pay charges, and take it from
the pr-'niises ot Gei.r.e Oerr. near I.ewisbarf.
Clll.lrlOt'tlK lit.MULKLI.MJ. I
Union Co. ss. in the Orphans Court of Cnion
cour.tv. In the matter of ihe Inquisition i
the real estate cf George Royer, late of , v
Ke.lv township, tlec a.
, ,ri,. , . . w ,
OIRL is hereby given to Jacob R.-.yer.
Christian K'ver, Jonil tt.tver, INancy ;
n.nrrir.1 liiflMff Me, if I l.rJta Price Mnrtha
married to David l.'-njnecker, and Leah
inarned to Joshua Herbst. brothers ai.d sisters !
of George R oyer, late of Kelly toxuship.dec'd.
Greeting: Whereas, by an inquest lor that
purpose duly awarded by the Orphans Court
of the county aforesaid, th? real estate of the
( said George Royer was appraised.and whereas
none of the heirs of the said dee'd appeared in
Court on the return of said inquisition to lake
the premises therein named at the appraise- .
ment ; you and every of you are therefore !
hereby cited to appear at the next general j
Orphans' Court to be held at New Berlin on j
' the lts.h day c f September next, to accept or I
refuse lo take the premises aforesaid at the ;
I n, n ,l,n ....... .. 1. .. . : . . I
; rtl'f'l else ii jtt ii t, v, i-av a lj liic OUIl
shall not decree the same to be sold.
Witness the Hon. A.S.Wilson, President of
our said Court at New Berlin this 25ih dav of
-Mav. If 31. j
Ul SAMl EL ROCPH, Clerk, j
. , . , . j-.- - '
Lnion Co. 5S. in the Oiphans Court of l nion :
county. In the matter of the Inquisition of ;
the real estate of Henry Kosteubader, late
of White Deer township, flec'd. j
"J'OTICE is hereby piven to Joseph Kosten- '
bader, Henry K'isleiibader, Elizabeth !
Kostensaner. Aaron Kostenoaaer, Andrew
K'tsienbider. Samuel Kostenbader, Solomon
Kostenbader, Jacob Kostenbader, and Elias
Kostenbader who has Jacob Keiser for his
guardian, heirs and legal
of Henry Kostenbader. late
township, deceaved, Ciroeiin? : hereas.
by an inquest for that purpose duly awarded
ovine e.rii.uiis uimri oi ine county aioresaiu, .
, '. . ., ... . ,
the real estate of the sail Henry Kostenbader ,
-J.i e,.1
em .n.run.il mil ahinit nnn. .r K. h.trt
wnerr. none oi ine neins .
ihe said dee'd appeared in Court on the
wnn vi r.aid '.n '.VPrem'se
ibTem mentionea ai tne appraisement; you
and every of yon are therefore hereby cited i
tn appear at the next general Orphans' Court
appear ai ine ncjii e-riiriai iiiiiatni vuuiu
be held at New BeVlin on the I8.h day of j
Septembernext.toacccptorrefusetoukethe j l,l'r0a , tnio,it 8uK,ue- ;
said premises aforesaid at the appraised price , haf n BRIDGE. To good men u liberal wates
. -fc-.t,. r.nrt shall not rTil be paid. Apply to J. A. BONErLsselins-,
ui inn. .i --v - tt , v.v-..
the same to be sold.
Witness the Hon. A.S.Wilson, President of,
nnr sa. Court at New Berlin, the Sotll day of!
Mar.isst j
.. y 5AMCEL 1?0r!t, "!flr.
theap caddis
and Harness:
.llanu factor if.
The subscriber, thiii k
ful fur favors hitherto
conferred, respec-imry
invites the public to call
i he ,s confident thev w.SI
conferred, respectfully
j Tfnti"
aod pnee bis work, as he is confident they will
enure satisfaction even to ine most
diffident customers.
Conslantlv an band, or rr.ade to order, all .
kinds ofSADOLES, HARSEsS, Hridltt, Col
lars, Whips, Trunks, Vuticts, Carpet Bvgt, 4-c.
Also tne cheapest and best assortment of
Worsted. Linen, and Cotton FLY E1'S to
be foundin town, at prices raniin frcm$t,2o
to &1 h(i rpr sinw!" tirt.aUo Leather Flv Nets .
of .litrerent styles and ice. than at any other house in Lwishurg. They
, The at-ive articles will be sold cheap for have all kinds of Dry Gjods, Groceries, Hard
cash or counirr Produce. ; ware. Q leensware, and ail oiher articles usu
All kinds of REPAIRING done at short no-' aily found in a well furnished store. To ren
Uce. cheap, aud in the most durable manner. der their establishment well worth a visit at
The cmzens of Lewisbnr,' and the surroun- all t-mes they will continue to receive as the
cin country, are solicited to er.eud a fair season advances, new invoices cf seasonable
i P''!!l'n "i '',eir Po'
i ik'ii 'i inc.i pn ii uudr.
WANTED 1D0 cords of Wood in exchange
for wnrk. also 10 tons of llav waited at mar -
kct prices.
l'Shop in Beaver's new brick b'.oci.Third
and Market, 4:h door from corner.
Lewisburg, June 30, 18.M
J PtTJtons yci in arr-pars on the onpinal
, rable this subscription should te settled before
fi. A i, ...... m..i.n Il..,r.l Trti.i.,i
General Asent aad Treasurer.
h-wisbL-rg. June 1, 1H54
(Milcaii'.l Female.)
EXT TERM will commence August St.
1S51. Total expense fur board, room, I
i wasnin;. Hums, luel anil miiioa in l-i.g is;i,
Laiin t Giee, fr.nn J-...riO to sJSii, per fluar-
ter. S:u leuts should be here on :ue '-3 !.
I THUS. BcJ'A'WAX, l'nacipal.
Willia.nept.rt, Aug. 2, lS 1.
1 l V. I! II Wfil Vl!
A. .1, X M S i II .1 1 1.1 s
Mtati- anil flafcl-ot W-a
AVING made a large addition in rar of
his Brick shop, upper end f Market
street, and discontinued Ins shop on .iU street,
the subscriber bas remove.) tat re all his toois
and ware, and will be happy to see old custo
mers atid re-.v at his Market St. shop.
A fie-ii sti; ;:- of WALL PAPER, consol
ing of new and fashionable patterns, is now
selling at reduced price-.
All kinds of (11,1 lies anil CA BJSF.T FVK
A''l .', suitable :V.r l'arlor or K.icben, can
be had on terms which can not fad to please.
JJ"A11 wori warranted.
L-wisburg, March 17, 1 51 6m
The Far -Famed Eedicine !
These Pill, twing cooioard -nOi.lyof m-didnal hrh, I
aw c kss as uiuri uai win usuii a.av site emuiuui
rv virtue tbf t pour. LaTv trtilt-r, J tt.. m uniin-
aall- 1-jjtUlar ia o.ar!y cf t ry i-arl cl lh vttrlj. Tha
Imuii lucm lUry bate lutt aitU thruuiifaitut tlia
StaO-. iii tueot cltlaoritnary. owioi;. It i. j.n .uaid,
to lhair wonjirfjl -ftt. ary in tlie rure cf Kiliou
ctilupiaiatit abil tltnunlf ra u( tne Liter aaj StiiKarb,
rvrwins aht j.t rr'ttrr in umiiii iLcin ateonlniit i
dimtki&a, Silacci full in brii:a n sltretl to kealili.
i . .la urn wlt i ?a tv
I hoi.i.owa vs pii.m
Wc-ikness and lability. Kestoration to "esni1. rl'i.3.1 J. HAVEs a Cos.
Health of a Gentleman, aged 43, when " jlARASOLs beautiful assortment of fah
at Death's door. I JL lonsble Parasols to be had at low prices
S:r.S Mr. J .n-a rtxT:s. f.rnierTy a rr.itteiit i f tbia
ptare, La4 I -n m a jiiotuc stair of braiib lor upward
' ' .-a ... . .u-tu- u.
i-htW r-r.rir--lion. sni w.ut ' 1 arf-t.l-. ah. h nuil
a maiii. i .
, rrat uuraaiiM-sr to Lulnrnd.. a. tia bail ron.-nl d varwiua
i medit-al nn-n in llslb.wi'hinit rt. llr at ia-t al yuur
fill., aaj uuili-r rrt .iilecn. a rr.ttrr-1 to Ltaitb by
lb- ir mranii. Hi- lat-lr .niiriitd lo N. w T .rk. r.l bail
' ju-t antu-n to -ay. ttat be aa. n.rr l. tlrr in balth,
' aittl iie.iri-1 metci a'-quaint y-u with Ihi nruni.taci. 1
i t.titzht also to aimtaoD. tbat my arilv baa dtmvd crvat
!beut.tt In m tbr BM-cf yur I'nl.
1 ren.am. sir. at.or. ri-tfiittT.
CllAUl.ti sMiril, UnUnx Miaiiler.
A ptruianent Cure of a diseased Liver of i
nianv Years' duration. j
Coj.y ' a Letttr rm M. immis. Chiiuut, TtOtH, U
I P-ftrir in in oi-irKi it ur ru: rommand mr t
tt'nirf . tl.nn n r prtri-tir' uk-Ui ! T-fnre '
I the- ful-iir A" ft Vff of thrift lhrry !D LtTt r tBj ii:n
1 C -tni'.-iiotJ 1 ui'T.UvU IU.- .oikrwinz one. A la-W "f 1
ti.. U tn witli bii 1 -m i rM'ii.-..ly ar 'D.tint"1. f r !
Tt-ari- a a at-v-rr -.urfcrr r IruM li Mrtuc of ih- Liter aud t
X.f orpaii. ; on ojh' ju ann-tui.t ie.urrti fw r Uiat
Dili ;iKfi J "lie eoeiio i-... r i u iu"iiLiie. a ru - xltt.D-
.,.. ,f.,u-,ii. -..j er, .: .,. t,., ,..,.,,. ,
aid rrl.tiun-. anl lli.y miiit-.J bi r to n..ke a trial
l'.ll..l.i-1, m im( r. ...1 l.er c nerai t-alth tl at -he
a a. led no d tt. e etiaue lb-m ynlil -fce reeei.t .1 a ;--rfe.-t
cure. Tin. it tintr rur-utn. aj". sn.i -r.e na- rt'-t e.i. r-
wnced any ..McjirT.. t r. ai r... .na often dtei.re. that
vour l i.I. Lave been o.e tn- ai.. .1 ...in? ner n:e.
I rtrinu, Ii' urMr, nuriiu t.
Ju.t 21.1. ,m.d-1. J.G.4MI?.
ViMtUi'raUd i'tin arr v-mi r-'H.-'7rtV iu in theA-
a I-.. ...i.. c t
AMi.m l)utfy LiiTinirlD:? rmma 1
Diiicus Com-tr3Mi Ltuuta-o Ti-1 ulureux
-.linota jeui-a- ling- 5 TimDra
Ci"trLr on uiartlu-ai Khi. umaliMn I !ct r?
Ihe ?tsin l'vKt cf U-i n;i-n ol vorrral Af-'
Hti-aTt-lCUi.rt fclttii triue frrti''n
'o.jr fila Scr-I-s. or W-rin of ill ,
Con ft i pat 'd of tiout king tii kind
Xhr liwfl! lltad-ach 9tv ILro.5 W C4Jnnf fnn
Cnumptit-tt lDdit:uo tt.-ur anJ any ca.O30 t
le tniity luCatLiatioa. Uratrl Ac Ac j
SVitd at the K.UUn4iDienI of l'rofeinr Hottta-.tr, 'J14,
j Strand, i near Tem le Bar. lx.u lon.) ard al-o at hi., hjnar
i.. V.. St.rk. t Ir.l.r. H.r lUlmnrcin lite Mate..adtire."d I
-r thAUn y.Aew Jiint-,'" will ivon. dueaiientn. Sold
b all re,i-ctaiie fru.-i.tand de.:,-in M.di-mr
throuchOBt Iba tom-d slat . in llol.. at ". - rt.. s, ct.. !
nl sl,W, each. T.. I had V bol.a! of tt.e pr.ni-ii al
tiru; b,.u-ra the lni.n. I
$j-'i'hrre i.a cf.ti.eral-I rarinp l-y t.ltirf the ls.rjer
B.-se.. N. II. Jtireclr-w Itir tha e-siiJanta t It..tient in !
rTerydiwirtler,arall.sed titearb llox ly54
tv r,.,,,!, u. rir k'fMfni Mii.hiir '
Oife SuMjucuinna Railroad Cumpt ny, J
IT.uBisBL'ua. Jan. 10. H.E4. s
j rpHE STOCKHOLDERS of this Company
I X are herebv botifteil lhat the Second
I Instalment of Flv OollarsJ per Share is
called in, payable on or before the 8th cf
! February next : and an instalment of like
amimnt rnvnht nn nr trfftire the tilth llxv of
each month thereafter, until the whole is raid
. a U -. link. At lUt. riie i.nv' hv lii...
.," i-nion r, r,r Maryland :
. n,.. i. t. i n-.
i.auii.iiiitouiii u tin a eti .ii.uiiirioeeu. ...
i. J. fc.aJ ' ,, , r x-.,il.ri ?j 9
... - i.i.s: . - ,
OU lUUlllttril u I'tlltui "ni.i. iii in uiu Ulili T
l"!'l'u ' . "'. " '.V ,
; ROB. 8. HOLLINS. Treasnrer. i T
,..t,r.T.... . . .-,.-..
.-r , 1 1 r . t i .
F 'el ' BE LI., at he BrolRe, a-vea ,
mile, be Ww Selaaseroce-Ea5t aide of the River
lane ' "5 ' '
TEEIS of anpericrforra.foraIe at thai
aLF Care, jeleotb.ee, 5 oil inlr,tO per d f
Spring and Summer Goods!
52 ' L
VMJ K Will iliJ
"INFORM the public that they have ju'.t
1.11 uii.n lire puunii .11.. ii iiair i
receded from Philadelphia a h.,n J,m.
- -,..., j
assortment of fo$i:, f prS aad Sum-
m tra.te,ofa kiad.and latent styles, which
having been purchased at unusually low rates
they are enabled to ctter to the public at
Itwoola be almost itapoanb.e to ensuirrate
l!.e articles comprising our stoc of g jod.
but they invite all to come and see for them
selves assuring them that they will get
More Goodj for the Same Mjacy
- - .
1 to be able at all times t oflerthe choice ot the
ioous tor I. a lies or Gentlemen s wear, so as
; New York and Philadelphia marieis.
I 1 1 1 . .. J .V . . .. J . ' 1.
Having adopted the motto. Ouir Sates and
.a rny.M.tney Dopenm .n .n.re
f piblic Patrona. All kinds of Coua rj
lwisannr. .way o. "
BJSometliing for Yon !"ti3
lOl'GAR, Teas. Cof)'-, Chnc .late, Cocoa.
iry m,
Herrini. V.'ashmg and
Pearl Starrh, Potash, Pickles,
i.nff...t,mt Slrf. l!r,i
; ii.i.icrv. Knotinc evitt.a. s-i?-mi-r-.. le-riai'mai- an.i
' ltir., I'-'Tluuit rr. Fialiiti,; Tark . Ksi.tr .stn-l.., aua a
tv oftniall a ar juell ita aviT
PI WM. a 10 be f
K. KLXNtbV. j
so J ik.aii I t Ca.h It 11
Lcwi-l-unr. Ai-ril lis. is; 4.
fiv n.M'lin llotrl.
Reports having been extensively
circulated throiigti mt county mat I
am not prepared to entertain my
guests. 1 beg leave to assure n,y
1 1 am are suppUed itu the best U. e
,r,t ,u-,t
' m.Tr'.ei a'Trds. as well as house- room, and
as ett 15 n;'oc m "
ij'.ouj, and can accoxmo 'ate nit u i.o w.il ,
j he kind enough to favor me with their custom, i
j (,pe misrepresentation ar.i! petty perse- i
rtition.- will Dot dr.ve mv lr.t'nls ofl. wiihtiut
: .....i ' i.witi in ill:
1111! UU Uli a i ..-
New Bethn. May C. 1M.
ATliTIrp' TFlVfr" bt'PIl arPl'lKtetl tfce
1 l arvniv i.,.K',i-,m-.rv
Ijie -ub4criber would state that he i prepared
,,. .rf,, ,.,:,. ,.,,r..,t a tihibe barial
tl lil uea'i.on snori uoiicr. .aiso mv - ...
Also thai he will
attend 10 the re-interment of deceased persons,
under the direction of their surviving friends,
Residence ;a the Lo-!re at the tia-e of the 1
Lewisburg. May 30, lbol (
IrlHE Ce.-Partner.-Iiiu heretofore xi
I I between the subscribers under tt e f
n,f - Hertz A. Culler." is ti.is dav disoi
i mutual consent. The accounts wiil be
Ibv Mr. Hertz, and the business continued ly
Mr. Culler. JOHN iti.Ki-..
Lewisburg, June 21, IfSt fi
Administrator's Xotlce.
TETTERS of Administration having been
i dulv pranted to the undersier.ed on the
! estate ol GIDEON ANGSTAD l',eieceased,late
! of Lewisburg Boro', Lnion County, notice i$
J hereby given all persons indebted to said es
tate to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against It will present taem,
i attested for settlement, to
Lewisburg, June '-9, ls-51
Just Opened! Ag!
of Si nMCll f;OOUS suitable f r the
season. Simmer Wear of all descriptions,
i and Dress Goods of all desirable styles, euali-
i i f J. II A US CO.
HATS Just reed, a superior lot i f Fine
Moleskin, Panama White Magvar,
JVjrl Fur. Cabans. and Palm Hats for sale at
, ,
IOW prices ry
STONEWARE an excell-nt assortment of
,w covered Butler Jars. M.lic Pans,' r-am-pois.
Pitchers, Jugs and Spilt sons jits: reel and
l..rsaby J. HAVES & CO.
Call and Tty
The subsc;.bcrs
co-p;:rtnc::'p ri
btii:nes. now offer
lo ol 1 triends and
the pubiic. at the
late stir. I of s. F.
Lvndall. on Ma.-ei
... . , r - iA t t . i
iJooto nuD ijof.of
for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisburg.
A Splendid lot of GUM SHOES.
Also alt kin t.s cf .L-A-i- j"
Cairers, half-Uaiters. etc.
1'hiMrea's 2s huts c-f a'! -tyles anJ sizes.
Worls ma le to urJcr Mtrud.ni; as usual.
As we are both known as rraC.iCa.1 she
makers anJ experience j wyrkruen. we s
a share i.l" the nul.lic rnlmnat.. nil i i!I Irv to
meruit. Ki. .c l. Mill r.
Lewisburg. May, 1S51
Mammoth Head Quarters!
TTAVE a"ain Gilel their spacious Shelves
XI Counters. Cellar, and Rot-uts, wita
careful selection of
embracing everything required in the way of ;
SALT, FISH, 4c. Ac.
for the families of
TYtc I'urmrr, Thi M-.chanir,
T 'he Ilmo'.trffr
in u-htai.a enritinn whtcti -l" tifpr tn nl.t i
friends and neve on the most accommodatm? '
terms, w e invite pnblte inspection. '
ft-ri'.0lL'CE of all kinds wuttcd, at j
the highest Market prices. j
. , . , -. ,
J.ewisbur;, May, laal
Ailmlulslrator Notice.
-VTOTICE is hereby liven (hat Letters . f
IN Administration on fli Estate of Ri.bt.G.
TI. Hayes., late, uf West Buftilo Township,
y Union 'Co, deo'il. hav been cranted tn the 1
t : 1 V.. ak. L'i.,.l.e .-(- 1 'rs . I
ga9 forrn of ,aw . caSaTe t;i j--, r, i.rf, tv ,
, , tf 5aid E,taIe r,-.,-,;.j lo
j.i. i. - ,.. '
meai.i- '.it iiicui, a i . t t . . . j . . . ... . -
e,ai(B$ also f present ilteu.
, aatl-d for ae.t'.. -:
r r f - Jf HV n AY F.
' Jm- :t, I'M AKfmtrl!-
11 iKrlk.
iaaa--i'Sggy'-LK&JgB- V-A-J-JT larr V
CLOCKS all kinds of a-d; asJ
30-hour Braas Clocks and patent Icter
nine-pieces, Brass t-day clocks at $i,
brass 3u-honr clocks as low as $1. All cloeka ,
warranted for one year at J. L. YODKK'S j
cvap lludt, mlen mnJ Jc weary mart, '
i . , . , . -
! "PP"""- ldd" c"- ' -Wlt
I .
r.ATCHES (iold nd S.'ver Levtis,
l i V 1 1. : T l . !. T. r
iruin -o k at J. J.. iuwn3 cces?
Witch and Je-elry store.
JEWELRY of the latest aitern of all quaU
tties for sale at !h lowest City fntri If
C:L ER WARE 1 able. Tea, Dessert. Sail ; '
! J and Mustard Spoons, silver warrauted
e.iua.' to com. Silver Tea spoons from t
upwaris, no charge fu EngraTing. at
i Toues s.
('" OLD CHAINS Ladies" Chattlaio. Gold
J Fob, Vest and Unard" Chains, fnni $it
to Si 10, at J. L TOLEii'S.
CJ PECT ACLES G'ltd, Si!vr, Pla;ed, and,
Steel, snit.ible fi r all aes. All kind? of
Glasses put to Spectacles at the shortest nofire.
J Par'icutar attention paid to fitting Glasses fur
j weak eyes.
jl.ATED WAKE-Cike and card Baskets, i
' X-Me Furlt. ,. Kn, I
T- ...... ..I,.., . , , , , , -
silver. 1 ner 1 ,!.,,. All ...wt- .-A
i 1 1 , .,1 1 j
. siuer, l per elz. All f. iKis warranted In
I live satisfuction. A'.! tinds of Ensraving at
( the sh.M-iest notice at J. I.. VODER rt.
I ' Pr-S all prices, in G..IJ and Silver
" M
Holders, and withoat h"liir. frf sale
i 1 li'i rior ilmti ii-oi
V, IlCtlllLl llltlll JLat CI
, ona.rj:t4 r,5ec!fuVr announce to
1 ,. ... ... ,V. .:- . ,.,
of .
,.OODS. .mt)rac,ng ererv de.cnp-,
u LAl)lE:,. aLli -KNS WEAR..lMa'
t... irlwi: r:....v
Thur st.-ci of UROC'EEIES is very 'large
, . jo
and cheap.
A!sj aa ext-aive stock if HARDWARE.
assortment of tiVEENsWAKE is
f,J a'. 1 .. n
! 1!'"'r "ds having been par-j
icb - - '1 l extremely Iuw r rices ai.J tor c
enables them to otfer unusnal inducements
to purcnasers. as respects variety, s'yie. anu
! nr.ces. The t ublic are resoectlui.v intiln! U.
j ' ,
3 eii:u:r.e lur
vc Le.ure ptr-
rOlXTRY I'lZODl ' I. rantnf. iu
exrhan je for Uoods, and the hijihes: market '
f i.ces allowed. i
Lenisiurg, J!ay J, 154 i
l.ef..n;sl 1.traa- t
ivedtyiM ICIieCl fr
settled ' Li-JOIlX U. MI 1.1. Llll carries in th
Tailoring business, cn his enn hook, at bis
old stand on North Third Sirrei.where he will
attend to Making and Cutting as usual. The
FASHIONS received from New York.
Ail work d ne in the best style and on the
most reasonable terms. Produce received a
Market prices. ELawisburg. Sept. 3, 1S53
Summer Fashions for 1S54,
From Ths P. Williams. Broad a v. New York,
just ree'd by J. B. MILLER, Lewisburg.
New Spring Goods I
URST OF THE SEamON ! We hare ihn
day opened a larc.e and heauufai assor:-
ment ol sspring Goods, l'crs.ius in waut of
New Styles of Goods and at low prices, ate
respectfully invited to give us a ca.l.
Apl 7 i. LAVES & CO.
Arm.nia. Wool JJt-'iir.r P.rs.ao, ai.d
Lawn DKESS GOODS, to be hid at verv low
prices of
1NGIIAMS an 1 Prints cf all descriptions.
' T also loo pieces extra Cj cts Prints to te
ha 1 cheap of J. HAY LS & CO.
EXCELLENT a-..nment W.mI. Ing-a:a.
ana Hemp CAKrr. I iM. alio Drog.et '
O.i clih-. C 'lt red an I u hor ri'lt-.n and heu p :
Carpet Cha.cs, at Lwest puces ! v i
J. Ii A i rs &. CO. I
PERM. Tanners. Fish and Linseed OILS ',
and White Lead, best c i-li'.r. at
r.i 1 . le5l J. H A I US A CO
1 i WILIIS of excellent KEATIIEKS t..
hud of
J. Hayes a o
, f i cutting linth Grain iinii ( .ra.-.
A.M FACTl RED and f r sale ai the
Lewiiburr Foundrr ! v
hoii! Icrs, Luri', Tol-acco,
Rai-in, L"rn"n. t 'ra-ie-es. Firs.
V,' -
rackers. Cheese, Smii-i.efy. a I-re:e
varietv oi Loal-.-ci.e nanes. A. . I. -r sale r-i
Murray's o'.! stand. Market qjare,uciu 3-St.
Lewisbars, April Id, ISoJ
i:n?Ai:r.l by Ride.rtacher A Sheep,
Ap .thee.ir.es t til homcropa-hic Dis-
pessiry, N i. --.u Ar.-h !e.-et. I hi'a lelf hia,
I constant' v on hanl and for aie. trholesa e
! and reiail.m Lewishurir. at toe liru Stt re .-I
j Oct .SS. o3J Du. T. A. H THORNTON.
: VOTIt'L ApiiiiPaiiti'i Y? cwtV
' t t the nex; l.";:slaiure tn ch mpe il e
e '
name of the I.eu ;hure ivinr1 T'
'"tefl at '-, .' " ' ' r'
i h Ol i
I and authority to istie i!s efrn no!es for c rrv.
' lation ; subject to lH' rrovisions of tiie ge etal
bank.u; laws of ihi- Comnioa-tr' alth.
By trier ol the Direc-ors:
H. P. SUELI.F.H Trraser-:
I.ew.s't.iirjr, Pa., Juae S, IsM
IETTT Tcstamenrtirr on Estate
j WILI.fAM A. PATTI.sfN.ia-e
Kefly t .wnsh p. defense !. I;
to the -nbi-ei Iliets bv the Ke
i " beei. isut.l I
ism tf T1,( ft
tit. ton cn'ontr, a'l prns infi i:J to
e are rcies-ed ri make pnvmenr.an I a'
-yt; s.
er!y i
havo.i! cianna to present them, rrcr
auiheniii-ntecl. for set-letreitt.
li5J , 6ir
July 21,
I "fa.-a-sraT P. L.,. 1I......I 1 '
j 11 uiai.btel .0 ns, ei'Uer Ly No or B..4 ,
tAsccnnt, are requested w c Jl aad e lie J
' r,n. ...,.-.!. a KREMER O
' I i
Boota aai
b T O C K Oi'
Botks ir.d
rilUE subscriber aaonee io fits ft.
J aid the pubuc generally that ke ai.
recc.ve fiea. PLiiaCcla. a Urjc as,u u ...
lent asrtmeM of
comprising ery kird i.d;i;i.i of Cct.
mca'a boors, Vaitej. iltLrues. T.ia. thur
As. .
Ladies' 7e Ctii'.tr l...,.t..
nj ara kr .f, jtlt
; aad nw st approved aiylea.
Boys', Misses, nhd ClnUUeu't
Boots, Laca Boots, Gaiters and t-hM of sti t
!?'le ah, variety now worn- also a ti...
j aeleetuiB of tha behobl and t i.;.-.;i
' ow in ose in enr Acaderr:iei s.r -.Jt
; togeiher wnh a (fuod ajsoiixu-;.; o; jtutJ c
i Iie-ry, e;c
The abore goids have :;;.
ied and a ill b so!d at t.-- r--
a arc..
The undersigned also .. i- ,
. lure 1. .s ibu 0111.es e.. i . . . .
ture Ewivts and Shi.es
' order. ar.d from his lor g L: t
j . . s c
' , rm'ra"OB ' Pr BO r eP'i i-
' hf ' nterit and rereii t a hUr a
- . sua.coi basinets. J un . nULbttl UA.
Lrwisburr. Ma S. UIS
. "
(uiret riltf JledietMt.
-TeX aS AGCa Ccaas Coa,'a Tok Miztsb
'T'lllt CalT.mity r ra Jl-llna. anU Cotolat a
f A aj., cbaiwrnl Lf Ibsuwif r.na.aaia at
I laal fca.(taiA -V.li A -ril lij. , a . ... . .
tiOI''a''u",,"riitr'ek - at.i.itiu4
' aul Ha.roo. iKjlxaaia. alai fcrlb. ,ok.l .a,, 1
lu4 iu- ,is ieu rata sal. u -1 , k.r,i
f""" M - -m ,l. l.
Ik."! ll!" JL" ' J"1
' ia to.A.'Ze .""".'"
m-a. uUiUUiUu.u.,
,.. coHPLaixt ...... ...
' .i.a.y u.m.r i-YTI"'. " . - -
' iu M.)'i,-i'ua
, (.h.!!. will lttb aa I r Miti . a t aid suta
h.ltt, k-i, nt,. , . " f T .rn. iLS
- -t u itM auk .. a ..iai. u;.t1
' " il lv ta r -fc
i . -1 i j a,. ruai.
... l - a. J .-i. a.
J :uar cf tUa Ttaatcaa, J J aa K. lu.ar. M. .
J i . x.u. a-n.
. Etru I Oit. a M
M , I a.u. ..ti. . . .
j Iio.aaJ, M. i. Uad tl ii I : aieiati.ti a. I.; Jta
-"-"e-.t.. ... u.. nmmn
. ""- ail,!l.i:sja;ju, .
i tra.i Lt.--i.uri at tt, j..r. it
T ANTED 30 to :o MO it .Va
.0 u 20 Ouu
10 to IU U10 II
j -V IU Oil it . .
! w lc dei''"eJ ' Fal: 5 - , ,- .
th. bank the R-verailiarr. u.-.. 'ir...r
I of good suatity aud strait g:-,..e 1 ..- ......
-0 to 3o.i on it i-
rrorx'sals will be re:t' s.- . .
j furnishiiijf the alore.and rrt .r.s .: i ,
; pesals will state ike unactir. ft qt.a .,
dirTerent kir.ds the- eaa tniL.n.. J o. .
. Terms f payraent taih.
Address (po-i-rs c -
.O. HICKOli, Harr.a-.-g, Pa.
public mat iney have nited up a
j Tii?.) .tprw.u for iy.ju.rreCTi-prtief,
j iu the New Bunding otr Dr.Thoratoo". "r
j Sure eu:raee a: the fii j door, up atams '
j where they are prepared to perfoim ay wv. -'-
in their line ia the best style of rba art. V s
j can take p.ctcrea at aimost any hour ia el,
a3. cn..dren t.aen as well as adb.ta aad
oiber p ctures cp.e.t.
As we have aow a permanaat location i::t3
up puiposciy IU.J exciuairely f,r i. .r. ew
li 'rg e thmk e can rmler ern.e siiiat-w-tion,
ad respectfully tar. der our vrv:c-.
Lewi.barg. Ayg. 1, 1S5J J L. HAWN.
JACOB DYEIa, Cattawjs?a
Would inform his old friends and the
public generally on ihe M est and Nonh
"'-"J1: '" fce cntinues t keep the ST.ICL
; ..... in is- renter of tue r.wn. and ask
; a fair share of rair.nagt. j. pt. S
j )RE--EKVING a I Pickf.ncJ IRS ju-Trcei
a. -o- lor saie m me ..ia.iimv.ri L'r' Mure.
An? 10 Da. 1 HORN TON
i CO.
I 1ST rec - ai.3 1. r s.
-le a: the 'Jihk,-1
Drnr St, ,t a Itrce siipp V of Dr. Gre, n'a
geiaiue BiT'lEKS, f. rra.e o't Drsiers a eic
A-g :u La. THOKNT'JN a to.
iinoarraphir lriniirir Ctv.tr
a. j
a-u n.i;e eiuantuv 01 P.C I I i.F.s.
' Fra..i;. and tVr D.aair.'r Tea, h
k. vn.f:t:.ii
A. W. Corr er F.fth aLd Wia.: i
GERMAN ar.u FfcENCH Lai f t:. Draw
r.e. Pa ut Lg. i.nd Draa.-i.i.0-, ;a. L ; ; v K.7
Leaisbtir;:. erJU 1. lf.3
.Vt.hi Fn-Jiu uml ijsuck
BBOH . fill BI' II.
Ji take this me hod of tntoiaa.ne the
p aoiic lhat we have f.tieo up tht o.d
-r.vo.v TRAi-iSc MOi.:,-
where we would inviie especta! atiettion
Our stix-k of
trncti Ica and FlUf,
which can not fail to plear. ei-her reriI(j
to price or qualiiy. lUr jooos have 1 eea
bourht for cash, at the U-.est price, and will
be sold on acci Hum d.-tir j uiifis.
CASH wi'! be paid f..ra.i k.mis o: Crsin
ar.d ite very h thest price pal '. i- t nis u
every descrinnon of iMmettit Pn,4; re.
Tnrtltvii.e, itay,
Fla? of rn!on Tcetty.
O'.Vm Ci nrsr of prep.-iraiit n. a VA P ff
L'n'cn tounlv. -O lr 1 7 i.ehea m
...!-... -'i ... ' ' . . 2
I iw i:nc..ai n,utiaiatc at 4
; "
I s.nairta. toirnsntp a nit ten ub I rs. r -c.-,-j
and streets. p st-cfTit ea rhurrhs. rnit s. h, ,
I housea. Ac d-c , wi.h the pn ,c.il I i-.is,. d
j hhe. tt will fe ,,,'d at !.t1 fa ,, sit
'?5 fcvA) ccloif d. with tuKilin 1 tri. at J
roera. ar.d 1...0 tin rr.itn.it! n.ir. ;, i.,i
rf Tntnwr.tr aSi t. h-n rf i-rsfta fr
ti as h ia drsirtns hi makir.!. a r rierf. r :
Soi ai.d iis:':il ma,- , ar.d a.-ka tl e i;,.
a - e of the pnbf.c cii.raV
t.r!sbar)r. May t, leSa.
Dr. Jac. U florhri; :.
1 OTA NIC PflYSIt T N j. v :. t.
h'h. ha renmed his -me
hraliaa an. HisaPretirr f-AI.Yi:
in preat dem. nd. apri s! ,.r,i,
a'u"; -rv
Mav . It-i.
. ... . .
C' 0TVn -.fs frit;. at a! ft.
S rV at f',.,'..; fifrre