Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, August 25, 1854, Image 2

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    JJ.ILL ! I
m it
.a .
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Acgcst 2-5, 1854.
Tm mm-lmr .Wess-.-Tb. Minora Or.oxict.i
aiai-Tsl-lvh lore. il circulation of any fcnguan
taviipaper is I'nloa comity.
" VThiy Stole. Ticket.
arrnnr I AVE POM OCK. Northon-hlnd
H.prtme OmW-D. M.SM YSER, Montgomery.
fmslCvnmissinner GEO. DARsIU.Atlegany.
Democratic Slate Ticket.
Gvernor W1M.I M BIOI.ER, ofClearfield.
Su,tr,m- Court J. 8. III. CK. of Somerset.
Cmal CommiincrWX 8. MOT I", of Hike.
Union County Whig Nominees.
W ;r.ilJ-K"c. O. CCUJUa IU Jfl--W Ul UttUUVU) j
Cbmmsswiifr MARK HALFPENNY, arkaxas. Greenwood, Democrat, c
Renter JAMES W. TEXXINfiTOX, lted to Congress without opposition.
r , i Iowa The first Free State where clcc-
AuJitr-m R S. BOi Kuni j ,; Lag been held since the passage of the
r--- --. , XcLras-ka act has turned a sonicrsctt.
The Officers uf the Futon Co. Ag. ! (j ria,Cs, Whig anJ Auti-Xelraska, isclcct
Soc. aud Committee of Arratigeuicuts for ej Governor, and two Congressmen, and
the uext Fair, are requested to meet at tic Legislature, of the same stripe, cusu
the office of G. F. MiilT, Esq., iu Lewis-: ring election of an Opposition U. S.
burg on Saturday the iCth inst, at 2 poliat0r, in place of A. C. Dodge, (Dew.)
o'ciock, P. M. A full attcuJeuee is par- Iu etctions gcnerauy the
t.cularly desued. j 4.R Cotliiug" Lave swept every field
JACOD G XDY, rresidcnt.
The New Berlin papers are sadly pius- VS" We the undersigned whigs of Wash
led to know what to do with the D.moera- j iugti.u towiii-hip, have learned with sup
tic m luiuations. TLcir thtrisLtd plans ; P"so the astonishing fact, that some of the
foijhe campaign were so complcitly broken i whigs of our towuship, assembled in some
up" that they are utterly lost iu the f..g. i "-cret place, and elected delegates to at
Theyil. plore the result, jet they declare ! 'end the disorganizing convcution in New
that they were uot whipped. They label the Berliu on theTth iust., against the known
candiJa-.es "ami divisi-u," U ufu.c to '! of a Urge majority of the whigs of
swallow tUin. Like n leciining kitten , our township. We look with surprise upon
with a vom.g iu..ue, tiny hg th m to j hc secret movement of a few, to man.igc
their h."sr.n), . t in l!.c -s .uu in, m .-nt sp-irn ! ' send delegates to the disorganizingCon
them from tl. ire ii.braec. They tl.r.m up veiition, against the known will of nine
tbeir jubilant caps, with ;eai iu their eyes, ! tenths of the Whigs of our district. We
and anath.uns ou their lips shouting
' with a death weutid iu their vitals,
and their chieftain among the slam. Alas!
Lets are stubborn things, and they vainly j
search for su-ar to cat the bitter pill.
, -- I disorganizing movement oi tne minority.
fcirThe New Berlin eiue are quite j j,. p cr, George C. 3'oyer, Pe
startled at the Standing Committee ap- tlr Ai bopast Senr, H. C Boyer, Danisl
pointed by the President of the late Con-!(i!aa?) David M- Botdorf, Jacob Straub,
.: t .1 IS Ilnmr K l Mover. I. D Bovtr.
veniton. as luen'uiiii'inii i"uii'.
edt, adiourn before the business was
.:,, . ;
finished, it of course remained for the Pre- ,
si lent to appoint the Committee, which is
he only regular and valid one the im- j
perfect committee appninted by the p-st
mortem disorganizing fragment of the
convention, being of no more validity thnn :
if made by any accidou'al crowd in the j
The wire workers over there are won-j are now in full blast. We are assured j ply of wheat is very large that the moun
dcrful political Solomons at any rate. For tUat the effects on the legitimate trade of j tain regions arc raising immense numbers
years the papers have been systematical-. the .City are palpably disastrous. The of swine, cattle, and poultry and that
lv enreed in fon enling all sorts of dis-1 sellers of shoes, hats, clothes, dry goods, fresh meats are generally as cheap in the
pensions on all possible subjects, that .
could set the people by the cars, and get J
up ti "demonstrations" to "bcnfit" the i
New Berlin laudlords. And now lhat they
. , . , , e.i
nave thus alienated tne people oi me :
ennnlr ml mado enemies on all hands. I
they haven't wit enough to mend their i
manners, or chauge their plans for the
better. The tub ram managers of the
Timet particularly, have become fam ous
for profound and cfnipreheusive sagacity.
Whenever any grea eon'est is at hand,
when the united strength cf the party is j
necessary lor huic an i uauuuai jui j" 1 -, ,
thev "lenethen tLc co"ls and strengthen j
o. . i . . : 1 ..nn.Aa t
the stakes" of Ihe Democracy by ignoring .
the existence of evry body outside of
their molehill clique, and reading out
oi ine party an wuu uu um cim -i.-c
schemes, vainlv cssavit!; to strike down
truer democrats and better men than them
selves. They are very busy at this game
just now, libelling the entire Democracy
of Lewisburg aud the adjacent townships,
and flagrantly misrepresenting them at
home and abroad, to further their oWn
factious purposes. A 6neer of contempt
is the only response from this part of the
county. Though it is said tbey have;
palmed off their chrome mendacities at
head quarters, as absolute verity, and ex
ult in the moonshine capital tbey imagine
they bavc thus mado for themselves.
j,The TiWs is mitaken. The Court
House bell was not rung an hour before
the time, and both division and anti-division
delegates were quietly assembled in
front of the court house for some time be
fore they could get in. And then they
were indebted, for an entrance, to some
one from New Berlin, whose name we can
not recall, who clambered in at a back
window and opened the door from the in
side. Aud the bulk of the delegates had
been quietly seated for at least five min
utes before any motion to organize was
made; the anti-divisionists silcully look
ing on until the motion for a chairman
kad been pat and carried.
Bbuke Jail. Three prisoners confined
in the jail in Williamsport, on commit
ments for larceny, took French leave ou j
Saturday night last, two were caught at
Block House, and are again in durance
Larcesy. The bouse of Lewis Martin,
Esq., Williamsport, was entered on Thurs
day evening last by some bold and adroit
r..gue and robbed of several articles of clo
thing. '
Recent Elections.
Nortu Carolina. The Democratic
candidate for Governor, Bragg, has nbont
2,r00 majority. Legislature Democratic,
probably ensuring the gain of two U. S.
Senators. Braggs majority is about half
that of Rcid, the Detuocratio incumbent
of the office. - It appears that Ncbraskistn
is not fo strong in the Slave States, as
might have been supposed. (Three Whig
Congressmen front North Carolina voted
against the Nebraska scheme.)
Missouri. There are six Whig Con
grrssiucn elected, and one Democrat two
Whig gain. Thomas Hart Benton is de
feated in St. Louis by the Know Noth
ings. Legislature divided between Whigs,
IScutou and anti-Beaton Democrats, prob-
MJ CU8Uring the elcction of Wbig U
apsuro tlie n Digs in tne county, tnai a.-n-
- i . - - - . i
j mgton townslup sianus mm in iuc support
ot the nominees wuo nave teen nominatca
hy the legal Whig Convention on the Gth
""e Ia!it- " 0 wm Bl recognize ine
i.-j. ... - .r.'i
! Ooorge Koush, M. C.Moyer, Samuel Iek-
ess, Henry .Mowrer, I'cter .Jowrcr, jacoo
. Uaeeuhc &fc
Both Ways Tried.
The City of Oswego last year voted No
Liccusc, and, so far as was practicable,
closed up her grog-shops. This year, a
m ij irity voted to license again, and one
hiiHiin d und twenty groggeries of all sorts
provisions, Ac, find their trade seriously
diminished and their profits reduced to
lero because the Laboring Class who last
j year bought freely at their counters now
l" ... . .
spend their dtminisDeet earnings to a sor-j
i-narfiil ertent in Bum. The children who
had esps and shoes last year, and went de-j
cently to school, now skulk bareheaded value of Canadian produce the whole
and barefoot into the groggeries with amount heretofore paid by Canadian far
scarcely rags enough to hide the rum bottle mers into our treasury. A fortnight since
which is stripping their homes of comforts ! the price of wheat at Toronto was fl 25
and derrivintr them of happiness. All j to $1 30, while that at Rochester was SI;
tut the tipplers, and a part even of them,
Annn.i, .r T.,AiniiA nnrl flsvewi
uavu uau iuuuu v, ... . .... , c j
will in November gfVe a rousing majority .
fr the Maine Law.
Cincixati Aug. 18. A camphene
butcucr'8 op on Western row,
lamp iu a uukuci a euuj, . , . i.i tr.
t i . . i , , ti'joc. led was carried through the House witli
ncar Liberty street, exploded on wednes- .
, ., i cn,i ti.-iv. 'out being permitted even a momcut s dis-
uav, wuuc ii was uciug num.
t ib. .I .t n,
children, who were in the shop at the ,
..- ' .i,ir..u t.n,n,l .h,t t!.Pv
!..';,. .I.!, .ml the man who was
filli.. ,h, lnmn .hen it exnloded. named
" r r '
Ruff, is not expected to live.
The Clinton County Democratic conven
tion met at Lock Haven on Tuesday, 15th
inst, and made the following nominations:
For Congressman Allison White.
Representative George J. Eldred.
Sb.fiff J. P. Huling.
Com m issioner Isaac Ramage.
Auditor William Smith.
Coroner J. B. McMieken.
Cixcisnati, Aug. 9, 1854. Judge
Sheppard F. Norris, the Democratic candi
date in this State for Judge of tho Su
preme Court, has decided that a slave
brought to Ohio by or with the consent of
the owner, and afterward escaping from a
slave State, is free, aud cannot be reman
ded to Slavery.
Baltimore, Aug. 21. The Ticayune
has dates from Texas to the 12th. At the
municipal election in Galveston the Know
Nothings and Temperance ticket was suc
cessful. In the counties as far as heard
from the no Liquor Licence Law was suc
cessful. The Trustees of La Place College Insti
tute, Alabama, have resolved that WTay-
land's Moral Science "contain Abolition
doctrine of the deepest dye," and accord
ingly "denounce said book and forbid its
further use in the Institute." ..
Ma job General. We neglected to
mention that Maj. Gen. Wm. H.' Kasc
was re-elected to that office, at the late mi-'
lilary election held in Union. Nortbnm
berland and Montour. 1
New Yobk, Aug. 194 F. M.Thc
U. S. Mail Steamer Baltic has arrived
with Liverpool dates to August Oth, four
days later than were brought by the
Flour was in good requcrt, bat rather
Tho expedition against Crimea and Se
bastopol, had left Varna. There was noth
ing definite as to the result of the bom
bardment of cither place, although it was
ordered, and had do doubt taken place.
Great anxiety was manifested to know the
result Bomersund was also to be attack
ed, as was generally expected.
The Russian steamer Aldiman had
made a successful sortie) from the strong
fortress of Sevastopol, and destroyed three
Turkish merchant vessels. She had also
chased the English steamer Cyclops, but
was unable to encounter her.
Two English steamers, after having
entered the Gulf of Onogshain, near Arch
angel. The Turkish army was advancing cau
tiously on Bucharest. The rear guird o f
the Russian forces was about half way bet
ween Bucherest aud Buscoom, and on the
3d ult., the Turkish army had not entered
It was said that retrngade movements
were being made from Waldavia. It was
reported that, according to agreement
between the Porte and Austrian Envoy,
that the Turks are not to cuter Bucharest,
and that the Turkish troops are to be with
drawn from the Danube on the arrival of
the Austrian. Omar Pacha has pratu'sed
that Wallachia shall not be made the the
atre of military events.
An official dispatch from Odessa reached
Vienna late on Saturday, slating that the
French and English fleets were seen off
Sebastopol on the 30th, the steamer hav
ing transports in tow. This news was con-
vovcj ,-rom gobastopol to Odessa in a day,
aD)j inimcaia,ely telegraphed through to
gt pcu;rshurg.
The barricades have been taken down
at Madrid. It was reported that an armed
mob had forbidden Q'icen Christiana to
leave Madrid without payment of a large
sum of money.
Prospects of the Farmers.
From Europe we have advices of large
crops. That of France is said to be oue
fourth above the average, and those of
England and of Germany arc reported as
abundant. Our farmers cannot, therefore,
look to Europe for a market. From Call
fornia we have advices that the home sup-
mines as in the agricultural valleys below.
Looking westward, our farmers sec thus a
declining market; looking eastward, they
'see the satno ; looking homeward, they sec
I . .
that they are no longer to do secure in
their own market. The recent Canadian
treaty with Great Britain adds to the
and yet five cents would pay the cost of
tr.msnnrtAtinn. I ho ditterenefi was the
benefit derived by the American farmer
from the fact that he had made a market
at borne, in which he was then protected
The bill by which all this was accomplish-
-- ... ., t
cussion of the rights of northern farmers,
It was introduced on Thursday morning,
iP"1 n Thursday morning, and was
signc1 hJ the Resident w an hour and a
half from the time at uhivh it icat reported
and all this was accomplished by means
of "a skillful maneuver" on the part of
Mr. Bayly one of the illustrious tribe of
Virginia slave-drivers, whose tobacco is
allowed by the treaty to pass free of duty.
Canada will this year have 12,000,000 of
bushels of wheat for sale, and no European
market for it. Next year she will prob
ably have 20,000,000, and as wo have
now granted an enormous bounty on all
her agricultural products, we may reason
ably calculate that the increase from year
to year will be enormous and that the
whole of it will seek a market within the
Union. X. Y. Tribune.
Fatal Accident. A terrible accident
happened at the steam mill of the Messrs.
Dodges, a short distance above William
sport on the 14th inst. By some mis
chance, a man in their employ, named
Reuben Stoner, was canght in the machi
nery and, before his situation was discov
ered, so horribly mangled as to be almost
past recognition. He was literally torn t
pieces. One log we learn was entirely
cut on, and fell down into a pis underneath
the mill. The deceased leaves a wife and
ono child, who are the objects of much
commiseration and sympathy in this com
munity. M. i n .ii - - 1 1
Hon. Thomas B. Washington, grand
nephew of Gen. George Washington, died
in the city of Albany, Nt .Y. August 3d.
He was a resident of Jefferson county,
Va., and Lis remains were taken to Vir
ginia for interment.
faxm ani ntlote
. 1
The subscriber offers for sale that well
known property, formerly Col. Jame. Moore's,
situated in UiiHaloe aud East Butr.iloe town-
hlnc ITi.w.n II- ... a . ..f 1 ...
isrmrjr, fronting on the Turnpike and n the
oiu uunaioe road. I bis larin contains
1 fa A ;
111 --
of first quality Limestone land, in a hirh state
recently, two streams of liv;ng water ruiinin"
ennreiy inruu;n tne ptace.ine best ot epriii(is
.i . . . ....
at the door of the Mansion House a very lare
Bank IJani.an Orchard of young bearing Trees
of various kinds, and all Outhoufes requisite ,
Tor a good (arm, with some WoedianJ. Also
on the ButTaloe road, adjoining said Farm, is
offered in I.OTS of from 5 lo St) acres each, I
to suit purchasers, upon which is some choice I
Timber, which will be sold as it stands, or the
wood will be removed if the land be suld. A j
living stream of water runs th r utrli these i
Outluts. There are Oak. Walnut, .Maple, and '
Hickory shade trees on the premises. !
If not sold at private sa.'e by the 1 tth Octo- !
b'r next, the above property will be offered at j
PmiMC SAI.B on the above day at !0 o'clock ,
A.M. If a pleasant day, the sale will be on j
the uremises : otherwise, at Kline's Hotel, in I
! Lewisburg. For further particulars, inquire of ;
Lewuburg, Aug. 21, lsTl
!!?Also at Private Sale, the well-known
Housel Farm, containing TWO 111 MJliEL)
ACKEs!, lying in orihumbr rland county, on
the easi bank of the 8usqi;e!ianna Kiver. two
miles from I.ewisburg, and two from .Milton.
As there are two setts of buildings, this Farm
may tie divided, and I will sell either pertion,
or both, as may suit purchasers.
Hoaoin? "Alitor iithI Litucni-t-r 'WLi,' c"t'y i xfi-ks
aoit vliartt I'hrDtiirlu."
. , -r 11 I I
al uauic 31 ill !
l-nriror Sale or Kt-iif. Tm.t j
2ij4cSE?well known WOLFE'S MILL, i
situated on Uutfalne creek, a mile from Lew- I
I isburg.it being a :I storey building with 3 run j
I of stone, a Plaster Mill, all in good repa-r, on j
a never-failing water-power, in one of the bc-t
W heat distncls in Ihe state. 1 erins easy.
Conn. rti-J mill tlm Mi: aT two li.-!inin of j
tlii-in wi'il M.iat.t'-'l in a stor.ro.-m- a Sprit. ru.il out I
tioui.. n. w.-ll miii'ti d lo on.- or t o famili'-?1.
irrf-l-Vr fiirtto-r i-nrtM ulnrs. iii'inin- f Irs. PAtl'EI, I
Will.!!', or A. M. LAUsiti., Uuanluu: -f Ihe lli'lta ot j
S.nri'! t Woi Ff. dt-i-M.
Lwi.-l.ur, Aur. 10, ls:4
Admlnlslrators' Sale.
ATTILL be sold, on
am , . . ; r
if r miiAi ine x.u aucusi next.
at the house ot AiruoLA vt llsii, late i nue
Deer township, deceased, the following Real
Estate, viz.
7k A certain Tract of LAM) contai-
LilAning about -lO ACRES, on whirl.
is erected a log House Ac. adjoining lauds of
Joel liiiick, Oeorge Uanck, Joseph K. Mover,
and others, about 30 acres cleared and in u
good state of cultivation, the balance excellent
timber. There is an excellent Limestone quarry
within one-fourth of a mile of said tract.
Also at the same time and place will be sol )
for Eighty Acres of land, not yet located.
The above pioperty is situated iu a healthy
region, and is convenient to market, and will
make a very desirable borne fur a man of
limited capital.
To be sold by order of the Orphans' Court
of Union connty. Sale to commence al 10
o'clock on said day, when terms of sale will
be male known by JA.ME8 MA 1111 ALL,
Administrator of Nicholas Welsh.
White Deer, June 23, l$5i
IY virtue cf sundry writs of Vend. Ex.
J issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Union county, and lo me directed, I will
expose to public sale at the Court House in
New Berlin on Monday, the llh day of Sept.
next, the following real estate, to ah :
A certain tract of land situate in White
Deer township in said county, containing
fourteen acres more or less, adjoining lands
of Fearon, Riddle & Co. whereon is erected a
two-storey frame Dwelling HOl'E,
with the appurtenances as the propertyiiiJa.
of Jamks 1)lbmimiv.
Also a tract of land, situated as aforesaid,
containing twenty aeres more or lesa, adjoin
ing lands of Paul Fisher, James Culbertson,
and other lands of John L. Fisher, whereon
are erected a leg dwelling house and a log
barn, with the appurtenances.
Also a certain tract of laud situate as afore-
said containing one hundred acres
?t I.e., .1 .. T I...- I in. I
adjoining lands of Jacob Farley,
toother lands of John L. Fisher, lands
of Charles Uudykuust and others, with the
Both tracts as the property of Jons LFisiith.
Also a certain lot of ground situate iu
Bulfaloe township. Union county, containing
five acres more or less, adjoining lands of
Edward Miller, Daniel Wertz. Isaac Walker
and others, whereon is erected a two-storey
plank framed dwelling house with the appurte
nances as the properly of Rahslah Bauklow.
Sheriff's Office, New Berlin, Aug. 10, 1S5I.
Builaloc Valley Farm
TOH SALE. Having become too old to
JL manage my large Farm to advantage, I
wish to sell a part of the same
say a tract oi ,
" '
95 Acres, or of 105,
as a purchaser might desire. The portion I
would part with is all first quality Limestone
land, and every field may be watered from the
Little Bulfaloe creek. It is ail under a good
cultivation, with new fences, except about SO
acres of excellent TIMBER. There
is a Limestone Quarry opened, from fti
wnicn tnousauns 01 uusncis aie soiu iv
yearly. It has also a young bearing
Orchard. 1
The improvements all new are a eocd
two-storey r rame HOLSt. with a Cellar
Kiichen.and a Pump beside it, a Spring 1
House, a large 11AXK UAKX,a Wagon Shed, .
a Corn House, and other outbuildings.
The property lies in Kellv township, near
Guldin's store and Kelly's mill-5 miles from
Lewisburg, and 2 from Milton and has been .
pronounced one of the best in the Valley.
Title, indisputable. Payment to be made '
one half down, and the remainder on time. '
Possession given the 1st of April next.
Aug. I, 1851 SAMUEL VODER.
trrtD c A I C !
rUri v)ALt,
That large and desirable property on the '
corner of Market and Water strcets.well 1
calculated for a residence, fur business, or for ,
r'.fe ard pla""fia.5:nFSS' . - .
4 large rooms ou the first floor. 6 bed-ruotns on
the second flonr.and 2 large finished rooms on f
tne inira. a Kitchen and Washhouse adjoins.
There are also a spacious Cellarjarge Cement
Cistern, a Pump, and Well of good water, a
8table, and all necessary Outbuildings.
Tor terms dee. apply to Geo. P. Miller, Ksrj.
.- ,. . - R t.DAVIS.
lwt;btrj. pep,, p 1539
HIE subscribers otr-r, at PuWic a!r, alt
that certain tract ul I.IMLSTOXJS LA SD
beautifiillv smiaifi alone Ijiitle Iluflalo creek,
Kelly Tp. Unurn Co.. about S from
l.ewnlinr, autt 3 mJes from Milton, adti'in-
ing laifls of Wm.A. Patterson, (Jcoige Muxel,
Jacob lloyer ai,U olliera, conininin jM.aeres.
The improvements thereon are a large and
rtrt. m.i.l ...ittf V.ir..Kl..r.w P. a l. . . . .
r- commodious Two-Slorey Frame Mansion-
,e House, a good Frame llarn, Uarripe and
Woo(th,.uBe, with all other necessary Out-
butlilms a I'un.p wilh pood and never-lail-
ling Water near the door a larire bearins
in, Wnlrr enp I , . n..r o lr,.
OUCHAKl) of choice Apples, and aU other
varieties of rniit.
The land is all undr good fences and in a i
hinn ,M (11 n il'itinn 'IKaK...I.I.. .. .
..c uuikun;, h
a" "'any new, ana u.r convenience, style and
'""' uu uw ue exceeueu in me neigu-
borh ioil,
For particulars address "D. .Myers, Lewis
bur,', Pa," or persons wishing to view the
premises or ascertain terms ean do so by
callinr, on I). Myers, residni? thereon.
Sale to commence at I, P.M. Turns one
tlurd Cash, Possession Riven in the Fall.
Sim. ANN Mi'EKS,
yxjiiiiy annus i)x.3
f)V order of the Orphans' Court of Union
JJ countr, will be aold on the premises ou
Tlmrsdav, the 31st of August
: neit.thc ff llomng Ueal Estate, situate in liuf
j f.tltie tnwiiiiip, I'liion enunty. late the estate of
i William Imvix, late of said township, tke'd.
Tli' said real estate is in one contiguous bt.dy, '
a-'joinint! lands of M. flrove's heirs, Samuel
M'Lellan, John tfleans' heirs, J. Itaker and
otlor., con taming alio IOO At K I. si more
or l -s. 'l'hc uhi.le tr irt ha been divided, by i
virtue tif a writ of partition or valuation issued
out of the sai I Court, into three farms or
j purpaits, and each of wlueh may be described
I as fiilhivs, to wit :
I. The Maiisimi Farm, adjnining lands ef
.1. Baker, Grove's heirs, and ollor land of the
j .l.'o'il. roRt.iiriius OA.' IICXJtRMf AX it'
.v.Y7V-.7f,r.l''fvfmi-re orless,wher.-on '
f" t is erected a lame, double, weather-boar-
lild-d not sr. tw m, ....!. a
AK II i;.,and other t utb-.nl iings. About;
l:W acres are cleared land and in a state of
cultivation.and the residue well-timbered. I
1 IR r'-' :"e about U or l. acres ot exee!leni; ;
Mead-.w. There are also two excellent OK-;
ii . li i;.-i ot en ii-:-r riiiu i nere i-. a constniiT
stream i f Water running through the tr.iet
near thi buildings, beM-.les t .-.o net cr-laiiine
springs rf uati r. '
l. The next tract a 'joins die above rn'.bei
we-t, an 1 a's.i hn-1 oi ( ir--ve" heir - -tmI Philip
Kii-ile, ci iitaming tXt' HVM'lU.tt AM)
TWUTY-THUhlK -I'Vi.X, i!;;,re or le-s,
about lo1) a-'rr-i uhere. t is cVaied and in a
g 1 Ma'c of cultivation at; 1 tlie re.-: Ine 'r!l-
,tim: i ro ! ; iiimil n aeres oi tirst-rate V- a-
Ou this iruct there are no buildings.
but a never faling r-j-nng of wa'-r, and a
b'atitifu! site fnr bnildiii'.'-, near it. T!;is tract
when properly improved ill make a most
eX'-'dlent an-1 convcnii-nt farm.
111. The laM tract, adjoining the above
two tracts and also land of s. M't'lellan nr..!
Si. anV heirs, containing O.Vf lil .WJUlll
I.V.') SIX iriir.S. m..p- or less, tin this
tract there is a LOO HOI'sl!, Lot: B-K.
Arv :in,l other out buildings, an Olit'HAKiJ,
illand a Spring ot excellent waterA
near the house ; about 75 acres cleared
land, and ilia residue well timbered. This i
tract is well calculate d lo make a stock farm.
All the aforesaid described tracts are Lime-
stone land, of the best quality,
uunaioe erceK
runs ihroujib all three tracts
They Will be I
sold separate, as above desrr.be.Ur together. ,
as will best subserve the interests of the heirs
ef said deceased and the convenience of the
Sale to ermrafne at 10 o'clock
said day. when and where the terms and con
diliens "f sale will be made known bv
June 1
Orphans' Court Sale.-'
J)Y virtue of an orJer fruin the Orphar-'.
J Court of I'liion county, ihe unJtrtint-d,
Xilminir-tratoia of Umit M'ihoj, late of
Kelly Tp. deceasid, will ell at private sal- the
following REAL ES I'ATE. to wit :
That vald il'le tiact of lanj ituatrd in the
lownsbipar.il county aforesaid, nrnhitl IJ mi en
of the thriving village of I.ewi.-1-uig. bounded
by lands of the heirs of Tim's Wilson dee'd.
David Mevcr, Flavel Clininn. Joel Rover, Phil
ip shook, and others, contjiniug tri'i'S
or thereabout. lSOarreacleareii, having there-J-4on
erected a two etmy Frame House and
LiiKitchcn. a Frame Itarn. a Spring House !
(and a ne'er tailing Spiing of Water,) and all
other out-buildmcs necessary for the co-nlort j
and convenience of a Farm. There is a'snj
a good Apple Oichaid, with a variety oiZZ
,uirii,i.i...., ,
for ll necessary purposes. ;
I ne ii.iof 'o ro "
TWOor THREE I ARMS, and will be .old to
sun purcnaiiers.
For terms of sale apply to either of the sob.
scribers.or toTaoxxs Wiiaos, onthe premises.
Sept. IS, lS-in. Administrators.
From ihe 1st April next, THREE
T J ROOMS on North Third street, now
iu tne orenpanev of Charles S. Bell as a
Restaurant, and ' Saloons. They are well
r.. k,.na fiiVwot: nr Sitnr'
'r v
Lewisbnr?, Feb. 4, ISM
New York Ailv'ts.
ABOUT which so much has been said and ;
nublished. is among us. Who has not.
heard ot the MEXWAX MVSTAXG I.IX1-'
MEST? Many millions of bottles have been ;
sold and nseJ to cure Rheumatism, Ulcers, ;
Sores. Bruises. Sprains, Ring-worm, Felons.
Salt Rheum, Piles, Sore Nipples and Caked
Breasts. Cancers. Itch, Corns on the Toes,
s.,re Kve. Kar-ache. Pimples, Swollen Joinls
I . . .. i . . u...u i i u
nr ,',mM- ,-u"' "I v:'''
"alw. Bumons or frosted feet. Warts or any!
olher cwnpla" ha c.an.bf reahetl ny :
external remedy. And il has a.way s been
necessfnl. It is to.cAi.tt noon in healing
Wounds, Scratches, saddle or harness (.alls,
" "' sPra,n' soreness or sl.rmess, and it is
" " e SPlvin R'ESbone, bphnt,
or Poll Evil, on Horses.
tiTThe Liniment is put up in three sizes,
,.i ,lc i1i-k snrn anil Al. Thf hr-i-
bottles contain much more Liniment in propor-!
,n n.ioc an or ibrer.irft rhennesi. ;
t, Cnntru Afrrrhauf
Everr stor should be snppl.ed with this1
valuable LINIMENT, as it pavs a eood profit
ami .iu ,n.,li.- C. W WE8TBKOOK. ,
ciini-.cciir in a r;. itrar.. iv 1.0.1 i
S' . ' . . n '
Originator ana soie rrnprietor.
PrincipalOlfices 304 Broad way, N ew York,
rW, ,
ami cor. ou Oi.narnei isisou Louis, ..I13SOUI i.,
- Ki.ll h . ; Jon., and .nedieln,. '
.. 1 . 1 .... a. 1 ...... If . :
throttghrmt the United States, Canadas, AVest
Indies., and Bermuda Wands. IvWi'i
- . j J . i v. . .. - . . . . .
A fawft-NaatiRal RAinanr intra. tfflrrt, l.y tft
Autlior i.f tlie "I'irmr tJortor' ll Inwyvr't SUjrjf
rriiBm.Mti'- i." k. .k-.j.
djduU, h .mcn.t . . -
with wh" 11 "? iriiu.ti.nr. .,,ut ir. rm ki. '.. .'
lZZlKTZl'ka'' " '
Tra.!e, u.crri.-.i i tii.e.J.. . , .T""!. "
j-t..i n, dri,,n, .,3"".'
fthu'Afn ITiZii .,r!1T'','"'n""l,,',
it,,, ret. Lri.-.l rk .,r u.r.., n,,,n"''' ?. """i
tout Lh Mil, MIlLi-'A 0r ttlt ... ruMt
" ita or iht .,riou, t tun,, tnim"cil
- VZ Z'ZT-
,i;l .,,. rct.,.i .t eon.t,nUn..H.Vlud
nirn-il l.y ih m-ki. .i rliiltlr, Sr,u.ur il.,
-'" Ai' . f ' ii.i th- UMm,D ..r
i"""". " fimi.ly ID-uurruon of
. ur i rtnr. j tiir.,uiliui ihn t..r w titiuiy tiJ
Tl.r -ut.:i-li.-r. rn'ri-M-tr rprrlvt url.r f..r llw i
. "
kui.h: e.nii. nor. tt.y tai- in i,tir.d i.-..i
1 Ur iiiav I M lit irintirftintplv.
" """n- "" riHuiij. nmut tut ii
Tliy r-i:ii'li-iitly xvt ttmt Oia vt.rlc will ,rpt ai.
Himii inO-r.'-t tut my .rk t,f rtrtimt tint hMrintR
yir; vi:i:ui:il.., rr. ni tl.p .n-w, ., D' tMitiMiUin.lin?.
FiiH-e Hi.- (.i0.ii,-4ti.,n i.r--L'.-l Totn'' ral,in,'' work., re-
l:iti?i u .rrj in Anvnc. Mo HnI c.i. hw tvn '
I liuiu.T.iu.. i,..i ,;,t- ap i,r.l l.miiiK r-latirm to 11m
j rt m ..f Ufcli;.iiii; nia on rh Airira omt, writ- 1
j tvn I y rit). w i, i;t. wit-l it in all it- lii.rl-u d.fT 1
uiiiy. Tm- .,rk hi writl.'U in rhaat- and i-tiri" Innn- ir--, I
nil I lil I. .- Mrio.utu mtli Ui,tiuctl K'ltlltiOU U tbr '
iain:y .;.ir.iry !
Tli' n..r!. ill f';rm a IvnnUfr) ArtaT.i votume of !" '
r'-n, liKL.t-oiii.-ly iil,itrati'.l itli ttn- n-rarinif. an-l
.1. s.v.tly ' "..! in c..th rri-.-. iu rloth. one d..l:ar ; I
in ar---- c ut", atwliirli rntr cjiii. will I m-ih l,y i
(In-j ul.... i.. to i,y .art of Ihv ciuutry frrt of i(
o' Tor tjlc H l.o.'wali- and retail l.y tli rnl.Ti.hrs,
1X1 SU.lKTII 4 sTItKtT.
Vo I CLKM Smr.r.T. v V .r.K.
Anflliyall Fl'ink.-llt'rs throuirhi.ut tb I'mtvl Statof.
ana. in
l'i,riU' m. ui.ViT
J'altiniorc Ailv'.s.
t ft .
Flour, Grain, & Lumber Commission
M l - - . r
.Mereliants. ,V -l.y i-pear s Lalf,
HKFin Til
i-. t. -i-. I'r.-f "it!
Uullimodt. ' 1
' B","k' 1 lisltim.,r..
do j
A. IMol, I. -j.. 1-M.h Ir. iA
i..i ...i i ...
. .... , , ,.hi.,j,.I , ,
I. V - rn. Mini i-k -:i A I . ) '
J T.-iii.-. t.-'i . I r.--. ! . ii Cnr.k. I'o;t bo;
J i I.. .. r 1 .-. ii. Ilirri. I -jri;.
I I II. o. .n-r, .
J II. A- i I .... ''
Njii.-!' . o j-iti- A r.
w. u r.,,... i:-q ,
Siinou -c im , i, r. 1 -i
Mum '
li...,r-.- H.'1'.f.e. K . . 11 i I:.
Wm. v.. ,i,.r. !. it.,i.rM i:li'.
11 III 1 I-.,. ... r.
T IV. I.:, v.l. l-.,i r, r
J:.i...- II ..: -. I - ., , Wil.iani.fort.
L..- i. II . in.-. l. .
.M il. nr . li.ou. .1.. v si. r-.
J IV II --. K , . 1 k 11 . 1.
:7 c i:i;, ;i:i-i: ,v t o i.ave -i e brt
n niri ro -in o: a::V i maiisi n Ilonve
B.iltirno;.'. ;i'v. a. - g,; in-.- q-iii-k ilespatrh t(
boats in .iischaifi!: their cur-ji is. t'-ii.oi;
J .r. t m-:-. rx-ci I
Fur thr rurr tJ' F.f., Spr ,-(.. ('nitt.pn, aud t
X rr ius ttttii i'fiuii! ttr.nvil Ih&Laxe.
.s whu are Iriht.rin? un-iV-r th" I
: ir. iliifiy will WvA the VECiK'J - I
.ubr. j: ii.i.i ii. iii. i.r to ne The oni
reim' Iv 'vr !i-r..ver-.i l-T c:;nr:g Epilr-pi. I
or r aim: 7 t n.
ThvKf l"i.i- it .-..-f.r ft.-n r-n t'ir B-rrfU5 !
sy-t.-nt. (tiiil :i!!i .,ti -h sr ) ri-jiiin ' t- i 'i!! f..r I
urpot-' I ;.iiti- I A, th-y will h.- f .tin 1 . f iln U it- '
rlil ftr ..'! r-oit ltln-teJ with wi-:,k nrvr. ..r w!.o !
or tone st.u. iii..-. ii-rnn !uc.a ij ucrnjusnJ.s.tL m
.'ly bfniB.-ial.
i t,.u r-i,- ..
r i- i,,i rtf..4., r-r as
Pv,n. out of
ti.m u,,,,,
l-.iinr a rrniiit-.nr- . will har tli. Hit. . i:t
ti tin Inml. fr. ftf liwlai;.. r.-r nlf I,
SKTH K No. I..-. Btri ' starit. altinis;.
SVn.'.C.J. r.U'. . :: u """"
Pliiladelphia Adv'.s.
" 1
701i il.e cuie ot HERNIA or KUP1TKE
I1 Aeknowb-dge-l l v tlie highest me,
aiihonties ,.f Philadelphia, incomparaldy su- ;
perior n any o'.ln-r in use. Soil! rers wi:l !-e i
stratified to learn thai the occasion now ollci's I
to procure not on v the iiz'itr,! und mutt ,
bat as dur.J.k a T.uss as any .-ther. in lieu ol
thecumlT.-ns and ui,c..!i.!..rtab!e article usu-,
ally sold. There is no di.'irulty attending -be
luting, an-1 when the pad is located it will
retain .ts position ,t!,,. ut change.
lerson, at a distance unab.e to cail ci. the
,, . ,, "
a l.tri-vi Lv rmilli-ir, 1'ii-p ll., ,r t. rit.. .....
gie J russ.or I n 1 .rttie d.inb.e wilh measure
around the hips, an 1 stating the side affected.
It will be exchanged to suit if not filling, by
returning it at once, nnsoile l.
For sale oiilv bv the Impiirter,
C- r. Twelfth A Race Sis, Vhil idtlf hia.
L j Ladies requiring the benefit f Mecha
nical Supports, owing t.) derangement of the
internal organs, including falling of the womb.
nal weakness, are intormed that a competent
aui, etpeacIlceJ L,1(y wi be , auendance at 1
the Rooms, (s.-t apart for Iheir exclusive use)
Xq n , T s, U(
Xeu-S!,,rk VindOW Shades, s XewSths
Manufacturer and H hnkfalt J; Rttail Dialers in
riNDOW' SHADES south-west corn, r
S.-rond and Arch S:s. I'hiladeuhia.
Such as Sothe's Landscapes, Borders. Vases.
Scrolls, Boquels,told Borders, Ac. of the most
beautiful de-igns and perfection of finish in
hte country, and at such Low PricCM as
to challenge all competition. Uulfamt While
Hollands, Cambrics, Tassels, Cords, Brasses,
A ., in every variety for City or Country trade.
IV We invite an examination of our Stork
al the Depot, S. W. corner 2d & Arch, Philad.
Jan. lti.'.l 4m511
A3 1!
Tool Store exclusively,
T.ie largest Establishment nf the Kind in the V.S.
Wm. .11. M'C Isirc & llro.
No.'2S7 Market t. above Seventh, E'hilad.
MANUFACTURERS' Depot for Locks ed
all kinds, warranted quality. "Patent
sik-rrnl. !;!. k-ni,c
' ' '
rrennum forcelain Knebs,overIOOrarterns
s,llvel.rbl,j Knobs. Hinges, Ac, with the
most complete assortment ,.f all the .Modern
Ul)oJs ,,, lhis ine.
Purchasers are invited to call and examine
Stock. Catalogues sent by Mail if desired.
Jf . pul,;Mvrt an(l ynat-. al
- iinrwy ir.
EtTAll orders put up under the immediate
supervision of the Firm.
(iALL AND SEE US. fimM9t
" r
Rook Acents Wantrtl.
A GNT3 WANTED in every Town and
-L V connty in tne lulled Mates, to sell the
,np' popular aud saleable books published
'in... ..f ill... ku..i:i..il- :. .....i . . ... 1
.......i uvautuuiiv ii usiratea vim 1 :oi-1
nr., PnnMi-in... .I...I
, . '"'""" "-.o mc most popmar worits
Artbcb, including "Arthur's Cottage
i..,,fiu, ,,, . , ...,, ,
. .1 V7 "'n,r"lnB Sod tliia flea-
v." aim ifninwioia DMIUH.
tor parta-uian, uldMa I neat Midi
, . . 1. W. miAIH.K.Y Publutior,
... K l Jerth fvartb St J:, 'ftf.
J It's
Iir.L -.....Ai.a,--.-'-aiaL
y- " Vice. '"'"-"
Trutiar, Sporters, ;
Jrf Braces, and an oiUr
Surgical Apparatus and Bu.
daces, applied and warrantH
te qive aiiifactinn,by Dr.and Mrs. M'CLE.V
A HAX, No. 14 Sortk SEVKKTH Street,
The great number of Females relieved ted
cured by wearing Mr. MTIenachaa' Sop-
't ' pcru rs, warrant? her in eommendiuK them u
I superior to anything of the kind ever ottered
,he Publ c I55l7t5d
1 ' ' 4
i PhilldelDhia SorinC Trnilit iokj
, v v 5
, " "
I. Market St. & 23 Merchaut St.
tmiirten and Iv.lrmlt J)rUn m
Staple A. I'anrjr Dry Ciood
4 KE n i- receiving a very OE.NEH''
Djmceiic and foreign obrirs,
suitable fur buth t.'ity and Country Trads, aal
w hich they otler at wry low prices, for
Cash, or to Prompt Six Months' Men.
! r.v We solicit an examination of ooritoci
j by City, Neighboring and Distant Bayers.
I U ainwrsrht. Huntington A Floyd, 15 Var'.e
j inHicS)3 St- I'U-kdepiua. '
j i ik sttioxi:ri'. "
(m.Vir; & Fri.TO.. 19 South ElfiHTIf
J ftreet, I'lul.id-Ijihwbee leave to e!.
line a.tLtnin of t.'oiintrv i'ealers, Schools, tti
persons vn;Lir.g the City, to their cnnplete
as-i.rt nei.t i f l'.n!:!!i, trench, an I Ammctm
! UTATloy EH V,v. inch they are t, lime Whole
sale and iietail on the most reasonabie lerir.j.
'l'h"!r stork comprises errry rarirtr of
Letter and -i.te Purer and Envrlt n-jlinclud-
ni a full assoitmrnt i f the celebrated gooiii
i " '" 'f K"' r" ar d Tbos liiltI(Js
.of l.rn'i.n. Also
i v, ,. an, .! pt.ns Drawing Penci
ds & Son
Pencils ,F
rs an-1 mlnrs i, (.'rawing later, rtnstoi
Board. S.-alii.g W ax. Ink, Ink-lands. R. e'ltrs'.
Cro..!.es", Vt .istcnholms'and other fine Cinlrrv,
PiT'inonaies. Pecl.et Books, Purifulms, W r.:'.
ir.z Desks, Ac. &e. Pets,,ns visiting the fitr
can have their yaper and envelopes emb:-sic
with their iit:irh witl.onT extra cl:2rje.
t J Orders fr. in dealer-, and insiiinttora -.f
learning resp.etlnltv solicited ar.d f:!!ed ;;a
liie strictest integrity 6mS17f.d'
re-portf,.!!, to ca; Lhe Pnbbe'.
altentt.in to mv E.-tiMi.n-e. v. .
I I'Ot iri H st. fh.!,.- Ches-r,.1!, I'h-M-
i ''''"" 1"Ml e "-"Ucture and sale t-f '-
-ll;ri. where ! w ;! .-.iwav, be in read.i'e..
...iw.i, ;u u.iy . raers I mir be favored vi -:
I am prepare ' to tuinish Envelopes tf P. e. j
quality, sue and description. W hi.'esa'e ai d
.i,.. -iuinriii panem, pin-,- jp
I would also call ci-ei.imn t ih b:i..,aiil
, "".r1,"" Vltr'i' ,, r Eni-; -T-s. l.e.;,-r.hea.a
mu.iu. it-;, 'ii.ii.ii?, anr. In - - r
d. Car-is
' ircnla-s. Ae.. a't of which
W iat--. f'-xrrr- r I......
1 furn:
prei e-it
at vi-rv
their coin to the liead I.e'Vr OiTce
patent marinnes -f the lat-st'proW
the man i
lity f-r ex
their ilr !: ;
agreed i:;
rr"'':ng. Ac, also fir
i I l I.veii.pes and even fnri-
r.Vrs ih despatch. and f.,r
L nr ,v J.;tA s , r as m.,v v,,
n ni t f:-, to ri mpcte w;1h if
e-.:a! i:-l.niei.t '0f the kind
. Homo., p,vhic Unveloj-ea
-I. ampV rf which mav be
, I r
lot t-icl a; y , li e:
ri the u , r; !. T .
c 'tetwilv on h an. I.
seen Wr,.:5i.f
I v -t . 7 J J 1 1
als.i rf Die-Stamped Env.
II. I ll LI .!,. I! S.rtitli ."sf't'ON'U 5t
Vha .hh h a.t d. ,.r. al eve Chest," u, EasI
..!,-. I., ... r-erand Mniitiisrtiirrrill,a,f
j IIMU.'.HV W A!E- r!"' ft
j the following. l-adies'Tiavelirl Ha J
I kets. Worl. i:.:-i..ts. Fl, wer Paskets (." ce
Baskets. .-.-gar Baskets. Plain. Fancy ar.d Urn-
1 rlt'' i asi.ets i.a-ne,' Wcik Siar.i"s art
I v- . o. -drcs JC-l
'hairs ef heamt'ul design and exre'-
.er.t w.-rkmanslrp. which he is selln.g retrsr-kal-'v
cheap for tVh.
- U- J"s' rieeived from Oermsnv. a '.-rir
and varied ns-ortmci.t of FANCY (iOi'I s.io
whuh Ihe a tentn ii of the public is r- s-tct-tully
invited ifi,n.517t3
rom.KE. nm.s. .. ru-s$ sew ran.
Have opened a Vi.renvU n cm Cvbinet
and IS,,.!; St, -re. at 'i.-Jl ARCH St
v. . aii.l are rreparedto ttif., ; their
J W oikson I'hreni Kbv, Phvsiolorr.
y Hydropathy. Magnetism, and Thon
cgraphy. at New Vork prices.
Professional Examma'.ions.with Charts.and
full written desci iptions of character, cirea
day aud oening. I V Cabinet free to visi
tors lIy517cSdq
LEAD, and free from ail poisonous
rite: yr.w jrnsrr ziyc couri vr h..i.
Cis-all.v enlioiri-J tl-.ir ..rk... slid improiri thi ,,.,,S
of th.-ir t-ri.lurts.an- l-r-fare,! to ex, cut. orJrr aVoJ-i.
SU1EEIOR PAINTS, !,,. anj Cn.yM mMtl
-.rtr.l in kaf,r . f -n m 2 to ;,eo ponnJ : aj-,
l-KY, in b-irii-Is. ot aoaaiii.
TloirttlinKIN,-..!,,,!... ,lr, ,
..il.is wnrnmuit .nrc atul UDfurjanx-a fcr bed. .i
ULitormaliit. n. ... 3 -
A m 111. il of orrt aratioa Lai iro-ntlv K-.R dim...rrl
wl,Ki,eMi.t.:if thi-l'. u.vsii, to warrant thtir calnta tj
k.-.-i- ri.h mij no in tl i- keir. 1. r an. tvaaoaabl niu.
tu tlitu is-s o, t uw vaiub will be iu'i rr to u, . th7.
in Il.e msrk.t.
TlK-ir lillowx ZIVC PAINT, ahieh i. aM at a I.
i r i-e. ami i-aii . nlj I.. ma.. from th.- Zinc ot.. frrin
tie. h. n sv o. d I., iron or oth.t mai:c .arfarra
tit st,,m:o.1,.k .aintPoi. .i'V
tl. of it I. roan, ami is i t an armsia.. o.. .rT..
ting Cvttagra. Dr-ta, eh.t l.nii.lin;.-., Hri,ljr. kr
ir. i , iliKNe Ktf.tar,
" .e. r.otluth an.I Vaiket St. liiJf.-.-Ju
SrHAW G00DS...SPjaTOgT8m7
rilHE subscribers are now prepared to exh
1 bit at their
SlUn!il Xew IXablisbiiienl
Xo. 41 South S-cvnJ St. lltilndjj.fti-.i,
an entire aew and beautiful stock of s-raw
Fancy and SiJk Bonnets and Fiat's. Flowers
Ac. and Panama, Palm and Summer Hats for
gentlemen, which our old patrons. Merchant
and Milliners generally are invited to examine,
confidently promising theni.in elenl,ui variety,
iu novelty, and in styles, a stock unequalled.'
l5"Orders carefully and promptly executed.
Rass Wanted.
TM-IVl- . . , . .
; i.--v. rsimsiveir engaged in the mannfi
JL acture of PAPER, we will pav to Corni-
try .Merchants and others having RAGS fef
sale, more than the present murket prices Ca
JESSUP A MOOKE. I'p.C. i..r.,.'
I .
iii.u iea
I I'hiludcjihm Nos. il A 16. North St.
Sm'9 (1st Sr. be cf A:ch,bf iw. Sta a !h-
i Ufi'-